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Goodman R E - Introduction To Rock Mechanics 2nd Edition

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Introduction to
Rock Mechanics
Second Edition
Richard E. Goodman
University of California at Berkeley
Jahn Wiley & Sans
New York I Chichester I Bri.bane I Toronto I Singapore
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Dedicated to the memory of
Daniel G. Moye
Copyright 1989, by Richard E. Goodman.
AH rights reserved. Published simultaneously in Canada.
Reproduction or translation of any part of
this work beyond that permitted by Sections
107 and 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright
Act without the permission of the copyright
owner is unlawful. Requests for permission
or further information should be addressed to
the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sonso
Library 01 Congress Cataloging in Publication Data:
Goodman, Richard E.
Introduction to rock mechanicslRichard E. Goodman.-2nd ed.
p. cm.
Bibliography: p.
Inc1udes indexo
ISBN 0-471-81200-5
1. Rock mechanics.
TA706.G65 1989
624.1'5132-dcl9 ..
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1. Title.
Preface lo lhe Firsl Edition
Rock mechanics is a truly interdisciplinary subject, with applications in geol-
ogy and geophysics, mining, petroleum, and civil engineering. It relates to
energy recovery and development, construction of transportation, water re-
sources and defense facilities, prediction of earthquakes, and many other activ-
ities of greatest importance. This book introduces specific aspects of this sub-
ject most immediately applicable to civil engineering. Civil engineering
students, at the advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate level, will find
here a selection of concepts, techniques, and applications pertaining to the
heart oftheir field-for example, how to evaluate the support pressure required
to prevent squeezing of claystone in tunnels, how to evaluate the optimum
angle of a rock cut through a jointed rock mass, and how to determine the
bearing capacity of a pier socketed into rock. Students in other fields should
also find this work useful because the organization is consistently that of a
textbook whose primary objective is to provide the background and technique
for solving practical problems. Excellent reference books cover the fundamen-
tal bases for the subject well. What has been lacking is a relatively short work
to explain how the fundamental s of rock mechanics may be applied in practice.
The book is organized into three parts. Part 1, embracing the first six
chapters, provides a survey ofthe methods for describing rock properties. This
includes index properties for engineering classification, rock strength and de-
formability properties, the properties and behavior of joints, and methods of
characterizing the state of initial stress. Modern fracture mechanics has been
omitted but some attention is given to anisotropy and time dependency. Part 2,
consisting of Chapters 7, 8, and 9, discusses specific applications of rock me-
chanics for surface and underground excavations and foundations. Part 3 is a
series of appendices. One appendix presents derivations of equations, which
were omitted from the chapters to highlight usable results. -rhere is also a
thorough discussion of stresses in two and three dimensions and instructions in
the measurement of strains. Appendix 3 presents a simple scheme for identify-
ing rocks and minerals. It is assumed that the reader has some familiarity with
introductory geology; this section distills the terminology of petrology and
mineralogy to pro vide a practical naming scheme sufficient for many purposes
in rock mechanics. Part 3 also includes answers to all problems, with elabora-
tion of the methods of solution for a selected set. The problems presented at the
ends of each chapter and the worked out solutions in the answers section are a
vi Prtiface lo Ihe Firsl Edition
vital part of this book. Most of the problems are not just exercises in filling in
values for equations offered in the text, but try to explore new material. 1
always enjoy learning new material in a practical context and therefore have
elected to introduce new ideas in this way.
Although this is largely a presentation of results already published in jour-
nals and proceedings, previously unpublished materials are sprinkled through
the text, rounding out the subject matter. In almost all such cases, the deriva-
tions in the appendix provide complete details.
This book is used for a one-quarter, three-credits course for undergradu-
ates and beginning graduate students at the University of California, Berkeley,
Department of Civil Engineering. Attention is riveted to the problems with little
time spent on derivations of equations. Appendices 1 and 2 and all materials
relating to time dependency are skipped. In a second course, derivations of
equations are treated in class and the materials presented here are supple-
mented with the author's previous book Methods ofGeological Engineering in
Discontinuous Rocks (West Publishing Co.) 1976, as well as with selected
1 am deeply indebted to Dr. John Bray ofImperial College for illuminating
and inspiring contributions from which 1 have drawn freely. A number of indi-
viduals generously loaned photographs and other illustrations. These inelude
K. C. Den Dooven, Ben Kelly, Dr. Wolfgang Wawersik, Professor Tor Brekke,
Dr. Dougall MacCreath, Professor Alfonso Alvarez, Dr. Tom Doe, Duncan
Wyllie, Professor H. R. Wenk et al., and Professor A. J. Hendron Jr. Many
colleagues assisted me in selection of material and criticism of the manuscript.
The list ineludes E. T. Brown, Fred Kulhawy, Tor Brekke, Gregory Korbin,
Bezalel Haimson, P. N. Sundaram, William Boyle, K. Jeyapalan, Bernard
Amadei, J. David Rogers and Richard Nolting. 1 am particularly grateful to
Professor Kulhawy for acquainting me with much material concerning rock
foundations. 1 am also very appreciative of Cindy Steen's devoted typing.
Richard E. Goodman
Since the publication of the first edition in 1980 we have developed a geometric
approach to rock mechanics called "block theory." This theory on .the
type of data that comes most easily and ?aturally a geologlcal mvestIga-
tion namely the orientations and propertIes of the jomts. Block theory formal-
izes'procedures for selecting the wisest shapes and orientations excavations
in hard jointed rock and is expounded in a book by Gen hua Shl and myself,
published in 1985, and in additional articles derived from subsequent research
at Berkeley. In preparing this edition my main objective was to incorporate an
introduction to the principIes of block theory and its application to rock slopes
and underground excavations. This has been accomplished in lengthy supple-
ments to Chapters 7 and 8, as well as in a series of problems and answers.
An additional objective in preparing this new edition was to incorporate
previously omitted subjects that have since proved to be important in practice,
or that have appeared subsequent to initial publication. In the former category
are discussions ofthe Q system ofrock classification and the empirical criterion
of joint shear strength, both introduced by Barton and co-workers at the Nor-
wegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI). In the latter category are fundamental,
new contributions by lndian engineers Jethwa and Dube on the interpretation
of extensometer data in squeezing tunnels; analysis of rock bolting using an
exponential formulation by Lang and Bischoff; properties of weak rocks
brought to light by Dobereiner and deFreitas; representation of the statistical
frequency of jointing by Priest and Hudson; an empirical criterion of rock
strength by Hoek and Brown; and development of a "block reaction curve" as
a model for design of supports in underground openings (analogous to the
ground reaction curve concept previously presented in Chapter 7). Addition-
ally, several useful figures presenting derived relationships were updated; these
deal with the directions of stresses in the continental United States summarized
by Zoback and Zoback, and the relationship between the rock mass rating of
Bieniawski, and the "stand-up time" of tunnels.
To present this material, 1 have elected to develop a series ofnew problems
and worked-out solutions. Thus, to take fuH advantage of this book you will
need to study the problems and answers. The statements of the problems
sorne times contain important material not previously presented in the chapters.
And, of course, if you can take the time to work them through yourself, you
will better understand and appreciate the value of the material.
. .::
viii Preface
Today, many workers in rock mechanics tend to use comprehensive nu-
merical modeling to study the complex issues relating to the disposal of nuclear
waste, energy storage and conversion, and defense technology. Although these
models are powerful, much headway can also be made with simpler approaches
by using statics with well-selected free-body diagrams, elegant graphical meth-
ods like the stereographic projection, and modest computations facilitated by
microcomputers. Ifthere is an overriding purpose in this book, it is to help you
see the simple truths before trying to take hold of the big numerical tools.
Richard E. Goodman
Symbols and Notation xi
CHAPTER 1 Introduction 1
CHAPTER 2 Classification and Index Properties of Rocks 19
CHAPTER 3 Rock Strength and Failure Criteria 55
CHAPTER 4 Initial Stresses in Rocks and Their Measurement 101
CHAPTER 5 Planes of Weakness in Rocks 141
CHAPTER 6 Deformability of Rocks 179
CHAPTER 7 Applications of Rock Mechanics in Engineering for
Underground Openings 221
CHAPTER 8 Applications of Rock Mechanics to Rock Slope Engineering 293
CHAPTER 9 Applications of Rock Mechanics to Foundation Engineering 341
APPENDIX 1 Stresses 389
APPENDIX 2 Strains and Strain Rosettes 409
APPENDIX 3 Identification of Rocks and Minerals 415
APPENDIX 4 Derivations of Equations 427
APPENDIX 5 The Use of Stereographic Projection 475
Answers to Problems 495
Symbols and Nolation
Symbols are defined where they are introduced. Vectors are indicated by bold-
face type, for example, B, with lowercase boldface letters usually reserved for
unit vectors. The summation convention is not used. Matrix notation is used
throughout, with ( ) enclosing one- and two-dimensional arrays. Occasion-
ally, { } are used to enclose a column vector. The notation B(u) means that Bis
a function of u. Dimensions of quantities are sometimes given in brackets, with
F = force, L = length, and T = time; for example, the units of stress are given
as (FL -2). A dot over a letter or symbol (e.g., &) usually means differentiation
with respect to time. Sorne ofthe more commonly used symbols are the follow-
Di unit vector parallel to the dip
dd change in the length of a diameter of a tunnel or borehole
dev subscript identifying deviatoric stress components
E Young's modulus (FL -2)
g acceleration of gravity
G shear modulus; also, specific gravity
GPa 10
1, m, n
n, S, I
angle of the leading edge of an asperity on a joint
invariants of stress
unit vector parallel to the line of intersection of planes i and j
used for different purposes as defined locally, including conductiv-
ity (LT-I) and stiffness coefficients
used variously for the bulk modulus, the Fisher distribution param-
eter, permeability (L 2), <Thoriz/ <Tvert, and <T3/ <TI
direction cosines of a line
natural logarithm
megapascals (MN/m
); 1 MPa = 145 psi
coordinates perpendicular and parallel to layers (SI plane)
unit vector perpendicular to layers or joints of one set
x.ii Symbols and Notation
PI> P2
u, V
, V
x,y, Z
pressure, water pressure
secondary principal stresses
force; also, in Chapter 9, a line load (FL -1)
bearing capacity (FL -2)
unconfined compressive strength
rock mass rating according to the Geomechanics Classification
spacing between joints of a given set
shear strength intercept according to the Mohr Coulomb relation-
ship (" cohesion")
shear strength intercept for a joint
magnitude of the flexural tensile strength ("modulus of rupture")
magnitude of the tensile strength; uniaxial tensile strength unless
indicated otherwise
displacements parallel to x, y; positive in positive direction of coor-
dinate axis
displacements parallel to r, (J
shear displacement along a joint; also radial deformation
normal displacement across a joint
longitudinal and transverse stress wave velocities in a bar
compressive and shear wave velocities in an infinite medium
volumetric strain
water content, dry weight basis
liquid limit and plastic limit
weight vector
right-handed Cartesian coordinates
depth below ground surface
weight per unit volume (FL -3)
unit weight of water
normal and shear strains
viscosity (FL -2T)
Lam's constant; also wavelength
friction coefficient (= tan 1; also same as r
Poisson's ratio
mass density (FL -4TZ)
normal stress
Symbols and Notation ~ i i i
principal stresses; 0"1 > O"z > 0"3 (compression positive)
magnitude of the Brazilian (splitting tension) strength
radial and tangential normal stresses
effective stress
shear stress
peak and residual shear strength
friction angle; variously used as internal and surficial friction an-
gles as defined locally
friction angle for sliding on a smooth surface (i = O)
friction angle for a joint
angle between the direction of 0"1 and the plane of a joint
average displacement of a bearing plate
Chapter 1
In troduction
Sorne knowledge of rock mechanics is vital for civil engineers although it is
only since about 1960 that rock mechanics has come to be recognized as a
discipline worthy of a special course of lectures in an engineering programo
That recognition is an inevitable consequence of new engineering activities in
rock, including complex underground installations, deep cuts for spi11ways, and
enormous open pit mines. Rock mechanics deals with the properties of rock
and the special methodology required for design of rock-related components of
engineering schemes. Rock, like soil, is sufficiently distinct from other engi-
neering material s that the process of "design" in rock is really special. In
dealing with a reinforced concrete structure, for example, the engineer first
ca1culates the extemalloads to be applied, prescribes the material on the basis
ofthe strength required (exerting control to insure that strength is guaranteed),
and accordingly determines the structural geometry. In rock structures, on the
other hand, the applied loads are often less significant than the force s deriving
from redistribution of initial stresses. Then, since rock structures like under-
ground openings possess many possible failure modes, the determination of
material "strength" requires as much judgment as measurement. Finally, the
geometry of the structure is at least partly ordained by geological structure and
not completely within the designer's freedoms. For these reasons, rock me-
chanics includes sorne aspects not considered in other fields of applied mechan-
ics-geological selection of sites rather than control of material properties,
stresses, and analysis, through graphics and model stud-
les, of multiple modes of failure. The subject of rock mechanics is therefore
closely allied with geology and geological engineering.
!:.:1 Fields af Applicatian af Rack Mechanics
Qur involvement with rock in the most intimate terms extends backward far
into prehistory. Arrowheads, common tools, vessels, fortifications, houses,
even tunnels were built of or in rock. Constructions and sculptures, such as the
2 Introduction
Abu Simb.el Temple i.n Egypt .and the pyramids, testify to a refined technique
selectmg, cuttmg, and working rocks. In the eighteenth and
nmeteenth centunes, great tunnels were driven for mine ventilation and drain-
age, water supply, canals, and,rail transporto
In this century the great sculptures on Mount Rushmore (Figure 1.1) dem-
to the the e?during resolve of great figures and well-selected
gramte even engmeers were turning to other materials. In this age
when can concoct alloys and plastics to survive bizarre and
demandmg rock work still occupies the energies of indus-
try an? the ImagmatIon of engineers; questions concerning the properties and
of rock figure prominently in engineering for structures, transporta-
tlOn routes, defense works, and energy supply.
1.1 Sculpting Roosevelt and Lincoln in Mount Rushmore. Gutzon
the slte and adjusted the sculpture to fit its imperfections even
'th d e. as lllch. The weathered rock was removed via controlled
;1 1 the hole spacing and charge becoming progressively finer as the
ace was approached. The last inches were removed by very close dril!"
(Photo by Charles d'Emery. Reproduced with permission of
org um and K. C. Den Dooven. From Mount Rushmore, the Story Behind th
Scenery, K. C. Publications (1978).) e
1.1 Fields of Application of Rock Mechanics 3
Table 1.1 sketches sorne of the components of engineering works that
involve rock mechanics to a significant degree. Of the many occupations of
engineers in planning, design, and construction of works, nine have been sin-
gled out in this table because they are often significantly dependent upon rock
mechanics input: evaluation of geological hazards in quantitative terms, selec-
tion and preparation of rock materials, evaluation of cuttability or drillability of
rock and design of cutting and drilling tools, layout and selection of types of
structures, analysis of rock deformations, analysis of rock stability, supervi-
sion and control of blast procedures, design of support systems, and hydraulic
fracturing. These activities are pursued in somewhat different styles according
to the nature of the engineering work.
Engineering structures placed on the surface ofthe ground normally do not
require study of roe k properties and behavior unless the structure is very large,
or special, or unless the rock has unusual properties. Of course, the engineer is
always on the lookout for geological hazards, such as active faults or landslides
that might affect siting. The engineering geologist has the responsibility to
discover the hazards; rock mechanics can sometimes help reduce the risk. For
example, loose sheets of exfoliating granite pose a threat to building s near the
feet of cliffs in Rio de Janeiro. The rock engineer may be called upon to design a
bolting system, or a remedial controlled blast. In the case oflight structures like
private homes, the only rock mechanics input would concern testing the poten-
tial swellability of shale foundations. However, in the case of very large build-
ings, bridges, factories, etc., tests may be required to establish the elastic and
delayed settlement of the rock under the applied loads. Over karstic limestone,
or mined-out coal seams at depth, considerable investigation and specially
designed foundations may be required to insure structural stability.
An aspect of engineering for tall buildings that involves rock mechanics is
control of blasting so that the vibrations do not damage neighboring structures
or irritate local residents (Figure 1.2). In cities, foundations of new building s
may lie extremely close to older structures. AIso, temporary excavations may
require tieback systems to prevent sliding or raveling of rock blocks.
The most challenging surface structures with respect to rock mechanics are
large dams, especially arch and buttress types that impose high stresses on
rock foundations or abutments, simultaneously with the force and action of
water. In addition to concern about active faults in the foundation, the hazards
of possible landslides into the reservoir have to be carefully evaluated; very
fresh is the memory of the Vajont catastrophe in Italy when a massive slide
displaced the water over the high Vajont arch dam and killed more than 2000
people downstream. Rock mechanics is also involved in the choice of mate-
rials-rip-rap for protection of embankment slopes against wave erosion, con-
crete aggregate, various filter materials, and rock fill. Rock testing may be
required to determine the durability and strength properties of such materials.
Since the different types of dams exert very different stress regimes on the
4 lntroduction
1.1 Fields of Application of Rock Mechanics 5
Table 1.1 Sorne Areas of Rack Mechanics Application
Activity Involving a Substantial Rack Mechanics Input
Eva!. of Layout and Design of
Eva!. of Selection of Cuttability, Selection of
Analysis of Analysis of Supervision of Support Hydraulic
Project Geo!. Hazards Materials Drillability Types of Works
Deformations Stability Blasting System Fracturing
Sutface Structures
Housing tracts (2) Landslides,
(2) Rebound in
Bridges, tall (2) Landslides, (2) Facing (1) Drilled (2) Location of
(2) Reactions for
(2) If on cliff (1) Control near Tiebacks in
buildings, sur- faults stones, concrete shafts for stable site
edge or over existing building temporary
face power
aggregate pier foun-
subsidence engi-
old mines
Dams (1) Landslides (1) Rock fill, rip-
(1) Selection of
(1) Vertical and
(1) Abutment, (1) Abutment (1) Abut- Potential use for
in reservoirs; rap concrete
arch, gravity or
foundation galleries cutoff ments; cutoffs
faults aggregate
embankment trench, quarry found.;
Highways, rail- (1) Landslides (2) Embank-
(1) Direction
(2) Shale rebound; (1) Cut slopes (1) Perimeter (2) Steep
ment, base,
and slope of
steep, urban cut s
control cut s in
aggregate, rip-
cuts cities
Canals, pipeline s (1) Landslides (2) Embank-
(1) Direc- (2) Shale rebound; (1) Cut slopes (1) Perimeter (2) Steep
ment, base,
tion and steep, urban cut s control cut s in
aggregate, rip-
slope of cities
cut s
(1) Landslides
(1) Surface (1) For tunnel
penstock penstocks
vs. lined or
Sutface Excavat;ons
for Other Purposes
Quarries and
(2) Landslides
(1) Taco-
(1) Slopes; (2) To support (1) Rock (1) Protection of (2) Protec-
mine pits
nite de-
conveyors; monitoring pro- slopes struct. in and tion of
posits and building s grams near pit struct. ,
other hard
portal s
(1) Landslides
(2)Side hill vs. (2) To support (1) Rock (1) Protection of (2) For
tunnel; slopes monitoring pro- slopes struct. in and tunnel
grams near cut spillway
(1) Very relevant.
(2) Somewhat relevant.
Table 1.1 (continued)
Activity Involving a Substantial Rock Mechanics Input
Design of
Eval. of Layout and
Eva!. of Selection of Cuttability, Selection of Analysis of
Analysis of
Supervision of
Project Geol. Hazards Materials Drillability Types of Works Deformations
Dry Underground
Caving mines (1) Faults; air (2) Yielding (1) Selec- (1) Entire layout (l) To support
(1) Airblast
(1) Avoid pre-
(1) Haul-
(2) Solution
blasts supports tion of monitoring pro-
avoidance; ore
mature detona-
ageways mining
dilution anal.
Stable mines (1) Faults; (1) Selec- (1) Selection of (l) To support
(1) Access
(1) Controlof
(1) Rock
rock bursts tion of mining scheme monitoring pra-
perimeter; vi-
bolts, shot-
stopes, etc.
Tunnels (1) Faults; (1) Design (1) Shape, size (1) To support
(1) Roof, wall,
(1) Control of
(1) Select.
rack bursts of mole monitoring pro-
perimeter; vi-
temp. and
cutters grams
perm. sup-
Underground (1) Faults; (2) Bidding (1) Orientation (1) Support moni-
(1) Roof; pil-
(1) Control of
(1) Rock
chambers rack bursts excavation toring; design of
lars; invert
perimeter; vi-
bolts or
costs details
Defense works (1) Faults; (1) Choice of (1) Support moni-
(1) Under blast
(1) Control of
(1) Rock
rack bursts depth toring; design of
perimeter; vi-
bolts or
Energy Development
Petraleum (2) Faults; (1) Improv-
(1) Deep holes
(1) To improve
rack bursts ing rates
in shale, evap-
Geothermal (2) Faults; (1) High
orites depth of
rock bursts temperature
and salnity
(1) Depth of
(1) Develop-
ment of dry hot
Nuclear power (1) Faults; (2) Concrete (2) Water-tight
(2) Rock slope
(1) Rock
(1) Rock
plants landslides aggregate
slopes; waste
slopes and
core shaft
Nuclear waste (1) Faults (1) Best rack
(1) Retrievabil-
(1) Support of
(1) Effect of
(1) Control of
(1) Backfill
(1) lntermediate
choice for waste
ity, stability
monitoring +200C
perimeter; vi-
for canis-
level storage
Energy storage (1) Faults (2) Special
(1) Leakproof
(1) Design and
(1) Effect of +
(1) Control of
(1) Long
caverns for oil,
linings curtain
or -200
perimeter; vi-
design lfe
water, air, LNG
Solution Mining (1) Monitoring
(1) Surface
(1) New tech-
surface subsidence
(1) Very relevant.
(2) Somewhat relevant.
8 Introduction
Figure 1.2 Exeavation in roek very close to existing building s is a fre uent
problem for eonstruetion in citieso (Photo eourtesy of A J H d Jq
Ma h tt h
o o en ron r
n a an se 1st, Hunter College, New Yorko) , o

In the case of concrete dam d bOl
the foundations and abutments lty values to the rocks of
grated in model st dO ' o g a oratory and m Sltu tests, are inte-
of large and smalr of concrete stresses
necessary, cable or rock bolt su ort s e am are by statlCso If
rock or the dam/rock contact. pp ystems are deslgned to prestress the
Blasting for rock cleanup ha t b o
the remaining rock and to limi: to the integrity of
acceptable Jevelso At the Grand Coulee Tho of structures to

was constructed by le o o o' 111 -
completion of the pow h avmg a core of sohd gramte unexcavated until the
plished by using ouse sorne years later; this was accom-
limits of the bl t dO blastmg techmque on the upstream and downstream
as a to the cofferdam
D oTransportation engineering also eaUs roek mechanics in many ways
of cut for highwoays, railways, canals, pipelines, and penstock;
may mvolve testmg and analys1s of the system of discontinuitieso Considerable
1.1 Fields of Application ofHock Mechanics 9
cost savings are possible if the orientation of the right of way can be adjusted
based on the rock mechanics studies, but this is not always practical. The
decision to place portions of such routes underground is partly determined by
judgments about the rock conditions and relative costs of open cuts and tun-
neIso Savings can be realized in penstock steeI by assigning a portion of the
stress to the rock if the penstock is placed in a tunnel; in that case rock tests can
determine rock properties for the designo Sometimes penstocks can be left
unlined; rock stress measurements may then be required to assure that leakage
will not be disastrouso In urban areas, transportation routes at the surface may
have to accept subvertical sIopes because of the high values of Iand, and,
accordingly, permanentIy stable slopes will have to be maintained by artificial
supportso Considerable testing and analysis of the rock may be justified to
provide an interpretational framework for instruments provided to monitor
long-term safetyo
Surface excavations for other purposes may also demand rock mechanics
input in control of blasting, selection of cut slopes and Iocation of safety
benches, and provision for support. In the case of open pit mines, which reIy on
economical excavation for profitabIe operation, considerable study may be
warranted in choosing appropriate rock slopeso Statistical methods of dealing
with the many variables are being developed to enable the mine planner to
determine mining costs in the most useful termso Since these mines cannot
afford generous factors of safety, they often support thorough monitoring of
rock deformation and stress. Normally, artificial supports are not provided
because the costs would be prohibitive, but rock boJts, retaining structures,
drains, and other measures are sometimes required at the sites of power struc-
tures and at crushers or conveyor belts within th pit. Spillway cuts for dams
also can attain impressive dimensions and demand rock mechanics attention
(Figo 1.3)0 Such cuts as sume a value far greater than their cost since failure at
an unfortunate time could allow overtopping of the dam; even so, the costs of
major spillway cuts can rival the cost of even a large dam and thus such
excavations can be considered engineering structures in their own righi. Rock
mechanics affects the decision on whether to locate spillways in open cut or in
Underground excavations call upon the discipline of rock mechanics in
many wayso In mining, the design of cutters and drills can be tailored to the
rock conditions, which are determined by suitable laboratory tests. This also
applied to tunneling with moles or tunneling machineso A major decision of
mining is whether to attempt to maintain the openings while removing the ore,
or instead to let the rock deformo The rock condition and state of stress is
fundamentally important in reaching this decision correctlyo In stable mining
methods, the dimensions of pillars, rooms, and other rock components are
based upon rock mechanics studies using numerical analysis or applicable the-
ory, and calling into play thorough rock testing programs. In the case of unsta-
10 Infroduction
Figure 1.3 The ftip bucket for the side-hill spillway
for Chivor rock-fill dam, Colombia. Note the road-
way and access tunnel in the lower left and the
drainage tunnel under the ftip bucket. (Owner,
I.S.A.; Engineer, Ingetec, Ltda.)
ble the layout of haulageways and "draw points" is based
studles aImmg to minimize dilution of ore with waste rock and to optimize
Underground chambers are now being used for a variety of purposes other
transportation mining. Sorne of these applications are demanding new
kmds of data and specIaI technology. Storage of liquefied natural gas in under-
ground chambers requires determination of rack praperties under conditions of
extreme cold and analysis of heat transfer in the rack. Storage of oil and gas in
mined chambers (Figure 1.4) requires a leakproof underground environment.
Any large undergraund chamber, regardless ofits special requirements, should
1.1 Fields of Application of Rock Mechanics 11
Figure 1.4 An underground chamber for st?:age of
troleum products in Norway. A storage facIllty conslsts
of a number of such chambers. (Photo courtesy of Tor
be stable essentially without support and this depends upon the state of
and the pattern and properties of discontinuities. Underground
power plants which offer advantages over surface power plants m mountam-
, ) d ous
ous terrain feature very large machine halls (e.g., 25-m span an numer
, . . p. 7 1) The
other openings in a complex three-dlmenslOnal arrangement 19. . .
orientation and layout of these openings depend almost entIrely upon rock
mechanics and geological considerations. Blasting, design of supports, and
most other engineering aspects of such schemes depend rack
conditions therefore rack mechanics is a basic too1. The mibtary IS mterested
in openings to create invulnerable facilities. dynamics has
figured prominentIy in design of such schemes, since the secunty of the open-
ings must be maintained in the face of enormous graund shock pressures. The
1: lntroduction
military has sponsored special prototype tests to failure that have advanced the
knowledge of rock properties and behavior and of rock/structure interactions.
mechanics is important in the field of energy deuelopment (in
addlhon to the hydroelectnc works aIread y mentioned). In petroleum engineer-
ing, design of drilling bits depends upon rock properties; bit wear is one of the
major elements of cost. Rock mechanics studies are being directed toward
solving the problems associated with deep drilling, to allow recovery from
greater depths. In shales, salts, and certain other rocks, depth limitations are
created by flowage of the rock and rapid c10sure of the holeo A laboratory has
been built in Salt Lake City (Terra Tek Drilling Laboratory) to allow full-scale
simulation of drilling at depths up to 20,000 feet and at temperatures up to
340C. The petroleum industry pioneered the use ofhydraulically induced frac-
tures to increase reservoir yield. Hydraulic fracturing is now a standard re ser-
voir operation. It is also being investigated as a mechanism for exchanging the
earth's heat as a source of geothermal energy in dry, hot rocks. In the Los
Alamos. Scientific Laboratory scheme, under full-scale field investigation, a
hydraulIc fracture circulates cold water into hot rock; the heated water is
returned to the surface through a second drill hole intersecting the top of the
fracture. In the nuclear energy field, in addition to the problems of constructing
the surface and/or underground facilities in rock and the elaborate precautions
required by licensing agencies to insure that there are no active faults or other
hazards. on site, the industry is burdened with large quantities of
hlgbly tOXIC, 10ng-lIved radioactiue wastes. The current plan is to isolate these
in stainless steel canisters by emplacement in specially mined cavities in
deposlts ofrock salt and perhaps in granite, basalt, tuff or other rock types. Salt
was selected because of its relatively high heat conductivity together with
water tightness since fractures tend to be absent or healed. The rock
wIlI. as sume temperatures of approximately 200C after emplacement of the
New. applications for rock mechanics are appearing with great rapidity.
ExploratlOn of extraterrestrial space, prediction of earth-
quakes, mmmg, compressed air storage in underground chambers, and
other eX?tlc fields calling on further development of rock technology.
we.are. still not completely in command ofthe essential ingredients
for m sorne of the more mundane applications mentioned previ-
ously. Thls IS because of the special nature of rock, which renders it different
and perhaps more difficult to deal with than other engineering materials.
1.2 The Nalure ofRocks
When attempting to formulate mechanical behavior of solids, it is common to
as sume they are ideally homogeneous, continuous, isotropic (nondirectional in
1': The Nature of Rocks 13
.e) llnear and elastic. Rocks can be nonideal in a number of ways.
prope 1 s , ' 1
. t they are seldom truly continuous, because pores or fissures are usua .
Flrs , d . 1 t ., d b
ected P
ores approximately eqUl ImenslOna caViles, are loun e-
Interconn , . . ., d
th g
rains of sedimentary rocks. Isolated vugs of other ongms are loun
tween e .. f k t
. 1 a IC rocks and soluble carbonate rocks. Smce the capaclty o roc s o
10 VO C n . f h d
d t
ransmit fluid s is largely dependent upon the behavlOr o t ese VOl s,
store an .. k 1 .
. 1 theory has been developed pnmanly by wor ers m petro eum engl-
a specta ' .
. to deal with the deformations, stresses, and water pressures m porous
neenng, . h d k h t h
crohssures are small planar cracks common m ar roc s t a ave
roc s. 'J< 11 d t 1
undergone internal deformation; they occur as me an crys a
boundary cracks. A fissured rock is like a test speclmen that has loaded
into the cracking region (i.e., that has been behavlOr of the
network of fissures is as important or even .more Vital regard to rock
properties than the mineralogic Itself. fissures and
pores do the following: they create nonlInear re.sponse, espe-
cially at low stress levels; they reduce t?e tensIle (espectally
they create stress dependency in propertles; they
and scatter in test results; and they mtroduce a scale effect lOto predlctlOns of
behavior. . .
A related nonideality of most rocks is the presence of macrodlscontl-
nuities. Regular cracks and fractures are usual at shallow depth.s beneath. the
surface and sorne persist to depths of thousands of meters. Jomts: beddmg-
plane partings, minor faults, and other recurrent planar fractu!es radlc.ally. alter
the behavior of rock in place from that predictable on the basls of .testm
samples, even though the latter may possess fissures. The mechamcs of dlscon-
tinuous rocks is especially relevant to engineers of surface structures, surface
excavations and shallow underground excavations. Indeed, it was the move-
ment of a biock bounded by faults and joints that undermined the Malpasset
Arch Dam in 1959 (Figure 1.5). .-
The effect of a single fracture in a rock mass is to lower the tensIle strength
nearly to zero in the direction perpendicular to the fracture plane, and to
restrict the shear strength in the direction parallel to the fracture planeo If
joints are not randomly distributed (and they almost never are) then the .IS
to create pronounced anisotropy of strength, as weH as of aH other propertles m
the rock mass. For example, the strength of a foundation loaded to
the bedding may be less than one-half of the strength when the load IS apphed
perpendicular or paraHel to the bedding. Anisotropy is comm?n in
even without discontinuous structure because of preferred onentatlOns of mm-
eral grains or directional stress history. Foliation and schistosity make schists,
slates, and many other metamorphic rocks highly directional their deforma-
bility, strength, and other properties. Bedding makes shales,
stones and limestones and other common sedimentary rocks hIghly amsO-
tropic. AIso, even rock specimens apparently free from bedding
such as thick-bedded sandstones and limestones, may prove to have dlrechonal
14 Introduction
Figure 1.5 A view of the left abutment of Malpas-
set arch after its failure. The movement of a
dehmlted by discontinuity surfaces, one of
whlch forms the newly exposed rock surface on
the abutment, brought on the rupture of the con-
crete arch.
properties because they were subjected to unequal principal stresses as the
were transformed from sediment into rock. FinalIy fi d
unequal initial stresses wilI be anisotropic
y In uenced by the state of stress across the fissures' the are one
matehnal wdhen the fissures are cIosed, and another when the fissu;es a;e opened
or s eare .
. We. can discuss a "mechanics of rocks" in these chapters but such a
lSCUSSlon must be b d . 'f' .
" k'" roa In 1 It lS to have general value because the term
roc Includes a great vanety of material types. Granite can behave in a
Sources of Information in Rack Mechanics 15
brittle, elastic manner, Up to confining pressures of hundreds of megapascals
(MPa), while carbonate rocks become plastic at moderate pressures and ftow
like cIay. Compaction s hale s and friable sandstones are weakened by immer-
sion in water. Gypsum and rock salt are incIined to behave plasticalIy at rela-
tively low confining pressures and are highly soluble.
Despite all these problems with rock as an engineering material, it is possi-
ble to support engineering decisions with meaningful tests, calculations, and
observations. This is the subject of our study.
Sources of Information in Rock Mechanics
KWIC Index of Rock Mechanics Literature published before 1969, in two volumes, E.
Hoek (Ed.). Produced by Rock Mechanics Information Service, Imperial College,
London. Published by AIME, 345 E. 47th Street, New York, NY 10017. A compan-
ion volume, Part 2, carrying the bibliography forward from 1969 to 1976 was pub-
lished by Pergamon Press Ltd, Oxford (1979); J. P. Jenkins and E. T. Brown (Eds.).
Geomechanics Abstracts: see International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining
Science. These are key-worded abstracts of articles published worldwide; issued
and bound with the journal.
Attewell, P. B. and Farmer, 1. W. (1976) Principies of Engineering Geology, Chapman
& Hall, London.
Bieniawski, Z. T. (1984) Rock Mechanics Design in Mining and Tunneling, Balkema,
Brady, B. H. G. and Brown, E. T. (1985) Rock Mechanics for Underground Mining,
Allen & Unwin, London.
Brown, E. T. (Ed.) (1981) Rock Characterization. Testing, and Monitoring: ISRM
Suggested Methods, Pergamon, Oxford.
Brown, E. T. (Ed.) (1987) Analytical and Computational Methods in Engineering Rock
Mechanics, Allen & Unwin, London.
Budavari, S. (Ed.) (1983) Rock Mechanics in Mining Practise, South African Institute
of Mining and Metallurgy, Johannesburg.
Coates, R. E. (1970) Rock Mechanics Principies, Mines Branch Monograph 874, re-
vised, CANMET (Canadian Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources), Ottawa.
DOWding, C. H. (1985) Blast Vibration Monitoring and Control, Prentice-Hall, Engle-
wood Cliffs, NJ.
Farmer, 1. W. (1983) Engineering Behaviour of Rocks, 2d ed., Chapman & Hall, Lon-
I One megapascal equals 145 psi.
16 Introduction
Goodman, R. E. (1976) Methods of Geological Engineering in Discontinuous Rocks,
West, St. Paul, MN.
Goodman, R. E. and Shi, G. H. (1985) Block Theory and lts Application to Rock
Engineering, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
Hoek, E. and Bray, J. (1981) Rock Slope Engineering, 3d ed., Institute of Mining and
Metallurgy, London.
Hoek, E. and Brown, E. T. (1980) Underground Excavations in Rock, Institute of
Mining and Metallurgy, London.
Jaeger, C. (1972) Rock Mechanics and Engineering, Cambridge Univ. Press, London.
Jaeger, J. C. and Cook, N. G. W. (1979) Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics, 3d ed.,
Chapman & Hall, London.
Krynine, D. and Judd, W. (1959) Principies of Engineering Geology and Geotechnics,
McGraw-Hill, New York.
Lama, R. D. and Vutukuri, V. S., with Saluja, S. S. (1974, 1978) Handbook on Mechan-
ical Properties of Rocks (in four volumes), Trans Tech Publications, Rockport,
MA. Vol. 1 (1974) by Vutukuri, Lama, and Saluja; Vols. 2-4 (1978) by Lama and
Obert, L. and Duvall, W. (1967) Rock Mechanics and the Design of Structures in Rocks,
Wiley, New York.
Priest, S. D. (1985) Hemispherical Projection Methods in Rock Mechanics, Allen &
Unwin, London.
Roberts, A. (1976) Geotechnology, Pergamon, Oxford.
Turchaninov, 1. A., Iofis, M. A., and Kasparyan, E. V. (1979) Principies of Rock
Mechanics, Terraspace, Rockville, MD.
Zaruba, Q. and Mencl, V. (1976) Engineering Geology, EIsevier, New York.
Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Canadian National Research Council, Toronto,
lnternational Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics Ab-
stracts, Pergamon Press, Ltd., Oxford.
Geotechnical Testing Journal, American Society for Testing Materials.
Journal of the Geotechnical Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil
Engineering (ASCE), New York.
Rock Mechanics, Springer-Verlag, Vienna.
Underground Space, American Underground Association, Pergamon Press, Ltd.,
Canadian Rock Mechanics Symposia, Annual; various publishers. Sponsored by the
Canadian Advisory Committee on Rock Mec;hanics.
Congresses of the Intemational Society of Rock Mechanics (ISRM), First-Lisbon
(1966); Second-Belgrade (1970); Third-Denver (1974); Fourth-Montreux
(1979); Fifth-Melboume (1983); Sixth-Montreal (1987).
Sources of Information in Rack Mechanics 17
al Conferences and Symposia sponsored by ISRM, Institute of Civil Engineers
Specl ty .. . al C L
(L don) British Geotechmcal Soclety, AIME, IntematlOn ongress on arge
n:;s and other organizations as cited in the references after each
chapter. . bl h S
sosia on Rock Mechanics, Annual U. S. Conference; pu IS ers. pon-
by the U. S. National Committee on Rock Mechamcs.
Rock mechanics has not yet advanced the stage where teIstin

techniques can be rigorously standardlzed. the oCIe y. or
Rock Mechanics (ISRM) and the American Soclety for Testmg and Matenals
(ASTM) have published "designations" and methods" for
and field testing and for description of rock .matenals. Several of these are bsted
with the references at the ends ofthe appropnate chapters. See (.1981) under
"BOOKS" aboye. For up-to-date information about m
h ics communicate directly with ISRM, Commlsslon on Standardizatlon,
Nacional de Engenharia Civil, Avenida do Brasil, P-1799,
Portugal; and with ASTM, Committee D-18 on Soil and Rock for Engmeenng
Purposes, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103.
Classification and
Index Properties of
2.1 Geological Classification of Rocks
Although they were not developed to satisfy the needs of civil engineers, the
names geologists are able to attach to rock specimens on the basis of limited
observations with a hand lens, or with the eye alone, do often reveal something
about rock properties. If you are unfamiliar with the common rock names and
how to assign them to an unknown rock, a review of geology is highly recom-
mended. A good way to begin is to study Appendix 3, which explains simplified
schemes for classifying and naming the principal rocks and minerals. Appendix
3 also lists the periods of the earth's history, the names of which indicate the
age of a rock. A rock's age often, but not infallibly, correlates with its hardness,
strength, durability, and other properties.
From a gene tic point of view, rocks are usually divided into the three
groups: igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary. Yet these names are the
~ e s u l t s , not the starting point of classification. Since we are interested in behav-
loral rather than genetic attributes of rocks, it makes more sense to divide the
rocks into the following classes and subclasses:
20 Classification and n d e ~ Properties of Rocks
l. CrystaUine Texture
A. Soluble carbonates and salts
B. Mica or other planar mineral s
in continuous bands
C. Banded silicate minerals with-
out continuous mica sheets
D. RandomIy oriented and distrib-
uted silicate minerals of uni-
form grain size
E. Randomly oriented and distrib-
uted silicate minerals in a back-
ground of very fine grain and
with vugs
F. Highly sheared rocks
11. Clastic Texture
A. Stably cemented
B. With slightly soluble cement
C. With highly soluble cement
D. Incompletely or weakly ce-
E. Uncemented
111. Very Fine-Grained Rocks
A. Isotropic, hard rocks
B. Anisotropic on a macro scale
but microscopically isotropic
hard rocks
C. Microscopically anisotropic
hard rocks
D. Soft, soil-like rocks
Limestone, dolomite, marble, rock
salt, trona, gypsum
Mica schist, chlorite schist, graph-
ite schist
Granite, diorite, gabbro, syenite
Basalt, rhyolite, other volcanic
Serpentinite, mylonite
Silica-cemented sandstone and
limonite sandstones
Calcite-cemented sandstone and
Gypsum-cemented sandstones and
Friable sandstones, tuff
Clay-bound sandstones
Hornfels, sorne basalts
Cemented shales, flagstones
Slate, phyllite
Compaction shale, chalk, marl
2.1 Geological Classification of Rocks 21
IV. Organic Rocks
A. Soft coal Lignite and bituminous coal
B. Hard coal
C. "Oil shale"
D. Bituminous shale
E. Tar sand
Crystalline rocks are constructed of tightly interlocked crystals of silicate
mineral s or carbonate, sulfate, or other salts (Figure 2.1a). Unweathered crys-
talline silicates like fresh granite are usually elastic and strong with brittle
failure characteristics at pressures throughout the usual range for civil engi-
neering works. However, ifthe crystals are separated by grain boundary cracks
(fissures), such rocks may deform nonlinearly and "plastically" (irreversibly).
Carbonates and crystalline salt rocks may also be strong and brittle but will
beco me plastic at modest confining pressures due to intracrystalline gliding.
AIso, they are soluble in water. Mica and other sheet minerals like serpentine,
tale, chlorite, and graphite reduce the strength of rocks due to easy sliding
along the cleavage surfaces. Mica schists and related rocks are highly aniso-
tropic rocks with low strength in directions along the schistosity (Figure 2.tb)
except when the schistosity has been deformed through refolding. V.olcanic
rocks like basalts may present numerous small holes (vugs); otherwise, they'
behave similarly to granitic rocks (Figure 2.2c). Serpentinites, because they
tend to be pervasively sheared on hidden surfaces within almost any hand
specimen, are highly variable and often poor in their engineering properties.
The clastic rocks, composed of pieces of various rock types and assorted
mineral grains, owe their properties chiefly to the cement or binder that holds
the fragments together. Sorne are stably and tightly cemented and behave in a
brittle, elastic manner. Others are reduced to sediment upon more soaking in
water. In the clastic rock group, the geological names are not very useful for
rock mechanics because the name doesn't indicate the nature of the cement.
However, a full geological description can often suggest the properties of the
cement; for example, a friable sandstone, where grains can be liberated by
rubbing, is obviously incompletely or weakly cemented at best.
Shales are a group of rocks primarily composed of silt and clay that vary
Widely in durability, strength, deformability, and toughness. Cemented shales
can be hard and strong. Many so-called "compaction shales" and "mud-
stones," however, are just compacted clay soils without durable binder, and
have the attributes of hard soils rather than of rocks: they may exhibit volume
change upon wetting or drying together with extreme variation in properties
with variations in moisture content. Unlike soils, which quickly lose strength
when kept moist at their natural water content, compaction shales remain
Figure 2.1 Photornicrographs of thin sections of rocks, viewed in polarized, trans-
rnitted light (courtesy of Professor H. R. Wenk). (a) Tightly interlocked fabric of a
crystalline rock-diabase (x27).
Figure 2.1 Photornicrographs of thin sections or rocks, viewed in polarized,
transrnitted light (courtesy of Professor H. R. Wenk). (b) Highly anisotrophic
fabric of a quartz rnylonite (x20).
24 Classification and n d e ~ Properties of Rocks
Figure 2.2 Photomicrographs of thin sections of fissured rocks, photographed in
transmitted, polarized light (courtesy of H. R. Wenk). (a) Anorthosite with many
intracrvstalline and sorne nterervt"lIine fractures (x6.5).
2.1 Geological Classification of Rocks 25
Figure 2.2 Photomicrographs of thin sections of fissured rocks, photographed in
transmitted, polarized light (courtesy of H. R. Wenk). (b) Gabbro with regular fis-
sures oriented across the cleavage (x7).
Classification and Properties of Rocks
Figure .2.2 of thin sections of fissured rocks, photographed in
tr?nsmltted, polanzed hght (courtesy of H. R. Wenk). (e) Volcanic rock (trachyte)
wlth fissured sanidine phenocrysts (x30).
2.2 Properties of Rock Systems 27
intact for sorne time. However, when dried and then immersed in water, they
gradually decrease in density and strength over days, weeks, or longer. Chalk
is a highly porous elastic Crbonate rock that is elastic and brittle at low pres-
sures, but plastic at moderate pressures.
Organic rocks inelude viscous, plastic, and elastic types. Hard coal and oil
shale are strong, elastic rocks; however, the former may be fissured. Soft coal
is highly fissued and may contain hydrocarbon gases under pressure in the
pores. Tar sand may behave like a viscous liquid at high pressure or tempera-
ture; it also may contain gas under pressure.
We see that the rock family is large and "nonexelusive." Sorne of the
simple laboratory tests and measurements enumerated below will help to de-
cide what kind of material you are dealing with in any specific case.
2.2 Properties of Rock Systems
Because of the vast range in properties of rocks, which reflects varie1es of
structures, fabrics, and components, we rely on a number of basic measure-
ments to describe rocks quantitatively. Certain properties that are relatively
easy to measure are valuable in this regard and may be designated index proper-
ties for rock specimens. Porosity identifies the relative proportion of solids and
voids; density adds information about the mineralogic or grain constituents.
The sonic uelocity together with a petrographic description evaluate the degree
of fissuring. Permeability evaluates the relative interconnection of the pores;
durability indicates the tendency for eventual breakdown of components or
structures, with degradation of rock quality. FinalIy, strength determines the
present competency of the rock fabric to bind the components together. These
attributes need to be evaluated for engineering classification of rock, and to-
gether they permit one to draw useful correlations with experience for practical
applications. However, the behavior of rock specimens under changing stress,
ternperature, fluid pressure, and time includes many other facets that are not
represented by the aboye list of index properties. Therefore, characterization
of a series of indexes in the laboratory is not a substitute for careful and detailed
testing in other areas of special concern.
A list of index properties related to laboratory specimens of rock can help
classify it for applications related primarily to the behavior of the rock itself as
to the rock mass with the interactions among its system of discontinui-
A little reflection on the spectrum of applications of rock mechanics will
sorne that do involve mainly rock specimen characteristics, for example,
dnl.lability, cuttability, aggregate selection, and rip-rap evaluation. Most appli-
cahons involving excavation at the surface or underground, on the other hand,
test the system of discontinuities as much as or more than the nature ofthe rock
2S Classification and n d e ~ Propernes of Rocks
itself. In these instances, the classification of the rock mas s for engineering
purposes reftects not only laboratory tests but structural and environrnental
characteristics ofthe rock mas s in the field. We consider engineering classifica-
tion of rock mas ses later in this chapter.
2.3 Porosity
The porosity of a rock, indicated by the dirnensionless quantity n, is a fraction
expressing the proportion of void space to total space in the rock.
where v
is the volurne of pores in total volurne VI' In sedirnentary rocks,
forrned by the accurnulation of grains, rock fragrnents, or shells, the porosity
varies frorn close to O to as rnuch as 90% (n = 0.90) with 15% as a typical value
for an average sandstone. In these rocks, porosity generally decreases with
age, and with depth below the surface, other things being equal. Table 2.1
illustrates these tendencies for a nurnber of sedirnentary rocks: a typical Carn-
brian sandstone had a porosity of 11 % while a Cretaceous sandstone contained
34% pores. The effect of depth is' rnost striking in the rocks derived frorn
of clay as shown in Table 2.1. A Pennsylvanian age shale frorn
Oklahorna encountered at depth of 1000, 3000, and 5000 feet had poro sities of
16%, 7%, and 4%, respectively. Chalk is arnong the rnost porous of all rocks
with porosities in sorne instances of more than 50%. These rocks are forrned of
the hollow skeletons of rnicroscopic anirnals-coccoliths. Sorne volcanic rocks
(e.g., purnice) can also present very high porosity due to the preservation ofthe
sites of volcanic gas bubbles; in volcanic rocks, the systern of pores is not
always well connected.
In crystalline lirnestones and evaporites, and rnost igneous and rnetarnor-
phic rocks, a large proportion ofthe pore space belongs to planar cracks terrned
fissures (Figure 2.2). A relatively srnall porosity due to fissures affects the
properties of the rock to the sarne degree as a rnuch larger percentage of
subspherical pore space and, as noted in the previous chapter, creates stress
dependency in a nurnber of physical properties. In the igneous rocks, porosity
is usually less than 1 or 2% unless weathering has taken hold. As weathering
1 Compaction is a term used by geologists and petroleum engineers to describe processes by
which a sediment is densified. Soils engineers reserve this term for processes of densification
involving the expulsion of air from the voids. Consolidation refers to the expulsion of water from
the voids of a clay, in soil mechanics usage, whereas geologists and petroleum engineers use
consolidation for processes of lithification.
2.3 Porosity 29
Table 2.1 porosities of Some Typical Rocks
Showing Effects of Age and Depth
Age Depth Porosity (%)
Mount Simon sandstone
Cambrian 13,000 ft 0.7
Nugget sandstone (Utah)
Juras sic 1.9
potsdam sandstone
Cambrian Surface 1l.0
pottsville sandstone
Pennsylvanian 2.9
Berea sandstone
Mississippian 0-2000 ft 14.0
Keuper sandstone (England) Triassic Surface 22.0
Navajo sandstone
Juras sic Surface 15.5
Sandstone, Montana
Cretaceous Surface 34.0
Beekmantown dolomite
Ordovician 10,500 ft 0.4
Black River limestone
Ordovician Surface 0.46
Niagara dolomite
Silurian Surface 2.9
Limestone, Great Britain Carboniferous Surface 5.7
Chalk, Great Britain Cretaceous Surface 28.8
Solenhofen limestone
Surface 4.8
Salem limestone Mississippian Surface 13.2
Bedford limestone Mississippian Surface 12.0
Bermuda limestone Recent Surface 43.0
Shale Pre-Cambrian Surface 1.6
Shale, Oklahoma Pennsylvanian 1000 ft 17.0
Shale, Oklahoma Pennsylvanian 3000 ft 7.0
Shale, Oklahoma Pennsylvanian 5000 ft 4.0
Shale Cretaceous 600 ft 33.5
Shale Cretaceous 2500 ft 25.4
Shale Cretaceous 3500 ft 21.1
Shale Cretaceous 6100 ft 7.6
Mudstone, Japan Upper Tertiary Near surface 22-32
Granite, fresh Surface Oto 1
Granite, weathered 1-5
Decomposed granite (Sapro-
Marble 0.3
Marble 1.1
Bedded tuff 40.0
Welded tuff 14.0
Cedar City tonalite
Frederick diabase 0.1
~ n Marcos gabbro
Data selected from Clark (1966) and Brace and Riley (1972).
30 Classification and Properties of Rocks
progresses, the porosity tends to increase to 20% or more. As a result, mea-
surement of porosity can serve as an accurate index to rock quality in such
rocks. In several projects in granitic rocks the National Civil Engineering Lab-
oratory of Portugal was able to classify the rock for the purposes of engineering
design mainly on the basis of a quick porosity measurement, obtained from the
water content of the rock after immersion for 24 hours at a standard tempera-
ture and pressure (Hamrol, 1961). Among unweathered rocks, there is also a
general correlation between porosity and mechanical properties such as uncon-
fined compressive strength and modulus of elasticity; but such relationships are
usually marked by enormous scatter. In the case of weak sandstones (having
saturated compressive strength less than 20 MPa) Dobereiner and de Freitas
(1986) have demonstrated good correlations of density, modulus of elasticity,
and compressive strength with the saturated moisture contento The moisture
content of a saturated specimen is linked with its porosity by Equation 2.5.
Saturation can be approached by soaking a specimen in water while it is sub-
jected to a laboratory vacuum.
Porosity can be measured in rock specimens by a variety of techniques.
Since it is the pore space that governs the quantity of oil contained in a satu-
rated petroleum reservoir, accurate methods for porosity determination in
sandstones have been developed by the oil industry. However, these methods
are not always suitable for measurements in hard rocks with porosities of less
than several percent. Porosities can be determined from the following calcula-
1. Measured density.
2. Measured water content after saturation in water.
3. Mercury content after saturationwith mercury using a pressure injector.
4. Measured solid volume and pore air volume using Boyle's law.
These are considered further below.
2.4 Density
The density or "unit weight" of a rock, ')1, is its specific weight (FL -3),2 for
example, pounds per cubic foot or kilonewtons per cubic meter. The specific
grauity of a solid, G, is the ratio between its density and the unit weight of
water ')Iw; the latter is approximately equal to 1 g-force/cm
(9.8 kN/m
approximately 0.01 MN/m
).3 Rock with a specific gravity of 2.6 has a density
2 The terms in parenthesis indicate the dimensions ofthe preceding quantity. F, L, T indicate
force, length, and time, respectively.
3 At 20C, the unit weight of water is 0.998 g/cm
x 980 cm/s
= 978 dynes/cm
or = 0.998

2.4 Density 31
of approximately 26 kN 1m
In the system, the density of water is 62.4
ounds per cubic foot. (Mass denslty p equals ')I/g.)
p It was stated previously that the porosity of a rock can from
knowledge of its weight density. This that the speclfi.c gravlty ?f
ins or crystals is known; grain specific gravlty can be determmed by gnndmg
rock and adapting methods used in soils .. If the percentages of
different minerals can be estimated under a bmocular mlcroscope, or from a
thin section, the specific gravity of the part. a rock can then be
lated as the weighted average of the speclfic gravltles of the component grams
and crystals:
G = 2: GNi
where G
is the specific gravity of component i, and Vi is its volume percentage
in the solid part of the rock. The specific gravities of a number of common rock-
forming mineral s are listed in Table 2.2. The relation between porosity and dry
density ')Idry is
')Idry = GywO - n)
Table 2.2 Specific Gravities
oi Common Minerals
Chlorite and illite
A. N. Winchell (942).
32 Classification and n d e ~ Properties of Rocks
The dry density is related to the wet density by the relationship
'rdry = 1 + W
where w is the water content of the rock (dry weight basis).
Water content and porosity are related by
1 + W G
If the pores of the rack are filled with mercury, and the mercury content is
determined to be WHg (as a proportion of the dry weight of the rock before
mercury injection), the porosity can be calculated more accurately as follows:
n = WHg' GIGHg
1 + (WHg' GIGHg)
The specific gravity of mercury (G
) equals 13.546.
The densities of sorne common rocks are given in Table 2.3. These figures
are only sample values, of course, since special factors can cause wide varia-
tions in individual formations.
Rocks exhibit a far greater range in density values than do soils. Knowl-
edge of rock density can be important to engineering and mining practice. For
example, the density of a rock governs the stresses it will experience when
acting as a beam spanning an underground opening; unusually high density in a
roof rock implies a shortened limiting safe span. A concrete aggregate with
higher than average density can mean a smaller volume of concrete required for
a gravity retaining wall or dam. Lighter than average aggregate can mean lower
stresses in a concrete roof structure. In oil shale deposits, the density indicates
the value of the mineral commodity because the oil yield correlates directIy
with the unit weight; this is true because oil shale is a mixture of a relatively
light constituent (keragen) and a relatively heavy constituent (dolomite). In
coal deposits, the density correlates with the ash content and with the previous
depth of cover, accordingly with the strength and elasticity of the rock. It is
easy to measure the density of a rock; simply saw off the ends of a dried drill
core, calculate its volume from the dimensions, and weight it. In view of the
possible significance of variations from the norm, density should therefore be
measured routinely in rock investigations.
2.5 Hydraulic Permeabl1ity and Conductivity
Measurement of the permeability of a rock sample may have direct bearing on a
practical problem, for example, pumping water, oil, or gas into or out of a
Hydraulic Permeability and Conductivity
Table 2.3 Dry Densities of Sorne Typical Rocks
Dry Dry Dry
) (kN/m
) (lb/ft
Nepheline syenite
26.5 169
25.5 162
2.65 26.0 165
27.9 178
3.0 29.4 187
22.5 144
Rock salt
2.1 20.6 131
(density varies with the ash content)
Oil shale
(density varies with the kerogen content, and
therefore with the oil yield in gallons per ton)
30 gal/ton rock
21.0 133
Dense limestone
20.9 168
27.0 172
Shale, Oklahoma
1000 ft depth
22.1 ' 140
3000 ft depth
24.7 157
5000 ft depth
2.62 25.7
Quartz, mica schist
27.6 176
29.3 187
27.1 173
a Data from Clark (1966), Davis and De Weist (1966), and other sources.
b This is the Pennsylvanian age shale listed in Table 2.1.
porous formation, disposing ofbrine wastes in porous formations, storing ftuids
in mined caverns for energy conversion, assessing the water tightness of a
reservoir, dewatering a deep chamber, or predicting water inftows into a tun-
nel. In many instances the system of discontinuities will radically modify the
permeability values of the rock in the field as compared to that in the lab, so
that sorne sort of in situ pumping test will be required for an acceptable forecast
of formation permeabilities. Our motivation for selecting permeability as an
index property of rock is that it conveys information about the degree of inter-
connection between the pores or fissures-a basic part of the rock framework.
Furthermore, the variation of permeability with change in normal stress, espe-
cially as the sense ofthe stress is varied from compression to tension, evaluates
the degree of fissuring of the rock, since ftat crack s are greatly affected by
normal stress whereas spherical pores are not. Also, the degree to which the
permeability changes by changing the permeant from air to water expresses
34 Classification Properties of Rocks
interaction between the water and the mineral s or binder of the rock and can
detect subtle but fundamental flaws in the integrity of the rock; this promising
aspect of permeability as an index has not been fully researched.
Most rocks obey Darcy's law. For many applications in civil engineering
practice, which may involve water at about 20C, it is common to write Darcy's
law in the form
qx = k dx A
where qx is the flow rate (VT-I) in the x direction
h is the hydraulic head with dimension L
A is the cross-sectional area normal to x (dimension L2)
The coefficient k is termed the hydraulic conductivity; it has dimensions of
velocity (e.g., centimeters per second or feet per minute). When temperature
will vary considerably from 20C or when other fluid s are to be considered a
more useful form of Darcy's law is '
x JL dx
in which pis the fluid pressure (equal to 'Ywh) with dimensions of FL -2 and JL is
the viscosity of the permeant with dimensions FL -2T. For water at 20C, JL =
2.098 x 10-
lb S/ft2 = 1.005 X 10-
N s/m
and 'Y = 62.4lb/ft3 = 9.80 kN/m3.
When Darcy's law is written this way, the coefficient K is independent of
the properties of the fluid. Its dimensions are those of area (e.g., square centi-
meters). K is termed the hydraulic permeability.
A common permeability unit is the darcy: 1 darcy equals 9.86 x 10-9 cm2.
Table 2.4 gives typical values of conductivities calculated for the properties of
water at 20C; 1 darcy corresponds approximately to a conductivity value of
Permeability can be determined in the laboratory by measuring the time for
a calibrated volume of fluid to pass through the specimen when a constant air
pressure acts over the surface of the fluid. An alternative method is to generate
radial flow in a hollow cylindrical specimen, prepared by drilling a coaxial
central hole in a drill coreo When the flow is from the outer circumference
toward the center, a compressive body force is generated, whereas when the
flow is from the central hole toward the outside, a tensile body force is set up.
Consequently, rocks that owe their permeability partly to the presence of a
network of fissures demonstrate a profound difference in permeability values
according to the direction of flow. A radial permeability test was devised by
Bernaix (1969) in testing the foundation rock of the Malpasset Dam after the
failure. The permeability of the mica schist from that site varied over as much
as 50,000 times as the conditions were changed from radially outward flow with
2.5 Hydraulic Permeability and Conductivity 35
Table 2.4 Conductivities of Typical Rocks
Rock Lab
k (cm/s) for Rock with
Water (20C) as Permeant
3 X 10-
to 8 X 10-
2 X 10-
1 X 10-
to 3 X 10-
Navajo sandstone
Berea sandstone
Pierre shale
Limestone, dolomite
Salem limestone
Fissured schist
4 X 10-
3.2 X 10-
to 5 X 10-
5 X 10-
to 10-
2 X 10-
to 10-
1 X 10-
to 3 X 10-
to 10-
2 X 10-
to 5 X 10-
to 10-
to 10-
to 10-
2 X 10-
a Data from Brace (1978), Davis and De Wiest (1966), and Serafim (1968).
t' of 1 bar, to radially inward flow with I:l.P of 50 bars. The hydraulic conduc-
tivity (velocity units) from a radial flow test can be approximated by
q In(R
k = 27/'Ll:l.h
where q is the volume rate of flow
L is the length of the specimen
R2 and RI are the outer and inner radii of the specimen
I:l.h is the head difference across the flow region corresponding to I:l.P
An advantage of the radial permeability test, in addition to its capability to
distinguish flow in fissures from flow in pores, is the fact that very large flow
gradients can be generated, allowing permeability measuremejlt in the milli-
darcy region. For rocks considerably less permeable than that, for example,
granites with permeability in the region 10-
darcy and below, Brace et al.
(1968) devised a transient flow test.
Dense rocks like granite, basalt, schist, and crystalline limestone usually
exhibit very small permeability as laboratory specimens, yet field tests in such
rocks may show significant permeability as observed in Table 2.4. The reason
for this discrepancy is usually attributed to regular sets of open joints and
throughout the rock mass. Snow (1965) showed that it is usefuI to
ldealize the rock mass as a system of parallel smooth plates, all flow running
between the plates. When there are three mutually perpendieular sets of frac-
36 Classiflcation and Properties of Rocks
tures with parallel walls, all with identical aperture and spacing and ideally
smooth, the conductivity of the rock mass is theoretically expressed by
k =
where S is the spacing between fractures and e is the fracture aperture (in-
terwall separation). It is seldom feasible to calculate the rock permeability from
a description of the fractures, although Rocha and Franciss (1977) have shown
how this can be done by using oriented, continuous core samples and correct-
ing the data with results from a few pumping tests. Equation 2.10 is useful,
however, for calculating the hypothetical fracture aperture e, that gives the
same permeability value as measured in the field (corresponding to an assigned
fracture spacing S). The aperture and spacing of the fractures then pro vide
quantitative indexes of rock mass quality.
2.6 Strength
The value of having an index to rock strength is self-evident. The problem is
that strength determinations on rock usually require careful test setup and
specimen preparation, and the results are highly sensitive to the method and
style of loading. An index is useful only if the properties are reproducible from
one laboratory to another and can be measured inexpensively. Such a strength
index is now available using the point load test, described by Broch and Frank-
lin (1972). In this test, a rock is loaded between hardened steel cones, causing
failure by the development of tensile cracks parallel to the axis of loading. The
test is an outgrowth of experiments with compression of irregular pieces of
rock in which it was found that the shape and size effects were relatively small
and could be accounted for, and in which the failure was usually by induced
tension. In the Broch and Franklin apparatus, which is commercially available,
the point load strength is
Is = D2 (2.11)
where P is the load at rupture, and D is the distance between the point loads.
Tests are done on pieces of drill core at least 1.4 times as long as the diameter.
In practice there is a strength/size effect so a correction must be made to
reduce results to a common size. Point load strength is found to fall by a factor
of 2 to 3 as one proceeds from cores with diameter of 10 mm to diameters of 70
mm; therefore, size standardization is required. The point load index is re-
ported as the point load strength of a 50-mm coreo (Size correction charts are
2.7 Slaking and Durability 37
Table 2.5 Typical Point Load Values
Material Point Load Strength Index (MPa)
Tertiary sandstone and claystone
Mudstone, shale
Volcanic fiow rocks
a Data from Broch and Franklin (1972) and other sources.
given by Broch and Franklin.) A cite.d correlation between point
load index and unconfined compreSSlOn strength IS
qu = 24I
(50) (2.12)
where qu is the unconfined compressive strength of cylinders with a length to
diameter ratio of 2 to 1, and I
(50) is the point load strength corrected to a
diameter of 50 mm. However, as shown in Table 3.1, this relations?ip be
severely inaccurate for weak rocks and it should be checked by specIaI cahbra-
tion studies wherever such a correlation is important in practice.
The point load strength test is quick and simple, and it can be in the
field at the site of drilling. The cores are broken but not destroye?, the
fractures produced tend to be cIean, single breaks that can be dlstmgUlshed
from preexisting fractures sampled by the drilling operation .. load
results can be shown on the drilllog, along with other geotechmcal mformatlOn,
and repetition of tests after the core has dried out the of
natural water conditions on strength. Values of the pomt load mdex are glven
for a number of typical rocks in Table 2.5.
2.7 Slaking and Durability
Durability of rocks is fundamentally important for all in
the properties of rocks are produced by exfoliation, hydratlOn, decrepItatlOn
(slaking), solution, oxidation, abrasion, and other processes. In sorne
and sorne volcanic rocks, radical deterioration in rock quality occurs r.apldly
after a new surface is uncovered. Fortunately, such changes usualIy act lmper-
ceptibly through the body of the rock and only the immediate surface. i.s de-
graded in tens of years. At any rate, sorne index to the degree of alterablhty of
rock is required. Since the paths to rock destruction devised by nature are
many and varied, no test can reproduce expectable service conditions for more
38 Classification and n d e ~ Properties of Rocks
than a few special situations. Thus an index to alteration is useful mainly in
offering a relative ranking of rock durability.
One good index test is the slake durability test proposed by Franklin and
Chandra (1972). The apparatus consists of a drum 140 mm in diameter and 100
mm long with sieve mesh forming the cylindrieal walls (2 mm opening); about
500 g of rock is broken into 10 lumps and loaded inside the drum, which is
tumed at 20 revolutions per minute in a water bath. Mter 10 min of this slow
rotation, the percentage ofrock retained inside the drum, on a dry weight basis,
is reported as the slake durability index (Id). Gamble (1971) proposed using a
second lO-min cyc1e after drying. Values ofthe slake durability index for repre-
sentative shales and c1aystones tested by Gamble varied over the whole range
from O to 100%. There was no discernible connection between durability and
geologieal age but durability increased linearly with density and inversely with
natural water content. Based upon his results, Gamble proposed a c1assification
of slake durability (Table 2.6).
Morgenstern and Eigenbrod (1974) expressed the durability of shales and
claystones in terms of the rate and amount of strength reduction resulting from
soaking. They showed that noncemented claystone or shale immersed in water
tends to absorb water and soften until it reaches its liquid limito The latter can
be determined by a standard procedure described in ASTM designation D423-
54T after disaggregating the rock by shaving it with a knife and mixing the
shavings with water in a food blender. Materials with high liquid limits are more
severely disrupted by slaking than those with low liquid limits. Classes of,
amounts of slaking were therefore defined in terms of the value of the liquid
limit as presented in Table 2.7. The rate at whieh slaking occurs is independent
of the liquid limit but can be indexed by the rate of water content change
following soaking. The rate of slaking was c1assified in terms of the change in
liquidity index (M
) following immersion in water for 2 h; M
is defined as
AT _ aw
WL - Wp
Table 2.6 Gamble's Slake Durability Classification
Group Name
Very high durability
High durability
Medium high durability
Medium durability
Low durability
Very low durability
% Retaioed after Ooe
lO-mio Cycle
(Dry Weight Basis)
% Retaioed after Two
lO-mio Cycles
(Dry Weight Basis)
2.S Sonie Velocity as an l n d e ~ lo Degree of Fissuring 39
Table 2.7 Description of Rate and Amount of Slaking
Amount of Slaking
Very low
Very high
Rate of Slaking
Very fast
Liquid Limit (%)
Change in Liquidity Index after Soaking 2 h
a After Morgenstem and Eigenbrod (1974).
where a W is the change in water content of the rock or soil after soaking for 2 h
on filter paper in a funnel
wp is the water content at the plastic limit
WL is the water content at the liquid limit
AH the water contents are expressed as a percentage of the dry weight. These
indexes and procedures for determining them are described in most textbooks
on soil mechanics (e.g., Sowers and Sowers, cited in Chapter 9).
2.8 Sanie Velocity as an l n d e ~
to Degree of Fissuring
Measurement of the velocity of sound waves in a core specimen is relatively
simple and apparatus is available for this purpose. The most popular method
pulses one end of the rock with a piezoelectric crystal and receives the vibra-
tions with a second crystal at the other end. The travel time is determined by
measuring the phase difference with an oscilloscope equipped with a variable
del ay lineo It is also possible to resonate the rock with a vibrator and then
ca1culate its sonie velocity from the resonant frequency, known dimensions,
and density. Both longitudinal and transverse shear wave velocities ~ a n . be
determined. However, the index test described here requires the determlOatlOn
of only the longitudinal velocity VI, which proves the easier to measure. ASTM
Designation D2845-69 (1976) describes laboratory determination ofpulse veloc-
ities and ultrasonic elastic constants of rock.
Theoretically, the velocity with which stress waves are transmitted through
rock depends exc1usively upon their elastic properties and their density (as
explored in Chapter 6). In practice, a network of fissures in the specimen
40 Classifieation and n d e ~ Properties of Hoeks
superimposes an overriding effect. This being the case, the sonic velocity can
serve to index the degree of fissuring within rock specimens.
Fourmaintraux (1976) proposed the following procedure. First calculate the
longitudinal wave velocity (V*) that the speciment would have if it lacked
pores or fissures. If the mineral composition is known, V* can be calculated
_1 = C (2.14)
V* i V/,i
where VI, is the longitudinal wave velocity in mineral constituent i, which has
volume proportion C in the rock. Average velocities of longitudinal waves in
rock-forming mineral s are given in Table 2,8. Table 2,9 lists typical values of
V* for a few rock types.
Now measure the actual velocity of longitudinal waves in the rock speci-
men and form the ratio V/V*, As a quality index define
IQ% = V* x 100% (2.15)
Experiments by Fourmaintraux established that IQ is affected by pores (spheri-
cal holes) according to
IQ% = 100 - 1.6n
% (2.16)
where np% is the porosity of nonfissured rock expressed as a percentage.
However, ifthere is even a small fraction offtat cracks (fissures), Equation 2.16
breaks down.
Table 2.8 Longitudinal
Velocities of Minerals
Mineral VI (mis)
Quartz 6050
Olivine 8400
Augite 7200
Amphibole 7200
Muscovite 5800
Orthoclase 5800
Plagioclase 6250
Calcite 6600
Dolomite 7500
Magnetite 7400
Gypsum 5200
Epidote 7450
Pyrite 8000
From Fourmaintraux (1976).
2.8 Sonie Velocity as an I n d e ~ to Degree of Fissuring 41
Table 2.9 Typical Values
ofV" for Rocks
Sandstone and quartzite
Granitic rocks
a From Fourmaintraux (1976).
vt (mis)
}> '/ ' f
: I
For example, a sandstone with np equals 10% had IQ equal to 84%. After
heating the rock to a high temperature that produced an additional increment of
ftat cracks amounting to 2% pore space (np = 10%, n = 12%), IQ fell to 52%.
(Heating opens grain boundary cracks in minerals with different coefficients of
thermal expansion in different directions, in this case quartz.)
Because of this extreme sensitivity of IQ to fissuring and based upon labo-
ratory measurements and microscopic observations offissures, Fourmaintraux
proposed plotting IQ versus porosity (Figure 2.3) as a basis for describing the
degree of fissuring of a rock specimen. Entering the figure with known porosity
* o
Figure 2.3 Classification scheme for fissuring in rock specimens.
(After Fourmaintraux 1976.)
42 Classification and lnde" Properties of Rocks
and calculated IQ defines a point in one of the five fields: (1) nonfissured to
slightly fissured, (I!) slightly to moderately fissured, (II!) moderately to
strongly fissured, (IV) strongly to very strongly fissured, and (V) extremely
fissured. Although it would be better to determine the length, distribution, and
extent of fissures by direct microscopic techniques, this necessitates tools and
procedures that are not generally available. On the other hand, using Figure
2.3, the degree of fissuring can be appreciated and named readily and inexpen-
sively in almost any rock mechanics laboratory.
2.9 Other Physical Praperties
Many other physical properties are important to specific engineering tasks in
rock. The hardness ofrock affects drillability. Elasticity and stress-strain coeffi-
cients are basic to engineering for dams and pressure tunnels. The thermal
properties-heat conductivity and heat capacity and the coefficient of linear
expansion-affect storage of hot and cold ftuids in cavems and geothermal
energy recovery. The following chapters consider sorne of these rock specimen
attributes further. As noted previously, an overriding inftuence on rock behav-
ior in many instances stems from the characteristics of the discontinuities,
includingjoints, bedding, foliation, and fractures. This is addressed by a mean-
ingful system of rock classification that attempts to overlay index properties of
rocks and of discontinuities.
2.10 Classificatian af Rack Masses
far Engineering Purpases
It is not always convenient to make a definitive test in support of engineering
decision involving rock, and sometimes it is not even possible. Frequently,
experience and judgment are strained in trying to find answers to design deci-
sions involving rock qualities. Where there are particular and recurrent needs
for quantitative values from rock, useful index tests are used routinely as in
evaluating the need for continued grouting below a dam, deepening a pier shaft
before filling it with concrete, or establishing the thickness of shotcrete lining in
a newly excavated stretch of a rock tunnel. Thus it is not surprising that
numerous schemes have been devised to guide judgment through standardized
procedures and descriptions. Three especially well-received classification sys-
tems, originally advanced for tunneling, are those developed by Barton, Lien,
and Lunde (1974), Bieniawski (1974, 1984), and Wickham, Tiedemann, and
Skinner (1974).
2.10 Classification of Rock Masses for Engineering Purposes 43
Bieniawski's Geomechanics Classification system provides a general rock
mass rating (RMR) increasing with rock quality from O to 100. It is based upon
five universal parameters: strength of the rock, drill core quality, groundwater
conditions,joint and fracture spacing, andjoint characteristics. A sixth param-
eter, orientation of joints, is entered differently for specific application in tun-
neling, mining, and foundations. Increments ofrock mass rating corresponding
to each parameter are summed to determine RMR.
The strength of the rock can be evaluated using a laboratory compression
test on prepared core, as discussed in the next chapter. But for rock classifica-
tion purposes, it is satisfactory to determine compressive strength approxi-
mately using the point load test described previously on intact pieces of drill
coreo To simplify class boundaries, Bieniawski revised Equation 2.12 to qu =
. The rock mass rating increment corresponding to compressive strength
values are listed in Table 2.10.
Drill core quality is rated according to the rock quality designation (RQD)
introduced by Deere (1963). Although the RQD is widely used as asole parame-
ter for classification of rock quality, it is preferable to combine it with other
parameters accounting for rock strength, joint character, and environmental
factors as done here, since the RQD alone ignores these features. The RQD of a
rock is evaluated by determining the percentage recovery of core in lengths
greater than twice its diameter. The index was first applied solely to NX core,
usually 2.125 in. in diameter, the percentage core recovery being modified to
reject from the "recovered" category any fragments less than 4 in. in length.
The rock mass rating increments corresponding to five bands of RQD values
are given in Table 2.11.
The spacing of joints is also evaluated from drill core, if available. It is
assumed that the rock mass contains three sets of joints in general and the
spacing entered in Table 2.12 to determine the rating increment should reftect
that joint set considered to be most critical for the particular application. If the
Table 2.10 Rack Mass Rating lncrements
far Campressive Strength of the Rack
Point Load Compressive
Index (MPa) OR Strength (MPa) Rating
>10 >250 15
4-10 100-250 12
2-4 50-100 7
1-2 25-50 4
Don't use 10-25 2
Don't use 3-10 1
Don't use <3 O
44 Classiflcation and lndex. Properties of Rocks
Table 2.11 Rock
Mass Rating
Increments for
Drill Core Quality
RQD (%) Rating
90-100 20
75-90 17
50-75 13
25-50 8
<25 3
rock mass has fewer sets ofjoints, the rating may be established more favorably
than indicated in this tableo The condition of joints is also examined with
respect to the joint sets most likely to inftuence the work. In general, the
descriptions ofjoint surface roughness and coating material should be weighted
toward the smoothest and weakestjoint set. Joint condition ratings are given in
Table 2.13. Further discussion of the inftuence of joint roughness and spacing
on the properties of rocks is presented in Chapter 5.
Groundwater can strongly inftuence rock mass behavior so the geome-
chanics elassification attempts to inelude a groundwater rating term as given in
Table 2.14. If an exploratory adit or pilot tunnel is available, measurements of
water inftows or joint water pressures may be used to determine the rating
increment directly. The drill core and drilling log can be used in lieu of such
Table 2.12
Increments of
Rock Mass Rating
for Spacing of
Joints of Most
Injluential Set
(m) Rating
>2.0 20
0.6-2.0 15
0.2-.6 10
0.2 8
<0.06 5
2.10 Classiflcation of Rock Masses for Engineenng Purposes 45
Table 2.13 Rock Mass Rating
Increments for Joint Condition
Very rough surfaces of limited
extent; hard wall rock
Slightly rough surfaces; aperture
less than 1 mm; hard wall rock
Slightly rough surfaces; aperture
less than 1 mm; soft wall rock
Smooth surfaces, OR gouge filling
1-5 mm thick, OR aperture of
1-5 mm; joints extend more than
several meters
Open joints filled with more than
5 mm of gouge, OR open more
than 5 mm; joints extend more
than several meters
information to assign the rock to one of four categories from which the rating
increment is assigned-completely dry, moist, water under moderate pressure,
or severe water problems.
Since the orientation ofthejoints relative to the work canhave an inftuence
on the behavior of the rock, Bieniawski recommended adjusting the sum of the
first five rating numbers to account for favorable or unfavorable orientations,
according to Table 2.15. No points are subtracted for very favorable orienta-
tions of joints, up to 12 points are deducted for unfavorable orientations of
joints in tunnels, and up to 25 for unfavorable orientations in foundations. It is
difficult to apply these corrections by universal charts because a given orienta-
Table 2.14 Increments of Rock Mass Rating
Due to Groundwater Condition
Joint Water
Inftow per 10 m Pressure Divided
Tunnel Length OR by, Major Principal OR
(Llmin) Stress
None O
<10 0.0-0.1
10-25 0.1-0.2
25-125 0.2-0.5
>125 >0.5
Completely dry
46 Classification and Properties of Rocks
Table 2.15 Adjustment in RMR for Joint Orientations
Assessment of
Inftuence of Orientation
on the Work
Rating Increment
for Tunnels
Rating Increment
for Foundations
Very favorable
Very unfavorable
tion may be favorable or unfavorable depending upon the groundwater and
joint conditions. Thus, applying Table 2.14 requires advice from an engineering
geologist familiar with the particular rock formations and the works in ques-
tion. The orientation of joint sets cannot be found from normal, routine drilling
of rock mas ses but can be determined from drill core with special tools or
procedures, as reviewed by Goodman (1976) (work cited in Chapter 1). Logging
of the borehole using a television or camera downhole will reveal orientations
ofjoints, and absolute orientations will also be obtained from logging shafts and
Por applications in mining, involving assessments of caveability, drillabil-
ity, blasting, and supports, Laubscher and Taylor (1976) modified Tables 2.10
to 2.15 and introduced factors to adjust for blasting practice, rock stress, and
weathering. They also presented atable to find joint spacing ratings given the
separate spacings of alljoint sets. The overall RMR rating of a rock mass places
the rock in one ofthe five categories defined in Table 2.16. Specific applications
of the rock mass rating are presented in later chapters.
Table 2.16 Geomechanics Classlflcation
of Rack Masses
Class of Rock Mass
1 Very good rock
11 Good rock
III Fair rock
IV Poor rock
V Very poor rock
Sum of Rating Increments
from Tables 2.9-2.14
2.10 Classification of Rock Masses for Engineering Purposes 47
The Q system by Barton, Lien, and Lunde (1974) (also called the NGI
system) combines six parameters in a multiplicative function:
Q = (RQD/J
) x (J,/Ja) x (JjSRF) (2.16)
where RQD is the Rock Quality Designation
relates to the number of joint sets
J relates to the roughness of the most important joints
a relates to the wall rock condition and/or filling material
relates to the water flow characteristics of the rock
SRF relates to looseness and stress conditions.
The first term of Equation 2.16 is a measure of the sizes of joint blocks, the
second factor expresses the shear strength of the block surfaces, and the last
factor evaluates the important environmental conditions influencing the behav-
ior ofthe rock mass. Numerical values are assigned to each parameter ofthe Q
system according to detailed descriptions to be found in Barton et
al., which are abbreviated in Table 2.17. Table 2.18 asslgns quahtattve elasses
to the rock according to the overall value of Q.
The Q system and the RMR system inelude
and therefore cannot be strictIy correlated. EquatlOn 2.17 IS an approxlmate
connecting relationship proposed by Bianiawski, based upon a study of a large
number of case histories (standard deviation = 9.4).
RMR = 9 log Q + 44
Table 2.17 Values of the Parameters
in the Q System
Number 01 SeIs 01 Disconlinuities In
Massive 0.5
One set 2.0
Two sets 4.0
Three sets 9.0
Four or more sets 15.0
Crushed rock 20.0
Roughness 01 Discontinuities 1/
Noncontinuous joints 4.0
Rough, wavy 3.0
Smooth, wavy 2.0
Rough, planar 1.5
Smooth, planar 1.0
Slick, planar 0.5
"Filled" discontinuities 1.0
* Add 1.0 if mean joint spacing
exceeds 3 m
4S Classification and Properties of Rocks
FiIling and Wall Rock Alteration
Essentially unfilled
Staining only; no alteration
Silty or sandy coatings
Clay coatings
Sand or crushed rock filling
Stiff clay filling <5 mm thick
Soft clay filling <5 mm thick
Swelling clay filling <5 mm thick
Stiff clay filling >5 mm thick
Soft clay filling >5 mm thick
Swelling clay filling >5 mm thick
Water Conditions
Medium water inflow
Large inflow with unfilled joints
Large inflow with filled joints that
wash out
High transient inflow
High continuous inflow
Stress Reduction Class SRF*
Loose rock with clay-filled
discontinuities 10.0
Loose rock with open discontinuities 5.0
Rock at shallow depth 50 m) with
clay-filled discontinuities 2.5
Rock with tight, unfilled discontinuities
under medium stress 1.0
* Barton et al. also define SRP values corresponding
to degrees of bursting, squeezing, and swelling rock
The use of engineering classification systems for rock is still somewhat contro-
versial. Proponents point to the opportunities they offer for empiricism in
design of tunnels, mines, and other works in rock. an attempt to
fill out the tables of values required by these schemes dlSClphnes the observer
and produces a careful, thorough scrutiny of mass. ?n the other hand,
these classifications tend to promote generallzatlons tbat m sorne cases are
Table 2.18 After Barton, Lien,
and Lunde (1974)
References 49
Q Rock Mass Quality for Tunneling
0.01- 0.1
0.1 - 1.0
1.0 - 4.0
4.0 - 10.0
10.0 - 40.0
40.0 -100.0
100.0 -400.0
Exceptionally poor
Extremely poor
Very poor
Very good
Extremely good
Exceptionally good
inadequate to describe the full range of specifics of real rocks. Whichever
argument prevails in a particular case, there can be no doubt that classification
systems are proving valuable to many in various aspects of applied rock me-
Aastrup, A. and Sallstrom, S. (1964) Purther Treatment of Problematic Rock Pounda-
tions at Bergeforsen Dam. Proc. Eighth Congo on Large Dams, Edinburgh, p. 627.
Barton, N. (1976) Recent experiences with the Q-system of tunnel support design,
Proceedings of Symposium on Explorationfor Rock Engineering (Balkema, Rotter-
dam), Vol. 1, pp. 107-118.
Barton, N., Lien, R., and Lunde, J. (1974) Engineering classification ofrock masses for
the design of tunnel support, Rock Mech. 6: 189-236.
Bernaix, J. (1969) New Laboratory methods of studying the mechanical properties of
rock, lnt. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. 6: 43-90.
Bieniawski, Z. T. (1974) Geomechanics classification ofrock masses and its application
in tunneling, Proc. 3rd Congo ISRM (Denver), Vol. 2A, p. 27.
Bieniawski, Z. T. (1976) Rock mas s classifications in rock engineering, Proceedings of
Symposium on Exploration for Rock Engineering (Balkema, Rotterdam), Vol. 1,
pp. 97-106.
Bieniawski, Z. T. (1984) Rock Mechanics Design in Mining and Tunneling, Balkema,
Brace, W. P. and Riley, D. K. (1972) Static uniaxial deformation of 15 rocks to 30 kb,
lnt. J. Rock Mech. Mining Sci. 9: 271-288.
Brace, W. P., Walsh, J. B., and Prangos, W. T. (1968) Permeability of granite under
high pressure, J. Geoph. Res. 73: 2225-2236.
50 Classification and n d e ~ Properties of Rocks
Broch, E. and Franklin, J. A. (1972) The point load strength test, Int. J. Rock Mech.
Mining Sci. 9: 669-697.
Clark, S. P. (Ed.) (1966) Handbook of Physical Constants, Geological Society of Amer-
ica, Memoir 97.
Daly, R. A., Manger, G.I., and Clark, S. P., Jr. (1966) Density ofrocks. In S. P. Clark,
Ed., Handbook of Physical Constants, rey. ed., Geological Society of America,
Memoir 97, pp. 19-26.
Davis, S. N. and DeWiest, R. J. M. (1966) Hydrogeology, Wiley, New York.
Deere, D. U. (1963) Technical description of rock cores for engineering purposes, Rock
Mech. Eng. Geol. 1: 18.
Dobereiner, L. and de Freitas, M. H. (1986) Geotechnical properties of weak sand-
stones, Geotechnique 36: 79-94.
Fourmaintraux, D. (1976) Characterization of rocks; laboratory tests, Chapter IV in La
Mcanique des roches applique aux ouvrages du gnie civil by Marc Panet et al.
Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chausses, Paris.
Franklin, J. A. and Chandra, R. (1972) The slake durability index, Int. J. Rock Mech.
Min. Sci. 9: 325-342.
Franklin, J. A., Vogler, U. W., Szlavin, J., Edmond, J. M., and Bieniawski, Z. T. (1979)
Suggested methods for determining water content, porosity, density, absorption
and related properties and swelling and slake durability index properties for ISRM
Commission on Standardization of Laboratory and Field Tests, Int. J. Rock Mech.
Min. Sci. 16: 141-156.
Gamble, J. C. (1971) Durability-plasticity classification of shales and other argillaceous
rocks, Ph. D. thesis, University of Illinois.
Hamrol, A. (1961) A quantitative classification of the weathering and weatherability of
rocks, Proceedings, 5th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Founda-
tion Engineering (Paris), Vol. 2, p. 771.
Kulhawy, F. (1975) Stress deformation properties ofrock and rock discontinuities, Eng.
Geol. 9: 327-350.
Laubscher, D. H. and Taylor, H. W. (1976) The importance of geomechanics classifica-
tion of jointed rock masses in mining operations, Proceedings of Symposium on
Explorationfor Rock Engineering (Johannesburg), Vol. 1, pp. 119-135.
Morgenstern, N. R. and Eigenbrod, K. D. (1974) Classification ofargillaceous soils and
rocks, J. Geotech. Eng. Div. (ASCE) 100 (GT 10): 1137-1158.
Mller-Salzburg, L. (1963, 1978) Der Felsbau, Vols. 1 and 3, (In German), Ferdinand-
Enke, Stuttgart.
Nakano, R. (1979) Geotechnical properties of mudstone of Neogene Tertiary in Japan,
Proceedings of International Symposium on Soil Mechanics in Perspective (Oax-
aca, Mexico), March, Session 2 (International Society of Soil Mechanics and Foun-
dation Engineering).
Rocha, M. and Franciss, F. (1977) Determination of permeability in anisotropic rock
mas ses from integral samples, Rock Mech. 9: 67-94.
Rummel, F. and Van Heerden, W. L. (1978) Suggested methods for determining sound
velocity, for ISRM Commission on Standardization of Laboratory and Field Tests,
Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. 15: 53-58. .
Rzhevsky, V. and Novik, G. (1971) The Physics of Rocks, Mlr, Moscow.
Problems 51
Snow, D. T. (1965) A parallel plate model offractured permeable media, Ph.D. thesis,
University of California, Berkeley.
Snow, D. T. (1968) Rock fracture spacings, openings, and porosities, J. Soil Mech.
Foundations Div. (ASCE) 94 (SM 1): 73-92.
Techter, D. and Olsen, E. (1970) Stereogram Books of Rocks, Minerals & Gems,
Hubbard, Scientific. Northbrook, IL.
Underwood, L. B. (1967) Classification and identification of shales, J. Soil Mech. Foun-
dations Div. (ASCE) 93 (SM 6): 97-116.
Wickham, G. E., Tiedemann, H. R., and Skinner, E. H. (1974) Ground support predic-
tion model-RSR concept, Proc. 2nd RETC Con! (AIME), pp. 691-707.
Winchell, A. N. (1942) Elements of Mineralogy, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
1. A shale of Cretaceous age is composed of 60% illite, 20% chlorite, and 20%
pyrite. The porosity values at different depths are as follows: n equals
33.5% at 600 ft; 25.4% at 2500 ft; 21.1% at 3500 ft, and 9.6% at 6100 ft.
Estimate the vertical stress at 6000 ft depth in this shale (assuming a contin-
uous thickness of shale from the surface to depth 6000 ft and saturation with
2. Three samples of rock were subjected to diametral point load tests. The
pressure gage readings at rupture were 250, 700, and 1800 psi. If the ram
area was 2.07 in.
, and the diameter of the cores tested was 54 mm, ca1cu-
late an estimate for the unconfined compressive strength of each rock.
(Ignore a size correction.)
3. A sandstone core composed of quartz and feldspar grains with ca1cite ce-
ment is 82 mm in diameter and 169 mm long. On saturation in water, its wet
weight is 21.42 N; after oven drying its weight is 20.31 N. Ca1culate its wet
unit weight, its dry unit weight, and its porosity.
4. Another core specimen from the same formation as the rock of Problem 3,
displays large voids. Its wet unit weight is 128 Ib/ft
Assuming its specific
gravityis the same as for the rock in Problem 3, estimate its porosity.
5. A granitic rock is composed of a mixture of 30% quartz, 40% plagioclase,
and 30% augite. Its porosity is 3.0% and its longitudinal wave velocity
measured in the laboratory is 3200 mis. Describe its state of fissuring.
6. A sandstone with porosity of 15% is composed of a mixture of 70% quartz
grains and 30% pyrite grains. Determine its dry density in pounds per cubic
foot and meganewtons per cubic meter.
52 Classification and n d e ~ Properties of Rocks
7. Determine the water content of the aboye rock when it is saturated with
8. A rock is injected with mercury by subjecting it to a high pressure. Derive a
formula expressing its porosity in terms of the measured mercury content,
the specific gravity of mercury, and the specific gravity of the component
9. If a rock has a permeability of 1 millidarcy, how much water will flow
through it per unit of time and area under a gradient of unity? (The water
temperature is 20C.)
10. What will be the vertical stress in the ground at a depth of 5000 ft in the
Pennsylvanian age shale whose porosity is given in Table 2.1 and whose
density is given in Table 2.3 (Oklahoma shale). (Integrate the varying den-
sity depth relation.) Express your answer in psi and MPa.
11. A rock mass has field conductivity of 10-
cm/s. Assuming the rock itself is
impervious and three orthogonal sets of smooth fractures recur with spac-
ing 1 m, calculate the aperture (e) of the fractures.
12. Derive a formula expressing the conductivity k (cm/s) of a rock mass with
orthogonal fractures characterized by identical spacing S and aperture e if
the fractures are filled with soil having permeability k (cm/s).
13. A moist rock mass is characterized by the following parameters: joint water
pressure is nil; the point load index = 3 MPa; thejoint spacing = 0.5 m; and
RQD = 55%. Prepare atable of rock mass rating versus joint condition
using the terminology of Table 2.16 for the former and Table 2.13 for the
14. An orthogonally jointed rock mass has a field permeability of 55.0 darcies.
The mean joint spacing is 0.50 m. Calculate the corresponding average
aperture of the fractures.
15. A frequently used estimator of rock mass hydraulic conductivity is the
waterloss coefficient (C) determined with "pump-in" tests. A section of an
exploratory borehole is isolated by packers, and the pressure is brought to
an elevated level (ll.p) aboye the initial water pressure in the middle of the
test section, while the flow rate (q) into the hole is monitored. For steady
state flow, arate of water loss of 1 "lugeon" corresponds to q = 1 L/min
per meter length of the test section at a pressure difference (ll.p) of 10
atmospheres (= 1 MPa) applied at the test section. How many lugeons of
water loss corresponds to a flow of 4.0 gal/min in a lO-foot-long test section
under a differential pressure (ll.p) of 55 psi?
16. A rock mass has initial unit weight equal to 'Y and, after loosening, it
Problems 53
assumes unit weight 'YI. A coefficient ofloosening (n) was defined by Mller
(1978) as
'Y - 'YI
(a) A jointed sedimentary rock mass assumes a value of n = 0.35 after
loosening and 0.08 after recompaction. Calculate the corresponding val-
ues of 'YI. ('Y = 27 kN/m
(b) Crystalline igneous rocks like granite, gneiss, and diabase have a range
of values of n = 0.35 to 0.50 after loosening and 0.08 to 0.25 after
recompaction. Compute the corresponding values of the unit weight
Rock Strength and
Failure Criteria
Chapter 3
Whenever we place an engineered structure against rock, we ask the following
two questions: Will the stresses in the rock reach the maximum levels that are
tolerable, with consequent local or gross rock failure? Will the displacements
of the rock under the loads to be applied produce such large strains in the
structure that they cause its damage or destruction? This chapter discusses the
first question. Assuming that we can estimate the initial stresses in the rock
mass and that we can predict how these stresses will be modified by the con-
struction and operation of the engineering work, how may we discover if the
rock will flow, yield, crush, crack, buckle, or otherwise give way in service?
For this we utilize "criteria of failure" -equations that link the limiting combi- -
nations of stress components separating acceptable from inadmissible condi-
tions. Before we can propose meaningful criteria, however, we should examine
how rocks usually fail, that is, whether in bending, shearing, crushing, or
3.1 Modes of Rock FaHure
The varieties of load configurations in practice are such that no single mode of
rock failure predominates. In fact, flexure, shear, tension, and compression can
each prove most critical in particular instances. Flexure refers to failure by
with develo)'ment and propagation oftensile cracks. This may tend to
Occur lO the layersAibove a mine roof (Figure 3.ta). As the "immediate roof'
detaches from the rock aboye, under gravity, a gap forms and a beam of rock
downward under its own weight. As the beam begins to crack, its neutral
axiS advances upward; eventually, the cracks extend right through the beam,
after which sections of rocks may come loose and fallo Flexural failure can also
56 Rock Strength and Failure Criteria
----- - --- ----------
-------- ------------------------

