Steam Power Plant
Steam Power Plant
Steam Power Plant
INTRODUCTION Power plays a greater role wherever man lives and works. Electricity is the only form of energy which is easy to produce, transport and easy to control. The types of power plants which is used to produce the electricity are thermal, nuclear, hydraulic, gas turbine and geothermal.
In the above said power plants, the thermal power plants generate more than 80% of the total electricity produced in the world. Fossil fuel like coal, fuel oil and natural gas are the energy sources and steam is the working fluid. Thermal power production cost in India is more when compared to nuclear power due to rise in oil prizes. Hydraulic power plants are essentially multi purposes. It is used for power generation as well as irrigation. Nuclear energy has enlarged the worlds power resources. The amount of energy released by burning one kilogram of uranium is equivalent to the energy obtained by burning 4500tonnes of high-grade coal. The renewable energy source like solar energy in India has ideal geographical situations. If the sunshine is bright for an average of 8hours/day, then the amount of heat equivalent is more than 200MW per square kilometer. In this unit, the various layouts of power plants are discussed. They are shown below as follows: 1. Steam or thermal power plant. 2. Hyde power plant. 3. Diesel power plant. 4. Magneto hydrodynarnic (MHD). 5. Nuclear and gas power plants.
POWER PLANT ENGINEERING 1. Coal and ash circuit: This circuit consists of coal storage, ash storage, coal handling and ash handling systems. Coal from mines is delivered by ships, rails or trucks to the power station. Coal received at coal yard. Coal is sized by crushers, breakers etc., the sized coal is stored in coal storage. From stock yard, the coal is transferred to the boiler furnace by means of conveyors, elevators etc. The coal is burnt in the boiler and ash is formed. Ash coming out of the furnace will be too hot, dusty and accompanied by poisonous gases. The ash is transferred to the ash storage. Generally the ash will be quenched to reduce the temperature and the dust content. The handling system consists of belt conveyors, screw conveyors etc. Coal from the storage yard is transferred to the boiler furnace by means of coal handling equipment as shown in below figure.
Ash resulting from the combustion of coal in the boiler furnace is removed to ash storage through ash handling. The Indian coal contains 30 to 40% of ash and a power plant of 100MW produces normally 20 to 25 tons of hot ash per hour. 2. Air and flue gas circuit: Air is taken from the atmosphere by the action of Forced Draft fan it is then passed to the air preheated; the dust from the air is removed by means of using air filter.
POWER PLANT ENGINEERING The air is preheated by the flue gases in the pre heater. This preheated air is supplied to the furnace to aid the combustion of fuel. Due to the combustion of fuel the flue gases are formed. The flue gases from the furnace pass over the boiler tubes and super heater tubes. Then the flue gases pass through economiser to heat the feed water. After that it passes through a dust collector. It is then exhausted to atmosphere through chimney. 3. Feed water and steam circuit: The steam generated in the boiler passes through super heater and is supplied to the steam turbine. Heat is transferred to the water by the burning of the coal. The steam is expanded in the steam turbine then passed to the condenser where it is condensed. The turbine drives generator to produce electric power. The condensate is heated in the HP and LP heaters using the steam tapped from different points of the turbine.
The feed water is passing through the economizer, where it is further heated by means of flue gases. Using the economizer, the feed water is heated by the feed water heaters and then it is fed into the boiler. Part of the steam and water are lost while passing through different components of the system. The expanded steam is then passed through the condenser. In the condenser, steam is condensed into water then re circulated. 4. Cooling water circuit: This circuit consists of circulating water pump, condenser, cooling water pumps and cooling tower. The exhaust steam from the turbine is condensed in the condenser. Adequate water supply is available from various sources like river or lake. In the condenser, the cold water is circulated to condense the steam into water. The steam is then condensed by losing its latent heat to the circulating the cold water. Hence the cold water gets heated.
POWER PLANT ENGINEERING The basic layout of the cooling water circuit is shown in below figure.
This hot water is then taken to a cooling tower. In cooling tower the water is sprayed in the form of droplets through nozzles. The atmospheric air enters the cooling tower from the openings provided at the bottom of the tower. This cold water is again circulated through the pump, condenser and the cooling. Some amount of water may be lost during circulation. Hence make up water is added to the pond by means of a pump. Characteristics of steam power plant: The characteristics of the steam power plant or thermal power plant is given below as follows: 1. Low cost as compared with hydro power plant. 2. High efficiency. 3. Reduced water requirement. 4. Higher reliability and availability. 5. Reduced environmental impact in terms of air pollution. Advantages of steam power plant: The advantages of the steam power plant or the thermal power plant is shown in below figure: 1. The power production does not depend on nature mercy. 2. Initial investment is low. 5
POWER PLANT ENGINEERING 3. The power plant can be located near load center, so the transmission cost and losses are considerably reduced. 4. The time requirement for construction and commissioning of thermal power plant require less period of time. 5. Life of plant is more (25-30 years ) compared to Diesel plant (2-5 years) 6. Repair and maintenance cost is low when compared to diesel plant. 7. Suitable for varying load conditions. 8. No radioactive harmful wastes are produced 9. Unskilled operators can operate the plant. 10. The power generation does not depend on the water storage. 11. There are no transmission losses, as they are located near load centers. Disadvantages of steam power plant: The disadvantage of the steam power plant is given below as follows: 1. As compared with hydro-electric power plant, life and efficiency are less. 2. Transportation of fuel is a major problem in this type of power plant. 3. Power generation cost is considerably high when compared to hydro-electric plant. 4. Air pollution is the major problem calling for additional investment. 5. It cannot be used as peak load plant. 6. Cooling water required is more. 7. Space required is more. 8. Storage required for the fuel is more. 9. Ash handling is a big problem 6. The coal (fuel) needed may be exhausted by gradual use. 7. Less efficient than diesel plants. 8. Starting up and bringing into service takes more time. 9. Not economical in areas which are remote from coal fields. 10. Manpower required is more. 11. For large units, the capital cost is more.