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CE8502 Structural Analysisi LTPC 3 00 3 Unit I Strain Energy Method 9

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3 00 3
Determination of Static and Kinematic Indeterminacies – Analysis of continuous beams,
plane frames and indeterminate plane trusses by strain energy method (up to two degree of
Slope deflection equations – Equilibrium conditions - Analysis of continuous beams and rigid
frames – Rigid frames with inclined members - Support settlements- symmetric frames with
symmetric and skew-symmetric loadings.
Stiffness and carry over factors – Distribution and carryover of moments - Analysis of
continuous Beams- Plane rigid frames with and without sway – Support settlement -
symmetric frames with symmetric and skew-symmetric loadings.
Primary structures - Compatibility conditions – Formation flexibility matrices - Analysis of
indeterminate pin- jointed plane frames, continuous beams and rigid jointed plane frames by
direct flexibility approach.
Restrained structure –Formation of stiffness matrices - equilibrium condition - Analysis of
Continuous Beams, Pin-jointed plane frames and rigid frames by direct stiffness method.
TOTAL (L:45+T:15) : 60 PERIODS
1. Bhavikatti, S.S,Structural Analysis,Vol.1,& 2, Vikas Publishing House
Pvt.Ltd.,NewDelhi-4, 2014.
2. Bhavikatti, S.S, Matrix Method of Structural Analysis, I. K. International Publishing
House Pvt.Ltd.,New Delhi-4, 2014.
3. Vazrani.V.NAndRatwani, M.M, Analysis of Structures, Vol.II, Khanna Publishers, 2015.
4. PanditG.S.andGuptaS.P.,Structural Analysis–AMatrix Approach, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Company Ltd.,2006.
1. Punmia. B.C, Ashok Kumar Jain &Arun Kumar Jain, Theory of structures, Laxmi
Publications, New Delhi, 2004.
2. William Weaver, Jrand James M.Gere, Matrix analysis of framed structures, CBS
Publishers & Distributors, Delhi,1995.
3. Hibbeler, R.C.,Structural Analysis, VII Edition, Prentice Hall, 2012.
4. Reddy.C.S, “Basic Structural Analysis”,Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company,2005.
5. Rajasekaran. S, & G. Sankarasubramanian., “Computational Structural Mechanics”, PHI
Learning Pvt. Ltd, 2015.
6. NegiL.S.andJangidR.S.,Structural Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co.Ltd.2004.
1) List the types of indeterminate beams. (Nov/Dec 2018)
Fixed beam, Continuous beam, Propped Cantilever beam
2) How are the structures classified? (Nov/Dec 2018)
 Skeletal Structures
 Surface Structures
 Solid Structures
3) Briefly explain Statically Indeterminate Structure and Static indeterminancy.
(Nov/Dec 2017, April/May 2018)
The structures which cannot be analysed using only the equations of statics (equilibrium
equations) are called Statically Indeterminate Structures. These structures are also called
Hyper static Structures. Analysis of structures is possible by imposing the compatibility
conditions of deformations.
Static indeterminancy of a structure is defined as the number of additional
(Compatibility) equations required to analyze the structure.
4) What is meant by thermal stresses and explain the effect of temperature on the
members of a statically determinate plane truss? (April/May 2018)
Thermal stresses are stresses developed in a structure/member due to change in
temperature. Normally, determine structures do not develop thermal stresses. They can
absorb changes in lengths and consequent displacements without developing
stresses.Butthese would not result in internal stresses or changes in external reactions.
5) What is Degree of Indeterminacy for a propped cantilever beam?
(Nov/Dec2015, Nov/Dec2017)

In a propped Cantilever Beam, the numbers of unknowns are four, while the numbers of
independent static equilibrium equations are three. One more additional equation to
analyse the beam is required. Thus, Static indeterminacy = 1 and Kinematic
indeterminacy = 2 (considering axial deformation also)
6) What is the reaction at the Propped end of a propped cantilever when it is subjected
to a concentrated load ‘W’ at mid-span? (April/May 2017)

R = 5/16 P
7) Define ‘degree of redundancy’ of a structure and Classify statically redundant
The degree of redundancy or indeterminacy is the number of unknown reaction
components or stresses over and above the number of condition equations available for
A statically redundant structure can be classified into two categories:
i. Externally redundant : Structures having redundant reaction components
ii. Internally redundant: Structures having more members than those required for
A redundant structure may have external as well as internal redundancies.
8) What are Skeletal structures, Surface Structures and Solid Structures?
Skeletal structures are those which can be idealized to a series of straight or curved lines.
As the name suggests, the structure looks like a skeleton.
Eg: Roof trusses, Lattice girders, and building frames.
Surface structures are those which can be idealized to plane or curved surfaces. Slabs and
shells belong to this category.
Solid structures are those which can neither be idealized to a skeleton nor to a plane or
curved surface.
9) How are Skeletal structures classified?
 Pin-Jointed Frames – The members of pin jointed frames are connected by means of
pin-joints. These frames support the applied loads by developing only axial forces in the
constituent members if the external forces act at the joints and the members are straight.
 Rigid-Jointed Frames – The rigid-jointed frames are assumed to be rigid so that the
angles between the members at a joint remains unchanged.
10)Mathematically represent Degree of Indeterminacy and determine the Degree of
Indeterminacy for a fixed beam?
The degree ofIndeterminacy may be defined as additional equations required to determine
the unknowns and it may be represented mathematically as,
Degree of Indeterminacy = (No. of unknowns – No. of Independent static equilibrium
For a fixed beam, Static indeterminacy = 2 (for vertical loading only), 3 (for general
Kinematic indeterminacy = 0
11)State the principle of virtual work. (May/June 2012, Nov/Dec 2012, May/June 2013,
Nov/Dec 2013, May/June 2014, Nov/Dec 2014)
It states that the work done on a structure by external loads is equal to the internal energy
stored in a structure (Ue = Ui)
Work of external loads = work of internal loads
12)Define kinematic indeterminacy and how will you determine the kinematic
indeterminacy of a structure? (May/June 2014, Apr/May 2016)
If the number of displacement coordinates specified is less than that of the generalized
corordinates, then the structure is said to be kinematically indeterminate. The degree of
kinematic indeterminacy is the number of additional co-ordinates required to make a
structure kinematically determinate.
Kinematic indeterminacy refers to the number of unknown joint displacements in a
Ex: In a two dimensional structure, the number of unknown joint displacements are as

S. No. Types of Support Degree of freedom

1. Roller 2
2. Hinged 1
3. Fixed 0
13)Distinguish between pin-jointed and rigidly-jointed structures.

S. No. Pin-jointed Structure Rigid-jointed Structure

The members connected at a rigid-joint will

1. The joints permit change of angle
maintain the angle between them even
between connected member.
under deformation due to loads.

The joints are incapable of Members can transmit both forces and
transferring any moment to the moments between themselves through the
connected members and vice-versa. joint.
The pins transmit forces between
3. Provision of rigid joints normally increases
connected member by developing
the redundancy of the structures.