Figure 3.1 of failure involving breakage of rock. (a) Flexure.
(b) (e) Crushmg and tensde cracking, followed by shear. (d and e) Di-
rect tenSlOn.
occur in rock slopes with steeply dipping layers as the layers overturn toward
the free space ("toppling failure").
Shear failure refers to formation of a surface of rupture where the shear
stresses have critical, folIowed by release of the shear stress as the
suffers a dlsplacement along the rupture surface. This is common in slopes
cut In weak, soil-like rocks such as weathered clay shales and crushed rack f
fault.zones. It may occur i.n a mine with stiff ore and a softer, weaker roof
floor, the shear stresses In the roof or pillar base can allow the pillar to
3.1 Modes of Rock Failure 57
"punch" relatively upward into the roof (Figure 3.1h) or downward into the
floor. Rock cutters employing "drag bits" or "picks" owe their cutting action
partIy to shear along fractures caused by compression under the edge of the bit
(Figure 3.1e). The vibration of such cutters as they advance reflects the peri-
odic formation and removal of rock chips.
Direet tension is occasionally set up in rock layers resting on convex up-
ward slope surfaces (e.g., in sheeted granites (Figure 3.1d)) and in sedimentary
rocks on the flank of an anticIine. The base of the slope has layers incIined more
steeply than friction will allow and the balance of support for the weight of the
layers is the tensile pull from the stable part of the slope aboye. Direct tension
also is the mechanism of failure in rock slopes with nonconnected, short joint
planes; the formation of tension cracks severs the rock bridge s and allows a
complete block of rock to translate downward en masse (Figure 3.1e). When
rock breaks in tension, the surface of rupture is rather rough and free from
crushed rock particles and fragments. With shear failure, on the contrary, the
surface of failure is slick and there is much powder from crushing and com-
munition of rock. Direct tension failure also occurs when the circumference of
a borehole or a tunnel is stretched owing to internal water or gas pressure. The
former situation arises when a pressure tunnel is operated at excessive pressure
and when a drill hole is "hydraulically fractured" by pumping water to a high
pressure in a sectionisolated by "packers." Detonation of an explosive agent
in a borehole will raise gas pressure against the wall to millions of pounds per
square inch; tensile failure then creates a series of radial cracks beyond the
immediate periphery of the borehole, which may be crushed or in extreme
cases actually melted. Sorne extension joints in bedrock are believed to have
arisen from circumferential strain accompanying large amounts of uplift over
broad geographic belts ("epeirogeny").
Crushing or eompression failure occurs in intensely shortened volumes or
rock penetrated by a stiff puncho Examination of processes of crushing shows it
to be a highly complex mode, incIuding formation of tensile cracks and their
growth and interaction through flexure and shear. When the particIes and sliv-
ers formed by cracking are not free to move away from the zone of compres-
sion, they become finely comminuted. This happens under sorne drill bits and
under disk cutters of boring machines. In a mine pillar, overextraction of ore
can lead to pillar failure by splitting and shear, although the destruction of the
load-carrying capacity of the pillar through growth and coalescence of cracks is
sometimes spoken of as "compression failure."
It may be appreciated that the actual destruction of a load-carrying rock
mass is rather complex and involves one or more of the modes mentioned. It is
no wonder then that no single method of testing rock has been advanced to the
exclusion of others. In fact, the theory of failure makes use of a variety of
laboratory and field testing techniques adapted to the special nature of the
problem at hand.
58 Rock Strength and Failure Critera
3.2 ~ o m m o n Laboratory Strength Tests
To characterize the strength of rock specimens, unconfined and confined com-
pression tests, shear tests, and direct and indirect tension tests are used widely.
Other test configurations are preferred for special applications and a great
variety of procedures has been investigated. We review here the important
features of the most widely used tests-unconfined compression, triaxial com-
pression, splitting tension ("Brazilian tests"), beam bending, and ring shear.
Figure 3.2 shows rock preparation equipment required to prepare specimens
for such tests.
Figure 3 . .2 Equipment for preparing rock specimens for
laboratory tests. (a) A drill press modified for feed
under constant pressure and equipped with a vise to
retain arbitrary block s during drilling. (The drill press
was devised by Quentin Gorton.)
Figure 3 .2 Equipment for preparing rock speci-
mens for laboratory tests. (b) A diamond saw. (e)
A surface grinder adapted from a milling machine
by adding a diamond wheel and water bath.
60 Rack Strength and Failure Criteria
Unconfined compression (Figure 3.3a) is the most frequently used strength
test for rocks, yet it is not simple to perform properly and results can vary by a
factor of more than two as procedures are varied. The test specimen should be
a rock cylinder of length-to-width ratio in the range 2 to 2.5 with flat, smooth,
and parallel ends cut perpendicularly to the cylinder axis. Procedures are rec-
ommended in ASTM designation D2938-71a and by Bieniawski and Bernede
(1979). Capping of the ends with sulfur or plaster to specified smoothness is
thought to introduce artificial end restraints that overly strengthen the rock.
However, introduction of Teflon pads to reduce friction between the ends and
the loading surfaces can cause outward extrusion force s producing a premature
splitting failure, especially in the harder rocks. When mine pillars are studied, it
is sometimes preferable to machine the compression specimen from a large
cylinder to achieve loading through rock of the upper and lower regions into the
more slender central region. In the standard laboratory compression test, how-
ever, cores obtained during site exploration are usually trimmed and com-
pressed between the crosshead and platen of a testing machine. The compres-
(e) (dI
Figure 3.3 Common laboratory tests for characterizing rock strength criteria. (a)
Unconfined compression. (b) Triaxial compression. (e) Splitting tension (Brazilian).
(d) Four-point flexure. (e) Ring shear.
3.2 Common Laboratory Strength Tests 61
sive strength qu is expressed as the ratio of peak load P to initial cross-sectional
area A:
qu = A
Representative values of qu are listed in Table 3.l.
Triaxial compression (Figure 3.3b) refers to a test with simultaneous com-
pression of a rock cylinder and application ofaxisymmetric confining pressure.
Recommended procedures are described in ASTM designation D2664-67 (1974)
and in an ISRM Committee report by Vogler and Kvari (1978).
Table 3.1 Unconfined Compressive Strength (qu) and Ratio ofCompressive
to lndirect Tensile Strength (quiTo) for Specimens of Representative Rocks
MPa psi qjTob Reference
Berea sandstone 73.8 10,700 63.0 5
Navajo sandstone 214.0 31,030 26.3 5
Tensleep sandstone 72.4 10,500 1
Hackensack siltstone 122.7 17,800 41.5 5
Monticello Dam s.s. (greywacke) 79.3 11,500 4
Solenhofen limestone 245.0 35,500 61.3 5
Bedford limestone 51.0 7,400 32.3 5
Tavemalle limes tone 97.9 14,200 25.0 5
Oneota dolomite 86.9 12,600 19.7 5
Lockport dolomite 90.3 13,100 29.8 5
Flaming Gorge shale 35.2 5,100 167.6 3
Micaceous shale 75.2 10,900 36.3 2
Dworshak Dam gneiss
45 to foliation 162.0 23,500 23.5 5
Quartz mica schist J.. schistocity 55.2 8,000 100.4 5
Baraboo quartzite 320.0 46,400 29.1 5
Taconic marble 62.0 8,990 53.0 5
Cherokee marble 66.9 9,700 37.4 5
Nevada Test Site granite 141.1 20,500 12.1 7
Pikes Peak granite 226.0 32,800 19.0 5
Cedar City tonalite 101.5 14,700 15.9 6
Palisades diabase 241.0 34,950 21.1 5
Nevada Test Site basalt 148.0 21,500 11.3 7
John Day basalt 355.0 51,500 24.5 5
Nevada Test Site tuff 11.3 1,650 10.0 7
a Description of rocks listed in Table 3.1:
Berea sandstone, from Amherst, Ohio; fine grained, slightly porous; cemented. Navajo sand-
stone, from Olen Canyon Dam site, Arizona; friable, fine to medium grained. (Both sandstones are
Table Footnote (continued)
62 Rack Strength and Failure Criteria
predominately composed of quartz grains.) Tens/eep sandstone, Pennsylvanian-age sandstone
from Alcova Powerhouse, Wyoming, (near Casper); calcite cemented; medium grained. Hacken-
sack siltstone, New Jersey; from Triassic Newark Series; cemented with hematite; argillaceous.
Monticello Dam greywacke, Cretaceous sandstone from the Monticello dam foundation, Califor-
nia; medium to coarse grained, cemented feldspar, quartz, and other components; sorne feldspars
altered to mica. So/enhofen limestone, from Bavaria; very fine, interlocked crystalline texture.
Bedford limestone, Indiana; slightly porous, oolitic, bioclastic limestone. Taverna/le limestone,
from Carthage, Missouri; fine grained, cemented and interlocked crystalline limestone with fossils.
Oneota d%mite, Kasota, Minnesota; fine-grained interlocking granular texture with mottled ap-
pearance due to disseminated calcite veins. Lockport d%mite, Niagara Falls, New York; very
fine-grained cemented granular texture grading to interlocking crystalline texture; sorne anhydrite
grains. F/aming Gorge sha/e, from Flaming Gorge damsite, Utah, Wyoming border. Micaceous
sha/e, from the Jonathan mine, Ohio; the clay mineral is kaolinite. Dworshak dam gneiss, from
Orofino, Idaho; fine to medium-grained granodiorite gneis s with prominent foliation. Quartz mica
schist with crenulated schistocity; origin unknown. Baraboo quartzite, from Wisconsin; fine-
grained, brittle, massive Pre-Cambrian quartzite with tightly interlocking crystalline texture. Ta-
conic white marb/e, Rutland, Vermont; uniform, fine-grained massive marble, with sugary texture.
Cherokee marb/e, from Tate, Georgia; medium- to coarse-grained massive marble with tightly
interlocking crystalline texture. Nevada Test Site "granite," granodiorite from Piledriver Experi-
ment; coarse-grained. Pikes Peak granite, Colorado Springs, Colorado; fine- to medium-grained
dense; interlocked crystalline texture. Cedar City tonalite, somewhat weathered quartz monzonite,
with porosity of 4.9%, from Cedar City, Utah. Pa/asades diabase, from West Nyack, New York;
medium-grained. Nevada Test Site basa/t, from Buckboard Mesa; fine, olivine basalto John Day
basa/t, from John Day dam site, Arlington, Oregon. Nevada Test Site tuff, from "Red Hot"
experiment; welded volcanic ash; porosity 19.8%.
b Tensile strengths were determined by point load tests for all entries corresponding to reference 5;
determined by Brazilian test for entries corresponding to references 6 and 7. The point load tensile
strength To in megapascals was calculated from the load at failure (F), in meganewtons for point
loading across the rock core diameter (d), in meters; T
= 6.62 10-
(Reichmuth, 1963).
e References for Table 3.1:
Kulhawy, F. (1975) cited in references at the end of this chapter.
Lama, R. D. and Vutukuri, V. S., cited in references in Chapter 1.
1. Balmer, G. G. (1953) Physical properties of sorne typical foundation rocks, U. S. Bureau of
Reclamation Concrete Lab Report SP-39.
2. Blair, B. E. (1956) Physical properties of mine rock, Part IV, U. S. Bureau of Mines Rep. Inv.
3. Brandon, T. R. (1974) Rock mechanic properties of typical foundation rocks, U. S. Bureau of
Reclamation Rep. REC-ERC 74-10.
4. Judd, W. R. (1969) Statistical methods to compile and correlate rock properties, Purdue Univer-
sity, Department of Civil Engineering.
5. Miller, R. P. (1965) Engineering classification and index properties for intact rock, Ph.D. Thesis,
University of Illinois.
6. Saucier, K. L. (1969) Properties of Cedar City tonalite, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, WES
Mise. Paper C-69-9.
7. Stowe, R. L. (1969) Strength and deformation properties of granite, basalt, Jimestone, and tuff,
U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, WES Mise. Paper C-69-1.
3.2 Camman Labaratary Strength Tests 63
At the peak load, the stress conditions are (TI = P/A and (T3 = p, where P is
the highest load supportable parallel to the cylinder axis, and p is the pressure
in the confining medium. The confinement effect, that is, the strengthening of
the rock by the application of confining pressure p, is realized only if the rock is
enclosed in an impervious jacket. The confining fluid is normally hydraulic oil
and the jacket is oil-resistant rubber (e.g., polyurethane); for tests of short
duration, bicycle inner tube is suitable. Most rocks show a considerable
strengthening effect due to confining pressure and it has become routine to
conduct triaxial compression tests on rocks.
Many varieties of triaxial cells are in use in rock mechanics laboratories
and several types are available from commercial suppliers. Figure 3.4a shows
two cells used at the University ofCalifornia, Berkeley. The one on the left was
designed by Owen Olsen for the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation. It provides extra
room for inserting instruments and gages and is easily adapted for pore pres-
sure and other special measurements; however, the diameter of the piston is
considerably larger than the diameter of the specimen, with the result that a
large uplift force from the confining pressure must be reacted by the axial
loading machine. The chamber on the right, based on a design by Fritz
mel, avoids this problem. The rock specimen, with strain gages attached, wlll
be jacketed before insertion in the triaxial 3.4b shows a high-
pressure, high-temperature triaxial test facility at the TerraTek
Salt Lake City, Utah. This computer-controlled apparatus can supply confinmg ,
Figure 3.4 Equipment for triaxial compression tests. (a) Two types of cells used
at Berkeley.
64 Rack Strength and Failure Criteria
Figure 3.4 Equipment for triaxial compression tests. (h) A
high-pressure, high-temperature facility at TerraTek Salt Lake
City, Utah. '
pressures to 200 MPa to specimens as large as 10 cm in diameter at tempera-
tures as hIgh as 200C (5-cm-diameter specimens can be heated up to 5350C).
The usual for conducting a triaxial compression test is first to
apply the pressure aH round the cylinder (i.e., (TI = (T3 = p) and then
to apply load (TI - P as the lateral pressure is held constant. In this
c.ase, the experiment can be interpreted as the superposi-
tlOn of a umaxIaI compresslOn test on an initial state of all-round compression.
However, the actual path of loading in service may be quite different; since
s?me rocks demonstrate strong path effects it may then be desirable to follow
procedures. For example, the stresses in the rock at the front of a
travehng plan e wave are applied simultaneously in all directions. With com-
3.2 Common Laboratory Strength Tests 65
puter or manual feedback control, it is possible tp foHow almost any prescribed
path of loading, a1though, as will be shown later, not aH paths can result in
fracture under load. For the best results and a clear interpretation of the effects
of load, both the axial shortening, and the lateral expansion of the specimen
should be monitored during loading as discussed later.
The Brazilian test, described for cylindrical concrete specimens in ASTM
designation C496-71, I is convenient for gaining an estimate of the tensile
strength ofrock. It has been found that a rock core about as long as its diameter
will split along the diameter and paraHel to the cylinder axis when loaded on its
side in a compression machine (Figure 3.2c). The reason for this can be demon-
strated by examining the stress inside a disk loaded at opposite sides of a
diametral planeo In such a configuration the horizontal stresses perpendicular
to the loaded diameter are uniform and tensile with magnitude
(Tt,B = 'TT'dt
where P is the compression load, d is the cylinder diameter, and t is the
thickness of the disk (the length of the cylinder). It is much easier to perform
this type of test than to arrange the precise alignment and end preparation
required for a direct tensile test.
The "Brazilian tensile strength" is estimated from the test result by report-
ing the value of (Tt.B corresponding to the peak compression load. It should be
understood, however, that the actual cause offailure may also reflect the action
of the vertical stress along the vertical diameter in concertwith the horizontal
tension; the vertical stress is nonuniform increasing from a compressive stress
of three times (Tt B at the center of the disk to progressively higher values as the
ends are According to the Griffith theory of failure, the critical
point ought to be the center where the ratio of compression to tension is 3. With
a principal stress ratio of 3, failure ought to result from the application of the
tensile stress alone, without any complication from the simultaneous compres-
sion paraHel to the eventual rupture planeo In fact, the Brazilian test has be en
found to give a tensile strength higher than that of the direct tension test,
probably owing to the effect of fissures. Short fissures weaken a direct tension
specimen more severely than they weaken a splitting tension specimen. The
ratio of Brazilian to direct tensile strength has been found to vary from unity to
more than ten as the length of preexisting fissures grows larger (Tourenq and
Denis, 1970).
Aflexural test causes failure of a rock beam by bending. Like the Brazilian
test, flexural tests also can be run on rock cores lacking machined ends. Four-
point flexuralloading (Figure 3.3d), with the bottom of the core supported on
I Standard Method of Test for Splitting Tensile Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens,
ASTM Committee C-9 on Concrete and Concrete Aggregate.
66 Rack Strength and Failure Criteria
points near the ends and the top of the core loaded from aboye at the third
points, produces uniform moment in the central third ofthe specimen and gives
better reproducibility ofresults than three-point loading in which the upper load
is central. The flexural strength or "modulus of rupture" is the maximum
tensile stress on the bottom of the rock corresponding to peak load. It is
calculatell from simple beam theory assuming elastic conditions throughout.
The flexural strength is found to be two to three times as great as the direct
tensile strength. For four-point bending of cylindrical rock specimens, with
loads applied at L/3 from each end and reactions at the ends, the modulus of
rupture (MR) is:
T - 16PrnaxL
MR - 31Td3
where P rnax is the maximum load, L is the length between load reactions on the
lower surface, and d is the diameter of the coreo
The ring shear test (Figure 3.3e) provides a relatively simple method to test
intact rock strength as a function of confining pressure (Lundborg, 1966). In
contrast to compression tests, core specimens for the ring shear test do not
require perfectly square and smooth ends. As with the triaxial test, the results
permit an appreciation of the rate of increase of strength with confining pres-
sure. The latter is provided by the load parallel to the axis ofthe coreo Two sets
of complex fracture surfaces form along the two planes of imposed shear as the
load is applied to the plunger.
If Pis the peak load on the plunger, the peak shear stress ('r
) is called the
"shear strength" and is calculated by
'rp = 2A
where A is the area across the core sample.
3.3 Slress-Slrain Behavior in Compression
In discussing the deformations of rock undergoing compression from various
directions, it proves useful to divide the stresses into two parts. Nondeviatoric
stresses (<T
) are compressions equally applied in all directions, that is, a
hydrostatic state of stress. Deviatoric stresses (<Tdev) are the normal and shear
stresses that remain after subtracting a hydrostatic stress, equal to the mean
normal stress, from each normal stress component. In the triaxial compression
experiment, for example, the principal stresses are <TI = P/A and <T2 = <T3 = p.
3.3 Stress-Strain Behaviar in Campressian 67
The nondeviatoric stress is given by !(<TI + 2p) all around while the deviatoric
stress is then what remains: <T,dev = - p) and <T3,dev = <T2,dev = -!C<TI - p).
There is strong motivation for doing this: deviatoric stress produces distortion
and destruction of rocks while nondeviatoric stresses gene rally do not (as
discussed in the next section). In the triaxial test, the initial pressuring is
nondeviatoric; subsequently, both deviatoric and nondeviatoric stresses are
raised simultaneously.
Normal strains in a triaxial compression specimen can be measured with
surface-bonded electric resistance strain gages. A gage parallel to the specimen
axis record s the longitudinal strain eaxial = tllll, while a strain gage affixed to the
rock surface in the circumferential direction yields the lateral strain elateral = tld/
d, where d is the diameter of the rock and 1 is its length (see Figure 3.4a).
Assuming that the strain gage readings are zeroed after the confining pressure
has been applied, we can write
elateral = - veaxial
in which the constant of proportionality v is called Poisson's ratio. In fact,
proportionality is maintained only in the restricted range of loading during
which there is no initiation and growth of racks. For linearly elastic and
isotropic rocks, v must lie in the range O to 0.5 and is often assumed equal to
0.25. Because a rock expands late rally as its shortens axially (Figure 3.5), a
negative sign is introduced to define ratio as a positive quantity. For
strains of less than several %, the volume change per unit of volume, tl VIv., is

\E d---
Figure 3.5 Deformations in compression tests.
6S Rock Strength and Failure Criteria
closely approximated by the algebraic sum of the three normal strains. In the
triaxial compression experiment then,
V = Baxial + 2Blateral
V = Baxial(1 - 2v) (3.6)
Volumetric strain produced either by deviatoric or nondeviatoric stresses can
be measured indirectly using surface strain gages and applying Equation 3.5 or
directly by monitoring the ftow of oil into or out of the confining vessel as the
confining pressure is held constant by a servomechanism.
Applying a nondeviatoric stress to a rock produces a volume decrease and
eventually changes the rock fabric permanently, as pores are crushed. How-
ever, it cannot produce a peak load response; that is, the rock can always
accept an added increment of load, apparently for as high a pressure as one can
generate. Tests have been conducted into the megabar region (millions of psi)
producing phase changes in the solido The pressure, volumetric strain curve is
generally concave upward as shown in Figure 3.6 with four distinct regions. In
the first, which may be the principal region for many good rocks in civil engi-
neering service, preexisting fissures are closed and the mineral s are slightly
compressed. When the load is removed, most of the fissures remain closed and
there is a net deformation or "per-def." The fissure porosity is related to the
Mter most of the fissures have closed, further compression produces bulk
rock compression, consisting of pore deformation and grain compression at an
approximately linear rateo The slope of the pressure-volumetric strain curve in
this region is called the bulk modulus,
K. In porous rocks like sandstone,
chalk, and clastic limestone, the pores begin to collapse due to stress concen-
trations around them; in well-cemented rocks, this may not occur until reaching
a pressure of the order of 1 kbar (100 MPa or 14,500 psi), but in poorIy or
weakly cemented rocks, pore crushing can occur at much lower pressures.
Finally, when all the pores have been closed, the only compressible elements
remaining are the grains themselves and the bulk modulus beco mes progre s-
sively higher. Nonporous rocks do not demonstrate pore "crush up" but show
uniformly concave-upward deformation curves to 300 kbar or higher. Pore
2 The compressibility e is l/K.
3.3 Stress-Strap Behavior in Compression 69
Deviatoric stress
constant Locking
E lastic compression
F issure closing
6 V/V
(hydrostatic compression)
Figure 3.6 Volumetric compressjot( under increasing mean
stress, with constant deviatoric stress.
crushing is destructive in very porous rocks like chalk and pumice, which are ,
converted to a cohesionless sediment on removal from the test chamber.-
Applying deviatoric stress produces strikingly different results as shown in
Figure 3.7. With initial application of the deviatoric stress, fissures and sorne
pores begin to close, producing an ineIastic, concave-upward stress-strain sec-
tion. In most rocks, this is followed by linear relationships between axial stress
and axial strain and between axial stress and lateral strain. At point B (Figure
3.7a), the rate of lateral strain begins to increase reIative to the rate o ~ i a l
strain (Poisson's ratio increases) as new cracks begin to form inside the most
critically stressed portions of the specimen-usually near the sides of the mid-
section. A microphone attached to the rock will begin to pick up "rock noise"
as new cracks form and old ones extend parallel to the direction of (T\. In the
regio n between stress B and stress e, cracks are considered to be "stable"
rheaning that with each increment of stress they grow to a finite length, and
then stop growing. Mter point e, cracks that form propagate to the edges ofthe
specimen and a system of intersecting, coalescing cracks is deveIoped, which
eventually form a semicontinuous rupture surface termed a "fault." Figures
3.7c and d, from Wawersik and Brace (1971), show this deveIopment.
Bieniawski (1967a, b) suggested that point e corresponds to the yield point in
70 Rack Strength and Failun' entena
the axial stress-axial strain curve. The peak load, point D, is the usual object of
failure criteria. However, the rock may not fail when the load reaches this
point, as is discussed later. In a stiffloading system, it is possible to continue to
shorten the specimen, as long as stress is reduced simultaneously. If the volu-
metric strain.is plotted against the deviatoric stress as in Figure 3.7b, it is seen
that the attainment of the crack initiation stress (B) is marked by a beginning of
an increase in volume associated with sliding and buckling of rock slivers
between cracks and opening of new cracks. At a stress level corresponding to
stress point e, the specimen may have a bulk volume larger than at the start of
the test. This increase in volume associated with cracking is termed dilatancy.
al, de\liatoric
strain ---
by joining
of microcracks
Contraction Normal strain
!(a) /
Mean stress
Axial normal strain
Figure 3.7 Deformation under increasing deviatoric stress, with constant
mean stress (hypothetical curves). (a) Axial and lateral normal strain with
increasing deviatoric axial stress. (b) Volumetric strain with increasing axial
normal strain (dilatancy).
72 Rock Strength and Failure Criteria
Most rocks are signifis;antly strengthened by confinement. This is especially
striking in a highly fissured rock, can be imagined as a mosaic of perfectly
matching pieces. Sliding along the fissures is possible if the rock is free to
displace normal to the average surface of rupture, as shown in Figure 3.8. But
under confinement, the normal displacement required to move along such a
jagged rupture path requires additional energy input. Thus it is not uncommon
for a fissured rock to achieve an increase in strength by 10 times the amount of
Original fissured rock
(grain boundary cracks)
Locus of faulting
Figure 3.S Dilatancy caused by roughness of the rupture sur-
3.3 Stress-Sira in 8ehavior in Compression 73
a small increment in mean stress. This is one reason why rock bolts are so
effective in strengthening tunnels in weathered rocks.
As mean pressure is increased, the rapid decline in load carrying capacity
after the peak load (point D in Figure 3.7) becomes gradually less striking until,
at a value of the mean pressure known as the brittle-to-ductile transition pres-
sure the rock behaves fully plastically (Figure 3.9). That is, after point D
continued deformation of the rock is possible without any decrease in stress.
Figure 3.9 Behavior in triaxial compression. (a) Transition from brittle-to-
ductile behavior. (b) Volumetric compression and dilatancv.
74 Rock Strength and Fa1ure Criteria
("Stress-hardening" behavior is sometimes observed at even higher pressures,
meaning that there is actually a strengthening of the rock as it deforms without
any "peak stress.") Figure 3.10 shows triaxial test data for a crystalline rock
(norite) and a clastic rock (sandstone), both of which demonstrate loss of
brittleness with confining pressure.
The brittle-to-ductile transition occurs at pressures far beyond the regio n of
interest in most civil engineering applications. However, in evaporite rocks and
soft clay shales, plastic behavior can be exhibited at engineering service loads.
Table 3.2 lists sorne values of the transition pressure. Without confining pres-
sure, most rocks tested past point D of Figure 3.7 will form one or more
fractures parallel to the axis of loading (Figure 3.9a). When the ends are not
smooth, the rock will sometimes split neatly in two, parallel to the axis, like a
Brazilian specimen. As the confining pressure is raised, the failed specimen
demonstrates faulting, with an inclined surface of rupture traversing the entire
specimen. In soft rocks, this may occur even with unconfined specimens. Ifthe
specimen is too short, continued deformation past the faulting regio n will drive
the edges of the fault block s into the testing machine platens, producing com-
plex fracturing in these regions and possibly apparent strain-hardening behav-
ior. At pressures aboye the brittle-to-ductile transition, there is no failure per
se, but the deformed specimen is found to contain parallel inclined lines that are
the loci of intersection of inclined rupture surfaces and the surfaces of the
specimen. Examination of the deformed rock will show intracrystalline twin
gliding, intercrystal slip, and rupture.
The effect of confining pressure is also expressed in changing volumetric
strain response as shown for a series of triaxial compression tests in Figure
3.9b. At successively higher confining pressures, the volumetric strain curves
shift smoothly upward and to the right. These curves are the algebraic sum of
hydrostatic compression under increasing mean stress (e.g., distance ae) and
dilatancy under increasing deviatoric stress (eb). The response shown in Figure
3.9b applies when the ratio of (T3 to (TI is sufficiently small. When this ratio is
Table 3.2 Brittle-to-Ductile Transition
Pressures for Rocks (At Room TemperatureJ
Gage Pressure
Rock Type (MPa) (psi)
Rock salt O O
Chalk <10 <1500
Compaction shale 0-20 0-3000
Limestone 20-100 3000-15,000
Sandstone >100
Granite ; 100
; 15,000
a, -p
a, - p
60 o-
3.3 Stress-Strain 8ehavior in Compression 75
Axial strain - 10-
12 16 20
Axial strain - 10-
Lateral pressur
28 32
Figure 3.10 Stress difference versus axial strain curves as a function of con-
fining pressure in triaxial compression experiments on sandstone (a) and
norite (h). [From Bieniawski (1972).]
76 Rock Strength andFailure entena
larger than a value of the order of 0.2, fracture does not occur and dilatancy is
suppressed (as discussed in Section 3.8). In the usual triaxial test procedure,
the principal stress ratio is decreased progressively during application of the
deviator stress, until fracture occurs. But in practice, loading may occur such
tha! the principal stress ratio remains fixed or increases.
3.4 The Meaning af ((Rack Strength"
The word "failure" connotes an almost totalloss of integrity in a sample of
rock; in an engineering context, it usually implies los s of ability to perform the
intended function. Obviously phenomena that constitute failure will depend on
the function-varying from loss of a commodity in storage to structural col-
lapse, property damage, and death. Even in a single specimen of rock, how-
ever, the concept of "failure" is unclear, for a totalloss of cohesion occurs or
does not occur in a single given rock according to the way it is loaded. The
reason for such apparentIy fickle response is that the destruction of a rock by
load is partIy dependent on the loading system and is not a true rock property.
Fof purposes of engineering design, it is useful to map peak stress values (i.e.,
the stresses corresponding to point D of Figure 3.7), and the criteria of failure
discussed later will relate to such points. However, the compression test does
not have to end in rupture at that point, but may proceed all the way to point E
orbeyond ifthe loading system is very stiff. The rock will exhibit what has been
called "a complete stress-strain curve" if tested in a stiff system because the
sys!em responds to gradual deterioration in load-carrying capacity through
automatic reduction in the applied load.
A testing machine is a reaction frame in which a screw or a hydraulic
cylinder is operated to load a specimen. A screw-powered machine is charac-
terized in Figure 3.11a. The rock specimen is fitted between a test table and an
upper platen that are connected by stiff screws parallel to the axis of the
specimen. A motor below the table turns a gear that causes the screws to turn
thus bringing the upper platen up or down. If the screws are turned so that the
rock specimen feels a load and then the motor is switched off, any subsequent
movement of the upper platen relative to the table must alter the load at arate
given by the stiffness of the testing machine km' The family of lines marked A
through J in Figure 3.11b describes the machine stiffness at different platen
positions. Operation of the testing machine to build up load on a specimen
corresponds to moving across the family of curves as shown in the figure. At
the point of peak load of the rock, assuming we turn the motor off, the speci-
men will fail or not depending upon the relative values of kr and km where k
the slope of the post peak portio n of the complete stress-strain curve. For
example, rock 1, Figure 3.11b, will continue to deform without sudden rupture
as the testing machine is continuously shortened, whereas even with the ma-
3.4 The Meaning of IIRock Strength" 77
V J - o ~ - - Screw
". " .....
. . '
.. ::
........ " ..
", ': .... ~
I . I - - - - - - - - ~ I
II+---..r'::t+...r I
A_J \
Motor Gear
Upper platen
~ ~ - - (1) Nonbrittle rock
of upper platen
Figure 3.11 Influence of testing machine stiffness on failure. (a)
A testing machine and its representation by a freebody. (h) Sta-
ble and unstable samples.
chine turned off, rock 2 will fail because the machine as it "unstretches"
cannot reduce the load sufficientIy to satisfy the unloading requirements of the
rock. However, if the motor were quickly switched to run backward and the
upper platen were moved upward, it would be possible to follow the complete
stress-strain curve of rock 2 as the system returned to curves G, F, etc. In a
78 Rock Strength and Falure Critera
servocontrolled testing machine, this can be done automatically, the motor
responding to the commands of an electrical circuit processing the signal of a
deformation transducer attached to the specimen. Even without such a ma-
chine, it is possible to determine the complete stress-strain curve of a brittle
rock by quick manual response, switching back and forth from loading to
unloading modes. Figure 3.12 shows an actual record from such an operation
with a specimen of coarse-grained marble (Chino marble, California). When the
rock was loaded in the usual way in a 160,OOO-lb-capacity screw testing ma-
chine, the peak load was followed by a violent rupture that reduced the speci-
men to rock powder. By quickly unloading whenever the x-y plotter record
revealed the onset of yielding, a series of hysteresis loops was created, the
envelope to which estimates the right side of the complete stress-strain curve.
At the end of the test, the specimen displayed a continuous fault but was still
integral. Since the stiffness of the rock is proportional to its cross-sectional
area, such a test is relatively easier to perform using small specimens. A con-
vincing demonstration of the influence of the loading system stiffness on the
mode of failure can be achieved by running two tests with varying machine
stiffness while the rock stiffness is held constant. This can be achieved by
adding a spring in series with the rock for one of the two tests.
3200 lb
0_015 0_2
Cross-head motion, in.
Figure 3.12 A complete stress-strain curve obtained by
load cycling on a moderately stiff testing machine. The
specimen was a coarse marble cylinder, 0.8 in. in diam-
eter and 1.45 in. long.
3.5 Applications of the Complete Stress-Stran Cwve 79
3.5 Applications of the
Complete Stress-Strain Curve
Normally when stresses become high enough to cause fractures in the wall of a
tunnel or mine, rock simply spalls off, producing a destressed zone that drives
the flow of stress away from the opening.
In a well-designed mine, the roof load will find somewhere else to go when
a pillar collapses. But if a room and pillar mine were made with very wide
rooms, the loss of one pillar might be insufferable.
These varying behavior modes in practice are understandable in terms of
the complete stress-strain curve concept. In the mine with very wide rooms,
the deflection of the roof due to the removal of one pillar can be calculated by
assuming the roof span to be two rooms and one pillar wide. U sing beam
formulas or numerical model methods, the ratio of peak pillar load to the
increment of roof deflection caused by removal of the pillar defines the system
stiffness. If this stiffness is greater in magnitude than the slope of the postpeak
part ofthe complete force-displacement curve, the mine can survive the failure
of a pillar.
The complete stress-strain curve can also be used to preduct failure of rock
as a result of creep. As shown in Figure 3.13, the locus of a creep test in the
stress-strain graph is a horizontalline. If the initial stress in the rock is c10se to
the peak load, creep will terminate in rupture when accumulated strain is such
as to intersect the falling part of the complete stress-strain curve. A creep test
started at A will terminate in rupture at point B after a relatively short time. A
a, - p
G -------
of long-term
creep tests
~ = = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - f 10ng
Figure 3.13 Creep in relation to the complete stress-strain curve.
so Rock Strength and Failure Criteria
al -p

Figure 3.14 Response to dynamic loading, in relation to the complete stress-
strain curve.
creep test begun at e will terminate in rupture at D after a much longer time.
And a creep test initiated at E below critical stress level G will approach point F
without rupture after a long time (compare with Figure 6.16).
A similar concept applies to cyclic loading beneath the peak load level, as
shown in Figure 3.14. Cycles of loading and unloading produce "hysteresis
loops" as energy is consumed in sliding on cracks and fissures inside the rock
volume. Multiple load cycles begun at point A such that the peak load is never
surpassed will cause a migration of the envelope of hysteresis loops which
terminate in rupture at point B.
3.6 The Mohr-Coulomb Failure Criterion
We have noted that the peak stress of rock undergoing deviatoric loading will
increase if the rock is confined. The variation of peak stress 0"1 with confining
pressure 0"3 is known as a criterion of failure. The simplest and best-known
criterio n of failure for rocks is the Mohr-Coulomb criterion; as shown in Figure
3.15, this consists of a linear envelope touching all Mohr's circles representing
J This suggests a method of relieving stored energy along faults near the point by
cyclic loading. Professor B. Haimson of the University of Wisconsin proposed be done by
cyclic pumping of water from wells in the fault zone. The effect of water pressure IS considered in
Section 3.7.
: I

:u I

3.6 The Mohr-Coulomb Failure Criterion 81
a, a, al
Figure 3.15 The Mohr-Coulomb failure criterio n with a tension
critical combinations of principal stresses. Stated in terms of normal and shear
stresses on the plane represented by the point of tangency of a Mohr circle with
the envelope
Tp = Si + O" tan <p (3.7)
<p is called the angle of internal friction, for like a friction angle for sliding
between srfaces, it describes the rate of increase of peak strength with normal
stress. T
is the peak shear stress, or shear strength.
The Mohr-Coulomb criterion is also used to represent the "residual"
strength, that is, the minimum strength reached by a material subjected to
deformation beyond the peak, as shown in Figure 3.10. In this case, the sub-
script r may be used with each of the terms of Equation 3.7 to identify them as
parameters of residual strength. The residual shear strength (Si,r may approach
zero while the residual friction angle <Pr will usually lie between zero and the
peak friction angle. However, i compaction shales rich in montmorillonite,
like the Cretaceous Bearpaw and Pierre shales, values as low as 4_6
reported, even in "drained" test arrangements that prevent pore water pres-
sure accumulation during deformation (Townsend and Gilbert, 1974).
Equation 3.7 has the following physical interpretation. "Failure" occurs
when the applied shear stress les s the frictional resistance associated with the
normal stress on the failure plane becomes equal to a constant of the rock, Si.
Since it would not be reasonable to admit a frictional resistance in the presence
of a tensile normal stress, this equation then loses its physical validity when the
value of O" crosses into the tensile region; O" represents the normal stress on the
plane of failure. The mnimum principal stress 0"3 may be tensile as long as O"
remains compressive. Other theories of failure (e.g., the Griffith theory) are
82 Rock Strength and Failure Criteria
more exact in the tensile region. However, the Mohr-Coulomb theory has the
merit of simplicity and will be retained here by extrapolating the Mohr-Cou-
10mb line into the tensile regio n up to the point where 0'3 becomes equal to the
uniaxial tensile strength - T
. The minor principal stress can never be less than
Respecting the last as a constraint on the criterion of failure is, in effect,
recognizing a "tension cutoff' superimposed on the Mohr-Coulomb criterion
offailure as shown in Figure 3.15. The actual envelope of critical Mohr's circles
with one principal stress negative willlie beneath the Mohr-Coulomb criterion
with the superimposed tension cutoff as indicated in Figure 3.16, so it is neces-
sary to reduce the tensile strength T
and the shear strength intercept Si when
applying this simplified failure criterion in any practical situation.
In terms of the principal stresses at peak load conditions, the Mohr-Cou-
10mb criterion can be written
where O'I,p is the major principal stress corresponding to the peak of the stress-
strain curve, and qu is the unconfined compressive strength. The change of
variables leads to the following relationship between shear strength intercept Si
and unconfined compressive strength qu
~ ~ L - ~ __ ~ __________ ____ ______________ ~ a
Figure 3.16 Comparison of empirical envelope and Mohr-Coulomb
criterion in the tensile region. Inside the ruled region, the Mohr-
Coulomb criterio n with tension cutoff overestimates the strength.
3.6 The Mohr-Coulomb Faz1ure Criterion S3
Table 3.3 Representative Values for Shear Strength lntercept
(Si) and Angle of lnternal Friction ( ~ ) for Selected Rocks
Descripti n
Berea sandstone
Bartlesville sandstone
Pottsville sandstone
Repetto siltstone
Muddy shale
Stockton shale
Edmonton bentonitic shale
(water content 30%)
Siou)i quartzite
Texas slate; loaded
30 to c1eavage
90 to c1eavage
Georgia marble
Wolf Camp limestone
Indiana limestone
Hasmark dolomite
Blaine anhydrite
Inada biotite granite
Stone Mountain granite
Nevada Test Site basalt
Schistose gneiss
90 to schistocity
30 to schistocity
a Data frorn Kulhawy (1975) (Ref. 5).
Range of
cp (MPa)
27.8 0-200
37.2 0-203
45.2 0-68.9
32.1 0-200
14.4 0-200
22.0 0.8-4.1
7.5 0.1-3.1
48.0 0-203
21.0 34.5-276
26.9 34.5-276
25.3 5.6-68.9
34.8 0-203
42.0 0-9.6
35.5 0.8-5.9
31.5 10-90
29.4 0-203
47.7 0.1-98
51.0 0-68.9
31.0 3.4-34.5
28.0 0-69
27.6 0-69
b 1. Dayre, M., Dessene, J. L., and Wack,'B. (1970) Proc. 2nd Congress ofISRM, Belgrade, Vol.
1, pp. 373-381.
2. DeKlotz, E., Heck, W. J., and Neff, T. L. (1964) First Interirn Report, MRD Lab Report
64/493, U. S. Arrny Corps of Engineers, Missouri River Division.
3. Handin, J. and Hager, R. V. (1957) Bull. A.A.P.G. 41: 1-50.
4. Handin, J., Hager, R. V., Friedrnan, M., and Feather, J. N. (1963) Bull. A.A.P.G. 47: 717-
5. Kulhawy, F. (1975) Eng. Geol. 9: 327-350.
6. McLamore, R. T. (1966) Strength-deforrnation characteristics of anisotropic sedirnentary
rocks, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Texas, Austin.
7. Mogi, K. (1964) Bull. Earthquake Res. Inst., Tokyo, Vol. 42, Part 3, pp. 491-514.
8. Schwartz, A. E. (1964) Proc. 6th Symp. on Rock Mech., Rolla, Missouri, pp. 109-151.
9. Sinclair, S. R. and Brooker, E. W. (1967) Proc. Geotech. Conf on Shear Strength Properties
of Natural Soils and Rocks, Oslo, Vol. 1, pp. 295-299.
10. Stowe, R. L. (1969) U. S. Arrny Corps of Engineers Waterways Experirnent Station. Vicks-
burg, Mise. Paper C-69-1.
84 Rack Strength and.Failure Criteria
The maximum tension criterion must be superimposed on Equation 3.8, that is,
failure is presumed to occur because of tensile stress whenever <T3 becomes
equal to - T
, regardless of the value of <TI
Typical values of the peak shear strength intercept Si and the peak angle of
internal friction <p for a representative set of rock specimens are listed in Table
3.3. The ratio ofunconfined compressive to tensile strength aulTo for a sampling
of rock types is given in Table 3.1.
3.7 The Effect of Water
Sorne rocks are weakened by the addition of water, the effect being a chemical
deterioration of the cement or clay binder. A friable sandstone may, typically,
lose 15% of its strength by mere saturation. In extreme cases, such as mont-
morillonitic clay shales, saturation is totally destructive. In most cases, how-
ever, it is the effect of pore and fissure water pressure that exerts the greatest
inftuence on rock strength. If drainage is impeded during loading, the pores or
fissures will compress the contained water, raising its pressure.
Development of pore pressure and consequent loss in strength of a Penn-
sylvanian shale tested in triaxial compression is shown in Figure 3.17. Two
separate test results are presented in this diagram: the circles represent triaxial
compression of a saturated specimen under conditions such that excess pore
pressures could drain away rather than accumulate ("drained conditions"); the
triangles represent a saturated shale specimen tested without drainage, so that
excess pore pressures that develop must accumulate ("undrained conditions").
The curve of differential axial stress versus axial strain for the drained test
displays a peak and then a descending tail as depicted in Figure 3.7a. Since the
mean stress increases simultaneously with the axial stress in a triaxial test, the
curve of volumetric strain shown in Figure 3.17 is the sum of hydrostatic
compression (Figure 3.6) and dilatancy behavior (Figure 3.7b). Initially, the
volume decreases by hydrostatic compression until the specimen begins to
dilate, whereupon the rate of volume decrease slows, eventually becoming
negative, meaning the volume increases on subsequent load increments. In the
undrained test, the tendency for volume change cannot be fully realized be-
cause the water filling the voids undergoes compression rather than drainage.
As a result, the water pressure Pw inside the pores begins to increase. This
dramatically lowers the peak stress and ftattens the postpeak curve.
Many investigators have confirmed the validity of Terzaghi's effective
stress law for rocks, which states that a pressure of Pw in the pore water of a
rock will cause the same reduction in peak normal stress as caused by a reduc-
tion of the confining pressure by an amount equal to pw We can make use of
this result by introducing the term efJective stress <T' defined by
<T' = <T - Pw (3.10)
3.7 The Effect of Water S5
o Drained
1:> Undrained

01 - 03
__ -L ______ L-____
?fi 1.0

'" 2.0
> 3.0
4.0 '---__ -'-___ .1..-___ ..1.-__ ---1
O 2.0 4.0 6.0
Axial strain. %
Figure 3.17 Drained and undrained triaxial com-
pression test results for a shale of Pennsylvanian
age; w is the initial water content; Pw is the pore
water pressure. (From Mesri and Gibala, 1972.)
Differential stress (<TI - <T3) is unaffected by water pressure since <T; - =
(<TI - Pw) - (<T3 - Pw) = <TI - <T3.
T?e effect of water pressure can be input in the failure criterion simply by
restatmg the conditions foi" failure in terms of effective stresses. In a test on a
dry rock, there is no difference between normal stresses and effective normal
For a saturated rock, rewrite Equation 3.8 in terms of effective stress
y mtroducing , on the normal stress terms:
= qu + 0"] tan
(45 +
S6 Rock Strength and Failure Criteria
Since the differential stress is unaffected by pore pressure, Equation 3.12 may
also be written
(T1,p - (T3 = qu + (T3 - Pw) [tan
(45 + 1) -1]
Solving for Pw, we can calculate the water pressure in the pores or fissures of a
rock required to initiate failure from an initial state of stress defined by (TI and
(TI - (T3) - qu
Pw = (T3 - tan2(45 + 1>/2) - 1
Figure 3.18 portrays this condition graphicaHy. The buildup ofwater pressure
in the rock near a reservoir or in an aquifer can cause rock failure and earth-
quakes, if the rock is initiaHy stressed near the limit. However, earthquakes
induced by reservoir construction and by pumping water into deep aquifers are
believed to originate from rupture along preexisting faults in determined orien-
tations. The mechanism is similar but the equations contain the inftuence of the
relative directions of initial stress as discussed in Chapter 5 (compare with
Equation 5.9).
- - L - - L ~ ________ ~ __________________ -L ________ t - __ a
Figure 3.18 Water pressure required to initiate failure of an intact rock from a
given initial state of stress.
3.8 The lJifluence of the
Principal Stress Ratio on FaHure
3.9 Empirical Criteria of Failure 87
In the usual triaxial compression experiment, the rock is seated with a hydro-
static stress, that is, with a principal stress ratio K = (T3/(T1 equal to unity.
Thereafter, as (TI is raised, the value of K is reduced until cracking occurs, and
eventuaHy peak strength is reached. This may not be a realistic loading path for
aH situations, and it may be desirable to consider rock behavior when the
principal stress ratio is fixed at sorne value. In examining the conditions result-
ing from excavating an underground chamber in a rock mass, for example, the
directions and relative magnitudes of principal stresses can be found through-
out the region of inftuence of the opening. Changing the assumption about the
magnitudes of the initial stresses will increase or decrease these stresses but
will not alter any value of K as long as the rock behaves elasticaHy. Therefore,
there is sorne merit in expressing the criterion offailure in terms ofthe principal
stress ratio, as discussed by Hoek (1968). When this is done, it is easily seen
that there is a value of K aboye which failure cannot occur, and this can be
verified by tests. In terms of the Mohr-Coulomb criterion of failure, dividing
both sides of Equation 3.8 by (TI,P and introducing K = (T3/(T1 yields
(T1,p = 1 - K tan
(45 + 1>/2)
from which we can see that the peak major principal stress becomes large when
K approaches cot
(45 + 1>/2). For example, for 1> = 45, failure cannot occur
aboye a principal stress ratio K = 0.17.
3.9 Empirical Criteria of FaHure
While the Mohr-Coulomb criterion is easy to work with and affords a useful
formula for manipulation in practical situations, a more precise criterion of
failure can be determined for any rock by fitting an envelope to Mohr' s circles
representing values of the principal stresses at peak conditions in laboratory
tests. As shown in Figure 3.19, this envelope will frequently curve downward.
Jaeger and Cook (1976)4 and Hoek (1968) demonstrated that the failure enve-
lopes for most rocks lie between a straight line and a parabola: The Griffith
theory of failure predicts a parabola in the tensile stress region. This theory is
premised on the presence of randomly oriented fissures in the rock that act to
create local stress concentrations, facilitating new crack initiation. However,
the Griffith theory has no physical basis in the region where both principal
4 See references, Chapter 1.
ss Rock Strength and Falure Criteria
3.9 Emprical Criteria of Failure 89

Figure 3.19 An empirical criterio n of failure defined by the envelope to a series of
Mohr's circ1es: A, direct tension; B, Brazilian; e, unconfined compression; D, tri-
axial compression.
stresses are compressive. In practice, empirical curve fitting is the best proce-
dure for producing a criterio n offailure tailored to any given rock type. See, for
example, Herget and Unrug (1976). A satisfactory formula for many purposes
will be afforded by the union of a tension cutoff, a3 = - T
, and a power law
(Bieniawski, 1974):
al,p = 1 + N (a
)M (3.15)
qu qu
The constants N and M will be determined by fitting a curve to the family of
, al,p _ 1)
qu qu
Another approach fits data from the ring shear test (Figure 3.3e) to find an
empirical equation for a Mohr envelope of intact rock (Lundborg, 1966). The
peak shear strength (7
) (Equation 3.4) is plotted against a to define the strength
envelope, Figure 3.20a. Lundborg found that such data define a curved enve-
lope with intercept Si and asymptote Sf, fit by
= Si + ----!...--:---
1 + --,-.t_-=-
Sr- Si

Tp -Si
Figure 3.20 An empirical criterio n of failure derived
from the ring shear test. (After Lundborg, 1966.) (a) A
plot of equation 3.16; (b) graphical determination of L'.
(The .t' has been used in place of Lundborg's .t to distinguish this
from the Mohr-Coulomb coefficient of internal friction, .t = tan <p.)
EquatlOn 3.16 can also be written
1 1 1
- Si = .t'a + Sf- Si (3.17)
so .t' is determined as the inverse of the slope of the line obtained by
(7p - S)-I as ordinate against (a)-I as abscissa (Figure 3.20b). Table
3.4 hsts typical values of Lundborg's parameters. Strengths determined by ring
90 Rock Strength and Failure Critera
Table 3.4 Sorne Values of
Constants for Lundborg's
Strength Equation
Si S
IL' (MPa) (MPa)
Granite 2.0 60 970
Pegmatite 2.5 50 1170
Quartzite 2.0 60 610
Slate 1.8 30 570
Limestone 1.2 30 870
shear tend to be slightly higher than corresponding strengths determined by
triaxial tests.
3.10 The Effect of Size on Strength
Rocks are composed of crystals and grains in a fabric inc1udes
fissures; understandably, rather large samples are reqmred to obtam statlstl-
cally complete collections of all the components that influence strength. ":'hen
the size of a specimen is so small that relatively few cracks are present, fatlure
is forced to involve new crack growth, whereas a rock mas s loaded through a
larger volume in the field may present preexisting criticallocations.
Thus rock strength is size dependent. Coal, altered gramt1c rocks, and
other rocks with networks of fissures exhibit the greatest degree of Slze depen-
dency, the ratio offield to laboratory strengths sometimes attaining values of 10
or more. .
A few definitive studies have been made of size effect in compresslve
strength over a broad spectrum of specimen sizes. Bieniawski (1968) reported
tests on prismatic in situ coal specimens up to 1.6 x 1.6 x. 1 m, prepared by
cutting coal from a pillar; the specimens were then capped wlth concrete
and loaded by hydraulic jacks. Jahns (1966) reported results of sImIlar tests on
cubical specimens of calcareous iron ore; the specimens were prepared
means of slot cutting with overlapping drill holes. Jahns a specl-
men size such that 10 discontinuities intersect any edge. Larger speClmens are
more expensive without bringing additional size reduction, while smaller speci-
mens yield unnaturally high strengths. Available data are too sparse to
Jahn's recommendation for aH rock types but it does appear that there .1S
generally a size such that larger specimens suffer no further decrease m
The E.ffect of Size on Strength
Calcareous iron ore, Jahns (1966)



Cedar City quartz diorite (altered)
Pratt, Black, Brown, and Brace (1972)
X Coal, Bieniawski (1968)
Specimen edge length, m
Figure 3.21 Effect of specimen size on unconfined compressive strength. (After
Bieniawski and Van Heerden, 1975.)
strength. Figure 3.21 demonstrates this pattern ofbehavior in a summary ofthe
tests on coal and iron ore, as well as tests on an altered and fissured quartz
diorite by Pratt et al. (1972). This clever series of tests included specimens of
equilateral triangular cross section 6 ft (1.83 m) on edge, and 9 ft (2.74 m) long,
loaded via stainless steel flat jacks in a vertical slot at one ende Figure 3.22a
shows a specimen being freed by drilling a slot inc1ined at 60 and Figure 3.22b
shows the surface of the specimen, with completed slots, jacks in place on one
end, and extensometers positioned for strain measurements on the surface. The
quartz diorite tested displayed a large size effect because it contains highly
fractured plagioclase and amphibole phenocrysts in a finer-grained ground
rnass with disseminated clay; ihe porosity of this rock is 8-10%.
The influence of size on shear and tension tests is less weH documented but
undoubtedly as severe for rocks that contain discontinuities. The subject of
scale effect will be considered further in Chapter 7 in the context of under-
ground openings.
92 Rock Strength and Failure Criteria
Figure 3.22 Large uniaxial compression tests conducted in-situ by TerraTek
on Cedar City Quartz Diorite. (a) Drilling a line of 1-1I2-inch diameter holes
plunging 60 to create an inclined slot forming one side of the triangular prism
"specimen." (b) A view of the test site showing ftat jacks at one end and ex-
tensometers for relative displacement measurement during loading. (Courtesy
of H. Pratt.)
3.11 Anisotropic Rocks 93
3.11 Anisotropic Rocks
Variation of compressive strength according to the direction of the principal
stresses is termed "strength anisotropy." Strong anisotropy is characteristic of
rocks composed of parallel arrangements of ftat minerals like mica, chlorite,
and clay, or long mineral s like hornblende. Thus the metamorphic rocks, espe-
cially schist and slate, are often markedly directional in their behavior. For
example, Donath (1964) found the ratio of minimum to maximum unconfined
compressive strength of Martinsburg slate to be equal to 0.17. Anisotropy also
occurs in regularly interlayered mixtures of different components, as in banded
gneisses, sandstone/shale alternations, or chert/shale alternations. In all such
rocks, strength varies continuously with direction and demonstrates pro-
nounced minima when the planes of symmetry of the rock structure are oblique
to the major principal stress.
Rock mas ses cut by sets of joints also display strength anisotropy, except
where the joint planes lie within about 30 of being normal to the major principal
stress direction. The theory of strength for jointed rocks is discussed in Chap-
ter 5.
Strength anisotropy can be evaluated best by systematic laboratory testing
of specimens drilled in different directions from an oriented block sample.
Triaxial compression tests at a set of confining pressures for each given orienta-
tion then determine the parameters Si and ~ as functions of orientation. Ex-
panding on a theory introduced by Jaeger (1960), McLamore (1966) proposed
that both Si and ~ could be described as continuous functions of direction
according to
Si = SI - S2[COS 2(t/J - t/Jmin,sW (3.18)
tan ~ = TI - T
[cos 2(t/J - t/Jmin,ci]m (3.19)
where SI. S2, TI. T
, m,' and n are constants
t/J is the angle between the direction of the cleavage (or schistocity,
bedding or symmetry plane) and the direction (TI
t/Jmin,s and t/Jmin,ci> are the values of t/J corresponding to minima in Si and ~ ,
For a slate, McLamore determined that friction and shear strength inter-
cept minima occur at different values of t/J, respectively 50 and 30. The
strength parameters for the slate are
Si = 65.0 - 38.6[cos 2(t/J - 30)]3 (MPa)
tan ~ = 0.600 - 0.280 cos 2(t/J - 50) (3.19a)
94 Rock Strength and Failure Criteria
0.." 30
11/1 . ~ 30
I mm
Slate. a
= 69 MP.
O 1/1 m;n = 45 - rp/2
For jointed
Figure 3.23 Strength anisotropy in triaxial compression.
theory for:
variable strength
rock (Chapter 5)
References 95
In general, the entire range of I/J from O to 90 cannot be well fit with one set of
constants since the theory (Equations 3.18 and 3.19) would then predict
strength at I/J = 0 to be less than the strength at I/J = 90; in fact, the strength
when loading is parallel to slaty cleavage, schistosity, or bedding is usually
higher than the strength when the loading is perpendicular to the planes of
weakness within the rock. (Compare Figures 3.23a and b.) For oH shale, a
repetitive layering of marlstone and kerogen, McLamore used one set of con-
stants for the region 0 ~ I/J < 30 and a second set of constants for 30 ~ I/J ~
The variation of the friction angle with direction proves generally less
severe than the variation of the shear strength intercept. As a simplification,
as sume n = 1, I/Jmin,s = 30, and <P independent of direction (m = O). Then the
strength anisotropy can be evaluated from compressive tests run at I/J = 30 and
I/J = 75 (see Problem 12).
Bieniawski, Z. T. (1967a) Stability concept of brittle fracture propagation in rock, Eng.
Geol. 2: 149-162.
Bieniawski, Z. T. (1967b) Mechanism ofbrittle fracture ofrock, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min.
Sci. 4: 395-430.
Bieniawski, Z. T. (1968) The effect of specimen size on compressive strength of coal,
Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. 5: 325-335.
Bieniawski, Z. T. (1972) Propagation of brittle fracture in rock, Proceedings, 10th
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mission on Standardization of Laboratory and Field Tests, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min.
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Bieniawski, Z. T. and Hawkes, 1. (1978) Suggested methods for determining tensile
strength of rock materials, for ISRM Commission on Standardization of Lab and
Field Tests, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. 15: 99-104.
Bieniawski, Z. T. and Van Heerden, W. L. (1975) The significance of in-situ tests on
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Broch, E. (1974) The influence uf water on some rock properties, Proc. 3rd Congo ISRM
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Brown, E. T., Richards, L. W., and Barr, M. V. (1977) Shear strength characteristics of
Delabole slates, Proceedings, Conference on Rock Engineering (British Geotechni-
cal Society, Vol. 1, pp. 33-51.
Cook, N. G. W. and Hodgson, K. (1965) Some detailed stress-strain curves for Rock, J.
Geophys. Res. 70: 2883-2888.
96 Rock Strenglh and Failure Critera
Donath, F. A. (1964) Strength variation and deformational behavior in anisotropic
rocks. In W. Judd (Ed.), State of Stress in the Earth's Crust, Elsevier, New York,
pp. 281-300. . . . .
Fairhurst, C. (1964) On the validity of the BrazIltan test for bnttle matenals, Int. J. Rock
Mech. Min. Sci. 1: 535-546.
Haimson, B. C. (1974) Mechanical behavior of rock under cyclic loading, Proc. 3rd
Congo ISRM (Denver), Vol. 11 A, pp. 373-378.
Hallbauer, D. K., Wagner, H., and Cook, N. G. W. (1973) Sorne observations concem-
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compression tests, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. 10: 713-726.
Heard, H. C. (1967) The influence of environment on the brittle failure of rocks, Pro-
ceedings, 8th Symposium on Rock Mechanics (AIME), pp. 82-93.
Herget, G. and Unrug, K. (1976) In situ rock strength from triaxial testing, Int. J. Rock
Mech. Min. Sci. 13: 299-302.
Heuze, F. E. (1980) Scale effects in the determination of rock mass strength and de-
formability, Rock Mech. U (3).
Hoek, E. (1968) Brittle failure of rock. In K. Stagg and O. Zienkiewicz (Eds.), Rock
Mechanics in Engineering Practice, Wiley, New York.
Hoek, E. and Brown, E. T. (1980). Empirical strength criterion for rock masses, J.
Geotech. Eng. ASCE 106: 1013-1035.
Hoek, E. and Franklin, J. A. (1968) Sample triaxial cell for field or laboratory testing of
rock, Trans. Section A Inst. Min. Metal. 77: A22-A26.
Hudson, J. A., Crouch, S. L., and Fairhurst, C. (1972) Soft, stiff and servo-controlled
testing machines: A review with reference to rock failure, Engl. Geol. 6: 155-189.
Hustrulid, W. and Robinson, F. (1972) A simple stiff machine for testing rock in com-
pression, Proceedings, 14th Symposium on Rock Mechanics (ASCE), pp. 61-84.
Hustrulid, W. A. (1976) A review of coal pillar strength formulas, Rock Mech. 8: 115-
Jaeger, J. C. (1960) Shear failure of anisotropic rocks, Geol. Mag. 97: 65-72.
Jahns, H. (1966) Measuring the strength ofrock in-situ at an increasing scale, Proc. 1st
Congo ISRM (Lisbon), Vol. 1, pp. 477-482 (in German).
Kulhawy, F. H. (1975) Stress-deformation properties ofrock and rock discontinuities,
Eng. Geol. 9: 327-350.
Lundborg, N. (1966) Triaxial shear strength of sorne Swedish rocks and ores, Proc. 1st
Congo ISRM (Lisbon), Vol. 1, pp. 251-255.
Maurer, W. C. (1965) Shear failure of rock under compression, Soco Petrol. Eng. 5:
McLamore, R. T. (1966) Strength-deformation characteristics of anisotropic sedimen-
tary rocks, Ph.D. thesis, University of Texas, Austin.
Mesri, G. and Gibala, R. (1972) Engineering properties of a Pennsylvanian shale, Pro-
ceedings, 13th Symposium on Rock Mechanics (ASCE), pp. 57-75.
Pratt, H. R., Black, A. D., Brown, W. D., and Brace, W. F. (1972) The effect of
specimen size on the mechanical properties of unjointed diorite, Int. J. Rock Mech.
Min. Sci. 9: 513-530.
Reichmuth, D. R. (1963) Correlation of force-displacement data with physical proper-
ties of rock for percussive drilling systems, Proceedings, 5th Symposium on Rock
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Problems 97
Robinson, L. H. Jr. (1959) Effects of pore pressures on failure characteristics of sedi-
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Townsend, .F. C. and Gilbert, P. A. (1974) Engineering properties of c1ay shales, Co s
of EnglOeers, WES Tech, Report S-7i-6. rp
Vogler, U. W. .K. (1978) methods for determining the strength of
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of and PIe.ld Tests, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. 15: 47-52.
W. R. (1972) Tu?e dependent rock behavior in uniaxial compression, Pro-
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Yudhblr, Lemanza, W., and Prinzl, F. (1983) Proc. 5th Congo ISRM (Melboume) p
BI-B8. ' p.
l. In a series of triaxial compression tests on a sandstone, the following repre-
sent the stresses at peak load conditions:
U"3(MPa) U"(MPa)
1 1.0
2 5.0
3 9.5
4 15.0
Determine values of Si and cp that best fit the data.
2. !he initial state of stress at a point in the ground, in sandstone of Problem 1,
<T3 = 1300 psi
<TI = 5000 psi
pore water (Pw) will be raised by the construction of a
reserVOIr. What value of Pw will cause fracture of the sandstone in situ
(assume fracture occurl) at peak stress).
3. the rock of l .. 2, what is the value of the principal stress
rabo (<T31<T1) aboye WhlCh faIlure" cannot occur?
9S Rack Strength and Failure Critera
4. In aplane wave front, the pressures in the plane of the wave front are
v/(1 - v) times the pressure normal to the wave front. What is the least
value of Poisson's ratio (v) such that compressive or shear failure does not
occur as the wave front sweeps through the rock? (See Problem 3.)
5. Triaxial compression tests of porous rock yield Si equal to 1. O MPa and cf>
equals 35. Calculate the unconfined compressive strength and estimate the
tensile strength for this rock.
6. In an area underlain by rock of Problem 5, a porous limestone, the in situ
stresses at a given point near a reservoir site are (TI = 12 MPa, and (T3 = 4
MPa. How deep a reservoir must be built before the pore pressure increase
from a corresponding rise in the groundwater levels could fracture the
rock? (Express your answer in MPa and psi units for the required increase
in water pressure and meters or feet for the reservoir depth.)
7. If a bilinear failure criterio n is used with a tension cutoff superimposed on
the Mohr-Coulomb criterion, at what value of (T (expressed in terms of T
Si, and cf are shear failure and tensile failure criteria satisfied simulta-
8. (a) For the sandstone of Figure 3.10, determine the value of cf>p and Sip that
best fits the peak strengths given. (The subscript p denotes "peak.")
(b) Find best fit values of cf>r and Sir describing the residual strength of the
(c) Find values of M and N to express the peak strength of the sandstone in
Figure 3.10 according to Equation 3.15.
(d) Find cf>p and Sip for the norite of Figure 3.10.
(e) Find cf>r and Sir for the norite.
(1) Find M and N for the norite.
9. Derive an expression for the modulus of ruptur T MR for a test with three-
point bending of a core sample (circular cross section).
10. Show that the volume change per unit of volume (a V/V) of a rock core
undergoing compression is approximately equal to the sum of the three
normal strains.
11. (a) Plot Mohr envelopes of strength for (1) 1/1 = 0, (2) 1/1 = 30, (3) 1/1 = 60,
and (4) 1/1 = 90 for the slate whose strength anisotropy is described by
Equation 3.18a and 3.19a.
(b) Plot the peak compressive strength of the slate as a function of 1/1 for
(1) (T3 = O and (2) (T3 = 30 MPa.
12. A set ofunconfined compressive strength tests on slate specimens oriented
with 1/1 = 30 and 1/1 = 75 yields strength values qu,30 and qu,75 , respectively.
Show that the directional strength of the rock can be approximated by
Problems 99
(TI,P = (T3 tan
(45 + *) + qu,75 - (Qu,75 - Qu,30)COS 2(1/1 - 30)
13. It has been observed that the degree of anisotropy, as expressed by the
ratio of maximum to minimum strength for aH directions through a rock,
decreases as the confining pressure increases. What explanation can you
14. The four-point loading configuration for the modulus-of-rupture test is de-
sirable because it generates uniform moment with zero shear between the
inner load points. Can you find another beam testing configuration such that
the central portio n of the rock beam receives zero moment with constant
15. (a) Derive an empirical expression similar to Equation 3.15 appropriate for
residual strength.
(b) Find values for the constants M and N fitting the residual strength data
for the sandstone in Figure 3.10.
(c) Do the same for the residual strength of the norite.
16. E. Hoek and E. T. Brown (1980) introduced the empirical criterion of
failure for rocks:
(TI,p (T3 ((T3 )112
--=-+ m-+s
qu qu qu
where m and s are constants;
qu rock mass )2
s = qu rock substance
(a) Compare this with Equation 3.15 for the case m = O and s = 1.
(b) Hoek and Brown, in studying many sets of data, found the foHowing
approximate values: m = 7 for carbonate rocks, m = 10 for argillaceous
rocks, m = 15 for sandstone and quartzite, m = 17 for volcanic rocks,
and m = 25 for granitic and other intrusive rocks. Compare the peak
compressive strengths as a function of confining pressure for a marble, a
rhyolite, and a granite, aH having qu = 100 MPa. What is the physical
meaning of parameter m?
17. Equation 3.15 was generalized by Yudhbir et al. (1983) by replacing the
unity on the right side by the constant A. Permitting A to vary between 1
and O offers a continuous variation of rock mass quality in the criterion of
failure. They propose linking Ato Barton's Q (see Chapter 2) according to
the relation A = 0.0176QM.
(a) Find a corresponding relationship between A and RMR.
(b) Based on the answer to part (a), use Equation 3.15 to express the peak
major principal stress as a function of confining pressure for a weak
sandstone with M = 0.65, N = 5, Qu = 2.0 MPa, and RMR = 50.
Initial Stresses in
Rocks and Their
Any undisturbed mass of rock in situ contains nonzero stress components due
to weight of overlying materials, confinement, and past stress history. Near the
surface in mountainous regions the in situ stress may approach zero at sorne
points or le c10se to the tock strength at others. In the former case, rocks may
fall from surface and underground excavations because joints are open and
weak; in the latter case, disturbance of the stress field by tunneling or perhaps
even surface excavation may trigger violent release of stored energy. This
chapter concerns determination of the magnitude and direction of the initial
stresses at the site of a work.
4.1 lnfluence o/ the lnitia' Stresses
It is often possible to estimate the order of magnitude of stresses and their
directions, but one can never be certain of the margin of error without backup
measurements. Application of such measurements is fairly common in mining
practice, but since stress measurements tend to be expensive they are not
routine for civil engineering applications. There are several civil engineering
situations, however, when knowledge of the state of stress can be helpful or
lack of knowledge might prove so costly that a significant stress measurement
program is warranted. For example, when choosing the orientation for a cav-
ern, one hopes to avoid aligning the long dimension perpendicular to the great-
est principal stress. Ifthe initial stresses are very high, the shape will have to be
selected largely to minimize stress concentrations. Knowledge ofrock stresses
also aids in layout of c,omplex underground works. An underground power-
102 lnitial Stresses in Hocles and Their Measurement
house for example, consists of a three-dimensional array of openings including
a machine hall, a transformer gallery, low-voltage lead shafts, pressure tunnels,
surge shafts, rock traps, access tunnels, ventilation tunnels, muck hauling tun-
neIs, penstocks, draft tubes, and other openings. Cracks that initiate at one
opening must not run into another (Figure 4.1a). Since cracks tend to extend in
the plane perpendicular to 0'3 knowledge of the direction of the stresses permits
choosing a layout to reduce this risk. Pressure tunnels and penstocks can be
constructed and operated in rock without any lining if virgin stress is greater
than the internal water pressure, so for such applications stress measurement
might permit large cost savings. When displacement instruments are installed
in an underground or surface excavation, to monitor the rock performance
during construction and service, stress measurements beforehand pro vide a
framework for analysis of the data and enhance their value. When making large
surface excavations with presplitting techniques, economies will be realized if
the excavation is oriented perpendicular to 0'3 (Figures 4.1b,c). With under-
ground storage of fluids in reservoir rocks, knowledge of the initial state of
stress will help evaluate the potential hazard of triggering an earthquake.
These are a few examples of situations in which a knowledge of the state of
stress can be integrated in engineering designo In a more general sense, how-
ever, the state of stress can be considered a basic rock aUribute whose magni-
tudes and directions affect the overall rock strength, permeability, deformabil-
ity, and other important rock mass characteristics. Thus it is rarely irrelevant to
know the initial stress state when dealing with rock in situ.
Sometimes initial stresses are so high that engineering activities can trigger
rock failure. Whenever the major stress in the region of an excavation is more
than about 25% of the unconfined compressive strength, new cracking can be
expected as a result of construction no matter how carefully it is performed.
This derives from two observations: (1) the maximum stress concentration
around an underground opening cannot be less than 2; and (2) cracking occurs
in an unconfined compression specimen when the stress reaches about half of
the unconfined compressive strength. Close to steep valley sides, where the
angle from the excavation to the mountain top is greater than 25, data show
that rock stress problems tend to occur in Norwegian fjord country whenever
the weight of rock cover is greater than about 0.15qu (Brekke and Selmer-
Olsen, 1966; Brekke, 1970). Such stress problems can vary from slabbing and
overbreak of rock on the tunnel wall nearest the valley side, to isolated violent
detachment of rocks from the walls or even destructive bursts. Conditions for
rock bursts are found underground in deep mines, as in the Canadian Kirkland
Lake District, the South African gold mines, and the Idaho Coeur d'Alene
district, where mining is pursued at depths of as much as 11,000 ft. In civil
engineering work, in addition to the valleyside stress problem noted, railroad
and road tunnels under high mountains, such as, the Mont Blanc Tunnel in the
Alps, have encountered severe rock stress problems. In shales and other rocks
I ~
I (;)
___ J

. .:
. ~
- '+-<

104 lnitial Stresses in Rocks and Their Measurement
with low values of qu, conditions for rock failure due to concentration of initial
stress may lead to slow compression ("squeeze") and destruction of tunnel
supports rather than violent collapse, but difficulties can still be significant. The
"stand-up time" of a tunnel, that is, the maximum duration for erecting sup-
ports, is closely related to the ratio of maximum initial stress to qu.
4.2 Estimating the lnitial Stresses
It is generally safe to assume that the vertical normal stress is equal to the
weight of the overlying rock, 0.027 MPa/m or 1.2 psi/ft on the average. Near
horizontal ground, the principal stress directions are vertical and horizontal. It
is often assumed that they are also vertical and horizontal at depth (Figure
4.2a); however, this isjust an assumption to reduce the number ofunknowns,
an assumption that finds reinforcement in Anderson's observations that normal
and reverse faults often dip at 60 and 30, respectively (see Jaeger and Cook,
1976). The simplifying assumption that the principal stresses are vertical and
horizontal has been widely adopted in practice. Of course, this breaks down at
shallow depths beneath hilly terrain, because the ground surface, lacking nor-
mal and shear stresses, always forms a trajectory of principal stress (Figure
4.2). Beneath a valley side, one principal stress is normal to the slope and
equals zero, while the other two principal stresses lie in the plane of the slope
Figure 4.2 The inftuence of topography on initial stresses.
4.2 Estimating the lnitial Stresses 105
(Figure 4.2b). These stresses likewise approach zero where the rock slope is
convex upward but grow larger where the slope is concave upward. Beneath
the sharp notch of a V -shaped valley, the in situ stresses may be close to or at
the strength of the rock.
Over any significant horizontal surface within the ground, the average
vertical stress must equilibrate the downward force of the weight of overlying
rock, hence the rule stated previously:
(Tu = yZ (4.1)
where (Tu is the average total vertical stress at depth Z in rock with unit weight
y. This rule has been supported by numerous measurements (Figure 4.7a) and
is one of the reliable formulas of stress in situ. However, it can be violated over
limited horizontal distances owing to effects of geological structure. Figure 4.3,
for example, shows how the vertical stress might vary along horizontal planes
cutting through a succession of rigid and compliant beds folded into synclines
and anticlines. Along line AA' the stress varies from perhaps 60% greater than
yZ under the syncline to zero just beneath the anticline, the more rigid layer
serving as a protective canopy and directing the ftow of force down the limbs of
the fold. A tunnel driven along line BB' could expect to pass from relatively
understressed rock in the compliant shales to highly stressed rock as it crossed




Figure 4.3 The 'inftuence of folds in heterogeneous, layered rock
on vertical stresses.
106 lnitial Stresses in Rocks and Their Measurement
into more rigid sandstone in passing under the trough ofthe syncline. Ifthere is
a low-strength sheared zone along the contact, produced by slip between the
layers during folding, the vertical stress could be expected to jump in crossing
the contact. Since geological structure can alter the vertical stresses and the
direction of principal stresses, it is wise to investigate geological effects
through analysis in important applications wherever geological heterogeneities
can be expected to deflect the lines of force away from the vertical. Figure 4.4
shows the result of one such analysis, performed using the finite element
method, in a region with heterogeneous geology superimposed on a sharply
notched topography.
In regard to the magnitude ofthe horizontal stresses, it is convenient to discuss
the ratio of horizontal to vertical stresses. Let
K = ITh
In a region ofrecent sedimentation, such as the Mississippi Delta, the theory of
elasticity can be invoked to predict that K will be equal to v/(l - v). This
expression derives from the symmetry of one-dimensionalloading of an elastic
material over a continuous plane surface, which infers a condition of no hori-
zontal strain; such a formula has no validity in a rock mass that has experienced
cycles of loading and unloading. Consider an element of rock at depth Zo with
initial value of K = K
, which is then subjected to unloading by remo val of !l.Z
thickness of overburden (Figure 4.5). Due to unloading of y!l.Z vertical stress,
the horizontal stress is reduced by y!l.Zv/(l - v). Therefore, after erosion of a
thickness of rock equal to !l.Z, the horizontal stress at depth Z = Zo - !l.Z will
become equal to KoYZo - y!l.Zv/(l - v), and
K(Z) = Ko + [( Ko - 1 J !l.zJ
Thus, erosion of overlying rock will tend to increase the value of K, the hori-
zontal stress becoming greater than the vertical stress at depths less than a
certain value.
The hyperbolic relationship for K(Z) predicted by Equation 4.3
can be generated by other arguments. While the vertical stress is known to
equal yZ, the horizontal stress could lie anywhere in the range of values be-
tween the two extremes KalT u and KplT u shown in Figure 4.6. Ka corresponds to
conditions for normal faulting, Figure 4.6b, in which the vertical stress is the
With the restriction K :s; Kp given by (4.5). Thermal effects have been ignored.
4.2 Estimating the lnitial Stresses 107

______ _

Figure 4.4 Comparison of maximum shear stresses beneath valleys in
(a) and heterogeneous (b) formations. Units of shear stress are hundreds of pouo s
per square foot.
lOS lnitial Stress es in Rocks and Their Measurement
Figure 4.5 The effect of erosion on stresses at depth.
major principal stress and failure is by horizontal extension. Assuming Cou-
lomb's law
Kp corresponds to conditions for reverse faulting (Figure 4.6c), in which the
vertical stress is the minor principal stress and failure is by horizontal compres-
sion, giving
K = tan
(45 + + qu . .l
p 2 Y Z
Values of these extreme horizontal stresses are tabulated for an assumed set of
rock properties in Table 4.1. If there is no existing fault, we observe that the
range of possible values of K such that Ka ::; K ::; K
is quite vast. However,
near a preexisting fault, qu can be assumed equal to zero and the range of K is
considerably reduced. Although tension is possible, it has rarely been mea-
sured and is to be considered an unusual situation.
Brown and Hoek (1978) examined a number of published values of in situ
4.2 Estimating the lnitial Stresses 109
\ /
"" \
Figure 4.6 Stresses required to initiate normal and reverse faults.
stress (Figure 4.7b) and independently discerned a hyperbolic relation for the
limits of K(Z), as
100 - 1500
0.3 + Z < K < 0.5 + Z
where Z is the depth in meters and K is the average to
vertical stress. The range in extreme values of K given by thls empmcal cnte-
Table 4.1 El'treme Values for Possible Horizontal Stresses Corresponding
to Conditions for Normal and Reverse Faulting 'Y = 25.9 kN/m
""""' ...

3 "1

a 'f'

... .,::;-
o (JC o


('p _


'" = ...


Before Faulting Occurs;
No Preexisting Fault
Horizontal Stress U'h
qu l3.8 MPa
Stress Normal Reverse
U'v Faulting Faulting
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
0.26 -2.94 14.99
0.52 -2.88 16.18
1.04 -2.77 18.56
1.55 -2.66 20.95
2.59 -2.43 25.72
3.89 -2.15 31.68
5.18 -1.87 37.64
10.36 -0.74 61.49
19.43 1.23 103.2
25.90 2.64 l33.0
51.80 8.28 252.4
Depth Z. m
N I'\l - -
U' "'" o (,]1
8 o o o
o o o 10
U' ....
=. .. 4",
"'. == O - 41..\ lo
4 _. tH , \
-, @ ...,..., \
<O ero
= ...,
t--r"t..- tH 4 1.. .....
--.......... 4\;;:! . : .. -.. !1, U'
.... N 4.
"'\. ..., J
ti) "',. ,
- - '- .,.. ii 11 N
N 8 , re j1 o
. - + '" \ ..
O \ o o ,
. 1- \. o ..JJ N
o N \: ,
N o I
\ '"
\ TI o
4 ,
2 MPa

After Faulting Has Occurred
and a Fault Exists
Horizontal Stress U' h
qu O qu O
Normal Reverse Normal Reverse
Faulting Faulting Faulting Faulting
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
0.06 1.19 0.l3 0.53
0.11 2.38 0.25 1.06
0.23 4.76 0.51 2.11
0.34 7.15 0.76 3.17
0.56 11.91 1.27 5.28
0.84 17.87 1.90 7.92
1.13 23.82 2.54 10.57
2.25 47.64 5.08 21.13
4.22 89.33 9.52 39.62
5.63 119.1 12.70 52.83
11.26 238.2 25.40 105.6
Depth Z. m
o e
.. ::> -+
.. O ::>
'!? <
g O !!


