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"Refurbishment/Rehabilitation of 5 no.Water Supply Booster pumping Stations (BPSs) in South Delhi



Delhi Jal Board

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PRESS N.I.T. No. 26/ E&M (W&S) S-I (2013-14)

On behalf of DJB, EE (E&M) W&S South-I invite e-procurement online tender on lump sum basis from reputed engineering firms/ consulting firms, who have experience of works of similar nature and qualify as per pre qualification criteria given in the bid document.

Date of pre-bid meeting Last date & time for tender download Last date & time for online submission of tender Date/time opening of Technical bid Date/Time opening of Financial Bid
S. No. Name of work

: : : : :

08.01.14 4.00 PM 07.02.13 2:30 PM 07.02.13 3:00 PM 07.02.13 3:10 PM After completion of technical Bid
E/Money C/period


Consultancy Services for Refurbishment / Rehabilitation of 5 Nos. Booster Pumping Stations (BPSs) at South Delhi i/c allied & appurtenant works, on Design, Build & Operate (DBO) basis.



10 Months



Validity of tender 180 days from the date of submission of tender. NIT along with all the terms & conditions is available on Delhi Govt. Web Site https://govtprocurement.delhi.gov.in Agencies may contact the office of EE(E&M) W&S S-I) for additional information/any clarification. Any future amendment / Corrigendum made in this NIT can only be seen on website https://govtprocurement.delhi.gov.in

Sd/EXECUTIVE ENGINEER (E&M) W&S SOUTH-I Copy to:1. Secy to CEO/Mem.(A)/Mem.(F)/Mem.(WS)/Mem.( !.)/CVO "o! #$%& $%"o!m't$o%. (. C.E. ()!o*ect+) W/E'+t/Ce%t!',/So-t./We+t. /. $!. (F&A)/ S.E.(E&M)WS I/SE(So-t.). 0. 1t. $!. (F&A-I/II2 S!. AO(E&M) $/AAO. 3. EE(So-t.) I/ EE(E&M)WC/AE(E&M) 4. Not$ce 5o'!&2 V'!-%','y' ).-I & II 1.'%&e6','%. 7. Co%t!'cto!+ 6e,"'!e A++oc$'t$o% (Re8.) FF2 1SC2 59 :,oc# A M'!#et2 S.',$m'! 5';.2 e,.$-11<<== =. Co%+-,t'%t ()R). >. M'%';e!2 Sy%&$c'te 5'%#2 R'%$ 1.'%+$ Ro'&. EXECUTIVE ENGINEER (E&M) W&S SOUTH-I

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SECTION -1 : LETTER OF INVITATION To, M/s. _________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

Sir, 1. The Delhi Jal Board (DJB) invites Proposal/ application for providing consultancy services for following work :

"Refurbishment/Rehabilitation of 5 no.Water supply Booster Pumping Stations (BPSs) in South Delhi

2. The purpose of this assignment is to get consultancy services for the scope of work comprising of necessary surveys, soil investigations, suggesting methodology, conceptual designs, drawings, preparation of prequalification document, prequalification of bidders, preparation of bid documents, scrutiny and evaluation of bids, preparation of realistic justified cost estimate, and proof consultancy for Civil, Electrical, Mechanical work and clearance of all structural, equipments drawings etc. and all the related works of execution of scheme but not necessary be limited to these and other related services as mentioned in the terms of reference (TOR) and any other project component as not defined therein. 3. The selection of the consultant will be done on the least cost basis (LCB) amongst the responsive technical proposals and satisfactory credentials. 4. The Delhi Jal Board reserves the right to reject any or all offers without assigning any reason. 5. This document includes the following section:Section 1 : Letter of invitation Section 2 : Information for consultants Section 3 : Data sheet, Technical proposal- Standard form Section 4 : Financial Proposal Standard forms Section 5 : Terms of reference Section 6 : Conditions of contract 6. The Pre-bid meeting will be held on at PM at Varunalya Phase II. 7. Your proposal shall hold valid for 150 days from the date of opening of the Technical Proposal (PART A). If needed, the consultant will be expected to extend the validity of his proposal on expiry of the prescribed validity period, at the originally quoted price, without any change and condition. 8. Earnest money amounting to Rs 2,00,000/- (Rupees Two Lacs only) must be deposited in the Bank, as per procedure specified in the tender and the receipt so obtained should be

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uploaded with the tender in Part A. The earnest money of the successful bidder shall be converted into security and will be adjusted in running bills. 9. Security @ 10% of the payment amount will be deducted form running payments subject to a maximum of 5% of the contract price. Security will be released only after Six months of the successful completion of the assignment.

