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Anaerobic Filter: Executive Summary

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A septic tank is a key component of the septic system, a small-scale sewage treatment system common in areas with no connection

to main sewage pipes provided by local governments or private corporations. The term "septic" refers to the anaerobic bacterial environment that develops in the tank which decomposes or mineralizes the waste discharged into the tank. Septic tanks can be coupled with other onsite wastewater treatment units such as biofilters or aerobic systems involving artificial forced aeration.[1]

Anaerobic Filter
Executive Summary
An anaerobic filter is a fixed-bed biological reactor. Dissolved organic matter and non-settleable solids are filtered and anaerobically digested by bacteria of the biofilm attached to the filter media. Anaerobic filters are widely used as secondary treatment in household black- or greywater systems and improve the solid removal compared to septic tanks or anaerobic baffled reactors. Since anaerobic filters work by anaerobic digestion, they can be designed as anaerobic digesters allowing recovering the produced biogas.

In Blackwater, Faecal Sludge, Greywater,Brownwater

Out Fertigation Water, Biogas,Compost/Biosolids

Anaerobic filters are widely used as secondary treatment step in household greywater orblackwater treatment systems. Or, together with other treatment units in a socalleddecentralised wastewater treatment system (DEWATS) (e.g. for biodegradable industrial wastewater. An anaerobic filter is an attached biofilm system (fixed bed or fixed film reactor) that aims at removing non-settleable and dissolved solids (MOREL & DIENER 2006). As septic tanks oranaerobic baffled reactors, anaerobic filters are based on the combination of a physical treatment (settling) and a biological treatment (anaerobic digestion, see also anaerobic digestion general factsheet). It comprises a watertight tank containing several layers of submerged media, which provide surface area for bacteria to settle. As the wastewater flows through the filter usually from bottom to top (up-flow), it comes into contact with the biomasson the filter and is subjected to anaerobic degradation (MOREL & DIENER 2006).

Anaerobic filters are used forwastewater with a low percentage of suspended solids and narrow COD/BODratio (Chemical Oxygen Demand/Biological Oxygen Demand). It is suitable for domestic wastewaters and all industrial

Simple one unit anaerobic Filter integrated in the second chamber of a septic tank. Gas is evacuated by the venting opening at the upper right. Source: TILLEY et al. (2008)

wastewater, which has a lower content of suspended solids. Pre-treatment in settlers or septic tanks may be necessary to eliminate solids of larger size before they are allowed to enter the filter (SASSE 1998). Recovering biogas may be considered in case of a BOD concentration >1,000 mg/L (SASSE 1998).

Treatment Process and Basic Design Principles

Anaerobic filters are different from septic tanksin that they also include the treatment of non-settleable and dissolved solids by bringing them in close contact with the active bacterial mass fixed on the filter material, which anaerobically digests the dispersed or dissolvedorganic Three chamber anaerobic filter following a septic tank. matter within short retention times. This is Source: SASSE (1998) similar to anaerobic baffled reactors(ABRs) where this contact is provided by discharging wastewater to the bottom of the up-flow treatment directly into the biomass which is settled in the sludge.

