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Libon Community College - Field Study 3

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LIBON COMMUNITY COLLEGE Field Study 3 Name of FS Student ____________________________________ Year and Section _________________ Resource teacher 1______________________________Signature

e ________________ Date __________ Resource teacher 2______________________________Signature ________________ Date __________ Resource teacher 3______________________________Signature ________________ Date __________ Cooperating School: ____________________________ Instructor: Evelyn C. Fernandez EPISODE 1 The schools Learning Resources 1. Learning Environment: Provide for a social and physical environment within which all students regard their individual differences in learning, can engage in different learning activities and work towards attaining high standards of learning. 2. Identifies and classifies resources that facilitate teaching and learning process. TASKS: A. Visit your cooperating school and make an ocular inspection of the classrooms, media center, computer room, library-internet facilities and resource center. B. Make an inventory of its available learning resources List down learning resources available at the school according to their location. LEARNING RESOURCES WHERE TO FIND


Located at the center of the school It is beside the stage of the school Beside the grade V classroom Located at every vacant lot of the school but far apart to the classroom At every corner and side of the ground of the school.


My analysis Classify the instructional materials found in the class according to their functions and characteristics INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS BOOKS CHARACTERISTICS Arrange accordingly to the subject and place at the back There four chalkboard in the room and it is color green with a line. It is rectangular shape and clean. It is place in the front of the class. It arranges according to the subject in the brown envelope and place it in a drawer. It is color brown. White or yellow chalk and the eraser is rectangular shape FUNCTIONS It is the resources where the teacher and learners get information. It is used in writing the lesson or the activity board by the teacher and the learner.



It is used by the teacher writing the lesson, story, activity, games etc.



Folder stick and color pink. Rectangular shape and different color with according to the region. Colorful and pasted property


The chalk is used in writing in the chalkboard and the eraser used to erase the writing on the board. Used in pointing the words in chalkboard or in visual aid. Used to locate the place in the Philippines.


Visual materials can posed on it. Source as a decoration in the classroom and also be captivate students attention and gives them some sort of information. Gives comfort to the learners and to the teacher. Use of interview or teaching as specific subject or lesson to the student. Use of lighting and ventilation. Use for maintain and for cleaning of the classroom


Properly arranged and it is a new chair


Colorful, understandable words are unequivocal


Clean and safe

New and clean

My reflections: What would be the bases in utilizing instructional materials in enhancing instruction and facilitating learning? Write some insights you gained form this activity. My reflection

We all know that theres a lot of instructional material to be used in teaching, but in utilizing these materials, a teacher must consider it, in light of the purpose of the learning activity. The materials must be suited to that objective purpose, whether it by subject matter mastery, skills improvement, of valuing, because the effectiveness of the teaching learning process can be increased greatly through the prober use of instructional materials.
_______________________________ CHERYLL CABANGUNAY Field Study Student

Every classroom should have all the learning materials needed for the effectiveness of the teaching-learning process. And as what we have observed in the Bonbon Elementary School, every classroom have the learning resources and those were properly used suited to the lesson, level and needs of the learners.

_______________________________ LENY ROBRIGADO Field Study Student

Utilizing instructional materials could enhance instructions. It serves as the aid in learning as well as a teachers partner in the teaching learning process. It is utilized in considering the necessities of the learner in every topic since there is diversity of learner, teacher must use diverse genre of teaching strategies and approaches, as well as technique to easily develop the thinking skills of the pupils or (HOTS) higher order thinking skills. The utilization of instructional materials especially in the classroom would develop the skills of the learner and teacher must know if that peoples could catch the lesson in such a way that they it. It is been implemented in the classroom for the basic of carrying. Only the teachers objective, but we cannot deny the fact that the teachers himself can be considered as best instructional materials
_______________________________ EDEN FORONDA Field Study Student

The insights that I gained from this activity is the bases in utilizing instructional materials in enhancing instruction and facilitating learning are the lesson that teachers need to teach to the learners. Because of that lesson, the teachers think what are the instructional materials that he/she will be used in order enhanced the instruction and facilitate the learning.

_______________________________ GLISTHEL RIPARIP Field Study Student

The bases in utilizing instructional materials in enhancing instruction and facilitating learning is it should help the learners to easily understand the what to have learned, mostly of the learners need some effective visual materials in order to they easily understand what it is confusing to them about a certain problems. Also some bases in utilizing instructional materials in enhancing and facilitating learning is how it can help the teacher itself to deliver a certain lesson to the learners.
_______________________________ SANDINO ROMANO Field Study Student My portfolio 1. Research on the classification of instructional materials and their functions.

