Eureka Enterprises: If The Need For An Evacuation Is Discovered
Eureka Enterprises: If The Need For An Evacuation Is Discovered
Eureka Enterprises: If The Need For An Evacuation Is Discovered
(Fire Protection Engineers & Consultants)
3. Evacuation drills shall involve all occupants. Everyone shall leave the building
when the fire alarm sounds. Exceptions are strongly discouraged. It may be
advisable to notify anyone needing special assistance prior to plan evacuation drills.
4. In the conduct of drills, emphasis shall be placed upon orderly evacuation under
proper discipline rather than upon speed. The Evacuation Coordinator and Floor
Proctors are expected to perform their assigned duties as if in an actual emergency
Provisions should be made for timing and evaluating the orderliness of each drill.
3. If you are not in immediate danger, also notify the Evacuation Coordinator.
4. If you are trained in the proper use of portable fire extinguishers and are not in
immediate danger, you may attempt to fight the fire. Do not place yourself or
Others in unnecessary danger.
Eureka Enterprises
(Fire Protection Engineers & Consultants)
If you are TRAPPED in the building and cannot find an escape route:
Call the fire brigade and give your exact location.
1. Notify the fire brigade if you have information related to the emergency. Be
ready to provide:
Your Name
Fire Location (Bldg. #___, Floor #___, Room #___ )
Type of Emergency
Any addition information requested by the Operator
2. Alert all occupants on your floor. Check remote areas such as restrooms and
storerooms and close doors if possible on your way out. Maintain orderly
evacuation of occupants.
3. Ensure that all personnel with special needs are alerted and that someone is
assisting with their evacuation.
4. If the emergency is located on your floor and you are not in immediate danger:
You may attempt to determine which smoke detector or pull station was
If you are trained in the proper use of portable fire extinguishers, you may
attempt to fight or contain a fire. Do not place yourself or others in
unnecessary danger.
The Floor Proctor should ensure that individuals with disabilities are provided with
assistance during an emergency situation. Never attempt to use an elevator unless
instructed to do so by emergency personnel.
When there has been notification of an emergency situation, the "Buddy" will make sure
of the location of the person with a disability, then go outside and inform emergency
personnel that a person in that location needs assistance in leaving the building.
Emergency personnel will then enter the building and evacuate that person.
Horizontal Evacuation
Move away from the area of imminent danger to a safe distance (i.e. another
wing, adjoining building, opposite end of corridor, outside to ground level).
Eureka Enterprises
(Fire Protection Engineers & Consultants)
Area of Refuge
If the person with a disability cannot get far away from the danger using the
Horizontal Evacuation, then that person should seek an area of refuge away from
danger. Such an area should have the following if possible: 1) telephone
communication, 2) a sprinkler system, 3) fire rated doors, walls, or ceilings if
Disability Guidelines
Prior planning and practicing of emergency evacuation routes are important to ensure a
safe evacuation
Visually Impaired
Most buildings are equipped with fire horns/strobes that sound the alarm and/or
flash strobe lights. The horn is for sight-impaired persons. Most people with a
visual impairment will be familiar with their immediate surroundings and
frequently traveled routes. Since the emergency evacuation route is likely
different from the commonly traveled route, persons who are visually impaired
may need assistance in evacuating. The assistant should offer help to the
individual with visual impairment and guide him/her through the evacuation
route. Never attempt to use an elevator unless instructed to do so by emergency
Eureka Enterprises
(Fire Protection Engineers & Consultants)
1. You are responsible for your own safety! Stay calm - avoid panic and confusion.
When the fire alarm sounds, make sure other personnel in your immediate area are
aware of the alarm.
6. Close but DO NOT LOCK doors as you leave. Items requiring security may be
placed in a locking file cabinet or desk drawer on the way out. Turn off unnecessary
equipment, if possible.
7. Know the locations of primary and alternate exits. During an emergency, walk to
the nearest exit and evacuate the building. NOTE: Do not use the elevators during a
fire-related emergency!
8. Go to your assigned area of assembly outside the building and wait there. Do not
leave the area unless you are told to do so.
(List areas of assembly. More than one area may be needed. Areas of assembly
should be at least 200 feet from the building and clear of emergency vehicle
9. Persons needing special assistance not able to exit directly from the building are
to proceed to and remain in a stairwell vestibule. Inform evacuating occupants to
notify the Evacuation Coordinator of your location. Fire Department personnel will
evacuate occupants needing special assistance from the building.
10. Do not re-enter the building until you have been notified to do so. Emergency
personnel often silence the alarm in order to communicate with each other.
Silencing the alarm is NOT a signal for occupants to re-enter!