The anaerobic bacteriaresponsible for digestion normally tend to fix themselves on reactor walls and other solids inwastewater treatment units. In anaerobic filters, filter material such as gravel, rocks, cinder or specially formed plastic pieces provide additional surface area forbacteria to settle (SASSE 1998). Thus, the freshwastewater is forced to come into intensive contact with active bacteria. The larger the surface for bacterial growth, the quicker the digestion. A good filter material provides 90 to 300 m2 surface area per m3 of occupied reactor volume (SASSE 1998; MOREL 2006). A rough surface provides a larger area, at least in the starting phase. Later on, the biofilm that grows on the Close-up view of a schematic cross-section of filter mass quickly closes the smaller an anaerobic filter. Diameter of the filling material groves and holes (SASSE 1998). decreases with height. Source: MOREL and DIENER Anaerobic filters may be operated as (2006). down-flow or up-flow systems. The up-flow systems (anaerobic upflow filters) are normally preferred as the risk of washing out activebacteria is less in this case (SASSE 1998). On the other hand, flushing of the filter for the purpose of cleaning is easier with the down flow system. A combination of up-flow and down-flow chambers is also possible (SASSE. 1998). AUFs with rock-filled beds, with a similar appearance as aerobic trickling filters are today promoted and commercialised as decentralised, onsite wastewater collection and treatment systems; simple to construct and to operate (ROSE 1997). In any case, the filter is completely submerged and the water level should cover the filter media by at least 30 cm to guarantee an even flow regime through the filter (MOREL & DIENER 2006). With up-flow systems, filter material size decreases from bottom to top. Typical filter material sizes range from 12 to 55 mm in diameter. Filters with two to three filter layers and a minimum depth of 0.8 to 1.2 m are recommended (SPERLING & CHERNICHARO 2005).

Generally, simple anaerobic filters starts with a first layer of large-sized cinder or rocks (5 to 15 cm), which are bedded on a perforated concrete slab about half a meter above ground parallel to the flow direction (SASSE 1998). Below the filter, pipes should be installed in order to allow simple washing and desludging of the filter.

The quality of treatment in welloperated anaerobic filters has been reported to be in the range of 50 to 90%BOD removal depending on the influent (SASSE 1998; MOREL & DIENER 2006).Total Suspended Solids (TSS) removal can be 50 to 80%;total nitrogen can be removed up to 15% and total Coliform reduction is 1 to 2 log units (MOREL & DIENER 2006). The hydraulic retention time (HRT) compared to the tank Three setting chambers followed by five anaerobic volume should be in the range of 1.5 and 2 filter units. Source: SANIMAS (2005) days for pre-settledblackwater (SASSE 1998) and 0.7 to 1.5 days for greywater (MOREL & DIENER 2006). For domestic wastewater, the constructed anaerobic filter volume (voids plus filter mass) may be estimated at 0.5 m3 /capita, for smaller units it may come to 1 m3 /capita (SASSE 1998).

Main DEWATS modules for physical and biological wastewater treatment:1. Settler 2. Anaerobic Baffled Reactor 3. Anaerobic Filter 4. Planted Gravel Filter. Source: BORDA Depending on land availability and the hydraulic gradient of the sewer, the anaerobic filter can be built above or below ground (TILLEY et al. 2008). However, most often they are below the ground surface to save space, to reduce health risks and to provide insulation and protection against cold climates. However, access to inlet and outlet should be provided to allow regular checking of the state of the biofilm and the volume of accumulated sludge. To prevent pollution of the groundwater, anaerobic filters should be watertight but they should still not be constructed in areas with high groundwater tables or prone to flooding. To prevent the release of potentially harmful gases, the anaerobic filters should be vented (TILLEY et al. 2008).

Costs considerations
The reactor vessel of anaerobic filters can be integrated in or is very similar to a septic tank and can be constructed at relatively low cost with locally available material. Filter material can be simple gravel, rocks, cinder or specially formed plastic pieces depending on the availability and the financial means. Prefabricated plastic or fibreglass tanks may also be available and may be less costly, depending on the context. Desludging is required regularly, preferably with a vacuum tanker. However, anaerobic filters still remain a rather low cost option (not really more expensive than septic tanks) for an acceptable treatment efficiency of dissolved compounds and some pathogens.

