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Introduction and Basic Strategy

The analogy section tests not only your vocabulary skills, but also your ability to identify the relationship between words. You are given a pair of words that have a certain logical relationship to each other. You then must choose a pair of words that has the same logical relationship as the original pair. You are given five pairs of words from which to choose. Let's look at an extremely simple example.

1. !TT"# $ %&T $$ &' bird $ flock (' duck $ goose %' puppy $ dog )' mare $ horse "' child $ adult

*hat are we asked to do+ To tackle analogy ,uestions, first read the initial pair of words, substituting words for the colons. The first colon -$' is translated .is to. and the two colons -$$' are translated .as.. /o for this example, we read the ,uestion as .kitten is to cat as0. #ext, we need to define the relationship between this pair of words. *hat is the relationship between kitten and cat+ & kitten is a young cat. /o, the relationship between the words is that the first word of the pair is the name for the young of the second word. (ecause analogy problems re,uire us to look for a pair of words that have the same relationship has the initial two words, we are looking for a pair in which the first word of the pair is the name for the young of the second word. 1nce you have determined the relationship between the given pair of words and state it in your mind in sentence form -a kitten is a young cat', read through the answer choices substituting the possible pairs into the same sentence you have created to describe the initial pair. Let's work through the answer choices. !s a bird a young flock+ #o, this does not make sense. The relationship for this pair is that of a group of birds are called a flock. !s a duck a young goose+ #o, these are different animals. !s a puppy a young dog+ Yes, this makes sense, but let's still look at the remaining choices to be sure. !s a mare a young horse+ #o, a mare is a female horse, young or old. !s a child a young adult+ #ow this one may seem a little tricky, because a child will eventually age to become an adult, but we are not looking for the relationship of young to old, we are instead looking for the relationship of young of some kind of animal to that animal. !f instead the answer choice was child $ human, then this relationship would be similar to that of kitten $ cat, since child is the young of humans, and we would need to consider this choice further. !n this case, however, the pair of words that exhibits the most similar logical

relationship is choice %, giving us the completed analogy, kitten is to cat as puppy is to dog. #ote$ it is extremely important to substitute the pairs of words into your sentence in the same order in which they are given. 2or example, if the answer choice was dog $ puppy, we would substitute this into our original sentence as a dog is a young puppy, and this would not make sense. 3aintaining the same order for the two words in a pair when substituting into your sentence describing the relationship is a very critical point to remember when solving these problems. The logical relationship between the given pair of words is sometimes obvious, but other times it may be more obscure, re,uiring you to be able to discern subtleties of meaning. "ven with the most difficult analogies, your strategy should be to create a sentence that defines the logical relationship between the given pair of words. The best sentence will explain the relationship explicitly and precisely. The more precise your sentence, the easier it will be to select the answer choice with the two words that have the most similar logical relationship. !f your sentence is too general, it is possible that more than one of the answer choices would fit into that sentence. !f more than one answer choice fits into your sentence, read through the original pair of words again and make your sentence more specific. Let's look at an example.

4. %&56"#T"5 $ 7&33"5 $$ &. painter $ paint (. pilot $ airplane %. philosopher $ books ). plumber $ wrench ". chef $ apron *e are trying to create a sentence that describes a relationship between the words carpenter and hammer. Let's say we use the sentence, .& carpenter uses a hammer.. #ow let's look at the answer choices. )oes a painter use paint+ Yes. )oes a pilot use an airplane+ *ell, a pilot flies an airplane, so maybe this could be thought of as a type of use. )oes a philosopher use books+ *ell, a philosopher might read books, so this might be a use. )oes a plumber use a wrench+ Yes. )oes a chef use an apron+ &gain, yes. You see that by using an imprecise sentence to describe our original pair of words, we have not been very successful in eliminating incorrect word pairs. !f we go back to the original word pair, we can make our sentence more precise as, .& carpenter uses a hammer as a tool.. #ow if we work through the answer choices substituting each word pair into our new sentence, we see that the only pair that can be substituted is choice ), a plumber uses a wrench as a tool. Thus, our analogy becomes carpenter is to hammer as plumber is to wrench.

Summary of general strategy for solving analogy problems

1. 1.
5ead the initial pair of words, substituting words for the colons. The first colon -$' is translated .is to. and the two colons -$$' are translated .as.. 2. 2. )efine the relationship between the pair of words.

3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5.

1nce you have determined the relationship between the given pair of words, state it in your mind in sentence form. 5ead through the answer choices substituting the possible pairs into the same sentence you have created to describe the initial pair. !f you cannot eliminate answer choices, or more than one answer choice seems to fit into the sentence you have created, make your sentence describing the relationship between the two words more precise and work through the answer choices again.

Additional hints for solving analogy problems

The basic strategies outlined above rely on your ability to discern the meaning of all the given words in the original pair of words as well as the answer choices. *hat if you don't know some of the words in the answer choices+ 2irst, eliminate any answer choices that you know do not fit into your sentence describing how the original words relate to each other. &lso eliminate any word pairs that seem to have no clear relationship to each other. %areful$ before eliminating a word pair that seem to lack a relationship, consider alternate meanings for each of the words in ,uestion. !f you still cannot find any pair that seems to fit into the same relationship as the original pair of words, go back to the original sentence you created to describe the relationship between these words. !s the relationship you described reasonable and clear+ %an you make it more explicit or precise+ &s with all the ,uestion types on the verbal section of the 85", improving your vocabulary will greatly help you answer ,uestions correctly. 7owever, by familiari9ing yourself with the most common analogy relationships and learning how to carefully construct sentences that precisely define the relationship between words will help you master the analogy portion of the test.


Exercise 1 :
1. JUDGE : GAVEL :: 1. Detective : uniform 2. Doctor : stethoscope 3. referee : whist e 4. so !ier : insi"ni# 5. ecturer: po!ium.

2. $%GA& : '(D&E):: 1. s*e eton : *neec#p 2. +one : ri+ 3. neuron: s,n#pse 4. #+!omen : stom#ch 5. + oo! : #ort# 3. soot : com+ustion:: 1. int : +rushin"

2. "r#ve : crushin" 3. "rist e : ten!eri-in" 4. ru++ish : housec e#nin" 5. s#w!ust : woo!cuttin"

4. #nti+iotic : infection:: 1. hormone : mo!ific#tion 2. en-,me : !i"estion 3. n#rcotic : !epen!enc, 4. co#"u #nt : + ee!in" 5. stimu #nt : re #.#tion 5. #nim# : c#t :: 1. #pp e : pe#r 2. c u+ : p #,er 3. furniture: ch#ir 4. #n!sc#pe : tree.

5. /o!, : to, 0. worship : s#crifice :: 1. "ener#tion : p,re 2. +uri# : mortu#r, 3. we#pon : centurion 4. m#ss#cre : inv#sion 5. pre!iction : #u"ur, 1. suitc#se : u""#"e :: 1. "ift : p#c*#"e 2. nec* #ce : "#rment 3. room : house . 4. h#t : mi iner, 5. f#ucet : sin* 2. !#mp : vi+r#tion 1. !rench : moisture 2. concentr#te : e.tr#ction

3. +oi : i3ui! 4. se# : perfor#tion 5. st#nch : f ow 4. c#ret : insertion :: 1. poun! : he#viness 2. ton"s :e.tr#ction 3. comm# : p#use 4. 3uot#tion : #r"ument 5. c ip : #tt#chment 15. votin" : po c# :: 1. termin#tion : coterie 2. #men!ment : constitution 3. m#6orit, : concession 4. 3uorum :fi i+uster 5. investi"#tion : e"is #tion 11. isten :recor!in" :: 1. + #n*ets : inen 2. e#f ets : posters

3. trin*ets : 6ewe r, 4. soc*ets : +u +s 5. rin" et: h#ir 12. en!emic : re"ion :: 1. homo"eneous : popu #tion 7/8in+orn : in!ivi!u# 798 h,+ri! : species 7D8 spor#!ic : time

7E8#+err#nt : norm 13.#pp e : fruit :: 1. e"" : chic*en 2. run" : ch#ir 798woo : f#+ric 4. fuse : !,n#mic 5. wic* :c#n! e

14 . microscope : sm# :: 1. te escopic : !ist#nt 2. monoc e : sin" e 3. ens : refr#cte!

4. c#mer# : photo"r#phic 5. periscope :mi it#r, 15. +#rr#"e : e.p osives 1. c#cophon, : soun!s 2. !e u"e :r#in 3. vist# : si"hts 4. "ren#!e : +om+s 5. vo c#no : #v# 10 . !e u"e : !rop et:: 1. +e#ch: w#ve 2. !esert : o#sis 3. + i--#r! : incise 4. #n!s i!e : pe++ e

5. c ou!+urst : pu!! e 11 . pecc#!i o : sin ::

1. provoc#tion : insti"#tion 2. #n.iet, :fe#r 3. per6ur, :corruption 4. penur, : povert, 5. #!monishment : c#sti"#tion 12 .nicotine :to+#cco 1. c# cium :+one 2. io!ine : s# t 3. protein :me#t 4. pu p : fruit 5. c#ffeine : coffee 14 . nomin# : fi"urehe#! 1. #+so ute :#utocr#t 2. c oistere! : +ishop 3. mi it#r, : tri+un# 4. st#tutor, : !efen!#nt 5. mono ithic : e"is #ture 25 . su+poen# : witness 1. su+orn : 6u!"e 2. t#. : wor*er 3. e ect : officer 4. conscript: so !ier 5. hire : #+orer 21 . p uc* :3uit 1. verve : f inch 2. "# : s*imp 3. pri!e : "rove 4. ch#rm : smi e

5. poise w#ver 22. !#rt : missi e 1. s*iff : +o#t 2. p #nt : st#r 3. p#"e : vo ume 4. fin"er :thum+ 5. c#r :trun* 23. pir#te : t#*e :: 1. +ur" e : ste# 2. for"e : cop, 3. rene"e : promise 4. i+er#te : free

5. retre#t : with!r#w 24 . s*e eton : #nim# :: 7A8 ivor, : pi#no 7/8pee : fruit 798ore : mine 7D8 m#st : ship 0. fr#min" :+ui !in" 25. #conic :speech:: 1. +e iev#+ e: e.cuse 2. un,ie !in" : #ttitu!e 3. #ustere : !esi"n 4. som+er : procession 5. "r#!u# : tr#nsition 20. co t : !isso ve!::

7A8enthusi#st :inf uence! 7/8c#rtoon : !istorte! 798crowe! : !isperse! 4. ch#in : !isen"#"e! 5. !iscip e : inspire! 21 . + #n!ishment : co#. 1. me!# : honor 2. +u!"et :s#ve 3. !i#r, : reminisce 4. concert :p #, 5. p e# :thre#ten 22. #rter, : p #3ue 1. river : evee 2. :run*: switch 3. 9h#nne :s it 4. inform#tion : f ow 5. tunne :f ow 24. #nec!ote : stor,:: 1. fi m : the#ter 2. ch#pter : nove . 3. ,ric : son"

4. 6o*e : p#ro!, 5. s*it :p #, 35. fe#r : cover :: 1. c# mness : fret 2. #n"er : r#nt 3. !is#ppointment : conso e

4. " #!ness : s#tisf, 5. em+#rr#ssment : spe#*

Exercise 2 :

31. mi : "r#in :: 1. oom : c oth 2. +#-##r: wires 3. f#ctor, : furniture 4. hospit# : me!icine 5. for"e : met# 32. in!istin"uish#+ e : confoun! 1. e.ception# : over oo* 2. impre"n#+ e : #tt#c* 3. ostent#tious: consume 4. e3uiv# ent : interch#n"e 5. occ u!e! : reve# 33. "r#ve : pe++ e :: 1. river : w#ter 2. se#sonin" :s# t 3. crowe! :person 4. e"is #ture : +i

5. t,pewriter : *e, 34. un!erscore : emph#sis :: 1. er#!ic#te : !estruction

2. sti"m#ti-e : confront#tion 3. 3u#ntif, : #ssessment 4. +r#n! : ownership 5. o" :recor!

35.cencus : popu #tion :: 1. itiner#r, : 6ourne,s 2. inventor, : merch#n!ise 3. roster : #u!ience 4. s #te : incum+ents 5. m#nifest : !e+ts

30. s,non,mous : me#nin" 1. interch#n"e#+ e : function 2. e3uivoc# : interpret#tion 3. coinci!ent# : c#use 4. #m+i!e.trous: s*i 5. +i in"u# : #n"u#"e 31. e +ow : 6oint :: 1. ce : tissue 2. corpusc e : + oo! 3. musc e : +one 4. s*u : s*e eton 5. he#rt : or"#n 32 . +om+#st : pompous:: 1. prose : economic# 2. circum ocution : p#tient 3. pr#tt e : succinct

4. ver+i#"e : mun!#ne 5. tir#!e critic# 34. insipi! : invention:: 1. ironic : "r#vit, 2. re# istic : ori"in# it, 3. "eneric : #rtistr, 4. foppish : #ffection 5. pros#ic : im#"in#tion 45. # er", : re#ction :: 1. r#sh : +o!, 2. #ncet : instrument 3. #ntihist#mine : s,mptom 4. cocoon : s*e eton 5. po en : f ower 41. #phoristic : terse :: 1. e o3uent : orn#te 2. esoteric : import#nt 3. h,per+o ic : e.#""er#te! 4. met#phoric# : f#nt#stic 5. e3uivoc# : str#i"ht forw#r! 42. p# #te : mouth 1. cur+ : si!ew# * 2. st#r : s*, 3. stre#m : !#m 4. mount#in : r#n"e 5. cei in" : room 43 . foi+ e : f#u t ::

1. per6ur, : testimon, 2. reput#tion : !isrepute 3. v#"#r, : not#tion 4. feu! : hosti it, 5. 3ui++ e : o+6ection 44. soun! : #ir :: 1. oi : t#n*er 2. si"n# : w#ve 3. e ectricit, : copper 4. i"ht : c#mer#

5. .;r#, : e#! 45. pun"ent : o!or :: 1. c#ustic : comment 2. !ur#+ e : su+st#nce 3. const#nt : perio! 4. ominous: thre#t 5. e.cessive : responsi+i it, 40. #tt#c* : v#n3uishe! : : 1. woo : #!ore! 2. smother : cho*e! 798sp, : investi"#te! 3. "o#! :provo*e! 4. "uess: c# cu #te! 41.c#n! e : w#. : : 1. met# : corrosion 2. e#ther : vin, 3. curt#in : p e#t 4. tire : ru++er

5. woo! :#sh 42 . +it : !ri :: 1. nut : +o t 2. n#i :h#mmer 3. + #!e : r#-or 4. st#p er : p#per 5. chise :stone 44. enve ope: etter :: 1. sc#rf : h#t 2. +o. : +#" 3. cr#te :pro!uce 4. nec* : he#! 5. + oo! : he#rt 55 .re ev#nt : cruci# :: 1. m#r"in# :uni3ue 2. percepti+ e : o+vious 3. #pp#rent : re# 4. peripher# : centr# 5. possi+ e : !esir#+ e 51. 3u#rr, : stone :: 1. fe : tim+er 2. !re!"e : c#n# 3. #ss#, : "o ! 4. +# e : h#, 5. mo ! : c #,

52. cre!u ous :!upe

1. we# th, : mon#rch 2. insensitive : +oor 3. #r"ument#tive : #w,er 4. spont#neous : e.trovert 5. e.tr#v#"#nt : miser 53. op#3ue : i"ht 1. in#u!i+ e : soun! 2. un+re#*#+ e : p #stic 3. ref ective : mirror 4. nonporous : i3ui! 5. viscous : f ui! 54. fe#r ess : !#unt 1. perp e.e! : en i"hten 2. non!escript: ne" ect 3. #v#ricious : motiv#te 4. imp#ssive : pertur+ 5. tr#n3ui : p#cif, 55. comp i#nt : servi e 1. trustin" : "u i+ e 2. crin"in" : f#wnin" 3. p e#s#nt : effort ess 4. #!venturous : cour#"eous 5. #r!uous : futi e 50. phi osopher : co"it#te 1. in"uist : prev#ric#te 2. po itici#n : c#pitu #te 3. scho #r : e.tempori-e 4. mis#nthrope : repe#t

5. iconoc #st : #tt#c* 51.fresco :w# 1. fount#in : court,#r! 2. p#r3uetr, : f oor 3. th#tch : roof 4. st#tu#r, : p#ss#"e 5. "#r"o, e : "utter 52. sc# pe : sur"eon 7A8 #ser : #"ronomist 7/8m#"net : eco o"ist 798s,rin"e : "eo o"ist 7D8te escope : #stronomer 5. microscope : "eometrici#n 54. scri++ e : write 1. imp : w# * 2. !r#w : print 3. mum+ e : t# * 4. f o#t : s im 5. s#, :sin" 05 . !eto.ific#tion : poison :: 1. sur"e : current 2. !iet :re!uction 3. refinement : ore 4. #!6ustment : focus 5. neutr# i-#tion : #ci!

Exercise 3:
01 . se!#tive : p#cif, :: 1. sc# pe : c#uteri-e 2. #n# "esic : !iscomfit 3. sur"er, : oper#te 4. #ntiseptic : steri i-e 5. stimu #nt : in!uce 02. e e", : sorrow 1. p#e#n : !istress 2. encomium : criticism 3. re3uiem : euphori# 4. tir#!e : 6o, 5. eu o", : #!mir#tion 03. !espotic : t,r#nn, :: 1. #uthorit#ri#n : superiorit, 2. s*i fu : ce e+rit, 3. "enerous : i+er# it, 4. suspect : i e"# it, 5. pe#cefu : +enevo ence 04. script : p #, 1. refr#in : son" 2. #ssi"nment : course 3. score : s,mphon,

4. co ection : stor, 5. !e+#te : c#n!i!#te 05. imeric* : poem 1. #mpoon : s#tire 2. settin" :p #, 3. f#+ e :mor# 4. m#teri# :co #"e 5. p ot : ch#r#cter 00 . e.pi#te : "ui t 1. c#nv#ss :support 2. #!orn : #ppe#r#nce 3. testif, : conviction 4. correct :error 5. pre#ch : conversion 01. t# on : e#" e 1. f#n" : sn#*e 2. hoof : <orse 3. 3ui : porcupine 4. tus* :e eph#nt 5. c #w : p#nther 02. insu in : p#ncre#s 1. +i e : iver 2. mentho : euc# ,ptus 3. o.,"en : he#rt 4. hone, : +ee 5. v#ni # : +e#n 04. !r#w+ri!"e : c#st e

1. #wn : house 2. "#n"w#, :ship 3. #is e : st#"e 4. h# w#, : +ui !in" 5. si!ew# * : "#r#"e 15 .se!#tive : !rowsiness 1. epi!emic : cont#"iousness 2. v#ccine : virus 3. #.#tive : !ru"

4. #nesthetic: num+ness 5. ther#p, : ps,chosis 11. #w,er : court room 1. p#rticip#nt : te#m 2. commuter : tr#in 3. " #!i#tor : #ren# 4. sen#tor : c#ucus 5. p#tient : w#r! 12. fru"# : miser , 1. confi!ent : #rro"#nt 2. cour#"eous : pu"n#cious 3. f#mous :#""ressive 4. r#sh : foo h#r!, 5. 3uiet : timi! 13. #nti!ote : poison 1. cure :recover, 2. n#rcotic : s eep 3. stimu #nt : re #pse 4. tonic : eth#r",

5. resuscit#tion :+re#thin" 14. curiosit, : *now 7A8 tempt#tion : con3uer 7/8st#rv#tion : e#t 798w#n!er ust : tr#ve 7D8humor : #u"h 7E8surviv# : ive 15. st,"i#n : !#r* 1. #+,sm# : ow 2. co"ent : contentious 3. fortuitous : #cci!ent# 4. rec* ess : thre#tenin" 7E89#t#c ,smic : !oome! 10 . mutter : in!istinct 1. !em#n! : o+e!ient 2. p e#! : o+ i"#tor, 3. f #tter : commen!#+ e 4. !rone : monotonous 5. confirm : proven 11. pest : ir*some 1. s# esc er* : courteous 2. e.pert : proficient 3. eni"m# : une.pecte! 4. e#!er : non!escript

5. #ccuser : in!icte! 12 . m# #!roit : s*i

1. intemper#te : #n"er 2. contr#!iction : peremptor, 3. p #titu!e : +#n# 4. precept : o+e!ient 5. e.p #n#tion : uninte i"i+ e 14. moc* : imit#te :: 1. s#tiri-e : ch#rm 2. con!ense : summ#ri-e 3. p #c#te : #ssu#"e 4. #!#pt : !up ic#te 5. t#unt : ch# en"e 25 . #nim# : c#t :: 1. #pp e : pe#r 2. c u+ : p #,er 3. furniture : ch#ir 4. #n!sc#pe : tree

5. +o!, : to, 21 . +#rter : commo!ities 1. #r+itr#te : !isputes 2. inv#!e : +oun!#ries 3. !e+#te : issue 4. correspon! : etters 5. promote : r#n*s. 22. +ir! : fe#thers :: 1. m#mm# : spine 2. h#n! : fi"ures 3. +r#nch :fruit 4. im+ : fur

5. fish : sc# es 23. en!ow : income :: 1. emit : si"n# s 2. en! #rose : #pprov# 3. ench#nt : m#"i 4. em+#r* : vo,#"e 5. en!ure : h#r!ships 24. miser : thrift :: 1. performer : #rtistr, 2. ch#uvinist : p#triotism 3. mimic : ri!icu e 4. po itici#n : compromise 5. scientist : !iscover, 25 . !emur : 3u# ms 1. p #c#te : pi3ue 2. o+ i"#te : +enevo ence 3. #troph, : reh#+i it#tion 4. m#nipu #te : e.perience 5. w#ver : irreso uteness 20. for"er, : counterfeit :: 1. !up icit, : testimon, 2. #rson : insur#nce 3. em+e-- ement : fr#u! 4. theft : punishment 5. mur!er : ife 21. mis6u!"e : #ssess 1. misconstrue : interpret 2. :miscon!uct : rehe#rse

3. misinform : !esi"n 4. mis"ui!e : !up ic#te 5. misperceive : e.p #in 22. !#""er : sc#++#r! 1. +ow : 3uiver 2. pisto : ho ster 3. #sso : s#!! e

4. rif e : si"ht 5. spe#r : sh#ft 24. cre#se : fo !in" 1. serr#tion : +r#i!in" 2. ho e : perfor#tin" 3. !ent : we#*enin" 4. +re#* :settin" 5. "ou"e : cr#c*in" 45. u+ric#te : #+r#sion 1. +urnish : !ecomposition 2. vent : !isti #tion 3. t#mp : #!hesion 4. se# : e#*#"e 5. irri"#te :!r#in#"e

Exercise 4 :
41. !eci+e : soun!:: 1. "# on : w#ter 2. umen : i"ht 3. +#n! : si"n# 4. wei"ht : miner# 5. sc# e : music 42. stic* er : #ppro.im#tion 1. e#!er : "ui!e ine 2. connoisseur : #n#chronism 3. s u""#r! : in!o ence 4. purist : #!u ter#tion 5. scientist : theori-in" 43.!ivert : shunt :: 1. fi e : co #te 2. co i!e : !ent 3. "uess : c# i+r#te 4. ret#r!: +r#*e 5. inspect : m#"nif, 44. e3uivoc#te : commitment 1. procr#stin#te : #ction 2. imp ic#te : e.position 798corro+or#te : f# sific#tions 3. e.postu #te : confusion 4. f#+ric#te : e.p #n#tion 45.spe#* : reticent ::

1. spen! : p#rsimonious 2. e.ce : #u!#cious 3. comm#n! : ir#te 4. wor* : servi e 5. invent : !iffi!ent 40. censorship : inform#tion 7 A8 fru"# it, : constr#int 7/8s#mp in" : me#surement 798s#nit#tion : !ise#se 7D8 cu tiv#tion : erosion 5. phi #nthrop, : "enerosit, 41. " oss#r, : te.t :: 1. +i+ io"r#ph, : source 2. #+str#ct : !issert#tion 3. e"en! : m#p

4. in!e. : c#t# o" 5. #++revi#tion : footnote 42. fervor : -e# ot 1. #ntip#th, : phi #nthropist 2. improvi!ence : spen!thrift 3. concision : po itici#n 4. !etermin#tion : eco o"ist 5. nonch# #nce : #cro+#t 44. sh#re! : potter, 1. f int : stone 2. f #n"e : whee 3. cin!er : co#

4. fr#"ment : +one 5. t#re : "r#in 155. e.hi+ition : p#intin" 1. concert :s,mphon, 2. #ccomp#niment : me o!, 3. #u!ition : chorus 4. improvis#tion : so o 5. rehe#rs# : orchestr# 151. ostrich : +ir! 1. c#terpi #r : moth 2. i-#r! : fro" 3. +u! : e#f 4. ti"er : c#t 5. "ust : storm 152. w#r!ro+e : c othes 1. stove : croc*er, 2. +oo*c#se : +oo*s 3. !r#wer : she ves 4. p#ntr, : me!icine 5. nec* #ce : e#rnin" 153. pr#cticin" : e.ercise 7A8thin*in" : o"ic 3. writin" : c #rit, 4. "rowin" :he# th 5. e.ercisin" : stren"th 0. e#tin" : nutrition 154. ien : c #im

1. +rief : investi"#tion 2. mort"#"e : interest 3. forec osure : p e#!in" 4. "#rnishment : presumption 5. su+poen# : comm#n! 155 . preempt : prece!ence 1. !issem+ e : !ip om#c, 2. superinten! : cu p#+i it, 3. presi!e : #r+itr#tion 4. #c3uire : possession 5. !ivert : imp ic#tion 150 . foi : met# :: 1. pe++ e : contrite 2. sue!e : e#ther 3. " #-e : potter, 4. veneer : woo! 5. p#per : c#r!+o#r! 151 . e#ve : #+scon! :: 1. t#*e : ste# 2. ev#cu#te : f ee 3. interest : #stoun! 4. +ui ! : renov#te 5. ev# u#te : !own"r#!e 152= inviti+ e : ch#nce 1. #+so ute : v#ri#+i it, 2. c#n!i! : openness 3. cert#in : re"u #rit, 4. re #.e! : !i i"ence

5. sincere : hesit#nc, 154 . stre#m : e!!, 1. tren! : #nom# , 2. shove : punch 3. #ss#u t : !efe#t 4. force : motion 5. i ness : s,mptom 115 . outs*irts : town 1. run" : #!!er 2. trun* : tree 3. w#ter : "o+ et 4. m#r"in :p#"e 5. h#n"er :#irp #ne 111. "row : +ur"eon 1. +e#t : p# pit#te 2. tr#nsport : enr#pture 3. f ourish :thrive 4. rot : !ec#, 5. evo ve : mu tip , 112. up+r#i! : repro#ch 1. !ote i*e 2. #" : str#, 3. ve. : p e#se 4. e#rn :!esire 5. rec#st :e.p #in 113 . e.p#n! : vo ume 1. #scen! :f i"ht 2. pro ifer#te : num+er

3. +en! : f e.i+i it, 4. coo : temper#ture 5. !ef ect : h#n! in" 114 . prohi+itive : purch#se 1. preventive : he# 2. #u!#tor, : pr#ise 3. #!monitor, : fe#r 4. peremptor, : !ispute 5. imper#tive : comp , 115 . or"#n : *i!ne, 1. s*e eton : *neec#p 2. +one : ri+ 3. neuron : s,n#pse 4. #+!omen : stom#ch 5. + oo! : #ort# 110 . soot : com+ustion 1. int : +rushin" 2. "r#ve :crushin" 3. "rist e : ten!erin" 4. ru++ish : housec e#nin" 5. s#w!ust : woo!cuttin" 111.purif, : imperfection 1. # i"n : #!6ustment 2. we#r, : +ore!om 3. !is#"ree: controvers, 4. verif, :!ou+tfu ness 5. hone : sh#rpness

112 . curt#in :st#"e 1. foot i"ht : orchestr# 2. i! : 6#r 3. upho ster, :sof# 4. vei :f#ce 5. screen : fi m 114. insomni# : s eep 1. !,s e.i# :re#! 2. hemophi i# : + ee! 3. h,per#ctivit, : move 4. p#r#noi# : h# ucin#te 5. m# nutrition :e#t 125 .6eer : !erision 1. fi!"et : restr#int 2. cower : men#ce 3. s ouch : vi"i #nce 4. reprim#n! : censure 5. frown : #!versit,

Exercise 5 :
121. #morphousness : !efinition

1. #ssitu!e : ener", 2. spont#neit, : #w#reness 3. #n"u #rit, : intric#c, 4. rectitu!e : !r#+ness 5. precision : uniformit, 122. co usion : conspir#tors 1. conc usion : messen"ers 2. revision : correspon!ence 3. i!entific#tion : #r+itr#tors 4. #ttri+ution : interpreters 5. cooper#tion : p#rtners 123..feri i-e :"row 1. immuni-e : resist#nce 2. nourish :enrich 3. he#t :+urn 4. "r#ft : mu tip , 5. prune : !w#rf 124 . #ttentive : officious 1. !ou+tfu : #m+i"uous 2. #+sor+e! : en"rosse! 3. refine! : sno++ish 4. m#"isteri# : #uthorities 5. impromptu : spont#neous 125.e.or+it#nt : mo!er#tion 1. !isp#ssion#te : e3u#nimit, 2. m#c#+re : interest 3. perfi!ious : o,# t, 4. +ri i#nt : "u i+i it,


#vish : e.tr#v#"#nce

120 . w#" :humorous 1. ruffi#n : fri"htene! 2. spen!thrift : in#ttentive 3. !o t : stupi! 4. pir#te : merci ess 5. sinner : repent#nt 121 . 3u#ff : sip 1. +o t :run 2. punch :hit 3. "n#w :ni++ e 4. tru!"e : p o! 5. stri!e : mince 122.!enture :teeth 1. sc#rf :he#! 2. toupee : h#ir 3. fin"ern#i :h#n! 4. e,e+row :e,e 5. +#n!#"e :woun! 124 . +uo,#nt : sin* 1. fro-en : me t 2. i3ui! : ev#por#te 3. +ritt e : c e#ve 4. inso u+ e : !isso ve 5. "#seous : e.p#n! 135 . cr#w : procee! 1. p ummet :!escen! 2. nurture :"row

3. inun!#te : f oo! 4. r#mp#"e : !estro, 5. !win! e : !ecre#se 131. # #crit, : prompt 1. service :*in! 2. #""r#v#tion : temper#ment# 3. intuition : impu sive 4. #cumen : shrew! 5. sentiment : thou"htfu 132. preeminence : import#nce 1. pre!estin#tion : +e ief 2. prefi"ur#tion : re# it, 3. preme!it#tion : e.ecution 4. pre!isposition : preference 5. prepon!er#nce : wei"ht 133. s #*e : thirst 1. perspire : e.ertion 2. mo#n : voice 3. shiver : musc e 4. s#ti#te : hun"er 5. !re#m :s eep 134. +#cteri# : !ecomposition 1. #v# : eruption 2. penici in : in6ection 3. ,e#st :ferment#tion 4. o.,"en : respir#tion 5. p #nts : !eforest#tion

135 . troph, : contest#nt 1. +#ton : runner 2. pri!e : p#rent 3. +oo* :+i+ io"r#ph, 4. o#n :c#shier

5. honors : stu!ent 130 .fi!"et : nervousness 1. crin"e : !re#! 2. st# : frustr#tion 3. re"# e : #musement 4. !ou+t : constern#tion 5. n#" : #nno,#nce 131 . w#ft : p ummet 1. s*im : " i!e 2. !re#m : c#pit# i-e 3. toss :c#tch 4. f #i : #ss#u t 5. me#n!er : !#sh 132. poseur : sincerit, 1. +r#t : inso ence 2. f irt : !ecenc, 3. "rouch : p#tience 4. rec use : "re"#riousness 5. ro"ue : emp#th, 134. 3ui.otic : i!e# istic 1. chur ish : po ite 2. whimsic# : ste#!, 3. !isintereste! : imp#rti#

4. touch, : sensitive 7E8 centr# : r#n!om 145 . #r+ore# : trees 1. terrestri# : p #ins 2. #mphi+ious : rivers 3. her+#ceous : p #nts 4. su+terr#ne#n : c#ves 5. si!ere# : st#rs

141. supp #nt : rep #ce 1. sn#tch : t#*e 2. +e" : invite 3. convict : #ccuse 4. s#vor : "u p 5. miss : ose 142 . +#rr#"e : e.p osives 1. c#cophon, : soun!s 2. !e u"e : r#in 3. vist# : si"hts 4. "ren#!e : +om+s 5. vo c#no : #v# 143 . emi"r#te : e.i e 1. se ect : or"#ni-e 2. #ppoint : nomin#te 3. c#pture : imprison 4. en ist : conscript 5. contri+ute : !e+ut

144. ferti i-e : "row 1. immuni-e : resist 2. nourish : enrich 3. he#t : +urn 4. "r#ft : mu tip , 5. prune : !w#rf 145 . #ttentive : officious 1. !ou+tfu : #m+i"uous 2. #+sor+e! : en"rosse! 3. refine! : sno++ish . 4. m#"isteri# : #uthorit#tive 5. impromptu : spont#neous 140 . "#!"ets : too s 1. + #n*ets : inen 2. e#f ets : posters 3. trin*ets : 6ewe r, 4. soc*ets : +u +s 5. rin" ets :h#ir 141 . orchestr# : instrument# 1. choir : voc# 2. pi#nist : !iscor!#nt 3. trio : h#rmonic 4. sin"er : s#cre! 5. +#n! : m#rti# 142. !#"uerreot,pe : photo"r#ph 1. +ust : st#tue 2. p#stiche : p#intin" 3. n#rr#tive : nove

4. hiero" ,phic : p#p,rus 5. mus*et : fire #rm 144. 3u#ff : sip 1. +o t : run 2. punch : hit 3. "n#w : ni++ e 4. tru!"e : p o! 5. stri!e : mince 155. *nit : ,#rn 1. !#rn : soc* 2. p #int : h#ir 3. crochet : hoo* 4. +r#i! : *not 5. w#ve : oom

Exercise 6 :
151. unten#+ e : !efen!e! 1. s#ti#te! : s#tisfie! 2. heretic# : consi!ere! 3. fr#"i e : touche! 4. inevit#+ e : #voi!e!

5. suspicious : !ou+te! 152. refine : purific#tion 1. !ef ect : conformit, 2. #ttenu#te : r#ref#ction 3. re"ener#te : susten#nce 4. st#n!#r!i-e : !isconfirm#tion 5. !i #te : contr#ction 153 p e#sure : ecst#s, 1. comp #cence : env, 2. surprise : #stonishment 3. #n.iet, : curiosit, 4. pri!e : ve.#tion 5. pit, : !re#! 154. infi tr#te : enter 1. comp , : in!e. 2. inv#!e : #ss#u t 3. # e"e : prove 4. insinu#te :> s#, 5. !isc ose : #nnounce

155. interest : invei" e 1. ev# u#te : su""est 2. foresee : pre!ict 3. p #n : scheme 4. interpret : e.#mine 5. ne" ect : persecute 150. p#rr, : 3uestion

1. return : #ffection 2. shir* : !ut, 3. confront ? !re#! 4. hur : insu t 5. surren!er : tempt#tion 151. #strin"ent : contr#ction 1. #nesthetic : insensi+i it, 2. #n# "esic : p#in 3. co#"u #nt : euphori# 4. stimu #nt : !rowsiness 5. emo ient : irrit#tion 152. #stro o", : #stronom, 1. # chem, : chemistr, 2. homeop#th, : -oo o", 3. m,tho o", : c #ssics 4. pe!#"o", : phi osoph, 5. phenomeno o", : in"uistics 154. #rm#!# : vehic es 1. !ri : recruits 2. p #nnin" : o"istics 3. inf#ntr, : c#v# r, 4. fusi #!e : pro6ecti es 5. supp , : munitions 105. +ou3uet : f owers 1. forest ? trees 2. hus* : corn 3. mist : r#in 4. woo!pi e : o"s

5. !rift : snow 101. over!ose : prescription 1. !epriv#tion : m#teri# ism 2. in!iscretion : convention 3. #ff iction : s,mp#th, 4. #!venture : e.pe!ition 5. !ru" : me!icine 102. #!u t : chi ! 1. horse : m#re 2. c#t ? *itten 3. swine : sow 4. hum#n : #nim# 5. cow : her!

103. e.or+it#nt : mo!er#tion 1. !isp#ssion#te : e3u#nimit, 2. m#c#+re : interest 3. perfi!ious : o,# t, 4. +ri i#nt : "u i+i it, 5. #vish : e.tr#v#"#nce

104. wi fu ness : he#!stron" 1. " i+ness : #stute 2. !etermin#tion : #ttention 3. e e"#nce : "r#n!iose 4. su+servience : f#wnin" 5. #n.iet, : pessimistic 105. unten#+ e : !efen!e!

