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Comprehensive Examination

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PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh

Department of Mechanical Engineering Comprehensive Examination Notes Dynamics of Machines ME 215 Closed Book/

1. Derive an expression for the relationship between flywheel mass and the dimensionless parameter radius/thickness (r/t) for a solid disk flywheel of moment of inertia f. Plot this function for an arbitrary value of f and determine the optimum r/t ratio to minimize flywheel weight for that f. 10

2. Draw free body diagrams of the links in the six bar linkage shown in figure and write the dynamic equations to solve for all forces plus the driving torque. Assemble the symbolic equations in matrix form for solution


PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh

3. A rotating shaft carries three unbalanced masses of 4 kg, 3 kg, and 2.5kg at radial distances of 75 mm, 85 mm and 50 mm and at the angular positions of 45 0, 135 and 240 respectively. The second and the third masses are in the planes at 200 mm and 375 mm from the plane of the first mass. The angular positions are measured counter-clockwise from the reference line along x axis and viewing the shaft from the first mass end. The shaft length is 800 mm between bearings and the distance between the plane of the first mass and the bearing at that end is 225 mm. determine the amount of the counter masses in planes at 75 mm from the bearings for the complete balance of the shaft. The first counter mass is to be in a plane between the first mass and the bearing and the second mass in a plane between the third mass and the bearing at that end.

4. In a Porter governor, each of the four arms is 400 mm long. The upper arms are pivoted on the axis of the sleeve whereas the lower arms are attached to the sleeve at a distance of 45mm from the axis of the rotation. Each ball has a mass of 8 kg and the load on the sleeve is 60 kg. What will be the equilibrium speeds for the two extreme radii of 250 mm and 300 mm of rotation of the governor balls?


5. Deduce the relation between height of the governor and speed (rpm) in case of Watt Governor. Write a MATLAB program to plot the height vs speed. Also state your conclusion from the variations.

6. Though cone clutches provide high frictional torque, yet they have become obsolete. Why.

7. Deduce the expression for the efficiency of an inclined plane when a body moves

a. Up the plane b. Down a plane

PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh

8. Explain the following terms

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Kinematics Kinetics Mass Moment of inertia Radius of gyration Parallel axis theorem 6. Center of percussion

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