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Steam Engineering

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Steam Engineering

1. Introduction
The introduction of steam as a useful and powerful purveyor of energy. It discusses the versatile uses and benefits of this ubiquitous vapour; and the ways in which it is produced and distributed to achieve maximum performance and economy for the end user. 1. 2. 3. Steam - The Energy Fluid Steam and the Organisation The Steam and Condensate Loop

2. Steam Engineering Principles and Heat Transfer

Properties of various types of steam are considered, along with basic heat transfer principles and how to calculate consumption rates for process applications. Entropy is tackled in simple terms, removing unnecessary fears often associated with the subject. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Engineering Units What is Steam? Superheated Steam Steam Quality Heat Transfer Methods of Estimating Steam Consumption

10. Measurement of Steam Consumption 11. Thermal Rating 12. Energy Consumption of Tanks and Vats 13. Heating with Coils and Jackets 14. Heating Vats and Tanks by Steam Injection 15. Steam Consumption of Pipes and Air Heaters 16. Steam Consumption of Heat Exchangers 17. Steam Consumption of Plant Items 18. Entropy - A Basic Understanding 19. Entropy - Its Practical Use

3. The Boiler House

Various types of boilers and fuels are discussed, alongside the best ways in which to get the best out of this important part of the steam plant. All necessary associated boiler equipment is considered, including basic deaerator and accumulator theory. 20. Introduction 21. Shell Boilers 22. Water-tube Boilers 23. Miscellaneous Boiler Types, Economisers and Superheaters 24. Boiler Ratings 25. Boiler Efficiency and Combustion 26. Boiler Fittings and Mountings 27. Steam Headers and Off-takes 28. Water Treatment, Storage and Blowdown for Steam Boilers 29. Water for the Boiler 30. The Feedtank and Feedwater Conditioning 31. Controlling TDS in the Boiler Water 32. Heat Recovery from Boiler Blowdown (TDS control only) 33. Bottom Blowdown 34. Water Levels in Steam Boilers 35. Methods of Detecting Water Level in Steam Boilers 36. Automatic Level Control Systems 37. Water Level Alarms 38. Installation of Level Controls

39. Testing Requirements in the Boiler House 40. Pressurised Deaerators 41. Steam Accumulators

4. Flowmetering
Fluid characteristics and flow theory (including Bernoulli's theorem and Reynolds' numbers) are introduced and developed to provide basic metering theory and techniques. Different meter types, instrumentation and installation practice are also discussed. 42. Fluids and Flow 43. Principles of Flowmetering 44. Types of Steam Flowmeter 45. Instrumentation 46. Installation

5. Basic Control Theory

Control theory is discussed from fundamental proportional action to PID control. The dynamic of the simple control loop is discussed, alongside practical issues of choosing the best system for the application, and installation and commissioning issues. 47. An Introduction to Controls 48. Basic Control Theory 49. Control Loops and Dynamics 50. Choice and Selection of Controls 51. Installation and Commissioning of Controls 52. Computers in Control

6. Control Hardware: Electric/Pneumatic Actuation

Control valve capacities and characteristics are investigated, along with theory and practical advice on how to size them for water and steam systems. Actuators, positioners, and controllers are introduced plus their overall effect on the control loop. 53. Control Valves 54. Control Valve Capacity 55. Control Valve Sizing for Water Systems 56. Control Valve Sizing for Steam Systems 57. Control Valve Characteristics 58. Control Valve Actuators and Positioners 59. Controllers and Sensors

7. Control Hardware: Self-acting Actuation

Basic self-acting control theory is discussed, alongside the different types of direct-acting and pilot-operated valves, controllers, and applications for the proper selection of temperature and pressure control of steam and water systems. 60. Self-acting Temperature Controls 61. Typical Self-acting Temperature Control Valves and Systems 62. Self-acting Pressure Controls and Applications

8. Control Applications
A brief summary of, and advice on, temperature, pressure, flow and level control methods to suit various types of steam applications, with consideration to surplussing control, differential pressure control, and cascade control and installation thereof. 63. Pressure Control Applications 64. Temperature Control for Steam Applications 65. Level and Flow Control Applications 66. Control Installations

