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A boundary-annotated and part-of-speech tagged corpus is a prerequisite for developing phrase break classifiers. Boundary annotations in English speech corpora are descriptive, delimiting intonation units perceived by the listener. We take a novel approach to phrase break prediction for Arabic, deriving our prosodic annotation scheme from Tajwd (recitation) mark-up in the Quran which we then interpret as additional text-based data for computational analysis. This mark-up is prescriptive, and signifies a widely-used recitation style, and one of seven original styles of transmission. Here we report on version 1.0 of our Boundary-Annotated Quran dataset of 77430 words and 8230 sentences, where each word is tagged with prosodic and syntactic information at two coarse-grained levels. In (Sawalha et al., 2012), we use the dataset in phrase break prediction experiments. This research is part of a larger-scale project to produce annotation schemes, language resources, algorithms, and applications for Classical and Modern Standard Arabic. Keywords: prosodic annotation; psycholinguistic chunking; phrase break prediction
It is universally recognised that whatever the language, people process speech (and text) in chunks (Ladd, 1996), which in turn can be interpreted syntactically as function word groups (Liberman and Church, 1992) and prosodically as tone units (Croft, 1995; Roach, 2000). Phrase break prediction is a classification task within the Text-to-Speech synthesis pipeline that attempts to simulate human chunking strategies by assigning prosodic-syntactic boundaries to input text. A boundary-annotated and part-of-speech (PoS) tagged corpus (2) is therefore an essential language resource for training such classifiers. Our research applies techniques honed on English (Brierley, 2011) to another stress-timed language, Arabic, and to the entire text of the Quran. One novelty is that we derive a coarse-grained boundary annotation scheme for Arabic from traditional recitation mark-up (Tajwd) in the Quran; this is then compared with existing schemes for British and American English speech corpora (Taylor and Knowles, 1988; Beckman and Hirschberg, 1994). We then merge a PoS-tagged version of the text (Dukes, 2010) with our prosodic Quran, where each of the 77430 words is classified in terms of a finite set of boundary categories {major, minor, none}. An additional novelty is that we use compulsory and recommended {, , } and prohibited stops { } in Tajwd mark-up (cf. Al-ashmuni, 1973) to segment the text into 8230 sentences. Finally, we plan to evaluate the applicability of our Quran dataset as a training corpus for predicting boundaries in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) text. This entails the creation of a second (smaller) boundary-annotated corpus for MSA, which is also segmented into sentences. We thus offer two unique language resources for exploring the prosody-syntax interface in Arabic, intended for open-source distribution. A related LREC submission (Sawalha et al., 2012) uses our corpora to develop and evaluate the performance of several probabilistic, syntax-based phrase break classifiers.
The Lancaster/IBM Spoken English Corpus or SEC (Taylor and Knowles, 1988) established a tripartite boundary annotation scheme {major, minor, none} for British English. Theoretically, major boundary markers (||) in this scheme denote pauses, and minor boundary markers (|) define tone units (Roach, 2000). Tone units (i.e. intonational phrases or chunks) are sequences that contain at least one accented word, namely: a word realised with pitch fluctuation on the syllable carrying primary stress (Croft, 1995). In practice, major boundaries do not only denote sentence segmental pauses, as in the following example from SEC A06 (informal news commentary on housing) annotated by Bryony Williams: For the thousand Turkish workers and their families | who lived in them | have left || taking advantage of a double pay offer || a cash grant from the government | and money from Mannesmann | to return home || In the above sentence, major boundary markers correspond to a comma, a colon, and a full stop respectively in the orthographic transcription of this utterance. Speech corpora for American English, such as the Boston University Radio News Corpus (Ostendorf et al., 1995) use ToBI or the Tones and Break Indices annotation scheme (Beckman and Hirschberg, 1994) which identifies five theoretical levels of juncture between words: {0,1,2,3,4}. Break index {0} denotes no separation or cliticization (Ananthakrishnan and Narayanan, 2008), while index {1} applies to most phrase medial junctures between words. The correct labelling of coarticulation is debateable, as in this SAMPA phonetic transcription /Di:jA:mi:/ where the army (i.e. two consecutive words) is realised as one unit via the y-glide /j/. Index {2} is a special (and somewhat ambiguous) case, denoting either a hesitation that does not affect the tonal
contour, or a disjuncture that is less strong than expected (Grabe, 2001). Indices {3} and {4} correspond to minor and major boundaries in the British system. Both SEC and the Boston University Radio News corpus are widely-used resources for Text-to-Speech Synthesis, Automatic Speech Recognition, and Machine Translation applications but are largely representative of read speech, namely: speech delivered in a natural but controlled manner (Hasegawa-Johnson et al., 2005). Therefore, the above boundary annotation schemes, and their implementation in English speech corpora, do not identify the disfluencies (i.e. filled pauses, repetitions, and false starts cf. Stolcke and Shriberg, 1996) characteristic of spontaneous speech. These are outside the scope of our work, since we are interested in optimised (i.e. intelligible and naturalistic) chunking of text to maximise communication effectiveness.
