Denford MillCAM Designer 2 User Manual
Denford MillCAM Designer 2 User Manual
Denford MillCAM Designer 2 User Manual
Denford Limited reserves the right to alter any specifications and documentation without prior notice. No part of this manual or its accompanying documents may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Denford Limited. All brands and products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Copyright Denford Limited - Version 2.08.01. All rights reserved. Document: a5 millcam v2_08_01.p65
Table of Contents About this Manual ..................................................................... 2 Conventions used in this Manual .............................................. 4 Introduction .............................................................................. 5 New Features in MillCAM Designer 2 ....................................... 6 Minimum System Requirements ............................................... 7 Security Devices ....................................................................... 8 Installation Procedure - Windows 3.xx ..................................... 9 Installation Procedure - Windows 95/98/NT ............................. 10 Quickstart ................................................................................. 12 Material Window ....................................................................... 16 Design Window ........................................................................ 18 Element buttons - Line ............................................................. 19 Element buttons - Arc ............................................................... 20 Element buttons - Frame, Box .................................................. 21 Element buttons - Circle, Ring .................................................. 22 Element buttons - Text .............................................................. 23 Element buttons - Edit .............................................................. 25 Element buttons - Step ............................................................. 26 Element buttons - Cutter .......................................................... 27 Element buttons - Depth ........................................................... 28 File Menu ................................................................................. 29 Edit Menu ................................................................................. 33 Grid Menu ................................................................................ 36 Advanced Menu ....................................................................... 37 Create G-code Menu ................................................................ 40 Help Menu ................................................................................ 44 Setup System File Window ....................................................... 46 Direct Data Entry ...................................................................... 48 Program Structure .................................................................... 49 Advanced Program Setup ........................................................ 50 Technical Specification ............................................................. 53 Network Installation of MillCAM Designer ................................. 54 How To... .................................................................................. 56 Troubleshooting ........................................................................ 59 Technical Support ..................................................................... 60 Glossary ................................................................................... 61 Index ........................................................................................ 63
Congratulations on your purchase of MillCAM Designer 2 software. MillCAM Designer has been specially written to lead you through your first experiences of CAD/CAM, into the exciting stages of CNC manufacture! MillCAM Designer 2 is a CNC design system which allows the user to draw in a graphical environment. The design is then converted into a G-Code file, which is produced automatically. The work area is specified at the start of the program. This represents the billet size available in the CNC machine being used. Designs are created by combining elements, which can be added or removed at any time. The coloured toolpath follows the order of element placement in the work area. Different line thicknesses show different tool diameters and different colours represent different depths of cut. By using co-ordinates Mill CAM Designer 2 allows the size and position of elements to be edited with great accuracy. Designs can be saved and loaded at any time, so unfinished drawings can be completed later, changes can be made and a library of commonly used parts can be compiled. MillCAM designer has been developed to be as simple to use as possible. It will allow your CNC machine to be used as a "everyday tool" rather than one reserved for special occasions.
Jargon Buster
CAD/CAM refers to Computer Aided Design and Manufacture, using a computer to help you plan your design from drawing into production. CNC refers to Computer Numerical Control, the automatic system used to control a machine tool. A G-Code is a series of letters and numbers that make up the language used by CNC machinery. The work area represents the surface available for machining. A billet is the piece of material you place in the milling machine. Elements are the different shapes that are put together to make a design in MillCAM. The tool path shows the route followed by the CNC machine, when cutting the design. The order in which elements are cut follows the order in which they are placed in the work area.
Security Devices
Your MillCAM Designer installation program will be preformatted, ready for use with one of the following security devices:
1) Flash Software
This version does not require a security key. When first starting MillCAM Designer, a screen will appear displaying your user information and licence details. A single seat licence can be installed to only one computer station at the registered establishment. A multiple seat licence can be installed to the specified number of computer stations at the registered establishment.
2) Keyed Software
This version uses a security key, called a dongle. When using the Keyed version of the software, MillCAM Designer will not run without the Denford Security Dongle. Fit the dongle onto the parallel port of your computer. The parallel port is usually positioned on the back panel of your computer - a long, thin 25 pin male connector plug. Note that your parallel port may be labelled as the printer port. The dongle has a pass-through feature, allowing data to be sent to other external devices, such as printers, scanners or zip drives, when the MillCAM software is not being used. Simply plug the parallel port cable, supplied with your external device, directly into the back of the dongle.
MillCAM Designer 2 software ships in two different formats: Win 3.xx on floppy disks and Win 95/98/NT on CDROM. Do not attempt to install the Win 95/98/NT version of MillCAM Designer 2 onto a Win 3.xx computer!
It is recommended that you allow the Denford installation program to create its own directories and set up its default values. If you find these inconvenient, then feel free to alter them.
Follow these instructions to install the Denford MillCAM Designer 2 software onto a computer running Windows 3.xx. Whilst running Windows on your computer: 1) Insert the MillCAM Designer 2 floppy disk into your floppy disk drive, usually labelled drive "a:". 2) From "program manager" select "run" from the "file" menu. 3) A dialogue box will appear. Type in the command line box a:install and press [Enter]. 4) This will run the Denford install program. Pressing [Enter] will install MillCAM Designer 2 onto your hard disk. It will also create a group window and place the "MillCAM Designer 2" icon in this group window. 5) Before using MillCAM Designer 2 for the first time, ensure that keyed versions of the software have the dongle fitted to the parallel port of your computer (see page 8). If you did not receive a dongle, you will be using a flash version of the software (see page 8). The MillCAM Designer 2 icon looks like this. The MillCAM Designer Projects icon looks like this.
Jargon Buster
A dialogue box is a window that opens to let you enter text into a program. The command line is where any text entries are entered in a dialogue box. An icon is a small picture, displayed in Windows. When you double click the icon, the program associated with that icon will run. A program group, or group window is where a selection of icons can be stored together in the Windows environment.
MillCAM Designer 2 software ships in two different formats: Win 3.xx on floppy disks and Win 95/98/NT on CDROM. Do not attempt to install the Win 3.xx version of MillCAM Designer 2 onto a Win 95/98/NT computer!
