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Concepts of Law.-- The term law may be understood in 2 concepts: (1) in the general or abstract sense, and (2) in the specific or material sense. In the general sense, law is defined as the "science of moral rules, founded on the rational nature of man, w/c govern his free activity, for the realization of the individual and social ends, of a nature both demandable and reciprocal." (Sanchez Roman.) In the specific sense, it is defined as "a rule of conduct, just, obligatory, promulgated by legitimate authority, and of common observance and benefit." (ibid.) Foundation of Law.-- Law rests upon the concepts of order, co-existence, and liberty. Characteristics of Law.-- (1) it is a rule of human conduct; (2) promulgated by competent authority; (3) obligatory; and (4) of general observance. General Divisions of Law.-- Law in its most comprehensive sense has been divided into 2 general groups: divine law and human law. By divine law is meant that in w/c God himself is the legislator who has promulgated the law; by human law is meant that w/c is promulgated by man to regulate human relations. Human law is in turn divided into 2 main classes: general or public law and individual or private law. These in turn are sub-divided as follows: I. General or public law: (a) International law; (b) Constitutional law; (c) Administrative law; (d) Criminal law; (e) Religious law. II. Individual or private law: (a) Civil law; (b) Mercantile law; (c) Procedural law. Kinds of Specific Law.-- Law, in the specific sense, is generally classified into mandatory, prohibitory, and permissive . In one sense, every law commands, bec. it is obligatory; but it commands in 3 different ways: (1) it commands that something be done, in w/c case it is mandatory; (2) it commands that something should not be done, in w/c case it is prohibitory; and (3) it commands that what it permits to be done should be tolerated or respected, in w/c case it is permissive. Codification of Laws.-- A code is a collection of laws of the same kind; a body of legal provisions referring to a particular branch of law. Reasons for codification: (1) the necessity of simplifying and arranging the many juridical rules scattered in several laws and customs; (2) the necessity of unifying various legislations in the same country; and (3) the necessity of introducing reforms occasioned by social changes.
Prof. Ruben Balane (hereinafter Balane): According to the Code Commission, 25% of the articles in the NCC are exact reproductions of the Spanish Civil Code (OCC); 32% were modified or amended. These comprised 57% of the Code on Persons, ObliCon, Property and Succession. Forty-three per cent (43%) are new. These deal w/ Special Contracts, Quieting of title, Trusts, Prescription and some parts in Torts. The accuracy of these figures are doutful. There are two great models of a modern civil code, the French Civil Code (Code Napoleon) and the German Civil Code {BGB or Buogeoliches Gesetzbuch [Beuo w/c means "town," "that w/c has reference to a citizen;" buch w/c means "book;" BGB means "a lawbook governing citizens."] Changes from the Old Civil Code in the New Civil Code: 1. Creation of new rights.-- E.g., in the case of spurious children who were given rights for the first time (successional right, right of support, etc.) New provisions on Human Relations (Articles 33-36), Reformation of Instruments (Art. 1359), two additional quasi-contracts (Art. 2174 and 2175), moral and nominal damages (Arts. 2217 and 2221) 2. Adoption of new solutions like Art. 461 (change in the river course), Art. 1256 (consignation), Art. 1658 (lease.) 3. Clarification of old provisions like Art. 275 (Legitimation), Art. 992 (illegitimate children's right to inherit ab intestato), Art. 1410 (void contracts) 4. Omission of certain subjects, e.g., dowry w/c is very western. In the Phils., we have the opposite of dowry, the bigay-kaya. These contracts were abolished- censos, usus and habitation (subsumed in easement and lease.) Is the New Civil Code better than the Old?-- Yes. As a whole. An example of an improvement in the NCC is in defective contracts. The NCC classifies them into rescissible, voidable, unenforceable and void. Defects in the New Civil Code.-- There is defect in the basic structure, e.g., in modes of acquiring ownership. Six are given a separate title except Tradition w/c is found in the provisions on Sales. Another defect is on the vice of consent found in the title of Contracts. It should have been in the preliminary title bec. the same is also applicable to marriage, wills-- all juridical transactions. The same is also true w/ respect to the provisions on degrees of relationship. Why limit it to succession. It should be placed in the preliminary title. Other defects are the treatment of donation as an 'act' instead of a 'contract,' w/c is what is really is; defect in judicious borrowings. Definition of Civil Law.-- Civil law has been defined as "the mass of precepts w/c determine and regulate the relations of assistance, authority and obedience among the members of a family, and those w/c exist among members of a society for the protection of private interests." (Sanchez Roman.)
