1.1 A. 1.2 A. B. C. 1.3 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I.: Click Here
1.1 A. 1.2 A. B. C. 1.3 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I.: Click Here
1.1 A. 1.2 A. B. C. 1.3 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I.: Click Here
Display hidden notes to specifier. (Don't know how? Click Here) Copyright 2010 - 2013 ARCAT, Inc. - All rights reserved
PART 1 1.1
A. 1.2
A. B. C. 1.3
Section 02230 - Site Clearing: Clearing and grubbing of site. Section 02240 Dewatering: Dewatering as required. Section 02315 - Excavation and Fill: Excavation, preparation of, subgrade, sand drainage blanket, backfilling and compaction.
A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I.
ASTM C 165 - Test Method for Measuring Compressive Properties of Thermal Insulation ASTM C 203 - Breaking Load and Flexural Properties of Block-Type Thermal Insulation ASTM C 303 - Test Method for Dimensions and Density of Preformed Block an Board-Type Thermal Insulation ASTM C 390 - Practice for Sampling and Acceptance of Thermal Insulation lots ASTM D 1621 - Compressive Properties of Rigid Cellular Plastics ASTM D 1622 - Apparent Density of Rigid Cellular Plastics ASTM D 1623 - Tensile and Tensile Adhesion Properties of Rigid Cellular Plastics ASTM C 2863 - Test Method for Measuring the Minimum Oxygen Concentration to Support Candle-Like Combustion of Plastics (Oxygen Index) ASTM D 6817 - Specification for Rigid Cellular Polystyrene Geofoam
J. 1.4
ASTM D 7557 - Standard Practice for Sampling of Expanded Polystyrene Geofoam Specimens.
Lightweight, Geo-Synthetic Fill. 1. Basis of Measurement: By cubic yard (cubic meter). 2. Basis of Payment: Includes supplying fill materials, stockpiling, placing and anchoring.
A. B.
1. 2. 3. C. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. D. E.
Product Data: Manufacturer's data sheets on each product to be used, including: Preparation instructions and recommendations. Storage and handling requirements and recommendations. Installation methods. Shop Drawings: Showing the following: Profile and section view of the proposed embankment. Size, type, location and orientation of all Geofoam blocks. Location and type of connectors. Ballasting or guying techniques. Placement sequence and methods.
Verification Samples: For each product specified, two samples, minimum size 4 inches (102 mm) square, representing actual product. Manufacturer's Certificates: Certify products meet or exceed the following: 1. Manufacturer's test reports showing the physical properties and standards for the products specified as tested in accordance with ASTM D 7557. 2. Manufacturer's Certificate of Compliance for the first 100 yd (376 m3) and for every 1500 yd3 (1147 m3) thereafter of Geofoam before product is delivered to the site. 3. Computer generated stress-strain data and the accompanying curves from compressive testing. Curves and/or data shall clearly indicate the stress at 1 percent strain and the modulus of elasticity. 4. Each delivery shall have the compression test data for each lot attached with the delivery paperwork. 5. Certificate of Compliance shall include current inspection reports showing that the Geofoam manufacturer is in compliance with a UL follow-up service program for both flame and physical properties.
Manufacturer Qualifications: Manufacturer with a minimum of 5 years documented experience in the manufacture of lightweight, geo-synthetic fill. Manufacturer must also have a UL classification in category BRYX. Manufacturer must also maintain a UL classification in category QORW that ensures physical properties in accordance with ASTM D 6817. Third-party certifications that only include ASTM C 578 physical properties will not be considered as an alternative equal and will be rejected.
A. B. C.
Handle and store products in accordance the manufacturer's recommendations until ready for installation. Prevent damage to the Geofoam blocks during delivery, storage, and construction. Geo-Synthetic Fill that is anticipated to be exposed to sunlight for more than six months shall be covered with an opaque material to prevent ultraviolet light degradation. Remove material that is exposed for excessive period beyond six months. Protect the Geo-Synthetic Fill from: organic solvents such as acetone, benzene, and paint thinner; petroleum based solvents such as gasoline and diesel fuel; and open flames. Geo-Synthetic Fill should be considered combustible and should not be exposed to open flame or any source of ignition.
E. 1.8
Ensure that placement drawings and other information required for installation of products of this section are furnished to affected trades in time to prevent interruption of construction progress. PRODUCTS
PART 2 2.1
Acceptable Manufacturer: Insulfoam, a Carlisle Company, which is located at: 6004 N. Westgate Blvd. Suite 120 ; Tacoma, WA 98406; Toll Free Tel: 800-248-5995; Tel: 253-572-5111; Fax: 425-251-8405; Email: request info (info@insulfoam.com); Web: www.insulfoam.com Requests for substitutions will be considered in accordance with provisions of Section 01600.