4 r
e (') l> i
(/) g ::J
l>[ Q.



.. %.- r
O ;;:
'4iI ::.
I g
'" -
O !!'.
.. <
O -


" O





4.:l Estimating the Initia' Stresses 113
rion is considerably less than the range Ka to Kp given by (4.4) and (4.5) when qu
is not equal to zero, due in part to the fact that average horizontal stress is being
considered, whereas the previous criteria refer to maximum and minimum
values of horizontal stress. In any event, aH the equations for K(Z) presented
and the actuaHy measured data are consistently found to be inverse with Z.
Thus, even without measurements one can estimate, within broad limits, the
variation of horizontal stress with depth. While the magnitude of the horizontal
stress might be estimated only approximately, it is often possible to offer good
estimates for the directions of the horizontal stresses.
If the present state of stress is a remnant of that which caused visible geological
structure, it will be possible to infer the directions of stresses from geological
observations. Figure 4.8 shows the relationship between principal stress direc-
tions anddifferent types of structures. The state of stress that causes a normal
fault has (TI vertical, and (T3 horizontal pointed perpendicularly to the fault
trace as seen in the plan. In the case of reverse faulting, the stresses that caused
the rupture have (T3 vertical, while (TI is horizontal and directed perpendicular
to the fault trace. Axial planes of folds also define the plane of greatest principal
stress. Strike-slip faults are created by a state of stress in which (TI is horizontal
and inclined about 30 with the fault trace, clockwise or counterclockwise as
dictated by the sense of motion on the fault. These directions of horizontal
stresses are not those of crustal block s caught and squeezed between pairs of
paraHel f a u l ~ such block s , the primary stress state ofthe crust that is linked
directly to the primary rupture surfaces will have superimposed on it the effects
of the strain from accumulated fault motions, as discussed by Moody and Hill
Another line of observations comes from dikes and flank volcanoes formed
around larger craters. Sorne dikes represent hydraulic fractures, in which case
they He perpendicular to (T3. The perpendicular to a radius from a master crater
to a flank volcano similarly identifies the direction of least horizontal stress.
Seismologists are able to indicate the directions of primary stresses from first
motion analysis of earthquakes. If the directions of the vectors from the focus
to different seismic stations are plotted on a stereographic projection of a unit
reference hemisphere, it will be seen that two regions contain vectors to sta-
tions that received compressive first motion, while the other two regions con-
tain vectors that received extensile first motion (Figure 4.81). Two great circles
are drawn to divide these fields and their point of intersection defines the
direction of (T2. The direction of (TI is 90 from the direction of (T2 approxi-
2 K. Nakamura (1977) VoJcanoes as possible indicators of tectonic stress orientation-PrinC-
pIe and proposal. J. Volcanol. Geothermal Res. 2: 1-16.
/ "



. ~
. ~
4.3 Techniques for Measurement of ln-Situ Stresses 115
mately along the great circle bisecting the angle between the dividing great
circles in the extension first motion field. The direction of (T3 is the perpendicu-
lar to the plane of (TI and (T2' (Stereographic projection principIes are presented
in Appendix 5.)
Another approach to determining stress directions comes from the Occur-
rence of rock breakage on the walls of wells and boreholes, which tends to
create diametrically opposed zones of enlargement, termed "breakouts."
These features can be seen in caliper logs, photographs, and televiewer logs of
boreholes and have been found to be aligned from hole to hole in a region.
Haimson and Herrick (1985) reported experimental results confirming that
breakouts occur along the ends of a borehole diameter aligned with the least
horizontal stress as depicted in Figure 4.8g.
Directions of horizontal stresses in the continental United States, inferred
from a variety oftechniques, are shown in Figure 4.7c, prepared by Zoback and
Zoback (1988). This map also indicates the styles of deformation, that is, exten-
sion witld:e least principal stress horizontal or contraction with the greatest
principal stress horizontal.
4.3 Techniques fur Measurement
uf In-Situ Stresses
Stresses in situ can be measured in boreholes, on outcrops, and in the walls of
underground galleries as well as back calculated from displacements measured
underground. The available techniques summarized in Table 4.2 involve a vari-
ety of experimental approaches, with an even greater variety of measuring
tools. Three ofthe best known and most used techniques are hydraulicfractur-
ing, theflatjack method, and overcoring. As will be seen, they are complemen-
tary to each other, each offering different advantages and disadvantages. All
stress measurement techniques perturb the rock to create a response that can
then be measured and analyzed, making use of a theoretical model, to estimate
part of the in situ stress tensor. In the hydraulic fracturing technique, the rock
is cracked by pumping water into a borehole; the known tensile strength of the
rock and the inferred concentration of stress at the well bore are processed to
yield the initial stresses in the plane perpendicular to the borehole. In the flat
jack test, the rock is partIy unloaded by cutting a slot, and then reloaded; the in
situ stress normal to the slot is related to the pressure required to n u ~ l the
displacement that occurs as a result of slot cutting. In the overcoring test, the
rock is completely unloaded by drilling out a large core sample, while radial
displacements or surface strains of the rock are monitored in a central, parallel
borehole. Analysis using an unloaded thick-walled cylinder model yields stress
in the plane perpendicular to the borehole. In each case stress is inferred, but
Table 4.2 Methods for Measuring the Absolute State of Stress in Rocks
Complete strain
Partial strain
Overcore a radial defor-
mation gage in a central
borehole (D. S. Bureau of
Mines method)
Overcore a soft inclusion
containing strain gages
Overcore a borehole with
strain gages on its walls
(Leeman method)
Drill around a rosette
gage placed on a rock
Overcore a rosette gage
placed on the bottom of a
drill hole (doorstopper
Overcore a soft photoelas-
tic inclusion
Measure time dependent
strains on faces of a rock
after its removal from the
Null displacements caused
by cutting a tabular slot in
a rock wall (flat jack
Overcore a stiff photo-
elastic inclusion with
down-hole polariscope
(glass stress meter)
Overcore a stiff inclusion
to freeze stresses into it;
measure frozen streses in
the laboratory (cast inclu-
sion method)
Overcore a stiff instru-
mented inclusion (stiff
inclusion method)
Drill in the center of a
rosette array on the sur-
face of a rock face (under-
coring method)
Monitor radial displace-
ments on deepening a
borehole (borehole deep-
ening method)
Merrill and Peterson (1961)
Rocha et al. (1974),
Worotnicki and Walton (1976)
Leeman (1971),
Hiltscher et al. (1979)
Olsen (1957)
Leeman (1971)
Riley, Goodman, and
Nolting 1977)
Emery (1962)
Voight (1968)
Bernede (1974)
Rocha et al. (1966)
Roberts et al. (1964, 1965)
Riley, Goodman, and
Nolting (1977)
Hast (1958)
Nichols et al. (1968)
Duvall, in Hooker et al.
De la Cruz and Goodman
4.3 Techniques for Measurement of ln-Situ Stresses 117
Rock flow or
between rock
and stress;
Measure strain to fracture
a borehole with a bore-
hole jack (Jack fracturing
Measure water pressures
to create and extend a
vertical fracture in a bore-
hole (Hydraulic fractur-
Measure strains that accu-
mulate in an elastic inclu-
sion placed tightly in a
viscoelastic rock
Core disking-observe
whether or not it has
Rock noise (Kaiser effect)
Wave velocity
X-ray lattice spacing mea-
surements in quartz
Dislocation densities in
De la Cruz (1978)
Fairhurst (1965)
Haimson (1978)
Obert and Stephenson (1965)
Kanagawa, Hayashi, and
Nakasa (1976)
Friedman (1972)
displacements are actuaHy measured. Precisions are seldom great and the
results are usually eonsidered satisfactory if they are intemaHy consistent and
yield values believed to be correet to within about 50 psi (0.3 MPa). The main
problem of aH stress measurement teehniques is that the measurement must be
conducted in a regon that has been disturbed in the process of gaining aeeess
for the measurement; this paradox is handled by accounting for the effect of the
disturbance in the analytical technique, as shown below.
The hydraulic fracturing method makes it possible to estimate the stresses in
the rock at considerable depth using boreholes. Water is pumped into a section
of the borehole isolated by packers. As the water pressure increases, the initial
compressive stresses on the walls of the borehole are reduced and at sorne
points become tensile. When the stress reaches -T
, a crack is formed; the
down-hole water pressure at this point is Pct (Figure 4.9a). Ifpumping is contin-
118 lnitial Stresses in Rocks and Their Measurement
Figure 4.9 Hydraulic fracturing. (a) Pressure versus time data as water is
pumped into the packed-off section. (b) Experiment in progress. (Photo by
Tom Doe.)
ued, the crack will extend, and eventually the pressure down the hole will faH
to a steady value p., sometimes called "the shut-in pressure."
To interpret the data from the hydraulic frac:turing experiment in terms of
initial stresses, we need to determine the orientation of the hydraulically in-
duced fracture ("hydrofac"). The greatest amount of information coincides
with the case of a vertical fracture, and this is the usual result when conducting
4.3 Techniquesfor Measurement of ln-Situ Stresses 119
tests below about 800 m. The orientation of a fracture could be observed by
using down-hole photography or television; however, a crack that closes upon
depressuring the hole to admit the camera would be difficult to see in the
photograph. It is better to use an impression packer, such as one available from
Lynes Company, which force s a soft rubber lining against the waH while inter-
nal pressure is maintained, recording the fracture as an impression on the
rubber surface.
The analysis of the pressure test is simplified if it is assumed that penetra-
tion of the water into the pores of the rock has little or no effect on the stresses
around the holeo Making such an assumption, it is possible to use the results of
the known distribution of stress around a circular hole in a homogeneous,
elastic, isotropic rock (the "Kirsch solution") to compute the initial stresses at
the point of The tangential stress on the wall of the hole reaches the
least magnitude at A and A I (Figure 4.10) where it is
U" 8 = 3U" h.mn - U" h.max (4.7)
When the water pressure in the borehole is p, a tensile stress is added at aH
points around the hole equal (algebraically) to -p. _The conditions for a new,
vertical tensile crack are that the tensile stress at point A should become equal
to the tensile strength - TIJ. Applying this to the hydraulic fracturing experi-
ment yields as a condi!ion for creation of a hydraulic fracture
3U"h,mn - U"h,max - Pel = -To
----...... Oh.max
Figure 4.10 Location of critical points around the borehole used for
hydraulic fracture.
120 Initia' Stresses in Rocks and Their Measurement
Once formed, the crack will continue to propagate as long as the pressure is
greater than the stress normal to the plane of the fracture. If the pressure of
water in the crack were less than or greater than the normal stress on this
crack, it would close or open accordingly. In rocks, cracks propagate in the
plane perpendicular to <T3 In the context of hydraulic fracturing with a vertical
fracture, this means that the stress normal to the plane of the fracture is equal
to the shut-in pressure Ps:
<Th,min = Ps
Equations 4.8 and 4.9 allow the major and minor normal stresses in the plane
perpendicular to the borehole to be determined if the tensile strength of the
rock is known. If the borehole pressure is dropped and once again raised aboye
the value Ps, the hydraulic fracture will close and then reopen. Let the new
peak pressure, smaller than PcI , be called Pe2. Replacing T
and PcI of Equation
4.8 with the values O and Pe2, respectively, and subtracting Equation 4.8 from
the resulting equation yields a formula for the tensile strength of the rock
around the borehole applicable to the conditions of the experiment:
To = PcI - Pe2 (4.10)
Assuming that the vertical stress equals yZ, and is a principal stress, the state
of stress is now completely known, for the experiment yields the values and
directions of the major and minor normal stress in the plane perpendicular to
the borehole.
If the rock is pervious, water will enter cracks and pores creating an inter-
nal pressure gradient whereas the theory aboye presumed a sudden pressure
drop across the borehole wall. The effect is to lower the value of PcI and round
the peak of Figure 4.9. Haimson (1978) shows how to modify the analysis to
solve for the principal stresses in this case.
The hydraulic fracturing experiment does not yield the aboye results if the
fracture is horizontal. Conditions for propagation of a horizontal fracture are
met if the internal pressure beco mes equal to the vertical stress plus the tensile
strength. Assuming that the tensile strengths for propagation of horizontal and
vertical fractures are the same, the vertical fracture could form only at depths
below which the vertical stress obeys
<Tv ~ (3N - 1)<Th,max (4.11)
where N = <Th,minl<Th,max. To permit an estimate of the minimum depth for
vertical fracturing, it is useful to express Equation 4.11 in terms of K, the ratio
of mean horizontal stress to vertical stress. In these terms, a vertical fracture
will form at a depth such that K is less than (1 + N)/(6N - 2) where N is <Th,minl
<Th max (with N restricted to values greater than k). The minimum depths for a
vertical fracture, corresponding to the upper and lower limits of K(Z) given in
Equatitm 4.6, are presented for various Values of N in Table 4.3. When the
4.3 Techniques for Measurement of In-Situ Stresses 121
Table 4.3 Minimum Depths for a Vertical Hydraulic Fracture
er h,minl er h,max
Transition Value
of K = hlerv
Minimum Depth (meters) for a
Vertical Hydrofrac Assuming
z - ( 100 )
K - 0.3
z = ( 1500 )
K - 0.5
value of N is small, or when the mean horizontal stress tends toward the lower
values in the range of experience, vertical fractures can occur at shallow
depths. This has in fact been experienced by the oil industry, which has pro-
duced more than a million hydrofracs for artificial stimulation of oil and gas
Hydraulic fracturing can be performed only in a borehole. If one has access to a
rock face, for example, the wall of an underground gallery, stress can be
measured using a simple and dependable technique introduced by Ti!1celin in
France in 1952. The method involves the use offlat hydraulicjacks,consisting
of two plates of steel welded around their edges an,d a nipple for introducing oil
into the intervening space. Through careful welding and the use of preshaping
bends, or internal fillets, it is possible to achieve a pressure of 5000 psi or higher
in such a jack without rupture: The first step is to install one or more sets of
measuring points on the face of the rock. The separation of the points is typi-
cally 6 in., but must conform to the gage length of available extensometers.
Then a deep slot is installed perpendicular to the rock face between the refer-
ence points (Figure 4.l1b); this may be accomplished by drilling overlapping
jackhammer holes, by using a template to guide the drill, or by diamond sawing
(Rocha et al., 1966). As a result of cutting the slot, the pin separation will
decrease from do to a smaller value if the rock was under an initial compression
normal to the plane of the slot (Figure 4.11c). The initial normal stresses could
122 lnitial Stresses in Rocks and Their Measurement

'" c.
Jack pressure
os'" Pe
Figure 4.11 The flat jack test.
be calculated from the measured pin displacement if the elastic constants of the
rock were known. However, a self-compensating method of stress determina-
tion is preferred making it unnecessary to determine the rock properties explic-
itly. The flat jack is inserted into the slot, cemented in place, and
When the pins have been returned to do, their initial separation, the pressure In
the jack (Pe) approximates the initial stress normal to the jack. In theory, the
initial stress parallel to the slot and the geometric differences between the
inside of the jack and the inside of the slot require a correction to this result
(Alexander, 1960). However, the correction is often within. band of uncer-
tainty anyway, and if a diamond sawed slot is used, it is neghglbly .small; thus Pe
(the "canceIlation pressure of the jack") is an acceptable ,estlmate for the
average stress normal to the jack.
4.3 Techniques for Measurement of ln-Situ Stresses 123
In the flat jack test we have a large, rugged, and inexpensive method for
determining one stress component of the stress tensor. The equipment can be
fabricated on site and is virtually indestructible, an important consideration in
any instrumentation or measurement program underground. A serious limita-
tion of the method is that the measured stress les in the region of disturbance of
the gallery introduced for the purpose of taking the measurement. If the gallery
is carefully executed, this disturbance might be calculated by conducting an
independent stress concentration investigation, using numerical methods (e.g.,
the finite element method). In general, if the stresses normal to the plane of the
jack are determined at three points around the section of the gallery, yielding
values CT!IA, CT8B, CT8C for the tangential stresses (stresses parallel to the surface
of the opening) near the surface at these points, the initial stresses in the plane
perpendicular to the gallery can be calculated by inverting the relationship:
8,A} _ (al! a12 a13){CT x}
CT8,B - a21 a22 a23 CTy
CT8,C a31 a32 a33 Txy
where the coefficients aij are determined by the numerical study. For example,
suppose flat jacks were placed at R and W, in the roof and side wall, respec-
tively, of a perfectly circular underground opening; if the initial stresses were
known to be horizontal and vertical, and if the tunnel radius were large com-
pared to the width of the jacks, then Equation 4.12 would simplify to
CT8,W} = (-1 _ 3) {CThOriZ}
CT8,R 3 1 CTver!
and (4.14)
The stresses around an underground gaIlery vary inversely with the radius
squared (see Equations 7.1). Therefore, if stresses are measured in a borehole
at least one gaIlery diameter in depth, the results should correspond to the
initial state of stress before driving the measurement gallery. This can be ac-
complished using the overcoring test.
First one drills a small-diameter borehole and sets into it an instrument to
respond to changes in diameter. One such instrument is the U. S. Bureau of
Mines six-arm deformation gage (Figures 4.12a and 4. 13a), a relatively rugged
124 lnitial Stresses in Rocks and Their Measurement
Large dril!
------- = = = t - - - - ~
Plane 01 buttons
/ ""
( ~ \
\ ~ J
\ /
Distance drilled
Figure 4.12 The overcoring method, using the Bureau
of Mines gage.
tool that uses the bending of a cantilever equipped with strain gages to give
output voltage proportional to displacement. There are three opposed pairs of
carbon-carbide-tipped buttons, each pressing against a cantilever arm fixed to a
base plate, tightened against the wall ofthe borehole by a spring. By choosing a
button of appropriate size in each of the six positions, each of the cantilevers
can be pre-bent to yield an initial output in the center of the linear region and
the borehole diameter changes can be monitored along three diameters simulta-
neously, whether the borehole becomes smaller or larger. After the gage is
inserted, the output wires are threaded through a hollow drill and out through
the water swivel and a larger hole is cored concentrically over the first (Figure
4. 13b). This produces a thick-walled cylinder of rock, detached from the rock
mass and therefore free of stress. If the rock had been under an initial compres-
sion, the deformation gage will record an enlargement along two or all of the
monitored directions in response to the "overcoring" (Figure 4. 12b)-all radii
4.3 Techniques for Measurement of ln-Situ Stresses
Figure 4.l3 In-situ stress measurements by overcoring from a rock outcrop. (a)
Six component borehole deformation gage and the overcored measuring hole: (b)
experiment in progress. (Photos by Rick Nolting; Courtesy of TerraTek.)
126 lnitia' Stresses in Rocks and Their Measurement
expanding if the ratio of minor to major normal stress in the plane perpendicu-
lar to the borehole is greater than one-third. As a result of the experiment, the
change in borehole diameter will be known along three diameters, 60 aparto
Select an x axis convenientIy in the plane perpendicular to the hole and let () be
the angle counterelockwise from Ox to a pair of buttons that yields results
tld()). Let the plane perpendicular to the borehole be the xz plane, with the
borehole parallel to y. Then, the deformations measured are related to the
initial stresses in the xyz coordinate system according to
tld( ()) = (F JI + (F yl2 + (F J3 + T xzi4 (4.15)
1 - v
where II = d(1 + 2 cos 2()) -E- + E
1 - v
13 = d(1 - 2 cos 2()) -E- + E
1 - v
14 = d( 4 sin 2()) -E-
In the aboye, E is Young's modulus, vis Poisson's ratio, and d is the diameter
of the borehole in which the measurement is conducted. Equation 4.15 ex-
eludes the two shear stress components T xy and T zy parallel to the borehole
because these have no inftuence on the diameter of the borehole. Gray and
Toews (1968) showed that only three linearly independent equations are obtain-
able from repeated diametral measurements in different orientations, so the
general state of stress cannot be computed from diameter changes recorded in
one borehole. However, a solution can be found if one ofthe stress components
is known or can be assumed. If the measurement is conducted in a borehole
perpendicular to a rock face and at shallow depth, (F y might be taken as zero. If
the value of (Fy were known, or assumed, on the other hand, the terml2(Fy could
be taken to the left side of the equal sign in each of three equations representing
measurements along different directions and the remaining three stress compo-
nents could be determined. In this way, the state of stress in the plane perpen-
dicular to the borehole could be computed as a function of (Fy alone. An alterna-
tive approach, discussed later, is to combine measurements from three or more
nonperpendicular boreholes, adopting a single, universal coordinate system
into which the unknown stresses from each borehole are transformed. The
resulting set of equations will be redundant, and, furthermore, since it is impos-
sible to occupy the same volume of rock in more than one measurement, the
results will be scattered.
In the usual situation where measurements are conducted in one borehole
parallel to y, and a value of (F y is assumed for purposes of computation, diame-
4.3 Techniques for Measurement of ln-Situ Stresses 127
ter change measurements are conducted in directions ()I , ()I + 60, and ()I + 120,
yielding three equations in three unknowns:
tld( ()I) - Ji (F y } (111 113 f4){(F x}
tld()1 + 60) - 12(Fy = 121 123 124 (Fz
tld()1 + 120) - Ji(Fy 131 133 134 T
(4.16) .
Inversion of Equations 4.16, after assuming a value for (Fy, yields the stress
components in the plane perpendicular to the borehole.
The overcoring test thus can be used to measure the stresses at sorne
distance from a rock face. There is a practicallimit to how far one borehole can
be drilled concentrically over another. With a template to collar the drillhole
and homogeneous, nonfractured rock, it might be possible to proceed for as
much as 30 m from a face; but normally the test has to be discontinued beyond
about 5 m.
The Swedish State Power Board has perfected the mechanical aspects of
overcoring and has succeeded in conducting Leeman-type triaxial measure-
ments at depths of more than 500 m. These tests are performed by cementing
strain gage rosettes to the walls of a 36-mm hole drilled exactly in the center of
the bottom of a 76-mm-diameter borehole. Extending the larger borehole over-
cores the former and strains the rosettes (Hiltscher, Martna, and Strindell,
1979; Martna, Hiltscher, and Ingevald 1983).
The principal disadvantage ofthe U. S. Bureau ofMines overcoring test is
the linear dependence ofthe stresses upon the elastic constants. The Bureau of
Mines determines E and v directIy on the overcore by compressing it in a
speciallarge-diameter triaxial compression chamber, while the borehole defor-
mation gage responds inside. Another approach, applicable in horizontal holes,
is to as sume a value for v and use the value of E that makes the vertical
component of stress, at sorne distance behind the wall, agree with the value of
the unit weight of rock times depth below ground. Another approach altogether
is to replace the deformation gage with a stiffer gage (e.g., glass or steel)
forming a "stiff elastic inelusion." In such a case, the stresses inside the
inclusion on overcoring are almost independent of the elastic modulus of the
rock. However, the precision of measurement is reduced making the experi-
ment more difficult. Another difficulty with the overcoring method is the re-
quirement to use large drill cores (e.g., 6-in.-diameter). There is no theoretical
demand that the outer diameter be any specific value, and, in fact, the stresses
deduced from the experiment will be unaffected by choice of outer diameter. In
practice, however, difficulty is experienced with rock breakage if the- outer
diameter is less than at least twice the inner diameter.
In the doorstopper method (Figure 4.14) strain gages are fixed to the center
of the stub of rock at the bottom of the hole which is then isolated from the
surrounding rock by continuing the original hole (Leeman, 1971). This permits
128 Initial Stresses in Rocks and Their Measurement
To bridge circuit
Insertion tool
Potting material (liquid rubber)
Strain rosette gage
Metal foil
Figure 4.14 In situ stress measurement by the "doorstop-
per" technique.
4.3 Techniques for Measurement of In-Situ Stresses 129
the interpretation of stress at greater depth but the interpretation of the data is
more precarious. The test is performed as follows. First, drill a borehole to the
site of measurement. Then install a flat, noncoring drill bit to grind the bottom
to a smooth flat surface. Clean the bottom surface and then cement onto it a
piece of metal foil bearing a strain gage rosette on its upper surface. When the
cement has hardened, thread the bridge wires through the drill and deepen the
holeo This releases the stresses in the bottom, yielding strains ex, e
, 'Yxz (with
the y axis parallel to the borehole and the x, z axes along two perpendicular
lines in the bottom, selected at will). Appendix 2 shows howto convert strain
rosette readings to strain components ex, ez, 'Yxz
The changes in stress at the bottom of the hole (da-x.B, da-y,B, dT xy,B) can be
calculated from the strain components by the stress-strain relationship for lin-
ear, elastic isotropic bodies:
da-' = _E __ v
Ld 1-.' O
The initial stresses in x, y, z coordinates are related to the stress changes on
the bottom of the hole by
{ } ( )
da-x,B a c b O
da- = - b c a O y
dTx:': O O O d ~ :
Constants a, b, c, and d have been evaluated by several independent workers.
De la Cruz and Raleigh (1972) give the following values, based upon a finite
element analysis:
a = 1.30
b = (0.085 + 0.15v - v
c = (0.473 + 0.91v)
d = (1.423 - 0.027v)
As in the overcoring test, a-y must be assumed or evaluated independently.
} _ (a b 0)-1 {da-X'B .+ ca-
- - b a O da-z,B + ca-y
O O d dTxz,B
. (4.20)
The "doorstopper" method can be pursued at the bottom of a shaft as well
as in a drill holeo
130 Initial Stresses in Rocks and Their Measurement
Measuremeos Made Directly 00 the Rock Surface If a machine-bored
shaft or tunnel is available for rock mechanics work, stress measurements may
be made directly on the wall if the rock is not highly fractured. There are at
least two methods for doing this: overdrilling a strain gage rosette applied
directly to the rock surface, and drilling a central hole amid a set of measuring
. points (undercoring).
Strain gage rosettes applied to the rock surface have been used in boreholes
by Leeman (1971) with an ingenious device to transport, glue, and hold the
rosettes at several points simultaneously. Upon overcoring the hoie, these
rosettes then report strain changes that can be transformed to yield the com-
plete state of stress (o-)xyz. In the present context, we can overcore strain gage
rosettes cemented to points directly on the rock surface. Appendix 2 presents
formulas for calculating the state of strain (ex, e
, Yxz) from the readings of the
component gages of the rosette when the rock to which they are attached is
overcored. These strains can then be converted to stresses using (4.17).
Undercoring is a name applied by Duvall (in Hooker et al., 1974) to a
procedure for measuring stresses on an exposed surface by monitoring radial
displacements of points around a central borehole (Figure 4.15). Expressions
for the radial and tangential displacements of a point located at polar coordi-
nates r, () from the central hole of a radius a are given in Equations 7.2 for plane
strain; these expressions are changed to plane stress by substituting v/(1 + v) in
place of v as discussed in the derivation of Equations 7.1 and 7.2 (Appendix 4).
Equations 7.2 are developed for the condition where the major and minor
principal stress directions in the measuring plane are known. For the stress
measurement problem, these directions will not be known apriori so an arbi-
o o
Figure 4.15 Undercoring.
4.3 Techniques for Measurement of In-Situ Stresses 131
p(r, O)
l l r ~
~ __ __ ________ ~ X
Figure 4.16 Coordinate system for the
displacement equations.
trary choice ofaxes (x, z) is made (Figure 4.16). The stresses {a}xz ~ a ~ then be
determined from radial displacement measurements (ur ) at three poslhons (r, ())
using the following equation for each point in turn
1 a
where JI = 2E -; [(1 + v) + H cos 2())
1 a
J2 = 2E -; [(1 + v) - H cos 2())
1 a
13 = E -; (H sin 2())
H = 4 - (1 + v) r
With radial displacement, Ur,1 measured at rl, ()I, Ur,2 at r2, ()2, and U
,3 at r3, ()3,
Equation 4.21 yields
3 We assume that the tangential displacement v. does not influence the measured radial dis-
132 Initial Stresses in Rocks and Their Measurement
Figure 4.17 Coordinate systems for stress measurements
on the walls of a tunnel.
whic.h.can be inverted to determine the stresses. This method cannot yield good
perClSlon unless the measuring points are close to the surface of the central
hole, or the rock is deformable; otherwise, the values of U
will be quite small.
Duvall placed the measuring pins on a 10-in.-diameter circle and created a 6-in.
central hole by out an EX pilot holeo Vojtec Mencl used undercoring to
stresses m the toe of a landslide in soft rock,4 where measurable
dlsplacements were experienced despite relatively small stresses (0.6 MPa)
the value .of E was quite low. A variant of undercoring using a central
expanSlOn cell (dilato meter) to null the initial radial displacements of
the central hole was used by Dean, Beatty, and Hogan at Broken
HIll Mme, Australia.
Virgin stresses (the initial stresses at the test site befo re it was excavated)
can be calculated from the stress components measured on the rock walls if the
stress concentrations at the measuring points are known. The problem at hand
resembles that discussed previously in connection with the flat jack test. Since
the shape of the bored gallery is circular with smooth walls, the required stress
can be obtained from the classical Kirsch solution (whose deri-
vabon can be .followed in Jaeger and Cook (1976. For our purposes, the
adopted coordmate system is shown in Figure 4.17; unprimed coordinates
4 O. Zaruba and V. Mencl (1969) Landslides and Their Control, EIsevier, New York.
5 Rock stress measurements using cylindrical jacks and fiat jacks at North Broken Hill Ud.
Hill Mine Monography No. 3 (1968), Australian Inst. Min. Metal. Melbourne, Austra-
lia (399 Llttle Collins St.).
4.3 Techniques for Measurement of In-Situ Stresses 133
XY Z , X2Y2Z2, etc., refer to local coordinate directions at each measuring site
1, 2, etc., with YY2 . always in the direction of the normal to the surface
(radius ofthe tunnel or shaft) and XX2, etc., parallel to the axis ofthe measuring
tunnel or shaft. The x' , y', z' are global coordinates with y' parallel to the axis
ofthe shaft or tunnel, and x' and z' any convenient orthogonal axes in its cross
The surface stress concentrations can then be obtained from the general
Kirsch formulas given by Leeman (1971) (see Appendix 4), substituting r = ato
identify points on the wall at the site of the measurement: with the aboye
coordinates, at each site
O'r = O'y = O
0'0 = O'z
O'long = O'x
TrO = Tyz = O
Tlong,O = T xz
Tlong,r = Txy = O

O e O O
1 h O O
O O n p
where d = 1 - 2 cos 2e
e = 1 + 2 cos 2e
f = -4 sin 2e
g = -2v cos 2e
h = 2v cos 2e
i = -4v sin 2e
n = -2 sin e
p = 2 cos e
Two or more sites for surface stress measurement (e.g., (1) the roof e =
90, and (2) the wall e
= O (Figure 4.17) yield six equations whose solution.
determines the complete state of stress. Depending on the choice of sites, the
coefficient matrix might be singular, necessitating a third location (with redun-
dant data) to obtain a complete stress solution.
Principal Stresses If the stresses are determined with reference to two arbi-
trarily 'chosen directions x and z in the plane of measurement, the values of
normal stress will depend on the choice ofaxes. It is better to convert the
results to the form of principal stresses and directions. (If the xz plane is not a
principal plane, it is still possible to find, within it, directions in which the shear
134 Initial Stresses in Rocks and Their Measurement
stress is zero; these are then called "secondary principal stresses. ") Given {Ix,
{I z' and T
, the principal stresses are found from
{Irnajor = !({Ix + (Iz) + [T;z + !({Ix - (Iz)2]l/2
and (4.24)
_ 1( + ) [2 + l( )2] 1/2
{Irninor - 2 {Ix {Iz - T
4 {Ix - {Iz
The major principal stress, {II acts in a direction O, measured counterclockwise
from Ox, given by
tan 20 = (4.25)
{Ix - {Iz
Since the are tan is multivalued, we must observe the following rules.
Let ex =
/({Ix - (Iz)] with -'TT/2 :5 ex :5 'TT/2 then
20 = ex
20 = ex + 'TT
20 = ex - 'TT
if {Ix> {Iz
if {Ix < {Iz and T
> O
if {Ix < {Iz and T
< O
Measurement o' Stresses in Three Dimensions Civil engineering and
mining work rarely require that all stress components be known. If such knowl-
edge is desired, methods exist to yield the complete state of stress from a single
experiment (e.g., Leeman, 1971; Rocha et al., 1974). AIso, data from tech-
niques enumerated aboye can be combined to permit computation of the com-
plete stress matrix. A procedure for doing this was already discussed for the
case of strain measurements on the surface of a drilled shaft or tunnel. Data can
also be combined for overcoring, doorstopper, and other approaches. In each
case, the strategy is to transform the measured stress components to a global
coordinate system to combine data from nonparallel directions at different
measuring sites.
For example, consider overcoring measurements in several nonparallel
boreholes. In hole A, adopt coordinate axes XA, YA, ZA with YA parallel to the
axis of the borehole; diametral displacements are measured in directions OAI,
OA2, and OA,3' Application of 4.15 to each direction yields
6 These rules were suggested to the writer by Professor Steven Crouch, University of Minne-
Rtiferences 135
where the coefficientsfij are defined for each O for jj of (4.15). Now transform
the stresses in XAYAZA coordinates to sorne convenient set ofaxes x', y', z'
(referred to henceforth as the "global axes"). This can be written
{Ix A}
{Iy,A = (Ter) {{I}x'y'Z'
{I (4 x 6) (6 x 1)
in which (Ter) is a 4 x 6 matrix corresponding to rows 1, 2, 3, and 5 of the
coefficient matrix defined in Equation 23 of Appendix 1, and {{I}x'y'Z' is the
column of the six stress components of the same equation. Let (fA) denote the
3 x 4 coefficient matrix in (4.26). Equations 4.26 and 4.27 can then be combined
3 XI 3x44x6 6 xl
Similarly for borehole B, nonparallel with A,
{tld}B = (fB)(Ter)o{{I}x'y'Z'
3 xl 3x44x6 6 xl
Combining the six rows of (4.28) and (4.29) gives six equations with {I x'y'Z'
as the right-hand vector. Gray and Toews (1968), however, showed that the
coefficient matrix thus derived is singular. Thus three nonparallel boreholes
will be required to yield sufficient information to solve for {{I}x'y'z" One can
reject surplus rows to achieve a solvable set of six equations. Even better, one
can use a least-squares solution scheme. Panek (1966) and Gray and Toews
(1975) showed how to handle the redundancy and minimize error associated
with variation in the state of stress from one measuring site to another.
A similar procedure can be followed to combine the results from "door-
stopper tests" in three nonparallel holes to determine the complete state of
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References 137
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ments of the diametral deformation of a drill hole, in ASTM Spec. Tech. Pub!. 402
(American Society of Testing and Materials). pp. 106-132.
Riley, P. B., Goodman, R. E., and Nolting, R. E. (1977) Stress by over-
coring cast photoelastic inclusions, Proceedings, 18th Symposium on Rock Me-
chanics, paper 4C4.
Roberts, A. et al. (1964, 1965) The photoelastic stress meter, Int. J. Rack Mech. Sci. 1:
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Rocha, M., Baptista Lopes, J., and DaSilva, J. (1966) A new technique for applying the
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Congo ISRM (Lisbon), Vol. 2, pp. 57-65.
Rocha, M., Silverio, A., Pedro, J., and Delgado, J. (1974) A new development of the
LNEC stress tensor gauge, Proc. 3rd Congo ISRM (Denver), Vol. 2A, pp. 464-467.
Stauder, W. (1962) The focal mechanism of earthquakes, Adv. Geophys. 9: 1-75.
Terzaghi, K. and Richart, R. E. (1952) Stresses in rock about cavities. Geotechnique, 3:
Tincelin, M. E. (1952) Measurement of pressure in the iron mines in the East:
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Voight, B. (1968) Determination of the virgin state of stress in the vicinity of a borehole
from measurements of a partial anelastic strain tensor in drill holes, Rock Mech.
Eng. Geo!. 6: 201-215.
138 lnitial Stresses in Rocks and Their Measurement
Voight, B. and Sto Pierre, B. H. P. (1974) Stress history and rock stress, Proc. 3rd
Congo ISRM (Denver), Vol. 2A, pp. 580-582.
Worotnicki, G. and Denham, D. (1976) The state ofstress in the upper part ofthe earth's
crust in Australia according to measurements in mines and tunnels and from seis-
mic observations, Proceedings, Symposium on Investigation of Stress in Rock
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Zoback, M. D. and Healy, J. H. (1984) Friction, faulting, and "in situ" stress, Ann.
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1. Estimate the vertical and horizontal stresses at a depth of 500 m in a zone of
normal faulting in Paleozoic sedimentary rocks. Use Figure 4.7b and as-
sume the normal faulting is recent.
2. A vertical hydraulic fracture was initiated in a borehole at a depth of 3000
ft. Assume the ground is saturated continuously from the surface and that
the pressure in the ground water is hydrostatic. The water pressure was
first raised 710 psi aboye the original groundwater pressure and then it was
not possible to raise it further. When pumping stopped, the water pressure
fell to a value 110 psi aboye the original groundwater pressure. After a day,
the pressure was raised again, but it could not be pumped to a value higher
than 100 psi aboye the previous pressure (the "shut-in" pressure). Estimate
the horizontal stresses at the site of measurement, the tensile strength of
the rock, and the vertical pressure at the site.
3. A borehole is drilled and instrumented and then overcored, yielding the
following values of the stress components in the plane perpendicular to the
U'x = 250 psi
U'y = 400 psi
Txy = -100 psi
Problems 139
The x axis was horizontal and to the right. Find the magnitudes and direc-
tions of the major and minor principal stresses in the plane perpendicular to
the borehole.
4. A natural slope rises at 45 for 1000 m and then levels off. The rock has an
unconfined compressive strength of 50 MPa. A tunnel is to be driven for an
underground pressure pipe beginning with a portal at the base of the slope
and continuing directIy into the mountain. Based upon Norwegian experi-
ence, at what distance from the portal would you first expect to encounter
rock pressure problems?
5. In a zone of active thrust faulting (low-angle reverse faulting), in rock with
cp = 30, qu = 1000 psi, and unit weight of 150 Ib/ft3, estimate the major and
minor principal stresses at a depth of 3500 ft, assuming conditions for
faulting. Compare your estimate with that of Figure 4.7.
6. A rock mass at a depth of 5000 m had a value of K (= ratio of horizontal to
vertical stresses) equal to 0.8. If Poisson's ratio is 0.25, what should K
become after erosion of 2000 m of rock?
7. What form would the data of the flat jack test assume if the initial stress
normal to the plane ofthejack were tensile? How could the data be worked
to estimate the magnitude of the tensile stress?
8. Two flatjacks, 12 in. square, are placed in the wall and roof of an approxi-
mately circular test gallery 8 ft in diameter. Flat jack 1 is horizontal, and
placed in the side wall. Flat jack 2 is vertical, with its edge parallel to the
axis of the gallery. The cancellation pressures measured were 2500 psi with
FJ 1 and 900 psi with FJ 2. Estimate the initial stresses (vertical and hori-
zontal). List your assumptions.
9. The U. S. Bureau of Mines overcoring method is used to measure stresses
in a borehole drilled perpendicularly to a tunnel wall. The site of the mea-
surement (the plane of the measuring pins) is 5 ft deep in a test gallery 10 ft
in diameter. The measuring borehole has a diameter of 1.25 in. The first pair
ofbuttons is horizontal, pair 2 is oriented 60 counterclockwise from button
pair 1; button pair 3 is 120 counterclockwise from pair 1. Deformations .
were measured as a result of overcoring as follows: pair 1 moved outward
3 x 10-
in.; pair 2 moved outward 2 x 10-
in.; and pair three moved
outward 1 x 10-
in. If E = 2 X 10
psi and v = 0.20, determine the stress
components in the plane perpendicular to the borehole, and the major and
minor normal stresses in this plane and their directions. (Assume tb,e initial
stress parallel to the borehole is insignificant.)
10. Stress measurements in a horizontal rock outcrop using a series of vertical
flat jacks all give a cancellation pressure of about 80 MPa. The rock is
140 Initial Stresses in Rocks and Their Measurement
granite with E = 5 X 10
MPa and v = 0.25. If the rock started its life at a
depth of 10 km with CTh = CTy and was brought to the surface by erosion,
what should be the value of the horizontal stress? (y = 0.027 MN/m
.) If
there is a discrepancy, explain why.
11. Making use of the effective stress principIe (Chapter 3), derive a formula
corresponding to Equation 4.8 expressing the effective pressure (Pc\ - Pw)
for crack initiation in hydraulic fracturing when the rock has a pore pres-
sure Pw.
12. Bearpaw shale was loaded from O to 2000 psi vertically over a broad area so
horizontal strain could be assumed equal to zero. Poisson's ratio was 0.40
during loading. Subsequently, the vertical load was reduced to 1000 psi.
Poisson's ratio was 0.31 during unloading. (a) Estimate the horizontal pres-
sure corresponding to the maximum and final verticalloads. (b) What natu-
ral events could bring about a similar stress history?
13. In a rock with v = 0.3 and E = 3.0 X 10
MPa, "doorstopper" measure-
ments yield the following strains in the arms of a 60 rosette gauge on the
bottom of a vertical borehole 10 m deep: eA = -20 X 10-
in the gage
parallel to OX (east-west direction); eB = -3.8 X 10-
in the gage oriented
60 counterc1ockwise from OX; and ee = -5.0 x 10-
in the gage aligned
120 counterc1ockwise from OX. The hole is parallel to the y axis. Assuming
CTy is due to rock weight alone and y = 0.027 MN/m3, compute the greatest
and least normal stresses in the plane ofthe hole bottom (xz plane) and their
Planes ofWeakness
in Rocks
5.1 lnlroduction
Those who excavate into rock know it to be a material quite apart from what a
mathematician might choose for tractable analysis. The engineer's rock is het-
erogeneous and quite often discontinuous. The latter is especially true ifblast-
ing has be en excessively violent and uncontrolled, but even if the engineer were
as careful as a sculptor, he or she would be confronted with naturally occurring
planes of weakness traversing the rock mass and separating it into perfectly
fitted blocks. Furthermore, the process of excavation will induce new fractures
in the surrounding rock by virtue of stress readjustments (Figure 5.la, b).
Small cracks that we have been referring to asfissures may be seen in many
hand specimens. Joints (Figure 5.2) are usually present in rock optcrops. They
appear as approximately parallel planar cracks separated by several centi-
meters up to as much as 10 m. One set of joints commonly forms parallel to
bedding planes and there are usually at least two other sets in other directions.
Igneous and metamorphic rocks may have regular jointing systems with three
or more sets. Rocks that have been deformed by folding often contain roughly
parallel seams of sheared and crushed rock produced by interlayer slip or minor
fault development. These shears are usually spaced more widely than joints
and are marked by several millimeters to as much as a meter thickness of soft
or friable rock or soil. Shears parallel to bedding planes occur in unfolded strata
near valley sides, due to interlayer slip as the rock mass relaxes horizontally.
Faults that offset all other crossing structures may also occur in the rock of an
engineering site. Thus there is a full range of planar weaknesses in rock mas ses
with a statistical distribution of spacings and orientations at all scales. Figures
5.3a and b show histograms of discontinuities observed at two dam sites stud-
ied by B. Schneider (1967). The fractures were studied using a combination of
aerial photographic interpretation, field observation, and microscopic study of
Figure 5.1 Fractures induced by mining a longwall face at great depth in quartzite,
South Africa. In both photos, the new fractures terminate in the roof against a preex-
isting, ftat-Iying joint developed along a shale parting. (a) The slabs formed by the
mining-induced fractures can be seen toppling towards the excavated space. (b) The
new fractures terminate downward in a preexisting shear zone inclined towards the
excavation. (Courtesy South African Chamber of Mines.)
Figure 5.2 Discontinuous rocks. (a) Rock-bolted sheet
joints in Navajo Sandstone, Glen Canyon, Arizona. (b)
Cross-bedded and sheet-jointed Navajo sandstone, Glen
144 Planes ofWeakness in Rocks
Figure 5.2 Discontinuous rocks. (e) Bedded sandstone, shale, and coaly
sediments in the foundation of Bennett Dam, Peace River, B. C. (d) Grout-
ing open joints between beds of quartzite, Akosombo Dam, Ghana.
5.1 Inlroduction 145
Fiw.re 5.2 Discontinuous rocks. (e) Stream controlled by primatic jointing.
(j) Formation of an arch by deterioration of wall rock liberated by a persist-
entjoint. [(e), (j) are in Devonian siltstone and shale, Enfield Glen, near
Ithaca, N.Y.].
Figure 5.2 Discontinuous rocks. (g) A long fracture surface formed by
linking of nonpersistent individual joints. (h) Short cross joints and one long
discontinuity [as in (g)], Navajo sandstone, Zion Canyon, Utah.
" 3
LI ...
- o
3 3


5.1 lnlroduction 147
F issu res
Figure 5.3 Relative distributions of discontinuities at
(a) Ta Chien Dam Site, in quartzite and (b) Malpasset
Dam Site, in schistose gneiss. [Mter B. Schneider
stained thin sections of rock. At Ta-Chien dam site, Formosa, planes of weak-
ness traversed the rock with spacings from 50 m down to 10 cm. At the Malpas- .
set Dam site, the rock showed cracks of various types with spacings from more
than 100 m to less than 5 mm. The Malpasset Dam failed because of the
discontinuous character of the rock in the abutments.
. . that are spaced more than about 20 m apart can be shown
mdlvldually in site sections and plans and considered individually in analysis.
On the other hand, planes of weakness that are more closely spaced occur in
large numbers and the only feasible way to appreciate their impact is often to
modify the properties of the rock mass, for example, by reducing
ItS modulus of elasticity. Figure 5.4 shows examples of single features (S) and
148 Planes ofWeakness in Hoeks
Figure 5.4 Siogly occurring discontinuties (S) and
multiple features (M) in the region of iofluence of exca-
Figure 5.5 Examples of the influence of joints aod other dscoo-
tinuities 00 fouodatoos and excavatioos.
150 Planes ofWeakness in Rocks
multiple features (M) in the rock around a tunnel and a surface excavation.
Notice how the locations of joints have affected the shape of the tunnel in
Figure 5.4a. N ormally the precise locations of the multiple features will not be
shown on the drawings, a pattem like that of Figure 5.4a being diagrammatic
only. Single features, however, can and should be plotted, for details of their
occurrence can radically affect the quality and cost of the work.
The importance of planar weaknesses stems from the special properties
that such features superimpose on rock. Basically, the rock mass becomes
weaker, more deformable, and highly anisotropic because there is reduced
shear strength and higher permeability parallel to discontinuities and increased
compressibility as well as reduced tensile strength (essentially zero) perpendic-
ular to them. These factors combine to create a variety of potential problems.
Foundations onjointed rocks (Figure 5.5a) may settle significantly as thejoints
close under load even if the rock itself is very stiff. Dams underlain by discon-
tinuous rock (Figure 5.5b) may initiate slip of rock blocks along one or more
weak surfaces; more than one dam failure has been attributed to this mecha-
nism (including Malpasset mentioned above-see Figure 9.15). Rock slopes
may fail as rock blocks move on single or multiple weakness planes. For
example, the rock slope in Figure 5.5e will most probably fail when the excava-
tion is deepened to the position of the dashed lines. Figure 5.4a showed how
block s might fall from the roof of a tunnel due to intersectngjoint planes. At a
larger scale, whole chambers can collapse owing to unfortunate intersections of
planar weaknesses. Another behavior pattem of jointed rock, in addition to
rigid translation of block s on planar surfaces, is bending of blocks under stress.
Flexural cracking and rock falls may follow such bending in a roof in thinly
bedded rock. Similarly, the rock cut of Figure 5.4b is subject to fiexure and
cracking of the inclined "cantilever beams" created by the steeply dipping
joints and contacts.
Since joint planes introduce such strongly directional weaknesses, the most
important joint attribute can be considered to be orientation. Fortunately, this
can be determined relatively reliably.
5.2 Joint Orientations
It is rare to encounter a rock mass with truly random fracturing. In every
instance where attitudes were measured for naturally occurring weakness
planes, the author's experience has been that planar weaknesses cluster around
one or more "preferred orientations." This is appreciated readily if the direc-
tions normal to the measured planes are plotted on a stereographic or equal
area projection. (The principies of stereographic projection ~ r e presented in
Appendix 5.) Either the upper hemisphere or the lower hemlsphere normal s
5.2 Joint Orientations 151
may be plotted. The upper hemisphere normal will be preferred here because it
has the same direction as that ofthe dip vector; that is, ifthe strike is north and
the dip 30 east, the upward normal will rise 60 to the east. Figure 5.6a shows a
series of normals that cluster about three preferred orientations roughly orthog-
onal to each other. In Figure 5.6b, there are two clusters but the scatter of
values is very great in one case (set 1) while a second cluster (set 2) has been
rotated and spread by folding so that its points are distributed about a segment
of a great circle of the sphere. If the normals to planes are distributed evenly
around a center, it is possible to pick a good representation for the preferred
orientation of the distribution by guessing the location of the point of greatest
concentration of normals. There are also methods for contouring the points
(see, for example, Hoek and Bray (1977), cited in Chapter 8). Another ap-
proach to describing the preferred orientation is to sum the normals vectorially.
Eachjoint normal can be considered a unit vector and the orientation ofthe
resultant of all the individual s of a cluster represents the preferred orientations
(the "mean") ofthe set. The summation can be accomplished by accumulating
the direction cosines (see Appendix 1). Let x be directed horizontally and
north, y horizontally and west, and z vertically upward. If a normal to a joint
plane rises at angle 8 aboye horizontal in a direction {3 measured counterclock-
wise from north, the direction cosines of the normal to the joints are
1 = cos 8 cos {3
m = cos 8 sin {3 (5.1)
n = sin 8
If many joints are mapped in one set, the preferred, or mean orientation of the
joint set is parallel with the line defined by direction cosines equal to the sums
of all individual l' s, m' s and n' s; dividing by the magnitude of .this resultant
vector gives the direction cosines (IR, mR, nR) of the mean joint orientation:
IRI = [(II)2 + (Im)2 + (In)2]112
The angle of rise 8
and the direction of rise (3R of the normal to the mean
orientation are obtained with Equations 5.1 together with rules for the correct
~ ~ ~ ~ O O ~ : .
= sin-1(nR) O 8
~ 90
{3R = + cos-
( ~ ) if mR ~ O
cos 0R
152 Planes of Weakness in Rocks
Upper hemisphere


Upper hemisphere
Figure 5.6 Distributions of normals to dis-
continuities, plotted on stereographic projec-
tions. (a) Two-well-defined sets and a third
more disperse set. (b) One very disperse set
and a second set distributed in a great circle
~ R = - cos-
( ~ )
cos 8R
5.2 JoinlOrienlations 153
(In the aboye, the number represented by the cos-
term is presumed to He
between O and 180.)
One can also estimate the scatter of normals about the mean orientation by
comparing the length ofthe resultant with the number N ofjoints considered. If
the joints were aH parallel, the resultant would equal N, whereas if the joints
were widely varying in orientation, the resultant would be considerably less
than N. This is represented by a parameter K
KF becomes very large as the dispersion of joint orientations becomes small.
According to the hemispherical normal distribution (Fisher, 1953), the
probability P that a normal will make an angle of t/J degrees or less with the
mean orientation is described implicitly by
cos t/J = 1 + - ln(1 - P)
Thus one can express the spread of values about the mean-the "disper-
sion" -corresponding to any degree of certainty. The standard deviation of the
hemispherical normal distribution (;;) can also be used to express the disper-
sion of normals about the mean:
- 1
t/J = v'K;
_ When calculating or estimating the orientation parameters 8R , ~ R , KF , and
t/J for each joint set, one must insure unbiased selection of individuals for
analysis. Unfortunately, as pointed out by Terzaghi (1965), outcrops and drill
holes introduce bias. Figure 5.7 a shows that the joints that paraHel an outcrop
surface (i.e., whose' normals are paraHel to the normal to an outcrop) cannot be
seen. If ao is the angle between a normal to a joint and the normal to the
outcrop, bias can be overcome by weighting the calculations such that the
singlejoint is replaced by a number ofjoints equal to 1/sin ao. Similarly, drill
holes will not reveal joints whose normals are perpendicular to the axis of the
hole (Figure 5.7b). Thus eachjoint individual oriented in a drill core should be
weighted by treating it in the analysis of orientations as if it were 1/ cos aH joints
where aH is the angle between the normal to the joint and the axis of the holeo
154 Planes of Weakness in Rocks
Generally, orientations of joints cannot be determined from drill hole data
because the core rotates an unknown amount as it is returned to the surface.
Methods for orienting core were reviewed by Goodman (1976).
The joint orientation parameters discussed here are fundamental properties
of the rock mass. In general, each joint set will also have a characteristic
physical description and a corresponding set of physical properties including,
most importantly, the parameters necessary to represent joint strength .
noutcrop njoint
nOint 1\
Lower hemisphere
Figure 5.7 Bias in occurrence of joints in (a) outcrops.
5.2 Joint Orientations 155
Lower hem isphere
Figure 5.7 Bias in occurrence of joints in (b) drill holes.
156 Planes of Weakness in Rocks
5.3 Joint Testing
When a rock mass is excavated, somejoints will close up while others will open
and sorne blocks will slide against others along joint surfaces. The properties
governing joint deformability and strength enable the magnitudes and direc-
tions of these movements to be calculated in practical problems. To obtain the
required descriptive properties, the engineer has two choices: (1) to use experi-
ence and judgment to select reasonable values for the joint properties based on
careful descriptions of joint characteristics as observed by geologists or
geotechnical engineers in outcrops and in core samples, or (2) to attempt to
measure the properties directly in field or laboratory tests. The latter is prefera-
ble but it is not often possible to obtain good samples for this purpose.
Clay dam
Liquid rubber
Fault gouge
Remolded fau It
Figure 5.8 Methods for gaining joint samples. (a) Oriented drill-
ing. (b) Molding and casting.
5.3 Joint Testing 157
Figure 5.8 Methods for gaining joint samples. (e) Models of joints ob-
tained as in (b): the left rectangle is a mold of a ripple-marked bedding
surface supplied by H. Schneider; the middle rectangle is a cast of the
same surface in plaster prepared for direct shear testing; the right squares
are the top and bottom of a portio n of the same surface after shear testing
in a smaller direct shear machine (note the wear along the slopes of the
Samples for"laboratory testing can be acquired by drilling a large-diameter
core parallel to ajoint plane that outcrops, as depicted in Figure 5.8a. Alterna-
tively, a section of the joint surface could be molded with liquid rubber in a field
and facsimiles of the upper and lower blocks later cast in plaster, cement, or
sulfur in the laboratory (Figures 5.8b,c). The modeljoints will correctly repre-
sent the roughness of the surface and clay or mineral filling material collected in
the field can be spread on the model surfaces to simulate the actual field condi-
tion. Good results can be obtained this way ifthe tests are scaled by the ratio of
normal stress to compressive strength. For example, to study the shear of a
joint under 500 psi normal pressure in limestone having a compressive strength
of 16,000 psi, a model joint of sulfur (concrete cylinder capping compound
"Cylcap") having a compressive strength of 8000 psi should be tested at a
normal pressure of 250 psi.
Both triaxial and direct shear test methods may be adapted for testing
specimens withjoints. In the direct shear test (Figure 5.9a), the joint surface is
oriented parallel to the direction of applied shear load and the two halves of the
sample are fixed inside a shear box, using Cylcap, concrete, plaster, or epoxy.
158 Planes uf Weakness in Rucks
To avoid a moment and rotation of one block relative to the other, the shear
load may be inclined slightly, as in Figure 5.9b; but this prevents shear testing
at very low normalloads. Rotation during shear can occur in the shear appa-
ratus shown in Figure 5.9c, where the reactions to the normal and shear force s
are supplied by cables. A test in which rotations can occur during shearing
tends to underestimate the shear strength compared to one in which rotations
are prevented. Both conditions of loading exist in nature.
The stress conditions inside the shear box are represented by the Mohr
circle in Figure 5.9d. The normal stress (Iy and shear stress Txy on the failure
plane define point A'. The normal stress (Ix parallel to the joint is unknown and
Leveling shims
"Potting" materia'l
4 T
Figure 5.9 Direct shear testing. (a) The arrangement of the specimen in
a shear box. (b) A system for testing with inclined shear force to avoid
m o m p . n t ~
"Failure" criterion
__ ----r
__ -- xy
Figure 5.9 Direct shear testing. (e) A portable shear-test machine and load-
maintaining system based upon the ISRM-suggested method which accommo-
dates samples up to 115 by 115 mm. Courtesy of Roctest Inc., Plattsburg, N.Y.
(d) Approximation to the state of stress in the shear box; x and y are parallel
and perpendicular to the joint surface.
160 Planes ofWeakness in Rocks
- - - - - - ~ ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~ ~ - - ~ ~ a
of a on
Figure 5.10 Triaxial testing with jointed specimens. (a) Arrange-
ment of joint. (b) Stress conditions.
5.3 Joint Testing 161
Figure 5.10 Triaxial testing with jointed specimens. (e) A natural joint in
graphite schist oriented for a multistage triaxial test, viewed after the test. The
joint was initially closed and was opened by the first load stage.
can range from zero to a large proportion of CT
depending on the system used
for fixing the specimen inside the shear box. Since the shear stress perpendicu-
lar to the joint plane must be equal to T xy' the stress is represented by the Mohr
circle with diameter AA I (Figure 5.9d). This can lie partIy in the tensile stress
field if CTx is small.Accordingly, direct shear is not a good way to test intact
specimens of rock or soil. However, for sliding of joints, the direct shear test is
advantageous because normal and shear displacements during shearing can
both be measured easily and because shearing can proceed for long distances
such that wear is developed and the strength falls to its minimum value; the
latter is termed the residual strength. The direct shear test can also be con-
ducted in the field by excavating ajoint block in place. A series of direct shear
tests conducted at different confining pressures generate a series of points Al,
A2 , etc., through which ajoint shear strength curve or line will be drawn.
Another approach for joint testing is the triaxial compression test discussed
in Chapter 3. If the joint is oriented at an angle .p equal to 25 to 40 with the
direction ofaxialload, as shown in Figure 5.lOa, the joint will slip before the
rock has had a chance to fracture and the joint strength criterion can be estab-
lished. The strength criterion is no! an envelope to a series ofMohr circles as in
the case of intact rock, because failure is not free to develop in the most critical
orientation but is constrained to occur along the joint at angle .p. Figure 5.lOb

t t t t
_ N _

- -

!Sd "





O a)
!l 5
;:l .-


5.3 Joint Testing 163
shows a simple construction to locate the relevant point on the Mohr circle.
Using Bray's procedure (Appendix 1) for constructing the Mohr circle for the
triaxial test with (Ix = P and (Iy = (Iaxia' the focus is located at the right side of
the circle at point F (Figure 5.10). The normal and shear stress on the joint
plane corresponding to the stresses at peak load are then found by drawing a
line from ,F making an angle of t/J with the horizontal and piercing the Mohr
circle at point A (or alternatively making an angle of t/J with vertical from F' at
the left side of the circle). A series of triaxial tests conducted at different
normal pressures will yield a series of points Al, A2 , etc., through which ajoint
failure criterion can be drawn.

o = A constant
Area =A
________ ______ ______________ ____ .. 6u
______ ____ ____________ ______ 6u
Figure 5.12 Tangential and normal displacements during direct shear
of a rough joint.
164 Planes ofWeakness in Rocks
If the. test i.s started at a low eonfining pressure and the eonfining
pressure IS qUlekly ratsed after the peak axial stress is reaehed it will be
possible to generate a series of Mohr eirc1es for slip from a single est. Sueh a
proeedure is ealled "a multistage test. " Figure 5.11 shows a Mohr eircle family
generated from a multistage test for the joint in graphite sehist shown in Figure
5.lOc. (A multistage test ean also be programmed in direet shear.) If real roek
joints rather than models are tested, identieal specimens cannot be supplied for
a series ofpreviously untested roughjoints; but a multistage test could be used
to investigate the strength eriterion. Since wear will develop at higher normal
pressures, a multistage test will not give the same results as a series of identical
virgin specimens tested at different normal pressures; however, sorne compro-
mise is required if actual rock is to be tested.
Figure 5.12 shows the type of data obtained from the direct shear test. The
shear displacement across the joint, Ilu, is the difference in displacements of
the upper and lower block s measured parallel to the joint planeo If the joint is
rough, a meanjoint plane is recognized, passing through hilIs and over valleys
of the joint surface. Because of these undulations, the joint will tend to thicken
or "dilate" during shearing. The dilatancy Ilv is the difference between the
normal displacements of the upper and lower block as a result of shear dis-
plaeement. Opening (thickening) is reckoned as positive dilatancy. As the shear
stress builds, a period of adjustment with slight dilatancy is followed by rapid
increase in the rate of dilatancy; the dilatancy rate is greatest as the peak shear
stress (the "shear strength") is attained. Thereafter, the shear stress falls con-
tinuously and the joint dilates continuously until attaining the residual displace-
ment, sorne millimeters or even centimeters beyond the peak. In the field, with
very roughjoint surfaces, residual displacement may be achieved only after as
much as a meter of movement. The dilatancy and, to a considerable degree, the
joint strength are controlled by the joint roughness.
5.4 Joint Roughness
Imagine a joint surface with identical asperities rising at an angle i from the
meanjoint plane (Figure 5.13). Let the friction angle of a smoothjoint be 4J",. At
the moment of peak shear stress, the resultant force on the joint, R, is then
oriented at an angle 4J", with the normal to the surface on which motion is about
to oceur; since this surface is inclined i degrees with the joint plane, the joint
friction angle is 4J", + i when referred to the direction of the mean joint planeo
The aceuracy and utility of this simple eoncept was demonstrated by Patton
Values of 4J", have been reported by many authors. A reasonable value
appears to be 30 with most values in the range 21 to 40. Byerlee (1978) found
5.4 Joint Roughness 165

. = (t/l" + i)
Figure 5.13 The basis for Patton's law for joint shear strength.
4J", = 40 fit a variety of rocks with saw cut or ground surface up to (I equals 2
kbar (with 'rp = 0.5 + 0.6 (I kbar applicable at higher pressure-up to 16 kbar).
Frequently, 4J", can be much lower when mica, tale, chlorite, or other sheet
silicate minerals form the sliding surface or when clay gouge is present. There
is little opportunity for drainage of water from the pores of saturated c1ay .
loeked in between joint walls and values of 4J", as low as 6 have been reported
for montmorillonite c1ay-filled shears. The roughness angle i can be any value
from O to 40 or more at low pressures as diseussed later.
If the normal pressure is relatively large, it will be easier to shear the joint
through the teeth along its surface than to lift over them. Mobilizing sorne roek
strength by failure through the teeth generates a shear strength intereept Si and
a new friction angle 4Jr related to sliding on surfaees broken through the roek
and thus approximated by the residual friction angle for intact roek specimens.
(The residual frietion angle is the slope of the linear envelope to a series of
166 Planes ofWeakness in Rocks
Mohr circles through residual stress values for a series of triaxial compression
tests with intact rock specimens.) Figure 5.14 shows the bilinear failure crite-
rion for joints representing the merging of Patton' s law and the condition for
shearing through asperites:
= (J' tan(<p/L + i) for (J' smaH
and (5.7)
for (J' large
For many purposes, it is sufficient to replace <Pr in the second equation by <P/L
since these values are close. Actual data show a transition from the initial slope
at <P/L + i to the final slope at <Pr. Theories of joint strength effecting this
transition smoothly were presented by Ladanyi and Archambault (1970), Jaeger
(1971), and Barton (1973) and were reviewed by Goodman (1976).
Roughness control s not only the peak shear strength at low normal pres-
sures but the shape of the shear stress versus shear deformation curve and the
rate of dilatancy. This is shown in Figures 5.15 and 5.16 based on work by
Rengers (1970) and Schneider (1976). Suppose thejoint surface were accurately
profiled as in Figure 5 .15a. Any two points a distance nS apart along the profile
will define a line inclined i degrees with the mean plane through the joint
surface. If the measuring points are moved aH along the surface and the mea-
suring base length is varied, a series of angles will be measured; these angles
have been plotted against base length in Figure 5.15b, and envelopes to aH the
points have been drawn. It is seen that the maximum angles presented by a
rough surface approach zero as the measuring distance becomes appreciably
____ __________________________________
Figure 5.14 Bilinear shear strength criterion.
(a) Profile:
O 234567 B
Envelope for shearing
top to right

( )

T posltlve

s 2s 3s 4s


/ ""
i E nvelope for shearing top to left
(T negative)
Large plate Compass Small plate

5.4 Joint Roughness 167
9 10 11
Base distance
Mean plane

Largest plate
Figure 5.15 Rengers' analysis of roughness. (a) A rough surface. (b) Envelopes
to roughness angles as a function of base length. (e) and (d) Approximation to
Rengers' roughness angles by Fecker and Rengers' method.
168 Planes of Weakness in Rocks

" 25
" 20
Envelope to
' .... 10
.... -
la) Base distance
2 Calculated dilatancy
6ul T) ; base distance
rJ>, = 35
T(IlU) = (J(tan[c!>, + i
6u ; base distance
Figure 5.16 Construction of the dilatancy curve and the shear stress-shear
deformation curve from the Rengers' envelope according to the method of
H. Schneider (1976).
5.5 lnterrelationships among Displacements and Strengths 169
larger than the wavelengths of the roughness anclwaviness of the surface. The
envelopes drawn in Figure 5.15b present a series of i values corresponding to
shear displacements numericaHy equal to each base distance nS. The upper
envelope corresponds to shearing of the upper block to the right while the
lower corresponds to shearing of the upper block to the left. Consider
shearing to the right. In Figure 5.16a, the appropriate envelope has been replot-
ted. Then, directly below it (Figure 5.16b), the dilatancy curve has been con-
structed by drawing a series of secants described by the appropriate i value for
each base distance. Next we construct the shear stress versus shear displace-
ment curve (Figure 5 .16c) from the dilatancy curve assuming that each shear
stress value r(au) can be calculated from the normal stress acting on a surface
whose effective friction angle is the sum of the current i value and the residual
friction angle (Schneider, 1976); that is,
r(au) = (I' tan[cPr + (5.8)
where itan(au) is the inclination of the tangent to the dilatancy curve at any
value of au.
We have seen that the roughness profile of a weakness "plane" is funda-
mentaHy valuable. It will be useful then to have more than one way of determin-
ing it. Figure 5.15c shows another method demonstrated by Fecker and Ren-
gers (1971). 'If the orientations of ftat plates placed down on a single rough
surface are compared, it will be seen that they are scattered about a mean
value. For a plate of a given size, the maximum angle from the mean of the
series of measurements, in other words the i value, can be obtained by plotting
the normals on a stereographic projection, drawing an envelope to aH the
points, and measuring the angle between the envelope and the mean orientation
(Figure 5.15d). Alternatively, this can be done mathematicaHy, emulating the
procedure discussedin Section 5.2 where a series of nonparaHel planes were
averaged. The difference here is that one plane only is being measured, the
different points representing the different orientations measured at different
place s on its surface.
5.5 lnterrelationships among
Displacements and Strengths
When a block containing a joint plane is subjected to a shear stress paraHel to
the joint, it can undergo both shear au and normal displacement av. If. com-
pressed normal to the joint, it will tend to shorten by joint closure and if puHed
apart normal to the joint, the block will eventuaHy separate into two block s as
the joint opens. AH these phenomena are coupled together as shown in Figure
5.17. The upper figure (5. 17a) shows the compression behavior ofthejoint; it is
170 Planes of Weakness in Rocks
.. a
__________ __________
a= C
a= D
No dilatancy permitted (path O, 3, 6)
No dilatancy permitted (path O, 1, 2)


Figure 5.17 Coupling of the normal deformation, shear deformation,
and dilatancy laws for rough joints and analysis of path dependency.
5.6 Effect ofWater Pressure 171
highly nonlnear and becomes asymptotic to a maximum closure (Vme) related
to the initial thickness or aperture of the joint.
Suppose a virgin specimen were sheared without normal pressure. Dila-
tancy. would occur as shown in the upper curve of Figure 5.17 b while the shear
stress would never rise aboye zero since there is no frictional resistance in this
case (lowermost curve of Figure 5.17 c). If the specimen had been compres sed
initially to a value A, B, e, or D, the dilatancy and shear stress versus shear
displacement relationships would have been as depicted by the families of
curves in 5.17b and c. As the normal pressure grows, the dilatancy is gradually
reduced because a greater proportion of the asperities becomes damaged during
shearing. All the curves of dilatancy and shear assume the normal stress was
maintained constant at the indicated initial value throughout the shearing pro-
cess. This would not have been true if the normal displacement had been
restricted, as, for example, when a block moves into a tunnel between parallel
joint surfaces. However, the shear stress versus shear displacement function
for such a condition can be determined from the data presented. Suppose, for
example, the joint normal stress were zero to start but no dilatancy was allowed
during shearing. Then, the joint would acquire normal stress A when it had
sheared to point 1, with shear resistance appropriate to the point on the shear
stress/displacement curve corresponding to normal stress A. Thus, as shear
progressed, the shear stress would rise with displacement along the dashed
locus 0, 1, 2. In similar fashion, one could construct the shear stress/shear
displacement curve for a joint initially compres sed to normal stress A and then
sheared without dilatancy (path 0, 3, 6). In both cases, note that considerable
additional shear slrength was acquired by the restriction of normal displace-
ment and the behavior became plastic rather than brittle; that is, there was lttle
or no drop in strength after a peak stress had been reached. This helps explain
why rock bolt reinforcement has be en successful in stabilizing rock slopes and
Mathematical relationships have already be en presented for the variation
ofpeak stress versus normal pressure (Equation 5.7). Additional formulas have
been demonstrated linking the decline of peak diliitancy with normal stress
(Ladanyi and Archambault, 1970) and for the compression ofjoints (Goodman,
5.6 Effect of Water Pressure
Joints obey the effective stress principIe discussed in Chapter 3. The water
pressure in a joint directly counteracts the strengthening effect of the normal
stress applied to the joint. To calculate the water pressure required to cause a
fault or joint to slip, one needs to determine the amount by which the Mohr
172 Planes of Weakness in Rocks
circle corresponding to the current state of stress has to travel to the left to
bring the normal and shear stress on the fault or joint plane to the limiting
condition represented by the criterion offailure (Figure 5.18). This calculation
is slightly more complicated than for the case of unjointed rock, because now,
in addition to initial stresses and strength parameters, the orientation of the
joint plane (t/J with the direction of (TI) needs to be considered. If the initial
stresses are (T3 and (TI, the water pressure that will produce fault slip is
S ( . sin t/J cos t/J)
Pw = -t J,J.. + (T3 + (TI - (T3) sm
t/J - t ,J..
an 'Pj an 'Pj
Pw is the minimum of values calculated from (5.9) using (a) Sj = O and ~ j = ~ + i
and (b) Sj * O and ~ j = ~ r '
This simple application of the effective stress principIe has been shown to
explain satisfactorily the occurrence of earthquakes due to water injection in a
deep waste disposal well near Denver, Colorado (Healy et al., 1968) and in the
Rangely oil field, western Colorado (Raleigh et al., 1971). It can be used to
consider the likelihood of triggering earthquakes by construction of reservoirs
Figure 5.18 Water pressure to cause slip 00 a joiot.
REiferences 173
near active faults. However, the initial stresses in the crust as well as the
frictional properties of the fault will have to be known.
Bartoo N. (1973) Review of a oew shear streogth criterio n for rockjoints, Eng. Geol. 7:
Barton, N. (1976) The shear strength ofrock and rockjoints, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min.
Sci. 13: 255-279.
Barton, N. et al. (1978) Suggested methods for the quantitative description of discon-
tinuities in rock masses, for ISRM Commission on Standardization of Lab and
Field Tests, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. 15: 319-368.
Barton, N. R. and Choubey, V. (1977) The shear strength ofrock joints in theory and
practice, Rock Mech. 10: 1-54.
Bray, J. W. (1967) A study ofjointed and fractured rock, 1. Fracture pattems and their
failure characteristics, Rock Mech. Eng. Geol. 5: 117-136.
Byerlee, J. (1978) Friction ofrocks, Pure and Applied Geophysics, American Geophysi-
cal Union.
Fecker, E. and Rengers, N. (1971) Measurement oflarge scale roughness ofrock planes
by mean s ofprofilograph and geological compass, Proceedings, International Sym-
posiuln on Rock Fracture, Nancy (ISRM), paper 1-18.
Fisher, R. A. (1953) Dispersion on a sphere, Proc. R. Soco London, Ser. A 217: 295.
Goodman, R. E. (1970) The deformability of joints, ASTM Spec. Tech. Publ. 477, pp.
Goodman, R. E. (1976) reference given in Chapter 1.
Healy, J. H., Rubey, W. W., Griggs, D. T., and Raleigh, C. B. (1968) The Denver
earthquak.e, Science 161: 1301-1310.
Jaeger, J. C. (1971) Friction ofrocks and the stability ofrock slopes-Rankine Lecture,
Geotechnique 21: 97-134.
Ladanyi, B. and Archambault, G. (1970) Simulation of the shear behavior of a jointed
rock mass, Proceedings, 11th Symposium on Rock Mechanics (AIME), pp. 105-
Patton, F. D. (1966) Multiple modes of shear failurein rock, Proc. 1st Congo ISRM
(Lisbon), Vol. 1, pp. 509-513.
Priest, S. D. and Hudson, J. A. (1976) Discontinuity spacings in rock, Int. J Rock Mech.
Min. Sci. 13: 135-148.
Raleigh, C. B., Healy, J. H., Bredehoeft, J. D., and Bohn, J. P. (1971) Earthquake
control at Rangely, Colorado, Trans AGU 52: 344.
Rengers, N. (1970) Influence of surface roughness on the friction properties of rpck
planes, Proc. 2nd Congo ISRM (Belgrade), Vol. 1, pp. 229-234.
Schneider, B. (1967) Reference given in Chapter 6.
Schneider, H. J. (1976) Commeot in Proceedings olInternational Symposium on Nu-
merical Methods in Soil Mechanics and Rock mechanics, G. Borm and H.
Meissner, Eds., pp. 220-223 (lost. fr Bodeomechanik und Felsmechanik of Karls-
ruhe Uoiversity, D-7500, Karlsruhe 1, Germaoy).
Terzaghi, R. (1965) Sources of error io joiot surveys, Geotechnique 15: 287.
174 Planes ofWeakness in Rocks
1. Determine by mathematical ca1culation the mean orientation and the Fisher
distribution parameter kfor each ofthejoint sets represented by the follow-
ing data collected in the field:
Joint or Strike Dip Joint or Strike Dip
Other Plane
e) Other Plane
(0) (0)
1 S40 E 35 NE 16 S38 W 62NW
2 S42 E 35 NE 17 S36W 63NW
3 S40 E 39NE 18 S38 E 41 NE
4 S30W 60NW 19 S25 E 38NE
5 S35 W 61 NW 20 S30W 58NW
6 S41 E 34NE 21 N30E 30 SE
7 S32 W 59NW 22 N35 E 32 SE
8 S35 W 62NW 23 N22 E 28 SE
9 S38 E 37 NE 24 N45 E 60NW
10 S40 E 37 NE 25 N55 E 58NW
11 S33 W 61 NW 26 N50E 59NW
12 S33 W 64NW 27 N30W 90
13 S40 E 37 NE 28 N40W 88 NE
14 S41 E 36NE 29 N40W 1 NE
15 S40W 62NW 30 N30E 24 SE
2. Plot the normal s to the joint planes of Problem 1 on an upper hemisphere
stereographic projection and compare the calculated preferred orientations
with what seem to be the points where the greatest density of normals
3. A multistage triaxial test with a sawed joint oriented 45 with the axis of the
core yielded the following data. Determine <PI".
Confining Pressure (P)
Maximum Axial Stress
Problems 175
4. A reverse fault in the rock of Problem 3 has a dilatancy angle of 5 and is
inclined 20 with the horizontal. What is the maximum horizontal stress that
could be sustained at a depth of 2000 m in this rock?
5. Trace the roughness profile of Figure 5.15a on a sheet of paper; then cut
along it carefully with scissors to produce a model of a direct shear speci-
meno Slide the top to the right past the bottom, without rotation and without
"crushing," and draw the path of any point on the top block. Compare this
path to the constructed dilatancy curve of Figure 5 .16b. Mark the locations
of potential crushing at different shear displacements.
6. A normal fault that is partly cemented with calcite mineralization dips 650
from horizontal. The fault slipped when the water pressure reached 10 MPa
at a depth of 600 m. If Sj = 1 MPa and <Pj = 35, what was the horizontal
stress before the fault slipped?
7. Sj = O and <pj = 28.2 for a sawed joint oriented 50 from vertical in a
saturated triaxial compression specimen. The confining pressure is 1.5 MPa
and the axial stress 0"1 = 4.5 MPa with zero joint water pressure. What
water ,pressure will cause the joint to slip if 0"1 and 0"3 are held constant?
8. The following data were taken in a direct shear test conducted in the field
along a rockjoint, with area 0.50 m
The weight of the block aboye the joint
is 10 kN.
T, Shear Force (kN) O 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 6.5 6.0 5.5 5.4 5.3
u, Shear Displacement (mm)O 0.5 1.0 1.5 3.0 5.2 7.5 9.5 11.5 2=12
Assuming that joint cohesion is zero, and that <PI" = <Presid, determine the
peak and residual friction angles, the shear stiffness (MPa/m), and the
dilatancy angle at peak and post peak displacements.
9. A jointed shear test specimen is drilled at angle a with the normal to the
shear plane and a model rock bolt is installed and tensioned to force F
figure). Then a pair of shear force s Tare applied until the joint slips.
(a) What is the bolt tension F
just sufficient to prevent slip under shear
force T.
(b) What is the value of a that minimizes the value of F B required to prevent
joint slip?
(c) How are the answers to be changed if the joint tends to dilate during
shear, with dilatancy angle i, and the bolt has stiffness kb?
176 Planes ofWeakness in Rocks
10. John Bray (1967) derived the following expression for the limiting effeetive
stresses for joint slip:
_ <T} _ tan 11/1 1
Kf = <T - tan(11/I1 + CPj)
where 1/1 is the angle between the direction of <TI and the joint planeo (The
derivation for this useful formula is given in Appendix 4 in the derivations
to equations 7.11 to 7.16.) Draw a polar plot of the ratio <T}/ <T for limiting
eonditions as a funetion of I/I( -7T/2::5 1/1 ::5 7T/2) for values of (a) CPj = 20 and
(b) cpj = 30. Label the regions on these diagrams eorresponding to slip and
saje principal stress ratios.
11. Use the expression given in Problem 10 to re-solve Problem 5-7. (Hint:
Substitute <TI - Pw and <T3 - Pw in place of <T, <TD
12. (a) Sedimentation is inereasing the thiekness of overburden (z) and the
vertical stress (<T
) in a roek mass. Assume the roek strength is given by
Si = 1 MPa and cP = 30. With v = 0.2, and'Y = 0.025 MPa/m, draw the
limiting Mohr circle that causes shear failure in the rock and determine
the corresponding values of z, <Tv , and <Th
(b) Now as sume that shear fractures have formed, in the orientation deter-
Problems 177
mined by the shear failure in (a). The new shear joints have CPj = 20.
Draw the new Mohr circle after the failure and determine the new value
of <Th (no ehange in <T v has oeeurred).
(e) Assume additional sedimentation inereases the value of <T
to 1.5 times
its value in (b). What are the eorresponding values of z and <Th. Draw the
eorresponding Mohr circle.
(d) Now erosion begins, redueing <T
Assuming the eorresponding redue-
tion in <Th is given by d<Th = [v/(1 - v)] d<T
, draw a series of Mohr
eircles and determine the value of z when <Th = <Tv
(e) With further erosion, the shear joints formed in (a) are no longer rele-
vant to the stress circles sine e the major stress is now horizontal. New
joints form when the Mohr circle eontaets the roek strength envelope.
Draw this eircle and determine the corresponding values of z, <Th,
and <T

(f) Assume the Mohr circle is now limited by the new joints. Find the
appropriate new value for <Th (no ehange in <T
(g) Draw graphs showing the variations of <T
and <Th with z inereasing to the
max found in (e) and then deereasing to zero.
13. The average fracture frequeney (A) aeross a roek eore is the total number of
natural'fraetures divided by the totallength drilled.
(a) Suppose there is only one set of joints and that A is the fracture fre-
queney measured in a direetion normal to them. Derive an expression
giving A in a direetion 8 with respeet to the normal.
(b) There are two orthogonal sets offraetures with A values, respeetively Al
and A2. Derive an expression for A measured in a direetion 8 from Al.
(e) GivenAI = 5.0 and A2 = 2.0 fractures per meter. Find the values of8 and
A sueh that the fracture frequeney is a maximum. What is the average
fracture spacing in this direetion?
14. Barton (1973) proposed an empirieal eriterion of peak shear strength for
T = <T
tan[JCR log (JCS/<T
) + Pb]
where JCS is the eompressive strength ofthe wall roek, and JCR is thejoint
roughness eoefficient. (In this expression, the argument of tan is under-
stood to be expressed in degrees.) Compare this equation with Equa-
tion 5.8.
Deforrnability of
6.1 lntroduction
Chapter 6
Deformability means the capacity of rock to strain under applied loads or in
response to unloads on excavation. The strains in rock concern engineering
even when there is Httle risk of rock failure because locally large rock displace-
ments can raise stresses within structures. For example (Figure 6.1), a dam
seated astride varying rock types having dissimilar deformability properties
will develop shear and diagonal tension stresses by virtue of the unequal deflec-
tions of the foundation. The dam can be structured to handle these deflection
tendencies if the properties of the rock are known and if the variation of
properties within the found3;tion are determined. Furthermore, in mass con-
crete structures like gravity dams, the deformability of the rock also relates to
thermal stresses in the concrete, which are calculated by the product of a
thermal expansion coefficient, a temperature change, and a deformability termo
There are many situations in which rock displacements should be calcu-
lated. To design pressure tunnels, one should know the expansion of the lining
under operating pressure, as well as the amount of recovery when the pressure
is lowered. The same is true of arch dams pressing against their abutments. Tall
bUildings on rock may transmit sufficient load to their foundations that rock
settlement becomes significant for designo For long-span, prestressed roof
structures and bridges anchorages in rock, structures pushing against rock, or
gravity blocks seated on rock, knowledge of the rock displacements and rota-
tions is basic to design details. And for any excavation that is monitored, the
expectable displacements should be calculated to pro vide a framework with
which to interpret the measurements.
It is not sufficient to characterize rock deformability by elastic constants alone:
for many rocks are nonelastic. Elasticity refers to the property of reversibility
180 Deformability of Rocks
Figure 6.1 Shear stress developed in a concrete dam due to variable
deformability in the foundation rock.
of deformation in response to load. Many fresh, hard rocks are elastic when
considered as laboratory specimens. But on the field scale, where the rock can
be expected to contain fissures, fractures, bedding planes, contacts, and zones
of aItered rock and clays with plastic properties, most rocks do not exhibit
perfect elasticity. The extent of irrecoverability of strain in response to load
cycles may be as important for the design as the slope of the load/deformation
curve. Figure 6.2 offers an example. As the reservoir behind the arch dam
rises, the rock under the arch responds along curve 1. The concave upward
curvature of this load/ deflection path is typical for fractured rocks on first
("virgin") loading because the fractures close and stiffen at low loads. When
the reservoir is lowered for whatever reason, the rock unloads along path 2;
with a permanent deflection. The dam will try to follow the loading, but since it
of reservoir
Displacement of abutment!;x
Figure 6.2 Permanent foundation deformation caused by cycles of reservoir filling
and emptying.
6.2 Elastic Constants 181
is often more elastic than the rock, it will move 1:\way!rom the rock on unload-
ing. This could openjoints in the rock or concrete or slmply lower compres-
ive stress flowing through the structure. Repeated cycles of loadmg and un-
in response to cyclic operation of the reservoir would produce the
eries of loop s ("hysteresis") depicted in Figure 6.2. Sorne sites have been
unacceptable for concrete dams because of large hysteresis even
though the modulus of elasticity ofthe reasonable: A
criterion in this regard is presented later m conJunctlon wlth the plate-beanng
6.2 Elastic Constants
The deformations of linearIy elastic isotropic solids can be calculated for
known increments of stress if only two material constants are specified .. In
Chapter 4, these were taken as Young's modulus. E (the "modu!us of.
ity") and Poisson's ratio v. Hooke's law, generallzed to three dlmensIOns, IS
1 v v
v v
ex E' E E
e y v v 1
2(1 + v)
E Tyz
2(1 + v)
2(1 + v)
The quantities E and v can be determined directIy tests known .
stress is applied and strains are measured. Where strams ,are apphed and stress
changes are measured, it is more natural to use Lame s constant A and the
shear modulus G as the two elastic constants; these are defined by
G"x . + 2G A A O O O ex
G"y A . + 2G A O O O ey
A . A + 2G O O O e
z (6.2)
O O O G O O 'Yxy
O O O O G O 'YyZ
182 Dtiformabilily of Hoeks
The relationships between the two sets of constants are
G = 2(1 + v)
A = Ev
(1 + v)(1 - 2v)
One other constant is quite useful, the bulk modulus K, which expresses the
relationship between hydrostatic pressure p and volumetric strain AV/V. Let
(6.5) p=K-
K= E
3(1 - 2v)
(The compressibility is the reciprocal of K.)
Many rock mas ses are anisotropic, that is, directional in their behavior,
due to regular bedding or jointing or oriented fabric or microstructure that
makes the rock itself anisotropic. It is rarely fe asible to deal with extreme
anisotropy but orthotropic symmetry can be entered into computations without
mathematical burden. In the latter case, there are three mutually perpendicular
directions of symmetry, referred to as principal symmetry directions. If the
rock has three perpendicular sets of joints, for example, it should behave
orthotropically .. If x, y, and z are chosen parallel to the orthotropic symmetry
directions, Hooke's law now requires constants:
_ v
yx _ Vu;
Ex Ey Ez
_ vyx 1 _ Vzy
ex Ey Ey Ez o"x
ey Vu; _ Vzy 1
z Ez Ez Ez u"z (6.7)
Gxy TyZ
6.3 Measurement of Dtiformabilily Properties by Statie Tests 183
The Poisson's ratio Vij determines the normal strain in symmetry directionj
when stress is added in symmetry direction i. In the orthotropic rock mass
Vij = Vji
Ei Ej
The nine independent constants are reduced to five if the rock is isotropic
within aplane (transversely isotropic). This arises when two types of rock are
regularly interlayered. It also comes about when flat minerals like mica, tale,
chlorite, graphite, or serpentine are arrayed in parallel orientation, or when
long minerals (e.g., amphiboles) are oriented with their long axes randomly
pointed within parallel planes. The number of elastic constants is reduced to
four when transversely isotropic symmetry arises from one set ofregular joints,
for example, parallel to bedding, in otherwise isotropic rock (see Problem 6.11).
To describe transversely isotropic elasticity, let s and t be any two perpen-
dicular directions in the plane perpendicular to the axis of symmetry (e.g., in
the plane of bedding) and let n be the direction parallel to the axis of symmetry
(e.g., in the direction normal to the bedding planes). Then Es = El and VIS = VSI
and Equation 6.7 becomes
In routine engineering work, it is usual to as sume the rock to be isotropic,
but with schists this may be inappropriate. Measurements can be made on
samples cored in different directions to determine additional deformability con-
stants. When anisotropy derives from regular structures, the orthotropic con-
stants can be caleulated, as shown latero
6.3 Measurement of Deformabl1ity
Properties by Static Tests
Stress-strain relationships can be observed in static and dynamic tests con-
ducted in the laboratory or in the field. Deformability properties can then be
184 Deformabnity of Rocks
obtained from the data, assuming that sorne idealized model describes the rock
behavior in the test configuration. Deformability properties can also be back
calculated from instrumental data on the movements of a structure or excava-
tion, if the initial and final states of stress are known, using methods of Chapter
4 inversely.
The most widely used testing procedures for deformability measurements
are laboratory compression and bending tests, wave velocity measurements in
the lab or field, field loading tests using flatjacks or plate bearing apparatus, and
borehole expansion tests.
An unconfined compression test on a core of rock, with carefully smoothed
ends and length to diameter ratio of 2, yields a stress-strain curve like that of
Figure 6.3a. The axial strain can be measured with strain gages mounted on the
specimen or with an extensometer attached parallel to the length of the speci-
men; the lateral strain can be measured using strain gages around the circum-
ference, or an extensometer across the diameter. The ratio of lateral to axial
strain magnitudes determines Poisson's ratio v. With hard rocks, it is usually
not acceptable to determine axial strain from measured shortening of the test-
ing space ("crosshead motion") because relatively large displacement occurs
at the ends where the rock contacts the platens of the testing machine.
Figure 6.3b shows the difficulty of defining exactly what is meant by E. It is
not simply the slope ofthe virgin loading curve, for this embraces nonrecovera-
ble as well as elastic deformation. The unloading curve, or reloading curve after
a cycle ofload and unload, are better measures of E. This definition allows E to
be determined even after the peak load when the rock has become fractured
(Figure 6.3b).
Deere (1968) presented a classification graph for intact rock specimens
based upon the ratio of elastic modulus to unconfined compressive strength,
together with the absolute value of the latter. For most rocks, the ratio El qu lies
in the range from 200 to 500 but extreme values range as widely as 100 to about
1200. In general, the "modulus ratio" Elqu is higher for crystalline rocks than
for clastic rocks, with sandstones higher than shales. Table 6.1 gives the mea-
sured ratio of "modulus of deformation" to unconfined compressive strength,
and corresponding values of Poisson's ratio, for the set of rocks previously
considered in Table 3.1. The substitution of modulus of deformation in place of
modulus of elasticity indicates that the deformability property embraces both
recoverable and nonrecoverable deformation. In general, whenever the modu-
lus value is calculated directly from the slope of the rising portio n of a virgin
loading curve, the determined property should be reported as a modulus of
deformation rather than as a modulus of elasticity. U nfortunately, this is not
universal practice at present.
6.3 Measurement of Deformability Properties by Sta tic Tests 185
Lateral E.
V =-
Ax ial strain
-- Slope 01 ........ , Slope 01
virgin........ reloading
curve -:::"..... curves