Visual materials function as a learning tool for children and educators. They function by providing a visual representation of the subject that is being learned. This is something that regular text or oral presentation cannot do. There are many different types of visual aids that can be used in the classroom. Posters that contain photographs or graphics often are useful. Teachers also can use computer presentations such as Power Point to help give the children a visual aid. Film clips also often are used as a powerful visual aid.

_______________________________ Field Study Student

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_______________________________ Field Study Student (Sign over printer name)

LIBON COMMUNITY COLLEGE Field Study 3 Name of FS Student ____________________________________ Year and Section _________________ Resource teacher 1______________________________Signature ________________ Date __________ Resource teacher 2______________________________Signature ________________ Date __________ Resource teacher 3______________________________Signature ________________ Date __________ Cooperating School: ____________________________ Instructor: Evelyn C. Fernandez The schools Learning Resources NCBTS DOMAIN 4 Curriculum: Strand 4. Selects training methods, learning activities and instructional materials or resources appropriate to learners and aligned to the objectives of the lesson. Episode 2 BULLETIN BOARD DISPLAYS 1. Appraises the effectiveness of displays as learning resources. 2. Designs a bulletin display. TASKS: A. Make a research on principles in making a display. Use this research in evaluating at least three displays you selected in your cooperating school. Describe the bulletin board displays you have observed: (post a picture of the bulletin board display you have been) 1

How do bulletin board displays enhance pupils learning?

Get one unit in any learning area form one of your resource teacher and design a bulletin board display that will enhance for pupils learning. (Show your draft/design her)

My reflections: what insights did I get form his activity? How will I apply them in the teaching profession?

When we observe various classrooms, Ive noticed that every classroom has a bulletin board. I learned that the main purposes of this are to inform, to influence, to interest and to stimulate. It utilized as motivation for a new wait to utilize as motivation or to summarize the finding of pupils in their achievement. But in preparing for this the teacher must consider a certain points, so that the bulletin board catches the attention of the pupils.
_______________________________ CHERYLL CABANGUNAY Field Study Student

In this observation I learned that every classroom should have a bulletin that can attract learners to think about what need to be learn inside the classroom or in the teacher, it also have a good design in order in can be a good to the eyes of the learners inside the classroom, it should put in the right that visible to the learners. And it should the insight of what post in the bulletin board should level to knowledge of the learners.
_______________________________ SANDINO ROMANO Field Study Student

As I Walked into the classroom for my first day of observation I was greeted a warm hello? In fact, each time that I entered a new classroom was given the same greetings. All of the teachers were more than happy to be helping a future education by letting me observe their teaching styles and learn new techniques to use. Through spending time in vanished classrooms, I have gained valuable information that I will take with me into student teaching and my future classroom. Many of the things that we have talked about in the class were illustrated for me in the classroom that I visited. I was enjoyed because the teacher that I was observe are very kind, she was sharing about her experience and also gave idea.
_______________________________ EDEN FORONDA Field Study Student

It is said in the principles of display bulletin board should serve the purpose of approaching, developing and summarizing a unit, at the classrooms that we have observed the principle of display is being followed except that one of the room. What I see that the bulletin board is an a little but crowded I learned that designing or making a bulletin board display is not an easy task. I have to considered a lot of things for the outcome/output to be wise and pleasing, and if luckily, Ill be able to be one of who mentor, I would not forget the learnings shared by our teacher in order for we to become an effective one. And most specially, Ill keep on reading all about the principles of display and everything needed to be put in mind for we not forget and so that I can go on with the flow.

_______________________________ EDEN FORONDA Field Study Student

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_______________________________ Field Study Student (Sign over printer name)

LIBON COMMUNITY COLLEGE Field Study 3 Name of FS Student ____________________________________ Year and Section _________________ Resource teacher 1______________________________Signature ________________ Date __________ Resource teacher 2______________________________Signature ________________ Date __________ Resource teacher 3______________________________Signature ________________ Date __________ Cooperating School: ____________________________ Instructor: Evelyn C. Fernandez The schools Learning Resources NCBTS DOMAIN 4 Curriculum: Strand 4. Selects training methods, learning activities and instructional materials or resources appropriate to learners and aligned to the objectives of the lesson. Episode 3 UTILIZATION OF TEACHING AIDS 1. Determines appropriateness of teaching aids to learning tasks A. Make a research on principles in the utilization of teaching aids. B. 1. Observe three classes on its regular schedule. My analysis Write your comment on the appropriateness of every teaching aid utilized in the learning tasks Teaching Aid Comment on the Appropriateness

My reflections: what insights did I get from this activity? How will I apply them in the teaching profession?

_______________________________ Field Study Student

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_______________________________ Field Study Student

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