DMC 1000
DMC 1000
DMC 1000
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Manual Rev. 2.0xf
Galil Motion Control, Inc. 270 Technology Way Rocklin, California 95765 Phone: (916) 626-0101 Fax: (916) 626-0102 Internet Address: URL: Rev 6/06
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Attention: Pertains to controllers with more than 4 axes. Please note that many examples are written for the DMC-1040 four-axis controller or the DMC-1080 eight axes controller. Users of the DMC-1030 3-axis controller, DMC-1020 2-axis controller or DMC-1010 1-axis controller should note that the DMC-1030 uses the axes denoted as XYZ, the DMC-1020 uses the axes denoted as XY, and the DMC-1010 uses the X-axis only. Examples for the DMC-1080 denote the axes as A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H. Users of the DMC-1050 5-axis controller, DMC-1060 6-axis controller or DMC-1070, 7-axis controller should note that the DMC-1050 denotes the axes as A,B,C,D,E, the DMC-1060 denotes the axes as A,B,C,D,E,F and the DMC-1070 denotes the axes as A,B,C,D,E,F,G. The axes A,B,C,D may be used interchangeably with X,Y,Z,W. This manual was written for the DMC-1000 firmware revision 2.0 and later. For controllers with firmware previous to revision 2.0, please consult the original manual for your hardware. The later revision firmware was previously specified as DMC-1000-18. WARNING: Machinery in motion can be dangerous! It is the responsibility of the user to design effective error handling and safety protection as part of the machine. Galil shall not be liable or responsible for any incidental or consequential damages.
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Firmware Updates
New feature for Rev 2.0h February 1998: Feature
1. CMDERR enhanced to support multitasking
If CMDERR occurs on thread 1,2 or 3, thread will be holted. Thread can be re-started with XQ_ED2,_ED1, 1 for retry XQ_ED3,_ED1, 1 for next instruction
Allows for large circular interpolation radii Allows for monitoring of abort input Allows for output FIFO buffer to fill up without affecting the execution of a program Allows for the user to interrogate Ram
4. List Variable (LV), List Array (LA), List app program labels (LL) New feature for Rev 2.0e May 1997: Feature
1. ER now accepts argument < 0 2. During a PR decel can now be changed on an unnatural stop
Disables error output (LED and Error Output does not turn on for that axis) Allows for monitoring of abort input
Trippoints based on register after buffer Download array no longer requires control sequence to end Allows for smaller stepper motor smoothing delay (due to filter) Reverses the direction of motion from MT 2 and MT -2 Increased message size
5. MG now can go to 80 characters New feature for Rev 2.0c October 1996: Feature
1. MC now works for steppers
More accurate trippoint for stepper motor completion
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1. Operand & and | for conditional statements
Allows for multiple conditional statements in jump routines IE. (A>=3) & (B<55) | (C=78)
New feature for Rev 2.0 March 1996. (This revision is also designated DMC-1000-18). Feature 1. DAC resolution increased to 16-bits. 2. Step motor control method improved. 3. KS command added New feature for Rev 1.5 ( rev. 1.2 for DMC-1080 ) Feature 1. Electronic Cam New commands: Command EA EM EP ET EB EG EQ New features added Jan 1995: Allow circular array recording. New commands added July 1994 Rev 1.4: Command
RI,N QU QD MF x,y,z,w MR x,y,z,w MC XYZW TW x,y,z,w VR r
Description Choose ECAM master Cam Cycle Command Cam table interval and starting point ECAM table entry Enable ECAM Engage ECAM cycle Disengage ECAM
N is a new interrupt mask which allows changing the interrupt mask Upload array Download array Trippoint for motion - forward direction Trippoint for motion - reverse direction In position trippoint Sets timeout for in position Sets speed ratio for VS
New commands added January 1994 Rev 1.3: Can specify parameters with axis designator. For example: Command Description
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KPZ=10 KP*=10
(KPXZ=10 is invalid. Only one or all axes can be specified at a time). New commands added July 1993 Rev 1.2: Command
_UL _DL @COM[n]
Gives available variables Give available labels 2's complement function
Segment counter in LM, VM and CM modes Return distance travelled in LM and VM modes Return the coordinate of the last point in a motion sequence, LM or VM Can specify vector speed with each vector segment Where <n sets vector speed
Halt execution for multitasking At time trippoint for relative time from reference Ellipse scale factor Defines output n where expression is logical operation, such as I1 & I6, variable or array element Where n = 0 through 3 and is program thread for multitasking Dual velocity for Dual Loop
1. 2. 3.
Allows gearing and coordinated move simultaneously Multitasking for up to four independent programs Velocity Damping from auxiliary encoder for dual loop
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Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE |
Chapter 1 Overview 1
Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 1 Overview of Motor Types ......................................................................................................... 1 Standard Servo Motors with +/- 10 Volt Command Signal ........................................ 2 Stepper Motor with Step and Direction Signals .......................................................... 2 DMC-1000 Functional Elements ............................................................................................... 2 Microcomputer Section ............................................................................................... 3 Motor Interface............................................................................................................ 3 Communication ........................................................................................................... 3 General I/O.................................................................................................................. 3 System Elements ......................................................................................................... 3 Motor........................................................................................................................... 4 Amplifier (Driver) ....................................................................................................... 4 Encoder........................................................................................................................ 4 Watch Dog Timer........................................................................................................ 4
The DMC-1000 Motion Controller ........................................................................................... 5 Elements You Need ................................................................................................................... 6 Installing the DMC-1000........................................................................................................... 7 Step 1. Determine Overall Motor Configuration......................................................... 7 Step 2. Configure Jumpers on the DMC-1000 ............................................................ 7 Step 3. Install the DMC-1000 in the Computer........................................................... 8 Step 4. Install Communications Software ................................................................... 8 Step 5. Establish Communications with Galil Communication Software ................... 9 Changing the I/O Address of the Controller.............................................................. 10 Step 6. Connect Amplifiers and Encoders................................................................. 11 Step 7a. Connect Standard Servo Motors.................................................................. 13 Step 7b. Connect Step Motors................................................................................... 16 Step 8. Tune the Servo System.................................................................................. 17 Design Examples ..................................................................................................................... 18 Example 1 - System Set-up ....................................................................................... 18 Example 2 - Profiled Move ....................................................................................... 18 Example 3 - Multiple Axes........................................................................................ 18 Example 4 - Independent Moves............................................................................... 19 Example 5 - Position Interrogation............................................................................ 19 Example 6 - Absolute Position .................................................................................. 19 Example 7 - Velocity Control.................................................................................... 20 Example 8 - Operation Under Torque Limit ............................................................. 20 Example 9 - Interrogation.......................................................................................... 20 Example 10 - Operation in the Buffer Mode............................................................. 21 Example 11 - Motion Programs ................................................................................ 21 Example 12 - Motion Programs with Loops ............................................................. 21
Contents i
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Example 13 - Motion Programs with Trippoints.......................................................22 Example 14 - Control Variables ................................................................................22 Example 15 - Linear Interpolation.............................................................................23 Example 16 - Circular Interpolation ..........................................................................23
Overview..................................................................................................................................25 Using Optoisolated Inputs .......................................................................................................25 Limit Switch Input.....................................................................................................25 Home Switch Input....................................................................................................26 Abort Input ................................................................................................................26 Uncommitted Digital Inputs ......................................................................................27 Wiring the Optoisolated Inputs................................................................................................27 Using an Isolated Power Supply................................................................................28 Bypassing the Opto-Isolation: ...................................................................................29 Changing Optoisolated Inputs From Active Low to Active High .............................30 Amplifier Interface ..................................................................................................................30 TTL Inputs ...............................................................................................................................31 Analog Inputs...........................................................................................................................31 TTL Outputs ............................................................................................................................32 Offset Adjustment....................................................................................................................32
Chapter 4 Communication
Introduction..............................................................................................................................33 Address Selection ....................................................................................................................33 Example - Address Selection.....................................................................................34 Communication with the Controller ........................................................................................34 Communication Registers..........................................................................................34 Simplified Communication Procedure ......................................................................34 Advanced Communication Techniques.....................................................................35 Interrupts..................................................................................................................................36 Configuring Interrupts ...............................................................................................36 Servicing Interrupts ...................................................................................................38 Example - Interrupts ..................................................................................................38 Controller Response to DATA ................................................................................................39 Galil Software Tools and Libraries..........................................................................................39
Introduction..............................................................................................................................41 Command Syntax.....................................................................................................................41 Coordinated Motion with more than 1 axis ...............................................................42 Program Syntax .........................................................................................................42 Controller Response to DATA ................................................................................................42 Interrogating the Controller .....................................................................................................43 Interrogation Commands ...........................................................................................43 Additional Interrogation Methods. ............................................................................44 Operands....................................................................................................................44 Command Summary ..................................................................................................44
ii Contents
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Command Summary - Independent Axis .................................................................. 46 Operand Summary - Independent Axis ..................................................................... 46 Independent Jogging................................................................................................................ 48 Command Summary - Jogging .................................................................................. 48 Operand Summary - Independent Axis ..................................................................... 48 Linear Interpolation Mode....................................................................................................... 49 Specifying Linear Segments...................................................................................... 49 Specifying Vector Acceleration, Deceleration and Speed:........................................ 50 Additional Commands............................................................................................... 50 Command Summary - Linear Interpolation............................................................... 51 Operand Summary - Linear Interpolation ................................................................. 52 Vector Mode: Linear and Circular Interpolation Motion ........................................................ 54 Specifying Vector Segments ..................................................................................... 54 Specifying Vector Acceleration, Deceleration and Speed:........................................ 55 Additional Commands............................................................................................... 55 Command Summary - Vector Mode Motion............................................................. 57 Operand Summary - Vector Mode Motion................................................................ 57 Electronic Gearing ................................................................................................................... 58 Command Summary - Electronic Gearing ................................................................ 59 Operand Summary - Electronic Gearing ................................................................... 59 Electronic Cam ........................................................................................................................ 61 Contour Mode.......................................................................................................................... 66 Specifying Contour Segments ................................................................................... 66 Additional Commands............................................................................................... 67 Command Summary - Contour Mode ....................................................................... 68 Operand Summary - Contour Mode .......................................................................... 68 Stepper Motor Operation ......................................................................................................... 71 Specifying Stepper Motor Operation......................................................................... 71 Using an Encoder with Stepper Motors .................................................................... 72 Command Summary - Stepper Motor Operation....................................................... 73 Operand Summary - Stepper Motor Operation ......................................................... 73 Dual Loop (Auxiliary Encoder)............................................................................................... 73 Backlash Compensation ............................................................................................ 74 Command Summary - Using the Auxiliary Encoder................................................. 75 Operand Summary - Using the Auxiliary Encoder ................................................... 76 Motion Smoothing ................................................................................................................... 76 Using the IT and VT Commands (S curve profiling):............................................... 76 Using the KS Command (Step Motor Smoothing):................................................... 77 Homing .................................................................................................................................... 78 High Speed Position Capture (Latch) ...................................................................................... 81
Overview ................................................................................................................................. 83 Using the DMC-1000 Editor to Enter Programs ..................................................................... 83 Edit Mode Commands............................................................................................... 84 Program Format ....................................................................................................................... 85 Using Labels in Programs ......................................................................................... 85 Special Labels............................................................................................................ 86 Commenting Programs.............................................................................................. 86 Executing Programs - Multitasking ......................................................................................... 87 Debugging Programs ............................................................................................................... 88 Program Flow Commands ....................................................................................................... 90 Event Triggers & Trippoints ..................................................................................... 90 Event Trigger Examples:........................................................................................... 91
Contents iii
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Conditional Jumps .....................................................................................................94 Subroutines................................................................................................................97 Stack Manipulation....................................................................................................97 Automatic Subroutines for Monitoring Conditions...................................................97 Mathematical and Functional Expressions ............................................................................100 Mathematical Expressions .......................................................................................100 Bit-Wise Operators..................................................................................................101 Functions .................................................................................................................102 Variables ................................................................................................................................102 Assigning Values to Variables: ...............................................................................103 Operands ................................................................................................................................104 Special Operands (Keywords) .................................................................................105 Arrays ....................................................................................................................................105 Defining Arrays .......................................................................................................105 Assignment of Array Entries ...................................................................................106 Automatic Data Capture into Arrays .......................................................................107 Deallocating Array Space........................................................................................108 Input of Data (Numeric and String) .......................................................................................109 Input of Data............................................................................................................109 Output of Data (Numeric and String) ....................................................................................110 Sending Messages ...................................................................................................110 Interrogation Commands .........................................................................................111 Formatting Variables and Array Elements ..............................................................113 Converting to User Units.........................................................................................114 Programmable Hardware I/O.................................................................................................114 Digital Outputs ........................................................................................................114 Digital Inputs ...........................................................................................................115 Input Interrupt Function ..........................................................................................116 Analog Inputs ..........................................................................................................117 Example Applications............................................................................................................118 Wire Cutter ..............................................................................................................118 X-Y Table Controller ..............................................................................................119 Speed Control by Joystick .......................................................................................121 Position Control by Joystick....................................................................................122 Backlash Compensation by Sampled Dual-Loop ....................................................122
Introduction............................................................................................................................125 Hardware Protection ..............................................................................................................125 Output Protection Lines...........................................................................................125 Input Protection Lines .............................................................................................125 Software Protection ...............................................................................................................126 Programmable Position Limits ................................................................................126 Off-On-Error ...........................................................................................................127 Automatic Error Routine .........................................................................................127 Limit Switch Routine...............................................................................................127
Chapter 9 Troubleshooting
iv Contents
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Overview ............................................................................................................................... 131 Operation of Closed-Loop Systems....................................................................................... 133 System Modeling ................................................................................................................... 134 Motor-Amplifier...................................................................................................... 135 Encoder.................................................................................................................... 137 DAC ........................................................................................................................ 138 Digital Filter ............................................................................................................ 138 ZOH......................................................................................................................... 138 System Analysis..................................................................................................................... 139 System Design and Compensation ........................................................................................ 141 The Analytical Method............................................................................................ 141
Electrical Specifications ........................................................................................................ 145 Servo Control .......................................................................................................... 145 Stepper Control ....................................................................................................... 145 Input/Output ............................................................................................................ 145 Power....................................................................................................................... 145 Performance Specifications ................................................................................................... 146 Connectors for DMC-1000 Main Board................................................................................ 146 J2 - Main (60 pin IDC) ............................................................................................ 146 J5 - General I/O (26 pin IDC) ................................................................................. 147 J3 - Aux Encoder (20 pin IDC) ............................................................................... 148 J4 - Driver (20 pin IDC).......................................................................................... 148 J6 - Daughter Board Connector (60 pin ) ................................................................ 148 J7 - 10 pin................................................................................................................ 148 Connectors for Auxiliary Board (Axes E,F,G,H) .................................................................. 148 JD2 - Main (60 pin IDC) ......................................................................................... 148 JD5 - I/O (26 pin IDC) ........................................................................................... 149 JD3 - 20 pin IDC - Auxiliary Encoders................................................................... 150 JD4 - 20 pin IDC - Amplifiers................................................................................. 150 JD6 - Daughterboard Connector (60 pin)................................................................ 150 Pin-Out Description for DMC-1000...................................................................................... 151 Jumper Description for DMC-1000....................................................................................... 153 Dip Switch Settings ............................................................................................................... 153 Offset Adjustments for DMC-1000 ....................................................................................... 153 Accessories and Options........................................................................................................ 154 Dip Switch Address Settings ................................................................................................. 155 PC/AT Interrupts and Their Vectors...................................................................................... 158 ICM-1100 Interconnect Module ............................................................................................ 158 AMP/ICM-1100 CONNECTIONS ....................................................................................... 159 J2 - Main (60 pin IDC) ............................................................................................ 162 J3 - Aux Encoder (20 pin IDC) ............................................................................... 162 J4 - Driver (20 pin IDC).......................................................................................... 162 J5 - General I/O (26 pin IDC) ................................................................................. 162 Connectors are the same as described in section entitled Connectors for DMC-1000 Main Board. see pg. 146........................................................................................ 162 JX6, JY6, JZ6, JW6 - Encoder Input (10 pin IDC) ................................................. 162 ICM-1100 Drawing ............................................................................................................... 163 AMP-11x0 Mating Power Amplifiers ................................................................................... 164 DB-10072 OPTO-22 Expansion Option................................................................................ 164 Configuring the I/O for the DB-10072.................................................................... 164
Contents v
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Connector Description of the DB-10072.................................................................165 DB-10096 I/O Expansion ......................................................................................................168 Pinouts for DB-10096 Connectors.........................................................................................169 J1 Pinout ..................................................................................................................169 J2 Pinout ..................................................................................................................170 Coordinated Motion - Mathematical Analysis.......................................................................171 DMC-600/DMC-1000 Comparison .......................................................................................174 DMC-600/DMC-1000 Command Comparison .......................................................175 DMC-600/DMC-1000 Pin-out Conversion Table ...................................................178 List of Other Publications ......................................................................................................180 Contacting Us ........................................................................................................................180 WARRANTY ........................................................................................................................181 Using This Manual ....................................................................................................................ii
Chapter 1 Overview
Introduction................................................................................................................................1 Overview of Motor Types..........................................................................................................1 Standard Servo Motors with +/- 10 Volt Command Signal ........................................2 Stepper Motor with Step and Direction Signals ..........................................................2 DMC-1000 Functional Elements ...............................................................................................2 Microcomputer Section ...............................................................................................3 Motor Interface............................................................................................................3 Communication ...........................................................................................................3 General I/O ..................................................................................................................3 System Elements..........................................................................................................3 Motor ...........................................................................................................................4 Amplifier (Driver) .......................................................................................................4 Encoder........................................................................................................................4 Watch Dog Timer ........................................................................................................4
The DMC-1000 Motion Controller............................................................................................5 Elements You Need ...................................................................................................................6 Installing the DMC-1000 ...........................................................................................................7 Step 1. Determine Overall Motor Configuration.........................................................7 Step 2. Configure Jumpers on the DMC-1000 ............................................................7 Step 3. Install the DMC-1000 in the Computer...........................................................8 Step 4. Install Communications Software ...................................................................9 Step 5. Establish Communications with Galil Communication Software ...................9 Changing the I/O Address of the Controller..............................................................10 Step 6. Connect Amplifiers and Encoders.................................................................11 Step 7a. Connect Standard Servo Motors..................................................................13 Step 7b. Connect Step Motors ...................................................................................16 Step 8. Tune the Servo System..................................................................................17 Design Examples .....................................................................................................................18 Example 1 - System Set-up .......................................................................................18 Example 2 - Profiled Move .......................................................................................18 Example 3 - Multiple Axes........................................................................................18 Example 4 - Independent Moves ...............................................................................19 Example 5 - Position Interrogation............................................................................19 Example 6 - Absolute Position ..................................................................................19 Example 7 - Velocity Control....................................................................................20 Example 8 - Operation Under Torque Limit .............................................................20
vi Contents
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Example 9 - Interrogation.......................................................................................... 20 Example 10 - Operation in the Buffer Mode............................................................. 21 Example 11 - Motion Programs ................................................................................ 21 Example 12 - Motion Programs with Loops ............................................................. 21 Example 13 - Motion Programs with Trippoints....................................................... 22 Example 14 - Control Variables ................................................................................ 22 Example 15 - Linear Interpolation ............................................................................ 23 Example 16 - Circular Interpolation.......................................................................... 23
Overview ................................................................................................................................. 25 Using Optoisolated Inputs ....................................................................................................... 25 Limit Switch Input..................................................................................................... 25 Home Switch Input.................................................................................................... 26 Abort Input ................................................................................................................ 26 Uncommitted Digital Inputs ...................................................................................... 27 Wiring the Optoisolated Inputs................................................................................................ 27 Using an Isolated Power Supply ............................................................................... 28 Bypassing the Opto-Isolation: ................................................................................... 29 Changing Optoisolated Inputs From Active Low to Active High............................. 30 Amplifier Interface .................................................................................................................. 30 TTL Inputs............................................................................................................................... 31 Analog Inputs .......................................................................................................................... 31 TTL Outputs ............................................................................................................................ 32 Offset Adjustment.................................................................................................................... 32
Chapter 4 Communication
Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 33 Address Selection .................................................................................................................... 33 Example - Address Selection..................................................................................... 33 Communication with the Controller ........................................................................................ 34 Communication Registers ......................................................................................... 34 Simplified Communication Procedure ...................................................................... 34 Advanced Communication Techniques..................................................................... 35 Interrupts.................................................................................................................................. 36 Configuring Interrupts............................................................................................... 36 Servicing Interrupts ................................................................................................... 38 Example - Interrupts.................................................................................................. 38 Controller Response to DATA ................................................................................................ 39 Galil Software Tools and Libraries.......................................................................................... 39
Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 41 Command Syntax..................................................................................................................... 41 Coordinated Motion with more than 1 axis ............................................................... 42 Program Syntax ......................................................................................................... 42 Controller Response to DATA ................................................................................................ 42 Interrogating the Controller ..................................................................................................... 43 Interrogation Commands ........................................................................................... 43 Additional Interrogation Methods. ............................................................................ 43 Operands.................................................................................................................... 44 Command Summary.................................................................................................. 44
Contents vii
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Overview..................................................................................................................................45 Independent Axis Positioning..................................................................................................45 Command Summary - Independent Axis ..................................................................46 Operand Summary - Independent Axis .....................................................................46 Independent Jogging................................................................................................................47 Command Summary - Jogging ..................................................................................48 Operand Summary - Independent Axis .....................................................................48 Linear Interpolation Mode .......................................................................................................49 Specifying Linear Segments......................................................................................49 Specifying Vector Acceleration, Deceleration and Speed:........................................50 Additional Commands...............................................................................................50 Command Summary - Linear Interpolation...............................................................51 Operand Summary - Linear Interpolation..................................................................51 Vector Mode: Linear and Circular Interpolation Motion.........................................................54 Specifying Vector Segments .....................................................................................54 Specifying Vector Acceleration, Deceleration and Speed:........................................55 Additional Commands...............................................................................................55 Command Summary - Vector Mode Motion.............................................................57 Operand Summary - Vector Mode Motion................................................................57 Electronic Gearing ...................................................................................................................58 Command Summary - Electronic Gearing.................................................................59 Operand Summary - Electronic Gearing ...................................................................59 Electronic Cam ........................................................................................................................61 Contour Mode..........................................................................................................................66 Specifying Contour Segments ...................................................................................66 Additional Commands...............................................................................................67 Command Summary - Contour Mode .......................................................................68 Operand Summary - Contour Mode ..........................................................................68 Stepper Motor Operation .........................................................................................................71 Specifying Stepper Motor Operation.........................................................................71 Using an Encoder with Stepper Motors.....................................................................72 Command Summary - Stepper Motor Operation.......................................................73 Operand Summary - Stepper Motor Operation .........................................................73 Dual Loop (Auxiliary Encoder)...............................................................................................73 Backlash Compensation ............................................................................................74 Command Summary - Using the Auxiliary Encoder.................................................75 Operand Summary - Using the Auxiliary Encoder....................................................76 Motion Smoothing ...................................................................................................................76 Using the IT and VT Commands (S curve profiling):...............................................76 Using the KS Command (Step Motor Smoothing):...................................................77 Homing ....................................................................................................................................78 High Speed Position Capture (Latch) ......................................................................................81
Overview..................................................................................................................................83 Using the DMC-1000 Editor to Enter Programs......................................................................83 Edit Mode Commands ...............................................................................................84 Program Format .......................................................................................................................85 Using Labels in Programs .........................................................................................85 Special Labels............................................................................................................86 Commenting Programs ..............................................................................................86 Executing Programs - Multitasking .........................................................................................87
viii Contents
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Debugging Programs ............................................................................................................... 88 Program Flow Commands ....................................................................................................... 90 Event Triggers & Trippoints ..................................................................................... 90 Event Trigger Examples:........................................................................................... 91 Conditional Jumps..................................................................................................... 94 Subroutines................................................................................................................ 97 Stack Manipulation.................................................................................................... 97 Automatic Subroutines for Monitoring Conditions...................................................97 Mathematical and Functional Expressions ............................................................................ 100 Mathematical Expressions....................................................................................... 100 Bit-Wise Operators.................................................................................................. 101 Functions ................................................................................................................. 102 Variables................................................................................................................................ 102 Assigning Values to Variables: ............................................................................... 103 Operands................................................................................................................................ 104 Special Operands (Keywords)................................................................................. 105 Arrays .................................................................................................................................... 105 Defining Arrays....................................................................................................... 105 Assignment of Array Entries ................................................................................... 106 Automatic Data Capture into Arrays ....................................................................... 107 Deallocating Array Space........................................................................................ 108 Input of Data (Numeric and String)....................................................................................... 109 Input of Data............................................................................................................ 109 Output of Data (Numeric and String) .................................................................................... 110 Sending Messages ................................................................................................... 110 Interrogation Commands ......................................................................................... 111 Formatting Variables and Array Elements .............................................................. 113 Converting to User Units......................................................................................... 114 Programmable Hardware I/O................................................................................................. 114 Digital Outputs ........................................................................................................ 114 Digital Inputs........................................................................................................... 115 Input Interrupt Function .......................................................................................... 116 Analog Inputs .......................................................................................................... 117 Example Applications............................................................................................................ 118 Wire Cutter.............................................................................................................. 118 X-Y Table Controller .............................................................................................. 119 Speed Control by Joystick....................................................................................... 121 Position Control by Joystick.................................................................................... 122 Backlash Compensation by Sampled Dual-Loop .................................................... 122
Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 125 Hardware Protection .............................................................................................................. 125 Output Protection Lines........................................................................................... 125 Input Protection Lines ............................................................................................. 125 Software Protection ............................................................................................................... 126 Programmable Position Limits ................................................................................ 126 Off-On-Error ........................................................................................................... 126 Automatic Error Routine ......................................................................................... 127 Limit Switch Routine .............................................................................................. 127
Chapter 9 Troubleshooting
Contents ix
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Overview................................................................................................................................131 Operation of Closed-Loop Systems .......................................................................................133 System Modeling ...................................................................................................................134 Motor-Amplifier ......................................................................................................135 Encoder....................................................................................................................137 DAC.........................................................................................................................138 Digital Filter ............................................................................................................138 ZOH.........................................................................................................................138 System Analysis.....................................................................................................................139 System Design and Compensation.........................................................................................141 The Analytical Method............................................................................................141
Electrical Specifications.........................................................................................................145 Servo Control ..........................................................................................................145 Stepper Control........................................................................................................145 Input/Output ............................................................................................................145 Power.......................................................................................................................145 Performance Specifications ...................................................................................................145 Connectors for DMC-1000 Main Board ................................................................................146 J2 - Main (60 pin IDC) ............................................................................................146 J5 - General I/O (26 pin IDC)..................................................................................147 J3 - Aux Encoder (20 pin IDC) ...............................................................................147 J4 - Driver (20 pin IDC) ..........................................................................................148 J6 - Daughter Board Connector (60 pin ) ................................................................148 J7 - 10 pin ................................................................................................................148 Connectors for Auxiliary Board (Axes E,F,G,H) ..................................................................148 JD2 - Main (60 pin IDC) .........................................................................................148 JD5 - I/O (26 pin IDC) ...........................................................................................149 JD3 - 20 pin IDC - Auxiliary Encoders...................................................................150 JD4 - 20 pin IDC - Amplifiers.................................................................................150 JD6 - Daughterboard Connector (60 pin)................................................................150 Pin-Out Description for DMC-1000 ......................................................................................150 Jumper Description for DMC-1000 .......................................................................................153 Dip Switch Settings ...............................................................................................................153 Offset Adjustments for DMC-1000 .......................................................................................153 Accessories and Options........................................................................................................154 Dip Switch Address Settings .................................................................................................155 PC/AT Interrupts and Their Vectors......................................................................................158 ICM-1100 Interconnect Module ............................................................................................158 AMP/ICM-1100 CONNECTIONS........................................................................................159 J2 - Main (60 pin IDC) ............................................................................................161 J3 - Aux Encoder (20 pin IDC) ...............................................................................161 J4 - Driver (20 pin IDC) ..........................................................................................161 J5 - General I/O (26 pin IDC)..................................................................................161 Connectors are the same as described in section entitled Connectors for DMC-1000 Main Board. see pg. 146 ........................................................................................162
x Contents
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JX6, JY6, JZ6, JW6 - Encoder Input (10 pin IDC) ................................................. 162 ICM-1100 Drawing ............................................................................................................... 162 AMP-11x0 Mating Power Amplifiers ................................................................................... 163 DB-10072 OPTO-22 Expansion Option................................................................................ 163 Configuring the I/O for the DB-10072.................................................................... 163 Connector Description of the DB-10072................................................................. 164 DB-10096 I/O Expansion ...................................................................................................... 167 Pinouts for DB-10096 Connectors ........................................................................................ 168 J1 Pinout.................................................................................................................. 168 J2 Pinout.................................................................................................................. 169 Coordinated Motion - Mathematical Analysis....................................................................... 170 DMC-600/DMC-1000 Comparison....................................................................................... 173 DMC-600/DMC-1000 Command Comparison ....................................................... 174 DMC-600/DMC-1000 Pin-out Conversion Table................................................... 177 List of Other Publications...................................................................................................... 179 Contacting Us ........................................................................................................................ 179 WARRANTY ........................................................................................................................ 180
Contents xi
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Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE |
Chapter 1 Overview
The DMC-1000 series motion controller is a state-of-the-art motion controller that plugs into the PC Bus. Performance capability of the DMC-1000 series controllers includes: 8 MHz encoder input frequency, 16-bit motor command output DAC, +/-2 billion counts total travel per move, sample rate at up to 125 usec/axis, bus interrupts and non-volatile memory for parameter storage. These controllers provide high performance and flexibility while maintaining ease of use and low cost. Designed for maximum system flexibility, the DMC-1000 is available for one, two, three or four axes configuration per card. An add-on card is available for control of five, six, seven or eight axes. The DMC-1000 can be interfaced to a variety of motors and drives including step motors, servo motors and hydraulic systems. Each axis accepts feedback from a quadrature linear or rotary encoder with input frequencies up to 8 million quadrature counts per second. For dual-loop applications in which an encoder is required on both the motor and the load, auxiliary encoder inputs are included for each axis. The DMC-1000 provides many modes of motion, including jogging, point-to-point positioning, linear and circular interpolation, electronic gearing and user-defined path following. Several motion parameters can be specified including acceleration and deceleration rates and slew speed. The DMC1000 also provides S-curve acceleration for motion smoothing. For synchronizing motion with external events, the DMC-1000 includes 8 optoisolated inputs, 8 programmable outputs and 7 analog inputs. An add-on daughter with additional inputs and outputs or for interfacing to OPTO 22 racks. Event triggers can automatically check for elapsed time, distance and motion complete. Despite its full range of sophisticated features, the DMC-1000 is easy to program. Instructions are represented by two letter commands such as BG to begin motion and SP to set motion speed. Conditional Instructions, Jump Statements, and Arithmetic Functions are included for writing selfcontained applications programs. An internal editor allows programs to be quickly entered and edited, and support software such as the Servo Design Kit allows quick system set-up and tuning. The DMC-1000 provides several error handling features. These include software and hardware limits, automatic shut-off on excessive error, abort input, and user-definable error and limit routines.
Chapter 1 Overview 1
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2. 3.
Step motors with step and direction signals Other actuators such as hydraulics - For more information, contact Galil.
The user can configure each axis for any combination of motor types, providing maximum flexibility.
8 Out 8 In 8 Analog In I/O Interface 68331 Microcomputer 64K RAM 64K EPROM 256 EEPROM GL-1800 4-Axes Motor/Encoder Interface
2 Chapter 1 Overview
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Microcomputer Section
The main processing unit of the DMC-1000 is a specialized 32-bit Motorola 68331 Series Microcomputer with 64K RAM (256K available as an option), 64K EPROM and 256 bytes EEPROM. The RAM provides memory for variables, array elements and application programs. The EPROM stores the firmware of the DMC-1000. The EEPROM allows certain parameters to be saved in nonvolatile memory upon power down.
Motor Interface
For each axis, a GL-1800 custom, sub-micron gate array performs quadrature decoding of the encoders at up to 8 MHz, generates a +/-10 Volt analog signal (16 Bit D-to-A) for input to a servo amplifier, and generates step and direction signal for step motor drivers.
The communication interface with the host PC over the ISA bus, uses a bi-directional FIFO (AM470) and includes PC interrupt handling circuitry.
General I/O
The DMC-1000 provides interface circuitry for eight optoisolated inputs, eight general outputs and seven analog inputs (12-Bit ADC). Controllers with 1 to 4 axes can add additional I/O with an auxiliary board, the DB-10096 or DB-10072. The DB-10096 provides 96 additional I/O. The DB10072 provides interface to up to three OPTO 22 racks with 24 I/O modules each.
System Elements
As shown in Fig. 1.2, the DMC-1000 is part of a motion control system which includes amplifiers, motors and encoders. These elements are described below.
Power Supply
DMC-1000 Controller
Amplifier (Driver)
Chapter 1 Overview 3
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A motor converts current into torque which produces motion. Each axis of motion requires a motor sized properly to move the load at the desired speed and acceleration. Galil's Motion Component Selector software can help you calculate motor size and drive size requirements. Contact Galil at 800377-6329 if you would like this product. The motor may be a step or servo motor and can be brush-type or brushless, rotary or linear. For step motors, the controller can control full-step, half-step, or microstep drives.
Amplifier (Driver)
For each axis, the power amplifier converts a +/-10 Volt signal from the controller into current to drive the motor. The amplifier should be sized properly to meet the power requirements of the motor. For brushless motors, an amplifier that provides electronic commutation is required. The amplifiers may be either pulse-width-modulated (PWM) or linear. They may also be configured for operation with or without a tachometer. For current amplifiers, the amplifier gain should be set such that a 10 Volt command generates the maximum required current. For example, if the motor peak current is 10A, the amplifier gain should be 1 A/V. For velocity mode amplifiers, 10 Volts should run the motor at the maximum speed. For stepper motors, the amplifier converts step and direction signals into current.
An encoder translates motion into electrical pulses which are fed back into the controller. The DMC1000 accepts feedback from either a rotary or linear encoder. Typical encoders provide two channels in quadrature, known as CHA and CHB. This type of encoder is known as a quadrature encoder. Quadrature encoders may be either single-ended (CHA and CHB) or differential (CHA,CHA,CHB,CHB-). The DMC-1000 decodes either type into quadrature states or four times the number of cycles. Encoders may also have a third channel (or index) for synchronization. The DMC-1000 can also interface to encoders with pulse and direction signals. There is no limit on encoder line density, however, the input frequency to the controller must not exceed 2,000,000 full encoder cycles/second or 8,000,000 quadrature counts/sec. For example, if the encoder line density is 10,000 cycles per inch, the maximum speed is 200 inches/second. The standard voltage level is TTL (zero to five volts), however, voltage levels up to 12 Volts are acceptable. If using differential signals, 12 Volts can be input directly to the DMC-1000. Singleended 12 Volt signals require a bias voltage input to the complementary inputs. To interface with other types of position sensors such as resolvers or absolute encoders, Galil can customize the DB-10096 daughter board and DMC-1000 command set. Please contact Galil to talk to one of our applications engineers about your particular system requirements.
4 Chapter 1 Overview
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DMC-1000 ROM. These are labeled with the firmware revision that you have received. For example, a label may be affixed to the ROM that specifies the firmware revision such as 2.0c. Motorola 68331 Microprocessor GL-1800 Custom sub-micron gate array Calibration potentiometers to provide a zero bias voltage to the amplifier for proper operation. Address DIP switches
60-pin header connector for the main output cable of the DMC-1000
2 3 4
J3 J4 J5
20-pin header connector for the auxiliary encoder cable of the DMC-1000. 20-pin header connector for the stepper amplifier output cable of the DMC-1000. 26-pin header connector for the general I/O cable of the DMC-1000. 60-pin daughter board header connector for the cable leading to the DMC-1050-1080, DB-10072 and DB-10096 I/O expansion boards.
Error LED
INCOM,LSCOM jumper set. These jumpers are used when connecting limit, home, and abort switches and the digital inputs, IN1 - IN8. Jumpers for setting the interrupt line Master Reset Jumper
JP10 JP20
Jumpers for setting the interrupt line Jumpers for putting card into stepper mode
JP11 JP21
1a. For stepper motor operation, you will need an additional 20-pin ribbon cable for J4. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Servo motors with Optical Encoder (one per axis) or step motors Power Amplifiers Power Supply for Amplifiers PC (Personal Computer - ISA bus) Communication Disk (COMMdisk) from Galil (Optional - but strongly recommended for first time users) WSDK-16 Servo Design Software for Windows 3.1, and 3.11 for Workgroups -OR WSDK-32 for Windows 95 or NT (Optional, but strongly recommended for first time users). 7. An Interface Module (Optional, but strongly recommended). The Galil ICM-1100 is an interconnect module with screw type terminals that directly interfaces to the DMC-1000 controller. Note: An additional ICM-1100 is required for the DMC-1050 through DMC-1080.
The motors may be servo (brush type or brushless) or steppers. The amplifiers should be suitable for the motor and may be linear or pulse-width-modulated. An amplifier may have current feedback or voltage feedback. For servo motors, the amplifiers should accept an analog signal in the +/-10 Volt range as a command. The amplifier gain should be set so that a +10V command will generate the maximum required current. For example, if the motor peak current is 10A, the amplifier gain should be 1 A/V. For velocity mode amplifiers, a command signal of 10 Volts should run the motor at the maximum required speed.
For step motors, the amplifiers should accept step and direction signals. For start-up of a step motor system refer to Connecting Step Motors on page 16.
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The WSDK software is highly recommended for first time users of the DMC-1000. It provides stepby-step instructions for system connection, tuning and analysis.
If you using a controller with more than 4 axis, you will have two pc-cards inside the controller box. In this case, you will have 2 sets of stepper motor jumpers, one on each card. The jumpers on the bottom card will be for axes X,Y,Z and W (or A,B,C, and D) and the top will be E,F,G and H. To access the bottom card, the top card must be carefully removed. The stepper mode jumpers are located next to the GL-1800 which is the largest IC on the board. The jumper set is labeled JP40 and the individual stepper mode jumpers are labeled SMX, SMY, SMZ, SMW. The fifth jumper of the set, OPT, is for use by Galil technicians only. The jumper set, J41, can be used to connect the controllers internal power supply to the optoisolation inputs. This may be desirable if your system will be using limit switches, home inputs digital inputs, or hardware abort and optoisolation is not necessary for your system. For a further explanation, see section Bypassing the Opto-Isolation in Chapter 3.
If you using a controller with more than 4 axis, you will have two pc-cards which are connected together via a 50-pin ribbon cable, J6. In this case, you will have 2 sets of cables to connect, the first set will be used for the first four axis and the second set will be used for the remaining axis. Step F. Re-secure system unit cover and tighten screws, making sure all ribbon cable ends that are not terminated lie outside the casing of the PC. Step G. Turn Power on to PC.
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Using the COMMdisk Vol2 for Windows (16 bit and 32 bit versions):
For Windows3.x, run the installation program, setup16.exe. For Windows 95 or Windows NT, run the installation program, setup32.exe.
Windows Users:
In order for the windows software to communicate with a Galil controller, the controller must be registered in the Galil Registry. The Galil Registry is simply a list of controllers. Registration consists of telling the software the model of the controller, the address of the controller, and other information. To do this, run the program DMCREG16 for Windows 3.x or DMCREG32 for Windows 95 and NT. The DMCREG window will appear. Select Registry from the menu. Note: If you are using DMCREG for the first time, no controllers will exist in the Galil Register. This is normal. The registry window is equipped with buttons to Add, Change, or Delete a controller. Pressing any of these buttons will bring up the Set Registry Information window. (It should be noted that if you wish to change information on any existing controller, it should be selected before clicking Change, even if it is the only controller listed in the Registry.) Use the Add button to add a new entry to the Registry. You will need to supply the Galil Controller type. For any address changes to take effect, a model number must be entered. If you are changing an existing controller, this field will already have an entry. If you are adding a controller, it will not. Pressing the down arrow to the right of this field will reveal a menu of valid controller types. You should choose DMC-1000. Note that the default I/O address of 1000 appears. This does not need to be changed unless the address on the controller was changed. You will also need to supply an interrupt if you want to use the interrupt capabilities of the controller. The registry entry also displays timeout and delay information. These are advanced parameters which should only be modified by advanced users (see software documentation for more information). Once you have set the appropriate Registry information for your controller, exit from the DMCREG program. You will now be able to run communication software.
If you are using Windows 3.x, run the program DTERM16.EXE and if you are using Windows 95 or Windows NT, run the program DTERM32.EXE. From the file menu, select Startup. You will now see the registry information. Select the entry for your controller. Note: If you have only one entry, you still must select this controller for the software to establish communications. Once the entry has been selected, click on the OK button. If the software has successfully established communications with the controller, the registry entry will be displayed at the top of the screen. If you are not properly communicating with the controller, the program will pause for 3-15 seconds. The top of the screen will display the message Status: not connected with Galil motion controller and the following error will appear: STOP - Unable to establish communication with the Galil controller. A time-out occurred while waiting for a response from the Galil controller. If this message appears, you must click OK. There is most likely an I/O address conflict in your computer or the registry information does not reflect the address of the motion controller card. See section on Changing the I/O Address of the Controller. The user must ensure that there are no conflicts between the DMC-1000 and other system elements in the host computer. If you change the address of the DMC-1000, you must repeat the steps for changing the address of your controller in the Galil Registry. Once you establish communications, click on the menu for terminal and you will receive a colon prompt. Communicating with the controller is described in later sections.
A DMC-1000 controller with more than 4 axes requires 2 PC slots. Only the main DMC-1040 slot needs to be addressed.
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5. Set the Address DIP Switches as described above. Note that the dip switch is marked with an On marking. In this case, ON=0 and OFF=1. Example: See following illustration.
A2 0
A4 A5 A6 A7 -------ON-------
A8 0
To simplify this task, we have included a complete list of DIP switch settings corresponding to all configurable addresses between 512 and 1024. This is in the table entitled Dip Switch Address Settings in Appendix A. In addition, two DOS programs which calculate the dip settings are provided on the COMMDISK VOL1: ADDRCALC.EXE, and PIN_CALC.EXE: To use ADDRCALC, type ADDRCALC at the C:/COMMDISK> and enter a decimal address. The program will return the DIP switch setting (note that when the program refers to a switch as jumpered it means the switch is set in the ON or 0 position, and when the program refers to a switch as open it means the switch is set in the OFF or 1 position). The PIN_CALC program prompts the user for individual switch settings and returns the corresponding decimal address.
Motion Controllers with more than 4 axes require a second ICM-1100 or AMP-11X0 and second 100pin cable. System connection procedures will depend on system components and motor types. Any combination of motor types can be used with the DMC-1000. Here are the first steps for connecting a motion control system: Step A. Connect the motor to the amplifier with no connection to the controller. Consult the amplifier documentation for instructions regarding proper connections. Connect and turn-on the amplifier power supply. If the amplifiers are operating properly, the motor should stand still even when the amplifiers are powered up.
Step B. Connect the amplifier enable signal. Before making any connections from the amplifier to the controller, you need to verify that the ground level of the amplifier is either floating or at the same potential as earth. WARNING: When the amplifier ground is not isolated from the power line or when it has a different potential than that of the computer ground, serious damage may result to the computer controller and amplifier. If you are not sure about the potential of the ground levels, connect the two ground signals (amplifier ground and earth) by a 10 K resistor and measure the voltage across the resistor. Only if the voltage is zero, connect the two ground signals directly. The amplifier enable signal is used by the controller to disable the motor. It will disable the motor when the watchdog timer activates, the motor-off command, MO, is given, or the position error exceeds the error limit with the "Off-On-Error" function enabled (see the command OE for further information). The standard configuration of the AEN signal is TTL active high. In other words, the AEN signal will be high when the controller expects the amplifier to be enabled. The polarity and the amplitude can be changed if you are using the ICM-1100 interface board. To change the polarity from active high (5 volts = enable, zero volts = disable) to active low (zero volts = enable, 5 volts = disable), replace the 7407 IC with a 7406. Note that many amplifiers designate the enable input as inhibit. To change the voltage level of the AEN signal, note the state of the resistor pack on the ICM-1100. When Pin 1 is on the 5V mark, the output voltage is 0-5V. To change to 12 volts, pull the resistor pack and rotate it so that Pin 1 is on the 12 volt side. If you remove the resistor pack, the output signal is an open collector, allowing the user to connect an external supply with voltages up to 24V. On the ICM-1100, the amplifier enable signal is labeled AENX for the X axis. Connect this signal to the amplifier (figure 2.3) and issue the command, MO, to disable the motor amplifiers - often this is indicated by an LED on the amplifier. Step C. Connect the encoders For stepper motor operation, an encoder is optional. For servo motor operation, if you have a preferred definition of the forward and reverse directions, make sure that the encoder wiring is consistent with that definition. The DMC-1000 accepts single-ended or differential encoder feedback with or without an index pulse. If you are not using the AMP-11X0 or the ICM-1100 you will need to consult the appendix for the encoder pinouts for connection to the motion controller. The AMP-11X0 and the ICM-1100 can accept encoder feedback from a 10-pin ribbon cable or individual signal leads. For a 10-pin ribbon cable encoder, connect the cable to the protected header connector labeled X ENCODER (repeat for each axis necessary). For individual wires, simply match the leads from the encoder you are using to the encoder feedback inputs on the interconnect board. The signal leads are labeled XA+
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(channel A), XB+ (channel B), and XI+. For differential encoders, the complement signals are labeled XA-, XB-, and XI-. Note: When using pulse and direction encoders, the pulse signal is connected to XA+ and the direction signal is connected to XB+. The controller must be configured for pulse and direction with the command CE. See the command summary for further information on the command CE. Step D. Verify proper encoder operation. Start with the X encoder first. Once it is connected, turn the motor shaft and interrogate the position with the instruction TPX <return>. The controller response will vary as the motor is turned. At this point, if TPX does not vary with encoder rotation, there are three possibilities: 1. 2. The encoder connections are incorrect - check the wiring as necessary. The encoder has failed - using an oscilloscope, observe the encoder signals. Verify that both channels A and B have a peak magnitude between 5 and 12 volts. Note that if only one encoder channel fails, the position reporting varies by one count only. If the encoder failed, replace the encoder. If you cannot observe the encoder signals, try a different encoder. There is a hardware failure in the controller- connect the same encoder to a different axis. If the problem disappears, you probably have a hardware failure. Consult the factory for help.
