Module 5 Part 2
Module 5 Part 2
Module 5 Part 2
Module 5 Part II
Irrigation methods: Drip irrigation
Options for smallholders
Prepared by:
Seleshi Bekele Awulachew (IWMI)
Philippe Lemperiere (IWMI)
Taffa Tulu (Adama University)
Supported through:
Improving Productivity and Market Success (IPMS) of Ethiopian farmers project
International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
January 2009
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 What is drip irrigation? 209
1.1 Principles of drip irrigation 209
1.2 Advantages of drip irrigation 210
1.3 Problems associated with drip irrigation 211
Chapter 2 Components of drip irrigation systems 212
Chapter 3 Low cost drip irrigation systems for smallholders 216
3.1 Introduction 216
3.2 General features 216
3.3 Maintaining the system 217
3.4 Water management tips 218
3.5 Planting tips 218
3.6 Description of systems 218
References 225
Appendix 1: Checking irrigation uniformity and cleaning emitters 226
Chapter 1 What is drip irrigation?
Chapter objectives
Upon the completion of this chapter, you will be able to:
defne drip irrigation
explain principles of drip irrigation
describe the advantages of drip irrigation
understand problems associated with drip irrigation
1.1 Principles of drip irrigation
Drip irrigation involves supplying water to the soil very close to the plants at very low fow rates (0.5
10 litre/hr) from a plastic pipe ftted with outlets (drip emitters) (Figure 1). The basic concept underlying
the drip irrigation method is to maintain a wet bulb of soil in which plant roots suck water (Figure 2).
Only the part of the soil immediately surrounding the plant is wetted. The volume and shape of the wet
bulb irrigated by each drip emitter are a function of the characteristics of the soil (texture and hydraulic
conductivity) and the discharge rate of the drip emitter. Applications are usually frequent (every 13
days) to maintain soil water content in the bulb close to feld capacity (Howell and Hiler 1974; Wu
1975; Isaya 2001; Verma 2003).
Figure 1. Principles of drip irrigation.
Drip irrigation supplies water
to the soil close to the plant
at very low flow rate
A good diffusion of
water in the soil is
Figure 2. Principles of drip irrigation (continued).
1.2 Advantages of drip irrigation
The following advantages are accompanied with the use of drip irrigation (Kadyampakeni 2004):
1 More effcient use of water: Compared to surface irrigation and sprinkler methods (with effciencies
of 5075% in high-management systems), drip irrigation can achieve 9095% effciency. This is
because percolation losses are minimal and direct evaporation from the soil surface and water
uptake by weeds are reduced by not wetting the entire soil surface between plants (Polak et al.
1997a, b; Narayanamoorthy and Deshpande 1998; Narayanamoorthy 1999).
2 Reduced cost for fertilizers: Precise application of nutrients is possible using drip irrigation.
Fertilizer costs and nitrate losses can be reduced considerably when the fertilizers are applied
through the irrigation water (termed fertigation). Nutrient applications can be better timed to
coincide with plant needs since dressing can be carried out frequently in small amounts and
fertilizers are brought to the immediate vicinity of the active roots.
3 Reduced labour demand: Water application is less labour demanding compared to surface or
bucket irrigation. Cultural practices such as weeding can be performed when the plants are being
irrigated (Polak et al. 1997a, b; Narayanamoorthy and Deshpande 1998).
4. Low energy requirement: A drip irrigation system requires less energy than a conventional
pressurized system as it increases irrigation effciency and therefore requires less water to be
pumped. Compared to other pressurized systems, savings are also made because of the lower
operational water pressure required for drip systems.
5. Reduced salinity risk: The drip lines are placed close to a row of plants and the root zone tends
to be relatively free of salt accumulations as the salts always accumulate towards the edge of the
wetted soil bulb. The accumulation of salts on a surface-irrigated feld tends to be right in the
middle of the root zone.