1. v# u#+ e : insure! 2. for!#+ e : crosse! 3. un6ustifi#+ e : for"iven 4. unpretentious : #!mire! 5. invu ner#+ e : in6ure! 100. steri i-#tion : microor"#nisms 1. #mnest, : !eserters 2. !ef#m#tion : enemies 3. inocu #tion : v#ccine 4. !eforest#tion : trees 5. #ss#ssin#tion : mur!ers 101. mor# istic : princip e! 1. simp istic : unsophistic#te! 2. pe!#ntic : e#rne! 3. positivistic : empiric# 4. !o"m#tic : pre6u!ice! 5. f#nt#stic : im#"in#tive 102. istener : e#ves!ropper 1. spect#tor : "#me 2. viewer : "#-er 3. o+server : sp, 4. spe#*er : ch#tter+o. 5. e#!er : !em#"o"ue

104. stoc*#!e : enc osure 1. mo#t : +ri!"e 2. !oorw#, : w# 3. +ric* ? +ui !in" 4. pi #r ? support

5. *e,ho e : oc* 115. profession# : roo*ie 1. p #,er : f#n 2. r#n"er : cowh#n! 3. prisoner : thief 4. so !ier : recruit 5. con!uctor : musici#n

111. !# , : time 1. tresp#ss : #n! 2. s3u#n!er : mone, 3. shir* : t#s* 4. #chieve : victor, 5. h#r+or : s#fet, 112. me o!r#m# : su+t et, 1. chimer# : #uthenticit, 2. p#ro!, : wit 3. w#r : str#te", 4. +rief : #+str#ct 5. h,pothesis : theor, 113. !eci+e : ou!ness 1. circumference ? circ e 2. spectrum : co or 3. i"ht; ,e#r : !ist#nce

4. meter : mi e 5. c oc* : !ur#tion 114. overture : oper#

1. pre#m+ e : st#tute 2. "#m+it : move 3. c im#. : stor, 4. #ctor : c#st 5. commencement : "r#!u#te 115. in!e i+i it, : er#sure 1. imperme#+ e : p#ss#"e 2. enumer#tion : or!erin" 3. i e"i+i it, : writin" 4. re#ctive ness ? stimu #tion 5. ref ectivit, : visi+i it, 110. sur"eon : !e.terit, 1. en"ineer : c #rit, 2. s#i or : n#vi"#tion 3. m#"istr#te : presi!ent 4. in!ustri# ist : c#pit# 5. #cro+#t : #"i it, 111. photo"r#ph ? i"ht 1. script : scene 2. fi m : ne"#tive 3. recor!in" : soun! 4. rehe#rs# : pr#ctice 5. concert : son" 112. humi it, : supp ic#nt 1. espion#"e : fe on 2. !i ett#ntism : connoisseur 3. !o"m#tism : scho #r 4. "re"#riousness : te#mm#te

5. resist#nce : #!vers#r,

114. !is"uise : i!entific#tion 1. e3uivoc#tion : #m+i"uit, 2. f#@#!e : !ecor#tion 3. for"er, : we# th 4. c#mouf #"e : !etection 5. m#nipu #tion ? #!v#nt#"e 125. nu#nce : !istinction 1. remn#nt : preserv#tion 2. sh#!e : spectrum 3. hint : su""estion 4. tr#ce : e.istence 5. sp inter : !isinte"r#tion

Exercise 7 :
121. ur+#ne : "#ucherie

1. confi!ent : coterie 2. c# cu #tin" : imposture 3. !iffi!ent : "oo!wi 4. fe#rfu : !estruction 5. "ui e ess : chic#ner, 122. #rticu #te : c e#r , 1. or#te : stron" , 2. shout : ou! , 3. ecture : wi fu ,

4. m# i"n : incoherent , 5. 6est : +e i"erent , 123. p#renthesis : e.p #n#tion 1. s,nopsis : #ffect#tion 2. #postrophe : #nnot#tion 3. s,nthesis : interpo #tion 4. e ipsis : omission 5. #steris* : e.#""er#tion 124. h#mmer ? #nvi 1. *noc*er : !oor 2. stic* : "on" 3. h#n! : !rum 4. pest e : mort#r 5. "#ve : ectern 125. pru!ish : propert, 1. f#n#tic# : vio ence 2. #uthorit#tive : evi!ence 3. finic*, : 3u# it, 4. o+stin#te : #ccur#c,

5. fe#rfu : comfort 120. frie-e : orn#ment 1. #rch : !ivi!e 2. re ief : form 3. #r#+es3ue : #ccentu#te 4. n#v, : +or!er 5. pi #r : support

121. !ece er#te : spee! 1. !esicc#te : !r,ness 2. e.tin"uish : o.,"en 3. interpo #te : interv# 4. !econt#min#te : steri it, 5. enerv#te : vit# it, 122. neoph,te : e.perience 1. !ip om#t : ne"oti#tion 2. mis#nthrope : c,nicism 3. umpire : reconci i#tion 4. "uru : respect 5. +oor : sensitivit, 124. #+sor+ : spon", 1. spin : woo 2. st#in : !eter"ent 3. pump : "#so ine 4. se# : c#u * 5. sh#rpen : penci 145. em+e-- e : fun!s

1. wie ! : inf uence 2. e.p oit : victim 3. usurp : power 4. overcome : com+#t#nt 5. impe!e : o+st#c e 141. p#ne",ric : eu o"i-e 1. +# #! : sti"m#ti-e 2. o!e ? critici-e 3. #mpoon : s#tiri-e

4. tir#!e : entert#in 5. tre#tise : !ispute 142. perfunctori , : inspir#tion 1. inso ent , : vener#tion 2. #r!ent , : p#ssion 3. ph e"m#tic# , : composure 4. surreptitious , : o+session 5. h# tin" , : re uct#nce 143. m# #propism : ver+# 1. heres, : mor# 2. ho#. : co"nitive 3. "#ffe : soci# 4. feint : m#rti# 5. per6ur, : e"is #tive 144. pe!i#trics : chi !ren 1. !erm#to o", ? s*in 2. p#tho o", : me!icine 3. meteoro o", : forec#sts 4. neuro o", : ps,cho o"ists

5. eco o", : environment

145. eu o", : pr#ise 1. come!, ? #u"hter 2. epic : content 3. tr#!e : #we 4. e e", : #ment 5. p#ro!, : respect 140 prune : he!"e 1. shuc* : corn 2. trim : h#ir 3. cut : +ou3uet 4. re#p : crop 5. sh#ve : +e#r! 141. #nti+iotic : infection 1. en-,me : !i"estion 2. hormone : mo!ific#tion 3. n#rcotic : !epen!enc, 4. co#"u #nt : + ee!in" 5. stimu #nt ? re #.#tion 142. #+r#!e! : friction 1. refine! : !isti #te 2. #no!i-e! : met# 3. !i ute! : "#s 4. stren"thene! : pressure 5. v#pori-e! : he#t 144. vo #ti e : temper

1. perm#nent : notoriet, 2. re#!, : wit 3. c#t#strophic : !is#ster 4. "ent e : he#rt 5. e.pressive : son" 255. centrifu"e : sep#r#te 1. thermometer : c# i+r#te 2. st#tue : chise 3. f oo!"#te : overf ow 4. co #n!er ? !r#in 5. te evision : tr#nsmit 251 . e3uivoc#tion : #m+i"uous 1. miti"#tion : severe 2. contr#!iction : peremptor, 3. p #titu!e : +#n# 4. precept : o+e!ient 5. e.p #n#tion : uninte i"ent 252. fr#"i e : +re#* 1. invisi+ e : see 2. err#tic : contro 3. f #mm#+ e :+urn 4. no.ious : esc#pe 5. in!ustri# :m#nuf#cture 253. f#u tfin!er : critici-e 1. umin#r, : reco"ni-e 2. #th ete : cheer 3. #r+itr#tor : me!i#te 4. ph#rm#cist : prescri+e

5. !#w! er : toi 254 . ev#nescent : !is#ppe#r. 1. tr#nsp#rent : penetr#te 2. onerous : stru"" e 3. fec* ess : succee! 4. i usor, : e.ist 5. p i#nt : ,ie ! 255. w#ter : cistern 1. +o t :f#+ric 2. fo!!er : si o 3. "#r #n! : f ower 4. spe : inc#nt#tion 5. pr#,er : re i"ion 250. u"u+rious : !o efu 1. +#n# : insipi! 2. tr#ct#+ e : rec# citr#nt 3. pensive : v#cuous 4. prof i"#te : miser , 5. t#n"i+ e : i usor, 251 . p #n : scheme 1. #nti3uit, : #"e 2. #nno,#nce : ev#sion 3. st#tesm#n : po itici#n 4. #ssi"nment : t#s* 5. prison : 6#i 252 . spi!er : octopus 1. "i++on : s# mon 2. ocust : w#ter +eet e

3. co,ote : !o phin 4. cheet#h : o+ster 5. orio e : "roun! ho" 254 . +o#r!s : row+o#t 1. !isem+#r*s : #irp #ne 2. enters :#ccount +oo* 3. "ets on :+us 4. refuses :time 5. hopes :fe#r 215 he#!#che : #spirin 1. insect :insectici!e 2. # er", :r#"wee! 3. 3uinine :m# #ri# 4. infection :#nti+iotic 5. poison : to.in

Exercise 8:
211.+#n#n# :pee

1. ventric e : he#rt 2. !oor :*no+ 3. +#r* :tree 4. or#n"e : rin! 5. section :or#n"e 212. s#n"uine : cheerfu 1. !estitute :poor 2. confi!ent : presumptuous 3. o+scure : c e#r 4. +ri i#nt : v# e!ictor, 5. p# i! : e+u ient 213. !omino : m#s3uer#!e 1. t#n"o : !#nce 2. vio in : concert 3. tu.e!o :prom 4. t#.i : imousine 5. !isc :c#sino 214 w#ter : cistern 1. +o t : f#+ric 2. fo!!er :si o 3. "#r #n! : f ower 4. spe :inc#nt#tion 5. pr#,er :re i"ion 215. ossif, : +one 1. chew :pu p 2. intener#te : cu! 3. fossi i-e : stone 4. c#*e : f our

5. whisper : murmur 210 po!ium : p #tform . 1. pu pit : pew 2. st#!ium : "r#n!st#n! 3. utter#nce : euphemism 4. criti3ue : or#tion 5. ev#n"e ism : ecc esi#st 211 . peror#tion : #!!ress 1. pre#m+ e : speech 2. orchestr#tion : overture 3. score :fin# 4. ch#pter :fiction 5. !enouement : nove 212 . somn#m+u ist : somni o3uist 1. !#ncer :sin"er 2. t# *er :w# *er 3. mime m#"ici#n 4. octo"en#ri#n : teen#"er 5. fo ower : #uthorit, 214 . chec*ers : chess 1. tennis : soccer 2. fie ! hoc*e, :ice hoc*e, 3. +#s*et+# : ",mn#stics 4. he#rts :+ri!"e 5. s3u#re : !i#mon! 225 . ess#, :short stor, 1. s,mphon, : concerto 2. +io"r#ph, : nove

3. #cr, ic : w#terco or 4. come!, : +ur es3ue 5. mono o"ue : !r#m# 221. w#it : ur* 1. prow :sin* 2. e.pect : #nticip#te 3. service :rep#ir 4. move : s*u * 5. trot : c#nter 222. p otter :c#+# 1. crew :"#therin" 2. #!viser :c#+inet 3. con!uctor : orchestr# 4. choir :tenor 5. sen#te :represent#tive 223. +o#r!s : row+o#t 1. !isem+#r*s : #irp #ne 2. enters : #ccount +oo* 3. "ets on :+us 4. refuses :time 5. hopes :fe#r 224 .s eeper : smo*e # #rm 1. sn#*e : hiss 2. #ir ri! : siren 3. c#r horn : !river 4. s#i or : i"hthouse 5. crossin" : +e

225. t#stin" : e#tin" 1. s*immin" :re#!in" 2. coo*in" :c e#nin" 3. sin"in" : !inin" 4. +#*in" : +roi in" 5. #u"hin" : smi in"

220 . vi"i #nte : po ice officer 7A8posse :sheriff 2. 6u!"e : 6ur, 3. vi #in : crimin# 4. ,nchin" : e.ecution

5. intern :!octor 221 . ethere# : emp,re# 1. ce esti# : !eferenti# 2. e#rnest : s#cch#rine 3. f#ctious : foo h#r!, 4. o+se3uious : s,coph#ntic 5. empiric# : specu #te

222 . wise : s#"e 7A8 cr#ven : *ni"ht 7/8 eru!ite : e#!er 798 6u!icious : me!i#tor 5. propitious : men!ic#nt 0. sensu# : vo uptu#r, 224. m#u! in : !isp#ssion 1. !#unt ess : trepi!#tion

2. m#w*ish : sentiment 3. vociferous : pre!i ection 4. #vuncu #r : *inship 5. perfunctor, : #.it, 235. #non,mous : n#me 1. c#refu : me#surement 2. 3uic* : import#nce. 3. Aorm ess : sh#pe 4. L#r"e : +o!, 5. 9o orfu : hue 231. ou! : + #rin" 1. impotent : potent 2. tepi! : w#rm 3. surprisin" : shoc*in" 4. coo : c# m 5. noise : 3uiet 232. chime : 6#r 1. hu" : #+6ure 2. see* : fin! 3. in3uire : 3uestion 4. ne"oti#te : h#"" e 5. comm#n! : re3uest 233. pi "rim#"e : 6ourne, 1. hi#tus : for#, 2. cruise : ship 3. v# e!iction : #ntece!ent 4. !ivin#tion : pro"nostic#tion

5. crus#!e : p#cifism 234. pic* : c oth 1. mort#r : +ric* 2. wei"h : #nchor 798 we ! : met# 3. c#r! : woo 4. s#w : +o#r! 235. stu!ent : !ormitor, 1. curt#in : st#"e 2. prisoner : 6#i 3. # ph#+et : etter 4. shirt : c othin" 5. s*u : +r#in 230. untr#ct#+ e : m# e#+ e 7A8 e.or+it#nt : w#stefu 7/8 "re"#rious : soci#+ e B immut#+ e : ch#n"e#+ e 5. p# p#+ e : surre# 0. cu in#r, : o f#ctor, 231. or#tor, : communic#tion 1. *e, : i"nition 2. concept : p#r#"r#ph 3. !#ncin" : recre#tion 4. st# in" : convers#tion 5. cursin" : crime 232. troupe : p #,er 1. te#m : co#ch

2. sin"er : con!uctor 3. c u+ : mem+er 4. pupp, : itter 5. f ower : +u + 234. p #"i#rist : #ppropri#te 1. counterinsur"ent : mi it#ri-e 2. sentine : w#tch 3. 6ourn# ist : report 4. thief : oot 5. fe on : convict 245. +re#*f#st : !inner 1. #r* : ni"htin"# e 2. stone : woo! 3. tent : tepee 4. r#!#r : son#r 5. re# ism : r#tion# ism

Exercise 9:
241. recipe : coo*+oo* 1. etter : secret#r, 2. formu # : chemist 3. + ueprint : +ui !in" 4. m#p : #t #s 5. prescription : ph#rm#c, 242 .sonnet : iter#ture 1. rh,thm :poetr, 2. foot+# :sport 3. !#ncin" : +# et 4. rese#rch : +io o", 5. #ctin" :#ctor 243. #rrow : 3uiver 1. #ctress : #pp #use 2. "#r#"e :c#r 3. e!itori# :newsp#per 4. pisto : ho ster 5. !irt : shove 244 . per6ur, : truth 1. #ttorne, : c ient 2. tre#son : o,# t, 3. cour#"e :cow#r!ice 4. sorcer, : witchcr#ft

5. p#tience : in!ecision 245. fine :spee!in" 1. w#tch : retirin" 2. certific#te : #chievin" 3. *e, : un oc*in" 4. p#,ment :wor*in" 5. pen# t, : fou in" 240. c#pture : tr#p 1. shoot : +u s;e,e 2. st#p e : p#per c ip 3. hi!e : fence 4. "rin! : mi 5. ri!e : +ic,c e 241. chi ! : hum#n 1. +ir! : ro+in 2. !o" : pet 3. sn#*e : s ither 4. *itten :c#t 5. cow :mi * 242 .+o#t :w#*e 1. p#th :tr#i 2. thou"ht :rumin#tion 3. inspir#tion : muse 4. foot : tr#c* 5. r#i ro#! : tr#in 244 . !ir"e : mournin" 1. #ff iction : #!versit, 2. mirth : entert#inment

3. 4.

#u"hter : merriment #min#tion : funer#

5. +#ff e :soun! 255 . oi p#intin" : c#nv#s 1. etchin" : #ci! 2. vio in : +ow 3. fresco : p #ster 4. +ui !in" : #rchitecture 5. w#terco or : +rush 251. proph, #ctic : thw#rt 1. nost# "i# : simper 2. mis#nthrope : #+hor 3. penur, : remuner#te 4. neoph,te : +e"in 5. str#t#"em : +e"ui e 252. tortuous : p#ss#"e 1. he ic# : viper 2. t#citurn : ir#ter 3. serpentine : course 4. encrustin" : p#in 5. #+,rinthine : eni"m#

253.cupo # : roof 1. +r#nch : tree 2. +ui !in" : stor, 3. +ishop : scepter 4. #irp #ne : prope er 5. st#tue : pe!est#

254. thw#rt : #+et 1. unit, : *nit 2. strip : +efit 3. #cer#te : incise

4. s#vor : en6o, 5. murmur : c#terw#u 255 = #vi#r, : fe#ther 1. chic*en : coop 2. pen :-oo 3. penitenti#r, : !e in3uent 4. c#rre : #then#eum 5. #3u#rium : sc# e 250. wr#th : ir#te 77A8 s oth : s eep, 7/8 " utton, : st#rvin" 798pri!e : su en 7D8env, : cr#vin" 5. #v#rice : #c3uisitive 251 . pic* :c oth 1. mort#r : +ric* 2. wei"h : #nchor 3. we ! : met# 4. c#r! :woo 5. s#w :+o#r! 252 . tript,ch : p#ne 1. tri#n" e : h,potenuse 2. circ e :#rc

3. c#the!r# : n#ve 4. + ossom : sep# 5. cheese : +utter 254 . s#v#nn#h : ve !t 1. u cer : ec-em# 2. forest :woo! #n! 3. f#thom : #cre 4. f# con : con!or 5. tun!r# : " #cier

205. p #,er : te#m 1. oi : i3ui! 2. ine : !r#win" 3. sc# es : incre#se 4. hiss : recor!in" 5. in"re!ient : mi.ture 201 . sn#*e : repti e 1. fish :schoo 2. +eet e : insect 3. e eph#nt : #n! 4. e"" : chic*en 5. #m+ :sheep

202. e.cretion : *i!ne, 1. respir#tion : un" 2. ,mphom# : c#ncer 3. propu sion : en"ine 4. inform#tion :me!i#

5. !isinfections : so#p 203. she#rin" : woo 1. shre!!in" : p#per 2. +re#thin" : wine 3. trimmin" : he!"e 4. re#pin" : "r#in 5. we#vin" : si * 204. temerit, : trepi!#tion 1. or#tion : pu+ icit, 2. stren"th : perm#nence 3. superf uit, : necessit, 4. #.iom : confi!ence 5. in!emnit, : securit, 205 . inv#ri#+ e : ch#n"e 1. incur#+ e : !ise#se 2. unf#thom#+ e : !e#th 3. e.tr#neous : proposition 4. ineff#+ e : e.pression 5. v#rie"#te! : #ppe#r#nce 200 . counterm#n! : or!er 1. corro+or#te : !ocument 2. rest#te : c #im 3. reopen : investi"#tion 4. pre6u!ice : testimon, 5. revo*e : icense 201 . !is#rm :we#pon 1. imit :#+i ities 2. soothe : !ifficu ties

3. restr#in : movement 4. !is"uise : i!entit, 5. usurp : power. 202. contrition : penitent 1. c#ution : !river 2. specu #tion : phi osopher 3. o+stin#c, : #th ete 4. s#n"uinit, : p#rtner 5. wis!om : s#"e 204. muster : crew 1. convene : committee 2. !emo+i i-e : troops 3. !omin#te : opposition 4. cheer : te#m 5. !ismiss : 6ur, 215 .e.pe!itious : spee! 1. #stute : wis!om 2. !ecorous : improper , 3. thou"htfu : in#nit, 4. h#""#r! : stur!iness 5. port#+ e : fr#i t,

Exercise 10 :
211 . impromptu : rehe#rs# 1. pr#ctice! : techni3ue 2. m#*eshift : whim 3. offh#n! : preme!it#tion 4. " i+ : f uenc, 5. numeric# : c# cu #tion 212. !etritus : " #cier 1. th#w : snowf# 2. snow :ice c#p 3. si t :river 4. r#n"e :mount#in 5. fo i#"e :tree 213. whisper : spe#* 1. +rush : touch 2. s*ip : w# * 3. isten :he#r

4. re3uest :#s* 5. whimper : whine 214. imp#ne : 6uror 1. #ccuse : !efen!#nt 2. convict : cu prit

3. testif, : witness 4. enro : stu!ent 5. invo ve : +,st#n!er 215. si"n : -o!i#c 1. poster : +i +o#r! 2. etter :# ph#+et 3. pre!iction : prophec, 4. si"n# : +e#con 5. rh,me : # m#n#c

210 . #st : show C 7A8 cuff : trousers 7/8fin# e : curt#in 798p#ttern : " ove 7D8 +uc* e : +e t 0. str#p : s ip

211. 6u""ern#ut : ine.or#+ e 7A8 cosmon#ut : wor ! , 7/8 co ossus : "i"#ntic 798!em#"o"ue : i+er#

7D8 phi istine : cu tiv#te! 7E8!espot : imm#cu #te 212. #post#te : re i"ion 1. potent#te : *in"!om 2. tr#itor : countr, 3. +ure#ucr#t : "overnment 4. 6#i er : #w 5. te#cher : e!uc#tion 214. eu o", : + #me C 7A8 e e", : oss 7/8 s#tire : moc*er, 798tir#!e :#+use 7D8 simi e : i*eness 0. +ene!iction : curse 225 . !e#!+e#t : p#, 1. *i 6o, : #ment 2. spoi sport : refr#in 3. !#re!evi : ris* 4. !ieh#r! : 3uit 5. turnco#t : +etr#, 221 m#son : w# 1. #rtist : e#se 2. fishermen : trout 3. #uthor :+oo* 4. con"ressmen : sen#tor 5. scu ptor : m# et

222. "oose :"#n!er 1. !us* : !r#*e 2. hen : chic*en 3. sheep :f oc* 4. !o" : *enne 5. horse : +ri!e 223. c#pt#in : sho# 1. #w,er : iti"#tion 2. pi ot : r#!#r 3. so !ier :#m+ush 4. !octor : hospit# 5. corpor# : ser"e#nt 224.rout : !efe#t 1. ov#tion : #pp #use 2. triumph : f#i ure 3. "rief : oss 4. p#thw#, : ruin 5. memor, : o+ ivion 225 . !e ic#te : f#sti!ious 1. h#r!;wor*in" : !i i"ent 2. # truistic : mercen#r, 3. !emonstr#tive : effusive 4. !eceptive : f# #cious 5. + ithe : me #ncho , 220.#pocr,ph# : #uthenticit, 7A8nef#rious : wic*e!ness 7/8 !o"m#tic : #ssertiveness

798 h,pocritic# : inte"rit, 7D8 perspic#cious : !iscernment 0. !eceptive : #rtifice 221 . "u i+ e : !upe! 1. cre!i+ e : che#te! 2. c#refu : c#utione! 3. m# e#+ e : mo !e! 4. m,opic : mis e! 5. #rticu #te : si ence! 222. m#r#thon : st#min# 1. re #, :in!epen!ence 2. hur! e : preserv#tion 3. spirit : ce erit, 4. 6o" : we#ri ess 5. r#m+ e : !irectness 224 . !i!#ctic : te#ch 1. sophomoric : e#rn 2. s#tiric : moc* 3. reticent : comp #in 4. ch#otic : ru e 5. #po o"etic :!en, 245 . sh# e : "eo o"ist 1. c#t#com+s : entomo o"ist 2. #ster : +ot#nist 3. o+e is* : firemen 4. ove : phi o o"ist

5. reef : #stro o"er

241. witch : coven 1. o"re : c#st e 2. seer : prophec, 3. #ctor : troupe 4. f#ir , : spe 5. !octor : me!icine 242. s*inf int : stin", 1. !#re!evi : # ert 2. +r#""#rt : c#refree 3. + #c*"u#r! : protective 4. spen!thrift : we#* 5. !ieh#r! : stu++orn 243.perfor#te : ho es 1. spec* e : spots 2. ev#por#te : perfume 3. !ecor#te : rooms 4. fi ter : w#ter 5. repent : sins 244. +o t : f#+ric 1. oc* : *e, 2. +oo* : p#per 3. ro :fi m 4. nee! e :thre#! 5. i"ht : #mp

245. infr#ction : #w 1. interruption :continuit, 2. renov#tion : structure 3. est#+ ishment : or!er

4. en#ctment : #men!ment 5. punishment : crime 240 . #chr,mose : te#rs 1. effusive : re3uests 2. ironic : 6ests 3. morose : speeches 4. profoun! : si"ns 5. ver+ose : wor!s 241. cement : trowe 1. #wn : r#*e 2. conf #"r#tion : m#tch 3. p#int :+rush 4. f oor :po ish . 5. w# p#per : #!!er 242 . si"n#ture :i ustr#tion 1. +, ine : co umn 2. # i#s :ch#r"e 3. cre!it :purch#se 4. note ?sc# e 5. reference ?recommen!#tion 244 . re#m : w# * 1. c#rton : mi * 2. st#mmer : spe#* 3. stum+ e : f# 4. sniff :sme 5. #m+ e : stro 355. m#sthe#! : newsp#per

1. footnote : ess#,

7/8cre!its : fi m 798spine : +oo* 7D8 re#m : p#per 0. #!vertisement : m#"#-ine

Exercise 11 :
351. fr#,e! : f#+ric 1. th#we! : ice 2. renov#te! : +ui !in" 3. fr#-- e! :nerves 4. w#tere! : #wn 5. cu tiv#te! :mummer 352. h#c*ne,e! : ori"in# 1. m#ture : 6uveni e 2. trite : mor+i! 3. with!r#wn : reserve! 4. ev#sive : e usive 5. !eriv#tive : tr#!ition# 353 . #u"er : c#rpenter 1. stu!io : scu ptor 2. #w : co++er 3. se#m :se#mstress

4. cement :m#son 5. #pron :chef 354.ho++ e : w# * 1. "# op : run 2. st#mmer : spec* 3. stum+ e :f# 4. sniff : sme 5. #m+ e : stro 355. scu ptor :stone 7A8ess#,ist : wor!s 2. p#inter : turpentine 3. composer : s,mphon, 4. o""er : tim+er

5. etcher : #ci! 350. c#noni-e : s#int 1. tr#in : #th ete 2. "u#r! : !i"nit#r, 3. !eif, : sinner 4. ioni-e : ce e+rit,

5. hum#ni-e : scho #r 351 . c e#r;si"hte! : perspic#cit, 1. !#rin" : temerit, 2. reserve! : impu siveness 3. tr#nsp#rent : op#cit, 4. severe : c emenc, 5. eth#r"ic : ener",

352. incu+#tor : inf#nt

1. henhouse : chic*en 2. "reenhouse : p #nt 3. #rchive : !ocument 4. coo er : wine 5. hive : +ee 354. e usive : c#pture 1. persu#sive : convince 2. e #stic : stretch 3. he#!stron" : contro 4. sensi+ e : !eci!e 5. "u i+ e : tric* 315 . ph,si3ue : stur!, 1. inte ect : no+ e 2. punctu# it, : t#r!, 3. investment : soun! 4. f#+ric : worn 5. techni3ue : inept 311. met#phor : fi"ur#tive . 7A8 f#+ e :contempor#r, 7/8 #!#"e : p#r#!o.ic# 798precept : instructive 7D8 iron, : !r#m#tic 0. epic : iter# 312. ricochet : +u et 1. so#r : f# con 2. #im : cross+ow 3. pierce : !#rt

4. c#rom :+# 5. c#t#pu t : missi e 313 . 6u!"e : courthouse 1. c#rpenter : +ench 2. #w,er : +rief 3. #rchitect : + ueprint 4. ph,sici#n : infirm#r, 5. #n! or! : stu!io

314 . men!#cit, : honest, 1. cour#"e :cr#venness 2. truth : +e#ut, 3. cour#"e : fortitu!e 4. unsophistic#tion : in"enuousness 5. turpitu!e : !epr#vit, 315. retouch : photo"r#ph 1. h#n" : p#intin" 2. fin"er : f#+ric 3. retr#ct : st#tement 4. compose :me o!, 5. refine :st, e 310 . in!i"ent : we# th 1. contente! : h#ppiness 2. #ristocr#tic : st#ture 3. smu" : comp #cenc, 4. em#ci#te! : nourishment 5. v#rie"#te! : v#riet, 311. fo. : cunnin"

1. . !o" : p #,fu 2. h,en# : #musin" 3. +e#ver : in!ustrious. 4. Vi.en : cute . 5. 9o t : stur!, 312 . r#n"e : mount#in 1. #t #s : m#p 2. p #in : pr#irie 3. strin" :+e#!s 4. nove :short stories 5. se# : rivers 314. snic*er : !isrespect 1. whimper : imp#tience 2. chort e : " ee 3. frown : in!ifference 4. sneer : !et#chment 5. " ower : cheerfu ness 325stic* er : insist 1. mem+er : enunci#te 2. tric*ster : ris* 3. h#"" er : conce!e 4. #""#r! : out #st

5. +r#""#rt : +o#st 321. horse : corr# 1. o,ster : reef 2. !o" : mu-- e 3. sheep : f oc* 4. pi" : st,

5. !eer : st#" 322 !we : !eni-en . 1. shun :outc#st 2. inherit : heir 3. s3u#n!er : miser 4. o+e, : #utocr#t 5. p#troni-e : protD"D 323. me#n!erin" : !irectness 1. men#cin" : #m+ition 2. #ff#+ e : permissiveness 3. !i"ressive : conciseness 4. circuitous : rot#tion 5. #+ove+o#r! : openness 324 . 3uot#tion : 3uot#tion m#r*s 1. rem#r* : co on 2. sentence : perio! 3. #si!e : p#renthesis 4. c #use : semico on 7E8 inter6ection : e.c #m#tion point 325. #nnot#te : te.t 1. en#ct : #w 2. prescri+e : me!it#tion 3. c#ption : photo"r#ph 4. #+ri!"e : nove 5. censor : fi m 320 . !ru!"er, : ir*some 7A8encum+r#nce : +ur!ensome

7/8 6ourne, : we#risome 798 #m+u #nce : suspicious 7D8comp #ins : force! 7E8!isson#nce : h#rmonious 321. e ision : s, #+us 1. contr#ction : etters 2. thesis : etters 3. !i#"nosis : s,mptoms 4. # m#n#c : f#cts 5. #+#cus : num+ers 322 . stic* er : insist 1. mum+ er : enunci#te 2. stricter : ris* 3. h#"" er : conce!e 4. #""#r! : out #st .

5. +r#""#rt : +o#st 324 . !escr, : !ist#nt 1. mourn : ost 2. whisper : mute! 3. !iscern : su+t e 4. !estro, : f #"r#nt 5. entr#p : hosti e 335 . horse : corr# 1. o,ster : reef 2. !o" : mu-- e 3. sheep : f oc* 4. pi" : st,

5. !eer : st#"

Exercise 12 :
331. ine#"e : person 1. fo i#"e : tree 2. !eriv#tion : wor! 3. #!o escence : chi ! 4. tit e : +oo* 5. #n!sc#pe : portr#it

332. ph,si3ue : stur!, 1. inte ect : no+ e 2. punctu# it, : t#r!, 3. investment : soun! 4. f#+ric : worn 5. techni3ue : inept

333. in!o ent : s oth 1. wr#thfu : ire 2. #rro"#nt : #cuit, 3. covetous : eni"m# 4. " uttonous : o,# t, 5. imp#tient : #p#th, 334. ricochet : +u et 1. so#r : f# con 2. #im : cross+ow 3. pierce : !#rt 4. c#rom : +# 5. c#t#pu t : missi e 335. !un"eon : confinement 1. church : ch#pe 2. schoo : tru#nc, 3. #s, um : refu"e 4. hospit# : merc, 5. courthouse : remorse 330. hermit : "re"#rious 1. miser : penurious 2. #scetic : he!onistic 3. cow#r! : pusi #nimous 4. scho #r : iter#te 5. cr#+ : crust#ce#n 331 . n#Eve : in"Dnue 1. or!in#r, : "enius 2. vener#+ e : ce e+rit, 3. .ur+#ne : sophistic#te

4. cr#ft, : #rtis#n 5. mo!est : +r#""#rt 332 . pi"he#!e! : ,ie ! 1. 2. ionhe#rte! : retre#t i , F ivere! : f ee

3. !o""e! : pursue 4. fe#ther+r#ine! : "i"" e 5. e#" e;e,e! : !iscern 334 # #rm : tri""er 1. prison : esc#pe 2. tunne : !i" 3. crimin# : corner 4. fri"ht : # #, 5. tr#p : sprin" 341.fire : #shes 1. #cci!ent :!e #, 2. woo! : sp inters 3. w#ter : w#ves 4. re"ret : me #ncho , 5. event : memories 342.c#rpenter : s#w 1. steno"r#pher : t,pewriter 2. p#inter :+rush 3. #w,er : +rief

4. se#mstress: scissors 5. runner : sne#*ers 343. horns : +u

1. m#ne : ion 2. w#tt es : tur*e, 3. #nt ers : st#" 4. hoofs : horse 5. win"s : e#" e 344 . he met : he#! 1. pe!# : foot 2. "un : h#n! 3. +re#stp #te : chest 4. pen!#nt : nec* 5. *n#ps#c* : +#c* 345 . cit#!e : !efense 7A8 ch#pe : refreshment 7/8 "#-e+o : refu"e 798m#rin# : contemp #tion 7D8w#rehouse : stor#"e 0. r#mp#rt : supervision 340 . r#nci! : t#ste 1. tepi! :temper#ture 2. " oss, : oo* 3. r#n* : sme 4. !u cet : soun! 5. s#vor, : or!er 341 . tr,st : c #n!estine 1. reverie : !re#m, 2. #c3u#int#nceship : +rief 3. e.pect#tion : hope ess

4. " #nce : resentfu 5. 6ourne, : eisure , 342 pecc#!i o : 6uror 1. p#rish : popu #r 2. !i#"nosis : #ccur#te 3. notion : f#rfetche! 4. s3u#++ e : pett, 5. pursuit : trivi# 344 p e#! : supp i#nt 1. !isperse : rioter 2. shun : outc#st 3. revere : e !er 4. +e" : phi #nthropist 5. tr#ns #te : interpreter 355 . proof : # coho 1. henhouse : chic*en 2. "reenhouse : p #nt 3. #rchives : !ocument 4. coo er :wine 5. hive : +ee


&ntonyms are words which are opposite, or nearly opposite, in meaning. !n this section, you are given a capitali9ed word and asked to choose a word, or phrase, which is most nearly opposite in meaning to that word. *hen you are doing the antonym portion of the 85", keep in mind the prefixes, suffixes, and roots that you learned while developing your vocabulary. 5emember, however, that some words can have several meanings. :ery often the word that is most nearly opposite to the capitali9ed word is also opposite to a secondary meaning. 3any of the words you encounter in this section, and in the 85" itself, will be challenging; thus, it really is important that you maximi9e your vocabulary. *hen you read, write down words you have never seen before. /ee if you can guess at the word's meaning from the context before checking its definition in a dictionary. 1nce you have looked up that word, check it to see if it has secondary meanings<<often the 85" focuses on those secondary meanings. 2inally, look up that word in a thesaurus for possible synonyms. Your brain is like a computer. !f you know several synonyms, one may act as a trigger to remember the others. %hoosing the correct antonym while working under time pressure, as you do while taking the 85", often triggers that memory system subconsciously. 2or this reason, the more words you can substitute for a particular word, the better your chances to do well on the 85". 1ne difficulty of the antonym section, is that you cannot guess at a meaning from the context because there is no context. %onse,uently, perhaps the best tactic for working on antonyms, if you don't know what the capitali9ed word means, is to look at the list of words that follows. 1ften after eliminating those words that are either all positive or all negative, there is only one opposite. /ee the example below$ &(&/7$ &' obliterate (' send away %' meddlesome )' embarrass "' encourage !n this example, the prefix &( means away from<<a negative ,uality. The words obliterate, send away, meddlesome, and embarrass all have negative ,ualities. "ncourage -"' is the only choice with a positive connotation. &(&/7 means to destroy self<confidence; thus, the antonym would be -"'. !f you think you know a word's meaning, try making up a sentence using the capitali9ed word, and then substitute each of the words or phrases that follow to

see which is most nearly the opposite in meaning. The words used in the 85" are usually nouns, verbs, or ad=ectives. 1nce again, remember that the most nearly opposite means you are looking for the best choice from the words given. The following examples demonstrate the procedure for solving antonym ,uestions. %hoose the lettered word or phrase which is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters. 1. !5 /13"$ &' unreasonable (' absorbing %' irrupting )' petulant "' anomalous

!5 /13" means tending to bore. The word most nearly opposite is absorbing -taking one's whole attention'.The answer is -('.

