AMAT371 " Computing For Mathematicians"' 1 Graphics With Matlab (Visualiza-Tion)
AMAT371 " Computing For Mathematicians"' 1 Graphics With Matlab (Visualiza-Tion)
AMAT371 " Computing For Mathematicians"' 1 Graphics With Matlab (Visualiza-Tion)
With the command plot, a graphical display can be made. For a vector y, plot(y) draws the points [1, y (1)], [2, y (2)], ..., [n, y (n)] and connects them with a stright line. plot(x, y) does the same for the points [x(1), y (1)], [x(2), y (2)], ..., [x(n), y (n)]. For example, typing >> x = [1.5 2.2 3.1 4.6 5.7 6.3 9.4]; >> y = [2.3 3.9 4.3 7.2 4.5 3.8 1.1]; >> plot(x, y ) produces simple x y plot. By default, the line of the plot is solid. Note that x and y have to be both either row or column vectors of the same length (i.e. the number of elements). The commands loglog, semilogx and semilogy are similar to plot, exept that they use either one or two logarithnic axes. For example, >> x = 0 : 10; >> y = 2. x; >> plot(x, y ) %to semilogy (x, y ) %to
make the
y axis logarithmic
To plot a graph of a function, it is important to sample the function suciently well. Compare the following examples: >> >> >> >> and >> >> >> >> n = 25; x = 0 : 1/n : 3; y = sin(5 x); plot(x, y ) 1 %good sampling n = 5; x = 0 : 1/n : 3; y = sin(5 x); plot(x, y )
%coarse sampling
The solid line is used by plot by default. It is possible to change the style and the color, e.g.: >> x = 0 : 0.4 : 3; y = sin(5 x); >> plot(x, y, r ) produces the dashed red line. The third argument of plot species the color (optional) and the line style. help plot shows all possibilities. The following Table shows plot colors and styles.
To add a title, grid and to label the axes, one uses: >> title( F unction y = sin(5 x) );
>> xlabel( x axis ); >> ylabel( y label ); >> grid%remove grid by calling grid of f
Command: grid on/o axis([xmin xmax box o/on xlabel(text) ylabel(text) title(text) text(x,y,text) gtext(text) legend(fun1,fun2) legend o clf subplot Result: adds a grid to the plot at the tick marks or removes it sets the minimum and maximum values of the axes removes the axes box or shows it plots the label text on the x axis plots the label text on the y axis plots a title above the graph adds text at the point (x,y) adds text at the manually (with a mouse) indicated point plots a legend box (move it with your mouse) to name your functions delets the legend box clear the current gure create a subplot in the current gure
One way: to use the command hold on. After this command, all functions will be plotted in the same gure until the command hold o is used. Example 1: >> >> >> >> >> >> >> x1 = 1 : .1 : 3.1; y 1 = sin(x1); plot(x1, y 1, md ); x2 = 1 : .3 : 3.1; y 2 = sin(x2 + pi/3); hold on plot(x2, y 2, k . ) plot(x1, y 1, m ) hold of f
Second way: to plot several functions at the same time. The next commands will produce the same output as the commands in the previous example. Example 2: >> x1 = 1 : .1 : 3.1; y 1 = sin(x1); >> x2 = 1 : .3 : 3.1; y 2 = sin(x2 + pi/3); >> plot(x1, y 1, md , x2, y 2, k . ) 3
3D Line Plots
The command plot3 to plot lines in 3D is equivalent to the command plot in 2D. The format is the same as for plot, it is extended by an extra coordinate. An example is plotting the curve r dened parametrically as r(t) = [t sin(t), t cos(t), t] over the interval [10, 10 ]. >> >> >> >> >> t = linspace(10 pi, 10 pi, 200); plot3(t. sin(t), t. cos(t), t, md ); %plot the curve in title( Curve r(t) = [t sin(t), t cos(t), t] ); xlabel( x axis ); ylabel( y axis ); zlabel( z axis ); grid
Plotting Surfaces
Matlab provides a number of commands to plot 3D data. A surface is dened by a function f (x, y ), where for each pair of f (x, y ), the height z is computed as z = f (x, y ). To plot a surface, a rectangular domain of the (x, y )-plane should be sampled. The mesh (or grid) is constructed by the use of the command meshgrid as follows: >> [X, Y ] = meshgrid(1 : .5 : 1, 0 : .5 : 2) The domain [1, 1] [0, 2] is now sampled with 0.5 in both directions and it is described by points [X (i, j ), Y (i, j )]. To plot a surface, the command mesh or surf can be used: >> >> >> >> [X, Y ] = meshgrid(1 : .05 : 1, 0 : .05 : 2); Z = sin(5 X ). cos(2 Y ); mesh(X, Y, Z ); title( F unction z = sin(5x) cos(2y ) )