Operation and Maintenance

To allow for the formation of the required biofilm for anaerobic digestion, anaerobic filtersneed to be seeded in the beginning of the treatment process just like septic tanks and anaerobic baffled reactors. Seeding can be done by spraying active sludge (e.g. from a septic tanks) on the filter material before starting continuous operation (SASSE 1998). To give thebiofilm the time to grow, it can be helpful to start first with lower hydraulic loads (e.g. 1/4 of the future daily flow, SASSE 1998) and then to increase the flow rate slowly over the following three months. As this might not be possible in practice, full treatment performance is not likely until approximately six to nine months later (SASSE 1998). With time, the solids will clog the pores of the filter and the treatment efficiency decreases. This happens when the bacterial film becomes too thick and the wastewater finds a channelled way through only some open pores. When the efficiency goes down, the filter needs to be cleaned by back flushing of wastewater or by removing the filter mass for cleaning outside thereactor (SASSE 1998; MOREL & DIENER 2006). As with septic tanks, desludging of the primarysettling chamber should be done at regular intervals. Both, desludging and cleaning of the filter material can be a health-hazard and appropriate safety precautions should be taken (TILLEY et al. 2008). Anaerobic filters produce biogas. If it is not recovered, which is recommendable, there should be venting to evacuate the gases, but precaution should be taken for foul odours in densely populated areas.

Health Aspects
When anaerobic filers are constructed underground, contact and thus health risks are limited. The effluent should be treated further for reuse in agriculture (e.g. in a waste stabilisation pond system or a surface, horizontal or vertical flow constructed wetland), directly used forfertigation or discharged properly (e.g. in a leach field or soak pit).

At a Glance
Dissolved and non-settleable solids are removed by anaerobic Working digestion through close contact Principle with bacteria attached to the filter media Household and community level; assecondary treatment step after primary treatment in a septic tank or an Capacity/Ade anaerobic baffled quacy reactor; effluents can be infiltrated into soil or reused for irrigation; not adapted if high ground-water table or in areas prone to flooding. Performance BOD: 50 to 90%; TSS: 50 to 80

%; Total Coliforms: 1 to 2 log units HRT: about 1 day Generally low-cost; depending on availability of materials and Costs frequency of back flushing and desludging. Requires expert design, but can be Self-help constructed with locally available Compatibility material. Regularly backflush to prevent clogging (without washing out O&M the biofilm);desludging of the primary settling chambers; needs to be vented if biogas not recovered. Reliable if construction is watertight andinfluent is primary settled; Reliability Generally good resistance to shock loading. Resistant to shock load; High Main strength reduction ofBOD and TSS. Main Long start-up phase. weakness

Anaerobic filters remove dissolved organic and non-settleable solids and are suited for grey- orindustrial wastewater with a lower suspended solid content or blackwater after a primary treatment (e.g. septic tank). They can be installed in every type of climate, although the efficiency will be affected in colder climates (TILLEY et al. 2008). An anaerobic filter can be designed for a single house or a group of houses. It is only appropriate if water use is high, ensuring that the supply of wastewater is constant. Anaerobic upflow filters are also used to lower septic tank effluent BOD and TSS concentrations prior to discharge to the subsurfacewastewater infiltration system (U.S. EPA 2002). The anaerobic filter vessels should be watertight but it should still not be constructed in areas with high groundwater tables or prone to flooding. Depending on land availability and the hydraulic gradients of the connection pipes, the anaerobic filter can be built above or below ground (TILLEY et al. 2008).


Resistant to organic and hydraulic shock loadings High reduction of BOD and TSS Low reduction of nutrients, thus outflow adapted for reuse in agriculture Low sludge yield No electrical energy required Can be built and repaired with locally available materials. Long service life No real problems with flies or odours if used correctly Moderate capital costs, moderate operating costs depending on emptying

Reliable and ample piped water required to bring the wastes to the treatment unit Low reduction in pathogens, solids and organics: Secondary treatment for both effluent and faecal sludge required, as well as regular de-sludging

Only suitable for low-density housing in areas with low water table and not prone to flooding Manual cleaning of the tank is highly hazardous and an inhumane task, while mechanical cleansing (vacuum trucks) requires sophisticated instruments Requires expert design and construction Long start-up time

Septic Tank

Overview scheme of a septic tank. Solids settle out and undergo anaerobic digestion, the effluentwith suspended and dissolved pollutants flows through. A venting pipe can evacuate the biogasformed during anaerobic digestion. Source: adapted from TILLEY et al. (2008).

