Hyperlexia: Disability or Superability?
Hyperlexia: Disability or Superability?
Hyperlexia: Disability or Superability?
Child Study Center, Yale University, USA; 2Department of Psychology, Yale University, USA; 3Department of Psychology, Moscow State University, Russia
Background: Hyperlexia is the phenomenon of spontaneous and precocious mastery of single-word reading that has been of interest to clinicians and researchers since the beginning of the last century. Methods: An extensive search of publications on the subject of hyperlexia was undertaken and all available publications were reviewed. Results: The literature can be subdivided into discussions of the following issues: (1) whether hyperlexia is a phenomenon that is characteristic only of specic clinical populations (e.g., children with developmental delays) or whether it can also be observed in the general population; (2) whether hyperlexia is a distinct syndrome comorbid with a number of different disorders or whether it is a part of the spectrum of some other clinical condition(s); (3) whether hyperlexia should be dened through single-word reading superiority with regard to reading comprehension, vocabulary, general intelligence, any combination of the three, or all three characteristics; (4) whether there is a specic neuropsychological prole associated with hyperlexia; (5) whether hyperlexia is characterized by a particular developmental prole; and (6) whether hyperlexia should be viewed as a disability (decit) or superability (talent). Conclusions: We interpret the literature as supporting the view that hyperlexia is a superability demonstrated by a very specic group of individuals with developmental disorders (dened through unexpected single-word reading in the context of otherwise suppressed intellectual functioning) rather than as a disability exhibited by a portion of the general population (dened through a discrepancy between levels of single-word reading and comprehension). We simultaneously argue, however, that multifaceted and multi-methodological approaches to studying the phenomenon of hyperlexia, dened within the research framework of understanding single-word reading, are warranted and encouraged. Keywords: Autistic disorder, comprehension, dyslexia, pervasive developmental disorder, reading, specic language impairment.
Although references to the phenomenon of spontaneous and precocious mastering of single-word reading1 have been presented in the literature on children with impaired intellectual abilities since the beginning of the last century (e.g., Bender, 1955; Bergman & Escalona, 1948; Eisenberg & Kanner, 1956; Kanner, 1943; Mahler & Elkisch, 1953; Manner, 1943; Parker, 1919; Phillips, 1930), the term hyperlexia now used to describe these unusual abilities with printed words was introduced only in the late 1960s (Silberberg & Silberberg, 1967, 1971). However, soon after the introduction of this term to the literature (for early reviews, see Cain, 1969), a similar phenomenon, capturing the discrepancy between the levels of decoding and comprehending printed words (i.e., precocity of single-word reading emerging ahead of the development of comprehension), was observed both in children with typical (Niensted, 1968) and superior IQ (Jackson & Biemiller, 1985; Pennington, Johnson, & Welsh, 1987). This extension of the phenomenon from atypical to typical development assumed a continuum of word
For the purpose of this annotation, we are using the terms word decoding, word recognition, word calling, and word identication synonymously. When the term decoding is used to signify decoding of nonwords (i.e., the connotation of the term primarily employed in the eld of developmental dyslexia), we indicate that by using the term nonword (pseudoword) decoding.
recognition skills which may exist separate and apart from general verbal functioning (Silberberg & Silberberg, 1967, p. 41). It is precisely these two assumptions about hyperlexia (i.e., the assumption that single-word identication skills are distributed continuously and the assumption that this distribution, at least in its extremes, is independent of the distribution of general verbal functioning) along with the observation that hyperlexia was initially registered among children with developmental disabilities that constitute the basis for the discussion in this annotation. Specically, with regard to the rst assumption, if word recognition skills are distributed continuously, then those who are below a certain threshold can be viewed as individuals whose word identication is impaired (i.e., those possessing a disability) and those who are above a certain threshold can be viewed as individuals whose identication is advanced (i.e., those possessing a superability). Thus, if hyperlexia is dened as advanced word recognition, then it can be viewed as a superability. This assertion is certainly plausible, given that the second assumption is correct (i.e., superability in word recognition can manifest itself independently of the general level of verbal ability). Yet, the phenomenon of hyperlexia was registered for the rst time in a profoundly disabled population and even referred to as pseudo-talent (Parker, 1919). This continuing confusion regarding the meaning of the term
Association for Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 2003. Published by Blackwell Publishing, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA
todays literature: Some researchers are adamant about hyperlexia being a clinical phenomenon whereas others readily assign the label of hyperlexia to children with word recognitioncomprehension discrepancies irrespective of any clinical diagnosis.