Art. 26. All marriages solemnized outside the AZNAR V. GARCIA [61 O.G. No. 46 p. 7303 (1963)] Philippines in accordance with the laws in force in the Where the testator was a citizen of California, and domiciled country where they were solemnized, and valid there as in the Philippines, the amount of successional rights should such, shall also be valid in this country, except those be governed by his national law. However, since the conflicts prohibited under Articles 35 (1), (4), (5) and (6), 36, 37 of law rules of California provides that in case of citizens who and 38. PAGE 11
Art. 80. In the absence of a contrary stipulation in a marriage settlement, the property relations of the spouses shall be governed by Philippine laws, regardless of the place of the celebration of the marriage and their residence. This rule shall not apply: PAGE 12
Rule 111, Sec. 2. Institution of separate civil action. - Except in the cases provided for in Section 3 hereof, after the criminal action has been commenced, the civil action which has been reserved cannot be instituted until final judgment has been rendered in the criminal action. (a) Whenever the offended party shall have instituted the civil action (arising from the crime - Baltic) as provided for in the first paragraph of section 1 hereof before the filing of the criminal action is subsequently commenced, the pending civil action shall be suspended, in whatever stage before final judgment it may be found, until final judgment in the criminal action has been renMADEJA V. CARO [126 S 295 (1983)] - Where accused dered. However, if no final judgment has been rendered was charged with Homicide thru reckless imprudence, by the trial court in the civil action, the same may be pending the criminal action, an independent civil action consolidated with the criminal action upon application under Art. 33 may proceed independently of the criminal with the court trying the criminal action. If the case. Citing Carandang v. Santiago [97 P 94 (1955)], "The application is granted, the evidence presented and term "physical injuries" is used in the generic sence, not the admitted in the civil action shall be deemed automatically crime of physical injuries defined in the Revised Penal Code. reproduced in the criminal action, without prejudice to It includes not only physical injuries but consummated, the admission of additional evidence that any party may frustrated and attempted homicide." Defamation and fraud wish to present. In case of consolidation, both the criminal are also used in their generic sense because there are no and the civil actions shall be tried and decided jointly. specific provisions in the Revised Penal Code using these (b) Extinction of the penal action does not carry terms as means of offenses defined therein. with it extinction of the civil, unless the extinction proceeds from a declaration (need not be an express Art. 35. When a person, claimining to be injured declaration- Baltic) in a final judgment that the fact from by a criminal offense, charges another with the same, for which the civil might arise did not exist. (Rules of Court.) which no independent civil action is granted in this Code PAGE 16
JOAQUIN V. NAVARRO [93 P 257] - F: On 2/6/45, while the battle for the liberation of Mla. was raging, the spouses Joaquin Navarro, Sr. (JN, Sr.) and Angela Joaquin (AJ), together w/ their 3 daughters and their son Joaquin, Jr. (JN, Jr.) and the latter's wife, sought refuge in the ground floor of the building known as the German Club. During their stay, the bldg. was packed w/ refugees, shells were exploding around, and the Club was set on fire. Simultaneously, the Japanese started shooting at the people inside the bldg, especially those who were trying to escape. the 3 daughters were hit and fell on the ground near the entrance; and JN, Sr. and his son decided to abandon the premises to seek a safer haven. They could not convince AJ, who refused to join them, and so JN, Sr. and his son, JN, Jr. and the latter's wife dashed out of the burning edifice. As they came out, JN, Jr. was shot in the head by a Japanese soldier and immediately dropped. The others lay flat on the PAGE 18
Sec. 70. If any debtor, being insolvent, or in contemplation of insolvency, within thirty days before the filing of a petition by or against him, with a view to giving a preference to any creditor or person having claim against him or who is under any liability for him, procures any part of his property to be attached, sequestered, or seized on execution, or makes any payment, pledge, mortgage, assignment, transfer, sale, or conveyance of any 3. Deaf-Mutes part of his property, either directly or indirectly, absolutely or conditionally, to anyone, the person receving Art. 1327. The following cannot give consent to a such payment, pledge, mortgage, assignment, transfer, contract: sale or conveyancr or to be benefited thereby, or by such (1) Unemancipated minors; attachment or seizure, having reasonable cause to believe (2) Insane or demented persons, and deaf-mutes that such debtor is insolvent, and that such attachment, who do not know how to write. sequestration, seizure, payment, pledge, mortgage, conveyance, transfer, sale, or assignment is made with a Art. 820. Any person of sound mind and of the view to prevent his property from coming to his assignee age of eighteen years or more, and not blind, deaf or in insolvency, or to prevent the same from being dumb, and able to read and write, may be witnesses to the distributed ratably among his creditors, or to defeat the execution of a will mentioned in article 805 of this Code. object of, or in any way hinder, impede, or delay the operation of or to evade any of the provisions of this Act, 4. Prodigals such attachment, sequestration, seizure, payment, pledge, mortgage, transfer, sale, assignment, or conveyance is Rule 92, Sec. 2. Meaning of word "incompetent".-void, and the assignee, or the receiver may recover the Under this rule, the word "incompetent" includes persons property or the value thereof, as assets of such involvent suffering the penalty of civil interdiction or who are debtor. If such payment, pledge, mortgage, conveyance, hospitalized lepers, prodigals, deaf and dumb who are sale, assignment, or transfer is not made in the usual and unable to read and write, those who are of unsound mind, ordinary course of business of the debtor, of if such seizure even though they have lucid intervals, and persons not is made under a judgment which the debtor has confessed being of unsound mind, but by reason of age, disease, or offered to allow, that fact shall be prima facie evidence weak mind, and other similar causes, cannot, without of fraud. Any payment, pledge, mortgage, conveyance, outside aid, take care of themselves and manage their sale, assignment, or transfer of property of whatever property, becoming thereby an easy prey for deceit and character made by the insolvent within one month before exploitation. (Rules of Court.) the filing of a petition in insolvency by or against him, except for a valuable pecuniary consideration made in PAGE 22
Balane: Ouline of Articles 40 & 41 1. For civil personality to be acquired, one must be Art. 1311. Contracts take effect only between the born.-- A foetus is born after it is completely separated from parties, their assigns and heirs, except in case where the the mother's womb w/c is produced by the cutting of the rights and obligations arising from the contract are not umbilical cord; after the separation, the child now survives by transmissible by their nature, or by stipulation or by itself. PAGE 25
Art. XII, Sec. 3. Lands of the public domain are classified into agricultural, forest or timber, mineral lands, and national parks. Agricultural lands of the public domain shall be limited to agricultural lands. Private corporations or associations may not hold such lands of the public domain except by lease, for a period not exceeding twenty-five years, renewable for not more than twentyfive years, and not to exceed one thousand hectares in area. Citizens of the Philippines may lease not more than five hundred hectares, or acquire not more than twelve hectares thereof by purchase, homestead, or grant in excess of twelve hectares. HELD: It is suggested by the appellant that the Roman Taking into account the requirements of Catholic Church has no legal personality in the Philippine conservation, ecology and development and subject to the Islands. This suggestion, made with reference to an principles of agrarian reform, the Congress shall institution w/c antedates by almost a thousand years any other determine, by law, the size of lands of the public domain PAGE 26