9. Safety Valves
Arguably, the most important subject in the generation, distribution and use of steam. Why are safety valves required? What different types are available and how are they selected, sized and installed? Other protection devices are also shown in some detail. 67. Introduction to Safety Valves

68. Types of Safety Valve 69. Safety Valve Selection 70. Safety Valve Sizing 71. Safety Valve Installation 72. Alternative Plant Protection Devices and Terminology

10. Steam Distribution

Efficient distribution gets clean dry steam to apparatus at the right pressure. Pipe sizing, essential drainage techniques, pipe support and expansion, air venting, and heat transfer calculations are included to help the system designer and practitioner. 73. Introduction to Steam Distribution 74. Pipes and Pipe Sizing 75. Steam Mains and Drainage 76. Pipe Expansion and Support 77. Air Venting, Heat Losses and a Summary of Various Pipe Related Standards

11. Steam Traps and Steam Trapping

How steam traps work and why steam traps are necessary. All is explained in this block, along with the different types, where they are used, and how they are selected. Air venting theory and applications are touched upon, along with steam trap maintenance. 78. Introduction - Why Steam Traps? 79. Thermostatic Steam Traps 80. Mechanical Steam Traps 81. Thermodynamic Steam Traps 82. Considerations for Selecting Steam Traps 83. Selecting Steam Traps - Canteen Equipment; Oil Transfer/Storage; Hospital Equipment 84. Selecting Steam Traps - Industrial Dryers 85. Selecting Steam Traps - Laundries, Presses 86. Selecting Steam Traps - Process Equipment 87. Selecting Steam Traps - Space Heating Equipment 88. Selecting Steam Traps - Steam Mains; Tanks and Vats; Pressure Reducing Valves 89. Air Venting Theory 90. Air Venting Applications 91. Testing and Maintenance of Steam Traps 92. Energy Losses in Steam Traps

12. Pipeline Ancillaries

These are often neglected to save costs; but strainers, stop valves, check valves, separators, gauge glasses and vacuum breakers all have their part to play in an efficient steam system. This block explains why, and explores the different types available. 93. Isolation Valves - Linear Movement 94. Isolation Valves - Rotary Movement 95. Check Valves 96. Strainers 97. Separators 98. Gauges, Sight Glasses, Vacuum Breakers

13. Condensate Removal

Proper condensate removal is essential to heat exchanger efficiency and long service life. An explanation of how heat exchangers operate. It introduces the subject of stall, and why and how the best trapping device is selected to maximise system efficiency. 99. Heat Exchangers and Stall 100. The Heat Load, Heat Exchanger and Steam Load Relationship 101. Oversized Heat Exchangers 102. Example: Selecting the Trap 103. The Stall Chart - Constant Flow Secondary - Varying Inlet Temperature - Constant Outlet Temperature

104. The Stall Chart - Varying Flow Secondary - Constant Inlet Temperature - Constant Outlet Temperature 105. The Stall Chart - Constant Flow Secondary - Constant Inlet Temperature - Varying Outlet Temperature 106. Practical Methods of Preventing Stall

14. Condensate Recovery

Relaying condensate back to the boiler house reduces costs. Pipe sizing and layout is discussed for drain lines, discharge lines, and pumped lines. The effects of lift and backpressure are explained; and how to reduce overall costs by utilising flash steam. 107. Introduction to Condensate Recovery 108. Layout of Condensate Return Lines 109. Sizing Condensate Return Lines 110. Pumping Condensate from Vented Receivers 111. Lifting Condensate and Contaminated Condensate 112. Flash Steam

15. Desuperheating
Why is it necessary to desuperheat steam? What types of desuperheater exist, where are they used, and how are they installed? Basic types and more sophisticated types of desuperheater and their applications are discussed in some detail. 113. Basic Desuperheating Theory 114. Basic Desuperheater Types 115. Other Types of Desuperheater 116. Typical Installations

16. Equations
A list of all the equations used in the complete set of Steam Engineering Tutorials relating to the subject of how to get the best out of the steam and condensate loop. 117. Equations

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