FD534 0000 MW RT 1001 - D0 PDF
FD534 0000 MW RT 1001 - D0 PDF
FD534 0000 MW RT 1001 - D0 PDF
Project FD534
Facility 0000
Project FD534
Material Selection Report Facility Discipline Document Seq. 0000 MW RT 1001 TABULATION OF REVISED PAGES
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Project FD534
Facility 0000
First Issue
Project FD534
Facility 0000
INDEX SECTION 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 2. 3. 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.1.5 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.3 3.4 4. 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.2.6 4.2.7 4.2.8 INTRODUCTION SCOPE ABBREVIATIONS DEFINITIONS REFERENCES MATERIAL DEGRADATION PHENOMENA CO2 CORROSION IN AN AQUEOUS PHASE Presence of Heavy Hydrocarbon Liquids Condensation Factor Effect of Hydrogen sulfide Effect of Glycol CO2 corrosion rate calculations, availability model WET H2S CORROSION General H2S Corrosion Sulfide Stress Cracking Hydrogen Induced Cracking (HIC) Design Philosophy CHLORIDE INDUCED CORROSION ATMOSPHERIC CORROSION GASOIL RECEIVING EQUIPMENT AND PIPING FX AREA Existing Test Separator 03-C-04 (system AA) Existing (Sour) Primary Separator 03-C-01B (system AB) Existing Sweet Primary Separator 03-C-01A (system AC) Sour Transfer Pump P-100 A/B (system AF) Sweet Transfer Pump P-101 A/B (system AF) FZ / FZA AREA Existing Sweet Fuel Separator 04-C-02B (system FG) Existing Sour Separator 04-C-02A (system BG) Existing (Sweet) Primary Separator 04-C-01 (system BG) Inlet Heaters E-105 and E-106 FZ Crude Dehydrator V-100 (system AK) Existing Test Separator 04-C-04 (system CJ) Test Inlet Heater E-107 HP Gas Separator V-103 (system AM) PAGE 6 6 6 6 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 14 14 15 16 16 16 17 17
4.2.9 4.2.10 4.2.11 4.2.12 4.2.13 4.2.14 4.2.15 4.2.16 4.2.17 4.2.18 4.2.19 4.2.20 4.2.21 4.2.22 4.3 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 4.3.5 4.3.6 4.3.7 4.3.8 4.3.9 4.3.10 4.3.11 4.3.12 4.3.13 4.4 5. 5.1 5.2 5.3 6. 7. 8.
Material Selection Report Project Facility Discipline Document Seq. Rev. FD534 0000 MW RT 1001 D0 Sour Slug Catcher V-202 (system AY) FX Crude Dehydrator V-102 (system AZ) FX Inlet Heater E-108 (system DJ) Produced Water Degasser V-306 (system AL) Water Treatment Package U-311 Existing Intermediate Separator 04-C-03 (system AL) Crude Booster Pumps P-100 A/B/C (system AS) First Stage Suction Drum V-206 A/B (system CG) 1st Stage Gas Lift Compressor U-217 A/B and 1st Stage Cooler (system DG) Gas Dehydration Package U-218 2nd Stage Suction Drum V-207A/B (system EG) 2nd Stage Gas Lift Compressor U-217 A/B 2nd Stage Cooler E-215 A/B Closed Drain Vessel V-309 UTILITY SYSTEMS Chemical Injection Piping Chemical Injection Package Diesel System Domestic water System Fire Water and Utility Water System Fuel Gas Package Hypochlorite Injection Package Instrument Air System Open Drain System Closed Drain System Flare System Hot Water system Nitrogen System CORROSION MONITORING NEW MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SUMMARY FX AREA FZ AREA UTILITY SYSTEMS ADDITIONAL SERVICE REQUIREMENTS APPENDIX A: CORROSION CALCULATIONS APPENDIX B: CORROSION INHIBITOR PHILOSOPHY
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Project FD534
Facility 0000
1. 1.1
INTRODUCTION SCOPE The material selection report describes the corrosion control and the material selection of the new top side piping and equipment of Foroozan Development Operations and Production Enhancement Project. This document should be read in conjunction with the Material Selection Diagram FD5340000-MW-DG-1001. The selection of material and the applied corrosion allowance is based on a 25 years design life.
ABBREVIATIONS CA CAT CC CP CR CRA CS DSS GRE HIC HRC HV NACE PVDF SS SSC Corrosion Allowance Cathodic Protection Corrosion Coupon Corrosion Probe Corrosion Rate Corrosion Resistant Alloys Carbon Steel Duplex Stainless Steel Glass fiber Reinforced Epoxy Hydrogen Induced Cracking Hardness Rockwell C Hardness Vickers National Association of Corrosion Engineers PolyVinyliDene Fluoride Stainless Steel Sulfide Stress Cracking
DEFINITIONS For this specification, following definitions are applicable: OWNER Shall mean Iranian Offshore Oil Company EPCI Contractor: Shall mean Iranian Offshore Engineering and Construction Company (IOEC) EPCI Subcontractor: Shall mean Oceanus Co. Ltd.
Material Selection Report Project Facility Discipline Document Seq. FD534 0000 MW RT 1001 Supplier or Vendor:
Any supplier or vendor, who is appointed by the EPCI Contractor and who is responsible for the supply of materials or equipment and/or services. Subsupplier: Shall mean any person or Purchaser (other than Purchaser) having a contract with Vendor or Supplier for the manufacture and/or supply of the Goods a part of the Goods Approved, Approve, Approval: Means approved, approve, approval in writing by Purchaser Purchase Order Shall mean the written Purchase Order agreed between PURCHASER and VENDOR together with any appendices or attachments thereto. Goods: Shall mean any and all of the design, engineering, services, warranty related services, labor, assistance, articles, materials, equipment, spare parts, other supplies including but not limited to manuals, operating instructions, reports and drawings and all other documents to be supplied or performed by Vendor or Supplier as described in (or to be inferred from) the Purchaser Order. Paint Contractor: The person or Purchaser identified as the party which apply paint and coating on the structural parts, decks, piping, equipment etc. Purchaser: Shall mean the person or Purchaser, and where the context so admits, include the Purchasers workmen, employees, agents and/or representatives, successors and permitted assigns. 2. REFERENCES FD534-0000-PR-DB-1001 FD530-0000-PR-DB-1003 FD530-0000-PR-DG-1002-01 FD534-0000-MW-DG-1001 FD534-0000-MW-SP-1002 NACE MR0175/ISO15156 (2003) Basic Design Data Report Heat and Mass Balance System Diagrams Process Material Selection Diagram Requirements for Materials in Wet H2S Service International Standard, Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries - Materials for use in H2S containing environments in Oil and Gas Production
3. 3.1
Material Selection Report Project Facility Discipline Document Seq. FD534 0000 MW RT 1001 MATERIAL DEGRADATION PHENOMENA CO2 CORROSION IN AN AQUEOUS PHASE
In an aqueous phase CO2 dissolves and lowers the pH, this and other side reactions are the cause of a higher corrosion rate in the presence of CO2. Corrosion rates in these cases can be estimated using the De Waard/Milliams nomogram. De Waard, Lotz and Milliams state in their article on this subject "Predictive Model for CO2 Corrosion Engineering in Wet Natural Gas Pipelines" in Corrosion, December 1991, that the De Waard/Milliams equation, which is the "worst case" corrosion rate prediction (V mm/y), is specified as follows: Log V = 5.8 - 1710/T + 0.67*log (PCO2) Where T = temperature in K and PCO2 is partial pressure of CO2 in bar. Benefit may be drawn from the following factors: Nonideality of the Gas High-temperature Protective Films Contamination of the CO2 Solution with Corrosion Products Solution pH Presence of Heavy Hydrocarbon Liquids Effect of Glycol
If the environment contains no free water, then there is no risk of CO2 corrosion. In gas piping, there may be a risk of condensation of water if the temperature of the line drops below the water dew point. Therefore, if possible, in these cases the piping should be sloped and without pockets. 3.1.1 Presence of Heavy Hydrocarbon Liquids The presence of crude oil can have a beneficial effect, in case of CO2 corrosion, by oil-wetting the steel surface. However, if the flow rate of the oil is too low, water can separate and cause corrosion on the bottom of the line. This critical flow velocity is 1 m/s. At higher flow rates the water will be dispersed in the oil. If the water cut, however, is more than 30 wt% the steel surface will be water wetted and corrosion takes place. For light hydrocarbon condensates (less than 50 wt% C5+), water wetting and corrosion may Occur at any velocity and any water content. 3.1.2 Condensation Factor Corrosion rates of steel exposed to only a condensing water phase in a CO2 containing atmosphere quickly decreases with time. For wet gas transport piping, cooling rates and flow rates are such that condensation rates are low and the average corrosion rates will be approximately 1/10 of the calculated corrosion rat 3.1.3 Effect of Hydrogen sulfide In sour gas pipelines and flow lines, H2S can have an effect on the formed corrosion products and stability of the FeCO3 corrosion films. Depending on H2S / CO2 ratio and temperature, the
