With Answers
With Answers
With Answers
2 A patient during examination presents with prolongation of the II heart sound. The II
heart sound occurs due to:
A Metronidazole
B Levamisole
C Griseofulvin
D Mykoseptin
E Furazolidone
5 The total number of leukocytes in the patient’s blood is 90 × 109/l. Leukogram:
eosinophils - 0%, basophils - 0%, juvenile - 0%, stab neutrophils - 2%, segmented
neutrophils - 20%, lymphoblasts - 1%, prolymphocytes 2%, lymphocytes - 70%, monocytes
5%, Botkin-Gumprecht cells. Clinical examination revealed enlarged cervical and
submandibular lymph nodes. Such clinical presentations are typical of the following
V 1d45ad87
A Chronic lympholeukosis
B Lymphogranulomatosis
C Chronic myeloleukosis
D Infectious mononucleosis
E Acute lympholeukosis
6 The contents of vesicles that appeared on the mucous membrane of a patient with variola
has been sent to a virological laboratory. Which of the listed changes were revealed during
the smear microscopy?
A Paschen bodies
B Syncytium
C Guarnieri bodies
D Babes-Negri bodies
E Babes-Ernst bodies
7 Macroscopic examination of lung tissue revealed areas of high airiness with small
bubbles. Histological examination revealed thinning and rupture of alveolar septa
accompanied by formation of large diversiform cavities. What disease was revealed in the
A Pulmonary emphysema
B Fibrosing alveolitis
C Cavernous tuberculosis
D Multiple bronchiectasis
E Chronic bronchitis
8 A patient has a slowly healing fracture. What medicine can be used to accelerate
formation of connective tissue matrix?
A Methyluracil
B Prednisolone
C Cyclophosphan
D Methotrexate
E Cyclosporine
9 Roentgenologically confirmed an obstruction of common bile duct that prevents bile from
inflowing to the duodenum. What process is likely to be disturbed?
A Fat emulgation
B Carbohydrate hydrolysis
C Salivation inhibition
D Hydrochloric acid secretion in stomach
E Protein absorption
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10 A patient suffers from mutation of a gene that corresponds with hemoglobin synthesis.
This condition led to development of sicklecell disease. Name the pathological hemoglobin
characteristic of this disease:
B Bart-Hb
E HbA1
11 During autopsy of the body of a patient, who had died due to heart failure, the following
has been detected: myogenic dilatation of the heart left ventricle, microfocal cardiosclerosis,
vasculitis, Aschoff bodies with disorganization of connective tissue, myocardosis. Make the
12 A 30-year-old man died from electrocution. What was the cause of death?
13 A patient with symptoms of acute heart failure, namely pallor, acrocyanosis and rapid
shallow breathing, has been delivered to an emergency department. Which of these drugs is
indicated in this case?
A Corglycon
B Cordiamine
C Adrenalin hydrochloride
D Nitroglycerine
E Digitoxin
A Reticular dermis
B Papillary dermis
C Basal membrane
D Hypodermis
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E Epidermis
15 A patient had been provisionally diagnosed with syphilis. A laboratory assistant took the
blood serum for an immunologic test based on the detection of antibodies preventing the
movement of treponemes and causing their death. What reaction was used to make the
A Immobilization
B Precipitation
C Neutralization
D Complement binding
E Agglutination
A Metabolic acidosis
B Metabolic alkalosis
C Respiratory alkalosis
E Respiratory acidosis
18 In the area that is the epicenter of the registered rabies cases among wild animals a 43-
year-old man arrived at a clinic and claimed to have been bitten by a stray dog. He was
given a course of anti-rabies vaccine. This preparation belongs to the following type of
A Attenuated
B Molecular
C Inactivated
D Toxoids
E Synthetic
A Membranous part
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B Spongiose part
C Internal urethral orifice
D External urethral orifice
E Prostatic part
21 Genetic information is stored in DNA but does not participate directly in protein
synthesis within DNA cells. What process ensures transfer of genetic information into
polypeptide chain?
A Translation
B Formation of iRNA
C Replication
D Formation of rRNA
E Formation of tRNA
A BCG vaccine
B EV vaccine
C Tuberculin
D DPT vaccine
E STI vaccine
23 A patient suffering from parkinsonism has been prescribed levodopa, which resulted in
rapid improvement of the patient’s condition. What mechanism of action is characteristic of
this drug?
24 A 67-year-old patient has ordered a full functional denture. It was necessary to extract
the left upper canine. After infraorbital anesthesia the patient presented with a progressing
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hematoma in the frontal part of the face. The patient was found to have an injury of an
artery that is the branch of:
A A. maxillaris
B A. ophthalmica
C A. labialis superior
D A. facialis
E A. temporalis superficialis
25 In order to prevent wound infection associated with surgical procedures a patient was
given a synthetic antiprotozoan drug with a high activity against Helicobacter pylori. Specify
this drug:
A Metronidazole
B Doxycycline hydrochloride
C Chingamin
D Acyclovir
E Isoniazid
26 A doctor has determined disruption of pain and temperature sensitivity of the mucosa of
the anterior 2/3 of the patient’s tongue. Gustatory sensitivity is retained. The patient suffers
from the functional disorder of the following cranial nerve:
A Trigeminal nerve
B Facial nerve
C Hypoglossal nerve
D Vagus nerve
E Glossopharyngeal nerve
A Aldosterone
B Adrenalin
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C Testosterone
D Glucagon
E Oxytocin
29 After the exposure to ionizing radiation a person was found to have a decreased blood
granulocyte level. What mechanism underlies these changes?
