The Paw Print: Sept 5 2013
The Paw Print: Sept 5 2013
The Paw Print: Sept 5 2013
Principals Column
I hope you enjoyed a long Labor Day weekend. We have hit the ground running this week. MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) testing has begun for students in grades 1-5. MAP testing is given in the Fall, Winter and Spring. Teachers can give information regarding testing dates. Last week, you should have received the student/parent calendar/handbook. Please review this information carefully. The calendar is subject to change. Changes will be posted on the monthly calendar sent home the first Thursday of each month or in the Paw Print, published on the website weekly. The handbook has a great deal of information about school procedures and other important events. Also, last week, information on Parent Portal was sent home for new students. All returning students will access Parent Portal using the same password as last year. If you have problems accessing Parent Portal, please email Donna Corley at She will be glad to forward instructions. Remember that Friday is Fabulous First Friday! Wear your Lake Murray t-shirt or school colors.
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Calendar of Events:
3-20 18 MAP Testing EARLY RELEASE DAY 11:40 AM Interim ends for 1st Nine Weeks 7 9
Sept 5 Sept 10 2nd K5 6 pm
Grandparents Day International Walk to School Day
Constitution Week
6 pm
s to O Note
Date: ame: N t n e St u d ame: N r e h Teac ge: Messa Notes to the office include:
1. Transportation changes 2. Absence excuses 3. Early dismissals Charging To Student Lunch Account:
On occasion, students will ask to purchase extra items at lunch, an extra entree, side item (vegetable/fruit/fries) and/or snack. In the past we have asked for a signed letter, only if you wanted your child to be able to charge extras. This year, we are going to try something new and ask, that if you DO NOT want your child to charge extra items to their account, to please send the cafeteria a signed letter stating so. That way we can keep your preference on file. If we do not receive a letter stating that you do not approve of your child charging extras to his/her account, we will begin to allow your child to charge extras. It is very important that your childs account remains in good standing for him/her to charge. Any accounts that are not in good standing will be stopped from charging extras items. On the day your child is wants to order an extra entree, please have your child tell his/her teacher when lunch counts are taken in the morning. This way we can be sure of preparing enough food for all of our students. Of course if you rather, you may send cash with your child to carry to lunch on the day he/she wants to purchase any extras, instead of charging to his/her account. We will not be able to control how much extras your child will charge, this is something that you and your child should discuss and decide. If you are interested in being able to view your childs lunch balance, receive low balance reminders and view daily spending and cafeteria purchases, you may wish to enroll in PayPAMS (Parent Account Management System). We have information on how to enroll in the office. Let your childs teacher know that you would like a flyer and one will be sent home.
e all of Please includ on this informati tes g no when sendin o to sch ol.
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Our mission at LMES is to nurture children, empowering them to think critically and creatively as they seek knowledge and embrace challenges.
5th Grade
3rd Grade
2nd Grade
1st Grade
4th Grade
OurLMESChessClubforstudentsingrades35willbestartingupverysoon.Chessisagreatactivityforkids,andparentslovewhatit teachesthemwhiletheyplay.Thisgameisadynamictoolforteachingmathskills,concentration,goodsportsmanship,consequences,how tomakefriendsandmuchmore.Thisclubwillbelimitedtofirst24students.Preferenceforslotswillbegiventoplayerswhoparticipated intheclublastyear.Selectedclubparticipantswillbenotifiedviaemailpriortoourfirstmeeting. When?Mondaysfrom Where?Portable10(Mrs.Jones'Classroom) Fee?Studentswillbegiventheopportunitytopurchaseaspecialchessclubtshirt.Thisisnotarequirementforparticipation.Also,stu dentswillhavethechancetoparticipatein3differenttournamentsthroughouttheschoolyear.Tournamentparticipationisoptional,and therewillbevaryingregistrationfees. Snack?Studentsmaybringasmallsnackanddrinkafterschooltoeatbeforechessclubbegins.Pleaseavoidpeanutproductsforsnacks. ParentsmustarrangetransportationfortheirchildPROMPTLY@3:40inthebusloopareaoftheschool. DatesforMeeting:IfthereareanychangesinourChessClubcalendar,parentswillbenotifiedatleast1weekinadvancetomakealter natedismissalplans. September9/23,9/30 October10/7,10/21,10/28(GreenvilleScholasticTournamentDateTBA)WewilltaketheMondayofffollowinglargetournamentsifwe havealotofplayerstoparticipate.Thiswillbedeterminedaftertournamentregistration. November11/4,11/18 December12/2(ChessClubChristmasParty) January1/6,1/13,1/27(LMESHoststheDistrict5ChessTournamentDateTBA) February2/3,2/10,2/24 March3/3,3/10,3/17,3/24,3/31(SCScholasticChessTournamentDateTBA) April4/7,4/21,4/28FinalMeetingfor20132014SchoolYear DetachandReturnBottomPortiontoTeachernolaterthanThursday,9/19.
LMESChessClubRegistration StudentName:________________________________Grade:___3rd____4th_____5thHomeroom:_________________ DidyourchildparticipateinChessClublastyear?_____Yesor____No ChessExperience: ____Beginner_______Intermediate______Advanced ParentsName:______________________________________________ Home:______________________________Cell:_______________________________ OtherIndividualsWhoHavePermissiontoTransportMyChild:________________________________________ Dowehavepermissiontopostyourchildspicturesinchessclubphotosonourschoolwebsite? ____Yes_____No