Export of Frozen Strawberri'Es: Shri Strawberry Export Pvt. LTD
Export of Frozen Strawberri'Es: Shri Strawberry Export Pvt. LTD
Export of Frozen Strawberri'Es: Shri Strawberry Export Pvt. LTD
Submitted to:-by:-
Ajit Avinash Purandare
AB) Director , SIIB
➢ Maharashtra graph with growing areas of strawberry
➢ Worlds strawberry production (in volumes)
➢ WTO: World Trade Organization
➢ DC: Developing Countries
➢ GATT: General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs
➢ EU: European Union
➢ CAP: Common Agricultural Policy
➢ TIR: Transport International Routier
The frozen fruits and vegetables market in the world contributes a meager percentage to the
total consumption of fruits and vegetables. In the developed markets like Europe and US,
frozen vegetables are 10% to the total vegetable consumption. In the under developed and
developing markets, its share is much lower. However in the recent years, this category has
gained importance due to some basic advantages it offers in comparison to fresh fruits and
vegetables. With a strong back up from the technological innovations, the advantages of
frozen fruits and vegetables have made it much more reachable and affordable to the
consumers around the globe.
Garden strawberries are a common variety of strawberry cultivated worldwide. Like other
species of Fragaria (strawberries), it belongs to the family Rosaceous. Technically it is not a
fruit but a false fruit, meaning the fleshy part is derived not from the plant's ovaries (achenes)
but from the peg at the bottom of the bowl-shaped hypanthia that holds the ovaries.
The Garden Strawberry was first bred in Europe in the early 18th century. This represents the
accidental cross of Fragaria virginiana from eastern North America, which was noted for its
flavor, and Fragaria chiloensis from Chile, which was noted for its large size.
Cultivars of Fragaria × ananassa have replaced in commercial production the Woodland
Strawberry, which was the first strawberry species cultivated in the early 17th century.
Strawberries are often grouped according to their flowering habit. Traditionally, this has
consisted of a division between "June-bearing" strawberries, which bear their fruit in the
early summer and "Ever-bearing" strawberries, which often bear several crops of fruit
throughout the season. More recently, research has shown that strawberries actually occur in
three basic flowering habits: short day, long day, and day neutral. These refer to the day
length sensitivity of the plant and the type of photoperiod which induces flower formation.
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Day neutral cultivars produce flowers regardless of the photoperiod. Most commercial
strawberries are either short day or day neutral.
While rarely if ever done commercially, strawberries may also be propagated by seed, and a
few seed propagated cultivars have been developed for home use. Seeds are acquired
commercially or saved from fruit ripened early in the summer. They may at once be sown,
either in a sheltered border outdoors or in pots, or better in March under glass, when they
will produce fruits in June of the same year. The soil should be rich and light, and the seeds
very slightly covered by sifting over them some leaf-mould or old decomposed cow dung.
When the plants appear and have made five or six leaves, they are transplanted to where they
are to remain for bearing. The seeds sown in pots may be helped on by gentle heat, and when
the plants are large enough they are pricked out in fine rich soil, and in June transferred to the
open ground for bearing.
The ability to preserve the food has enabled the producer to make its product available to
consumers sitting in the other corner of the world. Added to this is the advantage of
convenience, which has become very relevant in today’s world as people are leading busier
lives. With more and more women working, the amount of time spent in the kitchen is
reducing. As a result, frozen food category is expanding. The advent of new technologies has
resulted in the affordability of the frozen food, which means frozen food reaching even the
middle class kitchens. The statistics shows a very healthy growth rate. The share of frozen
fruits and vegetables category is expected to grow in the future at the expense of fresh fruits
and vegetables. These market realities have made this category attractive enough to the
marketers to be explored. Thus a lot of countries and companies are focusing their efforts on
capturing some share in the world market for frozen fruits and vegetables.
➢ In addition to being consumed fresh, strawberries can be frozen, made into preserves
as well as dried and used in such things as cereal bars.