4. 5"%!)!:&T"$ &' remedy (' relapse %' reproduce )' renovate "' repeat

5"%!)!:&T" means to suffer a relapse. The word most nearly opposite is remedy, which would prevent a relapse. The answer is -&'.

1. ADULA:($& 7A8 ,outh 7/8 purit, 798 +ri"htness 7D8 !efense 7E8 criticism

2. D(LA:E 7A8 procr#stin#te 7/8 contr#st 798 conc u!e 7D8 p#rticip#te 7E8 !ivert

3. GULL(/LE 7A8 incre!u ous 7/8 fic* e 798 t#nt#mount 7D8 e#s, 7E8 st, ish

4. <AGLEHH 7A8 cheerfu 7/8 consistent 798 fortun#te 7D8 consi!er#te 7E8sh#pe ,

5. G%A&D($HE 7A8 f# se 7/8 i!e# 798 prou! 7D8 simp e 7E8 function# 0. $GG$%:U&E 7A8 occ#sion# 7/8 fr#"r#nt 798 fr#"i e 7D8 #w*w#r! 7E8 ne" ecte!

1. %E:E&:(VE 7A8 for"etfu 7/8 #cceptin" 798 repetitive 7D8 #voi!in" 7E8 f#scin#tin" 2. :U%/ULE&9E 7A8 re#ction 7/8 #ppro#ch 798 impropriet, 7D8 c# m 7E8 hosti it, 4. IA&:$& 7A8 nee!, 7/8 p#ssive 798 rumore! 7D8 orient# 7E8 unch#ste 15. %U:<LEHH 7A8mercifu 7/8 m#6estic 798 mi"ht, 7D8 mi it#nt 7E8 m#.imum 11.E%%$&E$UH 7A8.#ccur#te 7/8 !i"nifie! 798curious 7D8 #+rupt 7E8 un*nown 12.9AH:(GA:($& 7A8 commen!#tion 7/8 p#tience 798"enerosit, 7D8 un!erst#tement 7E8 honest, 13. JE::(H$& 7A8 s# v#"e 7/8 su+mer"e 798 !escen! 7D8 !ece er#te 7E8 repent 14. H9U%%(L$UH 7A8 s#v#"e 7/8 sc#++, 798 !ecent 7D8 vo #ti e 7E8 m#6or

15.$/EHE 7A8 s*i fu 7/8 c#!#verous 798 c ever 7D8 unpre!ict#+ e 7E8 uci! 10./%(&DLED 7A8 e3uine 7/8 p#thetic 798 h#st, 7D8 spotte! 7E8 mi ! t#stin" 11. GE&9<A&: 7A8 !ist#nce 7/8 imminence 798 !is i*e 7D8 #ttitu!e 7E8 voi!. 12. <E%E:(9 7A8 sophist 7/8 +e iever 798 interpreter 7D8 p#cifist 7E8 owner 14. /E%A:E 7A8 "r#nt 7/8 pr#ise 798 refer 7D8 purch#se 7E8 !en, 25.L(LL(GU:(A& 7A8 !estructive 7/8 proper 798 "i"#ntic 7D8 e e"#nt 7E8 +#rren 21. DEHEG(9A/LE 7A8 steerin" 7/8 worth, of esteem 798 inevit#+ e 7D8 fe#ture ess 7E8 inc#p#+ e 22./ELL(9$HE 7A8 pe#cefu 7/8 n#v# 7D8 #musin" 7D8 pieceme# 7E8 err#nt 23. (JG$L(:(9 7A8 c#mp#i"nin" 7/8 #!vis#+ e 798 #""ressive 7D8 e"# 7D8 fortun#te 24. &E/UL$UH 7A8 st#rr, 7/8 c e#r 798 co ! 7D8 fun!#ment# 7E8 porous 25. $/L$KU) 7A8 pr#ise 7/8 rect#n" e 798 circ e 7D8 !i# o"ue 7E8 cure 20. HA&9:(J$&($UH

7A8 h,pothetic# 7/8 p# tr, 798 mercen#r, 7D8 pious 7E8 "r#tefu 21. %$:U&D(:) 7A8 promen#!e 7/8 n#ve 798 "rotes3ueness 7D8 s imness 7E8 impropriet, 22. :%EG(DA:($& 7A8 s owness 7/8 #mput#tion 798 fe#r essness 7D8 #!roitness 7E8!e#th 24. $J&(G$:E&: 7A8 we#* 7/8 !emocr#tic 798 !espotic 7D8 p#ssion#te 7E8 #te 35. (%%EVE%E&: 7A8 re #te! 7/8 mischievous 798 respective 7D8 pious 7E8 vio ent


31.9%)G:(9 7A8 tom+ i*e 7/8 futi e 798 f#mous 7D8 c#n!i! 7E8 in!ifferent 32. &$(H$JE 7A8 3uiet 7/8 !ism#,e! 798 fr#"r#nt 7D8 s eep, 7E8 in3uisitive 33.U&I(::(&G 7A8 support#+ e 7/8 ten!er 798 sheepish 7D8 tremu ous 7E8 #!e3u#te 34. GE%JEA/LE 7A8 perish#+ e 7/8 effective 798 p o!!in" 7D8 impenetr#+ e 7E8 #stin" 35. <)GE%/$LE 7A8 ve ocit, 7/8 c im#. 798 curve 7D8 un!erst#tement 7E8e.p#nsion 30. /LA&9< 7A8 + e#ch 7/8 sc#tter 798 !#r*en 7D8 #n# ,-e 7E8 su+!ivi!e 31.VA&GUA%D 7A8 re"iment 7/8 re#r 798 eche on 7D8 protection 7E8 o,# t, >?.L&3611# -&' darken -(' praise -%' abandon -)' sail -"' fly >@. 6512&#" -&' sanctify -(' desecrate -%' define -)' manifest -"' urge AB./&)!/T!% -&' happy -(' ,uaint -%' kindhearted -)' vacant -"'fortunate A1.6"5T!#&%!1C/ -&' vengeful -(' consumptive -%' superficial -)' skilled -"' advertised

A4.%Y#!%&L -&' trusting -(' effortless -%' conclusive -)' gallant -"' vertical A>. T5&)C%" -&'exhume -(' increase -%' purchase -)'extol -"' donate AA. L&C)&T15Y -&' dirtying -(' disclaiming -%' defamatory -)' inflammatory -"' debased

AD.7C331% -&' unmusical -(' scorn -%' wakefulness -)' vale -"' vestment

AE. )"(&%L" -&' progress -(' refusal -%' mas,ue -)' cowardice -"' traffic AFL1GC&%!1C/ -&' taciturn -(' sentimental -%' soporific -)' soothing -"' sedate A?. C#!36"&%7&(L" -&' fruitful -(' rampaging -%' faulty -)' pensive -"' thorough A@. /"#!L!TY -&' virility -(' lo,uaciousness -%' forgetfulness -)' youth -"' ma=ority DB./allow -&' salacious -(' ruddy -%' colorless -)' permitted -"' minimum D1.65!3 -&' informal -(' prior -%' exterior -)' private -"' cautious D4, 1(/1L"T"

-&' heated -(' desolate -%' renovated -)' frightful -"' automatic D>. &#&T7"3&T!H" -&' locate -(' deceive -%' regulate -)' radiate -"' bless DA.&#T")!LC:!&# -&' transported -(' subtle -%' isolated -)' celebrated -"' modern DD.#"8&T!1# -&' postulation -(' hypothecation -%' affirmation -)' violation -"' anticipation DE. :&L")!%T15Y -&' sad -(' collegiate -%' derivative -)' salutatory -"' promising DF. T5"3CL1C/ -&' steady -(' obese -%' young -)' healthy -"' unkempt D?. 1/T"#T&T!1C/ -&' inactive -(' unassuming -%' impolite -)' illicit -"' irrational D@.L"T7&58!% -&' convalescent -(' beautiful -%' enervating -)' invigorating -"'interrogating EB./"%CL&5 -&' vivid -(' clerical -%' punitive -)' positive -"' varying


E1.)!/&(C/" -&' crash -(' violate -%' renege -)' control -"' deceive E4.%&6&%!1C/ -&' warlike -(' cordial -%' curious -)' not specious -"' not capable E>. %"#T5!2C8&L -&' centripetal -(' ephemeral -%' lasting -)' barometric -"' algebraic

EA.L"%7"5Y -&' trust -(' compulsion -%' 9eal -)' addiction -"' purity ED. "##C! -&' hate -(' excitement -%' seriousness -)' humility -"' kindness EE. L&%75Y31/" -&' cheering -(' smooth -%' passionate -)' curt -"' tense EF. 651L!I -&' stupid -(' indifferent -%' redundant -)' livid -"' pithy E?.715T&T15Y -&' in,uiring -(' denying -%' killing -)' frantic -"' dissuading E@.%"L"5!TY -&' assurance -(' state -%' acerbity -)' delay -"' infamy FB. 85"8&5!1C/

-&' antisocial -(' anticipatory -%' glorious -)' horrendous -"' similar F1.6516!#GC!TY -&' remoteness -(' uni,ueness -%' health -)' virtue -"'simplicity F4. "I7C3" -&' decipher -(' sadden -%' integrate -)' admit -"' inter F>."I1#"5&T" -&' forge -(' accuse -%' record -)' doctor -"'reimburse FA. #"167YT" -&' veteran -('satellite -%' desperado -)' handwriting violence FD. 5"T5185&)" -&' progressing -('inclining -%'evaluating -)' concentrating -"' directing FE./&L:&8" -&' remove -(' outfit -%' burn -)' lose -"' confuse FF. ("#!/1# -&' curse -(' bachelor -%' wedding -)' orgy -"' tragedy F?.&#T!T7"/!/ -&' velocity -(' maxim -%' similarity -%' acceleration -"' reaction F@. 5"/!L!"#T -&' pungent -(' foolish -%' worthy -)' insolent -"' unyielding ?B.)!/%1#/1L&T" -&' unpre=udiced -(' thankful -%' theatrical -)' =oyous -"' prominent ?1. T5&#GC!L!TY -&' lack of sleep -(' lack of calm -%' emptiness -)' renewal -"' closenes

?4. 7&L%Y1# -&' wasteful -(' prior -%' subse,uent -%' puerile -)' martial ?>. %1H"# -&' amuse -(' treat honesty -%' prate -)' shackle -"' vilify

?A. &#&L181C/ -&' not comparable -(' not capable -%' not culpable -)' not corporeal -"' not congenial ?D."67"3"5&L -&' sensuous -(' passing -%' popular -)' distasteful -"' eternal ?E.5C))Y -&' robust -(' witty -%' wan -)' exotic -"' creative ?F."GC&#!3!TY -&' agitation -(' stirring -%' volume -)' identity -"' luster ??.L!T7" -&' stiff -(' limpid -%' facetious -)' insipid -"' vast ?@.6"5#!%!1C/ -&' practical -(' comparative -%' harmless -)' tangible -"' detailed @B.6"5T!#"#T -&' angry -('moral -%'declining -)' underhanded -"' uncomplaining

@1.7!L&5!TY -&' gloom -(' heartiness -%' weakness -)' casualty -"' paucity @4.%&T"815!%&L -&' negative -(' ironic -%' impartial -)' ,ualified -"' permanent @>."I&/6"5&T" -&' confide -(' formali9e -%' placate -)' betray -"' bargain @A."IT"3615&#"1C/ -&' rehearsed -(' hybrid -%' humiliating -)' statesmanlike -"'pictures,ue @D.1(J"%T!:" -&' indecisive -('apathetic -%' markedly inferior -)' emotionally involved -"' authoritative @E. TC5(!)

-&' clear -(' improbable -%' invariable -)' honest -"' turgid @F.:&C#T") -&' unvan,uished -(' fell -%' belittled -)' exacting -"' believed @?.L":!TY -&' bridge -(' dam -%' praise -)' blame -"' solemnity @@.7Y6"5%5!T!%&L -&' tolerant -(' false -%' extreme -)' inarticulate -"' cautious 1BB.!LLC/!:" -&' not deceptive -(' not certain -%' not obvious -)' not coherent -"' not brilliant 1B1.65"LC)" -&' interme99o -(' diva -%' aria -)'aftermath -"' duplication 1B4. TC56!TC)" -&' amplitude -('heat -%' wealth -)' virtue -"' ,uiet 1B>. C#2"!8#") -&' pretended -(' fashionable -%' wary -)'switched -"' colonial 1BA./&8&%!1C/ -&' foolish -(' bitter -%' voracious -)' veracious -"' fallacious 1BD. 8C/TY -&' calm -(' noisy -%' fragrant -)' routine -"' gloomy 1BE. #1%TC5#&L -&' harsh -('marauding -%' patrolling -)' daily -"' fallow 1BF. )&66"5

-&' unintelligent -(' untidy -%' uncertain -)' ungrateful -"' unhealthy 1B?. &3(!8C1C/ -&' salvageable -(' corresponding -%' responsible -)' clear -"' auxiliary 1B@. &3"L!15&T" -&' make slow -(' make sure -%' make young -)' make worse -"' make able 11B. )!L&T15Y -&' narrowing -(' prompt -%' enlarging -)' portentous -"' sour 111. 7"") -&' ignore -(' hope -%' overtake -)' nurture -"' depart 114. L!:!) -&' alive -(' mundane -%' positive -)' undisclosed -"' vast 11>. 5!2" -&' direct -(' scant -%' peaceful -)' grim -"'mature

11A. C#/""3LY -&' effortless -(' proper -%' conducive -)' pointed -"' informative 11D. 7&67&H&5) -&'safe -(' indifferent -%' deliberate -)' tense -"' conspiring 11E. %&56!#8 -&' rapid -(' uncritical -%' unintellectual -)' illegal -"' terse 11F. 1(L!8&T15Y -&' demanding -(' optional -%' facile -)' friendly -"' cure

11?.5"T!%"#%" -&' fatigue -(' fashion -%' treachery -)' lo,uaciousness -"' magnanimity 11@. C#"&5T7 -&' conceal -(' gnaw -%' clean -)' fling -"' react 14B. L&#8C15 -&' vitality -(' length -%' embarrassment -)' wine -"' avarice

141. 6"J15&T!:" -&' positive -(' legal -%' determining -)' delighting -"' declaiming

144. 6"56"TC&L -&' momentary -(' standard -%' serious -)' industrial -"' interpretive

14>. "C671#!1C/ -&' strident -(' lethargic -%' literary -)' significant -"' merry 14A."I%CL6&T" -&' blame -(' prevail -%' ac,uire -)' ravish -"' accumulate 14D. %&65!%!1C/ -&' satisfied -(' insured -%' photographic -)' scattered -"' steadfast 14E. &):1%&T" -&' define -(' oppose -%' remove -)' inspect -"' discern 14F.&22"%T") -&' weary -(' unfriendly -%' divine -)' unfeigned -"' slow 14?. 2&LL&%Y -&' personal philosophy -('imaginative idea -%' unconfirmed theory -)' tentative opinion -"' valid argument 14@. )!:CL8" 1. eep secret -(' evaluate by oneself -%' refine -)' restore -)' copy 1>B. (1Y%1TT -&' "xtort -(' underwrite -%' underbid -)' stipulate -"' patroni9e 1>1. adulteration -&' consternation -(' purification -%'normali9ation -)' approximation -"' re=uvenation 1>4. deposition -&' process of congealing -(' process of distilling -%' process of eroding -)' process of evolving -"' process of condensing

1>>. enervate -&' recuperate -(' resurrect -%' renovate -)' gather -"' strengthen 1>A. lo,uacious -&' tran,uil -(' skeptical -%' morose -)' taciturn -"' witty

1>D. repine -&' intensify -(' excuse -%' express =oy -)' fell sure -"' rush forward 1>E. veneration -&' derision -(' blame -%' avoidance -)' ostracism -"' defiance 1>F. inveterate -&' casual -(' public -%' satisfactory -)' trustworthy -"' sophisticated 1>? . C#)"53!#" -&' submerge -(' supersede -%' overhaul -)' under gird -"' intersperse 1>@. pertain -&' be apathetic -(' be illegitimate -%' be irrevocable -)' be incongruous -"' be irrelevant 1AB .fre,uency -&' unity -(' rarity -%' gradualness -)' persistency -"' moderation 1A1. amalgamate -&' study -(' circulate -%' reduce -)' endure -"' separate 1A4. blithe -&' conceited -(' dim -%' study -)' laconic -"' grave 1A>. polemical

-&' imitative -(' lavish -%' conciliatory -)' attractive -"' modest 1AA. precipitate -&' deliberate -(' determined -%' dissident -)' desperate -"' dividend 1AD. deference -&' aversion -(' resignation -%' suspicion -)' inattention -)' contempt 1AE.untoward -&' direct -(' decisive -%' necessary -)' favorable and anticipated 1AF.opprobrious 1. 3eretricious -(' innocuous -%' invulnerable -)' irreproachable -"' ambitious 1A?. :eritable -&' impetuous -(' pernicious -%' inefficacious -)' disastrous -"' specious 1A@.limp -&' true -(' firm -%' clear -)' stark -"' endless 1DB. global -&' local -('unusual -%' unpredictable -)' hot<heated -"' single<minded

1D1. stability -&' disparity -(' inconstancy -%' opposition -)' carelessness -"' weariness 1D4. dilate

-&' narrow -(' strengthen -%' bend -)' push -"' soften 1D>. console -&' pretend sympathy -(' reveal suffering -%' aggravate grief -)' betray -"' vilify 1DA. exculpate -&' attribute guilt -(' avoid responsibility -%' establish facts -)' control hostilities -"' show anxiety 1DD. accretion -&' ingestion of a nutrient -(' loss of the security on a loan -%' discernment of subtle differences -)' reduction in substance caused by erosion -"' sudden repulsion from an entity 1DE. cadge -&' conceal -(' influence -%' reserve -)' earn -"' favor 1DF. ab=ure -&' commingle -('arbitrate -%' espouse -)' appease -"' pardon 1D?. specious -&' unfeigned -(' significant -%' valid -)'agreeable -"' restricted 1D@.,uotidian -&' extraordinary -(' certain -%' wishful -)' secret -"' premature 1EB.adhere -&' detach -(' cleanse -%' engulf -)' incise -"' contain 1E1.unconventionally -&' perceptibility -(' inscrutability -%' imperturbability -)' fidelity to custom -"'formality of discourse 1E4. pinch

-&' important accomplishment -(' apt translation -%' abundant amount -)' opportune ac,uisition -"' unfamiliar period 1E>.outset -&' regression -(' series -%' exit -)' interruption -"' termination 1EA.rarefy 1. make less humid 4. make less opa,ue >. make more voluminous A. make more dense D. make more oily 1ED.effronbtery -&' charity -(' deference -%' simplicity -)' deceitfulness -"' stupidity 1EE. scurvy -&' completely centered -('above reproach -%' imaginative -)' valiant E. transitory 1EF. obdurate -&' complaisant -(' similar -%' commensurate -)' uncommunicative -"' transitory 1E?.aver -&' resign indignantly -(' condemn un=ustly -%' refuse -)' deny -"' resent 1E@. pith -&' insufficient attention -(' routine treatment -%' routine treatment -)' rigid formulation -"' superficial element 1FB. supine

-&' vigilant -(' flustered -%' distorted -)' brittle -"' awkward 1F1. consolidation -&' instigation -(' fragmentation -%' restriction -)' opposition -"' provocation 1F4. secure -&' infest -(' unearth -%' impart -)' implant -"' infusion 1F>. fracas -&' rapture -(' relic -%' novel predicament -)' peaceful situation -"' =ust reward 1FA. grate -&' soothe -(' gather -%' acknowledge -)' forgive -"' improve 1FD.hyperbola 1. e,uivocation -(' criticism -%' understatement -)' pessimism -"' skepticism 1FE.inerrancy -&' productivity -(' generosity -%' volubility -)' fallibility -"' plausibility 1FF.steep -&' relax -(' repulse -%' plummet -)' clarify -"' parch 1F?.recumbent -&' well fortified -(' standing up -%' lacking flexibility -)' constricted -"' alarmed 1F@. natty -&' sloppy -(' ,uiet -%' loose -)' common -"' difficult 1?B. exigent -&'unprepossessing -(' in,uisitive -%' devoted -)' absurd -"' deferrable

1?1. platitude -&' concise formulation -(' original observation -%' unsubstantiated claim -)' relevant concern -"' insincere remark 1?4. peer. -&' a complicated structure -(' an insignificant explanation -%' a subordinate person -)' an inept musician -"' an unreliable worker 1?>. synchronous -&' unusual in appearance -(' of distinct origin -%' accruing at different times -%' -)' monotonous -"' shapeless 1?A . alienate -&' reunite -(' influence -%' relieve -)' match -"' revitali9e 1?D. predestine -&' =umble -(' doubt -%' leave to chance -)' arrange incorrectly -"' defy authority 1?E. aerate -&' generate -(' create -%' elevate -)' combine water with -"' remove air from 1?F.fallow -&' abundant -(' valuable -%' necessary -)' in use -"' in demand 1??.corroborate

-&' tire -(' rival -%' deny -)' antagoni9e -"' disengage 1?@. peruse -&' glide along -(' argue against -%' strive for -)' pick up -"' glance at 1@B.seemly -&' indecorous -(' unapparent -%' disconnected -)' disingenuous -"' deleterious 1@1. tenuous

-&' substantial -(' obdurate -%' permanent -)' ubi,uitous -"' intelligible 1@4. gratuitous -&' thankless -(' warranted -%' trying -)' discreet -"' spurious 1@>. vague -&' expressive -(' felicitous -%' well defined -)' nearly perfect -"' closely matched 1@A. focus -&' diaper -(' disperse -%' link -)' activate -"' layer 1@D. prologue -&' solilo,uy -(' trilogy -%' analogue -)' dialogue -"' epilogue 1@E. disarm -&' hold close -(' put on guard -%' challenge -)' entertain -"' instruct 1@F. inflate -&' converge -(' inhibit -%' audit -)' minimi9e -"' detect 1@?. indigenous -&' thoughtful -(' ac,uired -%' redundant -)' unworthy -"' sterile

1@@. ,uell -&' foment -(' divert -%' confirm -)' convoke -"' delay 4BB.egress -&' entrance -(' decline -%' wide variation -)' inade,uate amount -"' internal movement 4B1. pied -&' delicately formed -(' precisely detailed -%' solid< colored -)' smooth -"' luminous 4B4. gainsay -&' fail -(' destroy -%' speak in support of -)' receive compensation for -%'regard with disgust 4B>. complaisance -&' churlishness -(' emptiness -%' difficulty -)' swiftness -"' vibrancy 4BA.assest -&' duty -(',ualification -%' denial -)' liability -"' instability 4BD.concur -&' expose -(' incite -%' prolong -)' dissent -"' forgive 4BE. ferrous -&' affected by rust -(' containing no iron -%' chemically insert -)' combined with water -"' permanently magneti9ed 4BF.phlegmatic -&' vivacious -(' valiant -%' arid -)' healthy -"' mature 4B?. prodigious

-&' implicit -(' slight -%' constant -)' unnecessary -"' premature 4B@. corroboration -&' weakening of utility -(' lessening of certainty -%' reduction in generality -)' implausibility -"' inade,uacy 41B. palpability -&' infertility -(' inflammability -%' intangibility -)' intractability -"' intolerability


411. alacrity -&' hesitance and reluctance -(' caution and fear -%' cynicism and skepticism -)' suspicion and doubt -"' concern and anxiety 414. mannered -&' plain -(' infantile -%' progressive -)' ignorant -"' natural 41>. dissemble -&' act conventionally -(' put together -%'appear promptly -)' behave honesty -"' obtain readily 41A.dehydrate -&' make soluble -('separate elecrolytically -%' combine with oxygen -)' saturate with water -"' expose to hydrogen 41D. loll

-&' comply readily -(' move vigorously -%' describe exactly -)' notice incidentally -"' insist strongly 41E. intrepid -&' morbid -(' forbearing -%' temperate -)' apprehensive -"' abundant 41F.precursory -&' derivative -(' ephemeral -%' original -)' essential -"' solid 41?. perennial -&' predictable -(' latent -%' engrossing -)' infertile -"' solid 41@. disparate 1. homogeneous -(' cumulative -%' invariable -)' cooperative -"' cogent 44B. fulmination -&' repetition -(' addition -%' ratification -)' praise -"' cogent 441.ebullience -&' confusion -(' pretension -%'introspection -)' absentmindedness -"' impassiveness 444. predilection -&' unwillingness to chose -(' desire to please -%' ambiguity -)' stereotype -"' propensity to dislike 44>. banal -&' faithful -(' arresting -%' inclined -)' forced -"' elaborate 44A. dominate -&' have no ability to -(' have no control over -%' be irreconcilable -)' =udge hastily -)' treat fairly 44D. facilitate

-&' hallow -(' hamper -%' hurdle -)' hide -"' hold 44E.mundane -&' sufficient -(' superior -%' exotic -)' agile -"' perfect 44F. elasticity -&' lack of spontaneity -(' lack of tension -%' lack of resilience -)' symmetry -"' permanence 44? . apprise -&' oblige -(' underrate -%' apply pressure -)' offer encouragement -"' withhold information 44@. s,ualid -&' florid -(' extraneous -%' fervid -)' abundant -"' pristine 4>B. manipulative -&' impassioned -(' lethargic -%' inept -)' guileless -"' unaltered 4>1. antipathy -&' pronounced talent -(' settled fondness -%' conciliated passion -)' cultivated nostalgia -"' sustained interest 4>4. fledge -&' seek -(' call -%' mate -)' emit -"' molt 4>>. diatribe -&' encomium -(' epitome -%' euphemism -)' epistle -"' epigram 4>A. evacuate -&' boil off -b' fill up -c' melt down -d' neutrali9e -e' spin 4>D. outlandish

-a' prolific -b' unchanging -c' conventional -d' noticeable -e' transparent 4>E. inhibitor -a' catalyst -b' acid -%' solution -)' reaction -"' compound 4>F. constrict 1. expiate -(' deviate -%' dilate -)' accelerate -"' vindicate 4>?. reportorial 1. unlikely 4. imaginative >. indecisive A. characteristic D. challenging 4>@. inveigle 1. display openly 4. re,uest directly >. initiate willingly A. advocate strongly D. contribute lavishly 4AB. tractable 1. distraught 4. irritating >. ruthless A. head strong D. la9y


4A1. inchoate 1. sensuously pleasant 4. dominantly visible >. intrinsically reasonable A. fully formed D. wildly known 4A4. perfidy 1. thoroughness 4. generosity >. gratitude A. tact D. loyalty 4A>. appropriate 1. create a void 4. rectify an error >. sanction A. surrender D. lend

4AA. begin 1. participate 4. determine >. persist A. conclude D. prevent

4AD. shun 1. seek actively 4. perform occasionally >. understand intuitively A. answer correctly D. influence easily 4AE. e,uity 1. uncleanness 4. unfairness >. unskillful ness A. unreadiness D. unfaithfulness 4AF. propagation 1. regulation 4. emulation >. extirpation A. infiltration D. revelation 4A?. presumptuous 1. delicate 4. humble >. certain A. constructive D. contemptible 4A@. vacillation 1. perpetual activity 4. rapid growth >. motionless balance

A. accurate balance D. minimal response 4DB. penchant 1. stigma 4. dishonesty >. misbelief A. grievance D. dislike 4D1. somatic 1. unitary 4. dis=ointed >. non physical A. by hand D. with effort 4D4. confound 1. specify 4. signify >. scrutini9e A. discriminate between D. coincide with 4D>. chary 1. brisk 4. bold >. untidy A. ungenerous D. unfriendly 4DA. flag

1. sustain 4. strive >. favor A. cut D. wax 4DD. flustered 1. mute 4. calm >. heavy A. ingrained D. courageous 4DE. endorse 1. provoke criticism 4. receive payment >. submit unwillingly A. oppose publicly D. perform ,uickly 4DF. expire 1. evolve 4. stabili9e >. come to life A. grow to fruition D. bring to light 4D?. metamorphosis 1. relief from strain 4. continuation without change >. cyclical motion A. dogmatic

D. utility 4D@. morose 1. overawed 4. agitate >. cherubic A. decisive D. cheerful 4EB. indelibility 1. availability 4. comprehensibility >. decidability A. erasability D. retractability 4E1. spiritual 1. eclectic 4. figurative >. ephemeral A. immoral D. corporeal 4E4. dispatch 1. serenity 4. leisureliness >. heedlessness A. irregularity D. aversion 4E>. ferment 1. solidity 4. purity

>. lucidity A. transparency D. tran,uility 4EA. facetious 1. lugubrious 4. contentious >. ingenious A. prodigious D. audacious 4ED. craven 1. indifferent 4. presumptuous >. valorous A. scrupulous D. petulant 4EE. accelerate 1. swerve 4. arouse >. dispel A. re=ect D. retard 4EF. =abber 1. tickle 4. argue >. stroke A. speak slowly D. =oke inaptly

4E?. warmonger 1. commentator 4. liaison >. lobbyist A. emissary D. pacifist 4E@. fluent 1. insensitive 4. inappropriate >. derogatory A. halting D. hypocrite 4FB. dissonance 1. concord 4. confederacy >. collusion A. consent D. contract


4F1. savant 1. flatterer 4. bore >. unlearned person

A. unprincipled D. misunderstood advisor 4F4. breach 1. garner 4. soldier >. keep silent A. move forward D. give approval 4F>. tortuous 1. enduring 4. informal >. cautious A. simplistic D. straight forward 4FA. plethora 1. vacuous ness 4. narrowness >. choice A. dearth D. confusion 4FD. posture 1. walk clumsily 4. behave naturally >. impose arbitrarily A. publici9e wildly D. explain carefully 4FE. gossamer

1. sincere 4. taciturn >. intense A. awkward D. ponderous 4FF. shallow 1. arbitrary 4. painstaking >. profound A. restive D. contrite 4F?. immune 1. toxic 4. virulent >. convalescent A. having little energy D. having no resistance 4F@. propagate 1. hesitate to =oin 4. hope to prosper >. decide to accept A. begin to falter D. fail to multiply 4?B. lull 1. pronounced interest 4. intense discussion >. speedy resolution A. increased activity

D. enhanced performance 4?1. perpetual 1. antecedent 4. coincident >. intermittent A. precipitous D. languorous 4?4. accolade 1. guarded emotion 4. scarce resource >. tempori9ation A. repercussion D. criticism 4?>. gambol 1. admit 4. plod >. ruin A. follow D. fret 4?A. refutation 1. approval 4. verification. >. &mplification A. %oncurrence D. %omputation 4?D. re,uite 1. incite 4. applaud

>. consume ,uickly A. make inhospitable D. leave unrepaid 4?E. revere 1. imitate 4. dismiss >. confuse A. profane D. disgrace 4?F. mollify 1. ire 4. commence >. abate A. oppose D. infuse 4??. impromptu 1. carefully rehearsed 4. widely recogni9ed >. narrowly focused A. purposely vague D. unwittingly funny 4?@. balloon 1. regain completely 4. decrease slowly >. respond rapidly A. survey thoroughly D. re,uest humbly

4@B. avid 1. independent 4. in,uisitive >. forgetful A. swift D. indifferent 4@1. morose 1. fast talking 4. ,uick witted >. light hearted A. casual D. charming 4@4. anomaly 1. predicted occurrence 4. temporary solution >. easy problem A. continuous process D. constant interference 4@>. neologism 1. syllogism 4. ideologism >. archaism A. paternalism D. ostracism 4@A. rarefy 1. condense 4. conceive >. consign

A. conduct D. confound 4@D. caustic 1. non flammable 4. anesthetic >. antiseptic A. convoluted D. innocuous 4@E. solvent 1. catalyst 4. detergent >. reactant A. lubricant D. precipitant 4@F. estimable 1. recalcitrant 4. mendacious >. infamous A. obstinate D. stingy 4@?. prodigality 1. disinterest 4. built >. passivity A. penury D. perfidies 4@@. toy

1. think over seriously 4. admire overtly >. use sporadically A. praise unstintingly D. covet irrationally >BB . ,uack 1. hard worker 4. true believer >. honest practitioner A. careful employee D. experienced planer


>B1. fringe -&' center -(' proximity -%' breadth -)' outlet -"' continuity

>B4. fallacious -&' safe -(' valid -%' enteric -)' diverted -"' persuasive >B>. cryptic -&' resonant -(' superficial -%' unob=ectionable -)' self explanatory

E. other< directed >BA. rent -&' in abeyance -(' occupied -%' undeserved -)' turned down -"' made hole >BD. consider -&' activate -(' infer -%' table -)' encourage -"' deter >BE. tenuous -&' finite -(' embedded -%' convinced -)' substantia -"' proximate >BF.mercurial -&' earthy -(' honest -%' thoughtful -)' clumsy -"' constant >B?.opprobrium -&' good repute -(' fair recompense -%' fidelity -)' exposure E. patience >B@. veneration -&' derision -(' blame -%'avoidance -)' ostracism -"' defiance >1B. send -&' drop -(' lift -%' attempt -)' receive -"' locate >11. interlocking -&' independent -(' internal -%' peripheral -)' se,uential E. variab >14. reflect -&' diffuse -(' polari9e -%' absorb -)' focus -"' propagate >1>. lackluster -&' necessary -(' descriptive -%' radiant -)' organi9ed

E. mature >1A. 9enith -&' shortest line -(' furthest edge -%' lowest point -)' roughest curve F. smallest surface >1D. engender -&' enumerate -(' emulate -%' exculpate -)' eradicate -"' smallest surface >1E. anomalous 1. veracious 4. precise -%' essential -)' conforming to an established rule E. proceeding in a timely fashion >1F. grievous -&' slight -(' stereo typed -%' solicitous -)' sophisticated E. sparking >1?. precipitate -&' desperate -(' determined -%' dissident -)' deliberate E. dividend >1@. prolixity -&' intense devotion -(' vehement protest -%' serious offence -)' exact measurement -"' extreme brevity >4B. disabuse -&' afflict with pain -(' lead into error -%' force into exile -)' remove from grace -"' free from obligation >41. impermeable -&' sandy -(' resilient -%' blunt -)' sticky -"' porous

>44. serrated -&' dull -(' smooth -%' random -)' fragile -"' tarnished >4>. ingrate -&' thankful person -(' polite person -%' friendly person -)' witty person -"' well educated person >4A. coalesced -&' spread rapidly -(' heated ,uickly -%' broken apart -)' uncovered E. soaked >4D. effrontery -&' skepticism -(' serenity -%' timidity -)' conformity E. !mpartiality >4E. laconic -&' styli9ed -(' unedited -%' insincere -)' verbose E. out going >4F. hegemony -&' lack of authority -(' lack of energy -%' lack of precision -)' lack of confidence -"' lack of awareness >4?.pi,ue -&' poke fun at -(' poke hope to -%' neglect -)' mollify E. demand >4@. supplicate -&' misrepresent -(' demand -%' evade -%' vacillate E. discourage

>>B. enervate -&' grant permission -(' provide assistance -%' make restitution -)' irritate -"' fortify


>>1. verisimilar -&' implausible -(' digressing -%' monotonous -)' unusual E. uni,ue >>4. flamboyant -&' competent -(' independent -%' aloof -)' subdued -"' unafraid >>>. enrich -&' deplete -(' mitigate -%' forfeit -)' extinguish E. occlude >>A. preturnaural -&' constant -(' protracted -%' factual -)' restrained E. ordinary >>D. germane -&' domestic -(' sympathies -%' controversial -)' profound E. inappropriate >>E. integrity

-&' extravagance -(' incompleteness -%' sub ordinance -)' !nsufficiency -"' opposition >>F. mendacity -&' full supp -(' loud response -%' impunity -)' truthfulness -"' peculiarity >>?. vituperate -&' restore -(' respect -%' animate -)' praise -"' intensify >>@. teetotalism -&' =ingoism -(' proclivity -%' intemperance -)' intolerance E. liberalism >AB. refulgent -&' lackluster -(' stiff -%' plodding -)' distant -"' weary >A1. propitiate -&' elate -(' pester -%' incense -)' distract -"' forgive >A4. harmony 1. dishonesty 4. indignity -%' insecurity -)' discord -"' irritation > >A>. slack -&' twisted -(' taut -%' compact -)' durable -"' shattred >AA. =ocular -&' active -(' serious -%' unknown -)' e,uable -"' destructive >AD. impede -&' assist -(' entreat -%' dislodge -)' ascribe -"' avow >AE. sap

1. fortify 4. alleviate -%' lend credence -)' hold fast -"' draw out >AF. control -&' minor variable -(' weak assumption -%' improper simulation -)' group experimented on -"' expression substituted on >A?. recondite -&' intended -(' defeated -%' widely understood -)' free dispensed E. recently discovered >A@. inimitable 1. inclined discharge 4. unwilling to complete -%' eager to advise -)' intelligible E. ordinary >DB. disinter -&' restrain -(' confiscate -%'resist -)' bury -"' fund


What are sentence completion problems? /entence completion problems test your vocabulary skills as well as your reading ability. Cnlike the reading comprehension ,uestions, which re,uire you to read long passages, these problems contain a single sentence expressing a complete idea that can be understood without any additional information. "ach sentence contains one or two blanks, indicating that one or two words are missing. You are then presented with five words or phrases, or five pairs of words or phrases if there are two blanks in the sentence. 2rom these choices, you need to select the words or phrases that fit into the blanks to best complete the sentence. To make the correct choice, you will need to be able to understand the main idea of the sentence and the logical structure of the sentence. #ext, you will need to know the definitions of the words in the answer choices. /uccessfully solving the sentence completion section of the 85" is primarily a matter of perceiving the relationships within the sentence as indicated by the presence of e,uivalents, analogies, parallel sets, contraries and lexical groups. /entence completion ,uestions are more difficult to answer than reading comprehension ,uestions, for in a sentence, the contextual field is severely limited. /olving the sentence completion section will draw on your familiarity with antonyms and synonyms, your understanding of parallel sets, and the breadth and depth of your general vocabulary. !n general, the development of your vocabulary is extremely helpful in preparation for the sentence completion problems, as well as for the entire verbal portion of the 85". !n addition to improving your vocabulary, however, there is a strategy to understanding these problems. !f you apply this strategy to figure out the type of sentence completion problem you are given, it will better enable you to select the correct choice, even if you don't necessarily know the definitions of all the words in the sentence. *e will next outline this general strategy using examples of sentence completion problems.