Treatment Process and Basic Design Principles

A septic tank consists at minimum of 2 compartments made out of concrete or bricks. Pre-fabricated concrete rings, PVC or fibreglass septic tanks are also available and may be less expensive in some contexts (WSP 2008). The first compartment occupies at least the half the total volume, because most of the sludge accumulates here (SASSE 1998), while scum (oil and fat) floats to the top. When there are only two chambers, the first one should be 2/3 of the total length (TILLEY et al. 2008). The following chamber(s) are provided to calm the turbulent liquid. The baffle, or the separation between the chambers, is to prevent scum and solids from escaping with the effluent (TILLEY et al. 2008). A T-shaped outlet pipe, the lower arm of which dives 30 cm below water level (SASSE 1998), will further reduce the scum and solids that are discharged. Normally, the chambers are all of the same depth (between 1.5 to 2.5 m), but sometimes the first chamber is made deeper as the others. Over time, anaerobic bacteria and microorganisms start to digest the settled sludgeanaerobically, transforming it into CO2 and CH4 (biogas) and some heat. Optimal physical treatment by sedimentation takes place when the flow is smooth and undisturbed. Biological treatment by anaerobic digestion is optimised by a quick and intensive contact between the new inflow and old sludge, particularly when the flow is turbulent. Depending on the way the new influent flows through the tank, different treatment effect predominate. With a turbulent flow, the degradation of suspended and dissolved solids starts more quickly; however, more suspended solids are discharged with the effluent. This leads to bad odours, as active solids that are not completely fermented leave the tank (SASSE 1998). The contact and hence degradation is slower when the flow is less turbulent, but also less suspended solids leave the tank. The gases produced during anaerobic digestion must be allowed to escape. If the drainage system of the house or other building has a ventilation pipe at the upper end, gases can escape from the septic tank along

the drains. If the drainage system is not ventilated, a screened vent pipe should be provided from the septic tank itself (WHO 1992). The size of the first chamber is calculated to be at least twice the accumulatingsludge volume. A septic tank as primary treatment, followed by a leach The sludgevolume depends on different field. Source: U.S. EPA (n.y.) factors: the number of users; the portion of settleable solids of the influent; the amount of water used per capita; the average annualtemperature and on de-sludging intervals (SASSE 1998). Approximately 80 to 100 L should be provided per domestic user (SASSE 1998), but most countries provide a national standard for tank volume per domestic user. The retention time should be designed for 48 hours to achieve at least a moderate treatment (TILLEY et al. 2008). For help on dimensioning of septic tank, an exercise is given in Eawag/Sandec (2008, Sanitation Systems and Technologies. Exercise Septic Tank) and Excel spreadsheets are available in SASSE (1998). A septic tank will remove 30 to 50% of BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand), 40 to 60% of TSS (Total Suspended Solids) (UNEP 2004) and result in an abatement of 1 log units E. coli (a faecal indicator bacteria) (TILLEY et al. 2008) although efficiencies vary greatly depending on the influentconcentrations and climatic conditions. Hydraulic Retention Septic tank receiving black- and grey water from a housing Times (HRT) are generally 24 hours (MOREL (left) and a septic tank collecting wastewater from several & DIENER 2006). housing as aprimary treatment before a small bore sewer system (right). Sources: http-//cfpub.epa.gov/owm/septic/septic.cfm?page_id=265 (left) and SANIMAS (2005) (right).

Anaerobic Baffled Reactor (ABR)

Compiled by: Dorothee Spuhler (seecon international gmbh)

Executive Summary
An anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) is an improved septic tank, which, after a primary settling chamber, uses a series of baffles to force the grey-, black- or the industrial wastewater to flow under and over the baffles as it passes from the inlet to the outlet. The wastewater is introduced into the chamber at the bottom, leading to an enhanced contact with the active biomass which results in an increased retention and anaerobic degradation of suspended and dissolved organic pollutants. ABRs are robust and can treat a wide range of wastewater, but both remaining sludge and effluents still need further treatment in order to be reused or discharged properly.

