GPS Baseline Processing Software
GPS Baseline Processing Software
GPS Baseline Processing Software
1.1 Brief introduction of software and required configuration of computer .............2 1.1.1 Brief introduction.................................................................................................2 1.1.2 Software running environment and required configuration of computer ......2 1.2 Installing steps ...........................................................................................................2 1.3 Start-up and the operation steps ..............................................................................5
Chapter III
3.1 Basic processing steps .............................................................................................23 3.1.1 New project .........................................................................................................23 3.1.2 Add observed data..............................................................................................23 3.1.3 Process baseline ..................................................................................................24 3.1.4 Checking repeat vectors and closure loop........................................................27 3.1.5 Network adjustment and altitude calculation..................................................27 3.2 An example of baseline calculation ........................................................................28 Chapter Data Transmission.................................................................................................32 4.1 Brief introduction and interface of data transmission software .........................32 4.1.1 Menu item ...........................................................................................................32 4.1.2 Toolbar ................................................................................................................35 4.1.3 Status bar ............................................................................................................36 4.1.4 Program window ................................................................................................36 4.2 How to Transmit Data.............................................................................................36 4.3 Expanded function of data transmission software ...............................................38 4.3.1 How to input registration account ....................................................................38 4.3.2 Test registration account....................................................................................39 4.3.3 Set function .........................................................................................................39
1.1 Brief introduction of software and required configuration of computer 1.1.1 Brief introduction
GPSADJ baseline processing and adjustment software mainly deals with the data of GPS ephemeris, conditions the adjustment of the whole net, draws and controls the outcome of the network. This software can process static GPS data of SOUTH and RINEX standard format data of various imported GPS receivers. The software has friendly interface, flow management and operation, and its graphic operation interface and graphic service functions are more outstanding. This software can output and print all kinds of graphs including baseline network, error ellipse, etc. Compared to previous software, adjustment software has been improved a lot. It is much reliable because it is managed by setting up item file and projects exist in the form of item file. With this software, user can conveniently self-defines ellipsoid projection parameter and choose different coordination system. The whole process, including baseline calculation, net adjustment, etc should be in the professional format file of SOUTH with the postfix of gpsadj,. The software will record all the operation automatically. You may look over previous operation at any time, refer to the result or continue to operate. It is more powerful, more convenient and more automatic in baseline vector calculation, closed-circle searching, net adjustment, etc. You can set calculation condition and calculation type of any baseline with this software conveniently. The separate synchronous circle, asynchronous circle, and repeated baseline can be searched automatically.
Software will unpack automatically. After finished, it will show a window of installation as follows (fig 1-2).
Please click next in the installation window, it will show users agreement (fig 1-3).
When you agree with the agreement, please click YES, the installation will continue. The path that installs the software into the computer is as follows (fig 1-4).
Click browse in fig 1-4, you can select the path that installs the software, also you can use the default path C:\Programe Files\South\GPSSouth. After selected, please click next. Then you will see the course of installing like fig 1-5.
When the software is 100% installed, it will show a window like fig 1-6. Please click finished.
After it is completed, it makes a shortcut icon of South GPS data processing on computer desk.
The main interface consists of menu bar, tools bar, status bar and current window, and it adopts engineering management mode. So you must create a project as required before you use it. The basic operation steps are as follows: 1. Click Project, select New, it will show as fig 1-8.
Please input the project namebuilders name, and supervisor as required, and choose the coordinates system, the center meridian and baseline forbidding mode, finally click OK. You can also define coordinates system by yourself.
In this interface, you can define a coordinates system. You can name the coordinates system, input the ellipsoid parameter and projection setting parameter. After finished, you can use it. 2. Add observed data that collected outside Please input GPS data which collected outside to the software. These data are in the SOUTH special format of *.sth. 3. Baseline processing After processing, please check asynchronism and synchronization loop closure error. 4. Condition and adjust the whole net. 5. Check and print the result. All the above operations will be introduced in details in the following chapters..