Follow these instructions to install the Denford MillCAM Designer software onto a computer running Windows 95/98/NT. Whilst running Windows on your computer: 1) Insert the MillCAM Designer CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. If the autorun feature is enabled on your computer, the "MillCAM Designer Installation" start-up window will automatically appear move to section 4). Otherwise continue as outlined below. 2) Double-click the left mouse button on the "My Computer" icon. In the "My Computer" window find your floppy disk drive icon (usually labelled "d:" or "e:" and double-click the left mouse button on this icon. 3) The contents of the CD-ROM will be displayed in a new window. Double-click the left mouse button on the file named "Start.exe" to display the "MillCAM Designer Installation" start-up window. 4) If you have been supplied with a flash screen version of MillCAM Designer, insert your "Registration" floppy disk when prompted.
It is recommended that you allow the Denford installation program to create its own directories and set up its default values. If you find these inconvenient, then feel free to alter them. Note
To uninstall MillCAM Designer, click "Windows Startbar | Settings | Control Panel | Add/ Remove Programs", then highlight "Mill Cam Designer" and click [OK].
Select the area of your hard-disk where the program files can be installed, together with any program and folder names. Network users can find additional installation instructions on pages 50-51 of your main "MillCAM Designer 2 User Manual". 6) Your computer must be restarted before using MillCAM Designer for the first time. Ensure that keyed versions of the software have the dongle fitted to the parallel port of your computer. Your parallel port may be labelled as the "printer" port and is usually positioned on the back panel of your computer. If you did not receive a dongle, you will be using a flash version of the software (in which case your details would have been registered via floppy disk in section 4). The MillCAM Designer 2 icon looks like this. The MillCAM Designer Projects icon looks like this.
This section will enable you to become familiar with the features of MillCAM Designer 2, without referring to the reference sections. 1) Start MillCAM Designer 2 by double clicking on the MillCAM icon, or by clicking "Startbar|Programs|Denford|MillCAM Designer" in Windows 95/98/NT. If the program does not open, check that your dongle is correctly installed in the parallel port of your computer.
The MillCAM Designer 2 icon looks like this.
2) The materials window allows you to select the material type, CNC machine tool type, the units of measurement and the dimensions of the billet. Change the machine type by clicking on the arrow to display the dropdown list, then highlight and click on the appropriate machine name and units of measurement.
Selecting the machine name and units of measurement from the Materials window.
Carry out the same procedure for selecting the material type. Change the billet size values by clicking on the up and down nudge buttons, next to the appropriate value. Click the [OK] button to proceed.
Note - the order and direction that you place elements will eventually be the order and direction in which they will be machined. Therefore, it is very important to think carefully about what your design will look like when finished, so you can plan the most efficient toolpath, with minimal tool changes.
3) You will now be presented with the design window. The large rectangle with the grey grid represent a plan view of your billet this is the work area, where your design is drawn. The buttons on the left hand side are used to select the different types of elements, used for building your design. To select a shape element, click on the appropriate button, then move your cursor into the work area. Click and hold down the left mouse button at the required starting point, then drag out the required element shape, until the desired shape is achieved. Release the left mouse button to confirm the end position of the element. Data panel.
Element buttons.
Work area.
Begin to build up your design, using the different elements available. Refer to the data panel, above the work area, for detailed co-ordinate positions, cutter size and depth of cut settings.
4) Elements can be deleted by clicking the right mouse button. This will remove element parts one at a time, the most recently drawn being the first deleted. 5) To delete an entire drawing, select the "New" option from the "File" menu.
6) Left clicking on the "Edit" button will allow you to select a number of elements. Move onto the work area, then click and hold down the left mouse button. Stretch a marquee (a dashed lined box) completely around all the elements you want to select. Elements that you select are always highlighted in black.
Cutting and pasting can redefine the order of machining. Any new pasted elements become the last objects placed and therefore the last elements machined. Tip
7) Selected elements can be moved around by choosing the "Cut" option from the "Edit" menu, followed by "Paste", also from the "Edit" menu. The "paste scale" window that appears allows the size of the pasted elements to be altered. Leave this set to 1 if no change is needed, then click on [OK] to proceed. Finally position the elements in their new place and left click to confirm their position, or right click to permanently delete these elements. 8) Any selected elements can be duplicated by repeating section 7, but choosing "Copy" instead of "Cut", from the "Edit" menu. 9) Different cutting depths are achieved using the "Depth" button. Different depths are shown in the work area using different colours. Using the "Set Cutter Depths" window, click the diamond marker next to the depth you require, then click the [OK] button. All subsequent elements will be placed at the new depth.
Use the Depth button to select new cutting depths. The black diamond marker shows the currently selected depth. The tickmark shows depths already in use.
The cut and copy commands place the selected elements into the computers memory, where they stay until another element is cut or copied. This allows the paste command to be used to make multiple copies.
Tool change operations require large amounts of time on a CNC machine tool. Try to plan your design so tool changes are kept to a minimum.
10) Different sizes of tool are selected using the "Cutter" button. Using the "Change Tool Diameter" window, click the diamond marker next to the cutter size you require, then click the [OK] button. All subsequent elements will be placed using the chosen cutter size.
Use the Cutter button to select a new size of cutting tool diameter. The black diamond marker shows the currently selected cutter.
11) When your design is complete, save the MillCAM Designer 2 file using the "Save As" command from the "File" menu. MillCAM files are saved in MCD format.
Most CNC machines are different in the way they read or load Gcode instructions. Therefore no specific instructions can be given within this manual. Please check the machine manufacturer's manual for exact details.
12) To produce a G-code file, the language understood by CNC machines, use the "Make file..." command from the "Create Gcode" menu. All that remains is to transfer this file to your CNC machine for parts manufacture!
Material Window
The material window is the first window displayed when the MillCAM Designer 2 program is started.
Machine type dropdown list button. Billet height nudge buttons. Units of measurement display checkbox. Material type dropdown list button.
Jargon Buster The term Billet refers to the piece of material that will be machined.