In Blackwater, Faecal Sludge, Greywater,Brownwater

Out Fertigation Water, Biogas,Compost/Biosolids

Anaerobic baffled reactors (ABR) also called baffled or improved septic tanks are upgraded septic tanks which aim to enhance the removal efficiency for non-settleable and dissolved solids (MOREL & DIENER 2006). As septic tanks, ABRs are based on a physical treatment (settling) and a biological treatment (anaerobic digestion, see also anaerobic digestion general factsheet).

An ABR consist of a tank and alternating hanging and standing baffles that compartmentalise thereactors and force liquid to flow up and down from one compartment to the next, enabling an enhanced contact between the freshwastewater entering thereactor and the residualsludge, containing Schematic cross-section of an up-flow anaerobic baffled the microorganisms responsible reactor(ABR). Source: MOREL & DIENER (2006) for anaerobic digestion of the organicpollutants. The compartmentalised design separates the solids retention time from thehydraulic retention time, making it possible to anaerobically treat wastewater at short retention times of only some hours (EPA 2006). The baffled design of the ABR ensures a high solids retention resulting in high treatment rates, while the overall sludge production is characteristically low (FOXON et al. 2004). They are simple to build and simple to operate, as well as very robust to hydraulic and organic shock loading (SASSE 1998). Yet, both sludge andeffluent still need further treatment.

ABRs are suitable for a wide range of wastewater, including highstrengthindustrial wastewater, but its efficiency increases with higher organic load. Therefore, ABRs are particularly suited forinfluents with a high percentage of non-settleable suspended solids and a narrow COD/BOD ratio (SASSE 1998). ABRs are typically applied inDecentralised Wastewater Treatment Systems(DEWATS), usually in combination with several other treatment steps. A typical DEWATS could be a five component system of first three anaerobic steps consisting of abiogas settler/digester; an ABR and A seven compartment ABR. Source: SANIMAS (2005) an anaerobic up-flow filter; followed by an aerobictreatment unit such as a constructed wetlands and a maturation pond (WHO 2009). ABRs take advantage of the easy construction, low cost and strong resistance of septic tanks (SASSE 1998) but allow for a much higher treatment efficiency.

Treatment Process and Basic Design Principles

ABRs are a combination of the principles of septic tanks, moving bed reactors and up-flow anaerobic sludge

blanket reactors. The difference to MBRs and UASBs lies in the fact that it is not necessary for the sludge blanket to float; and that effluent retention is not necessary since a part of the active sludge that is washed out from one chamber is trapped in the next (SASSE 1998). The reactor always starts with a settling chamber for larger solids and impurities (SASSE 1998) followed by a series of at least 2 (MOREL & DIENER 2006), sometimes up to 5 (SASSE 1998) up-flow chambers. The wastewater enters the chambers at the bottom and needs to pass through the sludge to move to up and to the next compartment. Thereby particles settle against the up-stream (SASSE 1998). As the wastewater passes through the sludge, intensive contact between the active biomass in the resident sludge and newly incoming wastewater occurs. To equally distribute the entering liquid in the chambers, they should be designed as relatively short compartments (< 75 cm of length and < 50% to 60% of the height, SASSE 1998). To retain any possible scum formed in the up-flow chamber, the outlets of each tank as well as the final outlet should be placed slightly below the liquid surface (SASSE 1998). Treatment performance of ABRs is in the range of 65% to 90% COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) removal, corresponding to about 70% to 95% of BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand) (SASSE 1998; MOREL & DIENER 2006; BORDA 2008). This is far superior to that of a conventional septic tank (30 to 50 %, UNEP 2004). The majority of the settleable solids are removed in thesedimentation chamber at the beginning of the ABR, which typically represents 50 % of the total volume of TSS (TILLEY et al. 2008). The special design also allow for an enhanced treatment of non-settleable solids and a Total Suspended Solids (TSS) removal of up to 90% can be achieved (SINGH 2008). The tanks put in series also help to digest substances that are difficult to degrade, predominantly in the rear part, after easily degradable matters have been digested in the front part already (SASSE 1998). Consequently, recycling of effluent would have a slightly negative effect on treatment quality. ABRs can be designed for a daily inflows in a range of some m3/day up to several hundreds of m3/day (FOXON et al. 2004; TILLEY et al. 2008). The Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) in ABRs is relatively short and varies from only a few hours up to two or three days (FOXON et al. 2004; MOREL & DIENER 2006; TILLEY et al. 2008).

