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Wild Mage

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Wild Mage

by Calkin (dwolic@juno.com)
Most magic users gain their powers from the elements, mystic energies, or other planes. A wild mage draws his power from the chaotic nature of the universe itself. He draws energy from randomness and embraces it. Chaos, to him, is a way of life. Through this study he can control the chaos and wield it as a weapon. The wild mage's spells are dangerous to everyone. When a wild mage casts a spell everyone around the mage yells, Hit the dirt! A wild mage is a master of luck, and learns early on to bend the randomness to his will. Bards and sorcerers frequently become wild mages because they are generally chaotic individuals and can cast arcane spells. Wizards rarely become wild mages unless they have high Charisma scores. Other classes cannot cast arcane spells, so they are not allowed to be wild mages. If a wild mage was initially a sorcerer, he casts continues to cast spells as a sorcerer does. If the mage was a wizard or a bard, the wild mage continues casting his spells as either a wizard or a bard. Also, cleric spells of the domain of chaos are available to the wild mage, but not as bonus spells. These spells count as arcane spells of the same level as their cleric counterpart, but the spells are considered to be not divine. Hit Die: d4

To qualify to become a wild mage, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Alignment: Any chaotic Spellcasting: Ability to cast 2nd-level arcane spells. Bluff: 2 ranks Knowledge (Arcana): 4 ranks Spellcraft: 4 ranks Feats: Combat Casting, Dodge

Class Skills
The wild mages class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Alchemy (Int), Bluff (Cha) Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Innuendo (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Profession (Wis), Scry (Int), Speak Language, and Spellcraft (Int). See Chapter 4: Skills in the Players Handbook for skill descriptions. Skill points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the wild mage prestige class. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Wild mages gain no proficiency in any weapon or armor. Note that armor check penalties for armor heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble. Spells: A wild mage continues training in magic as well as in the ways of chaos. Thus, when a new wild mage level is gained, the character gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in a spellcasting class he belonged to before he added the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (more bardic music skills, metamagic or item creation feats, and so on). This essentially means that he adds the level of wild mage to the level of some other spellcasting class the character has, then determines spells per day and caster level accordingly. For example, if Boddynock, a 5th-level bard, gains a level

in wild mage, he gains new spells as if he had risen to 6th level in bard, but uses the other wild mage aspects of level progression such as attack bonus and save bonus. If he gains a level of bard, making him a 6th-level bard/1st-level wild mage, he gains and casts spells as if he had risen to 7th-level bard. If a character had more than one spellcasting class before he became a wild mage, he must decide to which class he adds each level of wild mage for purposes of determining spells per day when he adds a new level. Wild Surge: The chaotic nature of a wild mages spells can sometimes lead to a surge of chaotic magic. When casting a spell a wild mage must roll 1d20. On a roll of 19-20 a Wild Surge occurs. WILD SURGE RESULTS d% Roll Results
01Wall of force appears in front of caster 02Caster smells like a skunk for spell duration 03Caster shoots forth eight nonpoisonous snakes from fingertips; snakes do not attack 04Casters clothes itch (-2 penalty to initiative) 05Caster glows as per a light spell 06Spell effect has 60-foot radius centered on caster 07Next phrase spoken by caster becomes true, lasting for 10 rounds 08Casters hair grows one foot in length 09Caster pivots 180 degrees 10Casters face is blackened by a small explosion 11Caster develops allergy to his magical items; cannot control sneezing until all magical items are removed (allergy lasts 1d6x10 rounds) 12Casters head enlarges for 1d3x10 rounds 13Caster reduces (reversed enlarge) for 1d3x10 rounds 14Caster falls madly in love with target until a remove curse is cast 15Spell cannot be canceled at will by the caster 16Caster polymorphs randomly 17Colorful bubbles come out of casters mouth instead of words (words are released when bubbles pop); spells with verbal components cannot be cast for 10 rounds 18Reversed tongues affects all within 60 feet of caster 19Wall of fire encircles the caster 20Casters feet enlarge, reducing movement to half and adding -4 penalty to initiative rolls for 1d3x10 rounds 21Caster suffers same spell effect as target 22Caster levitates 20 feet for 1d4x10 rounds 23 Cause fear within a 60 foot radius centered on the caster; all in radius except caster must make saving throw 24Caster speaks in a squeaky voice for 1d6 days 25Caster gains X-ray vision for 1d6 rounds 26Caster ages 10 years 27Silence, 15 foot radius centers on caster 2810x10 foot pit appears immediately in front of the caster, 5 feet deep per level of the caster 29 Reverse gravity beneath casters feet for 1 round 30Colored streamers pour from casters fingertips 31Spell effect rebounds on caster 32Caster becomes invisible 33Color spray from casters fingertips 34Stream of butterflies pours from casters mouth 35 Caster leaves monster-shaped footprints instead of his own until a dispel magic is cast 361d10x3 gems shoot from the casters fingertips; each is worth 1d6x10 gp 37Music fills the air 38Create food and water 39All normal fires within 60 feet of caster are extinguished 40One magical item within 30 feet of caster (randomly chosen) is permanently drained 41