Sheet No. Material Selection Report Page 9 of 32 Project Facility Discipline Document Seq. Rev. FD534 0000 MW RT 1001 D0 OUQ108 formation of FeS corrosion products can have an inhibitive effect as well as an accelerating effect on the wet CO2 corrosion rate. The total corrosivity, however, has been assessed based on CO2 corrosion only. It is recognized that H2S can have an inhibitive effect and may reduce the predicted corrosion rate to about one third, due to the better protective properties of the formed corrosion scale. However, locally the scale may not adhere, or breakdown and full CO2 corrosion may occur. The calculated CO2 corrosion rates give the worst case scenario. 3.1.4 Effect of Glycol In wet CO2 containing gas pipelines and flow lines glycol is often added to prevent hydrate formation. Glycols have a significant inhibitive effect on corrosion. 3.1.5 CO2 corrosion rate calculations, availability model The basis for corrosion prediction is the corrosion resulting from wet CO2 corrosion. The corrosiveness is depending on the CO2 partial pressure, and is further affected by temperature, flow regime, oil wetting, water condensation, pH, presence of H2S, chlorides, etc. For corrosion rate calculations, the following assumptions are made: The effect of H2S on the general corrosion rate caused by wet CO2 can be inhibitive, up to the order of magnitude of 1/3 due to a possible increase of pH and formation of FeS scale. However, the scale is not continuous, and locally higher corrosion rates can occur. Therefore, H2S is typically neglected in the (worst-case) corrosion rate calculations. The calculated total corrosion over piping design life is based on the following assumptions: The corrosion mechanism is wet CO2. The corrosion rate when inhibition is available is 0.1 mm/yr. The corrosion inhibitor availability is 98%. Always flowing conditions are assumed. Design life is 25 years. CA = 25 x (0.98 x 0.1 + 0.02 x CR),
Where CA = Corrosion allowance and CR = Corrosion rate without inhibition. For the inhibited corrosion rate it is frequently shown, that the corrosion rate under inhibition is not as sensitive to operational parameters as is the corrosion rate without inhibition. Since it better represents the real operation situation, the inhibitor availability concept is nowadays the trend to be used. The general inhibited corrosion rate is in the order of 0.1 mm/y. When based on actual field experience, another value will come available, this experienced inhibited corrosion rate can be taken instead of the default value of 0.1 mm/y. 3.2 WET H2S CORROSION Aqueous hydrogen sulfide corrosion and sour water corrosion will occur at temperatures near ambient. Sour water corrosion consists of the following main three types: General corrosion (including erosion-corrosion) Sulfide Stress Cracking (SSC)
Material Selection Report Project Facility Discipline Document Seq. FD534 0000 MW RT 1001 Hydrogen Induced Cracking (HIC)
General H2S Corrosion H2S is corrosive to steel and forms a FeS scale. However, CO2 is the dominant corrosion mechanism. Refer to section 3.1.3 and 3.1.5 for more information concerning H2S and CO2 corrosion.
Sulfide Stress Cracking As a by-product of the corrosion reactions between H2S and Fe, nascent atomic hydrogen is absorbed by steel. This hydrogen will diffuse to places as notches and other high-stress areas where it can contribute to crack growth. For stress cracking, a critical combination of the following factors is required: Absorption of sufficient hydrogen. A total tensile stress (applied plus residual) of critical magnitude. A susceptible metallurgical condition in the steel. Time.
From a practical standpoint, only the metallurgical conditions can be controlled. In this respect, the NACE International published the specification NACE MR0175/ISO15156, which basically limits the hardness of ferritic steels to 22 HRC (248 HV10). This specification is generally accepted to prevent sulfide stress corrosion cracking and all materials in H2S service shall therefore be ordered in line with this specification. Further, since especially welds and heat-affected zones are susceptible to high hardness and stress corrosion, hardness testing shall be included in all welding procedure qualifications. Also spot checks shall be made on each piece of fabricated equipment. Dissimilar welds are not allowed because local hard zones will be formed which are more susceptible to SSC. 3.2.3 Hydrogen Induced Cracking (HIC) Similar to sulfide stress cracking, also hydrogen induced cracking is the result of atomic hydrogen diffusing into the material as a result of the corrosion reaction between H2S and Fe. In this case, however, tensile stresses are not required. Furthermore, this type of corrosion affects only plate and pipe materials with elongated nonmetallic inclusions, such as MnS. Atomic hydrogen will diffuse to these inclusions and recombine to molecular hydrogen with a subsequent bigger volume. This will result in high pressures at these spots. Near the surface this will lead to blistering. In deeper zones, material separation in the form of stepwise cracking occurs. As the threshold value, below which no hydrogen induced cracking will occur, 50 ppmwt H 2S has been established for low pH and neutral aqueous solutions. To prevent hydrogen induced cracking, clean and homogenous carbon steel materials shall be used, free from inclusions. Especially the presence of elongated sulfides shall be prevented. HIC failures have mainly been reported for welded pipe, not for seamless pipe.
Sheet No. Material Selection Report Page 11 of 32 Project Facility Discipline Document Seq. Rev. FD534 0000 MW RT 1001 D0 OUQ108 Therefore, it is recommended to use seamless pipe as much as possible. The Sour Service and HIC requirements are given in the project specification Requirements for Materials in Wet H2S Service, (FD534-0000-MW-SP-1002). 3.2.4 Design Philosophy Equipment, piping and pipelines which contain H2S and are continuously water wet or may be water wet during an up-set condition, e.g. as a result of malfunctioning of TEG dehydration, shall comply with the materials and manufacturing requirements of NACE MR0175/ISO15156. Even for items operating below the NACE MR0175/ISO15156 SSC risk curves, shall comply with these guidelines. Since these are basically only a limitation of the hardness, this does not result in a significant cost addition if normal material requirements (e.g. carbon equivalent limited to 0.43 0.42) and normal fabrication procedures are applied. Equipment, piping and pipelines which contains H2S and can be water wet for prolonged times and the water phase will contain more than ~ 50 ppmwt H2S, shall have additional HIC requirements on top of the NACE MR0175/ISO15156 requirements. 3.3 CHLORIDE INDUCED CORROSION Produced water from wells typically contains chloride salts. The effect of the chloride ions is that they can be incorporated into and penetrate the steel corrosion films, leading to destabilization of the corrosion film. This can lead to increased corrosion of both carbon steels and stainless steels. This phenomenon increases with chloride concentration and with temperature, but only occurs when oxygen (air) is present. Since the production water streams are deaerated environments, chloride stress corrosion of austenitic materials is suppressed. This means that austenitic stainless steels, e.g. SS 316L can be applied as long as the environment is oxygen free, or the temperature is always below 65 60 C. The temperature of 60 C is threshold value below which stress corrosion of AISI 300 series austenitic stainless steel does not occur. 3.4 ATMOSPHERIC CORROSION External corrosion is related to the atmospheric conditions, such as humidity and salts. Since carbon steel can corrode due to atmospheric corrosion, a suitable coating system shall be applied. Also austenitic stainless steel may corrode at atmospheric conditions, particularly chloride pitting may occur in an offshore environment. Austenitic stainless steel is susceptible to chloride stress corrosion cracking at temperatures above 60C. All austenitic steels shall be externally coated to minimize the risk at SCC and pitting. Furthermore, if applied, duplex stainless steel does not corrode at atmospheric conditions. It has a high chloride resistance. Duplex stainless steels do not require external coating.
Facility 0000
GASOIL RECEIVING EQUIPMENT AND PIPING FX AREA Existing Test Separator 03-C-04 (system AA) The gas outlet piping of the existing test separator 03-C-04 has a normal operating temperature of 28C. The normal operating pressure is 25 Bara. The maximum CO2 content in the gas phase is 4 mol%. Also maximum 4.7 mol% H2S can be present. Based on the DeWaard-Milliams nomogram and vapour under condensing conditions, the maximum expected corrosion rate for carbon steel is 0.13 mm per year. The maximum expected total corrosion for carbon steel in 25 years lifetime is expected to be 3.3 mm. Therefore the recommended material of construction is carbon steel with 6 mm corrosion allowance. Sour service and HIC requirements shall be fulfilled. The test separator has separate water and hydrocarbons bottom outlet piping. These separated streams are combined again in one common pipe further downstream the test separator. The estimated water cut in the mixed hydrocarbon and water stream is 32wt%. Therefore the mixed hydrocarbon and water piping are assumed to be fully water wetted. The maximum expected corrosion rate is 0.12 mm/yr with corrosion inhibitor injection downstream wells heads. Then, the total required corrosion allowance in 25 years is 3.1 mm. Therefore the recommended material selection is carbon steel with 6 mm corrosion allowance. Sour service and HIC requirements shall be fulfilled. The upstream crude piping from wells has an estimated water cut of 38wt%. Therefore the crude piping is considered to be water wetted. Corrosion inhibition is foreseen. The recommended material selection is CS + 6 mm CA. Sour service and HIC requirements shall be fulfilled. Due to the large amount of wells, which can be connected to the test separator, the test separator is considered to be in (almost) continuous operation. It is assumed that the existing test separator is suitable and fit for the purpose condition for future 25 years operation.
