Procedures LawMulti
Procedures LawMulti
Procedures LawMulti
Updated on 15-03-2012
1. Who is responsible to provide maintenance data, used for implementing maintenance on customers aircraft, to VAECO: a) Customer. b) VAECO itself. c) Manufacture. Ref.: MOE P2 2. The workpack and Job cards will be prepared by: a) Customer (except VNA) and provide for VAECO. b) Planning department (for VNA). c) a and b. Ref.: MOE P2 Item 1 3. Who is responsible for providing material and spare part for aircraft maintenance? a) Customer. b) VAECO if specified in maintenance contract between VAECO and customer. c) a and b. Ref.: MOE P2 10.4.3 Item1 4. Material and spare part provided by customer:* a) Can be used without being incoming inspection by VAECO store inspector. b) Must be passed the incoming inspection by VAECO store inspector prior to use for maintenance on customer A/C. c) Can be used if they are tagged with customers serviceable tag. Ref.: MOE P2 10.4.3 Item 2 5. Before carrying out maintenance, which type inspection should be performed? a) Hidden damage inspection b) Preliminary inspection c) In-progress inspection Ref.: MOE P3 3.2 Item 3 6. Preliminary inspection is a) inspection performed prior to maintenance to determine the status and condition of aircrafts/ components. b) Inspection performed prior of maintenance on aircraft/ component involved in an occurrence or accident. c) Inspection performed during maintenance determine all steps of work are performed correctly. Ref.: MOE P3 3.2 Item 1 7. What should be conducting during preliminary inspection a) The A/C only. b) The A/C and A/C documents. c) A/C document only. Page 1 of 51
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8. How defects found in preliminary inspection are handled in Base maintenance? a) The defects shall be recorded in Additional tack list VAECO Form 6020. b) All these defects are transferred to Non Routine Cards. c) The defects shall be recorded in the Last minute item VAECO Form 1006. Ref.: MOE P3 3.4.1 Item 6, 7 9. Non Routine Card Continuous form is used for a) Recording a discrepancy found during maintenance. b) Controlling NRCs. c) Recording the detailed works or a series of work processes or sub-tasks that are required to be carried out after a defect was raised in the Non routine Card. Ref.: REF.: SOP Item 1 10. Towing and pushing back of A/C in/ out hangar a) Must only be carried out by VAECO staffs. b) Can be carried out by contracted company under supervise of VAECO staffs. c) Can be carried out by any company provided that the headset man and cockpit man are VAECO staffs. Ref.: SOP Item 5 11. Hidden damage inspection shall be conducted a) In case requested by customer. b) If the Authorized inspection staff realizes any sign of existing hidden damage. c) a and b. Ref.: P3 MOE 4.4 Item 1, 6 12. Required Inspection Item (RII) tasks defined by a) Customer. b) VAECO QA department. c) VAECO Planning department. Ref.: P2 MOE 13.5 Item 6a 13. Required Inspection Item (RII) shall be performed* a) By authorized inspection staff who performed the item of works required to be inspected. b) By authorized inspection staff who did not perform the item of works required to be inspected. c) None of above is correct. Ref.: SOP 10.7.4 Item 2 14. Who will give a final decision when a conflict occurs between Inspection staff and maintenance staff during course of inspection? a) QC manager. b) QA director. c) BMC director Page 2 of 51
Question bank Regulation & Procedures REF.: SOP 10.5.6 15. Determining of CRITICAL TASK is responsible of a) Customer. b) Planning Department of VAECO. c) Technical & Planning Department of Maintenance centers. Ref.: SOP Item 2
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16. During one hangar check, a CRITICAL TASK can be performed a) By one appropriate authorized staff provide that the task is not performed in the same day. b) By one appropriate authorized staff provide that a NRC is raised to re-inspection of the works performed. c) By one staff is not allowed. Ref.: MOE P2 Item 13 17. When CRS staff use measuring and testing equipment, which data must be recorded to maintenance record: a) P/N, S/N and GRN of tool and equipment. b) P/N and S/N of tool and equipment. c) P/N, S/N and calibration due date of tool and equipment. Ref.: MOE P2 Item 1 18. For VNA A/C, when structure damage is not mentioned in SRM a) Base maintenance center shall contact to manufacture for approved repair solution. b) Engineering department shall contact to manufacture for approved repair solution. c) VNA Technical department shall be informed for providing repair solution. Ref.: SOP 12.16.8 19. When structure damage is mentioned in SRM, the SRO shall be issued by a) Base maintenance center. b) Engineering department. c) Planning department. Ref.: SOP 12.16.7 20. For VNA A/C, after complete a structure damage repair, Base maintenance center have to send a Structure Damage Report (SDR) and Structure Repair Report (SRR) to: a) Engineering department. b) Planning department. c) VNA. Ref.: SOP 12.16.9 Item 4 21. For VNA A/C, which department is responsible for update the removed and installed of components on AMASIS? * a) Technical & Planning Division of maintenance center that C/O the maintenance. b) Tech record section of Engineering department. c) Planning department. Ref.: SOP Item 5, 6 Page 3 of 51
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22. What should a maintenance staff do if he cannot find work procedure for a maintenance task? a) He should send a TAR - Form VAECO 3015 to Technical support section for assistance request. b) He should request to cancel this task. c) He should refuse to carry out this task. Ref.: MOE P2 Item 8 23. Can Dispensation (one off authorization) is granted for category B CRS staff to carry out a final inspection and Release A/C to service after base maintenance? a) Yes, if QA director realized that there is no category C CRS at that time. b) No, Dispensation is can only grant for maintenance staff at line station. c) It is depend on customer procedure. Ref.: SOP 10.1.7 24. The work/shift handover form (Form VAECO 6004) must be completed in base maintenance when: a) a maintenance staff leave work partially completed. b) a maintenance jobs cannot be completed during the shift. c) a and b. Ref.: MOE P3 7.3 Item 2; 7.4.2 Item 2. 25. Discrepancies found during maintenance will be record in a * a) Non Routine Card provided by customer or VAECO Non Routine Card (VAECO Form 6001) when not provided by customer. b) Non Routine Card Continuous provided by customer or VAECO Non Routine Card Continuous (VAECO Form 6017) when not provided by customer c) VAECO Non routine card (VAECO Form 6001). Ref.: SOP Item 4&5. 26. For VNA A/C, which form will be used when a discrepancy found during maintenance? a. Non routine card - Form VAECO 6001. b. Job Card Attaching Sheet - Form VAECO 6007. c. Work Transit Sheet Form VAECO 7031. Ref. MOE P2 10.4.4 Item 9 27. Job Card Attaching Sheet (Form VAECO 6007) is used for a. Raising a discrepancy found during maintenance. b. Transferring maintenance work to a workshop. c. Transferring maintenance work from a workshop to another. Ref. MOE P2 10.4.4 Item 10 28. When a component is removed from an aircraft and transferred to a workshop with attached Job Card Attaching Sheet, what document(s) is required for acceptance the component to be installed back on the aircraft? a. The Job Card Attaching Sheet with certifying of the workshop authorized staff for all maintenance works carried out. b. Certificate of release to service Form VAECO 2012. Page 4 of 51
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c. CAAV form 1 and the Job Card Attaching Sheet with certifying of the workshop authorized staff for all maintenance works carried out. Ref.: SOP Item 4 29. During Base maintenance, all component removed from an aircraft must be tagged with: a. Serviceable tag Form VAECO 0005. b. Inspection request tag Form VAECO 0011. c. Identification tag Form VAECO 0003 Ref.: MOE P2 10.4.4 Item 7 30. What will be; tagged with a panel removed from an aircraft during Base maintenance? a. Unserviceable tag Form VAECO 0005. b. Identification tag Form VAECO 0003. c. Panel removed tag Form VAECO 0010. Ref.: MOE P2 10.4.4 Item 8 31. In Base maintenance, defects can be deferred when a) Authorized staff classify and sign to confirm deferment possibility IAW maintenance data and record in List of acceptable deferred defects. b) The deferment is accepted by customer and deferred IAW customer procedures. c) a and b. Ref.: MOE P2 10.4.4 Item 12 32. Can an aircraft be released from Base maintenance with defects on it? a. No, all defects on the aircraft must be cleared after base maintenance. b. Yes, if those defects are stated on Exception item of the Certificate of release to service (Form VAECO 2012). c. Yes, if those defects are deferred IAW maintenance data and concurred by customer. Ref.: MOE P2 10.4.4 Item 12 33. Can a routine task card in the work package be cancelled during base maintenance? a. The task card can be cancelled IAW customers procedure. b. The task card can be cancelled if a concession for it is granted by VAECO QA department. c. The task card can be cancelled with acceptance of VAECO Planning department. Ref.: MOE 8.1.3 Item 7 34. What certificate required after schedule base maintenance? a) Certificate of Compliance (COC). b) Certificate of release to service (CRS). c) Certificate of Maintenance Review (CMR) Ref.: MOE P3 6.5 Item 1 35. U/S component removed from A/C during base maintenance must be returned to VAECO store a) On the day component is removed. b) Within 24 hours. c) After the A/C is release to service. Page 5 of 51
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36. Serviceable A/C component removed from A/C for returning to store must be attached with a) Re-certified certificate. b) Serviceable tag. c) Identification tag. Ref.: SOP Item 3. 37. Component have not been used can return to VAECO store with a) Serviceable tag and the requisition form for that component. b) Re-certified certificate and the requisition form for that component. c) Re-certified certificate only. Ref.: SOP Item 1 38. Before installing a PMA part on the A/C, the maintenance staff must a) Check to ensure that the component is specified in maintenance data. b) Check to ensure that there is a statement of customer for using of PMA part. c) a or b. Ref.: MOE P2 13.4 Item 6 39. Before installing a component on the A/C, maintenance staff must a) Vision check to ensure the component is in good condition. b) Check for life limit and correct of PN, SN. c) a and b. Ref.: SOP Item 3 40. A required calibration tool without calibration label a) can be used if the tool is attached with a serviceable tag. b) can not be used. c) can be used with a concession from QA department. Ref.: MOE P3 8.3 Item 6 41. A MTE (Measuring and Test Equipment) not required calibration should: * a) Be labeled with Calibration not required VAECO Form 0018. b) Be tag with Usage notice VAECO form 0016. c) There is no requirement. Ref.: MOE P2 8.4.1 Item 3 42. A tool with label a ACCURACY DOWNGRADED * a) Can not be used and must be sent to repair. b) Can be used with limitation specified in Usage notice VAECO form 0016. c) Can be used with a concession from QA department. Ref.: SOP 8.10.4 Item 7