Three kinds of Domicile: (1) Domicile of Origin.-- Domicile of the parents of a person at the time he was born (2) Domicile of Choice.-- Domicile chosen by a person to change his original domicile. Aside from the 2 requisites mentioned above, a third requisite must be present in domincile of choice, animus non revertendi (intention not to return to one's old domicile as his permanent place.) (3) Domicile by Operation of Law.-- E.g., Art. 69, FC. PAGE 27
Tolentino: Principal Effects of Marriage: (1) personal and economic relations bet. the sps., w/c become sources of impt. rights and duties; (2) the legitimacy of sexual union and of the family; (3) the personal and economic relations bet. parents and children, w/c gives rise to considerable rights and Unjust enrichment.-Another legal basis in duties; (4) the family rel'p, from w/ flow various juridical connection w/ a breach of contract to marry is art. 22 on consequences, such as impediments to marriage, right to unjust enrichment. xxx Gifts to the person to whom the donor support, and rights to inheritance; (5) incapacity of the sps. is engaged to be married are considered legally as PAGE 28
Martinez v. Tan [12 P 731] -- F: Pltff. Rosalia Martinez Tolentino: Age of Consent.-- The age for each party commenced this action for the cancellation of the cert. of provided in Art. 5 is generally known as the "age of consent." marriage and for damages. Pltff. claimed that what took for marriage. Eighteen yrs is the "age of consent" bec. below place before the justice of the peace did not constitute a legal this age, a party to a marriage cannot give a binding valid marriage under Gen. Orders No. 68, Sec. 6, "No particular consent. PAGE 30
Art. 47. The action for annulment of marriage must be filed by the following persons and within the periods indicated herein: PAGE 31
a. Absence of the prior spouses for at least 4 consecutive yrs. or at least 2 consecutive yrs. if it falls under Art. 391, NCC. b. The spouse present has a wellfounded belief that the absent spouse was already dead. c. The institution by the spouse present of a summary proceeding of presumptive death of the absent spouse. A declaration by the court of the presumptive death is of course required. 2. In Art. 40 where the marriage was contracted after a void ab initio marriage w/c has not been declared void by final judgment. 3. In Art. 53 in case of a subsequent marriage w/c does not comply w/ the requirements of Art. 52. In Art. 52, you have to do 3 things: a. Judgment of annulment or nullity of marriage must be registered in the appropriate registry. b. The registration of the partition and distribution of the properties of the spouses in the appropriate civil registry. c. The delivery of the common children's presumptive legitime. Art. 35. The following marriages shall be void from the beginning: xxx (4) Those bigamous or polygamous marriages not falling under Article 41; xxx. (6) Those subsequent marriages that are void under Article 53. Art. 40. The absolute nullity of a previous marriage may be invoked for purposes of remarriage on the basis solely of a final judgment declaring such previous marriage void. Tolentino: [F]or purposes of remarriage it would be necessary to such void M to secure a final judgement declaring it null and void from the beginning. W/o such final judgment, the previous void marriage would constitute an impediment to the remarriage, and a marriage license may be denied.
HELD: Under the FC, there must be a judicial decl. of the nullity of a previous marriage bef. a party thereto can enter into a 2nd marriage. (Art. 40.) Art. 40 is applicable to remarriages entered into after the effectivity of the FC regardless of the date of the first marriage. Said art. is given "retroactive effect insofar as it does not prejudice or impair vested or acquired rights in accordance w/ the NCC or other laws." (Art. 256, FC.) This is particularly true w/ Art. 40 PAGE 32
F: Gregorio Nolasco was a seaman. During one of the calls of his ship to England, he met Janet Monica Parker, a F: Aurelio Camacho married Conseja Velasco in '42. British subject. From that chance meeting, Janet lived w/ In '62, w/o this marriage being dissolved, Aurelio married Nolasco on his ship for 6 mos. When Nolasco's contract Luisita Camacho in Tokyo. In '67, Aurelio met Nenita expired in 1960, Janet went w/ him in returning home to San Bienvenido. Aurelio courted and won her and they cohabited Jose, Antique. In Jan. 1982, Nolasco married Janet in until Aurelio's death in '88. In '82, Aurelio bought a house Catholic sites in Antique. and lot. In the deed of sale and in the TCT in his name, he After the marriage, Nolasco obtained another was described as single. In '84, he sold the said house and lot employment contract as a seaman, leaving his pregnant wife to Nenita. When Aurelio died, Luisita filed an action to PAGE 33
Baviera: As a defense in bigamy, there is no need for judicial declaration of nullity of a void marriage; as far as determination of property relations is concerned, there is a need for such judicial declaration for purposes of remarriage. PAGE 34
Art. 36. A marriage contracted by any party who, at the time of the celebration, was psychologically incapacitated to comply with the essential marital obligations of marriage, shall likewise be void even if such incapacity becomes manifest only after its solemnization. (As amended by E.O. No. 227) Sempio-Dy: Provision is Taken from Canon Law.-- Par. 3 of Can 1095 of the New Code of Canon Law provides that: "Matrimonial Consent The following are incapable of contracting marriage: xxx xxx 3. Those who, because of causes of a psychological nature, are unable to assume the essential obligations of marriage.
Q: What is the Status of the Children under this Article? A: The children conceived or born before the decree of nullity of marriage are considered legitimate (Art. 54.) PAGE 36
(1) Any incumbent member of the judiciary within the court's jurisdiction; (2) Any priest, rabbi, imam, or minister of any church or religious sect duly authorized by his church or PAGE 40
6. Marriage License (a formal requisite.)-- Articles 3 par. 2, 4 pars 1 & 3, 35 par. 3, 9 to 21 with exceptions in 27 to 34 Art. 3. The formal requisites of marriage are: xxx (2) A valid marriage licence except in the cases provided for in Chapter 2 of this Title; xxx xxx Art. 4. The absence of any of the essential or formal requisites shall render the marriage void ab initio, except as stated in Article 35 (2). xxx An irregularity in the formal requisites shall not affect the validity of the marriage but the party or parties responsible for the irregularity shall be civilly, criminally and administratively liable. COSCA V. PALAYPAYON, JR. [237 S 249 (1994)] F: Complainants allege that respondent judge solemnized marriages even w/o the requisite marriage license. Thus, several couples were able to get married by the simple expedient of paying the marriage fees to resp. Baroy, Clerk of Court II of the Mun. Trial Court of Tinambac, Camarines Sur, despite the absence of a marriage license. xxx. As a consequence, their marriage contracts did not reflect any marriage license. In addition, resp. Judge did not sign their marriage contracts and did not indicate the date of solemnization the reason being that he allegedly had to wait for the marriage license to be submitted by the parties w/c
Art. 9. A marriage license shall be issued by the local civil registrar of the city or municipality where either contracting party habitually resides, except in marriages where no license is required in accordance with Chapter 2 of this Title.
