Form 7-2 Operational Checklist: Aerobic Treatment Unit (ATU)
Form 7-2 Operational Checklist: Aerobic Treatment Unit (ATU)
Form 7-2 Operational Checklist: Aerobic Treatment Unit (ATU)
Service provided on: Date: Service provided by: Company: Date of last service: Date of last inspection: !" Time: Reference #: Employee: By: You Other: NOTES
Type of #T$: Suspended%&ro'th #ttached%&ro'th Se(uencin& batch reactor Combination attached)suspended%&ro'th Rotatin& biolo&ical contactor Other: a" *anufacturer: *odel #: Conditions at the #T$ a" Evaluate presence of odor 'ithin !, ft of perimeter of system: -one *ild Stron& Chemical Sour b" Source of odor. if present: c" /as foam)residue observed outside the unit" Yes -o #T$ access a" 1ocated at &rade" Yes -o b" 2f 3-o4. ho' deep is tan5 buried" c" Risers on tan5" Yes -o d" Evidence of infiltration in the risers" Yes -o e" 1ids securely fastened" Yes -o f" 1ids in operable condition" Yes -o 7entin&)#ir supply a" #ir supply method: #spirator #erator Compressor Blo'er 8ree air 9&o to 6"&: b" Operation: Continuous Timed 9On: min. Off: min: c" #ir supply unit operatin& properly" Yes -o d" ;ressure at air supply unit: psi e" #ir flo' at air supply unit: cfm f" #ir filter)screen: Cleaned Replaced &" 7entin& appears operable" Yes -o #eration chamber a" *i=in& in aeration chamber" Yes -o b" DO in aeration chamber: m&)1 c" p> in aeration chamber: d" Temperature in aeration chamber: e" Settlability test: Settled ?. 8loatin& ? in min f" Biomass color in the aeration chamber: Bro'n Blac5 &" Slud&e pumpin& recommended" Yes -o #dditional tas5s for attached%&ro'th: media evaluation a" ;lu&&in&" Yes -o b" 8loatin&" Yes -o c" *edia 'ashed" Yes -o 2f 'ashed. indicate method used: #ir /ater d" *edia replaced" Yes -o Clarification chamber a" Scum layer" Yes -o 2f yes. thic5ness: in b" Clear Bone depth belo' outlet: in c" Effluent screen)tertiary filter cleaned" -"#" Yes -o
#cceptable $nacceptable
#cceptable $nacceptable
#cceptable $nacceptable
#cceptable $nacceptable
#cceptable $nacceptable
#cceptable $nacceptable
Reference #: DO in clarifier: m&)1 p> in clarifier: Temperature in clarifier: Effluent odor after passin& throu&h unit: -one *ild Stron& h" Effluent color after passin& throu&h unit: Clear Bro'n Blac5 i" Effluent turbidity: -T$ C" Slud&e return operatin&: ;assive #ctive a" 2f active. pump 'as chec5ed manually" -"#" Yes -o b" 2f active. pump operatin& properly" -"#" Yes -o D" Control ;anel: -"#" a" Controls operatin& properly" Yes -o b" 2s enclosure 'aterti&ht" Yes -o c" #larm test s'itch operatin& properly" Yes -o d" #t time of inspection. control s'itch 'as set to: -"#" E>and)*anualF E#utoF e" 2f auto. settin&: Time On: 9min: Time Off: 9min: !," #larm9s:: -"#" a" Types: #ir pressure >i&h 'ater Remote b" #larms operatin&" Yes -o c" #larm readin&s: Readin& Readin& Difference -"#" 9present: 9last: i" ET* hours ii" #larm Counter Events 9-C: Elapsed time in alarm status: 9;TR: % 91TR: G Time 9hours: -umber of alarm events: 9;#CR: % 91#CR: G Events 9number: d" Battery bac5up char&ed" -"#" Yes -o e" Telemetry operable" -"#" Yes -o !!" *anufacturer4s re(uired maintenance performed" Yes -o (If Yes, attach Manufacturers Inspection form to this report, if supplied) !+" 1ab samples collected for monitorin&" Yes -o Types of analysis: d" e" f" &"
#cceptable $nacceptable
ET*: elapsed time meter 1#CR: last alarm counter readin& 1TR: last time readin& -C: number of cycles ;#CR: present alarm counter readin& ;TR: present time readin&