OE 1 <CR> Disables X axis amplifier when excess position error exists If the motor runs away and creates a position error of 2000 counts, the motor amplifier will be disabled. Note: This function requires the AEN signal to be connected from the controller to the amplifier. Step C. Set Torque Limit as a Safety Precaution To limit the maximum voltage signal to your amplifier, the DMC-1000 controller has a torque limit command, TL. This command sets the maximum voltage output of the controller and can be used to avoid excessive torque or speed when initially setting up a servo system. When operating an amplifier in torque mode, the voltage output of the controller will be directly related to the torque output of the motor. The user is responsible for determining this relationship using the documentation of the motor and amplifier. The torque limit can be set to a value that will limit the motors output torque. When operating an amplifier in velocity or voltage mode, the voltage output of the controller will be directly related to the velocity of the motor. The user is responsible for determining this relationship using the documentation of the motor and amplifier. The torque limit can be set to a value that will limit the speed of the motor. For example, the following command will limit the output of the controller to 1 volt on the X axis: TL 1 <CR> Note: Once the correct polarity of the feedback loop has been determined, the torque limit should, in general, be increased to the default value of 9.99. The servo will not operate properly if the torque limit is below the normal operating range. See description of TL in the command reference. Step D. Connect the Motor Once the parameters have been set, connect the analog motor command signal (ACMD) to the amplifier input. To test the polarity of the feedback, command a move with the instruction: PR 1000 <CR> Position relative 1000 counts
BGX <CR> Begin motion on X axis When the polarity of the feedback is wrong, the motor will attempt to run away. The controller should disable the motor when the position error exceeds 2000 counts. If the motor runs away, the polarity of the loop must be inverted. Note: Inverting the Loop Polarity When the polarity of the feedback is incorrect, the user must invert the loop polarity and this may be accomplished by several methods. If you are driving a brush-type DC motor, the simplest way is to invert the two motor wires (typically red and black). For example, switch the M1 and M2 connections going from your amplifier to the motor. When driving a brushless motor, the polarity reversal may be done with the encoder. If you are using a single-ended encoder, interchange the
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signal CHA and CHB. If, on the other hand, you are using a differential encoder, interchange only CHA+ and CHA-. The loop polarity and encoder polarity can also be affected through software with the MT, and CE commands. For more details on the MT command or the CE command, see the Command Reference section. Note: Reversing the Direction of Motion If the feedback polarity is correct but the direction of motion is opposite to the desired direction of motion, reverse the motor leads AND the encoder signals. When the position loop has been closed with the correct polarity, the next step is to adjust the PID filter parameters, KP, KD and KI. It is necessary to accurately tune your servo system to ensure fidelity of position and minimize motion oscillation as described in the next section.
J4 J5 J3 J2
Pin 1
Figure 2-2 - System Connections with the AMP-1100Amplifier. Note: this figure shows a Galil Motor and Encoder which uses a flat ribbon cable to connect to the AMP-1100 unit.
W Encoder
Z Encoder
Pin 2
Screw Terminals
Y Encoder
X Encoder
J4 J5 J3 J2
Pin 1
Encoder Wire Connections Encoder: ICM-1100: Channel A(+) XA+ Channel B(+) XB+ Channel AXAChannel BXBIndex Pulse XI+ Index Pulse XI-
+5V (103) XI+ (81) XB+ (79) XA+ (77) GND (104) XI- (82) XB- (80) XA- (78)
Encoder Wires
DC Servo Motor
Signal Gnd 2
Motor + 1 Motor - 2
+Ref In 4
Inhibit* 11
CPS Power Supply
MSA 12-80
Figure 2-3 System Connections with a separate amplifier (MSA 12-80). This diagram shows the connections for a standard DC Servo Motor and encoder.
W Encoder
Z Encoder
Pin 2
Screw Terminals
Y Encoder
X Encoder
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Step A. Install SM jumpers Each axis of the DMC-1000 that will operate a stepper motor must have the corresponding stepper motor jumper installed. For a discussion of SM jumpers, see step 2. Step B. Connect step and direction signals. Make connections from controller to motor amplifiers. (These signals are labeled PULSX and DIRX for the x-axis on the ICM-1100). Consult the documentation for your step motor amplifier. Step C. Configure DMC-1000 for motor type using MT command. You can configure the DMC-1000 for active high or active low pulses. Use the command MT 2 for active high step motor pulses and MT -2 for active low step motor pulses. See description of the MT command in the Command Reference.
and set the proportional gain to a low value, such as KP 1 (CR) KD 100 (CR) Proportional gain Derivative gain
For more damping, you can increase KD (maximum is 4095). Increase gradually and stop after the motor vibrates. A vibration is noticed by audible sound or by interrogation. If you send the command TE X (CR) Tell error
a few times, and get varying responses, especially with reversing polarity, it indicates system vibration. When this happens, simply reduce KD. Next you need to increase the value of KP gradually (maximum allowed is 1023). You can monitor the improvement in the response with the Tell Error instruction KP 10 (CR) TE X (CR) Proportion gain Tell error
As the proportional gain is increased, the error decreases. Again, the system may vibrate if the gain is too high. In this case, reduce KP. Typically, KP should not be greater than KD/4. (Only when the amplifier is configured in the current mode). Finally, to select KI, start with zero value and increase it gradually. The integrator eliminates the position error, resulting in improved accuracy. Therefore, the response to the instruction TE X (CR) becomes zero. As KI is increased, its effect is amplified and it may lead to vibrations. If this occurs, simply reduce KI. Repeat tuning for the Y, Z and W axes.
For a more detailed description of the operation of the PID filter and/or servo system theory, see Chapter 10 - Theory of Operation.
Design Examples
Here are a few examples for tuning and using your controller. These examples have remarks next to each command - these remarks must not be included in the actual program.
When using controllers with 5 or more axes, the X,Y,Z and W axes can also be referred to as the A,B,C,D axes.
Instruction OE 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 ER*=1000 KP10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10 KP*=10 KPX=10 KPA=10 KPZ=10 KPD=10 KPH=10 Interpretation Enable automatic Off on Error function for all axes Set error limit for all axes to 1000 counts Set gains for a,b,c,d,e,f,g,and h axes Alternate method for setting gain on all axes Alternate method for setting X (or A) axis gain Alternate method for setting A (or X) axis gain Alternate method for setting Z axis gain Alternate method for setting D axis gain Alternate method for setting H axis gain
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Interpretation Distances of X,Y,Z,W Slew speeds of X,Y,Z,W Accelerations of X,Y,Z,W Decelerations of X,Y,Z,W Start X and Z motion Start Y and W motion
The position error, which is the difference between the commanded position and the actual position can be interrogated with the instruction TE.
Instruction TE TE X TE Y TE Z TE W Interpretation Tell error - all axes Tell error - X axis only Tell error - Y axis only Tell error - Z axis only Tell error - W axis only
DP 0,2000 PA 7000,4000 BG X BG Y
Define the current positions of X,Y as 0 and 2000 Sets the desired absolute positions Start X motion Start Y motion
After both motions are complete, the X and Y axes can be command back to zero:
PA 0,0 BG XY Move to 0,0 Start both motions
and then
JG ,20000 TV Y New Y speed Returns Y speed
These cause velocity changes including direction reversal. The motion can be stopped with the instruction
ST Stop
In this example, the X motor will probably not move since the output signal will not be sufficient to overcome the friction. If the motion starts, it can be stopped easily by a touch of a finger. Increase the torque level gradually by instructions such as
Instruction TL 1.0 TL 9.98 Interpretation Increase torque limit to 1 volt. Increase torque limit to maximum, 9.98 Volts.
Example 9 - Interrogation
The values of the parameters may be interrogated. Some examples
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Interpretation Return gain of X axis. Return gain of Z axis. Return gains of all axes.
Many other parameters such as KI, KD, FA, can also be interrogated. The command reference denotes all commands which can be interrogated.
moves the operation to the editor mode where the program may be written and edited. The editor provides the line number. For example, in response to the first ED command, the first line is zero. LINE # INSTRUCTION
000 001 002 003 004 #A PR 700 SP 2000 BGX EN
Define label Distance Speed Start X motion End program
To exit the editor mode, input <cntrl>Q. The program may be executed with the command.
XQ #A Start the program running
Wait 500 ms Tell position X Increase the value of V1 Repeat if V1<10001 End
After the above program is entered, quit the Editor Mode, <cntrl>Q. To start the motion, command:
XQ #A Execute Program #A
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JP #C, V1=0 JP #B #C EN
This program moves X to an initial position of 1000 and returns it to zero on increments of half the distance. Note, _TPX is an internal variable which returns the value of the X position. Internal variables may be created by preceding a DMC-1000 instruction with an underscore, _.
Y (-4000,4000) (0,4000)
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The DMC-1000 provides optoisolated digital inputs for forward limit, reverse limit, home, and abort signals. The controller also has 8 optoisolated, uncommitted inputs (for general use) as well as 8 TTL outputs and 7 analog inputs configured for voltages between +/- 10 volts.
Controllers with 5 or more axes have an additional 8 TTL level inputs and 8 TTL level outputs. This chapter describes the inputs and outputs and their proper connection. To access the analog inputs or general inputs 5-8 or all outputs except OUT1, connect the 26-pin ribbon cable to the 26-pin J5 IDC connector from the DMC-1000 to the AMP-11X0 or ICM-1100 board. If you plan to use the auxiliary encoder feature of the DMC-1000, you must also connect a 20-pin ribbon cable from the 20-pin J3 header connector on the DMC-1000 to the 26-pin J3 header connector on the AMP-11X0 or ICM-1100. This cable is not shipped unless requested when ordering.
Abort Input
The function of the Abort input is to immediately stop the controller upon transition of the logic state. NOTE: The response of the abort input is significantly different from the response of an activated limit switch. When the abort input is activated, the controller stops generating motion commands immediately, whereas the limit switch response causes the controller to make a decelerated stop. NOTE: The effect of an Abort input is dependent on the state of the off-on-error function for each axis. If the Off-On-Error function is enabled for any given axis, the motor for that axis will be turned off when the abort signal is generated. This could cause the motor to coast to a stop since it is no longer under servo control. If the Off-On-Error function is disabled, the motor will decelerate to a stop as fast as mechanically possible and the motor will remain in a servo state.
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All motion programs that are currently running are terminated when a transition in the Abort input is detected. For information on setting the Off-On-Error function, see the Command Reference, OE. NOTE: The error LED does not light up when the Abort Input is active.
Controllers with 5 or more axes have 16 opto-isolated inputs and 8 TTL level inputs. . For controllers with more than 4 axes, the inputs 9-16 and the limit switch inputs for the additional axes are accessed through the second 100-pin connector.
A logic zero is generated when at least 1mA of current flows from the common to the input. A positive voltage (with respect to the input) must be supplied at the common. This can be accomplished by connecting a voltage in the range of +5V to +28V into INCOM of the input circuitry from a separate power supply.
For controllers with more than 4 axes, the inputs 9-16 and the limit switch inputs for the additional axes are accessed through a separate connector, JD5. Group Common Signal
A logic zero is generated when at least 1mA of current flows from the common signal to the input. A positive voltage (with respect to the input) must be supplied at the common. This can be accomplished by connecting a voltage in the range of +5V to +28V into INCOM of the input circuitry from a separate power supply
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NOTE: As stated in Chapter 2, the wiring is simplified when using the ICM-1100 or AMP-11x0 interface board. This board accepts the signals from the ribbon cables of the DMC-1000 and provides phoenix-type screw terminals. A picture of the ICM-1100 can be seen on pg. 2-14. The user must wire the system directly off the ribbon cable if the ICM-1100 or equivalent breakout board is not available.
Amplifier Interface
The DMC-1000 analog command voltage, ACMD, ranges between +/-10V. This signal, along with GND, provides the input to the power amplifiers. The power amplifiers must be sized to drive the motors and load. For best performance, the amplifiers should be configured for a current mode of operation with no additional compensation. The gain should be set such that a 10 Volt input results in the maximum required current. The DMC-1000 also provides an amplifier enable signal, AEN. This signal changes under the following conditions: the watchdog timer activates, the motor-off command, MO, is given, or the OE1command (Enable Off-On-Error) is given and the position error exceeds the error limit. As shown in Figure 3-4, AEN can be used to disable the amplifier for these conditions. The standard configuration of the AEN signal is TTL active high. In other words, the AEN signal will be high when the controller expects the amplifier to be enabled. The polarity and the amplitude can be changed if you are using the ICM-1100 interface board. To change the polarity from active high (5 volts = enable, zero volts = disable) to active low (zero volts = enable, 5 volts= disable), replace the 7407 IC with a 7406. Note that many amplifiers designate the enable input as inhibit.
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To change the voltage level of the AEN signal, note the state of the resistor pack on the ICM-1100. When Pin 1 is on the 5V mark, the output voltage is 0-5V. To change to 12 volts, pull the resistor pack and rotate it so that Pin 1 is on the 12 volt side. If you remove the resistor pack, the output signal is an open collector, allowing the user to connect an external supply with voltages up to 24V.
+12V +5V
Connection to +5V or +12V made through Resistor pack RP1. Removing the resistor pack allows the user to connect their own resistor to the desired voltage level (Up to24V).
7407 Open Collector Buffer. The Enable signal can be inverted by using a 7406.
Analog Switch
TTL Inputs
As previously mentioned, the DMC-1000 has 8 uncommitted TTL level inputs for controllers with 5 or more axes. These are specified as INx where x ranges from 17 thru 24. The reset input is also a TTL level, non-isolated signal and is used to locally reset the DMC-1000 without resetting the PC.
Analog Inputs
The DMC-1000 has seven analog inputs configured for the range between -10V and 10V. The inputs are decoded by a 12-bit A/D converter giving a voltage resolution of approximately .005V. The impedance of these inputs is 10 K. The analog inputs are specified as AN[x] where x is a number 1 thru 7. Galil can supply the DMC-1000 with a 16-bit A/D converter as an option.
TTL Outputs
The DMC-1000 provides eight general use outputs and an error signal output. The general use outputs are TTL and are accessible by connections to OUT1 thru OUT8. These outputs can be turned On and Off with the commands, SB (Set Bit), CB (Clear Bit), OB (Output Bit), and OP (Output Port). For more information about these commands, see the Command Summary. The value of the outputs can be checked with the operand _OP and the function @OUT[] (see Chapter 7, Mathematical Functions and Expressions).
Controllers with 5 or more axes have an additional eight general use TTL outputs (connector JD5). The error signal output is available on the main connector (J2, pin 3). This is a TTL signal which is low when the controller has an error. This signal is not available through the phoenix connectors of the ICM-1100. Note: When the error signal is active, the LED on the controller will be on. An error condition indicates one of the following conditions: 1. 2. 3. 4. At least one axis has a position error greater than the error limit. The error limit is set by using the command ER. The reset line on the controller is held low or is being affected by noise. There is a failure on the controller and the processor is resetting itself. There is a failure with the output IC which drives the error signal.
Offset Adjustment
For each axis, the DMC-1000 provides offset correction potentiometers to compensate for any offset in the analog output. These potentiometers have been adjusted at the factory to produce 0 Volts output for a zero digital motor command. Before making any adjustment to the offset, send the motor off command, MO, to the DMC-1000. This causes a zero digital motor command. Connect an oscilloscope or voltmeter to the motor command pin. You should measure zero volts. If not, adjust the offset potentiometer on the DMC-1000 until zero volts is observed.
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Chapter 4 Communication
The DMC-1000 receives commands from a PC/XT/AT or compatible computer. The controller is configured as a standard AT style card that is mapped into the I/O space. Communication between the DMC-1000 and the computer is in the form of ASCII characters where data is sent and received via READ and WRITE registers on the DMC-1000. A handshake is required for sending and receiving data. The DMC-1000 contains a 512 character write FIFO buffer. This permits sending commands at high speeds ahead of their actual processing by the DMC-1000. The DMC-1000 also contains a 512 character read buffer. This chapter discusses Address Selection, Communication Register Description, A Simplified Method of Communication, Advanced Communication Techniques, and Bus Interrupts.
Address Selection
The DMC-1000 address, N, is selectable by setting the Address Dip Switches A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7 and A8, where A2 represents 22, A3 represents 23 bit and so on. Setting a switch to the ON position sets that bit to zero and setting a switch to the OFF position sets that bit to 1. Please note that this discussion refers only to the computer address of the controller and is not related to specifying axes for instructions. The default address of the DMC-1000 is 1000 (A4 and A2 switches ON). The DMC-1000 can be configured for any 4th address between 512 and 1024. It is the responsibility of the user to assure there are no address conflicts between the DMC-1000 and the computer. The DMC-1000 must not conflict with an address used by the PC or another I/O card. WARNING: The DMC-1000 address setting must not conflict with an address used by the PC or another I/O card. An address conflict will prevent communication or cause data conflicts resulting in lost characters. To select an address (N), first make sure it is a number between 512 and 1024 that is divisible by four. Then subtract 512 from N and use the switches A2 through A8 to represent the binary result. A switch in the ON position represents a binary 0 and the OFF position represents binary 1.
Chapter 4 Communication 33
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996-512=484 4. Convert result from above into binary. 484=1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 5. Let switches A2 through A8 represent bits 22 through 28 of above, Where ON= 0, OFF=1 Switch
A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8
Note: The appendix contains a table with the proper switch setting for all possible addresses.
for receiving data for transmitting data for status control
N N N+1
Read only Write only Read and Write
The DMC-1000 provides three registers used for communication. The READ register and WRITE register occupy address N and the CONTROL register occupies address N+1 in the I/O space. The READ register is used for receiving data from the DMC-1000. The WRITE register is used to send data to the DMC-1000. The CONTROL register may be read or written to and is used for controlling communication, flags and interrupts.
34 Chapter 4 Communication
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Status Bit
5 5 4 4
Logic State
0 1 0 1
Data to be read No data to be read Buffer not full, OK to write up to 16 characters Buffer almost full. Do not send data
Read Procedure
To receive data from the DMC-1000, read the control register at address N+1 and check bit 5. If bit 5 is zero, the DMC-1000 has data to be read in the READ register at address N. Bit 5 must be checked for every character read and should be read until it signifies empty. Reading data from the READ register when the register is empty will result in reading an FF hex.
Write Procedure
To send data to the DMC-1000, read the control register at address N+1 and check bit 4. If bit 4 is zero, the DMC-1000 FIFO buffer is not almost full and up to 16 characters may be written to the WRITE register at address N. If bit 4 is one, the buffer is almost full and no additional data should be sent. The size of the buffer may be changed (see "Changing Almost Full Flags" on pg. 35). Any high-level computer language such as C, Basic, Pascal or Assembly may be used to communicate with the DMC-1000 as long as the READ/WRITE procedure is followed as described above. Example software drivers are contained on the COM-DISK from Galil.
Chapter 4 Communication 35
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It is a good idea to clear any control data before attempting this procedure. Send a no-op instruction, by reading N+1 address, before you start. All data, including data from the DMC-1000, will then be cleared. Clearing the FIFO is useful for emergency resets or Abort. For example, to Reset the controller, clear the FIFO, then send the RS command.
The DMC-1000 provides a hardware interrupt line that will, when enabled, interrupt the PC. Interrupts free the host from having to poll for the occurrence of certain events such as motion complete or excess position error. The DMC-1000 uses only one of the PC's interrupts, however, it is possible to interrupt on multiple conditions. The controller provides a register that contains a byte designating each condition. The user can also send an interrupt with the UI command.
Configuring Interrupts
To use the DMC-1000 interrupt, you must complete the following four steps: 1. Place a jumper on the desired IRQ line. The DMC-1000 board must contain only one jumper to designate the interrupt line for the PC bus. The available lines are IRQ2, IRQ3, IRQ4, IRQ5, IRQ7, IRQ9, IRQ10, IRQ11, IRQ12, IRQ14, IRQ15. Note that the jumper for IRQ2 and IRQ9 is at the same location. IRQ9 is used for computers wired for the AT standard and IRQ2 is used for computers wired for the XT standard. If you aren't sure, select another interrupt line instead. Please note that only one card can be attached to each interrupt request line. Your host software code must contain an interrupt service routine and must initialize the interrupt vector table in the PC. The interrupt vector table and an example interrupt service routine, INIT_1000.C (included in Galil's COMMDISK) is shown in Appendix 12.8. Failure to have proper interrupt servicing in your host program could cause disastrous results including resetting or "hanging" your computer. The DMC-1000 interrupt hardware must be initialized following each reset. This is done by writing the data 2 followed by 4 to the control register at address N+1. The Interrupt conditions must be enabled with the EI instruction. (The UI instruction does not require EI). The EI instruction has the following format: EI M,N where
36 Chapter 4 Communication
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The * conditions must be re-enabled after each occurrence. Bit Number (m)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
X motion complete Y motion complete Z motion complete W motion complete E motion complete F motion complete G motion complete H motion complete All axes motion complete Excess position error* Limit switch* Watchdog timer Reserved Application program stopped Command done Inputs* (uses n for mask)
Input 1 Input 2 Input 3 Input 4 Input 5 Input 6 Input 7 Input 8
M = 2m N = 2n
For example, to select an interrupt for the conditions X motion complete, Z motion complete and excess position error, you would enable bits 0, 2 and 9. M = 29 + 22 + 20 = 512 + 4 + 1 = 517 EI 517 If you want an interrupt for Input 2 only, you would enable bit 15 for the m parameter and bit 1 for the n parameter. M = 215 = 32,768 N = 21 = 2 EI 32768,2
Chapter 4 Communication 37
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The DMC-1000 also provides 16 User Interrupts which can be sent by sending the command UI n to the DMC-1000, where n is an integer between 0 and 15. The UI command does not require the EI command.
Servicing Interrupts
Once an interrupt occurs, the host computer can read information about the interrupt by first writing the data 6 to the control register at address N + 1. Then the host reads the control register data. The returned data has the following meaning: Hex Data Condition
00 D9 DA DB F0 through FF E1 through E8 C0 C8 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 No interrupt Watchdog timer activated Command done Application program done User interrupt Input interrupt Limit switch occurred Excess position error All axis motion complete E axis motion complete F axis motion complete G axis motion complete H axis motion complete W axis motion complete Z axis motion complete Y axis motion complete X axis motion complete
Example - Interrupts
1) Interrupt on Y motion complete on IRQ5. Jumper IRQ5 on DMC-1000 Install interrupt service routine in host program Write data 2, then 4 to address N + 1 Enable bit 1 on EI command, m = 21 = 2; PR,5000 BGY Now, when the motion is complete, IRQ5 will go high, triggering the interrupt service routine. Write a 6 to address N + 1. Then read N + 1 to receive the data D1 hex. EI 2
38 Chapter 4 Communication
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This program sends an interrupt when the X axis is at its slew speed. After a 6 is written to address N + 1, the data EI will be read at address N + 1. EI corresponds to UI1.