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1. During the performance of maintenance tasks, CRS staff should a) check regularly working environment to ensure that NO foreign object exist on aircraft, engine and aircraft components. b) check on close-up of tasks to ensure that NO foreign object exist on aircraft, engine and aircraft components. c) not have to check for foreign object because Ground support staff is responsibility for removing all foreign objects Ref.: SOP 4.7 2. In line maintenance, before A/C arriving, assuring of NO foreign object available in parking area is responsibility of a) VAECO supporting staffs. b) CRS staff. c) Airport cleaning staffs. Ref.: SOP 4.1.4(4) 3. Required Inspection Item (RII) tasks required by Customer a) are performed, independently inspected and signed off by a inspection personnel. b) are performed by qualified mechanic, then independently inspected and signed off by a suitable CRS staff. c) are performed by qualified mechanic, then independently inspected and signed off by a inspection personnel staff who is accepted by customer. Ref.: SOP 10.7.4&10.7.5 4. When remove component, the tube end/ socket on A/C must be covered by a) Blanking cap/ plug b) Adhesive tape c) Plastic bag d) Plastic bag and adhesive tape Ref.: SOP 12.14.5(4)(a) 5. The A/C deferred defect should be deferred IAW . a) Customer procedures. b) VAECO procedures. c) Vietnam Airlines procedures. Ref.: SOP 6. According to VAECO procedure, A/C can be towed a) With Cargo Doors closed and locked. b) With Cargo Doors opened and locked at open position IAW. AMM task c) With NO specific requirement concerned to the A/C door position in towing. Ref.: SOP 7. How many staffs are required when towing A/C through crowded parking area? a) No one, because towbarless tractor driver is responsible for towing. b) 02 maintenance staffs Page 7 of 51
Question bank Regulation & Procedures c) 04 maintenance staffs d) 05 maintenance staffs. Ref.: SOP
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8. Who can give decision to apply A/C brake during towing at line maintenance? a) CRS staff on A/C cockpit (Brakeman) b) Towing process supervisor (headset man) . c) Watchmen at wingtip and A/C tail positions. Ref.: SOP 6.1 9. Which is correct if structural defect is out of SRM allowable limit? a) Defect must be repaired before release A/C to service. b) A/C can be released to service with ADD type B should be raised. c) A/C can be released to service if defect recorded in Dent & buckle chart. Ref.: SOP 12.16 10. Repair solution for structural defect, which is out of SRM repairable limit, should be determined by a) QC division- QA department. b) Base maintenance center. c) Engineering & IT department. Ref.: SOP 12.16.8 11. At HAN and SGN station, Which is time limit for bringing 3nd copy (pink colored) of Technical log pages to MCC? a) Right after A/C dispatch. b) After A/C dispatch but not later than 24h. c) Within 24 months Ref.: SOP 12. After completion of inspection/ maintenance on emergency equipment, CRS staff attach INSPECTION TAG (Form VAECO 0014) to emergency equipment to ** a) determine the type of work. b) determine the expiry date only. c) determine the the type of work and the expiry date. Ref.: SOP 12.3 13. How to check time limit of emergency equipment installed on A/C? ** a) Using list of aircraft component required maintenance (VAECO Form 1001). b) Using AMASIS and CMM. c) Checking INSPECTION TAG Form VAECO 0014 attached to each emergence equipment. Ref.: SOP 12.13 14. If there is need to rob component from grounded A/C, who can issue the robbery request? a) Corresponding VAECO MCC. b) VNA Technical Department. Page 8 of 51
Question bank Regulation & Procedures c) CRS staff. Ref.: SOP 12.14
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15. Who can issue the re-certified certificate (form VAECO 5001) for component removed from A/C? * a) qualified MCC controller. b) CRS staff with authorized function. c) CRS of corresponding workshop. d) Any CRS staff. Ref.: SOP 16. Which case is NOT required to issue Recertified Certificate for a component robbed from aircraft? a) The component from robbed A/C is directly installed to other A/C at same station . b) The component from robbed A/C at one station (HAN for example) is installed to other A/C at other station (HCM for example). c) The component from donated A/C is sent to store, and then installed to other A/C. Ref.: SOP 12.14.5 17. The Preflight checks for VNA A/C should be performed a) not earlier than two (2) hours before the flight. b) not earlier than three (3) hours before the flight. c) not earlier than four (4) hours before the flight. Ref.: item V, VNA LMM 2.1 18. Prior connecting headset to A/C in transit check in abnormal circumstance, chocks must be installed ** a) in front of and behind the nose wheels . b) in front of OR behind the nose wheels provided chocks can against A/C movement cause by slope of parking area. c) in front of and behind the nose wheels and main wheels. Ref.: item VI.2-e, VNA LMM 2.12 19. Where can find the VNA - line maintenance checklist such as: pre-flight/transit, terminal/dailyin line maintenance environment? a) On Technical Log Book . b) On Technical Log Book and VNA - line maintenance manual. c) On Technical Log Book and VAECO MOE. Ref. VNA. LMM 4.1.2 20. For the defects that not covered in the approved maintenance data such as MEL, CDL, AMM, what action shall be carried out? * a) Release A/C as normal. b) Release A/C with concession issued bay VAECO QA. c) Make a TAR & send to EGD. Ref.: SOP 21. Is cat A CRS holder permitted to clear an ADD type B? Page 9 of 51
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a) No, only the Cat B1/B2 CRS holders are permitted to clear an ADD type B. b) Yes, If the ADD is listed in appendix 1 of authorisation certificate. c) Yes, if ADD clearance requires only maintenances within his endorsed authorisation. Ref.: SOP 22. Can you install PMA part to PAX seat, galley, IFE system and cabin normal light on VNA aircraft? a) No. b) Yes c) Yes, Only for PMA part which is specified in IPC. Ref.: item 2.5.3b VNA MME 23. In case of lightning strike at outstation, authorization staff shall a) Return A/C to service if the task of Inspection after Lightning Strike in AMM chapter 05 is performed. b) Return A/C to home base provided stroked areas have no damage and radio, radar, navigation aids systems work normally. c) Return A/C to home base provided ADD type B is raised for detailed inspection of the entire A/C on return to home base. d) b) and c) Ref.: VNA LMM 4.1.5b 24. When the flight crew calls the mechanic on the headset and request pushback before the ground personnel are ready, how can mechanic will answer? a) Negative, standby for pushback. b) Hold-on, Aircraft not ready for pushback. c) Clear for pushback facing ... (direction). d) Commencing pushback. Ref.: standard communication between flight crew and ground engineer 25. When A/C arrived, the mechanic check brake set and put chocks in position, how can mechanic advice to flight crew? a) Chocks in place, release brakes. b) Chocks in position, release brakes. c) Chocks on. release brakes Ref.: standard communication between flight crew and ground engineer 26. After engine started successfully and the flight crew advised Start complete, clear to disconnect, hand signals on the Right side, the mechanic will answer as follow : a) Disconnecting, hand signals on right side b) Disconnecting, see you on right side. c) Disconnecting, clear for dispatch. Ref.: standard communication between flight crew and ground engineer 27. When external pneumatic power source is connected to A/C, The mechanic will advise the flight crew as follow : a) The air starter connected, standing by for engine start. Page 10 of 51
Question bank Regulation & Procedures b) Pneumatic pressure is available. c) Ready to start engines. Supply pneumatic pressure. Ref.: standard communication between flight crew and ground engineer
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28. For ATR72 aircraft, when ground mechanics and flight crews are ready for start engines and the flight crew requested to start Hotel mode. How can mechanic advice to flight crew? a) Clear to start Hotel mode. b) Clear to start Engine # c) Clear to release prop brake. Ref.: standard communication between flight crew and ground engineer 29. Duplicate inspections must be carried out if : a) There is any adjustment, overhaul, repair, replacement or modification of any part of Flight or Engine Control Systems/Vital Points . b) There is the requirement for inspection personnel staff to be involved in the maintenance with the RII (Required Inspection Items). c) There is replacement/ maintenance of several components of the same type fitted to more than one system on the same aircraft during a particular maintenance check. Ref.: VNA LMM 4.1.5 30. If actual fuel quantity on-board have to be measured by manual magnetic stick/indicator , a) The action and correct fuel quantity on-board shall be certified in Action taken box of Technical Log page. b) The correct fuel quantity on-board shall be recorded in depart. column in Technical Log page. c) The correct fuel quantity on-board shall be recorded in UPLIFT column in Technical Log page. Ref.: VNA LMM 2.4.VI 31. During the duplicate inspection on Control Systems, is this allowed to re-adjust the Systems between inspections? a) Yes b) No c) There is no restriction for this issue Ref.: VNA LMM 4.1.5 32. Where the Safety cone(s) can be placed while A/C is parking? a) In front of A/C engines. b) In front and outboard of A/C engines. c) In front and outboard of A/C engines, tail of A/C. Ref.: VNA GOM 3.4.2 33. During thunderstorm weather, which kind of communication between Cockpit and Ground is(are) not allowed? a) Head set. b) Walkie-talkie in open area. c) Hand signal. d) a) and b). Page 11 of 51
Question bank Regulation & Procedures Ref: WARNING in AMM, normal safety precaution 34. What is meaning of this hand signal? a) Disconnect ground power b) Connect ground power. c) Chocks inserted. Ref.: standard communication between flight crew and ground engineer 35. What is meaning of this hand signal? a) Affirmative / all clear b) Dispatch A/C c) Hold position/ standby. d) Release brake. Ref.: standard communication between flight crew and ground engineer 36. What is meaning of this hand signal? a) b) c) d) Affirmative / all clear Dispatch A/C Chock removed. Release brake.
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37. What is meaning of this hand signal? a) b) c) d) Affirmative / all clear Dispatch A/C Chock removed. Cut engines.