Chapter II
The status bar in the left part of interface is arranged according to the operation steps of the software.
Map of net: It shows the map of the baseline network and the error ellipse. Site: It shows the coordinates of every site within WGS-84 coordinates system. Observed data: It shows detailed information of every raw data file, including the path, name of raw data, name of the site, height of antennae, date of collecting, starting and ending time, and the longitude, latitude and altitude of the site position. Under this status, you can add or delete data file, amend site name and antennae height. Vectors: You can get some information about the baseline solution, including baseline name, observation band, synchronous observation time, variance, mean square error(error for short), X increment, Y increment, Z increment, length of baseline, relative error, and detailed report of baseline solutions. Loop closure: You can check information about loop closure, asynchronous loop and minimal unattached closure.
Repeat baseline: You can check the related information of repeat vectors. Result output: You can check the result and relevant accuracy analysis of free net adjustment, three-dimension conditioning adjustment, two-dimension conditioning adjustment and altitude closure, etc. The menu bars will be introduced as follows. For tool bars, please refer to Section 2.8.
2.2 File
From this section, we will introduce the function of each menu. The file menu is like fig 2-2.
New: create project file Open: open the saved file Save: save the current file Save as: save the current file to other path Close: close the current file window Project setting: change information of the project Print: print the current picture or adjustment result Print preview: show the file or picture under default printer and default setting Print setting: set the printer Recent file: the file that recently be processed Exit: exit the program
2.3 Input
Input menu is like fig 2-3.
Add GPS observed data file: You can add new observed data to the new file or the current file. SOUTH format *.sth file and standard Rinex 2.0 file can be selected in different paths. Please refer to fig 2-4.
Input station coordinates: when the raw data is needed, click station coordinates,. The interface is like fig 2-5.
Repeat the above steps, you can input other known coordinates.
2.4 Process
Process menu is like fig 2-10
Setup processing parameters: Before processing, set the conditions of calculation. Click this bar, it will show a window as fig 2-11.
The meaning of each item in fig 2-11 is as follows: Process select setting: All vectors: it will calculate all data input. After calculation, the eligible baseline will be red and the ineligible one remains gray. New vectors: The new vectors will be calculated separately. Unable used vectors: when you select this, the software will only process the ineligible baseline of last calculation. Mask angle: it is called mask angle of satellites. We usually set it at 20 degrees. Users can adjust it according to specific need. Epoch: it is the epoch of calculation. The default value is 5 seconds. You can set it by yourself. Gross error: The default value is 3.5. Able used solution selecting: you can select fixed solution, float solution or three difference solution. Minimum synchronous time: the synchronous baseline whose synchronous observation time is less than the setting value will not be included in calculation.
2.5 Adjust
Adjust menu is like fig 2-12.
The setting is checking the match between known coordinates and coordinates system and selecting altitude closure method. When you select check known points with coordinates system, if there is big difference between the known coordinates and the system, the software will not adjust. Otherwise, if you do not select it, the software will calculate baselines at any case. The method of altitude closure is to closure GPS altitude control net according to known leveling points. Auto selectclick it after baseline calculatingthe software will select the eligible baselines automatically. Repeated vectors: the software will search the difference of the repeated vectors. Closure loop error: check the closure loop error including the synchronization loop and asynchronous loop. Manual calculation: select baselines that need calculating in the net graph or baseline form, then calculate the closure error. Three-dimension adjustment: it will adjust three-dimension coordinates. Two-dimension adjustment: it will adjust two-dimension coordinates. Altitude closure: the software adopts conicoid closure to get height anomaly of every point in order to correct GPS altitude. Height anomaly is the difference between Geoid and surface of WGS84 ellipsoid.
2.6 Report
Report menu is like fig 2-14.