A Leikopoiesis inhibition
B Disrupted release of mature leukocytes from the bone marrow
C Autoimmune process development
D Increased passage of granulocytes into the tissues
E Increased disintegration of leucocytes
30 During examination of a child’s oral cavity a dentist noted the appearance of the first
permanent molars on the child’s lower jaw. How old is the child?
A 6-7
B 8-9
C 12-13
D 10-11
E 4-5
32 Autopsy of a man who died from ethylene glycol poisoning revealed that his kidneys are
a little bit enlarged, edematic; their capsule can be easily removed. Cortical substance is
broad and light-grey. Medullary substance is dark-red. What pathology had this man?
A Necrotic nephrosis
B Acute pyelonephritis
C Acute glomerulonephritis
D Acute tubular-interstitial nephritis
E Lipoid nephrosis
33 It is required to anaesthetize right lower molars. The proper injection site for the
conduction anaesthesia is:
34 A doctor noted in the patient’s case history, that the wound entry hole is situated in the
submandibular triangle. What anatomical landmark binds this area?
35 A woman suffering from essential hypertension had suddenly lost consciousness; she
was delivered to a resuscitation unit in a comatose state with the diagnosis of disturbed
cerebral circulation. The patient died one day after her hospitalization. Autopsy revealed a
cavity in the left hemisphere of the brain. The cavity is 5x4 cm in size and filled with blood
clots and liquid blood. What hemorrhage is it according to the mechanism of its origin?
36 A patient has a history of chronic heart failure. Which of the following hemodynamic
parameters is a major symptom of cardiac decompensation development?
37 After a hemorrhage into the brainstem a patient has lost reflex of myosis as a reaction to
increase of illumination. What structure was damaged?
38 .When processing amolar tooth with a dental cutter a dentist has accidentally deeply
wounded the patient’s cheek and damaged not only the mucosa but also a muscle. Which
muscle was injured?
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A Buccal muscle
B Mylohyoid muscle
C Masticatory muscle
D Greater zygomatic muscle
E Orbicular muscle of the mouth
A Metabolic
B Hemodynamic
C Phagocytic
D Hemopoietic
E Bilification
40 A patient has vesicles on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, lips and nose. A
dentist suspected vesicular stomatitis. What analysis will allow to confirm the diagnosis?
A Thiamine
B Retinol
C Riboflavin
D Calciferol
E Niacin
A Autoinvasion
B Alimentary
C Contamination
D Immediate contagion
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E Sexual
43 A person with dental disease cannot always pinpoint the location of the affected tooth.
What principle of excitatory diffusion in nerve centers causes such phenomenon?
A Irradiation
B Occlusion
C Divergence
D Dominant
E Reverberation
A Histamine
B Vasopressin
C Serotonin
D Noradrenaline
E Endothelin
45 During auscultation a 26-year-old patient was asked to breathe deep. After 10 breaths
the patient lost consciousness, which is associated with the development of the following
A Respiratory alkalosis
B Carbon dioxide acidosis
C Erythropenia
D Polycythemia
E Reduced oxygen capacity of blood
46 For pain relief a patient has taken simultaneously a tablet of paracetamol and a tablet of
diclofenac sodium. What type of drug interaction did the patient use for self-treatment?
A Additive synergism
B Competitive antagonism
C Non-competitive antagonism
D Potentiated synergism
E Synergic antagonism
47 A 40-year-old woman suffering from diffuse toxic goiter presents with constant increase
of her body temperature. What mechanism results in such clinical presentation?
A Monoamine oxidase
B Transaminase
C Isomerase
D L-amino acid dehydrogenase
E D-amino acid oxidase
50 For several days a 55-year-old woman has been suffering from pain attacks in the right
upper quadrant after eating fatty foods. Visually, there is yellowness of sclera and skin. The
patient has acholic stool, beer-colored urine. What substance present in the patient’s urine
causes its dark color?
A Conjugated bilirubin
B Unconjugated bilrubin
C Bilirubin glucuronides
D Stercobilin
E Ketone bodies
51 A patient has been diagnosed with severe B12-deficient anemia with hemopoiesis.
Anamnesis states total gastrectomy.What cells allow to confirm this diagnosis, if they are
absent in the peripheral blood?
A Megalocytes
B Microcytes
C Normocytes
D Anulocytes
E Ovalocytes
A S.aureus
B C.perfringens
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C E.faecalis
D E.coli
E P.aeruginosa
53 Pupil dilation occurs when a person steps from a light room into a dark one. What reflex
causes such reaction?
54 There are various diseases that cause sharp increase of active oxygen, thus leading to
cell membranes destruction. Antioxidants are used to prevent it from happening. The most
potent natural antioxidant is:
A ?-tocopherol
B Glucose
C Fatty acids
D Glycerol
E Vitamin D
A Hydronephrosis
B Nephrosclerosis
C Pyonephrosis
D Pyelonephritis
E Multicystic kidney disease
A Sodium valproate
B Trihexyphenidyl
C Phenytoin
D Levodopa
E Phenobarbital
57 In Western Europe nearly half of all congenital malformations occur in the children
conceived in the period when pesticides were used extensively in the region. Those
congenital conditions result from the following influence:
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A Teratogenic
B Carcinogenic
C Malignization
D Mutagenic
E Mechanical
58 A 45-year-old woman has addressed a doctor with complaints of rapid mood swings,
tearfulness, apathy. Antidepressants prescribed for her treatment are monoamine oxidase
inhibitors. These drugs have a certain effect on catecholamines, which results in their
medicinal action. Name this effect:
A Increased concentration
B Increased deaminization
C Neutralization activation
D Inhibition of back transfer
E Decreased concentration
59 On the longitudinal section of a tooth there are tubules visible in the dentin. What is
inside these tubules?