38. What is meaning of this hand signal? a) b) c) d) Chocks inserted Dispatch A/C Chock removed. Cut engines. Page 12 of 51
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a) b) Ref.: standard communication between flight crew and ground engineer 40. In the following hand-signals, what is emergence stop
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1. Classification of Tools and Equipment: a) General Tools/Equipment, Specific Tools/Equipment and Non-specific Tools/Equipment b) Specific Tools/Equipment and Non-specific Tools/Equipment c) Specific Tools/Equipment, Non-specific Tools/Equipment and Measuring & Test Equipment Ref.: MOE P2,C8, 8.2.2 2. Work Request (VAECO Form 7014) is issued based on: ** a) Approved scope of work of the related Component Maintenance Center and requirements from Logistics Department/ VAECOs Maintenance Centers b) Scope of work of the related Component Maintenance Center and requests from Customer/ VAECOs Maintenance Centers c) Approved scope of work scope of the related Component Maintenance Center and requests from VAECOs Maintenance Centers Ref.: MOE P2, C10, 3. Work Request for components is issued by: ** a) The related Component Maintenance Center b) The VAECO Engineering Department c) The related Component Maintenance Center or VAECO Engineering Department Ref.: MOE P2, C10, 4. Which document(s) must be issued before carrying out the component maintenance? a) Non-Routine Card (VAECO Form 6001) and Component Maintenance Worksheet (VAECO Form 7032) b) Work Request (VAECO Form 7014) and Component Maintenance Worksheet (VAECO Form 7032) c) Work Request (VAECO Form 7014) and Non-Routine Card (VAECO Form 6001) Ref.: MOE P2, C10, 5. Which kinds of inspection are mandatory during components maintenance? a) Preliminary inspection, Hidden damage inspection, Final Test. b) Preliminary inspection, Hidden damage inspection, In-process inspection, Final Test. c) Preliminary inspection, In-process inspection, Final Test. Ref.: MOE P2, C10, 6. Hidden damage inspection for components is applicable for: a) Components involved in accident b) All components c) VAECO owned components Ref.: MOE P3, C4, 4.2 7. Finding/ Repair report (VAECO Form 7033) is used to record any repair/ replacement during: a) Preliminary inspection. b) Hidden damage inspection and In-process inspection. c) Maintenance process. Ref.: MOE P2, C10, Page 14 of 51
Question bank Regulation & Procedures 8. The Final test for aircraft components is performed in accordance with: a) The related AMM b) The related CMM c) None of the above Ref.: SOP
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9. After the Final test is completed, the Test result sheet (if any) must be ** a) Attached to A/C Component Maintenance Worksheet with mutual cross-references. b) Attached to Authorized Release Certificate. c) Attached to Finding/ Repair report with mutual cross-references. Ref.: SOP 10. All components which are in maintenance/repair process must be attached with: ** a) Status Monitoring Tag b) Identification Tag c) Status Monitoring Tag, Identification Tag and Unserviceable Tag Ref.: MOE P2, C10,;, SOP; SOP 11. Additional work must be recorded in: * a) Component Maintenance Worksheet. b) Work Request. c) Finding/ Repair report Ref.: SOP 12. If the work is stopped/ delayed due to any reason the date, time and situation should be specified in the: * a) Identification tag b) Component Maintenance Worksheet c) Finding/ Repair report. Ref.: SOP 13. Before transfer a job to another workshop: * a) The component RTS staff shall confirm the capability of related shop to perform the work. b) Work Transit Sheet shall be raised. c) Both a) and b) are correct Ref.: SOP 14. Which form is used to transfer a component to another shop? * a) Work Handover Sheet b) Work Transit Sheet c) Work Delivery/Receiving Sheet Ref.: SOP 15. Before transfer a job from a workshop to another workshop, if there is any problem related to the capability of the related workshop, Technical Assistance Request (VAECO Form 3015) is sent to: * a) The Engineering Department for support. b) The Quality Assurance Department for support. Page 15 of 51
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c) The Engineering-Planning Division of the related Component Maintenance Center for support. Ref.: SOP 16. The Inspection Tag (VAECO Form 0014) shall be raised and tagged on the safety equipment: ** a) For all performed work. b) For overhaul work. c) For the performed work that affect the maintenance limitation of the equipment. Ref.: SOP 17. The expiry date of a safety equipment installed on VNA aircraft is based on ** a) CMM b) AMS c) CMM and AMS, whichever is the stricter. Ref.: SOP 18. How to determine the detailed capability of a workshop? ** a) Refer to the MOE b) Refer to the Capability List and the related CMM c) Refer to the Capability List Ref.: MOE P2, C6, 6.2.2 19. After the maintenance/ repair work is completed, the component is sent to: ** a) Logistics department. b) The maintenance center who requests the work. c) a) or b) depended on who sent the component to the shop. Ref.: SOP 20. During component maintenance, all damages found shall be recorded into * a) Non-routine card b) Finding/ Repair report and A/C Component Maintenance Worksheet c) Work Request Ref.: MOE P2, C10, 21. Work Transit Sheet (VAECO Form 7031) is used to transfer: a) a work from a Component Maintenance Center to another maintenance center. b) an internal work within a Component Maintenance Center c) a) and b) Ref.: MOE P2, C10, 22. Which following answer is correct? ** a) VAECO Form 0020 is used to record the first step of transfer work. b) The reference number of transit form shall be recorded on the work sheet for traceability. c) Both a) and b) are correct Ref.: MOE P2, C10, 23. What to do if a component of the customer is not economical for repair? ** a) Inform to the customer for disposition. Page 16 of 51
Question bank Regulation & Procedures b) Move it to the Logistics Department for discard c) The related CMC is authorized to discard it. Ref.: MOE P2, C10,
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24. Which certificate/document must be attached to the component after repair? a) The original of CAAV Form 1 b) The original of CAAV Form 1 and Finding/ Repair report (VAECO Form 7033) c) The copy of CAAV Form 1 and the copy of the Component Maintenance Worksheet (VAECO Form 7032) Ref.: MOE P2, C10, 25. To transfer a work from a base maintenance center to component maintenance center, you must use: a) Work Transit Sheet (VAECO Form 7031) b) Job Card Attaching Sheet (VAECO Form 6007) c) a) or b) depending on each specific case. Ref.: MOE P2, C10, 26. The preliminary inspection shall be carried out: a) Before the maintenance work is performed. b) After the maintenance work is completed. c) During the maintenance. Ref.: MOE P3, C3, 3.2.3 27. The preliminary inspection shall be carried out by: ** a) Quality control staff. b) Component RTS staff. c) Qualified mechanic. Ref.: SOP 28. During preliminary inspection, if the defect of the component is un-repairable the article is returned to the repair requester with ** a) Unserviceable Tag and Finding/ Repair Report. b) Condemned Part Tag and Finding/ Repair Report. c) Finding/ Repair Report. Ref.: SOP 29. Choose the correct sentence ** a) The test result must be always recorded in the worksheet. b) The test result must be print out or written in a separated form. c) The test result must be recorded in the worksheet or print out/ written in a separated form and attached to the worksheet with mutual cross-references. Ref.: SOP 30. Aircraft component maintenance ** a) Can be carried out at CAAV approved contractors. b) Can be carried out at CAAV non-approved contractors if the maintenance function is within the CAAV approved rating. Page 17 of 51
Question bank Regulation & Procedures c) Both a) and b) are correct. Ref.: MOE P2, C12, 12.2 31. What certificate required after fabrication of aircraft part?** a) Certificate of Conformity (COC). b) Certificate of release to service (CRS). c) Certificate of Maintenance Review (CMR) Ref.: SOP
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32. The fabricated parts that are rejected during the inspection because of fail to compliance to the required specifications shall be attached with ** a) Unserviceable Tag (VAECO Form 0005) b) Condemned Part Tag (VAECO Form 0009) c) Identification tag (VAECO Form 0020) Ref.: SOP 33. Log books of VNA battery installed in Airbus and Fokker A/C are kept at and updated by ** a) HAN Battery shop b) HCM Battery shop c) Both HAN and HCM Battery shops Ref.: SOP 34. Spare parts and materials in the workshop shall be always accompanied with ** a) Serviceable tag (VAECO Form 0005) b) Consumable release tag (VAECO Form 0008) c) Serviceable tag (VAECO Form 0005) or Consumable release tag (VAECO Form 0008) Ref.: SOP 35. For the small details such as nuts, bolts: ** a) It is allowed to group several items of some components/ NHAs and put them into a nylon bag or put on a tray/ basket and tag with one Identification tag. b) It is allowed to group several items of each component/ NHA and put them into a nylon bag or put on a tray/ basket and tag with one Identification tag. c) It is not allowed to group several items in one bag. Ref.: SOP 36. When a component/ part is transferred from one process to another process, the Identification Tag attaching to this component/ part: ** a) Must be modified b) Does not need to be modified c) None of the above Ref.: SOP 37. For components/ parts released in batch a) Issue a CAAV Form 1 for each component/ part in the batch. b) Issue a CAAV Form 1 for the batch. c) Issue a CAAV Form 1 for the batch and make a Serial Number List if necessary Ref.: SOP Page 18 of 51
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38. The maintenance record for component maintenance: ** a) Clearly entry in English capital letter and without any unfamiliar abbreviation words. b) Any mistake in the maintenance document shall be corrected by person who had performed and inspected the work. To correct the writer must strike out or make a line from 7 oclock to 13 oclock for a block of wrong words and then writes the correct words next to the incorrect ones. c) a) and b) Ref.: SOP 39. Using condemned part for legitimate non-flight uses: The following methods should be used to prevent misrepresentation: ** a) PERMANENTLY and CLEARLY by carving, sculpturing or chiseling the part, subparts as NOT FOR AVIATION USE and NOT SERVICEABLE. b) Removing part number identification. Removing identification plate and marking. c) a) and b) Ref.: SOP 40. Regarding borrowed tools/equipment: * a) must be returned to Tool store before completion of each working shift. T&E borrowed from Tool store for long time usage (more than one working shift) must be registered with Tool store keeper. b) must be returned to Tool store before completion of each working shift. T&E borrowed from Tool store for long time usage (more than 3 days) must be registered with Tool store keeper. c) must be always returned to Tool store before completion of each working shift. Ref.: SOP 41. For component maintenance, the worksheet must be signed ** a) After any step of work is completed. b) After the whole worksheet is completed. c) Any time. Ref.: SOP 42. The Maintenance Centers ** a) may not issue/ print-out documents to use in its divisions/ workshops b) may only use the documents on the electronic technical library. c) may issue/ print-out documents to use in its divisions/ workshops but the printed-out documents shall be controlled by the Technical-Planning Division of respective Maintenance Centers. Ref.: SOP 43. The current status of all documents issued by the Technical-Planning Division is specified in: ** a) Current Document and Technical Data List (VAECO Form 7055) b) Document master list (VAECO Form 3014). c) The Technical-Planning Division may not issue documents. Ref.: SOP 44. While copying/ transcribing maintenance data in to Maintenance Worksheet, composer must ensure the following: ** Page 19 of 51