10. The remuneration, which you receive from this contract, will be subject to the different tax laws and Govt. levy rules in India.

Executive Engineer (E&M) W&S-I

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1. INTRODUCTION a) Delhi Jal Board (DJB) will select a firm amongst those who submit their proposals in response to the letter of invitation in accordance with the method indicated in this section. The consultants are invited to submit a proposal for consulting services required for the Assignments named in the Data Sheet. The proposal shall be the basis for contract and negotiations and may ultimately lead to signing of the contract with the selected firm. The consultants must familiarize themselves with the local conditions and take them into account preparing their proposals. To obtain first hand information on the assignment and on the local conditions, they are encouraged to pay a visit to the sites before submitting the proposals. Please note that (i) the costs of preparing the proposals and of negotiating the contract, including required visits to the site are not reimbursable as direct cost of the assignment; and (ii) the DJB is not bound to accept any or all of the proposals submitted.





DOCUMENTS COMPRISING THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) At any time before the submission of the proposal, the DJB may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by an invited firm, modify these documents by amendments.


PREPARATION OF PROPOSAL 3.1 3.2 The consultants are requested to submit proposal written in the language(s) specified in the Data Sheet. In preparing the technical proposal, the consultants are expected to take into account the requirements and conditions of the RFP document. All the attached standard forms (Section-3) shall be duly filled, signed and submitted along with the technical proposal. The technical proposal shall not include any financial information. The financial proposal must follow the standard forms. The proposal should clearly identify the price as per Terms of Reference (ToR). A separate amount of the local taxes, duties, fees, levies and other impositions under applicable laws, on the consultant and the sub-consultant should also be indicated. The tenders are to be submitted through electronic tendering process. The bidders shall down load the entire document and upload only the scanned copies of the details as have been asked in different sections of the RfP. Before submission of tender, the bidders are advised to go through the eligibility criteria, terms & conditions and specifications given in tender documents carefully. The complete tender document is available on the web Site http://govtprocurement.delhi.gov.in and shall form the part of contract agreement with the successful bidder. The tenders are to be submitted in two parts i.e. Part A




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& Part B. The part A of the tender is technical bid and part B as financial bid. The price schedule as per formats given in RFP, is required to be filled in on line as a financial bid. The tenders shall be submitted online. For non- successful bidders, earnest money will be refunded on demand after the opening of price bid. For successful bidder it will be adjusted against retention/ security deposit. The following documents duly scanned and signed shall be submitted online: (i) (ii) iii) iv) 3.6 Covering letter on the letter head of the bidder showing submission of tender. Copy of the proof of deposit of Earnest Money document as mentioned in NIT. The supporting documents for financial and technical eligibility as given in the bid documents as per clause 1.2 of Instruction to bidder (ITB). The forms of Technical Proposal The Delhi Jal Board will carry out evaluation of technical proposals on the basis of responsiveness to Terms of Reference. Any proposal considered unsuitable shall be rejected at this stage, if it does not respond to important aspect of the TERMS OF REFERENCE. The department shall notify consultants of the rejection of their technical proposal indicating that their financial proposal will not be opened. Price bid of those bidders shall be opened who qualify as per eligibility criteria on the date as per NIT. The price bid of bidder who are not considered qualified shall not be entertained. Service Tax shall not be added in the quoted rates. Service Tax shall be reimbursed to the consultant as per actual.



ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 1. Bid part-A should contain scanned documents giving details of Earnest Money, Eligibility Criteria as explained in Information to consultant. i) Details of Earnest Money will be submitted with online bid. However Bidder shall submit the EMD amount electronically on or before the last date and time of bid submission in DJB EMD account No. 90231010012261 at Syndicate Bank, Rani Jhansi Road Branch, New Delhi (IFSC/ RTGS code SYNB0009023) through Bidders banker. While submitting EMD through RTGS mode {RTGS timings are 10.00 hrs to 16.00 hours on all working days except Saturday, (timings for Saturday are 10.00 hrs to 13.00 hrs). bidder must mention NIT No. Name of division, closing date & time of tender and Bidders name and address in the Applicant details column in the RTGS form as shown in the examples below. Details of Applicant. a) Account No. b) Name c) <NIT No.>, <Name of division>, <Closing date>&<time of tender><Bidders Name> < Bidders Address>

Bidder must upload the scanned copy of RTGS customer payment confirmation along with the Bid, before the date and time of closing of the bids.