.......... ----
Calculated Irom
Calculated Irom reloading curve

virgin curve

Figure 6.3 Variation of modulus of elasticity (E) and Poisson's ratio (v)
with axial strain in a compression test.
186 Dtiformability of Rocks
Table 6.1 ModuIus Ratio E/qu and
Poisson's Ratio v for the Rock
Specimens of TabIe 3.1
Description E/qu v
Berea sandstone 261 0.38
Navajo sandstone 183 0.46
Tensleep sandstone 264 0.11
Hackensack siltstone 214 0.22
Monticello Dam greywacke 253 0.08
Solenhofen limes tone 260 0.29
Bedford limestone 559 0.29
Tavernalle limestone 570 0.30
Oneota dolomite 505 0.34
Lockport dolomite 565 0.34
Flaming Gorge shale 157 0.25
Micaceous shale 148 0.29
Dworshak Dam gneis s 331 0.34
Quartz mica schist 375 0.31
Baraboo quartzite 276 0.11
Taconic marble 773 0.40
Cherokee marble 834 0.25
Nevada Test Site granite 523 0.22
Pikes Peak granite 312 0.18
Ce dar City tonalite 189 0.17
Palisades diabase 339 0.28
Nevada Test Site basalt 236 0.32
John Day Basalt 236 0.29
Nevada Test Site tuff 323 0.29
a E reported here includes both recoverable and nonre-
coverable deformation, mixed in unknown proportions.
The negative slope of the tail of the complete stress-strain curve is not a
stress-strain curve in the conventional sense but is a yield function; in particu-
lar, it is the envelope of yield points from aH reloading curves. Figure 6.3c
shows the value of v calculated from lateral deformation of a compression
specimen on its virgin loading curve. The ratio of lateral to axial strain begins at
a value near 0.2 and increases graduaHy until near the peak load when it begins
to accelerate, even surpassing the theoretical maximum value of v for isotropic
materials-0.5. (Equation 6.6 shows that K approaches infinity as v tends
toward 0.5.) The rock cannot be described as elastic as it moves on the yield
surface after the peak since it is cracked and large lateral deformations occur
6.3 Measurement of Deformability Properties by Sta tic Tests 187
with movement of rock wedges. However, on unloading and reloading, lateral
strains occur with v < 0.5. Again, we can conelude that the elastic constants
should be defined with respect to the reloading curve.
The full description of rock deformability should inelude not only the elas-
tic coefficients E and v, but the permanent deformation associated with any
applied stress level. Figure 6.4 shows how to determine the modulus of perma-
nent deformation M, defined as the ratio of a stress to the permanent deforma-
tion observed on releasing that stress to zero. M is determined by running a
series ofload cyeles during a compression test. We may compute similarly the
Poisson's ratio V
corresponding to permanent lateral deformation increments.
/ I
/ I
/ I
/ I

Figure 6.4 Determination of the modulus of permanent deforma-
tion M from load cycling data in a compression test.
188 Deformability of Rocks
The deformability of rock may be measured in the field by loading a rock
surface and monitoring the resulting deformation. This is easily arranged in an
underground gallery as shown in Figure 6.5a. The site must be selected care-
fully to exc1ude loose, highly fractured rock that might be unrepresentative of
the average rock condition. A relatively flat rock surface is sculptured and
leveled with mortar to receive circular bearing plates 50 cm to 1 m in diameter.
Dial gage
Bearing plate
Figure 6.5 Plate-bearing test setup. (a) In a gallery. (b)At the surface.
6.3 Measurement of Diformability Properties by Sta tic Tests 189
The depth of the rock volume affected is proportional to the diameter of the
loaded area, SO it is desirable to choose a large bearing plate; but it proves
difficult to apply loads greater than about 200 ton s so it may be necessary to
reduce the plate size to achieve desired contact pressure levels. The load can
be applied by hydraulic cylinders or screw jacks reacting against the opposite
wall of the gallery. Flat jacks, in series to allow sufficient "travel," have also
been adapted for this function. Displacement must be measured at several
points on the bearing plate to correct for rotations and plate bending. Displace-
ments are usually monitored by mounting dial gages on a rigid inertial reference
bar passing over the plateo It is also possible to use a benchmark set at depth in
a borehole centered on the plate (Figure 6.5a). Plate-bearing tests can be run at
the surface by jacking against a cable anchored at depth in a borehole drilled
through the center of the bearing plate (Zienkiewicz and Stagg, 1966).
The data obtained from the plate-bearing test are the radius of the plate a,
the plate pressure p (contact force per unit plate area), and the mean displace-
ment ;; corrected for rotation. The following equation can be derived from
Timoshenko and Goodier (1951) if we assume that the rock is a homogeneous
infinite half space of elastic isotropic material:
_ Cp(1 - v
w= E
Assuming a value for v permits calculation of E.
C is a constant depending on the boundary conditions. If the plate is per-
fectly rigid, C = 'TT'12, whereas ifthe plate is flexible, C = 1.70; we see that there
is little difference in the calculated E corresponding to extremes in boundary
conditions as long as mean displacement of the plate is measured. However,
determining the mean displacement of a flexible, bending bearing plate corre-
sponding to a constant pressure boundary condition would require more dial
gages than there is generally room to accommodate. Unless the rock is very
hard, it will be simpler to attempt to achieve constant plate displacement condi-
tions by using thick steel plates and a stiff arrangement.
The plate-bearing test is conducted in a gallery more often than on a semi-
infinite medium, but Equation 6.10 is still used to compute E. A more important
influence on the results is departure from nonideal rock conditions. This can be
appreciated by using deep bench marks for displacement measurement. It
should be noted that almost any departure from conditions assumed will tend to
increase the measured displacements, so the plate-bearing test tends to under-
estimate the modulus of elasticity. Tests conducted vertically in galleries will
usually give even lower values of E because joints in the roof rock tend too open
under gravity.
Permanent and elastic deformations in plate bearing results can be sepa-
rated if the load is cyc1ed during the test. The elastic modulus should be calcu-
lated from the slope of the reloading portion of a load cycle:
190 Deformability of Rocks
E = Ca(1 - V
) jl
where Welas is the mean plate displacement on reapplying plate pressure from
nearly zero to p. The modulus ofpermanent deformation M can be caleulated
M = Ca(1 - v
) --,-p--
J - Jel
Using plates of 14- to 50-cm radius, with plate pressure up to 200 bars,
Schneider (1967) tested foundations of a number of dam sites in various rock
types. He observed that permanent deformation greater than 0.01 mm/bar char-
acterized sites that had been considered to be unacceptable for foundations of
concrete dams. This translates to a value of M = 7700 MPa (1.1 x 10
psi) for
a = 50 cm, v = 0.3.
Rock deformability may also be measured statically in boreholes. The dilatom-
eter test (Figure 6.6a) is a borehole expansion experiment conducted with a
rubber sleeve. The expansion ofthe borehole is measured by the oil or gas ftow
into the sleeve as the pressure is raised, or by potentiometers or linear variable
differential transformers built inside the sleeve. The gallery test is a similar
experiment conducted inside a bulkheaded section of a tunnel. The cost of
gallery tests has tended to minimize their application in recent years. The
borehole jack is similar to the dilatometer except that the loads are applied
unidirectionally across a diameter. Interpretation is similar but the formula
requires attention to the more difficult boundary conditions (Goodman et al.,
1972; Heuze and Salem, 1979). For the dilato meter or gallery test, in which the
pressure p is applied uniformly over the borehole or gallery surface of radius a,
the modulus of elasticity can be caleulated from the measured radial deforma-
tion il.u by
E = (1 + v)il.p il.u (6.13)
One problem with borehole deformability tests is that they affect a rela-
tively small volume of rock and therefore contain an incomplete sample of the
fracture system. Sorne would argue that the system is indeterminate and there-
fore that the test is useless. However, the borehole tests have the unique
advantage of giving an indication of the range of properties of the rock remote
from the surface at an early stage of investigation. Based upon the results of
such a program of tests, it is possible to appreciate potential site difficulties,
and it should be possible to subdivide the volume of rock in a foundation into
6.3 Measurement of Deformability Properties by Static Tests 191
\ I
/ /\
"-, -j-
I -:::-/ ~ / ~ el /
- 1/_ /
-- I --
Pressure !rom
"flat jacks"
\ \ --
Steel ring
sets and
Figure 6.6 Schemes for pressuring the interior of a cylindrical space. (a) Dilatometer
or gallery test, with fluid pressure inside the test region. (b) Radial jacking, or
TlW AG test, with pressure supplied by jacks reacting against interior sets.
approximately homogeneous subregions. Further testing can be carried out to
characterize each of these subregions. Field tests of a larger scale require
galleries and are more expensive. They too present difficulties in interpretation
since usually no field test will be as large as the rock volume affected by an
actual structure.
Among the largest in situ tests used to measure deformability of rock are radial
jacking tests (Figure 6.6b), an adaption of the "TIWAG" test used in Europe.
Loads are applied to the circumference of a tunnel by a series of jacks reacting'
against circular steel ring members. The test allows the direction of load to be
varied according to the plan for pressuring the jacks. Such tests were con-
ducted by the Bureau of Rec1amation at the site of the Aubum Dam-a "ite
where seams of tale schist raised questions about deformability and stability of
the abutments. The tests were expensive but were defensible in terms of the
total cost of this enormous project. However, lab tests, borehole tests, and
plate-bearing tests were also ron at the Aubum Dam site and through these a
good understanding of the variation and distribution of deformabiiity values
throughout the dam site was gained.
192 Deformability of Rocks
The ftat jack test, previously discussed in connection with stress measure-
ments, yields deformability properties as a by-product. A large volume of rock
can be loaded to pressure up to 70 MPa or higher using stainless steel ftat jacks
with special welding details.
The area of typical ftat jacks is of the order of 600 cm
and much larger
jacks have been used; thus very large loads are applied to the rock. Recall that
the pressuring stage of the ftat jack test provides data on the variation of pin
separation 2Ay with applied jack pressure p (Figure 6.7). If load cyc1es are
programmed, the reloading relationships will permit calculation of E using a
relationship derived by Jaeger and Cook (976):
E = p(2e) [o -v) ( ~ 1 + y2 - ~ ) + 1 + v l
2Ay e
e R2
1 +-
do = 2y
~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~
Figure 6.7 The flat jack test, with a slot obtained by drilling overlapping
6.4 Dynamic Measurements 193
where y is the distance from the jack center to each of a pair of measuring pins
and 2e is the length of the jack. (The modulus of permanent deformation M c a ~
also be obtained as discussed for the plate bearing test.)
6.4 Dynamic Measurements
The velocity of stress waves may be measured in laboratory rock specimens
and in the field. The laboratory pulse velocity test is run using sections of
cylindrical core with smooth, parallel ends to which piezoelectric crystals are
cemented (Figure 6.8a). A high-frequency electrical pulse transmitted to one
crystal creates a stress wave that is received by the second crystal and re con-
verted to an electrical signal. A delay line allows the received wave form to be
Figure 6.8 Scheme for dynamic modulus determination. (a) Pulse
velocity method in the laboratory. (b) Sound velocity measurements in
the field.
194 Deformability of Hoc1es
aligned to the sending wave form on an oscilloscope and the required delay to
achieve this measures the travel time for the puise through the specimen. The
use of longitudinal and shear cut crystals permits both longitudinal waves and
transverse waves to be observed so that both longitudinal wave velocity VI and
transverse wave velocity VI can be determined. If the rock were an ideal
elastic, isotropic solid of small diameter compared to the length, then E and G
could be calculated from
E = Vrp
G = Vp
where p is the mass density of the rock. Recalling that G
(Equation 6.3)
E/[2(1 + v)]
In the field, wave velocity can be measured by swinging a sledgehammer
against an outcrop and observing the travel time (milliseconds, typically) to a
geophone standing on the rock at a distance of up to about 50 m. Portable
seismographs available from several commercial sources are suited to such
measurements. Another method is to record the time for a shock to travel
between points in drill holes spaced 50 to 100 m aparto Both downhole hammers
and explosive sources are used for such measurements. If the "signature" of
the wave arriving at the geophone is displayed, both compressional wave ve-
locities V
and shear wave velocities V
can be determined. Then, assuming the
rock to be homogeneous, isotropic, and elastic,
_ ~ A + 2G
Vp - p
Recalling Equations 6.3 and 6.4
E = 2(1 + v)pV; (6.21)
6.5 Fractured Hoc1es 195
E = (1 - 2v)(1 + v) V2
(1 - v) p p
The stress loadings sent through the rock by these methods are small and
transient. Most rock masses and even rock specimens depart significantly from
the ideal material s hypothesized with respect to Equations 6.15 to 6.22. Conse-
quently, elastic properties ca1culated from these equations are often considera-
bly larger than elastic properties calculated from static loading tests like plate
bearing. This is particularly true in the case of fractured rocks. To distinguish
elastic properties measured by static methods from those obtained dynami-
calIy, the subscripts s and d will be introduced (Es, V
and E
, Vd for static and
dynamic constants, respectively).
6.5 Fractured Rocks
Plate-bearing tests in fractured rocks reported by Schneider (1967) typically
yielded a load deformation curve of the form shown in Figure 6.9, with a yield
Figure 6.9 Typical data from plate-bearing tests in fractured rock reported by
Schneider (1967); pis the average pressure on the plate and w is the average
displacement of the plateo
196 Deformability of Bocks
point effect. The slope of the envelope ofload cycles, the "yield function," is
termed r. Schneider found that in highly fractured rock with open cracks, the
ratio El r was as high as 45. He proposed the following classification of results
(Table 6.2):
Table 6.2
Class E/r
Compact rock <2
Moderately open 2-10
Very open > 10
If the rock is regularly crossed by a single set of joints, it is possible to
ca1culate elastic constants for an "equivalent" continuous material representa-
tive ofthe rock mass. We as sume the rock itselfis isotropic and linearly elastic,
with constants E and v (Figure 6.10). The joints are assumed to be regularly
spaced a distance S. Let ks-the shear stiffness-be the slope of the shear
stress-shear displacement curve until slip (Figure 5.12). We adopt axes n, t
normal and parallel to the joints and therefore in the principal symmetry direc-
tions of the rock mass. When shear stress Tnt is applied, each rock block un-
dergoes a displacement equal to (TntlG)S and eachjoint slips a distance (Tntlks)
(Figure 6.lOb). The shear deformation of a continuous material will be equiva-
lent to that of the jointed rock mass if it has shear modulus G
such that
(TntIGnt)S is the sum of rock and joint displacements given aboye. Therefore,
Gnt G ksS
Similarly, we assign the joint a "normal stiffness" k
equal to the slope of the
joint compression curve U' versus Llv (Figure 5.17 a). Since the compression
curve is highly nonlinear, k
depends on the normal stress. The equivalent
continuous material has modulus of elasticity En such that (U'nIEn)S is the sum
ofrock deformation (U'IE)S andjoint deformation (U'lk
) (Figure 6.lOa). There-
En E KnS
The Poisson's ratio giving strain in the n direction caused by a normal
stress in the t direction is simply v:
Vtn = V (6.25)
The modulus of elasticity in the t direction is simply E:
Et =E (6.26)
6.5 Fractured Rocks 197
_ T_
1.s+ 1.
G k.
~ T _

i 1 ~ O
Figure 6.10 Representation of a regularly joirited rock by an "equiva-
lent" transversely isotropic material.
Finally, symmetry of the stress-strain relationship requires Vtn l Et
Equations 6.23 to 6.27 permit calculation of all five constants of the equivalent
transversely isotropic medium representing a regularly jointed rock mass.
198 Deformability of Rocks
If the rock is highly fractured in several directions, Equation 6.24 can be
used to find a "reduced modulus" representing the rock mass. The procedure
is as follows. For each test specimen or test site, determine a characteristic
average spacing between the joints of each set. From the measured value of the
modulus of elasticity and assigning a value E to intact rock, calculate a value
for k
using Equation 6.24. Then, input this value of k
in calculations with any
specified fracture spacing. The rock mass modulus can in this way be related to
degree of fracturing (Raphael and Goodman, 1979) or to RQD (discussed in
Chapter 2) (Kulhawy 1978).
Bieniawski (1978) showed that a rock mass modulus could be assigned
approximately if the rock were rated by the geomechanics c1assification system
discussed in Chapter 2. Figure 6.11 shows his values of in situ modulus of
deformation, determined by various large-scale field tests at a number of sites,
plotted against the rock mass rating (RMR). For rocks rating higher than 55, the
data points are fit approximately by
E = 2 RMR - 100
For softer rocks (10 < RMR < 50), Serafim and Pereira (1983) gave the
following correlation between rock mass modulus of elasticity and RMR:
E = lO(RMR -10)/40
0.." 80

2 RMR - 100
60 .:
'" 40

.= o
Rock mass rating
Figure 6.11 Relationship between rock mass rating and rock mas s
deformability. (After Bieniawski, 1978.)
6.5 Fractured Rocks 199
The term modulus of deformaton signifies that the value of E is calculated
from the data of the loading portion of the load/ deformation curve using both
elastic and permanent deformation. The units of E in the aboye are GPA (= 10
MPa). The data points embrace mudstone, sandstone, diabase, slate, phyllite,
and quartzite.
Dynamic moduli Ed in fractured rocks tend to be considerably higher than
rock mass moduli measured by static load tests Es or computed as aboye.
Schneider (1967) determined values ofthe ratio Ed/E
up to 13 in fractured hard
rocks. He observed that high frequencies are selectively attenuated in fractured
rock. This was also shown by King et al. (1975) (Figure 6.12). One would
6 fractures/m
ROO = 0.81
10 fractures/m
ROO = 0.60
16 fractures/m
ROO = 0.49
OL-____ ____ ____ -L ____
Time, lAS
Figure 6.12 Acousti.c logging signals received in
pegmatite fractured m vanous amounts. (After King et al., 1975.)
200 Deformability of Hoeles
' ~
'O ,s
Figure 6.13 Relationship between transmitted vibration
frequency and degree of fracturing observed by Sch-
neider (1967). (a) Typical wave group traveling through
the rock as a result of a hammer blow. (h) Measurement
of period using a first return seismograph by separation
of time-distance graphs caused by changing the polarity
of the instrument. (e) Inverse relationship between fre-
quency and degree of fracturing.
6.5 Fraelured Hoeks 201
expect then that measurements of frequency Qr wave length received at a
standard distance from a constant type of seismic source would tend to corre-
late with Edl Es. Figure 6.13 confirms such a relationship for dam sites studied
by Schneider using a hammer blow source with an engineering seismograph
(MDl). The instrument yielded only the time for the arrival of the first wave
having a signal aboye an adjustable threshold. Switching the polarity on the
seismograph and repeating the experiment will cause a change in arrival time of
approximately half the period, as shown in Figure 6.13a, b. Thus the fre-
quency, velocity, and wavelength can be determined using a hammer source
and a simple seismograph. The dynamic elastic constants can then be related to
the static elastic constants through site calibration studies.
Alternatively, site studies can establish a direct relationship between in situ
static modulus of elasticity and shear wave frequency. For example, Figure
6.14 shows the relationship between in situ static modulus of deformation and
shear wave frequency using a hammer seismograph with standardized tech-
., 30
Data from Bieniawski (1978)
o Data from Schneider (1967) O,054[ - 9,2/

o ~ ~ /
o /
/0 o
/ o
.7' .

Shear wave frequency, [, cps,
using a hammer seismograph
Figure 6.14 Relationship between transmitted vibration fre-
quency and rock mas s deformability. (After Bieniawski,
202 Deformability of Rocks
nique (Bieniawski, 1978). Both Schneider's results and Bieniawski's results are
fit by the same straight line:
E = 0.054f - 9.2
where E is measured in gigapascals (GPa),1 fis the shear wave frequency from
the hammer blow received at distances up to 30 m on a rock surface, andfis the
frequency in hertz (cycles per second).
6.6 The lnfluence of Time
on Rock Deformation
Thus far we have omitted all reference to time as a parameter of rock deforma-
tions. Since no effect can be truly instantaneous, time must be implicit in aH the
equations connecting stress and strain. In many cases, rock deformations can
be ca1culated satisfactorily ignoring the influence of time, but sometimes they
Stress or displacements can change with time when the loads or pressures
on the rock change, as, for example, due to flow of water; the geometry of the
loaded or excavated region changes, as, for example, by further excavation;
the deformability properties ofthe rock change, as, for example, by weathering
or hydration; or the rock responds slowly to changes in stress or strain. AH but
the last factor can be accommodated by appropriate superposition of stress
increments in a series of elastic analyses. However, the last reason for time
dependency which we might term viscous behavior, requires further discus-
We can view solids as bodies that retain their shape indefinitely, while liquids
as sume the shape of their containers. An apparentIy solid material that distorts
slowly and continuously in response to shearing stresses is then at least partly a
viscous liquido Dynamic viscosity 'Y/, depicted by a "dashpot" (Figure 6.15b),
expresses the proportionality between shear stress T and shear strain rate -y:
T = 'Y/'Y (6.28)
Since strain is dimensionless, the dimensions of 'Y/ are FL -2T, for example,
psi/min or MPa/s.
Most rocks exhibit both "instantaneous" and delayed de-
formation when loaded and are therefore spoken of as viscoelastic. As with
1 One gigapascal (1 GPa) = 1000 MPa.
2 The cornrnon units "poise" (P) will not be used here; 1 P = 0.1 Pa/s = 1.450 x 10-
6.6 TIte Influence of Time on Rock Deformation 203
~ ~ O O ~ , - __ _ . ~ T _
Figure 6.15 Elements of linear visco-
elastic models. (a) Linear spring. (b)
Linear dashpot shock absorber).
elasticity, real deformation data can display various non-linearities while the
majority of theory concerns linear viscoelasticity.
Laboratory data are mostly in the form of strain-time curves from creep
tests. In such tests, an increment of stress is applied quickly and then held
constant while the gradualIy increasing strain is recorded. An alternative exper-
iment, termed a relaxation test, monitors the decline in stress when strain is
held constant. Figure 6.16 shows the general form of the creep curve for rock.
Immediate "strain" is followed by primary creep in which strain occurs at a
decreasing rate with time. In sorne rocks, the primary creep curve approaches a
steady rate of creep, termed secondary creep. In specimens stressed near peak
strength, secondary creep may turn upward in tertiary creep, in which strain
rate increases with time, resulting in failure (creep rupture).
We can caH on two types of mechanisms to explain creep in rocks-mass
flow and cracking. Sorne rocks (e.g., rock salt, tar sands, and compaction
shales) will creep at relatively low deviator stress, even with unfissured, intact
specimens. In the case of salt and potash the process of creep involves move-
ment of dislocations and intracrystalline gliding, while creep in uncemented
clay rocks involves migration of water and movements of clay platelets ("con-
solidation"). Bituminous rocks like tar sand are inherently viscous, especially
at higher temperatures. Hard rocks like granite and limes tone can also exhibit
creep at deviatoric stresses sufficient to cause new crack growth (e.g., when SI
exceeds about one half qu in an unconfined compression specimen). An incre-
ment of applied stress will provoke a change in the network of cracks thi"ough
lengthening of old cracks and initiation of new ones. Such a process is nonlin-
ear because the rock is changed by each new load increment; to ca1culate
stresses and deformations in nonlinear viscoelastic materials, the properties
will have to be determined and used as functions of stress. There are probably
204 Deformability of Rocks

Primary Secondary
Figure 6.16 Regions of behavior in creep.
no ideal1y linear viscoelastic rocks, not even salt. However, a theory of linear
viscoelasticity can still be used incrementally to approach time-dependent
problems in much the same way that the theory of linear elasticity is used to
ca1culate stress and strain for time-independent problems.
It is possible to fit creep curves empirically using exponential or power func-
tions. If creep data are forced to fit models composed of springs and dashpots,
however, the results are more readily usable; therefore, this will be our pro-
The theory of linear elasticity of an isotropic body is based on two con-
stants, as we have seen previously. One of these (K) may be associated with
purely volumetric deformation under hydrostatic loads. Then a second con-
stant alone (G) must account for all distortion. The question we now face is,
how many additional constants will be required to represent time-dependent
Figure 6.17 shows five possible models with one, two, or three additional
constants. The series arrangement in Figure 6.17a is termed a Maxwell body or






Figure 6.17 Simple linear viscoelastic models and their response to the .
creep test. (a) Two-constant liquid (Maxwell body). (b) Two-constant solid
(Kelvin body). (e) Three-constant liquid (generalized Maxwell body). (d)
Three-constant solido (e) Four-constant liquid (Burgers body).
206 Deformability of Rocks
a two-constant liquido It flows continuously at a constant rate when a shear
stress is applied suddenly and held constant. Figure 6.17 b is a Kelvin or Voight
body or a two-constant solido A suddenly applied constant shear stress causes
shear strain at an exponentially decreasing rate, approaching zero as t grows
without bound.
Figures 6.17 e and d show a three-constant liquid and a three-constant solid,
respectively. The former, termed a generalized Maxwell body, initially has an
exponential rate of shear strain, decaying to become asymptotic to a constant
rate of shear strain. The latter, termed a generalized Kelvin body, shows an
initial "instantaneous" strain followed by shear strain at an exponentially de-
creasing rate, eventually tapering off completely.
Finally, Figure 6.17 e shows a four-constant liquid termed the Burgers
body, composed of a Maxwell and a Kelvin body in series. Its response to a
suddenly applied and sustained shear stress is a combination of all the elements
we have seen in the previous models-initial "instantaneous" shear strain
followed by shear strain at an exponentially decreasing rate, becoming asymp-
totic to a line representing a constant rate of shear strain. In view of the form of
the general creep curve, Figure 6.16, this is the simplest model that can be used
to trace strain up to the onset of tertiary creep. More complicated models can
be invoked by adding additional springs and dashpots, but the Burgers body
will suffice and is preferable for many practical purposes. An informative com-
parison of various spring-dashpot models and empirical formulations for creep
data was reported by Afrouz and Harvey (1974) for sedimentary rocks. Of the
spring-dashpot models, the Burgers representation was consistently the best.
The simplest procedure for evaluating viscoelastic constants is through uncon-
fined compression of cylindrical rock specimens over prolonged periods. This
requires constant stress and constant temperature and humidity over the whole
test duration, which may be hours, weeks, or longer. Load may be applied by
dead weights acting through levers bearing directly on the specimen or through
an oil pressure. Servocontrolled hydraulic pressure systems and compressed
springs are also used. Careful testing procedure insures correction of load for
changes in the cross sectional area of the specimen (see, for example, Rutter,
1972) and measurement of strain without long-term drift.
The axial strain with time e,(t) in a Burgers body subjected to constant
axial stress (T" is
e,(t) = 2(T, + ~ + (T, _ ~ e-(G,lhll) + ~ t
9K 3G
3G, 3G, 31/,
6.6 The Injluence of Time on Rock Diformation 207
;0 (2+--.!... +--1-)
B '9K 3G
1 1
fa; a, (9K + 3G2)
Figure 6.18 Creep in uniaxial compression of a rock that behaves
as a Burgers body under deviatoric stress but as an elastic body
under hydrostatic compression.
where K = EI[3(1 - 2v)] is the bulk modulus, assumed to be independent of
and 1/" 1/2, G" and G
are properties of the rock to be evaluated as
Figure 6.18 is a graph of e, versus t corresponding to Equation 6.29. At t =
0, there is an intercept eo = (T,(2/9K + 1I3G
) while strain at large t falls along
the line with intercept eB = (T,(2/9K + 1/3G
+ 1I3G,) and slope (T,/31/2. Load
cannot be applied instantaneously and it may be preferable in practice t ~ find
3 The assumption that volumetric strain is non-time-dependent is not satisfied generally, but it
simplifies problems without usually introducing large errors. It is feasible to define additional
constants to represent time dependency of volumetric strain, but this will not be done here.
20S Dliformability of Hocks
the intercept eo by regression. Let q equal the positive distance between the
creep curve and the line asymptotic to the secondary creep curve (Figure 6.15).
<T) G
log q = log 3G - 2.3'1/ t
A semilog plot 10glO q versus t has intercept <T/3G and slope -G/2.3'1/ deter-
mining G and '1/ .
If lateral strains e3 are monitored as well as axial strains e, the volumetric
strain is determined by V/V = e + 2e3 (see Equation 3.6) while the mean
stress is <T/3. Therefore K can be calculated by
and G2 can be calculated from
<T ( 1 2 )
= en - <T 3G + 9K
As an example, we will find the Burgers constants for Indiana limestone
using the data from creep tests by Hardy et al. (1970) presented in Figure 6.19.
The rock is homogeneous limestone with a mean grain size of 14 mm and
porosity of 17.2%. The unconfined compressive strength qu was 9000-11,000
p:i (dry). Cylinders of limestone, 1.12 in. in diameter and 2.25 in. long, were
loaded by dead weights on levers, in increments so that creep curves were
obtained at different axial stresses. Time dependency was absent in tests with
axial stress less than 40% of qu, and secondary creep was unimportant when <T
was less than about 60% of qu. Table 6.3 summarizes the pertinent data for one
specimen. Straight lines were drawn asymptotic to each creep curve in Figure
6.19, giving slopes <T/3'1/2 and intercepts en. Regression analysis on a pocket
calculator determined the constants <T/3G and G/'1/. (Semilog plotting
could have been used instead.) The determined values of K, G, G
, '1/, and '1/2
are given in Table 6.4. Note that G and the viscosity terms are large for the first
two increments when there was no time dependency and beco me progressively
smaller as the axial stress augments. G
and K are almost independent of stress.
This is nonlinear viscoelasticity of the type derived from the initiation and
growth of cracks. These deformability constants have real physical meaning:
G2 is the elastic shear modulus; G control s the amount of delayed elasticity; '1/
determines the rate of delayed elasticity; and '1/2 describes the rate of viscous
C'l 00 0'\ r-
"" C'l C'l C'l
210 Deformability of Rocks
200 6


Increment 4

ro 120
Time, min
Figure 6.19 Creep of Indiana limestone in
unconfined compression. (Data from Hardy et
Table 6.4 Burgers Body Constants Fit to Data of Table 6.3
Percent qu K G
2 1/1
Increment after Loading (10
psi) (10
psi) (10
psi) (10
1 and 2 39 3.7 Large 2.7
3 60 4.5 28.9 2.1 84
4 67 3.8 23.0 2.5 71.8
5 78 3.6 16.1 2.3 57.5
6 83 4.0 13.6 2.2 46.1
7 91 4.5 7.8 2.0 28.9
6.6 The lnfluence of Time on Rock Deformation 211
Any field test in which the load can be sustained for days or weeks can be used
to evaluate viscoelastic constants of rock masses. Corrections might be neces-
sary for changes in environmental conditions for tests conducted on the surface
(e.g., the plate-bearing test using cables). But in boreholes and in underground
galleries, temperature and humidity are often unvarying.
The dilatometer test is convenient for creep tests. Unlike the laboratory
compression test on rock cylinders, there is no change in the mean stress when
a dilatometer is pressured and expanded against the borehole. Therefore, there
is no term in K influencing the time history of radial displacement. The outward
radial displacement at the wall of the borehole (r = a) in a Burgers material is
pa pa pa _ pa
u(t) = - + - - -e (G/ITJ) +-t
r 2G
2G, 21/2
in which p is the internal pressure in the dilatometer.
The displacement with time follows a curve, Figure 6.20, like that for the
compression test and the analysis of the data is as previously discussed, except
that the intercepts and slopes have different values. At t = 0, the radial dis-
placement is
uo = 2G
The asymptote to the displacement-time curve has intercept
and slope pa/21/2. Again letting q equal the positive vertical distance between
the asymptote and the displacement-time curveat any time,
pa G,
log q = log - - --t
2G, 2.31/,
Thus a series of sustained pressure increments in dilato meter tests will
the constants G, G
, 1/ , and 1/2 to be determined.
The plate-bearing test can also be conducted to yield the viscoelastic con-
stants. Now, however, there are terms with the bulk modulus K because the
mean pressure as well as the deviatoric stress changes when the is
applied. For a constant pressure P applied suddenly to a flexible bearing plate of
212 Diformability of Rocks
1 1
= pa(2G1 + 2G2)
Uo = pa(
Figure 6.20 Creep response to a dilatometer or gallery test if the
rock behaves as a Burgers body under deviatoric stress.
circular shape and radius a, the mean displacement w varies with time accord-
ing to
As a simplification, it may be acceptable to as sume that the rack is incompress-
ible (K = 00, v = l). In this instance, (6.34) reduces to
w = 1.70pa (J... + .!.... + J... (1 - e-<G1fhll ))
4 G2 'Y/2 G1
6.6 The lJifluence of Time on Rack Diformation 213
The displacement is then Wo = (1.70paI4)(l/G2) and after the delayed
elastIclty has occurred, the settlement of the plate tends to the line
WB = 1.70pa (J... + J... + .!....)
4 G2 G, 'Y/2
An analysis of the field test results imitating that performed for the creep
test will therefore yield values for G" G2, 'Y/" and 'Y/2. (If vis less than 0.5, all
but 'Y/2 will be in error.)
For a test with a rigid bearing plate, it is tempting to replace the factor 1.70
by 7T12, in analogy to the elastic case. However, this would not be strictly
correct in the viscoelastic case.
Data fram long-term plate-bearing tests in schists and sandstones are pre-
sented by Kubetsky and Eristov (1970).
Secondary creep at stresses approaching peak values will end with tertiary
creep and rupture, possibly violent (Figure 6.16). Recalling Figure 3.13, the key
parameter identifying the time when tertiary creep begins is the accumulated
strain, for when the stress and cumulative strain define a point on the right side
of the complete stress-strain curve, rupture will occur. Data by John (1974) for
norite, a basic igneous intrusive rack, demonstrate this principIe. Creep tests
were run fram different starting stresses in unconfined compression. Figure
6.21a presents plots ofaxial stress versus log time. The horizontallines, show-
ing the paths of creep tests, terminate in points along a negatively inclined
locus. Strain varies with time (although nonuniformly over the family of creep
tests), so Figure 6.21 can be mapped into stress-strain space.
Figure 6.21a also shows that the strength of norite falls when the stress rate is
slowed. A specimen loaded to peak stress at 2.1 MPa/s (over about 100 hr)
developed about two-thirds of the strength of a specimen loaded to peak stress
at 1.8 x 10
MPa/s (over about a twentieth of a second). Figure 6.21b, also from
John, shows stress-strain curves for unconfined compression ofnorite at differ-
ent stress rates, demonstrating reduction in stiffness when the stress rate is
lowered. Note that the elastic modulus (the slope ofthe axial stress versus axial
stmin curve) is unaffected by stress rate until a certain stress has be en reached
and thereafter there is pronounced curvature and apparent yielding before
rupture (rupture points are not shown). These observations can be by
viscoelasticity theory.
214 Diformability of Hocles
:. 300


10-' 10
Time, s
Axial and lateral strain
- Continuously applied stress
------ Creep
Strength locus in continuous
loading tests
Strength locus for creep tests
o Rupture

-----== ----
0.1 1.0 10 100
Volumetric strain
Figure 6.21 Results of dynamic tests on norite by M. John (1974). (a) Stress history
on various loading paths. (b) Deformation versus axial stress at varying stress rates.
Stress rates are keyed as follows (MPa/s): (1) = 8.4 x 10-4, (2) = 4.1 x 10-
, (3) =
6.4 x 10-2 , (4) = 2.1, (5) = 2.5 x 1Ql, (6) = 2.2 x 1Q2, (7) = 3.9 x 10\ (8) = 1.8 x
1()4 and (9) = 2.8 x toS.
6.6 The lrifluence of Time on Hock Deformation 215
When a constantIy increasing stress (TI at a stress rate "I is applied to a
rock behaving as a Burgers body in distortion and an elastic material in hydro-
static compression, the axial strain is
1 1 2 ) "17]1 (T2
el = (TI 3G
+ 3G
+ 9K - 3G (1 - e-(G(Th/') + (6.35)
The stress-strain relation E is then dependent on "I. For example, consider
Indiana limestone whose Burgers body constants and bulk modulus were listed
n Table 6.4. Applying Equation 6.35 to each increment of stress in turn, with
the constants 7]1, 7]2, GI , G2, and K approximately selected from Table 6.4,
yields the values of E presented in Table 6.5. In Figure 6.22, these have been
plotted incrementally defining stress-strain paths OA, OB, OC, and OD for the
four values of stress rate arbitrarily selected for the example. Let us assume
that the complete stress-strain curve has a uniquely defined right side defined
10,000 psi A
-1--'\0---------------- 8737
->.---------------- 7955
----------- 6392
5 X 10-
P ,
Figure 6.22 Stress versus strain calculated for Indiana limestone in unconfined
compression at various stress rates.
11 ,-....
.6' <18

..,.. 00
V) IQ 00 0\..,.. N

....;- IQ" ., .,
Rtiferences 217
by line AP (for zero confining pressure). The stress-strain curves must reach
peak values where they meet this line, at points A, B, e, and D. In this idealized
example, we can appreciate how the rate ofloading can alter both deformability
and strength of a rock .
Mrouz, A. and Harvey, J. M. (1974) Rheology of rocks within the soft to medium
strength range, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. 2: 281-290.
Benson, R. P., Murphy, D. K., and McCreath, D. R. (1969) Modulus testing ofrock at
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477, 89-116.
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1379, Wiley, New York.
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(AIME). pp. 523-555.
Hardy, H. R., Jr., Kim, R. Y., Stefanko, R., and Wang, Y. J. (1970) Creep and micro-
seismic activity in geologic materials, Proceedings, 11th Symposium on Rock Me-
chanics (AIME), pp. 377-414.
Heuze, F. E. and Salem, A. (1979), Rock deformability measured ln-situ-Problems
and solutions, Proceedings, International Symposium on Fielfl Measurements in
Rock Mechanics (Balkema, Rotterdam), Vol. 1, pp.
Jaeger, J. C. and Cook, N. G. W. (1976) Fundamenials ofRock Mechanics, 2d ed.,
Chapman & Hall, London.
John, M. (1974) Time dependence of fracture processes of rock materials (in German),
Proc. 3rd Congo ISRM (Denver), Vol. 2A, pp. 330-335.
King, M. S., Pobran, V. S., and McConnell, B. V. (1975) Acoustic borehole logging
system, Proceedings, 9th Canadian Rock Mechanics Symposium (Montreal).
KUbetsky, V. L. and Eristov, V. S. (1970) In-situ investigations of creep in rock for the
design of pressure tunnellinings, Proceedings, Conference on In-situ Investiga-
tions in Soils and Rocks (British Geot. Soc.), pp. 83-91. .
Kulhawy, F. H. (1975) Stress-deformation properties of rock and rock discontinuities,
Eng. Geol. 9: 327-350.
Kulhawy, F. H. (1978) Geomechanical model for rock foundation settlement, J.
Geotech. Eng. Div. (ASCE) 104 (GT2): 211-228.
218 Deformabilily of Rocks
Lane, R. G. T. and Knill, J. L. (1974) Engineering properties ofyielding rock, Proc. 3rd
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Raphael, J. M. and Goodman, R. E. (1979) Strength and deformability of highly frac-
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Rutter, E. H. (1972) On the creep testing of rocks at constant stress and constant force,
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Schneider, B. (1967) Moyens nouveaux de reconaissance des massifs rocheux, Supp. to
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1. Show that the stress-strain relationship connecting deviatoric strain eij and
deviatoric stress 'Tij consists of six uncoupled identical statements:
'Tij = 2Geij
("Deviatoric strain" is discussed in Appendix 2.)
2. Suppose a triaxial compression test is conducted by simultaneous change in
(TI and p; derive expressions for E and /J in terms of the axial and lateral
strains and the stresses (TI and p.
3. Describe a procedure for triaxial testing that raises the deviatoric stress
while the nondeviatoric stress remains constant.
4. The following force s and displacements were measured in. an .unconfined
compression test of a cylindrical claystone specimen 5.0 cm In dmmeter and
10.0 cm long.
Problems 219
Compute E and /J corresponding to elastic deformation and their
parts M and /Jp for permanent deformation from the aboye data.
5. A triaxial compression test is performed as follows: (a) An all-around pres-
sure is first applied to the jacketed rock specimen. Nondiviatoric stress ii is
plotted against nondeviatoric strain e and the slope DI = aiil ae is deter-
mined. (b) Then deviatoric stress is increased while nondeviatoric stress is
held constant and the axial deviatoric stress (T1,dev is plotted against the
axial deviatoric strain el,dev. The slope D
= a(Tl,devlael,dev is determined
from the graph. Derive formulas expressing E and /J in terms of DI and D

6. (a) Derive a relationship between E, the modulus of elasticity computed
from the reloading curve of stress and strain; M, the modulus ofpermanent
deformation; and Etota, the modulus of deformation computed from the
slope of the loading curve of stress and strain. (b) Show how M varies with
axial strain throughout the complete stress-strain c,urve.
7. In a full seismic wave experiment, the compressional and shear wave veloc-
ities were measured as Vp = 4500 mis, V
= 2500 mis. Assuming the density
of the rock is 0.027 MN/m3, calculate E and /J.
8. What physical phenomena could explain a plate-bearing pressure versus
displacement curve like that of Figure 6.9?
9. A rock mass is cut by one set of joints with spacing S = 0.40 m. (apf the
joint normal and shear deformations are assumed to be equal to that of the
rock itself, express ks and kn in terms of E and /J. (b) Assuming E = 10
and /J = 0.33, calculate all the terms of the strain-stress relationship for an
equivalent transversely isotropic medium, (corresponding to Equation 6.9).
220 DeformabUity of Rocks
10. Modify Equations 6.23 and 6.24 accordingly for a rock mass with three
mutually perpendicular sets of joints.
11 Show that for rock cut by one set of joints with spacing S, the normal
. strains and normal stresses referred to n, s, t coordinates are related by
::) = =: ] (::)
-v -v 1 (J't
where p = 1 + E/knS and where E and v.are Young's and .Pois-
son's ratio of the rock, k
is the normal stlffness of the jomts, and n lS the
direction perpendicular to the joint planes.
12. A jacketed rock cube, with edge length 50 cm, is subject to an ano
pressure p. The pressure versus volumetric strain curve lS
in the figure. Assume the rock contains three mutually perpend1cular jomt
sets all spaced 5 cm aparto Calculate the normal stiffness of the k
each of the normal pressures corresponding to the start of unloadmg paths
(2.4, 4.8, and 10.3 MPa).

0.0027 0.0043 0.0058
13. Let v
, v, and v be respectively the Poisson's plastic, total, and
elastic strain; that is, for strain applied in the x dlrectlOn, v = -ey/e
, etc.
Derive a formula expressing Vt as a function of E, M, v, and V

Applications of
Rock Mechanics in
Engineering for
7.1 Introduction
Chapter 7
Engineering underground space has many facets, sorne of which are unrelated
to rock conditions. However, rock mechanics has direct bearing on many ofthe
critical aspects of engineering work, for example, planning the location, dimen-
sions, shapes, and orientations of chambers, selecting supports, arranging for
construction access, engineering blasting, and designing instrumentation. Rock
mechanics provides information of utmost relevance: measurement of initial
stress; monitoring stresses developed in the peripheries of openings; measure-
ment of material properties; analysis of stresses, deformations, temperatures,
and water ftow in support of design; and interpretation of instrumentation
readings, especially displacements.
The uses of underground space are many, varying from simple openings in
the dry, to large complexes of openings in dimensions, fille.d with hot or
cold ftuids of varying viscosity and pressure. Tunnels built for highways and
railroads may be short sections beneath valle y sides, or very long structures
underneath major mountain ranges. Ventilation requirements for highway 1un-
neIs tend to make these very Iarge (e.g., 15 m wide). Water supply and sewage
tunnels are generally smaller, but they may be very long and frequently operate
under internal pressure. For hydroelectric power production, pressure' head-
222 Applications of Rock Mechanics in Engineering for Underground Openings
race tunnels lead water to smface or underground penstocks and thence into
surface or underground power stations. Large water pressures are supported
by rock alone in sorne cases. The main machine hall chambers are room s with
spans of the order of 25 m, while access tunnels and other openings may also be
quite large. These chambers are feasible only if the rock is essentially self-
supporting (Figure 7.1).
Pumped storage projects may require rock tunnels, underground power-
houses and other openings as well (Figure 7.2). Energy storage is now also
demanding underground space-for storage of oil (Figure 1.4), and eventually
for hot air or hot water used in peak demand energy conversion schemes of
various kinds. Liquefied natural gas (LNG) may be stored in rock caverns more
widely if the problems of thermal cracking and loss of product can be over-
come. Nuclear wastes are to be stored in specially mined repositories in rock
salt, chosen for its high heat conductivity and general continuity without frac-
tures. In the field of mining, there are two types of underground openings:
those that are intended to be stable while the ore is removed, and those that are
intentionally collapsed to produce broken rock that is drawn off as the ground
caves. For defense, deep cavities are required to protect installations from
shock. Finally, industry has need for underground space for product storage,
offices, and even public facilities like swimming pools.
With such a vast range of underground usage, many kinds of rock mechan-
ics considerations need to be addressed. However, there are certain features
common to all underground works. They are usually inaccessible until actual
construction. Occasionally, when an existing installation is being expanded,
the engineer will have access to the site at the initiation of the job; more
usually, however, he or she will have to begin deliberations from information
acquired in drill holes, shafts, and galleries. All underground workings are
constructed in rock that is initially stressed and all openings cause changes in
the initial stress when they are constructed. Most underground workings are
made below the water tableo And all openings are constructed in an environ-
ment of even temperature equal to the mean surface temperature plus the
product of geothermal gradient and depth. The gradient of temperature varies
from OSe/lOO m to as much as 5/100 m.
When working with rock mechanics below ground, there are certain condi-
tions that should be appreciated. The underground environment is very often
hostile for instruments due to water, blasting, and truck traffic. Working space
is often cramped, poorly lit, and wet. As a result, experiments and concepts for
instrumentation underground should be as simple as possible and the equip-
ment must be rugged. Overly sophisticated testing technique or data handling,
and overly precise measurements are to be avoided. However, almost any data
taken underground near the site of the job will be more useful than data ob-
tained remotely or from boreholes. As far as possible, then, major experiments
and measurements should be deferred until the opportunity to work in the
Figure 7.1 Photos of Churchill Falls underground powerhouse during construction;
Courtesy of D. R. McCreath, Acres Consulting Services, Niagara Falls, Canada. (a)
The machine hall, 297 m long, 25 m wide, and 47 m high; t was excavated at a
d.epth of about 300 m in gneiss. (b) The surge chamber, with draft tube entries on the
nght. The keyhole shape was determined by finite element analysis to -reduc<! the
extent of zones of tensile stress in the rock. The opening is approximately 275 m
long, 19.5 m wide at the maximum section, 12 m wide at the base, and 45 m high.
[See Benson et al. (1971).]
224 Applications of Rock Mechanics in Engineering for Underground Openings
Figure 7.2 A scheme for a two-stage underground pumped storage project.
(Reproduced from McCreath and Willett (1973) with permission.)
underground site itself. This may require that certain planning decisions'be
postponed until access is gained. For example, an
constructed at a depth of 800 m in Colombia was fixed 1ll locatlOn but not 1ll
orientation, pending the completion of the access tunnel, which was built in a
separate, early construction contract. Stress measurements, deformability
7.2 Openings in Competent Rock 225
measurements, and other tests were conducted in a gallery driven from the
access tunnel in time to permit their integration into the final design process.
Rock mechanics for underground engineering begins with proper apprecia-
tion of the character of the rock. Rock that is able to bridge across an opening
of 20 m or more without appreciable support could be considered competent. In
such rocks, design can be aided by con si deration s of stress concentrations
around the opening as deduced from the theory 01 elasticity.
When the rock is layered where bending and separation of strata are pos si-
ble, the theory of elastic beams and plates can be invoked. For rock that
presents time-dependent properties, such as rock salt, the theory 01 linear
viscoelasticity provides useful concepts. In weak rocks, stresses around open-
ings may reach the limit according to the criteria of failure, resulting in slow
convergence (squeeze); in such rocks, a solution for stresses and displacements
derived from the theory 01 plasticity provides a useful basis for engineering
work. Injointed rock, only individuallimit equilibrium analysis or studies with
numerical or physical models may be appropriate. The discussions of compe-
tent rock, layered rock, and plastic rock that follow are intended only to pro-
vide simple models for guidance in engineering practice. These models can
always be improved by using powerful numerical techniques, but the engineer
cannot resort to such techniques for every question-he or she has to have
sorne working tools to provide checks on computations, order of magnitud e
predictions, and sensitivity studies through parameter variation. This is the
spirit in which the following theory is presented.
7.2 Openings in Competent Rock
In rock stressed below its elastic limit, that is, below about one-half of the
compressive strength, and in which joints are widely spaced and tightly pre-
compres sed or healed, it is often acceptable to consider an opening as a long
hole of constant cross section in an infinite volume. This is the plane strain
equivalent of a hole in a plate, and we can use the solution to the problem of a
circular hole in a biaxially loaded plate of homogeneols, isotropic, continuous,
linearly elastic material-the Kirsch solution. A point located at polar coordi-
nate r, O near an opening with radius a (Figure 7.3) has stresses (Tn (T8, 7 r 8,
given by
(T = PI + P2 (1 _ a
) + PI - P2 (1 _ 4a
+ 3a
)cos 20
r 2 r
2 r
(7. la)
(T = PI + P2 (1 + a
) _ PI - P2 (1 + 3a.
) cos 20
8 2 r
2 r
. (7.lb)
PI - P2 ( 2a
7 r 8 = - 2 1 + -;:'2 - 0 sin 20
I The concept of plane strain is discussed in the derivation to Equation 7.1 in Appendix 4.
226 Applications of Rock Mechanics in Engineering for Underground Openings
3 K = p,IP2
K = O I
I\. VK=I"O
~ ...
,f ........ K= 2.0
,---K = 3.0 2
~ O _ 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
()= 1.0 ~ L
Figure 7.3 Stresses around a circular hole in an isotropic, lin-
early elastic, homogeneous continuum.
7.2 Openings in Competent Rock 227
where U'r is the stress in the direction of changing " and U'o is the stress in the
direction of changing 8.
Substituting the value , = a in Equation 7.1 gives the variation of stresses
on the walls of the opening. The radial and shear stresses are zero since this is a
free surface. The tangential stress U'o varies from a maximum of 3PI - P2 at 8 =
90 to a minimum of 3P2 - PI at 8 = 0 (results used in Chapter 4). Away from
the opening, the stress concentrations faH off quickly, as shown in Figure 7.3b
and Table 7.1.
The Kirsch solution allows calculations of the potential inftuence of joints
in the region of a tunnel. Assuming that a joint of given position and orientation
introduces no change in the stress field, we compare the shear and normal
stresses along its surface with the limiting values of shear stresses consistent
with the criteria of peak shear strength presented in Chapter 5. This exercise
defines a region of joint inftuence, which can be overlain on the actual or
assumed geological section to isolate potential problem areas in the roof or
Figure 7.4 shows regions of joint slip according to such an approach for
three directions of jointing for an example in which K = 2.33 (P2/PI = 0.43).
The joints were assumed to obey Coulomb's law with ~ j = 31. The contour
values give the number of times the lateral pressure of 1000 psi must be multi-
plied to produce slip on joints of the given orientation in the closed region
inside the contour. The contour values must be multiplied by the shear strength
intercept Sj of the joint and divided by 100. For example, ajoint striking parallel
to the tunnel and dipping at 30, with a friction angle of 31 and a shear strength
intercept of 50 psi, would slip throughout the region enclosed within the con-
tour marked 0.50 if the horizontal stress were equal to 250 psi and the vertical
stress were 108 psi.
An effective method for monitoring an underground opening is to measure
relative displacements of points on the walls, for example, witha precision tape
stretched between pairs ofpoints, orwith rods anchored at different depths in a
borehole (a "multiposition extensometer"). To interpret such data, it is helpful
to know the order of magnitude of displacements assodated with elastic behav-
ior. The displacements can be determined from the Kirsch solution, assuming
conditions of plane strain:
PI + P2 a
PI - P2 a
( a
Ur = - + - 4(1 - v) - - cos 28
4G, 4G, ,2
PI - P2 a
( a
Vo = - 4G r 2(1 - 2v) + ,2 sin 28

b <'O
"- ci



00'<1"<'0'<1"0<'0 ...... '<1"0\ ......

00'<1" <'Oooot-O\O\O'<I"
Ot-ooN 00 '<1" 0\ \O '<1" N"""

o\Ot- ...... \O\O ...... t-ooO\o
ON ...... oo'<l" ...... <'Ot-oo<'000
...... _---------

0<'00\0\ ...... '<1"<'0"'\0-\0
ot-'<I"oo\Ot-<'O'<I" '<1" 0'"
'<1" 000 \O'" '<1" <,oN- ...... O
N N......: . ......:.....:;......:;......:; -=......:;......:;......:;
--N("t')("I'j("fj'o:::l" '0:::1" ("f")("f")("f')

I I I I I I I + + + +

P1 1000 .. 1------
7.2 Openings in Competent Rock 229
43? P2
Figure 7.4 The extent of slip on joints of several orientations around a circular
tunnel whose state of stress is given by the Kirsch solution (Equation 7.1).
Contour values give the number of times the indicated boundary pressure must
be multiplied to cause slip. Multiply the contour values by the joint cohesion
S) 100 psi.
in which U
is the radial outward displacement and Vo is the tangential displace-
ment, as shown in Figure 7.3a, Gis the shear modulus, and vis Poisson's ratio.
It should be understood that the effect of gravity is not fully represented in
the aboye equations. Gravity creates a vertical stress, represented by PI or P2;
but it also exerts a following force on loosened rock near the roof, a force that
pursues the rock no matter where it might move. This effe'?t cannot be modeled
by any choice of loads on the boundary. One approach to introducing gravity in
the computation of a tunnel would be to consider the weight of rock in the zone
of joint slip, calculated according to the Kirsch solution stresses and assigned
joint or material properties as in Figure 7.4. This added weight could be as-
signed to a system of supports such as rock bolts or shotcrete. The omission of
gravity is one reason why the Kirsch solution does not offer a size effect, that
is, the stresses on the walls predicted by Equation 7.1 are the same regardless
of the diameter of the tunnel. This cannot be the whole truth for we know from
experience that a small tunnel is more stable than a large one. Size effect can be
introduced in real tunnels not only by including the additional load due to
gravity acting on the rock near the tunnel, but also by introducing size effect in
material strength. As a greater number of discontinuities are contained within a
230 Applications of Rock Mechanics in Engineering for Underground Openings
sample of rock, its strength must decrease. Accordingly, when the span of an
opening is many times greater than the average spacing between discontinui-
ties, the opening cannot be expected to stand without artificial support.
Openings of other shapes have been solved mathematically and solutions
can be found in Muskhelishvili (1953). Elliptical and other idealized shapes are
discussed by Jaeger and Cook (1976) and Obert and Duvall (1967). For three-
dimensional problems, spheres and ellipsoid solutions are presented.
The inward radial displacement u of a point distance r from a spherical
cavity of radius a excavated in a rock mass under hydrostatic initial stress p is
u = 4r2G
Comparing Equations 7.2c and 7.2a when P2 = PI indicates that the radial
displacement of a point on the wall of a spherical cavity under hydrostatic
pressure is half that of a circular tunnel of equivalent radius, also under hydro-
static pressure, and assuming both rock masses behave elastically. This rela-
tionship is useful in approaching the relative response of instruments placed in
long and short chambers, respectively.
In noncircular or nonspherical openings, stresses generally tend to concen-
trate at corners and concave bends of small radius and to decrease toward zero
at convex bends. Unstressed rock suffers opening of joints and accelerated
weathering and is often more burdensome than highly stressed rock under-
ground at shallow or intermediate depth. Stress concentrations are usually high
in the side walls and lowest where the line of action of the greatest initial stress
intersects the opening. Stress concentrations will generally be the least trouble-
sorne if smooth shapes are used, without corners and reentrants, and if the
major axis is aligned to the major principal stress, with the ratio of width to
height proportional to K (Duvall, 1976). Table 7.2 gives sorne stress concentra-
Table 7.2 Stress Concentrations around Openings under Vertical
Stress Only (K = O)
Stress Concentration
Shape Height/Width Roof Side
-1.0 5.0
Oval !
-0.9 3.4
Rectangle (round corners) !
-0.9 2.5
Circle 1 -1.0 3.0
Ellipse 2
Oval 2
Rectangle 2
7.2 Openings in Competent Rock 231
tions under vertical stress alone (K = O) for ellipses, ovals, and rectangles, at
extreme points (roof, and side). By superposition, the stress concentrations can
be found corresponding to other values of K.
Multiple openings have been studied in models and results are presented by
Obert and Duvall (1967). Under elastic conditions, two openings will interact
with each other if separated by a thickness of rock less than two times the sum
of their dimensions in the direction parallel to the separation. As the openings
approach each other, the average stress in the pillar between them increases
and approaches the maximum tangential stress. The maximum compressive
stress concentration in the wall when K = O (Le., only vertical stress) increases
from 3, the value for one opening, to 4.2 for two openings separated by a
distance equal to one-fifth of the opening width. In practice, multiple openings
are usually designed on the basis of the average stress in the pillar (i u given by
the tributary area theory:
where Al is the area supported by one pillar, Ap is the area of the pillar, and (Y u is
the vertical stress at the level of the roof of the opening. For a square pillar
(Figure 7.5a) Al equals (W
+ Wp)2 where W
is the width ofthe room s and Wp is
the width ofthe pillars. Inclinedjoints in a square pillar will intersect the sides,
reducing stability. For this reason, it is sometimes elected to use long room s
perpendicular to the strike ofthe most troublesome, steeply inclinedjoints. The
most severe reduction in strength of a pillar occurs when the discontinuities
strike parallel to the ribs and dip at an angle of 45 + rf>/2. Discontinuities at or
close to this attitude should govern the orientations ofribs. In single chambers,
it is usually desirable to choose the long axis oblique to the strike of all major
discontinuity sets. (See section 7.8).
To determine the dimensions of a pillar or to evaluate the degree of safety
of a given pillar configuration, the average pillar stress (iv calculated with
Equation 7.3 must be compared with the pillar streflgth (Yp' The latter is not
simply the unconfined compressive strengthof thc material comprising the
pillar qu because shape and size effects introduce significant modifications from
the breaking strength of unconfined compressive cylinders. Hustrulid (1976)
reviewed size and shape corrections applicable to cmil for which, due to the
presence of numerous fissures, the effect of size is great; for example, the
strength of a pillar 1 m high in coal is of the order of one-fourth the strength of a
test cylinder 5 cm in diameter and 10 cm high (Bieniawski, 1968). On the other
hand, the shapes of many underground pillars approach rectangular prisms
having width-to-height ratio s considerably more than one-half, the usual value
for an unconfined compressive specimen; this produces a contrary
the strength of relative1y short pillars being greater than the strength of re1a-
tively long pillars of the same volume.
232 Applications of Rock Mechanics in Engineering for Underground Openings
~ ~ ~ ~
r-----." Tributary area
I 1
! . ~ o ~
1--1 Wp fo-I
L _____ J
~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~
Room and pillar
--1 Tributaryarea
l ____ J
Room and rib
Figure 7.5 Concept of tributary area in regular arrangements
of underground rooms.
7.3 Horizontally Layered Rock 233
An analysis of data reviewed by Hustrulid yields the following estimate of
strength in compression for rectangular pillars of square cross section:
W) ( h )112
(Tp = 0.875 + 0.250 H heril qu (7.4)
where (Tp is the strength of a pillar corrected for shape and size effects and
assumed to have a height greater than heril; W and H are the width and height of
the pillar, respectively; qu is the unconfined compressive strength of the pillar
material, performed on cylinders with height h equal to twice the diameter; and
heril is the minimum height of a cubical specimen of pillar material such that an
increase in the specimen dimension will produce no further reduction in
strength. In experiments conducted by Bieniawski (1968), heril was 1 m (Figure
3.2.1). Equation 7.4 applies only for h ~ heril.
U sing square pillars in a room and pillar panel presents a long roof span at
the intersections of rooms. If roof stability is a problem, then long pillars will be
warranted. Roof stability generally control s the width of rooms, whereas pillar
strength control s the relative separation ofrooms. Roof stability can be critical
in horizontally layered rock.
7.3 Horizontally Layered Rock
When horizontally bedded rock lies aboye the roof, the thinner strata near the
opening will tend to detach from the main rock mass and form separated
beams. The stability of such beams is great ifthere is a horizontal stress and the
span-to-thickness ratio is fairly small. Thin beds just aboye the opening will
tend to fall down unless there is immediate support in the formofrock bolts or
sets. \
Figure 1.6 shows models of progressive failure of the roof of an opening
with horizontally bedded rock. First, a relatively thinner beam in the immediate
roof separates from the rock aboye, flexes downward, and cracks on its upper
surface at the ends and on the lower surface in the middle. The end cracks
Occur first but are invisible underground. The inclined stress trajectories in the
ends of the beam direct the crack propagation diagonally. Collapse of the first
beam leaves cantilevers as abutments for the next beam so each layer aboye the
roof has, in effect, a progressively smaller span. Continl,led failure and fall of
beams eventually produces a stable, trapezoidal opening, a shape that eould be
selected for civil engineering applications in such rock. The beams are greatly
strengthened by horizontal stress, up to about one-twentieth ofthe Euler buck-
ling stress (7T
)/(3L2) in which E is Young's modulus, t is the thickness of the
234 Applications of Rock Mechanics in Engineering for Underground Openings
Figure 7.6 Models of roof behavior in horizontally layered
rock. (a) and (b) show the deflection and cracking in the case
of a thinner beam beneath a thicker beam.
7.3 Horizontally Layered Rock 235
Figure 7.6 Models of roof behavior in horizontally layered
rock. (e) and (d) show the deflection and failure in the oppo-
site case-thick beneath thin. These models were made,with
a base friction machine. [See Goodman (1976).]
236 Applications of Rock Mechanics in Engineenngfor UndergrOlmd Openings
beam, and L is the span (Duvall, 1976). Assuming the roof acts like a clamped
beam, the maximum tensile stress occurs at the top surface near the ends:
(J"max = 2t - (J"h (7.5)
with the aboye constraint that (J"h < 7T
/60V. The maximum tensile stress in
the center, at the bottom ofthe beam, is halfthe value given by Equation 7.5.
To be conservative, (J"h can be assumed to be zero.
Visible deflection ofthe roofwams that a detached beam may have formed.
Miners have been known to force a stick into a bow between the roof and floor,
and draw a string taut between the ends so that any relaxation of the tension in
the string will indicate continued downward deflection of the roof (or he ave of
the floor). A borehole periscope or television device should be used to inspect
the roof for gaps between layers.
The maximum deflection of a clamped, elastic beam is given by
= 32EtZ
For beams in a given rock type, where E and y are constant from one layer to
the next, load will be transferred from a thin beam into a thick beam if the thin
beam lies aboye the thick beam. The stresses and deflections of the lower beam
can be calculated by assigning it an increased unit weight Ya given by
EthicktthiCkZ(Ythicktthick + Ythintthin)
Ya = Ethicktthick3 + Ethintthin3
This equation can be generalized for n beams, in which thickness decreases
progressively upward. In the case where a thin beam underlies a thicker beam,
a separation tends to form, as previously noted. If rock bolts are used, the bolts
will have to stretch to permit the separation, and the load transference, which
occurs naturally in the thin-over-thick case, will be achieved through the action
of the rock bolts. In this case, the bolts must be designed to supply a force per
unit area equal to llq. The load per unit of surface area of each beam is Yltl +
llq and Yztz - llq for the stiffer and less stiff beam, respectively. Substituting .
these loads in place of yt in Equation 7.6, and equating deflections of each beam
(for (J"h = O)
(Yltl + llq)L4 _ (Yztz - llq)L4
Solving for llq,
7.4 Rock with lnclined Layers 237
the stresses in the two layers are given by
(yt llq)LZ
(J"max = 2tZ
This type of load transference is termed a "suspension" effect by Obert and
Duvall (1967) and Panek (1964). Added strength in the beam due to friction
between the layers can be considered as follows. Let x be the coordinate
. parallel to the beam with the origin at one end. The shear force in the clamped
beam (per unit of width) is
v = - x)
The maximum shear stress, 7, at any section x is 3V/(2t), giving
7 = 3; x)
The maximum shear stress occurs at the ends, x = O, L.
Consider a beam composed oflayered rock with YI = Yz and El = Ez. Ifthe
friction angle between the layers is CMSj = O), the beam can be forced to behave
as if it were homogeneous if all interlayer slip is prevented. Rock bolts can be
installed to achieve this is their spacing is such that they supply an average
force per unit area at every x satisfying
Pb tan cPj 2:= 3; - x)
Considering both friction and suspension, with llq given by Equation 7.9, if a
uniform spacing of bolts is desired, the average force per unit area exerted by
the bolt system should be at least
_ 3yL +!l
Pb - 4 tan cPj q
7.4 Rack with lnclined Layers
Rock with horizontallayering, as we have seen, tends to open up in the roof of
an underground opening, yet remains tightly compres sed in the walls. When
the strata are dipping, the zone of interbed separation and potential buckling
shifts off center and the walls may be undermined by sliding. How extensively
these rock failure mechanisms may progress depends, among other things, on
the friction between the layers since neither bending nor slding is possible
without interlayer slip (Figure 7.7a). -
23S Applications of Rock Mechanics in Engineeringfor Underground Openings
Figure 7.7 Requirements for compatibility between
the flow of stress around an opening and limiting
friction between layers delimit regions of slip and
regions of stability.
7.4 Rock with lnclmed Layers 239
Parallel to AA
Figure 7.7 (continued)
240 Applications of Rack Mechanics in Engineering for Underground Openings
When rock layers slide against one another, the interlayer forces become
inclined degrees with respect to the normalto each layer. Consequently, if
the beds are in static equilibrium, the resultant interlayer force cannot incline
more than with the normals to beds (except that it may achieve the single
value of 90 to the normal, that is, parallel to the beds, for then no shear
resistance needs to be mobilized along the layers).
Consider an underground opening long with respect to its cross section and
with initial principal stresses PI and P2 in the plane of the cross section. At the
surface of the opening in the absence of tunnel supports, the normal and shear
stresses are zero. Therefore, the tangential stress is also the resultant force per
unit area across the layers. In view of the aboye, at the periphery of an under-
ground opening the tangential stress must lie less than degrees from the
normal to the strata or lie exactly parallel to them. What happens when the
tunnel walls meet the strata at an angle such that this is not true is that the
layers must either mobilize cohesion or slip. The latter redistributes the stress,
or change)l the tunnel shape, or both (Figure 7.7b). The interlayer slip promotes
sliding whenever the layers dip downward toward the opening and promotes
flexure where they do not (Figure 7.7d). In other words, in regularly layered
rock, the stress flows around the tunnel as if it had a shape different from that
initially assumed.
The principIes stated aboye suggest the simple construction shown in Fig-
ure 7.7c, d. To identify the zones of layer slip, with potential sliding and
flexure, around a tunnel of any shape:
l. Draw the layers in their correct orientation in the cross section of the
2. Construct lines AA and BB inclined with the normal to the layers.
3. Draw tangents to the tunnel periphery parallel to AA and BE.
4. Identify two opposed regions of interlayer slip delimited by these tan-
gents; within these regions, a tangent to the tunnel surface is inclined
more than with the normal to the strata.
U nder the action of gravity, the interlayer slip regions may loosen progre s-
sively, destroying interlocks, until satisfactory support is provided. It may not
be feasible to supply supports sufficiently fast or with sufficient pressure to
prevent the initial formation of small slip regions. However, progressive en-
largement of these regions by loosening of the rock under the action of gravity
and atmospheric weathering, as depicted in Figure 7.7d, should be prevented
by mean s of adequate support to minimize "overbreak"; in sorne cases the
tunnel might collapse altogether.
Flexible supports, acting passively, would have to carry the weight of
extensive slip regions corresponding to low values of friction representative of
loosened rock masses. At the other extreme, prestressed SUpports could be
7.4 Rock with Inclined Layers 241
too maintain the stress tangential to aJ least part of the openin b
preventmg slip. A.t a point like A in Figure 7.8, the radial
pressure Pb reqUlred to do thIS can be calculated from Bray's formula, given in
Problem 10 of chapter 6:
- (N + N ) { tan It/JI }
Pb - IPI 2P2 tan (It/JI + (7.10)
where t/J is the angle between the layers and the surface of the tunnel
PI and P2 are the larger and smaller initial stresses in the plane of the
cross section of the opening
NI and N 2 are the tangential stress concentrations at point A, meaning
that before any supports are installed
(JO,A = NtPI + N2P2
and is the angle of friction between the layers of rock.
Rock support
+ t
t t
t tf..
Figure 7.S Support pressure and slip joints-coordinate systems.
242 Applications of Rock Mechanics in Engineering for Underground Openings
For a given value of CPj at a set of points all araund the surface of a tunnel,
Equation 7.10 might be used to calculate the support pressure required theoret-
ically to prevent any slip. NI and N
for each ofthese points can be determined
from physical or numerical models or, for tunnels ofregular shape, from closed
form solutions. In the case of circular tunnels, NI and N
are determined by the
second of Equations 7.1 with r = a, giving NI = 1 - 2 cos 20 and N2 = 1 + 2 cos
20 (O being measured from the tine of action of P I as in Problem 7.12). Equation
7.10 can also be used to investigate the progressive loosening of rack by com-
paring results with various values of cpj.
Deterioration ofthe rock around a tunnel, following slip on discontinuities,
may result from the fallout or inward movement of rock wedges, driven by
gravity or by initial stresses ("ground pressure"). Cording and Deere (1972)
and Cording and Mahar (1974) relate experiences with wedge falls in tunnels
and compare the results with Terzaghi's empirical formulas (Terzaghi, 1946).
When a tunnel is driven in weak rack, or at considerably depth, it may
suffer failure of the wall rock itself along new fracture surfaces, causing pro-
gressive closure. This is considered in Section 7.5.
7.5 Plastic Behavior around Tunnels
When the tangential stress around an opening is greater than about one-half the
unconfined compressive strength, crack s will begin to formo There is usually
sorne rack breakage due to construction and a zone of relaxation around the
skin of the opening but the new cracks are conspicuous in forming slabs parallel
to the periphery. At great depth, such rock failure can cause violent "bursts."
Weak rocks like shale reach the condition for rack cracking at small
depths. For example, a shale with compressive strength equal to 500 psi and
with K equal to 2 will have sufficient stress for new cracking around a circular
tunnel at a depth of only 50 ft. In such rocks, moreover, new cracking may
initiate further loosening as water and air cause accelerated weathering. The
gradual destruction of rock strength drives the zone of braken rack deeper into
the walls, creating loads on the tunnel support system that may close the whole
tunnel. Commonly, the supports experience a gradual buildup in pressure
known as "squeeze." The severity of squeezing is related to the ratio of initial
stress to unconfined compressive strength, and the durability of the rock.
As shown in Figure 7.9, two types of behavior might be experienced in
squeezing ground. In rack that tends to arch and in which the supports are able
to provide sufficient loads when needed to halt pragressive deterioration of the
tunnel, the inward displacement of the walls will decrease with time and ap-
praach an asymptote. Ifthe supports are erected too late, or ifthe rack supplies
a rack load too large for them to withstand, the displacements will accelerate
7.5 Plastic Behavior around Tunnels
7.9 Convergence between the walls of a tunnel correspond-
mg to stability and instability.
after sorne time; without proper engineering response, the tunnel will fail. In
such rocks, is essential to measure the displacements ofthe rock periphery at
frequent statlOns and to plot the data pramptly.
To a better ofthe mechanics of a squeezing tunnel, and
to analytIcal framework for selecting appropriate support systems,
we wdl conslder a theoretical model proposed by John Bray (1967).2 Assume
that the construction of the tunnel creates intolerable stress conditions that
result in of the rack according to the Mohr-Coulomb theory. To permit
the of the extent of failure-the "plastic zone" -the simplifying as-
sumptlOn IS made that the state of stress is axisymmetric, that is, K = 1. Within
2 The theory. for stresses assuming plastic behavior according to the Coulomb equation has'
been for circular tunnels by a number of authors, including (1) H. Labasse (1948, 1949) Les
preSSlOns de terrains ... , Revue Universelle des Mines, Series 9, Vols. V and VI; (2) H. Kastner
(1949), Uber den echten Gebirgsdruck beim Bau tiefliengender Tunnel Osterreich Bauzeitschrift,
Vol. 10, No. 11; (3) J. A. Talobre (1957), La mchanique des Raches (Dunod); (4) T. A. Lang
962). Notes on and enginee.ring for rock construction (unpublished); (5) N. Ikeda,
. Tanaka, and 1. HIguchl (1966), The loosemng ofthe rock around the tunnel and its effect on steel
support, Qtly. Report RTRI, Vol. 7, No. 4; (6) John Bray (1967), A study ofjointed and fractured
rock-pa:t 11, Felsmechanik und Ingenieurgeologie, Vol. V, No. 4; (7) N. Newmark (1969), Design
of rock and rock cavity linings, Tech. Report, Contract 155, Air Force Systems Command,
. Alr Force Base; (8) A. J. Hendron and A. K. Aiyer (1972); Stresses and strains around a
cylmdncal tunnel in an elasto-plastic material with dilatancy, Corps of Engineers Omaha, Techni-
c.al Report No. 10; (9) Ladanyi, B. (1974) Use of the long term strength concept in the determina-
hon o.f ground pressure on tunnellinings, Proc. 3rd Congo ISRM (Denver) Vot'2B pp. 1150-1156.
SolutlOns fj I t' d' l' "
. or p as IC ISp acements were plOneered by Bray, Newmark, Hendron and Aiyer, and
244 Applications of Rock Mechanics in Engineeringfor Undergrormd Openings
- R
Figure 7.10 Conditions assumed for Bray's elastic-plastic solution.
the plastic zone, which extends to radius R, Bray assumed the fractures were
log spirals inclined at S degrees with the radial direction, as predicted by a strict
application of the Mohr-Coulomb theory (see Figure 7.10). This is not appropri-
ate for analysis of many rocks in which, as noted, the cracks will form slabs
parallel to the walls and floor ("ring cracks"). In shales and clays, however,
Bray's assumption of log spirals is considered to be acceptable. For minimum
strength, the appropriate value of S is 45 + 1>/2 but the quantity S will be left as
an independent parameter of the solution. It proves useful to define a quantity
Q given by
Q= tan S -1
tan(S - 1>j)
Assuming that the broken rock inside the plastic zone contains log spiral sur-
faces with shear strength characteristics T p = Sj + (T tan 1>j, the radius R of the
plastic-elastic zone boundary is given by
7.5 Plastic Behavior arormd Tunnels 245
R = a (2p - qu + [1 + tan
(45 + 1>/2)]Sj cot1>j)l/Q
[1 + tan
(45 + 1>/2)](Pi + Sj cot 1>j)
where pis the initial rock stress (Tu = (Th = p), qu is the unconfined compressive
strength of the intacto rock, Pi is the internal pressure in the tunnel provided by
the supports, and 1> IS the angle of internal friction of the intact rock.
Within the elastic zone, Bray's solution determines the radial and tangen-
tial stresses as
(Tr = P - r
b = ([tan
(45 + #2) - 1]p + qu) 2
( 45 + 1>/2) + 1 R
The radial and tangential stresses in the plastic zone are defined by
(Tr = (Pi + Sj cot - Sj cot 1>j
tan S (r)Q
(T8 = (Pi + Sj cot 1>J tan (S _ 1>j) -; - Sj cot 1>j
The displacements are important also for they pro vide an observational frame-
work for the engineer. The radially inward displacement U
is given by
1 - /J ( r
+ I ) t
Ur = Pi--;;Q - pr (7.15)
t = 1 /J R2[(p + Sj cot 1>J - (Pi + Sj cot + 1 /J b (7.16)
(b was given in Equation 7.13.)
For example, consider a case with the following properties: the fractures
are described by 1>j = 30, Sj = O, S = 45; the rock has properties qu = 1300 psi,
and 1> = 39.9; the initial stress P = 4000 psi, and the support pressure Pi = 40
psi. Then Q = 2.73, R = 3.47a, and b = 33,732a

The stresses (psi) in the plastic zone are defined by
(Tr = 40 -
246 Applications of Rock Mechanics in Engineering for Underground Openings
Un = 149
while the stresses (psi) in the el as tic zone are
= 4000 - 33,732a
Un = 4000 + 33,732a
Figure 7.11 shows how the stresses vary around the tunnel in this example and
for a case in which the material is elastic everywhere (Kirsch solution). In the
plastic case, this stress difference is intolerable and the tangential stress has
relaxed to the maximum value consistent with the strength of the material, 149
psi. For sorne distance behind the tunnel wall, the tangential stresses are lower
than those predicted by elastic theory; thereafter, they are higher. The zone of
relatively highly stressed rock behind the tunnel wall can sometimes be de-
tected by seismic refraction measurements along the wall of the tunnel.
The plastic behavior of the region near the tunnel has the effect of extend-
ing the influence of the tunnel considerably farther into the surrounding rock.
In the wholly el as tic case, the tangential stresses would have fallen to only 10%
aboye the initial stresses at a radius of 3.5 times the tunnel radius; in the elastic-
plastic case considered in Figure 7.11, the elastic zone stresses are 70% greater
than the initial stresses at this distance and 10 radii are required before the
stress perturbation of the tunnel has fallen to 10%. Thus, two tunnels that do
not interact with one another in elastic ground might interact in plastic ground.
10,000 r---....,.----,r--....,.----,r--,----,--,------,
\ 08 Kirsch
........ -
o, Kirsch -

E lastic zone
q = 1300 psi
b = 45
rp = 39.9
P = 4000 psi
P = 40 psi
rp'. = 30
Figure 7.11 Stresses around the yielding tunnel in the example.
7.5 Plastic Behavior around Tunnels 247
Displacements for the example can be discussed ifvalues are given for E, v,
the elastic properties, and tunnel radius. Let E = 10
psi, v = 0.2, and a = 96 in.
Then t = 62.21 and u = 0.62 in. This displacement is measured at the tunnel
wall while the elastic displacement at the elastic-plastic boundary is 0.11 in. In
the corresponding wholly elastic problem, the elastic displacement at the tun-
nel wall would be 0.046 in. These values of displacement are sensitive to the
value of Pi' Had the internal pressure Pi been initially installed at 5 psi, instead
of 40 psi, R would have been 7.44a and Ur would have been 1.55 in. Correspond-
ing to Pi equal to 1 psi, R would have been 13.42a giving U
equal to 4.26 in.
Such a large value for R indicates that a substantial volume of rock exists in a
loosened state around the tunnel. It would be prudent to as sume that this
material could continue to move under the influence of gravity and to allot an
additional increment of reserve support capacity to hold it in place. As a simpli-
fication, we can add a support pressure equal to a portio n of the weight of the
overIying material within the loosened zone ey(R - a), where e is a constant
::51. Then the total pressure that must be supplied by the supports is
Pi,total = Pi + y(R - a)e (7.17)
Gravitationalload would be felt at the roof and also at the sides due to Poisson
effect. The load increment due to loosening of the rock (the "looseniI1M>res-
sure") will increase inversely with Pi because R/ a increases inversely with Pi
(Figure 7.12a). As a result, the total support pressure will exhibit a minimum
when plotted against the initially installed support pressure (Figure 7.12b).
Since the displacements also increase with R/a, the curve of Pi versus displace-
ment willlikewise display a minimum (Figure 7.12e) at a value of U
= Ucrit. The
tunnel will be stable if the supports are installed with an initial pressure such
that the equilibrium between rock and support is reached at a value of Ur < Ucrit;
any additional displacement of the tunnel wall lessens the required support
pressure. Should the installation of supports be delayed, or should the supports
used be too flexible, an initial equilibrium between rock pressure and support
pressure might be reached at a value of the 'radial displacement greater
Ucrit; this situation is less satisfactory since any additional di s-
placement would demand additional support pressure. As shown m
7 .12e, if the curve of Pi,total versus U
rises more steeply than that correspondmg
to the stiffness of the support, the tunnel will fail.
Bray's solution can be used to construct an estimate of a design curve like
that of Figure 7 .12e. For the case considered, assuming e = 1,3 the three values
of initially designed support pressure of 40; 5, and 1 psi produce final support
pressures of64.6, 58.7, and 104.5 psi, respectively, as in Tab!e 7:3.
initial support pressure were greater thn 40 psi, and installed a
reserve load-carrying capacity, the supports would begin to acqmre addltIonal
3 This is probably an overconservative assulTption.
Z4S Applications of Rock Mechanics in Engineeringfor Underground Openings
p., total
(b) l nitial support pressure
Initial support pressure
Pi' total
/ I
I /2/3
1 I /
/ /
/4 I 5
/ ;/
/ /
1 I /
I //
/1 ucrit
Wall displacement U
Figure 7.12 Concept for selection of supports and procedures: supports 1, 2, and
3 are safe; support 4 is potentially unsafe; support 5 is unsafe.
Table 7.3
R-a cy(R - a)/144 Pi,total
(psi) (in,) R/a (ft) (psi) (psi)
40 0.62 3.47 19,8 20,6 64,6
5 1.55 7.44 51.5
53,7 58,7
4,26 13.42 99.4
103,5 104,5
a a = 8 ft, 'Y = 150 lb/ft3, e = 1.
7.6 Use of the Geomechanics Classification 249
Table 7.4 Typical Support Pressures
Types of Support
Rock bolts
Shotcrete, 2-8" thick
Steel sets
Concrete lining
Steel lining
Range of Pi
O-50 psi
50-200 psi
0-400 psi
100-800 psi
500-3000 psi
Delay Time until Pi Is Effective
Several hours
Several hours
One day to weeks
Several weeks to months
a Load of set depends on manner of blocking and lagging,
load after installation and if they were sufficiently stiff the tunnel would come
to equilibrium. In the case of a support pressure instaHed too slowly, or one
that was too flexible, the graund would loosen into the potentially unstable
regio n of Figure 7.12e and the tunnel might in time coHapse. AH this supposes
that the properties 1>j and Sj in the plastic zone are unaffected by loosening. If
there is a clay component in the rack s , weathering by slaking or swelling is
possible, bringing 1>j to lower values. (This can be input in the analysis.) Avail-
able supports for tunnels pro vide a range in support capacities and stiffnesses
as shown in Table 7.4 (see, in ch. 1 references, HoekJnd Brown, 1980).
7.6. Use of the Geomechanics Classification
It does not require analysis to foresee that an insufficiently supported tunnel in
imperfect rock will eventuaHy cave. Knowing how long the workers can stay in
the unsupported face region of an advancing tunnel permits the engineer and
contractor to select an appropriate style of support and optimal lengths of
drilling rounds. Although there is, as yet, no satisfactory whoHy rational
method for evaluating the time to failure-the "stand-up time" -of an unsup-
ported rack span, a number of engineers have assisted engineeringjudgment in
this matter through correlations with classifications ofthe rack. Lauffer
nized that the stand-up time depends on both the rack condition and the "ac-
tive span"; the latter is defined as the minimum of the tunnel width and the
unsupported length at the face. Lauffer's chart relating log of active span to log
of stand-up time was calibrated by Bieniawski (1976, 1984) in terms of the
Geomechanics Classification intraduced in Chapter 2, shown in Figure 7.13.
The lower and upper curves delimit the range of prediction for the active span
length that should faH after the given time. Contours 'Of rock mass rating be-
4 H. Lauffer (1958), Gebirgsklassiferung fr den Stollenbau, Geologie und Ba'uwesen 24:
250 Applications of Rock Mechanics in Engineering for Underground Openings
1 week 1 month
o 61f:
\<. --\J----j
r- p,oc I -
No support required
0.1 10
Standup Time, h
Figure 7.13 Geomechanics classification of rock mas ses applied to predicting
tunneling conditions. The roof span is the length of the unsupported section at
the face, or the width of the tunnel if greater. Reproduced from Bienawski
(1984) Rack Mechanics Design in Mining and Tunneling (Balkema), with per-
mission. The points denote case histories of roof falls; circles are for mines,
squares are for tunnels.
tween these limiting curves separate fields. Thus, given the rock mass rating
and the active span, Figure 7.13 offers a prediction of the time to failure. The
chart is based on the set ofpoints summarizing South African practice, which is
somewhat less conservative than Austrian experience.
7.7 Time-Dependent Behaviar af Tunnels
"Squeezing," we have noted, refers to the slow accumulation of load on sup-
ports. Nothing in the arguments concerning loosening of layered rocks or plas-
tic behavior around tunnels introduces time explicitly; yet it is not hard to
imagine that localized failure, crack propagation, and stress redistribution
could occur progressively, manifesting their full effect only days or even weeks
after excavation. Other phenomena may also cause tunnels to squeeze. Rock
load s may change due to additional excavation. Effective stresses may increase
due to drainage of water into the tunnel, or conversely they may decrease due
to a rise in the groundwater table following the initial drawdown on tunnel
7.7 Time-Dependent Behavior ofTunnels 251
driving. may hydrate ("swell"), oxidize, or disintegrate or otherwise
weather. m response to the change in humidity and temperature consequent on
excavatlOn. And then, the rock may be genuinely viscous or viscoelastic in 't
'. I s
as noted m Section 6.5, bituminous, argillaceous, and
salme deposIts may creep at relatively low differential stress.
t?e viscoelastic is linear, we might be able to make satisfactory
predlctlOns tunnel rates using linear viscoelastic theory. How-
ever, when tIme dependency nses from changes in the geometry of the rock
due crack g:owth, as for Indiana limestone discussed in Chapter 6, the
vIscoelastlc properhes depend on stress and the response is nonlinear. Then
since there will be different stress states in each element of rock around
tunnel, the mass becomes nonhomogeneous, and simple solutionsbased on
may be .. For fir.st approximations and for back figuring
observed simple. lmear vIscoelastic models may still be helpful,
even for nonhnearly vIscoelastIc materials. In this spirit, we can consider sev-
eral idealized systems.
Assume the tunnel is in a state-of-plane strain, as for the Kirsch solution to the
elastic problem (Equation 7.1) and that it has been excavated in a Burgers
material in distortion, which behaves elastically in hydrostatic compression
(see Section 6.5). The secondary principal stresses in the plane perpendicular
to the tunnel are PI and P2. If the tunnel is unlined so that the boundary
conditions on the wall impose zero or constant pressures, Equations 7.1 still
hold for the stresses in the viscoelastic material. However, the material creeps
and the strains and displacements will change with time. In place of Equation
7.2, the radial displacement U
of a point at coordinates r, 8 (Figure 7.2a) is
described by
ur(t) = (A - C + B d
) m + (B(d
di) _ A - C)e-<GttiTll )
q G
- d
+ B (d
- m/a) + dl(m - a)e-<ath
) + A - C + B/2 t (7.18)
- d
) 1)2
A = PI + P2 a
4 !
B = (PI - P2) - cos 28
PI - P2 '1
e = . - cos 28
4 r 3
252 Applications of Rock Mechanics in Engineering for Underground Openings
m = GI + G2
q = GIG
dI = 3K + 4G2
= 3Km + 4q
= 6K + 2G
= 6Km + 2q
a = 3Km + q
3K + G2
A useful special case of (7.18) corresponds to an incompressible rock mass
(v = l). Then
[ (
1 a2)](1 lit)
ur(t) = A + B - - - - + - - - e-(Gtlr) + -
2 4r
To illustrate the aboye equations, consider a circular tunnel 30 ft in diame-
ter at a depth of 500 ft in rock salt having the following properties:
K = 0.8 X 10
= 0.3 X 10
= 1.0 X 10
(bulk modulus)
711 = 7.0 X 10
psi min
712 = 8.3 X 10
psi min
Ywet = 1401b/ft
We assume that the horizontal stress is twice the vertical stress (an assumption
actually inconsistent with the choice of 712 < (0) so that P2 = 468 psi (vertical)
and PI = 927 psi. The displacements of points on the wall of the tunnel are
plotted against time in Figure 7.14. There is a small elastic, instantaneous
displacement, then a delayed elastic response tapering off after about 4 days,
followed by slow, secondary creep. If the material around the tunnel can de-
form without rupture, secondary creep might continue for a long time. Other-
wise, the strain will reach a sufficient magnitude to cause local rupture, chang-
ing the state of stress by the development of a plastic zone. If rock bolts are
installed, the displacements of the walls will be only slightly reduced. This can
be calculated approximately by superimposing on Equation 7.18 the displace-
ments predicted by Equation 6.33, with a
/r in place of a and the rock bolt
pressure Pb in place of P assuming the bolts are long). Near the tunnel the
secondary creep rate would then be reduced to
(A - e + B/2) - (pb/2)(a
A structural lining would act quite differently.
7.7 Time-Dependent Behavior of Tunnels 253