pervasive developmental disorders (PDD). This hyperlexia as a subtype approach was initially introduced by the Child Neurology Society Task Force on the Nosology of Disorders of Higher Cerebral Functions in Children (1981). The characteristic part of this approach is in distinguishing the essential (uent oral reading, impaired reading comprehension, superior verbal memory, and adequate to superior visual perceptual skills) and variable (suppressed verbal IQ, echolalia, autistic behavior, and preoccupation with numbers) features of hyperlexia (Cohen, Campbell, & Gelardo, 1987).
without hyperlexia (Cohen, Hall, & Riccio, 1997). The results of this study registered few differences between the two groups, and only on those indicators that considered essential features of hyperlexia (specically, signicant group differences were found for visual/spatial memory and achievement indicators of word recognition, spelling, and arithmetic), thus suggesting a link between SLI and hyperlexia. One study does, however, suggest that, unlike most SLI individuals, at least a subgroup of individuals with hyperlexia (but without SLI diagnoses) have intact general language functions (e.g., Huttenlocher & Huttenlocher, 1973).
reading age, but that of the level of verbal ability. Finally, across all comprehension tasks used, mentally retarded autistic and non-autistic children were not distinguishable from each other; this nding challenges the idea that the skill of advanced decoding is autism-specic (i.e., hyperlexia is not a syndrome-specic phenomenon, Snowling & Frith, 1986, p. 410). Summarizing their results, Snowling and Frith proposed a category of true hyperlexia a syndrome-independent condition, manifested as unexpected decoding success and unexpected comprehension failure dened with respect to the observed verbal ability. However, it is possible that the strict and limited nature of their label, which places a heavy accent on the decodingcomprehension discrepancy and almost ignores other features of hyperlexia (precocity and spontaneity of the emergence of the reading decoding skill and its obsessive character), explains the lack of difference between groups of children with autism and mental retardation. There also has been some research on word-level comprehension. Specically, a number of investigators have attempted to use lexical decision tasks in research with individuals with hyperlexia. The main obstacle in the administration of these tasks was the difculty related to explaining instructions (e.g., Aram, Rose, & Horwitz, 1984). A few individuals with hyperlexia, however, were able to perform the task those individuals were able to make most of the wordnonword decisions correctly (Goldberg & Rothermel, 1984), although the accuracy level was not remarkable. Aram, Ekelman, and Healy (1984), Goldberg and Rothermel (1984), and Temple and Carney (1996) did not nd a discrepancy between single-word reading and word comprehension. Another line of work has focused on whether depressed comprehension is exhibited in both oral and written modalities or only in the written modality. Comparison of reading and oral comprehension in individuals with hyperlexia has found no signicant differences in that both types of comprehension were depressed (Aram, Rose, et al., 1984; Goodman, 1972; Healy et al., 1982; Huttenlocher & Huttenlocher, 1973; Temple, 1990). It is relevant for the present discussion that such a continuum of discrepancy between students abilities to read and to comprehend the material read was observed in the early 1930s (Manroe, 1932), although at that point the term hyperlexia was not used; since the late 1960s and even more so now, the central feature of hyperlexia (the discrepancy between decoding and comprehension) is often referred to as the central feature of reading comprehension disorder. Although this disorder has not made it into diagnostic manuals, the literature on it has been developing rather rapidly. Since the issue of comprehension disorder, its existence, and its merit as an independent diagnostic category is not central to
this annotation, we stress only the following ndings from the literature. First, although often referred to as a reading disorder, comprehension disorder emerges (and, therefore, becomes diagnosable) only by middle school (e.g., Leach & Scarborough, in press). Second, it appears that children with comprehension difculties have a neuropsychological prole distinctly different from that of children with developmental dyslexia (e.g., Nation, 2001; Nation & Snowling, 1998a, b, 1999, 2000; Snowling, 2002). Finally, it appears that whether dened through the discrepancy between single-word recognition and vocabulary (e.g., van Daal & Miles, 2001) or singleword recognition and reading comprehension (e.g., Grigorenko & Katz, 2003), comprehension decit is observed comparably as often as developmental dyslexia in the general population. In other words, when dened through the discrepancy between single-word reading and comprehension (either at the word level through indicators of vocabulary or at the higher-than-word level of connected text), in the general population, the concept of hyperlexia becomes indistinguishable from the concept of reading comprehension disorder.