Material Window
Various options are available in the material window: 1) Machine Type - Click the arrow button next to the "Machine Type" title to display the dropdown list, then click on the name of the machine you intend using for parts manufacture. 2) Units of Measurement - A tickmark in the "Metric Units" checkbox indicates Metric measurement (millimetres) are selected. No tickmark indicates Imperial measurement (inches). Note that this checkbox is only used for display purposes - The Units of Measurement are set from the options in the "Machine Type" dropdown list. 3) Material Type - Click the arrow button under the "Material Type" title to display the dropdown list, then click on the name of the material used for your billet. Note - Selecting a particular material will load a specific machining parameters file. These files can be edited from the design window, using the "Create G-code|Set G-code parameters..." menu. The units of measurement used in the machining parameters file must match the units of measurement used in the machine type (chosen in section 1), i.e. they must be both Metric or both Imperial. For more information see the G-code Parameters and Advanced setup sections on pages 39 and 46. 4) Height - Click the up and down nudge buttons to define the "height" of the billet in the units of measurement previously selected. This will be the Z axis movement of the machine. 5) Width - Click the up and down nudge buttons to define the "width" of the billet in the units of measurement previously selected. This will be the Y axis movement of the machine. 6) Length - Click the up and down nudge buttons to define the "length" of the billet in the units of measurement previously selected. This will be the X axis movement of the machine. 7) OK / Default - Click the [OK] button to save the current settings and open the design window. Click the [Default] button to reset all the options in the materials window.
Jargon Buster
A Parameter is a value contained in a program. Many of these parameter values can be changed by the software user.
Design Window
The design window is displayed following material set-up. This is the main program window where designs are built up.
Titlebar. Menubar. Data panel.
Element buttons.
Work area.
Work area. This is the area where the design is constructed, using the element buttons to the left of the display. The working area represents a plan view of the billet (i.e. its length and width), with the depth of cut indicated by the colours used on the element lines. Menubar. Click the required menu title to display the dropdown list. Move the cursor down the list, highlighting each option. Click the highlighted option to select it. Titlebar. The titlebar shows the name of the program "Mill CAM Designer 2" along with the name of the file currently being edited (if saved previously). Data Panel. The data panel provides a continuously updated read-out of useful information, including current co-ordinate position, depth of cut, diameter of the machine cutter and grid size.
[Line] Straight lines are added by selecting this button. Click and hold down the left mouse button at the starting point of the line, then drag the line out and release the mouse button when the end point is reached.
[Arc] Curved lines are added by selecting this button. Click anywhere in the work area. The "Set Arc Angle" window will appear.
Click the up and down arrows nudge buttons to change the angle of the drawn arc. You can also change the arc direction by selecting the clockwise or anticlockwise diamond markers. Click the [OK] button when you are ready to proceed. Click and hold down the left mouse button at the starting point, then stretch out the arc to the finishing point, releasing the mouse button when you have finished. If you click the right mouse button the while dragging the arc, the direction of the arc will reverse. The arc angle can be changed using the keyboard [up and down arrow] keys. To change the arc angle in smaller increments, hold down the [SHIFT] key whilst pressing the [up and down arrow] keys.
20 MillCAM Designer 2 User Manual
[Frame] Straight lined frames are added by selecting this button. Click and hold down the left mouse button at the starting point of the frame, then drag out the frame to the required size. The data panel shows the distance between opposite corners. Release the left mouse button to finish the operation.
[Box] Straight lined boxes, called pockets, are added by selecting this button. All the material within the perimeter of the box will be machined to the selected depth. Click and hold down the left mouse button at the starting point of the box, then drag out the box to the required size. The data panel shows the distance between opposite corners. Release the left mouse button to finish the operation.
[Circle] Circular pockets are added by selecting this button. All the material within the perimeter of the circle will be machined to the selected depth. Click and hold down the left mouse button at the desired centre point of the circle, then drag the circle outwards to the required size. The data panel shows the circle radius. Release the left mouse button to finish the operation.
[Ring] Circular frames are added by selecting this button. Click and hold down the left mouse button at the desired centre point of the ring, then drag the ring outwards to the required size. The data panel shows the ring radius. Release the left mouse button to finish the operation.
[Text] Strings of alphanumeric characters are added in your design by selecting this button. Click anywhere in the work area. The "Text Input" window will appear.
Input text dialogue box. Character width nudge buttons. Character height nudge buttons. Character spacing nudge buttons. Text orientation checkboxes.
The cursor will be flashing in the "Input text" dialogue box. Type the text required into this box. continued....
MillCAM Designer 2 User Manual 23
The "Paste Scale" window will appear. To fit the text into the work area at its largest possible size, use the maximum scale value suggested in the "Paste Scale" window. For scale 1:1 use a value of 1.000. Click the [OK] button after entering a value. Move the text to the required position and click the left mouse button to place the text in your design, or the right mouse button to discard it.
24 MillCAM Designer 2 User Manual
To select multiple elements, hold down the [CTRL] key whilst clicking on each element in turn. This selection can also be grouped together using the "Advanced | Group" menu command.
[Edit] Elements can be selected, moved and deleted using this button. Editing can be performed using several methods: 1) Click on the [Edit] button, then click and hold down the left mouse button in the work area. Drag the marquee box completely around the required elements to select them. Selected elements are always coloured black. To reposition the selected elements: Click the right mouse button to lift the selected elements from the design. Reposition the elements and click the left mouse button to replace them in their new position. Repositioning elements can redefine the order of machining - the last elements placed become the last elements machined. To delete the selected elements: Click the right mouse button to lift the selected elements from the design. Click the right mouse again, to delete them. Note - once an element or a part of an element has been deleted, it cannot be recovered. 2) Click on the [Edit] button, then click the right mouse button in the work area. Each right mouse button click cycles through individual element parts in turn. Delete the selected element part using the left mouse button.
Jargon Buster
Click "Edit|Select All" from the menubar to highlight all the elements on the screen.
A marquee box is a box shown using dotted lines. It is dragged completely around a set of elements to select them.
Use the up and down arrow nudge buttons to change the size of step. Click in the "Grid Lock" checkbox to limit movement to the intersections of the grid lines only. A tickmark appears when this option is selected. Click the [OK] button to accept the changes made, or the [Cancel] button to discard them.
