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NCTT2003 - 01188314

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4* National Conference on TelecommunicationTechnology Proceedings, Shah Alam, Malaysia

Error Correction For CDMA Code In Mobile Communication

Tiong Sieh Gong, Tan Chang Ha?, Joseph Ding, Mahamod Ismai14
1~2~3C011ege ofEngineenng, Universiti Tenaga Malaysia (UNITEN) km 7, Kajang-Puchong Road, 43009 Kajang, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Malaysia

Faculfy OfEngineering Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia 43600 UKMBangi, Selangor Darul Ehson. MALAYSIA

Abstraet - Error correction coding is one of the topics that obtained a lot of studies lately to improve the reliability of covunication on digital channels. Thus, this research is carried out in order to find a better and effective way to be included in CDMA system to protect, detect and correct the error bits while information data is transmitted through various kinds of environments. A new encoding algorithm, which is named as logic symbol repetition is introduced to replace the normal symbol repetition in CDMA forward traffic channel. The new logic symbol repetition is a memorizing encoding scheme that able to correct the error bits, not only presently received bits but also errors in the previous received bits in case of block noise occurrence. A simulation program is developed to study the performance of error correction by studying the BER of the received information bits.
1. Introduction

Cost constraints force communication at rates substantiallybelow capacity. In recent years numerous researches have been directed to find efficient and practical coding schemes for various types of noisy channels. Most of the progress toward finding practical schemes has come in the last fifteen years. Now, the error correction coding can provide significant performance improvements in many applications. There have been a number of applications where coding equipment has been built and used successfully. The increasing practicality of coding is due to new developments within the field of error correcting codes and the dramatic reductions in cost and sue of solid-state electronic devices. Although individual coding schemes take on many different forms and have their roots in diverse mathematical disciplines, they all have two common ingredients. One is the use of redundancy. Coded digital messages always contain extra or redundant symbols. These symbols are used to accentuate the uniqueness of each message. They are always chosen so as to make it very unlikely that the channel disturbance will corrupt enough of the symbols in a message to destroy its uniqueness. The second ingredient is noise averaging. This averaging effect is obtained by making the redundant symbols depend on a span of several information symbols. Some valuable insight into the coding process can be obtained by examining each of these ingredients separately [I]. A simulation program is developed in Visual C+t@ to study the performance of error correction. The simulation s o h a r e provides simple buttons and dialog boxes on the monitor screen to let the users setting for the simulation parameters and monitoring the simulation.

Whenever digital data is transmitted over a noisy channel, there is always a chance that the received data will contain errors. Thus, error correction coding is used to reduce errors to a level that is lower than the required bit error threshold level. In recent years the use of error correction coding for solving this type of problem has become widespread. The utility of coding was demonstrated by the work of Shannon [I]. In 1948, he proved that if the data source rate is less than a quantity known as the channel capacity, communication over a noisy channel with an error probability as small as desired is possible with proper encoding and decoding. Essentially, Shannons work states that signal power, channel noise, and available bandwidth only set a limit on communication rate and not on accuracy. From Shannons research work, it is cleared that real limit on communication rate is set not hy channel capacity but by the cost of implementation of coding schemes.

0-7803-7773-7/03/$17.00 0 2003 IEEE.


2. Error Protection in Forward Traffic Channel

In this research, error correction coding scheme in forward traffic channel (FE) is studied. As shown in
Fig. 1, there are three channel encoding blocks in FTC; convolutional encoder, symbol repetition and block interleaver. These three channel encoding processes protect the information hits when transmitted through medium and able to detect and correct the error hits if the error rate is not too severe.

interference power at a given time when lower rate data are transmitted [4]. The motivation for the symbol repetition scheme is to decrease the power per repeated symbol when the vocoder is running at lower rate. The scheme is effectively a way of taking advantage of the voice activity factor in hardware implementation. After symbol repetition, the data is interleaved to combat fading. Most error correcting codes perform well in correcting random errors hut during periods of deep fades, long streams of successive or burst errors may render the error correcting function useless. Interleaving is a technique for randomizing the bits in a message stream so that burst errors introduced by the channel can be converted to random errors. In CDMA IS-95 system, the interleaver for the FTC nses a matrix of 24 rows by 16 c o l m as the full rate [2].