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AWARD OF CONTRACT 4.1 Discussions / Negotiations with the selected party will be held at the address indicated in the Data Sheet or at any subsequent informed address. The aim is to reach an agreement on all technical and financial points. Discussions / Negotiations will include a discussion of the technical proposal, the proposed methodology (work plan), staffing and any suggestion made by the firm to improve the terms of reference within the available budget. Having selected the firm on the basis of, among other things, an evaluation of proposed key professional staff; the DJB expects to negotiate a contract on the basis of the experts names in the proposal. Before contract negotiations, the DJB will require assurance that the experts will be actually available during project period in Delhi. The DJB will not consider substitutions during contract negotiations unless both parties agree that undue delay in the selection process makes such substitutions unavoidable or that such changes are critical to meet the objective of the assignment. If this is not the case and if it is established that key staffs were offered in the proposal without confirming their availability in Delhi, the firm may be disqualified. The contract will be awarded on satisfactory completion of discussions with the successful firm.




Executive Engineer (E&M) W&S -I

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Only the consultants, meeting the following qualification criteria are eligible to participate in the bid;


ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TECHNICAL CRITERIA The Consultants should have expertise in this field and have experience as the owners consultant (where owner is a government department) for each of the following in a project successfully completed during past seven years i.e. after December 2006.


The firm should have successfully completed the consultancy work of DBO / EPC contract/ contracts for Water Boosting Pumping Station ( including testing, commissioning and

O&M ) of: a) One work of minimum capacity 80% ( of 0!0 "# installed capacity $%&), eac' or more O( )) *wo works of minimum capacity !0% ( of 0!0 "# installed capacity $%&), eac' or more O( c) *'ree works of minimum capacity +0% ( of 0!0 "# installed capacity $%&), eac' or more
ii. A consultancy work of DBO / EPC contract for automation/ SCADA of a BPS for minimum 40% of 0!0 "# installed capacity $%&. iii. A consultancy work of DBO / EPC contract for rehabilitation of an existing BPS/SPS. iv.

*'e a)o,e works s'ould 'a,e )een commissioned in t'e last - years as on date of pu)lication.

Note: The 2060 KW is the installed capacity of motors (with pump ) of BPS Greater Kailash North, which is the highest maong the BPSs under renovation. 2. FINANCIAL CRITERIA The firm should have average turnover of Rs. 20.00 crores per annum over the last three years. 2. GENERAL CRITERIA The firm should have a well established office in Delhi.

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Section 4 DATA SHEET

1. Information to consultants 1.1 The name of the client: Delhi Jal Board, Govt. of NCT Delhi Varunalaya, Karol Bagh, New Delhi-110005 1.2 The method of selection is on least cost basis amongst the responsive latest technical proposals and satisfactory credentials. A detailed description of the assignment is given in the Terms of Reference (ToR) attached with the following main objective. To provide consultancy services for the following work :


Refurbishment/Rehabilitation and up-gradation of 5 no. Booster Pumping Stations at Greater Kailash (North), Greater Kailash (South), Jal Vihar (Old), Okhla Phase II and Sarita Vihar in South Delhi area on Design, Build and Operate Basis.


The name, address & telephone Nos. of concerned DJB official: Mr. Kuldeep Kumar Executive Engineer (E&M)W&S- I Delhi Jal Board Greater Kailash-I New DELHI-110048 Tel.: 011-29245279, 9650290943


The minimum required experience of proposed key staff is: Refer to section 5.0 terms of reference.

3. . 4. 5.

Consultants must submit one original and one copy of each proposal.

All reports, which are parts of the assignment, must be written in English. The information on the outer envelope should be: Consultancy services for the following work:

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Refurbishment/Rehabilitation and up-gradation of 5 no. Booster pumping stations at Greater Kailash (North), Greater Kailash (South), Jal Vihar (Old), Okhla Phase II and Sarita Vihar in South Delhi area on Design, Build and Operate Basis.
6. Proposal must be submitted online not later than 3:00 PM on specified date along with eligibility criteria & NIT requirements. Only Technical Proposal (Part A) will be opened on the same day at 3: 10 PM. The Financial Proposal (Part B) will be opened later on with prior intimation to successful bidders/ tenders on the basis of Technical Proposal (Part A).


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4A. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL SUBMISSION FORM (On Letter Head of the Intending Bidders)
(LOCATION ____DATE) (Name of the firm) -------------------------------------------To:Executive Engineer (E&M)W&S- I Delhi Jal Board Greater Kailash-I New DELHI-110048

Sub:- Consultancy services for the works of:

Refurbishment/Rehabilitation and up-gradation of 5 no. Booster pumping stations at Greater Kailash (North), Greater Kailash (South), Jal Vihar (Old), Okhla Phase II and Sarita Vihar in South Delhi area on Design, Build and Operate Basis.