MSA script and with major/minor boundary mark-up. It also displays a transliteration and an English translation of the text. We consider MSA script as preferable for speech and language processing, and for boosting the currency of this corpus for the wider research community. An additional novelty is that we use compulsory and recommended, plus prohibited stops in Tajwd mark-up to segment the text into sentences (cf. Figure 2). Such sentences may constitute the grammatical units of common parlance but may also be realised as sequences of intonation units or extended sentences (Chafe in Croft, 1995) which resemble mainstream sentences in their feeling of closure (Croft, 1995). Novelty aside, our taggers (Sawalha et al., 2012) require sentence segmentation (Bird et al., 2009, p.198), and classifying words (e.g. as breaks or non-breaks) in situ within a sentence is the usual approach to phrase break prediction (Taylor and Black, 1998).
Quranic verses are meant to be recited aloud from memory at least as much as they are meant for silent reading: The Arabic word quran means recitation...While the words havebeen available in written form, equal prominence has been given to the continuing oral tradition (Denny, 1976). The art of Tajwd has developed over time to help believers achieve clearly articulated recitation, and one aspect of this is the system of stops and starts or waqf wa ibtid defining intelligible and naturalistic phrasing within and between verses (Denny, 1989). We have derived a coarse-grained boundary annotation scheme for Arabic (Brierley et al., 2011) from Tajwd stops and starts mark-up in a reputable edition of the Quran1, and in a widely-used recitation style: af bin im (cf. Sharaf, 2004). This uses the Qurayshi or Meccan dialect, and, according to a strong hadth, is one of seven original styles of transmission: The Quran has been revealed to be recited in seven different ways, so recite of it that which is easier for you (Sahih al-Bukhari in Gilchrist, 2011) Our annotation scheme is coarse-grained because, for our immediate purposes (Sawalha et al., 2012), we have collapsed eight degrees of boundary strength (i.e. three major boundary types, four minor boundary types, and one prohibited stop) into the familiar {major, minor, none} set. Future work will implement the full fine-grained boundary annotation scheme for text analytic investigation and experimentation with an updated version of the corpus. For the present, we note that in addition to its specificity, boundary mark-up in the Quran is prescriptive and proactive rather than descriptive and reactive, as in existing systems for English. Figure 1 displays Verse 45 from Chapter 29 of the Quran (Al-Ankabt or The Spider) in decorative othmni script, followed by the same verse as it appears in our corpus, in
Traditional Arabic grammar (Wright, 1996; Ryding, 2005; Al-Ghalayyni, 2005) classifies words into one of three syntactic categories {noun, verb, particle}, and we therefore retain this coarse-grained feature set as the default in our initial experiments (Sawalha et al., 2012). Quranic Arabic is fully vowelised, unlike MSA; and this facilitates syntactic analysis via this ostensibly straightforward scheme which, without vowelisation, becomes problematic (Sawalha, 2011b). For example, native Arabic speakers will use context to disambiguate the non-vowelised form wrd, which could either be the un noun ward (roses), or the verb warada (to come). A further problem is the mismatch between descriptive frameworks for Arabic and English (aka Western) grammar; Arabic nouns subsume adjectives, adverbs, and some prepositions, while particles also subsume some prepositions, as well as conjunctions and negatives (Maamouri et al., 2004). Subsequently, we extend our sparse tagset to differentiate a limited selection of subcategories extracted from fully parsed sections of QAC, the Quranic Arabic Corpus (Dukes, 2010). Morpho-syntactic analysis in QAC is fine-grained. For example, in an earlier version of the corpus (v.2.0), the word ar-ram in Chapter 1:3 (the Most Merciful) is tagged as follows (cf. Figure 3). An explanation of this tagging scheme can be found in Dukes and Habash (2010). However, items in bold in Fig. 3 indicate that each token carries an over-arching PoS tag derived from the stem of the word. Thus the token in this verse is an adjective. QAC defines 10 major syntactic categories: {nouns; pronouns; nominals; adverbs;
verbs; prepositions; lm prefixes; conjunctions; particles; disconnected letters}. We therefore tag each token via the QAC PoS
schema, plus the tripartite notation of traditional Arabic grammar: {noun, verb, particle}.
