This document describes the restoration of refinery heaters using prefabricated ceramic fiber lined panels. This restoration technique addresses all problem areas that reduce heater efficiency, including casing hot spots, air leakage, corbel damage, flue gas obstruction, and dirty tubes. It allows for repairs to be made from inside the convection section. The restoration procedure involves dismantling the existing casing and refractory, hydroblasting the tubes, and installing prefabricated ceramic fiber panels within the normal turnaround period. This restoration technique has increased heater efficiency by over 3% at Exxon's Baton Rouge refinery while keeping turnaround times and costs comparable to conventional repairs.
This document describes the restoration of refinery heaters using prefabricated ceramic fiber lined panels. This restoration technique addresses all problem areas that reduce heater efficiency, including casing hot spots, air leakage, corbel damage, flue gas obstruction, and dirty tubes. It allows for repairs to be made from inside the convection section. The restoration procedure involves dismantling the existing casing and refractory, hydroblasting the tubes, and installing prefabricated ceramic fiber panels within the normal turnaround period. This restoration technique has increased heater efficiency by over 3% at Exxon's Baton Rouge refinery while keeping turnaround times and costs comparable to conventional repairs.
This document describes the restoration of refinery heaters using prefabricated ceramic fiber lined panels. This restoration technique addresses all problem areas that reduce heater efficiency, including casing hot spots, air leakage, corbel damage, flue gas obstruction, and dirty tubes. It allows for repairs to be made from inside the convection section. The restoration procedure involves dismantling the existing casing and refractory, hydroblasting the tubes, and installing prefabricated ceramic fiber panels within the normal turnaround period. This restoration technique has increased heater efficiency by over 3% at Exxon's Baton Rouge refinery while keeping turnaround times and costs comparable to conventional repairs.
This document describes the restoration of refinery heaters using prefabricated ceramic fiber lined panels. This restoration technique addresses all problem areas that reduce heater efficiency, including casing hot spots, air leakage, corbel damage, flue gas obstruction, and dirty tubes. It allows for repairs to be made from inside the convection section. The restoration procedure involves dismantling the existing casing and refractory, hydroblasting the tubes, and installing prefabricated ceramic fiber panels within the normal turnaround period. This restoration technique has increased heater efficiency by over 3% at Exxon's Baton Rouge refinery while keeping turnaround times and costs comparable to conventional repairs.
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Henry D. Sento Exxon Co. U.S.A., Refining Department Baton Rouge, Louisiana ABSTRACT Refinery heater fuel requirements often represent HEATER COMPONENTS 50% of ~ units operating cost. A one percent change Before we proceed let's review the principal compo in the efficiency of a heater firing 100 MBtu/hr nents of a heater that are involved in the amounts to more than $25,000 per year. Heater effi restoration procedures. ciency is influenced by casing hot spots, air leak age, corbel damage, flue gas obstruction and dirty tubes. Efficiency impact is greatest in the convec tion section since conventional repairs only permit TYPICAL REFINERY FURNACE accessing from the outside, thus only hot spots and some air leakage are repaired. Exxon USA's Baton Rouge refinery has adopted a re storation procedure, using the technique of ceramic fiber lined panels, which corrects all the problem areas and returns the heater to new condition. Res torations have been successfully completed on con vection sections as well as total heaters. All res torations have been within a normal turnaround period. Efficiency increases greater than 3% have been realized, as well as improvements in the hea ter's opera tion. FLUE GIIS INTRODUCTION -jtHH-CIlSTING ~ - 1 t H f + - - . REFRIICTORY M---IH+1- CORBEL 9-iEEt---itt-H- TUBE S Restoration of refinery heaters using the technique END VIEW of ceramic fiber lined panels is replacing conven tional methods of repairing heaters at Exxon USA's Baton Rouge Refinery. Restoration yields energy, maintenance and operating dividends that normally are not achieved with conventional repairs. These