No Load and Blocked Rotor Tests On Single Phase Induction Motor
No Load and Blocked Rotor Tests On Single Phase Induction Motor
No Load and Blocked Rotor Tests On Single Phase Induction Motor
No load: 30% of rated current (Full load current !oad: "#$% of rated current (Full load current
S)No ". #. 3. +. $. ,. 0. 2. 7. Appa$at!% %mmeter %mmeter *oltmeter *oltmeter *oltmeter -attmeter -attmeter 'apacitor Tachometer Type &' &) &) &) &' !.F 1.F 3lectrol4tic ( Ran*e (0("0% (0("0% (0("$0* (0(300* (0($0* (300*/ "0% ("$0*/ "0% ++0*5#06f ( (!antity " " " " " " " " "
The autotransformer should 8e kept at minimum voltage position.
'onnections are given as per the circuit diagram 9uppl4 is s:itched on. )n no(load or open circuit test/ 84 ad;usting autotransformer/ the rated voltage is applied and all the meter readings are noted do:n (in this test/ rotor is free to rotate .%utotransformer is 8rought to initial position and suppl4 is s:itched off. )n short circuit or 8locked rotor test/ 84 ad;usting autotransformer/ the rated current is supplied and all the meter readings are noted do:n (in this test/ rotor is 8locked and not allo:ed to rotate %utotransformer is 8rought to initial position and suppl4 is s:itched off. The stator resistance of motor is measured using ammeter(voltmeter method . TABULATION FOR NO LOAD TEST ON 1 INDUCTION MOTOR 9peed of the induction motor < &ultiplication factor < S)No Open "i$"!it +o,ta*e -.o/ .o,ta*e Open "i$"!it "!$$ent -I0/ A#p% Open "i$"!it Po1e$-2o"/ O3%e$+e 2att% A"t!a, 2att%
TABULATION 'OR SHORT CIRCUIT TEST ON 1 INDUCTION MOTOR &ultiplication factor < S)No S4o$t "i$"!it +o,ta*e -.o/ .o,ta*e S4o$t "i$"!it "!$$ent -I0/ A#p% S4o$t "i$"!it Po1e$-2o"/ O3%e$+e 2att% A"t!a, 2att%
OC TEST: ". No load po:er factor (cos =0 < -oc5*0)0 *0 > No load voltage in volts )0 > No load current in amps -oc > No load po:er in :atts.
$. No load reactance (B0 < *05)0 sin =0 (A SC TEST: ,. &otor equivalent )mpedance referred to stator (Csc < *sc 5 )sc (A
2. &otor equivalent @eactance referred to stator (Bsc < (Csc# > @sc#
7. @otor reactance referred to stator (B#D < Bsc 5 # < B" (A -here @" > stator resistance B" > 9tator reactance @" < @ac < "., E @dc
"0. @otor resistance referred to stator (@#D < @sc >@" "".&agneti?ing reactance (Bm < # (B0<B"(B#D5# "#.9lip (9 < (Ns ( N 5 Ns -here Ns( s4nchronous speed in rpm N > speed of the motor in rpm.