Details about how to define new tool settings are given later in the Reference Section. Tip
If you intend using more than one tool diameter, try to draw all the elements you need with each tool before changing to another size. Remember, changing the cutter is time consuming, so try to keep changes to a minimum.
[OK] button.
To select a new depth, click on the grey diamond marker, next to the coloured square. A black diamond bullet shows the depth currently selected. Click the [OK] button to accept the changes made. The grey squares to the left of each "Start of line depth" value display a tickmark if the indicated depth is being used on any part of the design. It is possible to cut lines with different start and finish depths. An error message will appear if the depth of cut exceeds the material depth, or the maximum depth allowed for the tool bit that is in use. Mill CAM Designer 2 has the added advantage of having 16 preset depths. Depths are in increments of 0.5 to give the user greater flexibility. Individual depth values can be edited by clicking the cursor inside the appropriate depth value dialogue box, then overtyping with the new depth value. This feature allows gradient depths to be set. When the finishing depth of a cut is at a different height to the start depth, a coloured gradient is shown along the length of the cutting line. The start of line depth always corresponds with the starting point of the element, allowing control over gradient direction.
28 MillCAM Designer 2 User Manual
File Menu
Click the "File" menu title to display the dropdown list. Move the cursor down the list, highlighting each of the eleven options. Click the highlighted option to select it. "New" Click this option to start a new design. The screen is cleared after giving you the option to save any previously designed work. Shortcut keys [Ctrl + N]. "Open..." Click this option to open a previously saved MillCAM Designer 2 file. Choose the directory and folder from the "Directories:" box, select the ".mcd" filename from the "Files:" box, then click the [OK] button to load the file. Shortcut keys [Ctrl + O].
File Menu
"Save" Click this option to update the changes made to a previously saved MillCAM Designer 2 file. MillCAM Designer 2 files are saved using the file extension ".mcd". Shortcut keys [Ctrl + S]. "Save As..." Click this option to save the current MillCAM Designer 2 file with the option to place the file in a specific directory and folder with a user defined filename. Choose the directory and folder from the "Directories:" box, type the name of the file in the "Filename:" dialogue box, then click the [OK] button to save the file. Filenames must not be longer than eight characters.
"Save Project..." Click this option to save a collection of program variables as a project template. The facility enables the software to be tailored to individual needs. Variables such as billet size, machine type, material type, maximum machining time, depth of cut, step size, grid size and cutter diameter can be set. When a project template is open, variables can be edited by pressing [Alt + S] to access the "Setup System File" window. Click the arrow button next to the project title to display the dropdown list, then select the title of the required project. Click the [OK] button to save the current MillCAM Designer program variables as the selected project title. Previously saved project templates can be accessed by clicking the "Projects" icon, found in the "Denford" group, then selecting the required title from the dropdown list. See page 47 for more information about Advanced Program Setup.
30 MillCAM Designer 2 User Manual
File Menu
"Import DXF File" A file from a another design package can be placed into MillCAM Designer 2 using the DXF (Data eXchange Format) standard. The imported image can be altered by using the "Minimum Line Length" dialogue box. The value entered determines the minimum length of the straight lines which make up the image. The default value is 1mm. A higher number reduces the amount of detail which is shown. Less detail means the image can be milled faster.
Click the [OK] button to proceed. The "Paste Scale" window will appear. To fit the image into the work area at its largest possible size, use the maximum scale value suggested in the "Paste Scale" window. For scale 1:1 use a value of 1.000. Click the [OK] button after entering a value.
Move the image to the required position and click the left mouse button to place the image in your design, or the right mouse button to discard it.
MillCAM Designer 2 User Manual 31
File Menu
"Export DXF File" Click this option to save the contents of the working area, using the DXF (Data eXchange Format) standard. "Print" Click this option to print the work area of the design window. The appearance of the printed design can be changed by clicking in the various checkboxes. The [Setup] button accesses the "Print Setup" window. Click the [Print] button to begin printing. Shortcut keys [Ctrl + P].
"Printer setup" Click this option to select and configure your printer options.
"Change Font" Click this option to change the typeface used, when adding text into the work area. Click on the name of the required font, then the [OK] button to continue. A list of the available fonts are shown on page 23. "Alter Material Size" Click this option to display the material window, where the billet size can be changed. Note - all data will be lost unless saved before selecting this option. "Exit" Click this option to close the MillCAM Designer 2 software. The program is closed after giving you the option to save any previously designed work.
32 MillCAM Designer 2 User Manual
Edit Menu
Click the "Edit" menu title to display the dropdown list. Move the cursor down the list, highlighting each of the ten options. Click the highlighted option to select it. "Cut" Click this option to remove any selected elements from the work area to an area of the computer memory called the Windows clipboard. Shortcut keys [Shift + Del]. "Copy" Click this option to place a duplicate of any selected elements into the Windows clipboard, leaving the originals untouched in the work area. Shortcut keys [Ctrl + Ins]. "Paste" Click this option to place any cut or copied elements into the work area. The "Paste Scale" window will appear. To fit the elements into the work area at their largest possible size, use the maximum scale value suggested in the "Paste Scale" window. For scale 1:1 use a value of 1.000. Click the [OK] button after entering a value. Move the new elements to the required position and click the left mouse button to place the new elements in your design, or the right mouse button to discard them. Shortcut keys [Shift + Ins].
Edit Menu
"Paste Special..." Click this option to place any cut or copied elements into the work area with a greater degree of control. This option works in exactly the same way as "Paste", but in addition gives the choice of changing the depth of cut and/or cutter diameter used on the elements. Using "Copy", then "Paste Special..." elements can be overlaid progressively in identical positions, but with different depths of cut. This allows deep cuts to be performed in stages, without stressing the cutting tool.
"Mirror..." Click this option to flip over selected elements. Click the grey diamond markers to select between "Vertical" and "Horizontal" mirroring. A black bullet indicates the current selection. Click the "Leave original" checkbox to indicate whether the original elements should be left in the work area (tickmark visible) or permanently removed (tickmark not visible). Click the [OK] button to perform the mirror operation. Shortcut keys [Ctrl + M].
