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Eastern Coalfields Limited: Dist-Burdwan (WB)

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Eastern Coalfields Limited

(A Subsidiary of Coal India Ltd)


Dist-Burdwan (WB)
Ref: No. GM/JNR/E&M/12-13/ 163 Date: 14.02.2013

T.D. No. 148

Sealed tenders in 2 parts {Part-I (Technical), Part-II (Price)} are invited from reputed, bonafide, competent and resourceful bidders having required qualification and suitable experience in work of similar nature in Govt./Public Sector/Joint Sector Enterprises/Public Limited Co. in private sector for the following job:
Tender Ref. No. Description of Work EMD (Rs) Cost of tender (Rs).
5 1135.00 10, 353.00

Sale of Tender document available

6 Up to 14/03/13 Between (11 am to 1pm) except Sunday & Holiday

Submissi on of


Tender Docume nt.


of Tender

Tender paper availability.

1 GM/JNR / E&M/ 12-13 /163 dtd. 14.02.20 13 TD No. 148

2 Supply, installation, erection and commissioning of Biometric Face Recognition based Attendance System with CCTV (Close Circuit Television) surveillance including required Networking; --- 8 Nos. (6 Nos. at MIC, Jhanjra Project Colliery and 2 Nos. at Jhanjra Area Office) on Turn Key Basis.


(1000.00 + VAT 135.00)

Up to 1.00PM

15/03/13 at 3.00 PM

In the office of The General Manager , Jhanjra Area on production of Money receipt as per period given in Sl.No.6 excepting Saturday, Sunday and Holiday.

Estimated Cost: Rs. 10, 35,270.00 (Rupees ten lakh thirty five thousand two hundred seventy) Completion period: 02 Months. Sealed tenders will be received and opened as per details given in sl.no.7 & 8 and the same can be down loaded and used as tender document which will be available on our website www.easterncoal.gov.in/ www.tenders.gov.in up to 14/03/13 .However, the cost of tender document shall have to be deposited by the tenderer in the form of Demand Draft" drawn in favour of ECL,Jhanjra Project Payable at SBI, Asansol. on any nationalized/scheduled Indian Bank payable at Asansol preferably on State Bank of India along with EMD. Otherwise the tender will be summarily rejected. Further details can be having from ECL website.

Area Engineer (E&M) Jhanjra Area, ECL


PART I (Qualification information & Terms and Conditions of the contract)

NAME & PLACE OF WORK:-Supply, installation, erection and commissioning of Biometric Face Reader Attendance System with CCTV (Close Circuit Television) surveillance including required Networking; -- 8 Nos. (6 Nos. at MIC, Jhanjra Project Colliery and 2 Nos. at Jhanjra Area Office). On Turn Key Basis.

NIT NO.: GM/JNR/E&M/12-13/ 163

Date:-14/02/2013 TD No. :148

Estimated cost Rs.10, 35,270.00

Eastern Coalfields Limited

(A Subsidiary of Coal India Ltd)


Dist.- Burdwan (WB)

Ref.No.GM/JNR/E&M/12-13/163 Date. 14.02.2013

Document No.

Sealed tenders in 2 parts {Part-I (Technical), Part-II (Price)} are invited from reputed, bonafide, competent and resourceful bidders having required qualification and suitable experience in work of similar nature in Govt./Public Sector/Joint Sector Enterprises/Public Limited Co. in private sector for the following job: 1. Name and description of work: (a) Supply, installation, erection and commissioning of Biometric Face Recognition based Attendance System with CCTV (Close Circuit Television) surveillance including required Networking; --- 8 Nos. (6 Nos. at MIC, Jhanjra Project Colliery and 2 Nos. at Jhanjra Area Office) on Turn Key Basis.
(b).Technical specifications and required services are given in Annexure-A.

Estimated cost - Rs. 10, 35,270.00 Cost of Tender Document - Rs.1135.00 (Rs.1000.00 +VAT Rs. 135.00) Period of completion - 02 months.
Earnest Money: 2. Rs. 10,353/- to be deposited in the form of Bank Draft in favor of ECL, Jhanjra Project Payable at SBI, Asansol on any Nationalized Bank/Scheduled Bank payable at its Branch at Asansol preferably State Bank of India, attached to the tender ( Part-I) and to be deposited in a separate envelope. The Earnest Money shall be refunded to the unsuccessful tenderers after finalization and award of tender and shall bear no interest. Application fee for tender documents: 3. The price of tender documents shall be Rs. 1135.00 payable in the form of Bank Draft in favor of ECL, Jhanjra Project Payable at SBI, Asansol or in cash in favor of The Casher, Office of The General Manager, Jhanjra Area, Eastern Coalfields Ltd. Availability of Tender Documents: 4. (a). Tender Documents including terms and conditions of the work shall be available on payment from the office of the General Manager, Jhanjra Area up to 14.03.12 ( issue/sale closed on Saturday/Sunday and holidays ). (b). Display of Tender Document through website. Tender Document can be downloaded from our website www.easterncoal.Gov.in or www.tenders.gov.in up to 14.03.13 (in case tender document obtained by down loading from website, cost of tender document shall have to be deposited by the tenderer in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favor of ECL, Jhanjra Project Payable at SBI, Asansol on any nationalized/scheduled Indian Bank payable at Asansol preferably on State Bank of India along with EMD. Bidders shall be solely responsible for the correctness of the down loaded tender documents. Submission of incomplete down loaded tender document will be rejected.

General Instructions for Submission of Tender: 5. A Tenderer should strictly comply with the following instructions: a) A tenderer is required to submit its offers in sealed Envelops giving reference to this Tender Notice No. and date, containing offers in two parts and in three different envelops prominently mentioned as Tender Fee & Earnest Money, Part-I (Technical), and Part-II (Price Bid) respectively. b) Two Parts should contain the details of the offer as follows: Part - I - Full details of the firm, Technical offer along with technical specification of equipment / know-how offered, drawings, pamphlets etc. strictly in terms of tender enquiry. Information on the supplies of similar equipment to different parties in the country, details of project handled, testimonials and documentary evidence in support of satisfactory performance, financial capabilities and any other relevant information. Part-II Prices only in the format as indicated in the tender documents. 6. Part II (Price Bid) of the offer shall be opened only in respect of such tenderers as are found qualified by offering rightfully Tender Fee & Earnest Money and after scrutiny of Part I. Validity Period of Offer: 7. The rates offered in Part II should be valid for four calendar months from the date of opening of Part II of the Tender. Receipt of Tenders 8. Tenders are to be dropped in Tender Box kept for the purpose, in sealed covers up to 1 PM on 15.03.13 at office of the Area Engineer (E&M), E&M Department, Office of The General Manager, Jhanjra Area, ECL,. Opening of Tenders 9. Tenders will be opened at 3.00 PM on 15.03.13 at the office of the Area Engineer (E&M), E&M Department, Office of The General Manager, Jhanjra Area, ECL. 10. The company is not under any obligation to accept the lowest tender/tenders and reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders after assigning proper reasons whatsoever.

Signature.. Area Engineer (E&M) Jhanjra Area Eastern Coalfields Ltd.

Distribution. - DT (P&P), ECL, HQ. - DT (OP), ECL, HQ. - CVO, ECL, HQ. - TS to CMD/ TS to DF, ECL, HQ. - CGM (F), ECL, HQ. - GM (E&M), ECL, HQ. - GM (E&T), ECL, HQ. - CGMs/GMs of all Areas/Projects with a request to display in Notice Board. - PRM, HQ, with a request to arrange for publication of abridged form of NIT in Leading Newspapers in English and other languages as per policy of the co. as well as display in website . - A FM. Jhanjra Area, with a request to advice Cashier, Jhanjra Area - Notice Board.