Sir, We, the undersigned, offer to provide the consultancy for the above work in accordance with your request for proposal dated (______). We are hereby submitting/ uploading our Technical Proposal (Part A) and the Financial Proposal (Part B) as specified in the tender. Negotiations / discussions are held during the validity of the proposal, i.e. before (_________) undertake to negotiate on the basis of this offer. Our offer is binding upon us and subject to the modifications resulting from negotiations / discussions. Our financial proposal shall be binding upon us, up to expiry of the validity / extended validity period of the proposal i.e. (_______). We undertake that you are not bound to accept any or all proposal you receive in this call.

Yours sincerely,

Authorized Signature Name and Title of Signatory With official Seal & date

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Relevant services carried out in the last six years that best illustrate qualifications using the format below provide information on each reference assignment for which your identity either individually or a corporate entity or as one of the major companies, within association was legally contracted.) Type of project: Assignment and name of leading consultant Location within country: Name of Client: Address of Client: Start Date (Month/Year) Date of Completion as per W.O. Actual Completion date (Month/ Year) Country: Professional staff provided by your firm/entity (enclose profiles) No. of staff No. of staff per month : duration of assignment Approx. value of services (in current INR)

Name Qualification & experience of No. of months of Professional staff provided by Associated consultant if any associated consultants Name of senior staff (Project Director/ Coordinator/ Team Leader) provided by your firm and functions performed: Narrative description of project : including technology / process used and installed capacity of the of the BPS. Description of actual services provided by your staff:

Authorized Signature Name and Title of Signatory Name of firm, official Seal & date You can enclose details on separate sheet if the space in any column is not sufficient.

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ON TERMS OF REFERENCE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Authorized Signature Name and Title of Signatory Name of firm, official Seal & date

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(Consultant shall detail the methodology and work plan performing the assignment)/ consultant may mention the state of the art technology most to be used in the treatment)

Authorized Signature Name and Title of Signatory Name of firm, official Seal & date


2. SUPPORT STAFF S.N. Name Position Task

Authorized Signature Name and Title of Signatory Name of firm, official Seal & date

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Position: ____________________________________________________ Name of firm: _________________________________________________ Name of staff: ________________________________________________ Profession: __________________________________________________ Date of birth: __________________________________________________ Appears with firm/Entity: _________________________________________ Membership in professional societies: _______________________________ __________________________________ Detailed task assigned: ___________________________________________ __________________________________________ Any qualifications: _______________________________________________ (Give an outline of staff members experience and training relevant to tasks in the assignment. Describe the degree of responsibility held by staff member on relevant previous assignments and give dates and locations. Use about half a page) Education;-____________________________________________________ (College/University attended and degrees obtained with year and other specialized education of staff member. Use about one quarter of a page) Employment Record:_______________________________________________ (Staring with present position, list in reverse order for every employment held. List all positions held by staff member giving dates, name of employing organization, titles of position held and locations of assignments, experience in last 10 years. Also give type of activities performed and client reference where appropriate. Use about three-quarter of a page)

Certification:I, the undersigned certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, these date correctly describe any qualifications and experience. Date;(Signature of staff member) With date
C/S Authorized Signature Name and Title of Signatory Name of firm, official Seal & date

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Authorized Signature Name and Title of Signatory Name of firm, official Seal & date

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Item of activity Week wise programme In terms if Bar Chart(1 from the start of the assignment)

, 2 ,3 ,weeks



Authorized Signature Name and Title of Signatory Name of firm, official Seal & date

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Project Background Delhi Jal Board is the agency responsible for providing water supply and sewerage facilities in Delhi. In order to improve water supply system in South Delhi, DJB has recently undertaken projects of 24 x 7 water supply in Vasant Vihar, Mehrauli and Malviya Nagar. To further improve water supply in South Delhi, DJB has planned to augment five no. of Booster Pumping stations (BPSs) in south Delhi. The work will be carried out as under:

Refurbishment/Rehabilitation and up-gradation of 5 no. Booster pumping stations at Greater Kailash (North), Greater Kailash (South) ,Jal Vihar (Old) at Okhla Phase II and Sarita Vihar in South Delhi area on Design, Build and Operate Basis. The O&M period is 1year DLP plus 10 years. Brief information regarding these BPSs is given below: A. Greater Kailash-North B.P Station. This Booster Pumping Station is about 30 year old. It has six pumps of 7.5 MGD and supplies water to Dakshin Puri, Panchsheel, GK - I B. Greater Kailash (South) B.P Station. This Booster Pumping Station is about 40 year old. It has four pumps of 9 MGD and supplies water to Malviya Nagar, Shri Niwas puri and two pumps of 6 MGD supplies water to Greater kailash-II . C. Jal Vihar (Old) Booster Pumping Station. This Booster Pumping Station is about 30 year old. It has six pumps of 4 MGD and supplies water to Lajpat Nagar Phase I , II & IIIrd, Jangpura, Nehru Nagar, Kasturba Niketan, Vinobapuri & Jal Vihar. D. Okhla Industrial Area Ph-II Booster Pumping Station. This Booster Pumping station is about 40 year old. It has 4 Nos. pump sets of 3 M.G.D and supplies water to Goving Puri, Okhla Ind. Area Ph-I & Ph-II

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E. Sarita Vihar Booster Pumping Station This Booster Pumping station is about 25 year old. It has 2 Nos. pump set of 5.5 M.G.D and 2 Nos. pump set 2.75 M.G.D and supplies water to Sarita Vihar DDA Flats & Jasola.
2. PROJECT OBJECTIVE The objective is to select an agency to provide consultancy services for ;

Refurbishment/Rehabilitation and up-gradation of 5 no. Booster pumping stations at Greater Kailash (North), Greater Kailash (South), Jal Vihar (Old), Okhla Phase II and Sarita Vihar in South Delhi area on Design, Build and Operate Basis.
3. SCOPE OF WORK The scope of providing consultancy services for the project is as following:-

The main scope of work for the project works shall include but not necessarily be limited to, the following:A. Preparation of basic study report, reconnaissance site survey, assessment of condition of electro-mechanical equipments. B. Assessment of civil structures including, retrofittings of UGRs, Buildings, etc. C. Recommendations for refurbishment of GR & booster pumping stations, and various electro-mechanical equipments including replacement/augmentation requirement D. Recommendations for automation/SCADA for Booster pumping stations E. Recommendation for energy saving measures. F. Submission of cost estimate G. To suggest quality, specifications of materials, equipments to be used for execution of work. H. Preparation of bid documents based on Design-Build-Operate concept for 1+10 year basis, for execution of proposed work giving governing specifications for civil & E&M components in consultation with the Delhi Jal Board. I. Prepare suggestive cost/justification of cost and rate analysis J. Assist in convening pre-bid meetings, framing of replies to the bid querries and Evaluation of Bids
K. Preparation of justified cost estimate

L. To provide proof checking/ scrutiny of design & drawing before issue for execution.


BASIC STUDY REPORT Review performance of existing BP Stn i/c identification of deficiencies including suggesting necessary measures to improve the performance of the BPS. The scope will essentially include but not limited to the following; a) BPS performance evaluation will include ; i. ii. iii. b) Evaluation of Quantitative and Qualitative performance of the existing BPS Review of existing institutional framework i/c recommendations for required reforms, if any Review of existing O&M practices

Recommendations for improving BPS performance will include ;

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i. ii. iii. c)

Suggesting appropriate measures to ensure existing pumping pattern and future requirements. Suggesting appropriate technology/ methodlogy to check potable water quality standards in general and adopting energy efficient measures. The existing structures of BPS/ UGR will be studied for its strength/ weaknesses etc. and their remedial actions will be suggested.

Conceptual design of BPS along with basic study report, considering the intended use of water by residents of the area.


TENDER DOCUMENTS AND AWARD OF WORK a) Preparation of detailed tender specification and tender document. To suggest quality, specifications of materials, equipments to be used for execution of work. To suggest terms of contracts including legal aspect keeping in mind the requirement and interest of the Delhi Jal Board and prepare detailed contract agreement. Preparation of detailed justification/reasonability of cost estimate. Preparation of Press Notification for invitation of bids. Evaluation of Bids, preparation of Evaluation Report and recommendations for award of contracts.

b) c) d)

Bid documents for the work shall broadly include the following details, as applicable:i. Invitation to bid ii. Instruction to bidders Conditions of contract Conditions of particular application/general & special conditions Performa of bank guarantees and agreement Evaluation criteria

Technical specification Back ground information Scope of work Technical specification involved for the items to be executed under the contract i.e., Civil, E&M, Electrical & Instrumentation / Automation, etc. Details of Geo technical investigation reports.