A Processes of odontoblasts
B Processes of ameloblasts
C Fibroblasts
D Elastic fibers
E Odontoblast bodies
A Superficial caries
B Median caries
C Fluorosis
D Cemental caries
E Deep caries
61 Having completed work in a laboratory, a student must tidy up the workspace, perform
disinfection of the workbench and tools. What chemicals should be used for disinfection?
A Chloramine
B Ether
C Formalin
D Hydrochloric acid
E Chloroform
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62 A patient has a skull fracture located in front of the foramen magnum. What bone is
A Pseudomonas aeruginosa
B Brucella abortus
C Klebsiella osaenae
D Proteus vulgaris
E Streptomyces griseus
A Parodontitis
B Periodontitis
C Periostitis
D Gingivitis
hyperemy around the injection site, skin itch, general fatigue, motor agitation. Name the
developed complication:
A Allergy
B Tachyphylaxis
C Idiosyncrasy
D Drug dependence
E Inflammation
67 A blood test was performed for a patient with allergic rhinitis. Blood smear stained after
Romanowsky reveals large number of cells with the following structure: segmented nucleus
consists of 2-3 segments; cytoplasm is filled with bright-pink oxyphil granularity; granules
are large. Name these cells:
A Eosinophils
B Basocytes
C Neutrophils
D Lymphocytes
E Monocytes
A Preovulatory stage
B Ovulation
C Postmenstrual period
D Period of relative rest
E Menstrual period
69 Glucose content of blood keeps at sufficient level after one week of starvation. Is it
caused by activation of the following process:
A Gluconeogenesis
B Glycogen phosphorolysis
C Glycogenolysis
D Glycolysis
E Tricarboxylic acid cycle
72 A man submerged into the icecold water and died soon as a result of abrupt exposure to
cold. In such cases an organism loses heat most intensively by the way of:
A Heat conduction
B Convection
C No correct answer
D Heat conduction and radiation
E Radiation
73 A woman has scalded her hand with boiling water. The affected area of her skin became
red, swollen and painful. This effect is caused by accumulation of the following substance:
A Histamine
B Asparagine
C Thiamine
D Lysine
E Glutamine
A Lymph node
B Thymus
C Red bone marrow
D Tonsil
E Spleen
75 A 36-year-old patient underwent tooth extraction at a dental clinic. After two weeks the
stratified squamous epithelium regenerated at the site of extraction. What organelles were
involved in the restoration of the mucous membrane?
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A Ribosomes
B Postlysosomes
C Centrosomes
D Smooth EPR
E Mitochondria
A Thyroxine
B Corticotropin
C Somatotropin
D Insulin
E Aldosterone
A Thrombin generation
B Fibrinolysis
C Clot retraction
D Vascular-platelet haemostasis
78 During microscopy of a renal biopsy material there are tubules revealed in the cortical
substance. The tubules are approximately 60 micrometers in diameter; their wall consists of
tall cuboidal epithelium with pronounced apical frame and basal folds. Name these
A Proximal tubules
B Collection duct
C Henle’s loop
D Distal tubules
E Capsule of renal corpuscle
A 25%
B 100%
C 50%
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D 0%
E 75%
A Neutrophilic leukocytosis
B Monocytosis
C Thrombocytopenia
D Lymphopenia
E Eosinophilia
81 After the traumatic tooth extraction a patient is complaining of severe dull poorly-
localized pain in gingiva, body temperature rise up to 37, 5oC. The patient has been
diagnosed with alveolitis. Specify the kind of pain in this patient:
A Protopathic
B Epicritic
C Heterotopic
D Phantom
E Visceral
82 Autopsy of a man who had tuberculosis revealed a 3x2 cm large cavity in the superior
lobe of the right lung. The cavity was interconnected with a bronchus, its wall was dense
and consisted of three layers: the internal layer was pyogenic, the middle layer was
composed of tuberculous granulation tissue and the external one was consisted of
connective tissue. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A Lysosomes
B Polysomes
C Mitochondria
D Cytocentrum
E Endoplasmic reticulum
85 Apatient has petechial hemorrhages on the gums, hard and soft palate, buccal mucosa.
This is caused by the dysfunction of the following blood corpuscles:
A Platelets
B Erythrocytes
C Monocytes
D Eosinophils
E Lymphocytes
A Entamoeba gingivalis
B Entamoeba coli
C Amoeba proteus
D Lamblia intestinalis
E Entamoeba histolutica
87 A man has developed downturning mouth and smoothed out nasolabial fold due to
influenza complication. What nerve is damaged?
A Facial nerve
B Maxillary nerve
C Trochlear nerve
D Oculomotor nerve
E Mandibular nerve
88 A 30-year-old patient after a case of viral hepatitis type B has developed complaints of
continuous nasal hemorrhages. What drug would be the most advisable for treatment of
this condition?
A Menadione (Vicasolum)
B Dipiridamol
C Asparcam
D Nadroparin calcium (Fraxiparine)
E Folic acid
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89 A victim has a deep incised wound in the area of external surface of the gonial angle.
What muscle is damaged in this case?
A M. masseter
B M. buccinator
C M. depressor anguli oris
D M. orbicularis oris
E M. zygomaticus
90 A patient is being prepared for a surgery - partial mandibular resection. What drug
should be administered to decrease salivation?
A Atropine sulfate
B Tubocurarin chloride
C Lobeline
D Carbacholine
E Armine
91 A 42-year-old woman has been administered propranolol for the ischemic heart disease.
Yet she has been found to have a concomitant condition that renders propranolol to be
contraindicated. What disease is it?