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a) Maintenance document is written in English. Name, revision of maintenance data is recorded in the maintenance document. b) Maintenance document has precise reference to particular maintenance task or is transcribed accurately from approved maintenance data. c) Both a) and b). Ref.: SOP 45. Before issuing, the following maintenance documents must be approved by an authorized person: * a) Engineering Order, Structure Repair Order, Component Maintenance Worksheet. b) Engineering Order, Technical Instruction, Component Maintenance Worksheet. c) Engineering Order, Technical Instruction, Structure Repair Order, Component Maintenance Worksheet. Ref.: SOP
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To avoid the effects of humidity, temperature, contamination and damage, part and material will be: a) Kept in normal condition. b) Preserved in accordance with the manufacturers requirements or applicable industrial standards. c) Preserved in store without any specific requirement. Ref.: MOE P2 C or RSM P2 C 2. To assure safety and security, part and material will be: a) Accessed by any personnel. b) Kept in quarantine store. c) secured to prevent unauthorized access Ref.: MOE P2 C or RSM P2 C9 3. Which software system is used to control part and material provided by Vietnam Airlines? a) Aircraft Maintenance and Spare Information System (AMASIS). b) Other software system than AMASIS. c) a) and b) are all correct. Ref.: MOE P2 C or RSM P2 C 4. Which statement is true? a) Serviceable part and material always must be separated with unserviceable part and material. b) Serviceable part and material can be kept in the same place with unserviceable part and material provided they are attached with identifying tag. c) Serviceable part and material can be kept in the same place with unserviceable part and material. Ref.: MOE P2 C or RSM P2 C 5. Which tag is used to identify serviceable status of rotable part a) Consumable Release Tag (VAECO Form 0008) b) Serviceable Tag for Rotable Parts (VAECO Form 0005/Left hand section) c) Unserviceable Tag for Rotable Part (VAECO Form 0005/Right hand section) MOE P2 C or RSM P2 C 6. When dispatch individual item from a batch of consumable part/ materials which tag shall be attached with individual item a) Consumable Release Tag (VAECO Form 0008) b) Serviceable Tag for Expendable/Consumable (VAECO Form 0007). c) Identification Tag (VAECO Form 0003). Ref.: MOE P2 C or RSM P2 C 7. Which requirement specified in ATA-300: a) Standard of packaging of part/ material. b) Requirement of preservation of part/ material. c) Requirement of storage condition. Page 21 of 51
Question bank Regulation & Procedures Ref.: MOE P3 C 2.5.7.c or QCM P3 C2.5.7.c 8. The expiry date of part/ material shall be defined based on: a) Information in the AMASIS. b) Information from part/ material supplier. c) Information in the certificate/ document/ label from Manufacturer Ref.: MOE P2 C or RSM P2 C 9. When delivering part/ material, what rule will be applied? a) The First In First Out (FIFO) rule b) The First in Last out (FILO) rule. c) No specific rule for this case. Ref.: MOE P2 C or RSM P2 C
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10. When delivering part/ materials a) The deliverer (store personnel) will inspect the status and related documents for the item prior to delivery to assure serviceable items are made available. b) The receiver (maintenance personnel) will inspect status of the item and related documents for serviceability and sign in the spare request sheet or delivery/receiver book, acknowledging the receipt of a serviceable item. c) Both a and b. Ref.: MOE P2 C or RSM P2 C 11. Who will make decision and attach a tag to condemned part a) Store inspector. b) Aircraft certifying staff. c) A/C Inspection personnel. Ref.: SOP 12. When returning to store, materials have not been used in maintenance a) Will be accepted if materials are still in original packing and good condition. b) Will be accepted in all cases. c) Will be discarded. Ref.: SOP 13. Inspector find expired date of shelf-life part during incoming inspection base on what? ** a) On the certificate/label of shelf-life parts; b) Expired date of shelf-life parts is defined base on condition of preservation of VAECO store. c) Base on type of shelf-life parts that is defined in AMASIS; d) a) ; b) and c) is correct MOE P2 C9.3.5.1; RSM&QCM P2 C9.3.5.1 14. Single serviceable component can be Robbed from a) stocked serviceable Next Higher Assembly. b) stocked Un-serviceable Next Higher Assembly. c) All of above mentioned cases are correct. Ref.: SOP Page 22 of 51
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15. To Rob component from serviceable NHA kept in store, authorised staff have to a) check then issue re-certified certificate for the removed component. b) issue a serviceable tag for the removed component. c) Issue Robbery tag for robbed NHA and removed component. Ref.: SOP 16. To Rob component from Un-serviceable NHA kept in store, authorised staff have to a) check relevant documents to ensure that current defect on NHA do not impact to the serviceable status of the component. b) issue a serviceable tag for the removed component. c) Issue Robbery tag for robbed NHA and removed component. Ref.: SOP 17. At outstation, when install component with temporary GRN which issued based on Serviceable label/ document of other Airlines to VNA A/C, authorised staff should specify in to Technical log page. a) the statement of temporary use of component. b) the installation of new component as normal. c) the statement that use the component as Loan item. Ref.: SOP 18. Installing an component with Serviceable label/ document of other Airlines to an aircraft: a) The aircraft is not allowed to fly. b) The aircraft is allowed to fly within 30 flight-hours or first flight to main base whichever come first. c) The aircraft is allowed to fly without any condition. Ref.: SOP 19. Which category of part does VAECO fabricate? ** a) No, VAECO is approved maintenance organization not production/ designed organization; b) Category 3 parts c) Category 2 parts in accordance with FAA Advisory Circular RSM &QCM P2 C 9.4 20. Unserviceable part removed from an VNA aircraft must be accompanied with the following document: a) Unserviceable tag; Technical-log page or NRC; applicable trouble shooting data such as: PFR/ OMM, Bite test. b) Unserviceable tag; Technical-log page or NRC. c) Technical-log page or NRC; applicable trouble shooting data such as: PFR/ OMM, Bite test. Ref.: SOP 21. Information remove/installation of unserviceable part removed from VNA aircraft shall be updated into AMASIS by a) Engineering & Planning Division of Line or Base Maintenance Centre. b) Logistics Department. c) Planning Department. SOP Page 23 of 51
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22. Material with shelf life expired: a) must not be used. b) must be transferred to another store in order to obtain the new self-life. c) could be used if the material is still in good condition. Ref.: SOP 23. On maintenance records, the GRN is a means of: a) trace-ability of certification documentation of part/ component. b) controlling the number of part/ component held in the stores. c) giving the correct location of part/ component in the store. Ref.: SOP 24. When authorised staff at outstation receive part/ component which is sent directly form supplier, the temporary GRN is obtain from: a) Logistic department via FAX. b) the tracking number in EASA form 1/ FAA form 8130-3 accompanied with component. c) no where because the GRN will be issued later by Logistic department. Ref.: SOP 25. Which document is used to confirm serviceable status of component removed from A/C? a) Identification tag. b) Serviceable tag. c) Re-certified certificate. Ref.: SOP 10.10.1 26. When receive from VAECO main store, GRN and information of consumable material should be recorded on a) Serviceable Tag for Expandable/ Consumable. b) Consumable release Tag. c) Container of package of consumable spare part. MOE P2 C & Form Manual
27. When unserviceable part return to VAECO store, which document must attached to U/S part? **
a) b) c) Unserviceable Tag AND copy of Tech. log pages for ramp maintenance or copy of NRC for Base maintenance and other document if available Unserviceable Tag only Tech. log pages for ramp maintenance OR copy of NRC for Base maintenance OR Unserviceable Tag
28. Which condition must be conformed during preservation of Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive (ESDS) parts? ** a) To be stored in containers completely insulated from metal objects; b) Be preserved in containers ATA-300;
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c) a) and c).
Ref.: SOP
29. When receiving aircraft part from outstation, temporary GRN will provide by ** a) Store inspector b) Authorization CRS of RMC c) Temporary GRN is not need in this case
Ref.: SOP 30. After removing from aircraft during maintenance an aircraft parts shall be identified by using: a) Serviceable tag left hand part (VAECO form 0005). b) Identification tag (VAECO form 0003). c) Un-serviceable tag right hand part (VAECO form 0005). Ref.: SOP; RSM &QCM P2 C; MOE P2 C
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According to VAECO procedure, tools and equipment should be classified as follow: a) Specific tools & Equipment and Non-Specific tools & Equipment; b) Measuring & Test Equipment and Non-Specific tools & Equipment c) Measuring & Test Equipment and hand tools (Ref. SOP;
Who is responsible for preliminary inspection/ acceptance T&E: ** a) Tool controller; b) Store inspector; c) Staff of tool store (Ref. SOP;
Who is responsible for performing detail inspection of physical condition, specification and technical status, included specific manufacturer's requirements such as storage condition, maintenance requirement: ** a) b) c) Tool controller; Store inspector; Staff of tool store
(Ref. SOP 4. Tool controller will classify and determine the calibration requirements (interval and parameters) based on: ** a) Manufacturers certificates and/ or technical document for the new tool/ equipment; b) Calibration certificate/ report and/ or repair report for the tool/ equipment after calibration/ maintenance; c) Both a) and b)
(Ref. SOP 5. If there is no information of calibration due date or interval in the certificate of T& E, interval shall: ** a) b) c) Not be more than 1 year; Be defined by Calibration shop manager; Be defined by QC staff.
(Ref. SOP 6. Which VAECO form is issued and affixed to each tool/ equipment that has not been calibrated at VAECOs calibration laboratories:** Page 26 of 51
Question bank Regulation & Procedures a) Calibration Control Label (VAECO Form 0004); b) Calibration Stamp (VAECO Form 0021); c) Calibration Not Required Label (VAECO Form 0018) (Ref. SOP 7.
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If the calibration required tool/ equipment is determined to be out-of tolerance it shall be attached with: ** a) Tool/ Equipment Unserviceable tag (VAECO Form 0002); b) Caution label (VAECO Form 0019) or Usage notice (VAECO Form 0016); c) Calibration Not Required label (VAECO Form 0018).
(Ref. SOP 8. For a new tool/ equipment which has a serial number, Tool controller will classify it in suitable material class and enter any necessary information into: ** a) AMASIS system; b) In VAECO website; c) Self- developed software of tool store.