Chapter 4 Communication 39
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40 Chapter 4 Communication
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The DMC-1000 provides over 100 commands for specifying motion and machine parameters. Commands are included to initiate action, interrogate status and configure the digital filter. The DMC-1000 instruction set is BASIC-like and easy to use. Instructions consist of two uppercase letters that correspond phonetically with the appropriate function. For example, the instruction BG begins motion, and ST stops the motion. Commands can be sent "live" over the bus for immediate execution by the DMC-1000, or an entire group of commands can be downloaded into the DMC-1000 memory for execution at a later time. Combining commands into groups for later execution is referred to as Applications Programming and is discussed in the following chapter. This section describes the DMC-1000 instruction set and syntax. A summary of commands as well as a complete listing of all DMC-1000 instructions is included in the Command Reference chapter.
Command Syntax
DMC-1000 instructions are represented by two ASCII upper case characters followed by applicable arguments. A space may be inserted between the instruction and arguments. A semicolon or <enter> is used to terminate the instruction for processing by the DMC-1000 command interpreter. Note: If you are using a Galil terminal program, commands will not be processed until an <enter> command is given. This allows the user to separate many commands on a single line and not begin execution until the user gives the <enter> command. IMPORTANT: All DMC-1000 commands are sent in upper case. For example, the command PR 4000 <enter> Position relative
PR is the two character instruction for position relative. 4000 is the argument which represents the required position value in counts. The <enter> terminates the instruction. The space between PR and 4000 is optional. For specifying data for the X,Y,Z and W axes, commas are used to separate the axes. If no data is specified for an axis, a comma is still needed as shown in the examples below. If no data is specified for an axis, the previous value is maintained. The space between the data and instruction is optional. For controllers with 5 or more axes, the axes are referred to as A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H where X,Y,Z,W and A,B,C,D may be used interchangeably. The DMC-1000 provides an alternative method for specifying data. Here data is specified individually using a single axis specifier such as X,Y,Z or W (or A,B,C,D,E,F,G or H for the DMC-1080). An equals sign is used to assign data to that axis. For example:
PRX=1000 ACY=200000
Specify a position relative movement for the X axis of 1000 Specify acceleration for the Y axis as 200000
Instead of data, some commands request action to occur on an axis or group of axes. For example, ST XY stops motion on both the X and Y axes. Commas are not required in this case since the particular axis is specified by the appropriate letter X Y Z or W. If no parameters follow the instruction, action will take place on all axes. Here are some examples of syntax for requesting action:
BG X BG Y BG XYZW BG YW BG Begin X only Begin Y only Begin all axes Begin Y and W only Begin all axes
For controllers with 5 or more axes, the axes are referred to as A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H. The specifiers X,Y,Z,W and A,B,C,D may be used interchangeably:
BG ABCDEFGH BG D Begin all axes Begin D only
Program Syntax
Chapter 7 explains the how to write and execute motion control programs.
When the controller receives an invalid command the user can request the error code. The error code will specify the reason for the invalid command response. To request the error code type the command: TC1 For example:
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There are many reasons for receiving an invalid command response. The most common reasons are: unrecognized command (such as typographical entry or lower case), command given at improper time (such as during motion), or a command out of range (such as exceeding maximum speed). A complete list of all error codes can be found with the description of the TC command in the Command Reference, Chapter 11.
Report Command Position Report Latch Firmware Revision Information Stop Code Tell Status Tell Error Code Tell Dual Encoder Tell Error Tell Input Tell Position Trace Tell Switches Tell Torque Tell Velocity
For example, the following example illustrates how to display the current position of the X axis:
TP X <enter> 0000000000 TP XY <enter> 0000000000,0000000000 Tell position X Controllers Response Tell position X and Y Controllers Response
The controller will return the PR value for the C and E axes The controller will return the PR value for the A,B,C and D axes The controller will return the PR value for the H axis
Most DMC-1000 commands have corresponding operands that can be used for interrogation. Operands must be used inside of valid DMC expressions. For example, to display the value of an operand, the user could use the command: MG operand All of the command operands begin with the underscore character (_). For example, the value of the current position on the X axis can be assigned to the variable V with the command: V=_TPX The Command Reference denotes all commands which have an equivalent operand as "Used as an Operand". Also, see description of operands in Chapter 7.
Command Summary
For a complete command summary, see the Command Reference manual.
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The DMC-1000 can be commanded to do the following modes of motion: Absolute and relative independent positioning, jogging, linear interpolation (up to 8 axes), linear and circular interpolation (2 axes with 3rd axis of tangent motion), electronic gearing, electronic cam motion and contouring. These modes are discussed in the following sections. The DMC-1010 is a single axis controller and uses X-axis motion only. Likewise, the DMC-1020 uses X and Y, the DMC-1030 uses X,Y and Z, and the DMC-1040 uses X,Y,Z and W. The DMC1050 uses A,B,C,D, and E. The DMC-1060 uses A,B,C,D,E, and F. The DMC-1070 uses A,B,C,D,E,F and G. The DMC-1080 uses the axes A,B,C,D,E,F,G, and H. The example applications described below will help guide you to the appropriate mode of motion.
For controllers with 5 or more axes, the specifiers, ABCDEFGH, are used. XYZ and W may be interchanged with ABCD.
The lower case specifiers (x,y,z,w) represent position values for each axis. For controllers with more than 4 axes, the position values would be represented as a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h. The DMC-1000 also allows use of single axis specifiers such as PRY=2000 or SPH=10000.
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Speed Acceleration
This example will specify a relative position movement on X, Y and Z axes. The movement on each axis will be separated by 20 msec. Fig. 6.1 shows the velocity profiles for the X,Y and Z axis.
#A PR 2000,500,100 SP 15000,10000,5000 AC 500000,500000,500000 DC 500000,500000,500000 BG X WT 20 BG Y WT 20 BG Z EN Begin Program Specify relative position movement of 1000, 500 and 100 counts for X,Y and Z axes. Specify speed of 10000, 15000, and 5000 counts / sec Specify acceleration of 500000 counts / sec2 for all axes Specify deceleration of 500000 counts / sec2 for all axes Begin motion on the X axis Wait 20 msec Begin motion on the Y axis Wait 20 msec Begin motion on Z axis End Program
X axis velocity profile
20000 15000
Notes on fig 6.1: The X and Y axis have a trapezoidal velocity profile, while the Z axis has a triangular velocity profile. The X and Y axes accelerate to the specified speed, move at this constant speed, and then decelerate such that the final position agrees with the command position, PR. The Z axis accelerates, but before the specified speed is achieved, must begin deceleration such that the axis will stop at the commanded position. All 3 axes have the same acceleration and deceleration rate, hence, the slope of the rising and falling edges of all 3 velocity profiles are the same.
Independent Jogging
The jog mode of motion allows the user to change speed, direction and acceleration during motion. The user specifies the jog speed (JG), acceleration (AC), and the deceleration (DC) rate for each axis.
The direction of motion is specified by the sign of the JG parameters. When the begin command is given (BG), the motor accelerates up to speed and continues to jog at that speed until a new speed or stop (ST) command is issued. If the jog speed is changed during motion, the controller will make a accelerated (or decelerated) change to the new speed. An instant change to the motor position can be made with the use of the IP command. Upon receiving this command, the controller commands the motor to a position which is equal to the specified increment plus the current position. This command is useful when trying to synchronize the position of two motors while they are moving. Note that the controller operates as a closed-loop position controller while in the jog mode. The DMC-1000 converts the velocity profile into a position trajectory and a new position target is generated every sample period. This method of control results in precise speed regulation with phase lock accuracy.
Parameters can be set with individual axes specifiers such as JGY+2000(set jog speed for X axis to 2000) or ACYH=40000 (set acceleration for Y and H axes to 400000) .
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Additional Commands
The DMC-1000 provides commands for additional control of vector motion and program control. Note: Many of the commands used in Linear Interpolation motion also applies Vector motion described in the next section.
The command AV n is the After Vector trippoint, which halts program execution until the vector distance of n has been reached. In this example, the XY system is required to perform a 90 turn. In order to slow the speed around the corner, we use the AV 4000 trippoint, which slows the speed to 1000 count/s. Once the motors reach the corner, the speed is increased back to 4000 cts / s.
Instruction #LMOVE DP ,,0,0 LMXY LI 5000,0 LI 0,5000 LE VS 4000 BGS AV 4000 VS 1000 AV 5000 VS 4000 EN Interpretation Label Define position of Z and W axes to be 0 Define linear mode between X and Y axes. Specify first linear segment Specify second linear segment End linear segments Specify vector speed Begin motion sequence Set trippoint to wait until vector distance of 4000 is reached Change vector speed Set trippoint to wait until vector distance of 5000 is reached Change vector speed Program end
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This instruction attaches the vector speed, n, to the motion segment LI. As a consequence, the program #LMOVE can be written in the alternative form:
Instruction #ALT DP 0,0 LMXY LI 4000,0 <4000 LI 1000,0 < 1000 LI 0,5000 < 4000 LE BGS EN Interpretation Label for alternative program Define Position of X and Y axis to be 0 Define linear mode between X and Y axes. Specify first linear segment with a vector speed of 4000 Specify second linear segment with a vector speed of 1000 Specify third linear segment with a vector speed of 4000 End linear segments Begin motion sequence Program end
Changing Feedrate:
The command VR n allows the feedrate, VS, to be scaled between 0 and 10 with a resolution of .0001. This command takes effect immediately and causes VS to be scaled. VR also applies when the vector speed is specified with the < operator. This is a useful feature for feedrate override. VR does not ratio the accelerations. For example, VR .5 results in the specification VS 2000 to be divided in half.
Return distance traveled Segment counter - returns number of the segment in the sequence, starting at zero. Returns length of vector (resets after 2147483647) Returns number of available spaces for linear segments in DMC-1000 sequence buffer. Zero means buffer full. 512 means buffer empty. Return the absolute coordinate of the last data point along the trajectory. (m=X,Y,Z or W or A,B,C,D,E,F,G or H)
To illustrate the ability to interrogate the motion status, consider the first motion segment of our example, #LMOVE, where the X axis moves toward the point X=5000. Suppose that when X=3000, the controller is interrogated using the command MG _AV. The returned value will be 3000. The value of _CS, _VPX and _VPY will be zero. Now suppose that the interrogation is repeated at the second segment when Y=2000. The value of _AV at this point is 7000, _CS equals 1, _VPX=5000 and _VPY=0.
Note that the above program specifies the vector speed, VS, and not the actual axis speeds VZ and VW. The axis speeds are determined by the DMC-1000 from:
VS = VZ 2 + VW 2
The resulting profile is shown in Figure 6.2.
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30000 27000
TIME (sec)
TIME (sec)
TIME (sec)
Figure 6.2 - Linear Interpolation
Initialize Counter Initialize position increment LOOP Fill Array VX Fill Array VY Increment position Increment counter Loop if array not full Label Specify linear mode for XY Initialize array counter If sequence buffer full, wait Begin motion on 500th segment Specify linear segment Increment array counter Repeat until array done End Linear Move After Move sequence done Send Message End program Begin Motion Subroutine
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The command, VP xy specifies the coordinates of the end points of the vector movement with respect to the starting point. The command, CR r,q,d define a circular arc with a radius r, starting angle of q, and a traversed angle d. The notation for q is that zero corresponds to the positive horizontal direction, and for both q and d, the counter-clockwise (CCW) rotation is positive. Up to 511 segments of CR or VP may be specified in a single sequence and must be ended with the command VE. The motion can be initiated with a Begin Sequence (BGS) command. Once motion starts, additional segments may be added. The Clear Sequence (CS) command can be used to remove previous VP and CR commands which were stored in the buffer prior to the start of the motion. To stop the motion, use the instructions STS or AB1. ST stops motion at the specified deceleration. AB1 aborts the motion instantaneously. The Vector End (VE) command must be used to specify the end of the coordinated motion. This command requires the controller to decelerate to a stop following the last motion requirement. If a VE command is not given, an Abort (AB1) must be used to abort the coordinated motion sequence. It is the responsibility of the user to keep enough motion segments in the DMC-1000 sequence buffer to ensure continuous motion. If the controller receives no additional motion segments and no VE command, the controller will stop motion instantly at the last vector. There will be no controlled deceleration. LM? or _LM returns the available spaces for motion segments that can be sent to the buffer. 511 returned means the buffer is empty and 511 segments can be sent. A zero means the buffer is full and no additional segments can be sent. As long as the buffer is not full, additional segments can be sent at PC bus speeds. The operand _CS can be used to determine the value of the segment counter.
Additional Commands
The DMC-1000 provides commands for additional control of vector motion and program control. Note: Many of the commands used in Vector Mode motion also applies Linear Interpolation motion described in the previous section.
The command AV n is the After Vector trippoint, which halts program execution until the vector distance of n has been reached.
Both cases assign a vector speed of n count/s to the corresponding motion segment.
Changing Feedrate:
The command VR n allows the feedrate, VS, to be scaled between 0 and 10 with a resolution of .0001. This command takes effect immediately and causes VS scaled. VR also applies when the vector speed is specified with the < operator. This is a useful feature for feedrate override. VR does not ratio the accelerations. For example, VR .5 results in the specification VS 2000 to be divided in half.
Tangent Motion:
Several applications, such as cutting, require a third axis (i.e. a knife blade), to remain tangent to the coordinated motion path. To handle these applications, the DMC-1000 allows one axis to be specified as the tangent axis. The VM command provides parameter specifications for describing the coordinated axes and the tangent axis.
VM m,n,p m,n specifies coordinated axes p specifies tangent axis such as X,Y,Z,W or A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H p=N turns off tangent axis
Before the tangent mode can operate, it is necessary to assign an axis via the VM command and define its offset and scale factor via the TN m,n command. m defines the scale factor in counts/degree and n defines the tangent position that equals zero degrees in the coordinated motion plane. The _TN can be used to return the initial position of the tangent axis.
Instruction #EXAMPLE VM XYZ TN 2000/360,-500 CR 3000,0,180 VE CB0 PA 3000,0,_TN BG XYZ AM XYZ SB0
Interpretation Example program XY coordinate with Z as tangent 2000/360 counts/degree, position -500 is 0 degrees in XY plane 3000 count radius, start at 0 and go to 180 CCW End vector Disengage knife Move X and Y to starting position, move Z to initial tangent position Start the move to get into position When the move is complete Engage knife
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Wait 50 msec for the knife to engage Do the circular cut After the coordinated move is complete Disengage knife End program
When AV is used as an operand, _AV returns the distance traveled along the sequence. The operands _VPX and _VPY can be used to return the coordinates of the last point specified along the path.
Traverse the path shown in Fig. 6.3. Feedrate is 20000 counts/sec. Plane of motion is XY
Interpretation Specify motion plane Specify vector speed Specify vector acceleration Specify vector deceleration Segment AB Segment BC Segment CD Segment DA End of sequence Begin Sequence
The resulting motion starts at the point A and moves toward points B, C, D, A. Suppose that we interrogate the controller when the motion is halfway between the points A and B. The value of _AV is 2000 The value of _CS is 0 _VPX and _VPY contain the absolute coordinate of the point A Suppose that the interrogation is repeated at a point, halfway between the points C and D. The value of _AV is 4000+1500+2000=10,712 The value of _CS is 2 _VPX,_VPY contain the coordinates of the point C
C (-4000,3000)
D (0,3000)
R = 1500
B (-4000,0)
Figure 6.3 - The Required Path
A (0,0)
Electronic Gearing
This mode allows up to 8 axes to be electronically geared to one master axis. The master may rotate in both directions and the geared axes will follow at the specified gear ratio. The gear ratio may be different for each axis and changed during motion. The command GAX or GAY or GAZ or GAW (or GAA or GAB or GAC or GAD or GAE or GAF or GAG or GAH for DMC-1080) specifies the master axis. There may only be one master. GR x,y,z,w specifies the gear ratios for the slaves where the ratio may be a number between +/-127.9999 with a
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fractional resolution of .0001. GR 0,0,0,0 turns off electronic gearing for any set of axes. A limit switch will also disable electronic gearing for that axis. GR causes the specified axes to be geared to the actual position of the master. The master axis is commanded with motion commands such as PR, PA or JG. When the master axis is driven by the controller in the jog mode or an independent motion mode, it is possible to define the master as the command position of that axis, rather than the actual position. The designation of the commanded position master is by the letter, C. For example, GACX indicates that the gearing is the commanded position of X. An alternative gearing method is to synchronize the slave motor to the commanded vector motion of several axes performed by GAS. For example, if the X and Y motor form a circular motion, the Z axis may move in proportion to the vector move. Similarly, if X,Y and Z perform a linear interpolation move, W can be geared to the vector move. Electronic gearing allows the geared motor to perform a second independent or coordinated move in addition to the gearing. For example, when a geared motor follows a master at a ratio of 1:1, it may be advanced an additional distance with PR, or JG, commands, or VP, or LI.
Now suppose the gear ratio of the X-axis is to change on-the-fly to 2. This can be achieved by commanding:
GR 2 Specify gear ratio for X axis to be 2
In applications where both the master and the follower are controlled by the DMC-1000 controller, it may be desired to synchronize the follower with the commanded position of the master, rather than the actual position. This eliminates the coupling between the axes which may lead to oscillations. For example, assume that a gantry is driven by two axes, X,Y, on both sides. The X-axis is the master and the Y-axis is the follower. To synchronize Y with the commanded position of X, use the instructions:
GA XC GR,1 PR 3000 BG X Specify master as commanded position of X Set gear ratio for Y as 1:1 Command X motion Start motion on X axis
You may also perform profiled position corrections in the electronic gearing mode. Suppose, for example, that you need to advance the slave 10 counts. Simply command
IP ,10 Specify an incremental position movement of 10 on Y axis.
Often the correction is quite large. Such requirements are common when synchronizing cutting knives or conveyor belts.
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Electronic Cam
The electronic cam is a motion control mode which enables the periodic synchronization of several axes of motion. Up to 7 axes can be slaved to one master axis. The master axis encoder must be input through a main encoder port.
The electronic cam is a more general type of electronic gearing which allows a table-based relationship between the axes. It allows synchronizing all the controller axes. For example, the DMC-1080 controller may have one master and up to seven slaves. To simplify the presentation, we will limit the description to a 4-axis controller.
To illustrate the procedure of setting the cam mode, consider the cam relationship for the slave axis Y, when the master is X. Such a graphic relationship is shown in Figure 6.8. Step 1. Selecting the master axis The first step in the electronic cam mode is to select the master axis. This is done with the instruction
Step 2. Specify the master cycle and the change in the slave axis (es). In the electronic cam mode, the position of the master is always expressed modulo one cycle. In this example, the position of x is always expressed in the range between 0 and 6000. Similarly, the slave position is also redefined such that it starts at zero and ends at 1500. At the end of a cycle when the master is 6000 and the slave is 1500, the positions of both x and y are redefined as zero. To specify the master cycle and the slave cycle change, we use the instruction EM.
EM x,y,z,w
where x,y,z,w specify the cycle of the master and the total change of the slaves over one cycle.
The cycle of the master is limited to 8,388,607 whereas the slave change per cycle is limited to 2,147,483,647. If the change is a negative number, the absolute value is specified. For the given example, the cycle of the master is 6000 counts and the change in the slave is 1500. Therefore, we use the instruction:
EM 6000,1500
Step 3. Specify the master interval and starting point. Next we need to construct the ECAM table. The table is specified at uniform intervals of master positions. Up to 256 intervals are allowed. The size of the master interval and the starting point are specified by the instruction:
EP m,n
For the given example, we can specify the table by specifying the position at the master points of 0, 2000, 4000 and 6000. We can specify that by
EP 2000,0
Step 4. Specify the slave positions. Next, we specify the slave positions with the instruction
The value, n, starts at zero and may go up to 256. The parameters x,y,z,w indicate the corresponding slave position. For this example, the table may be specified by
Step 5. Enable the ECAM To enable the ECAM mode, use the command
EB n
where n=1 enables ECAM mode and n=0 disables ECAM mode.
Step 6. Engage the slave motion To engage the slave motion, use the instruction
EG x,y,z,w
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where x,y,z,w are the master positions at which the corresponding slaves must be engaged.
If the value of any parameter is outside the range of one cycle, the cam engages immediately. When the cam is engaged, the slave position is redefined, modulo one cycle. Step 7. Disengage the slave motion To disengage the cam, use the command
EQ x,y,z,w
Master X
This disengages the slave axis at a specified master position. If the parameter is outside the master cycle, the stopping is instantaneous.
Programmed start and stop can be used only when the master moves forward. Some Examples To illustrate the complete process, consider the cam relationship described by the equation:
Y = 0.5 * X + 100 sin (0.18*X) where X is the master, with a cycle of 2000 counts.
The cam table can be constructed manually, point by point, or automatically by a program. The following program includes the set-up.
The instruction EAX defines X as the master axis. The cycle of the master is 2000. Over that cycle, X varies by 1000. This leads to the instruction EM 2000,1000.
Suppose we want to define a table with 100 segments. This implies increments of 20 counts each. If the master points are to start at zero, the required instruction is EP 20,0.
The following routine computes the table points. As the phase equals 0.18X and X varies in increments of 20, the phase varies by increments of 3.6. The program then computes the values of Y according to the equation and assigns the values to the table with the instruction ET[N] = ,Y.
Instruction #SETUP EAX EM 2000,1000 EP 20,0 N=0 #LOOP P = N3.6 S = @SIN [P] *100 Y = N *10+S ET [N] =, Y N = N+1 JP #LOOP, N<=100 EN Repeat the process Interpretation Label Select X as master Cam cycles Master position increments Index Loop to construct table from equation Note 3.6 = 0.1820 Define sine position Define slave position Define table
Now suppose that the slave axis is engaged with a start signal, input 1, but that both the engagement and disengagement points must be done at the center of the cycle: X = 1000 and Y = 500. This implies that Y must be driven to that point to avoid a jump. This is done with the program:
Instruction #RUN EB1 PA,500 SP,5000 BGY AM AI1 EG,1000 AI - 1 EQ,1000 Interpretation Label Enable cam starting position Y speed Move Y motor After Y moved Wait for start signal Engage slave Wait for stop signal Disengage slave
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The following example illustrates a cam program with a master axis, Z, and two slaves, X and Y.