Revocation of Consent.-- Once consent has been given and the proper license issued, it should be irrevocable PAGE 43
Art. 54. Children conceived or born before the judgment of annulment or absolute nullity of the marriage under Article 36 has become final and executory shall be PAGE 46
Children conceived and born of a void marriage are illegitimate. There are two exceptions (Art. 54): 1. Art. 36 2. Art. 53 IV. PRIMARY PROOF OR EVIDENCE OF MARRIAGE.-Articles 22, 23 Art. 22. The marriage certificate, in which the parties shall declare that they take each other as husband and wife, shall also state: (1) The full name, sex, and age of each contracting party; (2) Their citizenship, religion and habitual residence; (3) The date and precise time of the celebration of the marriage; (4) That the proper marriage license has been issued according to law, except in marriages provided for in Chapter 2 of this Title; (5) That either or both of the contracting parties have secured the parental consent in appropriate cases; (6) That either or both of the contracting parties have complied with the legal requirement regarding parental advice in appropriate cases; and (7) That the parties have entered into marriage settlements, if any, attaching a copy thereof. Sempio-Dy: The marriage cert. is not an essential or formal requisite of marriage w/o w/c the marriage will be void. (Madridejo v. De Leon, 55 P 1.). An oral marriage is, thus, valid, and failure of a party to sign the marriage cert. (De Loria v. Felix, 104 P) or the omission of the solemnizing officer to send a copy of the marriage cert. to the proper local civil registrar (Pugeda v. Trias, 4 S 49) does not invalidate the marriage.
Art. 23. It shall be the duty of the person solemnizing the marriage to furnish either of the contracting parties the original of the marriage certificate Tolentino: Effect of Collusion.-- [I]f the parties succeed in referred to in Art. 6 and to send the duplicate and obtaining a decree of annulment by collusion notwithstanding triplicate copies of the certificate not later than 15 days observance of the provisions of this Art., such decree must be after the marriage, to the local civil registrar of the place held to be absolutely void if no cause really existed. It would where the marriage was solemnized. Proper receipts shall be against public policy. be issued by the local civil registrar to the solemnizing officer transmitting copies of the marriage certificate. The solemnizing officer shall retain in his file the Art. 49. During the pendency of the action and in quadruplicate copy of the marriage certificate, the the absence of adequate provisions in a written agreement original of the marriage license and, in proper cases, the between the spouses, the Court shall provide for the PAGE 47
Salonga: Art. 26 par. 2 applies to a situation where the alien spouse was the one who obtained the divorce decree abroad Sec. 30-36. Superseded by New Civil Code, Now capacitating him or her to remarry , in w/c case the Filipino Title I, FC spouse shall likewise have the capacity to remarry. PAGE 51
Paragraph (8).-- Tolentino: Sexual Infidelity.-The act of a wife in having sexual intercourse w/ any other man not her husband will constitute adultery . On the other hand, concubinage is committed by the husband in three Balane: This is an exclusive enumeration. ways: (1) by maintaining a mistress in the conjugal dwelling: Observe that some grounds would tend to overlap w/ (2) by having sexual intercourse w/ the other woman under the grounds for annulment. In such a case, the aggrived party scandalous circumstances; and (3) by cohabiting w/ her in PAGE 53
B. LIMITATION OF ACTION Art. 57. In action for legal separation shall be filed within five years from the time of the occurrence of the cause.
Art. 60. No decree of legal separation shall be based upon a stipulation of facts or a confession of judgment. In any case, the Court shall order the prosecuting attorney or fiscal assigned to it to take steps to prevent collusion between the parties and to take care that the evidence is not fabricated or suppressed.
(1) "Where there is evidence of the adultery SOMOSA-RAMOS V. VAMENTA [46 S 110 (1972)] - An independently of the defendant's statement agreeing to the ancillary remedy of preliminary mandatory injunction is not legal separation, the decree of separation should be granted, barred by the six-month statutory suspension of trial in an since it would not be based on the confession but upon the action for legal separation. In this case, the wife filed a evidence presented by the plaintiff. What the law prohibits is petition for legal separation, and a motion for preliminary a judgment based EXCLUSIVELY on defendant's mandatory injunction for the return of what she calims to be confession." her paraphernal and exclusive property. Art. 103 NCC is not an absolute bar to the hearing of (2) The failure of the husband to actively search for a motion for preliminary injunction priot to the expiration of his wife who left the conjugal home after his discovery of her the 6 months period. xxx That the law remains cognizant of illicit affairs, and to take her home does not constitute the PAGE 55
LAPUZ V. EUFEMIO [43 S 177 (1972)] - The death of the plaintiff BEFORE a decree of legal separation abates such action. "An action for legal separation which involves nothing more than bed-and board separation of the spouses is purely personal. The Civil Code recognizes this (1) by allowing ony the innocent spouse (and no one else) to claim legal separation; (2) by providing that the spouses can, by their reconciliaton, stop or abate the proceedings and even Tolentino: Effects of Filing Petition: rescind a decree of legal separation already granted. Being (1) The spouses can live separately from each other personal in character, it follows that the death of one party to (2) The administration of the common prop., the action causes the death of the action itself - actio whether in absolute community or conjugal partnership of personalis moritur cum persona ." Even if property rights are gains, shall be given by the Court to either of the spouses or involved, because these rights are mere effects of the decree to a third person, as is best for the interests of the community. of legal separation, being rights in expectation, these rights PAGE 56
V. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS BETWEEN HUSBAND AND WIFE Tolentino: Dual Aspect of Family Relations.-- There are 2 aspects in family relations, one internal and another external. In the internal aspect, w/c is essentially natural and moral, the family is commonly known to be sacred and inaccessible even to the law. It is only in the external aspects, where third persons and the public interest are concerned, that the law fixes rules regulating family relations. A. IN GENERAL Art. 68. The husband and wife are obliged to live together, observe mutual love, respect and fidelity, and render mutual help and support. Balane: These are called legal obligations but they are more of a statement of policy. An action for specific performance is not proper to enforce these obligations. The only possible consequences are found in Art.100 for ACP and 127 for CPG. With regard to the mutual obligation of fidelity, there are consequences both civil and criminal (adultery or concubinage.). With respect to support, there are legal provisions in the FC w/c carry out the duty. Tolentino: Right of Cohabitation.-- Marriage entitles the husband and wife to each other's society, that is, they are mutually entitled to cohabitation or consortium. This means that they shall have a common life, under the same roof, to better fulfill those obligations inherent in the matrimonial status.