(Ref. SOP 9. Which departement is responsible for checking and accepting the T&E handovered from LGD: * a) The respective CMC Directors or DAD Ramp Maintenance Director; b) The respective CMC Directors; c) The respective CMC Directors or Ramp Maintenance Directors.
(Ref. SOP 10. Self-equipped tools/ equipment used in maintenance by maintenance staff are: ** a) Hand tools only; b) Non-specific tool/ equipment but must be accepted by his manager; c) No, Self-equipped tools/ equipment are forbidden ; (Ref. MOE; (Ref. SOP 11. Specific and non-specific T&E to be shared and shall be preserved IAW: ** a) Manufacturers requirements/ recommendation; b) Industrial standards; c) National standards. (Ref. SOP 12. For equipment which have accessories but come in kit, they shall be: ** a) Identified with the main item; b) Controlled by a contents list to be kept in the kit; c) a) and b) are correct. Page 27 of 51
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13. The Maintenance of T&E shall be implemented IAW: ** a) Manufactures document; b) Book sheet (minor maintenance/ servicing); c) TOOL / EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE WORKSHEET (VAECO form 7051). 14. When borrowed T&E from Tool store must be returned to Tool store: ** a) Before completion of each working shift or at the time registered with Tool store keeper for long time usage; b) At the time the related work finished; c) At least 02 days from borrowed date (Ref. SOP 15. The information of borrowing/ returning of serialized tool/ equipment shall be updated:** a) In AMASIS whenever the tool/ equipment is borrowed/ returned. b) Tool Inventory and Control (VAECO Form 7046) for the tool without serial number or hand tool; c) Tool/ Equipment Monitoring Record (VAECO Form 7045) for the serialized tool/ equipment; d) a) , b) and c) are correct (Ref. SOP 16. While borrowing of T&E, Checking of physical condition, calibration/ maintenance due date and accompanied technical document is performed by? ** a) Borrower; b) No need check because all T&E in tool store are serviceable; c) Borrower do not check because it is responsible of tool controller (Ref. SOP 17. Who is responsible for establish a list of all personal tools (VAECO form 2063) in tool box. ** a) User/ person-in-charge; b) Manager of user/ person-in-charge; c) Tool controller (Ref. SOP 18. User or person-in-charge must check the quantity and status of all tools in personal tool box at: ** a) the beginning of the working shift (before using) only; b) the end of the working shift (after using) only; c) Both a) and b)
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19. Modification to any tools of personal tools is: * a) Only allowed with prior approval from the respective director; b) Allowable for performing by user/ person-in-charge if modification is convenient for his work; c) Not allowable. (Ref. SOP 20. The Engineering & IT department will design and give fabrication instruction for: ** a) For complicated and/or specific T&E; b) For simple and non-specific T&E; c) Both a) and b) (Ref. SOP 21. What approval for the fabricated equipment to be operated/ used at the apron: a) VAECO QA approval; b) CAAV approval; c) Approval is not need in this case. (Ref. SOP 22. What kind of the following T&E should be evaluated by using The Evaluation of equivalent T&E (VAECO Form 3001) ** a) For specific tool/ equipment that is not confirmed by the aircraft/ aircraft component manufacturer; b) Non-specific tool/ equipment; c) Specific tool/ equipment that is accepted by manufacturer of the aircraft/ aircraft component. (Ref. SOP 23. What agencies are acceptable/ recognized for calibrating the VAECO Calibration Required Tool and Equipment (CRTE)? ** a) b) c) Agencies listed on Recognized Calibration Services Supplier List (VAECO Form 2062); OEM of CRTE; VAECO Calibration workshop.
(Ref. SOP 24. What stamp shall be attached to serviceable CRTE? a) Calibration Control label (VAECO Form 0004) only Page 29 of 51
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Calibration Stamp (VAECO Form 0021) only Calibration Control label (VAECO Form 0004) or Calibration Stamp (VAECO Form 0021)
(Ref. SOP 25. Is it acceptable as serviceable for Measuring and test tool/ equipment not attached with Calibration Control label (VAECO Form 0004) or Calibration Stamp (VAECO Form 0021)? a) Yes, if it is attached with Calibration Not Required label (VAECO Form 0018); b) No, it must be attached one of two form above; c) Yes, if it is calibrated by VAECO Calibration shop. (Ref. SOP 26. The CRTE has a function limited and/ or accuracy downgraded shall be attached with: a) Caution label (VAECO Form 0019) and Tools/ Equipment Unserviceable Tag (VAECO Form 0002) b) Usage Notice (VAECO Form 0016) and Tools/ Equipment Unserviceable Tag (VAECO Form 0002) c) Caution label (VAECO Form 0019) and Usage Notice (VAECO Form 0016) (Ref. SOP 27. Who is responsible for checking and defining the calibration requirements for each CRTE received from user for sent out calibration? a) Tool controller; b) Calibration staff; c) Calibration workshop manager. (Ref. SOP 28. What following Form shall Tool controller shall attach to the CRTE that calibrated from calibration agency other than VAECO if the CRTE meets the manufacturer requirements. a) Calibration Control Label (VAECO Form 0004); b) Calibration Stamp (VAECO Form 0021); c) Not need any form because calibration agency has been attached its stamp. (Ref. SOP 29. For a multi-functioned measure/ test equipment, when one or more independence functions do not meet the manufacturer's specification then It is acceptable for using the remain functions of the measure/ test equipment. a) No, that multi-functioned measure/ test equipment must be not used; b) Yes, It is approved by EG Director; c) It depends on user after status of remaining function of equipment is confirmed by inspection/test. Page 30 of 51
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30. If the CRTE was determined to have been out of allowable tolerance by more than twice the value, What action does the tools and equipment control personnel of respective Calibration Workshop do? a) Initiate the Significant Out of Tolerance Report (VAECO Form 7009) and send to the EGD and QAD to determine if there could be any adverse effect on any maintenance tasks that used this CRTE; b) Inform to Calibration manager and conduct send out for re-calibration and adjust; c) Inform to Calibration manager; following to condemn procedure and transfer to quarantine store. (Ref. SOP
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Categories of the inspection and return to service personnel: A. Aircraft inspection and return to service staffs category A, B1, B2, C, Aviation Repair Specialist staffs (ARS), NDT staffs, Part and material incoming inspection staffs. B. Aircraft inspection and return to service staff category A, B1, B2, C. C. Aircraft inspection personnel, Component authorized staff, Specialized inspection personnel, Maintenance sign-off staff. REF.: SOP 10.1.1, 2. What is prerequisite requirement of maintenance experience for Category A authorized staff? A. Having minimum of 1 year practical maintenance experience with at least 04 months recent experience on relevant aircraft. B. Having minimum of 1 year practical maintenance experience with at least 6 months recent experience on relevant aircraft. C. Having minimum of 9 months practical maintenance experience with at least 04 months recent experience on relevant aircraft. REF.: SOP 3. What is prerequisite requirement of maintenance experience for Category B1/B2 authorized staff A. Having minimum of 2 years practical maintenance experience with at least 04 months recent experience on relevant aircraft. B. Having minimum of 2 years practical maintenance experience with at least 18 months recent experience on relevant aircraft C. Having minimum of 1 year practical maintenance experience with at least 04 months recent experience on relevant aircraft REF.: SOP 4. What is prerequisite requirement of maintenance experience for Category C authorized staff if applicant holding cat B1/B2 authorization A. Having minimum of 03 years experience of exercising cat B1 or B2 privileges including 01 year supporting cat C authorized staff in Base maintenance, B. Three years of experience working in a civil aircraft maintenance environment on a representative selection of tasks directly associated with aircraft maintenance including 06 months of observation of base maintenance task. C. Having minimum of 05 years experience of B1/B2 support staff in EASA Part-145/ FAR145/ VAR5 organization. REF.: SOP item1 5. What is prerequisite requirement of maintenance experience for Component inspection and return to servicestaff? A. Having 18 months working experience in respective component maintenance . B. Having 2 years experience in aircraft structure repair with at least 01 month experience on structure repair of respective aircraft. C. Having 02 years experience in A/C or component maintenance environment with at least 1 year in respective component maintenance. Page 32 of 51
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What is prerequisite requirement of maintenance experience for Cabin repair staff? A. Having recent 1 year experience in Cabin maintenance. B. Having recent 1 year experience in IFE maintenance. C. Having recent 1 year experience in Aircraft maintenance. REF.: SOP 7. What are the privileges and limitations of NDT staff? ** A. The inspection personnel shall perform NDT inspections according to the procedures and the requirements of VAECO NDT manual. B. The inspection personnel shall perform NDT inspections according to the procedures and the requirements of SRM manual C. The inspection personnel shall perform NDT inspections according to the procedures and the requirements of AMM manual. REF.: SOP 8. What are the privileges and limitations of Borescope Inspection personnel? A. Perform and return to service for borescope inspection. B. The Inspection personnel shall perform borescope inspection of the engine types they had been trained and not authorized. C. The Inspection personnel shall perform borescope inspection of the engine types they had been not trained and not authorized. REF.: SOP 9. What are the privileges and limitations of Component inspection and return to service staff? A. Perform component inspections of the component they had been trained and authorized B. Perform component repair of the component they had been trained and not authorized C. Perform component inspections of the component they had been not authorized. REF.: SOP 10. What are the privileges and limitations of Structure repair staff? A. Within the endorsed Scope of authorization on aircraft make and model, is permitted to inspect and return to service for structural repairs after maintained I.A.W. applicable aircraft maintenance data (AMM, SRM...). B. Without the endorsed Scope of authorization on aircraft make and model, is permitted to inspect and/or sign-off for structural repairs after maintained I.A.W. applicable aircraft maintenance data C. Within the endorsed Scope of authorization on aircraft is permitted to inspect and/or signoff for structural repairs after maintained I.A.W. applicable aircraft maintenance data. REF.: SOP 11. What are the privileges and limitations of Cabin repair staff? A. Within the endorsed Scope of authorization, is permitted to inspect and return to service for cabin after maintained I.A.W. applicable aircraft maintenance data (AMM, TSM/ FIM...). Page 33 of 51
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B. Within the endorsed Scope of authorization, is not permitted to inspect and/or sign-off for cabin after maintained I.A.W. applicable aircraft maintenance data C. Without the endorsed Scope of authorization, is permitted to inspect and/or sign-off for cabin after maintained I.A.W. applicable aircraft maintenance data (AMM, TSM/ FIM...). REF.: SOP 12. What are the privileges and limitations of IFE repait staff? A. Within the endorsed Scope of authorization on IFE system make and model, is permitted to inspect and return to service for IFE after maintained I.A.W. applicable aircraft maintenance data (AMM, TSM/ FIM...) B. Within the endorsed Scope of authorization, is permitted to inspect and/or sign-off for cabin after maintained I.A.W. applicable aircraft maintenance data (AMM, TSM/ FIM...) C. Within the endorsed Scope of authorization on IFE system make and model, is not permitted to inspect and/or sign-off for IFE after maintained I.A.W. applicable aircraft maintenance data. REF.: SOP 13. What is the requirement for temporary authorization (dispensation)? ** A. The candidate holding a valid maintenance license with appropriate category and type/rating for defect(s) rectification or deferment, issued or recognized by the customer or the appropriate authority. B. The candidate have minimum of 03 years maintenance experience and holding a valid maintenance rated for aircraft type requiring certification issued or recognized by CAAV, the defect(s) have been confirmed, work order and detail maintenance instruction have been handled to the candidate C. The candidate have minimum of 04 years maintenance experience and holding a valid maintenance rated for aircraft type requiring certification issued or recognized by CAAV, the defect(s) have been confirmed, work order and detail maintenance instruction have been handled to the candidate. REF.: SOP 10.1.7 14. What is prerequisite requirement of practical experience in the work being performed for supervisory personnel? A. Having a minimum of 18 months. B. Having a minimum of 01 year. C. Having a minimum of 02 years. REF.: SOP 10.2.2 15. Who is responsible for qualifying the supervisor? A. The supervisors are qualified by their own maintenance center. B. The supervisors are qualified by QA manager. C. The supervisors are qualified by CAAV. REF.: SOP 10.2.3 16. Where shall the supervisor records be kept? A. At the maintenance center of the supervisor. B. At the QA Department C. At the Human resource Department Page 34 of 51
Question bank Regulation & Procedures REF.: SOP 10.2.5 17. For how long the auditor certificate shall be valid? A. An Auditor Certificate shall be valid for 05 years B. An Auditor Certificate shall be valid for 18 months C. An Auditor Certificate shall be valid for 12 months REF.: SOP 10.3.6 18.
