Pathphys 2
Pathphys 2
Pathphys 2
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A 23-year-old patient has been admitted to a hospital with a craniocerebral injury. The patient is in a grave condition. Respiration is characterized by prolonged convulsive inspiration followed by a short expiration. What kind of respiration is it typical for? A Apneustic B Gasping breath C Kussmaul's D Cheyne-Stokes E Biot's
A 3-year-old boy with pronounced hemorrhagic syndrome doesn't have antihemophilic globulin A (factor VIII) in the blood plasma. Hemostasis has been impaired at the following stage: A Internal mechanism of prothrombinase activation B External mechanism of prothrombinase activation C Conversion of prothrombin to thrombin D Conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin E Blood clot retraction
A patient got a gunshot wound of hip which damaged the sciatic nerve. Any impact on the affected limb causes severe, excruciating pain. What mechanism of pain is most likely in this case? A Causalgic B Reflex C Phantom D Endorphin hypofunction E Enkephalin hypofunction
A patient with bronchial asthma has developed acute respiratory failure. What kind of respiratory failure occurs in this case? A Obstructive disturbance of alveolar ventilation B Restrictive ventilatory defect C Perfusion D Diffusion E Dysregulation of alveolar ventilation
On the fifth day after the acute blood loss a patient has been diagnosed with hypochromic anemia. What is the main mechanism of hypochromia development? A Release of immature red blood cells from the bone marrow B Impaired iron absorption in the intestines C Increased destruction of red blood cells in the spleen D Impaired globin synthesis E Increased excretion of body iron
A patient with diabetes developed a diabetic coma due to the acid-base imbalance. Specify the kind of this imbalance: A Metabolic acidosis B Metabolic alkalosis C Respiratory acidosis D Gaseous alkalosis E Non-gaseous alkalosis
A female patient has been diagnosed with cervical erosion, which is a precancerous pathology. What defense mechanism can prevent the development of a tumor? A Increase in natural killer level (NK-cells) B High-dose immunological tolerance C Increase in the activity of lysosomal enzymes D Simplification of the antigenic structure of tissues E Low-dose immunological tolerance
A 38-year-old female patient complains of general weakness, cardiac pain, increased appetite, no menstruation. Objectively: the height is 166 cm, weight 108 kg, the patient has moon-shaped face, subcutaneous fat is deposited mainly in the upper body, torso and hips. There are also blood-red streaks. Ps- 62/min, AP- 160/105 mm Hg. Which of the following diseases is the described pattern of obesity most typical for? A Cushing pituitary basophilism B Alimentary obesity C Myxedema D Insulinoma E Babinski-Frohlich syndrome
Measurements of the arterial pCO2 and pO2 during an attack of bronchial asthma revealed hypercapnia and hypoxemia respectively. What kind of hypoxia occurred in this case? A Respiratory B Hemic C Circulatory D Tissue E Histotoxic
A patient with respiratory failure has blood pH of 7,35. pCO2 test revealed hypercapnia. Urine pH test revealed an increase in the urine acidity. What form of acid-base imbalance is the case? A Compensated respiratory acidosis B Compensated metabolic acidosis C Decompensated metabolic acidosis D Compensated respiratory alkalosis E Decompensated respiratory alkalosis
A 35-year-old male patient has been referred by an andrologist for the genetic counselling for the deviations of physical and mental development. Objectively: the patient is tall, has asthenic constitution, gynecomastia, mental retardation. Microscopy of the oral mucosa cells revealed sex chromatin (single Barr body) in 30% of cells. What is the most likely diagnosis? A Klinefelter syndrome B DiGeorge syndrome C Down syndrome D Recklinghausen's disease E Cushing pituitary basophilism
A 12-year-old patient has been admitted to a hospital for hemarthrosis of the knee joint. From early childhood he suffers from frequent bleedings. Diagnose the boy's disease: A Hemophilia B Hemorrhagic vasculitis
A patient with lobar pneumonia has had body temperature of 39oC with daily temperature fluctuation of no more than 1oC for 9 days. This fever can be characterized by the following temperature curve: A Persistent B Hectic C Remittent D Hyperpyretic E Recurrent
A patient with extensive burns of torso skin exhibits signs of severe intoxication. What stage of the burn disease is this typical for? A Burn toxemia B Burn shock C Burn infection D Burn emaciation E Terminal
A patient with a pathology of the cardiovascular system developed edemata of the lower extremities. What is the mechanism of cardiac edema development? A Increased hydrostatic pressure at the venous end of the capillary B Increased oncotic pressure C Increased hydrostatic pressure at the arterial end of the capillary D Reduced osmotic pressure E Lymph efflux disorder
Amniocentesis revealed two sex chromatin bodies (Barr bodies) in each cell of the sample. What disease is this character typical for? A Trisomy X B Klinefelter syndrome C Turner's syndrome D Down's syndrome E Patau syndrome