(2) Compulsory and intestate succession is restored. (3) Testamentary succession.-- There is no revival. Reconciliation will not necessarily revive the institution of the guilty spouse in the will of the innocent spouse. (4) Donation propter nuptias will remain revoked. Art. 67. The agreement to revive the former property regime referred to in the proceeding Article shall be executed under oath and shall specify: (1) The properties to be contributed anew to the restored regime; (2) Those to be retained as separated properties of each spouse; and
Legal Sanction.-- The only aspect of the obligation of mutual help for w/c there is a legal sanction is the duty to support. This can be enforced by court action. But the law cannot penetrate to the intimate relations in the home in PAGE 59
= share of
Note that in cases of marriages under the Family Code made subject to mandatory absolute separation, Art. 104 will never apply. H. CONJUGAL PARTNERSHIP OF GAINS General Provisions Art. 105. In case the future spouses agree in the marriage settlements that the regime of conjugal partnership of gains shall govern their property relations during the marriage, the provisions in this Chapter shall be of supplementary applicaion. The provisions of this Chapter shall also apply to conjugal partnerships of gains already established between spouses before the effectivity of this Code, without prejudice to vested rights already acquired in accordance with the Civil Code or other laws, as provided in Article 256. Art. 256. This Code shall have retroactive effect insofar as it does not prejudice or impair vested or acquired rights in accordance with the Civil Code or other laws.
The bank accounts garnished herein were conjugal property and the same may not be levied upon to pay for Art. 110. The spouses retain ownership, personal obligations. The money in the bank accounts were possession, administration and enjoyment of their excluearned as fruits derived from paraphernal property. As such, sive properties. they became assets of the conjugal partnership. No proof was PAGE 74
Art. 120. The ownership of improvements, whether for utility or adornment, made on the separate property of the spouses at the expense of the partnership or through the acts or efforts of either or both spouses shall pertain to the conjugal partnership, or to the original owner-spouse, subject to the following rules: When the cost of the improvement made by the conjugal partnership and any resulting increase in value are more than the value of the property at the time of the improvement, the entire property of one of the spouses shall belong to the conjugal partnership, subject to reimbursement of the value of the property of the ownerspouse at the time of the improvement; otherwise, said property shall be retained in ownership by the ownerspouse, likewise subject to reimbursement of the cost of the improvement. PAGE 76
Art. 753. When a donation is made to several persons jointly, it is understood to be in equal shares, and a. Property acquired by right of redemption or exchange with there shall be no right of accretion among them, unless the exclusive property of spouse donor has otherwise provided. The preceding paragraph shall not be applicable Baviera Case: to donations made to the husband and wife jointly, between whom there shall be a right of accretion, if the ROSETE V. PROV. SHERIFF [96 P 560 (1954)] - Where contrary has not been provided by the donor. (Civil the husband was a judgment debtor and conjugal property Code.) consisting of lands were levied upon, and the wife redeemed PAGE 81
Baviera: As distinguished from the Jovellanos case, which involved a PACTUM RESERVATI DOMINI, or contractual reservation of title, where there is a stipulation that even if property is delivered to the buyer, ownership remains with the seller until full payment of the price is made. b. Improvements at expense of conjugal funds or through work or industry of a spouse Art. 120. The ownership of improvements, whether for utility or adornment, made on the separate property of the spouses at the expense of the partnership or through the acts or efforts of either or both spouses shall pertain to the conjugal partnership, or to the original owner- spouse, subject to the following rules: When the cost of the improvement made by the conjugal partnership and any resulting increase in value are more than the value of the property at the time of the improvement, the entire property of one of the spouses shall belong to the conjugal partnership, subject to reimbursement of the value of the property of the ownerspouse at the time of the improvement; otherwise, said property shall be retained in ownership by the ownerspouse, likewise subject to reimbursement of the cost of the improvement. In either case, the ownership of the entire property shall be vested upon the reimbursement, which shall be made at the time of the liquidation of the conjugal partnership.