Edit Menu
"Rotate..." Click this option to turn selected elements by a specified number of degrees. Click the up and down arrow nudge buttons to specify the angle of rotation. Click the "Leave original" checkbox to indicate whether the original elements should be left in the work area (tickmark visible) or permanently removed (tickmark not visible). Click the [OK] button to perform the rotate operation. Shortcut keys [Ctrl + R].
"Copy to..." Click this option to save the currently selected elements as a Mill CAM Designer 2 file, allowing a library of commonly used parts to be built up. "Paste from..." Click this option to import other previously saved Mill CAM Designer 2 designs or parts into the current work area. "Select All" Click this option to select all the elements in the work area. Shortcut keys [Ctrl + A]. "Refresh Screen" Click this option to redraw the design window. This is commonly required after performing a "cut" command. Shortcut keys [Ctrl + F].
Grid Menu
Click the "Grid" menu title to display the dropdown list. Move the cursor down the list, highlighting each of the eight options. Click the highlighted option to select it. "Grid to (number) mm" There are five preset grid sizes, the lines shown behind the design in the work area. They are 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25mm. A tickmark is shown next to the currently selected option. Click the required grid title to select the new grid size. "Grid OFF" Click this option to completely remove the grid lines from the work area. "Custom..." Click this option to set the grid with a user defined value. Note - this value should not be too extreme (i.e. too small or too large). "Grid Colour" Click this option to display a sub menu of eleven colours that can be used on the grid lines. Highlight and click a colour to select it. The default colour for the grid lines is the last option, grey.
Advanced Menu
The "Advanced" menu can be displayed or hidden from the menubar, according to the requirements of the user. The default setting is hidden. If the "Advanced" menu is hidden, press your keyboard [Alt + S] buttons to display the "Setup System File" window. Click inside the "Show Advanced Menu" checkbox, so a tickmark is displayed (shown below). Save any work, then restart the MillCAM Designer program. The "Advanced" menu will now be displayed.
Advanced Menu
Options available: "UnDelete" Click this option to place the last deleted element back into its original position in the working area. If a number of elements have been deleted, each one can be recovered in sequence, using this option. Shortcut keys [Alt + BkSp]. "Group" Highlight a number of individual elements, then click this option to group them together as one large object. When a marquee box is drawn around any element belonging to a group, all the associated elements in that particular group are automatically selected. Note: When text characters are drawn, the elements used to compose each character are automatically grouped upon creation of the text character. "UnGroup" Click this option to separate a selected group into its individual elements. "View Group IDs" Click this option to view the current groups present in the working area. Each group is defined by a number. This group number is displayed on each element that belongs to the group. Click the "View Group IDs" menu text to switch the option on (a tickmark is displayed) or off (a tickmark is not displayed).
Above: Two groups are shown in this screenshot: group 1 (on the right) and group 2 (on the left).
Advanced Menu
"Attach" When this option is switched on, the start point of any new element you draw is automatically snapped to the end point of the element nearest to your cursor. Click the "Attach" menu text to switch the option on (a tickmark is displayed) or off (a tickmark is not displayed).
The sensitivity of the "Attach" command can be adjusted using the "Attach Tolerance" option, in the "Setup System File" window (menu: "Advanced|Settings"). This defines the size of the snap-to line boundary in pixels. "Lock Axes" When this option is switched on, the start and end points of any new elements can only be positioned horizontally or vertically within the working area.
Above: "Lock Axes" switched off. Elements can be positoned at any angle.
Above: "Lock Axes" switched on. Elements can only be positioned horizontally and vertically.
In other words, once you place the start of an element, you can only draw along the directions of the X and Y axes. Click the "Lock Axes" menu text to switch the option on (a tickmark is displayed) or off (a tickmark is not displayed). "Settings" Click this option to display the "Setup System File" window (shown at the bottom of page 37).
Click the "Create G-code" menu title to display the dropdown list. Move the cursor down the list, highlighting each of the two options. Click the highlighted option to select it. "Make file..." Select this option to convert your MillCAM Designer 2 design into a G-code file, a series of letters and numbers that make up the language used by CNC machine tools. G-code files are saved using the file extension ".fnc". The "File Save As" window will appear. The default path is "c:\denford\data". Choose the directory and folder from the "Directories:" box, then type the name of the file in the "Filename:" dialogue box. Filenames must not be longer than eight characters. Click the [OK] button to begin the conversion process.
The "G Code Generator" window will be displayed, showing a confirmation of the chosen filename and location. The "Convert Arcs to Lines" checkbox is used to change any Arcs drawn into a series of straight lines. This allows the CNC machine to generate arcs with very large radii. It can also be used to prevent mathematical errors occurring, such as when a "Bad Arc End" message appears when machining. MillCAM Designer 2 will automatically convert any arc with a radius of greater than 130mm to lines. Click the "Convert Arcs to Lines" checkbox to indicate whether the arcs should be converted (tickmark visible) or not converted (tickmark not visible), then click the "Create G-code" button.
40 MillCAM Designer 2 User Manual
The "G-Code Timing" window will be displayed, showing an indication of the time required to manufacture the design. If the indicated time is larger than the maximum machining time allowed (set in the "Setup System File" window - press [Alt + S] ), the Gcode file will not be produced. Click the [OK] button to begin converting a valid design into G-code files.
Jargon Buster
A Parameter is a value contained in a program. Many of these parameter values can be changed by the software user.
The machining parameter values entered must be defined in the same units of measurement (i.e. Metric or Imperial) as those chosen from the "Machine Type" dropdown list in the material window at the start of the program.
Help Menu
Click the "Grid" menu title to display the dropdown list. Move the cursor down the list, highlighting each of the eleven options. Click the highlighted option to select it. "About MillCAM Designer" Click this option to display information about the MillCAM Designer 2 software: Software version number. Language installed. Units installed. Dongle / Flash code serial numbers. Click the [OK] button to close the window.
Help Menu
Help Screens Help hints can be displayed for each of the listed topics. To close the Help Screens, click the [OK] button.