Drip irrigation maintains
a wet bulb of soil in which
plants suck water. Only a
part of the roots is active
1.3 Problems associated with drip irrigation
The possible problems that can be associated with drip irrigation are as follows:
1. Clogging of emitters: Clogging of emitters is the most serious problem associated with drip
irrigation. To prevent blockage, care should be taken to flter the water properly before use,
depending on the particular particle size and type of suspended material contained in the irrigation
water. It is also necessary to fush drip lines at least once a month (Howell and Hiler 1974; Wu
1975; Isaya and Sijali 2001).
2. Cost: Conventional drip irrigation systems typically cost USD 500010,000 per hectare, or more,
when installed in East Africa. However, recent advances have introduced some adaptations in the
systems that are making them accessible to small-scale farmers. In Chapter 3, we describe simple
drip irrigation systems, which would cost a farmer USD 15 to cover 15 m
, or USD 200400 for
a bigger system covering 500 m
3. Water management: When practising drip irrigation, farmers do not see the water. This often
results in over irrigation and the loss of the benefts of high irrigation effciency. Over-irrigation
will also make the soil excessively wet and therefore promote disease, weed growth and nutrient
leaching. However, smallholder farmers learn quickly and adopt drip irrigation technology in
the light of their practical experiences in using the various methods to monitor water application
(Sivanappan 1977; van Leeuwen 2002).
4. Restricted root zone: Plant root activity is limited to the soil bulbs wetted by the drip emitters; a
much smaller soil volume than that wetted by full-coverage sprinkler or surface irrigation systems.
Thus, if a drip irrigation installation fails (clogging), the crops will suffer more from drought than
crops watered by sprinkler or surface irrigation. Under drip irrigation the confnement of roots to
a small soil volume means less available soil water storage for the plants. As a result of this it is
recommended to continue irrigation even after a rain.
Chapter 2 Components of drip irrigation systems
Chapter objective
After reading and understanding this chapter, you will be able to:
explain the different components of drip irrigation system
A drip irrigation system is comprised of several components (Wu 1975; Taffa 1987; Sivanappan 1988;
NCPA 1990). The basic components (see Figures 3 and 4) of any drip irrigation system are:
Water source to provide the amount of water required at the necessary pressure to push water out
of the drip emitters;
Filter to remove particles from the irrigation water that may clog the drip emitters
Control valve to open and shut off the water;
Main lines in polyethylene to carry and distribute water to the laterals lines;
Lateral lines in polyethylene to carry the water and distribute it to the drip emitters. The usual
diameter of these lines range between 12 and 20 mm.
Figure 3. A conventional drip irrigation system (used by large commercial farmers).
Additional components of sophisticated systems are:
Injection equipment to apply fertilizers;
Pressure regulators;
Flow metres to measure the amount of water fowing in the system;
Centralized computer system for automatic irrigation.
The hydraulic design (lengths and diameters of main and lateral lines, calculation of required water
pressure) of conventional drip irrigation system is beyond the scope of this manual. Chapter 3 gives a
description of ready to install low cost drip irrigation kits for smallholders.
(ou borne dirrigation)
Reseau de
Figure 4. Illustration of a very simple drip system.
Main lines
Main lines carry water to the drip laterals. They are usually made of plastic. The size depends on the
required water fow in the laterals served. Large main lines can be connected to smaller sub-main lines,
which are in turn connected to the drip laterals.
Drip lateral lines
Drip lines are made from polyethylene tubes. The most common drip line sizes are in the range of
1220 mm in diameter. The density of plants in the feld usually determines spacing between emitters;
only after this the soil type (texture) is considered (Figure 5). Emitter spacing usually ranges from 30 cm
for plants like onions and carrots to 100 cm for fruit trees.
Figure 5. Spacing of emitters and soil texture.
Backflow preventer
Pressure regulator
Tubing adapter
Drip tubing
18 minimum
End cap
The shape of wet bulb in
clay soil allows relatively
large spacing
In sandy soil,
emitters spacing
must be reduced
The drip emitters control the fow from the lateral into the soil. Common drip emitters have discharge in
the range 115 litres/hr at the standard pressure of 1 atmosphere (= 10 m = 1 bar). They must distribute
the water uniformly. The variation in discharge between the emitters in the whole feld should not
exceed 20%.