Existing (Sour) Primary Separator 03-C-01B (system AB) The gas outlet piping of the existing (sour) Primary Separator 03-C-01B has a normal operating temperature of 33C. The normal operating pressure is 25 Bara. The maximum CO2 content in the gas phase is 3.8 mol%. Also 3.2 mol% H2S can be present. Based on the DeWaard-Milliams nomogram and vapour under condensing conditions, the maximum expected corrosion rate is 0.17 mm per year. The maximum expected total corrosion for carbon steel in 25 years lifetime is expected to be 4.14 mm. Therefore the recommended material of construction is carbon steel with 6 mm corrosion allowance. Sour service and HIC requirements shall be fulfilled The separated oil has a water cut of 19wt%. Therefore the oil is considered to be mildly corrosive to carbon steel. The recommended material selection is carbon steel with 3 mm corrosion allowance. Due to the possible presence of H2S, the piping shall fulfill sour service and HIC requirements.
Sheet No. Material Selection Report Page 13 of 32 Project Facility Discipline Document Seq. Rev. FD534 0000 MW RT 1001 D0 OUQ108 The piping containing separated water is fully water wetted. Corrosion inhibitor is injected downstream wells heads. The total expected corrosion, based on the availability model calculations, for carbon steel is 3.3 mm. The recommended material selection is CS + 6 mm CA + sour service + HIC requirements. The upstream crude piping from wells has a maximum estimated water cut of 56 wt%. Therefore the crude piping is considered to be water wetted. Corrosion inhibitor is injected downstream wells heads. The recommended material selection is CS + 6 mm CA. Sour service and HIC requirements shall be fulfilled. It is assumed that the existing separator is suitable and fit for the purpose condition for future 25 years operation 4.1.3 Existing Sweet Primary Separator 03-C-01A (system AC) The gas outlet piping of the existing sweet primary Separator 03-C-01A has a normal operating temperature of 42.7C. The normal operating pressure is 25 Bara. The maximum CO2 content in the gas phase is 2.9 mol%. Also 1.65 mol% H2S can be present. Based on the DeWaard-Milliams nomogram and vapour under condensing conditions, the maximum expected corrosion rate is 0.2 mm per year. This would give a total corrosion of 4.94 mm for carbon steel. Therefore, the recommended material of construction is carbon steel with 6 mm corrosion allowance. Sour service and HIC requirements shall be fulfilled. The separated oil has a water cut of 18wt%. Therefore the oil is considered to be mildly corrosive to carbon steel. The recommended material selection is carbon steel with 3 mm corrosion allowance. Due to the possible presence of H2S, the piping shall fulfill sour service and HIC requirements. The piping containing separated water is fully water wetted. Corrosion inhibitor is injected downstream wells heads. The total expected corrosion, based on the availability model calculations, for carbon steel is 3.4 mm. The recommended material selection is CS + 6 mm CA + sour service + HIC requirements. The upstream crude piping from wells has a maximum estimated water cut of 34wt%. Therefore the crude piping is considered to be water wetted. Corrosion inhibitor is injected downstream wells heads. The minimum recommended material selection is CS + 6 mm CA. Sour service and HIC requirements shall be fulfilled. It is assumed that the existing separator is suitable and fit for the purpose condition for future 25 years operation. 4.1.4 Sour Transfer Pump P-100 A/B (system AF) The sour oil from the existing (sour) Primary Separator 03-C-01B has an estimated water cut of 19wt%. Therefore the oil is considered to be mildly corrosive to carbon steel. The recommended material selection is carbon steel for casing and 12%Cr for impeller. Due to the presence of H2S, the pump material shall fulfill NACE MR0175/ISO15156 requirements. Piping upstream and downstream the sour transfer pump can be CS + 3 mm CA. Sour service and HIC requirements shall be fulfilled.
Material Selection Report Project Facility Discipline Document Seq. FD534 0000 MW RT 1001 Sweet Transfer Pump P-101 A/B (system AF)
The sweet oil from the Primary Existing Sweet Separator 03-C-01A has an estimated water cut of 18wt%. Therefore the oil is considered to be mildly corrosive to carbon steel. The recommended material selection is carbon steel for casing and 12%Cr for impeller. Due to the presence of H2S, the pump material shall fulfill NACE MR0175/ISO15156 requirements. Piping upstream and downstream the sour transfer pump can be CS + 3 mm CA. Sour service and HIC requirements shall be fulfilled. 4.2 4.2.1 FZ / FZA AREA Existing Sweet Fuel Separator 04-C-02B (system FG) The Sweet Fuel Separator vapour outlet piping has a normal operating temperature of 28C. The normal operating pressure is 19 Bara. The maximum CO2 content in the gas phase is 0.7 mol%. No H2S is or will be present, because the dedicated wells are sweet and without gas lift, thus no souring of the well will occur. Based on the DeWaard-Milliams nomogram and vapour under condensing conditions, the maximum expected corrosion rate for carbon steel is 0.03 mm per year. The maximum expected total corrosion for carbon steel in 25 years lifetime is expected to be 0.85 mm. This is based on worst case conditions. Therefore the recommended material selection is CS + 3 mm CA. The vapour outlet piping shall be slope and without pockets. This is applicable for all vapour containing carbon steel piping. However, since all carbon steel piping classes will fulfill sour service requirements, also the vapour overhead piping shall fulfill sour service requirements. The bottom outlet oil piping of the Sweet Fuel Separator has a maximum estimated water cut of 44wt%. Therefore the oil piping is assumed to be water wetted. The maximum expected corrosion rate for carbon steel is 0.1 mm/yr. Corrosion inhibition is foreseen. Based on the availability model calculations, the total required corrosion allowance in 25 years is 2.6 mm. The recommended material selection is CS + 3 mm CA. However, since all carbon steel piping classes will fulfill sour service requirements, also the oil piping shall fulfill sour service requirements. The material selection recommendation for sweet crude piping upstream the Sweet Fuel Separator is CS + 3 mm CA. Corrosion inhibitor is injected downstream wells heads. However, since all carbon steel piping classes will fulfill sour service requirements, also the sweet crude piping shall fulfill sour service requirements. It is assumed that the existing separator is suitable and fit for the purpose condition for future 25 years operation. 4.2.2 Existing Sour Separator 04-C-02A (system BG) The Existing Sour Separator vapour outlet piping has a normal operating temperature of 50C. The normal operating pressure is 18 Bara. The maximum CO2 content in the gas phase is 5.1 mol%. Also 3.9 mol% H2S can be present. Based on the DeWaard-Milliams nomogram and vapour under condensing conditions, the maximum expected corrosion rate is 0.3 mm per year. This would give a total corrosion of 7.6 mm for carbon steel. Therefore carbon steel cannot be considered as material of construction. In