DOMINADO V. DERAYUNAN [49 S 452 (1926)] - To the owner of realty also belongs, by right of accession, the improvements made thereon. Buildings, crops and other improvements upon the land belong to the owner of the realty. To this rule there is an exception in case of married persons. Par. 2 of Art. 1404 CC (now Art. 120, FC) provides that buildings constructed during the marriage, on land belonging to one of the spouses, are conjugal property, but the owner of the realty shall be entitled to credit for the value of the land. This exception, however, is limited to buildings and does not apply to crops and other improvements, with respect PAGE 83
void; PAGE 85
Art. 147. When a man and a woman who are capacitated to marry each other, live exclusively with each other as husband and wife without the benefit of marriage or under a void marriage, their wages and salaries shall be owned by them in equal shares and the property acquired by both of them through their work or industry shall be governed by the rules on co-ownership. [no provision in OCC, judicial decisions only; only in NCC; Baviera says the use of the words "capacitated" and Art. 142. The administration of all classes of "void marriage" is malabo; jigsaw puzzle provision] exclusive property of either spouse may be transferred by In the absence of proof to the contrary, properties the court to the other spouse: acquired while they lived together shall be presumed to (1) When one spouse becomes the guardian of the have been obtained by their joint effortsm work or other; industry, and shall be owned by them in equal shares. For (2) When one spouse is judicially declared an purposes of this Article, a party who did not participate in absentee; the acquisition by the other party of any property shall be deemed to have contributed jointly in the acquisition PAGE 89
Art. 160. When a creditor whose claim is not among those mentioned in Article 155 obtains a judgment Art. 156. The family home must be part of the in his favor, and he has reasonable grounds to believe that properties of the absolute community or the conjugal the family home is actually worth more than the maximum partnership, or of the exclusive properties of either spouse amount fixed in Article 157, he may apply to the court PAGE 92
registration in the Civil Registry is not a requirement MODEQUILLO V. BREVA [185 S 766 (1990)] - Under the for validity. Family Code, a family home is deemed constituted on a house and lot from the time it is occupied as a family residence. Presumption of Legitimacy There is NO NEED to constitute the same judicially or the presumption of legitimacy is an example of a extrajudicially as required in the Civil Code. If the family quasi-conclusive presumption. This presumption may actually resides in the premises, it is, therefore, a family home be rebutted only on the grounds provided in Art. 166. as contemplated by law. Thus, the creditors should take the necessary precautions to protect their interest before To impugn legitimacy, show that during the 1st 120 extending credit to the spouses or head of the family who days of the 300 days preceding the birth, there was owns the home. PAGE 93
Art. 170. The action to impugn the legitimacy of the child shall be brought within one year from the knowledge of the birth or its recording in the civil register, if the husband or, in a proper case, any of his HELD: The boy is presumed to be the legitimate son of said heirs, should reside in the city or municipality where the H and his W, he having been born w/in 300 days following birth took place or was recorded. the dissolution of the marriage. The presumption can only be If the husband or, in his default, all of his heirs do rebutted by proof that it was physically impossible for the H not reside at the place of birth as defined in the first to have access to her W during the first 120 days of the 300 paragraph or where it was recorded, the period shall be days next preceding the birth of the child. The fact that the two years if they should reside in the Philippines; and wife has committed adultery cannot overcome this three years if abroad. If the birth of the child has been PAGE 94
(1) To bear the surnames of the father and the mother, in conformity with the provisions of the Civil Code on Surnames; (2) To receive support from their parents, their ascendants, and in proper cases, their brothers and sisters, in conformity with the provisions of this Code on Support; (3) To be entitled to the legitime and other successional rights granted to them by the Civil Code. PAGE 95
JAO V. CA [152 SCRA 359] - Blood grouping tests are conclusive as to non-paternity but not as to paternity. The fact that the blood type of the child is a possible product of the mother and the alleged father does not inconclusively prove that the child is born by such parents; but if the blood type of the child is not the possible blood type when the blood of the mother and the alleged father are crossmatched, then the child cannot possibly be that of the alleged father. The cohabitation between the mother and the supposed father cannot be a ground for compulsory recognition if such cohabitation could not have produced the conception of the child. This would be the case, for instance, if the cohabitation took place outside of the period of conception of the child. Likewise, if it can be proved by blood tests that the child and the supposed father belong to different blood groups, the cohabitation by itself cannot be a ground for recognition. UYGUANGCO V. CA [178 SCRA 684] - Case cites Art. 172 (2nd par.): when the action is based on second par. of Art.172, the action may be brought during the lifetime of the alleged parent. 2nd par of 172: In the absence of the foregoing evidence, the legitimate filiation shall be proved by: a)open and continuous possession, 2) other means allowed by the Rules of Court. While PR admits that he has none of the documents mentioned in par.1, he insists that he has nevertheless been in "open and continuous possession of the status of a legitimate child." The problem of PR is that since he seeks to prove his filiation under par. 2, he is now barred because of his alleged father's death in 1975. The putative father's death in 1975, made the Civil Code applicable to him and not the Family Code. Thus, PR cannot prove his illegitimate filiation because of his father's death.
