Top Down Modeling and Test Bench Development: Verification Case Study: Pipeline ADC
Top Down Modeling and Test Bench Development: Verification Case Study: Pipeline ADC
Top Down Modeling and Test Bench Development: Verification Case Study: Pipeline ADC
• 3v supplies
• Differential Signal path .25 – 2.25v
• Vcm = 1.25
• Digital Error Correction
Trap to Avoid
Early Simulation Results
aren’t the same thing as a
Top-Down Verification
• Delays
– Compare outputs at clock edge and after MAX Tp spec
– Mismatch at other times indicates wrong prop delays in models
• Input Range
– Simple Low to High Sweep – to hit all Codes
– Mismatch in output codes indicates wrong input model/ sampling delay
• Open a Log File (include date & time in name – Thx to Jon Brenner)
initial begin
$system("rm now.txt; date +%Y%m%d_%H%M > now.txt "); // update datestring
datefile = $fopen("now.txt","r"); // open the date for read
rstat = $fscanf(datefile,"%s",datestring );
filestring = {filename, datestring,".dat"};
fileid = $ fopen(filestring );
"ADC Output Data Comparison File : Testblock %M : date %s.%s.%s:%s",
datestring[8*13:8*9+1],datestring[8*9:8*7+1],datestring [8*7:8*5+1],
$fstrobe(fileid, "Time Delta : O ## U (DUT) sb= (GLD) O ## U");
Do the Math!
always @(negedge strt_fnsh ) begin
counting = 0;
if (totcount > 0) begin
idealbin = totcount/numcodes; // numcodes is real
for (j = 0; j<= maxcode; j = j+1) begin
dnl[j] = (bins[j]/idealbin) - 1.0;
if (j>0) inl[j ] = inl[j-1] +dnl[j ];
else inl[j ] = dnl[j];
$fdisplay(inlfile, "%10.3g # bin %d",inl[j], j ); // for SPW plotting
$fdisplay(dnlfile, "%10.3g # bin %d",dnl[j], j ); // for SPW plotting
$fdisplay(datafile, "%d %d %10.3g %10.3g ", j, bins[j], dnl[j ], inl[j] );
if (dnl[j] > dnlmax) dnlmax = dnl[j ];
else if (-dnl[j] > dnlmax ) dnlmax = -dnl[j];
if (inl[j] > inlmax) inlmax = inl[j];
else if (-inl[j] > inlmax ) inlmax = -inl[j];
$fstrobe( datafile, "\n max abs dnl: %10.3g inl: %10.3g ", dnlmax, inlmax);
$strobe( "\n %s max abs dnl: %10.3g inl: %10.3g ", filename, dnlmax, inlmax);
real posval, negval ;
// Analog Values in Discrete time events
wreal res_p = posval; wreal res_m = negval;
// initialize the variables in Initial Block
always @(negedge clk ) begin
sampval = V(ain_p , ain_n);
vn = vnoise * ($dist_normal(seedn,0,1000)%6000) / 1000.0;
posval = V(cmref) + gain*(sampval+vos+vn)/2;
if (posval > vhi) posval = vhi;
else if (posval < vlo ) posval = vlo;
negval = V(cmref) - gain*(sampval+vos+vn)/2;
if (negval > vhi) negval = vhi;
else if (negval < vlo ) negval = vlo;
always @(posedge clk ) begin
sampval = 0;
posval = V(cmref);
negval = V(cmref);
• Models Fixed Gain and Offset errors + Gaussian Noise @ Sample rate
Transfer Function 10 01
00 10
100 100
00 01 10
real res_pl , res_mi; wreal res_p , res_m; wreal ain_p , ain_n ;
assign res_p = res_pl; assign res_m = res_mi;
always @(posedge clk ) begin // sample the input
#(td/1n) code = 2'bx; // set to unknown until other edge of clock
res_pl = V(cmref);
res_mi = V(cmref);
always @(negedge clk ) begin // evaluate and drive the outputs
vn = vnoise * ($dist_normal(seedn,0,1000)%6000) / 1000.0;
valin = ain_p - ain_n;
refin = V(adcrefp , adcrefn);
#(td/1n) code = 1+((valin+vospcomp)>refin)-((valin+vosncomp)<-refin);
#(td/1n) resout = (valin+vosamp+vn )*Cgain + (1.0-
code)*V(dacrefp,dacrefn );
res_pl = V(cmref)+0.5*resout;
res_mi = V(cmref) -0.5*resout;
Flash Stage
always @(posedge PHIodd) begin
#Td // just the even bits
St2a = St2; St4a = St4; code = Sum;
overflow = Over || (OF &&
St1c[1] && St2c[1] && St3b[1] && St4b[1] && St5a[1] &&
underflow = UF && !St1c && !St2c && !St3b && !St4b && !St5a ;
always @(posedge PHIeven) begin
#Td // need to do this in order,
// or use non-blocking with the same delay?
