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There Is-There Are

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The document discusses using 'there is/there are' to talk about existence and plurality in English sentences. It provides examples of filling in blanks with the correct form of 'there is/there are' and answering questions using these expressions.

Examples include sentences like 'There are many glasses on the table' and 'There is a dog in the garden.' The document also shows forming questions with 'Is there/Are there.'

Questions can be formed with 'Is there/Are there' followed by the subject, like 'Is there a yellow carpet in the room?' or 'Are there apple trees in your garden?' The answers also use 'there is/there are'.

1. ............ a lamp in the room.

There is There are Is there Are there

9. ........... a man in the garden? Is there Are there There is There are

17. .............. many glasses here. There are Is there There is Are there 1#. ..... many boys and girls in the par$. Is there There are is There is Are there

25. ................ two tables in the room? Is there Are there There is There are 2%. &re there many animals in the house?! "o, .............only one! there isnt there are there is arent

2. 10. s there Susan, .............. a much tea chair in the garden? there is there there are are there are '. &re there many windows in the house?! (es, .......... many.! there are there is is there are there ). s there a dog in the house?! "o, ......... .! there isnt is 12. ......... a nice door in this house. Are there There are 11. .......... two little trees in the garden. Are there There is There are Is there is in the cup?! "o, there .......... much.! isnt arent

19. ......... a little girl outside our house? There is Are there Is there There are

27. s there a chair here?! "o, ............. there arent there is there are there isnt

20. n *ondon ...........a lot o+ museums. there is

2#. s there much water?! "o, .............! there is

there there is there are 5. ........... many glasses on the table. There is Is there Are there There are %. n the garden .......... three big trees. there are there is are there there is

Is there There is

there are is there are there

there isnt there are there arent 29. .............. many trees in this par$? Are there There is Is there There are '0. &re there many people?! "o, ........... only one person! there is there are there isnt are there

1'. .......... many windows in the house? Are there there There is There are 1). ........... a little girl in the room? There are There is Are there there Is Is

21. ........ many lamps on the wall? There are There is Is there Are there 22. s there a dog here?! "o, ................! there isnt there is there are there arent

7. ,arol, ....... much

15. -um, ......... water

2'. &re there talians in Spain?! (es, .........! there are there is are there there 2). &re there +our rooms

'1. n this glass............ some mil$. there isnt there arent there is is are '2. Susan, are there many

co++ee in the cup? in the glass? are there there there are there is #. .his morning ........ is are there there is is there there are 1%. Susan, .... many

many children in the par$. there is are there is there there are

cups at home? there is are there there are is there

in the house?! "o, ............ +i/e! there are there is are there there

cups on the table?! ......two! There is Are there Is there is There are

Type There is or There are in the boxes below.

1. 2. 3. 4. . ". $. &. (. 1).

five pens in the box. a car in the garage. some books on the table. a telephone in the bedroom. t!o tables in the kitchen. man# birds in that tree. a maga%ine on the floor. fo'r chairs in the room. seven da#s in a !eek. a drink in the fridge.

1. There 2. There

a kite. two cats.

3. There 4. There 5. There 6. There 7. There 8. There ". There 1#. There 11. There 12. There 13. There 14. There 15. There

three pencils. an orange. five boys. five birds. a car. an !brella. two !en. three r lers. an orange. a cat. two police!en. two teachers. ten st dents.*ottom of +orm

Choose the best answer $$$$$$ a red pepper in the salad. % % There are There is

$$$$$$ fo r eggs in the refrigerator. % % There are There is

$$$$$$ two c ps of s gar in the cookie recipe. % % There is There are

$$$$$$ so!e pean ts in the &ar. % % There are There is

$$$$$$ fo r cans of so p on the shelf. % % There are There is

$$$$$$ a lot of tea in the c p. % % There are There is

$$$$$$ a lot of salt in this sa ce. % % There is There are

$$$$$$ a po nd of spaghetti in the cabinet. % % There is There are

$$$$$$ five potatoes in the bag. % % There are There is

$$$$$$ too ! ch cheese on the sandwich. % % There is There are

Add there is or there are to the following sentences.

Example: There are many stars in the sky. 1. a fly in my soup. (There is, There are)

2. many parks in New York. (There is, There are) 3. any ti ers in !fri"a. (There isn#t, There aren#t) $. lots of hotels in %i "ities. (There is, There are) &. ((s there, !re there) ). ((s there, !re there) +. ((s there, !re there) ,. (There is, There are) -. (There is, There are) a %ank near here'

life on *ars'

a telephone ( "an use'

a foot%all ame tomorrow.

, stu.ents in my "lass.

1/. many people my town. (There isn#t, There aren#t)

Top of +orm
1. the There centre. is in park a

2. the







3. There








$. Yes,



&. are




). There



+. There




,. games?



-. are.



Complete with IS or ARE

There a caf, in -lm .treet.


three shops near here.

/o! man# elephants

there in the %oo0


an# books in m# bag.

there a 121 pla#er in #o'r ho'se0

there an# ad'lts in the part#0


a s'permarket near m# school.

