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Idioms (Proverbe)/ Echivalent romana/ Semnificatie/ Tematica

Look for the needle in the hay stack = cauta acul in carul cu fan
There’s no accounting for taste = gusturile nu se disputa
Break a leg = Bafta!
The grass looks always greener on the other side = Iarba vecinului e intodeauna mai verde
I’ll keep my fingers crossed = iti tin pumnii
Knock on wood = Doamne fereste, Bate in lemn!
Better late than never = mai bine mai tarziu decat niciodata
Never say never = Nu spune nicioadata niciodata.
Hold your tongue and button your lip = musca-ti limba
Hats off to you = Jos palaria!
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? = Cine a fost primul? Oul sau gaina?
Don’t count your chickens before they hatched = Nu socotiti puii inainte de a iesi din ou/Toamna se numara
bobocii (nu te grabi)
Never mind! = Don’t worry about it (Las-o balta!)
No news is good news = Daca nu vin stiri noi, e de bine.(nu stiu proverb in romana)
Go Hit the books, kids! = Puneti burta pe carte!
Never cry over spilled milk = (nu stiu echivalentul in romana) (Nu plange pt ce e distrus nu mai poate fi
Money doesn’t grow on trees = Banii nu cresc in copac
Last but not least = ultimul dar nu cel din urma
He who laughs last, laughs best = Cine rade la urma, rade mai bine
Time will tell = timpul va decide
Where there’s a will, there’s a way = Daca vrei, poti
An apple a day, keeps doctor away
A friend in need is a friend indeed = Prietenul la nevoie se cunoaste!
He is Afraid of his own shadow = Ii e frica si de umbra lui
Beauty is only skin-deep = Frumusetea e superficiala. Ex: Jane looks like a million dollars but beauty is skin-
Beggars can’t be choosers = Calul de dar nu se cauta de dinti.
Birds of a feather flock together = Cine se-aseamana se aduna.
Blood is thicker than water = Sangele apa nu se face.
Curiosity killed the cat = (Nu fii curios) nu stiu echivalentul in romana
Early to bed, early to rise (makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise) = echivalentul in romana?
Every cloud has a silver lining = Tot raul e spre bine
Every dog has its day (or his day) = everyone gets a chance – Soarele straluceste pentru toti (Sol omnibus lucet)
Fools rush in = (Prostii se grabesc?) echivalentul in romana?
Give one an inch, and one will take a mile = dai cuiva degetul, si-ti ia mana toata.
Half a loaf is better than none = Mai bine mai putin decat deloc. (??? Echivalentul in romana??)
Haste makes waste = graba strica treaba (?Daca faci ceva in graba, petreci mai mult timp sa repari)
Not over till it’s over = there is hope for things to go the way you want them to until the end of the game.
Let sleeping dogs lie = echivalentul in romana???”Don’t mention that problem to John. It’s almost forgotten.
Let the sleeping dogs lie”
A little hard work never hurt/killed anyone = Munca nu omoara pe nimeni
Many hands make light work = “unde’s 2 puterea creste”
Money is the root of all evil = banii sunt ochii dracului
Nothing ventured, nothing gained = nu joci, nu castigi
His bark is worse than his bite= Cainele care latra nu musca (Numai gura e de el)
Pretty is as pretty does = daca te porti frumos, esti vazut frumos (echiv in romana?)
Rome wasn’t built in a day = Nu poti face totul peste noapte(echivalent in romana??)
There are plenty of other fish in the sea = are balta peste
There’s more than one way to skin a cat = un lucru poate fi rezolvat prin mai multe metode (Echiva in
April showers bring May flowers = Tot raul e spre bine
Too many cooks spoil the broth/stew = (nu e bine cand sunt prea multi lideri ; echivalent in romana?)
What goes around, comes around = Se invarte roata! ( daca faci ceva rau se intoarce tot la tine)
When the cat’s away, the mice will play = Cand pisica nu-I acasa, joaca soarecii pe masa.
Where there’s smoke, there’s fire = nu iese fum fara foc

In romana:???
Sa moara si capra vecinului
Cine sapa groapa altuia, cade singur in ea

Poezii la WC
If you sprinkle
When you tinkle
Please be neat
And wipe the seat

Did you get over jet lag? = Ti-ai revenit dupa diferenta de fus orar?
Do you get along with your brother? = Te intelegi bine cu fratele tau?
I’ll have to start from scratch = trebuie s-o iau de la inceput
Get over it = Treci peste asta! (lasa supararea deoparte)
Takes place = the show takes place at Tandarica Theatre (are loc)
Behave! = Purtati-va (frumos)
Excuse me?, can I ask you a question? = Pardon, ma scuzati, pot sa va intreb ceva?
Don’t get me wrong = Nu ma intelege gresit.
Beg your pardon? = ma scuzati (nu am inteles or “Can you say that again?”)
No question about it = Fara indoiala
Take for granted = a lua ca si cum I se cuvine
Go by the book = by the rules
Mark my words = pay attention
I’ll Jog your memory = I’ll help your memory
The ball is in your court = it’s your turn/you have to answer now
Stands for = means…inseamna…
We’ll make a trade-off = I’ll give you one thing and get another
Address someone = Cui sa te adresezi cuiva (cu dvstra, etc) You should address him as your equal.
All set = gata. Are you all set? Sunteti gata? Or The table is all set = masa e pregatita
-look for = a cauta; “I still haven’t found what I’m looking for”
- look after = a ingriji pe cineva;
“My parents look after my daughter”
- look into = a se ocupa de ceva
“I’ll be looking into cleaning the house”
- look forward to= anticipeaza in mod placut un eveniment
“I’m looking forward to your visit”
- look to =
- look at =

Compound Verbs (Expresii)

You're walking on thin ice mister or miss! Te intreci cu gluma/Ai mers cam departe (or sa
apara consecinte in curand)
Uh, oh. We're in hot water now./You’re in Esti mancat! (ai facut prostia si esti “in trouble
trouble now. Or now”)
Oho..Someone’s in trouble here

You'd better hold your tongue and button your ar fi bine sa-ti musti limba si sa taci
I have an eye in the back of my head Am un ochi la spate (vad tot si stiu ce faceti
chiar si cand nu ma vedeti)
Something’s fishy here/ Something’s going on S-a intamplat ceva aici!!! Ceva nu e cum
Cristi's feeling blue today. Cristi e trist azi
The students in JK class are going bananas. Elevii din Junior Kindergarden isi pierd
She's the apple of his eye. Ea e lumina ochilor lui
He spilled the beans meaning of spill the beans is to give away a
secret to someone who is not supposed to
know it.
That's the way the cookie crumbles something that you say which means that bad
things sometimes happen and there is nothing
you can do to prevent it, so it is not worth
becoming upset about it
What happened to Cinderella? You won’t Ce s-a intamplat cu Cinderella? Nu o sa va
believe your eyes vina sa credeti
We ran out of paper S-a terminat hartia
It is time to tidy up! Sau E timpul sa facem curat (sa strangem jucariile)
Let’s tidy up NOW (sau let’s clean up)

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