One normal item within 30 feet of caster (randomly chosen) becomes permanently magical 42All magical weapons within 30 feet of caster are increased by +2 for 1 turn (maximum +5) 43 Smoke trickles from the ears of all creatures within 60 feet of the caster for 10 rounds 44Dancing lights 45 All creatures within 30 feet of the caster begin to hiccup (-1 penalty to hit) for 10 rounds 46All normal doors, secret doors, portcullises, etc. (including those locked or barred) within 60 feet of the caster swing open 47Caster and target exchange places 48Spell affects random target within 60 feet of caster 49Spell fails but does not take a spell per day slot, or is not wiped from casters mind 50Monster summoning II 51Sudden change in weather (temperature rise, snow, rain, etc.) lasting 1d6 x 10 rounds 52Deafening bang affects everyone within 60 feet; those who can hear must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 12) or be stunned 1d3 rounds 53Caster and target exchange voices until a remove curse is cast 54Gate opens to a randomly chosen Outer Plane; 50% chance for extraplanar creature to appear 55Spell functions, but shrieks like a shrieker 56 Spell effectiveness (range, duration, area of effect, damage, etc.) decreases by 50% 57Spell reversed, if reverse is possible 58 Spell takes physical form as free-willed elemental and cannot be controlled by caster; elemental remains for the duration of the spell and its touch causes the spell effect (attack bonus equal to casters) 59 All weapons within 60 feet of the caster glow for 1d4 rounds 60 Spell functions; any applicable saving throw is not allowed 61Spell appears to fail when cast, but occurs 1d4 rounds later 62 All magical items within 60 feet of caster glow for 2d8 days 63 Caster and target switch personalities for 2d10 rounds 66Slow spell centered on target 65Target affected by confusion 66Lightning bolt shoots toward target 67Target enlarged 68Darkness centered on target 69Plant growth centered on target 70 1,000 lb. of nonliving matter within 10 feet of target vanishes 71Fireball centers on target 72 Target turns to stone 73 Spell is cast; material components and memory of spell are retained 74 Every within 10 feet of caster receives the benefit of a heal 75 Target becomes dizzy for 2d4 rounds (-4 penalty to AC and attack bonus, cannot cast spells) 76Wall of fire encircles target 77Target levitates 20 feet for 1d3x10 rounds 78Target suffers blindness 79Target is charmed as per charm monster 80Target dazed 81 Targets feet enlarge, reducing movement to half normal and adding -4 penalty to all initiative rolls for 1d3x10 rounds 82Rust monster appears in front of target 83Target polymorphs randomly 84Target falls madly in love with caster until a remove curse is cast 85Target teleports to the 5-foot area directly behind the caster 86Small, black rain cloud forms over target for 1d3 days

87Stinking cloud centers on target 88Heavy object (boulder, anvil, safe, etc.) appears over target and falls for 2d20 points of damage 89Target begins sneezing and is unable to cast spells for 1d6 rounds 90Spell effect has 60-foot radius centered on target (all within suffer the effect) 91Targets nose disappears for 1d4 rounds. 92 Targets race randomly changes until canceled by a dispel magic 93Target turns ethereal of 2d4 rounds 94Target hastened 95All hair on target crumbles to dust 96Target sprouts leaves (no damage caused, can be pruned without harm) 97Target sprouts new useless appendage (wings, arm, ear, etc.) which remains until dispel magic is cast 98Target changes color (canceled by dispel magic) 99Spell has minimum duration of 10 rounds (e.g. a fireball creates a ball of flame that remains for 10 rounds, a lightning bolt bounces and continues, possibly rebounding, for 10 rounds, etc.) 100 Spell effectiveness (range, duration, area of effect, damage, etc.) increase 200%

Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Zerth Blade: A wild mage who is not a Githzerai or has never even met one will still instantly know how to control a zerth blade, for these weapons are chaos incarnate. These blades are forged by the Githzerai on the outer plane of Limbo. They are made out of a chaotic mix of elements known as karach. This substance can be shaped by the mind of its wielder, making it a very dangerous weapon. Craft Wild Item: A wild mage with any Item Creation feats can intentionally create Cursed Items or Wild Items (magic items, that when used cause a Wild Surge). Only wild mages can create Wild Items or Cursed Items deliberately. Control Luck: A wild mage at 3rd level gains the ability to reroll the result of any one roll a day and pick the better of the two rolls. The wild mage can use this ability twice a day at sixth level, three times a day at ninth level, and so on. A single roll can only be rerolled once. Control Wild Item: A wild mage attempts to embrace chaos, and through that study can learn to control chaos to some extent. A wild mage of 3rd level or higher has a 50% chance of using the Wild Item without causing a Wild Surge. Harnessing Chaos: At 2nd level, a wild mage begins to understand the forces of chaos that he has embraced. As a result, he learns to use various spell-like abilities that are exclusive to wild mages. All of these abilities are standard actions except for stabilize (which takes 10 rounds to cast). Reckless Dweomer: At 2nd level, a wild mage can unleash the chaotic forces within himself and channel it into a spell. This is generally used as a last resort spell, as it is entirely unpredictable. When using this ability, the mage must announce that he is using reckless dweomer and then he automatically surges the next spell he casts (rolls d% on the Wild Surge table). Attempted Enhancement: At 2nd level, the wild mage can attempt to enhance one aspect of the next spell he casts. This spell must be cast in the round immediately following the casting of attempted enhancement. The wild mage casts the spell and announces the aspect of the second spell they wish to enhance. The DM rolls a d6, 4-6 the effect is doubled, 1-3 the result is halved and a Wild Surge ensues. Chaos Shield: At 3rd level, the wild mage can protect himself from harmful effects of his own surges. When a caster surges his spell but has chaos shield activated, the mage gets a saving throw dependent upon the effect. If successful, the mage is not affected by the spell, however others in the area of effect might be. The chaos shield protects the mage from the good and bad effects of surges while the spell-like ability is in effect. Chaos shield has a duration of 1d10 rounds + 2 round/level. Surge Mastery: This spell-like ability is similar to reckless dweomer, but the caster has a 33% chance of controlling one aspect of the surge once it happens; e.g., minimize or maximize parts of