Vectors output: The calculation result of SOUTH Gpsadj baselines will be exported in the format of txt. You can use other adjustment software to calculate the result. Click vectors report, it will show a window like fig 2-15. You can select saving path, then click output.
Rinex output: It can transform GPS static data to standard Rinex txt format. Click Rinex output, you can see a window like fig 2-16.
Report output setting: Click this, you will find a window like fig 2-17. User can set it according to specific needs.
Report output preview: preview the network adjustment report before printing. Report output: print network adjustment report. Result report (txt format): output result report in the format of txt. Click Result report, it will show a file output window, please select the saving path, then click OK. Track report output: it will export the track report. Click track report, it will show a window, please select saving path, then click OK. Adjustment report output: it will export adjustment report in the format of txt, as in fig 2-15. Result CASS: It will export adjustment report in CASS format, as in fig 2-15. All the above is to export the calculation result of baseline and adjustment in txt format. After that, the file is saved in your selected path. Output DXF (R14): it will export the graph of controlling net. Click output DXF, it will show as fig 2-18.
Select your needed scale, then click output, see fig 2-19.
2.7 Tool
Tool menu is like fig 2-20.
In this menu you can see some small tools that are widely used: Project file combination: combine different project files. Close progressing bar: close the window that show progress. Chinese: choose it, then you will enter Chinese interface. Data download of SOUTH Receiver: please refer to Chapter 6. Coordinates transform: it can transform space rectangular coordinates, geodetic coordinate system, plane rectangular coordinate system to each other. The interface is like fig 2-21.
2.8 View
View menu:
Tool bar:
Shortcut keys for software menus;
New Close Open Save Add GPS observed data Process all vectors Process new vectors Process ineligible vectors Process selected vectors
Track Input known coordinates About Select vectors Move Zoom in Zoom out Zoom all Distance Error ellipse Network adjustment Auto selecting and adjusting Three-dimension adjustment Two-dimension adjustment Altitude closure Print Calculate repeated vectors Calculate loop closure of all vectors Calculate loop closure of used vectors Calculate loop closure manually For status bar, please refer to 2.1 in this manual.
2.9 Setting
Every setting in the menu is introduced in every sub-menu. But the setting in every sub-menu is only effective to the current job, but settings in this menu are effective to any job.
2.10 Help
Help subjects: Click help subjects, it will show a window like fig 2-26 and you can use it according to some tips.
Update on line: Click it and it will show a window like fig 2-27.
Click update, it will show as fig 2-29 indicating that you have updated successfully. Then please operate according to the tips below.
About Gpsadj: Click it and it will show a window like fig 2-30.
Register: Please register the software before using it for the first time. Click register and it will show as fig 2-31. Please input users name, E-mail address and register code (composed of 16 numbers or letters or their combination). Input register code, then click register. This software can not only calculate SOUTH standard data in *.sth format, but also calculate data in other format. However, the calculation result of other format data can not be printed and exported.
Please set the observation period, such as begin at 8:00 and end at 18:00. Then click browse in the ephemeris file bar. When you select the collected ephemeris files, it will show as fig 2-33.
You can get plenty of information on effective satellites: 1. How many satellites there are in the local sky at any time. 2. PDOP value of the satellites at any time. 3. The period that each satellite appears in the sky. 4. Satellites distribution graph and orbits graph. Attention: The period of validity of the ephemeris file is 30 days. That is to say, the software can only forecast ephemeris within 30 days from collecting time. When it exceeds 30 days, please collect again or download a new ephemeris file.
Click OK button, it will show data loading progressing bar as fig 3-4.
Then wait a moment. After it is completed, the network graph is as fig 3-5:
The process may take long, if you want to pause, please click stop. After the baseline processing
is completed, the color of controlling network turns from green to red or gray. The baseline whose variance is more than 2.5 (default 2.5) will turn red. It will turn gray if it is less than 2.5. If variance of gray baseline is too low, you can process it again. Now we take baseline Q009-Q007 for example, select the baseline with double click, it will show a dialog box as fig 3-7. You can set some parameters of baseline calculation.