Figure 7.14 Radial displacement due to creep on the wall of the tunnel in the
hypothetical example.
When a stiff lining is cast against the rock so that it remains in contact with the
rock surface as the tunnel rock deforms, a displacement boundary condition is
imposed. Now the Kirsch solution 'stress field no longer applies. If the rock
behaves as a Burgers body, in time the pressure will build up on the lining while
the stress difference in the rock declines. The final pressure on the lining can be
approximated by assuming it to be loaded as a thick-walled cylinder by a
uniform outside pressure equal to the initial stress in the rock. According to the
values of 711 and 712, this may require years, or tens of years.
Let us consider the special case of a stiff elastic lining inside an incompres-
sible viscoelastic material. Gnirk and Johnson (1964) discussed this problem for
a Burgers material. For the present purposes, since the lining will not usually
254 Applications of Rock Mechanics in Engineering for Underground Openings
be constructed until the instantaneous elastic displacement has already oc-
curred, it is sufficient to consider the rock to be an incompressible generalized
Maxwell body (Figure 6.17c). Let 'YJI, 'YJ2, and GI describe the time-dependent
properties of the rock and v' and G' represent the elastic properties of the
lining. The rock tunnel has radius b while the lining has internal radius a. The
pressure Pb(t) that develops at the lining/rock interface is given by
Pb(t) = PoO + Cerl
+ De
where Po is the initial stress in the rock (TI = (T2 = Po)
C = 'YJ2 r2 (r O + 'YJI/'YJ2) + G/'YJ2)
G (r - r2)
D = 'YJ2 r (r20 + 'YJI/'YJ2) + GI/'YJ
G (r2 - r)
and r, r2 are the real roots of
in which
= ..l (O - 2v
+ a
- a
The stresses and displacements in the lining (a ::s r ::s b) are
while the stresses and displacements in the rock (r 2: b) are
7.7 Time-Dependent Behavior of Tunnels 255
u = _ b
(O - 2v' )b
+ a
r r Pb (2G')(b2 _ a2)
In Equations 7.21 and 7.22, Pb varies with time according to (7.20).
As an example, suppose a lining 2 ft thick were placed inside a circular
tunnel 30 ft in diameter in evaporite rocks with PI = P2 = Po = 1000 psi. The
rock is characterized by G = 0.5 X 10
psi, G
= 0.5 X 10
psi, 'YJI = 5 X 10\0
psi/min, 'YJ2 = 1 X 10
psi/min, and K = 00 (v = t). The elastic constants ofthe
concrete are v' = 0.2 and E' = 2.4 X 10
psi, giving G' = 1 X 10
psi. Substitut-
ing G2 = 0.5 X 10
psi in Equation 7.2 with PI = P2 = 1000 psi determines the
instantaneous elastic displacement of the unlined tunnel to be U
= 0.18 in.
Introducing the assigned values of GI , 'YJ, and 'YJ2 in Equations 7.20 to 7.22
yields the and stresses listed in Table 7.5. Figure 7.15a shows
the time-dependent di1t>lacements of the rock surface with and without a lining.
The amount of displacement of the lined tunnel is relatively small: U
0.44 in. after 10 years. However, since the concrete is stiff, the maximum
compressive stress becomes large enough to crush the concrete in about a half a
year and theoretically reaches 6365 psi in 10 years (Figure 7.15b). One solution
for squeezing tunnels is to use a soft or yielding support system, for example,
with crushable wood blocking or porous concrete. If the modulus of elasticity
Table 7.5 Displacements and Stresses for the Example
Rock Displacement
Stresses on the
After Placement Maximum Stress
Rock Surface
Time Unlined ofLining in Concrete
(t) (in., total) (in.) (psi) (Tr (psi) (Te (psi)
O 0.180 O O O 2000
1 day 0.183 0.003 43 5 1995
1 week 0.198 0.018 293 36 1964
28 days 0.251 0.066 1093 136 1864
56 days 0.320 0.121 1997 248 1751
i year 0.598 0.273 4491 559 1441
1 year
0.921 0.353 5799 721 1278
2 years
1.360 0.383 6292 783 1217
10 years 2.018 0.387 6365 792 1208
256 Applications of Rock Mechanics in Engineering for Underground Openings
E c: 1.0

o -
4000 o.
Time (days)
Maximum stress
in lining __ -----
Time (days)
Stress in rack at
rack/lining interface
Figure 7.15 Time-dependent behavior of the tunnel in the
example. (a) Inward movement of the rock wall in the lined
and unlined cases. (h) Variation of stress with time in the lined
of the lining is half the value input in the example, the maximum stress after 10
years is 5268 psi with a displacement of 0.64 in. at the rock-lining interface. An
elastic modulus for the lining one-tenth that used in the example reduces the
maximum lining stress to 2207 psi with a displacement of 1.34 in. at the rock
surface. In comparison the displacement of the unlined tunnel after 10 years is
2.02 in.
7.S Underground Openings in Blocky Rock-"Block The0'Y" 257
7.8 Underground Openings in Blocky
Rock-((Block Theory"
Excavations cut into rock masses with several sets of discontinuities may
liberate rock blocks of various size. The potential movements of the most
critically located ofthese may then undermine neighbor blocks, and the ensuing
block falls and slides can menace the integrity ofthe engineering scheme. Ifthe
excavation is unsupported, block movements may unacceptably alter the exca-
vation perimeter and the block s may cause property damage and personal
injury. If the excavation has been supported, the block movement tendency
will transfer loads to the support system, which could fail if they have not been
designed specifically to handle these loads. Since the rock itself is usually quite
strong, it is mainly the potential block falls and slides that need to be addressed
by the designer, and if these are adequately handled, or found to be unlikely,
the excavation stability will be assured.
Suppose that a block of rock is isolated by the intersection of discontinui-
ties and surfaces. No matter how many faces it has, the block can
move initially in only a few ways: by falling, by sliding on one face, or by sliding
on two faces (or by combined sliding and rotation). All ofthese motions require
that certain faces open. Thus, the first warning of block movement is the
widening of particular joints. On the other hand, if the potentially dangerous
blocks are found prior to movement and their stability is assured, then no block
movements will occur anywhere. This is the principIe of "block theory"
(Goodman and Shi, 1984). The most dangerously located blocks are called
"key blocks." The theory establishes procedures for describing and locating
key blocks and for establishing their support requirements. By using the proce-
dures it is possible to plan optimum reinforcement schemes, and to select
excavation orientations and shapes that minimize or completely eliminate the
need for artificial supports.
The shapes and locations ofkey block s are fully three dimensional. In sorne
types of engineering analyses, simpler two-dimensional configurations are ade-
quate. For example, a layered mine roof can be analyzed as a beam rather than
as a plate; or a potential shear failure can be analyzed as cylindrical rather than
spherical. In the case ofjointed rock masses, however, two-dimensional analy-
sis would be an unwise simplificatibn. In neglecting the third dimension, the
savings realizable through geometry are abandoned, which is particularly fool-
ish since three-dimensional analysis using blck theory is quite easy. Three-
dimensional block geometry allows one to find safe spatial directions for mini-
mally supported excavations even when sorne joints are very weak. To simplify
explanations, a series of two-dimensional illustrations are examined initially;
then three-dimensional analysis is introduced, with extensive use of stereo-
graphic projection.
25S Applications of Rock Mechanics in Engineering for Underground Openings
Figure 7.16 identifies six types of blocks around an excavation. Type VI is a
joint block, having no faces on the excavation perimeter, that is, no free faces.
Type V has a free face but the block is infinite. Unless there are new crack s
formed around the excavation, neither ofthese block types can be key blocks.
The same is true for block IV, which has a tapered shape; there is no direction
toward the excavated space in which the tapered block can move without
pushing into its neighbors. .
AH of the other blocks are finite and removable. Whether they wIlI move
depends not only on geometry but on the direction ofthe resultant force and the
magnitudes of the friction angles on the faces. Block In is safe under the action
of gravity. Type n block s are also safe by virtue of friction. The one in the roof
has paraHel sides so the block can move only in one direction, namely paraHel
to these sides; this restriction on the freedom to displace greatly increases the
shear resistance on its faces, as discussed by Goodman and Boyle (1986). The
type n block in the waH has a flat base so it is unlikely to move if the friction
Figure 7.16 Types of blocks: I key blocks; II
potential key blocks; III safe ?lock;
IV tapered block; V infinite block; VI Jomt
7.S Underground Openings in Blocky Rock-itBlock TheOlY" 259
angle is any reasonable value (unless water or tractions acting on the faces, or
accelerations rotate the direction of the resultant force away from the vertical
toward the free space). Type 1 block s will probably move unless supported as
soon as the excavation succeeds in isolating them as individual blocks. The
Type 1 block in the roof will faH out and the one in the waH will slide. These are
the key blocks. The type n block s are potential key blocks.
Block theory provides a system for dividing aH the block s into these group-
ings. The first decision separates the nonremovable blocks (IV, V, and VI) from
the removable blocks (1, n, and IlI) by means of Shi' s theorem. A "mode
analysis," taking into account the direction of the sliding and faHing tenden-
ces, given the direction of the resultant force, then distinguishes type nI
blocks from type n and 1 blocks. Finally a limit equilibrium analysis, invoking
friction on the block faces, establishes the key blocks and determines the
support requirements. The basic analyses are dependent on the relative orien-
tations of the joints and not on the specific block perimeters, so the infinity of
block shapes that are created by intersecting discontinuities are all represented
by a maItgeable number of analyses.
A geometric property of finite blocks enables finiteness and removability of
blocks to be judged very simply. A finite block, in two dimensions, is shown in
Figure 7.17. If the bounding faces are all moved without rotation toward the
Figure 7.17 A removable block with
two joints and two free surfaces (two-
dimensional example).
260 Applications of Rock Mechanics in Engineering for Underground Openings
pyramid (EP)
pyramid (JP)
Figure 7.18 A joint pyramid and excavation
pyramid for a two-dimensional removable
center of the block, the block becomes successively smaller until it shrinks to a
single point. This cannot be done with an infinite block. The block in Figure
7.17 consists of the intersection of four half spaces: VI, the half space aboye
face 1; L
, the half space below face 2; V
, the half space aboye face 3; and V
the half space aboye face 4. The first two faces are formed by joint planes and
the last two by free surfaces, that is, by excavation planes. In Figure 7.18, all of
these faces have been moved without rotation to pass through a single point o.
The intersection VL
, s denoted thejoint pyramid, and abbreviated JP; the JP
is an angle with vertex at o. Similarly, the intersection V
is called the
excavaton pyramid and abbreviated EP. This intersection offree half spaces is
also an angle at O. Since the block in question is finite, JP and EP have no
intersection. Shi' s theorem establishes that a block is finite if and only if lP and
EP have no intersection. In this two-dimensional illustration, the regions in
question are angles in a planeo In three dimensions, these regions become
pyramids with verte x at the origino
Stereographic projection (Appendix 5) simplifies the discussion of block theory
in three dimensions. It reduces by one the dimensions of the geometric feature
to be projected; a line passing through the center of the reference sphere
projects as a point, while aplane passing through the center of the reference
sphere projects as a great circle. Suppose aplane of nterest dips a below
horizontal in direction f3 measured clockwise from north. The center of the
great circle that projects this plane is at e, whose distance from the center of
the reference circle of radius R is given by
7.8 Underground Openings in Blocky Rock-
81ock Theo,y' 261
oc = R tan a
while the radius of the great circle is r given by
r = Ricos a
When the focus of the stereographic projection is at the bottom of the reference
sphere, the distance OC is measured in the direction of the dip vector, along
azimuth a. In this case, the region inside the reference circle represents all the
lines through the center of the reference sphere that are directed into the upper
hemisphere. Similarly, the region inside the circle 01 radus r abau! e repre-
sents the complete set 01 fines through the center 01 the relerence sphere that
are drected into the upper half space 01 the plane represented by that circle,
that is, plane alf3.
Figure 7.19 presents an example of the stereographic projection of a joint
and its two half spaces. The joint dips 30 to the east (a = 30, f3 := 9<n If we

Joint plane
(O< = 30
, jl = 90')
(O< = 00)
~ ---- . ~
"- /
w ~
" "-
" /
Given: O< = 30
, jl = 90
Choose R = 5, then:
r= 5/cos30= 5.77
Oc = 5 tan 30 = 2.89
(Lower focal point)
Figure 7.19 Construction of a great circle given the dip and dip
direction of a plane in the upper hemisphere (lower focal point)
stereographic projection.
262 Applications of Rock Mechanics in Engineering for Underground Openings
arbitrarily select R = 5, then OC = 2.89 and r = 5.77. (Changing R varies the
dimensions of the drawing but not any of the angular relationships.) Drawing a
circle at C with radius r determines the stereographic projection of the inclined
plane al {3 = 30/90. The portion of this circle crossing the regio n inside the
reference circle represents the lines in this plane that are directed into the upper
hemisphere. The portion of the circle that lies outside the reference circle,
similarly, represents the projections of the opposites to these lines, that is, the
lines in the plane that are directed into the lower hemisphere. The space inside
the circle about C contains aH the lines passing through O directed into the
upper half space of the plane 30/90. And the points outside the circle about C,
that is, the rest ofthe projection plane, represent all the lines passing through O
that are directed into the lower half space. If the circle about C is the projection
of discontinuity set 1, then the region inside this circle is VI and the region
outside of this circle is LI'
Now consider a joint system consisting of three joint sets, as given in
Figure 7.20. Set 1, bedding joints, are represented by the plane previously
drawn, with al{3 = 30/90. Similarly, set 2 is a set of sheared surfaces ("shears")
paraHel to plane 60/45, and set 3, a true "joint" set, is paraHel to plane 20/330.
In Figure 7.20, these three planes have been projected, yielding three great
circles. Their intersections generate eight spherical triangles. Consider point O,
in the center of the reference sphere. This point is simultaneously inside each
circle; therefore the line it represents is directed into the upper half space of
each of the three joint sets. Let the digits O and 1 represent respectively the
upper half space and lower half space of ajoint and order the digits according to
the order of the numbering of the joint sets. Accordingly the spherical triangle
ofpoint O has been labeled 000. The point C2, on the other hand, is inside only
great cirele 2 and Hes outside great cireles 1 and 3. Therefore, the spherical
triangle of point C2 has been labeled 101.
The eight spherical triangles of Figure 7.20 are the three-dimensional ana-
logs of the angle V
in Figure 7.18. They are, in other words, the joint
pyramids (JPs) of the system. Shi's theorem determines that a block is remov-
able if and only if it has a JP on the stereographic projection and that JP has no
intersection with the excavation pyramid (EP).
Each excavation face and the various excavation edges and corners have par-
ticular EPs. Consider, for example, the horizontal roof of an underground
chamber. In Figure 7.18, the two-dimensional example, we saw that the exca-
vation pyramid is the angle between the half spaces of the excavation planes
that inelude the block. Any block in the roof of the chamber willlie aboye the
half space of the roof planeo Therefore, in the case of the roof, the excavation
pyramid is the half space aboye the roof. It is therefore the region inside the
reference circle.
7.8 Underground Openings in Blocky Rock-"Block Theory" 263
Reference J --

Main joint

Dip Friction
direction angle
(Il) (q,)
90 25
45 16
330 35
Figure 7.20 Construction of great circles and lP's for the given joint system.
Having identified the JPs and the EP for th roof of an undergr.ound .cham-
ber, we apply Shi's theorem to find the JPs that have no intersectlOn wlth
EP. A quick search establishes the fact than only JP 101 satisfies this
ment. (In Figure 7.21, all other lPs have been removed.) This construcll?n
proves rigorously that only block s formed by the intersection -of. roof
the lower half spaces of joints 1 and 3 and the upper half space of Jo1Ot set 2 wlll
be removable from the roof of the chamber.,
264 Applications of Rock Mechanics in Engineering for Underground Openings
EP for the ----\
Figure 7.21 The only JP that has no intersection with
the EP for the roof.
The .next is to draw the face of the removable block looking up at the
It lS perhaps, to first draw the free face in a conventional plan
V1ew, lookmg down. In Figure 7.22, the strikes of each of the joint sets have
been drawn from the known values of f3. The upper half space of an inclined
pl.ane is the side of the strike line that contains the dip vector, as marked in
Figure 7.22a. Since the removable block s belong to JP 101, simultaneously in
the lower half spaces 1 and 3 and in the upper half space ofjoint 2, the
block must have the free face as drawn in Figure 7.22b. Then rotate about the
EW horizontalline and tum north to south to obtain the drawing of the face as
it appears looking up at the roof(Figure 7.22c). This drawing may be taken into
t?e field to identify dangerous blocks as they become partIy isolated by excava-
hon; such block s may then be supported before they become completely iso-
Now consider removable block s of a vertical wall of an underground cham-
ber. For example, consider the east-west trending south wall of a chamber.
Since a vertical plane dips at a = 90, by Equation 7.24 the radius of its great
circle is infinite; thus the stereographic projection of a vertical plane is a
straight lineo In the case of the south wall of an underground opening, the rock
is on the south side and the space is on the north side of the wall. Therefore the
7.S Underground Openings in Blocky Rock-"Block Theory" 265
W t E W E
Seen from aboye Seen from below
Figure 7.22 Construction for the trace of a convex removable block in the roof
EP ofthe south wall is the region below the east-west line drawn through 0, as
shown in Figure 7.23. This EP together with the complete system of JPs of
Figure 7.20 will show immediately that only lP 100 can yield removable block s
of this wall. (It can also be verified that only lP oti, the "cousin" of 100, will
yield removable blocks in the north wall of the chamber.)
266 Applications of Rock Mechanics in Engineering for Underground Openings
\.r- R eference
\ circle
Figure 7.23 The only IP that has no intersection with the EP for the
south wall.
To draw the free face of a removable block belonging to JP 100, we need to
find the inclinations of the joint sets in the east-west trending vertical wall.
Figure 7.24 shows a general procedure for measuring these inclinations from
the construction. (The angles could also be read using a stereonet.) The inclina-
tions are the lines represented by points a, b, and e where joint set great circles
1, 2, and 3, respectively, cross the east-west diameter of the reference circle.
These are the "apparent dips" ofthejoint sets in the east-west wall. The traces
of these joint planes in the wall are 30 aboye west, 53 aboye west, and 9
aboye east. "Above west" means that the angle of the trace is measured
upward from the west end of a horizontalline; we know it is aboye west if the
stereographic projection point is in the west side of the reference circle. Know-
ing that the critical JP is 100, we can draw the free face of a removable block as
shown in Figure 7.25. Figure 7.25a is a drawing ofthe traces ofthejoint sets as
seen looking north; the upper and lower half spaces of each joint set are
marked. Figure 7.25b then determines the free face of a removable block of JP
7.S Underground Openings in Blocky Rock-"Block Theory" 267
O/, = 30 aboye west
= 53 aboye west
0/3 = 9 aboye east
" "-
Figure 7.24 Construction for the edges of a removable block in the
south wall.
100 from the half space combinations, as seen looking north. Then, by rotating
the figure about a verticalline, turning east into west, we can view the south
wall from inside the chamber, looking south. This drawing, Figure 7 .25c, can be
used to identify potentially dangerous blocks as they are approaching isolation
by excavation.
Now suppose we are able to view ajoint trace map of the south wall, as in
Figure 7.26a. The intersection of joint traces creates a large number of poly-
gons. The previous analysis determines which of these are the faces of remov-
able blocks. The free face of a removable block has the shape of the figure
drawn in the bottom margino It is possible to recognize this pattern in the trace
map. Figure 7.26b shows the faces of all removable blocks. If these are
supported, nothing else can move and the entire wall must be safe. Formal
procedures for finding removable block s of more complex trace maps with
more complex joint systems and with generally inclined excavations are pre-
sented by Goodman and Shi (1985). The engineer or geologist making use of
these methods has the option of using manual constructions with the stereo-
graphic projection, as is done here, or on a number of interactive
Applications of Rock Mechanics in Engineering for Underground Openings
South wall looking north
(e) South wall looking south
Figure 7.25 Construction for the edges of a convex removable
block in the south wall.
7.S Underground Openings in Blocky Rock-"Block TheOlY" 269
Figure 7.26 (a) Joint traces in the south wall, looking south.
Figure 7.26 (b) Removable blocks of the south wall (looking south) determined for
JP 100 from Fig. 7.26(a).
270 Applicatiuns uf Ruck Mechanics in Engineeringfur Undergruund Openings
; ; ~ } = maximum key block
ECD = key block. 01 the same JP
Figure 7.27 The maximum key block of a tunnel
corresponding to a given lP.
computer programs.
Computer programs have also been developed to draw
joint trace maps for simulated rock masses usingjoint statistics, for both planar
and generally curved excavation surfaces.
In the case of a tunnel, the surface of the excavation is the union of a family of
planes parallel to the tunnel axis. Therefore, almost every JP can produce a
removable block somewhere around the interior of the tunnel. However, these
removable block s are restricted to particular portions ofthe tunnel surface. For
example, consider the joint planes seen in the two-dimensional section in Fig-
ure 7.27. Ifwe specify that the blocks must lie simultaneously in the lower half
space of each joint plane of this drawing, then no block can be larger than the
region ABD; real block s may be smaller. In the absence of information about
the spacing and extent of the joints, it would be prudent to design on the basis
5 Programs for block theory by Gen hua Shi are available from Discontinuous Systems Re-
search, 715 Arlington, Berkeley, CA 94707.
7.8 Undergruund Openings in Blucky Ruck-"Bluck Theury" 271
of the maximum removable block, ABD. Given the tunnel cross section, each
JP (except those that contain the direction of the tunnel axis) has a maximum
removable block. We now show how to determine it.
In Figure 7.28a, one particular JP, OtO, is shaded. The tunnel is horizontal,
bearing N 21
E; the projection of its axis is point a, or its opposite, -a. The
comer s of the JP are intersections of joint sets and each has an orthographic
projection in the vertical plane perpendicular to a. These orthographic projec-
tions of the JP comers produce three points along the tunnel section, two of
which are the projections of the extreme limits of the maximum removable
block for JP 010 as seen in the tunnel cross section. To determine the inclina-
tions of the extreme limits of the maximum removable block we construct two
great circles through a and -a and a comer of the JP such that the JP is entirely
enveloped. The traces of the limit planes thus constructed are represented by
the points where they cross the plane of the tunnel section. The inclinations of
these traces may be measured as shown in Figure 7.28a, making use of a
property of stereographic projection, or they may be found using the stereonet.
If a comer lies outside the reference circle, its opposite willlie within it. The
.. '
. '
..... t ....... 11'
Tunnel axis N 21 E
' .
. ...
.. '
O/o = 190 - 6
1 = 27
O/D =190 - 6
I = 24
.... ?; Reference
"./ circle
Figure 7.28 (a) Construction for the projections ofthe edges of the maxi-
mum removable block in the tunnel section corresponding to lP 010.
272 Applications of Rock Mechanics in Engineering for Underground Openings
w E
Figure 7.28 (b) Projection in the tunnel
section of the maximum remoyable block
corresponding to JP 010.
limit plane must pass through both the comer and its opposite. Ifthe comer has
distance x from the center of the reference circle, its opposite has distance R2/X
from the center in the opposite direction (where R is the radius ofthe reference
circle). In the case of Figure 7.28a, the lP lies inside each of the enveloping
great circles, so the lP is above both of them. The angles of inclination of the
orthographic projections of the comers in the tunnel section are transferred to
the tunnel section in Figure 7.28b, and the removable block is found as the
region simultaneously aboye each. In this case, the maximum removable block
is not a key block if gravity is the main contributor to the resultant force
direction in the block.
Figure 7.29a shows a similar construction but for lP 001. The comer 1,2 of
this lP is off the paper so its opposite -1'2 has been drawn. (The opposite is the
upper hemisphere line that is perpendicular to both ofthe normal s n, and n2 and
therefore perpendicular to the great circle connecting normals n, and n2.) Great
circles through each comer in tum intersect the tunnel section at the points
shown and the limiting great circles are established as those through lz3 and 113 ,
intersecting the tunnel section respectively 24 aboye east and 83 aboye west.
The lP is outside the first of these and inside the second so JP 001 is below the
first and aboye the second. Figure 7.29b transfers this information to the tunnel
7.S Underground Openings in Blocky Rock-"Block Theory" 273
Having performed an analysis of maximum key block s for two lPs, we now
proceed to find all the rest. Since JPs 000 and 111 contain the tunnel axis, they
have no maximum key block areas in the tunnel section. The maximum key
block regions of all the other lPs are shown on Figure 7.30, where each tunnel
section is drawn in the curved polygon corresponding to the lP in question. We

....... t. ............
.... --....-.
.... ," , ....
..... ,." l' ....
.. ' "" l' ....
.... ",,"" I , ....
...... / I \\ ..... \------
... // I \ \\-----
/ I \ ...
/ I ,
I I \
" " \
' ' - 12 ,
JP 001
Limit plane 2 ,

'. ;<.......
.... -1 1" ;1' " "'- .' .7 -----
13 ." "" Lim it plane 1
_ 11'"' , '
: A
123 .-

/ .'
/{/ ..... 1" ....
.... J .."",. .....
. .
JP 001 is below limit plane 1
and aboye limit plane 2
Figure 7.29 (a) Construction for the projections of the edges of the maximum
remoyable block in the tunne! section, corresponding to JP 001.
274 Applications of Rock Mechanics in Engineermgfor Underground Openings

Figure 7.29 (h) Projection in the tunnel
section of the maximum removable block
corresponding to lP 001.
see at a glance that under gravity loading JPs 101, 100, and 001 may generate
block s that require support. A1though these drawings are two dimensional, the
three-dimensional maximum keyblocks can be drawn corresponding to each of
thesejoint pyramids and subjected to a limit equilibrium analysis. The direction
of sliding under gravity is determined by a mode analysis, based upon the
direction of the resultant force and the description of the joint pyramid, as
discussed by Goodman and Shi (1985). Then when friction angles are input on
each face, the support force vector can be computed for each maximum key
block using methods of analysis discussed in the next chapter. It may be that
none of the blocks require support; on the other hand, in certain tunnel direc-
tions, the same set of joint planes and friction angles may create the need for a
large support force. This is largely due to the changing size of the maximum key
block s as the direction of the tunnel is varied.
The effect of tunnel direction on rock mass support requirements will be illus-
trated for the rock mas s of Figure 7.20 by studying the SUpport force for
7.S Underground Openings in Blocky Rock-"Block Theory" 275
Figure 7.30 Tunnel sections showing maximum removable block s for each lP super-
imposed on the stereographic projection of the lPs.
equilibrium of the most critical block as a function of a complete sweep of
tunnel directions. AH the examples considered thus far correspond to a hori-
zontal tunnel axis in direction N 21
E. only horizontal tunnels, for
the time being, we can observe the relative size of the most critical key block,
for five tunnel directions, in Figure 7.31. The maximum key block s become
d.ramaticaHy larger as the direction 315
(N 45
W) is approached. Limit equilib-
num analysis of this system, for a horseshoe tunnel 6 m wide and 5.4 m high,
yields required support forces for the maximum block varying from a low
of less than 1 me trie ton per meter length of tunnel, to a maximum of 33 metric
276 Applications of Rock Mechanics in Engineering for Underground Openings
Figure 7.31 The maximum key blocks of the most critical
joint pyramids, taking into account limit equilibrium analy-
ses, for tunnels in different directions (indicated by the
tunnel azimuth values given).
tons per meter oftunnel, as plotted in Figure 7.32. The sharpness ofthe peak in
this diagram suggests the name "tunnel support spectrum" for this type of
A microcomputer program was used to perform a complete analysis of key
block support requirements over the complete set of tunnel directions in space.
The input to this program consists of the attitudes of the sets of joint planes and
" (;
7.S Underground Openings in Blocky Rock-"Block Themy" 277
Sliding on
bedding joints
.. ,

Sliding on shears :
+ ,
(AzimuthJ .






+ ,
-.. ,
Figure 7.32 The "tunnel support spectrum"-the support
force, directed opposite to the sliding direction, to reach
limiting equilibrium for the most critical removable block for
horizontal tunnels in all directions-for a horseshoe tunnel
6m wide by 5.4 m high.
278 Applications of Rock Mechanics in Engineering for Underground Openings
their friction angles as well as the shape and dimensions of the tunnel section.
The output is a contoured "equal area projection" of support force require-
ments for all tunnel/shaft directions in space, and a list of all sliding modes and
sliding force directions. The equal area projection is a distortion of stereo-
graphic projection that yields equal areas for "squares" of the stereonet no
matter where they project.
Figure 7.33 shows such a diagram for the problem being discussed. It
demonstrates that the worst tunnel orientations are horizontal to azimuth 315
(N 45 W), and 23 aboye horizontal to azimuth 305 (N 55 W). Most tunnel/
shaft directions that are not near these orientations have very much smaller
support needs.
Another example is presented in Figure 7.34, where a fourth joint set has
been added to the three previously considered; the additional joint set has dip
and dip direction equal to 75 and 190, respectively, and has be en assigned a
30 90 25
W 60 45 16
20 330 35
'Y = 2.75 tons 1m
R = 0, 0,-1
Equal area projection
upper hemisphere
Figure 7.33 The support force as in Fig. 7.32 for al! tunnel and shaft directions for
the rock mass with three joints sets; multiply the contour values by 3.3 metric ton s
per meter of tunnellength.
7.8 Underground Openings in Blocky Rock-itBlock Theory" 279
30 90 25
60 45 16
20 330 35
75 190 15
"f == 2.75 tons/m
R = 0, 0,-1
Equal area projection
upper hemisphere
Figure 7.34 The support force as in Fig. 7,33 for all tunnel and shaft directions for
the rock mass with four joint sets; multiply the contour values by 3,3 metric tons per
meter of tunnel length,
friction angle of 15. The tunnellshaft support force contours are only slightly
less polarized, with vertical shafts now showing increased support needs. The
orientations of the tunnel requiring greatest force and the magnitude of this
support force is the same as that in Figure 7.33, with three joint sets. The
magnitud e of the support force for the worst tunnel is 32 tons per meter of
For hard, jointed rock, the design of tunnel supports should be based on the
force required to stabilize potential key blocks formed by the intersection of
preexisting joint planes and the tunnel surface. Descr:ibing and analyzing these
block s necessitates a three-dimensional approach. Block theory is a convenient
way to determine the most critical blocks, ~ i v e n any tunnel direction, shape,
280 Applicatians af Rack Mechanics in Engineering far Undergruund Openings
and dimensions. The information required to describe the rock mass consists
simply of the orientations of the joint planes and their friction angles.
This section introduced the theoretical basis and graphical procedures for
application of block theory to the computation of tunnel support forces. These
procedures offer the possibility to optimize tunnel and shaft design with respect
to support requirements. The information about the rock required to perform
this analysis is minimal and the computations are not tedious, particularly since
microcomputer programs are available. Block theory offers potential cost sav-
ings in tailoring the layout and design of tunnels and shafts to the geometric
properties of jointed rock masses.
Benson, R. P., Conlon, R. J., Merritt, A. H., Joli-Coeur, P., and Deere, D. V. (1971)
Rock mechanics at Churchill Falls, Proceedings, Symposium on Underground
Rock Chambers (ASCE), pp. 407-486.
Bieniawski, Z. T. (1968) op. cit., Chapter 3.
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chanics classification, Proceedings, 2nd Australia-New Zealand Conference on
Geomechanics (Brisbane), pp. 36-41.
Bieniawski, Z. T. (1976) op. cit., Chapter 2.
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Bray, J. W. (1967) A study ofjointed and fractured rock, 11. Theory oflimiting equilib-
rium, Felsmechanik und Ingenieurgeologie (Rock Mechanics and Engineering Ge-
ology) S: 197-216.
Coates, D. F. (1970) See references, Chapter 1.
Cording, E. J. and Deere, D. V. (1972) Rock tunnel supports and field measurements,
Proceedings, 1st Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference (AIME), Vol. 1, pp.
Cording, E. J. and Mahar, J. W. (1974) The effect of natural geologic discontinuities on
behavior of rock in tunnels, Proceedings, 1974 Excavation and Tunneling Conf.
(AIME), Vol. 1, pp. 107-138.
Dube, A. K. (1979) Geomechanical evaluation of tunnel stability under falling rock
conditions in a Himalayan tunnel, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Roorkee, India.
Duvall, W. (1976) General principies ofunderground opening design in competent rock,
Proceedings, 17th Symposium on Rock Mechanics (University of Utah), Paper
Gnirk, P. F., and Johnson, R. E. (1964) The deformational behavior of a circular mine
shaft situated in a viscoelastic medium under hydrostatic stress, Proceedings, 6th
Symposium on Rock Mechanics, University of Missouri (Rolla), pp. 231-259.
Goodman, R. E. and Boyle, W. (1986) Non-linear analysis for calculating the support of
a rock block with dilatant joint faces, Felsbau 4: 203-208.
Goodman, R. E. and Shi, G. H. (1985) Block Theory and Its Application to Rock
Engineering, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
References 281
Hoek & Brown (1980) op. cit. chap 1.
Holland, C. T. (1973) Pillar design for permanent and semi-permanent support of the
overburden in coal mines, Proceedings, 9th Canadian Rock Mechanics Sympo-
Hustrulid, W. A. (1976) A review of coal pillar strength formulas, Rock Mech. 8: 115-
Indraratna, B. and Kaiser, P. K. (1987) Control oftunnel convergence by grouted bolts,
Prac. Rapid Excav. and Tunneling Conf (RETC), New Orleans
Jaeger, J. and Cook, N. G. W. (1976) See references, Chapter 1.
Jethwa, J. L. (1981) Evaluation ofrock pressure in tunnels through squeezing ground in
the lower Himalayas, Ph.D. thesis University of Roorkee, India.
'Jethwa, J. L. and Singh, B. (1984) Estimation of ultimate rock pressure for tunnel
linings under squeezing rock conditions, Proceedings, ISRM Symposium on De-
sign and Performance of Underground Excavations (Cambridge), pp. 231-238
(Brit. Geotech. Soc., London).
Kaiser, P, K. and Morgenstern, N. R. (1981, 1982) Time-dependent deformation of
small tunnels. 1, Experimental facilities; 11, Typical test data; 111, Pre-failure behav-
iour, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. 1, 18: 129-140; 11, 18: 141-152; I1I, 19: 307-324.
Kastner, H. (1962) Statik des tunnel-und stollenbaues. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Korbin, G. procedures for the analysis of deep tunnels in problematic
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Ladanyi, B. (1974) Use ofthe long term strength concept in the determination of ground
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Lang, T. A. (1961) Theory and practise ofrock bolting, Trans. Soc.Min. Eng., AIME
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A report to the U.S. Bureau of Mines, Spokane (available from NTIS, #PB82-
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ticity, 4th ed., translated by J. R. M. Radok, Noordhof, Groningen.
Obert, L. and Duvall, W. (1967) See references, Chapter 1.
Panek, L. A. (1964) Design for bolting stratified roof, Trans. Soco Min. Eng., AIME,
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282 Applications of Rock Mechanics in Engineering for Underground Openings
Szechy, K. (1973) The Art oi Tunnelling, 2d ed., Akademiado, Budapest.
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Stamping Co., Youngstown, OH.
1. Draw vectors to scale showing the normal and shear stresses in psi along
the locus of a fault, at points A, B, and e in the following diagram. The fault
strikes parallel to a circular tunnel, 15 ft in radius, and at its closest point it
is 10 ft from the tunnel. It dips 60 as shown in the diagram. The tunnel is
driven at a depth of 500 ft in granite. Assume K = 1.0.
2. Calculate the maximum compressive stress around an elliptical under-
ground opening, twice as high as it is wide, for values of K equal to 0,1, i, 1,
2, and 3. The tunnel is 1000 ft deep. Indicate in each case where the
maximum stress occurs.
3. Calculate the deftection and stresses of each layer aboye the roof of a mine
chamber 50 ft wide assuming elastic behavior. The layer closest to the
opening is sandstone, 5 ft thick, with a unit weight of 160 Ib/ft3. The layer
aboye is shale, 2 ft thick, with unit weight of 140 Ib/ft3. Es.s = 10
Eshale = 5 X 10
Problems 2S3
4. Plot a curve of U
and Ue as a function ofradius and Ur at the tunnel
wall using Bray's solution.
(a) The properties are 4>j = 20; Sj = O; 8 = 55; qu = 500 psi; 4> = 35"; P =
4000 psi; Pi = 40 psi; a = 96"; E = 10
psi; v = 0.2.
(b) Find U
and R for Pi = 400 psi, all other quantities being the same.
5. In an underground room 30 ft wide, limestone 3 ft thick is overlain by
sandstone 6 ft thick.
(a) Assuming the horizontal stress to be zero, what pretension force should
be installed in rock bolts spaced on a square pattern in the roof with 3 ft
spacing to achieve a "suspension effect" in the roof? (For the sandstone
E = 1 X 10
psi; for the limestone, E = 0.3 X 10
psi; 'Y = 150Ib/ft
(b) What is the corresponding maximum tensile stress in each layer?
6. Calculate and plot the variation of displacement with time along the hori-
zontal diameter of a circular underground opening 50 ft in diameter between
bench marks 10 ft deep in each wall. Assume that under hydrostatic pres-
sure the roe k exhibits only elastic, non-time-dependent volume change and
in distortion like a Burgers material with
= 0.5 X 10
= 0.5 X 10
7}1 = 8.3 X 10
7}2 = 8.3 X 10
K = 1.0 X 10
The initial vertical and horizontal stresses are 2000 and 4000 psi, respec-
2M Applications of Rock Mechanics in Engineering for UndergrOlmd Openings
7. In Problem 6, suppose a rack bolt 15 ft long is installed 12 h after excavation
along a radius 30
aboye the horizontal. Assuming that the rack bolt is
insufficiently stiff to reduce the displacements of the tunne!, (a) calculate
the strain in the bolt as a function of time; (b) if the bolt is made of steel and
has a diameter of 1.25 in., calculate the force developed in the bolt as a
function of time.
8. Calculate the radial displacement with time of a 40-ft-diameter tunnel at a
depth of 1000 ft in rock salt with hydrostatic initial stresses and an internal
pressure of 100 psi suddenly applied 24 h after excavation. The rock is
elastic in hydrastatic compression and a Burgers body in distortion, with
K = 0.8 X 10
psi, G
= 0.1 X 10
psi, G
= 0.6 X 10
psi, 7)1 x 10
and 7)2 = 10
psi/mino 'Ywet = 150 Ib/ft3. (Hint: Superpose the solutions for
dilatometer test in Chapter 6 and a tunnel in Chapter 7.)
9. A rock mass is rated 20 according to the Geomechanics rating. Plot a curve
of stand-up time versus unsupported span in meter s (see Figure 7.13).
10. A rack tunnel 5 m in di ame ter is driven with maximum unsupported length,
at the face, equal to 4 m. Plot a curve of stand-up time versus rock mass
rating for the tunnel.
11. Suppose you were given a set of identical rectangular prismatic block s
(thickness t, length s, and width b) and you wanted to construct an arched
tunnel with them.
(a) Calculate the shape and dimensions of the widest safe tunnel. (Hint:
Any block i can extend a distance Xi over the block below it (see dia-
gram) and the complete arch may be calculated as a symmetrical ar-
rangement of such cantilevered blocks.)
2 1-
-- --
4 x 3
Problems 2S5
(b) Discuss the influence of horizontal stress in the mass on the stability of
such a tunnel.
(e) Discuss the influence of limited tensile strength on the stability of the
12. A long underground chamber, shown in cross section, is to be constructed
in rock inclined 25
toward the right. (a) Assuming the friction angle epj is
, use the construction of Figure 7.7 to locate zones of potential distress
around the opening. (b) Repeat this procedure with epj = 20
to investigate
the effect of rack deterioration on the flow of stress around the tunnel.
13. (a) Derive a formula permitting calculation of the maximum inclination of
<TI with the normal to layers, given values of <T3, <TI, and epj.
(b) In a bedded rack having epj = 20
and <TI = 1 MPa, how large must <T3 be
in order that <TI have an inclination of 30
with the normal to layers?
(e) How can this exercise be used to evaluate support requirements for the
tunnel in Problem 12?
14. A circular tunnel will be constructed in regularly layered rock dipping 45
the left with initial stresses PI = 1.5 MPa acting horizontally and P2 = 1.0
MPa acting vertically (see figure). Suppose it were possible to apply a radial
support pressure Pb inside the tunne! so soon after excavation that slip
could be prevented along the rock layers. Calculate the value of Pb required
to achieve this result at points around the tunnel surface defined by () = O,
15, 60, 90, 120, and 180
. Assume CPj = 3 ~ 0 .
286 Applications of Rock Mechanics in Engineering for Underground Openings
\ t I I
t t t t t t t t t t t
15. (a) Derive a formula to express the inward radial displacement (Va) of a
circular tunnel at radius a due to bulking of the annulus of rock between
radii a and b (b > a). The bulking factor k
is the increase in volume
caused by rock breakage and decompression divided by the original
volume before rock expansiono Assume that the outer circle of the
annulus is stationary (V
= O).
(b) Solve the relationship to express the rock bulking factor kB as a function
of Va, a, and b where Vb = O.
(c) Derive a formula for k
as above for the more general case with Vb =1= o.
16. A circular tunnel of 2.12 m radius in phyIlite is squeezing. Extensometers
along a radius determine the radial displacement Vr with time as follows
(data are from Jethwa (1981):
U sing the rejtlts of Problem 15c, calculate the volume change factor k
each ofthe three rings between extensometer stations (2 to 4.5 m, 4.5 to 7.0
m, and 7.0 to 9.4 m) as a function of time.
17. Estimate the radius R of the destressed zone for the extenso meter data of
Problem 16 using the following two methods:
(a) Dube (1979) showed that R = 2.7 times the radius re separating the
expanding portion from the contracting portion of the destressed zone.
This radius can be interpolated from your answer to Problem 16.
(b) Jethwa (1981) showed that R is the value of r at which the tines u versus
log r intersect the curve for elastic displacement of a circular opening of
radius r.
T 1
~ T _
2SS Applications of Rock Mechanics in Engineering for Underground Openings
Calculate Uel
= [(1 + v)/E] pr with p = 0.4 MPa, v = 0.2, and E = 500
MPa, and plot the curve Uel
versus log r. Plot the data sets u versus log r
for each time and determine the intersections with Uelas(r).
18. (a) Derive a formula for the ratio B/w of support forces to weight to stabi-
lize the roof block under conditions of limiting equilibrium. The friction
angles cpj are the same on alljoints (see figure). The unit weight is y. The
joints are smooth.
(b) Solve (a) to find the maximum width b of a block such that no support is
19. In Problem 18, for limiting equilibrium one assumes that full friction is
mobilized. This requires sorne block displacement, however. Since the
sides are parallel, symmetry prevents any dilatant displacement. Assuming
a dilatancy angle ion eachjoint and no initial normal stress, find the ratio of
support force to block weight required for equilibrium as a function of block
displacement u. (Hint: Assume rigid wall rock; calculate the strain of the
rock block that would occur if dilatancy were allowed. Find the normal
stress increment to accommodate this much strain.)
20. Restriction of dilatancy on the vertical joints of Problem 18 corresponds to
requiring a horizontal path across Figure 5.17 b. Thus if the initial normal
stress corresponded to a of this figure, the displacement path would follow
Problems 289
line 3, 4, 5, 6 of Figure 5.17 b. The consequent values of (j and T would then
be determined as functions of displacement u and could be entered in the
equilibrium expression to determine B/W as a function of u (see Goodman
and Boyle, 1986). Suppose the block in question were a symmetrical wedge
in the roof, as shown in the figure. What would be the corresponding
displacement path across Figure 5.17 b?
21. A circular tunnel has a symmetrical wedge of rock in the roof. Instead of
falling out as a whole block, it breaks in two and the upper piece remains in
place as the lower piece falls. What explanation can you give for this
22. (a) Calculate the abutment reactions H and V and their location for limiting
equilibrium of the three hinged beam (see figure) in the roof of an under-
ground opening.
(b) Find the limiting value of settlement Ay at which an instability develops.
WhaJ is the corresponding value of the horizontal displacementAx of


23. Assume that both ends of a tensioned rock bolt produce compressive stress
inside a cone of 45 centered about the bolt axis (see figure). Determine the
length-to-spacing ratio fJs to provide a continuous zone of compressive
(a) Of minim\lm thickness e/2 in the middle 01 a straight beam of rock.
(b) Of minimum thickness a/2 in a curved beam with inside radius a (let
s = rO).
290 Applications of Rock Mechanics in Engineering for Underground Openings
Bearing plates
24. A system of rock bolt reinforcement for a ftat-bedded roof is shown in the
figure. What is the purpose of the angled bolts?

. ='Z-3
....... ... "


Problems 291
25. (a) Determine the joint pyramid codes for all blocks that are removable
from (he north wall of an underground chamber in a rock mass having
the following joint sets:
Set Dip Dip Direction
1 30 70
2 50 140
3 60 270
North wall 90 0
(b) Do the same for the south wall.
(c) Draw the visible face of the critical block in the north wall as seen from
inside the excavation (looking north).
26. A will be driven horizontally to the N 20
E (azimuth 20
) in
the rock mass of Problem 25. On a section of the tunnel, looking in the
direction of tunnel driving, draw the maximum key block regio n for JP 101.
Applications of
Rock Mechanics to
Rock Slope
E ngineering
8.1 Introduction
Surface excavations in rock range from small rock walls ripped by bulldozers to
make room for a shopping center, to enormous open pits up to 1 km deep and 1
in volume. This chapter deals with methods for planning the orientation,
dimensions, and appurtenant features of such excavations so that they will
safely serve their intended purpose.
For transportation routes, numerous high rock cuts are required in moun-
tainous terrain. Restricted curvature specifications tend to make cut s for canals
and railways relatively higher and more numerous than cut s for highways. A
certain amount of rock fall and slide movement is often unavoidable along
rights of way for transportation routes because the cost of assuring complete
safety for so many square meter s of excavated rock surface would be unbear-
able. However, railroad cut s and urban highway cut s should be designed to be
absolutely safe at all times, due to the great cost of an accident. In urban areas,
cuts may be made nearly vertical to preserve adjacent land values, necessitat-
ing installation of permanent rock support.
When rock cut s are to house installations, such as buildings, powerhouses,
or portals to underground workings, the cost of a failure would be far greater
than the cost of the excavation itself. Accordingly, great care and attention will
be warranted in e n g i ~ e e r i n g such excavations, as if they were structures them-
selves. Drainage, supports, instrumentation, and construction sequence may
be specified.
294 Applications of Rock Mechanics lo Rock Slope Engineering
This is also true of cut s for spillways of earth dams and for surface pe n-
stocks; in either case, a slope failure could trigger a disaster.
Open pit mines are large rock excavations that are usually intended mainly
to strip away overburden material from ore. Their design-that is, the choice of
angles for slopes, widths ofbenches, and overall shape-is now integrated with
other mining cost factors to achieve maximum profit. Too flat a slope will mean
extra excavation and extra waste rock; but too steep a slope will increase the
number of lost-time haulage road blockages and accidents. Most of the slopes
of an open pit mine are temporary sine e the pit is ever enlarging. Simple
instrumentation and quick response to signs of instability have allowed mining
companies to work safely with slopes that would be judged too steep for civil
engineering excavations of comparable size.
In soft rocks like shales, hydrothermally altered zones, and deeply weath-
ered granites, design of safe slopes is an extension of soil mechanics theory
sine e such materials tend to fail by slumping or sliding through the body of rock
itself. In most hard rocks and in sorne of the softer rocks as well, preexisting
discontinuities control the avenues of rock movement so modes of slope failure
occur that are not usual in soils. Special methods for analyzing these structur-
ally controlled failure modes have been devised by workers in rock mechanics.
It turns out to be cheaper to choose a safe angle for a roe k slope than to try
to hold it up on an unnatural slope with artificial supports, for when a high rock
face starts to move, the forces required to hold it back are enormous. Choosing
safe angles for rock slopes requires that shear strength characteristics of the
controlling discontinuity surfaces be evaluated, often necessitating laboratory
and field shear testing programs. However, if the strike of the cutting can be
altered to suit the structural properties of the rock mass, it is often possible to
choose an orientation for the excavation such that rock failure cannot occur,
regardless of friction angle of the discontinuities. This is true because of the '
highly directional characteristics of failure modes along structural weakness
8.2 Mades af Failure af Slapes
in Hard Rack
Hard rock is usually so strong that failure under gravity alone is possible only if
discontinuities permit easy movement of di serete blocks. In regularly bedded
or foliated rock, cut by joints, there are many possibilities for block movement
along weakness planes and a large variety of behavioral modes are exhibited.
With an appreciation of the mode of failure, it is possible to evaluate the
probability of failure, or the factor of safety, and to engineer a remedy if the
8.2 Modes of Fmlure of Slopes in Hard Rock 295
degree of risk is unacceptable. When there a r ~ multiple sets of discontinuity
planes intersecting in oblique angles, kinematic model studies may be helpful in
anticipatig the most likely pattern of slope failure. Failures involving move-
ment of rock block s on discontinuities combine one or more of the three basic
modes-plane sliding, wedge sUding, and toppling.
A plane sUde forms under gravity alone when a rock block rests on an
inclined weakness plane that "daylights" into free space (Figure 8.la). The
inclination of the plane of slip must be greater than the friction angle of that
Figure 8.1 Modes of failure for rock slopes. (a) Plane
slide. (b) Wedge slide. (e) Toppling.
296 Applications of Rock Mechanics to Rock Slope Engineering
planeo The conditions for failure reside dormantly in the slope until excavation
or rock movement removes the barrier to block translation. Movement of a
block like that shown in Figure 8.la supposes that the restraint to sliding has
been overcome not only along the surface of sliding but along the lateral mar-
gins of the slide as well. In soft rocks, like shale, the side restraint can be
released by rupture of the rock itself if the base of sliding is inclined consider-
ably steeper than the friction angle. In hard rocks, plane sliding can occur only
if there are other discontinuities or valleys transverse to the crest of the slope
releasing the sides of the block. In Figures 8.2a and h, the release is provided
by joints.
Wedge sUdes (Figures 8.lh and 8.2e) can occur when two planes of weak- .
ness intersect to define a tetrahedral block. Slip can occur without any topo-
graphic or structural release features if the line of intersection of two disconti-
nuities daylights into the excavation. It was the movement of a large wedge that
undermined the Malpasset Dam in France (1959) causing its complete destruc-
tion and much loss of life (see Figure 1.5).
ToppUngfailure, Figures 8.le and 8.3, involves overturning ofrock layers
like a series of cantilever beams in slates, schists, and thin-bedded sediments
inclined steeply into the hillside. Each layer tending to bend downhill under its
own weight transfers force downslope. Ifthe toe ofthe slope is allowed to slide
or overturn, flexural cracks will form in the layers aboye, liberating a large
mass of rock. If there are frequent cross joints, the layers can overturn as rigid
columns rather than having to fail in flexure. In either event, destructive slope
movements must be prefaced by interlayer slip of a normal fault type (Figure
Many "higher modes" of failure are exhibited by complexly jointed and
bedded rocks, in which plane sliding, wedge sliding, and toppling occur simul-
taneously or successively sometimes with failure through rock bridge s by flex-
ure, shear, or splitting (Figure 8.3!). Goodman and Bray (1977) show several
examples of such modes involving toppling in conjunction with sliding. Failure
through the intact material can also occur together with any of these modes, as
previously noted. For example, "footwall slides" occur in high dip slopes
following buckling of the strata near the toe (see Problem 8). Failure totally
within intact rock, like slumping in cIay soils, occurs in rock slopes only in very
weak continuous rocks, in hydrothermally altered zones, and in highly weath-
ered rocks. Pervasively fractured rocks may behave in a "pseudocontinuous"
fashion because they exhibit so many combinations of failure modes that there
is always a locus along preexisting cracks corresponding to the most critical
failure locus of a continuous material. Slopes in such rocks have been analyzed
using soil mechanics techniques (Hoek and Bray, 1977). When the rack is
weakened by well-defined and regular sets of discontinuities, on the other
hand, kinematic, rigid block analysis is preferable.
8.2 Modes of Failure of Slopes in Hard Rock 297
Figure 8.2 Slides controlled by discontinuities in hard rock. (a) Shallow s l i d i n ~ on
bedding, restrained by a system of rock bolts (Colombia). (b) Loss of a bench m. a
slate quarry due to sliding on steeply dipping bedding and lateral release by vertical
joints (North Wales). (e) Surfaces of a wedge failure (near Trondheim, Norway.)
Figure S.3 Toppling failures. (a) A small topple in Clear Creek Canyon, in
the Grand Canyon, developed in schist. (b) The toe of a large topple near
the previous one.
Figure S.3 Toppling failures. (e) A toppling fail-
ure in process in Alberta, causing raveling of
rocks from the rock face (photo by Duncan Wyl-
lie). (d) Detail of lower part of a topple in sand-
stone and shale (North Devon; England); there is
no failure but a zone of concentrated flexural
cracking and sharp bending.
300 Applications of Rock Mechanics lo Rock Slope Engineering
Figure 8.3 Toppling failures. (e) The top of a large topple in North Wales,
showing open tension cracks and obsequent slopes creted by normal fault
type displacement along the slaty cleavage. (f) The toe of a topple in
sandstone and shale strata (North Devon) showing sliding on flexural
cracks and cracking of the columns.
8.3 Kinematic Analysis of Slopes 301
S.3 Kinematic Analysis of Slopes
"Kinematics" refers to the motion of bodies without reference to the force s
that cause them to move. Many rock cut s are stable on steep slopes even
though they contain steeply inclined planes of weakness with exceedingly low
strength; this happens when there is no freedom for a block to move along the
weak surface because other ledges of intact rock are in the way. Should the
blockage be removed by erosion, excavation, or growth of cracks, the slope
would fail immediately. This section deals with an approach to slope design
making use mainly of the directionality of the discontinuous rock mass to
insure that there is always rock "in the way" of potential failure blocks. Only
mini mal reference is made to the strength parameters of the rock for the princi-
pal considerations are the orientations of the planar weaknesses in relation to
the orientation of the excavation. (The subject of kinematics is discussed again,
using block theory, in Section 8.7.)
Figure 8.4 shows the three basic line elements of a rock mass
: the dip
vector, down the dip of a weakness plane; the normal vector, (Ni)
(or "pole ') pointed in the direction perpendicular to the plane of weakness;
and the fine ofintersection (fu) ofweakness planes i andj. Recall that the dip
vector is a line bearing at right angles to the strike and plunging with vertical
angle a below horizontal. The lower hemisphere stereographic projection will
be used exclusively in this section, so the dip vector always plots inside the
circle representing the horizontal planeo (The principIes of stereographic pro-
jection are introduced in Appendix 5.) The lower hemisphere normal N plots
90 from the dip vector in the vertical plane containing the dip vector (Figure
The line of intersection fu of two planes i and j can be found as the point of
intersection of the great circles of each plane (Figure 8.4h). Alternatively, fij is
determined as the line perpendicular to the great circle containing normals Ni
and N
Since normal s to planes are plotted in the joint survey, as discussed in
Chapter 5, the latter technique oflocating the intersections is useful in practice.
Once all the line elements D, N, and f are plotted for a rock mass, the kinematic
requirements for possible slope failure can be examined for a rock slope of any
strike and dip.
Consider the case of plane sliding under gravity (Figure 8.5). Any block
tending to slide on a single plane surface will translate down the slope parallel
to the dip ofthe weakness plane, that is, parallel to D. Ifthe slope is cut at angle
a with respect to horizontal, the conditions fora slide are simply that D be
pointed into the free space of the excavation and plunge at an angle less than a
(Figure 8.5a). Figure 8.5b shows a cut slope plotted as a great circle in the
Iower hemisphere. The kinematic requirements for pIane sIiding are satisfied if
1 Letters with carets represent unit vectors.
302 Applications of Rock Mechanics to Rock Slope Engineering
Dip vector
Strike vector
I ntersection vector
Figure 8.4 Stereographic projections of line elements
relevant to analysis of rock slopes.
the dip vector of a possible surface of sliding plots in the ruled area above the
cut slope circle. Plane 1 in this example would allow a slide whereas plane 2
would no1. Given the dip vector of a potentially troublesome weakness surface,
it is possible to determine the limiting safe angle (i.e., the steepest safe slope)
corresponding to a cut of assigned strike by applying the simple construction of
Figure 8.Se. For a rock cut having "strike 1" (in Figure 8.Se) the maximum safe
angle al is the dip of the great circle passing through "strike 1" and DI.
Similarly, the steepest safe slope for a cut with strike 2 is az, the dip of the great
circle through strike 2 and DI. For plane sliding on a single weakness plane, we
see there is kinematic freedom for slip only in one-half of the set of possible cut
orientations; cut orientations nearly parallel to the dip direction of the plane of
,veakness will be stable even when nearly vertical.
8.3 Kinematic Analysis of Slopes 303
Sliding requires ex >
" l}1 allows sliding,
does not
Strike 2
Strike 1
____ 4
Figure 8.5 Kinematic test for plane sliding.
304 Applications of Rock Mechanics to Rock Slope Engineering
Strike of cut
Figure 8.6 Example of a kinematic
test for a wedge failure.
In the case of a wedge sliding along the line of intersection of two planes,
exactly the same analytical procedure can be followed to find a maximum safe
angle for slopes of assigned strike if in place of the line element j, we substitute
line element l. Figure 8.6 gives an example of kinematic analysis of wedge
failures for a rock mass comprised of three sets of joints. If a cut is made with
strike shown, only wedges formed of planes 1 and 3, or planes 1 and 2 could
potentially slide. If the cut is inclined at angle a, determined by the dip of the
great circle passing through 113 and having the assigned strike for the cut, then
only wedge determined by planes 1 and 2 is capable of sliding. Moreover,
since 1
plunges at a low angle, it is unlikely to cause trouble.
In the case oftoppling failure, we have noted that interlayer slip must occur
before large flexura! deformations can develop. In a rock slope, the surface of
the cut is the direction of major principal stress over the entire slope length. If
the layers have angle of friction f/Jj' slip will occur only if the direction of
applied compression makes an angle greater than f/Jj with the normal to the
layers. Thus, as shown in Figure 8.7, a precondition for interlayer slip is that
the normals be inclined less steeply than a line inclined <l>j degrees aboye the
plane ofthe slope. Ifthe dip ofthe layers is a, then toppling failure with a slope
inclined a with horizontal can occur if (90 - a) + f/Jj < a. On the stereographic
projection, this means that toppling can occur only if the normal vector IV lies
more than f/Jj degrees below the cut slope. Moreover, toppling can occur only if
the layers strike nearly parallel to the strike ofthe slope, say within 30.2 Thus,
toppling is a possibility on a regular, closely spaced discontinuity set if its
2 The 15, previously recornrnended by Goodrnan and Bray (1977), has been found to be too
8.3 Kinematic Analysis of Slopes 305
(a) (b)
Figure 8.7 Kinematic test for toppling. (a) (90 - o) + epj < a. (b) N must plot in the
shaded zone.
normal. inside the ruled region of Figure 8.7 b. This region is bounded by a
great clrcle f/Jj. degrees below the cut slope and striking parallel to it, the hori-
zontal great clrcle, and two small circles perpendicular to the strike of the cut
and 30 from the center of the net.
.. In any case, the joint survey is likely to generate a multiplicity of disconti-
and many individual dip vectors, normal vectors, and lines of intersec-
tlOn. However, it is possible to reduce the number of lines to a manageable
number for analysis by preparing two simple overlays, as shown in Figure 8.8.
In the case of plane sliding under self-weight alone, failure can occur only if the
surface of sliding dips steeper than f/Jj. (For a very acute wedge, any roughness

Figure 8.8 Use of tests to select importantline elements for
analysis. (a) Retain /13, D3 , and DI for sliding. (b) Retain NI
and N
for toppling.
306 Applications of Rock Mechanics to Rock Slope Engineering
on the planes of weakness adds considerable strength so, in fact, can often
incline considerably steeper than CPj without wedge failure.) Draw a small circle
ofradius 90 - cpj at the center ofthe net as shown in Figure 8.8a. The ruled area
outside this circle contains alllines plunging less than cpj. Therefore, all and D
vectors within the ruled area can be eliminated from further consideration.
Similarly, toppling can occur only on discontinuities whose normals plunge at
an angle less than 90 - CPj. So all N vectors inside the ruled area of Figure 8.8b
can be eliminated from further analysis of toppling failure. This area is inside a
circle of radius cpj about the center of the projection.
As an example of a kinematic analysis, consider the design of a circular
open pit mine in a rock mass presenting two sets of discontinuities in orienta-
tions shown in Figure 8.9a. Surfaces 1 strike N 32 E and dip 65 to the N 58
W; discontinuities 2 strike north and dip 60 E. The line of intersection of these
two planes plunges 28 to the N 18 E. Assume cpj equals 25.
Figure 8.9 Example of kinematic analysis for a
circular open pit. (a) Planar features of the rock
mass and their representation by lines.
8.3 Kinematic Analysis of Slopes 307
Figure 8.9 Example of kinematic analysis for a circular open
pito (b) Steepest safe slopes every ISO around the pit. Lengths
are proportional to cot a.
In an open pit mine, there is a cut slope with strike corresponding to every
compass point. It might not be feasible, considering the geometry of access
roads into the bottom of the mine, to use different slopes in different parts of
the mine. But kinematic analysis will demonstrate that slopes of different
strikes have vastly different requirements for safety. By considering individu-
ally each of the line elements DI, D
, NI. and N
, and applying the con-
struction of Figure 8.5, maximum safe cut slopes were determined every 15
around the pit (Table 8.1). The lowest value of ex for each of the five modes of
failure is retained as the maximum safe value for designo Table 8.1 and Figure
308 Applications of Rock Mechanics to Rock Slope Engineering
Table 8.1 Kinematc Tests-Circular Excavaton
Joint 1 strikes N 32
Joint 2 strikes NS
DI 65
N 58
N 18
Analysis for Sliding Analysis for Sliding
Dip of Joint Set 1 Dip of Joint Set 2
Strike Direction of Maximum Safe Maximum Safe
ofCut Dip ofCut Cut Angle Cut Angle
N E 90
N 15
E SE 90
N 30
E SE 90
N 45
E SE 90
N 60
E SE 90
N 75
E SE 90
E S 90
S 75
E SW 90
S 60
E SW 90
S 45
E SW 84
S 30
E SW 78
S WE SW 73
S W 69
S 15
W NW 66
S 30
W NW 65
S 45
W NW 66
S 60
W NW 68
S 75
W NW 71
W N 76
N75W NE 8r 81
W NE 89
N 45W NE 90
N 30
W NE 90
N 15W NE 90
8.9b show these slope values and the critical modes of failure aH the way
around the pit. This analysis shows that vertical slopes are safe if oriented
between east and S 60 E, whereas any cut steeper than 28 can potentiaHy fail
for a cut striking N 75 w. If the friction angle of the discontinuities is greater
than 28, 1
is no longer a concem and the slope can be steepened to at least
50, at which inclination toppling becomes critical. If the discontinuities are
widely spaced or irregular, then toppling is improbable and the slope can be
steepened to at least 60.
8.3 Kinematic Anawsis of Slopes 309
Analysis for Sliding TI T2
on Planes 1 & 2 Along 112
Analysis for Analysis for Maximum
Maximum Safe Toppling on Toppling on Applicable Safe Slope
Cut Angle Joint 1 (cfJ = 25
) Joint 2 (cfJ = 25
) Mode Angle
TI 54
TI 51
TI 50
TI 50
TI 53
2 82
None 90
None 90
None 90
DI 84
The kinematic analysis of sliding consists of finding the dip of a cut w.ith
given strike and containing 1 or D. In structural geology terms, we determme
the true dip a of a cut slope having apparent dip S in a known ?irec!ion. Let
be the angle between the strike of the cut and the bearing of D or 1, foro plane
sliding and wedge sliding respectively; then the maximum safe slope a IS
tan S
a = tan-
310 Applications of Rack Mechanics to Rack Slope Engineering
For example, in the open pit problem discussed previously, consider the por-
tion ofthe pit where the slope strikes N 60 E and dips SE. Joint set 2 strikes N
and dips 60 E; for this joint set, then, a = 60 and = 30. Equation 8.1 gives
el: = 74.
8.4 Analysis of Plane Slides
A simple formulation of conditions for limiting equilibrium of aplane slide
proves useful in back calculating actual failure cases. This is an important step
in attempting to design a new excavation in a rock mass, for natural failures
represent giant "test specimens." Due to the unknown importance of scale
effects, it is far more suitable to rework field data using an appropriate model
than to attempt a program offield tests, although the latter will also be useful to
check assumptions and specific geological structures not represented in case
histories. A suitable basis for assessing rock mass properties based on field
cases is presented in Rack Slape Engineering by Hoek and Bray (1977).
Figure 8.10 shows the two cases of plane failure that need to be considered.
Usually, a tension crack delimits the top ofthe slide at a point beyond the crest
of the slope; occasionally the tension crack intercepts the slope face itself. In
both cases, the depth of the tension crack is represented by the vertical di s-
tance z from the crest of the slope to the bottom of the crack. If the tension
crack is filled with water to depth zw, it can be assumed that water seeps along
the sliding surface, losing head linearly between the tension crack and the toe
of the slope. If the slide mass behaves like a rigid body, the condition for
limiting equilibrium is reached when the shear force directed down the sliding
surface equals the shear strength along the sliding surface; that is, failure oc-
curs when
W sin a + v cos a = SjA + (W cos a - u - V sin a)tan cpj (8.2)
where a is the dip of the surface of sliding
Sj and CPj are the shear strength intercept ("cohesion") and friction angle
of the sliding surface
W is the weight of the potentially sliding wedge
A is the length (area per unit width) of the sliding surface
U is the resultant of the water pressure along the sliding surface
V is the resultant of the water pressure along the tension crack
(The toe of the slope is free draining.)
Considering Figure 8.10, with tension crack to depth Z filled with water to
depth Zw,
A = sin a
U = hwZwA
8.4 Analysis of Plane Slides 311
and if the tension crack intercepts the crest of the slope (the usual case),
W = h H
{ [1 - ( ~ ) 2] cot a - cotel: }
while if the tension crack intercepts the face,
W = hH2[ (1 - ~ r cot a(cot a tan el: - 1)]
Tension crack
H li
Figure 8.10 Geometry for analysis of plane failure. [After Hoek
and Bray, (1977).]
312 Applications of Rock Mechanics to Rock Slope Engineering
A convenient way to use a failure case is to solve Equation 8.2 with the
known geometry and presumed water conditions at the time of failure to yield a
value for Sj' since this quantity is hard to measure in the laboratory. When a
distribution of values for Sj has been determined in this way from case histo-
ries, Equation 8.2 can be used to generate a slope chart for design, in which H
is plotted against cot a. A factor of safety F can be introduced for this purpose
by multiplying the left side of Equation 8.2 by F. For generating a slope chart
with factor of safety F, Equation 8.2 can be solved for cot a:
[a(F sin 8 - cos 8 tan ep) + U tan ep + V(sin 8 tan ep + Feos 8)] - SjA
cot a = .
b(F Sto 8 - cos 8 tan ep)
in which the tension crack is assumed to intersect the slope crest,
a = hH2[ 1 - ( ~ n cot 8
b = hH2
Through variation of parameters in Equation 8.2, Hoek and Bray showed the
following. A reduction in Sj affects steep slopes more than ftat slopes. A reduc-
tion in epj reduces the factor of safety of high slopes more than low slopes. In
addition, filling a tension crack with water reduces the stability of all heights
and angles of slopes. Drainage is frequently found to be effective in stabilizing
rock slopes that exhibit tension cracks and other signs of incipient movement.
8.5 Analysis of Plane Sliding on the
Stereographic Projection
The facility with which three-dimensional relationships can be graphed and
manipulated in stereographic projection makes this method attractive for prob-
lems of rock slope stability, especially for wedge failures that are fully three
dimensional. The basic step in applying the stereonet to such problems is the
recognition that friction between surfaces can be represented by small circles in
the projection. According to the definition of the friction angle epj, a block will
remain at rest on aplanar surface if the resultant of all forees acting on the
block is inclined with the normal to the surface at an angle les s than epj (Figure
8.11a). If the block is free to move in any direetion, the envelope of all allow-
able resultant force s on the block is therefore a eone of vertex angle 2epj cen-
tered around the normal to the plane (Figure 8.11b). This cone of static frietion
S.5 Ana(vsis of Plane Sliding on the Stereographic Projection 313
Limiting conditions
Friction circle
Figure S.l1 The friction circle concepto
(a) Limiting conditions. (b) The cone of
static friction. (e) Friction circle. R is
"safe" if it plots inside the circle.
314 Applications of Rock Mechanics to Rock Slope Engineering
will be projected on the stereographic projection as a small circle of radius epj
about the normal n (Figure 8.11c).
To project a small circle on the stereographic projection, plot two points on
the diameter of the circle (p and q in Figure 8.12), bisect them to locate the
center, and draw the circle with a compass. Do not make the mistake ofplacing
the compass on the point n, for it is a property of the stereographic projection
that the geometric center of a small circle, representing a cone about an in-
clined axis in the reference sphere, migrates outward away from the projection
of its axis.
The friction circle permits a quick and graphic examination offorces affect-
ing the stability of a potentially sliding block. Forces can be entered in the
projection as follows. Let F be a specific force acting on the block with magni-
tude JFd and direction Ji; that is, F = IFlk We can perceive the reference
sphere as the locus of all unit vector s radiating from a point;} is one such unit
vector. We can therefore representJ as a point on the projection. The magni-
tude JFd will have to be noted down separately.
The direction of two forces, F and Fz, are plotted in Figure 8.13. F is 20
MN plunging 30 to N 40 W. F
is 30 MN plunging 40 to N 35 E. If the
analysis of rotation is not considered, either force can be moved parallel to
itself until it becomes coplanar with the other. The plane common to the two
Figure 8.12 Example of frietion eircle analy-
siso fi plunges 60 to N 50
E; c/>j = 45; f
plunges 63 to S 55E.
8.5 Analysis of Plane Sliding on the Stereographic Projection 315
Figure 8.13 Addition of forees using the stereographie
force s will then permit a vector resultant to be found, using the parallelogram
rule. The stereonet allows us to find the common plane and the angle between
two forces. Rotate the tracing containingJ andJz until they fall along the same
great circle (denotedJdz). Then measure the angle betweenj andJ; by count-
ing the small circles between them. In this example, it is 60. Then, in a sepa-
rate diagram, add F and Fz; as shown, their resultant R has direction f, 36
from J in plane Jdz. The result of any number of vectors can be projected by
repetition of this procedure and in this way the directions of the resultant of all
forces acting on the block can be mapped. .
If f lies within the friction circle, the block will remain at resto For example,
in Figure 8.12, f is safe as long as epj > 34. In the analysis we will use the
Conventions that n is the normal pointed out of the block, into the support, and
the force s plotted are those aeting on the block.
The force s that could enter into stability calculations include a block' s self-
weight, load transmitted from adjacent l o c k s ~ water forces, earthquake forces
316 Applications of Rock Mechanics to Rock Slope Engineering
Figure 8.14 The type of rock slope support often used for cut s in Venezu-
ela, where decomposition of schistose rocks proceeds rapidly after excava-
tion. The initial cut slope is coated with shotcrete and wire mesh and tied
back with rock bolts or anchored cables.
or other dynamic loads, and support force s (Figure 8.14). The weight force
plots in the center of the lower hemisphere:
w= Iwlw
The load of an adjacent block contains a normal force F N parallel to the
normal to the common face, and a shear force FT parallel to the sense of shear
motion on that face.
Water force VI on the plane with normal fi I acts in direction - fi l. If A is the
area of plane 1 at the base of the block, the water force VI is related to the
average water pressure on the face 01 by
VI = IVj(-fi
) = 01' A(-fi
An earthquake force can sometimes be treated as a "pseudostatic" force
with constant acceleration a = Kg. The inertial force is then
F = Kg Iwl = Klwl
K has dimensionless magnitude, and direction opposed to the earthquake accel-
eration. Since the latter will seldom be known, the most critical direction is
usually selected.
8.5 Ana{vsis of Plane Sliding on the Stereographic Projection 317
The action of active supports (like pretensioned rock bolts) and passive
supports (like retaining walls, grouted reinforcing bars, and dead weights) can
also be plotted. Let the support force be
B = IBlb
The best direction b can be found as the cheapest of a set of trial solutions as
shown in the following example. '
In Figure 8.15, we reconsider the example plotted in Figure 8.12, in which fi
o ~ , c
Figure 8.15 Application of the friction circle analysis to design of
rock bolt support for aplane slide. ,
318 Applications of Rock Mechanics lo Rock Slope Engineering
plunges 60 N 50 E and epj = 45. Suppose a potentially sliding block on this
plane weighs 100 MN. We examine the following basic questions.
1. What is the factor of safety of the block? Factor of safety will be defined
F = tan epavailable
tan eprequired
where epavailable is the friction angle adopted for design, and eprequired is the friction
angle corresponding to limiting equilibrium conditions under a given set of
force s ; eprequired is the friction angle that causes the friction circ1e to pass through
the resultant. In this example, eprequired is 30 giving F = 1.73.
2. What rock bolt vector B should be used to raise the factor of safety to
2.5? F = 2.5 gives eprequired = 22. The friction circ1e for epj = 22 is shown in
Figure 8.15. Since W is vertical, the plane common to any bolting vector B and
W will be a vertical plane, that is, a straight line through the center of the neto
Any bearing for b between north and south 83 E can pro vide satisfactory
support vectors. The actual direction chosen must integrate various factors
inc1uding access, c1earance for the drill, cost of drilling, and cost of steel. The
minimum support force is provided by a specific vector oriented in order to
rotate the resultant of W and B onto the 22 friction circ1e with minimum force.
This direction is b
f , 8 aboye horizontal to the N 50 E. The force polygon
shows the bolt 'Bm,f, for direction bm,f. is 13.9 MN. The shortest length of
bolts is in direction n, but the required support force will be considerably
greater. Given cost data for steel and drilling, the optimum solutiop will be
found. If the bolts are installed 10 below the horizontal, in direction b
8.15), the required bolt force Bo is 14.6 MN.
3. Assuming that bolts are installed in direction b
and tensioned to a total
force of 14.6 MN, what acceleration coefficient will initiate block sliding if the
acceleration is horizontal in direction N 20 W, S 20 E? The inertial force that
is most critical is directed to the S 50 W at an angle 23 + 90 from Y, that is, 15
upward (hc in Figure 8.15). However, we are given direction h horizontal to
the S 20 E. Before the earthquake, the resultant force is in direction Y.
the earthquake, the resultant moves along the great circ1e common to Y and h
and the block starts to slip when the resultant has rotated through 32. The
force polygon shows the required inertia force KW is 63.4 MN, giving Kg =
0.63 g. The minimum yield acceleration in direction hc is 0.41 g.
Other examples of a similar nature and cases of wedge sliding are analyzed
in the books by Hoek and Bray (1977) and Goodman (1976).3 In the general case
3 See also references by John, Londe et al., Hoek and Bray, and Hendr?n et al. The analyses
of rock blocks using stereographic projection was pioneered by K. J.ohn. Londe et al.
proposed other approaches. Hendron, Cording, and Aiyer thls In U.S. Army,
Corps of Engineers, Nuclear Cratering Group Report 36, Analyt1cal and graphlcal methods for the
analyses of slopes in rock masses" (1971).
8.6 Ana(vsis of Wedge Sliding Using lhe Slereographic Projection 319
of a block with more than one plane of possible sliding and one or more lines of
intersection vectors, the friction circ1e is replaced by a more complex figure
composed of small circ1es and great circ1es. In all cases, however, the whole
sphere is divided into safe and unsafe regions. Forces are plotted and manipu-
lated as in the example discussed here.
8.6 Analysis of Wedge Sliding Using
the Stereographic Projection
As an illustration of the general method for blocks with more than one potential
sliding surface, let us consider the case of a tetrahedral wedge with two free
surfaces and two contacting planes (Figure 8.1b). The basic steps in the con-
struction of a "generalized friction circ1e" will be sketched here. For a fuller
explanation and exploration of these relationships, see Goodman (1976).
A wedge with two faces contacting rock presents three fundamental sliding
modes: two modes of sliding on either plane alone or one mode sliding down
the line of intersection. We cannot allow the block to slide down the dip vector
of either plane, however, since it would then try to c10se the other planeo Thus,
a set of directions is safe from sliding by virtue of kinematics.
To plot the safe zone corresponding to a wedge resting on planes 1 and 2,
with line of intersection i
, perform the following steps.
1. Plot the normal vectors n, n2 pointed out of the block, into the ..
ing planes. (In sorne cases, one or both ofthese normal will ID
the upper hemisphere, in which cases two separate
can be used, or the projection can be done on one tracmg extendmg the
region of projection outside the horizontal circ1e. See Goodman (1976).)
2. Plot the line of intersection vector i2 pointed into the free space. (In
sorne cases, i
is directed into the upper hemisphere.)
3. Trace the great circ1es common to n and i
(plane nti12 on Figure 8.16)
and common to n2 and i
(plane nzi2 on Figure 8.16).
4. Along ni
, mark points p and q at a distance ep from nI (Figure 8.16)
where ep is the friction angle for plane 1. .
5. Along n
markpoints s and i at distance ep2 from n2, where ep2 lS the
friction angle for plane 2.
6. Draw great circ1es: through p and s and through q and ..
7. Construct afriction circ1e ofradius ep about n and ep2 about n2' Use
the portions of these friction circ1es shown on Figure 8.16, the rematn-
ders being kinematically inadmissible.
The generalized friction circ1e for the wedge is the ruled area in Figure
The three sliding modes belong to the three sectors of this area. As m
320 Applications o/ Rack Mechanics lo Rack Slope Engineering
Safe for 51 id i ng
on 1
Figure 8.16 Example of analysis for a rock wedge: nI
plunges 38 to N 60
W; epI = 25; n2 plunges 32 to S 52E;
ep2 = 30.
application with the simple friction circle of Figure 8.15, a resultant is accept-
able if it plots within the ruled area, and unacceptable if it plots outside the
ruled area. In the two zones representing sliding on either plane alone, factor of
safety can be defined and applied as before (Equation 8.11). However, in the
mode of sliding on the line of intersection, there is an infinite combination of
values of ePI and eP2 that can shrink the safe zone down so as to pass through a
given point inside the ruled area. Thus, there are an infinite number of factors
of safety. A plot of the value of ePl,required versus eP2,required will reveal the sensitiv-
ity ofthe stability ofthe block to changes in either ofthese parameters. In view
of the uncertainty with which friction angles are assigned in practice, it is more
useful to express the degree of stability in terms of such a sensitivity study than
to force it to respect the factor of safety concept.
8.7 Application of Block Theory
lo Rock Slopes
The principIes of block theory introduced in Sectio.n 7.8 be to ro.ck
slopes. Figure 8.17 shows a compound rock slope m two dlmenslOns, contam-
8.7 Applications o/ Block TheOly lo Rack Slopes 321
Figure 8.17 A two-dimensional rock slope, with two joints creat-
ing four joint pyramids.
ing a rock mass cut by two joint sets. The two joint sets create four joint
pyramids (JPs): 00, 01, 10, and 11. By applying Shi's theorem to this simple
case, we can determine that JP 01 can yield removable block s in the steep face
and JP 00 can yield removable block s in either the face or upper surface of the
excavation, or both simultaneously. It is also possible to produce a removable
block with joint 1 alone, that is, with JP 20 where the symbol 2 represents the
omission of a joint. The other JPs cannot produce removable blocks.
The first requirement for the removability of a block is that it be finite, that
is, completely isolated from the mass by a continuous series offaces. Since the
simplest such solid is a tetrahedron, the least number of faces that can isolate a
block in three dimensions is four. The number of joint faces that will serve to
isolate a tetrahedral block is four or less, depending on the number offaces that
are formed by excavation planes.
The purpose of this discussion is to establish criteria for key blocks-
block s that tend to move as soon as freedom to do so is created by cutting the
excavation slopes. Key block s rarely contain parallel faces, that is, opposite
faces produced by pairs ofjoints from the same set; such block s tend to lock in
place by virtue of the difficulty of overcoming joint roughness, as explored in
Problem 7.19. Furthermore, key block s cannot- be created by excavating
through already existing joint block s because such blocks will prove to
tapered and therefore unremovable. Key block: are removable blocks wlth
nonparallel faces that tend to slide into the excavated space.
Figure 8.18 shows four types of tetrahedral key blocks, formed upon exca-
vating slopes in a rock mas s with three joint sets. Block 1 is removable in the
steep excavated face alone, so that it has three,faces created by joint planes. It
322 Applications of Rock Mechanics to Rock Slope Engineering
Figure 8.18 Sorne types of bloeks that are rernovable in a roek slope.
is formed by JP 110, that is, by the intersection of the lower half spaces of joint
planes 1 and 2 and the upper half space ofjoint plane 3. Block 2, an example of
a common, important class of rock slope blocks, intersects both the steep
excavation face and the upper free face, and therefore requires only two joint
faces. The joint pyramid creating this block is 002, which intersects the upper
half spaces of joint planes 1 and 2 and does not involve joint plane 3. Block 3
also intersects both the upper free surface and the free face and therefore needs
only two joint planes; it differs from block 2 in that it intersects the lower half
space of one joint and the upper half space of a second (JP 210). Finally, Block
4 intersects three excavation surfaces and therefore requires only one joint
planeo It is rare to have a key block formed with only one joint plane; this
happens when two excavations intersect, as depicted, or when a rock cut
intersects a tributary valley.
8.7 Applications of Block Theory to Rock Slopes 323
Block theory allows the analysis of removability to be conducted in three
dimensions, as discussed previously, using Shi's theorem and the stereographic
projection. Recall that the joint pyramids project as spherical polygons, as in
Figure 7.20. A removable block must be formed with a JP that has no intersec-
tion with the excavation pyramid (EP). For a simple, planar rock cut formed by
one excavation plane, like face 1 in Figure 8.19a, the excavation pyramid is the
rock surface below the excavation planeo The EP for this case is therefore the
region outside the great circle corresponding to the dip and dip direction of the
face. (This rule as sumes that the projection is made with a lower focal point, so
" Sp /
......... _-"
2 3
(e) (d)
Figure 8.19 (a) Regions of a eornpound roek slope; (b) EP and SP for the faee,
(e) for the erest, (d) for the toe.
324 Applications of Rock Mechanics to Rock Slope Engineering
that the upper hemisphere is inside the reference circle. If an upper focal point
projection is used, which places the lower hemisphere inside the reference
circle, the EP will be inside the great circle for the excavated face.) The refer-
ence circle and the great circle for the rock cut are drawn in Figure 8.19b. The
EP is the ruled area outside the latter. It is convenient to define a "space
pyramid" (SP) as the complement ofthe EP. The SP is then the unruled region
inside the great circle for the cut. A JP is removable if and only if it projects
entirely within the SP.
Figure 8.19 also shows how to form the EP and SP for a compound excava-
tion. The crest of the slope involves the face and the upper free surface, which
is horizontal in this illustration. The excavation pyramid for the crest is the
convex region formed by the intersection of the lower half spaces of each of
these planes; as shown in Figure 8 .19c, it is projected by the regions that are
simultaneously outside both great circles-the smaller one for the upper free
face and the larger one for the steeply inclined free face. The space pyramid is
then the nonconvex region simultaneously aboye both planes, which projects
as the region either in one circle or in the other. This larger SP provides a longer
list of removable JPs. Conversely, the toe region creates an EP that is the
nonconvex region below both the steep face and the lower free surface. It
projects as the shaded region outside of either circle. The SP is the unshaded
region simultaneously inside each circle. Since the SP for the toe ofthe slope is
so much smaller than the SP for the face, there are fewer JPs that will be
removable in the toe. The principIes stated here can be applied to an inside or
outside edge of any two nonparallel intersecting excavation faces, so that the
removable block s can be found for excavations of any shape in plan or section.
Every JP that has a removable block de serves further analysis. If the
resultant force on a block is due only to gravity, we can disregard any block
whose removability requires lifting or upward sliding. For example, even
though block 2 of Figure 8.18 is removable in the upper free surface, it cannot
fail that way under gravity alone (although it could during an earthquake or
blast or in response to water force s or the pull of a cable). A complete analysis
of permissible modes for all JPs, termed a "mode analysis," will be discussed
later. When there are four or more joint sets, it will be found that certain JPs
lack any permissible mode. If the orientation of the excavation can be estab-
lished such that only block s lacking a sliding mode are removable, the excava-
tion will then be completely safe without any support.
Blocks that are removable, and do have a mode of sliding consistent with
the direction of the resultant force must be subjected to limit equilibrium analy-
sis, to determine whether they require support or will be restrained safely by
friction. We have already discussed methods for limit equilibrium analysis of
block s in rock slopes. The contribution of block theory is that it lets us deter-
mine immediately the controlling directions of normals and lines of intersection
to be used in such analyses.
8.7 Applications of Block The0'Y to Rock Slopes 325
Each JP has a specific equilibrium analysis. It makes no sense to consider the
results of such an analysis if the block s formed by the JP are not demonstrably
removable. Therefore, we must first determine which blocks are removable and
then select the critical JPs for stability analysis.
For example, consider again the rock mass having the system of joints
projected in Figure 7.20; the dip/dip direction for the three joint sets are 30/
90,60/45, and 70/330. We will consider a possible surface excavation mak-
ing a rock cut dipping 70 to azimuth 300 (70/300). Figure 8.20 is a lower focal
point stereographic projection of the joints with the JPs identified. The great
circle for the rock cut is the dashed circle. The EP is the region outside this
circle and the SP is the region inside it. The removable block s are those formed
of JPs that plot entirely inside the SP. There is only one-JP 100.
Let us review the concepts presented earlier in our discussion of the fric-
tion circle (Section 8.5) by means of a simple two-dimensional example. In
Figure 8.21 we examine the stability ofblocks formed with JP 01, which is the
angle aboye joint plane 1 and below joint plane 2. If the resultant force is
directed from O with its tip anywhere in this angle, any block created from JP
01 must lift off both joints. We term this mode offailure "mode O." Now we
establish normal s to eachjoint plane pointed out ofthe lP. Ifthe resultant force
is directed from O with its tip in the angle between these normals, the blocks
......... ./
-_ _- 111
Figure 8.20 Stereographic projection (lower focal point) for the rock
mass of Fig. 7.20, with the addition of an inclined rock cut with dip/
dip-direction 70/300 (dashed). The JPs are labelled.
326 Applications of Rack Mechanics to Rack Slope Engineering