St1c = St1b; St1b = St1a; St1a = St1; //1
St2c = St2b; St2b = St2a; //2
St3b = St3a; St3a = St3; //3
St4b = St4a; St5a = St5; //4 & 5
Sum = St5a + (St4b<<1) + (St3b<<2) + (St2c<<3) + (St1c<<4);
// these are clocked and EVALUATED on other Edge
Over = Sum[6]; OF = OFlast; UF = UFlast;
// log Cubic Spline Transition
analog function real lcubefn ;
input x,K; real x,K;
lcubefn = (x<=0)?1:(x>=1)?K: pow(K,(3 -2*x)*x*x);
initial Control = 0;
always @( posedge control) Control = 1;
always @( negedge control) Control = 0;
analog begin
@(initial_step) begin
if (Control == 1) swres = 0.0; // on means R is minimum
else swres = 1.0; // off means R is maximum
@(posedge Control) swres = 0.0; // on means R is minimum
@(negedge Control) swres = 1.0; // off means R is maximum
// RoutExponent calculated from a transistion function
rsmooth = transition(swres, tdelay,trise,tfall);
rout = ron*lcubefn(rsmooth,roff/ron );
V(vin,vout) <+ I(vin,vout )*rout;
reg d, D;
assign D_ = !D;
analog begin
@(initial_step) begin
halfhys = hys/2.0;
Tplh = (td + trise/2)/1n; Tphl = (td + tfall/2)/1n;
vin =V(vin_p,vin_n ) - V(ref_p,ref_n ) + p_off + n_off ;
initial begin
TPlh = 1; TPhl = 1; // value will be corrected soon
#0.1 TPlh = Tplh ; TPhl = Tphl; // until analog initial_step
d = vin>0; // initialize the register
always @(cross(vin - halfhys , +1 )) if (enable) d = 1;
always @(cross(vin + halfhys , -1 )) if (enable) d = 0;
always @(posedge enable) begin
if ((vin < -halfhys)&&(d)) d = 0;
else if ((vin > halfhys)&&(!d)) d = 1;
always @(posedge d) # TPlh D = d;
CompLatched.vams is easier!
always @(negedge d) # TPhl D = d;
initial begin
Y2 = 1;
Y1 = 0;
Y1a = 0;
Y1b = 0;
always @(posedge A) begin
#Tdhl2 Y2 = !A;
#Tdlh1 Y1 = A;
#Tdlh1a Y1a = A;
#Tdlh1b Y1b = A;
always @(negedge A) begin
#Tdhl1b Y1b = A;
#Tdhl1a Y1a = A;
#Tdhl1 Y1 = A;
#Tdlh2 Y2 = !A;
• J. Doenberg, HS Lee, DA Hodges, “ Full-Speed Testing of A/D Converters” IEEE Journal of Solid-State
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• TE Linnenbrink, SJ Tilden, MT Miller, “ ADC Testing with IEEE-Std 1241-2000” Proceedings IEEE Instrumentation
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• J. David, “ Functional Verification Of A Differential Operational Amplifier” International Cadence User Group,
More References
• Behavioral simulation of a 3-bit flash ADC
Mantooth, H.A.; Allen, P.E.
Circuits and Systems, 1990., IEEE International Symposium on , 1990
Page(s): 1356 -1359 vol.2
• Behavioral model of pipeline ADC by using SIMULINK(R)
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• Behavioral modeling and simulation of data converters
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• Fast accurate and complete ADC testing
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• FFT Testing of ADCs
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• New High Speed Technique for Pipeline ADC Design
Sarraj, Maher
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2002 IEEE International Workshop on
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Don Lewis “Testing Operational Amplifiers” Electronics Test ( Benwill Publishing) January 1979
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J.E. Solomon. "The monolithic op amp: a tutorial study." IEEE Jo urnal of Solid-State Circuits(1974) SC -9.6 (Dec. 1974
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