The meaning and instructions of the settings in baseline processing dialog box is as follows: : show the currently processed baseline. When there are repeated baselines in Q009-Q007, you can choose the repeated baseline that needs revising by clicking the downward arrow, see fig 3-8.
NoteQ0009 is point name, 204 indicates the surveying date is the 204th day of a year, 1 is the number of period.
Please tick off the small white pane, which indicates that the function has been chosen. Forbidden means the current baseline is forbidden. New means the current baseline is new. Selected baseline means the current baseline is being processed.
The conditions in data selecting is an important factor to recalculate baselines. You can reset altitude closure angle and the epoch interval to recalculate the baseline in order to improve the
variance. In the epoch interval, the first number on the left is calculation epoch and the second is collection epoch. When calculation epoch is less than collection epoch, the software will use collection epoch. Otherwise, it will use calculation epoch. The figure in the edit indicates the magnifying modulus of error. Eligible solution selecting is the way to set baseline solution, including dual-difference fixed solution, dual-difference float solution, tri-difference solution. The default setting is dual-difference fixed solution. If it is still ineligible after calculating by altitude closure angle and epoch interval, please click the status bar and select vectors to see the details of the baseline. For example, click baseline Q0092041-Q0072041, you will see the baseline details in the display window (fig 3-9).
When you click observed data, it will show all observed data files. Please double click Q0072041.STH, it will show a data edition window like fig 3-10. Click key of mouse to circle the broken epoch, it will delete invalid epoch. Click , then press the left , it will resume
the deleted epoch. After deleting invalid epoch, please recalculate the baseline. If it is still ineligible, please consider measuring the baseline again.
From this fig, you can see the range of closure error. If some exceeds the limit, please calculate it again.
In this network, we suppose that Q007 and Q049 are two known points. Click coordinates input in the menu data input, it will show a dialog box as fig 3-12. Select Q007, and click blank box of North X corresponding to Q007, then you can input X coordinates. You can input other coordinates in the same way.
II. Adjustment: it will adjust the whole net with known points. Please refer to the following steps: 1. Auto Select: Click it after baseline is calculated, the software will select eligible baselines to form network and calculate the closure loop error. 2. Three-dimension Adjustment: it will adjust free net in the WGS-84 system. 3. Two-dimension adjustment: it will adjust and restrict the two-dimension net with known points. 4. Altitude closure: it will calculate the altitude of observed point according to the method of altitude closure in the menu adjustment parameter setting. As to adjustment report exporting and printing, please refer to section 2.6 in this manual.
In the above graph, the baseline Z-103281JV113281 is not eligible because the variance after calculation is too low, as in fig 3-15.
For the low-quality data, we can recalculate them. Usually we adopt the following three methods: I. Select the appropriate epoch interval You can change epoch interval to satisfy the demand of variance. When your observation time is short, please reduce the epoch interval; otherwise, you may increase it. When there is more cycle slip, you must increase the epoch interval. II. Select the appropriate altitude closure angle If changing epoch interval cant make variance increase, please redress altitude closure angle. We usually increase altitude closure angle properly when there is enough satellites, in this case please
make the best of the altitude satellites data for calculation. When the satellites are few, please decrease altitude closure angle.
There are many breaks in epoch in fig 3-18. Please click the status barobserved data, then double click Z-103281, it will show a dialog box as fig 3-18. Red lines express carrier wave signals. Every red line corresponds with a satellite. The serial number of satellite is on the left of fig 3-18. The break of red line expresses signal interruption which is invalid epoch. The tool for deleting invalid epoch is , click , you can resume the deleted epoch. After you complete
the above steps, please exit the data editing box and recalculate baselines. All methods mentioned above are general principles, you can use them according to specific demand.