Another important aspect of drip emitters is their resistance to clogging at the water pressure operational
for the system. Information on the emitters resistance to clogging is supplied by manufacturers and
research institutions, but should be supported by local experience. Frequent inspection of emitters to
identify clogged ones is necessary. A clogged emitter can be repaired by rubbing it vigorously with
ones fngers, blowing in it, or trying to force water out of the outlet.
Five types of drip emitters are available:
In-line drip emitters (Figure 6)
In this type, individual emitters are inserted into the drip lateral line by cutting segments of it.
Figure 6. In-line emitter.
Integral drip emitters
In the integral type, the drip emitters are welded by manufacturer to the inner wall of the tube and
come as continuous rolls (integral drip lines) with outlets at predetermined intervals. Drip lines are
available in various diameters, wall thickness and emitter spacing.
Button-type emitters (Figure 7)
In this type the drip emitters are designed to be inserted directly into the wall of the lateral line either
at predetermined intervals or in clusters. The button-type emitters are mainly used in orchard and pot
plant (green houses).
Figure. 7. Button type emitter.
Tapes (Figure 8)
Tapes are manufactured plastic tubes that ensure both water conveyance and water distribution through
small holes (= emitters). Flat when not in use, the water pressure keeps them open when in use. Spacing
between emitters ranges between 20 and 100 cm.
Figure. 8. Drip tape.
Home made emitters
An old and effcient way to make emitters is to insert sections of micro-tube (0.61 mm in diameter)
into holes punched in the lateral line, then adjusting the micro-tube length to provide the desired
discharge rate (Figure 9).
Figure 9. Micro tube.
Simple drip emitters can be made by punching holes manually into the lateral tubes. To make such
perforations as uniform as possible, a standard hole-puncher is used (but many farmers simply use a
nail). To prevent excessive fow or blockage of the perforations, the holes can be covered with tight-
ftting collars made by cutting short sections of the same pipe that is used for the laterals and slipping
them over the holes (Figure 10).
Figure 10. Simple emitters: A hole and a collar.
PVC pipe
Cut place of PVC pipe
Slit pipe sleves
Cross section
of finished
drip bulb
Drilled pipe fittted
with sleeve
in pipes
Chapter 3 Low cost drip irrigation systems
for smallholders
Chapter objectives
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to:
describe the components of drip irrigation systems
explain the general features
maintain the system
understand and facilitate the tips provided on water management and planting
describe the drip irrigation systems
3.1 Introduction
The effcient use of water is seen as a key to crop production in arid and semi-arid areas in sub-
Sahara Africa (van Leeuwen 2002). This is increasingly true because of ever-increasing populations and
demand for food production, coupled with growing competition for water. For smallholder farmers,
drip irrigation provides a means of maximizing returns on their cropland by increasing the agricultural
production per unit of land and water and increasing cropping intensity by growing a crop during the
dry season. The development of low-head emitters and simple fltration has reduced much of the initial
capital investment necessary, making small-scale drip irrigation systems affordable to smallholder
farmers. Research and experience is helping to provide tailor-made drip irrigation systems to suit
different feld and water conditions.
Drip irrigation systems are normally used for cash crops (vegetables, fruits). Smallholder drip irrigation
systems are being used in some parts of Africa; for example, the Chapin bucket kits are being used
in Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia and Uganda. The Waterboys bucket has mainly been used in
Uganda, although a number of kits are in use in Kenya and Tanzania. Elsewhere in the world, for
example, in India, resource-poor farmers have used drip irrigation systems with reported success. Most
smallholder drip irrigation systems operate under low pressure such as 15 m head (Polak et al. 1997a,
b; Narayanamoorthy 1999). The coverage area determines the water pressure required to overcome
pressure losses associated with water delivery and fltration. In low-pressure systems, water containers
such as buckets or drums, raised 0.51.5 m above the ground, are used as header water tanks to enable
the flling of the container either manually (bucket) or using pumps.