Example of a hybrid and combined reactor containing two baffled up-flow and two anaerobic filterchambers after a initial settling tank. Anaerobic treatment in the pond enhances the microbial quality of the effluent. Source: SASSE (1998) The up-flow velocity is the most crucial parameter for dimensioning, especially with high hydraulic loading. It should not exceed 2.0 m/h (SASSE 1998; MOREL & DIENER 2006). Based on a given HRT, the up-flow velocity increases in direct relation to the reactor height. Therefore, the reactor height cannot serve as a variable parameter to design the reactor for the required HRT. The limited upstream velocity results in large but shallow tanks. It is for this reason that the baffled reactor is not economical for larger plants (SASSE 1998). The organicload should be below 3 kg COD/m3/day. Higher loading-rates are possible with highertemperature and for easily degradable substrates (SASSE 1998). During the anaerobic digestion, biogas is produced, which can be recovered and reused in the kitchen or for driving pumps and other equipment when necessary. Methane concentration increases steadily from the first compartment to the last (WANG et al. 2004). The methane producing activity of anaerobic sludge in different compartments depends on the substrate, which suggests that the proper anaerobic consortium in each separate compartment develops in accordance to the substrate available and the specific environmental conditions (WANG et al. 2004). The use of the produced biogas in the kitchen might be the most realistic and easiest way to reuse the biogas in decentralised systems. If the gas is not recovered, the tanks need to be vented to prevent the release of the potentially harmful gases (TILLEY et al. 2008). To increase the treatment efficiency (especially regarding pathogens), the last chamber may be an anaerobic filter (WSP 2008).

Costs considerations
Septic tank are generally low cost. However, the costs vary depending on the availability of materials and economy of scale (EAWAG/SANDEC 2008). In any case, ABRs have a high potential to be used in DEWATS. As they do not require any electricity and are simple to construct and operate, they are generally cheaper than more mechanical, centralised technology options. ABRs can be constructed with locally available material. However, expert design is required.

Operation and Maintenance

Treatment performance depends on the availability of active bacterial mass. Inoculation(seeding) with old active anaerobic sludge, containing the microorganisms responsible foranaerobic digestion (for instance from septic tanks) allows to speed up the start up of ABRs. In principle, it is advantageous to start with a quarter of the daily flow and then slightly increase loading rates over three months, allowing the bacteria enough time to multiply before suspended solids are washed out (SASSE 1998). Because of the long start up time required for the anaerobic digestion of the sludge, the ABR technology should not be used when the need for a treatment system is immediate (TILLEY et al. 2008). ABR tanks should be checked for water-tightness regularly. Also the scum and sludge levels should be monitored to ensure a well functioning tank (EAWAG/SANDEC 2008). As for the septic tank system, sludge removal is important for ABRs and must be done every 1 to 3 years (EAWAG/SANDEC 2008; TILLEY et al. 2008), preferably by a vacuum truck or agulper to avoid that humans get in contact with the sludge and are exposed to health risks (TILLEY et al. 2008). When emptying the tanks, it is vital that some active sludge is left in each of the compartments to maintain a stable treatment process (SASSE 1998).