14)What is the difference between determinate and indeterminate structure?

(Nov/Dec 2013,Apr/May 2016)
Determinate structure Indeterminate structure
The structures which cannot be
The structures can be completely analysed by
analysed by the equations of
1. the static equibrium equations. ∑H=0, ∑V=0
equilibrium alone and require
& ∑M=0
additional conditions.
Eg., Fixed beam, Continuous
2. Eg., Cantilever beam, Simply supported beam.

15)Define compatibility.
Compatibility is a method used to provide extra equations when trying to find the
unknown(s) in an indeterminate member. This is done by relating the geometry of the
deformed member, with the unknown forces in the structure.
16)What are the methods of analysis of indeterminate structures?
 Consistent Deformation Method
 Slope Deflection Method
 Moment Distribution Method
 Column Analogy Method
 Finite Element Analysis
17)What is meant by lack of fit in a truss?
One or more members in a pin jointed statically indeterminate frame may be a little
shorter or longer than what is required. Such members will have to be forced in place
during the assembling. These are called members having Lack of fit. Internal forces can
develop in a redundant frame (without external loads) due to lack of fit.
18) Define strain energy. (Nov/Dec 2011, Nov/Dec 2015)
Whenever a body is strained, the energy is absorbed in the body. The energy which is
absorbed in the body due to straining effect is known as strain energy. The strain energy
stored in the body is equal to the work done by the applied load in stretching the body.
19)What is the advantage of adopting energy method in Structural Analysis?
Energy methods are universal. Every structural system apportions forces in its members or
subsystems so that the total energy is minimum. If there are N forces (internal forces
correactions) every typical force Fi takes a value such that ∂ F i , where U is the total
energy. Hence we get as many equations as there are forces to be determined. The chief
advantage is that Fi can be bending moment, torque, shear, thrust or support reaction that
can be determined.
20)What are the methods used for finding the deflections of joints in pin-jointed trusses?
 Unit load method
 Castigliano’s method
 Angle weight method
 Joint displacement method
 Williot-Mohr’s method
 Stiffness matrix method
21)State Castigliano’s theorem. (Nov/Dec 2010)
Castigliano’s first theorem:Castigliano’s theorem states that “If there is any elastic
system in equilibrium under the action of set of force W 1, W2, W3, ….Wncorresponding
displacement δ1, δ2, δ3 and set of moment M1, M2, M3 corresponding rotation ϕ1, ϕ2, ϕ3,
….Φn, then partial derivative of total strain energy “U” with respect to moment or force .

∂U ∂U
=δ ; =φ
∂W 1 ∂ M1 1
Castigliano’s second theorem: If strain energy U is expressed in terms of independent
displacement degree of freedom, then the load Pi that corresponds to d.o.f. Di is given by
the partial derivative of U with respect to Di.
P i=
∂ Di
22)Determine the degree of kinematic indeterminacy of the frame shown in figure and
show the same in the frame. (April/May 2017)
DOF = 4 (Sway , slope at B, slope at C, deflection at C)
23)Find the degree of static indeterminacy for the following
structures and specify whether the structure is stable or not.
(Nov/Dec 2016)
a) DI= 3m+r-3j = 3(3) + 6 – 3(4) = 3
Hence Indeterminate and stable
b) DI= m+r-2j = 3 + 3 – 2(3) = 0
Hence determinate but unstable
24)Determine the prop reaction of a propped cantilever using energy method when it is
subjected to auniformly distributed load ever the entire span. (Nov/Dec 2016)
U= ʃ (Mxx2/ 2EI) dx
Mxx = -Rx + wx2/2
Substituting Mxx in U and integrating with respect to x from 0 to L we get,
U= 1/2EI ( w2l5/20 + R2l3/3 – wRl4/4)
dU/dR = 0 = 2Rl3/6EI – wl4/8EI
R= 3wl/8


1) Determine the reaction components by consistent deformation method in the Propped

cantilever beam ABC supported at B. Span AB = 4 m, BC = 2 m. Two concentrated loads
of 30kN acts at free end C and 80 kN at 2 m from the fixed end A. (Nov/Dec 2018)
2) Determine the vertical displacement of joint C of the steel truss shown in fig.The cross
sectional area of each member is A = 400 mm2 and E = 2 x 105 N/mm2. (April/May

3) A simply supported beam of span 6 m is subjected to a concentrated load of 45 kN at 2 m

from the left support. Calculate the deflection under the load point. Take
E = 200 x 106kN/m2 and I = 14 x 10-6 m4. (April/May 2018)
4) Find the forces in the members of the truss shown in Fig. The cross sectional area and
Young’s Modulus of all the members are the same. (Nov/Dec 2015, Nov/Dec 2017)

5) A continuous beam ABC of uniform section is simply supported at A, B and C. The spans
AB and BC are 6 m and 4 m respectively. The span AB carries a uniformly distributed
load of 8 kN/m and the span BC carries a central concentrated load of 12 kN. Determine
the support reactions Using energy method and draw the bending moment diagram.
(April/May 2017)
6) Determine the vertical and horizontal displacements of the point C of the pin jointed
frame shown in figure. The cross sectional area of AB is 125 mm 2 and of AC and BC 175
mm2 each. E = 2 x 105 N/mm2. (Nov/Dec 2012)

7) Find the horizontal deflection of joint ‘B’ in the

frame shown in figure. Take E = 2 x105MPa and I = 3.5 x 108 mm4.
(Nov/Dec 2010)

8) Determine the vertical displacement of joint A of the steel truss shown in figure. The
member BE is subjected to an increase in temperature of 700C. Take the coefficient of
linear expansion as 0.0012 per0C and E = 2 x 105 N/mm2. The cross sectional area of each
member is 1250 mm2. (May/June 2013)

9) Using the method of virtual work, determine the vertical displacement of point B of the
beam shown in figure. Take E = 2 x 105MPa ; I = 825 x 107 mm4. (May/June 2013)

10) Determine the vertical and horizontal deflection of components of joint C of the truss in
the figure. Take E = 200x106kN/m2 and the sectional area of each bar A = 100 x 10-6 m2
using the principle of virtual work. (Nov/Dec 2013)
11) Determine the deflection at center of the beam and slope at end A of the beam shown in
figure. Take E = 200 x 106kN/m2 and I = 13 x 10-6 m4. Use the principle of virtual work.
(Nov/Dec 2013)

12) Explain the steps involved in the determination of deflection of pin-jointed plane frames
and rigid plane frames. (May/June 2014)
13) Explain the concepts involved in the Williot diagram and its applications.(May/June
14) Determine the vertical displacement of joint A of the truss given in figure. The member
BD is subjected to an increase in temperature of 80oC. Take the coefficient of thermal
expansion as 0.00012/oC and E=2x105 N/mm2. The cross sectional area of each member is
1700 mm2. (Nov/Dec 2014)

15) A fixed beam of span 6 m carries a uniformly distributed load of 4 kN/m over the left half
span. Analyse the beam using energy method and draw the bending moment diagram.
(May/June 2016)