|| ||
| | || |
utlu m iya ilayka mina al-kitbi wa aqimi a-alata | inna a-alata tanh ani al-fashi wa al-munkari |walaikru allhi akbaru | wa allhu yalamu m tanana || Recite, [O Muhammad], what has been revealed to you of the Book and establish prayer. Indeed, prayer prohibits immorality and wrongdoing, and the remembrance of Allah is greater. And Allah knows that which you do.
fawaylun lilmuallna al-lana hum an altihim shna ||
wal yazunka qawluhum || inna al-izata lillhi aman || huwa as-samu al-almu ||
And let not their speech grieve you. Indeed, honor [due to power] belongs to Allah entirely. He is the Hearing, the Knowing.
So woe to those who pray, [But] who are heedless of their prayer
Figure 1: Original boundary annotations in Quranic verses (top row) mapped to major/minor boundary symbols as in SEC (second row), plus transliteration and translation views of the text (third and fourth rows)
Compulsory break
Compulsory break
Recommended break
Prohibited stop
Figure 3: QAC sample of part-of-speech tags for an Arabic word Arabic word in Othmani and then MSA script occupy the fifth and sixth columns respectively. Part-of-speech information is given in the next two columns, with tripartite coarse-grained tags in column seven, and more detailed syntactic annotation in column eight. Column nine stores the Tajwd boundary symbol (if present); and the next two columns show each word classified in terms of boundary type: boundary types stored as {major, minor, none}, and then as {breaks, non-breaks}. The penultimate column identifies sentence terminals, and the last column gives the word-for-word English translation.
To build the Boundary-Annotated Quran Corpus we have extracted, processed, and merged information from two online sources: the Tanzil Quran project (Zarabi-Zadeh, 2012) and an earlier version of QAC, the Quranic Arabic Corpus (Dukes, 2010). A full account of dataset build is intended for a future publication, but outline processing steps involved: (i) gathering and tracking boundary stops from Tanzil; (ii) extracting PoS tags from QAC; (iii) collapsing boundary stops into two alternative coarse-grained schema; (iv) collapsing PoS tags into two alternative coarse-grained schema; (v) merging these two data streams; (vi) segmenting long paragraphs into sentences. The constructed boundary annotated corpus of 77430 words and 8230 sentences is stored in a tab separated column file, with each word also stored in a separate file (cf. Figure 4). The first four columns contain tracking information, including Sura (i.e. chapter) number, and Aya (i.e. verse) number, (the first two columns). The
finer-grained PoS and either two or three boundary classes. Figure 5 shows sample training input to the tagger as nested lists of tuples with: (i) Arabic words as they 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3
appear encoded in UTF-8; and (ii) a facsimile view of Arabic words in their normal orthographic form.