divi o Casing dends include reducing excess air, reducing setting loss, reducing stack temperature and increasing the The casing covers the outside of the heater. It heater capacity. In addition heater turnaround time seals the inside from the outside. The casing is not extended and unscheduled heater maintenance should be air tight to prevent air from leaking between turnarounds is greatly reduced or eliminated. into the heater or flue gas leaking out. We will address the convection section in this dis o Refractory cussion, but it should be recognized that the resto ration procedure can be applied to the entire beater. The refractory is attached to the casing. It insulates the heater against heat loss and RESTORATION VS. CONVENTIONAL REPAIRS protects the casing from the high flue gas temperature. It should be tight and continuous Limitations of conventional repairs are the result of when the heater is in operation. identifying and fitting work into a predefined turn around schedule or squatting a unit to make a quick o The Corbels repair. This is especially true for convection sec The corbels are projections of the refractory, tions. A typical conventional repair replaces the a type of baffle that deflects a portion of the apparent damaged refractory, patches casing and seal flue gas over the convection tubes. The corbels welds leaks. Little or no attention is given to the are required for efficient heat transfer. inside of the convection section. On the other hand restoration addresses all problem areas that are re lated to returning the convection section to new condition as compared to the typical patch job. 24 ESL-IE-81-04-04 Proceedings from the Third Industrial Energy Technology Conference Houston, TX, April 26-29, 1981 o The Tubes The tubes are the heat transfer medium. They often have extended surfaces such as fins or studs to increase their heat transfer capability. The outside of the heat transfer surface should be clean. PROBLEM AREAS The convection section has five distinct problem areas, all of which have an impact on heater effi ciency and operation. The areas and their impact are: o Casing Hot Spots - are the result of hot flue gas contacting the casing because of refractory failure. This causes loss of the casing and possible weakening of structural members. In addition, openings in the casing can increase air infiltration. o Air Leakage - is the result of air entering the heater through openings in and around the casing. This causes increased firing because of heat required to raise the air temperature as well as difficulty in furnace combustion air control. o Corbel Damage - is the result of refractory failure and improper repair. This causes flue gas bypassing the heat transfer surface and excess energy going up the stack. o Flue Gas Obstruction - is the result of debris falling on the tubes during refractory repair or build up of combustion products. This causes draft loss which can reduce heater capacity and result in operating the heater under positive pressure. o Dirty Tubes - are the result of deposition of products of combustion on the outside of the tubes. This causes a reduction in heat transfer and increases energy loss to the stack. TYPICAL CONVENTIONAL REPAIR Let's return to our furnace section for a moment to review a typical conventional repair. TYPICRL REFINERY FURNRCE REPRIR POURING CASTA8LE
H--<Jt+f-POURED CASTA8LE OAM FLUE GAS ENO VIEW Prior to shut down inspection identifies hot spots or casing irregularities and indicates repairs to be made. A typical repair would require cutting' out a section of the casing, inserting a plywood dam and pouring castable refractory between the plywood form and casing. Space limitations usually result in elimination of corbels. PROBLEM AREAS VS. REPAIRS/RESTORATION As we just observed the conventional repair addresses only two of the five problem areas. Tube removal would be required to correct the remaining three problem areas. However, from an operating point of view this is usually not accept able because tube pulling is costly and requires more time than a normal shutdown or turnaround will allow. The restoration procedure used at the Baton Refinery corrects all problem areas without to remove the tubes. Restoration can be done wlth in a normal turnaround schedule and often can be done in less time than is required for extensiv conventional repairs. ' RESTORATION PROCEDURE Prior to taking a heater out of service all panels are designed, engineered, and fabricated. This, requires a period of four weeks to three After shutdown the restoration procedure