1) The steel truss shown in figure is anchored at A and supported on rollers at B. If the truss
is so designed that, under the given loading, all tension members are stressed to 110 N per
square mm and all compression members to 85 N per square mm, find the vertical
deflection of the point C. Take E = 2 x 105 N per square mm. (Nov/Dec 2012)
2) Find vertical and horizontal deflection at ‘C’ of the truss shown in figure. The cross
sectional area of all the members is 400 mm2. The modulus of elasticity is 200 GPa.
(Nov/Dec 2011)

3) Determine the vertical deflection of joint E for the Warren truss shown in figure.
(Nov/Dec 2010)

4) Using principle of virtual work, determine the horizontal displacement of support D of the
frame shown in figure. E=200x104kN/m2 and I=400x104 m4 (Nov/Dec 2014)

5) The frame shown in figure is pin jointed to rigid supports at A and B and the joints C and
D are also pinned. The diagonals AD and BC act independently and the members are all
of the same cross sectional area and material ABC and BCD are equilateral triangles.
Using energy method, find the forces in all the
members if a load of 5 kN is hung at D.
(Nov/Dec 2016)


1) Whatis thebasicassumptionmadein slopedeflectionmethod?
(May/June 2012, Nov/Dec2013, May/June 2016, Nov/Dec 2018)
(i) All joints are rigid, i.e., the angle between any two members in a joint does not
change even after deformation due to loading.
(ii) Distortions due to axial deformations are neglected.
(iii) Shear deformations are neglected.
2) Mention any four causes for sway in portal frames.(Nov/Dec 2012, May/June 2014,
Nov/Dec 2014) (or) Mention any three reasons due to which sway may occur in
portal frames. (Nov/Dec 2018)
(i) Eccentric (or) unsymmetrical loading on the portal frames
(ii) Unsymmetrical shape of the frames
(iii) Non-uniform section of the member of the frame
(iv)Settlement of the supports of the frame
(v) A combination of the above
3) Define degrees of freedom. (April/May 2018)
Degree of freedom is defined as the least no of independent displacements required to
define the deformed shape of a structure. Degrees of freedom is also known as the
number of restrained reactions in a structure.
4) The continuous beam is to be analysed by slope-deflection method. What are the
unknowns and, to determine them, what are the conditions used? (April/May 2018)

5) Explain the use of slope deflection method. (Nov/Dec 2012,Nov/Dec 2015) (or)
Write the advantages of slope deflection method. (Nov/Dec 2015, Nov/Dec 2017)
i. By forming slope deflection equation and applying joint and shear equilibrium
condition, the rotation angles are calculated. Substituting them back into slope
deflection equation, moments are readily determined.
ii. Using slope deflection equations, rigid joint structures can be analysed. The
method is illustrated by applying it to the following type of structures.
iii. Continuous beams ii) Frames without side sway iii)Frames with side sway
6) Distinguish between Sway type and Non-sway type problems.
(Nov/Dec 2015, Nov/Dec 2017)
Because of sway, there will be rotations in the vertical members of a frame. This causes
moments in the vertical members. To account for this, besides the equilibrium, one more
equation namely shear equation connecting the joint-moments is used.
7) What are the conditions used in slope deflection method to determine the unknown
joint deformation (translations and rotations) in an unsymmetrical portal frame?
(April/May 2017)
(i) Summation of joint moments is equal to zero.
(ii) Using compatibility equation by correctly identifying the sway degree of freedom.
8) How do you analyse a symmetrical frame subjected to symmetrical loading using the
advantage of symmetry by slope deflection method? (April/May 2017)
By using the advantage of symmetry, only half the frame of the symmetrical frame can be
analyzed rather than analyzing the whole structure.

9) What is slope deflection method? (Apr/May

The slope deflection method is ideally suited for the analysis of continuous beams and
rigid jointed frames. In this method, the joints are considered to be rigid. i.e., the joints
rotate as a whole and the angles between the tangents to the elastic curve meeting at the
joint do not change due to deformations. The solution of the slope-deflection equation
along with the equilibrium equation gives the values of the unknown rotations of the
joints. Knowing these rotations, the end moments are calculated using the slope deflection
10)Distinguish between symmetry and anti-symmetry of structures. (May/June 2012)

SI. No Symmetric Structure Antisymmetric Structure

1 For an antisymmetric structure:
For a symmetric structure, slope at
deflection at the point/line of symmetry is
the point/line of symmetry is zero.
A symmetric beam-column system An antisymmetric beam-column system
2 has a symmetric bending moment has an antisymmetric bending moment
diagram diagram
A symmetric beam-column system An antisymmetric beam-column system
3 has an antisymmetric shear force has an antisymmetric bending moment
diagram. diagram

11) Write down the equilibrium equations used in slope deflection method? (Nov/Dec
2010, May/June 2012, May/June 2013, Nov/Dec 2013,May/June 2014,Nov/Dec 2014,
Nov/Dec 2016)

Slope deflection equations are

4 EI θ A 2 EI θ B 6 EI Δ
M AB=M FAB + + + 2
l l l
2 EI θ A 4 EI θ B 6 EI Δ
M BA =M FBA + + + 2
l l l
12)What is meant by fixed end moment? (May/June 2013)
If the ends are fixed it is called fixed end. If it produces a moment then it is known as
fixed end moment.
13)Give the applications of slope deflection equations.(Nov/Dec 2012, Nov/Dec 2015)
Using slope deflection equations, rigid joint structures can be analysed. The method is
illustrated by applying it to the following type of structures.
(i) Continuous beams ii) Frames without side swayiii)Frames with side sway
14)What is the limitation of slope-deflection equations applied in structural analysis?
(April/May 2012)
(i) It is not easy to account for varying member sections.
(ii) It becomes very cumbersome when the unknown displacements are large in number
15) How many slope-deflection equations are available for a two span continuous beam?
There will be 4 Nos. of slope deflection equations, two for each span.
16)What are the quantities in terms of which the unknown moments are expressed in
slope-deflection method?
In slope-deflection method, unknown moments are expressed in terms of slopes (θ) and
deflections (∆).
17) How many slope-deflection equations are available for each span?
Two numbers of slope-deflection equations are available for each span,describing the
moment at each end of the span.
18)Why is slope-deflection method called a ‘displacement method’?
In slope-deflection method, displacements (like slopes and displacements) aretreated as
unknowns and hence the method is a ‘displacement method’.
19)What is sway correction? Explain. (Apr/May 2011)
Sway is again permitted without joint rotation until the restraining forces vanish. This is
termed as Sway correction.
20)How do you account for sway in slope-deflection method for portal frames?
Because of sway, there will be rotations in the vertical members of a frame. This causes
moments in the vertical members. To account for this, besides the equilibrium, one more
equation namely shear equation connecting the joint-moments is used.
M AB + M BA −Ph M CD +M DC
+ +P=0
Shear equation: l l

21) What are the sign conventions used in slope-deflection method?