Sheet No. Material Selection Report Page 15 of 32 Project Facility Discipline Document Seq. Rev. FD534 0000 MW RT 1001 D0 OUQ108 the mixed crude 210000 ppm salts are present. Due to the high design temperature of 93C austenitic stainless steel should not be used, because carryover of some chlorides would be possible, which gives a possibility of chloride stress cracking and pitting corrosion. Duplex stainless steels should also not be considered as material of construction due to the large amount of H2S (0.7 Bara partial pressure) in the hydrocarbon vapour. The recommended material of construction is alloy 825. NACE MR0175/ISO15156 requirements shall be fulfilled. The bottom outlet piping of the Existing Sweet Separator containing separated oil has an estimated water cut of 18wt%. Therefore the oil is considered to be mildly corrosive to carbon steel. Therefore the recommended material selection is CS + 3 mm CA. Sour service and HIC requirements shall be fulfilled due to the presence of H2S. The bottom outlet piping containing separated water is fully water wetted. Corrosion inhibitor is available. The total expected corrosion, based on the availability model calculations, for carbon steel is 4 mm in 25 years. Also some H2S is present. Therefore the recommended material selection is CS + 6 mm CA + sour service + HIC requirements. The upstream crude piping has a maximum estimated water cut of 34wt%. Therefore the crude piping is considered to be water wetted. Corrosion inhibition is foreseen. The total expected corrosion, based on the availability model calculations, for carbon steel is 3.5 mm in 25 years. The recommended material selection is CS + 6 mm CA. Sour service and HIC requirements shall be fulfilled. It is assumed that the existing separator is suitable and fit for the purpose condition for future 25 years operation. 4.2.3 Existing (Sweet) Primary Separator 04-C-01 (system BG) The Existing (Sweet) Primary Separator vapour outlet piping has a normal operating temperature of 50C. The normal operating pressure is 18 Bara. The maximum CO2 content in the gas phase is 1.6 mol%. Also 0.3 mol% H2S can be present. Based on the DeWaard-Milliams nomogram and vapour under condensing conditions, the maximum expected corrosion rate for carbon steel is 0.14 mm per year. The maximum expected total corrosion for carbon steel in 25 years lifetime is expected to be 3.6 mm. Therefore the recommended material selection is CS + 6 mm CA. Sour service and HIC requirements shall be fulfilled. The bottom outlet piping of the Existing (Sweet) Primary Separator containing oil has a maximum estimated water cut of 20wt%. Therefore the oil is considered to be mildly corrosive to carbon steel. The recommended material selection is CS + 3 mm CA. Sour service and HIC requirements shall be fulfilled due to the presence of H2S. The bottom outlet piping containing separated water is fully water wetted. Corrosion inhibitor is available. The total expected corrosion, based on the availability model calculations, for carbon steel is 3.1 mm for 25 years. Also some H2S is present. Therefore the recommended material selection is CS + 3 mm CA + sour service + HIC requirements. The crude piping from wells, upstream the separator has a maximum estimated water cut of 60wt%. Therefore the crude piping is considered to be water wetted. Corrosion inhibitor is
Sheet No. Material Selection Report Page 16 of 32 Project Facility Discipline Document Seq. Rev. FD534 0000 MW RT 1001 D0 OUQ108 injected downstream wells heads. The recommended material selection is CS + 3 mm CA. Sour service and HIC requirements shall be fulfilled. It is assumed that the existing separator is suitable and fit for the purpose condition for future 25 years operation. 4.2.4 Inlet Heaters E-105 and E-106 The process side of the inlet heater E-106 is crude from wells, containing 0.3 mol% CO2 and 0.06 mol% H2S. The normal operating temperature is 50C. The recommended material selection for process side is CS + 3 mm CA. Sour service and HIC requirements shall be fulfilled. The process side of the inlet heater E-105 is crude from wells, containing 3 mol% CO2 and 2.4 mol% H2S. The normal operating temperature is 50C. The recommended material selection for process side is CS + 6 mm CA. Sour service and HIC requirements shall be fulfilled. As no corrosion allowance could be applied on tubes of heat exchangers, CRA shall be selected. Thus alloy 825 shall be selected for inlet heaters E-105 and E-106 tubes. The tube sheet for inlet heaters E-105 and E-106.is recommended to be made from CS + alloy 825 overlay. If more economic the tube sheet can be made from solid alloy 825. Sour service requirements shall be fulfilled. The hot water side is connected to the closed Hot Water System. This hot water is assumed to be properly treated and thus mildly corrosive. Therefore the recommended material selection for the hot water side is CS + 3 mm CA. 4.2.5 FZ Crude Dehydrator V-100 (system AK) The Booster pumps P-109 A/B and P-108 A/B upstream the FZ Crude Dehydrator recommended material selection is carbon steel for casing and 12%Cr impeller. NACE MR0175/ISO15156 requirements shall be fulfilled. The piping upstream the FZ Crude Dehydrator V-100 can be made from CS + 3 mm CA + sour service + HIC requirements. The oil containing piping downstream the FZ Crude Dehydrator V-100 has a water cut of 1wt%. Therefore the piping is considered to be oil wetted. Therefore the recommended material selection is CS + 3 mm CA. Due to the possible presence of H2S, sour service requirements shall be fulfilled. Water containing piping downstream the FZ Crude Dehydrator shall be made from CS + 3 mm CA. Due to the possible presence of H2S, sour service and HIC requirements shall be fulfilled. The recommended material selection for the new FZ Crude Dehydrator V-100, based on the given process conditions, is CS + 3 mm CA + glass flake lining and shall be cathodically protected by anodes. Sour service and HIC requirements shall be fulfilled. 4.2.6 Existing Test Separator 04-C-04 (system CJ) The Existing Test Separator vapour outlet piping has an estimated operating temperature of 50C and a normal operating pressure of 18 Bara. When sour wells are connected, the CO2 content in the gas phase is 5.1 mol%. Also 2.8 mol% H2S can be present. Based on the DeWaard-Milliams nomogram and vapour under condensing conditions, the maximum expected corrosion rate for carbon steel is 0.29 mm per year.
Project FD534
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When sweet wells are connected to the existing test separator the vapour outlet piping has the same operating temperature and pressure. The CO2 content in the gas phase is 2.1 mol%. Also 0.5 mol% H2S can be present. Based on the DeWaard-Milliams nomogram and vapour under condensing conditions, the maximum expected corrosion rate for carbon steel is 0.16 mm per year. Assumed is, that the sour and sweet wells are connected for almost the equal amount of time to the existing Test Separator. The anticipated total corrosion over 25 years, based on 50% time receiving sour and 50% of time receiving sweet crude is 5.7 mm. Therefore the recommended material selection is CS + 6 mm CA. Sour service and HIC requirements shall be fulfilled. Bottom outlet piping of the Existing Test Separator containing oil has an estimated water cut of 22wt%. Therefore the oil piping is considered to be mildly corrosive to carbon steel. The recommended material selection is CS + 3 mm CA. Sour service and HIC requirements shall be fulfilled due to the presence of H2S. The bottom outlet piping containing separated water is fully water wetted. Corrosion inhibition is foreseen. The total expected corrosion, based on the availability model calculations, for carbon steel is 3.9 mm. Also some H2S is present. Therefore the recommended material selection is CS + 6 mm CA + sour service + HIC requirements. The crude piping from wells upstream separator has an estimated water cut of 77wt%. Therefore the crude piping is considered to be water wetted. Corrosion inhibition is foreseen. The recommended material selection is CS + 6 mm CA. Sour service and HIC requirements shall be fulfilled. It is assumed that the existing test separator is suitable and fit for the purpose condition for future 25 years operation. 4.2.7 Test Inlet Heater E-107 The process side of the test inlet heater E-107 is crude from the wells, containing 5.1 mol% CO2 and 2.75 mol% H2S. The normal operating temperature is 50C. The recommended material selection for process side is CS + 6 mm CA. Sour service and HIC requirements shall be fulfilled. The hot water side is connected to the closed Hot Water System. This hot water is assumed to be properly treated and thus mildly corrosive. Therefore the recommended material selection for the hot water side is CS + 3 mm CA. The tubes are recommended to be made from alloy 825. Sour service requirements shall be fulfilled. The tube sheet is recommended to be made from CS + alloy 825 overlays. If more economic the tube sheet can be made from solid alloy 825. Sour service requirements shall be fulfilled. 4.2.8 HP Gas Separator V-103 (system AM) The HP Gas Separator vapour outlet piping has a normal operating temperature of 39C. The normal operating pressure is 50 Bara. The maximum CO2 content in the gas phase is 0.9 mol%. No H2S is or will be present, because the dedicated wells are sweet and without gas lift, thus no souring of the well will occur.