|| || || || || ||
non-break non-break non-break break non-break non-break non-break break non-break break non-break non-break break non-break non-break non-break break non-break non-break break
in-(the)-name (of)-allah the-most-gracious the-most-merciful all-praises-and-thanks (be)-to-allah the-lord of-the-universe the-most-gracious the-most-merciful (the)-master (of-the)-day (of-the)-judgment you-alone we-worship and-you-alone we-ask-for-help guide-us (to)-the-path the-straight
Figure 4: Sample of the tab separated column file for our boundary-annotated Arabic corpus
[((u'\u0630\u064e\u0644\u0650\u0643\u064e', u'N'), u'non-break'), ((u'\u0627\u0644\u0652\u0643\u0650\u062a\u064e\u0627\u0628\u064f', u'N'), u'non-break'), ((u'\u0644\u064e\u0627', u'P'), u'non-break'), ((u'\u0631\u064e\u064a\u0652\u0628\u064e', u'N'), u'break'), ((u'\u0641\u0650\u064a\u0647\u0650', u'P'), u'non-break'), ((u'\u0647\u064f\u062f\u064b\u0649', u'N'), u'non-break'), ((u'\u0644\u0650\u0644\u0652\u0645\u064f\u062a\u0651\u064e\u0642\u0650\u064a\u0646\u064e', u'N'), u'break')]
, N), non-break), (( [(( , N), break), , P), non-break), (( , N), non-break), (( , N), break)] , P), non-break), (( (( , N), non-break), ((
Figure 5: A single Quranic sentence as training input to the tagger: words are PoS-tagged via the set of {N, V, P} for binary classification substantive sample of gold-standard boundary-annotated text, and to hold out a smaller sample from the same source for testing. Although target boundary sites in the test set are available to the researcher for comparative evaluation, they are missing from test data presented to the classifier. Classifier accuracy therefore equates to the number of correct boundaries retrieved during test.
In a related LREC submission (Sawalha et al., 2012), we construe our boundary-annotated and PoS-tagged Quran as a gold standard for supervised learning of the phrase break prediction task. The Quran is a rich dataset, despite its size, and has previously been used as an evaluative gold-standard for machine learning (e.g. for Arabic morphological analysers in Morpho Challenge 2009) 2 . The general procedure is to train the classifier on a
predicted) needs to be complemented with other metrics since the baseline set by the majority class (i.e. the skewed proliferation of non-breaks in the data) is guaranteed to be challenging (Brierley, 2011). The Information Retrieval metrics of precision, recall, and f-score have previously been used (e.g. Koehn et al., 2000; Atterer and Klein, 2002). In our related LREC 2012 submission (Sawalha et al., 2012), we adopt Balanced Classification Rate given
by the formula:
This places equal emphasis on model capture of true positives as well as true negatives.
Let not their speech grieve thee: for all power and honour belong to Allah: it is He Who heareth and knoweth (all things). Figure 6: Arabic chunk boundary symbols mirrored by punctuation in the corresponding English translation
phrasing within and between verses (Denny, 1989). For example, in Figure 6 compulsory and highly recommended verse-medial breaks in Chapter 10.65 chunk the text into meaningful units which are retained via punctuation in Yusuf Alis acclaimed English translation (2000). Our original insight is then to view the Tajwd system of chunk boundary delimiters, and other features extracted from the orthographic form (Islamic Bulletin, 2012) as additional sources of text-based data for computational analysis. Text analytics techniques honed on English (Brierley, 2011) will then be used to discover significant linguistic patterns in the vicinity of these benchmark phrase break annotations, to be evaluated as classificatory features in machine learning experiments. The best-performing feature set will then be evaluated on and adapted for Modern Standard Arabic.
The Quran may already be construed as a multimodal dataset by virtue of its prosodic (Tajwd) annotations and salutation marks {}. We have compiled a unique, open-source, boundary-annotated Quran for Arabic speech and language processing, which we utilise immediately in phrase break prediction experiments for Classical and Modern Standard Arabic (Sawalha et al., 2012). Our longer term aim is to unravel the linguistic wisdom of prosodic-syntactic chunking inherent in recitation mark-up in the Quran, and to leverage this knowledge in Arabic Natural Language Engineering applications. We therefore plan to enrich our dataset with: (i) very fine-grained morpho-syntactic analyses using the SALMA tagger (Sawalha and Atwell, 2010); (ii) more fine-grained boundary annotations; and (iii) projected prosody (Brierley, 2011; Brierley and Atwell, 2010), potentially as part of an ongoing project (Atwell et al., 2011).
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