(i) Clockwise end moments are positive and anticlockwise end moments are negative.
(ii) Clockwise rotation of a tangent to elastic curve is positive rotation and anticlockwise
rotation is a negative rotation.
(iii)Settlement ‘∆’ is positive if right side support is below left side support. ‘∆’ is
negative if left side support is below the right side support.

22)Give the steps involved in analyzing the continuous beams and frames.
(Apr/May 2016)
Step 1: Each span of the continuous beam is treated as fixed beam and fixed end moments
due to given loading is written.
Step 2: The slope deflection equation is written.
Step 3: Joint equilibrium equations are written
Step 4: Joint equilibrium equations are solved to get the unknown rotations and
Step 5: Substituting the values at unknown in slope deflection equations to determine the
end moments
Step 6: Treating each member of the continuous beam as simply supported beam
subjected to a given loading and end moments, the end reactions are determined and shear
force and BMD are drawn.
23)Write the support reactions induced in a fixed beam when one of its supports sinks.
(May/June 2016)

24)Write the fixed end moments for a beam carrying a central clockwise moment.

25)A propped cantilever of span 6 m is subjected to a uniformly distributed load of 6

kN/m over the entire span. Using slope deflection method, determine the slope at B.
Take the flexural rigidity EI as 9000 kN-m2. (Nov/Dec 2016)
MFAB= -wl2/12 = -18 kNm
MFBA= 18kNm
MBA= MFBA + 2EI/L(2θb + θa+3δ/l)
0= 18 + (2*9000)/3 * 2 θb
θb= 0.003 anticlockwise

1) Analyse the beam by the slope deflection method and draw the BMD. A beam ABCD is
fixed at A and D and simply supported at B and C. Span AB = 6 m, BC = 6 m, CD = 6 m,
subjected to uniformly distributed load of 30 kN/m over entire span. (Nov/Dec 2018)
2) Analyse the portal frame shown in fig by the slope deflection method and draw BMD.
(Nov/Dec 2018)

3) Analyse the frame by slope deflection method. (April/May 2018)

4) Analyse continuous beam ABCD by slope deflection method and then draw bending
moment diagram, Take EI constant. (April/May 2018)

5) A continuous beam ABCD consists of three span and is loaded as shown in Fig. Analyse
the beam using slope deflection method. E is constant throughout. (Nov/Dec 2017)

6) A continuous beam ABC 24 m long is fixed at A, simply supported at B and C. The

intermediate support B is at 12 m from A and sinks by 30 mm. The span AB carries a
uniformly distributed load of 3 kN/m and the span BC carries a point load of 24 kN at 8
m from C. Analyse the beam by slope deflection method and draw the shearing force and
bending moment diagrams. Take the flexural rigidity EI as 40000 kN-m 2 and is constant
throughout. (April/May 2017)

7) Analyse the portal frame shown in Fig using slope deflection method. (Nov/Dec 2012)

8) A continuous beam ABC consists of spans AB and BC of 5 m length in each. Both the
ends of the beam are fixed. The span AB carries a point load of 15 kN at its middle point.
The span BC carries a point load of 25 kN at its middle point. Find the moments and
reactions at the supports. Assume the beam is of uniform section. Use Slope deflection
method. (Nov/Dec 2012)
9) Analyse the portal frame shown in figure by slope deflection method and sketch the
bending moment and shear force diagram. (Nov/Dec 2014)

10) A symmetrical portal frame ABCD is hinged at A and D, and is loaded with audl of ‘w’
kN/m over the span BC. Span AB=CD=L m and BC = 2L m. Treating joints B and C as
rigid, calculate the moments at A,B,C and D using Slope deflectionmethod. Draw the
bending moment diagram. EI is constant. (May/June 2014)
11) Analyze the structures shown in Fig. by the slope deflection method. Sketch the bending
moment and shear force diagrams. (Nov/Dec 2015)
12) A continuous beam ABC is fixed at A, and simply supported at B and C. The span AB is
5 m and carries a concentrated load of 80 kN at its mid-span and the span BC is 8 m and
carries a uniformly-distributed load of 12kN/m. Take the flexural rigidity for portion AB
as EI and that for portion BC as 2EI. Analyze the beam by slope deflection method and
draw the shearing force and bending moment diagrams. (May/June 2016)
13) A continuous beam ABC is simply supported at A, fixed at c and continuous over support
B. The span AB is 6 m and carries a concentrated load of 60 kN at its mid-span and the
span BC is 8 m and carries a uniformly-distributed load of 10 kN/m. Take the flexural
rigidity for portion AB as 2EI and that for portion BC as EI. Analyze the beam by slope
deflection method and draw the shearing force and bending moment diagrams.
(Nov/Dec 2016)
14) Analyze the portal frame shown in Fig. by slope deflection method and draw the bending
moment diagram. (Nov/Dec 2016)

15) Analyse the portal frame shown in figure by slope deflection method and draw the
bending moment diagram.
(April/May 2017)

1) A beam ABC 15 m long, is simply supported at ends A and B is continuous over point B
and is loaded with a point load of 9 kN at 3 m from A and a point load of 10 kN at the
mid span of BC. Span AB=BC=8 m. Using Slope deflection method, compute the end
moments and plot the bending moment diagram. The beam has constant EI for both the
(May/June 2014)
2) A continuous beam ABCD consists of three span and is loaded as shown in Fig. Analyse
the beam using slope deflection method. EI is constant throughout. (Nov/Dec 2015)

3) Analyse the portal frame shown in figure by slope deflection method and draw the
bending moment diagram. (May/June 2016)

4) Analyse the frame shown in figure by slope deflection method. (Nov/Dec 2017)

5) Analyse the continuous beam ABCD by slope deflection method and find the end
moments. Support B sinks by 10 mm. E = 2 x 105 N/mm2 and I = 16 x 107 mm4.
(Nov/Dec 2018)
1) What is the carry over factor if the far end is hinged? (Nov/Dec 2018)
Carry over factor is zero for the hinged end.
2) In a member AB, if a moment of -30kNm is applied at A, what is the moment
carried over to B, if end B is fixed? (Nov/Dec 2018)
Carry over moment = half of the applied moment
Carried over moment to B = -30/2 = -15kNm
3) What are the advantages of continuous beam over simply supported beam?
(April/May 2018)
 The maximum bending moment in case of continuous beam is much less than in
case of simply supported beam of same span carrying same loads.

In case of continuous beam, the average bending moment is lesser and hence lighter
materials of construction can be used to resist the bending moment

4) Define relative stiffness factor. (or) Define Stiffness factor.