forms of mental retardation (Fontenelle & Alacron, 1982; Mehegan & Dreifuss, 1972; Worthy & Invernizzi, 1995). While the value of case studies is intrinsically limited, the range of disorders associated with hyperlexia has been taken to suggest that it might best be regarded as a rather nonspecic, cross-diagnostic phenomenon (Goldberg, 1987; Graziani et al., 1983; Healy, 1982; Needleman, 1982; Snowling & Frith, 1986; Whitehouse & Harris, 1984) that should be referred to as the syndrome of hyperlexia (Healy, 1982). However, in all these instances of observing hyperlexia in other than PDD conditions, hyperlexia was viewed as a discrepancy between reading words and understanding words and connected text (i.e., as a reading comprehension disorder). Thus, is it not handier and less terminologically confusing to use the concept of reading comprehension disorder to refer to nonspecic discrepancies between single-word reading and comprehension and preserve the concept of hyperlexia for a specic symptom observed among children in the PDD-spectrum? Equating hyperlexia with reading comprehension disorder, from our point of view, eliminates the uniqueness of this phenomenon, of which the reading decodingcomprehension gap is only one of many facets. Other facets capture almost obsessive interest in letters and words, precocity and spontaneity of the emergence of the skill of decoding letters into sounds, and the degree of discrepancy between reading decoding and other cognitive skills.
of other cognitive functions (mostly measured as IQ in some form). According to the second position, the discrepancy should be specic, that is, between the level of word identication and comprehension (e.g., Nation, 1999). The third position is a merging of the two, suggesting that the denition of hyperlexia should rest on a double discrepancy word identication skills should be higher than expected based on general developmental level, and comprehension should be lower than expected based on word identication skills (Rispens & Berckelaer, 1991; Snowling & Frith, 1986). In our work (Grigorenko et al., 2002), we have used a strict denition of hyperlexia based on a discrepancy between word-level decoding and comprehension. In this interpretation (again, given that hyperlexia is viewed as a PDD-specic phenomenon), we try to preserve the uniqueness of the term and the behaviors described by this term.