5 Instructions to bidders:
1. Scope of tenderers The E&M Dept., Jhanjra Area, E.C.L invites the bids for the Supply, installation, erection and commissioning of Biometric Face Recognition based Attendance System with CCTV (Close Circuit Television) surveillance including required Networking; --- 8 Nos. (6 Nos. at MIC, Jhanjra Project Colliery and 2 Nos. at Jhanjra Area Office) on Turn Key basis as detailed in the Notice Inviting Tender (NIT). The Tenderer may submit tender for the works as detailed in the NIT. The successful bidder will be entrusted to complete the work by the intended completion date specified in the contract data. 2. Eligible tenderers The invitation for bids is open to all bidders eligible to participate as per qualifying criteria laid down separately hereinafter. 3.0 Qualification of tenderer 3.1 All bidders shall provide in Part 1. Forms of Bid and Qualification information, a preliminary description of the proposed work method and schedule including drawings and charts as necessary. 3.2 All bidders shall include the following information and documents with their Bids in Part 1. a. Copies of original documents defining the constitution or legal status, place of registration and principal place of business, written power of attorney of signatory of the Bid to commit the Bidder. b. Experience in works of similar nature and size for each of the last five years, and details of work under way of contractually committed, and the name and address of clients who may be contacted for further information on those contracts with performance certificate for the works executed in last five years from the respective owners. c. Major tools & instruments proposed to carry out the Contract. d. Qualifications and experience of key site management and technical personnel proposed for the contract. e. Reports on financial standing of Bidder, such as profit and loss statement and auditors reports for the past five years. f. Authority to seek references from the Bidders Bankers. g. Information regarding any litigation current or during the last five years, in which the Bidder is involved with the parties concerned and disputed amount including status of final settlement contracts including claims/counter claims, liquidated damage, bonus etc. if any. h. Proposals if any for subcontracting components of the Works amounting to more than 10% of the Contract price. j. Permanent Income Tax Account No. (PAN) & Sales Tax clearance certificate. k. The bidders would give a declaration that they have not been banned or delisted by any Govt. or QuasiGovt. Agencies or PSUs and that fact must be clearly stated and it may not necessarily be a cause for disqualifying him. If this declaration is not given the bid will be rejected as non-responsive.

3.4 To qualify / eligibility for award of the contract:a. The intending tenderer must have in its name as a prime contractor evidence of having successfully completed similar works during last 7 years ending last day of month previous to the one in which bid applications are invited ( i.e. eligibility period, ) should be either of the following: i) 3 similar completed works each costing not less than the amount equal to 40% of the estimated cost. OR ii) 2 similar completed works each costing not less than the amount equal to 50% of the estimated cost. OR iii) 1 similar completed work costing not less than the amount equal to 80% of the estimated cost. a. Average annual financial turnover of Biometric attendance system installation work during last 03 years ending on 31st March, 2012 should be at least 30% of the respective cost. b. Evidence of possessing adequate infrastructural support with respect to design, construction, manufacture, supply of major equipment inclusive of legally bound backup MOU/agreement with other agencies in the respective field of specialization as joint venture partners or sub-contractors. 3.5 4.0 5.0 5.1 6.0 6.1 Sub contractors experience and resources will not be taken into account in determining the bidders compliance with a qualifying criteria. Each bidder shall submit only one bid. Cost of bidding. The bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of his Bid and the Employer will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs. Site Visit The Bidder, at the Bidders own responsibility, cost and risk, is encouraged to visit and examine the Site of Works and its surroundings and obtain all information that may be necessary for preparing the Bid and entering into a contract for construction of the Works. The costs of visiting the Site shall be at the Bidders own expense. It shall be deemed that the tenderer has visited the site/area and got fully acquainted with the working conditions and other prevalent conditions and fluctuations thereto whether he actually visits the site/area or not and has taken all the factors into account while quoting his rates and prices. Language of bid. All documents relating to bid shall be in English Language. Documents comprising the bid The bid comprising of 2 parts will be submitted by the bidder in the following manner: a. Part 1 of the bid to be submitted in 1st inner sealed envelope marked as Part-I comprising of: ( i) letter of the bidder submitting the bid in the form as stipulated in Contractors bid of Section 3 and (ii) qualification information as indicated in Section 3 and Documents as required in accordance with stipulations of Section 3 and any other materials required to be completed and submitted by bidder in accordance with these instructions. (iii) Technical offer along with technical specifications of equipments know-how offered drawings, pamphlets etc. strictly in terms of tender enquiry. (iv) Commercial Terms and Conditions including payment terms as indicated in the Tender Documents. b. Part II of the bid to be submitted in the 2nd inner sealed envelope marked as Part-II comprising of Price Bid only in the format an indicated in the inner documents.


7.0 7.1 8.0 8.1

c. Earnest money should be placed in a separate sealed envelope marked as Earnest

Money. For those tenderers who have downloaded the tender document the Demand draft towards cost of tender document & undertaking should be placed along with Earnest Money in the sealed envelope. d. All the inner sealed envelopes will then be placed in one outer envelope, sealed and marked properly and submitted to the Employer at its address before the deadline for submission of the bid.

9.0 Bid Prices: 9.1 All Duties, Taxes and other levies payable by the contractor under the contract or for any other clause shall be included in the rates, prices, and the total bid price submitted by the bidder. All incidentals, over heads, leads, lifts, carriages etc. as may be attendant upon execution and completion of works as stipulated in the biding document shall also be included in the rates, prices and total bid price submitted by the bidder. 9.2 The rates and prices quoted by the bidder shall be firm during entire period of execution of the contract. 10.0 Currencies of Bid money Payment. 10.1 The unit rates and price shall be quoted by the Bidder entirely in Indian Rupees. 11.0 Bid validity 11.1 Bid shall remain valid for a period not less than 120 days after opening of Part II. 12.0 Bid security/Earnest Money Deposit 12.1 The bidder shall furnish as part of his bid, a bid security/Earnest Money in the amount as shown in the NIT for this particular work. Bid security/EMD will be required to be deposited in the form of Bank Draft only in favour of ECL,Jhanjra Project Payable at SBI, Asansol. 12.2 Any bid not accompanied by an acceptable bid security shall be rejected by the employer. 12.3 The bid security of the successful bidder will be discharged when the bidder has signed the agreement and furnished as required performance security/security deposit as stipulated here in after in the instruction to bidders and condition of the contract incorporated in the bid documents. 12.4 The bid security/Earnest Money may be forfeited a) If the bidder withdraws the bid after bid opening during the period of bid validity or b) In case of the successful bidder, if the bidder fails within the specified time limit to i) Sign the agreement or ii) Furnish the required performance security/security deposit. 12.5 The bid security deposit with the employer will not carry any interest. 13.0 Format and signing of Bid: 13.1 The bidders shall prepare the bidding documents comprising the bids as described in Instructions to Bidders. 13.2 All documents of the bid shall be typed and shall be signed by a person or persons duly authorized to sign on behalf of the bidder. 13.2 The bid shall contain no addition and alterations except those to comply with instructions issued by the employer. 14.0 Sealing, marking, and submission of bids: 14.1 The bidder shall seal the bid in 3 inner sealed envelopes and one outer sealed envelope duly marking the inner envelopes in the following manner: a. Ist inner sealed envelope will be marked Part I comprising of qualification information and Technical and Commercial Part . b. 2nd inner sealed envelope will be marked as Part II Price Bid. c. 3rd inner sealed envelope will be marked Earnest Money . d. Outer Sealed envelope will be marked as Bidding Documents. 14.2 The inner envelopes placed in outer envelope shall: a. be addressed to the Employer at the following address and submitted accordingly for submission of bid as indicated below: The General Manager, Jhanjra Area, Eastern Coalfields Ltd. General Manager, PO: Jhanjra (B.O) PIN 713363, Dist: Burdwan, WB. b. Iinner and outer envelopes will bear the following additional identification: -Bid for ________________________________________________ -Bid Reference No. - Bidders Full Name & address. -DO NOT OPEN BEFORE due date & time. In addition to the identification required in Sub-Clause 14.2 the inner and outer envelopes shall indicate the full name and address of the Bidder.