A Bronchial asthma
B Arterial hypertension
C Cholecystitis
D Duodenal ulcer
E Myasthenia
93 A 40-year-old patient suffers from intolerance of dairy food products. This condition has
likely developed due to insufficiency of the following digestive enzyme:
A Lactase
B Maltase
C Amylase
D Invertase
E Lipase
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94 In the armpits of a patient there are small (1-1,5 mm), dorsoventrally flattened,
wingless, blood-sucking insects. Their larvae developed in the armpits too. What disease is
caused by these insects?
A Phthiriasis
B Relapsing fever
C Chagas’ disease
D Sleeping sickness
E Plague
95 A child is 6 years old. The permanent teeth have started to take the place of the primary
teeth. What teeth are the first to emerge?
96 Microscopy of an autopsy material sampled from lungs has revealed that alveolar lumen
is filled with exudate consisting mostly of erythrocytes. What type of pneumonia is the most
likely to be the cause?
97 Which of the named below is the substrate of activated Christmas factor that takes part
in blood coagulation?
A Factor X
B Thrombin
C Fibrinogen
D Vitamin K
E Fibrin
98 Indigenous population of Pamir has the following characteristic features: high rate of
base metabolism, elongated tubular bones, wide rib cage, high blood oxygen capacity due to
increased number of erythrocytes, high hemoglobin content. What type of ecological
adaptation is it?
A Mountain
B Arctic
C Temperate
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D Tropical
E Subtropical
A Flavin coenzymes
B Cytochrome oxidase
C Cytochrome a1
D Cytochrome b
E Cytochrome c
101 A 25-year-old man presents with tumourous growth situated in the area of the body of
the maxilla, which results in face deformation. Biopsy material consists of fibrous tissue
containing juvenile bone trabeculae, spindle and stellate cells. There is no clear margin
between the normal bone tissue and lesion focus, capsule is absent. No pathologic changes
can be detected in the other organs. Make the diagnosis:
102 A patient with limb fracture should be prescribed a depolarizing muscle relaxant for
brief surgical invasion. Name this drug:
A Dithylinum
B Azamethonium bromide (Pentaminum)
C Cytisinum (Cytitonum)
D Tubocurarin chloride
E Atropine sulfate
103 A victim of an earthquake has been remaining under debris for 7 days without food or
water. What type of starvation is it?
V 1d45ad87
A Complete
B Quantitative
C Complete with continued hydration
D Qualitative
E Incomplete
104 A patient with a long history of chronic periodontitis underwent removal of a maxillary
cyst located at the root of the affected tooth. Microscopy shows that the bone wall is made
up of fibrous tissue infiltrated by lymphocytes and plasma cells. The inner surface of the
cyst is covered with stratified squamous epithelium with no signs of keratinization. What is
the most likely diagnosis?
A Radicular cyst
B Follicular cyst
C Primordial cyst
D Eosinophilic granuloma
E Gingival fibromatosis
105 Microscopy of an extracted tooth has revealed the following: odontoblasts and
pulpocytes are decreased in size and number; thickened connective fibers of the pulp are
stretched between the cells that remain. What general pathological process is likely to be
occurring in the tooth pulp?
A Atrophy
B Local hyalinosis
C Local hemosiderosis
D Adipose degeneration
E Amyloidosis
106 In the course of evolution there developed molecular mechanisms for correction of
damaged DNA molecules. This process is called:
A Reparation
B Replication
C Processing
D Transcription
E Translation
107 Due to a cranial trauma leading to damage of the eye socket superior wall a patient has
lost the ability to lift the upper eyelid and look upwards. What nerve is most likely
A R. superior n.oculumotorii
B N. trochlearis
C N. ophthalmicus
D N. abducens
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E R. inferior n.oculumotorii
108 A child with signs of rickets has been prescribed a certain liposoluble vitamin drug by
pediatrician and dentist. This drug affects the metabolism of phosphorus and calcium in the
body and facilitates calcium accumulation in bone tissue and dentine. If its content in the
body is insufficient, there develop disruptions of ossification process, dental structure and
occlusion. Name this drug:
A Ergocalciferol
B Tocopherol acetate
C Thyroidin
D Menadione (Vicasolum)
E Retinol acetate
109 In the preparation of a 10-day-old human embryo there are 2 contacting sacs visible
(amniotic and vitelline). Name the structure situated at the place of the contact:
A Embryonic shield
B Fornix of the vitelline sac
C Extraembryonic mesoderm
D Amniotic pedicle
E Fundus of the amniotic sac
A Substantia nigra
B Quadrigeminal plate
C Hypothalamus
D Red nuclei
E Pallidum
A Antipsychotic
B Muscle relaxant
C Hypotensive
D Antiemetic
E Hypothermic
112 A woman with a tumour of the pancreas has developed mechanic jaundice due to
compression of a bile-excreting duct. Which duct is compressed?
A Ductus choledochus
B Ductus cysticus
C Ductus hepaticus dexter
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113 A patient is diagnosed with acute morphine hydrochloride poisoning. Choose the
oxidant to be prescribed for gastric lavage:
A Potassium permanganate
B Chloramine
C Cerigel
D Chlorhexidine digluconate
E Sulfocamphocainum (Procaine + Sulfocamphoric acid)
114 Due to recurring vomiting a patient has lost significant amount of gastric juice, which
led to development of acidbase dysbalance.What type of acid-base dysbalance has
A Nongaseous alkalosis
B Metabolic acidosis
C Nongaseous acidosis
D Gaseous acidosis
E Gaseous alkalosis
115 During AB0 blood grouping by using zoliclons (diagnostic monoclonal antibodies),
hemagglutination did not occur with any of the zoliclons. What is the blood group of the
patient under examination?