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For how long the auditor records shall be kept after expiration of an Auditor Authorization? A. Auditor records shall be kept on file for two years. B. Auditor records shall be kept on file for 18 months. C. Auditor records shall be kept on file for 01 years. REF.: SOP 10.3.7 19. List of aircraft maintenance inspection types that classified according to type of the maintenance: A. Major repair and Major alteration; Required inspection items (RII); Hidden damage inspection. B. Major repair and Major alteration; Required inspection items (RII); Preliminary inspection C. Major repair and Major alteration; Final inspection; Preliminary inspection. SOP10.5.5.1 20. List of aircraft maintenance inspection types that classified according to phases of inspections: A. Preliminary inspection; In-progress inspection; Final inspection. B. Major repair and Major alteration; Required inspection items (RII); Hidden damage inspection. C. Major repair and Major alteration; Required inspection items (RII); In-progress inspection. REF.: SOP 21. How many copy(ies) of Maintenance Release Certificate/ Certificate of release to service to be issued, signed, stamped by CAT C authorized staff for VN registered Aircraft? A. 2 B. 3 C. 1 REF.: SOP 22. How many copy(ies) of Maintenance Release Certificate/ Certificate of release to service to be issued, signed, stamped by CAT C authorized staff for US registered Aircraft? A. 2 B. 3 C. 1 REF.: SOP 23. Who is responsibile for confirming that the component/ part meet all requirements before issuing re-certified certificate for a component removed from the aircraft? A. The authorized staff B. Mechanic C. Part and Material Incoming Inspection staff Page 35 of 51
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Who is responsible to provide requisition for fabrication replacement parts on paper format and contain or reference FAA acceptable data. A. Customer B. Operator C. VAECO REF.: SOP 10.11.3 25. Who is responsible for receiving customer requisition of fabricating parts and order related department for the fabrication. A. Planning Department B. QA Department C. Engineering Department REF.: SOP 10.11.3 26. Who is responsible for establishing Fabrication Quality Control System (FSQS) to ensure all parts are fabricated conforms to its design data and is in a safe condition for operation A. QA Director B. QC manager C. Engineering Director REF.: SOP 10.11.3 27. What format is the customer requisition for the part fabrication? A. Must be in paper format B. Can be in software C. Can be in CD REF.: SOP 28. Who does the evaluation of VAECO fabrication capability when the part is not listed in VAECO Fabrication part list A. EGD B. PLD C. LGD REF.: SOP 29. Who shall issue the Fabrication Worksheet, in case customers work instruction and procedure is not available? A. CMCC of responsible maintenance center B. BMCC of responsible maintenance center C. LMCC of responsible maintenance center REF.: SOP 30. Who receives, identifies and handles the material including the raw materials used to fabricate the parts. A. LGD B. EGD C. BMC Page 36 of 51
Question bank Regulation & Procedures REF.: SOP 31. How is the discarded material kept? A. In the place separated from the serviceable materials. B. In the same place with the serviceable materials. C. In the serviceable materials place. REF.: SOP 32.
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The fabricated parts that are rejected during the inspection shall be attached with A. Condemned Tag B. Warning Tag C. Unserviceable Tag REF.: SOP 33. Who is responsible to initially report all incidents, accidents, malfunctions and serious defects to the Air carrier, QC and coordinating MCC. A. The technical and planning department of related RMC B. The MCC C. The QA REF.: SOP 10.12.3, item 2 34. Who is responsible to report incidents/ accidents, malfunctions and serious defects to EGD, Safety division of QAD. A. The VAECO MCC B. The PLD C. The EGD REF.: SOP10.12.3, item 3 35. Who is responsible for investigating to find out the root cause of all incidents, accidents, malfunctions and serious defects; summarizing and reporting to the Authorities, the Manufacturer and the Air carrier/operator. A. Safety division of QAD B. QC C. MCC REF.: SOP 10.12.3, item 4 36. Who is responsible for the maintenance event/ occurrence investigation? ** A. QA Director B. QC C. MCC REF.: SOP 37. For how long shall Safety division of QAD send the report of Occurrences, defects or malfunctions to CAAV and VNA for CAAV registered aircraft? A. Within 72 hours B. Within 48 hours C. Within 96 hours Page 37 of 51
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For how long is Defect Report submitted to FAA office since the failure, malfunction or defect discovered for US registered aircraft A. Within 96 hours B. Within 72 hours C. Within 48 hours REF.: SOP 39. Service Difficulty Report - Aeronautical Equipment (FAA Form 8070-1) is issued by: A. Air carrier. B. Safety Division of Quality Assurrance Department. C. Related MCC. REF.: SOP 40. Who maintains records of all MORs submitted to the authorities? A. QAD B. MCC C. EGD REF.: SOP 10.12.6 41. For how long since the occurrence date, records of all reports submitted to the authorities shall be maintained? A. For at least 5 years B. For at least 2 years C. For at least 3 years REF.: SOP 10.12.6 42. Who is responsible to notify the suspected unapproved parts to QA Dept? A. Every VAECO employee B. Logistic Dept employee only C. Maintenance staff only REF.: SOP 10.13.3 43. Who is responsible for reporting the Suspected Unapproved Parts (SUP) to the FAA SFO/IFO, CAAV and the customer. A. Director of the Logistic Department B. Director of the Engineering Department C. Director of the Quality Assurance Department REF.: SOP 44. Who is responsible for investigation of maintenence event/ occurrence and base on that to specify remedial or preventive actions? A. QA Director. B. Base Maintenance Centre Director. C. Line Maintenance Centre Director. REF.: SOP 10.14.3
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Who is responsible for providing clearly, timely information of occurrences to QA Department, supporting QA Department for occurrence investigation and performing necessary remedial actions and preventive actions? A. Director of maintenance centers/ departments. B. CRS staff only. C. All VAECO staffs. REF.: SOP 10.14.3 46. SAG should issue Investigation report (VAECO Form 2055) and send to QA Dept: A. within 24h from the time of occurrence B. within 12h from the time of occurrence C. within 48h from the time of occurrence REF.: SOP 47. Record of investigations should be archived in QA Dept. at least A. 2 years B. 3 years C. 5 years REF.: SOP 10.14.6 48. What is scope of Quality Notice (QN) applied for? A. All personnel in maintenance and quality systems of VAECO B. all VAECO staffs C. CRS staffs only REF.: SOP 10.15.2 49. QN system is monitored in: A. VAECOs website. B. QA department C. MCC REF.: SOP 50. Who is responsible for establishing and monitoring Quality Audit Schedule? A. QA Director B. QC manager C. CEO REF.: SOP 10.16.3 51. Audit plan is established by Audit division: A. Annually B. Bi-yearly C. Monthly REF.: SOP 52. Quality audit plan will include: A. Procedure audit and Product audit B. Procedure audit C. Product audit Page 39 of 51
Question bank Regulation & Procedures REF.: SOP 53. Audit Schedule could be adjusted and: A. it must be approved by General Director B. it must be approved by QA Director C. it must NOT be approved by any one REF.: SOP 54.
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Audit Notice shall be sent by audit Team Leader to Director of the related Departments/ Center A. at least 5 days before an internal audit and 10 days before a Contractors/ Suppliers audit. B. at least 3 days before an internal audit and 5 days before a Contractors/ Suppliers audit. C. at least 5 days before an internal audit and 7 days before a Contractors/ Suppliers audit REF.: SOP 55. Who shall conduct an opening meeting? A. Audit team Leader B. Any member of audit team C. Representative of auditee REF.: SOP 56. Who is responsible for supplier evaluation, approval and control? A. QA Director B. QC manager C. LG Director. REF.: SOP 10.17.3 57. Who shall be provisionally accepted as VAECOs supplier within 12 months time limit. ** A. Product and service suppliers B. CAT 2 Product and support service suppliers C. Service suppliers REF.: SOP 58. Who are responsible for conducting the self-evaluations for the Maintenance Centers under their management A. The appropriate Directors B. The QA Director C. The VAECO Director REF.:MOE 6.4.2 59. Where are Ratings and Capabilities of VAECO identified in? A. The VAECO Capability List. B. The VAECO AMO Operations Specifications. C. The VAECO AMO Operations Specification and Capability List. For revising maintenance capabilities which may change the approved FAA Repair Station ratings, Who will submit an application (FAA Form 8310-3) to the local Certificate-Holding District Office (CHDO). A. The Quality Assurance Director Page 40 of 51
Question bank Regulation & Procedures B. The VAECO CEO C. Maintenance Center Directors. REF.: RSM Part 2 6.3.3 61.