➢ Strawberries are a popular addition to dairy products, as in strawberry flavored ice
cream, milkshakes, smoothies and yoghurts. Strawberry pie is also popular.
➢ Cosmetically, they are supposedly used for whitening teeth. They can be crushed and
made into an exfoliant for skin.
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➢ Strawberry pigment extract can be used as a natural acid/base indicator due to the
different color of the conjugate acid and conjugate base of the pigment. Madam
Tallien, a great figure of the French Revolution, who was nicknamed Our Lady of
Thermidor, used to take baths full of strawberries to keep the full radiance of her
skin. Fontenelle, centenarian writer and gourmet of the 18th century, believed his
longevity was due to eating strawberries.
➢ Frozen Fruits vis-à-vis Fresh Fruits
The rising popularity of frozen fruit products is propelled by the fast paced modern
lifestyle that has led consumers to look for easy and hygienic fruit products that
eliminate the conventional hassles of cleaning and chopping fresh fruits thereby by
evading the all important time-constraints of traditional cooking. The leading
category in the frozen fruits market is “sliced strawberries in sugar” which has
displayed excellent perseverance in terms of sales.
➢ Sunny Skies Ahead for Frozen Fruits and Vegetables
The WORLD market is no different from other western hemisphere market, where
the category of frozen fruits and vegetables present an interesting opportunity. With
the demand soaring, the market for frozen vegetables and fruits continues to gain
momentum with leading manufacturers commercializing the benefits of vegetables
and fruits as an indispensable part of a healthy diet. With their fast paced lifestyle, the
consumers are more than willing to get rid of the fresh vegetable concept. As a result
of which, processors are innovating hard to make life easy for the consumers.
One cup (144 g) of strawberries constitutes approximately 45 calories (188 kJ) and is an
excellent source of vitamin C and flavonoids.
1 cup, whole
Nutrie U
nt nits
144 g
Water gm 132
Energy kcal 43
Product details:-
We are a manufacturer from INDIA which specializes in production and supply of quality
frozen fruits, such as IQF strawberry.
Our factory is certified by ISO9001, KOSHER, HACCP, and FDA
The strawberry season will come in April.
The strawberry varieties include American no.6, American no.13, all star, senga-sengana, and
honey. The strawberries are processed into individual quick frozen (IQF), get frozen in
plastic pails or drums with sugar, becoming a series of frozen diced and frozen dehydrated
products. Our plant is large and equipped with advanced facilities, which ensures both high
product quality and sufficient capacity for production and supply.
• Size:15/25mm,25/35mm
• with sugar 4+1,9+1,16+2
• Color: Red outside and pink inside
• Packing:30lbs(plastic pail),400lbs(drum)
• Load:25mt/40' fcl,19mt/40' FCL(America)
• Processing: May~june
• Delivery: End of july with current year
Definition of Defects
• Partially uncoloured - 25%-75% of the outer surface area without the colour
characteristic of the variety.
• Completely uncoloured - 75% or more of the other surface area without the colour
characteristic of the variety.
• Disintegrated - broken, crushed or smashed Stalks or parts of stalks - if each greater
than 3 mm in one dimension.
• Blemished - showing visible signs of pest attack or pathological or physical injury.
• Misshapen - not normally developed and more in particular containing hard parts in
the fruit flesh.
Tolerances for Defects
Based on a sample unit of 500 g the drained fruit ingredient of the product as defined in
paragraph shall have not more than the following:
(a) Stalks or parts of stalks each greater than 3 mm in one dimension 3 by number.