discrepancy between word recognition and IQ, the presence of this gap is assumed, but the absolute value of IQ is not specied. In fact, individuals with hyperlexia have been shown to demonstrate a wide spread of IQ (e.g., Grigorenko et al., 2002). With respect to IQs components, the majority of studies report higher scores on performance IQ than verbal IQ demonstrated by individuals with hyperlexia (e.g., Cobrinik, 1974; Goldberg & Rothermel, 1984), although one study reports the opposite pattern (Fontenelle & Alarcon, 1982) and a few studies have reported generalized decits in both verbal and performance areas (e.g., Healy et al., 1982). A number of descriptive studies have mentioned unusual patterns of motor skills in children with hyperlexia (e.g., Cobrinik, 1982; Huttenlocher & Huttenlocher, 1973). Usually mentioned is the presence of unusual and repetitive movements, a feature potentially consistent with the nding of higher rates of PDD. There is also some mention of motor development delays; this evidence, however, is contradictory (e.g., Goldberg & Rothermel, 1984; Healy et al., 1982). Two studies have examined the links between hyperlexia and acquisition of a foreign language. LeBrun, Van Endert, and Sziwowski (1988) presented a case where an adolescent girl with hyperlexia could read aloud words in three languages (Dutch, English, and French). The girl could read the words more effectively and with better pronunciation than she could use them in her spontaneous speech. Sparks and Artzer (2000) presented a child with hyperlexia who was enrolled in a foreign language course (Spanish). The child was able to go through two years of Spanish and exhibited adequate word recognition skills in Spanish (signicantly lower compared to his English word recognition skills) and performed word-level tasks better than any tasks that required comprehension of sentences and larger units of text. In both cases the children demonstrated the same hyperlexic prole of discrepancy between word recognition and comprehension in all languages they functioned in. Finally, there is a disagreement in the literature with regard to references to the presence of various special abilities in individuals with hyperlexia. For example, superior visual discrimination abilities have been reported in several case studies (e.g., Cobrinik, 1982; Goodman, 1972; Healy et al., 1982), but negated in others (e.g., Siegel, 1984). Some researchers have reported exceptional date calculation abilities (e.g., Smith, 1988), whereas others reported remarkable memory for special information such as dates of US presidents or street names (e.g., Aram, Rose, et al., 1984; Cain, 1969; Goodman, 1972; Mehegan & Dreifuss, 1972). Exceptional, but circumscribed, musical talents have also been noted (e.g., Aram, Rose, et al., 1984). Again such reports potentially suggest a link to PDD.
In sum, there is currently no distinct neuropsychological prole associated with hyperlexia. An issue here, of course, is that if the eld does not converge on the general denition of hyperlexia, it is difcult for the eld to agree on specic aspects of this phenomenon.
ance with this interpretation is the observation that, although some early reports (e.g., Burd et al., 1987) suggested that hyperlexia might be a positive factor, enhancing the developmental outcome of children with PDD, these reports have not been conrmed by an independent group of investigators. For example, in our work (Grigorenko et al., 2002), we did not register better outcomes of PDD children with hyperlexia as compared to children with PDD, but no hyperlexia. A number of case studies have attempted to investigate the motivational structure beyond the observed fascination with printed stimuli exhibited by individuals with hyperlexia. For example, Bryson, Landry, and Smith (1994) have arrived at the conclusion that an autistic girl with hyperlexia they observed appeared interested in print for its own sake (p. 229). Unfortunately, to our knowledge, there have been no studies investigating the change of motivation and drive to attend to printed word in children with hyperlexia over a signicant period of time. Thus, although researchers acknowledge the presence of this passion for printed word as one of the key features of hyperlexia, there is no systematic information regarding how this drive emerges, how long it stays, and whether and/or when it disappears.
differently (primarily phonics-oriented versus embedding phonics in a basal reading program) and reported a higher number of children with hyperlexia in a school where reading was taught with strong emphasis on phonics. Niensted then conducted a pedagogical experiment having shared strategies for improving comprehension with teachers and parents from the phonics-based school; having retested the children in this school later, she registered a lower, compared to the baseline, level of hyperlexia. The interpretation was that hyperlexia can be overcome through education (Niensted, 1968, p. 163). Although the literature on the etiology of hyperlexia is very limited, the literature on the etiology of single-word processing is overwhelmingly rich. Moreover, at this point, it is widely accepted that single-word reading is a biologically rooted (e.g., Cabeza & Nyberg, 2000) and etiologically complex process emerging under inuences of both genetic and environmental factors (for review, see Grigorenko, 2001), whose neuroanatomical bases change across life span (Schlaggar et al., 2002). Therefore, it is plausible that the etiology of hyperlexia is, at least partially, biological. The challenge is in determining its mechanism and the degree to which it is or can be inuenced by environmental factors. Thus, at this point, we simply do not know enough to make a conclusive statement about the etiology of hyperlexia. Clearly, more work in this domain needs to be done so that the eld can arrive at better informed hypotheses.