/o! man# people

there in #o'r famil#0

Choose the correct answer

In our living room _________ four chairs and a table. We have breakfast there every morning.

there is B

there are C

there was D

there were

In our class we have students from Italy, Spain and Saudi Arabia but _________ no students from France

there is B

there are C

there was D

there were

In our school, every Friday ________ a !onversation !lub in the afternoon after lunch.

there is B

there are C

there was D

there were

"n Wednesday morning __________ two students absent from our class.

there is B

there are C

there was D

there were

#lease look in the teachers room. _________ any teachers in the teachers room right now$

%here is B

Is there C

%here are D

Are there

I don t like the garden in winter time. ____________ any flowers. %he only colour is green.

%here isn t B

%here aren t C

Is there D

Are there

&'cuse me. ________ a student called Andreas in this class$

%here s B

%here are C

%here isn t D

Is there

When I was at school _____________ any computers. (ut now every school has many computers.

there isn t B there

there wasn t C

there weren t D


%his morning there is water on the ground everywhere. I think _________ a lot of rain last night.

there is B

there are C

there was D

there were

I can t have a cup of coffee this morning. _______ no black coffee in the coffee machine and I don t like coffee with milk.

%here s B

%here are C

%here isn t D

%here aren t

Why _________ empty beer cans and wine bottles in the classroom this morning$ )id somebody have a party in here yesterday$

there is B

there are C

are there D

there aren t

Are there any students in the school from Swit*erland$ +es, _______ one in class , and two in class A.

there s B

there are C

are there D

there isn t

Complete wuth there is/there are; is there/are there

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 " 1#

a lot of traffic in 'alencia. [?] anywhere to park aro nd here% [?] ! ch s gar. [?] eno gh ti!e to finish% a few bananas and a few apples. only one way to solve this proble!. [?] anyone here who wants to vol nteer% [?] !any tigers left in the world. a lot of infor!ation available on this iss e. [?] any p blic b ses in (os )ngeles%

Read and answer according to the model.

3odel4 A.4 There are t!o books on the table. *.4 And on the shelf0 5one6 7.4 There is one book on the shelf.

1. A.4 There is one car in the garage. *.4 And in the street0 5fifteen6 7.4 ... 2. A.4 There are six chairs in the room. *.4 And in the kitchen0 5three6 7.4 ... 3. A.4 There are seven of 's in m# famil#. *.4 And in #o'r famil#0 5fo'r6 7.4 ...

Read the following questions and answer them according to the model.
3odel 14 A.4 Is there a book on the desk0 *.4 8o9 there isnt. There is no book on the desk. 1. A.4 Is there a #ello! carpet in the room0 *.4 ... 2. A.4 Is there an# spare room at the hostel0 *.4 ... 3. A.4 Are there apple trees in #o'r garden0 *.4 ... 4. A.4 Is there a car factor# in #o'r cit#0 *.4 ... 3odel 24 A.4 /o! man# chairs are there in the room0 5fo'r6 *.4 There are fo'r chairs in the room. /o! man# people are there in the room0 5three6 /o! man# children are there in the b's0 5a lot of6 /o! man# !omen !ere there at the table0 5fe!6 /o! man# st'dents !ere there in #o'r gro'p0 5thirteen6

Fill in the spaces with is or are . !ractise in using "here is/are with plural and singular sub#ects.
There ... man# animals here. There ... a large cit# near the mo'th of this river. There ... some bea'tif'l flo!ers there. There ... man# trees near o'r ho'se. There ... man# different birds there.

There ... a big black cat in the bathroom. There ... a ne!spaper on the table. There ... ne!spapers on the table. There ... different ne!spapers there. There ... ice on the lake. There ... no children in this ho'se. There ... t!o girls and a !oman in the room. There ... nothing to do.

Fill in the spaces with there is or there are $ are there or is there .
... a forest at o'r village. ... seven da#s in a !eek. ... a river at #o'r village0 ... some coffee in his c'p. :hat ... in #o'r living room0 :hat ... more on the earth ;< grass or sand0 =Are there man# st'dents0= =8o9 ... onl# one st'dent.= =Are there man# rooms in the ho'se0= =>es9 ... man#.= ... man# pict'res on the !all0 ... an#thing in the fridge0 ... not a clo'd in the sk#. ... a fine vie! from here. ... nobod# in. ... a needle and thread in her fingers.

Complete with the correct answer

%his is cra*y- ________ August, and the weather is still cold$ $ $ $ %here s Its It s %here is

%hey cancelled the soccer match because ________ snowing. $ $ $ there was there were it was

.ow long did ________ take you to do your homework$ $ $ it there

________ two birds sitting in that tree. $ $ $ %here are %here is It is

.ow many pages ________ in your grammar book$ $ $ $ $ there are is it are there it is

________ five miles from the station to my house.

$ $ $

It is %here is %here are

________ any ice cream in the fridge$ $ $ $ $ Is there It is Is it %here is

)on t cry- ________ no reason to be sad. $ $ $ It is there are there is

Somebody ate my apple- Who was ________$ $ $ there it

Who is that guy$ ________ the movie star, %om .anks$ $ $ $ Isn t it Aren t there Isn t there

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