In the absence of the foregoing evidence, the legitimate filiation shall be proved by: (1) The open and continuous possession of the status of a legitimate child; or (2) Any other means allowed by the Rules of Court and special laws. [ - DURING LIFETIME OF PARENT (Tayag. v. CA) - ]
Art. 176. Illegitimate children shall use the surname and shall be under the parental authority of their mother, and shall be entitled to support in conformity with this Code. The legitime of each illegitimate child shall consist of one half of the legitime of a legitimate child. Balane: Anent the right of an illegitimate child in compulsory and intestate succession...the illegitimate child shall be entitled to 1/2 of the share of the legitimate child. 4. Legitimated Children
A fiction created by law to give (establish) a relation of people where none previously existed. A juridical act, proceeding in rem, which creates between two persons a relationship similar to that which results of legitimate paternity and filiation. Adoption, in modern trends, is deemed not merely an act to establish the relation of paternity and filiation but one which gives the child a legitimate status. It is in this sense that adoption is now defined as a "juridical act which creates between two persons a relationship similar to that which results from legitimate paternity and filiation. Since adoption establishes the relationship of paternity and filiation, it must as a consequence involve two perspectives - from that of the adopting parent and from that of the adopted child. As used in the family law the relationship of paternity and filiation is that which exists between parents and their children. This tie or relationship may arise only either from nature, when a child is born, or by legal fictioon, as when a child is legally adopted. Paternity is the state or condition of being a father, whereas "filiation" is the descent of son or daughter, with regard to his or her father, mother, and their ancestors. Under family law, "paternity" generally includes "maternity" which is the status of being a mother. PURPOSE OF ADOPTION To provide homes, parental care and education for unfortunate, needy or orphaned children and give them the protection of society and family in the person of the adopter, and at the same time, allow childless couples or persons to experience the joys of parenthood and give them legally a child in the person of the adopted for the manifestation of their natural parental instincts
BENITEZ V. CA [229 S 468 (1994)] - The claim for Promotion of the best interest and welfare of the inheritance of a child who is not the biological or adopted child child of deceased was denied, on the ground that Articles 164, 166, 170, and 171 of the Family Code do not contemplate a situation where a child is alleged not to be the NATURE OF ADOPTION PROCEEDING child by nature or biological child of a certain couple. Rather, these articles govern a situation where the husband or his Adoption as a juridical act is a proceeding in rem. heirs denies as his own a child of his wife. PAGE 97
REPUBLIC V. TOLEDANO [233 SCRA 9] - DLC: In case the husband and wife are required by law to adopt jointly, both of them must be qualified to and not disqualified to adopt. PAGE 98
Sec. 5, Rule 99. Hearing and judgment. - Upon satisfactory proof in open court on the date fixed in the order that such order has been published as directed, that Sec. 2, Rule 99. Contents of petition. The petition the allegations of the petition are true, and that it is a for adoption shall contain the same allegations required in proper case for adoption and the petitioner or petitioners a petition for guardianship, to wit: are able to bring up and educate the child properly, the (a) The jurisdictional facts; court shall adjudge that thenceforth the child is freed (b) The qualifications of the adopter; from all legal obligations of obedience and maintenance PAGE 99
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LERMA V. CA [61 SCRA 440] - Adultery is a Art. 194. Support comprises everything good defense against a petition for support. TA indispensable for sustenance, dwelling, clothing, medical petition in bad faith, such as that filed by one who is attendance, education and transportation, in keeping with himself or herself guilty of an act which constitutes the the financial capacity of the family. ground for legal separation, can't be considered as The education of the person entitled to be within the intendment of the law granting separate supported re ferred to in the preceding paragraph shall support. Under Art. 303, the obligation to give include his schooling or training for some profession, trade support shall cease when the recipient, be he a forced PAGE 103
RULES OF COURT RULE 61 SUPPORT PENDENTE LITE Rule 61, Sec. 1. Application. - The plaintiff, at the commencement of the proper action, or at any time afterwards but prior to final judgment, may file an application for support pendente lite, stating the grounds for the claim and the financial conditions of both parties, and shall be accompanied by affidavits, depositions or other authentic documents in support thereof. Rule 61, Sec. 2. Notice. - Notice of the application shall be served upon the adverse party who shall have three (3) days to answer, unless a different period of time is fixed by the court. Rule 61, Sec. 3. Answer. - The answer shall be in writing and accompanied by affidavits, depositions or other authentic documents supporting the same. Rule 61, Sec. 4. Hearing. - After the answer is filed, or after the expiration of the time for its filing, a day will be set for hearing. The facts in issue shall be proved in the same manner as is provided in connection with motions. Rule 61, Sec. 5, Order. - The court shall determine provisionally the pertinent facts, and shall render such order as equity and justice may require, having due regard to the necessities of the applicant, the means of the adverse party, the probable outcome of the case, and such other circumstances as may aid in the proper elucidation of the question involved. If the application is granted, the court shall fix the amount of money to be provisionally paid, and the terms of payment. If the application is denied, the trial of the principal case on its merits shall be held as early as possible. Rule 61, Sec. 5. Enforcement of order. - If defendant fails to comply with an order granting support pendente lite, he must be ordered to show cause why he should not be punished for contempt. Should the defendant appear to have means to pay support and refuses to pay, either an order of execution may be issued or a penalty for contempt may be imposed, or both.
Art. 204. The person obliged to give support shall have the option to fulfill the obligation either by paying the allowance fixed, or by receiving and maintaining in the family dwelling the person who has a right to receive support. The latter alternative cannot be availed of in case there is a moral or legal obstacle thereto. Art. 205. The right to receive support under this Title as well as any money or property obtained as such support shall not be levied upon an attachment or execution. Art. 206. When, without the knowledge of the person obliged to give support, it is given by a stranger, the latter shall have a right to claim the same from the former, unless it appears that he gave it without intention of being reimbursed. Art. 207. When the person obliged to support another unjustly refuses or fails to give support when urgently needed by the latter, any third person may furnish support to the needy individual, with right of reimbursement from the person obliged to give support. This Article shall apply particularly when the father or mother of a child under the age of majority unjustly refuses to support or fails to give support to the child when urgently needed.
Art. 208. In case of contractual support or that given by will, the excess in amount beyond that required for legal support shall be subject to levy on attachment or execution. XII. Parental Authority PAGE 105
A363: In all questions on the care, custody, education and property of children, the latter's welfare shall be paramount. No mother shall be separated from her child under 7 years of age, unless the court finds compelling reasons for such measures. A17: In case of separation of his(her) parents, no child under five years of age shall be separated from his (her) mother, unless the ct. finds compelling reasons to do so.(PD 603, dated Dec. 10,1974) PAGE 106
Art. 225. The father and the mother shall, jointly exercise legal guardianship over the property of their unemacipated common child without the necessity of a court appointment. In case of disagreement, the father's LUNA V. IAC [137 SCRA 7] - The manifestation of the decision shall prevail, unless there is a judicial order to child Shirley that she would kill herself or run away from the contrary. home if she should be taken away from the petitioners Where the market value of the property or the (grandparents) and forced to live w/ her natural parents is a annual income of the child exceeds P50,000, the parent circumstance that would make the execution of the jugment concerned shall be required to furnish a bond in such in the special proc. inequitable, unfair, unjust, if not illegal. amount as the court may determine, but not less than 10% The threat may be proven empty, but Shirley has a right to a of the value of the property or annual income, to wholesome family life that will provide her w/ love, care and guarantee the performance of the obligations prescribed understanding, guidance and couselling, and moral and for general guardians. material security. But what if the threat is for real. Besides, A verified petition for approval of the bond shall in her letters to the members of the court, Shirley depicted her be filed in the proper court of the place where the child biological parents as selfish and cruel and who beat her often; resides, or, if the child resides in a foreign country, in the and that they do not lover her. To return her to the custody of proper court of the place where the property or any part the private resps. would be traumatic and cause irreparable thereof is situated. damage to the child. The petition shall be docketed as a summary special proceeding in which all incidents and issues PAGE 109
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Art. 225. The father and mother shall, jointly exercise legal guardianship over the property of their unemancipated common child without the necessity of a court appointment. In case of disagreement, the father's decision shall prevail, unless there is a judicial order to the contrary. PAGE 112
PAGE 113
XVI. CARE AND EDUCATION OF CHILDREN Art. 363. In all questions on the care, custody, education and property of children, the latter's welfare shall be paramount. No mother shall be separated from her child under seven years of age, unless the court finds compelling reasons for such measure.