In this research, normal symbol repetition in CDMA system is replaced hy a new symbol repetition encoding scheme, which is named as logic symbol repetition. It is a memorizing scheme' that able to correct the present error bits based on the previous received hits in case ofblock noise occurrence.
3. Logic Symbol Repetition
Simulation is carried out for the forward traffic channel with the logic symbol repetition scheme. Logic symbol repetition scheme consists of two parts, sending (Base station) and receiving terminals (Mobile station). The flowcharts for both sending and receiving terminals are shown in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3.



Fig. 1 : Forward traffic channel for Rate Set 1 Fig. 1 shows the forward traffic channel for Rate Set 1. For this rate set, the vocoder is capable of varying its output data rate in response to speech activities. Commonly, there are four different data rates used; 9.6khps. 4.8khps, 2.4kbps and 1.2 khps [2]. The baseband data from vocoder is convolntionally encoded for error protection. Convolutional codes are based on a linear mapping of a set of information words to a set of code words. Conceptually, information and code words are of infinite length, and they are mostly referred to as information and code sequences. The existence of a maximum likelihood decoding precedure that can he implemented with reasonable complexity is the reason for their widespread usage. An important fact of the convolution is that soft input can he used and soft output can he created when decoding convolutional codes [3]. For convolutional codes, the encoded hits are functions of information bits and functions of the constraint length. Specifically, every encoded bit is a linear combination of some previous information bits. In CDMA IS-95 system, the forward link uses a rate fi and constraint length K = 9 convolutional code. After convolutional encoding, the data undergoes symhol repetition, which repeats the symbols when lower rate data are produced by the vocoder. The reason for repeating symbols is to reduce overall


Get input from interleaver


Logical produeed output hit

Repeat output hit based on the vocoder rate

Send the data for modulation

End Fig. 2 Flowchart for logic symbol repetition


Step (2) De-logic symbol

Receive data from demodulation

o r ao

oooooooo (x8 for 12OObps)


majority of bit repetition



m z g i n a l data from interleaver + 11111111 (x8 for 1200bps)

* ,I I

Send to interleaver


Fig. 3 Flowchart for de-logic symbol repetition Logic symbol controller at sending terminal is a simple controller which consists of 2 operation blocks; AND and OR operations. Data from interleaver will be seut to logic symbol controller before being repeated certain times. Assume that the binary data sequence afler interleaver is 1011101001 and the vocoder is operating at 1200bps. Assume also the initial condition for logic controller bits are zero. The logic symbol repetition will then operate as shown in fig. 4 below.

-Original data from interleaver

00000000 (x8 for 1200hps)

data from u Orieinal interleaver Fig. 4 Logic symbol repetition at sending terminal The data bit from interleaver is AND and OR operated,with the logic control bits and the result from both logical operations is Exclusive-Owed (EXOR) to produce the final data bit. The final data of EXOR will then be repeated to a certain number of times depending of vocoder rate before sending for modulation. While the data is sent for modulation, the original data bit from interleaver is shifted into the AND bit in the logic controller and the next data bit fmm interleaver is AND and O R operated with the new condition of logic control bits. The process repeats until all data from the interleaver is finish. In the example shown above, the data output that will be sent for repetition is 1010011010 and the output afler repetition will be; 111111110000000011111lll0000000000000000111 111111111111100000000111ll11100000000.

