Type of Survey: Initial/ Annual/Intermediate/Renewal/Change of Flag
Type of Survey: Initial/ Annual/Intermediate/Renewal/Change of Flag
Type of Survey: Initial/ Annual/Intermediate/Renewal/Change of Flag
Check Method
Type of Surey! "nitial# $nnual#"ntermediate#%ene&al#Change of 'lag
NOx Technical Code
Name of ship I. R. No.:
Port of Survey Report No.:
(uidance Notes for filling checklist!
Form No.: NOx PCM CL.Rev.0 Page 1 of
1. !he fue" pump timi#g is to $e re%or&e& a#& %ompare& 'ith the timi#g give# i# (#gi#e !e%h#i%a" Fi"e for a#y a"ter#atio#. !he NOx emissio#
re"ate& e#gi#e setti#g is to $e verifie& for o#e or more %y"i#&er &epe#&i#g o# the fi#&i#gs.
This item! "nitial Surey only)
). NOx i#f"ue#%i#g %ompo#e#ts for &iese" e#gi#es as &etai"e& i# the e#gi#e !e%h#i%a" Fi"e are to $e %he%*e&+ as i&e#tifie& i# the approve&
o#$oar& NOx ,erifi%atio# Pro%e&ure -I# this i#sta#%e it is (#gi#e Parameter %he%* metho&.. For ea%h e#gi#e+ or e#gi#e/group+ the
%ompo#e#ts are to $e verifie& after the e#gi#e is i#sta""e&+ or mo&ifie&. It might $e #e%essary to ope# the e#gi#e &epe#&i#g o# the e#gi#e
This item! "nitial Surey only)
EN("NE !imi#gs as give# i# the !e%h. Fi"e !imi#g as o$serve& #o' Remar*s
1. "n*ection timing of ea%h %y"i#&er
0%tua" timi#g as give# i# !e%h#i%a" fi"e
Form No.: NOx PCM CL.Rev.0 Page ) of
V"T index
Start of deliery
I# or&er to assess the a%tua" timi#g+ graph may $e referre& to
*#o' the i#f"ue#%e of timi#g o# NOx emissio# $ase& o# the test $e&
NOx emissio# measureme#t resu"ts. !his is i#%"u&e& i# te%h#i%a" fi"e as part
of pare#t e#gi#e test report. !imi#gs %a# $e ta*e# at ra#&om a#& i#&i%ate %y"i#&er #um$ers
for 'hi%h timi#gs are measure&.
!imi#gs as give# i# the !e%h. Fi"e Remar*s !imi#g as o$serve& #o' Remar*s
Form No.: NOx PCM CL.Rev.0 Page 1 of
). Timing of inlet ale cam
-i# %ase of 2/stro*e e#gi#e.
,a"ve ope#i#g
,a"ve %"osi#g
Form No.: NOx PCM CL.Rev.0 Page 2 of
1. Timing of exhaust ale cam
,a"ve ope#i#g
,a"ve %"osi#g $efore 34C
!he a$ove va"ues are to $e %ompare& 'ith
the a%tua" va"ve give# i# the te%h#i%a" fi"e or
e#gi#e operati#g i#stru%tio#s.
!his %a# $e %arrie& out $y measuri#g %am
"ift I# some %ases.
Form No.: NOx PCM CL.Rev.0 Page 5 of
Manufacturer+s Marking as gien in the Tech)
Marking obsered during surey
"n*ection No,,le
Che%* part #um$er or spe%ifi%atio# of #o66"e.
"n*ection pump
Che%* &iameter of p"u#ger or spe%ifi%atio#
7. Turbocharger
Mo&e" of tur$o%harger 8%he%* 'ith te%h fi"e
Spe%ifi%atio# of #o66"e a#& &iffuser
8 %he%* 'ith te%h fi"es
9. "dentification number of fuel cam)
. "n*ection pressure i# %ase of %ommo# rai"
-Loa&/&epe#&e#t pressure i# the rai".
Refer graph sho'i#g the %orre"atio# 'ith NOx.
Manufacturer+s Marking as gien in the Tech)
Marking obsered during surey
Form No.: NOx PCM CL.Rev.0 Page 7 of
:. Cylinder head
Piston head
10. Compression ratio
Che%* for a%tua" %"eara#%e
Che%* for shims i# pisto# ro& or
%o##e%ti#g ro&.
11. Charge air cooler- charge air pre.heater
Mo&e" a#& spe%ifi%atio#
Loa&/&epe#&e#t %harge air temperature+
%orre%te& to refere#%e %o#&itio#.
Compare 'ith the graph sho'i#g the
%orre"atio# 'ith NOx
1). /ater in*ection
For assessme#t see the graph
sho'i#g the i#f"ue#%e o# NOx
,erify "oa&/&epe#&e#t 'ater
%o#sumptio# -mo#itori#g.
Manufacturer+s Marking as gien in the Tech)
Marking obsered during surey
Form No.: NOx PCM CL.Rev.0 Page 9 of
11. Emulsified fuel
For assessme#t %he%* the graph for the
i#f"ue#%e o# NOx
Che%* "og$oo* re%or&s for
Loa&/&epe#&e#t fue" ra%* positio#
Loa&/&epe#&e#t 'ater %o#sumptio#
12. Exhaust gas re.circulation
;Che%* the graph sho'i#g the i#f"ue#%e o#
Fo""o'i#g re%or&s to verify
Loa&/&epe#&e#t mass f"o' of re/
%ir%u"ate& exhaust gas
CO) %o#%e#tratio# i# the mixture of
fresh air a#& re/%ir%u"ate& exhaust gas i.e.
i# the s%ave#ge air
O) %o#%e#tratio# i# the =s%ave#ge
15. Selectie Catalytic %eduction 0SC%1
Re%or&s to $e %he%*e& for "oa&
&epe#&e#t mass f"o' of re&u%i#g age#t
Che%* the graph sho'i#g the
i#f"ue#%e of area %o#sumptio# o# NOx
Form No.: NOx PCM CL.Rev.0 Page of