Sheet No. Material Selection Report Page 18 of 32 Project Facility Discipline Document Seq. Rev. FD534 0000 MW RT 1001 D0 OUQ108 Based on the DeWaard-Milliams nomogram and vapour under condensing conditions, the maximum expected corrosion rate for carbon steel is 0.12 mm per year. The maximum expected total corrosion for carbon steel in 25 years lifetime is expected to be 3.1 mm. Therefore the recommended material selection is CS + 3 mm CA. However, since all carbon steel process piping classes will fulfill sour service requirements, also the vapour overhead piping shall fulfill sour service requirements. The oil containing piping downstream the HP Gas Separator has negligible water cut. Therefore the piping is considered to be oil wetted. However, due to the presence en CO2, the recommended material selection is CS + 3 mm CA. Since all carbon steel piping classes will fulfill sour service requirements, also the oil piping shall fulfill sour service requirements. The bottom outlet piping containing separated water is fully water wetted. Corrosion inhibition is foreseen. The total expected corrosion, based on the availability model calculations, for carbon steel is 2.5 mm. Therefore the recommended material selection is CS + 3 mm CA However, since all carbon steel process piping classes will fulfill sour service requirements, also the water piping shall fulfill sour service requirements. The gas piping from wells upstream the separator has negligible water cut. Corrosion inhibition is foreseen. The recommended material selection is CS + 3 mm CA. However, since all carbon steel process piping classes will fulfill sour service requirements, also these piping shall fulfill sour service requirements. The recommended material selection for the new HP Separator V-103, based on the given process conditions, CS + 3 mm CA + Epoxy novolac lining and shall be cathodically protected. Sour service requirements shall be fulfilled. Internals of SS 316L to be used 4.2.9 Sour Slug Catcher V-202 (system AY) The Sour Slug Catcher vapour outlet piping has a normal operating temperature of 28C. The normal operating pressure is 18 Bara. The maximum CO2 content in the gas phase is 3.4 mol%. Also 2.5 mol% H2S can be present. Based on the DeWaard-Milliams nomogram and vapour under condensing conditions, the maximum expected corrosion rate for carbon steel is 0.1 mm per year. The maximum expected total corrosion for carbon steel in 25 years lifetime is expected to be 2.9 mm. Therefore the recommended material selection is CS + 3 mm CA. Sour service and HIC requirements shall be fulfilled. The bottom outlet piping of the Sour Slug Catcher is fully water wetted. Corrosion inhibition is foreseen, then maximum expected corrosion rate for carbon steel is 0.12 mm per year. The maximum expected total corrosion for carbon steel in 25 years lifetime is expected to be 2.6 mm. Therefore the recommended material selection is CS + 3 mm CA. Sour service and HIC requirements shall be fulfilled. The upstream hydrocarbon vapour piping has a normal operating temperature of 28C. The normal operating pressure is 18 Bara. The maximum CO2 content in the gas phase is 3.4 mol%. Also 2.5 mol% H2S can be present. Corrosion inhibition is foreseen. Based on the DeWaard-Milliams nomogram and vapour under condensing conditions, the maximum expected corrosion rate for carbon steel is 0.1 mm per year. The maximum expected
Sheet No. Material Selection Report Page 19 of 32 Project Facility Discipline Document Seq. Rev. FD534 0000 MW RT 1001 D0 OUQ108 total corrosion for carbon steel in 25 years lifetime is expected to be 2.6 mm. Therefore the recommended material selection is CS + 3 mm CA. Sour service and HIC requirements shall be fulfilled. The recommended material selection for the new Sour Slug Catcher is CS + 3 mm CA + glass flake lining and shall be cathodically protected. Sour service and HIC requirements shall be fulfilled. Internals of SS 316L to be used 4.2.10 FX Crude Dehydrator V-102 (system AZ) In the FX Crude Dehydrator water and oil are separated. The downstream oil piping has an estimated water cut of 1wt%. However, due to the presence en CO2 and H2S, the recommended material selection is CS + 3 mm CA + sour service + HIC requirements. The downstream water piping material selection is CS + 3 mm CA + sour service + HIC requirements. HIC requirements shall be fulfilled, because the piping is continuous water wetted and H2S is present. The FX Crude Dehydrator material selection is CS + 3 mm CA + glass flake lining and shall be cathodically protected. Sour service and HIC requirements shall be fulfilled. 4.2.11 FX Inlet Heater E-108 (system DJ) The process side of the test inlet heater E-108 is oil from the existing oil pipeline. The normal operating temperature is 50C. The recommended material selection for process side is CS + 3 mm CA. Sour service and HIC requirements shall be fulfilled. The hot water side is connected to the closed Hot Water System. This hot water is assumed to be properly treated and thus mildly corrosive. Therefore the recommended material selection for the hot water side is CS + 3 mm CA. The tubes are recommended to be made from CS. Sour service and HIC requirements shall be fulfilled. The tube sheet is recommended to be made from CS + 6 mm CA. Sour service and HIC requirements shall be fulfilled. 4.2.12 Produced Water Degasser V-306 (system AL) The piping containing water downstream the Produced Water Degasser material selection recommendation is CS + 3 mm CA. Sour service and HIC requirements shall be fulfilled. The Produced Water Degasser material selection is CS + 3 mm CA + glass flake lining and shall be cathodically protected. Sour service and HIC requirements shall be fulfilled. Piping to flare can be made from CS + 3 mm CA + sour service and HIC requirements. Internals of SS 316L to be used 4.2.13 Water Treatment Package U-311 The Water Treatment Package U-311 material selection shall be confirmed by Vendor. This includes Sour Hydrocyclone X-302, Sweet Hydrocyclones X-300 A/B and X-301, Test
Sheet No. Material Selection Report Page 20 of 32 Project Facility Discipline Document Seq. Rev. FD534 0000 MW RT 1001 D0 OUQ108 Hydrocyclone X-303, Degasser Hydrocyclone X-304 A/B and Degasser Flotation Unit V-307. Due to the presence of H2S, all equipment shall fulfill sour service (NACE MR0175/ISO15156) requirements (and HIC requirements for carbon steel pressure parts). The piping containing water, which will be discharged to sea, will be discharging water approximately 30 meters below seawater level. Thus the water will not come in contact with air. However, sour gas will be present in the discharged water. Therefore the recommended material selection is GRE. Alternatively, CS + 3 mm CA and sour service requirements can be used. Assumed is that the carbon steel is suitably protected against seawater corrosion and pitting from the inside and outside. Piping to the closed drain header can be made from CS + 3 mm CA. Sour service and HIC requirements shall be fulfilled. For Equipment of the package (V-307), refer clause no. 5.2. 4.2.14 Existing Intermediate Separator 04-C-03 (system AL) The Existing Intermediate Separator vapour outlet piping has a normal operating temperature of 45.7C. The normal operating pressure is 15 Bara. The maximum CO2 content in the gas phase is 4.7 mol%. Also 3.9 mol% H2S can be present. Based on the DeWaard-Milliams nomogram and vapour under condensing conditions, the maximum expected corrosion rate for carbon steel is 0.22 mm per year. The maximum expected total corrosion for carbon steel in 25 years lifetime is expected to be 5.3 mm. Therefore the recommended material selection is CS + 6 mm CA. Sour service and HIC requirements shall be fulfilled. The downstream oil piping has an estimated water cut of 2.7wt%. However, due to the presence en CO2 and H2S, the recommended material selection is CS + 3 mm CA + sour service + HIC requirements. It is assumed that the existing test separator is suitable and fit for the purpose condition for future 25 years operation. 4.2.15 Crude Booster Pumps P-100 A/B/C (system AS) The oil, which is pumped by the Crude Booster pumps, has a water cut of 2.7wt%. Therefore the oil is considered to be non-corrosive to carbon steel. Also H2S is considered to be present. The recommended material selection for Crude Booster pump is carbon steel for casing and 12%Cr impeller. NACE MR0175/ISO15156 requirements shall be fulfilled. Due to the presence en CO2 and H2S, the recommended material selection for piping downstream the Crude Booster Pump is CS + 3 mm CA + sour service + HIC requirements. 4.2.16 First Stage Suction Drum V-206 A/B (system CG) The combined vapour outlet piping from the separators upstream the First Stage Suction drum has a normal operating temperature of 45C and a normal operating pressure of 17 bara. The CO2 content in the gas phase is 4 mol%. Based on the DeWaard-Milliams nomogram and vapour under condensing conditions, the maximum expected corrosion rate for carbon steel is 0.21 mm per year. The recommended material selection for the upstream piping is CS + 6 mm CA. Sour service and HIC requirements shall be fulfilled. Piping shall be slope and without pockets. The