(May/June 2013, Nov/Dec 2013, April/May 2018)
It is defined as the ratio of moment of inertia (I) to length of the member (l).
Stiffness factor (k) – when far end is fixed, k = I/l , when far end is hinged, k =3I/l

5) Define Stiffness?
(Nov/Dec 2010, May/June 2012, May/June 2014,Nov/Dec 2015, Nov/Dec 2017)
Stiffness is generally taken as the force required to produce a unit displacement (in a
member or structure). It is also the moment required to produce unit rotation at a specified
point in a beam/structure. It can be extended to denote the torque needed to produce unit
Far end fixed : k = 4EI/L
Far end hinged :k = 3EI/L
6) State the reasons for a portal frame to sway. (April/May 2017)(or)
What are the conditions in which a frame is subjected to sway? (May/June 2016)
 Eccentric or unsymmetric loading
 Unsymmetrical geometry
 Different end conditions of the columns
 Non-uniform section of the members
 Unsymmetrical settlement of supports
 A combination of the above
7) Define Moment distribution method.
The moment distribution method is a structural analysis  method for statically
indeterminate beams and frames developed by Hardy Cross. The method only accounts for
flexural effects and ignores axial and shear effects. 
8) What is meant by moment distribution? (Nov/Dec 2015, Apr/May 2016)
In moment distribution method, first all the joints of the structure are assumed to be fixed
and fixed end moments are calculated. At this stage, moments at a joint are unbalanced:
hence, the fixity at a joint is released and the rotation is allowed till moments at the joint
are unbalanced. Mathematically, it means applying balancing moment which is equal and
opposite to the unbalancing moment. This balancing moment is called distributed moment
and this procedure is called moment distribution.
9) What is the use of distribution factors? (May/June 2014)
Distribution factor is used to distribute the total moment at a joint to individual member
connected to that joint.
10)Define flexural stiffness.
The flexural stiffness (EI/L) of a member is represented as the product of the modulus of
elasticity (E) and the second moment of area (I) divided by the length (L) of the member. 
11)Define carryover moment. (May/June 2013)
When a moment is applied at one end of a member allowing rotation of that end and
fixing the far end, some moment develops at the far end also; this moment is called
carryover moment (M’).
M M’

A θA

12)Define Carryover factor. (May/June 2012, Nov/Dec 2015,Nov/Dec 2017)

The ratio of carryover moment (M’) to applied moment (M) is called carryover factor.
M M’

13)Define Distribution factor.
(Nov/Dec 2013, Nov/Dec 2014,Nov/Dec 2015,May/June 2016, Nov/Dec 2016)
When a moment is applied to a rigid joint where a number of members are meeting, the
applied moment is shared by the members meeting at that joint. The ratio of the moment
shared by a member to the applied moment at the joint is called the distribution factor of
that member.
dOA = MOA / M A C

14)Define Flexural rigidity. (Nov/Dec 2012)

Flexural rigidity is defined as the force couple required to bend a non-rigidstructure in
one unit of curvature or it can be defined as the resistance offered by a structure while
undergoing bending.
Flexural rigidity in beams is defined as the product of young’s modulus (E) and moment
of inertia (I). The unit is N-mm2.

15)Define joint stiffness.

Distribution factor for a member is ∑k where summation is over various members

meeting the joint. ∑k is called joint stiffness.

16)What are the sign conventions made in moment distribution method?
(i) All clockwise moments are positive
(ii) All anticlockwise moments are negative
17)Define sway.
If there is no symmetry in geometry and /or in loading and if there is no support at the
beam level, there will be lateral movement of the columns, which is called as sway.
18)What is meant by Sway Correction? (Apr/May 2011)
Sway is again permitted without joint rotation until the restraining forces vanish. This is
termed as Sway correction.
19)What is sway correction factor?
It is the ratio of given sway force (S) and the sway force (S’) obtained by considering
horizontal equilibrium of the frame.
20)What is the difference between absolute and relative stiffness?
Absolute stiffness is represented in terms of E, I and l, such as 4EI/l.
Relative stiffness is represented in terms of I and l, omitting the constant E. Relative
stiffness is the ratio of stiff nesses of 2 or more members at a joint.
21)What are fixed end moments? (Nov/Dec 2014)
If the ends are fixed it is called fixed end. If it produces a moment then it is known as
fixed end moment.
22)Explain the point of contra flexure.
In a bending moment diagram, where the sign changes from positive to negative or
negative to positive that place is called point of contra flexure.
23)A beam ABC is fixed at A and simply supported at B and C. AB = BC = l.
Flexuralrigidities of AB and BC are 2EI and EI respectively. Find the distribution
factors at joint B if no moment is to be transferred to support C.

24)Distribute a moment of 6 kNm at a joint among three members whose relative

stiffnesses are 1/6, 1/3 and 1/2.

25) A continuous beam ABC of length 2L (with uniform flexural rigidity EI) is simply
supported at the ends A and C and continuous over the support B at mid-length.
Using moment distribution method, determine the moment at the support B, if it
subjected to a uniformly distributed 1oad 'w' throughout the length. (Nov/Dec 2016)
Joint Member K Summation of K DF
BA 3EI/l 0.5
BC 3EI/l 0.5

Joint A B C
Member AB BA BC CB
0.5 0.5
n factor

-wl2/12wl2/12 -wl2/12 wl2/12

wl2/12 -wl2/12
wl2/24 -wl2/24
0 -wl2/8 0
Moment at B = wl2/8 (Hogging)

1) Determine the final moments in the continuous beam ABC subjected to 40 kN at 2 m
from A and uniformly distributed load of 35 kN/m over the whole span BC. Span
AB = 6 m, BC = 5 m. I is uniform. Use moment distribution method. (Nov/Dec 2018)
2) Determine the final moments in the beam ABC supported by the column BD and is
loaded as shown in fig. Use moment distribution method. (Nov/Dec 2018)

3) Analyse the continuous beam loaded as shown in fig. by moment distribution method.
Sketch the bending and shear force diagram. (April/May 2018)
4) Analyse the continuous beam as shown in fig. by moment distribution method.
(April/May 2018)

5) Analyse the continuous beam loaded as shown in fig. by the method of moment
distribution. Sketch the bending moment and shear force diagram. (April/May 2018)

6) Analyse the frame shown in figure by moment distribution method. (Nov/Dec 2017)

7) A continuous beam ABC is simply supported at A, fixed at C and continuous over

support B. The span AB is 6 m and carries a concentrated load of 60 kN at its mid-span
and the span BC is 8 m and carries a uniformly-distributed load of 10 kN/m. Take the
flexural rigidity for portion AB as 2EI and that for portion BC as EI. Analyze the beam by
moment distribution method and draw the shearing force and bending moment diagrams.