Figure 8.21 Graphical representation of the limit equilibrium analysis
in two dimensions. The safe zone is unshaded.
formed of lP 01 will be absolutely stable, regardless ofthe friction angles. For a
specific pair offriction angles onjoints 1 and 2, a limit to the safe orientations of
the resultant force can be established by laying off the friction angles from the
normal to each plane toward its trace in the figure as shown. The whole set of
aH orientations for the resultant force is now divided into a safe subset, repre-
sented by directions in the unshaded region, and an unsafe subset, represented
by directions in the shaded region.
The same principIes apply in three dimensions. In place of an angle, a lP
becomes a pyramid with apex at the origin and no base. The stereographic
projection of the pyramid is a curved polygon bounded by the great circles of
the appropriate joint planes. The comers of the curved polygons are the edges
of the lPs, which are the lines of intersection of joint planes. Figure 8.22a
shows the stability analysis for one lP (000) conveniently located in the center
of the upper hemisphere.
Lifting of a block off aH planes, in mode O, occurs if and only if the
resultant force, with its tail at the origin, is directed inside the joint pyramid.
The regio n inside lP 000 has accordingly been labeled "O."
Sliding on one plane necessitates a slip direction in that plane that is inter-
mediate between its bounding edges, as depicted in Figure 8.23. Denoting the
sliding plane as plane i, and the adjacent planes as j and k, the slip direction s
must therefore be determined by the sum of positive components in directions
ij and ik. The resultant force is uniquely composed of a shear force parallel to s
8.7 Applications of Block Theory to Rack Slopes 327
and a normal force directed along the outward qormal ni (the normal to plane i
that lies along a trajectory away from the center of the lP). Combining these
statements requires that the resultant force lie inside the spherical triangle
whose comers are ij, ni, ik. This triangle has as its comers two comer s of the
lP and the outward normal to plane i. The three modes of sliding on one plane,
modes 1, 2, and 3, are thus found by plotting each of the outward normals and
constructing great circles to the comers of the lP as shown in Figure 8.22a.
For sliding on two planes, say i and j, the direction of sliding must be
paraHel to their line of intersection ij; then there is only one direction of sliding
s. Consequently, the resultant force is derived uniquely from positive compo-
nents paraHel to the outward normals ni and nj and the direction of sliding .
On the stereographic projection, the two-plane sliding mode ij willlie inside the
spherical triangle whose comers are ni,

, and nj. Figure 8.22 labels (for lP

000) the three modes of this type: 12, 23, and 31.
Figure 8.22 (a) Limit equilibrium analysis for IP 000 in three dimensions
(Iower focal point stereographic projection). The of the
joints are: 45/0; 45/120; and 45/240. AH joints have a friction angle of 25. The
safe zone is unshaded.
328 neering k Slope Engr lo Roe k Mechamcs . oifRoc Applications
F. 8.22 (a) but pro-
. '" In ,g.
. Tbriurn analysls (b) Lirnlt eqUll .
Fioure 8.22 "fo,," pomt. . . , is deter-
j<cted from an upp force from the frietioo
. . f fue resultan! les determme p The three
The Iimit of q". The frietloo on one wifu fue
. ed by the frictlon correspondm
. their intersectlO
f of Figure
mm fthe reg . Fgure. , . _ q an .
irdes in each o. are shown m I ine points hke p, , the respective
frietion the modes y deter7hese points, drde for fue
great eirdes bo,;" 'eonstrueted the generalized f saje
8 16. Great elfe es the construetIOo. o f ns into a subse o be maintaIoe
"';gions y, sphe,:" of plots inside fue
IP subdivldlng safe direeMns hen the resu tan .
d a subset ofun f the block only w ost of the regIO n
aceeleratlOn o . fue main m fui to prepare a
Wl ravlty as it os use 1 omt.
afe reglOn. .. alysis uod" g Therefore,. upper foca p
s For a lower regioos from an upper
of ;rojeetioo for IP O
stereograp b hows the sta 1 1
Figure 8.22 s
Application I Rock Slopes . s of Block Theory o
. lane i: (a) 8
23 Slidmg on P in a sectlOn
Figure. 1 neo (b) seen
normal to!he direetioo .t. drde. Now P
arallel to the . .de the reference h sphencal
. h re mSl d.ng t e
wer hemlsp e 1 cus surroun 1 When the
. roduciog lo o be seen as a o utward oormal. block is
focal p d frietion Clfde lea eonneeting eaeh 0f the normals, the
the genera lze d by great elre es herieal triangle o e IP in
plots of an
res safe even ID. develope can never s I we deter-
absoluhtelYreceding example However, lP OOlOpe In Fi
'/300 for a
T e p . ;eet,on. ek s o. d. pmg h
r focal pomt pro bloeks of a ro k in a .eut Ip 4a shows t e
it will oot 201330; Figure projection.
a?n h t IP [00 was fjoint" 30190, I iot stereogra
ffimed t a . h furee seIS o .th a lower po
rock mass Wlt . for lP 100, Wl
stability analysls
\ Reference Circle
T o ~
8.7 Applications of Block Theory lo Rock Slopes 331
The outward normals to planes 1 and 2 plot inside the figure but ih is too far
away to be plotted at the seleeted seale. The stability regions have been identi-
fied, with one or two digits aeeording to the number of sliding planes. The
frietion angles 25, 16, and 35 (as in Figure 7.20) have been laid off from the
normals and the generalized frietion eircle eonstrueted, as shown. An upper
focal point projection of the stability analysis for JP 100 is presented in Figure
8.24b. AIso shown is the direction of gravity, denoted by a cross at the center of
the reference circle, from which we see that JP 100 is safe and its sliding
fendency is in mode 3 (sliding on plane 3 alone). A very small force toward the
west, as, for example, a water pressure on plane 1 (directed into the block and
therefore opposite to ft) would drive the block into mode 23 (see Problem 17).
The application ofblock theory to slope design has made use ofa "removability
analysis" and a limit equilibrium analysis. The former determines which JPs
can define removable blocks in a specific excavation. The latter examines the
statics of block s corresponding to a given JP. The limit equilibrium analysis
plotted on the stereographic projection may be considered as a map showing
the inftuence of changing the direction of the resultant force, everything else
being held constant. It is also useful to study the inftuence of changing the JP
code while the direction of the resultant force is held constant. . Such a graph is
termed a "mode analysis."
Goodman and Shi (1985) show how to perform the mode analysis for a
general direction of the resultant force. Here we examine the simple special
case corresponding to the resultant force being identical to the direction of
gravity. The object is to determine the mode of behavior for each JP when the
rock mass is subjected to gravity alone. The mode can be realized, of course,
only if the block is removable, and this is not represented in the output, but
must be determined independently.
Each JP has one of the foHowing possibilities: mode 0, corresponding to
opening of each joint; mode i corresponding to sliding on plane i and openiI1g
from aH the other planes; mode ij corresponding to sliding on planes i and j
simultaneously (with movement along their line of intersection) and opening
from aH other joint planes; and no mode, corresponding to safety even with
Figure 8.24 (a) Stability analysis for lP 100 in the rock mass of Figure 8.20; a lower
focal point projection (placing the upper hemisphere inside the reference circle).
Figure 8.24 (h) The same as Fig. 8.24 (a) but projected from an upper.focal point,
placing the lower hemisphere inside the reference circle.
332 Applications of Rock Mechanics to Rock Slope Engineering
zero friction on every joint planeo Each mode can be established by observing
the following rules.
Mode O belongs to the JP that contains the downward direction; in an
upper focal point projection, this is the JP that contains the center of the
reference circle.
Mode i is the JP inside the segment of the great circle for plane i that
contains the dip vector of plane i (in a lower focal point projection). In the
lower focal point projection, the dip vector will be the farther intersection of a
radius from the center of the reference circle with the great circle for plane i.
Mode ij belongs to a JP that has the lower hemisphere intersection lij as
one of its corners. There are several of these but only one obeys both of the
following rules. If the dip vector of plane i is inside the circle for plane j, then
the JP with mode ij is outside the circle for plane j, and vice versa; also, if the
dip vector of plane j is inside the circle for plane i, then the JP with mode ij is
outside the circle for plane i, and vice versa. (These rules derive from two
inequalities, established by Goodman and Shi (1985).)
JPs that have none of the modes have no mode.
0.0 0.0 -1.0
30.0 90.0
60.0 45.0
20.0 330.0
0.0 0.0 1.0
Oip vector 2
Oip vector 1
Figure S.25 Presentation of the mode analysis for all JPs in the
rock mass of Figure 8.20; lower-focal-point stereographic projec-
S.S Analysis of Slides Composed of Two Blocks 333
Figure 8.25 shows the results of a mode analysis for the rock mass of Figure
8.20, with three sets ofjoints. Note that JP 100 (compare with Figure 8.20) has
mode 3, which is the result found in limit equilibrium analysis of this JP. There
is one JP (010) without a mode.
8.8 Analysis of SUdes Composed
of Two Blocks
It was suggested that a useful method for back calculating an actual failure
experience is to solve Equation 8.2 for Sj' the "cohesion" along the sliding
surface. In Chapter 5, however, we observed that discontinuities in hard rock
do not exhibit cohension at low pressures but rather acquire an enlarged fric-
tion angle from asperities along the shear surface. The normal pressures on
slides beneath surface excavations and natural slopes are often quite low in
comparison with the shear strength of intact rock so that if "cohesion" is
calculated from analysis of an actual failure, it may really reftect sorne other
One such mechanism is depicted in Figure 8.26 where a sliding surface that
does not meet the kinematic condition for "daylighting" is joined by a second,
ftatter surface through the toe of the slope. The reserve of strength in the toe
(the "passive region"), which rests on a relatively ftat sliding surface, is over-
Figure S.26 Model for two-block stability analysis.
334 Applications of Rock Mechanics to Rock Slope Engineering
come by excess force transmitted from the upper region (the "active block"),
which cannot remain at rest by friction along its basal surface alone. A require-
ment for this mode of failure is that the upper surface be inclined steeper that
while the lower surface be inclined flatter than Assuming that the boundary
between the active and passive block s is vertical, analysis of the system of
force s shown in Figure 8.26 yields
sin(SI - - - + W2 sin(S2 - - -
Fb = COS(S2 - + (1)COS(SI - -
where Fb is the support force in direction (1 below horizontal required in the
passive block to achieve limiting equilibrium with the friction angles
input in the equation
are the friction angles applicable to sliding along the upper,
lower, and vertical slide surfaces, respectively
SI and S2 are the inclinations of the upper and lower slide surfaces,
and W
are the weights of the active and passive blocks per unit of
slide width
For simplicity, assume that all the friction angles are identical.
The factor of safety of the slope can then be determined, given values for
F b, W 1, W 2, SI, and S2, by the following procedure. Calculate the value of the
friction angle that makes Equation 8.12 true by solving for the root of this
equation. This defines the required angle of friction to assure equilibrium (i.e.,
the value of For a given value of the factor of safety can now
be calculated from Equation 8.12.
In an actual case of an incipient slide, survey data will define the magni-
tudes and directions of the resultant displacements at the top and toe of the
slope, as well as elsewhere. If the magnitudes of the resultant displacement are
constant throughout the slope, and the directions of displacement are outward
and downward, a rigid, sliding type of motion is possible. The directions of the
resultant displacement vectors can then be used to determine the values of SI
and S2 and the location of the tension crack will permit graphical determination
of WI and W2 Assuming that the factor of safety is unity, the value of Savailable
may be calculated as the root of Equation 8.12. The increase in factor of safety
achieved by a given quantity of excavation in the active region, or fill in the
passive region, or anchoring in the passive region can be evaluated by inputting
this value of and determining for the new conditions, as ex-
plained aboye. Problem 9 offers an example.
Problems 335
Goodman, R. E. (1976) Methods of Geological Engineering in Discontinuous Rock
Chapters 3 and 6, West, St. Paul, MN. '
Goodman, R. E. and Bray, J. W. (1977) Toppling ofrock slopes, Proceedings, Special-
ity Conference on Rock Engineering for Foundations and Slopes, ASCE (Boulder,
Colorado), Vol. 2. pp. 201-234.
Goodman, R. E. and Shi, G. H. (1985) op. cit., Chapter 1.
Heuze, F. E., and Goodman, R. E. (1972) Three dimensional approach for design of
cuts injointed rock, Proceedings, 13th Symposium on Rock Mechanics (ASCE), p.
Hoek, E. and Bray, J. W. (1974, 1977) Rock Slope Engineering, Institute of Mining and
Metallurgy, London.
John, K. W. (1968) Graphical stability analyses of slopes injointed rock, J. Soil Mech.
Found. Div. (ASCE) 94 (SM2): 497-526.
Londe, P., Vigier, G., and Vormeringer, R. (1969) Stability of rock slopes, a three
dimensional study, J. Soil Mech. Found. Div. (ASCE) 9S SMl): 235-262.
Londe, P., Vigier, G., and Vormeringer, R. (1970) Stability of rock slopes, graphical
methods, J. Soil Mech. Found. Div. (ASCE) 96 (SM4): 1411-1434.
Pentz, D. T. (1976) Geotechnical factors in open pit mine design, Proceedings, 17th
Symposium on Rock Mechanics (University of Utah), paper No. 2B1.
Schuster, R. L. and Krizek, R. J. (Eds.) (1978) Landslides-Analysis and Control,
Trans. Res. Board Special Report 176 (NAS), including Chapter 9, Engineering of
rock slopes, by D. R. Piteau and F. L. Peckover, and Chapter 2, Slope movement
types and processes, by D. J. Varnes.
Wittke, W. (1965) Methods to analyze the stability of rock slopes with and without
additionalloading (in German), Rock Mechanics and Engineering Geology, Sup-
plement Il, p. 52.
1. A rock mass to be excavated in an open cut has the following recurrent
Set 1 (Bedding) strikes N 32 E, dipping 75 N 58 W.
Set 2 (Jointing) strikes N S and dips 65 E.
Set 3 (Jointing) is horizontal.
P10t all the dip vectors, lines of intersection, and normal vectors (poles) on
a lower hemisphere stereographic projection.
2. Assuming = 25 for each of the discontinuity surfaces, prepare atable
giving the steepest safe slopes every 15 around a circular open cut in the
336 Applications of Rock Mechanics to Rock Slope Engineering
rock of Problem 1, respecting aH modes of failure. What would be the best
orientation for a highway cut through a ridge in this rock?
3. We are given aplane P daylighting into a cut and having attitude as foHows:
strike N 30 W, dip 50 NE. The weight of a potentially sliding mass on
plane P is 400 tons on an area of 200 m
(metric tons). The friction angle is
believed to be 30.
(a) Find the direction and magnitude of the minimum rock bolt force to
achieve a factor of safety of 1.0, and a factor of safety of 1.5.
(b) What water pressure acting on plane P could cause failure after rock
bolts are installed for a safety factor of 1.5?
(c) Is the direction of rock bolting for minimum required support force
necessarily the best direction in which to install the rock bolts in this
4. A block weighing 200 MN rests on aplane striking north and dipping 60 W
The available friction angle is believed to be 33.
(a) Find the minimum force for stabilizing the block with a factor of safety
of 2.0 using rock bolts.
(b) Find the force for stabilizing the block with a factor safety of 2.0 if the
bolts are installed 10 below horizontal to the N 76 E.
(c) What seismic coefficient K initiates slip of the block if the inertia force
acts horizontally to the north? (As sume the bolts were installed as in
case (b) before the acceleration.)
5. (a) Using a kinematic analysis find the maximum safe angles for cuts on
both sides of a highway oriented N 60 E, through a granitic rock mass
with the following sets of discontinuities.
(1) Strike N 80 E, dip 40 N.
(2) Strike N 10 E, dip 50 E.
(3) Strike N 50 W, dip 60 NE.
Assume 1>j = 35.
(b) Considering rock cut stability alone, what is the best direction for the
6. The block of rock shown in the following diagram rests on aplane inclined [j
with the horizontal. The angle of friction is 1>j. At what value of [j will the
(a) Begin to slide?
(b) Begin to overturn?
Problems 337
7. The two blocks of rock shown in following diagram rest on an inclined
planeo Assume the friction angle is the same for between blocks
and for sliding of a block along the surface. D1SCUSS the cond1lons for
equilibrium of the two block system.
8. (a) The following diagram shows a mode of failure in high slopes. In
coal mines, this behavior is sometimes called a "footwall fallure.'.' Ifthe
failure initiates by buckling as shown, derive a formula expressmg the
maximum length of slope 1 aboye the top of the section
that failure does not occur. Assume the toe of the slope 1S fully dramed
and neglect the weight of the buckled column. The rock has modulus of
elasticity E, unit weight y, and interlayer friction angle 1>j.
(b) Evaluate the formula to determine the critical slope length for L = 40 m,
1>j = 10, [j = 80, t = 0.5 m, y = 0.027 MN/m3, and E = 3 X 10
9. A creeping rock slide above a road has moved a totalof 3 m. The
of resultant displacement at the top of the slope is 60 below the honzontal
338 Applications of Rock Mechanics to Rock Slope Engineering
while the direction of the resultant displacement in the lower portion of the
slope is 25 below the horizontal. A cross section of the slope with these
angles and the known position of the tension crack aboye the slide deter-
mines the area of the active block to be 10,000 m
and the area of the
passive block to be 14,000 m
The rock weighs 0.027 MN/m
There are no
rock anchors in the slope.
(a) Assuming that the factor of safety of the slide is now 1.0 and that all the
friction angles are the same (i.e., epI = ep2 = ep3), calculate the available
friction angle.
(b) Calculate the increase in the factor of safety if 4000 m
are excavated
from the active block and removed from the slide.
(c) Calculate the horizontal anchorage force required per unit of slide width
to achieve the same factor of safety as the excavation in (b). Roughly
how many anchors do you think this requires?
10. Discuss how one could report a "factor of safety" for a case like that of
Problem 9 where epI and ep2 are not constrained to be equal to each other.
(As sume ep3 is a fixed value.)
11. Derive an equation corresponding to Equation 8.6 for a potential slide in
which the tension crack intercepts the face of the slope.
12. A prismatic block between two parallel vertical joints, JI and lz, tends to
slide on a fault (P3) dipping (jo, as shown in the figure. Assume the joints are
smooth and have identical friction angles epj.
J2 - -....... /
(a) A horizontal support force B is applied to the block. Derive a formula
for the support force B corresponding to limiting equilibrium as a func-
tion of the stress (Tj normal to the joints. Express the answer in terms of
the ratio B/W.
(b) If (j = 60, ep3 = epj = 30, find the (Tj required for limiting equilibrium
without support (B = O) for blocks of widths 1 = 1, 5, 10, and 20 m.
(As sume 'Y = 27 kN/m
.) Give your answer in kPa and psi.
13. (a) In Problem 12, the friction angle of the side joints is assumed to be
given. Suppose there is no initial stress (Tj on these joints but that their
Problems 339
roughness angle i causes a stress to build up as the block displaces by
amount u downslope. Assume that the rock to either side is rigid, and
the sliding block has modulus of elasticity E. Determine the normal
stress and normalized required support force B/Was a function ofblock
displacement. (Hint: Assume that no dlatancy is allowed on the side
(b) Find the displacement u required for limit equilibrium in the case of
Problem 12b if the initial normal stress is zero, the joints have dlatancy
angle i = 10, and the rock has modulus of elasticity E = 2 X 10
14. A block is formed from the upper half spaces of two joint planes and the
lower half spaces of two excavation planes. Block theory analysis demon-
strates that the block is removable in the excavation and we now want to
assess its stability. The dip and dip direction values for the two bounding
joint planes are as follows:
Joint plane Dip Dip Direction
The block is estimated to weight 100 metric tons.
(a) Assuming the friction angles are 20 on plane 1 and 15 on plane 2,
compute the support force required to achieve a limiting equilibrium
condition if the bolts are installed 10 below horizontal to the N 100E
(azimuth 10). Use the stereographic projection, supplemented by vec-
tor calculations.
(b) If the friction angle is actually 30 on plane 2, and the bolts are installed
as calculated in part (a), what angle of friction on plane 1 would be
required to produce a limiting equilibrium condition for the block?
15. Label all the JPs of Problem 25, Chapter 7, with the appropriate mode for
the resultant force of gravity alone.
16. For the conditions of Figure 8.24, calculate the water pressure on face 1
that will fal a block of 50 metric ton s weight with JP 100. The area of the
face with plane 1 is 7.5 square meters. (Hin/: The water force on plane 1
acts in the direction -nI opposite to the outward normal nI.)
17. A slope will be cut with dip and dip direction 50/30 in the rock mass of
Problem 25 in chapter 7, with joint sets 30/70, 50/140, and 60/270.
(a) Determine the JP that generates removable blocks in this rock cut.
(b) Anchors are installed horizontally to the south. Find the anchor force
required to achieve a factor of safety of 2. O in each relevant joint plane
for a block weighing 90 tons. The friction angle believed to belong to
each joint plane is 35.
Applications of
Rock Mechanics to
9.1 Rack Faundatians
Chapter 9
This chapter concerns the behavior of rock as a structural foundation. Corn-
pared to soils, rnost rocks are strong and stiff and carrying a structural load
down to rock usually assures a satisfactory bearing. However, large loads, as,
for exarnple, frorn a skyscraper or bridge pier, can by design cause pressures
approaching the bearing capacity of even rnoderately strong rocks. If the rock
is defective, this rnay provoke relatively large deforrnations, particularly when
the rock is inherently weak, like sorne chalks, clay shales, friable sandstones,
tuffs, or very porous lirnestones, or when the rock is weathered, cavernous, or
highly fractured. Sowers (1977) reported, for exarnple, that settlernents ofup to
8 in. occurred under loaded areas o'n weathered, porous lirnestone with founda-
tion pressures less than 10 kPa. Thus there are nurnerous instances where the
rock has to be evaluated carefully in foundation engineering.
Figure 9.1a shows the ideal condition for rnaking use of rock as a founda-
tion in preference to direct bearing on the soil. The rock is strong and relatively
free frorn fractures and the bedrock surface is srnooth, horizontal, and sharply
defined. In weathered rock, by contrast (Figure 9.1h), the bedrock surface rnay
be indefinable and the rock properties rnay vary widely over short distances
vertically or horizontally, confusing those responsible fOr predicting the foun-
dation elevation and allowable bearing values. Karstic lirnestones, depicted in
Figure 9.1c, possess a highly sculptured, uneven bedrock surface, with cliffs,
slopes, and variable and unknown soil depths, and irregular groundwater le v-
els, as well as hidden caverns, cIay seams, and rock of unpredictable'quality.
342 Applications of Rock Mechanics to Foundation Engineering
----===- =-
--==- -===----=---..:
---==-- --==-.:.-
..:.....-. ,_0_0_, .-:-'
Figure 9.1 Types of bedrock surfaces. (a) Glacial till
over bedrock. (b) Decomposed granite. (e) Karstic
limestone. (d) Weathered rock and residual soil over
sandstone and shale. (e) Soil over a fault in sedimen-
tary rocks. (f) Transported soil over fractured rock.
Karst terrain can consequently create treacherous subsurface conditions. Fig-
ure 9.1d portrays rock having rhythmically changing properties due to interbed-
ding of hard (cemented sandstone) and soft (claystone) layers. The net proper-
ties may be more troublesome than either alone the strong layers .ma
lack the flexural rigidity and strength to resist the beanng forces yet
the driving of piles or drilling of piers. Faults can cause additional foundatton
problems by virtue of compressible gouge (Figure 9.1 e), altered wall rock, and
offset levels; faults also tend to of depth
to load-bearing strata. Highly fractured rock, deplcted lO Figure 9lf, may also
9.1 Rock Foundations 343
cause a marked reduction in safe-bearing pressures, as otherwise satisfactory
rocks undergo appreciable deformations connected with closing and sliding of
joints. Furthermore, when buildings are located near cliffs, throughgoing frac-
tures "daylighting" in the cliff face can undermine their stability.
Another class of foundation problems occurs in rock with expansive or
unstable minerals such as sorne montmorillonitic clay shales, nontronitic ba-
salts, and rocks mineralized with pyrrhotite, marcasite, or certain other sul-
fides. Sulfuric acid released in the oxidation of the latter may attack concrete.
Highly soluble rocks like gypsum and salt will require special attention in
foundations of water-impounding structures, or structures located adjacent to
operating wells or drains. Serious rock foundation problems also arise in forma-
tions underlain by completely or partially mined-out coal, sulfur, salt, or other
mineral commodities. Assuring support to structures on the surface overlying
abandoned mine workings requires special investigations and sometimes ex-
pensive treatment.
Engineering works present a wide variety of rock foundation problems.
Homes, warehouses, and other light structures rarely create loads that test
even weak rocks, but may require rock investigations in connection with cav-
ernous, or mined-out substrata, or in areas of expansive rocks. Large public
building s like hospitals, office buildings, and airport terminals may have very
large and rather modest loads acting near each other; because such facilities
frequently cover a relatively large area, they may encompass varying founda-
tion conditions and engineering solutions. Sorne industrial structures like tur-
bines, boilers, reactors, and accelerators make stringent demands for precise
and continued alignment that necessitate detailed investigations of foundation
behavior even when dealing with good rock. Towers and very high building s
may generate large vertical and horizontalloads in response to wind or seismic
forces. Bridges not only require foundations to be constructed through water
and soil to bedrock but also place piers on steep valley sides where rock slope
stability analysis becomes part of the foundation engineering work (Figure
9.2a). This is also true of dams, which can create relatively large inclined loads
at their base and in their valley side abutments. Concrete arch dams transfer
sorne of the reservoir and structuralload to the abutment rock (Figure 9.2b)
while concrete gravity and concrete buttress dams direct the load primarily into
the foundation rock. Earth and rock-fill dams create smaller, usually tolerable
stresses and deformations in rock foundations. All types of dams may suffer
problems due to seepage in fractured or karstic foundations and all can be
adversely affected by rock slides in the abutmenis, whether due to seepage
forces, structuralloads, or other causes.
To support building load s with tolerable deflections, it is possible to use
several types of foundations. We will concern ourselves only with those in-
tended to transfer sorne or all ofthe load to rock. Figure 9.3a shows a common
solution where a modest excavation through the soil permits a footing to bear
Figure 9.2 Foundations of a bridge and a darn in very
steep terrain. (a) Footings for the Glen Canyon
Bridge, built by the U. S. Bureau of Reclarnation
across a precipitous canyon in Navajo sandstone. The
srnall, dark squares on the rock are rock bolts . . (b)
The other abutrnent of the bridge and the left slde of
Glen Canyon arch darn.
9.1 Rock Foundations 345
Figure 9.3 Types of rock foundations. (a) Footing
on rock. (b) End-bearing piles on rock. (e) A pier
socketed into rock.
346 Applications of Rock Mechanics lo Foundation Engineering
directly against a prepared rock surface. Depending on the nature of the work
and the magnitude of the load, the rock may be either simply inspected, drilled,
and tested, or proof loaded prior to confirming the foundation grade. Setting
foundation grade is often left to be determined during construction and may
depend mainly on judgment or on rock classification (e.g., using the geome-
chanics classification discussed in Chapter 2). During construction the stability
of the slope cut through the soil and through the weathered rock needs to be
assured, the excavation must be drained and cleared of debris so that a good
contact with concrete can develop, and the load-bearing surface must be kept
from deteriorating in the interval before concreting. For footings carrying only
moderate load, design may be dictated to meet special requirements of the
structural engineer and architect without any reference to rock-bearing capac-
ity or rock settlement. But large loads or rock marginal in quality may demand
rational evaluation of the allowable load s through calculations or tests. Proce-
dures for doing this will be discussed in subsequent sections.
Piles (Figure 9.3b) are driven to carry loads down to a satisfactory bearing
layer. They may be driven from the ground surface or cast in drill holes. If the
overburden is soft or if the piles are fairly short, most of the reaction comes
from the pile tip; in this case, the pile is usually driven as much as a meter,
occasionally more, into the rock until a specified number ofblows is required to
penetrate a fixed distance. Piles can be driven in this manner into weak rocks
like chalk, tuff, claystone, and weathered rocks of many varieties, but they
cannot be driven more than a few centimeters into fresh, hard rocks like lime-
stone or sandstone unless equipped with hardened steel-driving points. It is
difficult to guarantee pile seating in the case of an irregular or inclined bedrock
surface. In fact, steel piles driven at small angles against a limestone surface
have been destroyed by bending as they skidded off the rock. Piles cast in
boreholes may develop significant side resistance in bond against weathered
rock and overburden, then behaving like "friction piles" that are driven into
clays. Cast-in-place piles may be "socketed" into rock by drilling sorne dis-
tance beyond the bedrock surface, in which case both bond along the sides and
end resistance may be mobilized. Piles bearing on weak strata and soils are
sometimes constructed with an enlarged base formed by reaming the bottom of
the drill holeo This spreads the load to achieve restricted bearing pressures. As
discussed later, the bearing capacity of most rocks is sufficiently high that
enlarged bases are rarely necessary, the maximum loads being dictated by the
concrete rather than by the rock strength.
Very heavy loads can be carried to bearing on rock through the use of piers
in drilled shafts (Figure 9.3c). Large-diameter bucket augers, or spiral augers
often mounted on cranes, enable drilling through overburden, weak and even
moderately strong rocks like claystones, friable sandstones, chalk, weathered
rocks, and evaporite deposits. The drilled shafts are then cleaned out and filled
with concrete; if water conditions will not permit pouring concrete in the dry,
Figure 9.4 Special foundations. (a) Grout columns, for con-
struction over old mines. (b) Hold-down piers, fol' swelling
rock. (e) Deeply anchored cables, to increase the effective
weight of a gravity structure.
34S Applications of Rock Mechanics to Foundation Engineering
tremie construction is used. To obtain satisfactory contact and bearing .in good
rock, it is common practice to drill the shafts several or more it;ttO
rock to form a "rock socket." In this case, the load is carned by a combmatlon
of end bearing and peripheral shear (bond or friction), as later.
Drilled piers with very large verticalloads (e.g., 10 are they
do not require casing, work stoppage for handling fiowmg ground or out
hard rock blocks, or other special construction procedures. Inspectlons and
tests to evaluate the bearing capacity and deformability of the rock can be
conducted in the rock socket because the diameters are usually large enough to
admit an engineer or geologist. This is an advantage over pile foundations
where the bearing is remote and inaccessible. However, :ocks that be
drilled due to hardness, pinnacles in the surface, or fiowmg water conditlons
can idle expensive equipment, squandering any cost savings.
Other types of foundations in rock are sometimes called for. Mass
structures like gravity dams, bridge piers, and powerhouses are sometlmes
founded on caissons sunk through overburden and water. Buildings over
doned mine openings may be supported on grouted columns of crushed rock
(grout columns) bearing on the fioor of the old mine opening 9.4a).
Structures placed in rock excavations like spillway gates and sptllway slabs
may require hold-down piers (Figure 9.4b) or tensioned rock anchors to redu.ce
heave due to rock swelling. High-capacity, tensioned anchors are used to m-
crease foundation compression in opposition to hydraulic uplift, for example,
below buttresses of a dam on layered rock (Figure 9.4c).
9.2 Allowable Bearing Pressures in Codes:
Behavior Modes
The design of a foundation requires that the bearing pressure and bond .(adhe-
sion) allowable in each geological unit be established for the base sides of
the foundation member. The values selected must have a margm of sat:ety
against loss of load-carrying capacity (bearing "failure") and must work with-
out large defiections. In routine work, these values are usually taken
building codes, which provide conservative safe ando refiect
experience. The more useful codes of practice refiect geology hiS-
tory and incorporate local formation names as well as rock mdexes. For exam-
pIe, Rochester, New York, specifies the bearing pressures.for each local
rock formations and defines defects that are unacceptable .m the foundatlOn, as
summarized in Table 9.1. Table 9.2 cites allowable pressures fro?I a
sampling of building codes-the stipulated pressures bemg mte.nded to satlsfy
both bearing capacity and settlement limitations and to provide a factor of
9.2 Allowable Bearing Pressures in Codes: Behavior Modes
Table 9.1 Provisions of the Building Code for Rochester, New York
(Dates Given in Parentheses)
Rock is classified as:
Soft rock: Clinton and Queenston shale
Medium rock: Rochester shale
Hard rock: Lockport dolomite and Medina sandstone
If a h?le below the bearing surface passes through at least 5 ft of rock, the bearing
capacity shalI be: 15 tons/ft
(1.4 MPa) in soft rock; 25 tons/ft2 (2.4 MPa) in medium
rock; and 50 tons/ft
(4.8 MPa) in hard rock (providing that alI 5 ft are in the same kind of
rock). (l0/13/33)
Por buildings less than six stories or 75 ft high, the Director of Buildings may reduce the
number of drilI holes required to be as few as, but not less than, one-fifth of the number
ofbearing areas, ifin his or her opinion the nature and condition ofthe rockjustify such
omission. (1111/66)
Seamy Rack: (11129/60)
If seams of soil or soft rock having little or no bearing vaIue Occur within the 5-ft depth
below a bearing area:
l. Seams less than ! in. thick (6 mm) may be ignored.
2. Seams ! to ! in. thick (6 to 13 mm) occurring deeper than 3 ft may be ignored.
3. Seams thicker than ! in. (13 mm) and deeper than 5 ft may be ignored depending
upon the discretion of the building inspector.
4. Seams more than ! in. (13 mm) thick occurring within a depth of 5 ft, or more than !
in. (6 mm) thick occurring within the first 3 ft of depth are unsatisfactory. The
bearing surface is to be lowered below the bottom of the lowest known seam of
thickness greater than! in. and further as required to meet these provisions. A new
boring or borings shalI then be required and any seam occurring in the new borings
wilI be examined as aboye.
5. The Building Director may order pressure grouting of seams and tests to establish
bearing values of grouted foundations.
safety. When there is little to be gained by deviating from local building codes
or when it is not feasible to reach an independent assessment of bearing capac-
ity and deformability, applicable codes should be followed. However, most
codes do allow for variance if the request is supported by an engineering report
and it will be economical to follow this course in mariy cases since the codes of
practice tend to be so very conservative.
Since "rocks" embrace many kinds ofmaterials, rock foundations behave
in a number of modes. Unless the rock is known to be weakest in shear like
sorne weathered clay shales and weathered voIcanics, it is not obvious that the
resuIts of bearing capacity research in soil mechanics is applicable. Failures in
350 Applications of Rock Mechanics lo Foundation Engineering
Table 9.Z Allowable Bearing Pressures for Fresh Rocks ofVarious Types.
According to Typical Building Codes Reduce Values Accordingly to Account
for Weathering, or Unrepresentative Fracturing.a,b
AlIow. Bear. Press.
Rock Type Age Location
Massively bedded
Dolomite L. Paleoz. Chicago
Dolomite L. Paleoz. Detroit
Limestone U. Paleoz. Kansas City
Limestone U. Paleoz. St. Louis
Mica schist Pre. Cambo Washington
Mica schist Pre. Cambo Philadelphia
Manhattan schist
Pre. Cambo New York
Fordham gneis se Pre. Cambo New York
Schist and slate U.K.d
Argillite Pre. Cambo Cambridge, MA
Newark shale Triassic Philadelphia
Hard, cemented
shale U.K.d
Eagleford shale Cretaceous DalIas
Clay shale U.K.d
Pierre Shale Cretaceous Denver
Fox Hills
sandstone Tertiary Denver
Solid chalk Cretaceous U.K.d
Austin chalk Cretaceous DalIas
Friable sandstone
and claystone Tertiary Oakland
Friable sandstone
(Pico formation) Quaternary Los Angeles
a Values from Thorburn (1966) and Woodward, Gardner, and Greer (1972).
b When a range is given, it relates to usual range in rock conditions.
e Thickness of beds greater than 1 m, joint spacing greater than 2 m; unconfined compressive
strength greater than 7.7 MPa (for a 4-in. cube).
d Institution of Civil Engineers Code of Practice 4.
e Sound rock such that it rings when struck and does not disintegrate. Cracks are unweathered and
open less than 1 cm.
clays follow rotation and shear displacements as depicted in Figure 9.5e. Intact
rocks are weakest in tension and it is the propagation of extension fractures
that permits the indentation of a loaded area on rock.
Figure 9.5 traces the development of penetration into a brittle, nonporous
rock as described by Ladanyi (1972). Assuming the rock mass is relatively
9.2 Allowable Bearing Pressures in Codes: Behal'ior Modes

Shear (e)

Figure 9.5 Modes of failure of a footing on rock. (a-e) Development of failure
through crack propagation and crushing beneath the footing. (d) Punching through
collapse of voids. (e) Shear failure.
unfractured, loading initially follows an elastic load-deflection relationship pre-
dictable by a formula like Equation 6.10, the precise form depending on the
shape and deformability of the footing. After attaining a load such that cracks
initiate, further loading extends cracks (Figure 9.5a) and at still higher loads
they coalesce and interfere. Eventual1y, the cracks separate slivers and wedges
that buckle and crush under additional increment,s of!oad (Figure 9.5b). Due to
352 Applications of Rock Mechanics to Foundation Engineering
dilatancy, the bulb of cracked and crushed rock under the loaded area expands
outward, eventuaIly generating a radial network of cracks, one of which may
finaIly propagate to the free surface as in Figure 9.5c. According to the load
distribution on the footing and the properties of the rock in a cracked state, the
maximum permissible deformations may be attained at any one of the stages
depicted in Figure 9.5a-c.
In practice, rock mas ses undergo additional permanent deformation owing
to c10sing of fissures, cracks, and pores. In open-jointed rock or rock with
compressible seams, the deformations on closing or squeezing of fractures will
most likely govern design even though the rock itself cannot be said to "fail."
Highly porous rocks like sorne chalks, friable sandstones, and scoriaceous
basalts may suffer destruction of the pore skeleton, as explored in Chapter 3
(Figure 3.6). In weakly cemented sedimentary rocks, irreversible settlements
from this cause can occur at any level of stress without cracking and driving of
wedges; this mode of "failure" is termed "punching" (Figure 9.5d). Fractur-
ing, joint c1osing, and punching may occur simultaneously, or sequentiaIly in
any order; thus almost any load-deformation history is possible. Conversely, if
the geotechnical examination of the foundation rock attempts to measure the
openness of jointing, the strength of the pore skeleton, and the deformability
and strength of seams, it may be possible to predict the load versus deformation
response of the foundation under any prescribed intensity and character of
foundation load. The allowable bearing pressures can then be selected with
respect to the tolerance of the structure to deflections in its foundation.
9.3 Stresses and Deflections
in Rock under Footings
When a rock foundation behaves elasticaIly, the displacements and stresses in
the neighborhood of a footing can be calculated using the theory of elasticity,
either by reference to established results, for example, Equation 6.10, or
through use ofnumerical modeling techniques, most noteably the finite element
method. The stresses and displacements of footings loaded by any distribution
of shear and pressure can also be obtained by superimposing solutions corre-
sponding to a point load, generally inc1ined and acting on the surface of a half
space. Poulos and Davis (1974) present results obtained in this manner for rigid
and flexible footings of rectangular, circular, and other shapes.
Particular solutions using the finite element method may be required if the
rock is heterogeneous or anisotropic (Figure 9.6). In this method described by
Zienkiewicz (1971), the regio n of influence of the footing, generally at least six
times its width in radial extent, is subdivided into elements, each of which is
assigned a set of elastic properties. When the distribution of pressure and shear

o o o o
o o o
o <Xi <D
Deformed Mesh
g o g
N o cxi


Footing on Rock
Figure 9.6 Example of a finite element analysis of a strip footing
under vertical load on a heterogeneous rock foundation. Analyzed
by Victor Saouma, Comell University. (a) Finite element mesh: the
ruled elements have E equal to one-tenth that of the other ele-
ments. (h) Deformed mesh with greatly exaggerated displacements.
354 Applications of Rock Mechanics to Formdation Engineering

'" M
- -----+------+-- ...
o o o
o g o o
"1 O> "1
'" "' "


Principal Stresses
tension I
1 compression
o o o
..; ..: o
Figure 9.6 Example of a finite element analysis of a strip footing under verti-
calload on a heterogeneous rock foundation. Analyzed by Victor Saouma,
Comell University. (e) Vectors showing directions and magnitudes of princi-
pal stresses in each element in the region enclosed within the locus AA' of
the mesh.
on the footing are input, one obtains the stresses in all the elements and the
displacements of a set of points throughout the medium; those of the footing
itself and any instrumented points are the most interesting. Such programs are
available in most engineering design offices. The representation of joints and
seams of rock masses in finite element analysis is discussed by Goodman (1976)
and special applications in geotechnical engineering are described in the book
edited by Desai and Christian (1977).
Through the use of elastic solutions or special numerical models, it will be
possible to find how a particular foundation responds to loads. It is not practical
to explain such methods here but it is instructive to examine in particular how
the load is transferred to the rock in the case of a general line load acting on
rocks with various geological structures.
Consider a line load (force per unit length) acting normal to the surface of a
semi-infinite, homogeneous, elastic, and isotropic medium as shown in Figure
9.7a. The problem depicted is one of plane strain, meaning that the load P
continues indefinitely in the direction perpendicular to the paper. The principal
stresses produced by P lie entirely along lines through the point of application
9.3 Stresses and Deflections in Rock rmder Footings 355
P (i.e., at a point in the medium located by polar coordinates r and (J [see
FIgure the normal stress acting along any radius (J constant) is a princi al
stress and IS equal to p
2P cos (J
(Tr =
while the normal stress acting perpendicular to this direction and the shear
stresses referred to these local axes are both zero,
(T8 = O T r 8 = O
The locus (T r constant proves to be a circ1e tangent to the point of application of
P and centered at depth P/(7T'(Tr). A family of such circ1es, drawn for a set of
Locus of 0
= 3!:
0, == 2P
o, = T" = o
/ "// ...... ,,
/ \/ \
/ Q \/ \
Locus of
0,= -2Q
0,= 2Qsin8
Figur:e 9.7 "Bulbs of pressure" resulting from loading of an
elasttc half plane by (a) a normalline load, (b) a shear line
356 Applications of Rock Mechanics to Foundation Engineering
".------. ..........
./ "
,/ "-
/ "
I \
/ \ /
I \ /
I I //
" I I //
// ----
\ I j/.,,/'" '"
(}r ::;-;;
Lacus af
Tensian /
Figure 9.7 "Bulbs of pressure" resulting from loading of an elastic
half plane by (e) an inc1ined line load.
values of 0", are sometimes termed "bulbs of pressure." They show graphically
how the applied load dissipates as it spreads out in the rock .
. when a line load acts in shear, the stress distribution is entirely
radial (FIgure 9.7b). At polar coordinates r, (J, the only nonzero stress is di-
rected radially and has the value
2Q sin (J
The locus 0", constant is represented by two circles tangent to each other and
centered a distance Q/(7TO",) to the right and left along the surface from the
point of application of Q. The left circle represents tensile stress while the right
one represents compressive stress. Figures 9.7a and b can be combined into a
single set of pressure bulbs centered along the line of action of R, the resultant
of P and Q, as shown in Figure 9.7c. The upper circle now represents tensile
stress while the lower represents compression. Near the ground surface tensile
stress is lost as the joints open; at greater depth the tensile stress
adds to the initial horizontal compression, the net stress remaining compressive
until a sufficient load is reached.
9.3 stresses and Deflections in Rock under Footings 357
Another interpretation of the bulbs of pressure is possible. We have seen
that the circle tangent at P or Q gives the locus of constant principal stress. It
can also be viewed as the envelope to a bundle of vectors radiating from the
point of application of P or Q and defining the radial pressure distribution on a
circle centered about the point of load application. This is a useful image
because it enables one to visualize how planes of limited friction like bedding,
schistosity, faults, and joints must alter the contours of principal stress.
Figure 9.8 shows a halfspace in a regularly jointed rock loaded by inclined
line load R. In isotropic rock, the pressure should distribute according to the
dashed circle; but this cannot apply to the jointed rock mass because the
af pressure
I far isatrapic rack
Bulb af pressure
far the layered
Figure 9.8 Narrowing and deepening of the bulb of pressure due to
limited shear stress along discontinuities.
Applications of Rack Mechanics to Foundation Engineering
Figure 9.9 Line load inclined arbitrarily on a half space in
transversely isotropic rock.
resultant stress cannot make aH angles with the joint planes. According to the
definition of interlayer friction, the absolute value of the angle between (T r and
the normal to the discontinuities must be equal to or less than 1>j. Therefore, the
bulb of pressure cannot extend beyond tines AA and BB, drawn at an angle
equal to 1>j with the normal to the layers (compare with Figures 7.6 and 7.7).
Because the bulb of pressure is confined more narrowly than in isotropic rock,
it must continue more deeply, meaning that the stresses are higher at a given
depth below the load vector than they would be in rock without discontinuities.
Depending on the orientation of the line load and the direction of the planes of
disconiinuity, sorne load can also flow into the rock parallel to the layers. In the
particular case po sed in Figure 9.8, any stress increment paraHel to the layers
would have to be tensile.
A more formal examination of the influence of discontinuities on the stress
distribution beneath footings can be obtained by establishing an "equivalent"
anisotropic medium for the rock mass as introduced in Chapter 6 (Equations
6.23 to 6.27). For the special case ofa line load decomposed into components X
and Y parallel and perpendicular to the planes of discontinuity (Figure 9.9),
John Brayl showed that the stress distribution in the rock is still entirely radial
I Unpublished notes, 1977, Imperial College, London, Royal School of Mines. See also H. D.
Conway (1955) Notes on the orthotropic halfplane subjected to concentrated loads, J. Appl. Mech.
77: 130.
9.3 Stresses and Deflections in Rock under Footings 359
with (Te = 0, T
8 = 0, and
h ( X cos f3 + y g sin f3 )
(T r = 1Tr (cos
f3 - g sin
f3)2 + h
f3 cos2f3
where r is the distance from the point of load application and f3 = 8 - IX as
shown in Figure 9.9. f3 is the angle from the line of action of X to a radius
through the point in question. Note that X is not normal to the surface but is
,Parallel to the planes of discontinuity. The constants g and h are dimensionless
_1..1 llllllA\ _1..1
..l 1 ljJ lllill. ..l ..l
i I , _HL l \ \ 11
11 1 _' 1 n ..l..l
_Lll ..l ..) ..l..l
J ~ ....l
\ 1
' I
C(= 0
t-t- r-
Figure 9.10 Lines of equal stress (bulbs of pres-
sure) determined by Gaziev and Erlikhman (1971)
from models. (01 is defined in Figure.9.9.)
360 Applications of Rock Mechanics to Foundation Engineering
quantities describing the properties of a transversely isotropic medium "equiv-
alent" to the discontinuous rock mass and are given as follows:
h = ~ ~ (20 + v) + _1 ) + 2 (g __ v_)
1 - v
E ksS 1 - v
In the aboye expressions E and vare the elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio,
respectively, of the rock itself, k
and ks are the normal and shear stiffnesses
(FL -3) of the discontinuities as discussed with respect to Equations 6.23 and
6.24, and S is the average spacing between discontinuities.
()( = 90
( )
Isotropic intact rock
\ I
01- ff
Figure 9.11 Bulbs of pressure under line load s
calculated by John Bray using the method of Equa-
tion 9.3 to 9.5 (unpublished notes, 1977).
9.4 Allowable Bearing Pressures on Footings on Rock 361
Using Equations 9.3 to 9.5, it is possible to calculate lines of equal radial
stress under line loads with arbitrary inclination relative to the direction of
layers. In all the equations concerning loci of constant radial stress, it can be
noted that the inclination of the ground surface does not affect the answer
except to establish which parts of the loci lie within the ground. John Bray
compared the results of model studies published by Gaziev and Erlikhman
(1971) with line-Ioad solutions from Equation 9.3, calculated withjoint proper-
ties such that closing of joints is equal in magnitude to the compression of the
rock, that is, E/O - v
) = knS; and the slip alongjoints is 5.63 times the shear
displacement of the rock parallel to the joints, that is, E/[20 + v)] = 5.63k
With v = 0.25, this gives g = V2 and h = 4.45. The agreement in shapes
between the principal stress contours found in model studies (Figure 9.10) and
calculated with Equation 9.3 (Figure 9.11) shows that stresses caused by foot-
ings on layered, schistose, or regularly jointed rock can be predicted rationally.
9.4 Allowable Bearing Pressures
on Footings on Rock
"Allowable pressure" on a footing is the maximum pressure against the rock
surface consistent with both deflections, and limiting equilibrium (stability) as
well as permissible stress values in the concrete; the latter may govern design
with high load s or very good rock. Deflections are usually more limiting than
stability when dealing with rock. An appropriate analysis of settlements and
rotations under a footing on regularly bedded or fractured rock can be made by
superposition and integration of Equation 9.3 using the stress-strain relations of
Equation 6.9 with Equations 6.23 to 6.27. Kulhawy and Ingraffea (978) and
Kulhawy (978) offered a simpler method to estimate settlement in fractured
rocks under strip, circular, and rectangular footings. It is sometimes practical
to conduct load tests on footings in the field, in which case safe pressures can
be established directIy without separately evaluating the structural and physical
properties of the rock. However, such tests are expensive and can seldom
encompass the whole range of rock and environmental conditions pertinent to a
foundation. Finite element analysis offers another approach by which the vari-
ability of site conditions and rock properties can be studied to achieve an
economical designo
The calculation of a bearing capacity according to limiting equilibrium
calculations for a footing under load must respect the complexity and variety of
the failure modes discussed earlier. Although we can give no universal formula
for bearing capacity of rock, several simple results prove useful as tools to
calculate the order of magnitude of a limiting safe pressure. Tests in isotropic
rock have shown that this pressure often occurs at a settlement approximately
equal to 4 to 6% of the footing width.
362 Applications of Rock Mechanics to FOlUldation Engineering
Strength of rock mass
(region Bl
---LE---__ - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ a
P, q,
l. I ~ q,
~ Strip footing
Figure 9.12 Analysis of bearing capacity on rock.
We consider now the mode offailure shown in Figures 9.5a-c, in which a
laterally expanding zone of crushed rock under a strip footing induces radial
cracking of the rock to either side. The strength of the crushed rock under the
footing will be described by the lower failure envelope in Figure 9.12, while the
strength of the less fractured, neighboring rock will be described by the upper
curve in the same figure. The largest horizontal confining pressure that can be
mobilized to support the rock beneath the footing (zone A in Figure 9.12) is Ph,
determined as the unconfined compressive strength of the adjacent rock (zone
B of Figure 9.12). This pressure determines the lower limit of Mohr's circle
tangent to the strength envelope of the crushed rock under the footing.
2 Suggested by Ladanyi (1972) who acknowledges R. T. Shield (1954), "Stress and velocity
fields in soil mechanics" J. Math. Phys. 33: 144-156.
.. ' 30
9.4 Allowable Bearing Pressures on Footings on Rock 363
fo---Peak strength
50 60
a, MP.
Figure 9.13 Example of bearing-capacity analysis for a highly fractured grey-
wacke sandstone. (After Raphael and Goodman, 1979.)
compression tests on broken rock can define the latter strength envelope, and
thus the bearing capacity can be found. Figure 9,13, for example, shows triaxial
compression test results by Raphael and Goodman (1979) on intact and broken
core samples from a foundation in highly fractured greywacke sandstone, The
condition of the rock surrounding the footing can be represented by the enve-
lope corresponding to the peak strengths of core samples in which all the
fractures were carefully fitted together and held with tape before testing. The
condition of the rock under the footing can be described by the envelope
corresponding to residual strength of such specimens. With these strength
properties determined and a factor of safety of 5, the bearing capacity is esti-
mated as 12 MPa. For reference, the unconfined compressive strength of the
intact rock is 180 MPa. . .
. Examination of Figure 9.12leads to the conclusion that the bearing capac-
lty of a homogeneous, discontinuous rock mass cannot be less than the uncon-
fined compressive strength of the rock mass around the footing, and this can be
taken as a lower bound. If the rock mass has a constant angle of internal
364 Applicatians of Rock Mechanics to FaWJd.ation Engineering
friction 4> and unconfined compressive strength qu (Mohr-Coulomb
the method of Figure 9.12 establishes the bearing capacity as
q = qu(N", + 1)
N", = tan
(45 + i)
Actual conditions may call for special analysis. Figure 9.14a, for - .......... u.'"
shows a footing bearing on a thin, relatively rigid sandstone layer underlain
more flexible claystone. With sufficient load, the stifflayer will break in
thereafter transferring a greater proportion of load to the clay shale. The
tions associated with the cracking of the upper layer will probably limit
design loads. Otherwise, the bearing capacity will be that calculated from
properties ofthe lower layer. The strength of the stiffer layer can be
by considering it to be a thick beam.
Figure 9.14b depicts a footing resting on a portion of a single joint
created by orthogonal vertical joints each spaced distance S. Such a -VJLIUJ.UVU
might arise, for example, in weathered granite. If the footing width B is equal
the joint spacing S, the rock foundation can be compared to a column
strength under axial load should be approximately equal to the unc:;orlnned:
compressive strength qu. If the footing contacts a smaller proportion of the
joint block, the bearing capacity increases toward the maximum value consis-
tent with the bearing capacity of homogeneous, discontinuous rock, obtained
with the construction of Figure 9.12 or from Equation 9.6 as appropriate. This .
problem was studied by Bishnoi (1968), who assumed that sorne load is trans-
ferred laterally across the joints. Modifying this boundary condition for an
open-jointed rock mass in which lateral stress transfer is nil yields
q = qU{N", 1_ 1 - )/N. - 1]}
Comparing the results of computation with Equations 9.8 and 9.6 shows that
openjoints reduce the bearing capacity only when the ratio S/B is in the rang
from 1 to 5, the upper limit increasing with 4>.
When determining the safe bearing pressures on a footing on rock, it is
never permissible to use the bearing capacity as calculated, or even as mea-
sured by load tests in situ, without consideration of scale effects. There is an
element of uncertainty associated with the variability of the rock and a signifi-
cant size effect in strength under compressive loads. However, even with a
factor of safety of 5, the allowable loads will tend to be higher than the code
values sampled in Table 9.2, except when the foundation is on or near a rock
Bearing capacity may be considerably reduced by proximity to a slope
because modes of potential failure may exist in the region of the foundation
9.4 Allowable Bearing Pressures an Foatings an Rack 365

.. .
/ / '\ --=- I \ \ \. ! I \ ," \ \ / \ / - / \ ::- JI I 1 -
/ I 1\,///1, j/ l' jI \ \ '\ \\
y:.:: \V V:' \L- \)_c:: \
-/\ [\1\'-1\ 1\ 1" \, /, \ /1;:-, \1/1', \-/
/ / J I \ ( I 1 / j,\ 1 / \ \ '
Figure 9.14 Footings on (a) layered rock and (h)
rock with open, vertical joints.
with unsatisfactory degrees of safety even without added loads. The initiation
of sliding could cause violent structural collapse for bridge piers, side-hill tow-
ers, and abutments of arch dams; thus the slopes must be explored and ana-
lyzed diligently. In such cases, special reinforcing structures may be needed.
Figure 9.15a shows a concrete structure added downstream ofthe slender right
abutment of the 151-m-high Canelles arch dam, Spain. By means of its own
weight and the passive resistance of five tunnels filled with reinforced concrete
(Figure 9.15b), the structure is supposed to increase the factor of safety against
sliding on a daylighting system of vertical fractures in the Cretaceous lime-
366 Applications of Rock Mechanics to Foundation Engineering
Figure 9.15 Reinforcing structure for the abutment of Canelles arch dam, Spain.
[Reproduced from Alvarez (1977) with permission.] (a) A view of the structure
from downstream.
9.4 Allowable Bearing Pressures on Footings on Rock 367
Thrust by computation
Actual thrust
Figure 9.15 Reinforcing structure for the abutment of Canelles arch dam,
Spain. (b) A horizontal section. (Reproduced from Alvarez (1977) with per-
stone. The fractures are filled with up to 25 cm of clay, and recur with average
spacing of 5 m. The tunnels are intended to extend beyond the line of thrust of
the arch, and can mobilize up to 5000 tons of tensile force.
Analysis of failure modes for foundations on rock slopes, assuming the
geometry offailure to be determined by discontinuity planes, is an extension of
methods discussed in Chapter 8. The addition of a force to the stereographic
projection solution for plane and wedge slides was discussed in that chapter
(e.g., Figure 8.12). The problems at the end of this chapter examine how the
equations for stability under plane failure and for a slide composed of two
planes can be modified to inelude one or more force s applied to the sliding
Limestone is always suspect as a foundation rock for dams because past
weathering may have opened up cavities that are not only capable of transmit-
ting leakage but that may also reduce the bearing capacity of the foundation.
This concern relates to earth and rock-fill dams as well as to concrete struc-
tures. Patoka Dam, Indiana, an earth and rock-fill embankment about 45 m
high, illustrates foundation problems that can arise when dealing with lime-
The dam was built over a series of upper Paleozoic sandstone, shale,
and limestone formations. Solution cavities and solution-enlarged joints de-
manded considerable foundation treatment by the Corps of Engineers to pro-
vide bearing capacity and protection from erosion of the embankment material
into the interstices of the rock mass. Concrete walls 30.5 cm thick were con-
structed against rock surfaces excavated by presplitting; these walls separate
3 B. 1. Kelly and S. D. Markwell (1978) Seepage control measures at Patoka Dam, Indiana,
preprint, ASCE AnnuaI Meeting, Chicago, October.
18 + 00
18 + SO
S40 :!!

S30 z
Figure 9.16 Foundation treatment required under a at Patoka Reservoir,
Indiana. (a) View of a reinforced concrete plug to bndge across a
cavity. (h) Vertical section through the structure. (Courtesy of BenJamm Kelly,
Corps of Engineers, Louisville District.)
9.4 Allo_ble Bearing Pressures on Footings on Rock 369
embankment material s froro open-jointed limestone. The rock was grouted
through the walls after they were constructed. Deep foundation grouting could
not satisfactorily consolidate the rock and close seepage paths in the abutments
due to excessive grout flow into open cavities, difficulty in drilling through
collapsed, rubble-filled cavities, and hole alignment problems created by the
irregular limestone surface. Instead, a cutoff trench averaging 8.5 m deep and
about 1.7 m wide, and backfilled with lean concrete, was constructed along a
side-hilllength of 491 m in the right abutment to carry the foundation to the
shale below the cavernous limestone. Roof collapses that had occurred under
natural conditions left block s of sandstone in cIay as incomplete fillings of
cavities reaching as much as 12 m aboye the top of the Mississippian limestone
into the overlying Pennsylvanian sandstone. One large collapse feature under
the abutment of a dike was bridged with a reinforced concrete plug and wall
(Figure 9.16).
Although not nearly so unpredictable and treacherous as karstic lime-
stones, decomposed granitic rocks may also require special foundations, par-
ticularly for large dams. Quite commonly, the degree ofweathering ofthe rock
forming a valley increases notably as the upper part ofthe valley is approached.
Figure 9.17 shows a large gravity monolith that was required, for this reason, in
the upper part of the abutment of an arch dam in Portugal.
Figure 9.17 Gravity block required for the upper part of the left abutment of
Alto Rabagao Dam, Portugal. (Courtesy of Dr. Manual Rocha.)
370 Applications of Rock Mechanics lo Foundation Engineering
9.5 Deep Foundations in Rock
When the allowable loads on the surface soils are low, it may be economical to
carry the structuralloads to rock by means of driven or cast-in-place piles, or
piers cast in drilled shafts (Figure 9.3). When concrete is poured against drilled
rock surfaces, it develops an adhesion ("bond"), which can carry shear .
stresses up to the shear strength of rock or of the concrete, whichever is less.
To design the foundation, it is necessary to consider how the load will b
distributed between bond on the sides of the pier or pile, and bearing resistance .
at its end. The length and diameter of the pier (or pile) can be selected to strike
a balance between the two so that neither permissible bond stresses nor permis-
sible bearing pressures are exceeded.
Bearing capacity increases when a footing is buried because it requires ..
additional work to expand the failing region against an increased rock pressure ..
An exception to this rule is the case of failure by punching caused by the
coIlapse ofpore structure or the closing ofjoints. In cohesive soils, the bearing:
capacity beneath plates buried more than four diameters can be increased from
the surface value of six times the undrained shear strength Su to nine times the
undrained shear strength (which corresponds to 4.5qu) (Woodward, Gardner,
and Greer, 1972). Even this is conservative, as is shown in tests by Wilson
(1977) on 900-mm-diameter cast-in-place concrete piles socketed into Creta-
ceous mudstone; the bearing strength was at least one-third greater than 9S

The British code (Institution ofCivil Engineers Code ofPractice No. 4) permits
a 20% increase in safe bearing capacity for each foot of depth up to a limit of
twice the surface value.
The settlement of a rigid circular bearing plate on an isotropic, elastic hal
space was given in Equation 6.10. FoIlowing Poulos and Davis (1968), we
introduce a depth factor n in that equation to express the settlement Wbase of the
lower end of a pier or pile set in the base of a shaft below the bedrock surface
(Figure 9.18a):
where Pend is the normal pressure at the lower end of the pier or pile
and Er are the Poisson' s ratio and elastic modulus of the rock
a is the radius of the lower end f the pile or pier
n is a factor depending on relative depth and on V
as given in Table 9.3
If a pier is founded on top of the bedrock surface, it is prudent to neglect
the adhesion along its sides in the soillayers and assume that the fuIl pressure
Ptotal acting on the top of the pier acts also on its base. However, when a pier is
socketed in rock even several radii deep, a considerable proportion of the load
is transferred to the pe rime ter and Pend is significantly less than Ptotal. As long as
9.5 Deep Foundations in Rock 371
(Ero V
Figure 9.18 Load transfer in a socketed pier. (a) Terminol-
ogy for the pier. (h) Data on load transfer calculated by Os-
terberg and Gill (1973) for indicated values of ErlEc-the
curves werededuced by Ladanyi (1977).
372 Applications of Rack Mechanics fo Foundation Engineering
Table 9.3 Effect of Embedment
Depth 1 on Displacements of a Rigid
plate According to Equation 9.9
l/a O 2 4 6 8 14
n: v, = O lA 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4
n: v, = 0.3 1.6 1.8 1.8 1.9 2.0
n: v, = 0.5 lA 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.8
the bond is maintained along the sides, analysis of the load transference
sponds to that of a cylindrical elastic inclusion "welded" to the SUl:rOUllidinll!:
medium. Finite element analysis of an elastic, axisymmetric system by
berg and Gill (1973) can therefore provide a useful starting point for
load transfer in a pier socketed into rock, providing that the pier is not
beyond the limit of bond strength. Figure 8.18b presents a family of
expressing the ratio Pend1Ptotal as deduced by Ladanyi (1977) from Osterberg
Gills's results. Notice that at embedment ratios l/a greater than 4, the
bearing pressure under a pier on stiff rock is less than one-eighth of the
sure applied to the top of the pier.
When the rock is more compliant than the pier, as in chaik or COlnp:actlon
shale, or in the case of piles driven through rock to obtain a "set" in ...... 'rirr"1r
the adhesion sustains a smaller proportion of the total load. This can be
ciated from the results of pile load tests like that presented in Figure 9.19
Wilson (1977). His test was conducted by compressing apile of 670 mm
diameter inside a socket augered at the base of an oversized hole; in this
adhesion occurred only along a short section and the end-bearing "aIJa ..... S
could be determined with minimal correction to the test data. The load
applied by jacking against a stiff steel girder held down by two piles cast
the rock over a predetermined length of 1 m. Monitoring the deftections of
three piles thus measures adhesion in the outer two piles simultaneously as the
center pile is compressed. The adhesion measurement is conservative be(;aUlse
pulling reduces the normal stress on the periphery of the pile, whereas the
opposite is true in service under compression. After the right pile yielded, at
340 kN uplift load, the position of the jack was moved to the left end of
girder and the test was continued, eventually causing the left pile to yield
520 kN.
Several principies are illustrated by these results. First, the adhesion is
typically developed with a deftection of 10 mm or less, while mobilization ofthe
full bearing capacity may require a settlement of 30 to 40 mm or more (typicaHY .
4 to 6% of the base diameter as noted previously). The curve of load versUS:
deformation for the development of adhesion is steep with sorne loss o
strength due to cracking in concrete or rock, or both, after the attainment of a'
9.5 Deep Foundations in Rock 373
----- ----
--- ---
See detall X
650 mm dia casing lifted
200 mm off bottom of
hole prior to casting
200 mm
Augered hole
Detail X
'" o
20 40
Deflection, mm

Soft mud

Sound m
-6 m
.>f. 300

60 20
(b) (e) (d)
Figure 9.19 Pile load test, after Wilson (1977). (a) Test setup. (b) Pull test on left
pile. (e) Results of compression test on center pile. (d) Results of pull test on right
374 Applications of Rock Mechanics to Foundation Engineering
peak load. In contrast, the load-deformation curve in end bearing is curved
downward almost from the beginning and may show strain hardening (Le.,
upward curvature) after a plateau of strength is reached, a1though brittle behav-
ior may occur with continued loading. A designer can choose to assign a large
proportion of the pier load to perimeter bond only if he or she assures that
deftections do not exceed those required for its full mobilization; but this is
wasteful with respect to end bearing. With continued loading beyond the peak
adhesion, the proportion of load carried by the base of the pier must increase.
In the limit where all bond is broken along the sides, it is useful to analyze
the case posed by apile or pier with frictional contact along its sides. The load
transference corresponding to the elastic case charted in Figure 9.18b would
change and approach the values corresponding to a frictional interface after the
adhesion is broken by overloading or if a construction method is used in which
bond is minimal (e.g., precast piles set into boreholes). Assuming the coeffi-
cient of side friction is zero between the pier or pile and the soil and is a
constant value p, on the wall of the socket in the rock, it is shown in Appendix 4
that the vertical stress U'y in the pier at depth y below the top of rock is
rT' = P e-{[2v,.</(1 - v, + (1 + v,lE,IE,l](yla))
v y total
where the subscripts e and r denote concrete and rock, respectively, and Ptotal is
the pressure applied to the top of the pier. If the depth 1 of the socket is input for
y, U'y calculated from the aboye equals the end-bearing pressure Pendo To ap-
proximate the results of the elastic analysis in which one assumes a welded
contact between concrete and rock, large values of p, must be introduced into
Equation 9.10, as examined in problem 7.
Bond strength is best determined by a field pullout test like the one de-
scribed or by a compressive load test with a compressible filling placed beneath
the end of the pile or pier to negate end bearing. In soft, clay-rich rocks like
weathered clay shale, which tend to fail in shear rather than in compression,
the bond strength is determined in relation to the undrained shear strength Su:
Recasting in terms of qu and cf>,
Tbond = qu 2 tan(45 + cf>/2)
Typical values of a range from 0.3 to 0.9 but may be considerably greater if the
surface is artificially roughened (Kenney, 1977). In hard rock, bond strength
Tbond reftects diagonal tension, and it may accordingly be approximated by the
tensile strength of rock and concrete. A conservative value for bond strength in
hard rocks is then

o 1000
9.5 Deep Foundations in Rock 375

2000 3000
qu. psi for concrete or rock.
whichever is weaker

T bond = qu /20

4000 5000
Figure 9.20 Strength of bond between concrete and rock for piers with radii greater
than 200 mm. (Data from Horvath and Kenney (1979) based on load tests.)
in which qu is the unconfined compressive strength of laboratory samples (see
Figure 9.20). The allowable shear stress l'allow must be less than l'bond, in both the
concrete and the rock.
Ladanyi (1977) proposed a method of design providing for full bond
strength developed over a socket length sufficient to reduce the end-bearing
pressures to acceptable values. The following iterative scpeme will achieve this
once the allowable bearing pressure and the allowable shear stress have be en
Given the total vertical load Ftotal on the top of the pier:
1. Assume a value for the allowable bond stress Tall
on the wall of the rock
2. Select a radius a. This may be dictated by the allowable load in the
376 Applications of Rock Mechanics to Foundation Engineering
3. Neglect end bearing and calculate the maximum length I
of the rock
I = Ftotal
max 27TaTallow
4. Choose a value Illess than Imax and corresponding to lIla determine Pendl
Ptotal from Figure 9.18b. Alternatively, corresponding to a lower value of
bond stress, choose a value for .L and calculate PendlPtotal = U'ylPtotal from
Equation 9.10 with y = 1

5. Calculate Pend = (Ftotal/7Ta2)(PendlPtotal)'
6. Compare Pend to the allowable bearing pressure qallow appropriate for the
material at depth I
with relative embedment ratio lIla (see Equation
7. Calculate T = (1 - PendlPtotal)(Ftotal127Tall).
8. Compare T with Tallow '
9. Repeat with 12 and a until T = Tallow and Pend ~ qallow'
If a low factor of safety is used for bond strength, a higher factor of safety is
required for bearing to assure that the displacements are compatible. Kenney
(1977) suggested that bond and end resistance could be developed at compatible
displacements by preloading the base using flat jacks or hydraulic cylinders
between the pier base and the rock.
As shown in Figure 9.21, the settlement of a pier on rock can be calculated
as the sum ofthree terms: (1) the settlement ofthe base (Wbase) under the action
of Pend; (2) the shortening of the pile itself (w
) under a uniform compressive
stress equal to Ptotal; and (3) a correction (-Llw) accounting for the transference
of load through adhesion along the sides:
w = Wbase + Wp - Llw (9.14)
These terms are calculated as follows.
Wbase is calculated from Equation 9.9 for an isotropic material or using
results of Kulhawy and Ingraffea for anisotropic materials:
Ptotal(lO + l)
W =
where lo + I is the total length of the pile and I is the length embedded in rock
1 1/0+1
Llw = E (Ptotal - U'y)dy
e lo
9.5 Deep Foundations in Rack 377
lo 1-----+__:'
lo + 1 1------="-110_--- Wp-----i.,
Figure 9.21 Settlement of a pier socketed in rock.
The last term is not important for socketed piers if most of the length of the pier
is in soil.
Shafts larger than about 1 m in diameter permit visual inspection and test-
ing of the rock, subject to water conditions, wall stability, and air quality. Many
types of tests have been tried to minimize the equipment "down time" yet
assure satisfactory rock and accurate assertions concerning rock properties.
Woodward, Gardner, and Greer (1972) recommend drilling inexpensive holes,
without coring, in the base of the socket, then feeling the sides for open crack s
and seams with a rod equipped with a sideward point. A borehole camera,
television, periscope, or the Hinds impression packer can be used advanta-
geously to inspect the rock. The latter device expands a packer in the hole to
4 For the vertical stress distribution described by Equation 9.10,
wp - dw = PtotallO + PtotaJ (J.. _ (1 + Ve)) (1 + Ee 1 + v,) .!!... (1 _ e-
Ee Ee Ve E, 1 - Ve 2p.
= 2vep.lIa
1 - Ve + (1 + v,)EJE,
378 Applications of Rock Mechanics lo Foundation Engineering
squeeze a wax film against the wall of the borehole (Barr and 1976;
and Brown, Harper, and Hinds, 1979). Cracks, seams, and beddmg can be seen
clearly in the impression.
The depth of exploration necessary to assure satisfactory bearing under a
pier depends on the depth of the rock and shape and of the
lines of equal principal stress. With vertical or honzontal strata havmg low
interbed friction, the bulbs of pressure are narrow and deep as discussed previ- v
ously. If the rock socket is short and the pressure bulbs are deep, stresses
sufficiently large to cause appreciable settlement in a weak rock layer could
occur more than 5 ft (depth of exploration required in the Rochester code,
Table 9.1) below the base of the socket. In areas underlain by karstic limestone,
it may be necessary to search below a shaft 10 m or more to find good rock, free
of cavities continuously for at least 3 m.
Rock tests conducted on the walls of sockets or in the boreholes at the base
of a socket can provide the data required for designo The jack: which
expands metal plates against opposite of a lS well sUlted for
this type of evaluation. (Borehole tests are dlscussed m Chapter 6.) In clay
shales and other soft rocks free of hard concretions, the cone penetrometer has
been used to evaluate the undrained shear strength below foundations (see
Equation 9.11). The standard penetration test is also used in. such rock. Wake-
ling (1970) correlated rock properties with standard penetratlOn tests for chalk.
When the rock has hard interbeds or concretionary lenses, standard
tion tests will be confusing. Rock mas s classification by the geomechamcs
classification discussed in Chapter 2, together with the correlation of
6.9, determines the modulus of elasticity of the foundation based on sImple
tests and observations.
9.6 Subsiding and Swelling Rocks
In previously mined regions, karst topography, highly soluble rocks, and
with swelling minerals, foundations may be displaced by rock movements qUlte
apart from deflections caused by the foundation bearing pressures. In each
case the potential problems are best handled through judicious siting after
subsurface exploration. Locations and elevations of structures may
need repeated shifting according to the results of core borings. In
terrain, it may be possible to avoid the chance of subsidence a
location underlain by barrier pillars between In !erram,
can happen despite the most thorough exploratlOn, or condltlons can deten -
rate after construction following a lowering of the table
1968). Lowering the groundwater table stresses
additionalload on existing cavities, while reducmg caplllanty of overlymg sod
that can then run into them (Sowers, 1976).
9.6 Subsiding 'and Swelling Rocks 379
If a room and pillar mine occurs beneath a building, four possibilities must
be recognized: (1) the mine is so deep that subsidence at the surface is ex-
tremely unlikely; (2) the mine is definitely caving with loss of support at the
ground surface; (3) the mine openings are presently stable but could collapse in
the future; or (4) the mine openings are stable and unlikely to deteriorate.
Mine openings more than 100 m deep rarely cave to the surface but it is not
impossible for them to do so. The geological section will establish the presence
or absence of thick, strong formations able to bridge a cave of given dimen-
sions. Based on assumptions of the maximum size of opening that could occur
at the base of a bridging formation, an analysis can be made to indicate the
likelihood of roof destruction through flexure. High horizontal stresses tend to
reinforce such bridging formations. When an opening of original height h stopes
upward, broken roof rock tumbles down and eventually fills it; as the caving
progresses, the former cavity in rock with density y is replaced by a larger
inclusion of crushed rock with density y/B. The maximum possible height H of
the inclusion aboye the previous roof is therefore
H= B - 1
Price et al. (1969) used this expression to establish the depth H to old mine
workings such that surface subsidence is not likely. In highly fractured roof
rock lacking appreciable horizontal stress, a cave may narrow upward but
subsequently open upward reaching the surface through hundreds of meters.
Thus, local experience in a mining district should be carefu,lly considered.
In areas with active mining nearby, one may be able to acquire a mine map
showing the plan and configuration of rock pillars at depth. If the accuracy of
the plan can be determined, Equation 7.4 is applicable to calculating the safety
of each pillar. Goodman et al. (1980) suggested that sorne pillar failure is ac-
ceptable if it can be shown that progressive failure is unlikely. Repeated pillar
strength calculations with updated tributary areas reflecting reassignment of
load from failed pillars will establish the maximum dimensions of potential
caves. The capability ofthe roofrock to span such caves is then determined. If
there is any doubt as to the safety of existing pillars, artificial support must be
provided or the structure must be relocated.
Foundations for structures over old mines likely to collapse can be estab-
lished safely in a number of ways as reviewed by Gray, Salver, and Gamble
(1976). If the openings are at shallow depth, it may be cheapest to excavate the
rock to a level below them and backfill or establish footings at that level.
Deeper openings can be filled with grout or with low-strength soil cement (e.g.,
lime and fly ash). They can also be propped with grout columns (Figure 9.4a).
Altematively, drilled piers socketed below the floor of the openings or piles
driven through drill holes into the ftoor of the mine openings can support the
structure below the potentially caving levels. Deep foundations may be sub-
jected to downdrag or to lateral loads from continued subsidence of the over-
380 Applications of Rock Mechanics to Foundation Engineering
swelling ;-;'''''''';''''-,--r-.-,--r---;r--r-r-.-,---r--r--r-r-r-,----,
---- Bearpaw shale
-o()o-o-- Norwegian Fault gouge
Figure 9.22 Swelling test data for Norwegian fault gouge from Brekke (1965),
and for Bearpaw shale from Peterson and Peters (1963).
burden. Lightly loaded areas over sinkholes in karst terrain can be filled with
crushed stone reinforced with wire mesh, and then tested with a compacting
fill. Concrete fill is appropriate for small cavities beneath footings only if there
is no risk of their enlargement; enlargement of a sinkhole filled with concrete
can cause sudden, violent collapse.
Swelling rock like montmorillonitic shales, weathered nontronite basalts,
and sorne salts found in evaporite deposits can create uplift pressures on foun-
dations. The expansion pressure is greatly reduced if sorne deflection is permit-
ted; therefore, one should attempt to measure the relationship between swell-
ing pressure and permitted expansion for representative core samples. Such
data can be obtained in a consolido meter , bringing a dry specimen to an initial
state of precompression and then monitoring the normal force and expansion as
the rock is saturated. If a suitable consolidometer is not obtainable, one can
place various dead weights on core samples and monitor the increase in length
with time after saturation. Figure 9.22 shows data from expansion pressure
measurements with a Norwegian fault gouge and with a Cretaceous shale.
5 R. Foose, personal cornrnunication.
Figure 9.23 Design of a belled pier for relief of uplift due to expan-
sion of the upper ayer (dashed lines). The outer annulus of con-
crete is expected to break in tension near the bottom of the expan-
sive layer; by Raba-Kistner Consultants, Inc. [Reproduced from
Woodward, Gardner, and Greer (1972) with permission.]
382 Applications of Rack Mechanics to Foundation Engineerin;
The designer can either accept the pressures and deformations or place the
foundations deep enough to inhibit access of water to the rock. Figure 9.23
from Woodward et al. (1972) shows a pier design used in Texas to accommo-
date uplift along the walls resulting from swelling soil and rock. A pipe coated
with bond-breaking mastic on its outer surface separates the main load-carrying
stem of the pier from the surrounding annulus, which breaks off in tension and v
moves up with the expanding soil. Anchor piles that reduced expansive heave
of spillway slabs in Bearpaw shales are described by Jaspar and Shtenko (1969).
In California, foundation redesign required on a housing project in expansive
claystones could assure stable support only with piers at least 6 m deep
(Meehan et al., 1975).
Fortunately, ground movements are rare in rock. However, the engineer
must always be on guard for special problems, almost any of which can be
solved economicalIy if recognized in time.
Alvarez, A. (1977) Interpretation of measurements to determine the strength and defor-
mability of an arch dam foundation, Proceedings, International Symposium on
Field Measurements in Rock Mechanics (ISRM) (Balkema, Rotterdam), Vol. 2,
pp. 825-836.
Ashton, W. D. and Schwartz, P. H. (1974) H bearing piles in limestone and ciay shales,
J. Geotech. Eng. Div., (ASCE) 100 (GT7): 787-806.
Aurora, R. P. and Reese, L. C. (1977) Field tests of drilled shafts in ciay
Proceedings, 9th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and FoundatlOn
Engineering, Vol. 1, pp. 371-377. . .
Barr, M. V. and Hocking, G. (1976) Borehole structurallogging employing a pneumatl-.
cally inftatable impression packer, Proceedings, Symposium on Exploration for
Rock Engineering, Vol. 1, pp. 29-34.
Bell, F. G. (Ed.) (1978) Foundation Engineering in Difficult Ground, Newnes-But-
terworths, London. .
Bishnoi, B. W. (1968) Bearing capacity of jointed rock, Ph.D. thesis, Georgia Institute
of Technology.
Brekke, T. L. (1965) On the measurement ofthe relative potential swellability ofhydro-
thermal montmorillonite ciay from joints and faults in PreCambrian and
rocks, Norway, Int. J Rock Mech. Min. Sci. 2: 155-165.
Brown, E. T., Harper, T. R., and Hinds, D. V. (1979) Discontinuity measurements
the borehole impression probe-a case study, Proc. 4th Congo ISRM
Vol. 2, pp. 57-62.
Carter, J. P. and Kulhawy, F. H. (1988) Analysis and of drilled shaft toulnaall'lU"';
socketed into rock, Electric Power Research InstItute, Report EL-5918.
Coates, D. F. (1967) Rock Mechanics PrincipIes, op. cit. Chapter 1.
Conway, H. D. (1955) Note on the orthotropic half plane subjected to COI:lCentr8tc1i
loads, J. Appl. Mech. 77: 130.
References 383
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Problems 385
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1. Derive an analog to Equation 9.6 for the case where the strength envelope
of the foundation rock has peak parameters CPP' Sp and residual parameters
cf>" S,.
2. Modify Equation 8.2 to inelude a structuralload P oriented f3 degrees below
horizontal toward the free surface and bearing on the top surface of the
3. Discuss the stability of the block in the following sketch under its own
weight Wand the applied load P; a, b, and h are variables. In (a) P acts
through the centroid; in (b) it acts at the upper right comer.
lal lb)
4. Modify Equation 8.12 to inelude a structuralload P oriented as in Problems
2 and 3 and bearing on the surface of the upper block (the "active" block).
5. Compare Pend/Ptotal calculated with Equation 9.10 using .t = tan 59, and as
given by Osterberg and Gill' s results (Figure 9 .18b) for EJE, = 1/4 and Ve =
386 Applications of Rock Mechanics to Foundation Engineering
v, = 0.26. What value of JL seems appropriate for a pier loaded so that it
settles 40 mm? Explain any discrepancy from the value of JL used in the first
part to fit Osterberg and Gill's results.
6. Given a fractured cemented shale with unconfined compressive strength
qu = 18 MPa, obtained from tests with cylinders 4 in. long by 2 in. in
diameter, estimate the allowable bearing pressure qallow and the allowable
bond stress Tallow for design of a pier approximately 2 m in diameter. The
rock in situ is fresh but is broken by three sets of joints spaced on the
average 30 cm aparto
7. Discuss the design of a pier passing through soil and into the rock. The
properties of the concrete and rock are as follows: E,/ Ee = 0.5; v, = Ve =
0.25, qallow = 2 MPa; Tallow = 0.1 MPa, and the maximum allowable com-
pressive stress on the concrete is 10 MPa. The applied load at the surface of
the pier is 20 MN (downward). Direct shear tests of concrete sliding on
representative rock in a pier configuration gave a friction angle of 40.
Consider design for a bonded pier and for a pier unbonded to the wall.
8. Calculate the minimum width of a long cave necessary to fail the roof
formed by a 200-ft-thick ledge of sandstone. The sandstone has qu = 20
MPa and T
= 2 MPa.
9. Modify Equation 9.15 for the case of a triangular zone of caving aboye an
opening of height h and width L (see the following diagram).
...... -
" v V' V v \1 ..........
. ti \1 .; "v ..... '"'
'1/ ~ ~ "Y. ." 'v V
- - - - - - L - - - - - - ~
Problems 387
10. An approach like that used to derive Equation 9.10 can be used to derive
the required support pressure Pb for a weightless beam in elastic rock under
vertical pressure q. The figure shows a prismatic free body diagram from
which the requirement for vertical equilibrium yields
s2d(Iv + 4TS dy = O
in which s is the spacing between passive supports under the beam, placed
on a rectangular pattern.
(a) Assume that the horizontal stress is (Ih = k(Iv and that at limiting equilib-
rium T = (Ih tan <1>. Solve the differential equation, with the boundary
condition (Iv = q when y = Oto determinethe support pressure PB = (Iv
when y = t.
B s
1 Section AA
3SS Applications of Rack Mechanics to Foundation Engineering
(b) Assume that the roek behaves like a eohesionless material with U"h = U")
(45 + 1>12). Caleulate the force per support for a beam with s =
1.5 m, 1> = 25, t = 1 m, q = 21 kPa, and a factor of safety of 1.0.
11. (a) Repeat Problem 10 for a beam with self weight.
(b) Reealculate the answer in 10(b) when 'Y = 27 kN/m