General Strategy for Sentence Completions

Read through the sentence and determine how the parts of the sentence are connected to each other The first step in solving a problem of this type is to read the sentence and figure out what the main idea of the sentence is. #ow, there may be more than one idea in any given sentence. !n

this case, the key is to understand how the two ideas are connected to each other. Let's look at an example.

(ecause scientific assessments of whether or not global warming is occurring have been KKKKKKK, it has been difficult to convince the public that this phenomenon is a critical problem that needs to be addressed. *hat are the ideas in this sentence+ The first part describes assessments of the occurrence of global warming. Just from this part of the sentence, we don't know what these assessments, or evaluations, figure out about global warming since this is the blank in the sentence. The second part of the sentence talks about the difficulty in convincing the public about the importance of global warming. 7ow are these two parts of the sentence connected+ &t a simple level, they are both dealing with the issue of information about global warming. oo! for !ey words The identification of key words and phrases will enable you to further determine the relationship between the ideas in the sentence. Learning these key words will help you to recogni9e the common themes of these problems on the exam -described in section !!! of this chapter'. &s we go through the four common types of these problems, we will give examples of key words and phrases for each type. (riefly, key words include words such as therefore, because, similarly, although, in contrast, etc. Let's look at the sentence again$ (ecause scientific assessments of whether or not global warming is occurring have been KKKKKKK, it has been difficult to convince the public that this phenomenon is a critical problem that needs to be addressed. The first word is .because.. *hat does this tell us+ The word .because. signals to us that the information in the first part of the sentence in some way causes the second part of the sentence. -&s we will see, this is one of the four common structures of sentence completion problems$ causation.'

"hin! of a word that would ma!e sense in the blan! *ithout even looking at the answer choices, use the information you have learned from the ideas and key words in the sentence to guess at a possible choice of word to fill the blank. !f there are two blanks, think of a word that would make sense for each one. (ecause scientific assessments of whether or not global warming is occurring have been KKKKKKK, it has been difficult to convince the public that this phenomenon is a critical problem that needs to be addressed. !n our sample sentence, the presence of the word .because. tells us that the first idea causes the second idea. *e know that something about the scientific assessments of global warming has led to a difficulty in convincing the public that warming is a

problem. *hat type of scientific assessments must these be+ They must not be believable or convincing, otherwise the public would know that this issue was important. Therefore, some appropriate words that might make sense in the blank would be words that describe the scientific studies as lacking in some way$ unpersuasive, not credible, deficient, or unbelievable. !f we again read the sentence with any of these words substituted into the blank, the sentence makes sense.

Read the answer choices and loo! for a choice that is similar in meaning to your guess word#s$ (ecause scientific assessments of whether or not global warming is occurring have been KKKKKKK, it has been difficult to convince the public that this phenomenon is a critical problem that needs to be addressed.

-&' challenging -(' well<designed -%' inconclusive -)' substantial -"' irrefutable *e are looking for an answer choice that is similar in meaning to not credible, deficient, or unbelievable. %hallenging does not seem to be related to the idea we have chosen, so we can skip over that one for now. *ell<designed is opposite to the idea we need; if the assessments were well<designed, the public would be easily convinced. !nconclusive seems to be similar to the idea we were looking for, so we can hold onto that one. "ven though this one seems to fit, always check out all the answer choices. 1ften more that one word will have the same general meaning as your guess word, and you will need to narrow it down and then choose the best<fitting word. The last two choices, substantial and irrefutable are again more opposite in meaning to our guess word so we can eliminate these two. !t is ,uite common on these problem types to find words opposite in meaning to your guess word among the answer choices.

Reread the sentence substituted with your answer choice 1nce you have narrowed it down to a particular answer choice that reflects the idea of your guess word, reread the sentence to see if the logic follows when you substitute that word into the blank. !f you have only narrowed down your choices to a few, read the sentence with each of the possible choices. 2or problems with two blanks, it is often the case that you will be able to eliminate some of the choices because the first word does not fit well into the blank and others because the second word doesn't fit. Together, you can eliminate more of the incorrect answer choices and narrow it down to the correct choice. !n this case, we had skipped over the first choice, challenging, since it did not seem to be related to our guess word. !f we substitute that into the sentence, does it make sense+ #o. The best answer is -%', inconclusive.

Summary of basic strategy for sentence completion problems%

o o

5ead the sentence and determine how the parts of the sentence are connected to each other. Learn the four main types of sentence completion problems and look for these problems on the exam. Look for key words. &gain, knowing the key words for each of the four ma=or types of sentence completion problems will enable you to recogni9e the type of sentence and ,uickly know what kind of word you need to complete the logic of the sentence. Think of a word that would make sense in the blank. )o this before even looking at the answer choices.

&ore strategies' Strategy (

The first strategy is to break the sentence down into the main clause and introductory clause or phrase in order to identify the relationship it expresses. 2or example, consider the following$ !n a hospital setting, hand washing is primarily a KKKKKKKKKKKK measure. &' prophylactic (' pseudocyetic %' protensive )' propaedeutic "' otiose The main clause declares that hand washing is primarily a measure. 7owever, preceding the declaration is a condition or constraint expressed in an introductory phrase, .a hospital setting.. This phrase sets the contextual field within which the main clause is to be understood. !f you generali9e from your knowledge, it would seem that any measure promoted in a hospital should result in good health. 1nly one of the answers would result in this. That is answer -&' in which prophylactic means .prevents disease..

Strategy )

& second strategy is to attend to sets, whether a set of synonyms or antonyms or special word groups. 2or example, consider the following$ "ven when a KKKKKKKKKKK mother was made available to the infant chimpan9ee, the infant detected the KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK and reacted with high anxiety. &' hedonistic...contrivance (' vagrant...apostasy %' veteran...ruse )' pretender...interference "' surrogate...substitution #othing in a common sense association supports the pairing of hedonistic and contrivance, vagrant and apostasy, veteran and ruse, or pretender and interference. The only set of related words is surrogate -meaning substitute' and substitution in -"', the correct answer.

Strategy *

6ay attention to the words that control the figurative field of the sentence. %onsider the following passage$ !n seventeenth<century 2rance, private and public opinion portrayed the physician as a vulture of greed, circling the sick and dying, battening off the suffering of the afflicted, and KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK the remains of his prey. &' spending (' devouring %' retreating from )' decrying "' resorbing %learly the correct answer is -(', devouring. The key words that control the figurative field are vulture, circling, and battening. 5ead the items carefully and make sure that the completed sentence is meaningful, that it makes sense. /ometimes two or three choices will seem to satisfy the necessity for meaning<based completions, but only one will ever complete the sentence meaningfully.

Exercise 1 :

1. (n the m#chine i*e wor ! of c #ssic# ph,sics= the hum#n inte ect #ppe#rs ;;;;;;= since the mech#nic# n#ture of c #ssic# ph,sics !oes not ;;;;;;cre#tive re#sonin"= the ver, #+i it, th#t h#! m#!e the formu #tion of c #ssic# princip es possi+ e.

7A8 #nom# ous..# ow for 7/8 #+str#ct..spe#* to 798 #n#chronistic..!en, 7D8 en!urin". .v# ue 7E8 contr#!ictor,..e.c u!e

2. &#tur# se ection ten!s to e imin#te "enes th#t c#use inherite! !ise#ses= #ctin" most stron" , #"#inst the most severe !ise#ses? conse3uent ,= here!it#r, !ise#ses th#t #re;;;;;;wou ! +e e.pecte! to +e ver,;;;;;;= +ut= surprisin" ,= the, #re not.

7A8 eth# ..r#re 7/8 untre#te!..!#n"erous 798 unusu# ..refr#ctor, 7D8 new..perp e.in" 7E8 wi!espre#!.. #cute

3. <er;;;;;;shou ! not +e confuse! with miser iness? #s on" #s ( h#ve *nown her= she h#s # w#,s +een wi in" to #ssist those who #re in nee!. 7A8 intemper#nce 798 #pprehension 7E8 fru"# it, 7/8 into er#nce 7D8 !iffi!ence

4. Unfortun#te ,= his !#m#"in" #tt#c*s on the r#mific#tions of the economic po ic, h#ve +een;;;;;;;+, his who ehe#rte! #ccept#nce of th#t po ic,Ls un!er ,in" #ssumptions.

7A8 supp emente! 7/8 un!ermine! 798 w#ste! 7D8 !iverte! 7E8 re!eeme!

5. Etho o"ists ##e convince! th#t m#n, #nim# s survive throu"h e#rnin"M+ut e#rnin" th#t is;;;;;;their "enetic pro"r#mmin"= e#rnin" #s thorou"h ,;;;;;;#s the most instinctive of +eh#vior# responses

7A8 superse!e! +, primitive 7/8 comp#ti+ e with tr#nsient 798 comp ement#r, to f#mi i#r 7D8 !erive! from inventive 7E8 !ict#te! +, stereot,pe!

0. Eric w#s frustr#te! +ec#use= # thou"h he w#s #!ept #t m#*in" ies soun!;;;;;;;= when te in" the truth he.......the power to m#*e himse f +e ieve!.

1. p #usi+ e . . #c*e! 2. convincin" . .he ! 798 honest. .foun! 7D8 true . .#c3uire!

7E8 o"ic# . .c #ime! 1. A w#,s circumspect= she w#s re uct#nt to m#*e 6u!"ments= +ut once #rrivin" #t # conc usion= she w#s ;;;;;;in its !efense

1. nonp usse! 2. o+se3uious 3. intr#nsi"ent 4. !eferenti# 5. ne" i"ent 2. Even thou"h formi!#+ e winters #re the norm in the D#*ot#s= m#n, peop e were unprep#re! for the ;;;;;;of the + i--#r! of 1222.

7A8 inevit#+i it, 7/8 ferocit, 798import#nce 7D8 pro+#+i it, 7E8 mi !ness

4. E#r , critics of Emi , Dic*insonLs poetr, mistoo* for simp emin!e!ness the surf#ce of #rt essness th#t in f#ct she constructe! with such;;;;;;. 7A8 #stonishment 7/8 ve.#tion 798 # usion 7D8 innocence 7E8 cunnin"

15. :he #rchitects of &ew )or*Ls e#r , s*,scr#pers= hintin" here #t # twe fth;centur, c#the!r# = there #t fifteenth;centur, p# #ce= sou"ht to e"itimi-e the cit,Ls soci# strivin"s +,;;;;;;# histor, the cit, !i! not tru ,;;;;;;.

7A8 reve# in"..!eserve 7/8 !isp #,in"..!esire 798 evo*in"..possess

7D8 preservin"..e.perience 7E8 f outin"..+e ieve

11. Jo+ f#i ure me#ns +ein" fire! from # 6o+= +ein" #s*e! to resi"n or e#vin".......to protect ,ourse f +ec#use ,ou h#! ver, stron" evi!ence th#t one of the first two w#sNN

7A8 vo unt#ri , impen!in" 7/8 #+rupt , si"nific#nt 798 *nowin" , oper#tive 7D8 un!erst#n!#+ , pertinent 7E8 eventu# , intention#

12. /io o"ists.......iso #te! oce#nic is #n!s i*e the G# #p#"os= +ec#use= in such sm# = #+or#tor,; i*e settin"s= the rich hur ,;+ur , of continent# p #nt #n! #nim# communities is re!uce! to # scientific# , ...... comp e.it,

7A8 e.p ore !iverse 7/8 !esert m#n#"e#+ e 798 e.p oit intimi!#tin" 7D8 re6ect intric#te 7E8 pri-e tr#ct#+ e

13. :he st#rt in" fin!in" th#t v#ri#tions in the r#te of the E#rthLs rot#tion !epen! to #n;;;;;;!e"ree on the we#ther h#s necessit#te! # comp ete;;;;;;of the wor !Ls time;*eepin" metho!s

7A8 une.pecte! overh#u

7/8 #nticip#te! rec# i+r#tion 798 in!etermin#te re6ection 7D8 uno+serv#+ e review 7E8 estim#te! #ccept#nce 14. (n response to the fo ies of to!#,Ls commerci# m#t po itic# wor !s= the #uthor !oes not;;;;;; inf #me in!i"n#tion= +ut r#ther;;;;;;the !et#chment #n! smooth #phoristic prose of #n ei"hteenth; centur, wit.

7A8 !isp #,..r#i s #t 7/8 re , on. .#voi!s 798 suppress..c in"s to 7D8 e.press..#ffects 7E8 resort to. .spurns

15. Un i*e other cre#tures= who #re sh#pe! #r"e , +, their;;;;;;environment= hum#n +ein"s #re pro!ucts of # cu ture #ccumu #te! over centuries= ,et one th#t is const#nt , +ein";;;;;;+, m#ssive infusions of new inform#tion from ever,where.

7A8 h#rsh..unconfirme! 7/8 surroun!in"..uphe ! 798 imme!i#te..tr#nsforme! 7D8 n#tur# ..mech#ni-e! 7E8 imite!..superse!e!

!ey %
(' a )' a *' e +' b ,' e -' a .' c /' b 0' e (1' c ((' a ()' e (*' a (+' d (,' c

exercise 2 :

4. E!ith Ih#rton sou"ht in her memoir to present herse f #s h#vin" #chieve! # h#rmonious who eness +, h#vin";;;;;;the conf ictin" e ements of her ife.

7A8 #ffirme! 7/8 hi"h i"hte!

798 reconci e! 7D8 confine! 7E8 i!entifie!

1. V#i #nt= who w#s +een p#rticu #r , intereste! in the me#ns +, which peop e #tt#in ment# he# th= seems to +e oo*in" for;;;;;;#nswers? # w#, to c ose the +oo* on #t e#st # few 3uestions #+out hum#n n#ture. 1. !efinitive 2. confuse! 3. tempor#r, 4. person# 5. !eriv#tive 1 Liter#ture is inevit#+ , #.......r#ther th#n;;;;;; me!ium for the simp e re#son th#t writers interpose their own vision +etween the re#!er #n! re# it,

7A8 !istortin" # neutr# 7/8 tr#nsp#rent #n op#3ue 798 co orfu # !r#+ 7D8 f #w ess #n ine.#ct=

7E8 f e.i+ e # ri"i!

5. Art.......science +ut th#t !ocs not me#n th#t the #rtist must # so +e # scientist #n #rtist uses the fruits of science +ut nee! not...... ie theories from which the, !erive.

7A8 prece!es #nticip#te 7/8 incorpor#tes un!erst#n! 798 tr#nscen!s #+#n!on 7D8 imit#tes repu!i#te 7E8 resem+ es contest

1. Iith its m#veric* #ppro#ch to the su+6ect= Hhere 'iteLs +oo* h#s +een more wi!e , !e+#te! th#n most? the me!i# throu"hout the countr, h#ve +rou"ht the #uthorLs.......opinions to the pu+ icLs #ttention.

7A8 controversi# 7/8 #uthorit#tive 798 popu #r 7D8 conc usive 7E8 #rticu #te

3 A thou"h their initi# #n"er h#!;;;;;;somewh#t= the, continue! to;;;;;;the c#re ess wor*er who h#! +ro*en the m#chine.

7A8 + #-e!..#ss#i

7/8 !iminishe!..#ppe#se 798 #+#te!..+er#te 7D8 su+si!e!..con!one 7E8 intensifie!..torment

5. :he notion th#t # p#r#site c#n # ter the +eh#vior of # host or"#nism is not mere fiction? in!ee!= the phenomenon is not even;;;;;;.

7A8 o+serv#+ e 7/8 re# 798 comprehen!e! 7D8 r#re 7E8 im#"in#+ e .

1. D#rwinLs metho! !i! not re# ,;;;;;;the i!e# of r#ce #s #n import#nt conceptu# c#te"or,? even the much more centr# i!e# of species w#s itt e more th#n # theoretic# ;;;;

7A8 re3uire..convenience 7/8 #pp ,..me#surement 798 e.c u!e..pr#ctice 7D8 su+sume..v# i!#tion 7E8 re6ect..f#ct

1. /, i!ios,ncr#tic# , refusin" to !ismiss #n insu+or!in#te mem+er of his st#ff= the m#n#"er not on ,;;;;;;;est#+ ishe! po ic,= +ut he # so;;;;;;his heretofore "oo! ch#nces for promotion.

7A8 institute!..+ettere!

7/8 reco"ni-e!..protecte! 798 contr#vene!..6eop#r!i-e! 7D8 reiter#te!..compute! 7E8 !e imite!..restricte!

2. 9on"ress is h#vin" "re#t !ifficu t, !eve opin" # consensus on ener", po ic,= prim#ri , +ec#use the po ic, o+6ectives of v#rious mem+ers of 9on"ress rest on such;;;;;;#ssumptions.

7A8 commonp #ce 7/8 trivi# 798 e.p icit 7D8 !iver"ent 7E8 fun!#ment#

0. J#nipu #tin" #+or#tor, tissue cu tures with hormones is one thin"? usin" hormones to tre#t hum#n +ein"s= however= is contin"ent on whether hormones th#t;;;;;;in the #+or#tor, c#n #ffect ;;;;;;or"#nisms= #n! in pre!ict#+ e w#,s.

7A8 !eve op..simi #r= 7/8 succee!..simp er 798 f#i ..ce u #r 7D8 wor*..who e 7E8 repro!uce..un*nown 5. Home p# eonto o"ists !e+#te whether the !iversit, of species h#s ;;;;;since the 9#m+ri#n perio!= or whether imperfections in the fossi recor! on , su""est "re#ter !iversit, to!#,= whi e in #ctu# it, there h#s +een either;;;;;;;or !ecre#se! !iversit,.

7A8 ch#n"e!..esc# #tion 7/8 incre#se!..st#sis 798 e.p#n!e!..!iscontinuit,

7D8 !ec ine!..re!uction 0. improve!..!evi#tion

1. :he #v#i #+i it, of o.,"en is #n essenti# MM for #nim# ife= whi e c#r+on !io.i!e is e3u# ,;;;;;;;for p #nt ife.

7A8 choice..option# 7/8 !up ic#tion..se ective 798 conversion..e.ch#n"e#+ e 7D8 con!ition..necess#r, 7E8 u.ur,..h#rmfu =

2. Gru!er, #ctu# , !r#ws #ttention to the vice it is suppose! to;;;;;;? the ver, #ct th#t for+i!s speech or prohi+its si"ht;;;;;;wh#t is hi!!en.

7A8 con!emn..!istorts 7/8 monitor..si"n# s 798 repress..!r#m#ti-es 7D8 o+vi#te..fosters 7E8 !ivu "e..conce# s

3. After thirt, ,e#rs of te evision= peop e h#ve +ecome Ospee! w#tchersO? conse3uent ,= if the c#mer# in"ers= the interest of the #u!ience;;;;;;.

7A8 +ro#!ens 7/8 +e"ins 798 v#ries 7D8 n#"s 7E8 c e#rs

key :
1. c 2. a 3. a 4. b 5. a 6. c 7. d 8. a 9. c 10. d 11. d 12. b

exercise 3 :
4. 9omp#re! m#them#tic# , to smo*in" #n! !rivin"= # most ever,thin" e se seems re #tive , ris*;free= ;;;;;;# most nothin" seems worth re"u #tin". 7A8 ,et 7/8 since 798 so 7D8 even thou"h 7E8 #s on" #s

5. (ronic# ,= 9#rverLs precision in s*etchin" ives on the e!"e of !esp#ir ensures th#t his stories wi sometimes +e re#! too n#rrow ,= much #s Dic*ensL soci# ;reformer ro e once c#use! his +ro#!er concerns to +e t;;;;;.

7A8 i"nore! 7/8 reinforce! 798 contr#!icte! 7D8 !iminishe! 7E8 !iversifie!

0 :he !emise of the ri"orous #c#!emic curricu um in hi"h schoo resu te!= in p#rt= from the pro"ressive rhetoric th#t;;;;;;the stu!, of su+6ects previous , thou"ht;;;;;;#s p#rt of schoo e#rnin".

7A8 #!voc#te!..necess#r, 7/8 enh#nce!..in!ispens#+ e 798 restricte!..impr#ctic# 7D8 un!ermine!..popu #r 7E8 s#nctione!..in#ppropri#te

0. Ihi e some see in pr#ctic# 6o*es # wish for m#ster, in mini#ture over # wor ! th#t seems ver,;;;;;;= others +e ieve th#t the 6o*esL purpose is to !isrupt= +, re!ucin" # tr#ns#ctions to;;;;; 7A8 !u+ious..confusion 7/8 !isor!er ,..s,mmetr, 798 h#rmonious..!isson#nce 7D8 unru ,..ch#os 7E8 tur+u ent..uniformit,

1. Asp#rt#me. # new #rtifici# su"#r su+stitute =(s on ,= ;;;;;;rep #cement for s#cch#rin +ec#use= un i*e s#cch#rin= it +re#*s !own #n! oses its sweetenin" ch#r#cteristics #t hi"h temper#turesP m#*in" it.......for +#*in".

7A8 #n interim..i!e# 7/8 #n #pp#rent..e.ce ent 798 # potenti# ..vers#ti e 7D8 # si"nific#nt..pro+ em#tic

7E8 # p#rti# ..unsuit#+ e

2. :r#ppe! thous#n!s of ,e#rs #"o in Ant#rctic ice= recent , !iscovere! #ir +u++ es #re.......time c#psu es fi e! with inform#tion for scientists who ch#rt the LQLstor, of the #tmosphere.

7A8 inconse3uenti# 7/8 +ro*en ; 798 verit#+ e $8 resp en!ent 7E8 impenetr#+ e

3. (n the !#, +efore the m#ss m#r*etin" of +oo*s= censorship w#s;;;;;;source of;;;;;;= which he pe! the s# e of +oo* #n! inspire! %# ph I# !o Emerson to rem#r*s. REver, +urne! +oo* en i"htens the wor !.>

7A8 # respecte!..opinion 7/8 # const#nt "ui!#nce 798 # prime .pu+hcit, 7D8 #n unnotice!..opposition 7E8 #n unpromisin"= criticism

4. (t w#s not on , the;;;;;;of "eo o"ists th#t;;;;;;e#r ierL !eve opment= of the revo ution#r, i!e# th#t the E#rthLs continents were movin" p #tes? c #ssic# ph,sicists= who cou ! not then e.p #in the mech#nism= h#! !ec #re! continent# movement impossi+ e

7A8 in!ecisiveness. .ch# en"e! 7/8 r#!ic# ism !eterre! 798 conserv#tism= hin!ere! 7D8 #ssumptions .h#stene! 7E8 resist#nce..m#n!#te!

5. A thou"h often e.treme , critic# of the me!ic# profession #s # who e= peop e #re r#re , wi in" to tre#t their person# !octors with e3u# ;;;;;;.

7A8 impetuosit,= 7/8 s#rc#sm 798 moc*er, 7D8 contempt 7E8 con!escension

0. A# to= i*e= other mo!ernists= +e ieve! th#t form fo ows function? conse3uent ,= his furniture !esi"ns #sserte! the ;;;;;of hum#n nee!s= #n! the furnitureLs form w#s;;;;;;hum#n use.

7A8 univers# it,..refine! +, 7/8 import#nce..re e"#te! to 798 r#tion# e..emph#si-e! +, 7D8 prim#c,..!etermine! +, 7E8 v#ri#+i it,..ref ecte! in

1. A;;;;;;#ccept#nce of contempor#r, forms of soci# +eh#vior h#s mis e! # few into +e ievin" th#t v# ues in conf ict with the present #"e #re for # pr#ctic# purposes;;;;;;.

7A8 c#su# ;re i#+ e 7/8 superfici# ..trench#nt 798 comp #cent..superse!e! 7D8 c#utious..re!emptive 7E8 p #intive..re!un!#nt

1. /, !ivestin" himse f of # re"# ities= the former *in";;;;;;the consi!er#tion th#t custom#ri , protects mon#rchs.

1. merite! 2. forfeite! 3. !e+#se! 4. conce# e! 5. e.ten!e!

2. A perenni# "o# in -oo o", is to infer function from;;;;;;= re #tin" the;;;;;;of #n or"#nism to its ph,sic# form #n! ce u #r or"#ni-#tion.

7A8 #"e. .#ncestr, 7/8 c #ssific#tion..#ppe#r#nce 798 si-e..movement 7D8 structure..+eh#vior 7E8 oc#tion..h#+it#t

3. :he socio o"ist respon!e! to the ch#r"e th#t her new theor, w#s;;;;;; +, pointin" out th#t it !i! not in f#ct contr#!ict #ccepte! socio o"ic# princip es.

1. +#n# 2. heretic# 3. unproven 4. comp e. 5. superfici#

4. (n!ustri# ists sei-e! economic power on , #fter in!ustr, h#!;;;;;;#"ricu ture #s theS preeminent form of pro!uction? previous , such power h#!;;;;;; #n! ownership.

7A8 s#+et#"e!.. thre#tene! 1. overt#*en.. pro!uce! 2. topp e!.. cu min#te! in 3. 6oine!.. re ie! on 4. supp #nte!.. resi!e! in

key :
1. c 2. a 3. e 4. d 5. e 6. c 7. c 8. c 9. d 10. d 11. c 12. b 13. d 14. b 15. e

exercise 4:

1. %umors= em+roi!ere! with !et#i = ive on for ,e#rs= neither !enie! nor confi= unti the, +ecome #ccepte! #s f#ct even #mon" peop e not *nown for their;;;;;;. 1. insi"ht 2. o+stin#c, 3. introspectioi 4. to er#nce 5. cre!u it, 0. &o on"er;;;;;;+, the +e ief th#t the wor ! #roun! us w#s e.press , !esi"ne! for hum#nit,= m#n, peop e tr, to fin! inte ectu# ;;;;;;for th#t ost cert#int, in #stro o", #n! in m,sticism. 7A8 s#tisfie!..re#sons 7/8 sust#ine! vsu+stitutes 798 re#ssure!..6ustific#tions 7D8 h#mpere!..e3uiv# ents 7E8 restricte!..p#r# e s 1. Geop e shou ! not +e pr#ise! for their virtue if the, #c* the ener", to +e;;;;;;? in such c#ses= "oo!ness is mere , the effect of MMM. 7A8 !epr#ve!..hesit#tion 7/8 crue ..effort essness 798 wic*e!..in!o ence 7D8 un6ust..+ore!om

4. Durin" the oper#Ls most f#mous #ri# the tempo chosen +, the orchestr#Ls con!uctor seeme! ;;;;;;= without necess#r, re #tion to wh#t h#! "one +efore.

7A8 te!ious 7/8 me o!ious 798 c#pricious 7D8 compe in" 7E8 c#utious

0. Durin" the 1405Ls #ssessments of the f#mi , shifte! rem#r*#+ ,= from "ener# en!orsement of it #s # worthwhi e= st#+ e institution to wi!e spre#!;;;;;;it #s #n oppressive #n! +#n*rupt one whose MM w#s +oth imminent #n! we come.

7A8 f i"ht from..restitution 7/8 f#scin#tion with..corruption 798 re6ection of..vo"ue 7D8 censure of..!isso ution 7E8 re in3uishment of. .#scent 1. Documentin" scienceLs;;;;;;phi osoph, wou ! +e;;;;;;= since it is # most #.iom#tic th#t m#n, phi osophers use scientific concepts #s the foun!#tions for their specu #tions.

7A8 !istrust of e ement#r, 7/8 inf uence on superf uous 798 re i#nce on in#ppropri#te 7D8 !epen!ence on !ifficu t 7E8 !ifferences from impossi+ e

2. As the first stre#m ine! c#r= the Airf ow represente! # MM in #utomotive !eve opment= #n! # thou"h its sties were;;;;;;= it h#! #n immense inf uence on #utomo+i e !esi"n.

7A8 mi estone..!is#ppointin" 7/8 +re#*throu"h..si"nific#nt 798 re"ression..unimport#nt 7D8 mis6u!"ment. .c# cu #+ e 7E8 revo ution..to er#+ e

3. Ihi e nurturin" p#rents c#n compens#te for #!versit,= co ! or inconsistent p#rents m#,;;;;;;it

7A8 e.#cer+#te 7/8 neutr# i-e 798 er#!ic#te 7D8 #me ior#te 7E8 re ieve 5. Actu# events in the histor, of ife on E#rth #re #cci!ent# in th#t #n, outcome em+o!ies 6ust one;;;;;;#mon" mi ions? ,et e#ch outcome c#n +e;;;;;;interprete!.

7A8 coinci!ence..r#n!om , 7/8 re #tionship..pre!ict#+ , 798 f#ct..re#!i , 7D8 h#ppenin"..uni3ue , 7E8 possi+i it,..r#tion# ,

0. A thou"h some of her fe ow scientists;;;;;;the unortho!o. #+or#tor, metho!o o", th#t others foun! innov#tive= un#nimous pr#ise "reete! her e.periment# resu ts: #t once pioneerin" #n! 7A8 i"nore!..untrustworth, 7/8 comp imente!..foresee#+ e 798 we come!..mun!#ne

7D8 !ecrie!..une.ception#+ e 7E8 #tt#c*e!..inconc usive 1 :his pro6ect is the first step in # on";r#n"e p #n of rese#rch whose;;;;;"o# = sti m#n, ,e#rs off is the cre#tion of # new protot,pe

1. cooper#tive 2. re#sone! 3. ori"in# 4. u tim#te 7E8 intention# 3 (n cert#in forms of !iscourse such #s the p#r#+ e= the centr# point of # mess#"e c#n +e effective , communic#te! even thou"h this point is not;;;;;;

1. preferre! 2. e.p icit 3. infer#+ e 4. !iscerne! 5. i ustr#te! 5 :he techni3ues now #v#i #+ e to ivestoc* +ree!ers wi continue to +e;;;;;;= +ut wi pro+#+ , +e;;;;;; +, new ones un!er !eve opment.

7A8 fruitfu reverse! 7/8 refine! up"r#!e! 798 inconvenient re#ssesse! 7D8 use! supp emente! 7E8 h#rm ess improve!

0 An, popu #tion incre#se +e,on! # cert#in eve necessit#tes "re#ter;;;;;;ve"et#+ e foo!s= thus= the #+i it, of # societ, to choose me#t over cere# s # w#,s #rises= in p#rt= from.......the num+er of peop e

7A8 re i#nce on rep enishin" 7/8 pro!uction of estim#tin" 798 spen!in" on conce# in" 7D8 recourse to imitin" 7E8 #ttention to v#r,in"

5. (nspire! interim responses to hitherto un*nown pro+ ems= &ew De# economic str#te"ems +ec#me .......#s # resu t of +ure#ucr#ti-#tion= their f e.i+i it, #n! #!#pt#+i it, !estro,e! +, their tr#nsform#tion into ri"i! po icies

7A8 po itici-e! 7/8 conso i!#te! 798 ossifie! 7D8 un"overn#+ e 7E8 stre#m ine!

key :
1. e 2. b 3. c 4. c 5. d

6. b 7. a 8. a 9. e 10. d 11. d 12. b 13. d 14. d 15. c

exercise 5 :
2 :he tone of J#ne 9#r , eLs etter is "u#r!e!= #n! her fee in"s #re # w#,s.......+, the wit #n! pri!e th#t m#!e ;;;;;;; p e# for s,mp#th, impossi+ e for her

7A8 m#s*e! # !irect 7/8 +o stere! # nee! ess 798 contro e! # circumspect 7D8 enh#nce! #n intention# 7E8 co ore! #n untime ,

3 Arench fo *t# es # most # w#,s t#*e p #ce within the +#sic.......th#t correspon! to the.......settin" of pe#s#nt ife on the one h#n!= the househo ! #n! vi #"e #n! on the other= the open ro#!

7A8 conte.ts hier#rchic# 7/8 structures person#

798 fr#mewor*s !u# 7D8 chrono o"ies "eneric 7E8 n#rr#tives #m+iv# ent

4 &urturin" the %o,# /# etLs #rtistic "rowth whi e preservin" its institution# st#+i it, h#s +een !ifficu t= +ec#use the c #ims of the #tter seem inesc#p#+ , to;;;;;;!eve opment= #pp#rent ,= #tt#inin" #rtistic success is simp er th#n;;;;;;it

7A8 ensure promotin" 7/8 inhi+it perpetu#tin" 798 un!ermine resurrectin" 7D8 mo!if, #ppreci#tin" 7E8 supp ement confinin"

1. (t w#s # w#r the 3ueen #n! her more pru!ent counse ors wishe! to;;;;;if the, cou ! #n! were !etermine! in #n, event to;;;;;#s on" #s possi+ e.

7A8 provo*e..!e #, 7/8 !enounce..!en, 798 insti"#te..conce# 7D8 curt#i ..promote 7E8 #voi!..postpone

2. Despite m#n, !ec#!es of rese#rch on the "#sific#tion of co# = the !#t# #ccumu #te! #re not !irect ,;;;;;;to environment# 3uestions? thus # new pro"r#m of rese#rch specific# , #!!ressin" such 3uestions is;;;;;;

7A8 #n# o"ous..promisin" 7/8 tr#nsfer#+ e..contr#!ictor, 798 #ntithetic# ..unrem#r*#+ e 7D8 #pp ic#+ e..w#rr#nte! 7E8 pertinent..unnecess#r,

5. (n their pref#ce= the co ectionLs e!itors p e#! th#t cert#in of the import#nt #rtic es the,;;;;;; were pu+ ishe! too recent , for inc usion= +ut in the c#se of m#n, such #rtic es= this;;;;;;is not v# i!.

7A8 !iscusse!..rep #cement 7/8 omitte!..e.cuse 798 revise!..c #rific#tion 7D8 !isp#r#"e!..6ustific#tion 7E8 i"nore!..en!orsement

0. :he #+or union #n! the comp#n,Ls m#n#"ement= !espite their on" histor, of unf#i in" , #cer+ic !is#"reement on ne#r , ever, issue= h#ve neverthe ess re#che! #n une.pecte! ,;;;;;;= # +eit sti tent#tive= #"reement on ne.t ,e#rLs contr#ct.

7A8 swift 7/8 onerous 798 hesit#nt 7D8 re uct#nt

7E8 conc usive 2. :hou"h m#n, me!iev# women possesse! !evotion# +oo*s th#t h#! +e on"e! to their mothers= form# written evi!ence of women +e3ue#thin" +oo*s to their !#u"hters is sc#rce= which su""ests th#t such +e3uests were;;;;;;#n! re3uire! no;;;;;;.