A 0 (I)
B A (II)
116 During formation of mantle dentin in a deciduous tooth there occurred a disruption of
odontoblast secretory activity. Such disruption will affect the formation of the following
117 A 65-year-old patient had been treated for 3 days in a resuscitation unit for a cardiac
pathology. Suddenly he developed ventricular fibrillation that became the immediate cause
of death of this patient. Microscopy of the left ventricular myocard revealed a large focus of
V 1d45ad87
118 A patient complains of toothache. On examination he has been diagnosed with pulpitis.
Which factor played the main pathogenic role in the development of pain syndrome in this
119 After the transfusion of the concentrated red blood cells the patient developed
posttransfusion shock. What is the leading mechanism of the acute renal failure in this case?
120 During examination a patient presents with the following: hypertrophy and
inflammation of lymphoid tissue, mucosa swelling between the arches of the soft palate.
What tonsil is situated there?
A Tonsilla palatina
B Tonsilla lingualis
D Tonsilla pharyngealis
E Tonsilla tubaria
121 To drain the oral cavity a dentist places a tampon between the cheek and the 2nd
upper molar. This way secretion of the following salivary gland WILL NOT be able to
accumulate in the oral cavity:
A Parotid gland
B Lingual gland
C Labial glands
D Submandibular gland
V 1d45ad87
E Sublingual gland
122 A person performs flexionextention movements of the forearm with the elbow resting
on a table. What type of muscle contraction occurs in the m.biceps brachii?
A Isotonic
B Isometric
C Auxotonic
D Smooth muscle tetanus
E Serrated muscle tetanus
123 A 60-year-old patient has taken a drug to relieve angina pectoris attack; in several
minutes the pain felt in the breastbone area abated, but it was followed by feeling of vertigo,
headache, tinnitus, and hyperemia of face. What drug has the patient taken?
A Nnitroglycerine
B Validol
C Verapamil
D Amiodarone
E Nifedipine
125 A patient, who had suffered severe blood loss three days ago, underwent blood test.
The following data was obtained in leukogram: leukocytes 12 × 109/l, basophils - 0,
eosinophils 3, myelocytes - 0, juvenile - 3, stab neutrophils - 12, segmented neutrophils - 62,
lymphocytes - 16, monocytes 4. What change of leukocyte content occurred in this case?
126 Students have been remaining for a long time in a badly ventilated room. They
developed respiratory changes caused by irritation of their peripheral chemoreceptors that
react primarily to:
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127 A woman who had been consuming alcohol excessively during her pregnancy had a
child with cleft palate and upper lip. These presentations are indicative of some
chromosomal anomalies. What process do they result from?
A Teratogenesis
B Ontogenesis
C Mutagenesis
D Carcinogenesis
E Phylogenesis
128 Autopsy of a young man revealed lung cavities with inner walls made up of granulation
tissue of varying degree of maturity, pronounced pneumosclerosis and bronchiectasis.
Some cavities had caseation areas.What is your presumptive diagnosis?
A Osteosarcoma
B Osteoblastoclastoma
C Exacerbation of chronic osteomyelitis
D Ameloblastoma
E Primary jaw carcinoma
A Nicotinamide
B Ascorbic acid
C Folic acid
D Biotin
E Rutin
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131 The patient’s examination in a hospital specialised in diseases of nervous system has
revealed absence of light-induced miosis. It is caused by the damage of the following brain
132 A patient with gastric juice hypersecretion has been recommended to exclude from the
diet rich broths and vegetable infused water. A doctor recommended it, because these food
products stimulate production of the following hormone:
A Gastrin
B Secretin
C Somatostatin
D Neurotensin
E Cholecystokinin
A Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
B Transaldolase
C Pyruvate kinase
D Hexokinase
E Transketolase
134 On examination a patient was revealed to have a large amount of mucus accumulated
in the nasal cavity. The mucus covers the mucosa and blocks the olfactory receptors. Where
exactly are these receptors situated in a nasal cavity?
135 A patient has an inflammation in the pterygopalatine fossa. The infection has spread
into the nasal cavity. Which anatomical structure has the infection spread through?
A Foramen sphenopalatinum
B Foramen rotundum
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136 Microscopic examination of a skin tumor revealed that it invaded the underlying tissue,
destroyed it and formed nests and cords of atypical epithelium, which include pearl-like
formations. Specify the tumor:
137 A puncture sample taken from the lymph node of a patient with preliminary diagnosis
of protozoan disease has been investigated. The preparation was processed with Giemsa
stain and the following was detected: crescent-shaped bodies with pointed tips, blue
cytoplasm and red nuclei. What protozoa have been detected in the preparation?
A Toxoplasma
B Plasmodium malariae
C Viscerotropic Leishmania
D Trypanosoma
E Dermatotropic Leishmania
138 A patient with heart failure and tachycardia has been prescribed digoxin. After 5 days
of taking digoxin the patient’s heart rate was normalized. After 2 weeks the patient
addressed a doctor due to continuous decrease of heart rate down to 52/min. What
phenomenon has caused such changes of heart rate?
A Cumulation
B Tachyphylaxis
C Allergy
D Tolerance
E Idiosyncrasy
139 There are several cases of children from boarding school suffering from sore throat.
Microscopy of tonsil smears stained according to Neisser method has revealed thin yellow
bacilli with dark brown grains on their ends situated in the shape of the Roman numeral
five. What infection can be suspected in this case?