(April/May 2017)
8) Analyse the frame shown in figure by moment distribution method and draw the bending
moment diagram.(April/May 2017)
9) Analyse the portal frame shown in fig. by Moment distribution method.(Nov/Dec 2012)

10) Analyse the continuous beam loaded as shown in Fig. by the method of moment
distribution. Draw the bending moment and shear force diagram. (Nov/Dec 2013)

11) Analyse the structure loaded as

in Fig. by the method of moment distribution and draw the bending moment and shear

12) A continuous beam ABCD

consists of three spans with fixed supports on both ends and simple supports at B and C.
Span AB = 7 m, BC = 6 m, and CD = 6 m. An uniformly distributed load of 3 kN/m acts
on AB. A point load of 6 kN acts at 3 m from B. A point load of 9 kN acts at the mid span
of CD. Flexural rigidities are I, 2I and I for AB, BC and CD respectively. Determine the
bending moments at the supports using Moment distribution method.
13) Analyse the continuous beam shown in Fig. using moment Distribution Method

14)Analyse the portal frame shown in

figure by moment distribution method and draw the bending moment diagram. Assume
the flexural rigidity is constant for all the members.
(May/June 2016)

15) A continuous beam ABC

24 m long is fixed at A, simply supported at B and C. The intermediate support B is at 12
m from A and sinks by 30 mm: The span AB carries a uniformly distributed load of 3
kN/m and the span BC is subjected to apointload of 24 kN at 8 m from C. Analyze the
beam by moment distribution method and draw the shearing force and bending moment
diagrams. Take the flexural rigidity EI as 40000 kN-m2 and is constant throughout.
(Nov/Dec 2016)

1) Analyse the frame loaded as shown in figure by the moment distribution method. Sketch
the bending moment and shear fo rce diagrams.
(May/June 2013)

2) Analyse the portal frame shown in Fig. using Moment Distribution Method.(Nov/Dec
3) A continuous beam ABCDE 18 m long is simply supported at A and also at B, C and D at
4 m, 10 m and 16 m respectively from the left end A and the portion DE being
overhanging over 2 m. The span AB carries a point load of 40 kN at its mid-span, the
span BC is subjected to a uniformly distributed load of 12 kN/m, the span CD carries a
point load of 60 kN at 2 m from C and the free end (E) carries o point load of 10
kN.Analyse the beam by moment distribution method and draw the shearing force and
bending moment diagrams. Consider the flexural rigidity for the portions AB, BC, and
CD, DE as EI, 3EI and 2EI, 2EI respectively.
(May/June 2016)
4) Draw the bending moment diagram for the continuous beam shown in figure by moment
distribution method. (Nov/Dec 2017)

5) Analyse the continuous beam loaded

as shown in fig. by moment distribution method and find final moments.
(Nov/Dec 2018)


1) What is meant by indeterminate structures? (Nov/Dec 2018)
When number of reaction components are more than the number of equilibrium
conditions in a structure it is known as indeterminate structure. To solve these structures
static conditions alone not sufficient we require extra compatibility or deformation
2) Define internal and external indeterminacies. (Nov/Dec 2018)
Total indeterminacy = External indeterminacy + Internal indeterminacy
External indeterminacy = No. of reactions – No. of equilibrium equations
Internal indeterminacy = m - (2 j- 3)
m- Total number of members, j- total number of joints.
3) Define static indeterminacy. (April/May 2011, April/May 2018)
The excess number of reactions that make a structure indeterminate is called static
Static indeterminacy = No. of reactions – No of Equilibrium conditions.
Static indeterminacy is also called as Degree of Redundancy
4) What are the conditions to be satisfied for determinate structures and how are
indeterminate structures identified? (May/June 2012) (or) Differentiate between
determinate and Indeterminate structures. (May/June 2016) (or) Compare
determinate structure with indeterminate structure. (Nov/Dec 2017)
A structure in which the number of reaction components is equal to the number of
available equilibrium conditions (∑H = 0; ∑V = 0; ∑M = 0) is known as a determine
structure. In a determinate structure all the magnitudes and directions of the reactions can
be found using the equilibrium conditions.
When number of reaction components are more than the number of equilibrium
conditions in a structure it is known as indeterminate structure. To solve these structures
static conditions alone not sufficient we require extra compatibility or deformation
5) Find degree of indeterminacy of the following. (April/May 2011)

Degree of indeterminacy = No. of reactions – No. of condition equations

= (3+3) -3 - 1 (for internal hinge) = 2
6) Give the mathematical expression for the degree of static indeterminacy of rigid
jointed plane frames. (Nov/Dec 2011)
Degree of static indeterminacy = (3m+r-3j)
m- Total number of members, r – total number of reactions, j- total number of joints
including the supports.

7) What are the properties which characterize the structure response by means of
force-displacement relationship? (Nov/Dec 2011)
The properties which characterize the structure response by means of force-displacement
relationship are ‘Flexibility and stiffness’.

8) What do you mean by generalized coordinate system? (Nov/Dec 2011)

For specifying a configuration of a system, a certain minimum no of independent
coordinates are necessary. The least no of independent coordinates that are needed to
specify the configuration is known as generalized coordinates.
9) Write down the equation for the degree of static indeterminacy of the pin-jointed
frames, explaining the notations used.
(May/June 2012, April/May 2017, Nov/Dec 2017)

Total indeterminacy = External indeterminacy + Internal indeterminacy

External indeterminacy = No. of reactions – No. of equilibrium equations
Internal indeterminacy = m - (2 j- 3)
m- Total number of members, j- total number of joints.
10) Mention any two methods of determining the joint deflection of a perfect frame.
(May/June 2013)
 Unit load method
 Virtual work method
 Strain energy method

11) Differentiate pin-jointed plane frame and rigid jointed plane frame. (May/June
S.No Pin jointed plane frame Rigid jointed plane frame
1 The joints permit change of angle The members connected at a rigid joint
between connected members. will maintain the angle between them
even under deformation due to loads.

2 The joints are incapable of transferring Members can transmit both forces and
any moment to the connected members moments between themselves through
and vice-versa. the joint.

3 The pins transmit forces between Provision of rigid joints normally

connected members by developing shear. increases the redundancy of the
12) What is meant by force method in structural analysis?
A method in which the redundant forces are treated as unknowns is known as force
method. The force method is also known as the flexibility method or compatibility
method. Thus the number of equations involved is equal to the degree of static
indeterminacy of the structure. It is the generalisation of consistent deformation method.
13) Define flexibility coefficient.
Flexibility coefficient αij defined as the displacement at coordinate i due to unit force at
coordinate j in structure. It makes up the elements of a flexibility matrix.
14) Why is flexibility method also called as compatibility method or force method?
Flexibility method begins with the superposition of forces and is hence known as force
method. Flexibility method leads to equations of displacement compatibility and is hence
known as compatibility method.
15) What is transformation Matrix? (Nov/Dec 2017)
In the analysis, for convenience we fix element coordinates coincident with member axes
called local coordinates. It is normally necessary to define a coordinate system dealing
with entire structure, called system coordinates or global coordinates. It becomes
necessary to transform information from member coordinates to structure coordinates and
vice-versa. The matrix used for this transformation is known as transformation Matrix.
16) Define the Force Transformation Matrix. (May/June 2016)
The connectivity matrix which relates the internal forces Q and the external forces R is
known as the force transformation matrix. Writing it in a matrix form,
{Q} = [b] {R}
Where, Q = member force matrix; b = force transformation matrix R = external force matrix.
17) Define a primary structure. (Nov/Dec 2012)
A structure formed by the removing the excess or redundant restraints from an
indeterminate structure making it statically determinate is called primary structure. This is
required for solving indeterminate structures by flexibility matrix method.
18) Briefly mention the two types of matrix methods of analysis of indeterminate
Flexibility matrix method:
This method is also called the force method in which the forces in the structure are treated
as unknowns. The number of equations involved is equal to the degree of static
indeterminacy of the structure.
Stiffness matrix method:
This is also called the displacement method in which the displacements that occur in the
structure are treated as unknowns. The number of displacements involved is equal to the
no of degrees of freedom of the structure.
19) Find the indeterminacy for the given rigid plane frame and for space rigid frame.
Rigid plane frame:
Indeterminacy = (3m + r) – 3j Where, m = 3; r = 6; j = 4
i = (3 x 3 + 6) – (3 x 4) = 3
Space rigid frame:
Degree of Inderminancy of a space frame= (6m + r) – 6j
Where, m = 8; r = 24 (i. e. 6 per support x 4), j = 8
DI = (6 x 8 + 24) – (6 x 8) = 24
20) Define local and global coordinates.
Local coordinates:
Coordinates defined along the individual member axes locally.
Global coordinates:
Common coordinate system dealing with the entire structure. Also known as system