is simple and consists of three basic activities. ' o First we dismantle all casing and o Then the tubes are hydroblasted externally from all angles. Hydroblasting returns the tubes:to 95-100% of new condition with respect to external cleanliness. ' o Last measurements are checked and column joints to which the panels will be fitted are installed. The panels are then placed in position and seal welded. This completes the job. TYPICAL RESTORATION These are Panels Being Shop Prefabricated Prior to Turnaround 25 ESL-IE-81-04-04 Proceedings from the Third Industrial Energy Technology Conference Houston, TX, April 26-29, 1981 This is a convection section after dismantling This is a prefabricated panel being lifted of the casing and refractory and hydroblasting of for installation. The corbelling can be the tubes. Note the column preparation for seen on the surface of the panel. joining the prefabricated panels. The panels are delivered to the work site two This is the panel in structural columns. place between the It is now ready for or three at a time. seal welding. 26 ESL-IE-81-04-04 Proceedings from the Third Industrial Energy Technology Conference Houston, TX, April 26-29, 1981 - -' -.I .' KEY TO RESTORATION Panel design is the key to restoration and the pre fabricated ceramic fiber lined panel technique make the design possible. Cermaic fiber has all of the advantages of refractory without many of the dis advantages such as quality control, dryout, and expansion. The use of ceramic fiber permits shop fabrication of the panels prior to shutdown. The panels can be fabricated at a remote site and safely stored until needed. The ceramic fiber permits ease of handling since the fiber is flexible and weighs 75-90% less than most refractory. Ceramic fiber permits quick installation since only compression joints are required for installation. Also dryout and cracking are not problems. Ceramic fiber also permits subsequent removal and reuse of the same panels when it became necessary to enter the convection section again. TYPICAL PANEL DESIGN This is a typical ceramic fiber lined panel design. It illustrates the variables that are considered in the design and how they are treated. TYPICRL PRNEL DESIGN o P.TTf\CHMENT STUDS o Hf\RD o o CERf\M!C o SS o CERAMIC o MP.ST1C o NEW CP,SING FOIL----------' COP,T1NG -----------' ----------- FACE ----,.;:::...:-"- CORBEL -------' In order of fabrication we have: o A prefabricated steel panel adequately braced and with lifting attachments installed. Studs are welded to the panel for attachment of the fiber system. o A mastic coating is applied to inside sur face to protect against dewpoint corrosion. o Ceramic fiber is installed for insulating purposes. o A 2-3 mil stainless steel vapor barrier is installed. o Additional ceramic fiber is installed for insulation. o Last a layer of silicon impregnated ceramic fiber is installed to protect against velociity erosion and impingement. , o Corbelling is provided where required by i installing additional strips of ceramic ECONOMICS Economics favor restoration based upon our experience. This is best illustrated by a typiical convection section restoration. o -The cost estimated for conventional repairs: was $95,000 as compared to an actual restora tion cost $85,000. A difference of $10,000 in favor of restoration. i o The estimated fuel savings from conventionali 1 repairs was 1.5% as compared to 4% for restoration. o The turnaround field labor estimated for conven tional repairs were 4,'000 manhours compar:ed 575 hours for restoration. Restoratl0n in reducing turnaround manhours 86%. ' SUMMARY I Based upon our experience heater restoration yielded several energy and operating credits which were not available or minimal when using conventional repair methods. These include: I o Increased heater efficiency resulted from t sealing the casing, restoring corbelling cleaning dirty tubes I o Improved operating reliability resulted returning the convection secton to new I o Increased capacity resulted from reducing flue gas pressure drop and increasing the oJt side heat transfer coefficient ! o Future restoration is simplified because prefabricated panels are easily removed and 1 can be reused o Economic incentives offer energy savings, , increased heater capacity and minimized losti production FUTURE PLANS i I Future plans include designing removable panels so restoration can be incorporated iutd any routine turnaround or shutdown activities. I i 27 ESL-IE-81-04-04 Proceedings from the Third Industrial Energy Technology Conference Houston, TX, April 26-29, 1981