7A8 unse fish..r#tion# i-#tion 7/8 t#n"enti# ..#pprov# 798 custom#r,..!ocument#tion 7D8 covert..!iscretion 7E8 spurious..recor! 4. /orrowin" # cop,ri"hte! +oo* from # i+r#r, T#mounts to # form of theft.......+, entrenche! customL the cop,ri"ht ownerLs propert,= the +oot= is use! repe#te! , without.......for such use

7A8 en"en!ere!..#pp ic#tion 7/8 #nticip#te!..#c*now e!"ment 798 s#nctione!..compens#tion 7D8 provo*e!..#!6ustment 7E8 perpetr#te!..permission 0. A thou"h Hh#*espe#re receive! itt e form# e!uc#tion= scho #rship h#s in recent ,e#rs;;;;;;the view th#t he w#s.......the wor* of c #ssic# #uthors

7A8 su+st#nti#te!..unimpresse! +, 7/8 ero!e!..o+sesse! +, 798 supporte!..o+ ivious to 7D8 3uestione!..inf uence! +, 7E8 un!ermine!..unf#mi i#r with

3. :he wi!espre#! pu+ ic shoc* #t the news of the "ui t, ver!ict w#s c#use! p#rt , +, M.M news stories th#t h#!;;;;;;#c3uitt# .

7A8 sens#tion# ..con!emne! 7/8 +urie!..ur"e! 798 imp#rti# ..mentione! 7D8 +i#se!..pre!icte! 7E8 oc# ..!enounce!

4. :he i!e# i-e! p#intin"s of n#ture pro!uce! in the ei"hteenth centur, #re evi!ence th#t the me!iev# ;;;;;;n#tur# settin"s h#! +een;;;;;;;#n! th#t the out!oors now cou ! +e en6o,e! without trepi!#tion.

7A8 fe#r of..e.orcise! 7/8 concerns #+out..re"#ine! 798 #ffection for. .surmounte! 7D8 !isinterest in. .# evi#te! 7E8 enthusi#sm for. .confronte! 1. :he #stronomer #n! feminist J#ri# Jitche Ls own pro!i"ious #ctivit, #n! the vi"or of the Associ#tion for the A!v#ncement of Iomen !urin" the 1215Ls;;;;;;#n, #ssertion th#t feminism w#s;;;;;;;in th#t perio!.

7A8 e.c u!e..thrivin" 7/8 contr#!ict..prosperin" 798 perv#!e..remote

5. +uttress..!orm#nt 0. +e ie..3uiescent

4. GoeLs;;;;;;reviews of contempor#r, fiction= which often fin! "re#t merit in otherwise;;;;;;; iter#r, "ems= must m#*e us respect his critic# 6u!"ment in #!!ition to his we ;*nown iter#r, t# ent.

7A8 thorou"h..comp ete! 7/8 petu #nt..unpopu #r 798 insi"htfu ..un#ppreci#te! 7D8 enthusi#stic..#cc #ime! 7E8 h#rsh..un!eservin"

5. :he si"nific#nce of the J#"n# 9#rt# ies not in its;;;;;;provisions= +ut in its +ro#!er imp#ct: it m#!e the *in" su+6ect to the #w.

7A8 specific 7/8 revo ution#r, 798 imp icit 7D8 controversi# 7E8 finite

key :
1. a 2. c 3. b 4. e 5. d 6. b

7. a 8. c 9. c 10. e 11. d 12. a 13. e 14. c 15. a

exercise 6 :
0. Iinsor Jc9#,= the c#rtoonist= cou ! !r#w with incre!i+ e;;;;;;: his comic strip #+out Litt e &emo w#s ch#r#cteri-e! +, m#rve ous !r#ftm#nship #n! se3uencin".

7A8 sincerit, 7/8 efficienc, 7K virtuosit, 7D8 r#pi!it, 7E8 ener", 2. Hince 1213 re#ction to J#ne AustenLs nove s h#s osci #te! +etween;;;;;;#n! con!escension? +ut in "ener# #ter writers h#ve esteeme! her wor*s more hi"h , th#n !i! most of her iter#r,;;;;;;.

7A8 !ismiss# ..#!mirers 2. #!or#tion..contempor#ries 3. !is#pprov# ..re#!ers 7D8 in!ifference..fo owers 7E8 #ppro+#tion..precursors

4. Un!er ethic# "ui!e ines recent , #!opte! +, the &#tion# (nstitutes of <e# th= hum#n "enes #re to +e m#nipu #te! on , to correct !ise#ses for which;;;;;;tre#tments #re uns#tisf#ctor,.

7A8 simi #r 7/8 most 7K !#n"erous 7D8 uncommon 7/8 # tern#tive 1. :he sen#torLs reput#tion= thou"h;;;;;;+, f# se # e"#tions of miscon!uct= emer"e! from the or!e# UUUUU.

7A8 sh#*en..unsc#the! 7/8 !estro,e!..int#ct 798 !#m#"e!..imp#ire! 7D8 impu"ne!..unc e#r 7E8 t#rnishe!..su ie!

3. E.perience! emp o,ers reco"ni-e th#t +usiness stu!ents who c#n;;;;;;;!ifferent points; of view #re u tim#te , more effective #s m#n#"ers th#n #re the +ri i#nt #n! ori"in# stu!ents wtfo;;;;;;!o"m#tic# , to their own formu #tions.

7A8 !iscre!it..revert 7/8 #ssimi #te..#!here 7K impose..refer 7D8 !isre"#r!..inc ine 7E8 #!voc#te..re #te

1. &ot wishin" to #ppe#r;;;;;;;= the 6unior mem+er of the rese#rch "roup refr#ine! from;;;;;;;#n, criticism of the senior mem+ersL p #n for !ivi!in" up responsi+i it, for the entire pro6ect.

7A8 re uct#nt..ev# u#tin" 7/8 in3uisitive..offerin" 798 presumptuous..venturin" 7D8 censorious..un!ercuttin" 7E8 mor# istic..o+servin"

1. <is impertur+#+i it, in the f#ce of evi!ence in!ic#tin" his !e i+er#te fr#u! f#i e! to re#ssure supporters of his essenti# ;;;;;;? inste#!= it su""este! # t# ent for;;;;;;;th#t the, h#! never suspecte!.

7A8 cu p#+i it,.. intri"ue 7/8 wis!om..reproof 798 remorse.. o3u#cit, 7D8 pro+it,.. "ui e 7E8 com+#tiveness. . compromise

5. (f #nim# p#rents were 6u!"e! +, hum#n st#n!#r!s= the cuc*oo wou ! +e one of n#tureLs more;;;;;;; cre#tures= + ithe , #,in" its e""s in the nests of other +ir!s= #n! e#vin" the incu+#tin" Vi! nurturin" to them.

7A8 mett esome 7/8 in!ustrious 798 !omestic 7D8 #c* uster 7E8 fec* ess

4. Ie #ccepte! the theor, th#t #s peop e +ecome more in!epen!ent of one #nother= the, +e"in to fee so iso #te! #n! one , th#t free!om +ecomes;;;;;; con!ition th#t most wi see* to;;;;;;.

7A8 # perm#nent..postpone 2. # common..enter 3. # ne"#tive..esc#pe 7D8 # po itic# ..impose 7E8 #n irrep#r#+ e..#voi!

1. (n the /ritish the#ter ,oun" peop e un!er thirt,;five h#ve not h#! much;;;;;;"ettin" reco"nition onst#"e= +ut offst#"eMin the r#n*s of p #,wri"hts= !irectors= !esi"ners= #!ministr#torsMthe, h#ve most , +een re e"#te! to re #tive o+scurit,.

7A8 trou+ e 7/8 s#tisf#ction 798 curiosit, #+out 7D8 success #t 7E8 fe#r of

2.:here is somethin" ;;;;;;; #+out the w#, the +ui !in" of mon#steries pro ifer#te! in 12th centur, /#+#ri#= Ihi e in the rest of the western wor ! re i"ious #r!or w#s ;;;;; #n! church +ui !in" w#s conse3uent , !ec inin"

1. eni"m#tic: co# escin" 2. Destructive: ch#n"in" 3. (mmut#+ e: !issip#tin" 4. (ncon"ruous: Diminishin" 5. Jomentous: Diversif,in"

3. /ec#use the, h#! v#rious me#nin"s in 14th centur, +io o"ic# thou"ht= Rmech#nism R #n! Rvit# ism> ou"ht not to +e consi!ere! ;;;; terms? :hus= fin! the recent insistence th#t the terms h#! sin" e !efinitions entire ,;;;;;;;

1. Umvoc# : Erroneous 2. Gro+ em#tic : #n#chronistice 3. (ntr#ct#+ e: o+ 4. 9on"ruent: suspect 5. Ju tif#cete!: v#pi!

748 J#n, Americ#ns +e ieve th#t in!ivi!u# initi#tive optimi-e! 1245 Ws #n! see the entrepreneur #s the ;;;;; of th#t #"e

1. 9#ric#ture 2. H# v#tion 3. :hrow +#c* 4. #+err#tion 5. personific#tion

5. &either the i!e#s of phi osophers nor the pr#ctices of or!in#r, peop e c#n= +, themse ves=;;;;;; re# it,? wh#t in f#ct ch#n"es re# it,= #n! *in! es revo ution is the;;;;;;of the two.

7A8 constitute.. !iver"ence 7/8 #ffect..#im 798 tr#nsform..interp #, 7D8 preserve..con6unction 7E8 # ter..intervention

1. Emp o,ees h#! +ecome so inure! to the c#prices of top m#n#"ementLs personne po icies th#t the, "reete! the #nnouncement of # comp#n,;wi!e !ress co!e with;;;;;;.

7A8 #stonishment 7/8 imp#ssivit, 798 resentment 7D8 #pprehension 7E8 confusion

key :
1. c 2. b 3. e 4. a 5. b 6. c 7. d 8. e 9. c 10. a

11. d 12. a 13. e 14. c 15. b

exercise 7 :

0. /ro#!w#, #u!iences h#ve +ecome inure! to;;;;;;; #n! so ;MM to +e p e#se! #s to m#*e their re#!, ov#tions me#nin" ess #s #n in!ic#tor of the 3u# it, of the pro!uction +efore them.

7A8 sentiment# it,.. re uct#nt 7/8 con!escension ...!isinc ine! 798 histrionics.. un i*e , 7D8 c everness.. e#"er 7E8 me!iocrit,.. !esper#te 2. (n most &#tive Americ#n cu tures= #n #rtic e use! in pr#,er or ritu# is m#!e with e.tr#or!in#r, #ttention to #n! richness of !et#i : it is !ecor#te! more ;;;;;;;th#n # simi #r #rtic e inten!e! for;;;;;;;use.

7A8 !e ic#te ,.. voc#tion# 7/8 co orfu ,.. festive

798 cre#tive ,.. re i"ious 7D8 su+t ,.. commerci# 7E8 #vish ,.. ever,!#, 4. Areu! !erive! ps,cho#n# ,tic *now e!"e of chi !hoo! in!irect ,: he;;;;;;chi !hoo! processes from #!u t;;;;;;;. 1. reconstructe!.. memor, 2. con!one!.. e.perience 3. incorpor#te!.. +eh#vior 4. re e#se!.. monoton, 5. inferre!.. #nticip#tion 1. :he commission critici-e! the e"is #ture for m#*in" co e"e #tten!#nce !epen!ent on the #+i it, to p#,= ch#r"in" th#t= #s # resu t= hun!re!s of 3u# ifie! ,oun" peop e wou ! +e;;;;;;; further e!uc#tion.

7A8 entit e! to 7/8 strivin" for 798 !eprive! of 7D8 unintereste! in 7E8 p#rticip#tin" in

1. :he !iscover, th#t= friction e.c u!e!= # +o!ies f# #t the s#me r#te is so Himp e to st#te #n! to "r#sp th#t there is # ten!enc, to;;;;;;its si"nific#nce.

7A8 un!err#te 7/8 contro 798 re#ssess 7D8 pr#iseL 7E8 e imin#te

1. (n recent !ec#!es the i!e# th#t 9D-#nne inf uence!

9u+ism h#s +een c#u"ht in the;;;;;;;+etween #rt histori#ns who cre!it /r#3ue with its invention #n! those who;;;;;;Gic#sso.

7A8 crossfire .tout 7/8 interp #,.. #!voc#te 798 p#r#!o... prefer 7D8 !e i+er#tion.=. #ttri+ute 7E8 tuss e.. su+stitute

3 &otin" th#t few emp o,ees showe! #n,.......for comp ,in" with the corpor#tionLs new s#fet, re"u #tions= Geterson w#s force! to conc u!e th#t #ccept#nce of the re"u #tions wou ! +e;;;;;;= #t +est.

7A8 #ptitu!e.. un#voi!#+ e 7/8 re"#r!.. in!etermin#te 2. respect.. ne"oti#+ e 3. p#tience.. imminent 7E8 enthusi#sm.. "ru!"in" 0. A thou"h scientists c #im th#t the seemin" ,;;;;;; #n"u#"e of their reports is more precise th#n the fi"ur#tive #n"u#"e of fiction= the #n"u#"e of science= i*e # #n"u#"e= is inherent ,;;;;;;.

7A8=orn#ment# .. su+t e 7/8 uni!imension# . .uninte i"i+ e 798 s,m+o ic.. comp e.

7D8 iter# .. # usive 7E8 su+6ective met#phoric# ;

3. HcientistsL pristine reput#tion #s !evotees of the !isintereste! pursuit of truth h#s +een;;;;;;+, recent evi!ence th#t some scientists h#ve !e i+er#te , ;;;;;;e.periment# resu ts to further their own c#reers.

7A8 reinforce!.. pu+ ishe! 7/8 v# i!#te!.. suppresse! 798 e.termin#te!.. rep ic#te! 7D8 compromise!. .f#+ric#te! 7E8 resuscit#te!.. ch# en"e!

5. A w#r= even if fou"ht for in!ivi!u# i+ert, #n! !emocr#tic ri"hts= usu# , re3uires th#t these princip es +e;;;;;;= for the, #re;;;;;;the re"iment#tion #n! !iscip ine necess#r, for mi it#r, efficienc,.

7A8 espouse!.. contr#r, to 7/8 suppresse!.. fu fi e! throu"h 798 suspen!e!.. incomp#ti+ e with 7D8 fo owe!. !isruptive of 7E8 re6ecte!. (nherentin

2. (n #n #"e without r#!io or recor!in"s= #n #"e;;;;;;+, print= fiction "#ine! its "re#test #scen!#nc,.

7A8 !ecim#te!L 7/8 !eni"r#te! 798 !omin#te! 7D8 emph#si-e! 7E8 resurrecte! 4. A thou"h JohnsonLs #n! HmithLs initi# f#scin#tion with the fortunes of those 6oc*e,in" for power in the #w firm;;;;;;;#fter # few months= the two p#i! sufficient #ttention to !etermine who their unch p#rtners shou ! +e.

7A8 revive! 7/8 emer"e! 798 intensifie! 7D8 <#""e! 7E8 persiste!

0. :o test the;;;;;;of +orrowin" from one fie ! of stu!, to enrich #nother= simp , investi"#te the e.tent to which terms from .the one m#,= without forcin"= +e;;;;;;the other.

1. ris*..confuse! with 2. univers# it,.. #pp ie! to 798 !ecorum.. i umin#te! +, 7D8 r#te...superse!e! +, 7E8 effic#c, ..uti i-e! +,

1. :he En" ish= nove ist Ii i#m :h#c*er#, consi!ere! the cu t of the crimin# so !#n"erous th#t he critici-e! Dic*ensL $ iver :wist for m#*in" the ch#r#cters in the thievesL *itchen so;;;;;;;.

1. thre#tenin" 2. rivetin" 3. connivin" 4. fe#rsome 5. irrit#tin" 1. A thou"h the fee!in" #ctivities of wh# es #n! w# ruses "ive the se#f oor of the /erin" Hhe f # !ev#st#te! #ppe#r#nce= these #ctivities seem to +e #ctu# ,;;;;;;to the #re#=;;;;;;its pro!uctivit,.

7A8 !estructive.. counter+# #ncin" 7/8 reh#+i it#tiveX .!iminishin" 798 +enefici# .. enh#ncin" 7D8 !etriment# .. re!irectin" 7E8 superf uous.. encum+erin"

key :
1. e 2. e 3. a 4. c 5. a 6. a 7. b

8. d 9. d 10. c 11. c 12. d 13. e 14. b 15. c

exercise 8 :

1.A thou"h.#!o escent m#tur#tion# #n! !eve opment# st#tes occur in #n or!er , se3uence= the,Yre timin";;;;;;with re"#r! to onset #n! !ur#tion.

7A8 huts 7/8 v#ries 798 f# ters 7D8 #cce er#tes 7E8 !win! es

2. J#n, of the e#r iest co oni# houses th#t #re sti st#n!in" h#ve +een so mo!ifie! #n! en #r"e! th#t the;;;;;;!esi"n is no on"er;;;;;;.

1. pertinent.. re ev#nt 2. inten!e!.. necess#r, 3. em+e ishe!.. #ttr#ctive 4. #ppropri#te.. #pp ic#+ e

5. initi# . . !iscerni+ e

3.Ihi e the !e e"#te c e#r , sou"ht to;;;;;;the optimism th#t h#s emer"e! recent ,= she stoppe! short ;f su""estin" th#t the conference w#s ne#r co #pse #n! mi"ht pro!uce nothin" of si"nific#nce.

A8 su+st#nti#te 7/8 !#mpen 798 encour#"e 7D8 e uci!#te 7E8 re*in! e 0. :he poet I. <. Au!en +e ieve! th#t the "re#test poets of his #"e were # most necess#ri , irrespon;si+1 v th#t the possession of "re#t "ifts;;;;;;the ;;;;;;to #+use them.

7A8 ne"#tes.. tempt#tion 7/8 contro s.. reso ution 798 en"en!ers.. propensit, 7D8 tempers. .proc ivit, 7E8 o+vi#tes.. inc in#tion

1. :he se f;import#nt c#nt of musico o"ists on recor! 6#c*ets often su""ests th#t true #ppreci#tion of the music is #n;;;;;;process c ose! to the uniniti#te! istener= however enthusi#stic.

7A8 unre i#+ e 7/8 #rc#ne 798 #rro"#nt 7D8 e ement#r, 7E8 intuitive

1. Hoci# scientists h#ve est#+ ishe! f#ir , c e#r;cut ;;;;;;; th#t !escri+e the #ppropri#te +eh#vior of chi !ren #n! #!u ts= +ut there seems to +e ;;;;;;; #+out wh#t constitutes #ppropri#te +eh#vior for #!o escents.

7A8 functions.. ri"i!it, 7/8 estim#tes.. in!irectness 798 norms.. confusion 7D8 re"u #tions.. cert#int, 7E8 stu!ies.. mis#pprehension

2. As on" #s n#tions c#nnot themse ves #ccumu #te enou"h ph,sic# power to !omin#te # others= the, must !epen! on;;;;;;.

7A8 # ies 7/8 resources 798 free!om 7D8 e!uc#tion 7E8 se f;!etermin#tion

3. <#vin" no sense of mor# o+ i"#tion= Hhip er w#s #s itt e su+6ect to the;;;;;;; of conscience #fter he #cte! #s he w#s motiv#te! +, its;;;;;;;+efore= he #cte!.

7A8 rew#r!s.. ch#stisement 7/8 +# m.. e o3uence 798 repro#ches.. promptin"s 7D8 ri!icu e.: # ure 7E8 3u# ms.. #tonement 1. An, #n"u#"e is # conspir#c, #"#inst e.perience in the sense th#t it is # co ective #ttempt to;;;;;;; e.perience +, re!ucin" it into !iscrete p#rce s.

7A8= e.tr#po #te 7/8 tr#nscri+e 798 comp ic#te 7D8 #mp if, 7E8 m#n#"e

4. Areu! !erive! ps,cho#n# ,tic *now e!"e of chi !hoo! in!irect ,: he;;;;;;chi !hoo! processes from #!u t;;;;;;;. 0. reconstructe!.. memor, 1. con!one!.. e.perience 2. incorpor#te!.. +eh#vior 4. re e#se!.. monoton, 15. inferre!.. #nticip#tion 3. Ihi e she initi# , suffere! the f#te of m#n, pioneersMthe incomprehension of her co e#"uesM octo"en#ri#n &o+e #ure#te /#r+#r# Jc9 intoc* h#s ive! to;;;;;;;the triumph of her once;;;;;;; scientific theories.

7A8 !escr,.. innov#tive 7/8 re"ret. .insi"nific#nt 798 perpetu#te.. tent#tive 7D8 en6o,.. #uthorit#tive 7E8 s#vor.. hetero!o. 3. Ie re# i-e! th#t John w#s sti ,oun" #n! impression#+ e= +ut were neverthe ess surprise! #t his;;;;;;.

7A8 n#ivetD 7/8 o+stin#te ness 7K !ecisiveness 7D8 in"eniousness 7E8 reso ve

4. A thou"h Jount H#int <e ens h#s +een more !urin" the #st 4=555 ,e#rs th#n #n, other Vo c#no in the coterminous Unite! Ht#tes= its on" !orm#nc, +efore its recent eruption;;;;;;its vio ent= n#ture.

7A8 #we;inspirin".. restr#ine! 7/8 "#seous.. confirme!

798 e.p osive.. +e ie! 7D8 f#mi i#r.. mo!er#te!L 7E8 vo #ti e.. su""este!

5. 9h#n"es of f#shion #n! pu+ ic t#ste #re often;;;;;; #n! resist#nt to #n# ,sis= #n! ,et the, #re #mon" the most;;;;;;"#u"es of the st#te of the pu+ icLs co ective consciousness.

7A8 tr#nsp#rent.. usefu 7/8 ephemer# .. sensitive 798 f#!!ish.. un!eruti i-e! 7D8 #r+itr#r,.. pro+ em#tic 7E8 perm#nent.. re i#+ e 0. Amon" the m#n,;;;;;;of the pro6ect= e.pense c#nnot +e num+ere!? the "o# s of the pro6ectLs promoters c#n +e #chieve! with impressive;;;;;;.

7A8 hi"h i"hts.. efficienc, 7/8 fe#tures.. s#vin"s 798 !is#!v#nt#"es.. innov#tion 7D8 c #ims.. spee! 7E8 !efects.. econom,

key :
1. b 2. e 3. b

4. c 5. b 6. c 7. a 8. c 9. e 10. a 11. e 12. a 13. c 14. b 15. e

exercise 9 :
1. :hou"h science is often im#"ine! #s #;;;;;;e.p or#tion of e.tern# re# it,= scientists #re no !ifferent from #n,one e se: the, #re;;;;;;hum#n +ein"s enmeshe! in # we+ of person# #n! soci# circumst#nces.

7A8 fervent.. vu ner#+ e 7/8 neutr# .. r#tion# 798 p#inst#*in".. c#re ess 7D8 !isintereste!.. p#ssion#te 7AZ 9#utious !,n#mic

2 :heir mutu# te#min" seeme!.......= +ut n f#ct it ;;;;;;# on";st#n!in" hosti it,.

7A8 #im ess pro!uce! 7/8 frien! , m#s*e! 798 p #,fu = contr#vene! 3. +itter= reve# e! 4. c ever.. #verte!

4. (t h#s +een #r"ue! th#t po itics #s;;;;;;= wh#tever its tr#nscen!ent# c #ims= h#s # w#,s +een the s,stem#tic or"#ni-#tion of common h#tre!s.

7A8 # theor, 7/8 #n i!e# 798 # pr#ctice 7D8 #.contest 7E8 #n eni"m# 5. (n m#n, science fiction fi ms= the opposition of "oo! #n! evi is portr#,e! #s #;;;;;;+etween techno o",= which is;;;;;;= #n! .the err#nt wi of # !epr#ve! inte ectu# .

7A8 Ausion.. Usefu 7/8 Htru"" e.. Dehum#ni-in"

798 G#r# e .. Unfettere! 7D8 9onf ict.. /eneficent 7E8 Himi #rit,.. J# evo ent 0. :he current pench#nt for;;;;;;# pro!uct +, !ent;"r#tin" # riv# = n#me! in the #!vertisement +, +r#n! n#me= seems somewh#t;;;;;;: suppose the consumer remem+ers on , the riv# Ls n#meP

7A8 critici-in"..inefficient 7/8 toutin"..foo h#r!, 798 enh#ncin"..insipi! 7D8 ev# u#tin"..cum+ersome 7E8 f #untin".."u i+ e

2. An institution concerne! #+out its reput#tion is #t the merc, of the #ctions of its mem+ers= +ec#use the mis!ee!s of in!ivi!u# s #re often use! to;;;;;;the institutions of which the, #re # p#rt.

7A8 reform 7/8 coerce 798 honor 7D8 !iscre!it 7E8 intimi!#te

3. Hince m#n, c#su# smo*ers !eve op un" c#ncer #n! m#n,;;;;;;;smo*ers !o not= scientists +e ieve th#t in!ivi!u# s !iffer in their;;;;;;;;the c#ncer;c#usin" #"ents *nown to +e present in ci"#rette smo*e.

7A8 he#v,..suscepti+i it, to 7/8 chronic..concern #+out 798 h#+itu# ..pro.imit, to

7D8 !evote!..re i#nce upon 7E8 re"u #r..e.posure to

0. :here h#s +een # ten!enc, #mon" #rt histori#ns not so much to revise #s to e imin#te the concept of the %en#iss#nceMto;;;;;;not on , its uni3ueness= +ut its ver, e.istence.

7A8 e.p #in 7/8 e.to 798 tr#nsmute 7D8 re"ret 7E8 contest 1. :he #ctu# ;;;;;;of Ii sonLs position w#s # w#,s ;M +, his refus# to compromise #fter h#vin" initi# , #"ree! to ne"oti#te # sett ement.

7A8 outcome..foresh#!owe! 2. o"ic..enh#nce! 3. ri"i!it,..+etr#,e! 7D8 uncert#int,..# evi#te! 7E8 cow#r!ice..hi"h i"hte!

5. (t w#s her view th#t the countr,Ls pro+ ems h#! +een;;;;;;+, forei"n technocr#ts= so th#t to invite them to come +#c* wou ! +e counterpro!uctive.

7A8 foreseen 7/8 #tt#c*e! 7K #scert#ine! 7D8 e.#cer+#te! 7E8 #n# ,-e!

3. :hen #re= #s ,et= no ve"et#tion t,pes or ecos,stems whose stu!, h#s +een;;;;;;;to the e.tent th#t the, no on"er MM eco o"ists.

7A8 perfecte!..hin!er

2. e.h#uste!..interest 3. pro[on"e!..re3uire 7D8 prevente!..ch# en"e 7E8 !e #,e!..+enefit 4. &onvio ent !emonstr#tions often cre#te such tensions th#t # communit, th#t h#s const#nt , refuse! to;;;;;;its in6ustices is force! to correct them: the in6ustices c#n no on"er +e MM=

2. #c*now e!"e..i"nore! 3. !ecre#se..verifie! 4. to er#te..#ccept 5. e!#!!ress..e imin#te! 0. e.p #in..!iscusse!

2 :his poetr, is not;;;;;;? it is more i*e , to #ppe# to #n intern#tion# #u!ience th#n is poetr, with strict , re"ion# themes.

7A8 f#mi i#r 7/8 !emocr#tic 798 technic# 7D8 comp e. 7E8 provinci#

key :
1. d 2. d 3. e 4. b 5. c 6. d 7. b 8. d

9. a 10. e 11. c 12. d 13. b 14. a 15. b


)ou wi h#ve two to four re#!in" comprehension p#ss#"es= with # tot# of si. to ten 3uestions. %e#!in" comprehension 3uestions "ener# , !onLt #ppe#r unti #+out 3uestions ei"ht to twe ve. G%E re#!in" comprehension is un i*e #n, other re#!in" ,ou !o. :herefore= ,ou shou ! not #ppro#ch it in the w#, ,ou #ppro#ch other re#!in". E:H p#ss#"es #re poor , written= +ut not on purpose. DonLt oo* for hi!!en me#nin"s in the "r#mm#tic# #n! st, istic errors. Aor"et #+out Ocomprehension.O $n the G%E= ,ou re#! for one re#son on ,: to e#rn points. (f ,ou c#n #ccept this f#ct= ,ouL +e f#r= f#r #he#!. DonLt even tr, to re#! the who e

p#ss#"e= 6ust "et #n i!e# wh#t e#ch p#r#"r#ph is #+out #n! wh#t the m#in i!e# of the who e p#ss#"e is. DonLt "et +o""e! !own in use ess !et#i s th#t m#, not even +e consi!ere! in the 3uestions.

$ut ine the p#ss#"e: %e#! the first sentence #n! #st sentence of e#ch p#r#"r#ph. $n ,our scr#p p#per= 6ot !own # few notes for e#ch p#r#"r#ph= then write !own the m#in i!e#. :his is wh#t we c# out inin". /e sure to num+er the p#r#"r#phs in ,our notes. Aor e.#mp e: "1st paragraph: greenhouse gases and greenhouse effect introduced" "2nd paragraph: greenhouse gases affected by humans, and CFC/ozone example" "3rd paragraph: 2 possible results of greenhouse effect"

Ihen ,ou s*im #n! summ#ri-e # p#ss#"e= ,ou shou ! oo* for the +i" themes #n! m#in i!e#s #n! s*im over the !et#i s. )ou shou !nLt Ospee! re#!.O :h#t is= ,ou shou ! s ow !own for the import#nt stuff #n! spee! up for the !et#i s. :here #re two t,pes of G%E re#!in" p#ss#"es: science #n! non;science. Hcience p#ss#"es m#, !e# with either the Oh#r! f#ctsO of some p#rticu #r science or with # OsoftO topic= such #s the histor, of science. &on;science p#ss#"es wi !e# with either # topic re #te! to the hum#nities or # topic re #te! to the soci# sciences. Use common sense. )ou wonLt fin! # p#ss#"e #r"uin" th#t iter#ture is stupi!= or th#t histor, !oesnLt m#tter= or th#t the moon is m#!e of "reen cheese. As # resu t= ,ou wi often +e #+ e to e imin#te #nswer choices simp , +ec#use the f#cts or opinions the, represent cou !nLt possi+ , +e foun! in E:H re#!in" p#ss#"es. <owever= # the inform#tion th#t wi e#! to the correct #nswer wi # w#,s +e foun! in the p#ss#"e. :his is # tre#sure hunt? oo* to the p#ss#"e for the #nswers. 9orrect #nswers wi # w#,s +e po itic# , correct. Authors of p#ss#"es wi never s#, ne"#tive thin"s #+out other peop e= "roups of peop e or i!e#s. (f the #nswer choice s#,s th#t the purpose of # p#ss#"e is Oto !emonstr#te the inte ectu# !ishonest, of our foun!in" f#thers=O ,ou c#n s#fe , e imin#te it without even re#!in" the p#ss#"e. 9orrect #nswers wi never +e too ne"#tive= too e.treme= irresponsi+ e or irr#tion# . E imin#te #n, #nswers th#t fit this c#te"or,. E imin#te !isput#+ e st#tements. E:HLs #nswer wi +e in!isput#+ e. :he e#siest w#, to fin! this #nswer is to focus ,our #ttention on !isput#+ e choices #n! use process;of; e imin#tion #""ressive , to e imin#te #s m#n, of them #s possi+ e:

9ert#in wor!s m#*e choices hi"h , specific #n! therefore e#s, to !ispute;;must= e#ch= ever,= # = wi tot# ,= # w#,s= no. 9ert#in wor!s m#*e choices ver, "ener# #n! therefore !ifficu t to !ispute;;m#,= c#n= some= most= sometimes. V#"ue= "ener# choices wonLt # w#,s +e E:HLs #nswer= +ut E:HLs #nswer wi # w#,s +e in!isput#+ e. (f # st#tement s#,s th#t somethin" is sometimes true= ,ou on , nee! to fin! one e.#mp e to prove it correct.

Avoi! !irect repetitions. E:HLs #nswer wi # most # w#,s +e # p#r#phr#se= not # !irect repetition. :he more c ose , # choice resem+ es # su+st#nti# p#rt of the p#ss#"e= the ess i*e , the choice is to +e E:HLs #nswer. :heme 3uestions= tone 3uestions= #n! or"#ni-#tion# 3uestions #re # "ener# 3uestions. )ou shou ! +e #+ e to #nswer them without oo*in" +#c* #t the p#ss#"e. E.p icit 3uestions= inferenti# 3uestions= #n! iter#r,;techni3ue 3uestions #re # specific 3uestions. )ouL nee! to refer +#c* to the p#ss#"e to #nswer them. J#n,= m#n, stu!ents m#*e c#re ess mist#*es on LEAH:SE\9EG:S&$: 3uestions. /e c#refu X %emem+er= ,ou #re oo*in" for the one dumb #nswer #mon" the choices. :rip e trueSf# se 3uestions #re time;consumin" #n! !ifficu t. G$E wi improve ,our "uessin" o!!s !r#m#tic# ,.

Exercise 1 :
Instructions : Each passage in this group is followed by questions based on its content After reading a passage, choose the best answer to each question Answer all questions following a passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage


(n the e#r , 1455Ls= histori#ns who stu!ie! pre in!ustri# Europe 7which we m#, !efine here #s Europe in the perio! from rou"h , 1355 to 12558 +e"#n= for the first time in #r"e num+ers= to inves;

758 ti"#te more of the pre in!ustri# Europe#n popu #tion th#n the 2 or 3 percent who comprise! the po itic# #n! soci# e ite: the *in"s= "ener# s= 6u!"es= no+ es= +ishops== #n! oc# m#"n#tes who h#! hitherto usu# , fi e! histor, +oo*s. $ne !ifficu t,= 7158 however= w#s th#t few of the rem#inin" 41 percent recor!e! their thou"hts or h#!= them chronic e! +, contempor#ries. A#ce! with thisL situ#tion= m#n, histori#ns +#se! their investi"#tions on the on , recor!s th#t seeme! to e.ist: +irth= m#rri#"e= #n! 7158 !e#th recor!s. As # resu t= much of the e#r , wor* on the none ite w#s #ri! ,. st#tistic# in n#ture? re!ucin" the v#st m#6orit, of the popu #tion to # set of num+ers w#s h#r! , more en i"htenin" th#n i"norin" them # to"ether. <istori#ns sti !i! not 7258 *now wh#t these peop e thou"ht or fe t. $ne w#, out of this !i emm# w#s to turn to the recor!s of e"# courts= for here the voices of the none ite c#n most often +e he#r!= #s witnesses= p #intiffs= #n! !efen!#nts. :hese !ocuments h#ve 7258 #cte! #s O# point of entr, into the ment# wor ! of the poor.O <istori#ns such #s Le %o, L#!urie h#ve use! the !ocuments to e.tr#ct c#se histories= which h#ve i umin#te! the #ttitu!es of !ifferent soci# "roups 7these #ttitu!es inc u!e= +ut #re not confine! 7358 to= #ttitu!es tow#r! crime #n! the #w #n! h#ve reve# e! how the #uthorities #!ministere! 6ustice. (t h#s +een societies th#t h#ve h#! # !eve ope! po ice s,stem #n! pr#ctice! %om#n #w= with its written !epositions= whose court recor!s h#ve ,ie !e! the 7358 most !#t# to histori#ns. (n An" o;H#.on countries h#r! , #n, of these +enefits o+t#in= +ut it h#s sti +een possi+ e to " e#n inform#tion from the stu!, of e"# !ocuments. :he e.tr#ction of c#se histories is not= however= 7458 the on , use to which court recor!s m#, +e put. <istori#ns who stu!, pre in!ustri# Europe h#ve use! the recor!s to est#+ ish # series of c#te"ories of crime #n! to 3u#ntif, in!ictments th#t were issue! over # "iven num+er of ,e#rs. :his use of the 7458 recor!s !oes ,ie ! some inform#tion #+out the none ite= +ut this inform#tion "ives us itt e insi"ht into the ment# ives of the none ite. Ie # so *now th#t the num+er of in!ictments in. pre in!ustri# Europe +e#rs itt e re #tion to the num+er of #ctu# 7558 crimin# #cts= #n! we stron" , suspect th#t the re #tionship h#s v#rie! wi!e , over time. (n #!!ition= #""re"#te popu #tion estim#tes #re ver, sh#*,= which m#*es it !ifficu t for histori#ns to comp#re r#tes of crime per thous#n! in one !ec#!e of the 7558 pre in!ustri# perio! with r#tes in #nother !ec#!e. Given these in#!e3u#cies= it is c e#r wh, the c#se histor, use of court recor!s is to +e preferre!.