before the deadline Office of The


14.4 If the outer envelope is not sealed and marked as above, the Employer will assume no responsibility for the misplacement or premature opening of the Bid leading to rejection of the Bid. Deadline for submission of bids: Bids shall be dropped in the Box kept for the purpose at the address specified in the NIT. In the event of the specified date for the submission of bids being Sunday or declared as holiday for the Employer, the Bids will be submitted up to the appointed time on the next working day. The Employer may extend the deadline for submission of Bids by issuing an amendment, in which case all rights and obligations of the Employer and the Bidders previously subject to the original deadline will then be subject to the new deadline. Late bids: Any Bid received by the Employer after the deadline prescribed in Clause 15 due to any reason whatsoever will not be accepted. Bid opening: The Employer will open part I of the bids first, in the presence of the bidders or their authorized representative(s) who choose to attend at the time and place specified in Clause 14.2. In the event of the specified date of Bid opening being declared a holiday for the Employer, the Bids will be opened at the appointed time and location on the next working day. After examination and evaluation of part I of the bids, part II of only those bids which are technically and commercially qualified and substantially responsive in accordance with specifications, scope, terms and conditions and fulfill the requisite eligibility criteria laid down under these instructions shall be opened. The date of opening of Part-II will be notified separately only to the qualified bidders of part-I.

15.0 15.1


16.0 16.1

17.0. 17.1


17.3 18.0 18.1

Process to be confidential : Information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation and comparison of Bids and recommendations for the award of a contract shall not be disclosed to Bidders or any other persons not officially concerned with such process. Any effort by a Bidder to influence the Employers processing of Bids or award decisions may result in the rejection of his Bid.

19.0 19.1

Clarification of bids: To assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of Bids, the Employer may at the Employers discretion, ask any Bidder for clarification of the Bidders Bid, including break-ups of unit rates. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing or by cable, telex, or facsimile. Examination of bids and determination of responsiveness Prior to the detailed evaluation of bids, the employer will determine whether each Bid. a. Meets the eligibility criteria as defined. b. Has been properly signed. c. Is accompanied by the required securities, and d. Is substantially responsive to the requirements of the Bidding documents. A substantially responsive Bid is one which conforms to all the terms, conditions, & specifications of the Bidding documents without material deviation or reservation. If a Bid is not substantially responsive, it may be rejected by the Employer at its sole discretion.

20.0 20.1

20.2 20.3

21.0 21.1 Correction of errors Bids determined to be substantially responsive will be checked by the Employer for any arithmetical errors. Errors will be corrected by the Employer as follows: a. Where there is a discrepancy between the amounts in figures and in words, the amounts in words will govern, and c. Where there is a discrepancy between the unit rate and the line item total resulting from multiplying the unit rate by the quantity, the unit rate as quoted will govern. d. Discrepancy in totaling or carry forward in the amount quoted by the contractor shall be corrected. The tendered sum so corrected and altered shall be substituted for the sum originally tendered and considered for acceptance instead of the original sum quoted by the tenderer along with that of other tender/tenders. Rounding off to the nearest rupee should be done in the final summary of the amount instead of in total of various sections of the offer. The amount stated in the Bid will be adjusted by the employer in accordance with the above procedure for correction of errors and shall be considered as bidding open the bidders. Evaluation and comparison of bids The Employer will evaluate and compare only the Bids determined to be substantially responsive in accordance with Clause 20. In evaluating the Bids, the Employer will determine for each Bid the evaluated Bid Price by adjusting the Bid Price by making any correction for errors pursuant to Clause 21. The Employer reserves the right to accept or reject any variation, deviation, or alternative offer and other factors that are in excess of the requirements of the Bidding documents or otherwise result in unsolicited benefits for the bidder shall not be taken into account in Bid evaluation. If the Bid of the successful Bidder is seriously unbalanced in relation to the Engineers estimate of the cost of work to be performed under the contract, the Employer may require the Bidder to produce detailed price analyses for any or all items of the work, to demonstrate the internal consistency of those prices with the construction methods and schedule proposed.


22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3


23.0 23.1

Award criteria Subject to Clause 24, the employer will award the CONTRACT to the best qualified bidder whose Bid has been determined to be substantially responsive to the Bidding documents and who has offered the lowest evaluated Price. Employers right to accept any bid and to reject any or all bids Notwithstanding clause 28, the employer reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid, and to cancel the bidding process and reject all Bids, at any time prior to the award of Contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Bidders or any obligation to inform the affected Bidder or Bidders of the grounds for the Employers action. Notification of award and signing of agreement: The Bidder, whose Bid has been accepted will be notified of the award by the Employer prior to expiration of the Bid validity period by cable, telex or facsimile confirmed by registered letter. The Agreement will incorporate all agreements between the Employer and the successful Bidder within 28 days following the notification of award along with the Letter of Acceptance. Upon the furnishing by the successful Bidder of the Performance Security/Security Deposit, the Employer will promptly notify the other Bidders that their Bids have been unsuccessful and refund the Bid Security/Earnest Money Deposit.

24.0 24.1

25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3

26.0 Performance security/security deposit/performance guarantee 26.1 Within 30 days of receipt of the Letter of Acceptance, the successful Bidder shall deliver in the favour of Employer a Contract Performance Guarantee/Security Deposit limited to a sum equal to 10% of the contract price, in the way as given below: - Bank draft for the full amount of Contract Performance Security/Security Deposit amounting to 10% of the contract price, in favour of ECL,Jhanjra Project Payable at SBI, Asansol. 26.2 The Guarantee amount shall be payable to the Employer without any condition whatsoever. 26.3 The Performance Guarantee shall cover additionally the following guarantees to the Employer (a) The successful bidder guarantees the successful and satisfactory operation of the equipment furnished and erected under the contract, as per the specifications and documents, (b) The successful bidder further guarantees that the equipment provided and installed by him shall be free from all defects in design, material and workmanship and shall upon written notice from the employer fully remedy free of expenses to the Employer such defects as developed under the normal use of the said equipment within the period of guarantee specified in the relevant clause of the Conditions of Contract. 26.4 The Contract Performance Guarantee is intended to secure the performance of the entire Contract. 26.5 The company shall be at liberty to deduct/appropriate from the Contract Performance Guarantee/Security Deposit such sums as are due and payable by the contractor to the company as may be determined in terms of the contract, and the amount appropriated from the Contract Performance Guarantee/Security Deposit shall have to be restored by Contractor subsequently. 26.6 The Contract Performance Guarantee will be returned to the Contractor without any interest at the end of the Guarantee Period. 26.7 Failure of the successful Bidder to comply with the requirements of Sub-Clause 26.1 shall constitute sufficient grounds for cancellation of the award and forfeiture of the Bid Security. 26.8 Performance Security/Security Deposit shall be converted into Performance Guarantee on successful completion of work in accordance with contract and upon satisfactory trial operations and shall be valid for 90 days after the end of Guarantee period. 27.0 27.1 Employment of local labour: Contractors are to employ to the extent possible, only local project affected people and pay wages not less than the minimum wages fixed by the local Government. Legal jurisdiction Matter relating to any dispute or difference arising out of this tender and subsequent contract awarded based on the bid shall be subject to the jurisdiction Asansol court only.