The smallholder drip irrigation systems presented in this chapter are grouped into two categories,
namely: bucket and drum drip irrigation kits (Table 1).
Table 1. Characteristics of bucket and drum drip irrigation system
System type Head required Area covered: m
Examples given
Bucket system 1 m Less than 20 Chapin and IDE
Drum system 15 m 201000 KARI and IDE
3.2 General features
Low cost drip irrigation systems consist of:
Water storageusually a bucket or a drum,
Water fltration
Conveyance and water application lines with emitters (PE, 12 or 20 mm)
Details of some drip irrigation systems used by smallholders in Africa and India are presented in this
chapter (Sivanappan 1977; Polak et al. 1997a, b; van Leeuwen 2002).
Common preparation requirements and features are as follows:
Prepare the area to be irrigated. This could be simple land preparation or involve the formation of
planting beds (see box 1).
For best results, drip systems are used to irrigate level beds. If the drip tubes go uphill, downhill or
around corners, the system will not give equal water fow from each dripping outlet.
Construct the water container stand. Ensure that it can support the weight of the container and
water when full.
Mount the water container on the stand so that the water outlet is at the height necessary to
provide the water pressure required to operate the system.
Mount the container water outlet, water fltration and fow regulator fttings.
Lay the water distribution system components that connect the water container to the individual
drip lines. Make sure that the open ends are closed to avoid foreign material entering the pipe.
Unroll the drip lines and lay them along the full length of each row of plants to be irrigated.
Connect the drip lines with the water distribution system (header pipes).
Flush the system to remove any foreign matter that may have entered the pipeline.
Close the end of the drip lateral lines.
It must be emphasized that any training or advice on the use of drip kit systems should not only
cover actual kit installation and maintenance, but also all aspects of growing vegetables under drought
conditions since the purpose is to increase farmers yields and income. Thus training and advice should
include lessons about bed preparation, composting, transplanting, irrigation water management and
pest and disease control.
Box 1: Preparation of a planting bed
1. Lay out the planting bed depending on the length, spacing and number of the drip lines.
2. Excavate shallow trenches (1530 cm deep) lengthwise where the row crops will be planted.
3. Place seedlings or seeds in the trench.
4. Add a 510 cm layer of fresh manure or compost on top of the planting material.
5. Level the ground to form a raised bed 1020 cm above the aisles.
3.3 Maintaining the system
Ensure that only clean water is used in order to minimize the risk of clogging the fltration system. A
flter screen will keep coarse particles from entering the drip lines. If there is fne silt in the water, or
sand blowing in the air, a piece of cloth can be tied over the top of the bucket. Water can be poured
through the cloth to keep the fne particles from entering the bucket.
Clean the fltration system at least twice a month. Inspect the emitters to identify clogged emitters at least
once a week and unblock or replace any clogged emitters. Clogged drip emitters cause non-uniform
application of water and result in non-uniform growth of the plants. A clogged emitter can be repaired by
rubbing it vigorously with ones fngers, blowing in it, or trying to force water out of the outlet.
Flush the system at least once a month. The frequency can be increased or reduced depending on the
amount of impurities in the irrigation water. Check leaks frequently and repair immediately. Take extra
care during feld operations, particularly weeding, to avoid cutting the drip lines. Take precautions to
minimize the destruction of drip lines by termites and rodents (rats). When no longer in use, uninstall
the components of the system and store them in a safe place.
3.4 Water management tips
To maintain an optimum soil-moisture regime it is necessary to apply the required amount of water at
the right frequency. Shallow sandy soils require more frequent (12 day interval) irrigation and deep
clay loam soils allow less frequent (24 day) irrigation. During the early stages of crop growth, the plant
roots are shallow and therefore there is a need for more frequent irrigation and less water per irrigation
During the fowering or late vegetative stage of the crop, water consumption is highest and an adequate
water regime is vital. Ensure that the crop does not experience moisture stress during this period. Crop
water needs vary from 3 to 5 mm/day. Ensure that adequate amounts (depending on the area and crop
growth stage) are applied. All leaks should be repaired quickly to prevent water wastage.