also based on orthographic patterning. Specically, these researchers have created a battery of words whose presentation was visually deviant through a number of modications case, orientation, linearity, spacing, and an addition of irrelevant symbols. Only irrelevant symbols impacted the reading speed in children with hyperlexia; otherwise, the word identication remained rather intact. Similarly, there are case descriptions indicating the efcient functioning of orthographic systems in individuals with hyperlexia (e.g., Glosser et al., 1996; Glosser, Grugan, & Friedman, 1997; Seymour & Evans, 1992). Thus, it appears that hyperlexic reading is not exclusively based on visual memory and involves, at least to some degree, some symbol mapping and decoding. Further, the exclusively visual mechanism of hyperlexia has been challenged by a number of studies that have registered a presence of exceptional decoding skills of unfamiliar (nonsense) words in children with hyperlexia (e.g., Healy, 1982; Needleman, 1982; Siegel, 1984). There appears to be more similarity between typical and hyperlexic reading than was initially expected: Evidently, individuals with hyperlexia rely on phonemic processing while identifying single words. For example, individuals with hyperlexia make fewer errors in regular than in exceptional words, just as typical readers do (Aram, Ekelman, et al., 1984; Aram, Rose, et al., 1984; Frith & Snowling, 1983; Goldberg & Rothermel, 1984). Of note is that one of the children described by Kanner (1943) had an exceptional interest in rhymes or things of this nature (p. 217). Frith and Snowling (1983) showed that children with hyperlexia were able to recognize words using visual/ orthographic and phonological strategies equally well. Of interest, however, are the ndings of Cossu and Marshall (1986), indicating that the advancement in decoding skills does not necessarily correspond to the advancement in phonological processing (referred to by Cossu and Marshall as metalinguistic) skills. The two cases with hyperlexia presented by these researchers showed remarkable performance on reading and writing tasks in the presence of poor performance on a variety of tasks on verbal memory and phonological tasks. Thus, although phonological mechanisms are utilized in hyperlexic reading, advanced decoding does not necessarily co-occur with advanced phonological processing, at least on selected tasks (Cossu & Marshall, 1986; Kennedy, 2002; Sparks, 1995, 2001). However, the apparent similarities between hyperlexic and typical reading suggest that children with hyperlexia are not just barking at print (Snowling & Frith, 1986, p. 393); they appear to be identifying and decoding words in a fashion similar to that of normal readers. Finally, there is also mixed evidence with regard to the utilization, by children with hyperlexia, of the phonemegrapheme correspondence rules, which are considered to be one of the major mechanisms of the development of typical reading. Similarly to the
issues discussed above, there is some evidence suggesting that at least some hyperlexic reading is attributable to the mastery of the phonemegrapheme conversion rule (e.g., OConnor & Hermelin, 1994); others do not nd any support for this assertion (e.g., Cobrinik, 1982) or present evidence supporting the utilization of both phonological and visual routes of word recognition (e.g., Kennedy, 2002; Welsh, Pennington, & Rogers, 1987). In sum, it is important to notice that there is contradictory evidence in the literature with regard to other processes that typically highly correlate with word identication: The literature, in general, points out the presence of variability in decoding nonwords among individuals with hyperlexia (e.g., Aram, Ekelman, et al., 1984), tests of memory (e.g., Kistner et al., 1988), a variety of phonological processes (e.g., Sparks, 1995, 2001), and comprehension (e.g., Frith & Snowling, 1983). Thus, the existence of various subtypes of hyperlexia is possible. To explore the hypothesis of subtypes in hyperlexia, Richman and Wood (2002) studied 30 boys (613 years of age) with hyperlexia. The children were identied through a set of criteria including parental reports of precocious reading, atypical (not necessarily impaired) language development, atypical social interaction, a signicant discrepancy between reading level and IQ, a signicant (at least 2 years) discrepancy between single-word reading and reading comprehension. Based on the childrens performance on a battery of neuropsychological tests, children with hyperlexia were classied into three groups: (1) language-learning disabilities; (2) nonverbal learning disabilities; and (3) mixed learning disabilities. Because group 3 was very small (3 children), it was deleted from further analyses. When groups 1 and 2 were compared on indicators of phonological processing and visual memory, the rst group (language-learning disabilities group) demonstrated good visual memory skills; but they exhibited a higher number of phonetic errors and a lower level of comprehension than did the nonverbal-learning disabilities group. In contrast, the second group (nonverbal learning disabilities) demonstrated decits in the visual-spatial domain but fewer phonetic errors and a higher level of comprehension. In summary, it is possible that somewhat contradictory ndings with regard to mechanisms of hyperlexia can be explained by the existence of different pathways to advanced decoding apparently, superior word recognition can be achieved both through primarily visual and primarily phonological pathways.