28.0 28.1

29.0 Sub-contractor/sub-vendor: 29.1 The contract agreement will specify major items of supply of services for which the contractor proposes to engage Sub-Contractor/Sub-Vendor. The contractor may from time to time propose any addition or deletion from any such list and will submit the proposals in this regard to the Engineer in-Charge/ Designated Officer in Charge for approval well in advance so as not to impede the progress of work. Such approval of the Engineer in Charge / Designated Officer will not relieve the contractor from any of his obligation, duties and responsibilities under the contract.

CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 1. i. Definitions: The word Company or Employer or Owner wherever occurs in the conditions means Eastern Coalfields Limited, represented at the headquarters of the Company by the Chairman-cum-Managing Director or his authorized representative or any other officer specially deputed for the purpose. The word Principal Employer or Engineer wherever occurs, means the authorized representative or any other officer specially deputed by the Company for the purpose of contract. The word Contractor/Contractors or Manufacturer wherever occurs means the successful Bidder/Bidders who has/have deposited the necessary Earnest Money and has/have been given written intimation about the acceptance of tender and shall include legal representative of such individual or persons composing a firm or a company or the successors and permitted assignees of such individual firm or company, as the case may be. The Site shall mean the site of contract work including land and any building and erections thereon and any other land allotted by the company for contractors use in the performance of the contract. The term sub-contractor as employed herein, includes those having a direct contract with contractor either on piece rate, items rate, time rate or on any other basis and it includes one who furnishes work to a special design according to the plans or specifications of this work but does not include one who merely supplied materials. Consulting Engineer/Consultant shall mean any firm or person duly appointed as such from time to time by the owner. Accepting authority shall mean the management of the company and includes an authorized representative of the company or any other person or body of persons empowered in this behalf by the company. A Day shall mean a day of 24 hours from midnight to midnight. Engineer-in-charge/Designated Officer-in-charge will be clearly defined in the contract document Engineer-in-charge/Designated Officer-in-charge who is of an appropriate seniority will be responsible for supervising and administering the contract, certifying payment due to the contractor valuing variations to the contract, awarding extension of time and valuing compensation events Engineer-in-charge/Designated Officerin-charge may further appoint his representatives i.e. another person/Project Manager or any other competent person and notify to the contractor who is directly responsible for supervising the work being executed at the site, on his behalf under the Delegation of Powers of the company. However, overall responsibility, as far as the contract is concerned will be that of the Engineer-in-charge Designated Officer-in-charge. The contract shall mean the notice inviting tender, the tender as accepted by the company and the formal agreement executed between the company and the contractor together with the documents referred to therein including conditions of contract, special conditions, if any, specifications designs & drawings including those to be submitted during progress of work, scope of work, billing schedule/schedule of quantities with rates and amounts. The works shall mean and include the furnishing of equipments, labour, and the services in accordance with the contracted parts thereof as the case may be and shall also include all extra or additional, altered or substituted works or any work of emergent nature, which in the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge become necessary for security. Specification shall mean the technical specifications forming a part of the contract and such other schedules and drawings as may be mutually agreed upon. Contract price shall mean the total sum for which tender is accepted by the company.

ii. iii.

iv. v.

vi. vii. viii. ix.



xii. xiii.

xiv. Written notice shall mean a notice or communication in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly served if delivered in person to the individual or to a member of the firm or to an office of the Corporation/Company for whom it is intended, or if delivered at or sent by registered mail to the last business address known to him who gives the notice. xv. Letter of Acceptance of the tender shall mean the official notice issued by the company notifying the contractor that his tender has been accepted. xvi. Date of Contract shall mean the date on which both the parties have signed the contract agreement. xvii. Manufacturers Works or Contractors Works shall mean the place of work used by the Manufacturer, the Contractor their collaborators or sub-contractors for the performance of the works.

xviii. Inspector shall mean the Owner or any person nominated by the Owner from time to time to inspect the equipment stores or Works under the contract and/or the duly authorized representative of the owner. xix. When the words Approved, Subject to Approval, Satisfactory, equal to Proper, Requested. As directed, Where directed, When directed, Determined by, Accepted, Permitted, or words and phrases of like import are used, the approval, judgment, direction etc. is understood to be a function of the Owner/Engineer/Engineer-in-Charge. xx. Test of Completion shall mean such tests as prescribed in the contract to be performed by the contractor before the Works is taken over by the Owner. xxi. Start-up shall mean the time period required to bring the attendance system along with CCTV surveillance system covered under the Contract from an inactive condition, when installation is essentially complete to the state ready for trial operation. The start-up period shall include preliminary inspection and check out of complete system and supporting sub-systems, initial operation of the complete system covered under the Contract. xxii. Initial operation shall mean the first integral operation of the complete system covered under the contract with sub-systems and supporting equipments in service. xxiii. Trial Operation, Reliability Test, Trial Run, Complete Test shall mean the extended period of time after the Start-up period. During this trial operation period the system shall be operated over the full load range. The length of Trial Operation shall be as determined by the Engineer, unless otherwise specified elsewhere in the Contract. xxiv. Performance and Guarantee Tests shall mean all operation checked and tests required to determine and demonstrate capacity, efficiency and operating characteristics as specified in the contract document. xxv. Commercial Operation shall mean the condition of operation in which the complete system covered under the contractors officially declared by the owner to be available for continuous operation. Such declaration by the owner however, shall not relieve or prejudice any of the contractors obligations under this contract. xxvi. Final Acceptance shall mean the owners written acceptance of the works performed under the contract, after successful completion of performance and guarantee tests. xxvii. Guarantee Period/Maintenance Period shall mean the period during which the contractor shall remain liable for repair or replacement of any defective part of the works performed under the contract, without any fees, cost, and additional charge/cost. xxviii. Drawings/ Plans shall mean all: (a) drawings submitted by the contractor with his proposal provided such drawings are acceptable to the Owner/Consultant. (b) drawings furnished by the Owner/Consultant to the Contractor during the progress of the work. (e) engineering date and drawings submitted by the Contractor during the progress of the work provided such drawings are acceptable to the Engineer.

xxix. Codes shall mean the following including the latest amendments, and/or replacements, if any (a) Standards of Bureau of Indian Standards relevant to the works under the contract and their Specifications. xxx. Words importing singular only shall also include the plural and vice-versa where the context so requires. xxxi. Words importing Person shall include firms, companies corporations, and associations or bodies of individuals, whether incorporated or not. xxxii. Terms and expressions, not defined herein, shall have the same meaning as are assigned to them in the Indian Sale of Goods Act failing that in the Indian Contract Act, and failing that in the General Clauses Act. Xxxiii. Commissioning the plant/project shall mean completion in all respects of installation rendering the plan/project ready for performance test and commercial operation as per above clause No. xxv. Xxxiv. Government Appraisals shall mean all permits, licenses authorizations consents, clearances decrees, waivers, privileges, approvals from and filing with government instrumentalities necessary for the development construction and operation of the plant/project. Xxxv. Month shall mean a calendar month according to the Gregorian calendar.