#A;V1=0 PA 0,0;BGXY;AMXY EA Z EM 0,0,4000 EP400,0 ET[0]=0,0 ET[1]=40,20 ET[2]=120,60 ET[3]=240,120 ET[4]=280,140 ET[5]=280,140 ET[6]=280,140 ET[7]=240,120 ET[8]=120,60 ET[9]=40,20 ET[10]=0,0 EB 1 JGZ=4000 EG 0,0 BGZ #LOOP;JP#LOOP,V1=0 EQ2000,2000 MF,, 2000 ST Z EB 0 EN
Interpretation Label; Initialize variable Go to position 0,0 on X and Y axes Z axis as the Master for ECAM Change for Z is 4000, zero for X, Y ECAM interval is 400 counts with zero start When master is at 0 position; 1st point. 2nd point in the ECAM table 3rd point in the ECAM table 4th point in the ECAM table 5th point in the ECAM table 6th point in the ECAM table 7th point in the ECAM table 8th point in the ECAM table 9th point in the ECAM table 10th point in the ECAM table Starting point for next cycle Enable ECAM mode Set Z to jog at 4000 Engage both X and Y when Master = 0 Begin jog on Z axis Loop until the variable is set Disengage X and Y when Master = 2000 Wait until the Master goes to 2000 Stop the Z axis motion Exit the ECAM mode End of the program
The above example shows how the ECAM program is structured and how the commands can be given to the controller. The next page provides the results captured by the WSDK program. This shows how the motion will be seen during the ECAM cycles. The first graph is for the X axis, the second graph shows the cycle on the Y axis and the third graph shows the cycle of the Z axis.
Contour Mode
The DMC-1000 also provides a contouring mode. This mode allows any arbitrary position curve to be prescribed for 1 to 8 axes. This is ideal for following computer generated paths such as parabolic, spherical or user-defined profiles. The path is not limited to straight line and arc segments and the path length may be infinite.
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When the controller receives the command to generate a trajectory along these points, it interpolates linearly between the points. The resulting interpolated points include the position 12 at 1 msec, position 24 at 2 msec, etc. The programmed commands to specify the above example are:
#A CMX DT 2 CD 48;WC DT 3 CD 240;WC DT 4 CD 48;WC DT0;CD0 EN Specifies X axis for contour mode Specifies first time interval, 22 ms Specifies first position increment Specifies second time interval, 23 ms Specifies second position increment Specifies the third time interval, 24 ms Specifies the third position increment Exits contour mode
Additional Commands
The command, WC, is used as a trippoint "When Complete". This allows the DMC-1000 to use the next increment only when it is finished with the previous one. Zero parameters for DT followed by zero parameters for CD exit the contour mode.
If no new data record is found and the controller is still in the contour mode, the controller waits for new data. No new motion commands are generated while waiting. If bad data is received, the controller responds with a ?.
(1 cos( 2
2A sin( 2 B )
Note: is the angular velocity; X is the position; and T is the variable, time, in milliseconds.
In the given example, A=6000 and B=120, the position and velocity profiles are: X = 50T - (6000/2) sin (2 T/120) Note that the velocity, , in count/ms, is
= 50 [1 - cos 2 T/120]
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The DMC-1000 can compute trigonometric functions. However, the argument must be expressed in degrees. Using our example, the equation for X is written as: X = 50T - 955 sin 3T
A complete program to generate the contour movement in this example is given below. To generate an array, we compute the position value at intervals of 8 ms. This is stored at the array POS. Then, the difference between the positions is computed and is stored in the array DIF. Finally the motors are run in the contour mode.
D=C+1 DIF[C]=POS[D]-POS[C] C=C+1 JP #C,C<15 EN #RUN CMX DT3 C=0 #E CD DIF[C] WC C=C+1 JP #E,C<15 DT0 CD0 EN Stop Contour End the program Contour Distance is in DIF Wait for completion End first program Program to run motor Contour Mode 4 millisecond intervals Compute the difference and store
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Calculate difference Update loop counter Continue looping until DX is full Routine to play back motion that was recorded Servo Here Wait 1 sec (1000 msec) Specify contour mode on X axis Set contour data rate to be 2 msec Set array index to 0 Subroutine to execute contour points Contour data command; Wait for next contour point Update index Continue until all array elements have been executed Set contour update rate to 0 Disable the contour mode (combination of DT0 and CD0) End program
For additional information about automatic array capture, see Chapter 7, Arrays.
The general motion smoothing command, IT, can also be used. The purpose of the command, IT, is to smooth out the motion profile and decrease 'jerk' due to acceleration.
Motion Profiler
Output Buffer
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Main Encoder
Normal quadrature
Second Encoder
Normal quadrature
1 2 3
4 8 12
For example, to configure the main encoder for reversed quadrature, m=2, and a second encoder of pulse and direction, n=4, the total is 6, and the command for the X axis is CE 6
Backlash Compensation
There are two methods for backlash compensation using the auxiliary encoders: Continuous dual loop Sampled dual loop To illustrate the problem, consider a situation in which the coupling between the motor and the load has a backlash. To compensate for the backlash, position encoders are mounted on both the motor and the load. The continuous dual loop combines the two feedback signals to achieve stability. This method requires careful system tuning, and depends on the magnitude of the backlash. However, once successful, this method compensates for the backlash continuously. The second method, the sampled dual loop, reads the load encoder only at the end point and performs a correction. This method is independent of the size of the backlash. However, it is effective only in point-to-point motion systems which require position accuracy only at the endpoint.
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activates the dual loop for the four axes and DV 0,0,0,0
disables the dual loop. Note that the dual loop compensation depends on the backlash magnitude, and in extreme cases will not stabilize the loop. The proposed compensation procedure is to start with KP=0, KI=0 and to maximize the value of KD under the condition DV1. Once KD is found, increase KP gradually to a maximum value, and finally, increase KI, if necessary.
Set gear ratio for gearing - the auxiliary encoder input can be used for gearing Tell dual (auxiliary) encoder input position.
Motion Smoothing
The DMC-1000 controller allows the smoothing of the velocity profile to reduce the mechanical vibration of the system. Trapezoidal velocity profiles have acceleration rates which change abruptly from zero to maximum value. The discontinuous acceleration results in jerk which causes vibration. The smoothing of the acceleration profile leads to a continuous acceleration profile and reduces the mechanical shock and vibration.
The command, IT, is used for smoothing independent moves of the type JG, PR, PA and the command, VT, is used to smooth vector moves of the type VM and LM. The smoothing parameters, x,y,z,w and n are numbers between 0 and 1 and determine the degree of filtering. The maximum value of 1 implies no filtering, resulting in trapezoidal velocity profiles. Smaller values of the smoothing parameters imply heavier filtering and smoother moves. The following example illustrates the effect of smoothing. Fig. 6.6 shows the trapezoidal velocity profile and the modified acceleration and velocity. Note that the smoothing process results in longer motion time.
Example - Smoothing
PR 20000 AC 100000 DC 100000 Position Acceleration Deceleration
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SP 5000 IT .5 BG X
The command, IT, is used for smoothing independent moves of the type JG, PR, PA and the command, VT, is used to smooth vector moves of the type VM and LM.
The smoothing parameters, x,y,z,w and n are numbers between 0 and 16 and determine the degree of filtering. The minimum value of 1 implies no filtering, resulting in trapezoidal velocity profiles. Larger values of the smoothing parameters imply heavier filtering and smoother moves. Note that KS is valid only for step motors.
The Find Edge (FE) and Home (HM) instructions may be used to home the motor to a mechanical reference. This reference is connected to the Home input line. The HM command initializes the motor to the encoder index pulse in addition to the Home input. The configure command (CN) is used to define the polarity of the home input. The Find Edge (FE) instruction is useful for initializing the motor to a home switch. The home switch is connected to the Homing Input. When the Find Edge command and Begin is used, the motor will accelerate up to the slew speed and slew until a transition is detected on the Homing line. The motor will then decelerate to a stop. A high deceleration value must be input before the find edge command is issued for the motor to decelerate rapidly after sensing the home switch. The velocity profile generated is shown in Fig. 6.7. The Home (HM) command can be used to position the motor on the index pulse after the home switch is detected. This allows for finer positioning on initialization. The command sequence HM and BG causes the following sequence of events to occur. Upon begin, motor accelerates to the slew speed. The direction of its motion is determined by the state of the homing input. A zero (GND) will cause the motor to start in the forward direction; +5V will cause it to start in the reverse direction. The CN command is used to define the polarity of the home input. Upon detecting the home switch changing state, the motor begins decelerating to a stop. The motor then traverses very slowly back until the home switch toggles again. The motor then traverses forward until the encoder index pulse is detected. The DMC-1000 defines the home position (0) as the position at which the index was detected. Example:
Instruction #HOME AC 1000000 DC 1000000 SP 5000 HM X BG X AM X MG "AT HOME" EN #EDGE AC 2000000 DC 2000000 Interpretation Label Acceleration Rate Deceleration Rate Speed for Home Search Home X Begin Motion After Complete Send Message End Label Acceleration rate Deceleration rate
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Speed Find edge command Begin motion After complete Print message Define position as 0 End
Figure 6.7 - Motion intervals in the Home sequence
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Note: To insure a position capture within 25 microseconds, the input signal must be a transition from high to low. The DMC-1000 software commands, AL and RL, are used to arm the latch and report the latched position. The steps to use the latch are as follows: Give the AL XYZW command, or ABCDEFGH for DMC-1080, to arm the latch for the specified axis or axes. Test to see if the latch has occurred (Input goes low) by using the _AL X or Y or Z or W command. Example, V1=_ALX returns the state of the X latch into V1. V1 is 1 if the latch has not occurred. After the latch has occurred, read the captured position with the RL XYZW command or _RL XYZW. Note: The latch must be re-armed after each latching event.
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The DMC-1000 provides a powerful programming language that allows users to customize the controller for their particular application. Programs can be downloaded into the DMC-1000 memory freeing the host computer for other tasks. However, the host computer can send commands to the controller at any time, even while a program is being executed. In addition to standard motion commands, the DMC-1000 provides commands that allow the DMC1000 to make its own decisions. These commands include conditional jumps, event triggers and subroutines. For example, the command JP#LOOP, n<10 causes a jump to the label #LOOP if the variable n is less than 10. For greater programming flexibility, the DMC-1000 provides user-defined variables, arrays and arithmetic functions. For example, with a cut-to-length operation, the length can be specified as a variable in a program which the operator can change as necessary. The following sections in this chapter discuss all aspects of creating applications programs.
Line numbers appear as 000,001,002 and so on. Program commands are entered following the line numbers. Multiple commands may be given on a single line as long as the total number of characters doesn't exceed the limits given above. While in the Edit Mode, the programmer has access to special instructions for saving, inserting and deleting program lines. These special instructions are listed below:
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Program Format
A DMC-1000 program consists of DMC-1000 instructions combined to solve a machine control application. Action instructions, such as starting and stopping motion, are combined with Program Flow instructions to form the complete program. Program Flow instructions evaluate real-time conditions, such as elapsed time or motion complete, and alter program flow accordingly. Each DMC-1000 instruction in a program must be separated by a delimiter. Valid delimiters are the semicolon (;) or carriage return. The semicolon is used to separate multiple instructions on a single program line where the maximum number of instructions on a line is limited by 38 characters. A carriage return enters the final command on a program line.
Valid labels
Invalid labels
Can not use number to begin a label Can not use more than 7 characters in a label
Program Example:
#START PR 10000,20000 BG XY AM WT 2000 JP #START EN
Beginning of the Program Specify relative distances on X and Y axes Begin Motion Wait for motion complete Wait 2 sec Jump to label START End of Program
The above program moves X and Y 10000 and 20000 units. After the motion is complete, the motors rest for 2 seconds. The cycle repeats indefinitely until the stop command is issued.
Special Labels
The DMC-1000 has some special labels, which are used to define input interrupt subroutines, limit switch subroutines, error handling subroutines, and command error subroutines. See section on Automatic Subroutines for Monitoring Conditions on page 97.
#ININT #LIMSWI #POSERR #MCTIME #CMDERR Label for Input Interrupt subroutine Label for Limit Switch subroutine Label for excess Position Error subroutine Label for timeout on Motion Complete trip point Label for incorrect command subroutine
Note: The NO command is an actual controller command. Therefore, inclusion of the NO commands will require process time by the controller.
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comments which are on the same line. The Galil terminal software will remove these statements when the program is downloaded to the controller. For example:
These REM statements will be removed when this program is downloaded to the controller.
Task1 label Initialize reference time Clear Output 1 Loop1 label Wait 10 msec from reference time Set Output 1 Wait 40 msec from reference time, then initialize reference Clear Output 1 Repeat Loop1 Task2 label Execute Task1 Loop2 label Define relative distance Begin motion After motion done Wait 10 msec Repeat motion unless Input 2 is low Halt all tasks
The program above is executed with the instruction XQ #TASK2,0 which designates TASK2 as the main thread (ie. Thread 0). #TASK1 is executed within TASK2.
Debugging Programs
The DMC-1000 provides commands and operands which are useful in debugging application programs. These commands include interrogation commands to monitor program execution, determine the state of the controller and the contents of the controllers program, array, and variable space. Operands also contain important status information which can help to debug a program.
Trace Commands
The trace command causes the controller to send each line in a program to the host computer immediately prior to execution. Tracing is enabled with the command, TR1. TR0 turns the trace function off. Note: When the trace function is enabled, the line numbers as well as the command line will be displayed as each command line is executed. Data which is output from the controller is stored in an output FIFO buffer. The output FIFO buffer can store up to 512 characters of information. In normal operation, the controller places output into the FIFO buffer. The software on the host computer monitors this buffer and reads information as needed. When the trace mode is enabled, the controller will send information to the FIFO buffer at a very high rate. In general, the FIFO will become full since the software is unable to read the information fast enough. When the FIFO becomes full, program execution will be delayed until it is cleared. If the user wants to avoid this delay, the command CW,1 can be given. This command causes the controller to throw away the data which can not be placed into the FIFO. In this case, the controller does not delay program execution.
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In general, all operands provide information which may be useful in debugging an application program. Below is a list of operands which are particularly valuable for program debugging. To display the value of an operand, the message command may be used. For example, since the operand, _ED contains the last line of program execution, the command MG _ED will display this line number. _ED contains the last line of program execution. Useful to determine where program stopped. _DL contains the number of available labels. _UL contains the number of available variables. _DA contains the number of available arrays. _DM contains the number of available array elements. _AB contains the state of the Abort Input _FLx contains the state of the forward limit switch for the 'x' axis _RLx contains the state of the reverse limit switch for the 'x' axis
Debugging Example:
The following program has an error. It attempts to specify a relative movement while the X-axis is already in motion. When the program is executed, the controller stops at line 003. The user can then query the controller using the command, TC1. The controller responds with the corresponding explanation:
:ED 000 #A 001 PR1000 002 BGX 003 PR5000 004 EN <cntrl> Q :XQ #A ?003 PR5000 :TC1 ?7 Command not valid while running. :ED 3 003 AMX;PR5000;BGX <cntrl> Q :XQ #A
Edit Mode Program Label Position Relative 1000 Begin Position Relative 5000 End Quit Edit Mode Execute #A Error on Line 3 Tell Error Code Command not valid while running Edit Line 3 Add After Motion Done Quit Edit Mode Execute #A
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Halts program execution until motion is complete on the specified axes or motion sequence(s). AM with no parameter tests for motion complete on all axes. This command is useful for separating motion sequences in a program. Halts program execution until position command has reached the specified relative distance from the start of the move. Only one axis may be specified at a time. Halts program execution until after specified distance from the last AR or AD command has elapsed. Only one axis may be specified at a time. Halts program execution until after absolute position occurs. Only one axis may be specified at a time. Halt program execution until after forward motion reached absolute position. Only one axis may be specified. If position is already past the point, then MF will trip immediately. Will function on geared axis. Halt program execution until after reverse motion reached absolute position. Only one axis may be specified. If position is already past the point, then MR will trip immediately. Will function on geared axis. Halt program execution until after the motion profile has been completed and the encoder has entered or passed the specified position. TW x,y,z,w sets timeout to declare an error if not in position. If timeout occurs, then the trippoint will clear and the stopcode will be set to 99. An application program will jump to label #MCTIME. Halts program execution until after specified input is at specified logic level. n specifies input line. Positive is high logic level, negative is low level. n=1 through 8 for DMC-1010 to 1040. n=1 through 24 for DMC-1050 to 1080. Halts program execution until specified axis has reached its slew speed. Halts program execution until n msec from reference time. AT 0 sets reference. AT n waits n msec from reference. AT n waits n msec from reference and sets new reference after elapsed time. Halts program execution until specified distance along a coordinated path has occurred. Halts program execution until specified time in msec has elapsed.
AD X or Y or Z or W (A or B or C or D or E or F or G or H) AR X or Y or Z or W (A or B or C or D or E or F or G or H) AP X or Y or Z or W (A or B or C or D or E or F or G or H) MF X or Y or Z or W (A or B or C or D or E or F or G or H)
MR X or Y or Z or W (A or B or C or D or E or F or G or H)
MC X or Y or Z or W (A or B or C or D or E or F or G or H)
AI +/- n
AS X Y Z W S (A B C D E F G H) AT +/-n
AV n WT n
Label Position Command Begin Motion Wait for Motion Complete Next Position Move Begin 2nd move End program
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Program Label Specify jog speed Acceleration rate Begin motion Wait for at slew speed 50000 Set output 1 End program
Conditional Jumps
The DMC-1000 provides Conditional Jump (JP) and Conditional Jump to Subroutine (JS) instructions for branching to a new program location. Program execution will continue at the location specified by the JP and JS command if the jump condition is satisfied. Conditional jumps are useful for testing events in real-time since they allow the DMC-1000 to make decisions without a host computer. For example, the DMC-1000 can begin execution at a specified label or line number based on the state of an input line.
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Conditional Statements
The conditional statement is satisfied if it evaluates to any value other than zero. The conditional statement can be any valid DMC-1000 numeric operand, including variables, array elements, numeric values, functions, keywords, and arithmetic expressions. If no conditional statement is given, the jump will always occur.
Number Numeric Expression Array Element Variable Internal Variable I/O V1=6 V1=V7*6 @ABS[V1]>10 V1<Count[2] V1<V2 _TPX=0 _TVX>500 V1>@AN[2] @IN[1]=0
Jump to #Loop if the variable, COUNT, is less than 10 Jump to subroutine #MOVE2 if input 1 is logic level high. After the subroutine MOVE2 is executed, the program sequencer returns to the main program location where the subroutine was called. Jump to #BLUE if the absolute value of variable, V2, is greater than 2 Jump to #C if the value of V1 times V7 is less than or equal to the value of V8*V2 Jump to #A
Jump to subroutine if logical condition is satisfied Jump to location if logical condition is satisfied
The destination is a program line number or label where the program sequencer will jump if the specified condition is satisfied. Note that the line number of the first line of program memory is 0. The comma designates "IF". The logical condition tests two operands with logical operators.
Logical Operators:
OPERATOR < > = <= DESCRIPTION less than greater than equal to less than or equal to
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>= <>
A subroutine is a group of instructions beginning with a label and ending with an end command (EN). Subroutines are called from the main program with the jump subroutine instruction JS, followed by a label or line number, and conditional statement. Up to 8 subroutines can be nested. After the subroutine is executed, the program sequencer returns to the program location where the subroutine was called unless the subroutine stack is manipulated as described in the following section.
Stack Manipulation
It is possible to manipulate the subroutine stack by using the ZS command. Every time a JS instruction, interrupt or automatic routine (such as #POSERR or #LIMSWI) is executed, the subroutine stack is incremented by 1. Normally the stack is restored with an EN instruction. Occasionally it is desirable not to return back to the program line where the subroutine or interrupt was called. The ZS1 command clears 1 level of the stack. This allows the program sequencer to continue to the next line. The ZS0 command resets the stack to its initial value. For example, if a limit occurs and the #LIMSWI routine is executed, it is often desirable to restart the program sequence instead of returning to the location where the limit occurred. To do this, give a ZS command at the end of the #LIMSWI routine.
position error, or a command error. Automatic monitoring is enabled by inserting a special, predefined label in the applications program. The pre-defined labels are:
SUBROUTINE #LIMSWI #ININT #POSERR #MCTIME #CMDERR DESCRIPTION Limit switch on any axis goes low Input specified by II goes low Position error exceeds limit specified by ER Motion Complete timeout occurred. Timeout period set by TW command Bad command given
For example, the #POSERR subroutine will automatically be executed when any axis exceeds its position error limit. The commands in the #POSERR subroutine could decode which axis is in error and take the appropriate action. In another example, the #ININT label could be used to designate an input interrupt subroutine. When the specified input occurs, the program will be executed automatically. NOTE: An application program must be running for automatic monitoring to function.
Now, when a forward limit switch occurs on the X axis, the #LIMSWI subroutine will be executed. Notes regarding the #LIMSWI Routine: 1) The RE command is used to return from the #LIMSWI subroutine. 2) The #LIMSWI subroutine will be re-executed if the limit switch remains active. 3) The #LIMSWI routine is only executed when the motor is being commanded to move.
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Dummy Program Loop Position Error Routine Read Position Error Print Message Print Error Return from Error
While running the 'dummy' program, if the position error on the X axis exceeds that value specified by the ER command, the #POSERR routine will execute. NOTE: The RE command is used to return from the #POSERR subroutine NOTE: The #POSERR routine will continue to be executed until the position error is cleared (is less than the ER limit).
Label Input Interrupt on 1 Jog Begin Motion Loop Input Interrupt Stop Motion Test for Input 1 still low Restore Velocities Begin motion and Return to Main Program
Begin main program Set the time out to 1000 ms Position Absolute command Begin motion Motion Complete trip point End main program Motion Complete Subroutine Send out a message End subroutine
This simple program will issue the message X fell short if the X axis does not reach the commanded position within 1 second of the end of the profiled move.
Begin main program Prompt for speed Begin motion Repeat End main program Command error utility Check if error on line 2 Check if out of range Send message Send message Adjust stack Return to main program End program if other error Zero stack End program
The above program prompts the operator to enter a jog speed. If the operator enters a number out of range (greater than 8 million), the #CMDERR routine will be executed prompting the operator to enter a new number.
Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Logical And (Bit-wise) Logical Or (On some computers, a solid vertical line appears as a broken line) Parenthesis
The numeric range for addition, subtraction and multiplication operations is +/-2,147,483,647.9999. The precision for division is 1/65,000. Mathematical operations are executed from left to right. Calculations within a parentheses have precedence.