When changes are made to the "Show Advanced Menu", MillCAM Designer MUST be shutdown, then restarted, in order to view their effect.
MillCAM Designer 2 allows elements to be placed or edited in the work area manually, using known co-ordinate and measurement values. This feature applies to the Line, Arc, Frame, Box, Circle and Ring elements. To place a new element manually - Click the appropriate element button, then move the cursor into the work area and press the keyboard [Enter] key to display the "MDI (Manual Data Input)" window. The name of the element being placed will be stated in the "Object Type:" box and the "NEW OBJECT" diamond marker will be checked with a black bullet. Enter the Start X and Y co-ordinates in the left box and the End X and Y co-ordinates in the right box. Use the Design window "Data Panel" to help find co-ordinate values. The lower box contains arc angles, circle radius values and CW or CCW directions, when relevant. The Depth of cut can also be specified by clicking on the [Depth] button. Note - the "MDI" window options and layout will vary according to the element being placed. Click the [OK] button to confirm the "MDI" information and click the left mouse button to place the element, or the right mouse button to discard it. To edit an existing element manually - Select the element to be edited, then press the keyboard [Enter] key to display the "MDI" window. The name of the element that can be edited will be stated in the "Object Type:" box and the "NEW OBJECT" diamond marker will be unchecked. Edit the existing element values and parameters, then click the [OK] button to apply these changes. Note - the "MDI" window options and layout will vary according to the element being edited.
48 MillCAM Designer 2 User Manual
Program Structure
MillCAM Designer 2 uses and creates several files while it is running. The diagram below shows the position and function of these files.
Data Directory
GENERIC.GNC Generic G-Code file, created by MillCAM for use by DENLANG.DLL
Libs Directory
FANUCL.SLB Information for creating G-Code specific to CNC milling machine
[Advanced] 1 indicates machining time will be used when generating g-codes; 0 indicates machining time will not be used. Show Advanced Menu: 1 indicates the menu will be displayed in the main program menubar; 0 indicates the menu will be hidden. Attach Tolerance: Defines size snap-to line boundary in pixels. Show Time: [Tool number] Each tool has an area labelled [Tool1] to [Tool12]. This data is the information loaded as a default when no other speeds and feeds have been specified. Save "Project.ini" variables: Length: Maximum length of workpiece. Width: Maximum width of workpiece. Height: Maximum height of workpiece. Machine: Specific machine used. Max machine time: Time allowed for machining. Depth: Maximum depth of cut. Step: Step size required. Grid: Grid size required. Tool: Tool number. File: Project template filename and location.
Shortcut command line parameters are entered here, at the end of the Target: command line. The example shown below would run MillCAM Designer 2 with no logo or materials window at start-up.
Technical Specification
Minimum computer specification to run Mill CAM Designer 2: A PC compatible capable of running Microsoft Windows Version 3.1 or above. Maximum number of drawing elements: 1650. Maximum number of elements that can be stored in past memory: 1650. Maximum number of tools: 12. Maximum Tool Diameter: 12mm ( 0.5 ). Maximum number of depths: 16. Saved File names extension: .mcd Set grid sizes available: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25mm ( 0.25,0.5,0.75,1,1.25 ). DXF imports. Mill CAM Designer 2 has been tested on the following software, to ensure that DXF files can be imported without error: CorelDraw version 2 CorelDraw version 3. CorelDraw version 4. Auto Sketch for DOS. Auto Sketch for Windows. Both Auto Sketch versions will retain arc formats when transferring information. Worricad. Techsoft Designer. Design View 3.
How To...
Selecting Multiple Elements: Click the [Edit] button, then drag a marquee box around all the elements required. Elements will change black when selected. Selecting an Individual Element: Click the [Edit] button, then right click to cycle through each element in the design. Moving Elements: 1) Click the [Edit] button, then drag a marquee box around the elements required. 2) Click the right mouse button once. The elements will appear to 'float' above the work area. 3) Move the elements to the desired location, then click the left mouse button once. Resizing Elements: 1) Select the elements required. 2) From the menubar, click "Edit | Cut". 3) From the menubar, click "Edit | Paste". 4) The "Paste Scale" window will appear. Enter the desired scale value, then click [OK]. 5) Position the elements, then place them by clicking the left mouse button once. Note - if elements are not the correct size, please refer to the Cancel Element Placement procedure below. Cancel Element Placement: While the elements are still 'floating' above the work area, click the right mouse button. This will remove the elements. This must be done BEFORE placing any elements in the work area. Removing Elements: 1) Select the elements required. 2) Click the right mouse button twice. Quick Creation of a Drilled Hole: 1) Click the [Line] button. 2) Click once in the work area. A drilled hole will be created matching the diameter of the cutter (line thickness) used.
How To...
Adding Text: 1) Click the [Text] button. 2) Move the cursor over the work area. 3) Click the left mouse button once. 4) A "Text Input" window will appear. Enter and format the required text, then click [OK]. 5) The "Paste Scale" window will appear. Enter a scale value and click [OK]. 6) Position the text, then place by clicking the left mouse button once. Adding a New Material Type: 1) From the menubar, click "Create G code | Set G code Parameters". 2) The "Set Tooling" window will appear. Enter the desired tool settings. 3) Click the [Add] button. 4) Enter a name for the new material type, then click [OK]. 5) Click [OK] in the "Set Tooling" window. Changing the Maximum Machining Time: 1) Whilst using the design screen, press the [Alt] + [S] keys. 2) Increase or decrease the machine time. 3) Click the [OK] button to confirm the changes. Changing the Cutter Settings: 1) From the menubar, click "Create G code | Set G code Parameters". 2) Select the cutting tool to be changed. 3) Using the arrow keys, change the values assigned to the tool. 4) Click the [OK] button to confirm the changes. Mirroring Elements: 1) Select the elements required. 2) From the menubar, click "Edit | Mirror". 3) Choose the required settings, then click [OK]. 4) Enter a paste scale, then click [OK]. 5) Position the elements, then place them by clicking the left mouse button once.
MillCAM Designer 2 User Manual 57
How To...