2. Contract documents: The following documents shall constitute the contract documents: (i) Articles of Agreement (ii) Notice Inviting Tender (iii) Letter of Acceptance of Tender indicating deviations, if any, from the conditions of contract incorporated in the Tender document issued to the bidder and/or the Bid submitted by the bidder. (iv) Conditions of contract including general terms and conditions, additional terms and conditions, technical terms and conditions, erection terms and conditions special conditions, if any etc. forming part of the Agreement. (v) Specifications, where this part of Tender Documents. (vi) Scope of works/Bills of quantities/schedule of works/quantities and (vii) Contract Drawings / finalized work programmed. After acceptance of tender the Contractor shall be deemed to have carefully examined all Contract Documents to his satisfaction, if he shall have any doubt as to the meaning of any portion of the Contract Documents, he shall before signing the Contract, set forth the particulars thereof and submit them to the Owner in writing in order that such doubt may be removed. The Owner will provide such clarifications as may be necessary in writing to the Contractor. Any information otherwise obtained from the Owner of the Engineer shall not in any way relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to fulfill his obligations under the Contract. The Contractor shall enter into a Contract Agreement with the Owner within 28(twenty eight) days from the date of Acceptance of Tender or within such extended time as may be granted by the Owner. The performance Guarantee for the proper fulfillment of the contract shall be furnished by the contractor in the prescribed form within thirty(30) days of Acceptance of tender. The performance Guarantee shall be as per terms prescribed in instructions of Bidders of this tender. The Owner after the issue of the letter of Acceptance of Tender, will send one copy of the final agreement to the contractor for his scrutiny and approval. The agreement, unless otherwise agreed to, shall be signed within 28 days of the issue of the letter of Acceptance of tender, at the office of the Owner on a date and time to be mutually agreed. The contractor shall provide for signing of the contract, performance guarantee in copies as required, appropriate power of attorney and other requisite materials in case it is agreed mutually that the contract is to be signed beyond the stipulated time, the bid guarantee submitted with the tender will have to be extended accordingly. The agreement will be signed in six originals and the contractor shall be provided with one signed original and the rest will be retained by the Owner. None of these documents shall be used by the contractor for any purpose other than this contract and the contractor shall ensure that all persons employed for this contract strictly adhere to this and maintain secrecy, as required of such documents. The contractor shall provide free of cost to the Owner all the engineering data, drawings and descriptive materials submitted with the bid, in at least six (6) copies to form a part of the contract immediately after issue of letter of acceptance. Subsequent to signing of the contract, the contractor at his own cost shall provide the owner with at least six (6) true copies of agreement within thirty (30) days after the signing of the contract. The contract shall be considered as having come into force from the date of the letter of acceptance of tender issued by the owner subject to the handing over of the clear site to the contractor to start the work. The laws applicable to this contract shall be the laws in force in India. The courts of Asansol shall have exclusive jurisdiction in all matters arising under this contract.



2.3 2.4



2.7 2.8 2.9

3.0 Contract performance guarantee/security deposit: 3.1 Within 30 days of receipt of the Letter of Acceptance of the tender, the successful Bidder shall deliver in favour of the Employer a Contract Performance Guarantee/Security Deposit limited to a sum equal to 10% of the contract price in the way as given below: - bank draft for the full amount of Contract Performance Security/Security Deposit amounting to 10% of the contract price, in favour of ECL, Jhanjra Project Payable at SBI, Asansol payable at any nationalized Bank/Scheduled Bank at Asansol preferably SBI.. 3.2 The Guarantee amount shall be payable to the Employer without any condition whatsoever.

3.3 The Performance Guarantee shall cover additionally the following guarantees to the Employer: (a) The successful bidder guarantees the successful and satisfactory operation of the equipment furnished and erected under the contract, as per the specifications and documents. (b) The successful bidder further guarantees that the equipment provided and installed by him shall be free from all defects in design, material and workmanship and shall upon written notice from the employer fully remedy free of expenses to the Employer such defects as developed under the normal use of the said equipment within the period of guarantee specified in the relevant clause of the Conditions of Contract.

3.4 The Contract Performance Guarantee is intended to secure the performance of the entire Contract. However it is not construed as limited the damages under clause entitled Equipment. Performance Guarantee in section Technical Conditions of Contract and damages stipulated in the other clauses in the bidding documents. 3.5 The Company shall be at liberty to deduct/appropriate from the Contract Performance Guarantee/Security Deposit such sums as are due and payable by the contractor to the company as may be determined in terms of the contract, and the amount appropriated from the Contract Performance Guarantee/Security Deposit shall have to be restored by Contractor subsequently. 3.6 The Contract Performance Guarantee will be returned to the Contractor without any interest at the end of the Guarantee Period.

4.0 Time the essence of contract: 4.1 The time and the date of completion of the works as stipulated in the NIT i.e. 2 months. 4.1 The contractor shall submit a detailed schedule of work within the time frame as per NIT during agreement. 4.3 The above schedule of work shall be reviewed and periodic review reports shall be submitted by the contractor as directed by the engineer. 5.0 Contract price: 5.1 The lump sum prices quoted by the contractor in his bid with additions and deletions as may be agreed before signing of the contract for the entire scope of the work including furnishing and erection of equipment covered under the specifications and documents and shall be treated as the contract price. 6.0 Deductions from contract price: 6.1 All costs damages or expenses which the owner may have paid for which under the contract the contractor is liable, will be claimed by the owner. All such claims shall be billed by the owner to the contractor regularly as and when they fall due. Such bills shall be supported by appropriate and certified vouchers or explanations to enable the contractor to properly identify such claims. Such claims shall be paid by the contractor within fifteen (15) days of the receipt of the corresponding bills and if not paid by the contractor within the said period, the owner may then deduct the amount from any moneys due or becoming due by him to the contractor under the contract or may be recovered by actions of law or otherwise if the contractor fails to satisfy the owner of such claims. 7.0 Packing, forwarding : 7.1 The contractor, wherever applicable, shall after proper painting, pack and crate all equipment in such a manner as to protect them from deterioration and damage during rail and road transportation to the site and storage at the site till the time of erection. The contractor shall be held responsible for all damages due to improper packing. 8.0 Liability for accidents and damages: 8.1 Under the contract the contractor shall be responsible for loss or damage to the weighbridge until the weighbridge is taken over in accordance with clause entitled Taking Over in section technical terms and conditions of contract.