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The variable, COUNT, is equal to the current value plus 2. Puts the position of X - 28.28 in RESULT. 40 * cosine of 45 is 28.28 TEMP is equal to 1 only if Input 1 and Input 2 are high
Bit-Wise Operators
The mathematical operators & and | are bit-wise operators. The operator, &, is a Logical And. The operator, |, is a Logical Or. These operators allow for bit-wise operations on any valid DMC-1000 numeric operand, including variables, array elements, numeric values, functions, keywords, and arithmetic expressions. The bit-wise operators may also be used with strings. Bit-wise operators are useful for separating characters from an input string. When using the input command for string input, the input variable holds 6 bytes of data. Each byte is eight bits, so a number represented as 32 bits of integer and 16 bits of fraction. Each ASCII character is represented as one byte (8 bits), therefore the input variable can hold a six character string. The first character of the string will be placed in the top byte of the variable and the last character will be placed in the lowest significant byte of the fraction. The characters can be individually separated by using bit-wise operations as illustrated in the following example: Instruction
#TEST IN "ENTER",LEN{S6} FLEN=@FRAC[LEN] FLEN=$10000*FLEN LEN1=(FLEN&$00FF)*$1000000 LEN2=(FLEN&$FF00)*$10000 LEN3=(LEN&$000000FF)*$1000000 LEN4=(LEN&$0000FF00)*$10000 LEN5=(LEN&$00FF0000)*$100 LEN6=(LEN&$FF000000) MG LEN6 {S1} MG LEN5 {S1} MG LEN4 {S1} MG LEN3 {S1} MG LEN2 {S1} MG LEN1 {S1} EN
Begin main program Input character string up to 6 characters into variable LEN Define variable FLEN as fractional part of variable LEN Shift FLEN by 32 bits (Convert fraction, FLEN, to integer) Set 4th byte of FLEN = 1st byte of variable LEN1 Set 3rd byte of FLEN = 1st byte of variable of LEN2 Set 1st byte of variable LEN3 = 4th byte of LEN Set 1st byte of variable LEN4 = 3rd byte of LEN Set 1st byte of variable LEN5 = 2nd byte of LEN Set 1st byte of variable LEN6 = 1st byte of LEN Display LEN6 as string message of 1 char Display LEN5 as string message of 1 char Display LEN4 as string message of 1 char Display LEN3 as string message of 1 char Display LEN2 as string message of 1 char Display LEN1 as string message of 1 char
This program will accept a string input of up to 6 characters, parse each character, and then display each character. Notice also that the values used for masking are represented in hexadecimal (as denoted by the preceding $). For more information, see section Sending Messages.
To illustrate further, if the user types in the string TESTME at the input prompt, the controller will respond with the following:
T E S T M E Response from command MG LEN6 {S1} Response from command MG LEN5 {S1} Response from command MG LEN4 {S1} Response from command MG LEN3 {S1} Response from command MG LEN2 {S1} Response from command MG LEN1 {S1}
FUNCTION @SIN[n] @COS[n] @COM[n] @ABS[n] @FRAC[n] @INT[n] @RND[n] @SQR[n] @IN[n] @OUT[n] @AN[n] DESCRIPTION Sine of n (n in degrees with range of -32768 to 32767 and 16-bit fractional resolution) Cosine of n (n in degrees with range of -32768 to 32767 and 16-bit fractional resolution) 1s Compliment of n Absolute value of n Fraction portion of n Integer portion of n Round of n (Rounds up if the fractional part of n is .5 or greater) Square root of n (Accuracy is +/-.004) Return status of digital input n Return status of digital output n Return voltage measured at analog input n
Functions may be combined with mathematical expressions. The order of execution of mathematical expressions is from left to right and can be over-ridden by using parentheses.
The maximum number of variables available with a DMC-1000 controller depends on the controller configuration: 126 variables are available for 1-4 axes controllers, 510 variables with 1-4 axes and the -MX option, and 254 variables with controllers of 5 or mor axes. These variables can be numbers or strings. Variables are useful in applications where specific parameters, such as position or speed, must be able to change. Variables can be assigned by an operator or determined by program calculations. For example, a cut-to-length application may require that a cut length be variable. Each variable is defined by a name which can be up to eight characters. The name must start with an alphabetic character, however, numbers are permitted in the rest of the name. Spaces are not permitted. Variable names should not be the same as DMC-1000 instructions. For example, PR is not a good choice for a variable name.
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Cannot have more than 8 characters Cannot begin variable name with a number Cannot have spaces in the name
Assigns returned value from TPX command to variable POSX. Assigns value 5.75 to variable SPEED Assigns logical value of input 2 to variable INPUT Assigns the value of V1 plus V3 times V4 to the variable V2. Assign the string, CAT, to VAR Assign value of variable V1 to PR command for X axis Assign VS*2000 to SP command
Label Set in Jog mode Begin Motion Loop Read joystick X Read joystick Y Jog at variable VX,VY Repeat End
Operands allow motion or status parameters of the DMC-1000 to be incorporated into programmable variables and expressions. An operand contains data and must be used in a valid expression or function. Most DMC-1000 commands have an equivalent operand - which are designated by adding an underscore (_) prior to the DMC-1000 command. Commands which have an associated operand are listed in the Command Reference as "Used as an Operand" .. Yes. Status commands such as Tell Position return actual values, whereas action commands such as GN or SP return the values in the DMC-1000 registers. The axis designation is required following the command.
Operands can be used in an expression and assigned to a programmable variable, but they cannot be assigned a value. For example: _GNX=2 is invalid. The value of an operand can be output to the computer with the message command, MG. IE. MG _TEX sends the current position error value on axis X to the computer.
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*Is equal to a 1 if motion on axis n is complete, otherwise equal to 0. *Is equal to the number of arrays available *Is equal to the number of available labels for programming *Is equal to the available array memory *Is equal to status of Home Switch (equals 0 or 1) Is equal to status of Forward Limit switch input of axis n (equals 0 or 1) Is equal to status of Reverse Limit switch input of axis n (equals 0 or 1) *Is equal to the number of available variables Free-Running Real Time Clock (off by 2.4% - Resets with power-on). Note: TIME does not use an underscore character (_) as other keywords.
* - These keywords have corresponding commands while the keywords _LF, _LR, and TIME do not have any associated commands. All keywords are listed in the Command Summary, Chapter 11.
Examples of Keywords
Assign V1 the logical state of the Forward Limit Switch on the X-axis Assign V3 the current value of the time clock Assign V4 the logical state of the Home input on the W-axis
For storing and collecting numerical data, the DMC-1000 provides array space for 1600 elements or 8000 elements for controllers with 5 or more axes, or with controller with the -MX option. The arrays are one dimensional and up to 14 different arrays may be defined (30 for controllers with 5 or more 31 axes, or the -MX option). Each array element has a numeric range of 4 bytes of integer (2 )followed by two bytes of fraction (+/-2,147,483,647.9999). Arrays can be used to capture real-time data, such as position, torque and analog input values. In the contouring mode, arrays are convenient for holding the points of a position trajectory in a record and playback application.
Defining Arrays
An array is defined with the command DM. The user must specify a name and the number of entries to be held in the array. An array name can contain up to eight characters, starting with an uppercase alphabetic character. The number of entries in the defined array is enclosed in [ ].
Defines an array names POSX with seven entries Defines an array named speed with 100 entries Frees array space
Dimension Speed Array Assigns the first element of the array, SPEED the value 7650.2 Returns array element value Assigns the 10th element of the array POSX the returned value from the tell position command. Assigns the second element of the array CON the cosine of the variable POS multiplied by 2. Assigns the first element of the array timer the returned value of the TIME keyword.
The above example records 10 position values at a rate of one value per 10 msec. The values are stored in an array named POS. The variable, COUNT, is used to increment the array element counter. The above example can also be executed with the automatic data capture feature described below.
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RC n,m
Switches (only bit 0-4 valid) Stop code Status bits Torque (reports digital value +/-8097)
Note: X may be replaced by Y,Z or W for capturing data on other axes, or A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H for DMC-1080.
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Program label Use input command, IN, to query the user End the program
In this example, the message Enter Length is displayed on the computer screen. The controller waits for the operator to enter a value. The operator enters the numeric value which is assigned to the variable, LENX.
Cut-to-Length Example
In this example, a length of material is to be advanced a specified distance. When the motion is complete, a cutting head is activated to cut the material. The length is variable, and the operator is prompted to input it in inches. Motion starts with a start button which is connected to input 1. The load is coupled with a 2 pitch lead screw. A 2000 count/rev encoder is on the motor, resulting in a resolution of 4000 counts/inch. The program below uses the variable LEN, to length. The IN command is used to prompt the operator to enter the length, and the entered value is assigned to the variable LEN. Instruction Interpretation
#BEGIN AC 800000 DC 800000 SP 5000 LEN=3.4 #CUT AI1 IN "enter Length(IN)", LEN PR LEN *4000 BGX AMX SB1 WT100;CB1 JP #CUT EN LABEL Acceleration Deceleration Speed Initial length in inches Cut routine Wait for start signal Prompt operator for length in inches Specify position in counts Begin motion to move material Wait for motion done Set output to cut Wait 100 msec, then turn off cutter Repeat process End program
Sending Messages
Messages may be sent to the bus using the message command, MG. This command sends specified text and numerical or string data from variables or arrays to the screen. Text strings are specified in quotes and variable or array data is designated by the name of the variable or array. For example: MG "The Final Value is", RESULT In addition to variables, functions and commands, responses can be used in the message command. For example: MG "Analog input is", @AN[1] MG "The Gain of X is", _GNX
Formatting Messages
String variables can be formatted using the specifier, {Sn} where n is the number of characters, 1 through 6. For example: MG STR {S3} This statement returns 3 characters of the string variable named STR. Numeric data may be formatted using the {Fn.m} expression following the completed MG statement. {$n.m} formats data in HEX instead of decimal. The actual numerical value will be formatted with n characters to the left of the decimal and m characters to the right of the decimal. Leading zeros will be used to display specified format. For example:: MG "The Final Value is", RESULT {F5.2} If the value of the variable RESULT is equal to 4.1, this statement returns the following: The Final Value is 00004.10
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If the value of the variable RESULT is equal to 999999.999, the above message statement returns the following: The Final Value is 99999.99 The message command normally sends a carriage return and line feed following the statement. The carriage return and the line feed may be suppressed by sending {N} at the end of the statement. This is useful when a text string needs to surround a numeric value. Example: #A JG 50000;BGX;ASX MG "The Speed is", _TVX {F5.1} {N} MG "counts/sec" EN When #A is executed, the above example will appear on the screen as: The speed is 50000 counts/sec
Interrogation Commands
The DMC-1700 has a set of commands that directly interrogate the controller. When these command are entered, the requested data is returned in decimal format on the next line followed by a carriage return and line feed. The format of the returned data can be changed using the Position Format (PF), and Leading Zeros (LZ) command. For a complete description of interrogation commands, see chapter 5.
The numeric values may be formatted in decimal or hexadecimal* with a specified number of digits to the right and left of the decimal point using the PF command. Position Format is specified by: PF m.n where m is the number of digits to the left of the decimal point (0 thru 10) and n is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point (0 thru 4) A negative sign for m specifies hexadecimal format. Hex values are returned preceded by a $ and in 2's complement. Hex values should be input as signed 2's complement, where negative numbers have a negative sign. The default format is PF 10.0. If the number of decimal places specified by PF is less than the actual value, a nine appears in all the decimal places. Examples:
:DP21 :TPX 0000000021 :PF4 :TPX 0021 :PF-4 :TPX $0015 :PF2 :TPX 99 Define position Tell position Default format Change format to 4 places Tell position New format Change to hexadecimal format Tell Position Hexadecimal value Format 2 places Tell Position Returns 99 if position greater than 99
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LZ1 TP -9, 5, 0, 7
Enables the LZ function Tell Position Interrogation Command Response from Interrogation Command (Without Leading Zeros)
A negative sign for m specifies hexadecimal format. The default format for VF is VF 10.4 Hex values are returned preceded by a $ and in 2's complement. Instruction Interpretation
V1=10 V1= 0000000010.0000 VF2.2 V1= 10.00 VF-2.2 V1= $0A.00 VF1 V1= 9 Assign V1 Return V1 Response from controller with default format Change format Return V1 Response from controller with new format Specify hex format Return V1 Response from controller in hexadecimal format Change format Return V1 Response from controller - returns 9 if value greater than 9
V1=10 V1= 0000000010.0000 V1={F4.2} 0010.00 V1={$4.2} $000A.00 V1="ALPHA" V1={S4} ALPH
Assign V1 Return V1 Response from controller with default format Specify local format Response from controller with new format Specify hex format Response from controller in hexadecimal format Assign string "ALPHA" to V1 Specify string format first 4 characters Response from controller in string format
Label Prompt for revs Convert to counts Prompt for RPMs Convert to counts/sec Prompt for ACCEL Convert to counts/sec2 Begin motion End program
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Example - Using Set Bit and Clear Bit Commands (SB, CB)
Sets bit 6 of output port Clears bit 4 of output port Clear bit 9 of output port on DMC-1080
The Output Bit (OB) instruction is useful for setting or clearing outputs depending on the value of a variable, array, input or expression. Any non-zero value results in a set bit.
Set Output 1 if the variable POS is non-zero. Clear Output 1 if POS equals 0. Set Output 2 if Input 1 is high. If Input 1 is low, clear Output 2. Set Output 3 only if Input 1 and Input 2 are high. Set Output 4 if element 1 in the array COUNT is non-zero.
The output port can be set by specifying an 8-bit word using the instruction OP (Output Port). This instruction allows a single command to define the state of the entire 8-bit output port, where 20 is output 1, 21 is output 2 and so on. A 1 designates that the output is on.
Sets outputs 2 and 3 of output port to high. All other bits are 0. (21 + 22 = 6) Clears all bits of output port to zero Sets all bits of output port to one. (22 + 21 + 22 + 23 + 24 + 25 + 26 + 27)
Label Position Command Begin After move Set Output 1 Wait 1000 msec Clear Output 1 End
Digital Inputs
The DMC-1000 has eight digital inputs for controlling motion by local switches. The @IN[n] function returns the logic level of the specified input 1 through 8. For example, a Jump on Condition instruction can be used to execute a sequence if a high condition is noted on an input 3. To halt program execution, the After Input (AI) instruction waits until the specified input has occurred.
Jump to A if input 1 is low Jump to B if input 2 is high Wait until input 7 is high Wait until input 6 is low
Label #A Enable input 1 for interrupt function Set speeds on X and Y axes Begin motion on X and Y axes Label #B Report X and Y axes positions Wait 1000 milliseconds Jump to #B End of program Interrupt subroutine
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Display message Stops motion on X and Y axes Loop until Interrupt cleared Specify new speeds Wait 300 milliseconds Begin motion on X and Y axes Return from Interrupt subroutine
Analog Inputs
The DMC-1000 provides seven analog inputs. The value of these inputs in volts may be read using the @AN[n] function where n is the analog input 1 through 7. The resolution of the Analog-to-Digital conversion is 12 bits. Analog inputs are useful for reading special sensors such as temperature, tension or pressure. The following examples show programs which cause the motor to follow an analog signal. The first example is a point-to-point move. The second example shows a continuous move.
Example Applications
Wire Cutter
An operator activates a start switch. This causes a motor to advance the wire a distance of 10". When the motion stops, the controller generates an output signal which activates the cutter. Allowing 100 ms for the cutting completes the cycle. Suppose that the motor drives the wire by a roller with a 2" diameter. Also assume that the encoder resolution is 1000 lines per revolution. Since the circumference of the roller equals 2 inches, and it corresponds to 4000 quadrature, one inch of travel equals: 4000/2 = 637 count/inch This implies that a distance of 10 inches equals 6370 counts, and a slew speed of 5 inches per second, for example, equals 3185 count/sec. The input signal may be applied to I1, for example, and the output signal is chosen as output 1. The motor velocity profile and the related input and output signals are shown in Fig. 7.1. The program starts at a state that we define as #A. Here the controller waits for the input pulse on I1. As soon as the pulse is given, the controller starts the forward motion. Upon completion of the forward move, the controller outputs a pulse for 20 ms and then waits an additional 80 ms before returning to #A for a new cycle. Instruction Function
#A AI1 PR 6370 SP 3185 BGX AMX SB1 WT 20 CB1 WT 80 JP #A Label Wait for input 1 Distance Speed Start Motion After motion is complete Set output bit 1 Wait 20 ms Clear output bit 1 Wait 80 ms Repeat the process
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#A VM XY VP 160000,160000 VE VS 200000 VA 1544000 BGS AMS PR,,-80000 SP,,80000 BGZ AMZ CR 80000,270,-360 VE VS 40000 BGS AMS PR,,80000 BGZ AMZ PR -21600 SP 20000 BGX AMX PR,,-80000 BGZ AMZ CR 80000,270,-360 VE VS 40000 BGS AMS PR,,80000 BGZ AMZ VP -37600,-16000 VE VS 200000 BGS AMS EN
Label Circular interpolation for XY Positions End Vector Motion Vector Speed Vector Acceleration Start Motion When motion is complete Move Z down Z speed Start Z motion Wait for completion of Z motion Circle Feedrate Start circular move Wait for completion Move Z up Start Z move Wait for Z completion Move X Speed X Start X Wait for X completion Lower Z
Raise Z
Return XY to start
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4 B C
A 0 4 9.3
Update jog speed to value of variable VEL Loop back to label, #B End
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The dual-loop approach requires the resolution of the rotary sensor to be equal or better than that of the linear system. Assuming that the pitch of the lead screw is 2.5mm (approximately 10 turns per inch), a rotary encoder of 2500 lines per turn or 10,000 count per revolution results in a rotary resolution of 0.25 micron. This results in equal resolution on both linear and rotary sensors. To illustrate the control method, assume that the rotary encoder is used as a feedback for the X-axis, and that the linear sensor is read and stored in the variable LINPOS. Further assume that at the start, both the position of X and the value of LINPOS are equal to zero. Now assume that the objective is to move the linear load to the position of 1000. The first step is to command the X motor to move to the rotary position of 1000. Once it arrives we check the position of the load. If, for example, the load position is 980 counts, it implies that a correction of 20 counts must be made. However, when the X-axis is commanded to be at the position of 1000, suppose that the actual position is only 995, implying that X has a position error of 5 counts, which will be eliminated once the motor settles. This implies that the correction needs to be only 15 counts, since 5 counts out of the 20 would be corrected by the X-axis. Accordingly, the motion correction should be: Correction = Load Position Error - Rotary Position Error The correction can be performed a few times until the error drops below +/-2 counts. Often, this is performed in one correction cycle.
Label Define starting positions as zero
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The DMC-1000 provides several hardware and software features to check for error conditions and to inhibit the motor on error. These features help protect the various system components from damage. WARNING: Machinery in motion can be dangerous! It is the responsibility of the user to design effective error handling and safety protection as part of the machine. Since the DMC-1000 is an integral part of the machine, the engineer should design his overall system with protection against a possible component failure on the DMC-1000. Galil shall not be liable or responsible for any incidental or consequential damages.
Hardware Protection
The DMC-1000 includes hardware input and output protection lines for various error and mechanical limit conditions. These include:
Reverse Limit Switch - Low input inhibits motion in reverse direction. If the motor is moving in the reverse direction when the limit switch is activated, the motion will decelerate and stop. In addition, if the motor is moving in the reverse direction, the controller will automatically jump to the limit switch subroutine, #LIMSWI (if such a routine has been written by the user). The CN command can be used to change the polarity of the limit switches.
Software Protection
The DMC-1000 provides a programmable error limit for servo operation. The error limit can be set for any number between 1 and 32767 using the ER n command. The default value for ER is 16384. Example:
ER 200,300,400,500 ER,1,,10 Set X-axis error limit for 200, Y-axis error limit to 300, Z-axis error limit to 400 counts, W-axis error limit to 500 counts Set Y-axis error limit to 1 count, set W-axis error limit to 10 counts.
The units of the error limit are quadrature counts. The error is the difference between the command position and actual encoder position. If the absolute value of the error exceeds the value specified by ER, the DMC-1000 will generate several signals to warn the host system of the error condition. These signals include:
Signal or Function # POSERR Error Light OE Function Indication of Error Jumps to automatic excess position error subroutine Turns on when position error exceeds error limit Shuts motor off by setting AEN output line low if OE1.
The position error of X,Y,Z and W can be monitored during execution using the TE command.
The DMC-1000 controller has a built in function which can turn off the motors under certain error conditions. This function is know as Off-On-Error. To activate the OE function for each axis, specify 1 for X,Y,Z and W axis. To disable this function, specify 0 for the axes. When this function is enabled, the specified motor will be disabled under the following 3 conditions: The position error for the specified axis exceeds the limit set with the command, ER
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The abort command is given The abort input is activated with a low signal. Note: If the motors are disabled while they are moving, they may coast to a stop because they are no longer under servo control. To re-enable the system, use the Reset (RS) or Servo Here (SH) command.
NOTE: An applications program must be executing for the #POSERR routine to function.
Check if reverse limit Jump to #LF if forward Jump to #LR if reverse Jump to end #LF Send message Stop motion Move in reverse End #LR Send message Stop motion Move forward End Return to main program
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Chapter 9 Troubleshooting
The following discussion may help you get your system to work. Potential problems have been divided into groups as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. Installation Communication Stability and Compensation Operation
The various symptoms along with the cause and the remedy are described in the following tables.
Motor runs away when connected to amplifier with no additional inputs. Same as above, but offset adjustment does not stop the motor.
Amplifier offset too large. Damaged amplifier.
Adjust amplifier offset Replace amplifier. Check encoder wiring. Check the encoder signals. Replace encoder if necessary. Connect the encoder to different axis input. If it works, controller failure. Repair or replace.
Controller does not read changes in encoder position. Wrong encoder connections. Same as above Same as above Bad encoder Bad controller
Using COMDISK and TALK2BUS, cannot communicate with controller.
Address selection in communication does not match jumpers.
Check address jumper positions, and change if necessary. The addresses 1000 or 816 are recommended. Note -- for address 1000, A2 and A4 jumpered. For address 816, jumper A7, A6, A3, A2.
Motor runs away when the loop is closed. Motor oscillates.
Wrong feedback polarity.
Invert the polarity of the loop by inverting the motor leads (brush type) or the encoder. Decrease KI and KP. Increase KD.
Controller rejects command. Responded with a ? Motor does not complete move.
Invalid Command Noise on limit switches stops the motor. Encoder noise
Interrogate the cause with TC or TC1. To verify cause, check the stop code (SC). If caused by limit switch noise, reduce noise. Interrogate the position periodically. If controller states that the position is the same at different locations it implies encoder noise. Reduce noise. Use differential encoder inputs. Avoid resetting position error at end of move with SH command.
Same as above.
Programming error.
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The following discussion covers the operation of motion control systems. A typical servo control system consists of the elements shown in Fig 10.1.
The operation of such a system can be divided into three levels, as illustrated in Fig. 10.2. The levels are: 1. Closing the Loop 2. Motion Profiling 3. Motion Programming The first level, the closing of the loop, assures that the motor follows the commanded position. This is done by closing the position loop using a sensor. The operation at the basic level of closing the loop involves the subjects of modeling, analysis, and design. These subjects will be covered in the following discussions. The motion profiling is the generation of the desired position function. This function, R(t), describes where the motor should be at every sampling period. Note that the profiling and the closing of the loop are independent functions. The profiling function determines where the motor should be and the closing of the loop forces the motor to follow the commanded position The highest level of control is the motion program. This can be stored in the host computer or in the controller. This program describes the tasks in terms of the motors that need to be controlled, the distances and the speed.
The three levels of control may be viewed as different levels of management. The top manager, the motion program, may specify the following instruction, for example.
PR 6000,4000 SP 20000,20000 AC 200000,00000 BG X AD 2000 BG Y EN
This program corresponds to the velocity profiles shown in Fig. 10.3. Note that the profiled positions show where the motors must be at any instant of time. Finally, it remains up to the servo system to verify that the motor follows the profiled position by closing the servo loop. The following section explains the operation of the servo system. First, it is explained qualitatively, and then the explanation is repeated using analytical tools for those who are more theoretically inclined.