FLORES V. ESTEBAN [51 O.G. 9, p. 4525 (1955)] - As against the paternal grandparent, the maternal grandparent Art. 364. Legitimate and legitimated children may be given substitute parental authority if it will be for the shall principally use the surname of the father. best interest and welfare of the child. It should be considered that the maternal grandmother is almost a mother to the child BALANE CASES: since he was 20 days old, and there exists mutual love between the grandmother and the child. This is without PAGE 114
Tolentino: Husband's Surname Optional.-- The word "may" is used, indicating that the use of the husband's surname by the wife is permissive rather than obligatory. We have no law w/c provides that the wife shall change her When she was about 20 yrs. old, she applied for a copy of her surname to that of the husband upon marriage. It seems, birth cert. in Irosin, Sorsogon, where she was born, as she therefore, that a married woman may use only her maiden was required to present it in connection w/ a scholarship name and surname. She has an option, but not a duty, to use granted to her. It was then that she discovered that her the surname of the husband in any of the ways provided by this article. PAGE 116
HELD: We find merit in the appeal taken by herein petitioner to seek a reversal of the questioned order of the resp. court. A change of name is a mere privilege and not a Art. 376. No person can change his name or matter of right. It should not be abused nor allowed for surname without judicial authority. trivial and flimsy reasons. To justify a change of name, there must exist a proper and reasonable cause or compelling Tolentino: Sufficient Cause Necessary.-- Examples of reason. sufficient causes are: (1) when the name is ridiculous, or The reasons given by the pvt. resps. do not impress tainted with dishonor, or extremely difficult to write or us as sufficient and valid justification for the desired change pronounce; (2) when the right to a new name is a of their names. consequence of a change of status, such as when a natural xxx The grant of change of name of resps. would not child is acknowledged or legitimated; (3) when the change is eliminate but enhance confusion as they would be having not PAGE 118
REYES V. ALEJANDRO [141 S 65] - F: In a petition filed on 10/25/69, Erlinda Reynoso prayed for the declaration of the absence of her husband Roberto L. Reyes alleging that her H had been absent from their conjugal dwelling since PAGE 120
Art. 391. The following shall be presumed dead for all purposes, including the division of the estate among the heirs; (1) A person on board a vessel lost during a sea voyage, or an aeroplane which is missing, who has not been heard of for four years since the loss of the vessel or aeroplane; (2) A person in the armed forces who has taken part in war, and has been missing for four years; (3) A person who has been in danger of death under other circumstances and his existence has not been known for four years.
Tolentino: Judicial Declaration Not Necessary.-- The Tolentino: Modification under the FC.-- For purposes of presumption of death is created by law, and arises w/o any securing a decl of presumptive death under these necessity of a judicial declaration. The presumption can be circumstances, under the FC for purposes of remarriage of a PAGE 121
EASTERN SHIPPING V. LUCERO [124 S 425] - F: On 2/16/80, the petitioner co. received 3 radio messages from Capt. Lucero on board M/V Eastern Minicon, the last of w/c, received at 9:50 P.M. of that day, was a call for immediate assistance in view of the existing "danger;" "sea water was Art. 395. The provisions of the preceding article entering the hatch;" the vessel "was listing 50 to 60 degrees are understood to be without prejudice to the action or port," and they were "preparing to abandon the ship any petition for inheritance or other rights which are vested in time." After this message, nothing more has been heard from the absentee, his representative or successors in interest. the vessel or its crew until the present time. These rights shall not be extinguished save by lapse of On 7/16/80, Mrs. Lucero filed a complaint w/ the time fixed for prescription. In the record that is made in National Seamen Board for payment of her accrued monthly the Registry of the real estate which accrues to the coallotment w/c the Co. had stopped since 3/80 and for heirs, the circumstance of its being subject to the continued payment of said allotments until M/V Minicon provisions of this article shall be stated. shall have returned to the port of Mla. On 5/19/81, the Board rendered judgement in favor Art. 396. Those who may have entered upon the of Mrs. L and held that the presumption of death could not be inheritance shall appropriate the fruits received in good applied bec. the 4-yr period [Art. 391(1)] had not yet expired. faith so long as the absentee does not appear, or while his On appeal, the NLRC affirmed said decision. PAGE 122
Art. 307. The funeral shall be in accordance with the expressed wishes of the deceased. In the absence of such expression, his religious beliefs or affiliation shall determine the funeral rites. In case of doubt, the form of the funeral shall be decided upon by the person obliged to PAGE 124
XX. CIVIL REGISTER Art. 407. Acts, events and judicial decrees concerning the civil status of persons shall be recorded in the civil register. Balane: Correlate Art. 407 w/ Art. 7, PD 603. Sec. 7. Non-disclosure of Birth Records. - The records of a person's birth shall be kept strictly confidential and no information relating thereto shall be issued except on the request of any of the following: (1) The person himself, or any person authorized by him;
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HELD: We affirm the trial court's decision. xxx (The court reiterated the ruling in Rep. v. Valencia.) PAGE 129
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