21. :he #uthor su""ests th#t= +efore the e#r , 1455Ls= most histori#ns who stu!ie! pre in!ustri# Europe !i! which of the fo owin"P

7A8 A#i e! to m#*e !istinctions #mon" mem+ers of the pre in!ustri# Europe#n po itic# #n! soci# e ite. 7/8 Use! investi"#tor, metho!s th#t were # most e.c usive , st#tistic# in n#ture. 798 (n#ccur#te , estim#te! the inf uence of the prein!ustri# Europe#n po itic# #n! soci# e ite. 7D8 9onfine! their wor* to # n#rrow r#n"e of the prein!ustn# Europe#n popu #tion 7E8 :en!e! to re , he#vi , on +irth= m#rri#"e= #n! !e#th recor!s.

22. Accor!in" to the p#ss#"e= the c#se historic e.tr#cte! +, histori#ns h#ve

7A8 sc#rce , i umin#te! the #ttitu!es of the po itic# #n! soci# e ite 7/8 in!ic#te! the m#nner in which those in power #pportione! 6ustice 798 focuse! # most entire , on the thou"hts #n! fee in"s of !ifferent soci# "roups tow#r! crime #n! the #w 7D8 +een consi!ere! the first *in! of historic# writin" th#t uti i-e! the= recor!s of e"# courts 7E8 +een +#se! for the most p#rt on the tri# testimon, of po ice #n! other e"# #uthorities

23. (t c#n +e inferre! from the p#ss#"e th#t much of the e#r , wor* +, histori#ns on the Europe#n none ite of the prein!ustri# perio! mi"ht h#ve +een more i umin#tin" if these histori#ns h#!

7A8 use! !ifferent metho!s of st#tistic# #n# ,sis to investi"#te the none ite

7/8 +een more successfu in i!entif,in" the #ttitu!es of civi #uthorities= especi# , those who; #!ministere! 6ustice= tow#r! the none ite

798 +een #+ e to !r#w on more #ccounts= written +, contempor#ries of the none ite= th#t !escri+e! wh#t this none ite thou"ht

7D8 re ie! more he#vi , on the person# recor!s eft +, mem+ers of the Europe#n po itic# #n! soci# e ite who ive! !urin" the perio! in 3uestion

7E8 +een more wi in" to +#se their rese#rch; m the +irth= m#rri#"e= #n! !e#th recor!s of =he none ite

24. :he #uthor mentions Le %o, L#!urie 7 ine 208 in or!er to

7A8 "ive #n e.#mp e of # histori#n who h#s m#!e one *in! of use of court recor!s

7/8 cite # histori#n who h#s +#se! c#se histories on the +irth= m#rri#"e= #n! !e#th recor!s of the none ite

798 i!entif, the #uthor of the 3uot#tion cite! in the previous sentence

7D8 "#in #uthorit#tive support for the view th#t the c#se histor, #ppro#ch is the most fruitfu #ppro#ch to court recor!s

7E8 point out the first histori#n to re# i-e the v# ue of court recor!s in i umin#tin" the +e iefs #n! v# ues of the none ite

25. Accor!in" to the p#ss#"e= which of the fo owin" is true of in!ictments for crime in Europe in the pre;in!ustri# perio!P

7A8 :he, h#ve= in terms of their num+ers= rem#ine! re #tive , const#nt over time. 7/8 :he, "ive the histori#n import#nt inform#tion #+out the ment# ives of those in!icte!. 798 :he, #re not # p#rticu #r , #ccur#te in!ic#tion of the e.tent of #ctu# crimin# #ctivit,. 7D8 :heir import#nce to histori#ns of the none ite h#s +een "ener# , overestim#te!. 7E8 :heir pro+ em#tic re #tionship to #ctu# crime h#s not +een #c*now e!"e! +, most histori#ns.

20. (t c#n +e inferre! from the p#ss#"e th#t # histori#n who wishe! to comp#re crime r#tes per thous#n! in A Europe#n cit, in one !ec#!e of the fifteenth centur, with crime r#tes in #nother !ec#!e of th#t centur, wou ! pro+#+ , +e most #i!e! +, +etter inform#tion #+out which of the fo owin"P

7A8 :he c#uses of unrest in the cit, !urin" the two !ec#!es 7/8 :he #""re"#te mm her of in!ictments in the cit, ne#rest to the cit, un!er investi"#tion !urin" the two !ec#!es 798 :he num+er of peop e who ive! in the cit, !urin" e#ch of the !ec#!es un!er investi"#tion 7D8 :he ment# #ttitu!es of crimin# s in the cit,= inc u!in" their fee in"s #+out #uthorit,= !urin" e#ch of the !ec#!es Un!er investi"#tion 7E8 :he possi+i ities for # mem+er of the cit,Ls none ite to +ecome # mem+er of the po itic# #n! soci# e ite !urin" the two !ec#!es

21. :he p#ss#"e wou ! +e most i*e , to #ppe#r #s p#rt of

7A8# +oo* review summ#ri-in" the #chievements of histori#ns of the Europe#n #ristocr#c, 7/8 #n ess#, !escri+in" tren!s in the pr#ctice of writin" histor, 798 # te.t+oo* on the #pp ic#tion of st#tistic# metho!s in the soci# sciences

7D8 # report to the historic# profession on the wor* of e#r ,;twentieth;centur, histori#ns 7E8 #n #rtic e ur"in" the #!option of historic# metho!s +, the e"# profession


Gre#t comic #n is never otherwor ! ,= it !oes not see* to m,stif, us== #n! it !oes not !en, #m+i"uit, +, +r#n!in" #s evi wh#tever !iffers from "oo!. Gre#t comic #rtists #ssume th#t truth m#, +e#r # i"hts= #n! thus the, see* to #ccentu#te contr#!ictions in soci# #ction= not " oss over or tr#nscen! them +,= #ppe# s to e.tr# soci# s,m+o s of !ivine en!s= cosmic purpose= or #ws of n#ture. :he moment of tr#nscen!ence in "re#t comic #rt is # soci# moment= +orn out of the conviction th#t we #re hum#n= even thou"h we tr, to +e "o!s. :he comic communit, to which #rtists #!!ress themse ves is # communit, of re#sonin"= ovin"= 6o,fu = comp#ssion#te +ein"s= who #re wi in" to #ssume the hum#n ris*s of #ctin" r#tion# ,. Iithout invo*in" "o!s or !emons= "re#t comic #rt #rouses cour#"e in re#son= cour#"e which "rows out of trust in wh#t hum#n +ein"s c#n !o #s hum#ns.

11. :he p#ss#"e su""ests th#t "re#t comic #rt c#n +e ch#r#cteri-e! #s optimistic #+out the #+i it, of hum#ns to

7A8 ri! themse ves of pri!e 7/8 tr#nscen! the hum#n con!ition 798 !ifferenti#te c e#r , +etween "oo! #n! e,i 7D8 #voi! soci# conf icts 7E8 #ct r#tion# ,

12. (t c#n +e inferre! from the p#ss#"e th#t the #uthor #!mires "re#t comic #rtists prim#ri , for their

7A8 #+i it, to un!erst#n! the fre3uent , su+t e !ifferences +etween "oo! #n! evi

7/8 #+i it, to reconci e the contr#!ictions in humor= +eh#vior 798 #+i it, to !istin"uish +etween r#tion# #n! irr#tion# +eh#vior 7D8 insistence on confrontin" the truth #+out the hum#n con!ition 7E8 insistence on con!emnin" hum#n f#u ts #n! we#*nesses

14. Ihich of the fo owin" is the most #ccur#te !escription of the or"#ni-#tion of the p#ss#"eP

7A8 A se3uence of o+serv#tions e#!in" to # pre!iction 7/8 A ist of inferences !r#wn from f#cts st#te! #t the +e"innin" of the p#ss#"e 798 A series of #ssertions re #te! to one "ener# su+6ect 7D8 A st#tement of the m#6or i!e#= fo owe! +, specific e.#mp es 7E8 A succession of i!e#s movin" from specific to "ener#

"Y $ 6&//&8" 1$ 1. ) 4. ( >. % A. & D. % E. %

F. ( 6&//&8" 4 $ 1. " 4. ) >. %

E$ER!ISE 2 :
Instructions : Each passage in this group is followed by questions based on its content After reading a passage, choose the best answer to each question Answer all questions following a passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage

2ASSAG3 ( %

7:he p#ss#"e +e ow is !r#wn from #n #rtic e pu+ ishe! in 14028 9omputer pro"r#mmers often rem#r* th#t computin" m#chines= with # perfect #c* of !iscrimin#tion= wi !o #n, foo ish thin" the, #re to ! to !o. :he re#son for this ies= of course= in the n#rrow fi.#tion of the computin" m#chineLs Ointe i"enceO on the !er#i s of its own perceptionsMits in#+i it, to +e L"ui!e! +, #n, #r"e conte.t. (n # ps,cho o"ic# !escription of the computer inte i"ence= three re #te! #!6ectives come to min!: sin" e;min!e!= iter# ;min!e!= #n! simp emin!e!. %eco"ni-in" this= we shou ! #t the s#me time reco"ni-e th#t this sin" e; min!e!ness= iter# ;min!e!ness= #n! simp emin!e!ness # so ch#r#cteri-es theoretic# m#them#tics= thou"h to # esser e.tent. Hince science tries to !e# with re# it,= even the most precise sciences norm# , wor* with more or ess imperfect , un!erstoo! #ppro.im#tions tow#r! which scientists must m#int#in #n #ppropri#te s*epticism. :hus= for inst#nce= it m#, come #s # shoc* to m#them#tici#ns to e#rn th#t the Hchro!in"er e3u#tion for the h,!ro"en #tom is not # iter# , correct !escription of this #tom= +ut on , #n #ppro.im#tion to # somewh#t more correct e3u#tion t#*in" #ccount of spin= m#"netic !ipo e= #n! re #tivistic effects? #n! th#t this correcte! e3u#tion is itse f on , #n imperfect #ppro.im#tion to #n infinite set of 3u#ntum fie !;theoretic# e3u#tions. Gh,sicists= oo*in" #t the ori"in# Hchro!in"er e3u#tion= e#rn to sense in it the presence of m#n, invisi+ e terms in #!!ition to the !ifferenti# terms visi+ e= #n! this sense inspires #n entire , #ppropri#te

!isre"#r! for the pure , technic# fe#tures of the e3u#tion. :his ver, he# th, s*epticism is forei"n to the m#them#tic# #ppro#ch. J#them#tics must !e# with we ;!efine! situ#tions. :hus= m#them#tici#ns !epen! on #n inte ectu# effort outsi!e of m#them#tics for the cruci# specific#tion of the #ppro.im#tion th#t m#them#tics is to t#*e iter# ,. Give m#them#tici#ns # situ#tion th#t is the e#st +it i ;!efine!= #n! the, wi m#*e it we ;!efine!= perh#ps #ppropri#te ,= +ut perh#ps in#ppropri#te ,. (n some c#ses= the m#them#tici#nsL iter# ;min!e!ness m#, h#ve unfortun#te conse3uences. :he m#them#tici#ns turn the scientists theoretic# #ssumptions= th#t is= their convenient points of #n# ,tic# emph#sis= into #.ioms= #n! then t#*e these #.ioms iter# ,. :his +rin"s the !#n"er th#t the, m#, # so persu#!e the scientists to t#*e these #.ioms iter# ,. :he 3uestion= centr# to the scientific investi"#tion +ut intense , !istur+in" in the m#them#tic# conte.tMwh#t h#ppens if the #.ioms #re re #.e!PMis there+, i"nore!. :he ph,sicist ri"ht , !re#!s precise #r"ument= since #n #r"ument th#t is convincin" on , if it is precise oses # its force if the #ssumptions on which it is +#se! #re s i"ht , ch#n"e!= where#s #n #r"ument th#t is convincin" thou"h imprecise m#, we +e st#+ e un!er sm# pertur+#tions of its un!er ,in" #ssumptions. 21.:he #uthor !iscusses computin" m#chines in the first p#r#"r#ph prim#ri , in or!er to !o which of the fo owin"P 7A8 (n!ic#te the !#n"ers inherent in re ,in" to # "re#t e.tent on m#chines 7/8 ( ustr#te his views #+out the #ppro#ch of m#them#tici#ns to pro+ em so vin" 798 9omp#re the wor* of m#them#tici#ns with th#t of computer pro"r#mmers 7D8 Grovi!e one !efinition of inte i"ence 7E8 Emph#si-e the import#nce of computer in mo!ern techno o"ic# societ, 22. Accor!in" to the p#ss#"e= scientists #re s*eptic# tow#r! their e3u#tions +ec#use scientists 1. wor* to e.p #in re# = r#ther th#n theoretic# or simp ifie!= situ#tions

2. *now th#t we ;!efine! pro+ em #re often the most !ifficu t to so ve

3. #re un#+ e to e.press their !#t# in terms of mu tip e v#ri#+ es

4. #re unwi in" to re #. the #.ioms the, h#ve !eve ope!

7E8 #re un#+ e to #ccept m#them#tic# e.p #n#tions of n#tur# phenomen# 23. (t c#n +e inferre! from the p#ss#"e th#t scientists m#*e which of the fo owin" #ssumptions #+out scientific #r"umentsP 7A8 :he iter# truth of the #r"uments c#n +e m#!e c e#r on , in # m#them#tic# conte.t.. 2. :he #r"uments necess#ri , i"nore the centr# 3uestion of scientific investi"#tion. 798 :he #r"uments pro+#+ , wi +e convincin" on , to other scientists. 7D8 :he conc usions of the #r"uments !o not necess#ri , fo ow from their premises. 7E8 :he premises on which the #r"uments #re +#se! m#, ch#n"e.

24. Accor!in" to the p#ss#"e= m#them#tici#ns present # !#n"er to scientist for which of the fo owin" re#sonsP 7A8 J#them#tici#ns m#, provi!e theories th#t #re incomp#ti+ e with those # re#!, !eve ope! +, scientists. 7/8 J#them#tici#ns m#, !efine situ#tions in # w#, th#t is incomprehensi+ e to scientists. 798 J#them#tici#ns m#, convince scientists th#t theoretic# #ssumptions #re f#cts. 7D8 Hcientists m#, come to +e ieve th#t #.iom#tic st#tements #re untrue. 7E8 Hcientists m#, +e"in to provi!e #r"uments th#t #re convincin" +ut imprecise.

25. :he #uthor su""ests th#t the #ppro#ch of ph,sicists to so vin" scientific pro+ ems is which of the fo owin"P 7A8 Gr#ctic# for scientific purposes 2. Detriment# to scientific pro"ress 3. Unimport#nt in most situ#tions 7D8 E.pe!ient= +ut of itt e on";term v# ue 7E8 Effective= +ut r#re , reco"ni-e! #s such 20. :he #uthor su""ests th#t # m#them#tici#n #s*e! to so ve # pro+ em in #n i ;!efine! situ#tion wou ! first #ttempt to !o which of the fo owin"P 7A8 (!entif, #n #n# o"ous situ#tion 7/8 Himp if, #n! !efine the situ#tion 798 V#r, the un!er ,in" #ssumptions of # !escription of the situ#tion 7D8 Determine wh#t use wou ! +e m#!e of the so ution provi!e! 7E8 Ev# u#te the theoretic# #ssumptions th#t mi"ht e.p #in the situ#tion 21. :he #uthor imp ies th#t scientists !eve op # he# th, s*epticism +ec#use the, #re #w#re th#t 7A8 m#them#tici#ns #re +etter #+ e to so ve pro+ ems th#n #re scientists

7/8 ch#n"es in #.iom#tic propositions wi inevit#+ , un!ermine scientific #r"uments 798 we ; !efine! situ#tions #re necess#r, for the !esi"n of re i#+ e e.periments 7D8 m#them#tic# so utions c#n r#re , +e #pp ie! to re# pro+ ems 7E8 some f#ctors in most situ#tions must rem#in un*nown

6&//&8" 4 $

Unti recent , #stronomers h#ve +een pu-- e! +, the f#te of re! "i#nt #n! super"i#nt st#rs. Ihen the core of # "i#nt st#r whose m#ss surp#sses 1.4 times the present m#ss of our Hun 7J$8 e.h#usts its nuc e#r fue = 758 is un#+ e to support its own wei"ht #n! co #pses into # tin, neutron st#r. :he "r#vit#tion# ener", re e#se! !urin" this imp osion of the core + ows off the rem#in!er of the st#r in # "i"#ntic e.p osion or # supernov#. Hince #roun! 55 percent of # st#rs #re +e ieve! to 7(58 +e"in their ives with m#sses "re#ter th#n 1.4 JK= we mi"ht e.pect th#t one out of ever, two st#rs wou ! !ie #s # supernov#. /ut in f#ct= on , one st#r in thirt, !ies such # vio ent !e#th. :he rest e.pire much more pe#cefu , #s p #net#r, ne+u #s. App#rent , most 7158 m#ssive st#rs m#n#"e to ose sufficient m#teri# th#t their m#sses !rop +e ow the critic# v# ue of 1 4 JK +efore the, e.h#ust their nuc e#r fue . Evi!ence supportin" this view comes from o+serv#tions of (%9 ] 15210= # pu s#tin" "i#nt st#r oc#te! 7258 155 i"ht;,e#rs #w#, from E#rth. A hu"e r#te of m#ss oss 71 JK ever, 15=555 ,e#rs8 h#s +een !e!uce! from infr#re! o+serv#tions of #mmoni# 7&<38 mo ecu es oc#te! in the circumste #r c ou! #roun! (%9 ] 15210 %ecent microw#ve o+serv#tions of c#r+on mono.i!e 7258 79$8 mo ecu es in!ic#te # simi #r r#te of m#ss oss #n! !emonstr#te th#t the esc#pin" m#teri# e.ten!s outw#r! from the st#r for # !ist#nce of #t e#st one i"ht;,e#r. /ec#use we *now the si-e of the c ou! #roun! (%9 ] 15210 #n! c#n use our o+serv#tions of either 7358 &<3 or 9$ to me#sure the outf ow ve ocit,= we c#n c# cu #te #n #"e;for the circumste #r c ou!. (%9 ] 15210 h#s #pp#rent , e.pe e!= in the form of mo ecu es #n! !ust "r#ins= # m#ss e3u# to th#t of our entire Hun within the p#st ten thous#n! ,e#rs. :his 7358 imp ies th#t some st#rs c#n she! hu"e #mounts of m#tter ver, 3uic* , #n! thus m#, never e.pire #s supernov#s. :heoretic# mo!e s #s we #s st#tistics on supernov#s #n! p #net#r, ne+u #s su""est th#t st#rsL th#t +e"in their ives with m#sses #roun! 0 J$ she! sufficient 7458 m#teri# to !rop +e ow the critic# v# ue of 1.4 J K (%9 ] 152i0= for e.#mp e= shou ! !o this in # mere 55=555 ,e#rs from its +irth= on , #n inst#nt in the ife of # st#r. /ut wh#t p #ce !oes^ (%9 ] 15210 h#ve in ste #r evo utionP 7458 Astronomers su""est th#t st#rs i*e (%9 ] 15210 #re #ctu# , Oprotop #net#r, ne+u #sOMo ! "i#nt st#rs whose !ense

cores h#ve # most +ut not 3uite ri! themse ves of the f uff, enve opes of "#s #roun! them. $nce the st#r h#s ost the entire enve ope= its e.pose! core +ecomes the 7558 centr# st#r of the p #net#r, ne+u # #n! he#ts #n! ioni-es the #st vesti"es of the enve ope #s it f ows #w#, into sp#ce. :his confi"ur#tion is # fu ;f e!"e! p #net#r, ne+u #= on" f#mi i#r to optic# #stronomers.

21. :he prim#r, purpose of the p#ss#"e is to 7A8 offer # metho! of c# cu #tin" the #"e of circumste #r c ou!s 7/8 !escri+e the con!itions th#t resu t in # st#rLs e.pirin" #s # supernov# 798 !iscuss new evi!ence concernin" the composition of p #net#r, ne+u #s 7D8 e.p #in wh, fewer st#rs th#n pre!icte! e.pire #s supernov#s 7E8 surve, conf ictin" theories concernin" the composition of circumste #r c ou!s 22 :he p#ss#"e imp ies th#t #t the +e"innin" of the ife of (%9L] 15210= its m#ss w#s #ppro.im#te , 7A8 1.5 JK 7/8 0.5 JK 798 5.5 JK 7D8 1.4JK 7E8 1.5 JK

23. :he view to which ine 12 refers serves to

7A8 reconci e seemin" , contr#!ictor, f#cts 7/8 un!ermine # previous , he ! theor, 798 t#*e into #ccount !#t# previous , he ! to +e insi"nific#nt 7D8 reso ve # controvers, 7E8 3uestion new metho!s of "#therin" !#t#

24. (t c#n +e inferre! from the p#ss#"e th#t the #uthor #ssumes which of the fo owin" in the !iscussion of the r#te #t which (%9 ] 15210 oses m#ssP

7A8 :he circumste #r c ou! surroun!in" (%9 ] 15210 consists on , of 9$ #n! &<3 mo ecu es. 7/8 :he circumste #r c ou! surroun!in" (%9 ] 15210 consists of m#teri# e.pe e! from th#t st#r. 798 :he #"e of # st#r is e3u# to th#t of its circumste #r c ou!.. 7D8 :he r#te #t which (%9 ] 15210 oses m#ss v#nes si"nific#nt , from ,e#r to ,e#r. 7E8 Ht#rs with # m#ss "re#ter th#n 0 JK ose m#ss #t # r#te f#ster th#n st#rs with # m#ss ess th#n 0 JK !o.

25. Accor!in" to inform#tion provi!e! +, the p#ss#"e= which of the fo owin" st#rs wou ! #stronomers most i*e , !escri+e #s # p #net#r, ne+u #P

7A8 A st#r th#t +e"#n its ife with # m#ss of 5.5 JK= h#s e.h#uste! its nuc e#r fue = #n! h#s # core th#t is visi+ e to #stronomers 7/8 A st#r th#t +e"#n its ife with # m#ss of 0 J$ ost m#ss #t # r#te of 1 JK per 15=555 ,e#rs= #n! e.h#uste! its nuc e#r fue in 45=555 ,e#rs 798 A st#r th#t h#s e.h#uste! its nuc e#r fue = h#s # m#ss of 1.2 JK= #n! is surroun!e! +, # circumste #r c ou! th#t o+scures its core from view 7D8 A st#r th#t +e"#n its ife with # m#ss "re#ter th#n 0 JK= h#s 6ust recent , e.h#uste! its nuc e#r fue = #n! is in the process of re e#sin" m#ssive #mounts of "r#vit#tion# ener", 7E8 A st#r th#t +e"#n its ife with # m#ss of 5.5 JK= h#s ,et to e.h#ust its nuc e#r fue = #n! e.hi+its # r#te of m#ss oss simi #r to th#t of (%9 ] 15210

20. Ihich of the fo owin" st#tements wou ! +e most i*e , to fo ow the #st sentence of the p#ss#"eP

7A8 Hupernov#s #re not necess#ri , the most spect#cu #r events th#t #stronomers h#ve occ#sion to o+serve. 7/8 App#rent ,= st#rs th#t h#ve # m#ss of "re#ter th#n 0 JK #re somewh#t r#re.

798 %ecent stu!ies of 9$ #n! &<3 in the circumste #r c ou!s of st#rs simi #r to (%9 ] 15210 h#ve e! #stronomers to +e ieve th#t the form#tion of p #net#r, ne+u #s prece!es the !eve opment of supernov#s. 7D8 (t #ppe#rs= then= th#t (%9 ] 15210 #ctu# , represents _n interme!i#te step in the evo ution of # "i#nt st#r into # p #net#r, ne+u #. 7E8 Astronomers h#ve ,et to !eve op # consistent , #ccur#te metho! for me#surin" the r#te #t which # st#r e.h#usts its nuc e#r fue .

21. Ihich of the fo owin" tit es +est summ#ri-es the content of the p#ss#"eP

7A8 &ew Jetho!s of 9# cu #tin" the A"e of 9ircumste #r 9 ou!s 7/8 &ew Evi!ence 9oncernin" the 9omposition of G #net#r, &e+u #s 798 Grotop #net#r, &e+u #: A %#re , $+serve! Ghenomenon 7D8 G #net#r, &e+u #s: An Eni"m# to Astronomers 7E8 :he Diminution of # Ht#rLs J#ss: A 9ruci# A#ctor in Hte #r Evo ution

435 % 2ASSAG3 ( % 1. ( 4. & >. " A. % D. & E. ( F. "

2ASSAG3 ) %

1. ) 4. ( >. & A. ( D. & E. ) F. "

E$ER!ISE 3 :

Instructions : Each passage in this group is followed by questions based on its content After reading a passage, choose the best answer to each question Answer all questions following a passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage

2ASSAG3 ( %

tr#!ition# ,= po in#tion +, win! h#s +een viewe! #s repro!uctive process m#r*e! +, r#n!om events the v#"#ries of the win! #re compens#te! for r#tion of v#st 3u#ntities of po en= so th#t the pro!uction of new see!s is #ssure! #t the of pro!ucin" much more po en th#n is #ctu# , /ec#use the potenti# h#-#r!s po en "r#ins #re : #s the, #re tr#nsporte! over on" !ist#nces #re enormous= win!;po in#te! p #nts h#ve= in the view 9ompens#te! for the ensuin" oss of po en h#ppenst#nce +, virtue of pro!ucin" #n #mount th#t is one to three or!ers of m#"nitu!e "re#ter #mount pro!uce! +,= species po in#te! +, insects. <owever= # num+er of fe#tures th#t #re ch#r#cteristic win!;po in#te! p #nts re!uce po en w#ste. Aor m#n, win!;po in#te! species f#i to re e#se en win! spee!s #re ow or when humi! con!itions prev#i . %ecent stu!ies su""est #nother w#, in species compens#te for the

inefficienc, of win! #n :hese stu!ies su""est th#t species fre3uent , #!v#nt#"e of the ph,sics of po en motion +, "ener#tin" specific #ero!,n#mic environments within the e vicinit, of their fem# e repro!uctive or"#ns. (t is the morpho o", of these or"#ns th#t !ict#tes the #irf ow !istur+#nces throu"h which po en e :he spee! #n! !irection of the #irf ow !istur+#nces c#n com+ine with the ph,sic# properties of # species po en to pro!uce # species;specific p#ttern co ision on the surf#ces of fem# e repro!uctive provi!e! th#t these surf#ces #re str#te"ic# , e conse3uences of this com+in#tion c#n si"nific#nt , incre#se the po en;c#pture efficienc, of # fem# e repro!uctive or"#n. A critic# 3uestion th#t rem#ins to +e #nswere! is whether the morpho o"ic# #ttri+utes of the fem# e #ctive or"#ns of win!;po in#te! species #re evo ution#r, #!#pt#tions to win! po in#tion or #re mere , fortuitous. A comp ete reso ution of the 3uestion is #s impossi+ e since #!#pt#tion must +e ev# u#te! for e#ch species within its own uni3ue function# conte.t= <owever= it must +e s#i! th#t= whi e evi!ence of such evo ution#r, #!#pt#tions !oes e.ist in some species= one must +e c#refu #+out #ttri+utin" morpho o", to #!#pt#tion. Aor e.#mp e= the spir# #rr#n"ement of sc# e;+r#ct comp e.es on ovu e;+e#rin" pine cones= where the fem# e pro!uctive or"#ns of conifers #re oc#te!= is import#nt the pro!uction of #irf ow p#tterns th#t spir# over the cones surf#ces= there+, p#ssin" #ir+orne po en from= one sc# e to the ne.t. <owever= these p#tterns c#nnot +e viewe! #s #n #!#pt#tion to win! po in#tion +ec#use the spir# #rr#n"ement occurs in # num+er of non;win!;po in#te! p #nt ine#"es #n! is re"#r!e! #s # ch#r#cteristic of v#scu #r p #nts= of which conifers #re on , one *in!= #s # who e. :herefore= the spir# #rr#n"ement is not i*e , to +e the resu t of # !irect #!#pt#tion to win! po in#tion.

21. :he #uthor of the with !iscussin" 7A8 the current !e+#te on whether the morpho o"ic# #ttri+utes of win!;po in#te! p #nts #re evo ution#r, #!#pt#tions 7/8 the *in!s of #irf ow p#tterns th#t permit win! po in#te! p #nts to c#pture po en most effi; cient , 798 the w#,s in which the repro!uctive processes of win!;po in#te! p #nts #re contro e! +, r#n!om events 7D8 # recent , propose! e.p #n#tion of # w#, in which win!;po in#te! p #nts re!uce po en w#ste 7E8 # specific morpho o"ic# #ttri+ute th#t permits one species of win!;po in#te! p #nt to c#pture po en

12. :he #uthor su""ests;th#t e.p #n#tions of win! po in#tion th#t emph#si-e the pro!uction of v#st 3u#ntities of po en to compens#te for the r#n!omness of the po in#tion process #re

7A8 !e+#t#+ e #n! mis e#!in" 7/8 in"enious #n! convincin" 798 #ccur#te +ut incomp ete 7D8 intri"uin" +ut controversi# 7E8 p #usi+ e +ut unverifi#+ e

23 Accor!in" to the p#ss#"e= the O#ero!,n#mic environmentsO mentione! in ine 23= when the, #re pro!uce!= #re prim#ri , !etermine! +, the

7A8 presence of insects ne#r the p #nt 7/8 ph,sic# proper ties of the p #ntLs po en 798 sh#pe of the p #ntLs fem# e repro!uctive or"#ns 7D8 #mount of po en "ener#te! +, the p #nt 7E8 num+er of see!s pro!uce! +, the p #nt

24. Accor!in" to the p#ss#"e= true st#tements #+out the re e#se of po en +, win! po in#te! p #nts inc u!e which of the fo owin"P (. :he re e#se c#n +e #ffecte! +, cert#in environment# f#ctors. ((. :he #mount of po en re e#se! incre#ses on # r#in, !#,. (((. Go en is sometimes not re e#se! +, p #nts when there is itt e win!.

7A8 (( on , 7/8 in on , 798 ( #n! (( on ,

7D8 ( #n! ((( on , 7E8 (= ((= #n! (((

25. :he p#ss#"e su""ests th#t the recent stu!ies cite! in ines 14;21 h#ve not !one which of the fo owin"P 7A8 J#!e #n, !istinctions +etween !ifferent species of win!;po in#te! p #nts. 7/8J 9onsi!ere! the ph,sic# properties of the po en th#t is pro!uce! +, win!;po in#te! p #nts. 798 (n!ic#te! the "ener# r#n"e within which p #nt "ener#te! #irf ow !istur+#nces #re #pt to occur. 7D8 (nc u!e! investi"#tions of the ph,sics of po en motion #n! its re #tionship to the efficient c#pture of po en +, the fem# e repro!uctive or"#ns of win!;po in#te! p #nts. 7E8 Demonstr#te! th#t the morpho o"ic# #ttri+utes of the fem# e repro!uctive or"#ns of win!; po in#te! p #nts #re usu# , evo ution#r, #!#pt#tions to win! po in#tion.

20. (t c#n +e inferre! from the p#ss#"e th#t the c #im th#t the spir# #rr#n"ement of sc# e;+r#ct comp e.es on #n ovu e;+e#rin" pine cone is #n #!#pt#tion to win! po in#tion wou ! +e more convincin" if which of the fo owin" were trueP

7A8 Huch #n #rr#n"ement occurre! on , in win! po in#te! p #nts. 7/8 Huch #n #rr#n"ement occurre! in v#scu #r p #nts #s # who e. 798 Huch #n #rr#n"ement cou ! +e shown to +e +enefici# to po en re e#se. 7D8 :he num+er of +r#cts cou ! +e shown to h#ve incre#se! over time. 7E8 :he #irf ow p#tterns over the coneLs surf#ces cou ! +e shown to +e pro!uce! +, such #rr#n"ements.

21. Ihich of the fo owin"= if *nown= is i*e , to h#ve +een the *in! of evi!ence use! to support the view !escri+e! in the first p#r#"r#phP

7A8 Iin! spee!s nee! not +e ver, ow for win! po in#te! p #nts to f#i to re e#se po en 7/8 :he fem# e repro!uctive or"#ns of p #nts often h#ve # stic*, surf#ce th#t # ows them to tr#p #ir+orne po en s,stem#tic# ,. 798 Gr#sses= #s we #s conifers= "ener#te specific #ero!,n#mic environments within the imme; !i#te vicinit, of their repro!uctive or"#ns. 7D8 %#in showers often w#sh #ir+orne po en out of the #ir +efore it ever re#ches #n #ppropri#te p #nt -"' The density and si9e of an airborne pollen grain are of e,ual importance in determining whether that grain will be captured by a plant.

2ASSAG3 ) %

:he +e ief th#t #rt ori"in#tes in intuitive r#ther th#n r#tion# f#cu ties w#s wor*e! out historic# , #n! phi osophic# , in the some wh#t we#risome vo umes pf /ene!etto 9roce= who is usu# , consi!ere! the ori"in#tor of # new #esthetic. 9roce w#s= in f#ct= e.pressin" # ver, o ! i!e#. Lon" +efore the %om#ntics stresse! intuition #n! se f;e.pression= the fren-, of (nspir#tion w#s re"#r!e! #s fun!#ment# to #rt= +ut phi osophers h#! # w#,s #ssume! it must +e contro e! +, #w #n! +, the inte ectu# power of puttin" thin"s into h#rmonious or!er. :his "ener# phi osophic concept of #rt w#s supporte! +, technic# necessities. (t w#s necess#r, to m#ster cert#in #ws #n! to use inte ect in or!er to +ui ! Gothic c#the!r# s= or set up the st#ine! " #ss win!ows of 9h#rtres. Ihen this +r#cin" e ement of cr#ftsm#nship ce#se! to !omin#te #rtistsL out oo*= new technic# e ements h#! to +e #!opte! to m#int#in the inte ectu# e ement in #rt. Huch were ine#r perspective #n! #n#tom,. 10. :he p#ss#"e su""ests th#t which of the fo owin" wou ! most i*e , h#ve occurre! if ine#r perspective #n! #n#tom, h#! not come to inf uence #rtistic en!e#vorP

1. :he cr#ftsm#nship th#t sh#pe! Gothic #rchitecture wou ! h#ve continue! to

!omin#te #rtistsL out oo*s. 2. Home other technic# e ements wou ! h#ve +een #!opte! to !iscip ine #rtistic inspir#tion. 3. (nte ectu# contro over #rtistic inspir#tion wou ! not h#ve inf uence!Sp#intin" #s it !i! #rchitecture. 4. :he ro e of intuitive inspir#tion wou ! not h#ve rem#ine! fun!#ment# to theories of #rtistic cre#tion. 7E8 :he #ssumptions of #esthetic phi osophers +efore 9roce wou ! h#ve +een inv# i!#te!.

12 (t. :he p#ss#"e supp ies inform#tion for #nswerin" which of the fo owin" 3uestionsP 7A8 Does %om#ntic #rt e.hi+it the triumph of intuition over inte ectP 2. Di! #n emph#sis on ine#r perspective #n! #n#tom, !omin#te %om#ntic #rtP 3. Are the inte ectu# #n! intuitive f#cu ties h#rmonious , +# #nce! in post;%om#ntic #rtP 4. Are the effects of the r#tion# contro of #rtistic inspir#tion evi!ent in the "re#t Ior*s of pre;rom#ntic er#sP 2. I#s the #rtistic cr#ftsm#nship !isp #,e! in Gothic c#the!r# s # so #n e ement in p#intin"s of this perio!P

14. :he p#ss#"e imp ies th#t which of the fo owin" w#s # tr#!ition# #ssumption of #esthetic phi osophersP 7A8 (nte ectu# e ements in #rt e.ert # necess#r, 9ontro over #rtistic inspir#tion. 7/8 Architecture h#s never #"# #che! the

#rtistic "re#tness of the Gouuc c#the!r# s. 798 Aesthetic phi osoph, is !etermine! +, the technic# necessities of #rt= 7D8 Artistic cr#ftsm#nship is more import#nt in #rchitectur# #rt th#n in pictori# #rt. 7E8 G#intin"s #c*e! the inte ectu# e ement +efore the invention of ine#r perspective #n! #n#tom, 25. #uthor mentions O ine#r perspective #n! #n#tom,O in the #st sentence in or!er to !o which of the fo owin"P

7A8 E.p#n! his #r"ument to inc u!e p#intin" #s we #s #rchitecture 7/8 (n!ic#te his !is#"reement with 9roceLs theor, of the ori"ins of #rt 798 Hupport his point th#t r#tion# or!er of some *in! h#s often seeme! to !iscip ine #rtistic inspir#tion 7D8 E.p #in the r#tion# e ements in Gothic p#intin" th#t correspon!e! to cr#ftsm#nship in Gothic #rchitecture 7E8 Hhow the incre#sin" sophistic#tion of #rtists #fter the Gothic perio!