9.0 Liquidated damages for delay in completion: 9.1 In the event of the contractors failure to comply with the rate of progress as per the agreed time and progress chart and also failure to successfully complete the trial operation within the time fixed under the contract, the contractor shall pay to the owner @ 3% of the contract value per week subject to maximum 10% of the contract value. 9.2 The total amount liquidated damages for delay under the contract will be subject to a maximum of ten percent (10%) of the contract price. 9.3 The company may at its sole discretion, waive the payment of liquidated damage on request received from the contractor if the entire work is completed within the date as specified in the contract or as validity extended without stipulating any liquidated damages. 10.0 Force majeure: 10.1 Force majeure is herein defined as any cause which is beyond the control of the contractor or the owner as the case may be which they could not foresee or with a reasonable amount of diligence could not have foreseen and which substantially affect the performance of the contract, such as: (a) Natural phenomena including but not limited to floods, earthquakes and epidemics: (b) Acts of any government, including but not limited to war, declared or undeclared, priorities, quarantines, embargoes. Provided either party shall within fifteen (15) days from the occurrence of such a cause notify the other in writing of such causes. 10.2 The bidding documents will clearly state that: (a) The successful bidder will advise in the event of his having resort to this clause by a registered letter duly certified by the local chamber of commerce or statutory authorities, the beginning and end of the clause of delay, within fifteen days of occurrence and cessation of such Force Majeure condition. In the event of delay lasting over two months, if arising out of Force Majeure, the contract may be terminated at the discretion of the company. (b) For delays arising out of Force Majeure, the bidder will not claim extension in completion date for a period exceeding the period of delay attributable to the causes of Force Majeure and neither company nor the bidder shall be liable to pay extra costs ( like increase in rates, remobilization advance, idle charges for labour and machinery etc.) Provided it is mutually established that the Force Majeure conditions did actually exist. (c) If any of the Force Majeure conditions exists in the place of operation of the bidder even at the time of submission of bid he will categorically specify them in his bid and state whether they have been taken into consideration in their quotations. 10.3. The contractor or the owner shall not be liable for delays in performing his obligations resulting from any force majeure cause as referred to and/or defined above. The date of completion will, subject to hereinafter provided, be extended by a reasonable time such cause may occur after contractors performance of his obligations has been delayed for other causes. 11.0 Delays by owner or his authorized agent: 11.1 In case the contractors performance is delayed due to any act of omission on the part of the owner or his authorized agents, then the contractor shall be given due extension of time for the completion of works to the extent such omission on the part of the owner has caused delay in the contractors performance of his work. Regarding reasonableness or otherwise of the extension of time, the decision of the engineer In charge shall be final. 12.0 Extension of date of completion: 12.1 On happening of any events causing delay as stated hereinafter, the contractor shall intimate immediately in writing the Engineer-in-charge: a. due to any reason defined as Force Majeure. b. non-availability of stores which are the responsibility of the owner to supply. c. non-availability or breakdown of tools and plant to be made available or made available by the owner. d. delay on the part of the contractors or tradesmen engaged by the owner not forming part of the contract, holding up further progress of the work. e. non-availability of working drawings/work programme in time, which are to be made available by the company during progress of the work. f. any other causes which, at the sole discretion of the company is beyond the control of the contractor.

12.2 A Hindrance Register shall be maintained by both the Company and the Contractor at site to record the various hindrances, as mentioned above, encountered during the course of execution. 12.3 The contractor may request the company in writing for extension of time within 14 days of happening of such event causing delay stating also, if practicable, the period for which extension is desired. The company may consider the eligibility of the request; give a fair and reasonable extension of time for completion of the work. Such extension shall be communicated to the contractor in writing by the company though the Engineer-incharge within 1 month of the date of receipt of such request. The contractor shall however use his best efforts to prevent or make good the delay by putting his endeavors constantly as may be reasonably required of him to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge. Provisional extension of time may also be granted by the Engineer-in-charge during the course of execution, on written request for extension of time within 15 (fifteen) days of happening of such events as stated above, reserving the companys right to impose/waive liquidated damages at the time of granting final extension of time as per contract agreement. 12.4 When the period fixed for the completion of the contract is about to expire, the question of extension of the contract may be considered at the instance of the Contractor or the Company or the both. The extension will have to be by partys agreement, expressed or implied. 12.5 In case the Contractor does not apply for grant of extension of time within 15(fifteen) days of hindrance occurring in execution of the work and the Company wants to continue with the work beyond the stipulated date of completion for reason of the work having been hindered, the Engineer-in-charge at his sole discretion can grant provisional extension of time even in the absence of application from the Contractor. Such extension of time granted by the Engineer-in-charge is valid provided the contractor accepts the same either expressly or implied by his actions before and subsequent to the date of completion. Such extension of time shall be without prejudice to Companys right to levy liquidated damages under the relevant clause of contract. 13.0 Language and measures: All documents pertaining to the contract including specifications, schedules notices, correspondence operating and maintenance instructions, drawings or any other writing shall be written in English language. The metric system of measurement shall be used exclusively in the contract. 14.0 Completion of contract: 14.1 This contract shall be deemed to have been completed at the expiration of the guarantee period as provided for under the clause entitled Guarantee in his section. 15.0 Guarantee: 15.1 The contractor shall warrant that the equipment will be new and in accordance with the contract documents and be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of twelve (12) calendar months commencing immediately upon the satisfactory completion of the system. The contractors liability shall be limited to replacement of any defective parts, poor workmanship and faulty design of the component/materials during the guarantee/warranty period the system is to be maintained by the contractor. 16.0 Payment: 16.1 The payment to the contractor for the performance of the works under the contract will be made by the owner as per the guidelines and conditions specified herein. 16.2 CURRENCY OF PAYMENT - All payments under the contract shall be in Indian Rupees only. 16.3 Due dates for payment: Owner will make progressive payment as and when the payment is due as per the terms of payment. Payment will become due and payable by the owner within thirty (30) days ( subject to availability of fund) from the date of receipt of contractors bill /invoice / by the owner, provided the documents submitted are complete in all respects.

16.4 16.5 Terms of payments: Payment will be made to the party on submission of bills in accordance with the procedure as detailed below: a) First adhoc payment @ 70% of value of equipments & softwares will be made on successful supply and installation of Bio-metric Face recognition based Attendance System & CCTV surveillance system with associated accessories & equipments and on submission of documentary proof in respect of payment of requisite excise duty and sale tax to the Govt. b) Final payment will be made after successful testing and commissioning of the complete Biometric Face recognition based Attendance system & CCTV surveillance system with all associated accessories & equipments.

17.0 Sales tax on works contracts: 17.1 Payment of Sales tax on works contract shall be the total responsibility of the contractor and the Employer shall deduct the Tax at source from the contractors running /final bills as stipulated by the Sales Tax Authority at the rate prevalent as on the date of opening of the bid or revised price bid during the tenure of the contract, provided, however that if there is any revision in the rate of Sales Tax, Deductions at source on Works Contract during the tenure of the Contract the same shall be regulated as follows: (a) In case of increase in the rate of Sales Tax Deductions at source, the Contractor shall be entitled to be reimbursed to the extent of the amount of difference between the existing rate and revised rate of tax deducted at source on production of relevant documents in support of claim in this behalf and after departmental verification of charges of tax law by Statutory Authority but limited to the actual paid by the contractor. (b) In case of any decrease or remission on the rate of Sales Tax (on works contract) deduction at source, the Company shall be entitled to the amount consequent on decrease/remission of Sales Tax. The Company shall be entitled to recover such amount from the amount from the amount due to the Contractor. 17.2 The Company reserves the right to deduct/withhold any amount towards taxes/Statutory levies as may be required under the Statute or in terms of direction from any Authority from the amount as directed by the appropriate Authority and the Company shall only provide with certificate towards deduction and shall not be responsible for any reason whatsoever. 18.0 Submission of bills: 18.1 Bills for first adhoc and final payment in order of sequence as completed in clause above should be submitted ( in quadruplicate in each step ) duly stamped, pre-receipted and the same duly certified by the engineer In-charge and approve by CGM/GM should be presented to concerned AFM for payment. 19.0 19.1 19.2 Paying authority: AFM of Jhanjra Area, ECL Engineer In-charge / Nodal Officer for the Bio-metric Face recognition based Attendance System is Area Engineer (E&M) / Asst. Manager (E&T) of the concerned area who can sign any document in connection with all the works before processing the bill for payment to the AFM of concerned area.