Final data to be repeated + 11111111 (xS for 1200bps) 1 [ 6 0


At the receiving terminal, the received information from antenna will first be demodulated and determined the actual data bit based on the majority of bits occurrence in binary information. The logic symbol repetition processes of receiving terminal are shown below. Data determined according to majority ofbit occurrence

Data to be sent to

Data determined acc,or$ng to , majonty of bit occurrence

Data to be sent to de-interleave1 Buffer to keep result of de-logic symbol

logic symbol repetition.

Thus, step (3a) is changed to step (3b) as below. Data determined according to majority ofbit Data to be sent to de-interleaver Data determined according to majority of bit occurrence Actual data

Data to be sent to de-interleave1

Buffer to k x p result of delogic symbol repetition. 0 is not accepted in this problem as step 3(a)

Y result Buffer to keep of de-logic symbol ..

In this case there are two possibilities

'r '8-J
Data determined according to majority of bit occurrence data

Wrong data is determined based on majority of bit occurrence Data to be sent to de-interleave1

Data de-interleaver to be sent to


Buffer to keep result of de-logic symbol

0 is'l'
Data to be sent to de-interleaver


Data determined according to majority of bit occurrence

Buffer to keep result of delogic symbol repetition. de-logic symbol repetition.


1Data to be sent to de-interleaver

Data determined according to majority ofbit occurrence

be valid in the condition of the logical control and this will not allow the system to proceed to next step. It is how the logic symbol repetition has the characteristic of memory in recovering the error bits. The system will also able to recover back the original data if the received data is loss during propagation through interfered medium by using the same method. In the cases where interference in propagation bas caused wrong determination of majority binary bit as shown in Fig 5 step (6). The system will realise at following step as shown in step (sa). Then, the system corrects the produced output as shown in step 7(b).

Buffer to keep result of delogic symbol repetition.

4. Result

Data to be sent to de-interleaver

Data determined according to majority of bit occurrence


By implementing logic symbol repetition in the forward traffic channel, the performance of the whole system can be improved. The hit ermr rate @ER) Will decrease due to the improvement of recovering back the error bits by logic symbol repetition scheme. The grade of improvement is significantly valuable especially the infarmation data was transmitted through high interference environment. The detail of the simulation result will be presented in next paper.
5. Summary
AD efficient method of error correction in the forward traffic channel is urgently needed in todays era as the numbers of the mobile phone are increasing dramatically. The increasing numbers of mobile users have proportionally increased the BER in mobile link traffic. Thus, in order to maintain or upgrade the quality of service provided, a better solution of error correction is needed. Hence, implementing logic symbol repetition in the conventional channel encoding is an alternate method to improve the BER performance in CDMA system.

logic symbol repetition.

0is not accepted, as it is same result as step 7(a)


Fig 5 De-logic symbol repetition at receiving terminal

For the receiving part, the received modulated data are actually the bits that being sent by the sending terminal. The data bit to be decoded by logic symbol repetition is determined by the majority of bit occurrences in the demodulated binary string. The data bit is then decoded by Exclusive OR function, A and OR functions to retrieve back the original data bits. In certain cases, there might be more than one possible logical outputs as shown in the fig. 5 step (2). Therefore, either one of the data can be randomly chosen and the chosen data will be shifted to the less significant bit (AND bit) of the logic control. The decoding scheme in the logic symbol repetition is able to recover back the original data even though a wrong data is being chosen at the first place. Example, when a wrong data bit is chosen as shown in Fig. 5 step (2), the system will soon realize when come to the following steps of the process as shown in Fig. 5 step (4a). This is because the bit that being chosen will not

6. References

[ I ] C. C. George Jr. and J. B. Cain, Error Correction

Coding For DigiiaI Communications, Plenum Press,NewYork, 1981. [2] C. Y. Samuel, CDMA RF Sysiem Engineering, Artech House, INC, 1998. [3] B. Vucetic & J. Yuan, Turbo Codes Principles and Application, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000. [4] M. Y. Rhee, CDicz4 Cellular Mobile Communications and Nehvork Security, Prentice Hall PTR, 1998.


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