(b) Calyces 3 cm²
(c) Other extraneous vegetable material 3 cm²
(d) Completely uncoloured whole berries 1 by number
(e) Partially uncoloured whole berries 5% m/m
(f) Disintegrated whole berries 5% m/m
(g) Blemished 5% m/m
(h) Misshapen whole berries 2% m/m
Classification of "Defectives"
Any sample unit from a sample taken in accordance with the FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius
Sampling Plans for Prepackaged Foods (AQL-6.5) (Ref. No. CAC/RM 42-1969), shall be
regarded as "defective" when:
(a) The total soluble solids of the sample unit is outside the range specified in 3.2.1 or 3.2.2
as appropriate; or
(b) Any one of the organoleptic and other characteristics under 3.3.1 are not complied with;
(c) (i)Any one of the defects listed under 3.5 is present in more than twice the amount of the
specified tolerance for the individual defect; or
(ii)The total of defects in (e) to (i) exceeds 15% for whole strawberries; or
(iii)The total of defects in (g) and (i) exceeds 12% for halved, sliced or cut strawberries; or
(d) The tolerance for sizes of whole strawberries as listed in 3.6 is exceeded.
5.1 It is recommended that the product covered by the provisions of this standard be prepared
and handled in accordance with the appropriate sections of the Recommended International
Code of Practice - General Principles of Food Hygiene (CAC/RCP 1-1969, Rev. 2 (1985)
Codex Alimentarius Volume
a) and other Codes of Practice recommended by the Codex Alimentarius
Commission which are relevant to this product.
b) To the extent possible in Good Manufacturing Practice, the product shall be free
from objectionable matter.
c) When tested by appropriate methods of sampling and examination, the product:
- shall be free from microorganisms in amounts which may represent a hazard to
- shall be free from parasites which may represent a hazard to health; and
- shall not contain any substance originating from microorganisms in amounts which
may represent a hazard to health.
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In addition to the requirements of the Codex General Standard for the Labelling of
Foods (Ref. No. CODEX STAN 1-1985), (Rev. 1-1991) Codex Alimentarius Volume 1), the
following specific provisions apply:
If the product is presented in accordance with sub-section 2.4.1(c) the label shall contain in
proximity to the word "strawberry" such additional words or phrases that will avoid
misleading or confusing "frozen": This term is used as an alternative to "quick frozen" in
some English speaking countries.
Size Designation
If a term designating the size of the strawberries is used;
(a) It shall be supported by a correct graphic representation on the label of the size range
to which
the strawberries predominantly conform; and/or
Additional Requirements
Information for keeping and thawing of the product shall be given on retail packs.
Bulk Packs
In the case of quick frozen strawberries in bulk the information required above must either be
placed on the container or be given in accompanying documents, except that the name of the
food accompanied by the words "quick frozen" (the term "frozen" may be used in accordance
with sub-section 6.1.1 of this standard) and the name and address of the manufacturer or
packer must appear on the container.
Grading depends upon flavor, odor, size, color, character and texture, and absence of
defects. It comes in the following grades: US Grade A, US Grade B, US Grade C and US
Grade D.
This frozen fruit comes in the following varieties:
• Whole; whole sized form in IQF style.
• Whole form in block style.
• Sliced in IQF style.
• Sliced in block style.
• Sliced in 4+1 sugar and 4+1 sugar with stabilizer styles.
• Whole; whole in syrup styles.
• Whole with sugar.
Packaging used for quick frozen strawberries must:
a) Protect the organoleptic and quality characteristics of the product;
b) Protect the product from bacteriological and other contamination (including contamination
from the packaging material itself);
c) Protect the product from moisture loss, dehydration and, where appropriate, leakage as far
as technologically practicable; and
d) not pass on to the product any odour, taste, colour or other foreign characteristic
ASIDE stands for Assistance to States for Development of Export Infrastructure and other
Activities. The responsibility for promotion of exports and creating the necessary
infrastructure has largely been undertaken by the Central Government so far, it is increasingly
felt that the states have to play an equally important role in this endeavor. The role of the
State Governments is critical from the point of view of boosting production of exportable
surplus, providing the infrastructural facilities such as land, power, water, roads, connectivity,
pollution control measures and a conducive environment for production. It is felt that
coordinated efforts by Central Government in cooperation with the State Governments are
necessary for development of infrastructure for exports promotion.
In case of Post Parcel, no Shipping Bill is required. The relevant documents are mentioned
• Customs Declaration Form - It is prescribed by the Universal Postal Union (UPU)
and international apex body coordinating activities of national postal administration.