20.0 Consignee: 20.1 GM, Jhanjra Area or his nominated staff officer at the Jhanjra Area. 21.0 Special Condition: 21.1.1 In order to ensure timely installation and utilization as per the schedule of work the contractor should note that the supply of equipment as per specifications and schedule of rate quoted in price bid will be accepted only near completion of construction of weigh cabin as per technical specifications and schedule of rate quoted in price bid.

22.0 22.1 23.0 Training of owners personnel: The contractor shall undertake to train the operating personnel selected by the owner for 1 (one) Month. The owner would not be liable for any compensation due to stoppage/change in scope of work due to local disturbance, change in Govt. policy, Law and any order of judiciary/obstruction or delay by any outside elements /agency. Bidder shall have to make payment to all workers /employees engaged by him/they for making activities as per prevailing minimum wage fixed by Govt. of West Bengal and shall also ensure that the minimum wage paid by him /them to any of his /their employees are not less in any case. Bidder shall have to ensure that implementation of CMPF and misc. Provision Act 1948 and Allied Schemes framed therein in respect of bidders workers deployed by him/them and will have to recover statutory dues and deposit the same along with employers contributions ( Bidders share) to the respective CMPF office and to submit statutory returns under intimation to principle employer. Bidder shall have to ensure by documentary evidence Payment of Service Tax as per Prevailing policy of the Govt.




19 Annexure-A TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND SERVICES REQUIRED Services required: 1. Installation of one appropriate server (along with necessary software) for operating & managing the system. 2. The attendance system has to be integrated with the payroll system of ECL. 3. Installation & maintenance of Biometric face reader equipments, server, softwares & related accessories at specified locations. 4. Installation & maintenance of CCTV cameras & related accessories at the locations where face readers are installed. 5. All the required networking and cabling for biometric face recognition attendance system and CCTV installation will be responsibility of the successful bidder. 6. One time creation of database of employees and record their biometric facial images. 7. Recording of biometric attendance of all specified employees of Jhanjra Area every day morning & evening. 8. Daily checking/testing the working/ functioning of all face readers, other equipments & softwares. 9. Provision for manual attendance should be made in the system. 10. Regular updating of the database of employees on the basis of joining, transfer, retirements etc. 11. Regular updates of Holidays in the system as per given by Jhanjra Area, ECL. 12. Maintenance & updating of leave (all type of leaves) record of employees on the basis of hard copy of sanctioned leaves provided by Jhanjra Area, ECL. 13. Maintenance & updating of tour records of employees on the basis of hard copy of sanctioned Tours provided by Jhanjra Area, ECL. 14. Maintenance of temporary absence of employees on the basis of information received from the absent employees regarding temporary absence. Date/time period of such temporary absence will be provided by Jhanjra Area, ECL. 15. Reporting Daily and monthly report on the functioning (working/not working) of the machines Preparation of Exception Report (List of Persons who have (a) Arrived Late (b) Absent (c) Left early and (d) Not marked departure attendance etc.) (Exclude persons who are on tour, leave, temporary absence) Preparation/Printing of Standard Memo formats for issuance to aforesaid persons. Preparation of weekly and monthly report on extra-time/Overtime work by employees Monthly report on employees who have worked on Saturdays/Sundays/Holidays Generation of daily report-Persons on leave/Tour/Temporary absence Generation of monthly report of Absences/Late-coming/Early departure that have not been regularized Employee wise leave record i.e. leave/ absence availed by the employees for a period to be generated biannually, as well as from time to time as may be desired. 16. The server, other equipments & systems should be for exclusive use of the requirements of Jhanjra Area and no other activity/ work should be done on them.


Technical specifications:
Biometric face reader: The following are the necessary minimum requirement of Biometric Face Reader.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Display Face Capacity Fingerprint Capacity ID Card Capacity Transaction Capacity Camera Communication Optional Standard Function USB-Host Processor Memory Hardware Platform Identification Time FAR FRR Power Supply Algorithm Version Operating Temperature Operating Humidity Keypad

4.3TFT Screen 500(1:N)/700(1:G) 2000 10,000 1,00,000 High Resolution IR Camera RS232,RS485,TCP/IP Wi-Fi, GPRS Built in Battery (minimum 3 hr backup/minimum 2000mAh), Web Server 2 USB-Host Multi-Bio CPU 630 MHz 256 MB Flash, 64 MB SDRAM 600 Multi medium development <=2 second <=0.0001% <=0.0001% 12 V DC, 3A Face7.0 0 Degree-50 Degree 20 to 80% 4*4 touch keypad

Wiegand signal Wiegand in & out 23 . It should have Infra-red optical system to enable user-identification in poorly lit environments. The system should work in different light condition even in the dark. 24. There should be tamper alarm in the face reader. 25. Access Control Interfaces for: 3rd party electric lock, door sensor, alarm, wired bell and exit button. 26. The attendance system has to be integrated with the payroll system of ECL. 27. A Vandal resistant wall mounting panel with locking feature should be provided. 28. The system should have at least 4 hours battery backup in absence of power. 29. All the data from all biometric points should be automatically accessible at the System Department in Jhanjra Area Office. 30. Attendance of an employee should be marked automatically in the ECL payroll system at Area office(aerial distance between the two locations is approximately 1.5 Km) instantly after his/her successful face detection at MIC and at Area office.

21 I. Multishift Time attendance management software: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The software should be compatible with windows XP, Vista, windows7, wi ndows8 & Linux. Should be compatible with open database and MS access, SQL. Should be password protected with multi- level security. Should be upgradeable. Should have GUI based User Friendly Windows Application with Advanced looks. Should be multi user and the right can be allocated to different users so that different users may have user-id & password in the system to enable HOD to take attendance/leave report of their subordinates reporting to him. 7. Should have capability to block the specific employee/ group on the need basis. 8. Should have provision to create multiple companies, units. 9. Should have User friendly chart on the opening screen for Daily / Monthly status view. 10. Should have various sorting and selection features are available to generate the reports. 11. Should have option to generate daily, monthly, yearly as well as govt. statutory Forms/ reports. 12. Should have Advanced Find option and Advisory view. 13. Should have option to generate various memos like late arrival, early going etc. 14. Should have Auto e-mailer option for paperless job. 15. Should be able to generate reports in text, word & excel format. 16. Should have provision for automatic transfer (Optionally manual) of data from the readers to the computer without any operator interface. 17. Should have fully automated Leave module, OT Module etc. 18. Various reports can be emailed to the respective Department heads. 19. Muster can be generated and used for input for our existing payroll package being used at Jhanjra Area, ECL. 20. User defined reports can be created through the report writer. 21. Graphical Reports (like bar charts, pie charts) should be available for decision-making process. 22. Should be customized to the rules & regulations of Jhanjra Area, ECL as per the specifications. 23. Can be linked to other party Payroll, HR and Accounting Systems. 24. Should provide following daily, monthly and periodic reports, memos given on next page.