Bids forms (without Price) Technical Schedules Work Schedules Project execution plan Methodology Experience Manpower Schedule for technical particulars for E&M

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Power requirements Chemical requirements Water quality monitoring List of recommended spare parts including commissioning spares List of lab equipments List of maintenance tools & tackle Contractors functional guarantees

Bid form (with Price) Preamble to price schedules Price schedules Schedule for day works


PROOF CHECKING OF DESIGN DOCUMENTS & DRAWINGS a) b) c) Proof consultancy including checking and release of designs and drawings or any information submitted by the contractor. Review quality assurance plans. Review operation and maintenance manual to be submitted by the executing agency and to suggest guidelines for efficient/proper operation of BPSs and allied works for the agency and DJB. Review of performance of the BPSs during commissioning, DLP and first two years of O&M period on a quarterly basis, based on the data collected in SCADA system / test data supplied by DJB.



The activities outlined in scope of work should be considered as minimum and not exhaustive. However, any scope of Services not mentioned above (but required for successful completion of the project) and that necessitate substantial increase in manpower input of the consultant, the same services shall be rendered by the consultant at additional cost to be decided at appropriate time. The firm is welcome to indicate any other activities required to achieve the objective. The consultant shall ensure successful execution of works, complete documentation and shall coordinate various activities between the firm/firms constructing the BPSs / allied works and DJB. OUTPUTS AND SUBMISSION SCHEDULE FOR THE PROJECT S.N. 1. 2. DOCUMENTS SUBMISSION OF BASIC STUDY REPORT & CONCEPTUAL DESIGN ETC. PREPARATION OF DRAFT DOCUMENTS i) ii) 3. 4. For pre-qualification For bidding 2 WEEKS ( after approval of draft tender documents by DJB) TIME IN WEEKS 6 WEEKS (after the site is made available to consultant) 6 WEEKS (after approval of basic study by DJB)




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II) 5. 6.




NOTE : a) b) The above schedule is tentative and can be reduced further. The consultant shall be required to submit 5 copies for s.n. 1 & 2 and 20 copies of final bid documents for each component. Soft copies in the form of CD/ Pen drive for the same shall also be supplied. The consultant will associate the DJB in finalization of the bidders under Prequalification exercise.



MONITORING OF PROGRESS OF WORK The progress of the work may be reviewed every fortnight at site and every month in the office of Executive Engineer/Superintending Engineer / at site or at the time & location decided by higher authority. The consultants representative shall be required to attend such review meetings and present his views on progress made pertaining to their scope, programme for remaining work and bottlenecks experiences in carrying out the work. All costs in this connection shall be deemed to have been included in the price bids and no additional payment shall be payable for such incidental expenses on the part of the consultants.


STAFF QUALIFICATIONS 6.1 Team Leader: Professionally qualified with at least 20 years working experience in the field, of which at least 15 years should be at the managerial level. Should have experience in design of Water Booster Pumping Stations. Field experience for water supply schemes executed on Design- Build basis shall be added qualification. 6.2 Team Members: Engineering graduates having minimum 10 years experience in the following disciplines: i) ii) iii) iv) v) Process design . Structural Engineering (Civil Engg. /Design specialist). Electrical/Mechanical and Instrumentation Engineering (specialist in Public Health Engineering). Contract specialist having experience in legal and financial matters. Energy Audit specialist having sufficient experience in energy saving measures.


DATA & SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY DJB a) Past data of daily pumping reports from these BPSs shall be provided to consultants by DJB.

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Copy of the available drawings and other relevant documents pertaining to the work to the extent available will be supplied to the consultants on request after signing of the contract agreement. The consultants shall verify the correctness of the data/information provided by DJB and satisfy themselves about the accuracy of the data / information provided to the consultants. It shall remain the property of the DJB and shall be provided solely for the purpose of the work to be done under this TOR.


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(On the Letter Head of the Intending Bidder)
(LOCATION ____DATE) (Name of the firm) -------------------------------------------To:Executive Engineer (E&M)W&S- I Delhi Jal Board Greater Kailash-I New DELHI-110048 Sub:- Consultancy services for the works of :

Refurbishment/Rehabilitation and up-gradation of 5 no. Booster pumping stations at Greater Kailash (North), Greater Kailash (South), Jal Vihar (Old), Okhla Phase II and Sarita Vihar in South Delhi area on Design, Build and Operate Basis.
Sir, We, the undersigned, offer to provide the consultancy for the above work in accordance with your request for proposal dated (______). Our Financial Proposal (Part B) shall be binding upon us, up to expiry of the validity period of the proposal i.e. (_______). We undertake that you are not bound to accept any or all proposal you receive in this call.