Program interface includes menu item, toolbar, status bar (left window), program window (right window).
(1) Create a new file: Input file folder name, create a new file folder in current directory. Then you will see a dialog box as fig 4-3, input the name and click OK button to finish. (2) Delete file folder: delete the selected file folder. (3) Delete file: delete the selected file. (4) Set the file name. (5) Quit program: quit data transmission program.
2. Set menu This menu is to operate for GPS receiver, see fig 4-4.
(1) GPS set: This is to set altitude angle and collect interval, after you select the menu, you will see the GPS set dialog box as fig 4-5. Input relevant sampling frequency and altitude angle, then click OK.
(2) Delete data: delete the selected data in memory. (3) Clear data: clear all the data in memory. 3. Communication menu Communication menu is to set the communication between computer and GPS receiver, see fig 4-6.
(1) Communication interface: This is to set communication interface and baud rate, after you select the item, you will see the communication parameters set dialog box, see fig 4-7. Select the interface connected to computer and GPS receiver, click OK to finish.
(2) Start connecting: connect Polaris 9600. (3) Disconnection: disconnect Polaris 9600. (4) Transmit data: select file to be transmitted and use this function, you will see the dialog box as fig 4-8.
After you select the corresponding file, click START, data in Polaris 9600 will be transmitted to the corresponding directory. Use this function in work state, you can change the point name, antenna height and observing session number. Point name is made up of four letters or numbers. 4. View menu View menu is to operate the transmission software itself., see fig 4-9.
(1) Tool bar: control the visibility of toolbar. (2) Status bar: show connection status and transmitting progress. (3) Connecting status: track the status of program during transmission (4) File information: show computer file directory information . 5. Help menu Help menu is the online help and receiver registration for transmitting software, see fig 4-10.
(1) Help subject: The online help about transmission software. (2) Software registration: register GPS receiver, you will see the dialog box as fig 4-11 after selecting this menu. Input corresponding registration number and click OK.
(3) About StarTransfers: our software copyright information and company website. You will see the dialog box as fig 4-12 after selecting this menu, then click ok to finish.
4.1.2 Toolbar
All items in toolbar are shortcuts. You can see data transmission toolbar in fig 4-13.
Input folder name, create a new file folder in current directory. Delete the selected folder. Delete the selected file. Set file name.
2. 3.
8. 9.
Delete selected data in 9600. Clear all data in 9600 receiver (you can only use it after make sure all data have been
correctly set communication parameter in second step, the connection will be performed. You will see outdoor observation data in lower half of program window, see fig 4-15. If you set communication parameter incorrectly, please repeat the second step. . Data transmission 1. Select transmit data in communication menu, you will see the dialog box as fig 4-16. 2. Select outdoor observation data in GPS data transmission dialog box, then click Start. . Break connection Select break connect in communication menu or select directly in toolbar to disconnect to computer and GPS receiver. For example, if you want to save data to file folder JT in root directory E, please refer to the below operation: 1. Open file folder JT in root directory E. 2. Select data you want to transmit (for example point data 2113), see fig 4-16. 3. You can change point name, antenna height, time period number in fig 4-16. 4. Click start, the data 2113 will be transmit to appointed directory E:\JT . 5. Break connection.
4.3 Expanded function of data transmission software 4.3.1 How to input registration account
Registration account is a user identification code to make sure users apply our companys GPS production correctly and legally. Please preserve it properly, the steps is as follows: I. Select software registration in help menu, you will see a dialog as fig 4-17. .Input registration account applied from our company in dialog box, then click OK. Note: Registration account has 21 digits, if digit is not enough, program will not identify it. If the registration account is correct, you will see a dialog box as fig 4-18 to prompt registration finished. If registration account is incorrect, you will failed registration dialog box, see fig 4-19.
Notice: The parameter set of every GPS receiver should keep accordant. If you change one GPS receivers parameter, others must be changed accordingly.