DAILY REPORT Late Arrival Absenteeism Attendance Department Summary Early Arrival Shift Wise Presence Machine Raw Punch Manual Punch Audit Daily Performance Early Departure Time Loss Over Time Over Time Summary Shift Change Statement Missing & Re-verification Continuous Late Arrival Continuous Early Departure Continuous Absenteeism

REGISTERS Performance Register Late Arrival Register Early Departure Register Absenteeism Register Over Time Register Over Stay Register MONTHLY REPORT Shift Schedule Employee Wise Performance Employee Wise Attendance Department Wise Attendance Shift Wise Attendance Over Time Summary Early Departure Total Loss and Over Stay Late and Over Stay

MEMOS Late Arrival Memo Absenteeism Memo Continuous Late Arrival Continuous Early Departure Continuous Absenteeism MASTERS Holiday Company Department Category Shift Employee Leave Employee Information YEARLY REPORTS Form No. 14 Early Attendance Details Form B

GOVT. STAT REPORTS Muster Roll Form No. 12 Form No. 25 %Age Attendance Employee Wise %Age Attendance Dept Wise LEAVE REPORTS Sanctioned Leave Leave Card Accrued Leave Consumed Leave Balance Leave Leave Register GRAPHS Daily Performance Daily Time Loss Monthly Performance Monthly Time Loss Monthly Leave Status Dept. Wise Employee Weekly Presence Status


II. Laser Inkjet Printer: 1. Print Color: Black and white only 2. Print Speed :14 ppm or more 3. Paper Handling: Must support legal size paper printing 4. Print Quality: 600 dpi or more 5. OS Compatible: MS Windows 98, 2000, XP, Vista,Windows7,Windows 8 III. Online Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS): A. 1 KVA Online UPS: Following are the minimum necessary requirement for 1 KVA Online UPS: Capacity Input Voltage Range 1 KVA/700W When load <50%, range is 1185VAC2955VAC and When load 50% load, input range is 1605VAC-2955VAC 46-54 Hz0.5 Hz Single phase 0.95 220V2% 50 Hz0.2% <3% <5% >150%, 200 ms 3:1 (max) 5 cycles turnoff inverter, no transfer to bypass, provide alarm (AC mode), 5 cycles turnoff inverter, provide alarm (battery mode), input fuse blown or breaker action Pure Sine Wave 4 ms (typical 2.5 ms) 85%-92% 36 VDC 0.5 A-10 A RS 232; SNMP (optional) LED Indications <45 dB

Input Frequency Input phase Input Power Factor Output Voltage Range Output Frequency Range Output THD (Linear Load) Output THD (Non-Linear Load) Output Overload Capability Output Crest Factor Output Short Circuit Protection

Output Waveform Output Transfer Time AC to Bypass mode Output Efficiency Battery DC Voltage Battery Charge Current Communication Interface LED/LCD Indication Noise Level

24 B. 3 KVA Online UPS: Following are the minimum necessary requirement for 1 KVA Online UPS: Capacity Input Voltage Range 3 KVA/2400W When load <50%, range is 1185VAC2955VAC and When load 50% load, input range is 1605VAC-2955VAC 46-54 Hz0.5 Hz Single phase 0.95 208/220/230/240V AC 50 Hz0.2% <3% <5% >150%, 200 ms 3:1 (max) 5 cycles turnoff inverter, no transfer to bypass, provide alarm (AC mode), 5 cycles turnoff inverter, provide alarm (battery mode), input fuse blown or breaker action Pure Sine Wave 4 ms (typical 2.5 ms) 85%-92% 72 VDC 0.7A-10A RS 232; SNMP (optional) LCD Indications <45 dB

Input Frequency Input phase Input Power Factor Output Voltage Range Output Frequency Range Output THD (Linear Load) Output THD (Non-Linear Load) Output Overload Capability Output Crest Factor Output Short Circuit Protection

Output Waveform Output Transfer Time AC to Bypass mode Output Efficiency Battery DC Voltage Battery Charge Current Communication Interface LED/LCD Indication Noise Level

IV. Digital Video Recorder (DVR): Following are the necessary minimum requirement/features of digital video recorder: 1. Operation: IR remote control, USB Backup, USB Mouse Support. 2. Video Compression:H.264 Compression 3. 4 Channel standalone @ 100 fps Real Time Recording, Live Preview and playback. 4. Network support with Dynamic and Static IP. 5. 4 Channel Simultaneous playback. 6. Supports up to 2 TB x 1 SATA HDD. 7. Inbuilt VGA output + 2 Channel BNC output (Simultaneously). 8. CMS Software for up to 100 DVRs. 9. Digital Zoom in playback and live view. 10. Audio Input: 1.


V. Night Vision IR Dome Camera: The camera should meet the following minimum technical requirements: 1. Image Sensor: 1/3" Sony Super HAD CCD or better. 2. Resolution: 420 TVL or better. 3. 8 x 10 Super Intensity IR LEDs. 4. 15M IR Range or better. 5. 3.6 mm fixed IR lens in 3 axis ABS Body. Other Terms & conditions: 1. This is totally a turnkey project and it is the responsibility of the tenderer to design the system, to supply, install, commission & run the system. 2. It is responsibility of successful bidder to configure the computer as server and to connect it with the terminals and other equipments. 3. The successful bidder should also train the Jhanjra Area personnel authorized to operate and deal with the attendance system to understand the technology & operation. 4. The entire system should be designed in such a way that no data should be lost under any condition. 5. All tools and instruments required for installation should be brought by the successful bidder. 6. The successful bidder should coordinate with Telecom Dept., Administration Dept. and System Dept. for installation & Commissioning of the system. 7. All safety and security norms should be adhered by the successful bidder.



PART II (Price Bid)

NAME & PLACE OF WORK:-Supply, installation, erection and commissioning of Biometric Face Reader Attendance System with CCTV (Close Circuit Television) surveillance including required Networking; -- 8 Nos. (6 Nos. at MIC, Jhanjra Project Colliery and 2 Nos. at Jhanjra Area Office). On Turn Key Basis.

NIT NO.: GM/JNR/E&M/12-13/ 163

Date:-14/02/2013 TD No. 148

Estimated cost Rs.10, 35,270.00

I/we hereby agree to do the above mentioned work as per my/our quoted rate in the enclosed formats in the following manner: A. Supply & installation of Equipments and Softwares. B. Commissioning, maintenance and Training. My/our quoted rates are in respect of the Technical specifications mentioned in part I of the bid. I/we also hereby declare to abide by all terms and conditions and various stipulations of the Tender Document. All materials to be used in the work shall be of best kind and to the approval of Engineer In-charge. Material with ISI mark will be used. The make and brand of the materials shall be approved by the Engineer Incharge. All works shall be executed as per IS specifications or as directed by Engineer In-charge. A. PROFORMA FOR PRICE BID Supply & Installation of Equipments and Softwares Exise VAT Sl. Sub head Qty. Rate / Pack. Tran- Any Amount duty No /description of unit. & spor- other (in Rs.)

. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10.






Total Value Rs. (In words .)

B. Proforma for price bid - Commissioning, Maintenance and training

Description of work Price. Commissioning and Maintenance of Equipments during warranty period and training to the operators/concern personnel after installation/Commissioning. Total value in Rs (In words Rupees ..)
C. Proforma for total price bid

Sl. No. 01.

Sl No. A. B.

Total cost under heading Cost of Equipments and Softwares & their Installation Cost for maintenance & training.


Total value in Rs (In words Rupees)

Name & Address of the Bidder

Signature of the Bidder with seal

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