stressing its apparent independence from levels of general functioning and hypothesizing hyperlexias underlying basis as a neurological precocity (p. 41). Such an approach to hyperlexia is similar to viewing it as a savant ability to recognize single words. Some researchers have widened the denition of hyperlexia, incorporating into this phenomenon preoccupation with both letters and numbers (DeLong, Ritch, & Burch, 2002). From this point of view, hyperlexia is a talent a unique gift to a rather unfortunate child suffering from a developmental disability. Another possibility is to view hyperlexia as a reading-comprehension disorder. Then, when apparent in children with PDD, it can be simply described as a comorbid condition of comprehension disorder. In this context, hyperlexia is not a superability, but rather a specic disability with a particular signature. Similar to dyslexia, where disability is described through a discrepancy between vocabulary (or general ability) and single-word reading, comprehension disorder is dened on the basis of a reversed discrepancy that where singleword skills are strong, comprehension skills are weak. If dyslexia is viewed as disability, then hyperlexia (dened as comprehension disorder) should also be viewed as a disability. There is an emerging literature that takes the phenomenon of hyperlexia out of the cognitive domain where it has been placed, and puts it in the domain of social disabilities (e.g., Klin, Chawarska, Ruben, & Volkmar, in press). From this point of view, hyperlexia might be a precocious skill, marking a reduced early developmental ability to make sense of other stimuli available in the environment, especially social stimuli. Interpreted in this way, hyperlexia is a form of social disability or, at least, a precursor of an emerging social disability. What is implicit in this interpretation is the developmental signicance of hyperlexia, indicating a different style of interpreting early-life stimuli (fascination with stable, unchanging, constantly interpretable printed symbols and fear of changing, uid, constantly calling for an interpretation social stimuli). This view might explain the fact of disappearing hyperlexia in development. Helping a child learn how to manage social stimuli might dilute his obsession with printed stimuli. Yet another possibility is to view hyperlexia in the context of the distribution of single-word reading skill in the general population. Snowling and Frith (1986) stated that the very existence of hyperlexia is a principal argument for the possibility of the formation of a functional word-decoding system independent (or semi-independent) of connections to the systems of syntactic, semantic, and general knowledge. These four systems (decoding, grammar, meaning, and general knowledge) are highly correlated in typical readers and appear not to correlate in hyperlexic children. Two issues need to be
mentioned in this context. First, the assumption (and even proof) of the modularity of the decoding system does not explain the emergence of hyperlexia and does not address the question of decit or talent. The issue here is that, if compared to the distribution of word-recognition skill in the general population, even when age-corrected, children with hyperlexia do not score very high. When they do, they show their superiority early in development and lose it later in development. Second, it is unclear why the word recognitionword comprehension discrepancy arises. It might arise because of the advantage of the word-recognition modular system as well as the disadvantage of the meaning system. In fact, hyperlexia can be interpreted as half-baked (or halfunfolded) formation of reading skills, in which decoding skills are in place, but the system does not know how to build semantic networks to nish the construction of the reading system. In summary, although the phenomenon of hyperlexia is of obvious interest, several factors complicate the interpretation of available data. First, there is disagreement over whether hyperlexia is a symptom of a more general syndrome (e.g., PDD) or whether it is a cross-diagnostic phenomenon. Second, there is no agreement on whether it is a phenomenon circumscribed to clinical populations or extendable to the general population. Third, although there is agreement