3.5 Planting tips
To ensure that the plants are planted where they will beneft most from the water supplied by the
emitters, irrigate the feld before planting and plant seedlings on the wetted circle. Most crops require
manure at a rate of 12 handfuls and/or 1 tablespoon of double super phosphate per planting hole.
3.6 Description of systems
3.6.1 Bucket systems
In bucket kit drip irrigation, water fows into the drip lines from a bucket reservoir placed 0.51 m
above the ground to provide the required water pressure. The effcient use of water that is possible
with drip irrigation enables a farmer to grow vegetables using 3060 litres of water daily during the
crop-growing season. A bucket kit system comprising two 15-m long drip lines, can be used to grow 50
plants such as tomato, egg plant and similar crops requiring a spacing of 60 cm along the plant rows;
100 plants of spinach, cabbage, pepper and similar plants requiring a spacing of 30 cm along the plant
rows; or 300 plants of onion, carrot and similar plants requiring a spacing of 10 cm.
The standard bucket kit system consists of two drip lines placed 0.5 m apart on a bed with a width of 1
m. A bucket is placed on a stand at one end of the bed and connected to the drip lines. These bucket kit
systems can irrigate 1020 m
, depending on the length of the drip tube and plant spacing. The bucket
should be flled once in the morning and once in the afternoon to supply 3060 litres of water to the
crop per day. The actual amount of water depends on crop water requirements and rainfall. In very dry
areas and during the dry season 60 litres of water will be required per day.
There is a growing demand for bucket kits. For example, Chapin bucket kits are reported to be in use
in over 80 countries worldwide and the demand is growing fast. By 2001, more than 5000 kits had
been sold by KARI to Kenyan farmers who have adopted the bucket drip irrigation system. Despite
their simplicity, bucket systems are extremely successful, saving precious water often fetched from long
distances, and the labour needed to water each plant individually.
Three examples of bucket kits (Chapin, Waterboys and IDE) are described in this section. Each bucket
kit comes with instructions on how to assemble it, to make the raised beds and how to manage them.
In Kenya the average cost of a bucket kit is USD 15 (= Ethiopian birr, ETB 130).
Examples of bucket systems (ready to install bucket system kits)
Example 3.1 Chapin bucket system
Description of the system
Chapin bucket kits were developed by Chapin Living Water Foundation. This drip irrigation system
(Figure 11) consists of a 20-litre bucket mounted 1 m above the ground and 30 m above drip tape.
Assembly instructions
1. Prepare the planting bed to be irrigated.
2. Mount a 20 or 30 litre bucket (supplied by the farmer), drill a 2.5 cm hole at the bottom 1 m above
the ground.
3. Assemble the outlet from the bottom of the bucket by connecting the male adapter, rubber washer
and female adapter.
4. Install the flter screen at the bottom of the bucket.
5. Install the two supply tubes running from the flter to the barb fttings.
6. Connect the 15-m drip irrigation tape through the drip lock fttings.
Figure 11. Chapin bucket system with 2 lines.
Example 3.2 IDE bucket system
Description of the system
The International Development Enterprise (IDE) of the USA has also designed and tested a bucket
system. The IDE bucket drip irrigation system (Figure 12) consists of a 20 litres bucket, a valve, a flter,
an end cap and a 10-m long, 12-mm diameter lateral line ftted with 26 micro-tubes, 13 on each side
(emitter spacing 40 cm). All the pipes are pre-ftted and packed in a small box. The 13 micro-tube
connections are spread over the length of the drip lateral at a spacing of 0.75 cm. Water from the
bucket fows out like a small stream from all 26 micro-tubes and spreads out in a circular pattern. Four
plants are planted in each of the circles and therefore a total of 104 plants can be watered by the IDE
bucket system. The valve is used for fow regulationgiving the advantage that the bucket can be flled
beforehand and irrigation started when required. The end cap is used to close the end of the lateral line
(Polak et al. 1997a).
Figure 12. IDE bucket system.