It is known by the code number CP2/ CP3 and to be prepared in quadruplicate, signed
by the sender.
• Despatch Note, also known as CP2. It is filled by the sender to specify the action to
be taken by the postal department at the destination in case the address is non-
traceable or the parcel is refused to be accepted.
• Prescriptions regarding the minimum and maximum sizes of the parcel with its
A code for fruit and vegetables which is gaining ground in Europe is EurepGap. The Euro-
Retailer Produce Working Group (EUREP) has developed the Good Agricultural Practice
standards. The Working Group has responded to increasing consumer interest in food safety
and environmental issues. The framework of EurepGap requires companies to have a good
management system in place to deal with quality, hygiene and environmental matters.
Although EurepGap standards are yet not common practice in all the EU member states, it is
expected that they will be increasingly accepted and applied in the future, particularly by the
large supermarket chains.
Management Systems
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The need for good quality management takes on increasing importance. Two systems to
demonstrate reliability of quality control system are:
• ISO 9000.
Although not directly an obligatory standard for producers of fresh fruit and vegetables yet,
exporters must be aware of the fact that in the field of processed fruit and vegetables,
HACCP and ISO 9000 are strongly increasing in importance in Europe.
Access for fruit and vegetables to the European market is regulated through the EU basic
regulation EC 2200/96, this regulation covers amongst other things:
• A list of products to which quality standards apply;
• The entry-price system;
• Duties
Custom Duties
In general, all goods, including frozen fruit and vegetables, entering the EU are subject to
import duties. External trade conditions in the European Union are mostly determined by EU
regulations. The level of the tariffs depends on:
• The country of origin
• The product
In order to support exports from developing countries, the EU operates the Generalized
System of Preferences (GSP). Under the GSP scheme of the EU, imports from a number of
developing countries are admitted at a reduced tariff and imports from a group of least
developed countries at a zero tariff.
France represents one of the largest market in the European Frozen fruits and
vegetables market. French frozen fruit and vegetable market is estimated to total 962
thousand tons in 2005. The market for these products is projected to grow at a
compounded annual rate of 2.56% to reach 1,088 thousand tons by 2010. Frozen
vegetables segment is estimated to hold a lion’s share in the total French Frozen fruits
and vegetables market in 2005. The market is projected to reach 1,077 thousand tons
by 2010. Frozen fruit market is estimated to total 9 thousand tons in 2005. The
segment is projected to grow at a CAGR of 4.17% to during the ten-year analysis
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German market for frozen fruits and vegetables was estimated to total 886 thousand
tons in 2005, and is 906 thousand tons in 2006. The market is projected to grow at a
moderate rate of 2.49% over the analysis period 2001-2010 to reach 999 thousand
tons by 2010. Frozen vegetables segment is projected to account for a share of
90.43% of the German
frozen fruits and vegetables market in 2005. The market for frozen fruits is projected
to grow at a compounded annual rate of about 2.64% to reach 97 thousand tons by
2010. This segment is projected to experience a market share gain over the 2001-
2010 periods, to represent 9.67% of the total market by 2010.
The Belgian frozen food market grew by 5.2% in 2003 to reach a value of $785
million. In 2008, the market is forecast to have a value of $979 million, an increase of
24.7% since 2003. Frozen meat, fish and seafood remained the leading segment in the
market. In 2003, frozen meat, fish and seafood generated 44.9% of the frozen food
sales. In 2003, the Belgian market generated 1.8% of the European frozen food sales.
During the next five years, the market is expected to experience strong but gradually
decelerating growth rates. By 2008, the market is forecast to reach a value of $979
million, which equates to a CAGR of 4.5% in the period of 2003 – 2008, higher than
the European market. Indeed, it is expected that the Belgian market will be the
strongest performing frozen food market in Western Europe in the next five years,
heavily outpacing the larger markets of France, Germany and the UK.