Yours sincerely,

Authorized Signature Name and Title of Signatory Name of firm, official Seal & date

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3 4

5 6 7 8

Submission and approval of the basic study, detailed survey, soil investigations. Designs, methodology Geo-Technical & topographical surveys and conceptual design. Submission of draft of bid documents for execution of work. This includes prequalification documents of bidders for execution of works. Submission of bid documents after approval of draft documents. Scrutiny and evaluation of proposal for P.Q., technical proposal of qualified bidders, and submission of realistic justified cost, evaluation of financial bids and any other activity required to award the work, submission of quality assurance plan. Proof consultancy, payment to be made in ratio and proportion of the quantum of work done. Three months after the completion of last activity for starting trial run Successful commissioning after trial run Performance review during DLP and first year of O&M Total


10 15

40 5.0 5.0 5.0 100

Note: Request for release of payment against respective heads can be considered by SE incharge as per the progress assessed on prorate basis in respective subhead. Executive Engineer (E&M) W&S-I

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COMMENCEMENT OF CONTRACT 1.1 Effectiveness of contract The contract shall come into effect on the date the contract is signed by both parties. 1.2 Commencement of Services The consultant shall begin carrying out the services 10 days after the date of issue of work order or at such other date as may be specified in the work order. 1.3 Modifications Modifications of the terms and conditions of this contract including any modification of the scope of the services or of the contract price may only be made by written agreement between the parties. 1.4 Notices Any notice, request or consent made pursuant to this contract shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been made when delivered in person to an authorized representative of the party to whom the communications is addressed, or when sent by registered mail, telex, telegram or facsimile to such party at the specified address. 2. AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVES Any action required or permitted to be taken, and any document required or permitted to be executed, under this contract by the Delhi Jal Board or the consultant may be taken or executed by the officials so authorized. 3. LAWS GOVERNING THE CONTRACT This contracts, its meaning and interpretation, and the relation between the parties shall be governed by the laws as applicable in India. 4. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PAYMENT Payment will be made to the consultant according to the payment schedule as detailed in Terms of Reference. 5. TAXES AND DUTIES Unless otherwise specified in the TOR the consultant shall pay such taxes, duties, fees, other impositions as may be levied under the present applicable laws, the amount of which is deemed to have been included in the contract price.

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PRICE ADJUSTMENT In order to adjust the increase in remuneration of Professional Staff, a Price Adjustment provision is included. The adjustment would be made every 12 months after the date of the contract. The Payments made in accordance with the Payment Schedule shall be adjusted as follows : Payment made in pursuant to the Financial Proposal and Payment Schedule shall be adjusted every 12 months (and, for the first time, with effect for the remuneration earned in the 13th calendar month after the date of Contract) by applying the following formula : RL = RL0 (1 + Annual increase in Consumer Price Index for Urban Non Manual Employee, CPI UNME for all India or Linked all India CPI UNME or the similar Index for Urban Non Manual Employee published by Central Statistical Organisation, Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, Govt. of India) + 0.04 Where, RL is the adjusted amount to be paid as on date of payment and RL0 is the amount payable in pursuant to the Financial Proposal and Payment Schedule.


FORCE MAJEURE 7.1 Definition For the purpose of this contract Force Majeure mean an event which is beyond the reasonable control of a party, and which makes a party`s performance of its obligations under the contract impossible or so impractical as to be considered impossible under the circumstances. 7.2 No breach of contract The failure of a party to fulfill any of its obligations under the contract shall not be considered to be a breach of, or default under this contract in so far as such inability arises from an even of Force Majeure, provided that the party affected by such an event (a) has taken all precautions, due care and reasonable alternative measures in order to carry out the terms and conditions of this contract , and (b) has informed the other party as soon as possible about the occurrence of such an event. 7.3 Extension of time In case the consultant is unable to perform the services under this contract as a result of Force Majeure, the contract period shall be duly extended for a period equal to the time during which such Force Majeure condition existed. 7.4 Payments During the period of his inability to perform the services as a result of an event of Force Majeure, consultant shall be entitled to continue to be paid under the terms of this contract.