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The Quality Assurance Director may approve the revised Capability List without submitting it to the local CHDO in advance in case: A. If an application for revising maintenance capabilities that do not affect the existing approved FAA Repair Station ratings. B. If an application for revising maintenance capabilities that affect the existing approved FAA Repair Station ratings. C. If an application for revising maintenance capabilities that affect a little bit the existing approved FAA Repair Station ratings. REF.: RSM Part 2 6.3.3 What is interval time that the Quality Assurance Department will notify the local CHDO about revisions of Capability List? A. Every quarter. B. Every 06 months C. Every year. REF.: RSM Part 2 6.3.3
The activities that deviate from VAECO procedures can only be carried out: A. When concession is approved by QA director. B. Before concession is approved by QA director. C. Without approval from QA director. REF.: SOP 10.20.3 64. Who is responsible for concession approval when found that the intended deviation activity is still conforming to applicable regulations. A. Quality Assurance Director. B. Maintenance center directors. C. VAECO director. REF.: SOP 10.20.3 65. Who controls the deadline of the concession and follows up the implementing process of accompanied condition * A. QA Department B. Implementing Departments C. Maintenance Centers REF.: SOP 66. Who is responsible for continuously monitoring all respects of maintenance that conducting by VAECO? A. QA department B. Maintenance Centers C. No-one REF.: SOP 10.21.3 Page 41 of 51
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The non-conformities and problems found by QC division will be reported to QA director and informed to QA division for procedure revision if necessary A. Weekly B. Monthly C. Daily REF.: SOP 10.21.4. 68. All documents related to concession approval and control process shall be kept at QAD A. At least 2 years since approval date B. At least 3 years since approval date C. At least 5 years since approval date REF.: SOP 10.20.5 69. The Non-conformity and Remedial Action Reports shall be archived at QC division. A. at least 3 years B. at least 12 months C. at least 2 years REF.: SOP 10.21.5
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Concession type is approved by Vietnam Airlines's Safety Quality & Security Department consists of? a) B&C category defect in MEL. b) A variation of maintenance plan in AMS. c) 50 percent duration of B&C defect category in MEL and a variation of maintenance plan in AMS. REF.: VNA MME 3.2.5 Minor local modification is approved by: a) VAECO QA or CAAV b) DOA or CAAV c) CAAV REF.: VNA MME 3.7 Completion of VNA Technical Log. shall be performed in accordance with: a) VAECO's procedures and VNA's procedures b) VAECO's procedures c) VNA's procedures and CAAV's requirements REF.: VNA MME 3.1 The AMS of VNA A/C shall be kept updated by addition/ amendments/ interval arising from: a) Change in MPD, MRB, service experience and authority requirements. b) Change in MPD, service experience and authority requirements. c) Change in MPD, MRB and authority requirements. REF.: MME 3.2 The Aircraft Maintenance Schedule (AMS) can be amended by: a) Operator with authority approval. b) Maintenance organization with authority approval. c) Operator only. REF.: VNA MME 3.1.16 With regard to line maintenance for VNA's aircraft, inspection and preparation for preflight shall be performed in accordance with: a) VNA procedure. b) VAECO procedure. c) CAAV requirements. REF.: VNA MME 3.11 Control and approve of refuelling quantity/ quality for a flight shall be performed by: a) Technical staff only. b) Captain or Technical staff. c) Captain only. REF.: VNA MME 3.11 Aircraft weighting shall perform when: Page 43 of 51
Question bank Regulation & Procedures a) Major modification or AMS requirement. b) Major modification or Manufacturer's requirement. c) Major modification. REF.: VNA MME 3.12 9. VNA maintenance programme for aircraft type is including: ** a) Aircrarft Maintenance Schedule and Cabin Maintenance Schedule. b) Aircrarft Maintenance Schedule only. c) Cabin Maintenance Schedule only. REF.: VNA MME 3.2
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According to VNA policy, Part Manufacture Approval (PMA) part: ** a) Can not be installed on cabin interior such as PAX seat, galley, IFE system, side panel. b) Can be installed on cabin interior such as PAX seat, galley, IFE system, side panel. c) Can be installed on cabin interior such as PAX seat, galley, IFE system, side panel if getting approval from CAAV. REF.: VNA MME 2.5.3 In VNA Line Maintenance Manual, repetitive defect is defined as: ** a) A defect or defects of the same nature, which has been recorded more than once in the Technical Log within 03 flights (or 07 consecutive operational days) where trouble shooting action(s) did not rectify the defect. b) A defect or defects of the same nature, which has been recorded more than once in the Technical Log within 07 flights where trouble shooting action(s) did not rectify the defect. c) A defect or defects of the same nature, which has been recorded more than once in the Technical Log within 07 flights (or 03 consecutive operational days) where trouble shooting action(s) did not rectify the defect. REF.: VNA LMM 2.3 With regard to VNA's aircraft, the parts to be swapped must be? a) The same P/N, and modification status. If not, the interchangeability of parts must be qualified from the applicable approved documents. b) The same P/N, and modification status. c) The interchangeability of parts must be qualified from the applicable approved documents and the same P/N, and modification status. REF.: VNA Line 4.1.3 With regard to VNA's aircraft, no swapping of the parts installed on different aircraft is permitted if? a) The defect can only be confirmed during the flight. b) The defect can only be confirmed on ground. c) The defect can be confirmed on ground and the defect can be confirmed during the flight. Ref.: VNA LMM 4.1.3 With regard to VNA's aircraft, after confirmation of the defect by swapping? a) The swapped parts do not return to the original installations. b) The swapped parts must be returned to the original installations. Page 44 of 51
The swapped parts can return to the original installations or can not return orginial installations. Ref.: VNA LMM 4.1.3 15.
With regard to VNA' aircraft, swapping is acceptable method of troubleshooting, and must ONLY be used to : a) Confirm the defect, when there is no required spare available or may be the case when the part is suspected to be of un-serviceable. b) To rectify the defect or to avoid the deficiency subjected to limitations in the approved documents such as MEL. c) Defer the defect, to avoid the deficiency subjected to limitations in the approved documents. Ref.: LMM 4.1.3 With regard to VNA A/C, swapping of component can be used to a) Rectify the defect or to avoid the deficiency subjected to limitations in the approved documents such as MEL b) Bring the reported defect back to within the MEL limitations for flying back to home base in the very special case. c) Defer the defect, to avoid the deficiency subjected to limitations in the approved documents. Ref.: VNA LMM 4.1.3 With regard to ETOPS maintenance sub-procedure is to ensure compliance to the oil consumption monitoring program, engine oil must be checked and serviced, as necessary to the FULL level: a) Prior to dispatch on ETOPS flight. b) Prior to dispatch on ETOPS flight and on non-ETOPS flights, if engine oil level check requires servicing. c) After dispatching on ETOPS flight and on non-ETOPS flights, if engine oil level check requires servicing. Ref.: VNA LMM 2.9 In accordance with ETOPS maintenance procedure for VNA B777 fleet, downgraded ETOPS is ETOPS restricted to: a) More than the operational approval stipulated time of 120 minutes. b) Less than the operational approval stipulated time of 120 minutes. c) Less than the operational approval stipulated time of 60 minutes. Ref.: VNA LMM 2.9 With regard to Non-ETOPS are flights that: a) Remain within 60 minutes of landing at suitable airport. b) Remain more than 120 minutes of landing at suitable airport. c) Remain within 90 minutes of landing at suitable airport. Ref.: VNA LMM 2.9 Preflight/Transit check of aircraft is limited to: a) Certifying staff who has achieved a required level of practical experience. Page 45 of 51
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b) Certifying staff who has achieved a required level of practical experience and training relating to the specific tasks. c) Any maintenance staff who has achieved a required level of practical experience and training relating to the specific tasks. Ref.: VNA LMM 2.1 21. Terminal checks are carried out in principle every day, and in any case must: a) Not exceed 36 hours (applied to A320/A321/A330), 48 hours (applied to B777) elapsed time. b) Not exceed 36 hours (applied to B777), 48 hours (applied to A320/A321/A330) elapsed time. c) Not exceed 24 hours (applied to A320/A321/A330), 36 hours (applied to B777) elapsed time. Ref.: VNA LMM 2.1 The Preflight/Transit checks are Line Maintenance Checks to be performed: a) At each transit or before each flight, but not earlier than two (2) hours before the flight. This check includes also the correction of troubles reported in the Aircraft Technical Log and if the airworthiness of the aircraft is affected. b) Before each flight, three hours before the fight. c) At each transit or before each flight, but not earlier than two (2) hours before the flight. This check does not include the correction of troubles reported in the Aircraft Technical Log if the airworthiness of the aircraft is affected. Ref.: VNA Line 2.1 In preflight/ transit checks, the chocks must be installed in front of and behind: a) The nose wheels after the headset being connected. b) The nose wheels prior to the headset being connected. c) The nose wheels and main wheels prior to the headset being connected. Ref.: VNA Line 2.1 In preflight/ transit checks, a final walk around check of the aircraft is to be carried out: a) Once all doors are closed to ensure the aircraft is fit for flight. b) Once all doors are closed to ensure the aircraft is fit for flight, particular attention must be paid to especially the re-fuel cap. c) Once all doors are closed to ensure the aircraft is fit for flight. Particular attention must be paid to doors and panels normally opened during transit and especially the re-fuel cap. Ref.: VNA Line 2.1 The Authorized Staff, in association with VAECO, has the authority to defer items that meet one or more of the following criteria: a) The malfunctioning system or component is specifically listed in the MEL or CDL and the item is of a non-airworthy nature. b) The malfunctioning system or component is specifically listed in the MEL and the item is of a non-airworthy nature. c) The malfunctioning system or component is specifically listed in the MEL or CDL. Ref.: VNA Line 2.3 Page 46 of 51
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Before fueling Authorised staff has be sured that fuel delivered onto aircraft is: a) Free of contamination and specification for each aircraft type. b) Free of contamination and correct grade for each aircraft type. c) Free of contamination, correct grade and specification for each aircraft type. Ref.: VNA Line 2.4 Forms of Ref.: VNA Line maintenance TELEX as following: a) Aircraft departure TELEX; Aircraft Technical Delay Telex and Aircraft Night Stop/Remote Scheduled Check Telex. b) Aircraft Technical Delay Telex and Aircraft Night Stop/Remote Scheduled Check Telex. c) Aircraft departure TELEX; Aircraft Technical Delay Telex. Ref.: VNA Line 2.5 In case of installing the Loan/Pooled Part for VNA aircrafts: a) An ADD type "B" has been raised for the Loan/Pooled Part monitoring. b) An ADD type "C" has been raised for the Loan/Pooled Part monitoring. c) An ADD type "C" or "B" has been raised for the Loan/Pooled Part monitoring. Ref.: VNA Line 2.7 Duplicate Inspections are required as follows: a) Any adjustment, overhaul, repair, replacement or modification of any part of Flight or Engine Control Systems/Vital Points. b) Any adjustment, overhaul, repair, replacement or modification of any part of Flight control system/ Vital Points. c) Any adjustment, overhaul, repair, replacement or modification of any part of Engine Control Systems/Vital Points. Ref.: VNA Line 4.1.5 A duplicate inspection is defined as: a) An inspection first made and certified by one qualified person, and subsequently certified by a second qualified person, not at the same time, but independently after each other. b) An inspection first made and certified by one qualified person, and subsequently made and certified by a second qualified person, at the same time, but independently after each other. c) An inspection first made and certified by one qualified person, and subsequently made and certified by a second qualified person, not at the same time, but independently after each other. Ref.: VNA Line 4.1.5 Regarding to duplicate Inspections, both inspections must independently ensure that: a) The part of the system that has been disturbed has been correctly reassembled, and that any locking devices have been fitted and secured, torque loading has been applied correctly where they are applicable, and that the whole system functions freely and in correct sense over full operating range. b) The part of the system that has been disturbed has been correctly reassembled, and that any locking devices have been fitted and secured. c) The part of the system that has been disturbed has been correctly reassembled. Page 47 of 51
Question bank Regulation & Procedures Ref.: VNA Line 4.1.5 32.