Assembly instructions:
1. Prepare the planting bed.
2. Construct a bucket stand such that the bottom of the bucket is at a height of at least 0.5 m.
3. Unroll all the pipes and lay them on the ground.
4. Connect to the bucket with the snap-in collar provided at the bottom of the bucket.
Example 3.3 Waterboys system
Description of the system
Waterboys (Uganda) Ltd have adapted drip irrigation technology and developed a bucket kit for
smallholder farmers in Uganda (Figure 13). The kit comprises of one 30-litre bucket (the bucket is part
of the kit), and two, 10 m drip tubes connected to a water distribution manifold. The drip outlets in the
standard kit are spaced at 30 cm. No flter is included in the Waterboys kit.
Figure 13. Waterboys system.
Assembly instructions:
1. Prepare the planting bed 1-m wide 10-m long.
2. Construct a bucket stand.
3. Lay the pipes. Since all the pipes are already connected, you only need to lay them out on the
4. Mount the bucket on its stand.
5. Connect the manifold to the bucket with a snap-in collar.
6. Connect the two drip lines to the tee.
Dealing with fltration
Since a flter is not included in the kit, the Waterboys bucket kit system requires water that has already
been fltered for irrigation. This may not be realistic in many rural areas and even in some urban
centres. Thus, if the water requires fltration, tie a clean cloth on the mouth of the bucket and always
pour the water required for irrigation through it.
3.6.2 Drum systems
Drum systems operate under a low-pressure head of water (0.55 m). Mounting the drums on block
supports raised at least 1 m above the planting surface is recommended. The higher the drum is placed
the greater the area that can be irrigated. An area of up to 1000 m
can be covered by a drum system.
In Kenya a drum system costs about USD 100 (= ETB 900).
The main advantage of drum systems is that a bigger area can be covered compared to the bucket
system. This presents an economic advantage because of the number of plants per drum system. A
drum system covering 5 beds each 1 m wide and 15 m long can be used to grow 250 plants (tomato,
egg plant and similar plants) requiring a spacing of 60 cm along the plant rows); 500 plants (spinach,
cabbage, kale, pepper and similar plants requiring a spacing of 30 cm along the plant rows); or 1500
plants (onion, carrot and similar plants) requiring a spacing of 10 cm.
The drum system also offers water storage and control through a control valve, making it possible to
fll the drum for irrigating beforehand. The standard drum kit system comprises a drum, control valve,
a manifold and drip lines. The drum should be flled with the valve in the closed position. To irrigate
it is important to open the valve fully. This allows the water to be distributed quickly through the drip
lines and allows for good water distribution. Two examples are presented: the KARI drum system from
Kenya and the IDE drum used in India.
drum kit
Description of the system
This is a variation of the Chapin bucket kit and involves using a drum of about 200 litre capacity or
the equivalent of 5 bucket drip irrigation systems. The development of this adaptation is credited to
a farmer in Eldoret in the Rift Valley Province of Kenya who, after working with the bucket drip kits,
connected an old drum to supply four drip lines. KARI improved on the drum adaptation by designing
the manifold with four or fve openings each serving two drip lines (Figure 14).
Figure 14. KARI drum kit.
1. KARI (Kenya Agricultural Research Institute).
Assembly instructions:
1. Prepare a rectangular area 7.5 wide 16 m long.
2. Peg out the position of beds and paths to accommodate 5 beds each 1m wide 15 m long. Leave
a path 20 cm wide between the beds.
3. Connect the manifold by cutting the pipe into 3 pieces each 1.25 m long. These are connected to
the 3 tees and the 2 bends connected at the ends. The 3 tees and 2 bends on each side of the PVC
pipe are designed to be centrally located on the fve planting beds. Depending on the location of
the drum, a tee is connected to channel the water from the drum to the manifold.
4. Use PVC glue for leak-proof ftting and wait for the required duration to allow bonding.
5. Lay out the drip tapes on the beds, two lines per bed, and insert the flter plugs into the open ends
of the outlets in the manifold.
6. Finally, connect one end of the connector tubing to the flter plug and insert the barb ftting to the
other end. Connect the drip tube to the drip lock ftting.