A Diphtheria
B Listeriosis
C Infectious mononucleosis
D Tonsillitis
E Scarlet fever
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140 Specify the calcium-binding enamel protein, which plays a significant part in carious
destruction of enamel, when its function is disrupted:
A Amelogenin
B Calmodulin
C Calcitonin
D Parotin
E Osteocalcin
141 Vestibular surface of the left lower incisor has a pink fungoid formation up to 2 cm
large which is fixed to the supra-alveolar tissue by a wide pedicle. Histological examination
revealed branched capillary vessels with multiple hemorrhages and foci of hemosiderosis.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
A Angiomatous epulis
B Fibrous epulis
C Giant cell epulis
D Gingival fibromatosis
E Cavernous hemangioma
142 A student who unexpectedly met his girlfriend developed an increase in systemic
arterial pressure. This pressure change was caused by the intensified realization of the
following reflexes:
A Conditional sympathetic
B Conditional parasympathetic
C Conditional sympathetic and parasympathetic
D Unconditional parasympathetic
E Unconditional sympathetic
143 After long-term antibiotic treatment a patient has developed whitish spots on the oral
mucosa. Gram-positive oval budding cells were detected in the smear preparations. What
causative agents were detected?
A Candida fungi
B Staphylococci
C Actinomycete
D Tetracocci
E Sarcinae
144 A patient consulted a doctor about an inflammation of the ethmoid bone cells
(ethmoiditis). Examination revealed the disorder of blood supply to the bone. Ethmoidal
cells are normally supplied with blood through the branches of the following artery:
A A. ophthalmica
B A. cerebri anterior
V 1d45ad87
C A. transversa faciei
D A. infraorbitalis
E A. facialis
145 An oral surgery unit admitted a woman with a phlegmon on the anterior surface of
neck in the region of carotid triangle. What muscle demarcates the posterior wall of this
A Sternocleidomastoid
B Thyrohyoid
C Sternohyoid
D Omohyoid
E Sternothyroid
146 For relief of hypertensive crisis a doctor has administered a patient a drug that apart
from antihypertensive effect has also sedative, spasmolytic and anticonvulsive action. The
drug was taken parenterally. When it is taken enterally it acts as a laxative and cholagogue.
What drug was administered?
A Magnesium sulfate
B Reserpine
C Apressin
D No-spa
E Dibasolum
147 A 50-year-old patient has been referred for treatment of neck lymphadenitis. His
individual penicillin sensitivity was tested. In 30 seconds fullbody fever raised in the patient
and his arterial blood pressure dropped to 0mm Hg followed by cardiac arrest.
Resuscitation was unsuccessful. Autopsy revealed acute venous hyperemia of viscera.
Histological study revealed mast cells (tissue basocytes) degranulation in the skin (at the
area of injections), myocardium and lungs. What kind of hypersensitivity reaction occurred
in the patient?
A Anaphylactic
B Complement-mediated cytotoxic
D Immune complex-mediated
E Delayed-type hypersensitivity
A Acetyl-CoA carboxylase
B Pyruvate decarboxylase
C Alcohol dehydrogenase
D Aminotranspherases
V 1d45ad87
149 On the 4th day of treatment with diclofenac sodium a 55-year-old patient has
developed gastric hemorrhage due to an ulcer appearing on the gastric mucosa. Ulcerogenic
action of this drug is caused by decreased secretion of:
A Prostaglandin E2
B Prostaglandin E1
C Thromboxane
D Cyclic endoperoxides
E Leukotriene
150 Due to a contusion suffered in a traffic accident a patient has lost vision.
Ophthalmoscopy revealed no changes of the eyeball. What artery is damaged in this case?
151 While studying blood and mucus samples from the nasopharynx, a bacteriologist took
certain measures to conserve the pathogens in the material. Bacterioscopic study revealed
the presence of gram-negative cocci resembling coffee beans and arranged in pairs or
tetrads. Name the pathogen that was isolated by the bacteriologist:
A Neisseria meningitidis
B Moraxella lacunata
C Acinetobacter calcoaceticus
D Staphilococcus aureus
E Neisseria gonorrhoeae
152 A heart microslide demonstrates cells in the shape of pale chords, which have few
myofibrilla, glycogen inclusions and eccentric nuclei. Name these cells:
A Purkinje’s fibers
B Leading pacemaker cells
C Endocrine cells
D Contractile cells
E Leading transitional cells
153 A diet must include fats. Fats perform plastic function in an organism due to their
inclusion in:
A Cell membranes
B Cell ion pumps
C Cell ion channel
V 1d45ad87
D Cell end-organs
E Glycocalyx
154 An autopsy is performed on the body of a 58-year-old woman, who suffered from
diabetes mellitus. On histological examination of kidneys the following was revealed:
segmental homogenous oxyphilic deposits are detected in the glomerules; arteriole walls
are diffusely thickened, homogenous, oxyphilic. Diagnose the morphologic changes that
occurred in the renal glomerules and vessels:
A Hyalinosis
B Amyloidosis
C Hyaline droplet degeneration
D Mucoid degeneration
E Fibrinoid degeneration
A Adipose degeneration
B Hydropic degeneration
C Dysproteinosis
D Carbohydrate degeneration
E Hyaline droplet degeneration
156 Due to a stroke (cerebral hemorrhage) a patient has lost the ability of voluntary
movement of the head and neck muscles. Brain examination revealed the hematoma to be
situated within the genu of internal capsule. What conduction pathway is damaged?