Sheet No. Material Selection Report Page 21 of 32 Project Facility Discipline Document Seq. Rev. FD534 0000 MW RT 1001 D0 OUQ108 corrosion allowance is selected, based on the vapour outlet piping of the existing separators worst case scenario. The material selection for the First Stage Suction Drum is recommended to be CS + 3 mm CA + glass flake lining. Sour service and HIC requirements shall be fulfilled. The vapour outlet piping downstream the First Stage Suction Drum can be made from CS + 6 mm CA. Sour service and HIC requirements shall be fulfilled. The bottom liquid outlet piping recommended material selection is CS + 3 mm CA. Sour service requirements shall be fulfilled. HIC is not required, because the piping will be used intermittent. Internals of SS 316L to be used 4.2.17 1st Stage Gas Lift Compressor U-217 A/B and 1st Stage Cooler (system DG) The recommended material selection for the First Stage Gas Compressor is carbon steel for casing. The material selection for impeller shall be stainless steel type 316. Due to the presence of H2S the compressor materials shall fulfill NACE MR0175/ISO15156 requirements. Piping downstream the compressor is considered to be dry. Therefore the corrosion is assumed to be negligible. The recommended material selection is CS + 1 mm CA + sour service requirements. The first Stage Cooler headers shall be made from Alloy 825. The tubes shall also be made from alloy 825. Due to the presence of H2S sour service requirements shall be fulfilled. Piping downstream the first stage cooler shall be made from alloy 825. Sour service requirements shall be fulfilled. 4.2.18 Gas Dehydration Package U-218 The Gas Dehydration Package U-218 material selection shall be confirmed by Vendor. This includes Gas Lift Glycol Contactors C-205 A/B and TEG Regeneration Unit U-211. Due to the presence of H2S, all equipment shall fulfill sour service (NACE MR0175/ISO15156) requirements. 4.2.19 2nd Stage Suction Drum V-207A/B (system EG) The second Stage Suction Drum downstream the gas dehydration package has a normal operating pressure of 54 Bara and a normal operating temperature of 49C. The hydrocarbon gas is dried upstream in the gas dehydration package. Therefore the hydrocarbon vapour is considered to be dry and thus non-corrosive to carbon steel. The recommended material selection for upstream and downstream piping is CS + 1 mm CA. Due to the presence of H2S (2.7 mol%) sour service requirements shall be fulfilled. The Second Stage Suction Drum V-207A/B recommended material selection is CS + 3 mm CA + sour service requirements. Assumed that the Gas Dehydration Package cannot and will not be by-passed. Thus only dried gas will enter the downstream piping and equipment. Internals of SS 316L to be used
Material Selection Report Project Facility Discipline Document Seq. FD534 0000 MW RT 1001 2nd Stage Gas Lift Compressor U-217 A/B
The second Stage Gas Lift Compressor material selection is carbon steel for casing. The material selection for impeller shall be stainless steel type 316. Due to the presence of H 2S, the compressor materials shall fulfill NACE MR0175/ISO15156 requirements. 4.2.21 2nd Stage Cooler E-215 A/B The second Stage Cooler material selection is CS + 3 mm CA for header. Due to the presence of H2S sour service requirements shall be fulfilled. The tubes can also be made from CS. Downstream piping containing lift gas can be made from CS + 1 mm CA. Sour service requirements shall be fulfilled. During blow down, the temperature of blow down piping can become as low as 90C (due to the Joule-Thompson effect). At this low temperature carbon steel will be brittle. To prevent low temperature embrittlement, austenitic stainless steel shall be selected. Therefore the recommended material for blow down piping is SS316L, which shall be sufficiently protected against chloride corrosion from the outside. Due to the possible presence of H2S, sour service requirements shall be fulfilled. 4.2.22 Closed Drain Vessel V-309 The recommended material selection for Closed Drain Vessel is CS + 3 mm CA + glass flake lining and shall be cathodically protected. Sour service and HIC requirements shall be fulfilled. For the for outlet oil piping of V-309 the water cut can be 15wt% and the CO2 mol% can be higher than 3.5%. Thus 3 mm of corrosion allowance shall be specified for this stream. The Water Recycle Pump P-308 A/B shall be made from cast steel casing and Ni-resist impeller. NACE MR0175/ISO15156 requirements shall be fulfilled. The separated oil piping routed to 04-C-03 has an estimated water cut of 6wt%. Therefore the recommended material selection is CS + 3 mm CA. Sour service requirements shall be fulfilled. The Closed Drain Pump P-310 A/B shall be made from carbon steel casing and 12%Cr impeller. NACE MR0175/ISO15156 requirements shall be fulfilled. Piping to flare can be made from CS + 3 mm CA + sour service requirements. 4.3 4.3.1 UTILITY SYSTEMS Chemical Injection Piping For all chemical injection piping except hypochlorite injection, SS 316L is selected. 4.3.2 Chemical Injection Package For chemical injection packages, normally SS 316L is applied. If package suppliers have other standard materials, vendor proposed materials may be applied instead.
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All (clean) diesel piping and equipment can be made of CS with 1 mm corrosion allowance. 4.3.4 Domestic water System For the domestic water systems, the recommended material selection for piping is SS316L. However, due to the high ambient temperature and sea climate, SS316L shall be painted to protect SS316L from chloride attack from the outside. The domestic water tanks are advised to be CS + 3 mm CA with Phenolic epoxy / Polyamine adduct, cured epoxy internal lining and shall be cathodically protected. For the pumps stainless steel type 316 is selected. The domestic water maker on FZ-A material selection shall be by Vendor. 4.3.5 Fire Water and Utility Water System The fire water and utility water system will be seawater. The firewater piping, which will be constantly under pressure, is advised to be made of GRE. Because of the high blackbody temperature of 85 C, not all GRE types have a suitable pressure/temperature rating. Alternatively, Cu-Ni 90/10 (UNS C70600) or cement lined pipe can be applied. For the fire water pumps, Ni-Al Bronze can be applied (see note 4 in section 6). The deluge systems can be made from Cu-Ni 90/10 (UNS C70600). The utility water piping system can be made from Cu-Ni 90/10 (UNS C70600). 4.3.6 Fuel Gas Package The purpose of the fuel gas package (FZ-A-U-402) is cleaning and superheating the water saturated vapour so it can be used in power generating turbines. Materials are at manufacturers proposal but general considerations are given. The inlet can be made of CS + 3 mm corrosion allowance providing it is made slope without any pockets. Fuel gas filters receive water saturated vapor. To prevent condensation related corrosion the shell is advised to be made of CS + 3 mm corrosion allowance with epoxy coating or SS316L. Internals can be made of SS 316L. Due to the possible presence of H2S, sour service requirements shall be fulfilled. 4.3.7 Hypochlorite Injection Package Hypochlorite is very corrosive to most metals. A non-metallic like PVDF may be used. If package suppliers have other standard materials, vendor proposed materials may be applied instead. 4.3.8 Instrument Air System All wet air intake piping is advised to be made of galvanized CS, or alternatively SS 316L. The dry instrument air piping downstream the instrument air package can be made of CS with minimum corrosion allowance of 1 mm. The instrument air receivers material selection shall be carbon steel with 3 mm corrosion allowance. 4.3.9 Open Drain System
Sheet No. Material Selection Report Page 24 of 32 Project Facility Discipline Document Seq. Rev. FD534 0000 MW RT 1001 D0 OUQ108 The preferred material for the atmospheric, produced water piping, leading to the open drain system is GRE. GRE is fully corrosion resistant and has a long, maintenance free, life time. Alternatively, CS with 6 mm corrosion allowance could be applied. However, since the water is saline, some chloride pitting and general corrosion will occur. 4.3.10 Closed Drain System The Closed Drain piping material selection recommendation is CS + 3 mm CA. Sour service and HIC requirements shall be fulfilled. The Closed drain Vessel material selection is CS + 3 mm CA + glass flake lining and shall be cathodically protected. Sour service and HIC requirements shall be fulfilled. 4.3.11 Flare System The flare system is destined for transient service of short duration. Whilst it is designed to accommodate wet or dry gas, provision is available, by way of the KO drums, to remove liquid phases. Consequently, the time at risk from corrosion is limited. The recommended material selection is CS + 3 mm CA. Sour service and HIC requirements shall be fulfilled. Recommended Material of construction for TEG Acid Gas flare system shall be confirmed is as follows: Flare Piping MOC: Carbon steel is not recommended. Therefore the minimum corrosion resisting material will be SS 316 L. However solid stainless steel may be subjected to external chloride stress corrosion cracking. Therefore it should be externally protected from marine (offshore) environment. To avoid SCC due to chloride (marine environment) the SS pipe may be coated with thermally spread aluminum or the pipe should be SS 316 L clad (internally) Carbon steel. Acid Flare KOD: SS316L Cladded Carbon Steel Acid Flare KOD Pump: Casing shall be Carbon steel and impeller will be SS316L. Flare Tip: Alloy Inconel 625 with SS310L section up to 5 meter below. Flare Structure: Coated carbon steel.
Hot Water system The hot water system is a closed system and has a normal operating temperature of 160C. This hot water is assumed to be properly treated and thus mildly corrosive to carbon steel. Therefore the recommended material selection for the hot water system is CS + 3 mm CA for piping. The hot water vessel can be made from CS + 3 mm CA. The hot water pump can be made from carbon steel casing and 12%Cr impeller. The dump cooler can be made from CS + 3 mm CA for header and CS tubes.
Nitrogen System Nitrogen is considered to be non-corrosive to carbon steel. Therefore piping shall be made from carbon steel with 1 mm CA. Also nitrogen receivers shall be made from carbon steel with 1 mm corrosion allowance.
