Unit IV - Limit State Design of Columns
Unit IV - Limit State Design of Columns
Unit IV - Limit State Design of Columns
Types of columns
Design of short Rectangular and circular columns for axial, uniaxial and biaxial bending
Compiled by: Mr. S. MANIKANDAN, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Shanmuganathan Engineering College.
Short Column
A Column having the ratio of effective A Column having the ratio of effective length
length (leff) to least lateral dimension (b or d) (leff) to least lateral dimension (b or d) as less
as more than 12.
The failure pattern of long Column is The failure pattern of short column is
Un-braced Column
It does not resist any significant horizontal It resists lateral loads in addition to vertical
loads like wind and earthquake loads.
e (min)
11) According to IS code, all columns shall be designed for minimum eccentricity. Justify the
reasons for this statement.
Ans.: According to IS code, all columns shall be designed for minimum eccentricity. Because to
avoid the imperfections in constructions, inaccuracy in loading etc.
12) What is the formula used in the Bresler's Load contour method of approach for short
columns subjected to axial load and biaxial bending?
Ans.: IS 456: 2000 (clause 39.6) has recommended the formula proposed by Bresler for the design of
columns subjected to biaxial bending. The method is based on interaction surface for the load system
Pu, Mux and Muy.
< 1.0
Where Mux1 and Muy1 are the uniaxial moment capacities combining the given axial load Pu with
bending moments about x and y axes, respectively.
13) On what condition long column is more suitable?
Ans.: A long column is susceptible to buckling. i.e. its load carrying capacity is influenced by the
slenderness effect which produces additional moments resulting from transverse deformation.
14) Name any two methods used for design of long columns.
Ans.: The following are the methods used for design of long columns:
(i) The strength reduction coefficient method
(ii) The additional method
(iii) The moment magnification method
15) Define overturning on columns.
Ans.: The unbalanced moments tends to topple the columns, this effects is called as overturning on
16 Mark [Questions]
CE2306 (R 2008) - April / May 2015 (A.U. Chennai) Q.P. Code: 71258
CE2306 (R 2008) November / December 2014 (A.U. Chennai) Q.P. Code: 91243
CE2306 (R 2008) May / June 2014 (A.U. Chennai) Q.P. Code: 51242
CE2306 (R 2008) November / December 2013 (A.U. Chennai) Q.P. Code: 31210
CE2306 (R 2008) - May / June 2013 (A.U. Chennai) Q.P. Code: 21210
(a) Design a column 4 m long restrained in position and direction at both ends to carry an axial
load of 1600 kN. Use M 20 concrete and Fe 415 steel.
(b) Design a column size 450 mm X 300 mm. Use M 30 concrete and Fe 415 steel. Take
Lex = 6 m, Ley = 5.5 m, Pu = 1600 kN, Mux = 45 kN-m at top and 40 kN-m at bottom.
Muy = 40 kN-m at top and 25 kN-m at bottom. The column is bent in double curvature and
assumes a cover of 50 mm.
CE2306 (R 2008) November / December 2012 (A.U. Chennai) Q.P. Code: 11194
CE2306 (R 2008) - May / June 2012 (A.U. Chennai) Q.P. Code: 10229
CE1354 (R 2004) - April / May 2011 (A.U. Chennai) Q.P. Code: 55232
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