435 % 2ASSAG3 (% (' 6 )' C *' C +' 6

,' 3 -' A .' 6

2ASSAG3 ) % (' B )' 6 *' A +' C

E$ER!ISE 4 :
Instructions : Each passage in this group is followed by questions based on its content After reading a passage, choose the best answer to each question Answer all questions following a passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage

2ASSAG3 ( %

Hcho #rs often f#i to see th#t music p #,e! #n import#nt ro e in the preserv#tion of Afric#n cu ture in the Unite! Ht#tes. :he, correct , note th#t s #ver, strippe! some 758 cu tur# e ements from / #c* peop eMtheir po itic# #n! economic s,stemsM+ut the, un!erestim#te the si"nific#nce of music in sust#inin" other Afric#n cu tur# v# ues. Afric#n music= un i*e the music of some other cu tures= w#s +#se! on # tot# vision of ife in which music w#s not #n iso #te! soci# !om#in. (n Afric#n cu ture music w#s 7158 perv#sive= servin" not on , re i"ion= +ut # ph#ses of fife= inc u!in" +irth= !e#th= wor*= #n! p #,. :he metho!s th#t # communit, !evises to perpetu#te itse f come into +ein" to preserve #spects of the cu tur# e"#c, th#t th#t communit, perceives #s essenti# . Jusic= i*e #n in "ener# = w#s so ine.tric#+ , # p#rt of Afric#n cu ture th#t it +ec#me # cruci# me#ns of preservin" the cu ture !urin" #n! #fter the !is oc#tions of s #ver,.

11. :he prim#r, purpose of the p#ss#"e is to 7A8 #n# ,-e the imp#ct th#t s #ver, h#! on Afric#n po itic# #n! economic s,stems 7/8 review the #ttempt of recent scho #rship to stu!, the inf uence of Afric#n music on other music 798 correct the f#i ure of some scho #rs to #ppreci#te the Hi"nific#nce of music in Afric#n cu ture 7D8 surve, the w#,s +, which peop e #ttempt to preserve their cu ture #"#inst the effects of oppression 7E8 comp#re the re #tive import#nce of music with th#t of other #rt forms in cu ture

12. (n ine 4= the phr#se Oiso #te! soci# !om#inO refers to 7A8 Afric#n music in re #tion to contempor#r, cu ture #s # who e 7/8 music #s it m#, +e perceive! in non;Afric#n cu tures 798 # fe#ture of Afric#n music th#t #i!e! in tr#nsmittin" Afric#n cu tur# v# ues 7D8 #n #spect of the Afric#n cu tur# Je"#c, 7E8 the inf uence of music on contempor#r, cu ture

14. Ihich of the fo owin" st#tements concernin" the function of Afric#n music c#n +e inferre! from the p#ss#"eP

7A8 (t preserve! cu tur# v# ues +ec#use it w#s thorou"h , inte"r#te! into the ives of the peop e. 7/8 (t w#s more import#nt in the !eve opment of Afric#n re i"ious ife th#n in other #re#s of cu ture. 798 (t w#s !eve ope! in response to the oss of po itic# #n! economic s,stems. 7D8 (ts perv#siveness in Afric#n cu ture hin!ere! its effectiveness in minimi-in" the imp#ct of s #ver,.

7E8 (ts iso #tion from the economic !om#ins of ife en#+ e! it to survive the !estructive imp#ct of s #ver,.

25 Accor!in" to the #uthor= scho #rs wou ! err in !r#win" which of the fo owin" conc usionsP (. H #ver, strippe! the s #ves of their po itic# #n! economic s,stems. ((. Afric#n music w#s simi #r to # other tr#!itions of music in th#t it ori"in#te! in # tot# vision of ife. (((. Jusic w#s # cruci# p#rt of the Afric#n cu tur# e"#c,. 7A8 ( on , 7/8 (( on , 798 ( #n! (( on , 7D8 (( #n! ((( on , 7E8 (= ((= #n! (((

2ASSAG3 ) % J,corrhi-# fun"i infect more p #nts th#n !o #n, other fun"i #n! #re necess#r, for m#n, p #ints to thrive= +ut the, h#ve esc#pe! wi!espre#! investi"#tion unti recent , for two re#sons Airst the s,m+iotic #ssoci#tion is so we ;+# #nce! th#t the roots of host p #nts show no !#m#"e even when !ense , infecte! Hecon!= the fun"i c#nnot #s ,et +e cu tiv#te! in the #+sence of # ivin" root Despite these !ifficu ties there h#s +een import#nt new wor* th#t su""ests th#t this s,m+iotic #ssoci#tion c#r +e h#rnesse! to #chieve more economic# use of cost , superphosph#te ferti i-er #n! to permit +etter e.p oit#tion of che#per= ess so u+ e roc* phosph#te J,corrhi-# +enefits #re not imite! to improve! phosph#te upt#*e in host p #nts (n e"umes= m,cor;rhi-# inocu #tion h#s incre#se! nitro"en fi.#tion +e,on! eve s #chieve! +, #!!in" phosph#te ferti i-er # one 9ert#in s,m+iotic #ssoci#tions # so incre#se the host p #ntLs resist#nce to h#rmfu root fun"i Ihether this resist#nce resu ts from= e.c usion of h#rmfu fun"i throu"h competition for sites= from met#+o ic ch#n"e invo vin" #nti+iotic pro!uction= or from incre#se! vi"or is un!etermine!

11 Ihich of the fo owin" most #ccur#te , !escri+es the p#ss#"e4

7A8 A !escription of # rep ic#+ e e.periment 7/8 A summ#r, report of new fin!in"s 798 A recommen!#tion for #+#n!onin" # !ifficu t #re# of rese#rch 7D8 A refut#tion of #n e#r ier h,pothesis 7E8 A confirm#tion of e#r ier rese#rch 12 :he eve of inform#tion in the p#ss#"e #+ove is suite! to the nee!s of # of the fo owin" peop e E\9EG:

7A8 # rese#rcher whose 6o+ is to i!entif, potenti# , profit#+ e #re#s for rese#rch #n! pro!uct !eve opment 7/8 # st#te offici# whose position re3uires her to # ert f#rmers #+out possi+ e innov#tions in f#rmin" 798 #n offici# of # rese#rch foun!#tion who i!entifies rese#rch pro6ects for potenti# fun!in" 7D8 # +io o"ist #ttemptin" to *eep up with scientific !eve opment n #n #re# outsi!e of his imme!i#te #re# speci# i-#tion 7E8 # +ot#nist con!uctin" e.periments to !etermine the re #tionship +etween !e"ree of m,corrhi-# infection #n! e.pecte! upt#*e of phosph#te

14 (t c#n +e inferre! from the p#ss#"e th#t which of the fo owin" h#s +een # f#ctor inf uencin" the e.tent to which rese#rch on m,corrhi-# fun"i h#s pro"resse!P

7A8 L#c* of fun!in" for such rese#rch 7/8 L#c* of imme!i#te #pp ic#tion of such rese#rch 798 L#c* of # metho! for i!entif,in" m,corrhi-# fun"i

7D8 Difficu ties surroun!in" #+or#tor, pro!uction of specimens for stu!, 7E8 Difficu ties ensuin" from the hi"h cost #n! sc#rcit, of superphosph#te ferti i-ers

25 :he p#ss#"e su""ests which of the fo owin" #+out the incre#se! resist#nce to h#rmfu root fun"i th#t some p #ins infecte! with m,corrhi-# fun"i seem to e.hi+itP

7A8 :here #re #t e#st three h,potheses th#t mi"ht #ccount for the incre#se 7/8 An e.p #n#tion ies in the f#ct th#t m,corrhi-# fun"i incre#se more r#pi! , in num+er th#n h#rmfu root fun"i !o 798 :he p #nts th#t show incre#se! resist#nce # so e.hi+it improve! nitro"en fi.#tion. 7D8 Huch incre#ses m#, +e in!epen!ent of m,corrhi-# infection 7E8 (t is un i*e , th#t # s#tisf#ctor, e.p #n#tion c#n +e foun! to #ccount for the incre#se.

435 % 2ASSAG3 (% (' C )' B *' A +' B

2ASSAG3 ) % (' B )' 3 *' 6 +' A

E$ER!ISE 5 :
Instructions : Each passage in this group is followed by questions based on its content After reading a passage, choose the best answer to each question Answer all questions following a passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage

2ASSAG3 (%

A #tfish= such #s the f oun!er= #re #mon" the few verte+r#tes th#t #c* #ppro.im#te +i #ter# s,mmetr, 7s,mmetr, in which structures to the eft #n! ri"ht of the +o!,Ls mi! ine #re mirror im#"es8. Jost stri*in" #mon" 758 the m#n, #s,mmetries evi!ent in #n #!u t f #tfish is e,e p #cement: +efore m#turit, one e,e mi"r#tes` so th#t in #n #!u t f #tfish +oth e,es #re on the s#me si!e of the he#!. Ihi e in most species with #s,mmetries virtu# , # #!u ts sh#re the s#me #s,mmetr,= mem+ers of the 7158 st#rr, f oun!er species c#n +e either eft;e,e! 7+oth e,es on the eft si!e of he#!8 or ri"ht; e,e!. (n the w#ters +etween the Unite! Ht#tes #n! J#p#n= the st#rr, f oun!er popu #tions v#r, from #+out 55 percent eft;e,e! off the Unite! Ht#tes Iest 9o#st= throu"h #+out 15 percent eft 7158 e,e! h# fw#, +etween the Unite! Ht#tes #n! J#p#n= to ne#r , 155 percent eft;e,e! off the J#p#nese co#st.

/io o"ists c# this *in! of "r#!u# v#ri#tion over # cert#in "eo"r#phic r#n"e # Oc ineO #n! interpret c ines #s stron" in!ic#tions th#t the v#ri#tion is #!#ptive= # 7258 response to environment# !ifferences. Aor the st#rr, f oun!er this interpret#tion imp ies th#t # "eometric !ifference 7+etween fish th#t #re mirror im#"es of one #nother8 is #!#ptive= th#t eft; e,e!ness in the J#p#nese st#rr, f oun!er h#s +een se ecte! for= which provo*es # 7258 perp e.in" 3uestion: wh#t is the se ective #!v#nt#"e in = h#vin" +oth e,es on one si!e r#ther th#n on the otherP :he e#se with which # fish c#n reverse the effect of the si!e!ness of its e,e #s,mmetr, simp , +, turnin" #roun! h#s c#use! +io o"ists to stu!, intern# #n#tom,= 7358 especi# , the optic nerves= for the #nswer. (n # f #tfish the optic nerves cross= so th#t the ri"ht optic nerve is 6oine! to the +r#inLs eft si!e #n! vice vers#. :his crossin" intro!uces #n #s,mmetr,= #s one optic nerve must cross #+ove or +e ow the other. G. <. G#r*er 7358 re#sone! th#t if= for e.#mp e= # f #tfishLs eft e,e mi"r#te! when the ri"ht optic nerve w#s on top= there wou ! +e # twistin" of nerves= which mi"ht +e mech#nic# , !is#!v#nt#"eous. Aor st#rr, f oun!ers= then= the eft;e,e! v#riet, wou ! +e se ecte! #"#inst= since in # 7458 st#rr, f oun!er the . eft optic nerve is uppermost. :he pro+ em with the #+ove e.p #n#tion is th#t the J#p#nese st#rr, f oun!er popu #tion is # most e.c usive , eft;e,e!= #n! n#tur# se ection never promotes # pure , ess #!v#nt#"eous v#ri#tion. AH other e.p #n#tions 7458 prove! e3u# , unten#+ e= +io o"ists conc u!e! th#t there is no import#nt #!#ptive !ifference +etween eft;e,e!ness #n! ri"ht;e,e!ness #n! th#t the two ch#r#cteristics #re "enetic# , #ssoci#te! with some other #!#ptive , si"nific#nt ch#r#cteristic. :his situ#tion is one 7558 common , encountere! +, evo ution#r, +io o"ists= who must often !eci!e whether # ch#r#cteristic is #!#ptive or se ective , neutr# . As for the eft;e,e! #n! ri"ht;e,e! f #tfish= their !ifference= however stri*in"= #ppe#rs to +e #n evo ution#r,= re! herrin".

21. Accor!in" to the p#ss#"e= st#rr, f oun!er !iffer from most other species of f #tfish in th#t st#rr, .f oun!er 7A8 #re not +#sic# , +i #ter# , s,mmetric 7/8 !o not +ecome #s,mmetric unti #!u thoo! 798 !o not # sh#re the s#me #s,mmetr,

7D8 h#ve +oth e,es on the s#me si!e of the he#! 7E8 ten! to c uster in on , cert#in "eo"r#phic re"ions

22. :he #uthor wou ! +e= most i*e , to #"ree with which of the fo owin" st#tement` #+out eft; e,e!ness #n! ri"ht;e,e!ness in the st#rr, f oun!erP

(. :he, #re #!#ptive v#ri#tions +, the st#rr, f oun!er to environment# !ifferences. ((. :he, !o not seem to "ive o+vious se ective #!v#nt#"es to the st#rr, f oun!er.
((( :he, occur in !ifferent proportions in !ifferent oc#tions.

7A8 ( on ,LO 7/8 (( on , 798 ( #n! ((( on , 7D8 (( #n! ((( on , 7E8 (= ((= #n! (((

23. Accor!in" to the p#ss#"e= # possi+ e !is#!v#nt#"e a #ssoci#te! with e,e mi"r#tion in f #tfish is th#t the optic nerves c#n

7A8 #!here to one #nother 7/8 !et#ch from the e,es 798 cross 7D8 stretch 7E8 twist

24. Ihich of the fo owin" +est !escri+es the or"#ni-#tion of the p#ss#"e #s # who eP

7A8 A phenomenon is !escri+e! #n! #n interpret#tion presente! #n! re6ecte!. 7/8 A "ener# i-#tion is m#!e #n! supportin" evi!ence is supp ie! #n! wei"he!. 2. A contr#!iction is note! #n! # reso ution is su""este! #n! then mo!ifie!. 3. A series of o+serv#tions is presente! #n! e.p #ine! in terms of the !omin#nt theor, 4. A h,pothesis is intro!uce! #n! corro+or#te! in the i"ht of new evi!ence.

25. :he p#ss#"e supp ies inform#tion for #nswerin" which of the fo owin" 3uestionsP 7A8 Ih, #re J#p#nese st#rr, f oun!er most , eft e,e!P 7/8 Ih, shou ! the e,e;si!e!ness in st#rr, f oun!er +e consi!ere! se ective , neutr# P 798 Ih, h#ve +io o"ists recent , +ecome intereste! in whether # ch#r#cteristic is #!#ptive or se ective , neutr# P 7D8 <ow !o the e,es in f #tfish mi"r#teP 7E8 <ow !i! G#r*er m#*e his !iscoveries #+out the #n#tom, of optic nerves in f #tfishP

20. Ihich of the fo owin" is most c e#r , simi #r to # c ine #s it is !escri+e! in the secon! p#r#"r#ph of the p#ss#"eP

7A8 A ve"et#+ e m#r*et= in which the v#rious items #re "roupe! #ccor!in" to p #ce of ori"in 7/8 A whe#t fie ! in which !ifferent v#rieties of whe#t #re p #nte! to ,ie ! # crop th#t wi +rin" the m#.imum profit 798 A f ower st# in which the v#rious species of f owers #re #rr#n"e! #ccor!in" to their price 7D8 A housin" !eve opment in which the en"th of the front struts supportin" the porch of e#ch house incre#ses #s houses #re +ui t up the hi

7E8 A n#tion# p#r* in which the r#n"er st#tions #re p #ce! so #s to +e inconspicuous= #n! ,et #s` e#si , #ccessi+ e #s possi+ e

21. Ihich of the fo owin" phr#ses from the p#ss#"e +est e.presses the #uthorLs conc usion #+out the me#nin" of the !ifference +etween eft;e,e! #n! ri"ht;e,e! f #tfishP

1. OJost stri*in"O 7 ine 48 2. v#ri#tion is #!#ptiveO 7 ine 148 3. mech#nic# , !is#!v#nt#"eousO 7 ines 31;328 1. #!#ptive , si"nific#ntO 7 ines 42;448 2. Oevo ution#r, re! herrin"O 7 ine 548.

2ASSAG3 ) %

%ecent , some scientists h#ve conc u!e! th#t meteorites foun! on E#rth #n! on" +e ieve! to h#ve # J#rti#n ori"in mi"ht #ctu# , h#ve +een + #ste! free of J#rsLs "r#vit, +, the imp#ct on J#rs of other meteorites. 758 :his conc usion h#s e! to #nother 3uestion whether meteorite imp#cts on E#rth h#ve simi #r , !riven roc*s from this p #net to J#rs Accor!in" to #stronomer H.A. Ghinne,= *ic*in" # roc* h#r! enou"h to free it from E#rthLs "r#vit, wou ! 7158 re3uire # meteorite c#p#+ e of m#*in" # cr#ter more th#n 05 mi es #cross Joreover= even if E#rth roc*s were free! +, meteorite imp#ct= J#rsLs or+it is much #r"er th#n E#rthLs= so Ghinne, estim#tes th#t the pro+#+i it, of these roc*s hittin" J#rs is #+out one;tenth #s 7158 "re#t #s th#t of J#rsLs roc*s hittin" E#rth :o !emonstr#te this estim#te Ghinne, use! # computer to c# cu #te where 1=555 h,pothetic# p#rtic es wou ! "o if e6ecte! from E#rth in r#n!om !irections <e foun! th#t 11 of the 1=555 p#rtic es wou ! hit J#rs.

11 :he p#ss#"e is prim#ri , concerne! with

7A8 presentin" #n #r"ument to support # p#rticu #r h,pothesis 7/8 su""estin" #n #nswer to # theoretic# 3uestion 798 3uestionin" the #ssumptions of # rese#rch pro6ect 7D8 critici-in" e.periment# resu ts 7E8 e.p #inin" the ori"in of cert#in scientific !#t#

12 Accor!in" to the p#ss#"e= which of the fo owin" events m#, h#ve initi#te! the process th#t e! to the presence on E#rth of meteorites from J#rsP

7A8 A meteorite struc* the E#rth with tremen!ous ve ocit, 7/8 A meteorite co i!e! with J#rs 798 Appro.im#te , 1=555 roc*s were e6ecte! from J#rs 7D8 :he or+its of E#rth #n! J#rs +rou"ht the p #nets to their c osest points 7E8 %oc*s from # meteorite imp#ct +ro*e free of E#rthLs "r#vit,

14 :he p#ss#"e su""ests th#t which of the fo owin" is true concernin" the pro+#+i it, th#t # roc* if e6ecte! from J#rs= wi hit the E#rthP

7A8 :he pro+#+i it, is incre#se! when p#rtic es #re e6ecte! from J#rs in r#n!om !irections 7/8 :he pro+#+i it, is incre#se! +, the presence of #r"e cr#ters on the surf#ce of J#rs 798 :he pro+#+i it, is !ecre#se! when J#rs s or+it +rin"s the p #net c ose to E#rth 7D8 :he pro+#+i it, is "re#ter th#n the pro+#+i it, th#t # roc* from E#rth wi hit J#rs 7E8 :he pro+#+i it, is ess th#n the pro+#+i it, th#t # roc* from E#rth wi esc#pe E#rth s "r#vit,

25 Ihich of the fo owin"= if true= wou ! c#st most !ou+t on Ghinne,Ls estim#te of the pro+#+i it, of E#rth toc*s hittin" J#rsP

7A8 %#ther th#n "oin" in r#n!om !irections= #+out 25 percent of # p#rtic es= e6ecte! from E#rth "o in the s#me !irection into sp#ce 7/8 Appro.im#te , 155 meteorites #r"e enou"h to m#*e # notice#+ e cr#ter hit the E#rth e#ch ,e#r 798 &o roc*s of E#rth ori"in h#ve +een !etecte! on J#rs 7D8 :he ve ocit, of roc*s esc#pin" from E#rthLs "r#vit, is ower th#n the ve ocit, of meteorites hittin" the E#rth 7E8 &o cr#ters more th#n 05 mi es #cross h#ve +een foun! on J#rs.

435 % 2ASSAG3 ( % (' 6 )' 6 *' A +' C ,' C -' B .' 3 2ASSAG3 ) % (' B )' B *' 6 +' A

E$ER!ISE 6 :
Instructions : Each passage in this group is followed by questions based on its content After reading a passage, choose the best answer to each question Answer all questions following a passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage

2ASSAG3 ( %

$f <omerLs two epic poems= the $!,sse, h#s # w#,s +een more popu #r th#n the ( i#!= perh#ps +ec#use it inc u!es more fe#tures of m,tho o", th#t #re #ccessi+ e to re#!ers. (ts su+6ect 7to use J#,n#r! J#c*Ls c#te"ories8 is O ife;#s;spect#c e=O for re#!ers= !iverte! +, its v#rious inci!ents= o+serve its hero $!,sseus prim#ri , from without? the tr#"ic ( i#!= however= presents O ife;#s; e.perienceO: re#!ers #re #s*e! to i!entif, with the min! of Achi es= whose motiv#tions ren!er him # notSp#rticu #r , i*#+ e hero. (n #!!ition= the ( i#!= more th#n the $!,sse,= su""ests the comp e.it, of the "o!sL invo vement in hum#n #ctions= #n! to the e.tent th#t mo!ern re#!ers fin! this comp e.it, # nee! ess comp ic#tion= the ( i#! is ess s#tisf,in" th#n the $!,sse,= with its simp er scheme of !ivine 6ustice. Ain# ,= since the ( i#! presents # historic# , verifi#+ e #ction= :ro,Ls sie"e= the poem r#ises historic# 3uestions th#t #re #+sent from the $!,sse,Ls + ithe , im#"in#tive wor !.

11. :he #uthor uses J#c*Ls Oc#te"oriesLO 7 ines 4;58 most pro+#+ , in or!er to

7A8 #r"ue th#t the ( i#! shou ! rep #ce the $!,sse, #s the more popu #r poem 7/8 in!ic#te J#c*Ls import#nce #s # comment#torO on the ( i#! #n! the $!,sse,

798 su""est one w#, in which the ( i#! #n! the $!,sse, c#n +e !istin"uishe! 7D8 point out some of the !ifficu ties f#ce! +, re#!ers of the ( i#! #n! the $!,sse, 7E8 !emonstr#te th#t the ( i#! #n! the $!,sse, c#n +est +e !istin"uishe! +, comp#rin" their respective heroes

12. :he #uthor su""ests th#t the v#riet, of inci!ents in the $!,sse, is i*e , to !eter the re#!er from

7A8 concentr#tin" on the poemLs m,tho o"ic# fe#tures 7/8 concentr#tin" on the ps,cho o"ic# st#tes of the poemLs centr# ch#r#cter 1. #cceptin" the e.p #n#tions .h#t h#ve +een offere! for the poemLs popu #rit, 2. #cceptin" the poemLs scheme of !ibme 6ustice #cceptin" J#,n#r! J#c*Ls theor, th#t the poemLs su+6ect is O ife;#s;spect#c e

14. :he p#ss#"e is prim#ri , concerne! with

7A8 !istin"uishin" #r"uments 7/8 #pp ,in" c #ssific#tions 798 initi#tin" # !e+#te 7D8 reso vin" # !ispute 7E8 !eve opin" # contr#ct

25. (t c#n +e inferre! from the p#ss#"e th#t # re#!er of the ( i#! is i*e , to h#ve trou+ e i!entif,in" poemLs hero for which of the fo owin" re#sonsP

7A8 :he hero is eventu# , reve# e! to +e unheroic

7/8 :he hero c#n +e o+serve! +, the re#!er on , from without. 798 :he heroLs ps,cho o", is not historic# , verifi#+ e 7D8 :he heroLs emotions often !o not seem #ppe# in" to the re#!er. 7E8 :he heroLs emotions #re not sufficient , v#rious to en"#"e the re#!erLs #ttention.

2ASSAG3 ) %

A OscientisticO view of #n"u#"e w#s !omin#nt #mon" phi osophers #n! in"uists who #ffecte! to !eve op # scientific #n# ,sis or hum#n thou"ht #n! +eh#vior in the e#r , p#rt of this centur,. Un!er the force of this view= it w#s perh#ps inevit#+ e th#t the #rt of rhetoric shou ! p#ss from the st#tus of +ein" re"#r!e! #s of 3uestion#+ e worth 7+ec#use # thou"h it mi"ht +e +oth # source of p e#sure #n! # me#ns to ur"e pie to ri"ht #ction it mi"ht # so +e # me#ns to on truth #n! # source of mis"ui!e! #ction8 to the st#tus of +ein" who , con!emne! (f peop e #re re"#r!e! on , #s m#chines "ui!e! +, o"ic= #s the, were +, these OscientisticO thin*ers= rhetoric is i*e , to +e he ! in ow re"#r!= for the most o+vious truth #+out rhetoric is th#t it spe#*s to the who e person. (t presents #r"uments first to the person #s # r#tion# +ein"= +ec#use persu#sive !iscourse= if honest , conceive!= # w#,s h#s # +#sis in re#sonin" Lo"ic# #r"ument is the #s it were= of #n, speech or ess#, th#t is= respect;men!e! to persu#!e peop e )et it is # ch#r#cter; fe#ture of rhetoric th#t it "oes +e,on! this #n! M;#ppe# s to the p#rts of our n#ture th#t #re invo ve! in fee in"= !esirin"= #ctin"= #n! sufferin" (t rec# s re ev#nt ices of the emotion# re#ctions of peop e to ;inst#ncesMre# or fiction# Mth#t #re simi #r to our own circumst#nces Huch is the purpose of +oth ;c# #ccounts #n! f#+ es in persu#sive !iscourse the, in!ic#te iter# , or s,m+o ic# , how ; e m#, re#ct emotion# ,= with hope or fe#r= to p#rticu #r circumst#nces A speech #ttemptin" to ;!e peop e c#n #chieve itt e un ess it t#*es into #ccount the #spect of their +ein" re #te! to such hopes fe#rs. %hetoric= then= is #!!resse! to hum#n +ein"s ivin" #t p#rticu #r times #n! in p#rticu #r p #ces Arom the point of view of rhetoric= we #re not mere , o"ic# thin*in" m#chines= cre#tures #+str#cte! from time #n! :he stu!, of rhetoric shou ! therefore +e consi!ere! most hum#nistic of the hum#nities= since rhetoric 7458 is not !irecte! on , to our;r#tion# se ves (t t#*es into #ccount wh#t the OscientisticO view e#ves out (f it is # we#*ness to h#r+or fee in"s= then rhetoric m#, +e thou"ht of #s !e# in" in we#*ness /ut those who re6ect :# of rhetoric +ec#use the, +e ieve it !e# s in ies 745 #n! who #t the s#me time hope to move peop e to on. must either +e i#rs themse ves or +e ver, n#Eve? pure o"ic h#s never +een # motiv#tin" force un ess it h#s +een su+or!in#te! to hum#n purposes= fee in"s= #n! !esires= #n! there+, ce#se! to +e pure o"ic.

21 Accor!in" to the p#ss#"e= to re6ect rhetoric sti hope to persu#!e peop e is

7A8 #n #im of most spe#*ers #n! writer 7/8 #n in!ic#tion either of !ishonest, on of cre!u it, 798 # w#, of !isp #,in" !istrust of the #u!ienceLs motives 7D8 # ch#r#cteristic of most hum#nistic !iscourse 7E8 # w#, of #voi!in" e.cessive , #+str#ct re#sonin"

22 (t c#n +e inferre! Arom= the p#ss#"e th#t in the #te nineteenth centur, rhetoric w#s re"#r!e! #s

7A8 the on , necess#r, e ement of persu#sive !iscourse 7/8 # !u+ious #rt u= #t e#st two w#,s 798 #n outmo!e! #n! te!ious #mp ific#tion of o"ic 7D8 #n open offense to the r#tion# min! 7E8 the most import#nt of the hum#nistic stu!ies

23 :he p#ss#"e su""ests th#t the !isp#r#"ement of rhetoric +, some peop e c#n +e tr#ce! to their

7A8 re#ction #"#inst science 7/8 #c* of tr#inin" in o"ic 798 !esire to persu#!e peop e #s comp ete , #s possi+ e 7D8 misun!erst#n!in" of the use of the term OscientisticO

7E8 view of hum#n motiv#tion

24 :he p#ss#"e su""ests th#t # speech th#t #ttempts to persu#!e peop e to #ct is i*e , to f#i if it !oes &$:

7A8 !istort the truth # itt e to m#*e it more #ccept#+ e to the #u!ience 7/8 #ppe# to the se f;interest #s we #s the hum#nit#ri#nism of the #u!ience 798 #!!ress istenersL emotions #s we #s their inte ects 7D8 conce!e the o"ic of other points of view 7E8 show how #n imme!i#te , !esir#+ e #ction is consistent with time ess princip es

25 :he p#ss#"e su""ests th#t to consi!er peop e #s Othin*in" m#chinesO 7 ine 318 is to consi!er them #s

7A8 +ein"s sep#r#te! from # historic# conte.t 7/8 rep #ce#+ e p#ns of # #r"er soci# m#chine 798 more comp e. th#n other #nim# s 7D8 i#rs r#ther th#n honest peop e 7E8 inf# i+ e in their re#sonin"

20. Ihich of the fo owin" persu#sive !evices is &$: use! in the p#ss#"eP

7A8 A s#mp e of #n #ctu# speech !e ivere! +, #n or#tor 7/8 :he contr#st of !ifferent points of view 798 :he repetition of *e, i!e#s #n! e.pressions

7D8 An #n# o", th#t see*s to e.p #in o"ic# #r"ument 7E8 Ev# u#tive or 6u!"ment# wor!s

21. Ihich of the fo owin" +est st#tes the #uthor s m#in point #+out o"ic# #r"umentP

7A8 (t is # steri e= #+str#ct !iscip ine= of itt e use in re# ife 7/8 (t is #n essenti# e ement 51 persu#sive !iscourse= +ut on , one such e ement 798 (t is #n import#nt me#ns of persu#!in" peop e to #ct #"#inst their !esires 7D8 (t is the owest or!er of !iscourse +ec#use it is the e#st im#"in#tive 7E8 (t is essenti# to persu#sive !iscourse +ec#use it !e# Ls= with univers# truths

435 % 2ASSAG3 (% (' C )' B *' 3 +' 6 2ASSAG3 ) % (' B )' B *' 3 +' C ,' A -' A .' B

E$ER!ISE 7 :

Instructions : Each passage in this group is followed by questions based on its content After reading a passage, choose the best answer to each question Answer all questions following a passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage

2ASSAG3 ( %

:he !eep se# t,pic# , h#s # sp#rse f#un# !omin#te! +, tin, worms #n! crust#ce#ns= with #n even sp#rser !istri+ution of #r"er #nim# s. <owever= ne#r h,!rotherm# vents= #re#s of the oce#n where w#rm w#ter emer"es from su+terr#ne#n sources= ive rem#r*#+ e !ensities of hu"e c #ms= + in! cr#+s= #n! fish. Jost !eep;se# f#un#s re , for foo! on p#rticu #te m#tter= u tim#te , !erive! from photos,nthesis= f# in" from #+ove. :he foo! supp ies necess#r, to sust#in the #r"e vent communities= however= must +e m#n, times the or!in#r, f# out. :he first reports !escri+in" vent f#un#s propose! two possi+ e sources of nutrition: +#cteri# chemos,nthesis= pro!uction of foo! +, +#cteri# usin" ener", !erive! from chemic# ch#n"es= #n! #!vection.= the !riftin" of foo! m#teri# s from surroun!in" re"ions. L#ter= evi!ence in support of the i!e# of intense oc# chemos,nthesis w#s #ccumu #te!L h,!ro"en su fi!e w#s foun! in vent w#ter? m#n, vent;site +#cteri# were foun! to +e c#p#+ e of chemos,nthesis= #n! e.treme , #r"e concentr#tions of +#cteri# were foun! in s#mp es of vent w#ter thou"ht to +e pure. :his fin# o+serv#tion seeme! !ecisive. (f such #stonishin" concentr#tions of +#cteri# were t,pic# of vent outf ow= then foo! within the vent wou ! !w#rf #n, contri+ution from #!vection. <ence= the wi!e , 3uote! conc usion w#s re#che! th#t +#cteri# chemos,nthesis provi!es the foun!#tion for h,!rotherm# ; vent foo! ch#insM#n e.citin" prospect +ec#use no other communities on E#rth #re in!epen!ent of photos,nthesis :here #re= however= cert#in !ifficu ties with this interpret#tion. Aor e.#mp e= some of the #r"e se!ent#r, or"#nisms #ssoci#te! with vents #re # so foun! #t or!in#r, !eep;se# temper#tures m#n, meters from the ne#rest h,!rotherm# sources. :his su""ests th#t +#cteri# chemos,nthesis is not # sufficient source of nutrition for these cre#tures. Another !ifficu t, is th#t simi #r , !ense

popu #tions of #r"e !eep;se# #nim# s h#ve +een foun! in the pro.imit, of Osmo*ersOMvents where w#ter emer"es #t temper#tures up to 355a 9. &o +#cteri# c#n survive such he#t= #n! no +#cteri# were foun! there. Un ess smo*ers #re consistent , oc#te! ne#r more; hospit#+ e w#rm;w#ter vents= chemos,nthesis= c#n #ccount for on , # fr#ction of the vent f#un#s it is conceiv#+ e= however= th#t these #r"e= se!ent#r, or"#nisms !o in f#ct fee! on +#cteri# th#t "row in w#rm;w#ter vents= rise in the vent w#ter= #n! then r#m in peripher# #re#s to nourish #nim# s ivin" some !ist#nce from the w#rm;w#ter vents. &onethe ess= #!vection is # more i*e , # tern#tive foo! source. %ese#rch h#s !emonstr#te! th#t #!vective f ow= which ori"in#tes ne#r the surf#ce of the oce#n where suspen!e! p#rticu #te m#tter #ccumu #tes= tr#nsports some of th#t m#tter #n! w#ter to the vents. Estim#tes su""est th#t for ever, cu+ic meter= of vent !isch#r"e= 355 mi i"r#ms of p#rticu #te or"#nic m#teri# wou ! +e #!vecte! into the vent #re#. :hus= for #n #ver#"e;si-e! vent= #!vection cou ! provi!e more th#n 35 *i o"r#ms of potenti# foo! per !#,. (n #!!ition= it is i*e , th#t sm# ive #nim# s in the #!vecte! w#ter mi"ht +e *i e! or stunne! +, therm# #n!Sor chemic# shoc*8 there+, contri+utin" to the foo! supp , of vents.

10. :he p#ss#"e provi!es inform#tion for #nswerin" which of the fo owin" 3uestionsP

7A8 Ih#t c#uses w#rm;w#ter vents to formP 7/8 Do vent f#un#s consume more th#n !o !eep;se# f#un#s of simi #r si-eP 798 Do +#cteri# ive in the vent w#ter of smo*ersP 7D8 Ih#t ro e !oes h,!ro"en su fi!e p #, in chemos,nthesisP 7E8 Ih#t #ccounts for the oc#tions of !eep;se# smo*ersP

11. :he inform#tion in the p#ss#"e su""ests th#t the m#6orit, of !eep;se# f#un#s th#t ive in nonvent h#+it#ts h#ve which of the fo owin" ch#r#cteristicsP

7A8 :he, !o not norm# , fee! on p#rtic es of foo! in the w#ter. 7/8 :he, #re sm# er th#n m#n, vent f#un#s. 798 :he, #re pre!#tors.

7D8 :he, !erive nutrition from # chemos,nthetic foo! source. 7E8 :he, con"re"#te #roun! # sin" e m#in foo! source.

12. :he prim#r, purpose of the p#ss#"e is to

7A8 !escri+e= # previous , un*nown n#tur# phenomenon 7/8 reconstruct the evo ution of # n#tur# phenomenon 798 est#+ ish une3uivoc# , the #ccur#c, of # h,pothesis 7D8 surve, e.p #n#tions for # n#tur# phenomenon #n! !etermine which is +est supporte! +, evi!ence 7E8 entert#in criticism of the #uthorLs rese#rch #n! provi!e #n effective response

14. Ihich of the fo owin";!oes the #uthor cite #s # we#*ness in the #r"ument th#t +#cteri# chemos,nthesis provi!es the foun!#tion for the foo! ch#ins #t !eep;se# ventsP

1. Vents #re co oni-e! +, some of the s#me #nim# s foun! in other #re#s of the oce#n f oor. 2. Vent w#ter !oes not cont#in sufficient 3u#ntities of h,!ro"en su fi!e. 3. /#cteri# c#nnot pro!uce #r"e 3u#ntities of foo! 3uic* , enou"h. 4. L#r"e concentr#tions of miner# s #re foun! invent w#ter. 5. Home +#cteri# foun! in the vents #re inc#p#+ e of chemos,nthesis.