(e) How would the derivation in (a) differ if roek bolts, rather than passive
roof supports were being installed?
A p p e n d ~ 1
S tress es
State of Stress at a Point-Two Dimensions
The "state of stress" at a point o, Figure A1.1, is defined by the net forees per
unit length (the "traetion") aeross any two perpendicular lines, Ox and Oy,
through the point. If the stress varies in the body, the force per unit length is
understoQd to apply only to the immediate neighborhood of O. If the body is in
equilibrium, the traetions are balaneed by equal and opposite forees aeross the
seleeted lines Ox, Oy. The state of stress is not altered by the choice ofaxes but
its eomponents are. The eomponents ofthe traetion on the x plane (perpendicu-
lar to Ox) are u"x normal to the x axis and Txy along it. If u"x when eompressive is
pointed toward positive x, Txy is reekoned positive when pointed toward posi-
tive y, and vice versa. (Compression is being eonsidered a positive stress here;
tension is negative.) Rotationalequilibrium of the small square of Figure A1.2
" y
-i. ""
........ .......
Figure Al.l
390 Stresses
1 ",
.. OOII!
T .r.,
o ~
requires Txy = Tyx ; the state of stress is then defined by the values of the three
components CT
, and T
. We can denote this by
Normal and Shear Stress Across a Given
Plane through O-Two Dimensions
(Al. 1)
Once {CT}xy is known, we can calculate the traction across a line of any other
orientation through o. Imagine the line as the trace of aplane parallel to z (so
that we can refer to the stress across a "plane" rather than across a line) and
consider aplane whose normal Ox' (Figure AI.3) is inclined a with Ox. If AB has
unit length, then OA has length cos a and OB has length sin a. Let Sx' be the net
force perpendicular to AB (parallel to Ox'). Sx' is the vector sum ofthe compo-
nent of force s produced by CT
and Txy acting on OA, and Tyx acting on OB.
Normal and Shear Stress Across a Given Plane throll8h O 391
I ~ ~ ~ - - ~ = = = = = = ~ - - - - - - . x
Therefore we can write
Sx' = (CTx cos a)cos a + (Txy cos a)sin a + (CT
sin a)sin a
+ (Tyx sin a)cos a
and since Txy = T
Sx' = CTx cos
a + CTy sin
a + Txy2 sin a cos a
Similarly, let Tx ' be the net force parallel to AB, directed 'parallel to Oy'. Then,
the vector resultants give
Tx' = -(CTx cos a)sin a + (Txy cos a)cos a + (CTy sin a)cos a
+ (Tyx sin a)sin a
and with Tyx = T xy' we can write
Tx' = CTA-sin a cos a) + CTy(sin a cos a) + Txy(COS
a - sin
392 Stresses
The normal and shear stress U'x' and Tx'y' on the x' "plane" equilibrate Sx' and
' as shown in Figure A1.3. The normal and shear stress on any plane through .
O whose normal OX' is inclined a with OX are thus
U'x'} (cos
a sin
a sin 2a ){U'x} (Al.2)
Tx'y' = -! sin 2a ! sin 2a cos 2a :;
Positive values of U'x' and Tx'y' are directed as shown in Figure A1.3.
Use of Mohr's Circles
This well-known graphical approach can be used to determine U'x' and Tx'y' when
given U'x, U'y and Txy ' If the signs as well as the magnitudes ofthe shear stresses
Tx'y' are to be understood correctly, take care to follow these rules
Draw Cartesian coordinates x, y, and take U' positive parallel to x, T
positive parallel to y (Figure Al.4).
Plot point Q at coordinate (U'x, Txy).
Plot point P at coordinate (U'y, -Txy )' Pis termed the "pole."
Mark point C along the U' axis at the midpoint of PQ.
Draw a circle with center C and radius CP.
Through P, draw a line parallel to x' intersecting the circle at L. The
coordinates of point L are (U'x', -Tx'y')'
Through P, draw a line parallel to y' intersecting the circle at M. The
coordinates at point M are (U'y' , Tx'y')'
For example, Figure Al.4 shows the Mohr circle construction for a state of
stress given by U'x = 8, U'y = 3, and Txy = 2. The magnitudes ofthe normal and
shear stresses on a plane perpendicular to x' directed 10 from x are 8.5 and 1.0,
respectively, in the directions shown. .
Principal Stresses
For a certain value of a, Tx'y' is zero and U'x' is maximum or minimum. The
directions of x' and y' are called principal directions and the respective normal
stresses are the major principal stress U'I and the minor principal stress U'3' To
1 Told to the author by Dr. John Bray of Imperial College.
Principal Slresses 393
Find (lz', Tz'y' in
x',y' directions

y' y
Figure Al.4
calculate the directions, set the second equation of (A 1. 2) to zero, giving
which yields
. 2 U'y - U'x
= SlO a 2 + cos 2aTxy
tan 2a = 2Txy
(Tx - U'y
394 Stresses
The sign of a is determined as follows: Let ) (-1T/2 ::::; ) ::::; 1T12) be the arctan of
the term in parentheses in (AI.3). The major principal stress 0"\ acts in direction
(J, measured counterclockwise from Ox:

if o"x > O"y
) 1T
(J = "2 +"2 if O"x < O"Y and T xy > O
) 1T f d
= "2 -"2 1 o"x < O"y an Txy < O
The two roots of (AI.3) define the principal directions and inserting them in the
first row of (A1.2) gives the magnitudes of 0"\ and 0"2:
0"\ = i(O"x + O"y) + + !(O"x - O"y)2]1I2
0"2 = i(O"x + O"y) - + !(O"x - O"y)2]1/2
Mohr's circle can also yield the principal stresses and directions, as in Figure
State of Stress at a
Point in Three Dimensions
In three dimensions, emulating the condition in two dimensions, the "state of
stress" is defined by the net forces per unit area (tractions) across any three
orthogonal planes through O (Figure AI.5). The state of stress is not altered by
the choice ofaxes but the components are. The signs are defined as in the two-

Figure Al.5
Sta te of Stress at a Point in Three Dimensions 395
dimensional case: on each of the coordinate planes the traction is decomposed
into one normal and two shear components; if a normal compression is directed
parallel to a positive coordinate axis, the shear components are positive parallel
to the other positive coordinate directions, and vice versa. On the plane per-
pendicular to x, for example, the positive shear stresses labeled T
and T z are
directed as shown in Figure A1.6. y
Rotational equilibrium of a small cube at O requires
Tyz = T
Tyx = Txy
Tzx = T
Therefore the state of stress is completely defined by a symmetric matrix with
six independent components:

y plane
Figure Al.6
396 Stresses
Normal and Shear Stresses across a Given
Plane through O-Three Dimensions
Consider the plane whose normal OX' makes angles of (XiX) with Ox, (X'y) with
Oy, and (x'z) with Oz with direction cosines:
Ix' = cos(x'x)
, = COS(X'y)
, = cos(x
If ABC has unit area, then OAC has area Ix" OAB has area mx" and OBC has
area n
' (Figure A1.7).
Let Sx' be the net force perpendicular to plane ABC (Le., parallel to OX'). Sx'
is the vector sum of the components of force s produced by the tractions P x, P y,
and Pz on the three coordinate planes of Figure Al. 7, which have been decom-
posed into the nine stress components shown in Figure Al.8. The strategy will
be to combine these components into forces Px'x parallel to X, PX'y parallel to y,
and PX'z parallel to z and then to project each of these force s in turn in the
direction of S x' :
Px'x = U"xlx' + Tyxmx' + Tzxnx'
px'y = Txylx' + U"ymx' + Tzynx'
PX'z = Txzlx' + Tyzmx' + U"znx,
Figure Al.7
Normal and Shear Stresses Across a Given Plane through O 397
~ X '
~ ~ ~ ~ - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - Y
Figure Al.8
(A 1. 10)
so that
Similarly, let y' and Z' be perpendicular axes in the x' plane and let Tx'y' and Tx'z'
be the net force s on the X' plane parallel to y' and Z' (Figure Al.9).
Let y' have direction cosines
' = COS(y'X)
my, = COS(y'y)
ny, = COS(y' z)
(Al. 12)
398 Stresses

______________ ____
Figure Al.9
and let Z' have direction cosines
' = cos z'x
, = cos z'y
, = cos Z'Z
where, as before, y'x is the angle between the y' and x axes, etc.
To find Tx'y' , project Px'x, PX'y, and Px'z on y' and sum, giving
Tx'y' =
(Al. 13)
(Al. 14)
(Al. 15)
Normal and Shear Stresses Across a Given Plane through O 399
Substituting (Al.9) in the aboye and combining with (Al.lI) and observing that
Sx" Tx'y' , and Tx'z' are equilibrated by stresses (T x', Tx'y', and Tx'z' acting over the
x' plane (Figure A1.9), the latter can be calculated using the following compact
(Al. 16)
(Al. 16a)
(Al. 16b)
(The superscript T in Al. 16) indicates the matrix transpose.)
With y' and Z' axes directed as shown in Figure A1.9, the directions of
positive shear stresses Tx'y' and Tx'z' are shown in the same figure. The shear
stresses may be combined into a single resultant shear on the x' plane Tx',max
whose magnitude is then
IT ' I = YT
+ T
x ,max x/y' x'z'
(Al. 17)
Tx',max makes a counterc1ockwise angle of () with the negative direction of y'
(Figure Al. 10) where
T' ,)
() = tan-

(Al. 18)
z' __
Figure Al.lO
400 stresses
Figure A1.11
D = amount of dip
S = "the strike"
08 = strike line
OA = d ip vector
OC = dip direction
Finding Direction Cosines for a GYen Plane
Geological data will normally define the orientation of a by its. "st.rike"
and "dip" (Figure A1.11). The strike is the azimuth of a honzontal hne In
planeo The dip is a vector pointed down the. the .plane and lS
defined by the azimuth of its horizontal proJectlOn (the dlP dlrectlOn), and the
vertical angle between the horizontal projection and the dip (the
01 dip). For example, a bedding plane might be defined by stnke N 40 E, dlp
Figure A1.12
Finding Direction Cosines for a Given Plane 401
35 to the S 50 E. Coordinate axes will be taken as follows: x is horizontal to
the east, y is horizontal north, and z is upward.
The bearing of the upward normal to the plane is the same as the bearing of
its dip, and it rises at a vertical angle complement to the amount of dip. To
apply Equations Al.16 to calculate the stresses across the given plane, given
the local state of stress, we describe each of the axes x', y', z' by a horizontal
angle f3 and a vertical angle 8 as shown in Figure A1.13; f3 is the counterclock-
wise angle from x to the horizontal projection of the axis in question while 8 is
the vertical angle between the axis and its horizontal projection. The Hne Ox' is
in the direction of the upward normal. It proves convenient to take y' positive
when directed up the steepest slope of the plane, that is, opposite to the dip
vector, and z' along the strike, as shown in Figure Al.9. For the indicated
bedding plane then, the bearings and rise angles of the three axes are (Figure
Al. 12):
Compass Rise Angle 8
Line Bearing

(Positive if aboye Horizontal)
x' S 50 E -40 55
y' N 50
W 140 35
z' S 40 W -130 O

.............. Projection of
"'} ........ / axis
x East
Figure Al.13
402 Stresses
The direction cosines can be calculated from the known angles (3 and ) of
each axis. From Figure Al. 13:
I = cos ) cos (3
m = cos ) sin (3
n = sin )
For the given bedding plane then
Principal Stresses
(L) = -0.63
(Al. 19)
No matter what the state of stress, it is possible to find three orthogonal planes
along which the shear stresses vanish. The normal stresses on these three
planes are called principal stresses 0"1, 0"2, 0"3. (We will adopt the convention
0"1 > 0"2 > 0"3 throughout.)
Consider a principal plane perpendicular to x* with direction cosines 1*,
m*, n* and normal stress (principal stress) 0"*. Since there is no shear compo-
nent, 0"* is also the traction, that is, the resultant force is normal to the x*
planeo The x component ofthe traction (Px*x) must then equal the projection of
0"* along x, that is, Px*x = 0"*1* (Figure Al.I4). Similarly, Px*y = O"*m* and
Figure Al.14
Transformation to a New Coordina te System 403
Px*z = O"*n*. Recalling (A1.9), these equations can be written
(/*m*n*) Txy
O" - 0"*
(I*m*n*) x T
= (O, O, O)
O"z - 0"*
Equation Al.20 represents a homogeneous set of three simultaneous equations
whose solution requires that the determinant of the square matrix be equal to
Expanding this determinant, and setting it equal to zero, gives
where 11 is the sum ofthe diagonal terms of (O")xyz, lz is the sum ofthe minors of
each diagonal term of (O" )xyz' and h is the determinant of (O" )xyz :
11 = O"x + O"y + O"z
lz = (O"yO"z - T;z) + (O"xO"z - T ~ z ) + (O"xO"y - T ~ ) (A1.2la)
11, lz, and h are uniquely defined regardless of the choice of the x, y, z axes.
They are thus spoken of as "invariants of stress. " The three roots of this cubic
equation are the three principal stresses (the eigenvalues); putting each root in
turn in (A1.20) yields a homogeneous set of three equations. Discard any one
and the remaining two equations may be sol ved for two of the direction cosines
in terms ofthe third and since 1*2 + m*2 + n*2 = 1, the direction cosines l*m*n*
can be determined for two roots; the third direction is perpendicular to the two
axes thus defined. These eigenvectors define the three principal stress direc-
Transformation lo a New Coordina le Syslem
Given the state of stress relative to x, y, z, Equation Al.l6 shows how to find
O"x'Tx'y' and Tx'z' , the components of stress on the x' planeo Repetition of this
approach for the y' and z' planes would pro vide formulas for six additional
404 Stresses
stress components, completing the transformation of stresses to an entirely
new set of coordinate axes. The results are
(A 1.22)
Since only six components are unique, it is possible to rewrite (<T) as a list of six
numbers in a row or column, that is, to represent it by a six-component "vec-
tor." This proves useful in manipulating data from stress measurements in
nonorthogonal directions as discussed in Chapter 4. Expanding (Al.22) and
rearranging gives
1;, m;,
l ~ , m ~ ,
ly,lz' my,m
lz,lx' mz,m
lx,ly' mx,my'
nz' nx' mx' nz' + mz' nx'
nx'ny, mx,ny, + my,n
2nx' Ix'
nx,lz' + nz,lx'
nx,ly' + ny, Ix'
' <Tx
, <Ty
' <T
' + lz,my' Tyz
' + lz,mx' Tzx
Ix' my, + ly' mx' T xy
(A 1. 24)
tlOctahedral Stresses"
Theories of failure are often plotted in terms of principal stresses: (<TI, <T2, <TJ)
= o. To achieve a two-dimensional representation ofthe surface represented by
, it proves helpful to view it in a series of sections looking down an axis (x')
making equal angles with each of the principal stresses-the "octahedral
axis." Let <TI correspond to z, <T2 to x, and <T3 to y (Figure Al.15); then the
direction cosines of x' are
Ix' = mx , = nx , = V3 (A1.25)
As we did earlier, let y' be directed up the x' plane (the "octahedral plane") and
let z' He along the strike of the x' plane (Figure A1.15).
" I
x'x ::; x'y ::; x'z
Figure Al.15
"Octahedral Slresses" 405
The matrix of direction cosines for transformation ofaxes is then
1 1 1
V3 V3 V3
(L)octahedral =
1 1 v
V6 V6 V3
1 1
whereupon the normal and shear stresses are
<TI + <T2 + <T3
<Tx' = 3 (A 1. 27a)
(A 1. 27b)
The directions of the shear stresses in the octahedral plane (looking toward the
origin down the octahedral axis, that is, down x') are as shown in Figure Al. 16.
406 Stresses
Figue Al.16
T max,oct
Combining Equations A1.27b and e into a resultant shear stress in the oetahe-
dral plane gives
'Tmax,oct = 3 v' CTI + + - CTICT2 - CTI CT3 - CT2CT3 (A 1. 28a)
The direetion of'T max,oct is (J degrees eounterc1oekwise from 'Tx'y' (Figure A 1.16)
(J = tan -1 ----...=--_CT....::2_-_CT..;;.3--
V3(2CTI - CT2 - CT3)
(A 1. 28b)
Note that the normal stress on the oetahedral plane is equal to the mean
principal stress (=1
/3). AIso the maximum shear stress proves to
equal to v'Vz where J
is the seeond invariant of the stress matnx;
the latter is formed from (CT) by subtraeting 11/3 from eaeh dIagonal termo
Problems 407
1. Using Equations A1.2, with {CTxy} as given, find the normal and shear
stresses for the following planes and show the direetions of the stresses by
arrows. (Remember a is the angle from Ox to the normal to the plane.)
(a) CT
= 50, CTy = 30, 'Txy = -20
1. a = 30
2. a = 45
3. a = 90
4. a = O
(b) CT
= 100, CTy = 60, 'Txy = 20
1. a = -75
2. a = -60
3. a = -30
4. a = 22S
2. Confirm the answers to eaeh of the aboye by using Mohr's circ1e.
3. For the stresses of Problems la and lb, find the direetions and magnitudes
of the principal stresses, (a) using Mohr's circ1es, and (b) using Equations
A1.3 and A1.4.
4. Derive a formula for CTy ' where Oy' is an axis through O, perpendicular to Ox'
as shown in Figure A1.2.
5. U se your answer to Problem 4 to show that CTx + CTY = CTx' + CTy' for any
value of a.
6. Find the direetion of major principal stress analytieally if
(a) CT
= 60, CT
= 100, 'Txy = 20
(b) CT
= 60, CT
= 100, 'Txy = -20
(e) Verify (a) using Mohr's circ1e.
(d) Verify (b) using Mohr's circ1e.
7. Given the following strikes and dips of planes, ealculate (L), the matrix of
direetion eosines of x', y', and z'. (x', y', and z' are direeted as in Figure
A1.9. The x axis is horizontal to the east. The y axis is horizontal to the
north. The z axis is upward.)
(a) Strike N, dip 30 E.
(b) Strike N 70 W, dip 70 S 20 W.
(e) Strike N 45 E, dip vertical.
(d) Horizontal (take y' north).
8. A point in a roek mass has stresses given by
(CT) = 50
50 50)
200 O
O 700
40S Stresses
Ifthe x, y, and z axes are directed as in Problem 7, find the stress compo-
nents referred to the x' plane for each of the planes (a)-(d) of Problem 7.
AIso calculate the maximum shear stress in the x' plane in magnitude and
direction and show it in a diagram.
9. In each case of Problem 8, calculate the magnitude of the maximum shear
stress by vector subtraction of U" x' from the resultant (Rx') of P x'x, P x'y , and
Px'z. Compare your answers with the answers to Problems 8 and 9.
10. For Problem 8d, compare the answer as calculated with the stresses given
in the x, y, z system.
11. For the stresses of Problem 8, calculate /1 , /Z, and h
12. Map the states of stress below into the octahedral planeo
(a) U"I = 150, U"2 = O, U"3 = O
(b) U"I = 100, U"2 = 50, U"3 = O
(c) U"I = 100, U"2 = 25, U"3 = 25
(d) U"I = 50, U"2 = 50, U"3 = 50
(e) U"I = 75, U"2 = 75, U"3 = O
(1) U"I = 200, U"2 = O, U"3 = -50
Strains and Strain
A p p e n d ~ 2
"Strain" refers to the change in shape of a body as its points are displaced. A
full discussion of strain theory is found in Chapter 2 of Fundamentals oi Rock
Mechanics by Jaeger and Cook (1976). Here we can list sorne of the basic
relationships required to work with strain in rocks.
The state of strain in two dimensions is described by three components:
The "normal strain" ex is the shortening of a unit line originally parallel to the x
axis while ey is the shortening of a unit line originally parallel to y. In Figure
A2.1, points O, P, and R before deformation have moved to O', P', and R',
respectively. The normal strains are approximately
O'P" - OP au
ex = -
= --
OP ax
O'R" - OR au
ey = - = --
OR ay
where u and u are the x and y displacements of a point resulting from straining.
The "shear strain" Yxy is the sum of angles 8
and 8
; it may be considered the
loss in perpendicularity of the originally orthogonal axes OP and OR. In Figure
_ (au au)
Yxy - 81 + 8
= - - + -
. ay ax
410 Strains and Strain Rosettes
_.i. __
o, I

Figure A.2.1
A positive shear strain is shown in the figure in which the angle ROP has
increased beyond 90 as a result of straining.
If the state of strain is known, the components ,of strain may be calculated
for lines in all other directions, for example, parallel to axes x' and y' in Figure
A2.2. Equations AI.2-AI.4 in Appendix 1, related to transformation of
stresses, can be used directly if the following substitutions are made: (1) In
place of any term named (T, introduce the corresponding e term (e.g., ex for (T x,
el for (TI). (2) In place of any term called T, substitute y/2 (e.g., tyx'y' in place of
To calculate ex> given {e}xy make these substitutions in the first of Equa-
tions AI.2, giving
____ ____________
Figure A.2.2
Use of Strain Gage Rosettes
Use of Slrain Gage Rosettes
A "rosette" is a set of three strain a es i .
aA, aH, ae, (FigureA2.3). g g n dlfferent known orientations,
When the state of strain is given with res
normal strain along another directl' . l' d to the x, y coordinates the
)' . on me me a wlth x (co tI' '
lve IS glven by Equation A2 2 Al' h" un ere OCkwIse po si-
"arms" gives " pp ymg t IS m tum to each of the rosette
:;] = ! :::
ee cos
ae sin
ae ! sin 2ae y y
The magnitudes of th t . xy
aboye. e s ram components may be found by inverting the
For a rosette with a = O
inversl' f (A2 A, aH = 45, and ae = 90 (a "45 rosette")
on o .3) yields
::] = [
yxy -1 2 -1 ee

412 Strains and Strain Hosettes
For rosette with aA = O, aB = 60, ac = 120, (a 60 rosette), inversion of
(A2.3) yields
Principal Strains
The principal strains are the normal strains along a set of directions such that
originally perpendicular lines remain perpendicular as a result of deformations.
Principal strains el, e2 (el > e2) may be found for a given state of strain by
making the required substitutions in Equations A1.3 and A1.4 (Appendix Al).
The principal strains are
el = !(e
+ ey) + U ' r ~ + (ex - ey)2]1I2
e2 = !(e
+ ey) - U ' r ~ + (ex - ey)2]1I2
and the direction of major principal strain is given by
tan 2a = 'rxy
ex - ey
The sign of a is determined by application of the rules given after (A1.3).
Deviatoric and Nondeviatoric Strains
The 3 x 3 strain matrix describing a three-dimensional state of strain can be
subdivided into "nondeviatoric" and "deviatoric" portions. The former de-
scribes the volume change; the latter describes the distortion:
ex 'rxy 'rXZ) (8 O O) ( ex 2exy 2exz)
'rxy ey 'ryZ = O 8 O + 2exy ey 2eyz
'rxz 'ryz ez O O 8 2exz 2eyz ez
Nondeviatoric Deviatoric
_ ex + ey + e
ex = ex - e, etc.
Problema 413
exy = !yxy, etc.
1. Write formulas for the complete ehange ofaxes to express {e}x'y' in terms of
{e}xy .
2. Derive formulas for a rosette gage with arms at aA = O, aB = 60, and ac =
90 expressing {e}xy in terms of the three measured eontraetions eA, eB,
and eco
3. A strain rosette with arms at aA = O, aB = 60, and ac = 120, gives the
following readings:
(a) eA = 10-3, eB = 0.5 X 10-
, ec = O
(b) eA = 10-
, eB = 2 X 10-
, ec = 3 X 10-
(e) eA = 2 X 10-4, eB = 3.8 X 10-4, ec = 5.2 X 10-
Calculate the state of strain {e}xy.
4. In regard to Problem 3, compute the magnitudes and direetions of principal
strains el and e2.
. 'S;i,
. \
Identification of
Rocks and Minerals
How Many Rocks and Minerals
Must an Engineer Know?

Textbooks of mineralogy commonly list determinative properties for about 200
minerals. A good book on petrography will mention more than 1000 types of
rocks. The subject is interesting and has many practical offshoots. Fortunately,
however, the list of the most common rock-forming minerals is rather short-
about 16-and many of the rock types fall naturally into groups with similar
engineering attributes, so that only about 40 rock names will suffice to describe
most ofthe individuals ofreal interest for civil engineering purposes. There are
exceptional cases, however, when rather bizarre rock types cause unusual
problems for excavations or rock materials. Rather than leam 1000 varieties to
be equipped for the one special case, it is more efficient to enlist the aid of a
petrologist when this happens. For the basic education of the geotechnical
engineer, it will usually suffice to become familiar with the 16 mineral s and 40
rocks discussed below; that is, to be able to identify them and to know some-
thing of their occurrence and properties.
Rock-Forming Minerals
The common rock-forming minerals are silicates, carbonates, and several salts
(sulfates and chlorides). The silicate minerals are formed from the silica tetra-
hedra (Si0
) linked together in "island structures," sheets, chains, and net-
416 IdentificatioR of Rocks aRd Minerals
works by iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and other ions. The island
structures, such as olivine, are tetrahedra without shared comers-they are the
highest temperature minerals of the silicate group (earliest formed when a melt
cools) and they are generally the first to weather when exposed to the atmo-
sphere. The sheet structures (e.g., mica) have easy parting (cleavage) in one
direction and generally low shear strength along that direction (parallel to the
sheets). Chains (e.g., pyroxenes and amphiboles) and networks like feldspars
and quartz are usually very strong and durable.
The carbonates are weakly soluble in water but more highly soluble if water
has been enriched in acid by percolation through soil or by industrial pollution.
The carbonate minerals also have the characteristic of twinning readily by
gliding on intracrystalline planes, so rocks composed of these minerals behave
plastically at elevated pressures. Other salts (e.g., gypsum and halite) are read-
ily soluble in water. The sulfide pyrite is present in small amounts in almost all
rocks and occasionally occurs as a significant percentage of rocks.
The common rock-forming minerals that you should be able to identify are:
Quartz, feldspar (orthoclase, and plagioclase), mica (biotite and muscovite),
chlorite, amphibole, pyroxene, and olivine.
Calcite and dolomite.
Gypsum, anhydrite, halite, pyrite, and graphite.
Table A3.1 will assist you to identify these minerals. Since minerals forming the
rock fabric are usually found in fragments or crystals less than a centimeter in
maximum dimension, it is necessary to view the rock using a hand lens, or even
better, a binocular microscope. The minerals are divided into those that can be
scratched by the fingemail, those that can be scratched by a knife blade but not
by the fingemail, and those that cannot be scratched by a knife blade. On Moh's
scale of relative hardness, the fingemail will usually have a hardness between 2
and 2i, while the average knife will have a hardness of between 5 and 5i. The
presence or absence of cleavage is one ofthe easily noted diagnostic features of
the mineral s listed. Cleavage surfaces are smooth and uniform and reflect inci-
dent light uniformly at one orientation. The angles between the cleavages can
be measured by rotating the specimen in the hand to move from the orientation
of a reflection on one surface to the reflection orientation for the adjacent
surface. As an illustration of how the table works, compare calcite, feldspar,










u Z


.. ca
'" > c.",

c: "
e :!:!'
'" ..
i", '"

1----+-_ o.
cu ID f.!
O <:
'" Z

u _
.; ..
... '"

Z ..
418 Identification of Rocks and Minerals
and quartz, three mineral s that are frequently confused by engineers. Quartz
presents no cleavage and will not be scratched by a knife. (It may display
crystal faces; crystal faces are destroyed when the crystal is broken, whereas
cleavage surfaces will be found on all the mineral chips after the c r y s t ~ l is
broken.) Feldspar is harder than the knife and also presents two good dlrec-
tions of cleavage. Calcite also has good cleavage but it can be scratched.
Moreover, the calcite presents rhombohedral angles between the cleavage sur-
faces (75 and 105) whereas the feldspar deavages have approximately 90
angles between them.
Other Important Minerals
A small number of minerals account for most of the special problems that
sometimes occur with rocks. These special problems concern pollution, rapid
weathering, swelling, chemical attack of neighboring rocks, deleterious behav-
ior in concrete, and very low friction. Sorne of the minerals involved are diffi-
cult to identify in hand specimens but the engineer should recognize the names
and look for them in geological reports. Academic geologists are not always
aware of the influence sorne of these individual s can exert on engineering
properties and behavior ofrocks. A partiallisting ofpotential problem minerals
Soluble Minerals
Calcite, dolomite, gypsum, anhydrite, salt (halite), and zeolite.
Unstable Minerals
Marcasite and pyrrhotite.
Potentially Unstable Minerals
Nontronite (iron-rich montmorillonite), nepheline, leucite, micas rich in iron'.
Minerals Whose Weathering Releases sulfurie Acid
Pyrite, pyrrhotite, and other sulfides (ore minerals).
Minerals with Low Frietion Coeffieients
Clays (especially montmorillonites), talc, chlorite, serpentine, micas, graphite,
and molybdenite.
Identification of Common Rocks 419
Potentially Swelling Minerals
Montmorillonites, anhydrite, vermiculite.
Minerals That Reaet or Interfere with Portland Cement
Opal, volcanic glass, sorne cherts, gypsum, zeolite, and mica.
Bergeforsen Dam affords an example of special problems due to mineralogy. A
series of basic dikes under the concrete gravity structure decomposed in a few
years after impoundment of water due to rapid decay of calcite. Solution of
calcite was accelerated by carbon dioxide in vugs within the rock; the percolat-
ing water dissolved the carbon dioxide, thereby becoming enriched in carbonic
acid. Originally hard rock was thus transformed to day. The foundation was
washed and pressure grouted. AIso, lime-saturated water was circulated con-
tinuously through the rock at a pressure higher than that of the reservoir,
thereby excluding the reservoir water from the foundation (Aastrup and Sall-
strom, 1964; see references in Chapo 2).
Identification of Common Rocks
One cannot expect to be able to assign the correct geological mime to all
specimens found in an engineering project; sometimes it requires not only a
thorough training in petrology but also petrographic examination of a thin
section to determine the rock type. However, there is a system to rock identifi-
cation and most engineers can manage to become fairly proficient at classifying
rocks with a little guidance. It should be appreciated that the geological classifi-
cation of rocks is not intended to group rocks with like engineering properties;
in fact, its prime purpose is to group rocks of similar mode of origino Neverthe-
less, a rock name with a short description ofthe nature and arrangement ofthe
component partides or crystals often connotes much that is of practical value.
Table A3.2 presents a greatly simplified flow chart that will help you assign
a name to an unknown specimen. In most cases using this. chart, a rock group
name can be assigned unambiguously after examination of a fresh surface of an
unknown hand specimen. However, the chart is not infallible because the
boundaries between grades are sometimes based upon subjective judgments,
and the qualities being assessed are often gradational in character from one
individual to the next. Of the many attributes presented by a rock specimen
three are singled out dominantIy in this chart-texture, hardness, and

May be anisotropic in hand specimen.
No assoclated
Hornfels or
Mixed sizes:
coarse with
fine or very
fine crystal
Identification Scheme for Rocks
Very dense,
calcite or
schist and
Bands of
light and
dark layers
Mica is dis-
structure conchoidal
and chert
altered diabase
Continuous Chlorite
mica J I
Mica Green
schist schist
Razor sharp Silvery
edges after sheen, no
cleavage visible
Slate Phyllite
Mica Finely
absent divided
422 ldentiftcation of Rocks and Mmerals
TABLE A3.2-(continued)
Mainly Mainly Angular Sand Mainly
volcanic nonvolcanic blocks grains volcanic
pebbles pebbles and sand
and cobbles (lapilli)
and ash
Agglomerate Conglomerate Breccia Sandstone Tuff
Quartzite Greywacke Arkose
Uniform Dirty Quartz
quartz sand with Feldspar
grains rock grains (some mica
and other
The major division is between crystalline and clastic textures. The crystal-
line rocks like granite, basalt, and marble possess an interlocking fabric of
crystals witb very little or no pore space. There may be grain boundary cracks
and other fissures that can weaken the rock, and the crystals themselves may
be deformable (e.g., calcite in marble) but the fabric is generally a strong one.
In contrast, the clastic rocks consist of a collection of pieces of mineral s and
rocks with subspherical pore space more or less continuously connected
through the rock. To the extent that this pore space is filled with durable
cement, the rock will be strong and rigid. Sorne clastic rocks that are hard and
rocklike in appearance contain only clay in the interparticle spaces and soften
to soil-like consistency on soaking in water. Sorne rock specimens are so fine
grained that the grains or crystals cannot be seen with the naked eye; in that
case the rock can be classified with other tests.
ldentification of Common Rocks 423
. The second classification index used in Table A3.2 is hardness. Although it
IS less well defined as a rock property than as a mineral property, the scratch
hardness of a fresh surface gives a helpful indexo By "fresh" we mean to
exclude those speClmens softened by weathering or localized alteration pro-
cesses. (e.g., greenstone) owe their characteristics to hydrother-
mal alteratIon, WhlCh occurred at considerable depth and uniformly altered a
large rock volume. It is not our intention to exclude these rocks from the
candidates for but rather to exclude those weathered specimens
have sounder nelghbors. The scratch hardness of a rock is not an infallible
mdex, because sorne rocks lie close to the hardness of a knife and sorne strad-
dIe this boundary with a "scatter band" of variability. However, in certain
cases the scratch test is useful, for example, in distinguishing aplite from mar-
ble, or hornfels from claystone. In micaceous rocks, what appears to be a
scratch is revealed, the microscope, actually to consist of a ftaking off of
fragments m front of the blade-a ploughing action. Scratch hardness
IS not usually useful as a classification index in the coarse clastic rocks.
A third division is made between isotropic and anisotropic structures.
Metamorphic rocks (e.g., slate, schist, and gneis s) possess an incipient parting
tendency parallel to one plane or one axis; consequently, these rocks present
extreme anisotropy (Le., directionality) in all physical properties. Sorne sedi-
mentary rocks (e.g., shale, chert, and thin-bedded limestone) possess such
spaced laminations that even the hand specimen shows strong direc-
tIonahty. In other rocks, the structure is massive on the hand specimen scale
(e.g., thick-bedded sandstone and limestone, and basalt) so that the specimen
appears to be isotropic. Sorne granites are isotropic even on the field scale. In
clastic rocks, although it is important as a physical attribute, the degree
of Isotropy is not useful as a classification indexo The classification of these
rocks is effected mainly in terms of grain size and fabrico
Sorne individual rock groups will now be considered. The hard, isotropic
crystalline rocks present three series depending on the relative sizes of the
crystals: the coarse-grained varieties are of plutonic igneous origin; those with
relatively coarse crystals in a matrix of crystal sizes invisible to the naked eye
(porphyritic texture) are volcanic in origin; rocks that are uniformly fine
grained, or porphyritic with a fine-grained ground mass are usually of dike
origin, having cooled at shallow or moderate depth. The many rock names
within these groups reftect changes in mineralogic composition that are not
always significant from an engineering point of view. For example, the differ-
ence between granite and granodiorite is mainly in the relative abundance of
orthoclase and plagioclase minerals that are almost identical in physical proper-
tieso The darker varieties of these rocks, such as gabbro and peridotite, are
composed of a relatively larger proportion of early formed, high-temperature
pyroxene and olivine, which renders them more susceptible to weathering
424 Identification of Rocks and Minerals
processes. Hard anisotropic crystalline rocks are usually rather strong (e.g.,
gneis s and amphibolite). Soft anisotropic crystalline rocks include schists, in
which the softness may be due to a true indentation of chlorite or other soft
minerals, or a ploughing of micas as previously noted.
Isotropic crystalline rocks that scratch readily include evaporite rocks-
limestone, dolomite, gypsum, anhydrite, rock salt, etc.-and altered basic ig-
neous rocks-serpentinite and greenstone. AH these rocks can present undesir-
ably weak and deformable properties to the civil engineer, serpentinites by
virtue of internal surfaces of previous shear and associated weak mineral s , and
schist by virtue of the continuous bands of mica or chlorite or other minerals of
low shear strength.
The rocks that are most difficult to identify are those without visible grains
or crystals. Uniformly aphanitic basalts, cherts, shales, sorne slates, and sorne
fine-grained limestones and dolomites can provide difficulty when the hardness
and structure is overlooked. Associated rocks and structures that can" be stud-
ied in the field usually make rock identification much easier in the field.
Table A3.3 lists the periods of geological history. Time names should be
included with the petrologic rock name in engineering practice, particularly
Table Aa.3 The Geologic Time Scale
Era Period Epoch Age
Holocene 10,000 yr
Pleistocene 2 m.y.
Eocene 65 m.y.
{ C<etac,ou,
Mesozoic Jurassic
Triassic 225 m.y.
Paleozoic Devonian
Cambrian 570 m.y.
a m.y. = million years.
Identification of Common Rocks 425
whendealing with sedimentary rocks. In a general way, the older rocks tend to
be harder and cemented. There are, unfortunately, impor-
tant and dr.amatIc exc.eptIons; for example, uncemented montmorillonite clays
are 10 rock umts from the lower Paleozoico To those conversant with
geology, however, rock age names do imply associated engineering
more than does any single index property. Every worker
10 rock mechamcs should know these names and use them routinely in rock
Derivations of
Equation 2.3
Ydry := GywO - n)
A p p e n d ~ 4
Assume a bulk rock of unit volume (i.e., VI = 1). The volume of pores is then
:= n VI = n and the volume of solids is V, = 1 - n. The weight of pores, if
they are dry, is zero; W
:= O. The weight of solids with average specific gravity
Gis W, = O - n)Gyw. The dry density is W,/V
giving (2.3) directly.
Equation 2.4
Ydry = Ywet/O + w)
With the same assumptions as aboye, but with water filling the pores,
Wp = nyw. The water content is w = Wp/W, = nYw/[(l - n)Gywl = nYw/Ydry or
w = nywfYdry O). The wet density Ywet = (Wp + W,)/VI = nyw + O - n)Gyw (2).
Substituting for n-yw from (1), and for (1 - n)Gyw from (2.3): Ywet = Ydry(1 + w),
which leads to (2.4).
Equation 2.5
1 + wG
428 Derivations Of Equations
Assume unit volume of rock; the weight of rock W
is then Gyw. If the rock is
saturated the water content w = Ww/Wr Thus Ww = wGyw and the volume of
water V
~ wG. The porosity n = Vw/Vt = Vw/(l + Vw) leading directly to (2.5).
Equation 2.6
n - -,---.:.W...!.H",-sG_/ G-::
- 1 + WHg G/G
The derivation is the same as aboye except that the weight of mercury in the
pores is WHg = WHgGyw and the volume of mercury is therefore VHg = WHgGyw/
(GHg'Yw) = WHgG/GHg
Equation 2.9
Por a cylinder between R and R
with thickness L, the radial flow qr across the
circumference at radius r is, from Darcy's law
q = -k-21TrL
dr = _ k . 21TL dh
r q
Integrating between R and R
Equation 2.10
In R2 = k21TL(h - h
R q
k = q In(Rz/R)
Equation 2.10 42:
Snow (1965, Chapter 2) shows that equations for laminar flow of an
incompressible fluid between parallel plates with separation e lead to
_ 'Y 3 dh
qx - 12t-t e dx
for a direction x parallel to the plates. Por a regular system with interplate
separation e and plate thickness S, the discharge can be written
qx = Crt-t ; ) ( ~ : } S )
'-----v----- '--v-'
k A
Consider three mutually perpendicular sets offractures each spaced distance S
and all having identical aperture e. The flow in a direction parallel to any one of
the directions of fracture intersection is the sum of flow through two fracture
sets. The flow in oblique directions can be described by considering its compo-
nents in the fracture directions. However, this system is isotropic so the com-
ponents must also form a resultant equal to twice qx given aboye. Therefore, for
any direction through the fracture system
'Y e
q = 6J.L S dx S
and the conductivity applicable to a unit area of the rock (however many
fractures that embraces) is
'Y e
6f.L S
430 Derivations of Equations
Equation 2.14
1 C
V* = L VI'
/ 1 ,1
. . htl acked collection of mineral s with individual
The average veloclty of. hg V y. P omputed by adding the travel times t for a
longitudinal wave in turno Ifthe rock has thickness and
wave to cross each mme . C the transit time for the wave across mmeral
the wave to cross rock is t = L C;I
lIS t - 1 /,1 1 'ty V* = Lit giving EquatIon 2.13.
V/,. The computed wave ve OCl /
Equations 3.8, 3.9
(TI = 2S tan(45 + f/J/2)
+ (T3 tan
(45 + f/J/2)

__________ ____ x
Equation 4.3 431
Taking UI parallel to x and (T3 parallel to y, the pole of the Mohr circJe is at U3
(see Appendix 1) and the plane whose shear and normal stress are at the point
of intersection A of the Coulomb failure line and the Mohr circJe is described by
a as shown. From the geometry of the upper diagram,
2a = 90 + f/J and a = 45 + f/J/2
The equation of failure is
Tp = S + u tan f/J
From the upper figure,
u = i(u + (3) + i(uI - J3)COS 2a
Tp = i(Tl - (T3)sin 2a
Inserting (3) and (4) in (2) with UI = (Tlp results in
(UIP - (3)sin 2a = 2S + (Tlp + (T3)tan f/J + (Tp - (T3)COS 2a tan f/J (5)
ulp(sin 2a - cos 2a tanf/J - tan f/J) = 2S + (T3(sin 2a - cos 2a tan f/J + tan f/J)
sin 2a - cos 2a tan f/J =
cos 'f'
cos f/J 1 + sin f/J
(Tp = 2S 1 . rl,. + (T3 1 . rl,.
- sm 'f' - sm 'f'
1 + sin = 2 (45 1!.) cos
1 - sin tan + 2 and 1 _ sin = tan 45 + 2"
Equation 4.3
K = (Th = KoyZo - [v/O - v)J ydZ
(Tu YZo - yZ
432 Derivations of Equations
Let Zo - tlZ = Z; then Zo = Z + tlZ, giving
Equation 4.4
Ko(Z + llZ) - [v/(1 - v)]tlZ
K(Z) =
K(Z) = Ko + (KotlZ - 1 v az)
For normal faulting, U"h = KaU" v = U"3 and U" v = yZ = U"I' According to Cou-
lomb's law, faulting occurs when U"I and U"3 satisfy Equation 3.8. Combining
these conditions yields
yZ = qu + KayZ tan
(45 +
K - yZ - qu
a - yZ tan
(45 + cf>12)
which simplifies to Equation 4.4
Equation 4.5
For reverse faulting U"h = KpU"v = U"I and u"v = yZ = U"3' Combining with
Equation 3.8 gives
KpYZ = yZ tan
(45 + + qu
which, on solving for Kp , yields (4.5).
Equation 4.7
This result comes directly from Equation 7.1b. On tbe inner surface of a drill
bole of radius a, r = a and (7.1) gives
... ;,
'i '
Equation 4.11 and Discussion That Follows Jt 433
At points A and B in Figure 4.10, (J = O and (J = 90, respectively. Let PI =
U"h,max and P2 = U"h,min' Then at A, Equation 1 gives U"6 A = -U"h m + 31? .
, , ax v h,mm.
Equation 4.10
On first pressuring, cracking and peak load are presumed to occur when Equa-
tion 4.8 is satisfied:
3U"h,min - U"h,max - Pc\ = - To (1)
?n repressuring, the peak load is Pe2 and the tensile strength is zero since there
IS now a crack. Therefore,
3U"h,min - U"h,max - Pe2 = O
Subtracting (1) from (2) gives
Pc\ - Pe2 = To
Equation 4.11 and the
Discussion That Follows It
A vertical fracture forms when the tangential stress U" 6 on the wall of the hole
U"6 = 3U"h,min - U"h,max - Pc\ = -To
A horizontal fracture forms when the longitudinal stress U"t on the wall of
the hole equals
U"t = U"v - Pc\ = -To
A vertical fracture occurs first (assuming the tensile strength is isotropic) if
U"6 < U"t:
U"v - Pc\ > 3U"h,min - U"h,max - PcI
U"h,min = N
Then the vertical fracture is preferred if
U v > (3N - l)uh,max
434 Derivations of Equations
Adding and subtracting 40"h,max to (3) and regrouping terms gives
O"h,min + O"h,max 4
O"1) > 2 - O"h,max (5)
0"1) > 6KO"I) - 40"h,max (6)
K - / . the ratl'o of mean horizontal stress to vertical stress. where O"h 0"1) IS
Dividing both sides of (6) by KO"I) gives
1 6 40" h ,max
-> -
l( KO"I)
2 O"h,max = 20" h,max
KO" 1) O"h,min + O"h,max
= N + 1
Substituting (8) in (7) gives
1 6N - 2
l(> N+ 1
which, on inverting, gives the reported condition for a vertical fracture:
- N+ 1 (N)!)
K < 6N - 2 3
Equation 4.13
. d 3 lit d from the Kirsch solution The stress concentratlOns - 1 an were ca cu a e .
7.16) in the derivation to Equation 4.7. Substltute:
C cor O" . and O"h in for O" vert O" for 0"0 A 0"0 R lor O"O B O"h max 11 honz ,m O,w , , , ,
Equation 4.14
1 ) (-1
i i is the inverse of 3
Equation 4.15 435
w . (-O + m . (3) w + (i) . (-O) = (1 \
m (-1) + w (3) m (3) + m (-1) o 1)
Equation 4.15
The derivation of this relation, for the case with T
= O, is given by Jaeger and
Cook (op. cit. Chapter 1), Section 10.4. The results for JI, Ji, and 13 can be
found in their Equation 26, which is therefore equivalent to (4.15) with T
= O.
/a ..


To find the displacement nduced by an additional stress component T
' pro-
ceed as follows (see diagram). Consider a set ofprincipal stresses O"x' = -T
O"y' = O, and O"z' = +Txz where Ox' is 45 clockwise from Ox. With respect to the
x' axis, the displacement Ild along a line inclined 8 with Ox is found from (4.15)
by substituting -Txz for O"x, O for O"y, T
for O"z, for T
, and 8 + 45 for ().
436 Derivations of Equations
Introducing these substitutions in Equation 4.15 gives
1 - v
t!.d = -T
d[1 + 2 cos(90 + 28)] -E- + E
1 - v
d[1 - 2 cos(90 + 28)] -E- + E
Equation 4.17
The stress-strain relations for isotropic, linearly el<istic bodies are stated in
Equation 6.1. The hole being parallel to y, on the bottom surface of the drill
hole CTy = T
= O. Then, the independent variables in (6.1) reduce to 3 and
the stress strain relations become
1 v
ex = E CTx - E CTz
-v 1
ez = E CTx + E CTz
2(1 + v)
'rzx = E Tzx
Multiplying (2) by v, and adding (1) and (2) gives
1 - v
-E- CTx = ex + vez
Multiplying (1) by v, and adding (1) and (2) gives
1 - v
-E- CT
= vex + ez
Equations 3, 4, and 5 correspond to the three rows of(4.17) ifthe strains are
zero before deepening the drill holeo
Equation 4.23 437
Equation 4.21
We need to derive a formula for the radial displacement of a point near a
circular creating that hole in the surface of an initially
stressed IsotropIc, elaslc rock mass. If the rock surface is normal to y, CT
= T
= O. The state of stress in the rock near the surface is, therefore, one of
plane stress. Equation 7.2a gives the radial displacement of any point around a
circular hole in an initially stressed rock mass corresponding to plane strain. As
discussed with the derivation to Equation 7.2 later on in this appendix, there is
a simple connection between plane stress and plane strain. To convert a for-
mula derived for plane strain to one correct for plane stress, substitute
(1 - v
)E in place of E, and v/(1 + v) in place of v. G = E/[2(1 + v)] is
unaffected. Making this substitution in (7.2a) gives
2(1 + v) { [ ( v) a
] }
Ur = -;: 4E (PI + P2) + (PI - P2) 4 1 - 1 + v - y2 cos 28 (1)
Simplifying and substituting CT
in place of PI, and CT
in place of P2 yields
H == 4 - (1 + v) y2
Then using the same procedure as in the derivation to Equation 4.15, we find
the inftuence of a shear stress:
1 a
== E -;: HTxz sin 28 (3)
Arranging (2) and (3) in the form of Equation 4.21 determines fi, Ji, and h as
Equation 4.23
Leeman (1971, Chapter 4) presents complete formulas for the stresses around a
long circular hole of radius a bored in an isotropic, elastic medium with an
initial state of stress. The initial stress components will be represented here by
438 Derivations of Equations
x', y', z' subscripts with y' parallel to the axis of the bore as shown in Figure
4.16. For a point on the wall of the bore (r = a) and located by angle ()
counterclockwise from X' as shown, Leeman's equations reduce to
<Tr=O (1)
<T8 = (<T
' + <T
') - 2(<T
' - <Tz')cos 2() - 47
'z' sin 2() (2)
= -v[2(<T
' - <Tz')cos 2() + 47
'z' sin 2()] + <Ty ' (3)
~ = O W
= O (5)
7x8 = -27y'x' sin () + 27y'z' cos () (6)
In our coordinate system, at any measuring stationj the direction radial to the
surface is denoted by Yj; and the direction tangential to the surface is denoted
by Zj. Then <T 8 of Equation 2 should be renamed <T z, and 7 x8 of Equation 6
should be renamed 7 xz. Grouping the terms and arranging in matrix fashion
defines all the terms of Equation 4.23.
Equations 4.24, 4.25
See Appendix 1.
Equation 5.9
A = (<TI - <T3)sin 1/J
<T = <T3 + A sin 1/J
7 = A cos 1/J
or with (1)
7 = (<TI - <T3)sin 1/J cos 1/J (3)
Equation 6.3 439
~ - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - L ~ - - - - - - __ o
For slip, the water pressure must reach a value Pw such that
Sj + (<T - pw)tan CPj = 7
Inserting (2) and (3) in (4) gives
Sj + [<T3 + (<TI - <T3)sin
1/J - pw]tan CPj = (<TI - <T3)sin 1/J cos 1/J (5)
Solving for Pw results in
Pw tan CPj = Sj + <T3(tan CPj) + (<TI - <T3)(sin
1/J tan CPj - sin 1/J cos 1/J) (6)
which leads directly to Equation 5.9.
Equation 6.3
Shear stress and shear strain can be related by considering the shear strain
produced bya condition ofpure shear. The latter can be achieved by superim-
posing the effects of principal normal stresses equal to -7 and 7 along lines at
() = -45, () = +45, respectively (directions X' and y') (see the derivation of
Equation 4.15). For this state of stress, Equation 6.1 gives
Bx' = [-7 - (V)(7)] = ~ 7 (1 + v) (1)
440 Derivations of Equations
1 T
ey' = E [-(l')(-T) + T] = E (1 + v) (2)
'Yx'y' = O (3)
Introducing the discussion aboye Equation A2.2 (Appendix 2) in the second of
Equations A1.2 (Appendix 1) gives an equation for shear strain 'Yxy in terms of
the strain components referred to x', y' axes:
'Yxy = -sin 2aex' + sin 2aey, + cos 2a'Yx,y'
For Ox, a = 45 from OX'. Introducing this with (1) to (3) gives
2 T
'Yxy = E (1 + l')T = G
Equation 6.4
The upper left quarter of Equation 6.1 is
ex) (1 -v -l')(U'x)
:: = =: -v ::
Then, using Cramer's rule to invert the 3 x 3 matrix, we have
::) = r!t :;)(::)
U'z l'(1 + v) l'(1 + v) 1 - l'
where Det is the determinant of the 3 x 3 matrix in (1). Expanding down the
first column of the latter, gives
Det = (1 - l'
) - (l'
+ l'
) + (-l'
- l'
) = 1 - 3l'
- 2l'
Det = (1 + l')2(1 - 2l')
Substituting (3) in (2) gives
(:} (1 _ 2.) (1 :
1 - v
Equation 6.13 441
A = El'
(1 + l')(1 - 2l')
G = 2(1 + v)
E(1 - v)
A + 2G = (1 + l')(1 - 2l')
Since with (5), (6), and (7), Equation 4 is equivalent to Equation 6.2, we
have established the validity of (5), which is the same as (6.4).
Equation 6.6
The bulk modulus K can be expressed in terms of E and v by calculating the
volumetric strain V/V caused by all-round pressure U'x = U'y = U'z = p. For this
case, Equation 6.1 gives
1 2l'
ex = ey = ez = E p - E P
As shown in Problem 3.10, for small strains,
V/V = ex + ey + e
Combining (2) and (1) yields
3(1 - 2l')
V E p
Equation 6.13
This important result derives from the theory of an axisymmetrically loaded
thick-walled cylinder in an isotropic, linearly elastic, homogeneous and contin-
uous medium. See Jaeger and Cook (op. cit. Chapter 1). Inserting the strain-
displacement equations in the equation of equilibrium in polar coordinates
yields a differential equation (Euler's equation) in one unknown-the radial
displacement. This equation is solvable by a simple substitution. The constants
of integration are evaluated with the conditions that displacement approaches
zero as r grows without bound.
442 Derivations of Equations
Equations 6.15, 6.16
Consider a bar of small-constant cross-sectional area A in which a stress wave
travels to the right.
__ . . . : ; . , _ . ~ Ex
By Newton's second law, as a compressive stress wave travels down the
where p is the mass per unit volume of the bar. The stress-strain relation is
(Ix = Ee = E - (2)
x dx
Combining (2) and (1) and simplifying yields
u a
E ax2 = p at2
The one-dimensional wave equation is
u a
I ax2 - at2
where Vr is the phase velocity of the wave traveling in the bar. Therefore, the
wave velocity is VI = (El p)1/2. The derivation is identical in the case of a shear
wave, except that G replaces E. Then VI = (Glp)1/2.
Equation 6.17
Vr = El P = E = 2(1 + v)
V; Glp E/2(1 + v)
Solving for v yields Equation 6.17.
Equations 6.18, 6.19 443
Equations 6.18, 6.19
Consider a stress pulse traveling through a three-dimensional elastic space, due
to an unbalance in (Ix and with constraint such that there is no strain produced
in the plane perpendicular to x.
..... _--a, + ax dx
'" dz
Equilibrium in the x direction gives
, ( a(Ix) a
(Ixdy dz - (Ix + ax dx dy dz = p at
dx dy dz (1)
where u is the displacement parallel to x. By the stress-strain relation (6.2),
with ey = e
= O
(Ix = (\ + 2G)ex = (\ + 2G) ax
Combining (2) with (1) and simplifying gives
u a
(\ + 2G) ax2 = p at
Let the pulse velocity be denoted by Vp Comparing (3) with the wave
equation (Equation 4 of the derivation to Equations 6.15 and 6.16) gives
V2 = \ + 2G
p P
The shear pulse in a three-dimensional physical space is mathematically one
dimensional since the stress-strain relation between T and 'Y is one dimensional.
Therefore V; = V; = GI p as in the case of a shear wave traveling in a slender
444 Derivatiuns uf Equatiuns
Equation 6.20
(A + 2G)/p
- = -'----,---''---'--
V; G/p
In the derivation to Equation 6.4, we observed that
A + 2G = E(1 - v)
(1 + v)(1 - 2v)
Recall that
G = 2(1 + v)
Then combining (2) and (3) with (1) yields
= (1 - v)(2)(1 + v) __ 2 _-_2_v
V (1 + v)(1 - 2v)
Solving for v yields (6.20).
Equation 6.22
= A + 2G
Introducing (2) from the preceding section gives
1 - 2v
_ E(1 - v)
p P - (1 + v)(1 - 2v)
Solving for E gives (6.22).
Equation 6.24
For a homogeneous anisotropic materialloaded in direction n
en = En Un
, I
Equatiun 6.29 445
A Un Un
en = L.l Vrock + Voint = E + knS (2)
where E is the Young's modulus for solid (unjointed) rock, k
is thejoint normal
stiffness per unit area, and S is the spacing betweenjoints. Equating (2) and (1)
yields (6.24).
Equation 6.29
A Burgers body, shown in Figure 6.17e, consists of a Kelvin solid (Figure
6.17b) and a Maxwell body (Figure 6.17a) connected in series. Ifwe examine
two springs in series subjected to an increment of load, we will discover that
the displacement of the system is the sum of the displacements in each spring
(as in the derivation to Equation 6.24). Similarly the displacement of a Burgers
body subjected to an increment of shear stress is the sum of the shear strains in
each of its components. Therefore, we can deduce the strain of a Burgers body
by adding the strains of a Kelvin solid and a Maxwell body.

Consider a Kelvin solid with viscosity 1)1 in element (a) and shear modulus
in element (b) (see diagram) and subjected to a constant shear stress incre-
ment T. In this parallel arrangement,
T = Ta + Tb
Shear stress and shear strain in component (a) are related by Equation 6.28:
Ta = 1)IYa
(the dot signifies differentiation with respect to time); and in component (b)
they are related by
446 Derivations Of Equations
Combining Equations 1-4 yields
T = 1) + Gy (5)
The behavior of the Kelvin solid in the creep test can be solved with the
correspondence principIe discussed by Flugge (1975) and Jaeger and Cook
(1976). According to this principIe, a solution to a given problem with an
elastic material having elastic constants G and K offers corresponding
solutIons for the same problem po sed in a linear viscoelastic material. Por
simplicity: as.sume that the material in question is elastic with respect to
compresslblhty (l.e., that only G is time dependent). In a linear viscoelastic
material, shear stress and shear strain are related by
F(t)T = F
(t)y (7)
to principIe, the solution to the corresponding
problem m elastIclty IS obtamed by replacing G by F
(t)/ F (t).
Por the solid, comparing (6) and (7) shows that
F(t) = 1
F2(t) = 1) dt + G
to convert an elastic solution into a corresponding Kelvin solid solu-
tIon, we must substitute in place of G
(t) d
F ( )
= 1) - + G
t Kelvin dt
As shown in Problem 6.1, the shear modulus governs the relation not only
shear stress and shear strain but between deviatoric stress and de-
VIatonc strain. In particular,
<T.dev = 2Ge,dev (9)
(Deviat?ric stress and deviatoric strain are discussed in Appendices 1 and 2,
respectIvely, and Equation 9 is developed in the answer to Problem 6 1 )
AIso, since e
equals 1 then ..
= 3Ke
Equation 6.29 447
e,dev = e - e mean
e = e,dev + e mean
Introducing (9) and (10) in (12) gives
<T dev 1 <Tmean
e = 20 +"3---(
Por uniaxial compression with axial stress = <T and <T2 = <T3 = O,
<Tmean = 1<T
<T,dev = <TI
so that (13) becomes
1 1
el = 3G <TI + 9K <TI
Equation 16 expresses the strain corresponding to an increment ofaxial
stress in an isotropic elastic material described by constants G and K. Por a
rock that behaves as Kelvin solid in shear and an elastic material in compres-
sion, we replace G by Fz(t)/ FI (t) as given by (8). This gives the differential
the solution to which depends on the initial conditions. Por a creep test, with <TI
applied as an increment at time O and maintained constant thereafter, its solu-

1'/2 G2
(e) (d)
Now consider a Maxwell body with constants 1)2 in element (e) and G2 in
element (d) (see diagram) subjected to shear stress T. Since the elements are in
I Solutions to differential equations of this sort are readily obtained using the Laplace trans-
formo See Murray Spiegel, Laplace Transforms Schaum's Outline Series, McGraw-Hill, New
44S Derivations of Equations
T = Te = Td (19)
y = Ye + Yd (20)
Differentiating (20) yields
y = Ye + Yd (21)
Introducing Te = 1/e and Td = G2Yd and combining with (19) to (21) gives
1/2 G2
lid) d
1/2 + G
dt T = dt y
Comparing (23) with (7) shows that for a Maxwell liquid
FI(t) = - +--
1/2 G2 dt
F2(t) = dt
so the correspondence principIe requires substituting in place of G:
F2(t) d/dt
FI(t)Maxwell 1/1/2 + [(1/G2 )(d/dt)]
Making this substitution in Equation 16 gives
_ (1/1/2 + [(1/G2)(d/dt)] 1 )
el - <TI 3(d/dt) + 9K
Por <TI applied as an increment at time zero, the solution to (25) is
el (t) = <Tlt + ~ + ~ )
31/2 3G
9K (26
Equations 18 and 26 give the creep of a cylinder subjected to constant axial
stress <TI. The term in K in each comes from the nature ofuniaxial compression
tests in which both the mean stress and deviatoric stress are increased when
axial load is applied. The creep strain of the Burgers body is obtained by adding
the right side of (26) to the right side of (18). This summation gives Equation
Equation 6.34 449
Equation 6.33
Equation 6.13 gives the modulus of elasticity for a borehole dilato meter test in
terms ofthe radial displacement AUn the radius a, the internal pressure Ap, and
Poisson' s ratio JI as
E = (1 + JI)Ap Au
Substituting u, for Au, p for Ap, and G for E/[2(1 + JI)] gives
u, = 2G
There is no term in K because the mean stress remains constant as the pressure
is raised inside a borehole under plane strain conditions.
In the previous section we considered the viscoelastic solution (Equation
6.29) corresponding to a compression test whose elastic solution was
(Equation 16 of the previous section) (3)
By analogy to the creep test we can write the solution for creep in a dilatometer
test inside a Burgers material by comparing Equations 2 and 3. Por the dilatom-
eter creep test in a Burger's body,
There must be no term in K.
The other four terms on the right of Equation 6.29 all apply but in place of
(<T1/<T3) substitute (pa/2).
This deletion and substitution in Equation 6.29 gives Equation 6.33.
Equation 6.34
The average displacement of a flexible plate of radius a on an elastic solid with
plate pressure p is given by Equation 6.10 as
1.7pa(1 - Jl2)
W = E
To use the correspondence principie, we recast this in terms of K and G by
E= 9KG
3K+ G
450 Derivations of Equations
which follows from Equation 16 in the derivation of Equation 6.29 and
3K - 2G
J) = 6K + 2G
Making these substitutions in (1) gives
1.7pa 3K + 4G
W = -4- G(3K + G)
For a material that behaves as a Burger's body in distortion and an elastic
material in all-around compression, take the sum of the solutions applying to
first the Kelvin solid and second the Maxwell body.
For a Kelvin solid in distortion, replace G in (4) by F2/F given by (8) in the
derivation to (6.29). Then, corresponding to Equation 4, we obtain for a sus-
tained increment of pressure
2 d2w dw -
7] -2 + (2G + 3K)7] -d + G(G + 3K)w
dt t
1.7a ( d
= -4- (4G + 3K)p + 47] dt
W at the time t = O is zero. The solution to (5) is then
- . = 1.7pa (l.. (1 _ e-GI/T/) + 3 (1 - e-(3K+G)I/T/t) (6)
Kelvm 4 G 3K + G
For the Maxwell body in distortion, in place of G in (4), substitute F2/F given
by (24) in the derivation to 6.29. This gives, corresponding to (4),
d2w (1 + 3K\ + dw 3K _ 1.7a[3KP + dp (6K + --) + d2p (3K + ..!)]
6;) dt 7]2 - 4 7 ] ~ dt 7]2G2 7]2 dt
G2 G2
The initial conditions are that w = d;j/ dt = O. Solution of (7) with these condi-
tions gives
- _ 1.70pa (l.. !-.- ! _ G2 -3KG21/[T/2(3K+G2)]) (8)
WMaxwell - 4 G
+ 7]2 + K K(3K + G
) e
Equation 6.34 is obtained as the sum of WKelvin, given by (6) and WMaxwell, given
by (8).
Equation 6.35
The differential equation is derived exactly as for Equation 6.29. However, the
initial condition is no longer that of a step increment of load applied at time O.

Equations 7.1, 7.2 451
Instead the stress O" is increased from zero at a constant rate ir. Then in each
of Equations 17 and 25 of the derivation to (6.29) substitute (irt) in place of 0"1.
The solutions to these equations and their summation without duplication of
the term in K, as discussed with regard to Equation 6.29, yields
. ( 1 1 2 ) 1 ir ir7]
8(t) = O" - + - + - t + - - t
- -- (1 - e-(GI/T/)
3G 3G2 9K 2 37]2 3GI
Since ir
is constant,
Introducing these in (1) gives
t = -;-
1 1 2 ) 1 <Ti ir7] _
81(t) = 0"1 - + - + - + - -- - -- (1 - e GCT/(T/CT
3G 3G2 9K 6 7]2irl 3GI
This is Equation 6.35.
Equations 7.1, 7.2
The stresses and displacements around a circular hole in a homogeneous plate
subjected to tension-the Kirsch solution (1898)-are derived in Jaeger and
Cook, Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics, 2d ed., 1976, pp. 249, 251 (See Ch. 1
references.) The problem is complicated by the fact that the space is axisym-
metric but the initial stresses are not, being defined by maximum and minimum
normal stresses p and P2 in the plane of the holeo Jaeger and Cook's derivation
uses the method of complex stress functions. Another derivation, using real
stress functions, is presented by Obert and Duvall, Rock Mechanics and the
Design of Structures in Rock, pp. 98-108. (See Ch. 1 references.)
The displacement can be calculated by integrating the stress equations (7.1)
after inserting the stress-strain relations (6.2) and the strain displacement rela-
tions in polar coordinates:
r ar
u 1 av
8e = - -;: - -,: a()
1 au av v
r r afJ ar r
where u and vare displacements in the r and () directions. However, this
integration will inelude a term representing the installation of the initial
stresses, whereas, in fact, the displacements of a tunnel or borehole are mea-
sured relative to an initia! condition where PI and P2 were applied previously.
The displacements given in Equations 7.2a and b result from subtracting
these initial displacements from those deduced by integration of (7.1). These
are also the correct displacements with reference to measurement of stresses

452 Derivations of Equations
by undercoring (Equations 4.21). Por overcoring, Equation 4.16, the displace-
ments are calculated for a region containing a hole and acted on by applied
tensions -PI and -P2 at distances far from the central holeo
Equations 7.2 refer to a condition of plane strain, defined as a state of strain
in which one strain and two shear strains are zero (e.g., ez = O, yzx =
= Physlcally, plane strain is associated with long structures or excava-
wlth cross section and acted on by load s in the plane of the cross
sectlOn. SolutlOns are also presented for conditions of plane stress where one
stress and two shear stresses are zero (e.g., U'z = O, Tzx = Tzy = O). The
condltlons of plane stress are encountered in thin plates loaded only in their
planeo Por plane stress, the isotropic stress strain relations (6.1) reduce to
2(1 J:;)
Por conditions of plane strain with the long direction parallel to z,
1 v v
ez = O = E U'z - E U'x - EU'Y
1 v v
ex = E U'x - E U'y - E U'z
Substituting (2) in (3) gives
Equations 7.5, 7.6 453
1 v 1
e= U'--_. U'
x E/(1 - v2) x 1 - v E/(1 - v
) y
A similar equation can be written in direction y. By comparing Equation 5
with the first row of (1), observe that a plane stress solution can be converted to
aplane strain solution if the values of E and vare modified to E/(1 - v
) and
v/(1 - v), respectively.
Equations 7.5, 7.6
Por a beam long in direction x, with cross section in the xy plane and acted on
by load q parallel to z, the deftection in the z direction obeys
Ely dx4 = q
Integrate four times and evaluate the four constants with these boundary condi-
tions: u = O and du/dx = O at x = L and x = O. The deftection is then
u = 24EI (L - x)2
The maximum deftection occurs at the center where x = L/2, giving
= qL 4/(384Ely)
Por a rectangular beam, with unit width and thickness t, ly = fi(t)3. Let q = yt,
= 384E(t
/12) = 32Et
The moment M obeys
M = -EI-
y dX2
M = -q (L2 - 6Lx + 6X2)
The maximum moment occurs at the ends x = O, x = L:
_qL2. -ytV
Mmax = 12 = ---z-
454 Derivations Of Equations
Equation 7.10
Consider a tunnel in laminated or schistose rock with initial stresses u v, Uh. At
a point P on the periphery, we set up coordinates x and y tangential and normal
to the wall. The angle t/J is measured between the direction of the layers and x.
Let Pb be the radial support pressure. The stresses at point Pare
Txy = O (1)
u y = Pb
For a circular tunnel A = 1, while for a rock wall A = O. We assume here that
A = O (for simplicity).
Using Bray's formula, Problem 10 in Chapter 6,
u y = tan It/JI
u x tan (It/JI + cp)
Bray's formula is derived in the next section.
Equations 7.11 to 7.16
The theory of this section is based on the two papers by John Bray (1967)
published in Rock Mechanics and Engineering Geology, (Springer, Berlin) Vol.
Equations 7.11 to 7.16 455
5, pp. 117-136 and pp. 197-216. Changes in notation and sign convention were
made for consistency in this volume.
Assume the initial stress is PI = P2 = P in the plane perpendicular to the tunnel.
This creates a stress difference near the tunnel that is sufficient to break the
rock according to the Coulomb theory. The direction of the failure surface is
fixed at t/J = 45 - cP/2 with u 9, or 8 = 45 + cp/2 with the direction of u r, where cP
ifthe internal friction angle for rock. This mean s that the surfaces offailure are
log spirals, since a log spiral is a locus making a constant angle (different from
zero) with a bundle ofradius vectors from a common point. Bray assumed two
sets of log spirals making angles of 8 = 45 + cP/2 with r (see Figure 7.10).
We define the radius R as the outer limit of the zone of rock failure-the
"plastic zone."
Let K = U3/UI = U
/U9 for limiting equilibrium according to Coulomb's law for
sliding on ajoint inc1ined t/J with the direction of UI. If the friction angle is CPj,
2u = U
+ U9 - (U9 - ur)cos 2t/J
2Tp = (U9 - ur)sin 2t/J
The condition for sliding is ITpl = u tan CPj. Substituting for u and Tp gives
ur(sin 2t/J + tan CPj + cos 2t/J tan cp) = uisin 2t/J - tan CPj + cos 2t/J tan cp)
u r[sin(2t/J + CPj) + sin CPj] = u9[sin(2t/J + CPj) - sin CPj]
U sing identities for sin A + sin B and sin A - sin B, this reduces to
u r cos( t/J + cpj)sin t/J
K - - --,---,--'--....,..=,.--'-
- U9 - sin(t/J + cp)cos t/J
tan t/J
K = tan(t/J + cp)
Considering the absolute value sign on T
K - tan It/JI
f - tan (It/JI + cp)
456 Derivations of Equations
In terms of S, substitute 90 -Isl = 11/11 to give
tan (ISI - <Pj)
K = ---'-ta'---n"IS=-CI-'-'-'-
In the absence of body forces and in an axisymmetric problem where nothing
varies with O, the sum ofthe forces on the boundaries ofthe differential element
of the following diagram must equal zero. Therefore,
d(Fr) . dO
(Fr(rdO) - (Fr + dr dr (r + dr)dO + 2(Fo sm 2 dr = O
We know that sin dOl2 = dOl2 and dr'2dO is negligible, thus
o, + do, dr
Are length ~ (r + dr) dO
Substituting (F o = (Tri K in (2) yields
whose solution is
d(Fr = (J.. _ 1) (Fr
dr K r
(Fr = Ar
Q = --1
Equations 7.11 to 7.16 457
The boundary condition is
(Fr = Pi when r=a
where Pi is the internal pressure due to supports on the inner surface of the
tunnel; this gives
_ Pi (r)
(Fo - - -
K a
Solution for Sj *" O
Equations 5 and 6 refer to the case Sj = O. If Sj is not zero, these equations
apply to a T' axis passing through (F = - H = - Sj cot <pj. Thus it is necessary to
add H to each pressure or stress term, giving
(Fr + Sj cot <Pj = (Pi + Sj cot <Pj) ( ~ ) (7)
Pi + Sj cot <Pj (r)
(F o + S cot ,/,.. = -
J 'l'J K a
__ ~ + - ______________ ~ o
The equilibrium equation, Equation 2, still applies. The elastic stress strain
relations are now appropriate. It is most convenient to write them with stress as
a function of strain (Equation 6.2). For plane strain these reduce to
O"r = (A + 2G)8
+ A80
and (9)
458 Derivations of Equations
11. = (1 + V)(1 - 2v)
The strains are related to displacement u by
r dr
(Even though the problem is axisymmetric, with zero displacement v in the
tangential direction perpendicular to r, there is still a tangential strain 00 since
an arc length is stretched when it is displaced a distance u away from the
origin.) Inputting (9) and (10) in (2) gives
lu du
- + r- - u = O
d,z dr
The general solution is found by substituting u = el and can be written
u = -A Ir --
Then using (10) and (9) in (12) gives
(Tr = -(11. + 2G)( -Al + ~ ; ) - 11.( -Al - ~ ; )
(Tr = A2 - "2
The boundary condition that (Tr = (To = P as r ~ 00 gives
A2 = p
(Tr = P - r
(To = P +"2
Equations 7.11 to 7.16 459
At r = R, both (15) and (7) apply. Eliminating (Tr between these expressions
R) b
(p + H) a - H = p - R2 (17)
The tangential stress (To at r = R is that required to fracture the rock by the
Coulomb criterion and is also given by (16). Therefore
2( ~ ) - ~
qu + (Tr tan 45 + 2" - p + R2
Adding (17) and (18) yields
(p + H ) ( ~ ) - H + qu + (Tr(RNq, = 2p
Solving (19) gives
R = (2P + H - qu - (TrNq,)l/a
p+ H
Combining (18) and (15), and solving for b results in
b = (qu + (Nq, - 1)P) R2
Nq, + 1
Then inserting (21) in (15) and removing (Tr from (20) gives
+ (Nq, + 1)H - qu)l/
(Nq, + 1)(p + H)
Consider a set of joints with spacing S very small (a). The shear displace-
ment(s) is approximated by the continuous function
s = D tan r = Dr (23)
If the normal to joints is inclined a with x the displacements parallel to x and y
are (b)
460 Derivations of Equations
v = -s cos a (25)
The distance D normal to the joints from the origin to a point x, y is
D = x COS a + y sin a (26)
Combining (23)-(26) gives
u = I'(x cos a + y sin a)sin a
v = -I'(x cos a + y sin a)cos a
6 = -- = -rcos a sin a = -ir sin 2a
x dX
-dV r' Ir .
6y = ---y = SIn a COS a = +2 SIn 2a (27)
-dU dV .
'Yxy = -- - - = -rSIn
a + rcos
a = rcos 2a
dy dX
(r shown positive)
D s = D tan r
Equations 7.11 lo 7.16 461
\ I
\ r---
u = s sin O<
v = -s cos O<
~ __ ~ ___________________ ~ ~ x , u
Assuming a displacement u positive (in direction of positive r) (a), the
strain is the sum of r = ron factures whose normal is inc1ined at a = 90 - 8
and (b) r
= - ron fractures whose normal is inc1ined at a = 90 + 8 with r. The
first gives
The second gives
= -ir sin 28 = -ir sin 28
60 = ir sin 28 = ir sin 28
'YrO = -r cos 28 = -rcos 28
= ir
sin 28 = -ir sin 28
60 = -ir
sin 28 = ir sin 28
'YrO = - r
cos 28 = + r cos 28
2 r negative
1 r positive
462 Derivations of Equations
y,a Normal to
fractures Normal to
__ x,r ,l"-.L....J---------_ x,r
C< 90 + Ii
The total plastic strain due to slip of fractures is therefore
= -r sin 28
eo = r sin 28
'YrO = O
The total strain is the sum of elastic displacement and strain due to slip on
the log spiral fractures:
. 1 JI
eo = SIn 28 + E U' o - E U' r
. 1 JI
er = - SIn 28 + E U' r - E U' o
'YrO = O
U'r and U'o are given by (7) and (8). Ignoring cohesion Sj' inserting (7) and (8) in
(28) yields
-u p. ( 1 )(r)
BO = - = r sin 28 + -'. - - JI -
r E Kf a
du Pi ( JI )(r)
Br = - dr = - r sin 28 + E 1 - Kf a
. ,
Equations 7.11 to 7.16 463
Multiply (29) by r and differentiate with respect to r, then subtract it from (30)
to give
(r + 2r) sin 28 + e -JlKf)(Q :;) - (K
- = O
which simplifies to
Integrating gives
!!:... 2r . - -Pi [(1/Kf ) - Kf ] Q+I
dr r SIn u - EKf aQ r
. = -Pi [(1/Kf ) - Kf] .!.-
SIn u E 1 + Kf a + r2
where t is a constant. Now substituting (32) in (29) and collecting terms yields
-Pi rQ+I t
u = E (1 - JI) a
The displacement of a point at radial coordinate r due to raising the field
stresses to the initial value pare
u = -reo = -r - (1 - JI)
This cannot be measured in the field because the displacements are referred to
the state of initial stress. Threfore, u given by (34) must be subtracted from the
total displacement given by (33):
u = - 1 JI (Pi r::
- pr) _
The elastic zone stresses are given by (15) and (16):
U'o = P + -;z
U'r = P - -;z
u = - reo = -; [(p + - JI (p - ]
u = -; (p(1 - JI) + (1 + JI)
As before, subtracting (34) from (36) gives the net displacement. At r = R
1 + JI b
u = ----
r E R
464 Derivations of Equations
AIso at r = R (35) gives
1 - JI (RQ+1 ) t
UR = - ----e- Pi --;- - pR - R (38)
Equating (37) and (38) yields
1 - JI [ (R)] 1 + JI
t = ----e- R2 P - Pi a + ----e- b (39)
At r = a (35) gives
1 - JI t
Ua = ----e- (p - Pi)a - a (40)
The radial outward displacement at the wall r = a is given by (40) where P is the
initial pressure and Pi is the support pressure. The constant t is given by (39). R
and b are given by (22) and (21).
Equation 8.6a
......f------- H cat & -----.
Let I represent the area of region 1, etc.
11 = (1 + 11 + 111) - I - III
11 = UF cot 8 - ilF cot a - iz2 tan 8
Equation 8.12 465
Equation 8.6b
b = H - (H - Z)cot 8 tan a
11 = (1 + 11 + III) - I - 111
11 = H(H - Z)cot 8 - HH + [H - (H - Z)cot 8 tan a]}(H - Z)cot 8
- l(H - Z)2 cot 8
= !(H - Z)2 cot 8(cot 8 tan a - 1)
Equation 8.6
The driving force = the resulting force -;- F or
F(W sin 8 + V cos 8) = SjA + (W cos 8 - U - V sin 8)tan ep
Equation 8.6a can be written
W = a - b cot a (2)
and a and b are then as given in the text following Equation 8.6. Inserting (2) in
(1) and solving for cot a gives (8.6).
Equation 8.12
If the upper block (the active block) has 8
> epi , loads N
, T
are transferred to
the lower block (the passive block). Equilibrium in the y direction gives
sin 81 - T
cos 8
+ W
cos 8
- NI = O
Equilibrium in the x direction gives
- N
cos 81 - T3 sin 81 + W
sin 8
- TI = O
466 Derivations Of Equations
At the limit of equilibrium,
TI = NI tan epi (3)
Active block
Combining (1) and (3) gives
TI = tan epl(N
sin 8
- T
+ W
cos 8
) (4)
Substituting (4) in (2) gives
N3(sin 81 tan epi + cos 8
) + T
(sin 8
- COS 8
tan ep)
= WI(sin 8
- COS 8
tan epi) (5)
The following are applicable:
cos(A - B)
sin A tan B + cos A = B
sin(A - B)
sin A - cos A tan B = B
T3 = N
tan ep3
Combining (8) and (5) with (6) and (7) gives
- epi) sin(8
- epi) W
- epi)
COS epi + N
tan ep3 cos epi = COS epi
Equation 8.12 467
Passive block
In the passive block, similarly, equilibrium in the X' and y' directions (see
figure) gives
-N3 sin ~ + T3 COS 82 + W
+ Fb COS () sin 8
+ Fb sin () cos 8
- N
= O
N3 COS 82 + T3 sin 82 + W
sin 8
- Fb COS () COS 8
+ Fb sin () sin 8
- T
= O
and at the limit of equilibrium
= N
tan ep2
Prom (10) and (12)
T2 = tan ep2( - N
sin 8
+ T
+ W
COS 82
+ Fb COS () sin 82 + Fb sin () cos 8
Substituting in (11) gives
N3(COS 82 + sin 8
tan ep2) + T
(sin 8
- COS 8
tan ep2)
= W2(cos 8
tan ep2 - sin 8
) + Fb sin ()(cos 8
tan ep2 - sin 8
+ Fb cos ()(sin 8
tan ep2 + cos 82) (14)
Introducing (6)-(8) gives
Fb cos () cos(8
- ep2) - (W2 + Fb sin ()sin(8
- ep2)
= cos(8
- ep2) + tan ep3 sin(8
Equating (15) and (9) we have
- epi)
- epi - ep3)
Fb[cos () cos(82 - 1>2) - sin () sin(8
- ep2)] - W
sin(82 - ep2)
cos(82 - 1>2 - ep3)
468 Derivations of Equations
cos A cos B - sin A sin B = cos(A + B)
simplifies (16) to Equation 8.12.
Equations 9.1, 9.2
These equations are derived in most textbooks on solid mechanics, for exam-
pIe, S. Timoshenko and J. N. Goodier, Theory 01 Elasticity (McGraw-Hill,
New York, 1951) pp. 85-91, also Obert and Duvall and Jaeger and Cook (works
cited earlier).
That Equation 9.1 described a circular locus of constant radial stress is
seen as foHows. Consider a circle with radius d/2 centered d/2 below the point
of load. Any point on this circle has polar coordinates (d cos 8, 8). The radial
stress aH along the circle is then given by Equation 9.1 as
2P cos 8 2P
CTr = d 8 = -d = constant
7T cos 7T
If r is a constant R, Equation 9.1 gives CTr = 2P cos 8/(7TR). Note from the
figures that if OB is set equal to 2P/( 7TR), then OA equals 2P/(7TR)cos 8. There-
fore as stated in Chapter 9 10AI gives the magnitude of the pressure along any
line OA acting on a circle of radius R centered about o.
Equation 9.8 469
Equations 9.3 to 9.5
The stresses under a line load acting perpendicular to a surface in a principal
symmetry direction of a transversely isotropic material are given by A. E.
Green and W. Zema, Theoretical Elasticity (Oxford, Univ. Press, London,
1954), p. 332. John Bray showed that this solution also holds for an arbitrarily
inclined load on a surface at any angle relative to the principal symmetry
Equations 9.6, 9.7
Using Equation 3.8 with the right circle in the figure gives
q = qu tan
(45 + i) + qu = qiNq, + 1)
Equation 9.8
Assume a circular footing of diameter B centered on a circular joint block of
diameter S. The problem is axisymmetric and the equation of equilibrium in the
radial direction is as for the derivations of Equations 7.11 to 7.16:
- CTo
-+ =0
dr r
causes the rock to break, CTo corresponds to CT3 and Equation 3.8 gives
470 Derivations of Equations
I r

where m = 2S(Nq,)1/2 and Nq, = tan
(45 + 4>12). Inserting (2) in (1) and solving
er = Nq, (ArO-N.,l/N., _ 2S)
r Nq, - 1
At r = BI2, let er
= Ph; this gives
_ ( Nq, - 1 - N.,l
A - Ph N + 1/2 2
'" N",
Equation 9.10 471
Substituting (4) in (3) gives
_ ( _
- Ph + Nq, - 1 BI2 Nq, - 1
At r = S 12, let & r = O corresponding to an open joint condition. Inserting this
boundary condition in (5) and solving for Ph gives
= 2S(Nq,)1/2 [(!i)O-N''l/N'' _ ]
Ph Nq, - 1 S 1
We consider the cylinder under the footing to be a kind of large triaxial com-
pression specimen with confining pressure Ph. Its strength is, therefore, using
the notation of (2)
q = PhNq, +
Substituting (6) in (7) and simplifying gives Equation 9.8.
Equation 9.10
Equilibrium in the vertical y direction gives
der y'TTr2 + T2'TTr dy = O
In the pier, with er
= er
er = -du/dr (3)
Substituting (3) in (2) and integrating from O to a, the outward radial displace-
ment u at the surface of the pier is
In the rock, the radial pressure on the surface r = a is similar to a uniform
pressure acting on the inside wall of an infinitely thick hollow cylinder. This
solution was presented as Equation 6.13 in Chapter 6 in connection with the
borehole dilatometer test. Inserting u in place of!J.u and er
in place of !J.p, with
properties Er and JJ
in (6.13), the outward radial displacement ofthe rock at the
surface of the pier is
(1 + JJr)a
r Er
472 Derivations of Equations
Pier Rack
Equating (4) and (5) and solving for U', yields
U', = e -Ve + (;:/E,)(1 + v,) U'y
If the pier/rock contact is a surface without adhesion but with friction, then
coefficient IJ.- = tan cpj:
T = IJ.-U',
Substituting (6) in (7) and then in (2) gives
U' = A exp ( -2v
y 1 - Ve + (1 + v,)Ee/E, a
At y = O, U'y = Ptotal. Therefore A = Ptota!. giving (9.10).
Equation 9.15 473
Equation 9.14
The footnote in Chapter 9 after Equation 9.14 gives the settlement of a pier,
exclusive of base settlement, corresponding to the load transfer relation (9.10).
With reference to the preceding figure, the vertical displacement obeys
dv 2v
- dy = By = Ee U' y - Ee U',
Substituting (6) and (8) for U', and U'y in the aboye and integrating from y = 1 to
the surface (y = O) gives the downward displacement of apile of length 1
continuously embedded in rock (exclusive of end settlement). Let
Then integration yields
v = (1 - e-[(g/,)Yl)O
1 - Ve Ee g 1
Simplifying and adding a term for the shortening of the unsupported length of
pile aboye the top of rock yields the equation given in the footnote in the texto
Equation 9.15