a spell (maximum damage if centered on target, minimum if on caster), or half or double the amount of something (two demons gate in to attack caster instead of four). Wild mages at 3rd level and higher can use this spell-like ability. Wildmine: When this spell-like ability is cast upon an object, the next creature to touch it (even the caster) activates a Wild Surge. The creature is the target, the object is considered the caster. The wildmine is permanent until triggered. Wild Armor: This spell-like ability causes the casters body to radiate wild magic. When damaged in melee by another, a Wild Surge is rolled. Wild armor lasts for 1d6 +1 round/level. Ranged attacks will not cause a surge. Unluck: This spell-like ability affects a creatures luck for 2d10 rounds. Whenever the creature has to roll a result for anything, the creature must reroll the result and pick the worst of the two. Luckstones will negate this effect but will be rendered useless for 1d10 rounds after spell expires. The creature is allowed a Will save to negate. Vortex: This spell-like ability creates a wild vortex that travels randomly through the battlefield for 1d4 rounds + 1 round/level. On the round of creation, the vortex appears in the desired place as a multicolored tornado. From this moment on, the caster must maintain concentration in order for the vortex to remain. Each round, the vortex moves 30 feet randomly in a grenade-like direction. There is a 50% chance the caster can move it in the desired direction. The vortex is only 5 foot in diameter. Nonmagical creatures struck by the vortex suffer 1d4 points of damage per level of caster. Magical creatures and spellcasters suffer 1d6 damage per level of caster. A Reflex saving throw halves the damage. Each time someone is struck by the vortex, there is a 5% chance the vortex explodes in a Wild Surge upon the creature. This will also cause the spell to end. Wildshield: This spell-like ability gives the caster a magical shield that can absorb spell levels. It can absorb 2d6 spell levels worth of spells. The caster can negate it at any time. If the exact amount is met, the shield dissipates. If the shield is overloaded, then it surges, affecting the caster. Wildstrike: This spell-like ability can be cast on another creature effectively encasing them in wild energy. If the creature casts a spell or activates a magical item, a surge is set off on the creature. This lasts for 2d4 rounds and can be triggered multiple times. A Reflex saving throw negates the effect. Surge Selector: This spell-like ability gives the caster two rolls on the surge chart when surging a spell. The caster can then choose between the two results. This spell's duration is a fixed number of surges or 12 hours, whichever comes first. A wild mage is able to shape one surge per five levels of character experience. Wildzone: This spell-like ability enchants a 300 x 300 square which becomes a Wild Area (an area where casting spells and activating items cause an automatic Wild Surge) for 2d6 x 10 rounds. The area can be made permanent as per a permanency spell. Stabilize: This spell-like ability negates the effects of a Wild Area, allowing the caster and all creatures in a 30 radius circle to cast spells and activate items normally. This spell is centered on the caster and follows their movements. Also, the casters own spells never cause Wild Surges when cast during the duration, nor do the effects of surges extend into the protected area. This spell affects wildstrike and wildzone. Stabilize takes 10 rounds (1 minute) to cast and has a duration of 1d4+1 x 10 rounds. THE WILD MAGE

Class Level 1st

Base Fort Ref Attack Bonus Save Spells per Day +0 +0


Will Save +0

Special +2 Wild

Surge, zerth blade

+1 level of existing class +0 +3

proficiency, craft wild item 2nd +1 +0 reckless dweomer, +1 level of existing class attempted enhancement 3rd +1 +1 shield, surge +1 level of existing class mastery, control wild +1



item, control luck +1 4th +2 wildmine, wild armor 5th +2 +1 +1 +4 +1 level of existing class +1 +1 +4 +1 level of existing class 6th +3 +2 +2 +5 luck +2, vortex +1 level of existing class 7th +3 +2 +2 +5 windshield, windstrike +1 level of existing class 8th +4 +2 +2 +6 selector +1 level of existing class 9th +4 +3 +3 +6 luck +3 wildzone +1 level of existing class 10th +5 +3 +3 stabilize +1 level of existing class

unluck control

surge control +7

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