21) What is the relation between the flexibility matrix and stiffness matrix?
(May/June 2016, Nov/Dec 2016, April/May 2018)
The relation between the flexibility matrix and stiffness matrix is that, one is the inverse
of the other, when they both exist.
22) Give the possible primary structure for the given beam.
i.Cantilever beam
ii.Simply supported beam

23) State the principle of superposition of forces.

The effect of applying several forces in a structure can be obtained by superposing the
effects due to the individual forces one at a time. This is the principle of superposition of
forces. This is valid for linear, elastic, conservative structure.
24) In matrix flexibility method, what is the compatibility equation?
The matrix equation {u} = [α] {F} iscompatibility equation of flexibility method.
{u} system displacement; [α] –Flexibility matrix ;{ F} - system co-ordinate forces
25) Define kinematic redundancy. (April/May 2011, April/May2017, April/May 2018)
When a structure is subjected to loads, each joint will undergo displacements in the form
of translations and rotations. Kinematic redundancy of a structure means the number of
unknown joint displacement in a structure.
1) Find the slopes at A and B of the simply supported beam loaded as given in fig. (Nov/Dec 2018)
2) Analyse the continuous beam in fig, by flexibility method. (Nov/Dec 2018)

3) Analyse the truss shown in figure by flexibility approach. AE is constant for all members.
(Apr/May 2018)

4) Analyse the continuous beam ABC shown in figure by flexibility matrix method and
sketch the bending moment diagram. (Nov/Dec 2017)

5) Analyse the continuous beam ABC shown in figure by flexibility matrix method and
sketch the bending moment diagram. (April/May 2017)

6) Examine the moment of portal frame ABCD shown in figure by flexibility matrix
method. (April/May 2017)
7) Analyse the portal frame ABCD shown in figure using force method. Take EI as constant.
(April/May 2011, May/June 2016)

8) Analyse the continuous beam ABC shown in figure by flexibility matrix method and
sketch the bending moment diagram. (Nov/Dec 2011)

9) Analyse the portal frame ABCD shown in figure by flexibility matrix method and sketch
the bending moment diagram. (Nov/Dec 2011)

10) A Cantilever is subjected to a single concentrated

load P at the middle of the span. Find the
deflection at the free end using Flexibility
method method. EI is uniform throughout.
(Nov/Dec 2012)
11) A two span continuous beam ABC is fixed at A and hinged at support B and C. Span
AB = BC = 4m. Set up flexibility influence coefficient matrix assuming vertical reaction
at B and C as redundant. (Nov/Dec 2012)
12) A cantilever of length 15 m is subjected to a single concentrated load of 50 kN at the
middle of the span. Find the deflection at the free end using flexibility matrix method. EI
is uniform throughout. (May/June 2013)
13) A two span continuous beam ABC is fixed at A and hinged at support B and C. Span
AB = BC = 9m. Set up flexibility influence coefficient matrix assuming vertical reaction
at B and C as redundant. (May/ June 2013)
14) Analyse the given beam by flexibility matrix method. (Nov/Dec 2016)

15) Analyse the given truss by flexibility matrix method. (Nov/Dec 2016)

1) Analyse the continuous beam shown in figure by flexibility method.

2) A Statically indeterminate frame shown in figure carries a load of 80 kN. Analyse the
frame by matrix flexibility method. A and E are same for all members.

3) Analyse the continuous beam ABC shown in figure by flexibility matrix method and
sketch the bending moment diagram. (May/June 2012, May/June 2016)

4) Compute the forces in the members of a pin jointed plane frame shown in figure by
flexibility matrix method. AE is constant for all the members. (Nov/Dec 2017)

5) Analyse the continuous beam shown in figure by flexibility approach. EI is constant

throughout. (Apr/May 2018)


1) Compare flexibility and stiffness matrix method. (May/June 2016, Nov/Dec 2018)
Flexibility matrix method:
 The redundant forces are treated as basic unknowns.
 The number of equations involved is equal to the degree of static indeterminacy of the
 The method is the generalization of consistent deformation method.
 Different procedures are used for determinate and indeterminate structures.
Stiffness matrix method:
 The joint displacements are treated as basic unknowns
 The number of displacements involved is equal to the no of degrees of freedom of the
 The method is the generalization of the slope deflection method.
 The same procedure is used for both determinate and indeterminate structures.
2) Write the element stiffness matrix for a beam element. (Nov/Dec 2018)
The element stiffness matrix for a beam element is given by
3) Write down the equation of element stiffness matrix as applied to 2D plane element.
(Nov/Dec 2011, Nov/Dec 2017)
The equation of element stiffness matrix for 2D plane element is
4) Why the stiffness matrix method is also called equilibrium
method or displacement method? (April/May 2017)
The joint displacements are treated as basic unknowns. The number of displacements
involved is equal to the no of degrees of freedom of the structure. Stiffness method is
based on the superposition of displacements and hence is also known as the displacement
method. And since it leads to the equilibrium equations the method is also known as
equilibrium method.
5) Derive the stiffness matrix of a typical pin- jointed 2D frame element.(April/May

6) Define kinematic redundancy. (Nov/Dec 2011, Nov Dec 2016)

When a structure is subjected to loads, each joint will undergo displacements in the form
of translations and rotations. Kinematic redundancy of a structure means the number of
unknown joint displacement in a structure.
7) Define Degree of Freedom and explain its types. (Nov Dec 2016)
Degree of freedom is defined as the least no of independent displacements required to
define the deformed shape of a structure.
There are two types of DOF: (a) Nodal type DOF and (b) Joint type DOF.
a)Nodal type DOF:
This includes the DOF at the point of application of concentrated load or moment, at a
section where moment of inertia changes, hinge support, roller support and junction of
two or more members.
b) Joint type DOF:
This includes the DOF at the point where moment of inertia changes, hinge and roller
support and junction of two or more members.
8) Explain determinate structures.
A structure in which the number of reaction components is equal to the number of
available equilibrium conditions (∑H = 0; ∑V = 0; ∑M = 0) is known as a determine
structure. In a determinate structure all the magnitudes and directions of the reactions can
be found using the equilibrium conditions.
9) What are Indeterminate structures.
When number of reaction components are more than the number of equilibrium
conditions in a structure it is known as indeterminate structure. To solve these structures
static conditions alone not sufficient we require extra compatibility or deformation

10) Define degree of freedom of the structure with an example. (May/June 2012)
Degree of freedom is defined as the least no of independent displacements required to
define the deformed shape of a structure.