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8.1 By the Delhi Jal Board The Delhi Jal Board may terminate this contract, by not less than thirty (30) days written notice of termination to the consultant, to be given after the occurrence of any of the event specified as follows: a) If the consultant does not remedy a failure in the performance of his obligations under the contract, within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notice or within such period as the Delhi Jal Board may have notified. If the consultant becomes insolvent or bankrupt. If as a result of Force Majeure, the consultant is unable to perform a material portion of the services for a period of not less than thirty (30) days. If the consultant, in the judgment of Delhi Jal Board has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the contract. For the purpose of this clause: Corrupt practice will also include the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of anything of value to influence the action of a public official in the selection process or in contract execution. Fraudulent practice will also include misrepresentation of the facts in order to influence the selection process or the execution of the contract to the detriment of the Delhi Jal Board, and includes collusive practice amongst consultants ( prior to or after submission of proposals) designed to establish prices at artificial non-ompetitive levels and to deprive the Delhi Jal Board of the benefits of free and open competition. e) If the Delhi Jal Board in its sole discretion and for any reason whatsoever, decides to terminate this contract.

b) c) d)


Payment upon termination Upon termination of this contract pursuant to clause 7.1, the Delhi Jal Board shall pay the remuneration to the consultant pursuant to clause 4 for services satisfactorily performed prior to the effective date of termination.


OBLIGATION OF THE CONSULTANT 9.1 General The consultant shall perform the services and carry out his obligations hereunder with all due diligence, efficiency and economy, in accordance with generally accepted professional techniques and practices, and shall observe sound management practices, and employ appropriate advanced technology and safe methods. The consultant shall always act, in respect of any matter relating to this contract or to the services, as faithful advisers to the Delhi Jal Board, and shall at all times support and

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safeguard the Delhi Jal Board`s legitimate interests in any dealings with sub consultants or third parties. 9.2 Conflict of interests Consultant not to benefit from commissions discounts, etc. The remuneration of the consultant pursuant to clause 4 shall constitute the consultant`s sole remuneration in connection with this contract or the services and the consultant shall not accept for his own benefit any trade commission, discount or similar payments in connection with activities pursuant to this contract, and the consultant shall use his best efforts to ensure that the personal shall not receive any such additional remuneration. 9.3 Consultant and affiliates not be otherwise interested in projects The consultant agrees that, during the term of this contract and after its termination, the consultant and his affiliates, as well as any sub consultant and any of its affiliates, shall be disqualified from providing goods, works or services (other than the services and any other continuation thereof) for any project resulting from or closely related to the services. 10. INDEMINITY The consultant shall undertake to indemnify the Delhi Jal Board from any claims arising out of its own actions and/or actions of its personnel employed for this contract due to any mishap, misconduct, negligence or any illegal act etc. 11. CONFIDENTIALITY The consultant, his sub-consultants and the personal of either of them shall not either during the term or with in four (4) years after expiration of this contact, disclose any proprietary or confidential information relating to the project, the services, this contract, or the Delhi Jal Board`s business or operations without the prior written consent of the Delhi Jal Board. 12. CONSULTANTS ACTION REQUIRING DELHI JAL BOARD`S APPROVAL The consultant shall obtain the Delhi Jal Board`s prior approval in writing , before taking any of the following actions:a) b) c) 13. Entering into a sub contract for the performance of any part of the services. Appointing such members of the personnel not listed by name in standard form 3E Any other action that may be specified.

REPORTING OBLIGATIONS The consultant shall submit to the Delhi Jal Board the report and documents specified in TOR in the form within the period specified.



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All plans, drawings, specifications, designs, reports and other documents and software submitted by the consultant in accordance with the TOR shall become and remain the property of the Delhi Jal Board, and the consultant shall, not late than upon termination or expiration of this contract, deliver all such documents and software to the Delhi Jal Board together within a detailed inventory thereof. 15. REMOVALS AND/OR REPLACEMENT OF PERSONNEL a) Except as the Delhi Jal Board may otherwise agree no changes shall be made in the key personnel. If for any reason beyond the reasonable control of the consultant, it becomes necessary to replace any of the key personnel, the consultant shall forthwith provide as a replacement a person of equivalent or better qualification. If the Delhi Jal Board finds the any of the personnel have (i) committed serious misconduct or have been charged with having committed a criminal action, or (ii) have reasonable cause to be dissatisfied with the performance of any of the personnel, then the consultant shall at the Delhi Jal Board`s written request specifying the grounds therefore, forthwith provide as a replacement a person with qualifications and experience acceptable to the Delhi Jal Board. The consultant shall have no claims for additional costs arising out of or incidental to any removal and/or replacement of personnel.


c) 16.

PENALTY CLAUSE In case the consultant fails to complete his tasks within the specified period, a penalty will be levied on the delay period as per decision of Delhi Jal Board. However, the total penalty amount will be limited to a maximum of 10% of the total remuneration payable to the consultant.


SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES The parties shall use their best efforts to settle amicably all disputes arising out of or in connection with this contract or its interpretation.

Executive Engineer (E&M) W&S-I

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