Synopsis Recruitment and Selection in Real State Sector: A Case Study of DLF
Synopsis Recruitment and Selection in Real State Sector: A Case Study of DLF
Synopsis Recruitment and Selection in Real State Sector: A Case Study of DLF
Submitted for the Award of Degree of Master in Business Administration BY KUSUM SINGH Enrollment No. 090239
Hiring Employment has undergone a transformational change post recession. Trends and Issues in recruitment and selection have taken paradigm shift with market gradually recovering from slowdown .The effect of recession has brought new challenges for the companies as well as job aspirants. The phase marked by layoffs and pink slips, now seems to be getting over, opening new opportunities for the job seekers. At the same time, taking advantage of an improving economy, employers are planning to recruit new employees in their organization in near future while maintaining their talent pool. Recruitment, selection theory is based on an organization's accomplishment of hiring valuable employees, constituting a major function of human resource department. Recruitment process involves a systematic procedure from sourcing the candidates to arranging and conducting the interviews and requires many resources and time. The recruitment process is immediately followed by the selection process i.e. the final interviews and the decision making, conveying the decision and the appointment formalities. Hiring activities need to be responsive to the ever-increasingly competitive market to secure suitably qualified and capable recruits at all levels. Interventions, as defined in Van Tiem, Mosley, and Dessinger are deliberate, conscious acts that facilitate change in performance (p. 62). In applying the Human Performance Technology (HPT) model, after determining the gap in current versus desired performance and the likely causes of this gap, the next step is to decide on interventions or solutions to help resolve or improve performance problem(s). Within the Intervention Selection and Design step falls performance support, which considers both instructional and non-instructional interventions. In this paper, I will discuss one viable non-instructional intervention that organizations can implement to improve performancebetter recruitment and selection of human capital. Recruiting and selecting the right person for the job is vital to the success of organizations. In fact, Van Tiem et al. (2000) states, Finding desirable candidates is the number one employment challenge (p. 14). Other related challenges in this area include:
Retaining desirable employees Decreasing staff turnover Increasing qualified applicant pool Freeing up supervisors time spent coaching and training low-performing employees
Decreasing expenses related to additional training for training low-performing employees, as well as for frequent new hire training expenses resulting from turnover Minimizing grievance and legal procedures in the event a employee is fired
The solution to these challenges, including an improved hiring success rate for organizations starts with a well-defined recruitment and selection process. When this process is precisely defined and consistently implemented, it can not only increase the chances of hiring the right people up front, but also assist in promoting and reassigning people based on their personal repertory (knowledge and skills, capacity, and motives/motivation). Gilberts Behavioral Engineering Model (BEM) suggests that it costs less to change environmental supports (data, instruments and incentives) within an organization than to change a person's personal repertory (knowledge, capacity and motives).
Recruitment is defined as a process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the requirements of the staffing schedule and to enjoy effective measures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an efficient workforce. Edwin B. Flippo defined recruitment as the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization. In simple words recruitment can be defined as a linking function joining together those with jobs to fill and those seeking jobs.
Selection is usually a series of hurdles or steps. Each one must be successfully cleared before the applicant proceeds to the next one. The time and emphasis place on each step will definitely vary from one organization to another and indeed, from job to job with the same organization. The sequence of step may also vary from job to job and organization and organization. For example some organization may give more importance to testing while others give more emphasis to interviews for lower level position, while applicants for managerial jobs might be interviewed by a number of people.
In India, the HR processes are being outsourced from more than a decade now. A company may draw required personnel from outsourcing firms. The outsourcing firms help the organization by the initial screening of the candidates according to the needs of the organization and creating a suitable pool of talent for the final selection by the organization. Outsourcing firms develop their human resource pool by employing people for them and make available personnel to various companies as per their needs. In turn, the outsourcing firms or the intermediaries charge the organizations for their services
Buying talent(Rather than developing it) is the latest mantra being followed by the organizations today. Poaching means employing a competent and experienced person already working with another reputed company in the same or different industry; the organization might be a competitor in the industry. A company can attract talent from another firm by offering attractive pay packages and other terms and conditions, better than the current employer of the candidate. But it is seen as an unethical practice and not openly talked about. Indian software and the retail sector are the sectors facing the most severe brunt of poaching today. It has become a challenge for human resource managers to face and tackle poaching, as it weakens the competitive strength of the firm.
Many big organizations use Internet as a source of recruitment. E- Recruitment is the use of technology to assist the recruitment process. They advertise job vacancies through worldwide web. The job seekers send their applications or curriculum vitae i.e. CV through e mail using the Internet. Alternatively job seekers place their CVs in worldwide web, which can be drawn by prospective employees depending upon their requirements.
Advantages of E-Recruitment are: 1) Low cost. 2) No intermediaries 3) Reduction in time for recruitment. 4) Recruitment of right type of people. 5) Efficiency of recruitment process
To identify the changing trends in hiring pattern of employees in DLF. To identify the consequences of new hiring models in practice in DLF.
A review of avail literature was dine in order to understand how todays HR firms offer a wide variety of services to companies that need to focus on their core business activities and still establish and maintain good HR policies and to explore the factors that affect the HR outsourcing decision with special emphasis on a paper cost benefit analysis of HR outsourcing decision with special emphasis on a paper cost benefit analysis of HR outsourcing. Wright. Patrick ,(1999) professor of HR studies at Cornell University (Ithaca, N.Y.). The expectation is that the quality of service gets better, but theres no qualitative data out there to support the actual decision saying that outsourcing is always cheaper and better.1 Ulrich (1998), said that core activities are transformational work that creates unique value for employees, customers, and investors. Noncore activities would be transactional work that is routine and standard and can be easily duplicated and replicated.2 Hall and Torrington (1998) said that recruitment and selection were likely HR activities to be outsourced, either because they were considered noncore or because the organization lacked the expertise to handle them internally.3
DATA COLLECTION PRIMARY DATA The source of collecting the primary data is QUESTIONNAIRE- Both by collecting responses through online mailing of the questionnaire. SECONDARY DATA The source of collecting the secondary data will be Internet, books on related issues, Case study, and Journals relevance to our study. SAMPLE SIZE : 50 employees from DLF. SAMPLE AREA The sample area chosen is DLF(Delhi). SAMPLING TOOL : QUESTIONNAIRE. SAMPLING TECHNIQUE: Stratified sampling technique. STATISTICAL TOOLS: The statistical tools used for analysis of the data, collected through questionnaire. Bar Graphs Pie Diagram
PROPOSED CHAPTER PLAN 1. Introduction 2. Review of literature 3. Research methodology 4. Analysis and findings 5. Conclusions and suggestions
1.Wright. Patrick, professor of HR studies at Cornell University The expectation is that the quality of service gets better (Ithaca, N.Y.) (1999) 2.Ulrich that core activities are transformational work that creates unique value for employees, customers, and investors (1998). 3. Hall and Torrington recruitment and selection were likely HR activities to be outsourced (1998).