that the core of hyperlexia is the process of word recognition, there are various opinions on how this process should be evaluated compared to the level of general cognitive functioning, the level of comprehension, the level of vocabulary, or any combination of these. Fourth, there is more agreement on the weaknesses exhibited by individuals with hyperlexia than on their relative strengths. Finally, it is unclear whether hyperlexia can be explained through processes subserving typical reading or whether hyperlexic reading is etiologically different. Clearly, some of these issues are related, and taking a position within one line of argument helps to constrain the positions one may take regarding the others. For example, if we assume that hyperlexia is a specic symptom exhibited by individuals with PDD, this would (1) restrict hyperlexia to clinical samples; (2) rule out the necessity to make references to the level of comprehension, because among PDD individuals, levels of both oral and written comprehension are highly correlated with levels of general intellectual functioning; (3) view word recognition as an isolated skill preserved in individuals with PDD and developed by them into a superability (relative to their other cognitive functions), perhaps as a result of deliberate (often obsessive) practice; and (4) imply that the general underlying model of word recognition is the same for typical and hyperlexic reading. This view would posit, therefore, that hyperlexia is a superability demonstrated by a very specic group of individuals with developmental disorders (dened through unexpected word recognition in the context
of otherwise suppressed intellectual functioning) rather than as a disability exhibited by a portion of the general population (dened through a discrepancy between the levels of word recognition and comprehension). Taking such a stance narrows the eld of study; but it does not address major questions in need of clarication, including why hyperlexia should be more commonly associated with PDDs rather than other conditions. This stance also prematurely reduces discussion of processes that are still poorly understood, including the onset, developmental trajectory, and neuropsychology of reading and decoding skills in individuals with PDD vis-a ` -vis typically developing populations. Another approach might be to treat hyperlexia within the research framework aimed at understanding single-word recognition, thus submitting it to the various available methodologies in that eld, including external validity studies of different denitions (Pennington, Gilger, Olson, & DeFries, 1992), prospective/longitudinal studies (Bishop & Adams, 1991), genetic studies (Hohnen & Stevenson, 1999), experimental studies (e.g., eye-tracking paradigms; Trueswell, Sekerina, Hill, & Logrip, 1999), and functional neuroimaging studies (Shaywitz, Shaywitz, Pugh, & Skudlarski, 1996). Although we clearly are proponents of this multifaceted approach, we still strongly promote the view of hyperlexia as a PDDspecic phenomenon. Even when hyperlexia is studied within the context of reading, from our point of view, it should be studied in children with PDD. Otherwise, as soon as we exit the limiting brackets of the diagnoses of PDD, we inevitably enter the domain of terminological confusion. We become unable to differentiate the concept of hyperlexia from the concept of comprehension disorder (as both are currently dened with respect to the general population). If studied in the context of PDD, the power necessary for such studies would be assembled through collaborative projects not unlike the ones that have furthered our understanding of reading so much in the past decade. This is true despite the fact that hyperlexia is still considered a rather rare phenomenon.
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The preparation of this article was, in part, supported by the grant from the Cure Autism Now Foundation to ELG. We want to thank Robyn Rissman for valuable editorial comments and Tina Newman and Donna Macomber for critical evaluation of the content of the annotation.
Correspondence to
Elena L. Grigorenko, Yale Child Study Center, 230 South Frontage Road, New Haven, CT 06510, USA; Email: elena.grigorenko@yale.edu
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