The Japanese market for frozen fruits and vegetables was estimated at 1,153 thousand
tons in 2005, and is 1,189 thousand tons in 2006. The market is projected to grow at a
compounded annual rate of about 3.44%, to reach 1,324 thousand tons by 2010. The
Japanese frozen fruits market was estimated to be 247 thousand tons in 2005, and is
Unifrost (Belgium)
Unifrost, incorporated in 1974, is a leading European food company, engaged in production
and sales of frozen food products. Unilever is the holding company of Unifrost. Eskimo-Iglo
GmbH. Is a principal subsidiary of Unifrost and functions as the marketing arm for the
company’s products. The main products of the company include: frozen foods; frozen bakery
products; frozen fish and shell fish; frozen pizzas; frozen ready meals; frozen vegetables such
The market for frozen fruits and vegetables in Belgium was close to 1,092 thousand tons in
2005, and is projected to be 1,128 thousand tons by the end of current fiscal year 2006. The
market is projected to grow at a compounded annual rate of 3.21% to reach 1,313 thousands
tons by 2010. Frozen vegetables, the largest market segment, is projected to wax at a rate of
3.2% over the years 2001-2010 to reach the 1,248 thousand tons by 2010 as against a 1,039
thousand tons in 2005. The market share for the frozen vegetables is projected to reach
95.08% by 2010. Frozen product segment is projected to grow at a CAGR of about 3.52%
during 2001- 2010. The market for frozen fruits is projected to reach 65 thousand tons by
Unifrost Seabrex/Ebrex
Strawberry shipments from India are mainly in 2Oft. containers which carry about 650-700
cartons. Requests for less than a container load are also accepted by exporters in India.
Freight is charged per Cubic Metre on volume basis. Freight for full container load is fixed
and the same is cheaper than the freight for part container load (LCL).
1. Times journal of Agriculture
2. Agriculture and Industry Survey
3. Agriculture Today
4. Foreign Trade Review
1. Export of FROZEN STRAWBERRY from India.
I Name and address of the parties.......(state correct appellation and complete address of the parties)
II We, the above named parties have entered into this contract for the sale/purchase, etc. ....... (state briefly the purpose of
the contract) on this ........(date) at ........(place)..... subject to the following terms and conditions:
a. Goods ................
d. Shipment...............(Specify date of delivery and the maximum period upto which delivery could
be delayed and for which reasons, port of shipment and delivery should be mentioned).
f. Insurance .................(State the type of insurance cover required, i.e. FPA(free from particular
average)/WA (with average)/ All Risks, etc. State also the party responsible for insurance)
h. Passing of the property and of risk. The property or ownership of the goods and the risk shall
finally pass to the buyer at such stage as the parties may agree, i.e. when the goods are
delivered at the seller's place of work/pass the ship's rails/are covered by insurance etc. as per
agreed terms).
Arbitration clause recommended by the Indian Council of Arbitration: "All disputes or differences whatsoever arising between
the parties out of relating to the construction, meaning and operation or effect of this contract or the breach thereof shall be
settled by arbitration in accordance with the rules of the arbitration of the Indian Council of Arbitration and the award made in
pursuance thereof shall be binding on the parties."(or any other arbitration clause that may be agreed upon between the
parties). 3.Any other special condition, prevalent in or relevant to the particular line of trade or transaction, may also be
Notes: The above specimen contract form, drawn up in brief essentials, is meant for simple small scale transactions and is
intended to draw the attention of the parties to important aspects of the trade deal in drafting the contract. The parties are
free to add to or modify the terms as per the peculiar nature of their trade transaction. They may also consult with advantage,
experienced commercial or arbitration bodies for the purpose or study published literature on the subject. The use of the
arbitration clauses in commercial contracts is becoming increasingly commom, particularly in export-import transactions, with
a view to promoting smooth and swift flow of business. The Indian Council of Arbitration (ICA) which is partly founded by the
Government of India, provides comprehensive institutional arbitration service to all government departments and public
undertakings as well as private traders, exporters and importers in India for amicable and quick settlement of all types of
commercial disputes. It has been suggested by the Ministry of Commerce that all commercial organisations should make use
of the arbitration clause of the Council in their commercial contracts with Indian and foreign parties.