A Tr.cortico-nuclearis
B Тr.cortico-thalamicus
C Tr.cortico-spinalis
D Tr.cortico-fronto-pontinus
E Tr.thalamo-corticalis
157 Corticosteroid analogues induce breakdown of muscle proteins into free amino acids.
Under such conditions these amino acids become involved with the following processes:
A Gluconeogenesis in liver
B Decarboxylation
C Synthesis of higher fatty acids
D Glycolysis in muscles
E Glycogenolysis
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A Action potential
B Excitatory postsynaptic potential
C Inhibitory postsynaptic potential
D Receptor potential
E Rest potential
159 A microspecimen of heart shows rectangular cells from 50 to 120 micrometers large
with central position of nucleus and developed myofibrils. The cells are connected by
intercalated discs. These cells are responsible for the following function:
160 Autopsy of the body of a 46-yearold man, who had been suffering from typhoid fever
and died of intestinal hemorrhage, has revealed sequestration areas, tissue rejection in the
areas of lymphoid follicle clusters.What stage of typhoid fever is it?
A Dirty ulcers
B Necrosis
C Clean ulcers
D Healing
E Brain-like swelling of the follicles
161 During a foot trauma both cuboid and cuneiform bones have been crushed. As a result
the foot must be amputated at the following joint:
A Transversa
B Tarsimetatarsеa
C Intermetatarsea
D Cuneonavicularis
E Tallocruralis
162 In a microslide of the patient’s regional lymph node stained with Giemsa method a
doctor detected thin microorganisms with 12-14 uniform tendrils with pointed tips, 10-13
micrometers in length, pale pink in color. In this case they can be identified as infectious
agents of the following disease:
A Syphilis
B Relapsing fever
C Leishmaniasis
V 1d45ad87
D Trypanosomiasis
E Leptospirosis
163 A 78-year-old patient suffering from atherosclerosis has been delivered to a surgical
ward with signs of acute abdomen. Laparoscopy revealed blackened and flaccid small
intestine loops; demarcation line is not clear. Diagnose the changes that occurred in the
patient’s small intestine:
164 A patient with diabetes mellitus has been delivered to a hospital unconscious. BP is
low, Kussmaul’s respiration is observed, the smell of acetone can be detected from the
patient’s mouth. What mechanism is leading in the coma development in this case?
165 A patient with pituitary tumor complains of increased daily diuresis (polyuria). Glucose
concentration in blood plasma equals 4,8 mmol/l. What hormone can be the cause of this if
its secretion is disturbed?
A Vasopressin
B Aldosterone
C Natriuretic hormone
D Insulin
E Angiotensin I
166 During ascent into mountains at the altitude of 5000 meters the group of climbers has
developed the following complaints: dyspnea, increased heart rate, headache, vertigo,
tinnitus.What is the cause of such symptoms?
A Hypoxemia
B Leucopenia
C Hypothermia
D Hypokalemia
E Erythropenia
167 A woman is diagnosed with Turner’s syndrome (karyotype 45, X0). How many
autosomal pairs would her somatic cells contain?
V 1d45ad87
A 22
B 45
C 23
D 24
E 44
168 A 50-year-old patient with hypertensive crisis had been administered magnesium
sulfate, which led to abrupt decrease in blood pressure. The side effects of magnesium
sulfate can be prevented if the following drug is administered:
A Calcium chloride
B Trilon B
C Sodium sulfate
D Sodium bromide
E Potassium chloride
169 Specify the type of jaundice, during which there is no direct bilirubin in blood, and
urine urobilinogen level is high:
A Suprarenal
B Subhepatic
D Mechanical
E Hepatic
A Metacentric
B Submetacentric
C Acrocentric
D Telocentric
E Subacrocentric
A Lysyl oxidase
B Prolyl hydroxylase
C Monoamine oxidase
D Lysyl hydroxylase
E Collagenase
172 A 60-year-old patient with a history of bronchial asthma has had several attacks during
the day. What is the optimal drug to be used for attacks prevention?
V 1d45ad87
A Salbutamol
B Adrenaline hydrochloride
C Methacinum
D Dobutamine
E Isadrinum
173 As a result of an injury a child developed an abscess of the buccal adipose tissue. With
time the process spread to the lateral surface of pharynx. Pus spread along the following
A Bucco-pharyngeal
B Masticatory
C Temporal
D Parotid
174 The most common disease of economically developed countries is dental caries. Over
95% of population is afflicted with this disease. Carious demineralization of hard dental
tissues is caused primarily by:
A Organic acids
B Extreme conditions
C Vitamin C deficiency
D Metabolic disorder
E Malnutrition
175 A patient in a grave condition has been delivered into an admission ward. Examination
revealed pupil mydriasis, no reaction to the light, considerable reddening and dryness of
skin and mucous membranes. What drug might have caused the intoxication symptoms?
A Atropine sulphate
B Dithylinum
C Adrenalin hydrochloride
D Proserin
E Pilocarpine hydrochloride
177 A 12-year-old patient suffering from acute leukemia presents with fever up to 39, 8oC,
acute pain in the throat. Examination of the oral cavity has revealed swollen tonsils, their
surface is covered in deep lesions with uneven margins, numerous petechial hemorrhages
in the pharyngeal mucosa and around the tonsils. Determine the type of tonsillitis that
complicates the disease progress in this case:
A Necrotic
B Fibrinous
C Catarrhal
D Lacunar
E Purulent
A Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
B Follicular adenoma
C Papillary carcinoma of the thyroid gland
D Diffuse toxic goiter
E Riedel’s thyroiditis
179 During exacerbation of peptic gastric ulcer disease a patient complains of heart pain.
What vegetative reflex can cause these painful sensations?
