Ajax Management Consultants (P) LTD: Course Details
Ajax Management Consultants (P) LTD: Course Details
Ajax Management Consultants (P) LTD: Course Details
No.1, II Floor,Yamuna Bai Road, Near Race Course, Madhavnagar, Bengaluru 560001 e!si"e# h""$#%%&&&.a'a(managemen"s.com
Welcome to the Knowledge center to achieve the greatest asset in your career We provide complete Practical oriented raining with !eal time exposure through our industry experience with excellent course material including handouts" #orms" #ormats #or each and every opic and we discuss case studies and real time circumstances
Course $etails
opics #or % Areas
i"h all "hese )ou*ll !e in a $osi"ion "o design C+C, design ,ross -alar) !rea.u$ &i"h regard "o minimum &ages ac", Income +a( e(em$"ions and o"her rela"ed la!our ac"s You*ll have in/de$"h .no&ledge on all "he areas o0 1F, 2-I, 1+. 1a)roll s"ruc"ure, Calcula"ions Forms, Forma"s 3 4ue da"es e"c., including Income +a(, +4- 3 +a( 1lanning 0or em$lo)ees u$ "o 0orm 16 3 Form 16 5
M/( !eports 4 5dvanced 2(cel re$or"s &i"h shor"cu" .e)s and 0ormulas, i.e.61ivo" +a!le, ,oal -ee., s$li"s 3 0ree7e $anes 5u"o 3 5dvanced 0il"ers, vloo.u$ &hich is used "o $re$are MI- Re$or"s.8Basic Macros &ill !e discussed9 Policy /mplementation 4 Reasons and !ene0i"s // +i$s "o dra0" $olic) manual % 2m$lo)ee hand !oo. // 4iscussion on common indus"rial $olicies // -haring $olicies o0 "o$ com$anies Per#ormance Management (ystem 4 Com$le"e s)s"em o0 a$$raisal evalua"ion / / :60; a$$raisal $rocess // reverse a$$raisals // discussion on Balance score card // In"roduc"ion "o value chain anal)sis and -i( sigma // Re$or"s and 0orma"s Competency Mapping (W5 Analysis .mployee .ngagement + .mployee relation 4 2m$lo)ee grievance handling // rag anal)sis a""i"ude !uilding // case s"ud) conce$"s e"c !etention Management 4 5""ri"ion Ma"ri( // 5""ri"ion Issues /// Re&ards 3 Recogni"ion // <rgani7a"ional cul"ure !uilding // +alen" 2ngagemen" // 2m$lo)ee li0e c)cle e"c
!ecruitment) 4 8=ands on
e($erience on 'o! $or"al9 / Recrui"men" c)cle /Bac.ground veri0ica"ion / -ourcing Me"hods // Recrui"men" Ma"ri( 8 Recrui"men" !udge" % $lanner 9 / 4ocumen"a"ion / Forma"s and Re$or"s / echnology raining 8 +echnical Recrui"men"
=R >argons
Managemen" games and ice !rea.ers ,rou$ 4iscussion %Role $la) F5? % F@+ % Moc. in"ervie&s and +eam $resen"a"ions 4iscussion on +)$ical % logical in"ervie& ?ues"ions
Personality Development Body Language Time Management Goal Setting Group Discussion Interview Tips Aptitude Test Psychometric Test Brain Teasers & I Test !esume "ormatting #o$ Assistance Post Training Support provided regarding any % ! Issues