The information listed below is common to all Windows-based software. If, after following the instructions, you are still having problems changing directories, please refer to your Windows Manual. Creating G codes and Saving MillCAM Designer Files: 1) Open MillCAM Designer. 2) Create a design. 3) Click "Create G code | Make File" to create a G code file, or "File | Save As" to save the MillCAM design. 4) When creating a G code or saving the MillCAM design, the name of your file is entered in the "Filename:" dialogue box. The location where the file will be saved is stated opposite the "Directory:" title. Using default settings this should read c:\denford\data. 5) Click the [OK] button to start creating the G code or save the MillCAM design file. Changing Directories: To change the directory to read c:\denford\data, when not displayed as listed above: 1) Using the "Directories." panel of the "File Save" window, click the dots in the square brackets [..] until the directory is displayed as c: drive. The current directory is stated opposite the "Directory:" title, directly under the filename dialogue box. Whenever you click on the dots in the square brackets, you will be taken back ONE directory level. If you do not understand directory structures, please refer to your Windows Manual. 2) Once the Directory is displayed as the c: drive, double click [denford] in the "Directories." panel. The directory should now read c:\denford 3) Double click [data] in the "Directories." panel. The directory should now read c:\denford\data
Q. When trying to start the software, I receive an error stating "Dongle not present". The software does not open. A1. If using the keyed version, check to see that your security key (dongle) is plugged into the parallel port and that the port is functioning correctly. A2. If using the flash (keyless) version, contact Denford for assistance. Q. After creating a design, I cannot create a G-code file. A1. Check that the maximum machine time exceeds the time needed to machine the design. A2. If using the keyed version, check to see that your security key (dongle) is plugged into the parallel port. Q. When selecting a depth of cut, an error message appears stating "You cannot cut that deep with the cutter selected". A. Choose a different depth of cut OR increase the "Cutter Maximum Depth" for the cutter being used. Click "Create G code | Set G code Parameters" to access the "Set Tooling" window. Q. The cutter I would like to select is "unavailable". A. The "Cutter Maximum Depth" is et to zero. You must increase this value. Click "Create G code | Set G code Parameters" to access the "Set Tooling" window. Select the cutting tool and increase the maximum cutting depth value, then click [OK]. Q. When machining the part on my CNC machine, the tool cuts too deep into my billet. A. First, check that the correct depth of cut is set in the CNC program. To do this, look at the -Z value(s) in the CNC program. This will tell you if the depth was set correctly in MillCAM Designer. If the depth appears to be correct, check the CNC machine offsets are configured correctly. Refer to your CNC machine manual for offset information. Q. Why does the error message "Object Type Unknown" appear when I try to modify the property of an element in Edit mode? A. Dragging with the left mouse button to choose elements should only be used when selecting multiple elements to do things like cut, copy, paste etc. This procedure should not be used to select individual elements for property editing - use the right mouse button instead. Q. The "Paste Scale" window is displaying an incorrect maximum scale. A. Restart the MillCAM Designer software. If the problems remains, please contact Denford.
MillCAM Designer 2 User Manual 59
Technical Support
Denford Limited provides unlimited Technical Support on this software. Technical Support is only available to registered users. If your software was not registered with Denford Limited at the point of sale, e-mail or fax your registration details to Denford Limited, or your authorised Denford shipping agent as soon as possible. When you request Technical Support, please be at your computer, with your computer and software documentation to hand. To minimise delay, please be prepared to provide the following information: Dongle Serial Number. Registered user's name / company name. Software name and version number (found in the "Information|About MillCAM Designer" menu). The wording of any error messages that appear on your computer screen. A list of the steps that were taken to lead up to the problem. Contact Details: Denford Limited, Birds Royd, Brighouse, West Yorkshire, HD6 1NB, UK. Telephone: 01484 712264 Fax: 01484 722160 ISDN: 01484401157:01484401161 E-mail: Technical Support: Monday to Friday 8.30am - 4.30pm GMT For USA please contact: Denford Inc. 815 West Liberty Street, Medina, Ohio 44256, USA. Telephone: 330 7253497 Fax: 330 7253297 E-mail: Technical Support: Monday to Friday 8.30am - 4.30pm Eastern
60 MillCAM Designer 2 User Manual
Access ................................. Obtain data from some storage device. Arc ....................................... Portion of a circle. ASCII ................................... (American Standard Code for Information) Sounds like askey. It is a common set of codes for letters, numbers and other characters. Automation .......................... The automatic control of a process or system without requiring a human operator. Baud rate ............................. The speed at which data moves from one device to another in bits per second. Billet ..................................... The piece of material that will be machined. CAD ..................................... (Computer Aided Design) An application program that allows a designer to draw and edit on a computer screen, before transferring to another media. CAM ..................................... (Computer Aided Manufacture) The use of computer driven robots and machines to help with manufacture. Closed-Loop System ........... A system in which the output, or some result of the output, is fed back for comparison with the input, for the purpose of reducing the difference. CNC ..................................... Computer Numeric Control Command line ..................... The command line is the text entry in a dialogue box. Computer configuration ....... The collection of computer hardware that makes up a particular computer system. Contouring ........................... Co-ordinated simultaneous motion of two or more axes. Cursor .................................. The marker on the computer screen, that shows the position of the pointing device. Dialogue box ....................... A program window that opens to allow text to be entered. Data ..................................... The numbers, digits, characters and symbols operated on by a computer. Directory .............................. The lettered name given to areas of your computer where files can be stored, commonly referred to on a computer by assigned letters, e.g. c: (hard disk), a: (floppy disk). Disk ...................................... A magnetic storage device for external data. DOS ..................................... Disk Operating System. A program which controls the operation of a disk drive. DXF File ............................... Data eXchange File. The standard file format devised for AutoCAD. Execute ................................ Run a computer program, or carry out a single instruction. Feedback ............................. Returning part of the output back to the input to give more accurate control. Feedrate .............................. The rate at which the material is moved towards the cutting tool. File ....................................... An organised collection of related computer data and records. Filename .............................. Filenames are titles given to your saved files. They must not have more than eight characters, any spaces, or punctuation e.g. millcam. Floppy Disk .......................... A storage device for a computer. It can be removed and used to transport data. Folder .................................. Computer directories can contain named folders where files are stored. Group ................................... A collection of individual elements that can be selected as if they were a single object. Hard copy ............................ Computer output on paper or similar media. Hard Disk ............................. A storage device for a computer. It cannot normally be removed from the computer, but it is very fast and can hold a large amount of data. Hardware ............................. Computer equipment.