A Viscerovisceral reflex
B Dermatovisceral reflex
C Motor visceral reflex
D Viscerodermal reflex
E Visceromotor reflex
180 A 28-year-old patient had been diagnosed with multifragmental fracture of the right
hip. On the third day after the injury he began to complain of pain in the right side of the
chest, difficult respiration. One day later the patient died of progressive heart and
respiratory failure. Histological study of the pulmonary and cerebral blood vessels revealed
orange sudanophilic droplets that completely obstructed the vessels of microvasculature.
What complication caused the death of the patient?
A Fat embolism
B Drug-induced embolism
C Gas embolism
D Microbial embolism
E Thromboembolism
V 1d45ad87
181 An autopsy of the body of an elderly man, who was suffering from acute intestinal
disorder during his last 2 weeks of life, has revealed the following change in the rectum and
sigmoid colon: brown and green film covering the mucosa is detected. The itestinal wall is
thickened; the cavity sharply narrows down. Microscopy reveals mucosa necrosis of varying
depth, necrotic tissue is pierced through with fibrin threads, leucocytic infiltration is
observed. What diagnosis is the most probable?
A Fibrinous colitis
B Ulcerative colitis
C Catharrhal colon
D Follicular colitis
182 A doctor examines a 17-year-old girl. The following is detected: pharyngitis, cervical
lymphadenopathy, fever. The preliminary diagnosis is infectious
mononucleosis.Whatmethod of investigation allows to confirm this diagnosis at the disease
A Catalase
B Invertase
C Maltase
D Amylase
E Lactase
184 A patient has sustained a traumatic injury of the greater pectoral muscle. This resulted
in the decrease of:
185 A patient consulted a doctor about difficult chewing. On examination he was found to
have atrophy of the right temporal muscle and masticatory muscles. Upon opening the
mouth, the patient’s jaw deviates to the left. What nerve is affected?
V 1d45ad87
186 A 13-year-old girl has been prescribed a certain drug for treatment of megaloblastic
anemia. This drug stimulates a transfer from megaloblastic haemopoiesis to normoblastic,
participates in synthesis of purine and pyrimidine bases, activates proteine and methionine
synthesis. What drug does the patient take?
A Cyanocobalamin
B Haemostimulinum
C Rosehip tea
D Erythropoietin
E Ferric sulfate
187 A patient with damaged muscles of the lower limbs has been delivered to a first-aid
center. What cells enable reparative regeneration of muscle fibers and restoration of muscle
A Myosatellitocytes
B Adipocytes
C Endotheliocytes
D Plasmocytes
E Fibroblasts
188 Calcification of dental tissues is significantly influenced by osteocalcin protein that can
bind calcium ions due to the presence of the following modified amino acid residues in the
polypeptide chain:
A ?-carbon glutamine
B ?-aminopropionic
C ?-aminobutyric
D Alanine
E Carboxy aspargine
190 A patient diagnosed with acute respiratory failure has been administered artificial lung
ventilation in the conditions of high partial oxygen pressure. This measure resulted in
aggravation of the patient’s condition and development of respiratory distress syndrome.
Name the likely cause of this complication:
A Antigenic stimulation
B Immunodeficiency state
C Granulomatous inflammation
D Lymphoma
E Metastasis of a malignant tumor
192 A 49-year-old patient was found to have a disproportionate enlargement of hands, feet,
nose, ears, superciliary arches and cheek bones. Blood test revealed hyperglycemia,
impaired glucose tolerance. What is the most likely cause of this pathology development?
193 Examination of a 23-year-old patient reveals that when his tongue is protruded, its tip
deviates to the side. This is caused by the dysfunction of the following tongue muscle:
A Genioglossus
B Hyoid
C Superior longitudinal
D Inferior longitudinal
E Styloglossus
194 A patient with acute retention of urine has been brought to an admission room. During
examination a doctor found out that the patient has urethral obturation caused by
pathology of the surrounding organ. Name this organ.
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A Prostate
B Testicle
C Seminal vesicle
D Spermatic cord
E Epididymis
A Renal corpuscle
B Proximal tubule
C Distal tubule
D Henle’s loop
E Receiving tube
196 A woman addressed a dentist with complains of bruise and swelling around her eye.
Anamnesis is as follows: several days prior her 1st premolar tooth had been extracted, with
infraorbital anesthesia administered; several days later hematoma appeared in the area of
foramen intraorbitale. Branch of the following artery was damaged:
A Maxillary artery
B Facial artery
C Superior labial artery
D Masseteric artery
E Superficial temporal artery
197 A histological specimen of mandible of an embryo shows a tooth germ with the dental
papilla made up of small stellate basophilic cells. What tissue forms this part of the tooth
A Mesenchyme
B Epithelial
C Reticular
D Cartilaginous
E Osseous
198 When examining a female patient a doctor observed the following: misshapen auricles,
elevated palate, teeth growth disorder; mental retardation; no disruption of reproductive
function. Provisional diagnosis is the "super woman"syndrome. Point out the karyotype of
this disease.
A (47, XXX)
B (47, XXY)
C (47, yyy)
D (47, XYY)
E (45, X0)
V 1d45ad87
199 During perfusion of an isolated heart of a mammal with a high ion content solution the
cardiac arrest in diastole occurred. The cardiac arrest was caused by the following ions
present excessively in the solution:
A Potassium
B Chlorine
C Sodium
D Magnesium
E Calcium
200 A woman had been taking synthetic hormones during her pregnancy. Her newborn girl
presents with excessive hairiness which has formal resemblance to adrenogenital
syndrome. This sign of variability is called:
A Phenocopy
B Recombination
C Mutation
D Heterosis
E Replication