Material Selection Report Project Facility Discipline Document Seq. FD534 0000 MW RT 1001 CORROSION MONITORING
Because for the main piping within the scope of this project corrosion mitigation is based on inhibition, it is considered essential that corrosion monitoring is an integral part of the design. Monitoring of corrosion rates will reduce the overall risk by providing an early-warning of high corrosion rates and is required to verify inhibitor performance. Also the results of the corrosion monitoring program can be used as input for predictive maintenance. A corrosion assessment should not be based on one single measurement technique. Data obtained by several methods, including direct wall thickness measurements, should be combined to complement each one and to filter out anomalies. Generally a complete picture with respect to the corrosiveness of a system shall be obtained by combining the results of: direct (wall thickness) measurements analysis of produced fluids analysis of the operating conditions monitoring of corrosiveness (by probes or coupons)
A major contributor to the actual value of corrosion monitoring is the monitoring and analysis of actual operating data. Only interpreted in conjunction with the operating data, the corrosion measurements become valuable. Furthermore, the produced fluids shall be analyzed regularly. A series of corrosion monitoring stations will be set up involving the use of corrosion coupons (CC) and corrosion probes (CP) at the following locations: Platform F15 FX FZ FZ FZ FZ F2 Location Lift Gas FX Sour Gas FZ Manifold Lift Gas Export Gas FZ Sour Gas Pig Receiver F-2 Satellite Wellhead Manifolds Type CC + CP CC + CP CC + CP CC + CP CC + CP CC + CP CC + CP CC + CP CC + CP CC + CP CC + CP Quantity 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 P&ID FD530-FX00-PR-PI-1001-08 FD530-FX00-PR-PI-1001-01 FD530-FZ-A-PR-PI-1001-04 FD530-FZ-A-PR-PI-1001-16 FD530-FZ-A-PR-PI-1001-17 FD530-FZ-A-PR-PI-1001-20 FD530-F-02-PR-PI-1002-01 FD530-0000-PR-PI-1002-03 FD530-F-14-PR-PI-1002-01 FD530-F-08-PR-PI-1003-01 FD530-F-09-PR-PI-1003-01
F2, F8, F9, Pig Launcher F14, F17 F-14 Satellite Wellhead F14 Manifolds F-8 Satellite Wellhead F8 Manifolds F-9 Satellite Wellhead F9 Manifolds
5. 5.1
Material Selection Report Project Facility Discipline Document Seq. FD534 0000 MW RT 1001 NEW MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SUMMARY FX AREA Tag number FX-00-P-100 A/B FX-00-P-101 A/B FX00-L-200 Equipment Name Sour Transfer Pumps Sweet Transfer Pumps Sour Gas pig Launcher Material Selection
Casing: CS (Note 3) Impeller: 12%Cr (Note 3) Casing: CS (Note 3) Impeller: 12%Cr (Note 3) CS + 6 mm CA (Note 2)
FZ AREA Tag number FZ-A-V-100 FZ-A-V-103 FZ-A-V-102 FZ-A-V-202 FZ-A-V-306 FZ-A-V-309 FZ-A-V-206 A/B FZ-A-V-207 A/B FZ-A-V-602 Equipment Name FZ Crude Dehydrator HP Gas Separator FX Crude Dehydrator Sour Slug Catcher Produced Water Degasser Closed Drain Vessel 1st Stage Suction Drum 2nd Stage Suction Drum FZ-A Flare K.O. Drum Material Selection (Note 7) CS + 3 mm CA + glass flake lining + CAT (note 2) CS + 3 mm CA + epoxy novolac lining + CAT (note 1) CS + 3 mm CA + glass flake lining + CAT (note 2) CS + 3 mm CA + glass flake lining + CAT (note 2) CS + 3 mm CA + glass flake lining + CAT (note 2) CS + 3 mm CA + glass flake lining + CAT (Note 2) CS + 3 mm CA + glass flake lining (note 2) CS + 3 mm CA (Note 1) CS + 3 mm CA (Note 2) Process side: CS + 6 mm CA (Note 2 & 3) Hot Water side: CS + 3 mm CA Tubes: alloy 825 (Note 1) Tube sheet: CS + Alloy 825 weld overlay (note 1), if more economic solid alloy 825 (Note 1) Process side: CS + 3 mm CA (Note 2 & 3) Hot Water side: CS + 3 mm CA Tubes: alloy 825 (Note 1) Tube sheet: CS + Alloy 825 weld overlay (note 1), if more economic solid alloy 825 (Note 1) Process side: CS + 6 mm CA (Note 2 & 3) Hot Water side: CS + 3 mm CA Tubes: alloy 825 (Note 1) Tube sheet: CS + Alloy 825 weld overlay (note 1), if more economic solid alloy 825 (Note 1)
Inlet Heater
Inlet Heater
Sheet No. Material Selection Report Page 27 of 32 Facility Discipline Document Seq. Rev. 0000 MW RT 1001 D0 OUQ108 Equipment Tag number Material Selection (Note 7) Name Process side: CS + 3 mm CA (Note 2 & 3) Hot Water side: CS + 3 mm CA FZ-A-E-108 FX Inlet Heater Tubes: CS (Note 2) Tube sheet: CS + 6 mm CA (Note 2 & 3) Header: Alloy 825 (Note 1) FZ-A-E-214 A/B 1st Stage Cooler Tubes: Alloy 825 (Note 1) Header: CS + 3 mm CA (Note 1) FZ-A-E-215 A/B 2nd Stage Cooler Tubes: CS (Note 1) FZ-00-P-108 A/B Booster Pump Casing: CS (Note 3) Impeller: 12%Cr (Note 3) FZ-00-P-109 Booster Pump Casing: CS (Note 3) Impeller: 12%Cr (Note 3) FZ-00-PCrude Booster Casing: CS (Note 3) Impeller: 12%Cr (Note 3) 100A/B/C Pump Water Recycle FZ-A-P-308 A/B Casing: CS (Note 3) Impeller: Ni-resist (Note 3) Pump Closed Drain FZ-A-P-310 A/B Casing: CS (Note 3) Impeller: 12%Cr (Note 3) Pump FZ-A Flare KO FZ-A-P-602 A/B Casing: CS (Note 3) Impeller: 12%Cr (Note 3) Drum Pumps Manufacturers Proposal (Note 1). However, it shall satisfy below mentioned minimum requirement: Project FD534
Contactor CS + 3 mm SS316L cladding from bottom of vessel to chimney tray & CS + 3 mm CA from chimney tray to top of vessel (provided CS =SA 516 Gr. 70). Reflux Coil - SS 316L Flash Drum CS + 3 mm CA + Glass flake vinyl ester lining. Filter As per client MOC shall be SS 316 L, vendor to confirm. Lean rich exchangers SS 316 L (Note: Gasket shall be metal reinforced flexible graphite type). Still Column SS 316 L Re-boiler - SS 316 L cladded Carbon Steel (SA 516 Gr70). Stripping Column - CS + 3 mm CA Surge Drum CS + 3 mm CA Glycol Circulation Pump Casing: CS; Impeller / Plunger : SS Lean Glycol Cooler -: Tube: SS 316 L with extruded fin of aluminum (Al 3003 Not accepted) Still Column Condenser Tube: SS 316 L with extruded fin of aluminum Drain Pot CS + 3 mm SS 316 L cladded Storage Tank CS + 3 mm CA Blower SS 316 L Condensate Pump - Casing: CS; Impeller: SS
Material Selection Report Facility Discipline Document Seq. Rev. 0000 MW RT 1001 D0 Equipment Material Selection (Note 7) Name
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CS + 1 mm CA + internal lining + CAT or Manufacturers Proposal (Note 2, 7) Hydrocyclones - CS (Note 2 & 3)+ 6 mm CA + Internal Lining (note 7) IGF (V-307) - CS + 1 mm CA + internal lining + CAT (note 7) or For Item no- X-301/302 CS + DSS Cladding (Note 1) & for Item no. X-300/303/304/305/306 CS + Alloy 825 Cladding (Note 1) or Manufacturers Proposal (Note 2) CS + 6 mm CA (Note 2) CS + 6 mm CA (Note 2) Casing: Carbon Steel Impeller: SS316L (Note1)
Sour Gas Pig Receiver Export Gas Pig Launcher 1st and 2nd Stage Gas Lift Compressor
UTILITY SYSTEMS Tag number FZ-A E-508 FZ-A-P-509 A/B FZ-A-V-511 FZ-A-T-609 FZ-A-P-608 A/B FZ-A-T-404 FZ-A-U-403 FZ-A-U-402 FZ-A-U-505 FY-A-U-501 FY-A-P-505 A/B FY-A-P-508 A/B FZ-A-U-606 A/B Equipment Name Hot Water Dump Cooler Hot water pump Hot water vessel Open Drain Vessel Open drain pump Diesel storage tank Diesel Supply Package Fuel gas Package Firewater pump package Firewater pump package Jockey pump Open Drain Pump Nitrogen generation package Material Selection (Note 7) Header: CS + 3 mm CA Tubes: CS Casing: CS Impeller: 12%Cr CS + 3 mm CA Internals of SS 316L to be used CS + 3 mm CA + glass flake lining + CAT (Note 2) SS316 or Manufacturers Proposal CS + 1 mm CA + internal lining CS or Manufacturers proposal CS + 3mm CA + epoxy coating or SS316L or Manufacturers proposal (Note 1) Ni-Al Bronze (UNS C 95800) or Manufacturers Proposal Ni-Al Bronze (UNS C 95800) or Manufacturers Proposal Ni-Al Bronze (UNS C 95800) Casing & Impeller: SS316L CS or Manufacturers proposal