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The analogy between adjusting the water temperature and closing the position loop carries further. We have all learned the hard way, that the hot water faucet should be turned at the "right" rate. If you turn it too slowly, the temperature response will be slow, causing discomfort. Such a slow reaction is called overdamped response. The results may be worse if we turn the faucet too fast. The overreaction results in temperature oscillations. When the response of the system oscillates, we say that the system is unstable. Clearly, unstable responses are bad when we want a constant level. What causes the oscillations? The basic cause for the instability is a combination of delayed reaction and high gain. In the case of the temperature control, the delay is due to the water flowing in the pipes. When the human reaction is too strong, the response becomes unstable. Servo systems also become unstable if their gain is too high. The delay in servo systems is between the application of the current and its effect on the position. Note that the current must be applied long enough to cause a significant effect on the velocity, and the velocity change must last long enough to cause a position change. This delay, when coupled with high gain, causes instability. This motion controller includes a special filter which is designed to help the stability and accuracy. Typically, such a filter produces, in addition to the proportional gain, damping and integrator. The combination of the three functions is referred to as a PID filter. The filter parameters are represented by the three constants KP, KI and KD, which correspond to the proportional, integral and derivative term respectively. The damping element of the filter acts as a predictor, thereby reducing the delay associated with the motor response. The integrator function, represented by the parameter KI, improves the system accuracy. With the KI parameter, the motor does not stop until it reaches the desired position exactly, regardless of the level of friction or opposing torque. The integrator also reduces the system stability. Therefore, it can be used only when the loop is stable and has a high gain. The output of the filter is applied to a digital-to-analog converter (DAC). The resulting output signal in the range between +10 and -10 Volts is then applied to the amplifier and the motor. The motor position, whether rotary or linear is measured by a sensor. The resulting signal, called position feedback, is returned to the controller for closing the loop. The following section describes the operation in a detailed mathematical form, including modeling, analysis and design.
System Modeling
The elements of a servo system include the motor, driver, encoder and the controller. These elements are shown in Fig. 10.4. The mathematical model of the various components is given below.
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The motor amplifier may be configured in three modes: 1. Voltage Drive 2. Current Drive 3. Velocity Loop The operation and modeling in the three modes is as follows:
Voltage Drive
The amplifier is a voltage source with a gain of Kv [V/V]. The transfer function relating the input voltage, V, to the motor position, P, is
P V = KV
[ K S ( ST
+ 1)( STe + 1)
Tm = RJ K t2
Te = L R
Kt R J L
When the motor parameters are given in English units, it is necessary to convert the quantities to MKS units. For example, consider a motor with the parameters: Kt = 14.16 oz - in/A = 0.1 Nm/A R=2 J = 0.0283 oz-in-s2 = 2.10-4 kg . m2 L = 0.004H
Then the corresponding time constants are Tm = 0.04 sec and Te = 0.002 sec Assuming that the amplifier gain is Kv = 4, the resulting transfer function is P/V = 40/[s(0.04s+1)(0.002s+1)]
Current Drive
The current drive generates a current I, which is proportional to the input voltage, V, with a gain of Ka. The resulting transfer function in this case is P/V = Ka Kt / Js2 where Kt and J are as defined previously. For example, a current amplifier with Ka = 2 A/V with the motor described by the previous example will have the transfer function: P/V = 1000/s2 [rad/V] If the motor is a DC brushless motor, it is driven by an amplifier that performs the commutation. The combined transfer function of motor amplifier combination is the same as that of a similar brush motor, as described by the previous equations.
Velocity Loop
The motor driver system may include a velocity loop where the motor velocity is sensed by a tachometer and is fed back to the amplifier. Such a system is illustrated in Fig. 10.5. Note that the transfer function between the input voltage V and the velocity is: /V = [Ka Kt/Js]/[1+Ka Kt Kg/Js] = 1/[Kg(sT1+1)] where the velocity time constant, T1, equals T1 = J/Ka Kt Kg This leads to the transfer function P/V = 1/[Kg s(sT1+1)]
The resulting functions derived above are illustrated by the block diagram of Fig. 10.6.
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1/Ke (STm+1)(STe+1)
1 S
1 S
1 Kg(ST1+1)
1 S
Figure 10.6 - Mathematical model of the motor and amplifier in three operational modes
The encoder generates N pulses per revolution. It outputs two signals, Channel A and B, which are in quadrature. Due to the quadrature relationship between the encoder channels, the position resolution is increased to 4N quadrature counts/rev. The model of the encoder can be represented by a gain of Kf = 4N/2 Kf = 638 [count/rad]
The DAC or D-to-A converter converts a 16-bit number to an analog voltage. The input range of the numbers is 65536 and the output voltage range is +/-10V or 20V. Therefore, the effective gain of the DAC is K= 20/65536 = 0.0003 [V/count]
Digital Filter
The digital filter has a transfer function of D(z) = K(z-A)/z + Cz/z-1 and a sampling time of T. The filter parameters, K, A and C are selected by the instructions KP, KD, KI or by GN, ZR and KI, respectively. The relationship between the filter coefficients and the instructions are:
K = (KP + KD) 4 A = KD/(KP + KD) C = KI/2
or K = GN 4 or A = ZR
This filter includes a lead compensation and an integrator. It is equivalent to a continuous PID filter with a transfer function G(s). G(s) = P + sD + I/s P = K(1-A) = 4 KP
D = T K A = 4 T KD I = C/T = KI/2T For example, if the filter parameters of the DMC-1000 are KP = 4 KD = 36 KI = 2 T = 0.001 s the digital filter coefficients are K = 160 A = 0.9 C=1 and the equivalent continuous filter, G(s), is G(s) = 16 + 0.144s + 1000/s
The ZOH, or zero-order-hold, represents the effect of the sampling process, where the motor command is updated once per sampling period. The effect of the ZOH can be modeled by the transfer function H(s) = 1/(1+sT/2) If the sampling period is T = 0.001, for example, H(s) becomes: H(s) = 2000/(s+2000) However, in most applications, H(s) may be approximated as one. This completes the modeling of the system elements. Next, we discuss the system analysis.
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System Analysis
To analyze the system, we start with a block diagram model of the system elements. The analysis procedure is illustrated in terms of the following example. Consider a position control system with the DMC-1000 controller and the following parameters:
Kt = 0.1 J = 2.10-4 R=2 Ka = 4 KP = 12.5 KD = 245 KI = 0 N = 500 T=1 Counts/rev ms Nm/A kg.m2 Amp/Volt Torque constant System moment of inertia Motor resistance Current amplifier gain Digital filter gain Digital filter zero No integrator Encoder line density Sample period
The transfer function of the system elements are: Motor M(s) = P/I = Kt/Js2 = 500/s2 [rad/A] Amp Ka = 4 [Amp/V] DAC Kd = 0.0003 [V/count] Encoder Kf = 4N/2 = 318 [count/rad] ZOH 2000/(s+2000) Digital Filter KP = 12.5, KD = 245, T = 0.001 Therefore, D(z) = 50 + 980 (1-z-1) Accordingly, the coefficients of the continuous filter are: P = 50 D = 0.98 The filter equation may be written in the continuous equivalent form: G(s) = 50 + 0.98s The system elements are shown in Fig. 10.7.
MOTOR 500 S2
The open loop transfer function, A(s), is the product of all the elements in the loop. A = 390,000 (s+51)/[s2(s+2000)] To analyze the system stability, determine the crossover frequency, c at which A(j c) equals one. This can be done by the Bode plot of A(j c), as shown in Fig. 10.8.
For the given example, the crossover frequency was computed numerically resulting in 200 rad/s. Next, we determine the phase of A(s) at the crossover frequency. A(j200) = 390,000 (j200+51)/[(j200)2 . (j200 + 2000)] = Arg[A(j200)] = tan-1(200/51)-180 -tan-1(200/2000) = 76 - 180 - 6 = -110 Finally, the phase margin, PM, equals PM = 180 + = 70
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As long as PM is positive, the system is stable. However, for a well damped system, PM should be between 30 degrees and 45 degrees. The phase margin of 70 degrees given above indicated overdamped response. Next, we discuss the design of control systems.
The DAC of the DMC-1000 outputs +/-10V for a 16-bit command of +/-32,768 counts. The design objective is to select the filter parameters in order to close a position loop with a crossover frequency of c = 500 rad/s and a phase margin of 45 degrees. The first step is to develop a mathematical model of the system, as discussed in the previous system. Motor M(s) = P/I = Kt/Js2 = 4150/s2 Amp Ka = 2 DAC Kd = 20/65536 = .0003 Encoder Kf = 4N/2 = 636 ZOH H(s) = 2000/(s+2000) Compensation Filter G(s) = P + sD The next step is to combine all the system elements, with the exception of G(s), into one function, L(s). L(s) = M(s) Ka Kd Kf H(s) = 0.3175*107/[s2(s+2000)] Then the open loop transfer function, A(s), is [Amp/V]
A(s) = L(s) G(s) Now, determine the magnitude and phase of L(s) at the frequency c = 500. L(j500) = 0.3175*107/[(j500)2 (j500+2000)] This function has a magnitude of |L(j500)| = 0.00625 and a phase Arg[L(j500)] = -180 - tan-1(500/2000) = -194 G(s) is selected so that A(s) has a crossover frequency of 500 rad/s and a phase margin of 45 degrees. This requires that |A(j500)| = 1 Arg [A(j500)] = -135 However, since A(s) = L(s) G(s) then it follows that G(s) must have magnitude of |G(j500)| = |A(j500)/L(j500)| = 160 and a phase arg [G(j500)] = arg [A(j500)] - arg [L(j500)] = -135 + 194 = 59 In other words, we need to select a filter function G(s) of the form G(s) = P + sD so that at the frequency c =500, the function would have a magnitude of 160 and a phase lead of 59 degrees. These requirements may be expressed as: |G(j500)| = |P + (j500D)| = 160 and arg [G(j500)] = tan-1[500D/P] = 59 The solution of these equations leads to: P = 40cos 59 = 82.4 500D = 40sin 59 = 137.2 Therefore, D = 0.2744 and G = 82.4 + 0.2744s The function G is equivalent to a digital filter of the form: D(z) = 4 KP + 4 KD(1-z-1) where KP = P/4 and
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KD = D/ (4 T) Assuming a sampling period of T=1ms, the parameters of the digital filter are: KP = 20.6 KD = 68.6 The DMC-1000 can be programmed with the instruction: KP 20.6 KD 68.6 In a similar manner, other filters can be programmed. The procedure is simplified by the following table, which summarizes the relationship between the various filters.
A = KD/(KP+KD) C = KI/2
Continuous PID, T
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Electrical Specifications
Servo Control
ACMD Amplifier Command: +/-10 Volts analog signal. Resolution 16-bit DAC or .0003 Volts. 3 mA maximum
A+,A-,B+,B-,IDX+,IDX- Encoder and TTL compatible, but can accept up to +/-12 Volts. Quadrature Auxiliary phase on CHA,CHB. Can accept single-ended (A+,B+ only) or differential (A+,A-,B+,B-). Maximum A,B edge rate: 8 MHz. Minimum IDX pulse width: 120 nsec.
Stepper Control
Pulse Direction TTL (0-5 Volts) level at 50% duty cycle. 2,000,000 pulses/sec maximum frequency TTL (0-5 Volts)
Uncommitted Inputs, Limits, Home 2.2K ohm in series with optoisolator. Requires at least 1 mA for on. Can Abort Inputs: accept up to 28 Volts without additional series resistor. Above 28 Volts requires additional resistor. AN[1] thru AN[7] Analog Inputs: OUT[1] thru OUT[8] Outputs: Standard configuration is +/-10 Volt. 12-Bit Analog-to-Digital converter. TTL.
OUT[9] through OUT [16] Outputs TTL (only available on controllers with 4 or more axes) IN[17] through IN[24] Inputs TTL (only available on controllers with 4 or more axes)
+5V +12V -12V 750 mA 40 mA 40mA
Performance Specifications
Minimum Servo Loop Update Time: DMC-1010 -- 250 sec
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DMC-1020 -- 375 sec DMC-1030 -- 500 sec DMC-1040 -- 500 sec Position Accuracy: Velocity Accuracy: Long Term Short Term Position Range: Velocity Range: Velocity Resolution: Motor Command Resolution: Phase-locked, better than .005% System dependent +/-2147483647 counts per move Up to 8,000,000 counts/sec 2 counts/sec 14 Bits or .0012V for DMC-1000, 16 bit or 0.0003 for DMC-1000-18 Variable Range: Variable Resolution: Array Size: +/-2 billion 1 10-4 1600 elements 8000 elements - DMC-1040-MX and DMC-1080 Program Size: 500 lines x 40 characters 1000 lines x 80 characters: DMC-1080 2000 lines x 40 characters: DMC-1040-MX +/-1 quadrature count
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27 Motor Command Y 29 Motor Command Z 31 Motor Command W 33 A+X 35 B+X 37 I+X 39 A+Y 41 B+Y 43 I+Y 45 A+Z 47 B+Z 49 I+Z 51 A+W 53 B+W 55 I+W 57 +12V 59 5V
28 Amp enable Y 30 Amp enable Z 32 Amp enable W 34 A-X 36 B-X 38 I-X 40 A-Y 42 B-Y 44 I-Y 46 A-Z 48 B-Z 50 I-Z 52 A-W 54 B-W 56 I-W 58 -12V 60 Ground
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J7 - 10 pin
For test only.
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13 Reverse Limit - G 15 Forward Limit - H 17 Home H 19 Input Common 21 Latch F 23 Latch H 25 Motor Command E 27 Motor Command F 29 Motor Command G 31 Motor Command H 33 Channel A+ E 35 Channel B+ E 37 Channel I+ E 39 Channel A+ F 41 Channel B+ F 43 Channel I+ F 45 Channel A+ G 47 Channel B+ G 49 Channel I+ G 51 Channel A+ H 53 Channel B+ H 55 Channel I+ H 57 +12V 59 5V
14 Home - G 16 Reverse Limit - H 18 Output 9 20 Latch E 22 Latch G 24 Input 24 26 Amp enable E 28 Amp enable F 30 Amp enable G 32 Amp enable H 34 Channel A- E 36 Channel B- E 38 Channel I- E 40 Channel A- F 42 Channel B- F 44 Channel I- F 46 Channel A- G 48 Channel B- G 50 Channel I- G 52 Channel A- H 54 Channel B- H 56 Channel I- H 58 -12V 60 Ground
NOTE: The ABCD axes and other I/O are located on the main DMC-1000 card
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+/- 10 Volt range signal for driving amplifier. In servo mode, motor command output is updated at the controller sample rate. In the motor off mode, this output is held at the OF command level. Signal to disable and enable an amplifier. Amp Enable goes low on Abort and OE1. PWM/STEP OUT is used for directly driving power bridges for DC servo motors or for driving step motor amplifiers. For servo motors: If you are using a conventional amplifier that accepts a +/-10 Volt analog signal, this pin is not used and should be left open. The switching frequency is 33.4 Khz for DMC-1000 and 16.7 Khz for DMC-1000-18 . The PWM output is available in two formats: Inverter and Sign Magnitude. In the Inverter mode, the PWM signal is .2% duty cycle for full negative voltage, 50% for 0 Voltage and 99.8% for full positive voltage. In the Sign Magnitude Mode (Jumper SM), the PWM signal is 0% for 0 Voltage, 99.6% for full voltage and the sign of the Motor Command is available at the sign output. For stepmotors: The STEP OUT pin produces a series of pulses for input to a step motor driver. The pulses may either be low or high. The pulse width is 50%. Upon Reset, the output will be low if the SM jumper is on. If the SM jumper is not on, the output will be Tristate. Used with PWM signal to give the sign of the motor command for servo amplifiers or direction for step motors. The signal goes low when the position error on any axis exceeds the value specified by the error limit command, ER. These 8 TTL outputs are uncommitted and may be designated by the user to toggle relays and trigger external events. The output lines are toggled by Set Bit, SB, and Clear Bit, CB, instructions. The OP instruction is used to define the state of all the bits of the Output port.
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Inputs Encoder, A+, B+ Position feedback from incremental encoder with two channels in quadrature, CHA and CHB. The encoder may be analog or TTL. Any resolution encoder may be used as long as the maximum frequency does not exceed 8,000,000 quadrature states/sec. The controller performs quadrature decoding of the encoder signals resulting in a resolution of quadrature counts (4 x encoder cycles). Note: Encoders that produce outputs in the format of pulses and direction may also be used by inputting the pulses into CHA and direction into Channel B and using the CE command to configure this mode. Once-Per-Revolution encoder pulse. Used in Homing sequence or Find Index command to define home on an encoder index. Differential inputs from encoder. May be input along with CHA, CHB for noise immunity of encoder signals. The CHA- and CHBinputs are optional.
Auxiliary Encoder, Aux A+, Aux Inputs for additional encoder. Used when an encoder on both the B+, Aux I+, Aux A-, Aux B-, Aux motor and the load is required. IAbort Reset A low input stops commanded motion instantly without a controlled deceleration. Also aborts motion program. A low input resets the state of the processor to its power-on condition. The previously saved state of the controller, along with parameter values, and saved sequences are restored. When active, inhibits motion in forward direction. Also causes execution of limit switch subroutine, #LIMSWI. The polarity of the limit switch may be set with the CN command. When active, inhibits motion in reverse direction. Also causes execution of limit switch subroutine, #LIMSWI. The polarity of the limit switch may be set with the CN command. Input for Homing (HM) and Find Edge (FE) instructions. Upon BG following HM or FE, the motor accelerates to slew speed. A transition on this input will cause the motor to decelerate to a stop. The polarity of the Home Switch may be set with the CN command. Uncommitted inputs. May be defined by the user to trigger events. Inputs are checked with the Conditional Jump instruction and After Input instruction or Input Interrupt. Input 1 is latch X, Input 2 is latch Y, Input 3 is latch Z and Input 4 is latch W if the high speed position latch function is enabled. High speed position latch to capture axis position within 20 nano seconds on occurrence of latch signal. AL command arms latch. Input 1 is latch X, Input 2 is latch Y, Input 3 is latch Z and Input 4 is latch W. Input 9 is latch E, Input 10 is latch F, Input 11 is latch G, Input 12 is latch H.
Home Switch
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W offset
Note: These adjustments are made at the Galil factory and should need adjustment under most applications.
N34-150-1000 Servo motor; NEMA 34; 150 oz-in, continuos COM-Disk SDK-1000 OPINT MS-DOS Terminal Emulator and Software Sources Servo Design Software Operator Interface Software for PC
CAD-to-DMC Autocad to DMC Translator VBX Toolkit Visual Basic VBX Extensions
154 Appendices
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Address 668 672 676 680 684 688 692 696 700 704 708 712 716 720 724 728 732 736 740 744 748 752 756 760 764 768 772 776 780 784 788 792 796 800 804 808 812 816 820 824 828 832 836 840 844 848 852
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Address 856 860 864 868 872 876 880 884 888 892 896 900 904 908 912 916 920 924 928 932 936 940 944 948 952 956 960 964 968 972 976 980 984 988 992 996 1000 1004 1008 1012 1016 1020
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(These occur on the second 8259) IRQ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 VECTOR 104 or 70h 105 or 71h 106 or 72h 107 or 73h 108 or 74h 109 or 75h 110 or 76h 111 or 77h Mouse DSR Math Co-processor exception Fixed Disk (DON'T USE THIS!) USAGE Real-time clock (DON'T USE THIS!) Redirect-cascade (DON'T USE THIS!)
158 Appendices
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The ICM-1100 is packaged as a circuit board mounted to a metal enclosure. A version of the ICM1100 is also available with servo amplifiers (see AMP-11X0). Features Specifications Dimensions Weight 5.7" x 13.4" x 2.4" 2.2 pounds Breaks out all DMC-1000 ribbon cables into individual screw-type terminals. Clearly identifies all terminals Provides jumper for connecting limit and input supplies to 5 volt supply from PC. Available with on-board servo drives (see AMP-1100). 10-pin IDC connectors for encoders.
Rev A+B boards (orange) and Rev C boards (black) have the pinouts listed below:
Rev A + B Terminal # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Rev C Terminal # 2 1 4 3 6 5 8 7 10 9 12 11 14 13 16 15 18 17 20 19 22 21 24 23 26 Label GND GND ACMDX AENX PULSX DIRX ACMDY AENY PULSY DIRY ACMDZ AENZ PULSZ DIRZ ACMDW AENW PULSW DIRW AN1 AN2 AN3 AN4 AN5 AN6 AN7 Description Ground Ground X input to servo amp X amp enable X pulse input for stepper X direction input for stepper Y amp input Y amp enable Y pulse for stepper Y direction for stepper Z amp input Z amp enable Z pulse for stepper Z direction for stepper W amp input W amp enable W pulse for stepper W direction for stepper Analog Input 1 Analog Input 2 Analog Input 3 Analog Input 4 Analog Input 5 Analog Input 6 Analog Input 7
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25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
25 28 27 30 29 32 31 34 33 36 35 38 37 40 39 42 41 44 43 46 45 48 47 50 49 52 51 54 53 56 55 58 57 60 59 62 61 64 63 66 65 68 67 70 69 72 71
Ground Digital Output 1 Digital Output 2 Digital Output 3 Digital Output 4 Digital Output 5 Digital Output 6 Digital Output 7 Digital Output 8 Uncommitted Input 8 Uncommitted Input 7 Uncommitted Input 6 Uncommitted Input 5 Uncommitted Input 4 Uncommitted Input 3 Uncommitted Input 2 Uncommitted Input 1 Input common Ground W Auxiliary encoder BW Auxiliary encoder B+ W Auxiliary encoder AW Auxiliary encoder A+ Z Auxiliary encoder BZ Auxiliary encoder B+ Z Auxiliary encoder AZ Auxiliary encoder A+ Y Auxiliary encoder BY Auxiliary encoder B+ Y Auxiliary encoder AY Auxiliary encoder A+ X Auxiliary encoder BX Auxiliary encoder B+ X Auxiliary encoder AX Auxiliary encoder A+ Ground 5 Volts Limit common X Forward limit X Reverse limit X Home Input Y Forward limit Y Reverse limit Y Home Z Forward limit Z Reverse limit Z Home
160 Appendices
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W Forward limit W Reverse limit W Home Ground Abort input X Main encoder A+ X Main encoder AX Main encoder B+ X Main encoder BX Main encoder I+ X Main encoder IY Main encoder A+ Y Main encoder AY Main encoder B+ Y Main encoder BY Main encoder I+ Y Main encoder IZ Main encoder A+ Z Main encoder AZ Main encoder B+ Z Main encoder BZ Main encoder I+ Z Main encoder IW Main encoder A+ W Main encoder AW Main encoder B+ W Main encoder BW Main encoder I+ W Main encoder I12V supply -12V supply 5V supply Ground
J2 - Main (60 pin IDC) J3 - Aux Encoder (20 pin IDC) J4 - Driver (20 pin IDC) J5 - General I/O (26 pin IDC)
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Connectors are the same as described in section entitled Connectors for DMC-1000 Main Board. see pg. 146 JX6, JY6, JZ6, JW6 - Encoder Input (10 pin IDC)
1 CHA 3 GND 5 CHA 7 CHB 9 INDEX 2 +VCC 4 No Connection 6 CHA 8 CHB 10 INDEX
*CAUTION: The ICM-1100 10-pin connectors are designed for the N23 and N34 encoders from Galil. If you are using Galil's Motor-5-500, Motor-50-1000 or Motor-500-1000, you must cut encoder wires 5, 6, 7 and 9.