Health Aspects
Though pathogen removal is not significant, the system is confined and users do not come in contact with any of the wastewater or diseasecausing pathogens(EAWAG/SANDEC 2008). Whenever effluents orsludge needs to be handled, care should be taken to avoid the contact with the

Figure 5: 4: Construction Flow-chart ofof different toilet blocks a DEWATSto connected wastewater two pre-fabricated management plant. Source: N. Zimmermann fibreglass reactor in SUSANA comprising (2010) a settling chamber, an aerobic baffled reactor and a final anaerobic filter unit. Source: BORDA (2009)

pathogenic anaerobic sludge. In general, the quality of ABReffluents has been shown to consistently meet guidelines for irrigation regarding the removal of organics (e.g.COD or BOD) for reuse in agriculture, but not for discharge to surface water(FOXON et al. 204). Theeffluents do also contain high amounts of nutrients,ammonia and phosphorusand these nutrients may be regarded as a resource from an agricultural point of view (FOXON et al. 2004). The problem is though, thatpathogen removal is generally not satisfactory for the reuse in agriculture and when, only very restricted reuse is recommended.

At a Glance
Vertical baffles in the tank force the pre-settled wastewater to flow under and over the baffles guaranteeing contact betweenwastewater and resident sludge and allowing an enhanced anaerobic digestion of suspended and dissolved solids; at least 1sedimentation chamber and 25

Working Principle

up-flow chambers. Community (and household) level; For pre-settled domestic or (highstrength) industrial wastewater of Capacity/Ade narrow COD/BOD ration. Typically quacy integrated in DEWATS systems; Not adapted for areas with high groundwater table or prone to flooding. 70- 95% BOD; 80% - 90% TSS; Performance Low pathogenreduction. HRT: 1 to 3 days Generally low-cost; depending on Costs availability of materials and economy of scale. Requires expert design, but can be Self-help constructed with locally available Compatibility material. Should be checked for water tightness, scumand sludge levels regularly; Sludge needs to be dug out O&M and discharged properly (e.g. incomposting or drying bed); needs to be vented. High resistance to shock loading and changing temperature, pH or chemical Reliability composition of the influent; requires noenergy. Main Strong resistance; built from local strengths material;biogas can be recovered. Main Long start-up phase. weakness

ABRs can be installed in every type of climate, although the efficiency will be affected in colder climates (TILLEY et al. 2008). ABRs are suited for the household level or for a small neighbourhood as DEWATS (preferably with a transport system such as a simplified sewer or a solids-free sewer system in place). Up to several hundreds of m3/day can be treated. However, a good community organisation is required to ensure that the ABR is used and maintained properly. The effluent is not fully treated and must be disposed of properly or sent to secondary treatment (EAWAG/SANDEC 2008). ABRs in DEWATS are also suited for industrial wastewaters. Since the tank is installed underground, ABRs may also be appropriate for areas where land is limited. However, it should not be installed in areas with a high groundwater table or prone to flooding as infiltration will affect the treatment efficiency and contaminate the groundwater(TILLEY et al. 2008). BORDA has developed pre-fabricated ABRs made out of fibreglass and including anaerobic filters as a final step for emergency sanitation (BORDA 2009). Even though start-up of the ABRtakes several months, these pre-fabricated models are rapidly constructed and can consist in a long-term solution once the start-up phase is completed. Therefore, such pre-fabricated models might also find more and more application for other than emergency situations. Fibreglass is available and affordable in nearly all parts of the world and fibreglass constructions can be built quickly and well in advance of need (BORDA 2009). However, one should keep in mind, that the start-up

of ABR generally requires at least three month.

Extremely stable to hydraulic shock loads High treatment performance (for all, grey-, black- and industrial wastewater) Simple to construct and operate No electrical requirements (only physical mixing) Construction material locally available Low capital and operating costs, depending on economy of scale, Ability to partially separate between the various phases of anaerobic catabolism Low sludge generation,Reduced clogging Biogas can be recovered,Low HRT, long biomass retention time

Needs expert design Long start-up phase Needs strategy for faecal sludge management (effluent quality rapidly deteriorates if sludge is not removed regularly) Effluent requires secondary treatment and/or appropriate discharge Needs water to flush Clear design guidelines are not available yet Low reduction of pathogens Requires expert design and construction

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