IDE system
Description of the system
IDE (International Development Enterprises) of Colorado, USA, designed and tested a drum kit system,
which can irrigate 520 vegetable plants (Figure 15). The drum kit consists of 130 pipes (1-mm diameter)
called micro-tubes, ftted to 5 rows of 12-mm diameter PE laterals. Water fows out in a small stream
from all 130 micro-tubes. The water then spreads out in a circular pattern to about 0.5-m radius. Four
plants are planted in each of the circles. Field tests have been carried out on vegetables in the hill areas
of Nepal and in Andhra Pradesh, India.
Figure 15. IDE drum system.
(See photos 1 and 2 in Appendix for arrangement and NETAFIM system).
Assembly instructions
1. Prepare the area to be irrigated.
2. Mount the drum.
3. Connect laterals to a 200-litre drum of water by a 16 mm-diameter pipe (submain).
4. Unroll all the pipes, lay them on the ground and connect to the drum. A manual is provided with
the kit as a pictorial guide to correct installation and planting.
Howell TA and Hiler EA. 1974. Design of trickle irrigation laterals for uniformity. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage
Division. ASCE 100IR4, Proc. Paper 10983. pp. 443454.
Isaya VS. 2001. Drip irrigation. Technical handbook No. 24. Published by SIDA Regional Land Management Unit
Kadyampakeni DMS. 2004. Comparative analysis of different irrigation technologies and water management
techniques for dry season cultivation of beans in Chingale area Development Program-Zomba. MSc thesis,
University of Malawi, Zomba, Malawi.
van Leeuwen NH. 2002. Affordable small-scale drip irrigation in Africa: Potential role of the private sector. In: Sally
H and Abernethy CL (eds), Private irrigation in sub-Saharan Africa. IWMI (International Water Management
Institute), Colombo, Sri Lanka; FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), Rome, Italy;
and ACP-EU Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Publication. (Available on CD).
Narayanamoorthy A. 1999. Drip irrigation for sustainable agriculture. Productivity 39(4):672678.
Narayanamoorthy A and Deshpande RS. 1998. Economics of drip irrigation: A comparative study of Maharashtra
and Tamil Nadu. Mimeograph Series No. 47. Agro-Economic Research Centre, Gokhale Institute of Politics and
Economics, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
NCPA (National Committee on the Use of Plastics in Agriculture). 1990. Status, potential and approach for adoption
of drip and sprinkler irrigation systems. Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Polak P, Nanes B and Adhikaria D. 1997a. The IDE low cost drip irrigation system. Journal of Applied Irrigation
Science 32(1):105112.
Polak P, Nanes B and Adhikaria D. 1997b. A low cost drip irrigation system for small farmers in developing
countries. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 33(1): February 1997.
Sivanappan RK. 1977. Sprinkler and drip irrigation. Indian Farming 27(2):2324.
Sivanappan RK. 1988. Use of plastics in drip irrigation. Moving Technology 3(4): August 79.
Taffa Tulu. 1987. A manual on irrigation and drainage. Teaching material, Ambo College of Agriculture, Ambo,
Ethiopia. 136 pp.
Verma S. 2003. Drip irrigation. In: Growing organic cotton under groundwater stressLessons from Maikaal.
Detailed Research project concept. (Unpublished).
Wu IP. 1975. Design of drip irrigation mainlines. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Division ASCE101
Appendix 1: Checking irrigation uniformity and cleaning emitters
Calculating irrigation uniformity
In the case of bucket or drum kit, measure out each lateral line, the discharge of at least 4 emitters; the
total number of emitters checked must be at least 20.
UC < 70: Inspect the system to identify causes of clogging and clogged emitters. Fix clogged emitters by
rubbing them vigorously with fngers, blowing in them, or trying to force water out of the outlet. If the
cause of clogging is due to lime precipitate because of a high content of calcium carbonate in irrigation
water, you can use HCl or H
at the dose of 0.05 litre for 10 litres, mix acid well with water of the
drum/bucket and irrigate.
Photo 1. IDE system.
Photo 2. NETAFIM system.