Icon ...................................... An icon is a small picture, displayed in Windows. When you double click the icon, the program associated with that icon will run. Marquee .............................. A marquee is a box shown using dotted lines. It is dragged completely around a set of elements to select them. MDI ...................................... Manual Data Input. Information entered into a computer by manual method, e.g. a qwerty keyboard. Memory. ............................... The place where a computer stores data internally. Mouse .................................. A hand-held device that moves around a flat surface and transmits details of its position to the computer. Network ............................... A system of connecting several microcomputers so that they can share common facilities such as printers and hard disks. Operating system ................ A program that controls the computer from when it is first switched on. Parameter ............................ A value contained in a program. Many of these parameter values can be changed by the software user. Post-processor .................... A program that takes a generic code and processes it in order to produce a file understood by a machine tool. Program ............................... The set of instructions that makes the computer carry out the desired processes. Program group .................... A program group, or group window is where a selection of icons can be stored together in the Windows environment. Simulation ............................ A computer imitation or representation of a real life situation, e.g. flight simulation. Software .............................. The programs used in a computer. Windows .............................. An easy to use environment that uses icons, a mouse and windowed user areas as the computer operating system. WYSIWYG ........................... (What You See Is What You Get) A phrase used to describe a program that shows on the screen what you will get on paper.
Index A
Advanced Program Setup Example ........................ 50 Advanced Menu Attach ..................................................... 39 Group ..................................................... 38 Lock Axes .............................................. 39 Settings .................................................. 39 Show / Hide ............................................ 37 UnDelete ................................................ 38 UnGroup ................................................ 38 View Group IDs ...................................... 38 Alter Material Size ........................................ 32 Attach Tolerance (Setting) ............................ 47 Attaching to End Points ................................ 39
Edit Button .................................................... 25 Edit Menu Copy to... ................................................ 35 Cut ......................................................... 33 Mirror... ................................................... 34 Paste ...................................................... 33 Paste from... ........................................... 35 Paste Special... ...................................... 34 Refresh Screen ...................................... 35 Rotate... ................................................. 35 Select All ................................................ 35 Element Buttons Arc ......................................................... 20 Box ........................................................ 21 Circle ..................................................... 22 Cutter ..................................................... 27 Depth ..................................................... 28 Edit ........................................................ 25 Frame .................................................... 21 Line ........................................................ 19 Ring ....................................................... 22 Step ....................................................... 26 Text ........................................................ 23 Exit ............................................................... 32 Export DXF File ............................................ 32
Billet ............................................................. 17
CAD/CAM .................................................... 5 Change Step Size ........................................ 26 CNC ............................................................. 5 Copy ............................................................. 33 Create G-code menu Make file... .............................................. 40 Set G-code parameters... ....................... 42 Custom G-code Set-up ................................. 46 Cut ............................................................... 33 Cutter Diameter ............................................ 27
File Menu Alter Material Size .................................. 32 Change Font .......................................... 32 Copy ...................................................... 33 Exit ......................................................... 32 Export DXF File ...................................... 32 Import DXF File ...................................... 31 New ........................................................ 29 Open... ................................................... 29 Print ....................................................... 32 Printer setup ........................................... 32 Save ....................................................... 30 Save As... .............................................. 30 Save Project... ........................................ 30 Flash ............................................................ 8 Fonts Change Font Menu ................................. 32 List of Available ...................................... 24
Data Panel ................................................... 18 Depth of Cut ................................................. 28 Design Window Data Panel ............................................. 18 Layout .................................................... 18 Titlebar ................................................... 18 Work Area .............................................. 18 Direct Data Entry .......................................... 48 Dongle Fitting ..................................................... 8 Serial Number ........................................ 44 DXF File ....................................................... 31, 32
G-code Custom Set-up ....................................... 46 Parameters Layout ................................. 42 Parameters Text ..................................... 43 Save File ................................................ 40 Grid Lock ...................................................... 26 Grid Menu Custom... ............................................... 36 Grid Colour ............................................. 36 Grid OFF ................................................ 36 Grid to (number) mm .............................. 36 Grouping Elements ....................................... 38
Network ........................................................ 54 New File ....................................................... 29
Open File ...................................................... 29
Paste ............................................................ 33 Print .............................................................. 32 Program Structure ........................................ 49
Quickstart ..................................................... 12
Help Menu About MillCAM Designer ........................ 44 Help Screens ......................................... 45
Refresh Screen ............................................ 35 Rotate ........................................................... 35
Import DXF File ............................................ 31 Installation Network .................................................. 54 Windows 3.xx ......................................... 9 Windows 95/98/NT ................................. 10 Introduction ................................................... 5
Save G-code File ............................................ 40 MillCAM File .......................................... 30 Select All ...................................................... 35 Set Arc Angle ............................................... 20 Set Cutter Depth ........................................... 28 Setup System File ........................................ 46 Start-up Defaults .......................................... 47 Step .............................................................. 26 System Requirements .................................. 7
Lock MCD2.ini File ....................................... 52 Locking the Axes .......................................... 39
Machining Order See Note/Tip .......................................... 12, 15, 19 Machining Time (Setting) .............................. 46 Manual Data Input ........................................ 48 Marquee Box ................................................ 24 Material Window Layout .................................................... 16 Options .................................................. 17 MCD2.ini File ................................................ 50 Mirror ............................................................ 34
Technical Specification ................................. 53 Technical Support ......................................... 60 Text Input ...................................................... 23 Titlebar ......................................................... 18
UnDelete ...................................................... 38 Uninstall (see note) ...................................... 11
Windows 3.xx ............................................... 9 Windows 95/98/NT ....................................... 10 Work Area .................................................... 18