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Regarding to Control Systems, a duplicate inspection must: a) Not be disturbed or re-adjusted between inspections and the second inspection must, as nearly as possible, follow immediately after the first one. b) Not be disturbed or re-adjusted between inspections c) Not be disturbed between inspections and the second inspection must, as nearly as possible, follow immediately after the first one. Ref.: VNA Line 4.1.5 If any kind of such incidents (such as: turbulence, hard landing, corrosive spillage, lightning strike, heavy/overweight landing etc.) has occurred away from Home Base and preliminary inspection reveals no damage, the aircraft may be released for service provided: a) a "B" type ADD is raised for a detailed inspection of the concerned areas on the aircraft on return to base. b) a "B" type ADD is raised (with the Time Limit Category notated as ON RETURN TO HOME BASE) for a detailed inspection of the concerned areas on the aircraft on return to base at the first available opportunity. c) a "defect" note is raised for a detailed inspection of the concerned areas on the aircraft on return to base. Ref.: VNA Line 4.1.5 Line Maintenance Checklist "they are one part of VNAs Aircraft Maintenance Schedule" which is an approved data which acceptable to: a) VAECO QA and CAAV. b) CAAV. c) CAAV and VNA QA. Ref.: VNA Line 3.1 With regard to Line Maintenance for VNA's aircraft, cabin defect affecting to airworthiness has be done, and it must be transfered immediately to technical log by: a) Flight crew and/or authorized staff. b) Purser/pilot or authorized staff. c) Only authorized staff. Ref.: VNA Line 4.2.2 During line maintenance, paper works such as: Technical log entry/certification, cabin defect log completion, spare serviceable/un-serviceable tag completion shall be done in accordance with: a) Vietnam Airlines and/ or VAECO requirements. b) Vietnam Airlines requirements. c) VAECO requirements. Ref.: VNA Line 4.1.8 If a defect is found to be repetitive or common during line maintenance process
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Note to crews and engineers form VNA-SQ-F11-04 must be raised by the CRS engineer to inform all flight crews and maintenance engineers working further on the aircraft of the repetitiveness of the defect. b) Note to crews and engineers form VNA-SQ-F11-04 must be raised by the CRS engineer to inform all flight crews. c) Note to crews and engineers form VNA-SQ-F11-04 must be raised by the CRS engineer to inform maintenance engineers working further on the aircraft of the repetitiveness of the defect. Ref.: VNA Line 2.3 38. With regard to VNA's aircraft, when raising, progressing or clearing an ADD it is necessary to: a) Complete an entry on the MEL or Non-MEL related ADD sheets b) Complete an entry on the MEL related ADD sheets as well as on the Technical Log page. c) Complete an entry on the MEL or Non-MEL related ADD sheets as well as on the Technical Log page. Ref.: VNA Line 2.3 With regard to VNA's aircraft, in order to clear an ADDs: a) Insert the text appropriate to the rectification work carried out into the ACTION TAKEN block of the Technical Log Page, complete the ADD sheet by annotating the CLEARANCE detail section with technical Log Page reference and item number, after that certify all the entry. b) Insert the text appropriate to the rectification work carried out into the ACTION TAKEN block of the Technical Log Page, complete the ADD sheet by annotating the CLEARANCE detail section with Technical Log Page reference and item number. c) Insert the text appropriate to the rectification work carried out into the ACTION TAKEN block of the Technical Log Page and complete the ADD sheet, after that certify all the entry. Ref.: VNA Line 2.3 With regard to VNA's aircraft, during refueling, Authorised staff has to: a) Comply with safety precaution mentioned in related AMM and VNA requirements. b) Comply with safety precaution mentioned in related AMM and other requirements that the local airport authority may have at that particular area/gate or airport. c) Comply with safety precaution mentioned in related AMM and VAECO requirements. Ref.: VNA Line 2.4 In accordance with De/ Anti-Icing procedure, Performing final check before aircraft dispatch to ensure: a) Aircraft is cleaned. This check is normally performed from both outside the aircraft and inside the flight deck. b) Aircraft is cleaned. This check is only performed outside the aircraft . c) Aircraft is cleaned. This check is normally performed from both outside the aircraft and inside the Cabin. Ref.: VNA Line 2.6 Page 49 of 51
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Controlling/monitoring of movement of aircraft components on line maintenance, the authorized staff must identify the correct parts need for removal/installation from/onto the aircraft for the following purpose: a) Returning the aircraft to the airworthy condition; or Just for correct spare handling of VNA (VNA may have to return a loan item/pooling part to a specified partner at that particular line station at a particular time). b) Returning the aircraft to the airworthy condition. c) Just for correct spare handling of VNA (VNA may have to return a loan item/pooling part to a specified partner at that particular line station at a particular time). Ref.: VNA Line 2.7 Removal/installation of the parts on line maintenance, The authorized staff removing the part shall take all necessary precautions to ensure that: a) The part is removed properly from the aircraft; all removal data (P/N, S/N) must be entered accurately into the Technical Log page and a Technical Log entry in the Action Taken column will be made to record the reason for the removal. b) The part is removed properly from the aircraft; all removal data (P/N, S/N) must be entered accurately into the Technical Log page and a Technical Log entry in the Defect column will be made to record the reason for the removal. c) The part is removed properly from the aircraft; all removal data (P/N, S/N) must be entered accurately into the Technical Log page. Ref.: VNA Line 2.7 Regarding to one-off authorization, upon receipt the approval and before signing off the technical log, the approved person must be sure that: a) All maintenance actions have been completely done i.a.w VAECO MOE's procedures and instructions from the related VAECO QA. b) All maintenance actions have been completely done i.a.w VAECO MOE's procedures. c) All maintenance actions have been completely done in accordance with VNA Line Maintenance Manuals procedures and instructions from the related VAECO MCC controllers. Ref.: VNA Line 2.10
An Acceptable Deferred Defect may be raised: a) When a defect occurs on an aircraft which can not be rectified immediately due to lack of spares, equipment, tooling, manpower or insufficient of aircraft downtime, but the deferral of that defect does not impair the ability of the aircraft to safely continue in service until rectification action can be completed. b) When a defect occurs on an aircraft which can not be rectified immediately due to lack of spares. c) When a defect occurs on an aircraft which can not be rectified immediately due to lack of spares, equipment, tooling, manpower or insufficient of aircraft downtime. Ref.: VNA Line 4.1.3 Regarding to Limit Maintenance Inspections on Line Maintenance, If a lightning strike has occurred away from Home Base and preliminary inspection reveals no damage,
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The aircraft may be released for service provided a C category ADD is raised for a detailed inspection of the entire aircraft on return to base at the first available opportunity. b) The aircraft may be released for service provided a B category ADD is raised for a detailed inspection of the entire aircraft on return to base at the next check. c) The aircraft may be released for service provided a B category ADD is raised for a detailed inspection of the entire aircraft on return to base at the first available opportunity. Ref.: VNA Line 4.1.5 47. With regard to Line Maintenance, during maintenance or calibration of aircraft systems/aircraft components/test equipment: a) The type, P/N and S/N of the tooling/equipment used to perform the task must be recorded in the Technical Log by the engineer who has performed the task. b) The type and S/N of the tooling/equipment used to perform the task must be recorded in the Technical Log by the engineer who has performed the task. c) The type and P/N of the tooling/equipment used to perform the task must be recorded in the Technical Log by the engineer who has performed the task. Ref.: VNA Line 4.1.6 With regard to Line Maintenance, when structure damage is found at an oustations a) If it falls within the allowable limits and/or can be deferred, the special maintenance procedure will require the engineer, after carry out the necessary actions, to raise an ADD type B and record in the relevant Damage Chart before releasing the aircraft to service, making reference to the approved document(s) for deferment. b) If it falls within the allowable limits and/or can be deferred, the normal approved maintenance procedure will require the engineer, after carry out the necessary actions, to raise an ADD and record in the relevant Damage Chart before releasing the aircraft to service, making reference to the approved document(s) for deferment. c) If it falls within the allowable limits and/or can be deferred, the normal approved maintenance procedure will require the engineer, after carry out the necessary actions, to raise an ADD before releasing the aircraft to service, making reference to the approved document(s) for deferment. Ref.: VNA Line 4.1.7
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