25. Ihich of the fo owin" is inform#tion supp ie! in the p#ss#"e th#t wou ! support the st#tement th#t the foo! supp ies necess#r, to sust#in vent communities must +e m#n, times th#t of or!in#r, f# outP

(. L#r"e vent f#un#s move from vent to vent in se#rch of foo!. ((. Vent f#un#s #re not #+ e to consume foo! pro!uce! +, photos,nthesis.

(((. Vents #re more !ense , popu #te! th#n #re other !eep;se# #re#s.

7A8 ( on , 7/8 ((( on , 798 ( #n! (( on , 7D8 (( #n! ((( on , 7E8 (= ((= #n! (((

21. :he #uthor refers to Osmo*ersO 7 ine 328 most pro+#+ , in or!er to

7A8 show how therm# Hhoc* c#n provi!e foo! for some= vent f#un#s +, stunnin" sm# #nim# s 7/8 prove th#t the h#+it#t of most !eep;se# #nim# s is imite! to w#rm;w#ter vents 798 e.p #in how +#cteri# c#rr, out chemos,nthesis 7D8 !emonstr#te how #!vection compens#tes for this #c* of foo! sources on the se#f oor 7E8 present evi!ence th#t +#cteri# chemos,nthesis m#, +e #n in#!e3u#te source of foo! for some vent f#un#s

22. Ihich of the fo owin" c#n +e inferre! from the p#ss#"e #+out the p#rticu #te m#tter th#t is c#rrie! !own from the surf#ce of the oce#nP

7A8 (t is the +#sis of +#cteri# chemos,nthesis in the vents. 7/8 (t m#, provi!e #n import#nt source of nutrition for vent f#un#s. 798 (t m#, c#use the intern# temper#ture of the vents to ch#n"e si"nific#nt ,. 7D8 (t is tr#nsporte! #s #r"e #""re"#tes of p#rtic es. 7E8 (t cont#ins h,!ro"en su fi!e.

2ASSAG3 ) %

(n # recent stu!,= D#vi! 9ress, e.#mines two centr# 3uestions concernin" En" ish immi"r#tion to &ew En" #n! in the 1035Ls: wh#t *in!s of peop e immi"r#te! Lot= #n! wh,P Usin" contempor#r, iter#r, evi!ence= ship 758 pin" ists= #n! customs recor!s= 9ress, fin!s th#t most #!u t immi"r#nts were s*i e! in f#rmin" or cr#fts= were iter#te= #n! were or"#ni-e! in f#mi ies. E#ch of these ch#r#cteristics sh#rp , !istin"uishes the 21=555 peop e who eft for &ew En" #n! in the 1035Ls from most of the 7158 #ppro.im#te , 311=555 En" ish peop e who h#! immi"r#te! to Americ# +, 1155. Iith respect to their re#sons for immi"r#tin"= 9ress, !oes not !en, the fre3uent , note! f#ct th#t some of the immi"r#nts of the 1035Ls= most not#+ , the or"#ni-ers 7158 #n! c er",= #!v#nce! re i"ious e.p #n#tions for !ep#rture= +ut he fin!s th#t such e.p #n#tions usu# , #ssume! prim#c, on , in retrospect. Ihen he moves +e,on! the princip# #ctors= he fin!s th#t re i"ious e.p #; n#tions were ess fre3uent , offere! #n! he conc u!es 7258 th#t most peop e immi"r#te! +ec#use the, were recruite! +, promises of m#teri# improvement.

24. (n the p#ss#"e= the #uthor is prim#ri , concerne! with

7A8 summ#ri-in" the fin!in"s of #n investi"#tion 7/8 #n# ,-in" # metho! of #r"ument 798 ev# u#tin" # point of view 7D8 h,pothesi-in" #+out # set of circumst#nces 7E8 est#+ ishin" c#te"ories

25. Accor!in" to the p#ss#"e= 9ress, wou ! #"ree with which of the fo owin" st#tements #+out the or"#ni-ers #mon" the En" ish immi"r#nts to &ew En" #n! in the 1035LsP

(. Jost of them were c er",.

((. Home of them offere! # re i"ious e.p #n#tion for their immi"r#tion. (((. :he, !i! not offer #n, re#sons for their Limmi"r#tion unti some time #fter the, h#! immi"r#te!. (V. :he, were more i*e , th#n the #ver#"e immi"r#nt to +e motiv#te! +, m#teri# consi!er#tions. 7A8 ( on , 7/8 (( on , 798(( #n! ((( on , 7D8 (= in= #n! (V on , 7E8 ((= (((= #n! (V on ,

20. Accor!in" to the p#ss#"e= 9ress, h#s m#!e v= ;U. the fo owin" c #ims #+out wh#t motiv#te! En". immi"r#nts to "o to &ew En" #n! in the 1035Ls

7A8 :he, were motiv#te! +, re i"ious consi!er#tions # one. 7/8 :he, were motiv#te! +, economic consi!er#tions # one. 798 :he, were motiv#te! +, Ore i"ious #n! economic consi!er#tions e3u# ,. 7D8 :he, were motiv#te! more often +, economic th#n +, re i"ious consi!er#tions. 7E8 :he, were motiv#te! more often +, re i"ious th#n +, economic consi!er#tions.

21. :he p#ss#"e su""ests th#t the m#6orit, of those En" ish peop e who h#! immi"r#te! to Americ# +, the #te seventeenth centur, were

7A8 c er", 7/8 ,oun" chi !ren

798 or"#ni-e! in f#mi ies 7D8 s*i e! in cr#fts 7E8 i iter#te ;

435 % 2ASSAG3 ( % (' C )' B *' 6 +' A ,' B -' 3 .' B 2ASSAG3 ) % (' A )' B *' 6 +' 3

E$ER!ISE 8 :

Instructions : Each passage in this group is followed by questions based on its content After reading a passage, choose the best answer to each question Answer all questions following a passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage

2ASSAG3 ( % :he more th#t is !iscovere! #+out= the intric#te or"#ni-#tion of the nervous s,stem= the more it seems rem#r*#+ e th#t "enes c#n successfu , specif, the !eve opment of th#t s,stem. <um#n "enes cont#in too itt e 758 inform#tion even to specif, which hemisphere of the +r#in e#ch of # hum#nLs 1511 neurons shou ! occup,= et # one the hun!re!s of connections;th#t e#ch neuron m#*es. Aor such re#sons= we c#n #ssume th#t there must +e #n import#nt r#n!om f#ctor in neur# !eve opment= 7158 #n! in p#rticu #r= th#t errors must #n! !o occur in the !eve opment of # norm# +r#ins. :he most vivi! e.pression of such errors occurs in "enetic# , i!entic# 7iso"enic8 or"#nisms. Even when re#re! un!er the s#me con!itions= iso"enic or"#nisms #re 7158 r#re , e.#ct copies of one #nother= #n! their !ifferences h#ve reve# e! much #+out the r#n!om v#ri#tions th#t resu t from #n or"#nismLs imite! supp , of "enetic inform#tion. (n iso"enic D#phni#e= for e.#mp e= even thou"h the position= si-e= #n! +r#nchin" p#ttern of e#ch optic 7258 neuron #re rem#r*#+ , const#nt= there is some v#ri#+i it, in connectivit,= #n! the num+er of s,n#pses v#ries "re#t ,. :his v#ri#+i it, is pro+#+ , the resu t of r#n!om sc#tter +e,on! the reso ution of "enetic contro #n! is +est terme! Oimprecision=O since its converse= the 7258 !e"ree of c usterin" #+out # me#n= is convention# , c# e! Oprecision.O (mprecision shou ! +e !istin"uishe! from !eve opment# mist#*es: wron" , mi"r#te! neurons= incorrect connections= #n! the i*e. :o use # computer #n# o",= 7358 minor roun!in";off errors occur univers# ,= #n! #re #n# o"ous to imprecision= +ut occ#sion# , # +in#r, !i"it is incorrect , tr#nsmitte!= perh#ps ruinin" # c# cu #tion= #n! this incorrect tr#nsmission is #n# o"ous to # !eve opment# mist#*e. :hus= imprecision is # form of in#ccur#c, 7358 inherent within the imits of !esi"n= +ut mist#*es #re forms of "ross f# i+i it,. /oth imprecision #n! "ross f# i+i it, c#n p #usi+ , +e + #me! on the insufficienc, of "enetic inform#tion= since either cou ! +e re!uce! +, #!!in" more inform#tion. (t 7458 is univers# , #ccepte! #mon" inform#tion theorists th#t co!es #n! #n"u#"es c#n +e m#!e mist#*e; resist#nt +, incorpor#tin" re!un!#nc,. <owever= since the #mount of sp#ce #v#i #+ e in #n, inform#tion s,stem is imite!= incre#se! re!un!#nc, resu ts in !ecre#se! precision. Aor 7458 e.#mp e= c when written incorrect , in En" ish= Othree point one four two=O c#n +e un!erstoo! correct , even thou"h # t,po"r#phic# error h#s occurre!. Jore precision cou ! +e "#ine!= however= if those 24 sp#ces were fi e! with Ar#+ic numer# s? then n cou ! +e e.presse! to 23 7558 si"nific#nt !i"its= # thou"h #n, error wou ! si"nific#nt , ch#n"e the me#nin". :here e.ists # tr#!e;off? the more precise , # s,stem is specifie!= usin" # "iven imite! #mount of inform#tion= the "re#ter the !#n"er of "ross mist#*es. :he over# scheme +, which "enetic inform#tion is r#tione! out in or"#nisms= therefore= must invo ve # compromise +etween two conf ictin" priorities: precision #n! the #voi!#nce of "ross mist#*es.

11. Ihich of the fo owin" +est e.presses the m#in i!e# of the p#ss#"eP

7A8 A thou"h stu!ies of iso"enic or"#nisms h#ve shown th#t # or"#nisms #re su+6ect to !eve opment# = v#ri#tions= there is sti scientific !e+#te over the e.#ct c#uses of these v#ri#tions. 7/8 /ec#use of imit#tions on the #mount of inform#tion cont#ine! in the "enes of or"#nisms= !eve opin" nervous s,stems #re su+6ect to two +#sic *in!s of error= the i*e ihoo! of one of which is re!uce! on , when the i*e ihoo! of the other is incre#se!. 798 :he comp e.it, of #n or"#nismLs "enetic inform#tion me#ns th#t much of the unusu# v#ri#tion th#t occurs #mon" or"#nisms c#n +est +e e.p #ine! #s the resu t of !eve opment# mist#*es. 7D8 &ew fin!in"s #+out the n#ture of the "enetic contro of neur# !eve opment support the wor* of some scientists who #r"ue th#t the computer is #n e.treme , usefu mo!e for un!erst#n!in" the nervous s,stem. 7E8 :he m#6or !iscover, m#!e +, scientists stu!,in" the "enetic contro of neur# !eve opment is th#t +oth imprecision #n! "ross !eve opment# error c#n +e tr#ce! to specific t,pes of mut#tions in specific "enes.

12. Accor!in" to the p#ss#"e= one of the re#sons it h#s +een #ssume! th#t there is #n import#nt r#n!om e ement in hum#n neur# !eve opment is th#t

7A8 "enes c#nnot specif, cert#in t,pes of !eve opment# processes #s we #s the, c#n others 7/8 the intric#c, of the nervous s,stem # ows sm# !eve opment# errors to occur without h#rmfu effects 798 the #mount of inform#tion cont#ine! in the "enes is ess th#n the #mount necess#r, to specif, the oc#tion of the neurons 7D8 the num+er of neurons in the hum#n Dr#in v#ries "re#t , from in!ivi!u# to in!ivi!u# 7E8 it is theoretic# , impossi+ e for #n or"#nism to protect itse f comp ete , from "ross !eve op; ment# mist#*es

14. :he #uthor su""ests which of the fo owin" #+out the fin!in"s of inform#tion theoristsP

7A8 :heir fin!in"s provoc#tive , ch# en"e the st#n!#r! e.p #n#tion of re!un!#nc, in "enes. 7/8 :heir fin!in"s provi!e usefu insi"hts into un!erst#n!in" the r#tionin" of "enetic infor; m#tion. 798 :heir fin!in"s he p to e.p #in wh, imprecision c#n occur in neur# !eve opment +ut not;wh, "ross mist#*es c#n occur. 7D8 :heir fin!in"s su""est th#t "enes m#, +e #+ e to specif, neur# !eve opment more #ccur#te , th#n= h#! previous , +een thou"ht. 7E8 :heir fin!in"s support the wor* of those who use computer oper#tions #s mo!e s for un!erst#n!in" "enetic contro .

25. Accor!in" to the p#ss#"e= of the fo owin" #spects of the optic neurons of iso"enic D#phni#e= which v#ries the mostP

7A8 Hi-e 7/8 9onnectivit, 798 Gosition 7D8 /r#nchin" p#ttern 7E8 &um+er of s,n#pses

21. Ihich of the fo owin" +est !escri+es the or"#ni-#tion of the first p#r#"r#phP

7A8 A specific c#se (s presente!= its !et#i s #re #n# ,-e!= #n! # conc usion is !r#wn from it. 7/8= A !iscover, is #nnounce!= its most si"nific#nt #pp ic#tion is !iscusse!= #n! possi+i ities for the future #re su""este!.

798 A "ener# i-#tion is m#!e= specific situ#tions in which it is #pp ic#+ e #re note!= #n! pro+ emYs with it #re su""este!. 7D8 An o+serv#tion is m#!e= specifics #re provi!e! to support it= #n! # "ener# i-#tion is !erive!. 7E8 A h,pothesis is presente!= its imp ic#tions #re c #rifie!= #n! #pp ic#tions of it #re !iscusse!.

22. :he #uthor uses # of the fo owin" to c #rif, the !istinction +etween imprecision #n! "ross mist#*e in Oneur# !eve opment E\9EG:

7A8 c #ssific#tion of +or!er ine phenomen# 7/8 # !escription of the re #tionship +etween the phenomen# !enote! +, e#ch term 798 specific e.#mp es of the phenomen# !enote! +, e#ch term 7D8 #n e.p #n#tion;of #t e#st one of the *e, term? invo ve! 7E8 #n# o"ies to other t,pes of phenomen#

23. Ihich of the fo owin" c#n +e inferre! from the p#ss#"e #+out the "enetic inform#tion of D#phni#eP

(. :here is pro+#+ , some !e"ree of re!un!#nc, in the inform#tion contro in" neur# !eve opment ((. Jost of the inform#tion for neur# !eve opment store! in the "enes is use! to specif, the posi; tions of the optic neurons. (((. :here is sufficient inform#tion to prec u!e the occurrence of "ross mist#*es !urin" neur# !eve opment. 7A8 ( on , 7/8 (( on , 798 (< on , 7D8 ( #n! n on ,

7E8 (( #n! m on ,

2ASSAG3 ) %

:heorists #re !ivi!e! concernin" the ori"in of the Joon. Home h,pothesi-e th#t the Joon w#s forme! in the s#me w#, #s were the p #nets in the inner so #r O s,stem 7Jercur,= Venus= J#rs= #n! E#rth8Mfrom 758 p #net;formin" m#teri# s in the preso #r ne+u #. /ut= un i*e the cores of the inner p #nets= the JoonLs core cont#ins itt e or no iron= whi e the t,pic# p #net; formin" m#teri# s were 3uite rich in iron. $ther theorists propose th#t the Joon w#s rippe! out of the E#rthLs 7158 roc*, m#nt e +, the E#rthLs co ision with #nother #r"e ce esti# +o!, #fter much of the E#rthLs iron fe to its core. $ne pro+ em with the co ision h,pothesis is the ;. 3uestion of how # s#te ite forme! in this w#, cou ! h#ve d sett e! into the ne#r , circu #r or+it th#t the Joon h#s 7158 to!#,. Aortun#te ,= the co ision h,pothesis is test#+ e. (f it is true= the m#nt eroc*s of the Joon #n! the E#rth shou ! +e the s#me "eochemic# ,.

11. :he prim#r, purpose of the p#ss#"e is to 7A8 present two h,potheses concernin" the ori"in of the Joon 7/8 !iscuss the stren"ths #n! we#*nesses of the co ision h,pothesis concernin" the ori"in of the Joon 798 propose th#t h,potheses concernin" the JoonLs ori"in +e teste! 7D8 #r"ue th#t the Joon cou ! not h#ve +een forme! out of the t,pic# p #net;formin" m#teri# s of the preso #r ne+u #. 7E8 !escri+e one re#son wh, the JoonLs "eochemic# , m#*eup shou ! resem+ e th#t of the E#rth

12. Accor!in" to the p#ss#"e= J#rs #n! the E#rth #re simi #r in which of the f# owin" w#,sP

( :heir s#te ites ;were forme! +, co isions with other ce esti# +o!ies. ((. :heir cores cont#in iron. (((. :he, were forme! from the preso #r ne+u #. 7A8 ((( on , 7/8 ( #n! (( on , 798 ( #n! ((( on , 7D8 (( #n! ((( on , 7E8 (= ((= #n! (((

14. :he #uthor imp ies th#t # ne#r , circu #r or+it is un i*e , for # s#te ite th#t

7A8 circ es one of the inner p #nets 7/8 is !eficient in iron 798 is !ifferent from its p #net "eochemic# , 7D8 w#s forme! +, # co ision +etween two ce esti# +o!ies 7E8 w#s forme! out of the p #net;formin" m#teri# s in the preso #r ne+u #

25. Ihich of the fo owin"= if true= wou ! +e most i*e , to m#*e it !ifficu t to verif, the co ision h,pothesis in the m#nner su""este! +, the #uthorP

7A8 :he JoonLs core;#n! m#nt eroc* #re # most F in#ctive "eo o"ic# ,. 7/8 :he m#nt eroc* of the E#rth h#s ch#n"e! in composition since the form#tion of the Joon= whi e the m#nt eroc* of the Joon h#s rem#ine! chemic# , inert.

798 Juch of the E#rthLs iron fe to the E#rthLs core on" +efore the form#tion of the Joon= #fter which the E#rthLs m#nt eroc* rem#ine! unch#n"e!. 7D8 9ert#in of the E#rthLs e ements= such #s p #tinum= "o != #n! in!ium= fo owe! iron to the E#rthLs core. 7E8 :he m#nt eroc* of the Joon= cont#ins e ements such #s p #tinum= "o != #n! iri!ium.

435 % 2ASSAG3 ( % (' B )' C *' B +' 3 ,' 6 -' A .' A 2ASSAG3 ) % (' A )' 6 *' 6 +' B

E$ER!ISE 9 :
Instructions : Each passage in this group is followed by questions based on its content After reading a passage, choose the best answer to each question Answer all questions following a passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage

2ASSAG3 ( %

Hurprisin" , enou"h= mo!ern histori#ns h#ve r#re , intereste! themse ves in the histor, of the Americ#nL Houth in the perio! +efore the Houth +e"#n to +ecome se f; conscious , #n! !istinctive , OHouthernOMthe 758 !ec#!es #fter 1215. 9onse3uent ,= the cu tur# histor, of /rit#inLs &orth Americ#n empire in the seventeenth #n! ei"hteenth centuries h#s +een written # most #s if the Houthern co onies h#! never e.iste!. :he Americ#n cu ture th#t emer"e! !urin" the 9o oni# #n! %evo ution#r, 7158 er#s h#s +een !epicte! #s h#vin" +een simp , #n e.tension of &ew En" #n! Gurit#n cu ture. <owever= Grofessor D#vis h#s recent , #r"ue! th#t the Houth stoo! #p#rt from the rest of Americ#n societ, !urin" this e#r , perio!= fo owin" its own uni3ue p#ttern of cu tur# 7(58 !eve opment. :he c#se for Houthern !istinctiveness rests upon two re #te! premises: first= th#t the cu tur# simi #rities #mon" the five Houthern co onies were f#r more impressive th#n the !ifferences= #n! secon!= th#t wh#t m#!e those co onies # i*e # so m#!e them !ifferent from 7258 the other co onies. :he Airst= for which D#vis offers #n enormous #mount of evi!ence= c#n +e #ccepte! without m#6or reserv#tions? the secon! is f#r more pro+ em#tic. Ih#t m#*es the secon! premise pro+ em#tic is the use of the Gurit#n co onies #s # +#sis for comp#rison. 7258 Kuite proper ,= D#vis !ecries the e.cessive inf uence #scri+e! +, histori#ns to the Gurit#ns in the form#tion of Americ#n cu ture. )et D#vis in#!vertent , #!!s wei"ht to such #scriptions +, usin" the Gurit#ns #s the st#n!#r! #"#inst which to #ssess the #chievements #n! 7358 contri+utions of Houthern co oni# s. :hrou"hout= D#vis .focuses on the import#nt= #n! un!eni#+ e= !ifferences +etween the Houthern #n! Gurit#n co onies in motives for #n! p#tterns of e#r , sett ement= in #ttitu!es tow#r! n#ture #n! &#tive Americ#ns= #n! in the !e"ree of 7358 receptivit, to metropo it#n cu tur# inf uences. <owever= recent scho #rship h#s stron" , su""este! th#t those #spects of e#r , &ew En" #n! cu ture th#t seem to h#ve +een most !istinct , Gurit#n= such #s the stron" re i"ious orient#tion #n! the commun# impu se= 7458 were not even t,pic# of &ew En" #n! #s # who e= +ut were #r"e , confine! to the two co onies of J#ss#chusetts #n! 9onnecticut. :hus= wh#t in contr#st to the Gurit#n co onies #ppe#rs to D#vis to +e pecu i#r , HouthernM#c3uisitiveness= # stron" interest in po itics 7458 #n! the #w= #n! # ten!enc, to cu tiv#te metropo it#n cu tur# mo!e sMw#s not on , more t,pic# , En" ish th#n the cu tur# p#tterns e.hi+ite! +, Gurit#n J#ss#chusetts #n! 9onnecticut= +ut # so # most cert#in , ch#r#cteristic of most other e#r , mo!ern /ritish co onies 7558 from /#r+#!os north to %ho!e (s #n! #n! &ew <#mpshire. Iithin the #r"er fr#mewor* of Americ#n co oni# ife= then= not the Houthern +ut the Gurit#n co onies #ppe#r to h#ve +een !istinctive= #n! even the, seem to h#ve +een r#pi! , #ssimi #tin" to the !omin#nt cu tur# p#tterns +, the #te 9o oni# perio!.

21. :he #uthor is prim#ri , concerne!L with

7A8 refutin" # c #im #+out the inf uence of Gurit#n cu ture on the e#r , Americ#n Houth 7/8 refutin" # thesis #+out the !istinctiveness of the cu ture of the e#r , Americ#n Houth 798 refutin" the two premises th#t un!er ie D#vis !iscussion of the 9u ture of the Americ#n Houth in the perio! +efore 1215 7D8 ch# en"in" the h,potheses #t e#r , Americ#n cu ture w#s homo"eneous m n#ture 7E8 ch# en"in" the contention th#t the Americ#n Houth m#!e "re#ter contri+utions to e#r , Americ#n cu ture th#n Gurit#n &ew En" #n! !i!

22. :he p#ss#"e imp ies th#t the #ttitu!es tow#r! &#tive Americ#ns th#t prev#i e! in the Houthern co onies

7A8 were in conf ict with the cosmopo it#n out oo* of the Houth 7/8 !erive! from Houtherners stron" interest in the #w 798 were mo!e e! #fter those th#t prev#i e! in the &orth 7D8 !iffere! from those th#t prev#i e! in the Gurit#n co onies 7E8 !eve ope! #s # response to= #ttitu!es th#t prev#i e! in J#ss#chusetts #n! 9onnecticut

23. Accor!in" to the #uthor= the !epiction of Americ#n cu ture !urin" the 9o oni# #n! %evo ution#r, er#s #s #n e.tension of &ew En" #n! Gurit#n cu ture ref ects the

7A8 f#ct th#t histori#ns h#ve overestim#te! the import#nce of the Gurit#ns in the !eve opment of Americ#n cu ture 7/8 f#ct th#t e#r , Americ#n cu ture w#s !eep , inf uence! +, the stron" re i"ious orient#tion of the co onists 798 f#i ure to reco"ni-e import#nt #n! un!eni#+ e cu tur# !ifferences +etween &ew <#mpshire #n! %ho!e (s #n! onethe one h#n! #n! the Houthern co onies on the other 7D8 e.tent to which J#ss#chusetts #n! 9onnecticut serve! #s cu tur# mo!e s for the other Americ#n co onies

7E8 e.tent to which co oni# Americ# resiste! #ssimi #tin" cu tur# p#tternP th#t were t,pic# , En" ish

24. :he #uthor of the p#ss#"e is in #"reement with which of the fo owin" e ements of D#visL +oo*P

(. D#visL c #im th#t #c3uisitiveness w#s # ch#r#cteristic uni3ue to the Houth !urin" the 9o oni# perio! ((. D#visL #r"ument th#t there were si"nific#nt !ifferences +etween Gurit#n #n! Houthern cu ture !urin" the 9o oni# perio!. (((. D#visL thesis th#t the Houthern co onies sh#re! # common cu ture 7A8 ( on , 7/8 (( on , 798 ((( on , 7D8 ( #n! (( on , 7E8 (( #n! ((( on ,

25. (t c#n +e inferre! from the p#ss#"e th#t the #uthor wou ! fin! D#visL secon! premise;7 ines 12;258 more p #usi+ e if it were true th#t

7A8 Gurit#n cu ture h#! !isp #,e! the ten!enc, ch#r#cteristic of the Houth to cu tiv#te metropo it#n cu tur# mo!e s 7/8 Gurit#n cu ture h#! +een !omin#nt in # the non;Houthern co onies !urin" the seventeenth #n! ei"hteenth centuries 798 the commun# impu se #n! # stron" re i"ious orient#tion h#! +een more prev# ent in the Houth 7D8 the v#rious cu tur# p#tterns of the Houthern co onies h#! more c ose , resem+ e! e#ch other

7E8 the cu tur# p#tterns ch#r#cteristic of most e#r , mo!ern /ritish co onies h#! # so;+een ch#r; #cteristic of the Gurit#n co onies

20. :he p#ss#"e su""ests th#t +, the #te 9o oni# perio! the ten!enc, to cu tiv#te metropo it#n cu tur# mo!e s w#s # cu tur# p#ttern th#t w#s

7A8 !,in" out #s Gurit#n inf uence +e"#n to "row 7/8 se f;conscious , #n! !istinctive , Houthern 798 spre#!in" to J#ss#chusetts #n! 9onnecticut 7D8 more ch#r#cteristic of the Houthern co onies th#n of En" #n! 7E8 +e"innin" to spre#! to %ho!e (s #n! #n! &ew <#mpshire

21. Ihich of the fo owin" st#tements cou ! most o"ic# , fo ow the #st sentence of the p#ss#"eP

7A8 :hus= h#! more #ttention +een p#i! to the evi!ence= D#vis wou ! not h#ve +een tempte! to #r"ue th#t the cu ture of the Houth !iver"e! "re#t , from Gurit#n cu ture in the seventeenth centur,. 7/8 :hus= conver"ence= not !iver"ence= seems to h#ve ch#r#cteri-e! the cu tur# !eve opment of the Americ#n co onies in the ei"hteenth centur,. 798 :hus= without the cu tur# !iversit, represente! +, the Americ#n Houth= the cu ture of co o; ni# Americ# wou ! cert#in , h#ve +een homo"eneous in n#ture. 7D8 :hus= the contri+ution of Houthern co oni# s to Americ#n cu ture w#s cert#in , oversh#!; owe! +, th#t of the Gurit#ns. 7E8 :hus= the cu ture of Americ# !urin" the 9o oni# perio! w#s f#r more sensitive to outsi!e inf uences th#n histori#ns #re #ccustome! to #c*now e!"e.

2ASSAG3 ) %

(t h#s on" +een *nown th#t the r#te of o.i!#tive met#+o ism 7the process th#t uses o.,"en to convert foo! into ener",8 in #n, #nim# h#s # profoun! effect on its ivin" p#tterns :he hi"h met#+o ic r#te of sm# #nim# s= for e.#mp e= "ives them sust#ine! power #n! #ctivit, per unit of wei"ht= +ut #t the cost of re3uirin" const#nt consumption of foo! #n! w#ter Ver, #r"e #nim# s= with their re #tive , ow met#+o ic r#tes= c#n survive we on # spor#!ic foo! supp ,= +ut c#n "ener#te itt e met#+o ic ener", per "r#m of +o!, wei"ht. (f on , o.i!#tive met#+o ic r#te is consi!ere!= therefore= one mi"ht #ssume th#t sm# er= more #ctive= #nim# s cou ! pre, on #r"er ones= #t e#st if the, #tt#c*e! in "roups. Gerh#ps;the, cou ! if it were not for #n#ero+ic " ,co ,sis= the "re#t e3u# i-er. An#ero+ic " ,co ,sis is # process in which ener", is pro!uce!= without o.,"en= throu"h the +re#*!own of musc e " ,co"en into #ctic #ci! #n! #!enosine triphosph#te 7A:G8= the ener", provi!er. :rue #mount of ener", th#t c#n +e pro!uce! #n#ero+ic# , is # function of the #mount of " ,co"en presentMin #i verte+r#tes #+out 5.5 percent of their musc esL wet wei"ht. :hus the #n#ero+ic ener", reserves of # verte+r#te #re proportion# to the si-e of the #nim# . (f= for e.#mp e= some pre!#tors h#! #tt#c*e! # 155;ton !inos#ur= norm# , torpi!= the !inos#ur wou ! h#ve +een #+ e to "ener#te # most inst#nt#neous ,= vi# #n#ero+ic " ,co ,sis= the ener", of 3=555 hum#ns #t m#.imum o.i!#tive met#+o ic ener", pro!uction. :his e.p #ins how m#n, #r"e species h#ve m#n#"e! to compete with their more #ctive nei"h+ors: the compens#tion for # ow o.i!#tive met#+o ic r#te is " ,co ,sis. :here #re imit#tions= however= to this compens#tion. :he " ,co"en reserves of #n, #nim# #re "oo!= #t most= for on , #+out two minutes #t m#.imum effort= #fter which on , the norm# o.i!#tive met#+o ic source of ener", rem#ins Iith the conc usion of # +urst of #ctivit,= the #ctic #ci! eve is hi"h in the +o!, f ui!s= e#vin" the #r"e #nim# vu ner#+ e to #tt#c* unti the #ci! is reconverte!= vi# o.i!#tive met#+o ism= +, the iver into " ucose= which is then sent 7in p#rt8 +#c* to the musc es for " ,co"en res,nthesis. Durin" this process the enormous ener", !e+t th#t the #nim# h#s run up throu"h #n#ero+ic " ,co ,sis must +e rep#i!= # !e+t th#t is proportion# , much "re#ter for the #r"er verte+r#tes th#n for the sm# er ones. Ihere#s the tin, shrew c#n rep #ce in minutes the " ,co"en use! for m#.imum effort= for e.#mp e= the "i"#ntic !inos#ur wou ! h#ve re3uire! more th#n three wee*s. (t mi"ht seem th#t this intermin#+ , on" recover, time in # #r"e verte+r#te wou ! prove # "r#ve !is#!v#nt#"e for surviv# . Aortun#te ,= musc e " ,co"en is use! on , when nee!e! #n! even then on , in wh#tever 3u#ntit, is necess#r,. $n , in times of p#nic or !urin" mort# com+#t wou ! the entire reserves +e consume!.

25. :he prim#r, purpose of the p#ss#"e is to

7A8 refute # misconception #+out #n#ero+ic " ,co ,sis 7/8 intro!uce # new h,pothesis #+out #n#ero+ic " ,co ,sis 798 !escri+e the imit#tionsL of #n#ero+ic " ,co ,sis

7D8 #n# ,-e the chemistr, of #n#ero+ic " ,co ,sis #n! its simi #rit, to o.i!#tive met#+o ism 7E8 e.p #in #n#ero+ic " ,co ,sis #n! its effects on #nim# surviv#

21. Accor!in" to the #uthor= " ,co"en is cruci# to the process of #n#ero+ic " ,co ,sis +ec#use " ,co"en

7A8 incre#ses the or"#nismLs nee! for A:G 7/8 re!uces the #mount of A:G in the tissues 798 is #n inhi+itor of the o.i!#tive met#+o ic pro!uction of A:G 7D8 ensures th#t the s,nthesis of A:G wi occur spee!i , 7E8 is the m#teri# from which A:G is !erive!

22. Accor!in" to the #uthor= # m#6or imit#tion of #n#ero+ic " ,co ,sis is th#t it c#n

7A8 pro!uce in #r"e #nim# s more #ctic #ci! th#n the iver c#n s#fet, reconvert 7/8 necessit#te # !#n"erous , on" recover, perio! in O #r"e #nim# s 798 pro!uce ener", more s ow , th#n it c#n +e use! +, #r"e #nim# s 7D8 consume # of the #v#i #+ e " ,co"en re"#r! ess of nee! 7E8 re!uce si"nific#nt , the r#te #t which ener", is pro!uce! +, o.i!#tive .met#+o ism 23. :he p#ss#"e su""ests th#t the tot# #n#ero+ic ener", reserves of # verte+r#te #re proportion# to the verte+r#teLs si-e +ec#use

7A8 #r"er verte+r#tes conserve more ener", th#n sm# er verte+r#tes 7/8 #r"er verte+r#tes use ess o.,"en per unit wei"ht th#n sm# er verte+r#tes 798 the #+i it, of # verte+r#te to consume foo! is # function of its si-e

7D8 the #mount of musc e tissue in # verte+r#te is !irect , re #te! to its si-e 7E8 the si-e of # verte+r#te is proportion# to the 3u#ntit, of ener", it c#n uti i-e

24. :he #uthor su""ests th#t= on the +#sis of ener", pro!uction= # 155;ton !inos#ur wou ! h#ve +een m#r*e! , vu ner#+ e to which of the fo owin"P

(. %epe#te! #tt#c*s +, # sin" e sm# er= more #ctive #!vers#r,. ((. Hust#ine! #tt#c* +, numerous sm# er= more #ctive #!vers#ries. (((. AK #tt#c* +, #n in!ivi!u# #!vers#r, of simi #r si-e 7A8 (( on , 7/8 ( #n! (( on , 798 ( #n! ((( on , 7D8 (( #n! <( on , 7E8 (= ((. #n! (((

25. (t c#n +e inferre! from the p#ss#"e th#t the time re3uire! to rep enish musc e " ,co"en fo owin" #n#ero+ic " ,co ,sis is !etermine! +, which of the fo owin" f#ctorsP (. %#te of o.i!#tive met#+o ism ((. Ku#ntit, of #ctic #ci! in the +o!, f ui!s (((. Gercent#"e of " ucose th#t is returne! to the musc es

7A8 ( on , 7/8 <( on , 798 ( #n! (( on , 7D8 ( #n! <( on , 7E8 (= ((= #n! <(

20. :he #uthor is most pro+#+ , #!!ressin" which of the fo owin" #u!iencesP

7A8 9o e"e stu!ents in #n intro!uctor, course on #nim# ph,sio o", 7/8 <istori#ns of science investi"#tin" the !iscover, of #n#ero+ic " ,co ,sis 798 Gr#!u#te stu!ents with speci# i-e! tr#inin" in comp#r#tive #n#tom, 7D8 foo o"ists intereste! in prehistoric #nim# s 7E8 /iochemists !oin" rese#rch on o.i!#tive met#+o ism

21. Ihich of the fo owin" +est st#tes the centr# i!e# of the p#ss#"eP 7A8 :he !is#!v#nt#"e of # ow o.i!#tive met#+o ic r#te in #r"e #nim# s c#n +e offset +, their #+i it, to convert su+st#nti# #mounts of " ,co"en into ener",. 7/8 :he most si"nific#nt pro+ em f#cin" #nim# s th#t h#ve use! #n#ero+ic " ,co ,sis for ener", is the res,nthesis of its +,;pro!uct= " ucose= into " ,co"en. 798 :he +enefits to #nim# s of #n#ero+ic " ,co ,sis #re offset +, the profoun! costs th#t must +e p#i!. 7D8 :he m#6or f#ctor ensurin" th#t # #r"e #nim# wi triumph over # sm# er #nim# is the #r"e #nim# Ls #+i it, to pro!uce ener", vi# #n#ero+ic " ,co ,sis. 7E8 :he "re#t !ifferences th#t e.ist in met#+o ic r#tes +etween species of sm# #nim# s #n! species of #r"e #nim# s c#n h#ve import#nt effects on the p#tterns of their #ctivities.

435 % 2ASSAG3 ( % (' B )' 6 *' A +' 3

,' B -' C .' B 2ASSAG3 ) % (' 3 )' 3 *' B +' 6 ,' A -' 3 .' A /' A

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