Number of possible displacement in the above beam is one Ɵ at the roller support.
Degree of Freedom (DOF) =1
11) Write a short note on global stiffness matrices. (May/June 2012)
The stiffness matrix of a structure, obtained after transformation and assemblage of its
element stiffness matrices along the global co-ordinates axes is termed as global or
system stiffness matrix.
The size of the global stiffness matrix (GSM) = No of nodes x Degrees of freedom per
12) Define stiffness coefficient ‘kij’.
Stiffness coefficient ‘kij’ is defined as the force developed at joint ‘i’ due to unit
displacement at joint ‘j’ while all other joints are fixed
13) Write a note on element stiffness matrix. (Nov/Dec 2012, May/June 2013)

Element stiffness matrix for 2 DOF¿ [ kiikji kijkjj ]

Where, k –stiffness coefficient.
14) List the properties of stiffness matrix.
The properties of stiffness matrix are
 It is a symmetric matrix.
 The sum of elements in any column must be equal to zero.
 It is an unstable element therefore the determinant is equal to zero.
15) List out the properties of rotation matrix. (May/June 2013)
 Matrix multiplication has no effect on the zero vectors (the coordinates of the origin).
 It can be used to describe rotations about the origin of the coordinate system.
 Rotation matrices provide an algebraic description of such rotations.
 They are used extensively for computations.
 Rotation matrices are square matrices with real entries.
16) What are the basic unknowns in stiffness matrix method?
In the stiffness matrix method nodal displacements are treated as the basic unknowns for
the solution of indeterminate structures.
17) What is the basic aim of the stiffness method?
The aim of the stiffness method is to evaluate the values of generalized coordinates ‘r’
knowing the structure stiffness matrix ‘K’ and nodal loads ‘R’ through the structure
equilibrium equation.
{R} = [K] {r}
18) What is transformation Matrix?
In the analysis, for convenience we fix element coordinates coincident with member axes
called local coordinates. It is normally necessary to define a coordinate system dealing
with entire structure, called system coordinates or global coordinates. It becomes
necessary to transform information from member coordinates to structure coordinates and
vice-versa. The matrix used for this transformation is known as transformation Matrix.

19) What is the displacement transformation matrix?

The connectivity matrix which relates the internal displacement ‘q’ and the external
displacement ‘r’ is known as the displacement transformation matrix ‘a’.
{q} = [a] {r}
20) How are the basic equations of stiffness matrix obtained?
The basic equations of stiffness matrix are obtained as:
 Equilibrium forces
 Compatibility of displacements
 Force displacement relationships.
21) List the properties of the stiffness matrix.
The properties of the stiffness matrix are:
 It is a symmetric matrix
 The sum of elements in any column must be equal to zero.
 It is an unstable element therefore the determinant is equal to zero.

22) Differentiate between Flexibility and stiffness.

Flexibility is defined as deformation per unit load (α) =Deformation /Load =(δ/W) or θ/M
Stiffness is defined as load per unit deformation (k) = Load/deformation =W/δ (or) M/θ
23) Write the expression for the stiffness for the axial members.
k =AE/L
24) Write the expression for ‘Degree of kinematic indeterminacy’ for i. Pin jointed
Frames ii. Rigid-jointed frames.
For Pin jointed Frames For rigid jointed frames
Dk= 2j-e for plane frames Dk= 3j-e for plane frames
=3j - e for space frames =6j - e for space frames
j - number of joints; e - number of compatibility conditions known
25) What is the key equilibrium equation in analyzing structure by matrix stiffness
The matrix equation {F} = [K] {u} is called the equilibrium equation.
{F}-matrix of system forces; [K] – system stiffness matrix ;{u}- matrix of system

1) Analyse the continuous beam shown in figure by stiffness method. EI is constant for all
members. (April/May 2018)
2) Analyse the truss shown in figure by stiffness method. AE is constant for all members.

(April/May 2018)
3) Analyse the continuous beam shown in fig. by stiffness method. Draw the bending
moment diagram. (Nov/Dec 2018)

4) Analyse the frame shown in fig. by stiffness method. (Nov/Dec 2018)

5) Analyse the portal frame ABCD shown in figure by stiffness matrix method.
(Nov/Dec 2017)

6) Analyse the continuous beam ABC shown in figure using stiffness matrix method and
also draw the shear force diagram. (Nov/Dec 2017)
7) Analyse the continuous beam ABC shown in figure using stiffness matrix method and
also draw the bending moment diagram. (April/May 2017)

8) Analyse the continuous beam shown in figure using displacement method.

(April/May 2011)

9) Analyse the continuous beam ABC shown in figure by stiffness method and also sketch
the bending moment diagram. (May/June 2012)

10) A two span continuous beam ABC is fixed at A and simply supported over the supports B
and C. AB = 10 m and BC = 8 m. Moment of inertia is constant throughout. A single
central concentrated load of 10 Tons acts on AB and a uniformly distributed load of 8
Ton/m acts over BC. Analyse the beam by stiffness matrix method.
(May/June 2013)

11) A portal frame ABCD with supports A and D are fixed at same level carries a uniformly
distributed load of 2 tons/m on the span BC. Span AB = BC = CD = 4 m. EI is constant
throughout. Analyse the frame by stiffness matrix method. (Nov/Dec 2012)
12) Analyse the continuous beam shown in figure using stiffness matrix method.
(Nov/Dec 2016)
13) Analyze the continuous beam as shown in figure using stiffness matrix method.
(May/June 2016)

14) Analyse the truss shown in fig using displacement method. (April/May 2011)

15) Analyse the portal frame ABCD shown in figure by stiffness matrix method and also
draw the bending moment diagram.
(April/May 2017)

1) Analyse the portal frame ABCD shown in figure by stiffness method and also draw the
bending moment diagram. (Nov/Dec 2011)
2) Analyse the continuous beam ABC shown in figure by stiffness method and also draw
the shear force diagram. (Nov/Dec 2011)

3) Analyse the portal frame ABCD shown in figure by stiffness method and also sketch the
bending moment diagram. (May/June 2012)

4) A two span continuous beam ABC fixed at A and simply supported over the supports B
and C. span AB = 6m and Span BC = 4m. Moment of inertia is constant throughout. A
uniformly distributed load of 2 tons/m acts over AB and a single concentrated central load
of 6 tons acts on BC. Analyse the beam by stiffness matrix method. (Nov/Dec 2012)

5) Analyse the given frame by stiffness matrix method. (Nov/Dec 2016)

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