Project FD534 Tag number FZ-A-V-610 FZ-A-V-405 FY-A-V-405 FY-A-U-406 FY-A-P-502 A/B/C FY-A-T-503 FY-A-T-509
Sheet No. Material Selection Report Page 29 of 32 Facility Discipline Document Seq. Rev. 0000 MW RT 1001 D0 OUQ108 Equipment Material Selection (Note 7) Name Nitrogen receiver CS + 1 mm CA Instrument air CS + 3 mm CA receiver Instrument Air CS + 3 mm CA Receiver Instrument air CS + 3mm CA or Manufacturers proposal package Domestic water SS316 pump CS + 3 mm CA + Phenolic epoxy / Polyamine Domestic water adduct, cured epoxy internal lining + CAT or tank Manufacturers proposal Open Drain Tank CS + 3 mm CA + glass flake lining + CAT (Note 2) Manufacturers proposal However, it shall satisfy below mentioned minimum requirement:
Filters 25% Cr Duplex SS High Pressure Pump Impeller, shaft and casing all shall be 25% Cr duplex SS. Chemical injection package SS 316L. Cleaning in place unit - Pump: SS 316L; Tank: SS 316 L / Carbon Steel + glass flake vinyl ester lining; Mixer: SS 316L; Filter housing: SS 316L
FY-A-U-504 FY-A-U-507 FY-A-U-600 FY-A-U-701 U-613 F-02-V-301 F-08-V-301 F-09-V-301 F-14-V-301 F-17-V-301 F-02-L-201
Sterilizer Package Hypochlorite injection package Sewage water treatment package AFFF Package Chemical injection package Closed Drain Vessel Closed Drain Vessel Closed Drain Vessel Closed Drain Vessel Closed Drain Vessel Pig Launcher
PVDF or HDPE or PVC-C or Manufacturers proposal PVDF or HDPE or PVC-C or Manufacturers proposal CS or Manufacturers proposal GRE or Manufacturers proposal SS 316L or Manufacturers proposal CS + 3 mm CA + internal lining + CAT (Note 2,7) CS + 3 mm CA + internal lining + CAT (Note 2,7) CS + 3 mm CA + internal lining + CAT (Note 2,7) CS + 3 mm CA + internal lining + CAT (Note 2,7) CS + 3 mm CA + internal lining + CAT (Note 2,7) CS +1.5 mm, (Note 2 & 3)
Sheet No. Material Selection Report Page 30 of 32 Facility Discipline Document Seq. Rev. 0000 MW RT 1001 D0 OUQ108 Equipment Tag number Material Selection (Note 7) Name Pig Launcher CS +1.5 mm, (Note 2 & 3) F-08-L-201 F-09-L-200 Pig Launcher CS +6.0 mm, (Note 2 & 3) Pig Launcher CS +1.5 mm, (Note 2 & 3) F-09-L-201 F-14-L-200 Pig Launcher CS +6.0 mm, (Note 2 & 3) Pig Launcher CS +1.5 mm, (Note 2 & 3) F-14-L-201 F-17-L-201 Pig Launcher CS +6.0 mm, (Note 2 & 3) Cold & freezer Condenser Tubes / Fin : Copper / Copper FY-A-E-607 room condenser Frame: SS316L Emergency As per Manufacturers Proposal but subjected to its FY-A-U-421 generation suitability in offshore marine environment. package Coil Tube / Fin: Copper / Copper FY-A-U-633 A/B HVAC Unit Frame: SS316L WHRU Coil Tube / Fin: A335P11 / 409SS (11 13 Cr) FZ-A-E-508 Exchanger Casing: S275 Gas Turbine Compressor Casing: BS2789 Gr 420/12 FZ-A-U-400 Generator Combustor Casing: BS2789 Gr 420/12 Package Turbine Casing: BS2789 Gr 420/12 Lube oil cooler As per Manufacturers Proposal but subjected to its FZ-A-E-400 genset suitability in offshore marine environment. Project FD534 6. ADDITIONAL SERVICE REQUIREMENTS Note 1: Equipment is subject to Sour Service requirements. Note 2: Equipment is subject to Sour Service and Hydrogen Induced Cracking (HIC) requirements. Note 3: Materials will be exposed to sour environment, and shall be in accordance with NACE MR0175/ISO15156. Note 4: for seawater pumps the following materials can be used: Ni-Al Bronze UNS C 95800; or super duplex with a PRE -Resist A439-D2 heat treated. Note 5: DELETED. For Sour Service and HIC requirements, see project specification Requirements for Materials in Wet H2S Service, document number FD534-0000-MW-SP-1002. Note 6: All package equipment material including but not limited to equipment material, piping material and instrument material shall be proposed by the vendor. The same shall be used only after confirmation / approval from IOEC/ PEDCO. Note7: Refer document number FD534-0000-MW-SP-1027for suitable internal lining material and paintings detail.
Material Selection Report Project Facility Discipline Document Seq. FD534 0000 MW RT 1001 APPENDIX A: CORROSION CALCULATIONS
Strea m
T (C)
50.0 50.0 50
NACE Inhibitio Selecte CO2 Conde Vcorr Design Total MR n d HI (Mol nsation (mm/ life Corrosi 0175 / efficienc Materi C %) factor yr) (yrs) on (mm) ISO y (%) al 15156 CS + 6 25 3.8 0.1 0.16 25 4.1 mm y y CA CS + 6 3.8 25 1 98 0.13 25 3.3 mm y y (*) CA CS + 6 25 2.9 0.1 0.19 25 4.9 mm y y CA CS + 6 2.9 25 1 98 0.13 25 3.4 mm y y (*) CA CS + 3 19 0.25 1 98 0.10 25 2.5 mm y y CA CS + 3 18 0.25 1 98 0.11 25 2.7 mm y y CA CS + 6 18 1.6 0.1 0.14 25 3.5 mm y y CA CS + 3 1.6 18 1 98 0.13 25 3.1 mm y y (*) CA CS + 3 19 3 1 98 0.12 25 2.9 mm y y CA CS + 6 18 3 1 98 0.14 25 3.5 mm y y CA Alloy 18 5.1 0.1 0.30 25 7.6 y y 825 CS + 6 5.1 18 1 98 0.16 25 4.0 mm y y (*) CA CS + 3 19 0.7 1 98 0.1 25 2.6 mm y CA CS + 3 19 1 0.1 0.03 25 0.85 mm y CA CS + 6 17.7 4 0.1 0.21 25 5.3 mm y y CA P (Ba ra)
307 310
51.2 39.0
OUQ108 NACE Inhibitio Selecte P CO2 Conde Vcorr Design Total MR n d (Ba (Mol nsation (mm/ life Corrosi 0175 / efficienc Materi ra) %) factor yr) (yrs) on (mm) ISO y (%) al 15156 Alloy 49.5 3.89 0.1 0.52 25 13.0 y 825 CS + 3 50 1 1 98 0.12 25 3.1 mm y CA CS + 3 50 0.90 0.1 0.12 25 3.1 mm y CA CS + 3 18.4 3.46 0.1 0.10 25 2.9 mm y CA CS + 6 15 4.7 0.1 0.22 25 5.3 mm y CA
Facility 0000
(*) For water piping, the corrosion rate calculation was calculated according the mol % CO2 in gas phase above water in separator 8. APPENDIX B: CORROSION INHIBITOR PHILOSOPHY It has been common practice for many years to inject corrosion inhibitors into CO2 containing production tubing and process streams carried by carbon steel. In exceptional cases inhibitors are applied as the first line of defense against corrosion in CS lines carrying wet gas from satellite well-heads to central gathering facilities where bulk drying can been carried out. Temperature drops can be considerable over such intra-field lines so that condensation of water and hence corrosion will taken place. For inhibitors to be effective they must be able to contact the internal surface. For tubular which operate in the annular flow regime this can be readily achieve using a continuous injection process. For the lines which exhibit stratified flow, however, continuously injected inhibitors may only be fully effective along the bottom part of the line. If the estimated corrosion rate for the top of the line is so high that inhibition is required at the top surface then batch inhibition has to be adopted. At design stage an assumption may be made that inhibition can decrease the corrosion rate to 0.1 mm/year. This inhibited corrosion rate shall, however, be documented by corrosion test at the actual conditions are by relevant field or other test data. It should be noted that to achieve the target residual corrosion rate, high dosages of inhibitor may be required. The inhibitor availability to use in design calculation depends on the plan corrosion management program, including corrosion monitoring and corrosion inhibition. Maximum inhibitor availability requires that a qualified inhibitor is injected from day 1 and that a corrosion management system is inplace to actively monitor corrosion and inhibitor injection.