- -
- - -
- -
- -H --y-

- - -
- - --
- --
Area =A Area =A
Consider a mine opening of height h at depth H in material of weight density y.
The weight of the material over area A at the mine floor is W = yHA. Let the
average weight density of the rock after collapse be y/ B; B represents a bu1king
factor. Since no new material has been added, the weight is unchanged. There-
fore, (y/B)(H + h)A = yHA. This leads directly to Equation 9.15.
The Use of
A p p e n d ~ 5
The stereographic projection simplifies graphical solutions to problems involv-
ing the relative orientations of lines and planes in space. In rock mechanics
contexts, stereographic projection is appealing for analyzing the stability of
excavations as shown in Chapter 8, as well as for exploring and characterizing
discontinuities in rocks. Many publications in structural geology, crystallogra-
phy, and rock mechanics show constructions and tricks available using stereo-
graphic projection. Especially helpful references for the purposes of rock me-
chanics are Phillips (1972), Hoek and Bray (1977), and Goodman (1976). For
the restricted applications considered in this volume, it will suffice to explain
the underlying principIes and to demonstrate the most essential operations.
Figure AS.la shows the stereographic projection of a plunging lineo The
line passes through the center of a reference sphere at 0, and pierces its surface
at P in the lower hemisphere, and at - P in the upper hemisphere. In all
applications we will cling to the convention that the line or plane we wish to
project contains the center of the reference sphere. The horizontal plane
through is termed the projection plane. A perpendicular to the projection
plane pierces the top of the reference sphere at F, which will be termed the
focusfor lower hemisphere projection. The stereographic projection consists of
projection of lines and points on the surface of a reference sphere from a single
perspective point to corresponding points in the projection planeo To find the
lower hemisphere stereographic projection of any line through we find the
476 The Use of Stereographic Projection
View of reference sphere
Vertical section through AA'
Figure AS.1
Inlroduction 477
point where this line pierces the sUIface of the reference sphere, construct a
straight line between the piercing point and F, and find the point where the
construction line to F crosses the projection planeo For example, the line OP in
Figure A5 .la pierces the reference sphere at point P and the construction line
P F eros ses the projection plane at point p. The latter is then the correct repre-
sentation of OP in a lower hemisphere stereographic projection. Similarly, the
opposite end of OP, which pierces the upper hemisphere of the reference sphere
at point -P, projects to point -p as shown. Figure A5.lb presents a vertical
section of the reference sphere through the line OP. It is perhaps easier to
visualize the spatial relations of the line and its projection in this slice .. Al-
though the construction shown in Figure A5.lb, or its mathematical equivalent,
can always be invoked to locate the stereographic projection of a line, it proves
most convenient to plot the stereographic projection by tracing from a ste-
reonet, as shown later.
The stereographic projection of aplane consists of finding the locus con-
necting the stereographic projections of all the lines it contains. A theorem
holds that any circle on the reference sphere projects as a circle in the projec-
tion planeo (This is not true for the "equal area projection," a variant of the
stereographic projection.) Since any plane we wish to project must contain the
center of the reference sphere, it must pierce the surface of the sphere along a
great circle. In view of the above theorem, the stereographic projection of a
plane must therefore project as a true circle. To find its center, it is sufficient to
construct a circle through the stereographic projections of the strike line and
the dip vector.
Figure A5.2 shows a horizontal plane piercing the reference sphere along
great circle SMT. These points are unmoved by the projection from F. There-
. fore, a circle centered about O in the projection plane represents the stereo-
graphic projection of a horizontal planeo Points inside it, when projected from F
at the top of the reference sphere, belong to the lower hemisphere; all other
points belong to the upper hemisphere. This figure also slows an inclined plane
passing through O and intersecting the reference sphere along great circle SDT.
Line OS and its opposite OT represent the strike of the inclined plane; these
project at points S and T. Line OD is the dip vector of the inclined plane; it
projects to point d as shown. Other lines in the plane, OA, OB, OC, etc. project
to points a, b, e, etc. to define the circular locus TdS as shown. To plot this
locus is to determine the stereographic projection of the planeo One way to do
this would be to construct a circle through points T, d, and S. The center for
this construction will be found along line OV at a distance corresponding to the
projection of a line plunging at an angle from vertical equal to twice the dip
(which is measured from horizontal). Another way to construct the projection
ofthe plane is to plot the projection ofOW, the opposite ofthe dip vector, and
bisect its distance to d.to locate the center ofthe projected circle. However, the
478 The Use of Stereographic Projection
most convenient way to project the plane is by tracing it from the family of
great circles provided in a stereonet.
A stereonet is a stereographic projection of a set of reference planes and
tines within one hemisphere. Figure A5.3 is an equatorial stereonet presenting a
series of great circles of planes having a common intersection and dipping in
increments of 2. These great circles resemble the tines of longitude on a map of
the earth. A family of small circles are also provided, each representing the
locus of tines making a constant angle with the tine of intersection of the great
circles. The small circles, which resemble the tines of latitude on a map of the
globe, catibrate the great circles; that is, angles in any great circle are measured
by counting small circles. This procedure will be illustrated in examples that
follow. To follow these examples, detach the copy of Figure A5.3 that is re-
printed near the back endpaper of this book, and pierce it with a thumbtack
from behind that passes exactly through the center. Tracings placed on the
stereonet can then be rotated about the center. An additional stereonet has
been provided at the end of the book to permit of and
small circles beyond the limits of one hemisphere, for use In apphcatlons of
block theory.
Projection of a Line 479
180 Equal Angle Equatorial Net
Projection of a Line
Line 1 plunges with vertical angle 40 below horizontal toward the N 30 E; plot
it on a lower hemisphere stereographic projection. The line will be assumed to
pass through the center of the reference sphere. If the focus is assumed to tie
atop the reference sphere, its stereographic projection will be a point inside the
"horizontal circle" (i.e., the projection of a horizontal plane). The letters L.H.
(lower hemisphere) on the tracing will indicate that this is the selected option.
In Figure A5.4a, a tracing has been superimposed on the stereonet, north has
Projection of aPlane Given its Strike and Dip 483
been marked arbitrarily and then registry marks have been placed at E, S, and
W positions around the horizontal circ1e. The horizontalline bearing N 30 E
has then been projected by marking a point 30 east of north on the horizontal
circle. In Figure A5.4b, the tracing has been rotated to line up the previously
plotted point with a ruled diameter of the s t e r e o ~ t . The straight line marking
the chosen diameter is the one member of the family of smaH circ1es that
happens to be also a great circ1e; since it is a straight line, it must be the
projection of a vertical planeo The 2 family of great circ1es calibrates the
vertical plane represented by this diameter, and so the vertical angle of 40 can
be laid off by counting 20 great circ1e intersections. The point thus marked,
point 1, is the stereographic projection we require.
The Angle between Two Lines
A Une (2) plunges 20 to the N 20 W. Plot this fine and measure its angle with
Une 1 plotted previously. Line 2 is added to the tracing using the same sequence
of steps as above (Figure A5.4c). To measure the angle from line 1 to line 2, it is
now necessary to determine the plane common to both lines. Since each line
passes through the center of the reference sphere, a common plane exists. It is
found by rotating the tracing until both points faH along the same great circ1e
(Figure A5.4d). The angle between (1) and (2) is then measured by counting the
intersections with the smaH circ1es (which are spaced every 2). The angle is
47. The strike and dip of the plane common to (1) and (2) are indicated on
Figure A5.4e, obtained by rotating the tracing so that the point of intersection
of the great circ1e and the horizontal circ1e overlies the axis of the great circ1e
family on the stereonet. Figure A5Afshows the tracing at the end ofthis step.
Projection of aPlane Given
ils Stn"ke and Dip
Plot the stereographic projection of aplane (1) striking N 50 E and dipping 20
to the N 40 W. On a new tracing, the strike vector, a horizontalline bearing N
50 E, is plotted as a point 50 east of north along the horizontal circ1e (Figure
A5.5a). Next rotate the tracing to place the strike vector over the axis of the
great circ1es and plot the dip vector along the diameter at right angles to the
strike (Figure A5.5b). The dip vector is a line plunging 20 to the N 40 W, so
4S6 The Use of 8tereographic Projection
this step follows from the example discussed previously. Now trace the great
circle common to the strike and dip vectors. To increase accuracy, the great
circle may be constructed with a compass. Since the dip vector plunges 20, the
center of the great circle is 40 from vertical along the diameter containing the
dip vector, as shown in Figure A5.5b.
Plot the stereographie projeetion 01 aplane (2) striking N 60 W and
dipping 45 to the S 30 W and find the bearing and plunge 01 the Une 01
interseetion 01 planes 1 and 2. Emulating the steps above for plane 1, the new
plane (2) yields the great circle shown in Figure A5.se. This circle crosses the
previously constructed great circle at the point marked 1
Since 1
is a point
in the projection of each plane, it represents a line that Hes in each plane; it is
therefore the required intersection. The bearing and plunge of 112 are read from
the stereonet by rotating the tracing to the diameter of the net as shown in
- - - - - - ~ ' "
'" o:
The Locus of Lines Equidistant from a Given Line 4S9
Figure A5.5d. In this position, the vertical angle from 1
to horizontal (the
plunge of 112) can be found by counting the number of great circle intersections
between 112 and horizontal. The intersection plunges 16 to the N 77 W. Figure
A5.5e shows the tracing at the conclusion of this step.
There is a more convenient way to find the line of intersection of two planes
when they are represented by their normals. If it is understood that a line
identified as a normal to aplane is intended to represent the plane, then in place
of the great circle a plane can be plotted by means of a single point. To find the
intersection line of two planes plotted by their normals, ni and n2, the method
shown in Figure A5.6 can be used. In this figure, the projections ofplanes 1 and
2 found in the previous example have been traced on a clean overlay. The
normal to plane 1 (ni) is plotted in Figure A5.6a by lining up the dip vector of
plane 1 with the diameter of the stereonet and measuring 90 along this diameter
through the vertical. (A verticalline is represented by the point at the center of
the projection, this being a lower hemisphere projection.) The normal to plane 2
is plotted similarly in Figure A5.6b. Then, in Figure A5.6c, the two normals, ni
and n2 are lined up on a common great circle by rotating the tracing appropri-
ately. The normal to this great circle is 1
(Figure A5.6c). Figure A5.6d shows
the tracing at the end of this step. Note that it was not necessary to draw the
great circles of planes 1 and 2 to find 1
by this construction. They were drawn
in the figure to demonstrate that the two methods of construction do in fact lead
to the same result.
The Locus of Lines Equidistant
from a Given Line
The locus of lines making a constant angle with a certain line is a circular cone
with vertex at the center of the reference sphere. This cone projects as a small
circle. By the theorem stated previously, the projection of a small circle is a
true circle, that is, it may be drawn with a compass. A way to do this is shown
in Figure A5.7.
Plot the locus 01 fines at 45 with the normal to plane llrom the previous
problem. In Figure A5.7a, the point ni, traced from the Figure A5.6d, has been
lined up with the net's diameter. Two lines on the cone are then plotted by
moving away from ni by the required 45 along the diameter in each direction.
In Figure A5.7b, the distance between these two points is then bisected to find
the center of the small circle. Note that the center for construction does not
coincide with the axis ofthe cone (ni). The circle is drawn from the center using
a compass as shown in Figure A5. 7 c. The tracing after this step is shown in
Figure A5.7d.
492 The Use of Stereographic Projection
Problems in slope stability and rock foundations involve manipulations with
vectors. Since the direction of a vector can be shown as a point on the stereo-
graphic projection, the preceding constructions prove applicable to stability
analysis, as discussed in Chapter 8. However, there is a world of difference
between the tip and the tail of a vector in this connotation; therefore one must
distinguish carefully between a line and its opposite. In structural geology
work, such a distinction is not usually required and a point on one hemisphere
can be replaced by its opposite in the other hemisphere without penalty. In rock
mechanics we must work with the whole sphere.
There is no essential difficulty in working with both hemispheres, the only
requirement being either a very large piece of paper or two separate tracings,
one marked L.H. to denote lower hemisphere (as in all the examples of this
section) and another marked U.H. to identify the upper hemisphere. Both
hemispheres can be shown on one plot but only one hemisphere is located
inside the horizontal circle. Constructions and manipulations helpful for prob-
lems embracing the whole sphere are presented by Goodman (1976).
Donn, W. L. and Shimer, J. A. (1958) Graphic Methods in Structural Geology, Apple-
ton Century Crofts, New York.
Goodman, R. E. (1976) PrincipIes of stereographic projection and joint surveys, in
Methods ofGeological Engineering in Discontinuous Rocks, West, St. Paul, MN.
Hoek, E. and Bray, J. W. (1977) Graphical presentation of geological data, in Rock
Slope Engineering, 2d ed., Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, London.
Phillips, F. C. (1972) The Use of Stereographic Projection in Structural Geology, 3d
ed., Amold, London.
Priest, S. D. (1985) Hemispherical Projection Methods in Rock Mechanics, George
Allen & Unwin, London.
1. Write an equation for the distance from the center of the projection circle
(corresponding to a unit reference sphere) to the lower hemisphere stereo-
graphic projection of a line plunging So below horizontal.
2. Determine the angle between lines 1 and 2 and the strike and dip of their
common plane: line 1 plunges 70 to the N 30 E; line 2 plunges 15 to the N
60 E.
Problems 493
3. Determine the bearing of the plunge of the tine of intersection of two planes
given as follows: plane 1 strikes N 70 E and dips 60 S 20 E; plane 2 strikes
N 20 W and dips 40 N 70 E.
4. Show how a tine in the upper hemisphere is plotted in a lower hemisphere
5. Given a line plunging in the lower hemisphere 30 to the north, plot its
opposite in an upper hemisphere projection (i.e., a projection in which the
focus is at the bottom of the reference sphere). AIso, plot the line (not its
opposite) in the lower hemisphere projection. Compare the two results and
generalize if possible.
6. Construct the locus of lines making an angle of 35 with a line plunging 60 to
the N 30 E. (Use a lower hemisphere projection.) What is the minimum
angle between line 2 of Problem 2 and any point on the locus?
Answers lo Problems
1. With G ilIite = 2.75, Gcblorite = 2.84, and Gpyrite = 4.9, G = 3.20 and = 0.24. Then
I'dry = 23.83 kN/m
= 151.8 P/ft
Average water content w = 0.099 giving I'wet 26.2 .
= 166 P/ft

= 47.9 MPa = 6948 psi
2. qu = 19.0 MPa (2760 psi); 53.1 MPa (7700 psi); 137.0 MPa (19,800 psi).
3. I'wet = 24 kN/m
; I'dry = 22.76 kN/m
; n = 12.8%
4. I'wet = 20.11 kN/m
(assuming G = 2.70)
The loss in wet weight/m
= 3.89 kN; then the loss in volume of saturated
= 0.233 m
, giving An = 0.233 and n = 0.361.
5. vi = 6440 mis; moderately to strongly fissured
6. I'dry = 0.028 MN/m
= 178 P/ft
7. w = 5.25%
8. See Equation 2.6.
9. q = 9.63 X 10-
/s per cm
10. er
= 38.1 MPa = 5520 psi
11. 0.040 mm
12. 2ke = kS ~ k = k S
13. ____________________ ____________ __
Joint Condition
Rough; hard wall rock
Slightly rough; hard
rock; aperture < 1 mm
Ditto aboye but soft
wall rock
Smooth; open 1-5 mm
or gouge 1-5 mm
Open more than 5 mm
or gouge thicker than
Total Rating
Fair rock
Fair rock
Fair rock
Poor rock
Poor rock
496 Answers to Problems
14. 6S = 55 dareies = 55 x 9.8 x 10-
e = (6 x 50 cm x 55 x 9.8 x 10-
= 0.546 mm
4.0 g ~ l
15. C = 10 ft x ~ psi = 7.3 x 10-
4 O gal x _1 ___ L_
. min 0.264 gallon
CLugeoos = 10 ft x 12 in./ft . I MPa = 13.1 Lugeons
39.37 in./m x 55 pSI 145 psi
16. YI = (1 - n)y
(a) First 17.6 kN/m
; then 24.8 kN/m
(b) First 17.6 to 13.5 kN/m
; then 24.8-20.3 kN/m
1. Si = 1.17 MPa; cp = 40
2. Pw = 3.27 MPa = 474 psi
3. K = 0.217
4. /J = 0.178
5. qu ~ 3.84 MPa; as sume T
= 0.05qu, giving T
= 0.19 MPa
6. Ilpw = 2.45 MPa = 356 psi; Ilhwater = 250 m = 820 ft
7. u = UI ~ T
- UI ; T
sin cp and UI = -T
(45 + ~ ) + 2S tan (45 + ~ )
8. (a) Linear regression gives Ulp = 11 ,980 psi + 6.10u3; thus CPP = 45.9, Sip = 2425 psi
(b) Linear regression gives Ulr = 1020 + 5.74u3; thus CPr = 44.7 and Sir = 143 psi
Note in (a) and (b) that the determined values of qu are slightly different than
those measured in the uneonfined eompression tests.
(e) Using qu = 11,200 as measured, power law regression gives ulplqu = 1 +
5.65(U31 qu)O.879.
(d) Ulp = 40,980 psi + 12.68u3, giving CPP = 58.6 and Sip = 5750 psi
(e) Ulr = 3470 + 10. 37u3 , giving CPr = 55.5 and Sir = 540 psi
(f) Using qu = 41,000 as measured rather than 40,980 as determined by linear
regression in (d) gives ulplqu = I + I 1.9 I (U3Iqu)O.979.
9. The maximum moment is M = [(PI2) . (L/2)] where L is the length ofthe beam. The
maximum tensile stress is U
= Mc/l with e = d/2 and 1 = 1Td
/64, (d being the
diameter ofthe eore sample). Therefore, T
= U
= 8PL/(1Td
10. Consider a unit eube with edges aligned to x, y, and z axes. Its initial volume V = 1.
After undergoing strains ex, ey, and e
, the lengths of the edges beco me 1 + ex, I +
Answers to Problems 497
ey, and 1 + e
. The ehange in volume Il Vis therefore (1 + e
)(1 + ey)(l + ez) - I =
I + ex + ey + ez + exey + eyeZ + ezex + exeye
- l. If the strains are small, their
produets can be negleeted. Therefore Il V = ex + ey + e
= Il VIV.
11. ________________________________ __
t/J Si cp qu Ulp for U3 = 30
0 60.2 33.0 221.7 323.5
30 26.4 21.1 77.0 140.7
60 60.2 18.6 167.6 225.7
90 69.8 28.9 236.5 322.6
~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ U
12. Assuming that Si,mio oecurs when t/J = 30 and that n = 1, Equation 3.18 beeomes Sj =
SI - S2 eos 2(t/J - 30). Let Si,30 and Si,75 be the values of Si for t/J = 30 and 75,
respeetively. Then SI = S,75 and S2 = S,75 - S,30. Since qu = 2 tan(45 + cp/2)Si, then
qu = qu.75 - (qu,75 - qu,30)eos 2(t/J - 30)
Substituting this value for qu in Equation 3.8 yields the desired resulto
13. We may assume that anisotropy arises from the presenee of planar fissures. These
close under high mean stress.
L/3 L/3
r,- .. -.-.- .. -"-.-.,-,,-,,-,.-,-,.-,,-,-.-,,-,-,-.-,,-,-,,-',,1
'" I o
, ""
Shear "vi Momen!
498 Answers lo Problems
15. (a) Assume that the residual strength of an uneonfined eompression specimen is
essentially zero. Then
U" (U" )0.867
(b) For the sandstone ---.!!: = 5.27 -1
qu qu
U" (U" )0.633
(e) For the norite ---.!!: = 4.21 -1
qu qu
16. (a) for m = O
by Hoek and Brown
Equation 3.15 is
<.!JE = N (U"3)M + 1
qu qu
So the two are identical if N = M = 1 when m = O.
(b) Substitution in the Hoek and Brown criterio n gives the following values eorre-
sponding to the three roek types:
U"3 m = 7 m = 17 m = 25
O 100 100.0 100
10 140.4 174.3 197.1
20 174.9 229.8 264.9
40 234.9 319.3 371.7
70 312.9 429.2 500.1
100 382.8 524.3 609.8
~ 300

20 40 60
03 (MPa)
Answers lo Problems 499
(See the Figure.) It can be appreeiated that parameter m is a generalization ofthe
Mohr-Coulomb frietion angle for the case of a downward-eurved failure enve-
17. (a) Equation 2.17 gives RMR = 9 log Q + 44
Solvng for Q yields
RMR - 44)
Q = e 9
Substituting this result for Q in the given expression gives
A = 0.0176e
(b) For M = 0.65, A = 0.0176e(0.072RMR-3.177) or A = e(0.0722RMR-7.217). Substituting in
Equation 3.15 withA in place of 1 and with N = 5, qu =.2, and RMR = 50 gives
A = e-
U",p = 0,054 + 6.37(U"3)0.65 (MPa)
l. U"u = 13.5 MPa = 1960 psi
(iH = 6,75 MPa = 979 psi
2. Original water pressure = 1300 psi
U"h,min = 9.72 MPa = 1410 psi
= 3.45 MPa = 500 psi
U"u = 24.7 MPa = 3580 psi
U"h,max = 18.76 MPa = 2720 psi if pore pressure is negleeted. If pore pressure is
eonsidered using the answer to Problem 4.11 with Pw = 13,000 psi: U"h,max = 1,420
psi = 9.79 MPa.
3. U"major = 3.10 MPa = 450 psi
U"minor = l. 38 MPa = 200 psi
O = -63.4
4.278 m
5. U" = U"h,max = 82.33 MPa = 11,938 psi
U"2 = U"h,min = ?
U"3 = U"u = 25.15 MPa = 3646 psi
Figure 4.7 gives K '= 1.91, or U"h,max = 48.0 MPa = 6957 psi.
6. K = 1.11
500 Answers to Problema
'" c:
U L-______________ .-
.... ;.----u
Jack pressure
8. Assuming that the Kirsch solution applies, with a perfectly circular opening in a
homogeneous, isotropic, elastic, continuous mass, with the radius of the tunnel
much larger than the width of the jack; that the value of E for loading equals the
value for unloading; and that the slot and jack have the same dimension, then
CFhoriz = 4.48 MPa = 650 psi
CFvert = 7.24 MPa = 1050 psi
Note that if the stress concentrations are taken at the center of the jack, Equations
4.13 become
CFO.w} = (-0.635 2.47 ){CFhOriZ}
CFO,R 2.47 -0.635 CFvert
CFhOriZ} = (0.111 0.434){CFO.w}
CFvert 0.434 0.111 CFO.R
CFhoriz = 4.61 MPa = 669 psi
CFvert = 8.16 MPa = 1185 psi
9. In pounds and inches
CFx} (182.5 -57.5 )-1{0.003}
= 10
2.5 122.5 207.85 0.002
2.5 122.5 -207.85 0.001
CFx} (544.4 127.8
= 10
-11.1 405.6
Txz 240.6
CFX} {2017.0}
= 1183.0 psi
CFmax = 2082 psi
CFmin = 1118 psi
a = 15.0
127.8 ){0.003}
405.6 0.002
-240.6 0.001
Answers to Problema 501
10. CFh = 180 MPa = 26,100 psi
The measurement gives CFh = 80 MPa = 11,600 psi.
The rock could not withstand such a high stress difference (CF
= O) and developed
11. Pc1 - Pw ~ 3CFh.min - CFh.max - 2pw + To by substituting CFh.max - Pw, CFh.min - Pw, and
Pc1 - Pw In place of CFh.max, CFh.min, and PcI, respectively.
12. (a) CFh.max = 1333 psi
CFh.final = 1333 - 449 = 884 psi
(b) Glaciation, or sedimentation followed by uplift and erosion
13. CFx = 48.25, CFz = 10.15, Txy = -1.13, CFI = 48.28, CF2 = 10.12, a = -1.70
1. There are three sets of joints:
(a) Strike S 38.4 E (b) Strike S 34.3 W
dip 36.8 NE dip 62.2 NW
Kf = 557 Kf = 439
(c) Strike N 18S E
dip 63.2 SE
Kf = 238
2. See diagram.
West o
o o
Upper hemlsphere
502 Answers to Problems
3. epp. = 34.5" (the values of G', Ton the sawedjoint during sliding are (0.32, 0.22), (0.97,
0.67), (1.61, 1.11), and (3.23, 2.23.
4.252 MPa
5. 6v
Calculated dilatancy
L ___ MeaSUred dilatancy

Roughness profile
6. G' v = 16.2, G'h = 10.6 MPa
7. Pw = 0.50 MPa
- 6.5 kN _ 3 kN/ 2 }
8. Tpeak - 0.5 m2 - 1 m
G' = = 20 kN/m
Tpeak = tan 33
5.3 kN k / 2
Tresid = 0.5 m2 = 10.6 N m
T resid = tan 27.9
Shear stiffness at peak:
ks = 1; = 2.50 MPa/m
. mm
The initial shear stiffness is 4.00 MPa/m. The peak dilataney angle is eppeak - epresid =
5.1 (assuming no wear on thejoint). Using Sehneider's equation (5.8), i varies as
U(mm)15.2 7.5 9.5 n.o 2:12
(O) 5.1 3.1 0.91 0.45 o
9. (a) At slip, with angle of friction epj on the joint
T - F B sin a + F B eos a tan epj
Then, to prevent slip
F = T
B eos a tan epj + sin a
(b) The force s aeross the joint are inclined at epj with the normal at the point of slip.
Answers to Problems 503
The direetions of T and F
are given. Prom
the force triangle, F
is minimum when
I amin = 90 - epj I (4)
In this direetion, (2) gives
Fb = Teos ep (5)
(e) Pirst, dilation would ehange the strength so that in place of epj one should substi-
tute epj + i in. (2) and (4). Seeond, the dilatant displaeement eomponent in the
direetion of the bolt would eneounter resistanee due to the bolt stiffness k
eausing an inerement of bolt force:
= k
(u tan i eos a + u sin a)
In place of (2), we obtain
FB = (ep T.) . + kBu(tan i eos a + sin a)
eos a tan :j + 1 + sm a
An additional resistanee would come from bolt shear stiffness when the steel hits
the sides of the borehole. As this induces roek erushing and sharp eurvature in
the steel, with eombined, nonhomogeneous stresses, the solution beeomes more
eomplex. Equation 5 can be simplified to
eos(epj + i) sin(a + 1) (8)
Fb =. A-') + kB U
sm(a + 'Pj + 1 eos 1
11/11 C)
epj = 20 epj = 30
O, 180 0.000 0.000
5, 175 0.086 0.125
10, 170 0.305 0.210
15, 165 0.383 0.268
20, 160
0.434 0.305
25, 155
0.466 0.327
30, 150
0.484 0.333
Answers to Problems
35, 145
40, 140
45, 135
50, 130
55, 125
60, 120
65, 115
70, 110
75, 105
80, 100
-00 -5.330
a ~ s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - - - ~ - ~ o o
::;ee figures for .l.. = 20 'f'J and 30.
Ana wers to Problems
11. cp. - 28 2 J - ., t/J = 50 ,Pw = 10 MP a, (j3 = 1.5 M
1.5 _ Pa, (jI = 4.5 MP
Pw _ tan 50 a
12. S - 10 I - ., cp = 30
"Y = 0.025 MPa/m
v = 02 . (see figure)
w tan 78.2 = 0.249
4.5 - P -
l.5-p -1 w - .121 - 0.249p
Pw = 0.379 w
0.751 = 0.505 MPa
Answers lo Problems 507
Equation 3.14 ~ er.p = 1 _ k tan
(45 + cp/2)
qu = 2S tan(45 + cp/2) = 2(1.0)tan 60 = 3.46 MPa
er - er - = 13.8 MPa
u - l,p - 1 - 0.25 tan2 60
Depth Z = 13.8 MPa/0.025 MPa/m = 554 m
erh = 0.25er
= 3.46 MPa
(b) Using Bray's equation, given in Problem 5.10, after the shear joints have
tan t/J tan 30
u = tan(t/J + cp) = tan 50 = 0.484
erh becomes 0.484 x 13.8 = 6.7 MPa
(e) eru = 1.5 x 13.8 = 20.7 MPa
erh = 0.484 x 20.8 = 10.0 MPa
Z = 831 m
Ilerh = 0.251ler u
10.0 - erh = 0.25(20.7 - er
erh = 4.825 + 0.25er
u erh
15 8.58
10 7.32
6.43 6.43
4 5.83
and erh = er
er u = 4.825 + 0.25er u
er u = 6.43 MPa
Z = 257 m
(e) The equation connecting erh and er
erh = 4.825 + 0.25er
at rupture, with erh = er and er u = er3
erh = qu + eru tan
(45 + cp/2)
4.825 + 0.250"u = 3.46 + 3er
508 Answers to Problema
(Tu tan 30
(O - = -t 50 = 0.484
(Th an
(Tu = 1.365/2.75 = 0.50 MPa
(Th = 4.95 MPa
Z = 20m
Note that I/J = 30
is now to be measured from horizontal, whereas previously it
was measured from vertical:
(Tu 0.50
(Th = 0.484 = 0.484 = 1.03
(g) See figure.
13. See figures
(a) In direetion ~ fractures
In direetion o from normal
Answers to Problema 509
r - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - n t h fracture
Normal to fracture set
(b) 1..(0) = Adeos 011 + A21eos 0
= Adeos od + A21sin od
(e) Por max A,
dO = -Al sin 01 + 1..2 eos 0
= O
tan 0= 1..
eos O = Al
VAT + A ~
. II 1..2
SIn u = , r-;;----o
v AT + A ~
Amax = 'VAr + Ai = 5.39
Omax = 21.8
from normal to set 1
Average spaeing in this direction = (Amax)-I = 0.19.
510 Answers to Problems
14. By analogy with Equation 5.8, CPb is the residual friction angle ofthejoint and [JCR
log (JCS/ <Tn)] is the roughness angle of the joint surface. When <Tn is small compared
with JCS, the dilatancy angle is large and when JCS/<T is 10 the roughness angle
equals JCR (degrees). The roughness angle declines with increasing normal stress
until <Tn = JCS after which the roughness angle is zero. (H makes no sense to discuss
the shear strength, using Barton's equation, when the normal stress is higher than
l. Denoting deviator strain components by e and mean strain by e, as in Appendix 2,
where <Tx,dev is deviatoric normal stress in the x direction and iT is the mean stress.
Substituting Equation 6.1 in (1) gives
Similar expressions arise by considering ey and ez' AIso, exy = Wxy = l(Txy/G) with
similar expressions for e
and ezx.
2. Let Slateral = R; then
v = ---o;;:-;R;::--<T-"a":;xia'7 I_-----'-P__
p(2R - 1) - <Taxial
E = <Taxial - 2vp
3. During a triaxial compression test, the mean stress is iT = (<Taxial + 2p)/3. To hold iT
constant as <Taxial is increased, it is sufficient to de crease the confining pressure from
its initial value p = iT to a value p = (3iT - <Taxial)/2, Manual feedback can achieve the
control for slow rates of load; a computer driving a servofeedback system is neces-
sary for fast load rates and for precise control near the peak. In terms of the change
in p required,
(i = l<T axial + 2p = constant; then ~ < T axial + 2 ~ p = O and ~ p = ! ~ < T axial
Answers to Problema 511
4. The data are plotted in the diagram. Using the load cycle from O to 5000 N
force kN
Axial shortening mm
E = 1821 MPa (elastic deformation)
M = 3188 MPa (permanent deformation)
V = 0.300 (elastic deformation)
= 0.400 (permanent deformation)
From the total deformation on loading,
Etotal = 1159 MPa and Vtolal = 0.336
E 2E
5. DI = 3K = 3 3(1 _ 2v) and D2 = 2G = 2(1 + v)
(se e Problem 1). Then
and v=
DI - D
2D + D
512 Answers to Problems
1 1 1
6. (a) -E = M + E
(b) See the diagram.
Permanent deformation
1iL:.L--l __ L_...L ___ _ . . . . . . i I ~ ~ __ taxial
7. V = 0.277
Secant modulus
of permanent
deformat ion
L-__________ ---:= ______ Eax,al
E = 43,900 MPa (=43.9 GPa) = 6.37 X I06 psi
8. Permanent deformation arises from irreversible c10sure of fissures, pores, and
joints. The second and fiatter slope (D could refiect sliding on joints.
9. (a) Joint normal deformation = ~
Rock normal deformation = i S = i 0.4 m
Equating 1 and 2 gives
kn = S = 2.5E
Answers to Problems 513
G E 2.5E
ks = S 2(1 + v)S 2(1 + v)
1 1 1 1 1
En = E + knS = E + E = 2 X 10-
1 1 1 1 1 4(1 + v)
- = - + - = - + - = = 5.32 X 10-
~ G U G G E .
Es = E = 10
= 0.33
En 0.5 X 10
Vns = E v = 104 (0.33) = 0.165
= 0.33
Then the .terms of the strain-stress matrix corresponding to (6.9) are
2 -0.33 -0.33 O O O
-0.33 1 -0.33 O O O
-0.33 -0.33 1 O O O
O O O 5.32 O O
O O O O 5.32 O
O O O O 2.66
10. Letjoint set 1 have spacing SI, etc. Define directions 1,2, and 3 normal to sets 1, 2,
and 3. Then,
etc., for 2 and 3 and
etc., for 23 and 31.
1 1 1
Enl E knlSI
1 1 1 1
G kslSI kS2 S2
V12 = V13 = E v
V21 = V23 = E v
V31 = V32 = E v
514 Answers to Problems
11. We as sume the rock is isotropic and that the strain/stress matrix is symmetric. Since
s, and ( directions are both in the plane parallel to the joint, there is no difference in
deformability constants relating n to s and relating n (o (directions. Thus it suffices
to discuss: (1) Bn due to application of <Tn; (2) Bs due to application of <Ts ; and (3) Bs
due to application of <Tn
(1) Applying only <T
causes closure due to the joint, and due to the rock.
_ _ <Tn <Tn _ <T (1 1 )
Bn - S + S - kS + E - E kS + E
) 1 n
Bn = E knS + 1 = E (p)<Tn finally
(2) Applying only <T
causes strain in direction s due only to the rock:
Bs = Bs,r = <Ts = E (l)<Ts
(3) Applying only <T
causes lateral strain due only to the rock
-v 1
Bs = Bs.r = E <Tn = E (-v)<Tn
12. The slopes of the unloading, reloading ramps give as the bulk modulus kB
B = 0.0007 = 3430 MPa
kB = 0.0014 = 3430 MPa
10.3 34
B = 0.0030 = 30 MPa
Assuming the plastic deformation arises entirely due to unrecoverable (plastic) clos-
ing of the joints, then
= B + B + B . = 3 J!..-
V(plastic) 1
l."i< 2
l."i< 3
l","< knS
where S = the spacing of joints. Substituting S = 5 cm = 0.05 m, and solving yields
= vA! + vpE
. v, A! + E
P (MPa)
3 P



Answers to Problems
Point 8 r <To
A 61 29.15 695
B 30 25.00 748
e -1 29.15 695
2. For 'Y = 1.1 psi/ft,
2.0 1.67
<TO.max(psi) 2200 1837
Location Wall Wall
3. = 1.71 psi = 11.81 kPa
Umax = 0.136 in. = 3.45 mm
<Tmax,s.s = 363 psi = 2.50 MPa
<Tmax,shale = 72.7 psi = 0.50 MPa

4. (a) Q = 1.0396; R = 34.74a; b = 2.67 x 1Q10
( = 53,390
u = 556.5 in. a, meaning the tunnel fails
Elastic zone:
ex <T
-31 481
O 352
+31 481
4.0 9.0
4400 9900
Roof Roof
<Tr = 4000 psi - 2.898 x 10

<To = 4000 psi + 2.898 x 106 _1_
516 Answers to Problems
Plastic zone:
4000 c.

Vi 3000
= 40 -
ero = 2.0396er
37 41 45 49
---Elastic zone rla
(b) For Pi = 400 psi R = 3.79a, U
= -6.35 in. in elastic zone:
err = 4000 psi - 3.453 x 104 _1_
(r/ a)2
ero = 4000 psi + 3.452 x 10
in plastic zone: er
= 400
ero = 2.0396er
5. (a) 3608 lb
(b) 17.1 psi in limestone
113 psi in sandstone
6. PI = 4000 and P2 = 2000 psi
20 min 1 hr
Ur (in.)
1.15 1.15
1 week
12 hr
2 weeks
1 day 2 days 4 days
1.23 1.32 1.48
8 weeks 1 yr 10 yr
4.92 10.69
Answers to Problems '517
7. Anchor of bolt has coordinates 480", 30.
Head of bolt has coordinates 300", 30.
E = 30 X 10
psi; area of bolt = 1.227 in.
u in.
!::'u in. !::'u since
Anchor Head Uhead - Uanchor t = 12 hr e
12 hr 0.83 1.23 0.40 O O
24 hr 0.86 1.27 0.41 0.01 5.56 x 10-
2 days 0.92 1.36 0.44 0.04 2.22 x 10-
4 days 1.04 1.55 0.51 0.11 6.11 x 10-
1 week 1.22 1.81 0.59 0.19 1.06 x 10-
2 weeks 1.63 2.41 0.78 0.38 2.11 x 10-
The bolts should beco me plastic after about 2 weeks.
Po = P, = P2
After 24 hr
For the tunnel in an axisymmetric stress field at r = a in Equation 7.18, we use A =
poa/2, B = e = O, giving
For the dilatometer, with PI internal pressure, Equation 6.33 is equal to
518 Answers to Problems
Thus the displacements are the same (but opposite in magnitude, of course). For a
depth of 1000 ft, with'Y = 150 P/ft3, Po = 1042.
1 min
5 min
15 min
30 min
1 hr
3 hr
6 hr
12 hr
24 hr
36 hr
2 days
3 days
4 days
5 days
6 days
Time Since
12 hr
24 hr
2 days
3 days
4 days
5 days
9. For RMR = 20, Figure 7.13 indicates that the following relationship exists:
Unsupported Span
Stand-up Time
10. For a maximum unsupported span of 4 m, Figure 7.13 indicates the following:
Rock Mass Rating
Stand-up Time
5 hr
1 day
1 month
2 yr
11. (a) The center of gravity of block 1 lies aboye the edge of block 2 if Xl = SI2. The
center of gravity of blocks 1 and 2 considered as a unit overlies the edge of block
3 if X2 = S/4. Similarly X3 = S/6, X4 = S/8, etc. Thus, at depth n t below the
crown, the tunnel cannot maintain a width greater than w = L ~ I S/i. This is the
harmonic series, which diverges showing that the walls approach but never
become vertical.
Answers to Problems 519
(b) Block 1 tends to fail by rotation about the upper comer of block 2, forming a
hinge at its own upper right comer (a) (see diagram). This causes point (b) to
swing up, sliding along the adjacent block. If there were a horizontal force on
that block, the resulting friction would exert a stabilizing moment on block 1.
Horizontal force on the lower rows of blocks would tend to shear them along the
layer boundaries, reducing the width of the span and increasing the stability of
the roof. This lateral displacement would reduce the horizontal force and the
tunnel wall would then become stabilized with the maximum horizontal stress
allowed by interlayer friction.
Bounds of slip
region for
q, = 20
520 Answers to Problems
13. (a) With x, y parallel to (TI, (T3 direetions and x' parallel to the normal to layers, a is
the angle fromx to x' and (Tx' and Tx'y' are given by Equations A1.2 (with Txy = O).
By definition of epj: ITx'y,1 (Tx, I :s tan epj. This lead to the limiting eondition
eot epi - eot a
(T- - (T
3 - tan a + eot epj 1
Bray's formula, Probo 10 of Chapo 5, eould also be used.
(b) (T3 = 0.31 MPa
(e) The aboye value of (T3 must be supplied by the aetion ofthe supports. This ean be
obtained by roek bolts, for example, ifthe foree in eaeh roek bolt divided by the
area tributary to one bolt = (T3, providing the bolts are closely spaeed.
14. For strata dipping 8 = 45 to the left as shown, interlayer slip oeeurs from () = 0 to
15, from () = 75 to 195 and from () = 225 to 360. a = 180 - () + 8.
a (MPa)
O 225 0.402
15 210 O
60 165 O
90 135 0.938
120 105 0.804
180 45 0.402
15. (a) The original volume, per unit thickness, is (see figure)
u = 7T(b
- a
) (1)
.c.v = kv
whieh bulks to a final volume
Uf = (1 + kB)u (2)
b The final volume ean also be expressed as
Uf = 7T(b
- (a - U
)2) (3)
where Ua is the inward displaeement of radius a. Assume U
is zero; then
inserting (1) and (2) and equating to (3) yie1ds
(This result was first published by Labasse, in Reuue Universelle des Mines,
Mareh 1949.)
Answers lo Problems 521
Sinee U
is always less than a, 2a - U
> O and kB is always positive (if U
= O).
- Ui2a - Ua) - Ub(2b - Ub ) (6)
(e) B - b2 _ a2
sinee 2a - U
= 2a and 2b - U
= 2b
kB =
- bU
- a
Limits of Ring t
(m) r :Ia (days) k
B Sense of Change
2.12-4.5 3.3 1.56 20 -0.0078 Compaeting
100 -0.0168 Compaeting
800 -0.0347 Compaeting
4.5-7 5.75 2.71 20 0.0007 Expanding
100 -0.0025 Compaeting
800 -0.0128 Compaeting
7-9.4 8.20 3.87 20 0.0021 Expanding
100 -0.0003 Compaeting
800 -0.0054 Compaeting
These results are plotted in the answer to Problem 17.
17. (a) The results of Problem 16 are plotted as k
versus r yielding the following:
R = 2.7r
(m) Rla
14.8 7.0
23.2 11.0
28.6 13.5
re'" 5.5
re'" 8.6
522 Answers to Problems
p(l + ,,)
(b) Uelas = E '
= 5000 '
Uelas = 9.6 x 10-
2.12 4.5 7.0 9.4 11.7 17.2 25.7
r (m) (Iog scale)
This relationship has been plotted with the extenso meter data in U - log ,
coordinates. The extensometer data intersect the elastic displacement data de-
termining R as follows:
(days) (m) R/a
20 11.7 5.5
100 17.2 8.1
800 25.7 12.1
18. (a) At limiting equilibrium, T = O" tan cf> on the vertical joints while the horizontal
joint opens, becoming free of stress. Summing force s in the vertical direction
w = 'Ybh (per unit of thickness)
B - W + 2hO" tan cf> = O
B = 1 _ 20" tan cf>j
W "lb
Answers to Problems 523
(b) If B = O
b = 20" tan cf>j
max 'Y
19. Associated with shear displacement u, eachjoint tends to dilate by = u tan i. If
the wall rock were rigid, the normal strain increment of the block would be =
and the normal stress increment would be = Thus, in view ofthe
answer to 18(a),
B = 1
4E tan i tan cf> !!.
"lb b
20. The displacement path across Figure 5.17b would be inclined a upward from hori-
zontal. For initial normal stress equal to a, it would follow the dashed path shown
(neglecting initial shear stress on the joints) (see figure). The normal stress would
drop slightly; then it would increase almost to b, and then start to drop.

_ _ Path for wedge
a -------..... 6

21. Before gravity is "switched on" to the wedge, the stresses tend to flow tangentially
around the circular opening. Close to the periphery of the opening, the direction of
the tangent makes a larger angle (al) with the normal to the joints than it does nearer
the vertex ofthe wedge where the angle is al as shown in the figure. Thus the upper
portion of the block is effectively reinforced by shears along its slides. If the angle al
exceeds the friction angle for the joint, a portion of the block's weight will be
transferred farther up along the joint, setting up vertical tensile stresses in the
wedge. The block may therefore break into two parts, allowing the lower part to fall
while the upper part is restrained.
524 Answers to Problems
22. (a) By symmetry, there is no vertical force at the top center (O). Summing forces
vertically gives
v = ysb
Taking moments about O, when .:ly is very small
or with (1)
Hb + ysb 2. = Vs
H/V = 2b
The lines of action of the resultant of H, v, Wand the horizontal force through O
intersect at a single point; this establishes the location of the reaction.
(b) The block becomes unstable ifpoint O falls lower than H, which can happen for
block s in which b <1ii s. The critical case, is shown in the figure. The block has
rotated by an amount
O = tan-
(b/s) (4)
Answers to Problems 525
.:lx = s cos O + b sin O - s = s(cos O - 1) + b sin O (5)
Using (4), .:lx = vS'f+7)2 - s (This result can be seen directly in the figure).
23. (a) See figure. S = 1/2 ---? - = 2
(b) See figure.
_L __
526 Answers to Problems
1 = BD + DF + FH
BD = CB cos 45
DF = CE cos 8/2
AB cos 45
cos(45 + 8/2)
GH cos 45
FH = EH cos 45 = --:-'-..,...,..-::'-'-----:-::-:-
sin(45 + 8/2)
a sin 8/2 cos 45
cos(45 + 8/2)
= 2" cos 8/2
(a + l)sin 8/2 cos 45
sin(45 + 8/2)
. . . sin 8/2 + cos 8/2
SIn(45 + 8/2) = SIn 45 cos 8/2 + cos 45 SIn 8/2 = v2 (5)
. . cos 8/2 - sin 8/2
cos(45 + 8/2) = cos 45 cos 8/2 - SIn 45 SIn 812 = v2 (6)
Substituting (2), (3), and (4) with (5) and (6) in (1) and solying for 1 yields
1 ( cos 8/2 ) _ 2a sin 8/2 cos 8/2 a 8/2
sin 8/2 + cos 8/2 - cos
8/2 - sin
8/2 + 2" cos
1 = a(1 + tan 8/2)(! cos 8/2 + tan 8)
Letting bolt spacing be determined by are length, then
s = a8
1 1
~ = (j (1 + tan 8/2)(! cos 8/2 + tan 8)
For 8 = 40, = 0.698 radians, as drawn, !:.. = 2.56a.
24. The angle bolts defend against diagonal tensile and shear failure aboye the
haunches. Figure 7.6c shows an opening diagonal tension crack aboye the left
haunch. Its growth releas es a complete block in the roof, which is falling in Figure
25. See figure for parts (a) and (b):
(a) 100
(b) 011
Dip and Dip Direction
30.0 70.0
50.0 140.0
60.0 270.0
90.0 0.0
See figure for part (c)
Answers to Problems 527
North wall
Free face of a
block of JP 100
looking North at North wall.
528 Answers to Problems
26. See figure
--------- Horizontal
Projection of JP 101
o N
Answers to Problems
Azimuth of Strike of Cut Steepest Governing
Radius to Cutting at Slope Dip Safe Failure
Point That Point Direction Slope Mode
O E S 90 None
15 S 75 E S 15 W 90 None
30 S 60 E S 30 W 90 None
45 S 45 E S 45 W 87 Sliding on 1
60 S 30 E S 60 W 53 Toppling on 2
75 S 15 E S 75 W 51 Toppling on 2
90 S W 50 Toppling on 2
105 S 15 W N 75W 51 Toppling on 2
120 S 30 W N600W 53 T oppling on 2
135 S 45 W N 4SOW 60 Wedge (1
150 S 60 W N 30
W 50 Wedge (Iu)
165 S 75 W N 15W 42 Wedge (1
180 W N 38 Wedge (1
195 N75W N 15 E 37 Wedge (1
210 N 60
W N 30 E 37 Wedge (1
225 N 45W N 45 E 39 Wedge (1
240 N 30
W N 60 E 44 Wedge (1
255 N 15W N 75 E 51 Wedge (1
270 N E 43 Toppling on 1
285 N 15 E S 75 E 41 Toppling on 1
300 N 30 E S 60 E 40 Toppling on 1
315 N 45 E S 45 E 40 Toppling on 1
330 N 60 E S 30 E 42 Toppling on 1
345 N 75 E S 15 E 83 Sliding on 2
The best orientation for a highway cut through a ridge in this rock mas s would be the
one that produces the steepest safe slope on both sides of the highway. A cut
striking east can have a slope of 90 on one side but only 38 on the other, thus it is
not optimum.
Maximum Slopes
from Kinematic
Strike of Cut Analysis
E 90 38
S 75 E 90 37
S 60 E 90 37
S 45 E 87 39
S 30 E 53 44
530 Answers tu Problems
S 15 E 51 51
S 50 43
S 15 W 51 41
S 30 W 53 40
S 45 W 60 40
S 60 W 50 42
S 75 W 42 90
The optimum is the one that minimizes the exeavation and ean be determined
graphically if the topographie profile is drawn.
3. (a) (See diagram.) The minimum bolt foree for a faetor of safety of 1.0 is the mini-
mum foree that when added to 400 ton s vertically will incline the resultant 20
from the vertical. The magnitude of this foree is 137 tons and it is applied in a
direetion rising 20 aboye the horizontal to the S 60 W. For a faetor of safety of
1.5, tan CPreq = tan cpj/1.5 giving CPreq = 21. Therefore the minimum bolt foree
rises 29 aboye horizontal to S 60 W with magnitude 194 tons.
Answers tu Problems 531
(b) (See diagram.) From point e, representing the tip ofthe resultant with F = 1.5 a
foree c;D = 112 ton s direeted opposite to N will incline the new resultant 300
from N, and is therefore the foree to initiate slip. The pressure is 112 tonsl200 m2
= 0.56 tons/m
Water force =
CD = 112 tons
(e) The minimum foree direetion is not the direetion for shortest bolts. The latter is
parallel to N. The optimum direetion depends on the relative eosts of steel and
drill holes and lies somewhere between these two extremes.
4. (See diagram.) The frietion eircle for CPj = 33 lies partly in the upper hemisphere.
The diameter of the eircle is from e to A'. A' is found by first marking A" at the outer
eircle on line eN. A" is 30 from N. Lay off the additional3 along the outer eircle to
loeate point A. A' is at the interseetion. of lines OA and eA" where O is at north. (The
rationale for this eonstruetion is diseussed in Goodman (1976) Methods ofGeologi-
cal Engineering.)
(a) The minimum roek bolt foree Bmin must incline the resultant 42 from W. It is 200
sin 42 = 134 MN, 42 aboye horizontal to the east.
(b) With the bolts in direetion b, as shown in the diagram, the required rotation from
W is 46 (to point D). The angle between Wand b is 80 giving B = 255 MPa.
532 Answers to Problems
(e) The inertia force F = (Kg)m = (Kg)W/g = KW. The angle between the direetion
of F and point D is 80 and the required rotation for the orientation of the
resultant W + B is 20 to point E. The force triangle on the figure determines
F = 135 MN. K = F/W = 0.68. Thus the block slips when the aeeeleration
reaehes 0.68g.
Answers to Problems 533
534 Answers lo Problems
6. (a) Slides when 8 = cf>j.
(b) Overtums when 8 = tan-I(t/h).
The goveming condition is the one that yields the smaller value of 8. This then
depends on cf>j, and the dimensions of the block.
7. (a) If 8 > cf>j' both blocks slide.
(b) If tl/hl > tan 8 and t2/h2 > tan 8 and 8 < cf>j' the system is stable.
Answers lo Problems 535
(c) If tl/hl > tan 8 and t2/h2 < tan 8 and 8 < cf>j only the lower block rotates. In the
drawing, however, t2/h2 > tl/h
so this could not happen.
(d) If 8 < cf>j' t2/ h2 > tan 8 and tI / hl < tan 8, the upper block (1) tends to rotate. The
lower block (2) may tend to slide or to rotate and both conditions must be
checked. In either case, the force P transferred to the lower block is
P = WI(h l sin 8 - tI cos 8)
If the lower block slides, the limiting condition is
sin 8 - tI COS 8) _ W
(cos 8 tan cf>j - sin 8)
- 1 - tan
If the lower block rotates, the limiting condition is
sin 8 - tI COS 8) _ W
(t2 COS 8 - h
sin 8)
- 2(h
- t2 tan cf>j)
8. According to the theory discussed in most books on strength of materials, buckling
occurs when (TI, the stress parallel to the axis of a column, reaches Euler's critical
stress for buckling (TE:
(compare with discussion aboye Equation 7.5). The free-body diagram defines the
force polygon, which yields
0/ - "(/ sin(b -</Jj)
sin (90 + </Jj)
536 Answers lo Problems
The condition for initiation of failure is met if <T = <TE, giving
sin(90 + epj)
(a) I
= 3L2 Y sin(B - epj)
(b) I
= 59.9 m
9. The following values are found by trial, using Equation 8.12 (with (j = O):
epj (MN)
30 77.94
35 16.54
38 -19.31
36 4.53
37 -7.42
36.3 0.94
Since Fb = O, epavailable = 36.4.
(b) Repeating a similar procedure with W reduced to 6000 m
yields eprequired = 33.3.
Thus the factor of safety is now tan 36.4/tan 33.3 = 1.12.
epj Fh
30 33.53
32 13.28
34 -6.77
33.5 -1.77
33.3 0.23
(c) With W = 10,000 as originally given, and epj = 33.3, the required anchorage
force is 37.1 MN (8.3 x 10
lb = 4200 tons). This means approximately 42
anchors in the passive region for each meter of slide width.
10. If ep is fixed at a value corresponding to a defined factor of safety on plane 1,
Equation 8.12 can be solved for <T2 required at the limit of equilibrium and therefore
the factor of safety on plane 2. Thus there is an infinite combination of values ep , ep2
corresponding to limiting equilibrium. An appreciation of the sensitivity of the sys-
tem to changes in either ep or ep2 is gained by plotting the limiting values of tan ep
versus tan ep2.
11 d cot B(F sin B - cos B tan ep)
. cot ex = d(F sin B - cos B tan ep) - U tan ep - V(sin B tan ep + F cos B) + SjA
where d = hH2(1 - ZI H)2 cot B.
12. (a) Summing forces down the dip of P3, at limiting equilibrium gives
W sin B - B cos B - TA - T2A2 - = O (1)
Answers lo Problems 537
W = y!lh tan B
A = A2 = ! -- = -
tan B yl
At the limit of equilibrium
T3A3 = W cos B tan ep3
Inserting aH the aboye in (1) gives
B cos B = W sin B - 2<Tj ; tan epi - W cos B tan ep3
Dividing by W cos B yields
B <T. tan ep.
- = tan B - tan ep3 - 2 ---1 __ 1
W yl cos B
(b) BIW = O = tan 60 - tan 30 _ 2 <Tj tan 30
25 I cos 60
<T./l = tan 60 - tan 30)(25 cos 60)
J 2 tan 30
<Tj = 12.51 kN/m
<Tj Required
(m) (kPa) (psi)
1. 12.5 1.81
5. 62.5 9.06
10. 125. 18.1
20. 250. 36.3
Note that only a small side stress can stabilize a large block.
13. (a) If the abutment rocks are rigid, all dilatant displacement can be expressed as a
tendency toward normal strains, lle = lll/I in the block. Then
III = 2u tan i
ll<Tj = E MIL
Combining these equations gives
ll<Ti = 2E tan i uf[
B = tan B - tan CP3 _ (4E tan tan Cf'i) u
W yI2 cos B
538 Answers to Problems
(b) In Problem 12(b), aj = 12.51 with a expressed in kPa and 1 in meters. Here
tlaj = (2 x 10
(kPa(2 tan 10 u/l)
7.1 X 10
u/l = 12.51
u = 1.77 x 1O-
f2 (u and 1 in meters)
For equilibrium
1 (m) u (mm)
1 1.77 x 10-
2 7.1 X 10-
5 0.044
10 0.177
20 0.71
14. (a) W = 100 tons. Let B = the bolt force, determined from the triangle offorces (se e
figure) as follows:
-- .....
100 tons/sin 75 = B/sin 5
B = 9.02 ton s
r- __
J10 ....... ,
." ......
+b ......
--- ----
" "-
J Reference
J circle
Answers to Problems 539
(b) 5.6, or approximately 6, as shown on the stereographic projection in the figure.
This is an upper focal point ("lower hemisphere") projection.
w= loor
15. See the figure, constructed with a lower focal point ("upper hemisphere") projec-
Dip vector 3 - - - - - - -3--
Dip vector 2
540 Answers to Problems
16. See the figure (in two parts):
W = 50 ton s = 50,000 kg = 0.49 MN
The required water force is U determined from the triangle offorces as follows:
50/sin 6.3 = U/sin 23.7
U = 183.2 tons = 1.795 MN
The water pressure (averaged over the face of plane 1) is
= U/7.5 m
= 0.239 MPa = 34.7 psi
17. (a) See the figure for the JP anaIysis. The only JP lacking any area inside the dashed
circle is 011. This is therefore the only JP defining removable blocks.
Answers to Problems 541
(b) See the figure for the stability analysis. For a factor of safety of2.0 on each plane
tan CPreq'd = tan 35/2.0
CPreq'd = 19.3
~ r ~ m the stereographic projection, the required rotation of R from W is 13.30,
glvmg B = 90 tan 13.3 = 21.3 tons.
FS" 1.0
FS " 2.0
1. For the left circ1e in the diagram,
Ph = 2Sp tan (45 + %'-) = qu
Then Equation 3.8 gives
q = qu tan
( 45 + ir) + 2S
tan (45 + ir)
542 Answers to Problems
2. In addition to the forces considered in regard to Equation 8.2, we now have an
additional vertical force P sin f3 and an additional horizontal force P cos f3. Thus the
result for a force P bearing on the slide block follows from the following substitu-
tions in (8.2): in place of W, input W + P sin f3; in place of V, input V + P cos f3.
3. The block slides if the resultant of P and W is inclined cf>j with the normal to the
For sliding, from the law of sines applied to the force triangle we have
sin[90 - (f3 + cf>j - a)] sin(cf>j - a)
or for limiting equilibrium in sliding
sin(cf> - a) W
Pslide = cos(f3 + cf>j - a)
Far case a: The block overturns when the resultant of P and W is oriented 8 = tan-
b/ h with the normal to the block. Therefore, for toppling, replace cf>j in (2) by 8 giving
P sin(8 - a) W (3)
topple = cos(f3 + 8 - a)
Far case b: The block topples when P = one-half of the value given by (3).
4. Following closely the derivation in the appendix, with an added force P gives in
place of Equation 9
- cf>1)COS cf>3 P cos(f3 - 81 + cf>1)COS cf>3
= cos(8
- cf>l - cf>3) + cos(8
- cf>1 - cf>3)
Equating this to (15) and solving for Fh gives as a final result
- cf>1) + P cos(f3 - 81 + cf>1)]cos(82 - cf>2 - cf>3) .
+ W
- cf>2)cos(8
- cf>1 - cf>3)
Answers to Problems 543
5. For v, = Ve = 0.26 and embedment depths of a, 2a, 3a, and 4a, the results of
Osterberg and Gill for Ee/ E, = i are fitted closely by Equation 9.10 with JL = tan 59
as shown in the following table (Pend = O'y): '
Osterberg and Gill
Equation 9.10
However, 40 mm of settlement will most probably rupture the bond, reducing JL
to a value less than unity. Initially, the Osterberg and Gill results should apply.
Subsequently, the load transfer will shift to the distribution given by (9.10) with
6. There is no rational procedure, short offull-scale load tests, that can determine the
allowable bearing pressure. However, it can be estimated in several ways. First,
sin ce a 2-m diameter is about seven times the joint spacing, the qu given by the
small-Iab tests should be reduced by a scale factor of, say, 5. Moreover, a factor of
safety is warranted. Assume cf>p = 20, and (qu)field = 18 MPa/5 = 3.6 MPa. With a
factor of safety F equal to 3, the allowable bearing pressure for a surface footing is
55) + 1)
qallow,footing = 3 3.6 = 3.65 MPa
For a pier at depth, this value may be multiplied by 2, giving
qallow,pier = 7.3 MPa
The bond strength is not governed by the same size-scaling factor as the end bearing
since the shear is confined to the contact. Assume Tbond = 0.05qu with qu = one-half
the lab value. Then Tbond = 0.45 MPa. With a factor of safety of 2, this gives
Tallow = 0.22 MPa
7. Using radius a = 1 m, lmax = 31.8 m. With the Osterberg and Gill results, any length
approaching this would transfer all load to the sides and we will require 1 = lmax'
Such a long pier (a "pile" in fact) is not the most economical solution. For a = 2 m,
lmax = 15.9 m; then with I1 = 6 as a trial, Pend/Ptotal = 0.07 giving Pend = T = 0.27 MPa,
which is much too small for the former and much too large for the latter.
As an alternative, if the bond is broken or prevented, the load transfer will
occur at a lesser rateo Using Equation 9. lOa with JL = tan 40, and ignoring shear
stress in the concrete since it is confined, the required lengths to satisfy the bearing
capacity of 2 MPa are shown in the following tableo The compressive stress in the
pier aboye the socket is also given.
544 Answers lo Problems
a 1 Volume
(I max,concrete
(m) (m) (m
Pendl Ptotal
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
1.0 8.97 28.2 0.31 2.00 0.24 6.37
0.9 9.54 24.3 0.255 2.00 0.28 7.86
0.8 9.94 20.0 0.201 2.00 0.32 9.95
0.7 10.15 15.6 0.154 2.00 0.38 12.99
0.6 10.13 11.5 0.113 2.00 0.46 17.68
0.5 9.85 7.74 0.079 2.00 0.60 25.46
0.4 9.27 4.66 0.050 2.00 0.82 39.79
0.3 8.63 2.95 0.024 2.00 1.20 70.74
If the concrete has compressive strength equal to 20 MPa, and it is desired to
achieve a factor of safety of 2, the solution with minimum volume socket is a pier
with radius 0.8 m and length 10 m. These results depend markedly on the choice for
/J- and Eel E, and, to a lesser extent, on v, and Ve'
Another solution is to use a pier seated without a socket on the surface of the
rock, or, if that surface is weathered or inc1ined, seated inside a socket of enlarged
diameter. The required pier radius is 1.78 m. The most economical choice between
the altematives depends on the volume of the pier passing through the soil.
8. Consider the sandstone roof as a continuous c1amped beam. The most critical condi-
tion is tensile stress at the ends on the upper surface. Using (7.5) with (Th = O, Y =
150 Ib/ft
, and T
= 2MPa gives L = 334 ft = 100 m. This is increased if (Th # O.
However, a beam 200 ft thick with L = 334 ft is too thick for thin-beam theory. (A
finite element analysis would be useful in a particular case.)
9. H = B - 1
10. (a) Summing forces in the y (vertical) direction acting on the differential element
S2 d(Tv + 4T S dy = O (1)
Substituting in (1)
T = (Th tan cf> (2)
(Th = k (Tu (3)
d(Tu 4
-= --ktancf>dy
(Tu s
Solving gives
(Tu = A e-4k tan q,yls
when y = O, (Tu = q, giving A = q.
Answers lo Problems 545
The support pressure is the value of (Tv when y = t, which gives
I Pb = q e-4ktanq,lls
(b) k = cot
(45 + cf>/2) = 0.406
tls = 0.67, q = 21 kPa
Then (6) gives
Pb = 21 e-
? = 12.65 kPa (= 1.83 psi)
If s = l.5 m, the force per support is T = S2 (12.65) = 28.5 kN (=6400 lb).
11. (a) With self-weight, the free-body equilibrium gives
S2 d(Tv + 41's dy = ys2 dy
Substituting as in the answer to Problem lO(a) gives
d - ( 4k tan cf> )d
(Tv - Y - S (Tv Y
4k tan cf>
z = y - S (Tv
dz = - 4k tan cf> d(T
s v
and (2) becomes
-s dz
-:-4k"--ta-n-cf>"" Z dy
whose solution is
z = Ae-4k tan q, yls
Finally, resubstituting (3) in (6) gives
Since (T u(y = O) = q
4k tan cf>
y - (T = Ae-4k tan q, yls
S u
A = y _ 4k tan cf> q
Finally, P
= (T u(Y = t), giving
= s (y _ (y _ 4k tan cf> q)e-4k tan q,Yls)
4ktancf> s
Simplifying yields
'Pb = 4k tan cf> (1 - e-
tan q, lis) + q e-4k tan q, lis
546 Answers to Problems
b) P - (1.5)(27) _ -0.507 -0.507
( b - (4)(0.406)(0.47) (1 e ) + 21 (e )
= 33.75 kPa (=4.89 psi)
(e) If roek bolts were being installed, then an additional force would need to be
added to the equilibrium equation to aeeount for the aetion of the anchor end of
the bolt. (This is diseussed by Lang, Bisehoff, and Wagner (1979).)
l. (a) l. U"x' = 27.7
2. U"x' = 20.0
3. U"x' = 30.0
4. U"x' = 50.0
(b) l. U"x' = 52.7
2. U"x' = 52.7
3. U"x' = 72.7
4. U"x' = 108.3
(b) y
Tx'y' = -18.7
Tx'y' = -10.0
Tx'y' = 20.0
Tx'y' = -20.0
Tx'y' = -7.3
Tx'y' = 7.3
Tx'y' = 27.3
Tx'y' = 0.0
x x x
(3) (4)
Io<-------x """----.............. x
Answers to Problems 547
2. (a) T
~ ~ - 7 ~ - - ~ - - - - - + - - - - ~ - - - - - L - - - - ~ + - - - ~ __ v
(b) T
~ ____________ ~ L - ____ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _______________ v
3. For Problem la:
For Problem lb:
a = -31.7,58.3
U"I = 62.4, U"2 = 17.6
a = 22.5, 112S
U"I = 108.3
U"2 = 51.7
54S Answers lo Problems Answers lo Problems
- ,;n 20) {:;}
4. u y' = (sin
a cos
5. Ux' + u y' = (u
a + u y sin
Up Up
+ (Ux sin
a + u
30" 60"
= Ux + u y
z 70
6. (a) a = 67.50
UI = 108.28 z 20

U2 = 51.72 (a) (b)
(b) a = -67.50
UI = 108.28
U2 = 51.72
Z' x' z i Up90
(e) (d)
Line Bearing {3 a m n
(a) x' East O 60 0.50 0.00 0.866
y' West 180 30 -0.866 0.00 0.50
z' South -90 O 0.00 -1.00 0.00
(b) x' S 20 W -110 20 -0.321 -0.883 0.342
y' N 20 E 70 70 0.117 0.321 0.940
z' N 70
W 160 O -0.940 0.342 0.00
(e) x' S 45 E -45 O 0.707 -0.707 0.00
y' N 45W 135 90 0.00 0.00 1.00
z' S 45 W -135 O -0.707 -0.707 0.00
(d) x' 90 0.00 0.00 1.00
y' North 90 O 0.00 1.00 0.00
o a
z' West 180 O -1.00 0.00 0.00
8. Ux' Tx'y' Tx'z' ITx'maxl
(a) 593.30 234.81 -25.00 236.13
(b) 265.55 141.03 -10.28 141.40
(e) 100.00 35.36 50.00 61.24
a, (d) 700.00 O -50.00 50.00
z' ----------jl------_X
Pos. T.,,'
t zx = 50 (given); acts to left
t' = - 50 (calculated); acts to left
11.1, = 1000F/L2
h = 225 X 10
h = 11.75 X 10
1. Equations A1.2 together with the answer to Problem 4 in Appendix 1 for stress
transformation in two dimensions are
:x:} = ( cOs::; a : _:::
Tx :' -! sin 2a ! sin 2a cos 2a Txy
Replacing T by "1/2 and (T by B, with appropriate subscripts, yields:
::: } = : _! }
Yx'y' -sin 2a sin 2a cos 2a Yxy
552 Answers to Problems
2. For a gage with O!A = O, O!B = 60, O!c = 90, the coefficient matrix in (A2.3) becomes
The inyerse of the aboye is
3. (exey'rxy) =
(+ O ~ 5 oH
(a) (1.0 x 10-
, O, 5.774 x 10-
) ,
(b) (l.0 x 10-
,3.0 X 10-
, -1.155 x 10-
(e) (2.0 x 10-
, 5.33 X 10-
, -1.61 x 10-
4. (a) O! = 15.0, el = 1.077 x 10-3, e2 = -7.736 x 10-
(b) O! = -75.0, el = 3.155 x 10-
, e2 = 8.452 x 10-
(e) O! = -78.29, el = 5.344 x 10-4, e2 = 1.856 X 10-
1. x = tan(45 - (12).
2. The angle between (1) and (2) is 59. Their common plane strikes N 64 E and dips 78
N 26 W.
3. 1
plunges 37 to the S 84 E.
4. The answer is giyen in Figure A5.1. The line from O to -P is directed into the upper
hemisphere. It plots outside of the horizontal circle at position -p as shown.
5. Let the position of line OQ in a lower hemisphere projection be point q. Then the
position of the opposite to OQ when plotted in an upper hemisphere projection is
obtained by rotating the tracing 180. What was north must be re1abeled as south.
6. 15.
210 00
Aastrup, A., 419
Adhesion, see Bond strength
Age of a rock:
effect on porosity, 29
terminology, 424
Alexander, L. G., 122
Alto Rabagao dam, 369
Alvarez, L. G., 122
Anchor piles, 382
specific gravity, 31
Mohr-Coulomb parameters, 83
Anisotropy, 13
bulbs of pressure, effect on, 355-361
in elasticity, 182, 183
in rock fabric or structure, 420-423
in strength, 93-95
in tunnel support needs, 274-280
Archambault, G., 166-171
Barr, M. V., 378
Barton, N., 42, 166, 177
compressive and tensile strength, 61
conductivity, 35
density, 33
Hoek-Brown parameters, 99
modulus ratio and Poisson's ratio, 186
Mohr-Coulomb parameters, 83
point load strength, 37
porosity, 83
sound velocity, ideal, 41
Beams in mine roof, 233-237, 289
Bearing capacity:
analysis, 361-364
codes, 348-350
Beatty, R. A., 132
Bedding, 13, 144
Benson, R. P., 223
Bemaix, J., 34
Bemede, J., 60, 116
Bibliographies and indexes, 15
Bieniawski, Z. T., 75
geomechanics classification, 43-46
I n d e ~
modulus in-situ, 198
size effect, tests, 90, 91, 231, 233
standards for compression tests, 60
stand-up time in tunnels, 250
Bischoff, J. A., 546
Bishnoi, B. W., 364
Block sliding (plane sliding), 295, 296
kinematic analysis, 301-302
stability ana1ysis, 310-319
criteria for a key block, 258, 259
numbers of joint faces, 322
removability, 259, 260
types, 259
Block theory:
introduction, 257-262
for rock slopes, 320-325
for tunnels, 270-274
for underground chambers, 262-270
Bond strength, concrete to rock, 372, 374,
Borehole breakouts, 114, 115
Borehole deepening method, 116
Borehole jack test, 190, 191
Boyle, W., 258
Brace, W. F., 35, 69, 71
Bray, J. W.:
bulbs of pressure in anisotropic rock,
Mohr's circ1e construction, 163, 392
plastic zone around tunnels, 243-250,
slip on joints, 176, 455
toppling, 296
Brazilian test, 60, 65
Broch, l., 37
Brown, E. T., 99, 108, 111,378
of rock slopes, 337
of roof beams, 233
Building codes, 349, 350
Bulb of pressure, 355-361
Bulking of rock, 53, 287
Bulk modulus, 68, 182,441
556 I n d e ~
Burgers body, 205-214,445
Byerlee, Jo, 164
Canelles arch dam, 365-367
bearing capacity, 350
ductility, 83
Mohr-Coulomb parameters, 83
porosity, 83
Chandra, Ro, 38
Christian, Jo To, 354
Churchill Falls underground powerhouse, 223
Classification of rocks, see Rock classification
Cleavage, effect on strength, 83
density, 33
point load strength, 37
size effect in strength, 90, 91
Coefficient of loosening, 53
Cohesion (shear strength intercept), 81
Compaction us consolidation, 28
Complete stress strain curve:
definition, 76
relation to creep, 79
relation to dynamic strength, 80
Compressibility, 182
Compression tests, standards, 60
Compressive strength, unconfined:
and point load index, 36
and shear strength, 82
and tensile strength, 61
test procedure, 60, 184
typical values for rocks, 61
Conductivity uSo permeability, 34
Conway, Ho Do, 358
Cook, No Go Wo, 104, 132,230,409
Cording, Eo Jo, 242
Core discing, 116
Coulomb's law, 166, 239
Creep, 79, 202-217
rupture (tertiary creep), 79, 213
in tunnels, 250-256
Criteria of failure:
Barton (for joints), 177
empirical, 87-90
Griffith, 87
Hoek-Brown, 99
Mohr-Coulomb, 80-84
Cross bedding, 143
Crushing failure, 57
Cuttability, 4-8, 57
Cyclic loading, 78
Cylcap, 157
Darcy, unit of permeability, 34
Darcy's law, 34
David, Eo Ho, 352, 370
Dean, Ao Ho, 132
Deep foundations, 370-378
Deere, Do 00,43, 184,242
Deformability, 179
of joints, 163, 164, 170, 220
reasons to know, 179
De la Cruz, 116, 117
Delayed elasticity, 208
Denis, Ao, 65
Density, 30
usefulness of knowing, 32
values, 33
Desai, Co So, 354
Deviatoric and nondeviatoric stresses, 66, 67
strains, 412
Diabase, 22
compressive and tensile strength, 61
fracture in compression, 70
modulus values and Poisson's ratio, 186
porosity, 29
and bearing capacity, 350-352
calculated for joints, 168
of joints, 163, 164
of rock, 70, 72
path effects on strength, 288, 338, 339
Dilatometer tests, 190, 191, 211
Direction cosines and strike and dip, 400-402
Direct shear test, 157-161
Direct tension test, 65, 88
classes, 13
problems caused by, 150
single and multiple, 147, 148, 150
spacing and aperture, 34, 147
bearing capacity, 349, 350
compressive and tensile strength, 61
modulus ratio and Poisson's ratio, 186
Mohr-Coulomb parameters, 83
permeability, 32
point load strength, 37
porosity, 29, 83
sound velocity, 40, 41
specific gravity, 31
Donath, Fo Ao, 93
Doorstopper method, 127-129
Drillability, 4-7
Drilled shaft foundations, 346
load distribution in, 370-378
Dube, 287
Ductile behavior, 74
Durability, 37-39
Duvall, Wo, 116, 130,230,231,236
Dynamic measurements, 193-195
in fractured rocks, 199-202
Earthquake forces, slope stability, 316, 318,
Effective stress, 84
and joints, 171-173
Terzaghi's law of, 84
Eigenbrod, K. Do, 38, 39
Elastic behavior, 179, 180
Elastic constants, 181-183
Emery, Co L., 116
Empirical criteria of failure, 87-90, 177
Energy development, 6, 7, 12
Equilibrium equation, 456
Eristov, Vo So, 213
Erlikhman, So, 359, 361
Evaporite rocks, see Gypsum; Salt
Excavation Pyramid (EP), 260
for a rock slope, 323
for the roof of a chamber, 264
for the wall of a chamber, 266
Factor of safety, 312, 318, 338
Fairhurst, Co, 117
Faults, 141
gouge, swelling of, 380
relation to principal stresses, 106-115
Fecker, Eo, 167, 169
Finite element analysis, 352-354
Fisher, Ro Ao, 153
Fissures, 13, 14
aperture of, 36
effect on permeability, 35
effect on sonic velocity, 39-42
in thin sections, 24-26
for compression tests in situ, 91, 92
for deformability tests, 192, 193
for plate bearing tests, 189
for stress measurement, 115, 121-123
Flexural cracking, 55
Flexural test, 65, 66
Folds, infiuence on initial stresses, 105
Foose, Ro, 378
Footings, modes of failure, 351
Footwall failure, 337
Foundations on rock:
problems, 343
stresses in, 352-361
types, 343-348
Fourmaintraux, Do, 40
Fracture frequency, 177
Franklin, Jo Ao, 38
I n d e ~ 557
Frequency of stress waves, 199-200
and bulb of pressure in layered rock, 357
and load transfer in piers, 374
minerals with low values, 418
and mine roof stability, 237
Friction circle, 312-314
Friedman, Mo, 117
Gabbro, 20, 27o See also Norite
density, 33
sound velocity, ideal, 41
Gallery test, 190, 191
Gamble, Jo, 38, 379
Gardner, Wo So, 370, 377
Gaziev, E., 359, 361
Geological hazards, 4-7
Geological time scale, 424
Geomechanics classification, 43-47
and deformability, 198
and stand-up time in tunnels, 250
Gibala, Ro, 85
Gill, So Ao, 370-372
bearing capacity, 350
compressive and tensile strength, 61
modulus ratio and Poisson's ratio, 186
Mohr-Coulomb parameters, 83
porosity, 83
Goodier, Jo No, 189, 468
Goodman jack, see Borehole jack test
Gouge, swelling pressure, 380
Granite, strength, 61
in dam foundation, 369
Hoek-Brown constants, 99
Lundborg's strength parameters, 90
modulus ratio and Poisson's ratio, 186
Mohr-Coulomb parameters, 83
permeability, 33
porosity, 29, 83
size effect in weathered quartz diorite, 91
558 I n d e ~
Granite, strength (Continued)
sound velocity in, ideal, 41
weathering profile, 342
Gray, R. E., 379
Gray, W. M., 126, 135
Greer, D. M., 370, 377
Greywacke, see Sandstone
Griffith theory, 82, 87
Grout column foundations, 347, 348
Gypsum, 15, 20
density, 33
porosity, 31
sonic velocity, 40
Haimson, B. e., 80, 115, 117, 120
Hamrol, A., 30
Hardness, scratch, 416-418
Hardy, R. H., Jr., 209, 210, 216
Hast, N., 116
Hayashi, M., 117
Healy, J. H., 172
Hemispherical normal distribution, 153
Heuze, F. E., 190
Hinds, D. V., 378
Hocking, G., 378
Hoek, E., 99,108,111,296,475
Hoek-Brown criterion, 99
Hogan, T. K., 132
Hooker, V. E., 116, 130
Hustrulid, W. A., 233
Hydraulic fracturing, 3-7, 12, 117-121
depth required for a vertical fracture, 121
Hydrostatic compression, 68
Hysteresis, 80, 181
Identification of rocks, 419-424
Impression packer, 119, 378
Inclusions for stress measurement, 116,
Index properties, 27
Ingraffea, A., 361, 378
Initial stress:
directions of, 112-115
and faults, 106-115
and folds, 103
horizontal, 106-115
horizontal values, ratio of, 120
sedimentation values, ratio of, 101-104
reasons to know, 101-104
and topography, 104
vertical, 104
Invariants of stress, 403
Jaeger, J. e., 93, 104, 132, 166,230,409
Jahns, H., 90, 91
Jaspar, J. L., 380
Jes and JeR, 177
Jethwa, 286, 287
John, K. W., 318
John, M., 213
Joint orientation:
analysis, 150-154
bias in observations, 154, 155
and compressive strength, 93
distribution, 153
effect on works, 46
Joints, 141, 145, 146
Barton's equation, 177
Bray's equation, 176,455
condition, 45
deformability, normal and shear, 163, 164
dilatancy, 163
maximum closure, 170, 171
models, 157
problems caused by, 150
roughness, 164-169
strength tests, 156-164
trace map, 265, 267-269
JP (joint pyramid), 260, 263
Kaiser effect, 117
Kanagawa, T., 117
Kelly, B. l., 367
Kelvin solid, 204-206
creep in, 446-448
Keyblocks, 257
Kinematic analysis of models, 259, 331-333
Kinematic analysis of rock slopes, 301-310
King, M. S., 199
Kirsch solution:
circular hole in elastic medium, stresses
around, 119, 133, 225
elastic compared with plastic medium, 246
Kovari, K., 61
Kubetsky, V. L., 213
Kulhawy, F., 62, 81, 361, 378
Ladanyi, B., 166, 171,350,362,371,372,375
Lame's constant, 181, 182, 444
Lang, T. A., 546
Laubscher, D. H., 46
Leeman, E. R., 116, 127, 130, 133, 134,437
Lien, R., 42
bearing capacity, 350
compressive and tensile strength, 61
creep, 208-210, 216
in dam foundations, 367-369
density, 33
ductility, 74
karst, 341, 342
modulus ratio and Poisson's ratio, 186
Mohr-eoulomb parameters, 83
permeability, 35
point load strength, 37
porosity, 29, 83
Liquid limit, 38
Londe, P., 318
Lugeon test, 52
Lundborg, N., 66, 88-90
Lunde, J., 42
Lynes impression packer, 119
Mcereath, D. R., 223, 224
McLamore, R. T., 93-95
Mahar, J. W., 242
Malpasset dam, 13, 14, 34, 147
Manhattan schist, 8
Map of initial stress, 112
complete stress-strain curve, 78
compressive and tensile strength, 61
modulus ratio and Poisson's ratio, 186
Mohr-eoulomb parameters, 83
porosity, 83
Markwell, S. D., 367
Maximum removable blocks of a tunnel,
Maxwell body, 204, 205
creep in, 447, 448
Meehan, R.L., 382
Menel, V., 132
Merrill, R.H., 116
Mesri, G., 85
identification, 416-418
sound velocity in, 40
specific gravity, 31
open pits, design of, 306-310
room and pillar design, 231-237
stable and unstable methods, 9
subsidence over old mines, 379
Model of joints, 157
Modulus of elasticity, see Young's modulus
Modulus in situ, 198, 201
Modulus of rupture, 65
Modulus ratio, 186
Mohr-eoulomb criterion, 80-84
Mohr's circle, 392
I n d e ~ 559
for bearing capacity, 362, 363
for direct shear test, 159, 161
for strength criteria, 81, 82, 86
for triaxial test with joint, 160-163
for water pressure effects, 86, 172
Morgenstem, N. R., 38, 39
Mount Rushmore, 2
Mudstone, porosity, 29
point load strength, 37
Mller-Salzburg, L., 50
Multistage triaxial test, 162, 164
Muskhelishvili, N. l., 230
Mylonite, 20, 23
Nakamura, K., 113
Nichols, T. e., Jr., 116
Nakasa, H., 117
NGI rock classification, 47-49
Nolting, R. E., 116
Norite, see a/so Gabbro
creep and dynamic effects in, 214
in triaxial compression, 75
Normal stiffness, 196
Nuclear power, 6, 7
Obert, L., 117,230,231
Octahedral stresses, 404-406
Oil shale, density, 33
Olsen, O., 63
Open pit mines, kinematic analysis, 306-310
Orientation optimum for a tunnel, 274-280
Osterberg, J. O., 370, 372
Overcoring, 123-127
Panek, L. A., 135
Patoka dam, 367-369
Patton, F., 164
Patton's law, 164-166
Peak stress, meaning of, 76
Pegmatite, Lundborg's strength
parameters, 90
Penstocks, 9
Permanent deformation modulus, 187
Perrnanent deformation Poisson's Ratio, 220
Permeability, 32-36
Permeability us. conductivity, 34
Peterson, J. R., 116
Phenocrysts, 26, 91
Phillips, F. e., 475
560 I n d e ~
Photoelastic stress gage, 116
Piles and piers, 346
load distribution in, 370-374
load tests, 372, 373
settlement of, 376, 377
Pillars, 231
Plane sliding, see Block sliding
Plane stress and plane strain, 452
Plastic analysis of tunnels, 242-249, 454-464
Plate bearing test, 188-190
Point load index, 36
Poisson's ratio, 67, 181
measurement, 184
for permanent and total strain, 220
typical values, 186
variation with deviatoric compression,
70, 185
Pore "crush-up", 69
Pore pressure:
and fault slip, 171-173
and rock failure, 85, 86
and stress measurement, 140
effect of age on rocks, 29
measurement, 31
types of pore spaces, 13, 28, 29
values for selected rocks, 29, 83
and water content, 32
Poulos, H. G., 352, 370
Pratt, H. R., 91, 92
Principal strains, 412
Principal stresses, 133, 134, 393,402,403
Principal stress ratio:
effect on strength, 74-76, 87
initial values, 106-113
Principal symmetry directions, 182
Punching failure of footing, 351, 352
, Q system (classification), 47-49
Quartzite, 142, 144
compressive and tensile strength, 61
Hoek-Brown constants, 99
Lundborg's strength parameters, 90
modulus ratio and Poisson's ratio, 186
Mohr-Coulomb parameters, 83
Radial jacking test, 191
Radial permeability test, 34, 35
Raleigh, C. B., 172
Rangeley oil field, 172
Raphael, J., 363
Rate of load effects, 213-215
Reichmuth, D. R., 62
Relaxation, 203
Removable blocks, 258
Rengers, N., 166, 167, 169
Reservoir induced seismicity, 86, 171-172
Residual strength, 81, 161
Residual stresses, 116
Rhyolite, 20
density, 33
Riley, P. B., 116
Ring shear test, 66, 88-90
Roberts, A., 116
Rocha, M., 36, 116, 121, 134
Rock boIt design:
to control plastic zone of tunnels, 246
to prevent slip of joints in tunnels, 241
for rock slope stability, 279, 283, 317-319
to secure roof beams in layered rock, 236,
237, 281, 290, 334, 387
Rock bursts, 102
Rock classification:
comparison of Q and RMR, 47
fabrics, 20, 21
fissuring, 39-42
geological, 19, 419-425
NGI (Q) system, 47
RMR (Geomechanics) system, 43-46
for tunneling, 43-47
Rock loosening, 53, 247
Rock mas s rating, see Geomechanics
Rock noise, 69
Rock reinforcement, 249. See also Rock bolt
Rock slopes:
buckling of, 337
types, 293, 294
Rock socket, 345, 371, 377
Rock test preparation equipment, 58, 59
Roof beams, buckling of, 233
Roof design, underground, 233-237
Rosettes, strain gages, 411, 412
RQD,44 '
Rummel, F., 63
Rutter, E. H., 206
Safety, see Factor of safety
Salem, A., 190
Sallstrom, S., 419
Salt, 15
creep properties, 252
density, 252
ductility, 74
Sandstone, 143, 144, 146
compressive and tensile strength, 61
foundations, 349, 350
Hoek-Brown constants, 99
joints in, 146
modulus ratio and Poisson's ratio, 186
Mohr-Coulomb parameters, 83
permeability, 35
point load strength, 37
porosity, 29, 83
in triaxial compression, 75
Schist, 8, 20, 21, 161
bearing capacity, 350
compressive and tensile strength, 61
density, 33
modulus ratio and Poisson's ratio, 186
permeability, 35
Schistosity, 13
and strength, 61, 83
Schneider, B., 147, 190, 199-201
Schneider, H. J., 157, 168, 169
Scratch hardness, 416-418
"Seamy rock" in building code, 349
Seismicity, reservoir induced, 87, 172
Serpentinite, 20, 21
Shale, 144-146
bearing capacity, 350
compressive and tensile strength, 37, 61
ductility, 74
Hoek-Brown constants, 99
modulus ratio and Poisson's ratio, 140, 186
Mohr-Coulomb parameters, 83
permeability, 35
pore water pressure, induced, 85
porosity, 29, 83
residual strength, 81
swelling pressure, 380
Shear failure, 56
Shear modulus, 182
of jointed rock, 196
Shear zones, 141
Shear stiffness, 163, 196
Shear strength intercept, 81
typical values, 83
variation with direction, 93
Shi, G. H., 257
Shi's theorem, 259, 260
Shield, R. T., 362
Shtenko, V. W., 382
Siltstone, 145, 146
compressive and tensile strength, 61
Mohr-Coulomb parameters, 83
porosity, 83
Size effect on strength, 90-93, 229
tests, 90, 91, 231, 233
Skinner, E. H., 42
Slake durability classification, 38
anisotropy in strength, 93
bearing capacity, 350
I n d e ~ 561
Lundborg's strength parameters, 90
Mohr-Coulomb strength parameters, 83
Snow, D. T., 35
Sonic velocity, 39-42
Sowers, G., 39, 378
Specific gravity, 30-33
Spillways, 9
Splitting tension test, see Brazilian test
Squeezing ground, 104, 286
Stability analysis:
of block on aplane, 312-319
of general polyhedron, 325-331
of 2d active/passive system, 333-334
of 2d block, 287
of wedge, 319-320
Stagg, K. G., 189
Standards, 17
for compression tests, 60
Stephenson, D. E., 117
Stereographic projection, 475-493
equations for drawing great circles, 261
joint orientation analysis, 150-154
of joint system, 263
kinematic analysis of slopes, 301-310
limit equilibrium analysis for a given JP,
roughness angles of joints, 167
stability analysis of slopes, 312-320
Stereonet, 479, 480
Stiffness of joints, 196
of testing machines, 76
Strain in two dimensions, 409-413
Strength, 34, 36, 37, 76
Stress concentrations, 225, 228-231
Stresses, manipulation and operations,
Stress history related to sedimentation and
erosion, 176
Stresses in the crust map, 112
Stress measurement, 116, 117
complete state of stress, 132-135
doorstopper test, 127-129
flat jack method, 121-123
hydraulic fracturing, 117-121
inclusion methods, 116, 127
overcoring, 123-127
undercoring, 130, 131
562 I n d e ~
Stress-strain relations:
deviatoric values in terms of, 218
elastic, 181
for jointed rock, 195-197, 220
viscoelastic, 206
Strike and dip, defined, 400
Subsidence over old mines, 379
Swelling rock, 380-382
mineral s responsible for, 343, 419
Syenite, 33
Ta ehien dam site, 147
Taylor, H. W., 46
Temperature gradient in ground, 220
Tensile failure, 56, 57
Tensile strength, 82, 119
Terratek, Inc., 12,64,92
Terzaghi, K., 242
Terzaghi, R., 153
Three-dimensional analysis of stresses in situ,
134, 135
Tiedemann, H. R., 42
Timoshenko, S., 189, 468
Tincelin, M. E., 121
Toews, N. A., 126, 135
Topographic effects on stresses, 102,
104, 105, 107
Toppling failure, 298-300
kinematic analysis, 304-306
Tourenq, e., 65
Townsend, F. e., 81
Transversely isotropic rock, 183
Triaxial compression:
equipment, procedures, 61-65
for joints, 160-164
Tributary area, 231, 232
Trona, 20
compressive and tensile strength, 61
modulus ratio and Poisson's ratio, 186
porosity, 29
Tunnel support spectrum, 274-280
Twin gliding, 74
Two block sliding analysis of slopes, 333, 334
Unconfined compressive strength, see
eompressive strength
Undercoring, 130, 131
Underground openings:
circular, elastic rock, 220, 225
circular, plastic rock, 242-249, 454-464
elliptical, oval, rectangular, 230
spherical, 230
time dependency, creep, 250-256
U.S. Bureau of Mines gage, 124
Van Heerden, W. L., 91
Velocity of sound in rocks, 39-42
longitudinal ve!ocity in minerals, 40
Virgin stresses, see Initial stress
spring and dashpot models, 204-206
and stress measurement, 117
Viscosity, 202
for water, 34
Vogler, U. W., 61
Voight, B., 116
Volcanic rocks, 20. See alsa individual
rack type
point load strength, 37
Volumetric strain, 68
Wagner, P. L., 546
Water, effect on rock strength, 84-87
Water loss coefficient, 52
Wave equation, 442
Wave velocity, 39-42
Wawersik, W. R., 69, 71
effect on foundations, 341, 343
effect on porosity, 24, 28, 30
Wedge slides, 295-297
kinematic analysis, 304
stability analysis, 319, 320
Wickham, G. E., 42
Willett, D. e., 224
Wilson, L. e., 385
Wittke, W., 318
Woodward, R. J., 370, 377
X-ray measurement of stresses, 117
Young's modulus, 181
fractured or jointed rocks, 195-202
measurement, 183-195
ratio to compressive strength, 186
variation with strain, 185
Zaruba, Q., 132
Zienkiewicz, O. e., 189,352
Zoback, M., 112

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