B. 2.2
Geo-Synthetic Fill: InsulFoam GF shall conform to ASTM D 6817 and may be fabricated using material with recycled content. Blocks shall have a height of at least 36 inches (.91 m), a width of at least 48 inches (1.22 m), and length of at least 96 inches (2.44 m). Blocks shall be within tolerances of 0.5 percent of respective height, width and length dimensions. Additional field and/or shop trimming and cutting shall be required as necessitated by the geometry of the fill being constructed. 1. Type EPS12: Physical Properties shall be as follows: a. Density shall be a minimum of 0.70 lb/ft3 (11.2 kg/m3), when tested in accordance with ASTM D 1622. b. Compressive Resistance at 1 percent deformation shall be a minimum of 2.2 psi (15 kPa) when tested in accordance with STM D 1621. c. Flexural Strength shall be a minimum of 10.0 psi (69 kPa) when tested in accordance with STM C 203. d. Elastic Modulus shall be a minimum of 220 psi (1500 kPA) when tested
e. B.
in accordance with ASTM C 203 Oxygen Index shall have a minimum volume of 24.0 percent when tested in accordance with STM C 2863.
Connectors: Connectors shall be galvanized steel multi-barbed connectors or a urethane adhesive as recommended by the manufacturer. Each connector shall have a lateral holding strength of at least 60 lbs (27.22 kg) when tested with an EPS15 Geofoam. EXECUTION
PART 3 3.1
A. B. C. D.
Do not begin installation until substrates have been properly prepared. Clear and grub site as specified in Section 02230. Dewater site as specified in Section 02240. Verify that the grade on which the Geofoam fill will be placed is graded to the elevations indicated on the Drawings and that the finish-grade is smooth and free from holes and protruding objects as specified in Section 02315. Verify that an 8 inch (200 mm) sand blanket leveling pad and drainage blanket is constructed over the prepared grade as specified in Section 02315. If substrate preparation is the responsibility of another installer, notify Architect of unsatisfactory preparation before proceeding.
E. F. 3.2
A. B.
Clean surfaces thoroughly prior to installation. Prepare surfaces for uniform bearing using the methods recommended by the manufacturer for achieving the best result for the substrate under the project conditions.
A. B.
Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Geo-Synthetic Fill fill shall be placed to the lines and grades shown in the Drawings and as directed by the Engineer. The surface of a layer of Geo-Synthetic Fill blocks to receive additional Geo-Synthetic Fill blocks shall be constructed with a variation in surface tolerance of no more than 0.05 feet (15 mm) in any 10 foot (3 m) interval. All blocks shall accurately fit relative to adjacent blocks. No gaps greater than 0.07 feet (20 mm) will be allowed on vertical joints. Finished surfaces of the Geo-Synthetic Fill immediately beneath pavement sections shall be constructed to within the tolerance of zero to minus 60 mm (0.20 ft) of the indicated grade. Finished surfaces of the Geo-Synthetic Fill on side slopes that receive soil cover
C. D.
shall be constructed to within a tolerance of plus 0.30 feet (90 mm) to minus 0.30 feet (90 mm) of the indicated grade.
Blocks placed in a row in a particular layer shall be offset 2.0 feet (0.6 m) relative to blocks placed in adjacent rows of the same layer as shown on the Drawing. In order to avoid continuous joints, each subsequent layer of blocks shall be rotated on the horizontal plane 90 degrees from the direction of placement of the previous layer placed. When needed to prevent blocks sliding during embankment construction, InsulGrip galvanized steel multi-barbed connector plates from Insulfoam or urethane adhesive should be placed between horizontal layers of blocks. Install a minimum of 2 connectors for each 4 feet (1.22 m) by 8 feet (2.44 m) section of Geofoam material or as shown on plans or directed by the Engineer. Press firmly into the rigid foam until the connector is flush with the surface. Position the next foam block as specified and seat firmly before placing subsequent blocks. Blocks shall be cut using a hot wire. Because of the light unit-weight of the geofoam fill, provide temporary weighting and/or guying as necessary until all the blocks are built into a homogeneous mass, and the pavement section as well as any soil cover are in place. Embankment over the side slopes of Geo-Synthetic fills shall be placed starting at the bottom of the slope in such a manner to prevent damage to the fill. Finished Geo-Synthetic Fill on side slopes shall have a minimum of 2 feet (0.61 m) embankment cover. Embankment material, in areas beyond the lateral distances necessary to protect Geo-Synthetic Fill from damage, shall be compacted according to Section 03215. During placement of the load distribution slab over the top surface of the GeoSynthetic Fill, it is permissible to use rebar supports to support the reinforcing steel during concrete placement.
H. I.
K. L.
A. B.
Protect installed products until completion of project. Repair or replace damaged products before Substantial Completion. END OF SECTION