ICM-1100 Drawing
" 0 4 . 3 1
0 " 7 . " 5 4 . 0
" 0 . 1
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17-24 25-32 33-40 41-48 49-56
2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5
Representation 0 2
1 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 5 2
Bit 1
2 4 8 16 32
The simplest method for determining the proper value for n is to do the following: 1. Choose which 8-bit I/O blocks that should be configured as outputs. 2. From the table, determine the decimal value for each I/O block to be set as an output. 3. Add up all of the values determined in step 2. This is the value to be used for n. For example, if blocks 1,2 and 4 are outputs, then n is 11 and the command, CO11, should be issued. This parameter, and the state of the outputs, can be stored in the EEPROM with the BN command. If no value has been set, the default of CO 0 is used (all blocks are inputs). When configured as an output, each I/O point may be defined with the SBn and CBn commands (where n=9 through 56). OBn can also be used with n=9 through 56.
When OQ is used as an operand, a 0 will return the current state of blocks 2 to 1, a 1 returns 4 to 3, and a 2 returns 6 to 5. Example: MG_OQ2 returns the state of the bits in blocks 6 and 5. When accessing I/O blocks configured as inputs, use the TIn command. The operant 'n' refers to the block to be read (n=1 to 9). Individual bits can be queried using the @IN[n] command (where n=9 to 80). If the command below is issued MG @IN[17] the response is the least significant bit of block 2 (assuming block 2 is configured as input).
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J1 Pinout
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 volts
Bit No.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50
Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground
J2 Pinout
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5
Bit No.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3
40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 48 47 46 45 44
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground
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27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49
5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 volts
Bit No.
2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
43 42 41 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49
28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 volts
Bit No.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground
166 Appendices
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The AI command is only available for inputs 1 through 8 on the DMC-1000. The 32 outputs are controlled using the SBn, CBn and OBn instructions where n=1 through 8 represent the 8 outputs on the DMC-1000 and n=9 through 40 represent the 32 outputs available on the DB-10096. A command, OQ, is available with the DB-10096. This command has two fields addressing 16 outputs each. OQ m,n The first field m controls outputs 9 to 24. The second field n controls 25 to 40. When OQ is used in an operand, a 0 will return inputs 9-24 and a 1 will return 25-40. For example, if outputs 9 and 10 are high and all others are low, then MG_OQ0 returns a 3.
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168 Appendices
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J2 Pinout
1 in 25 3 in 27 5 in 29 7 in 31 9 in 33 11 in 35 13 in 37 15 in 39 17 NC 19 GND 21 in 42 23 in 44 25 in 46 27 in 48 29 in 50 31 in 52 33 in 54 35 in 56 37 NC 39 GND 41 in 57 43 in 59 45 in 61 47 in 63 49 in 65 51 in 67 53 in 69 55 in 71 57 NC 59 GND 2 in 26 4 in 28 5 in 30 8 in 32 10 in 34 12 in 36 14 in 38 16 in 40 18 GND 20 in 41 22 in 43 24 in 45 26 in 47 28 in 49 30 in 51 32 in 53 34 in 55 36 NC 38 GND 40 NC 42 in 58 44 in 60 46 in 62 48 in 64 50 in 66 52 in 68 54 in 70 56 in 72 58 GND 60 5 Volts
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Vs = Vx 2 + Vy 2
The vector distance is the integral of Vs, or the total distance traveled along the path. To illustrate this further, suppose that a string was placed along the path in the X-Y plane. The length of that string represents the distance traveled by the vector motion. The vector velocity is specified independently of the path to allow continuous motion. The path is specified as a collection of segments. For the purpose of specifying the path, define a special X-Y coordinate system whose origin is the starting point of the sequence. Each linear segment is specified by the X-Y coordinate of the final point expressed in units of resolution, and each circular arc is defined by the arc radius, the starting angle, and the angular width of the arc. The zero angle corresponds to the positive direction of the X-axis and the CCW direction of rotation is positive. Angles are expressed in degrees, and the resolution is 1/256th of a degree. For example, the path shown in Fig. 12.2 is specified by the instructions: VP CR VP 0,10000 10000, 180, -90 20000, 20000
Figure 12.2 - X-Y Motion Path
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The first line describes the straight line vector segment between points A and B. The next segment is a circular arc, which starts at an angle of 180 and traverses -90. Finally, the third line describes the linear segment between points C and D. Note that the total length of the motion consists of the segments: A-B B-C C-D Linear Circular Linear Total 10000 units
R 2 = 15708 360
1000 35708 counts
Xk 2 + Yk 2
Where Xk and Yk are the changes in X and Y positions along the linear segment. The length of the circular arc is
L k = R k k 2 360
The total travel distance is given by
D = Lk
k =1
The velocity profile may be specified independently in terms of the vector velocity and acceleration. For example, the velocity profile corresponding to the path of Fig. 12.2 may be specified in terms of the vector speed and acceleration. VS VA 100000 2000000
time (s)
Ta 0.05 Ts 0.357 Ta 0.407
Figure 12.3 - Vector Velocity Profile
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Ta =
Ts =
Tt =
The velocities along the X and Y axes are such that the direction of motion follows the specified path, yet the vector velocity fits the vector speed and acceleration requirements. For example, the velocities along the X and Y axes for the path shown in Fig. 12.2 are given in Fig. 12.4. Fig. 12.4a shows the vector velocity. It also indicates the position point along the path starting at A and ending at D. Between the points A and B, the motion is along the Y axis. Therefore, Vy = Vs and Vx = 0 Between the points B and C, the velocities vary gradually and finally, between the points C and D, the motion is in the X direction.
B C (a)
Figure 12.4 - Vector and Axes Velocities
172 Appendices
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DMC-600/DMC-1000 Comparison
Modes of Motion
Relative positioning Absolute positioning Velocity control Linear interpolation Circular interpolation
Yes Yes Yes XY only XY only
Yes Yes Yes XY only XY only 255 Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Yes Yes Yes Up to 4 axes Any 2 axes plus 3rd tangent Infinite, continuous vector feed Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Maximum number of segments 255 in motion path Contouring Electronic gearing S-curve profiling Programmable acceleration rate Programmable deceleration rate Yes No No Yes Yes
Maximum encoder frequency DAC resolution Maximum move length Sample time Program memory EEPROM memory for parameter storage Number of variables Number of array elements Digital filter type
.5 x 106 counts/s 8-bits 8 x 106 1 msec 500 lines, 32 chr None 64 (V0-V63) None GN,ZR,KI
2 x 106 counts/s 12-bits 8 x 106 1 msec 500 lines, 32 chr None 64 (V0-V63) 1000 (1 array) GN,ZR,KI
8 x 106 counts/s 14-bits or 16-bits 2 x 109 0.5 msec (4 axes) 500 lines, 40 chr Yes 126; symbolic up to 8 chr 1600 (up to 14 arrays) KP,KI,KD with velocity and acceleration feedforward and integrator limit
Maximum # of axes/card Analog inputs Digital inputs Digital outputs High speed position latch Dual encoder inputs Motor command output
3 8 with DMC-63010 8 TTL 8 TTL None none +/- 10V
3 8 with DMC-63010 8 TTL 8 TTL Yes Yes +/- 10V
4 (8 for DMC-1080) 7 standard 8 optoisolated (24 for DMC-1080) 8 TTL (16 for DMC-1080) Yes Yes +/- 10V and step/direction
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174 Appendices
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Set output bit Stop code/status Servo here Slew speed Stop motion/program Tell status byte Tell error code Tell error Tell inputs Torque limit Sample time Tell position Trace Tell switches Tell torque Upload program Vector acceleration Variable definition Vector position Vector speed Programmable timer Execute program Filter zero Zero subroutine stack
New Commands
AL AR AT AV A[i]=n BL BN CD CE CN CO DA DC DE DM DT DV EI Arm latch After relative distance trippoint After time After vector distance trippoint Define array element Set reverse software limit Burn EEPROM Contour data Configure encoder Configure inputs and step motor Configure I/O points ( DB-10072 only ) Deallocate variables and arrays Deceleration Dual encoder position Dimension array Delta time for contouring Dual Velocity Enable interrupts
Appendices 175
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Ellipse scale Search for encoder index Set forward software limit Velocity feedforward Specify master axis for gearing Specify gear ratio Halt task Integrator limit Independent time constant for smoothing Derivative constant Proportional constant Stepper Smoothing Constant Linear interpolation end Linear interpolation distance Linear interpolation mode Motor type Output Bit Position format Record array Record Record data Report command position Tangent Tell velocity Vector deceleration Vector sequence end Variable format Coordinated motion mode Vector time constant - S-curve Wait for contour data
Deleted Commands
Deadband Decimal mode Define dual encoder position Set DAC resolution Hex mode Arm latch Learn mode Master frequency Master position Master/slave mode Axis position (equate)
Not necessary Use local format; PF,VF DE 14-bits only Use local format; PF,VF Replaced by AL command Use Record mode; RA and RD Use Electronic Gearing: GA & GR Use Electronic Gearing; GA & GR Use Electronic Gearing; GA & GR Use _TP
176 Appendices
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Latch position Dual encoder position Position error (equate) Pole Report when complete Acceleration ramp Specify encoder type Servo Enable S-curve Tell dual encoder Tell master frequency Use Electronic Gearing; GA & GR Enable S-curve Specify S-curve Zero master Use Electronic Gearing; GA & GR
Use _RP Use _DE Use _TE Not required with KP, KD, KI Use AM or _BG Use IT Use CE Use SH Use IT Use MG _DE
Use VT Use VT
Pin # 1 2 3 4 29 27 25 1,60 49 50 47 48 45 46 43 44 41 42 39 40 12 13
Ground +5V Error Reset Motor command Z Motor command Y Motor command X Ground Index Z Index - Z CH B Z CH B- Z CH A Z CH A- Z Index Y Index - Y CH B Y CH B- Y CH A Y CH A- Y Forward limit Z Reverse limit Z
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23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Home Z Forward limit Y Reverse limit Y Home Y Abort +5V Index X Index - X CH B X CH B- X CH A X CH A- X Forward limit X Reverse limit X Home X Ground N.C.
18 (J5) 19 (J5) 20 (J5) 21 (J5) 22 (J5) 23 (J5) 24 (J5) 25 (J5) 8 (J5) 17 (J5) 16 (J5) 15 (J5) 14 (J5) 13 (J5) 12 (J5) 11 (J5) 18 or 10 (J5) 57 58 59 60
Input 8 Input 7 Input 6 Input 5 Input 4 Input 3 Input 2 Input 1 Ground Output 7 Output 6 Output 5 Output 4 Output 3 Output 2 Output 1 Output 0 +12 V - 12 V + 5V Ground
178 Appendices
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Contacting Us
Galil Motion Control 203 Ravendale Drive Mountain View, CA 94043 Phone: 650-967-1700 Fax: 650-967-1751 BBS: 650-964-8566 (8-N-1) up to 14,400 baud. Internet address: URL: FTP:
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All products manufactured by Galil Motion Control are warranted against defects in materials and workmanship. The warranty period for controller boards is 1 year. The warranty period for all other products is 180 days.
In the event of any defects in materials or workmanship, Galil Motion Control will, at its sole option, repair or replace the defective product covered by this warranty without charge. To obtain warranty service, the defective product must be returned within 30 days of the expiration of the applicable warranty period to Galil Motion Control, properly packaged and with transportation and insurance prepaid. We will reship at our expense only to destinations in the United States.
Any defect in materials or workmanship determined by Galil Motion Control to be attributable to customer alteration, modification, negligence or misuse is not covered by this warranty.
EXCEPT AS SET FORTH ABOVE, GALIL MOTION CONTROL WILL MAKE NO WARRANTIES EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO SUCH PRODUCTS, AND SHALL NOT BE LIABLE OR RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. COPYRIGHT (10-94) The software code contained in this Galil product is protected by copyright and must not be reproduced or disassembled in any form without prior written consent of Galil Motion Control, Inc.
180 Appendices
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Auxiliary Encoder 1, 5, 25, 59, 7175, 150, 152, 160, 1, 5, 25, 59, 7175, 150, 152 Dual Encoder 74, 107, 74, 107
Backlash 7375, 122, 7375, 122 Backlash Compensation Dual Loop 7175, 7175, 122, 7175, 7175, 122 Begin Motion 175, 174 Bit-Wise 95, 100, 95, 100 Burn EEPROM 3 Non-volatile memory 13, 13 Bypassing Optoisolation 29
Abort 1, 2526, 30, 49, 55, 125, 127, 145, 147, 151 52, 161, 175, 179, 1, 2526, 30, 49, 55, 125, 127, 145, 146, 15152, 174, 178 Off-On-Error 12, 27, 30, 125, 127, 12, 26, 30, 125, 126 Stop Motion 49, 55, 99, 128, 49, 55, 99, 128 Absolute Position 19, 4546, 9192, 96, 175, 19, 45 46, 9192, 96, 174 Absolute Value 96, 102, 126, 96, 102, 126 Acceleration 17273, 17476, 178, 17172, 17375, 177 Accessories 154 Address 6, 910, 3336, 3839, 1068, 130, 153, 155 57, 180, 5, 910, 3336, 3839, 1068, 130, 153, 15557, 179 Almost Full Flags 35 AMP-1100 15, 159, 15, 159 Amplifier Enable 3132, 125, 3132, 125 Amplifier Gain 4, 136, 139, 141, 4, 136, 139, 141 Analog Input 1, 3, 8, 25, 31, 1024, 105, 110, 117, 122, 145, 159, 174, 1, 3, 8, 25, 31, 1024, 105, 110, 117, 122, 145, 173 Analysis SDK 11, 83, 11, 83 Arithmetic Functions 1, 83, 95, 101, 103, 114, 1, 83, 95, 101, 103, 114 Arm Latch 81, 17677, 81, 17576 Array 3, 53, 6870, 83, 89, 95, 101, 10513, 115, 146, 154, 174, 17677, 3, 53, 6870, 83, 89, 95, 101, 10513, 115, 146, 154, 173, 17576 Autocad 154 Automatic Subroutine 86, 97, 86, 97 CMDERR 86, 98, 100, 86, 98, 100 LIMSWI 25, 86, 9798, 12628, 25, 86, 9798, 125 27 MCTIME 86, 91, 98, 99, 86, 91, 98, 99 POSERR 86, 9798, 12627, 86, 9798, 12627 Auxiliary Board 3, 148, 154, 3, 148, 154
Capture Data Record 68, 70, 105, 108, 109, 68, 70, 105, 108, 109 Circle 11920, 11920 Circular Interpolation 1, 23, 5455, 59, 107, 119, 1, 23, 5455, 59, 107, 119 Clear Bit 114 Clear Sequence 49, 51, 55, 57, 49, 51, 55, 57 Clock 105 CMDERR 86, 98, 100, 86, 98, 100 Command Syntax 4142, 4142 Command Summary 44, 105, 107, 44, 105, 107 Commanded Position 4647, 5960, 99, 107, 117, 13133, 4647, 5960, 99, 107, 117, 13133 Commdisk 6, 8, 11, 36, 6, 9, 11, 36 Communication 3 Almost Full Flag 35 FIFO 3, 33, 3536, 39, 3, 33, 3536, 39 Compensation Backlash 7375, 122, 7375, 122 Conditional jump 1, 21, 27, 83, 9395, 116, 1, 21, 27, 83, 9395, 116 Configuration Jumper 67, 11, 29, 36, 38, 130, 67, 11, 29, 36, 38, 130 Connector 58, 25, 28, 32, 58, 25, 27, 32 Contour Mode 6670, 6670 Control Filter Damping 130, 134, 130, 134 Integrator 134, 13839, 134, 13839 Proportional Gain 134 Coordinated Motion 42, 5355, 42, 5355 Circular 1, 23, 5455, 59, 107, 119, 1, 23, 5455, 59, 107, 119 Contour Mode 6670, 6670 Ecam 6162, 65, 6162, 65 Electronic Cam 61, 63, 61, 63
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Index 183
Electronic Gearing 1, 5561, 1, 5561 Gearing 1, 5561, 1, 5561 Linear Interpolation 23, 4851, 4851, 53, 59, 66, 23, 4751, 4751, 53, 59, 66 Cosine 1012, 106, 1012, 106 Cycle Time Clock 105
DAC 1, 134, 13839, 141, 1, 134, 13839, 141 Damping 130, 134, 130, 134 Data Capture 1068, 1068 Data Output Set Bit 114 Daughter Board DB-10096 34, 34 DB-10096 34, 34 Debugging 88 Deceleration 1 Default Setting Master Reset 67, 67 Differential Encoder 12, 14, 130, 12, 15, 130 Digital Filter 13839, 14143, 13839, 14143 Digital Input 25, 27, 102, 115, 25, 27, 102, 115 Digital Output 102, 114, 102, 114 Clear Bit 114 Dip Switch 10, 11 Address 153, 15557, 180, 153, 15557, 179 Download 83, 107, 83, 107 Dual Encoder 74, 107, 74, 107 Backlash 7375, 122, 7375, 122 Dual Loop 7175, 7175, 122, 7175, 7175, 122 Dual Loop 7175, 7175, 122, 7175, 7175, 122 Backlash 7375, 122, 7375, 122
Index Pulse 12, 26, 78, 12, 26, 78 Quadrature 13, 4, 114, 118, 126, 137, 13, 4, 114, 118, 126, 137 Error Handling 25, 86, 9798, 12628, 25, 86, 9798, 12527 Error Limit 12, 13, 18, 30, 98, 12527, 12, 13, 18, 30, 98, 12527 Off-On-Error 12, 27, 30, 125, 127, 12, 26, 30, 125, 126 Example Wire Cutter 118 Execute Program 2223, 2223
Feedrate 51, 56, 57, 93, 11920, 51, 56, 57, 93, 11920 FIFO 3, 33, 3536, 39, 3, 33, 3536, 39 Filter Parameter Damping 130, 134, 130, 134 Integrator 134, 13839, 134, 13839 PID 14, 134, 138, 143, 15, 134, 138, 143 Proportional Gain 134 Stability 7475, 122, 12930, 7475, 122, 12930 Find Edge 26, 78, 26, 78 Flags Almost full 35 Formatting 110, 11113, 110, 11113 Frequency 1, 4, 14042, 1, 4, 14042 Function 2627, 100106, 119, 121, 122, 26, 100106, 119, 121, 122 Functions Arithmetic 83, 95, 101, 103, 114, 83, 95, 101, 103, 114
Gain Proportional 134 Gear Ratio 5860, 5860 Gearing 1, 5561, 1, 5561
Ecam 6162, 65, 6162, 65 Electronic Cam 61, 63, 61, 63 Echo 39 Edit Mode 21, 8384, 8990, 21, 8384, 90 Editor 1, 2122, 8384, 1, 2122, 8384 EEPROM 3 Non-Volatile Memory 13, 13 Electronic Cam 61, 63, 61, 63 Electronic Gearing 1, 5561, 1, 5561 Ellipse Scale 57 Enable Amplifer Enable 3132, 125, 3132, 125 Encoder 43 Auxiliary Encoder 1, 5, 25, 59, 7175, 7175, 150, 152, 160, 1, 5, 25, 59, 7175, 7175, 150, 152 Differential 12, 14, 130, 12, 15, 130 Dual Encoder 74, 107, 74, 107
Halt 50, 55, 8791, 9394, 115, 50, 55, 8791, 9394, 115 Abort 1, 2526, 30, 49, 55, 125, 127, 145, 147, 151 52, 161, 175, 179, 1, 2526, 30, 49, 55, 125, 127, 145, 146, 15152, 174, 178 Off-On-Error 12, 27, 30, 125, 127, 12, 26, 30, 125, 126 Stop Motion 49, 55, 99, 128, 49, 55, 99, 128 Hardware 1, 25, 114, 125, 1, 25, 114, 125 Address 6, 910, 3336, 3839, 1068, 130, 153, 15557, 180, 5, 910, 3336, 3839, 1068, 130, 153, 15557, 179
184 Index
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Amplifier Enable 3132, 125, 3132, 125 Clear Bit 114 Jumper 29, 36, 38, 130, 29, 36, 38, 130 Offset Adjustment 32, 129, 32, 129 Output of Data 110 Set Bit 114 TTL 4, 25, 27, 3132, 125, 4, 25, 27, 3132, 125 Home Input 26, 78, 105, 26, 78, 105 Homing 26, 78, 26, 78 Find Edge 26, 78, 26, 78
Jog 20, 9293, 98100, 104, 122, 126, 20, 9293, 98 100, 104, 122, 126 Joystick 104, 12122, 104, 12122 Jumper 67, 11, 29, 36, 38, 130, 67, 11, 29, 36, 38, 130
I/O Amplifier Enable 3132, 125, 3132, 125 Analog Input 8, 1024, 105, 110, 117, 122, 8, 1024, 105, 110, 117, 122 Clear Bit 114 DB-10096 34, 34 Digital Input 25, 27, 102, 115, 25, 27, 102, 115 Digital Output 102, 114, 102, 114 Home Input 26, 78, 105, 26, 78, 105 Output of Data 110 Set Bit 114 TTL 4, 25, 27, 3132, 125, 4, 25, 27, 3132, 125 ICM-1100 68, 12, 25, 29, 30, 125, 68, 12, 25, 29, 30, 125 Independent Motion Jog 20, 9293, 98100, 104, 122, 126, 20, 9293, 98100, 104, 122, 126 Index Pulse 12, 26, 78, 12, 26, 78 ININT 86, 98, 116, 86, 98, 116 Input Analog 8, 1024, 105, 110, 117, 122, 8, 1024, 105, 110, 117, 122 Digital 102, 115, 102, 115 Input Interrupt 38, 86, 93, 98, 116, 38, 86, 93, 98, 116 ININT 86, 98, 116, 86, 98, 116 Input of Data 109 Inputs Analog 1, 3, 25, 31, 145, 159, 174, 1, 3, 25, 31, 145, 173 Installation 78, 129, 78, 129 Integrator 134, 13839, 134, 13839 Interconnect Module AMP-1100 159 ICM-1100 12, 25, 29, 30, 125, 12, 25, 29, 30, 125 Interface Terminal 83, 103, 111, 83, 103, 111 Internal Variable 23, 95, 103, 104, 23, 95, 103, 104 Interrogation 19, 20, 4344, 110, 111, 19, 20, 4344, 110, 111 Interrupt 13, 67, 9, 3334, 3639, 8687, 93, 9798, 116, 13, 67, 9, 3334, 3639, 8687, 93, 97 98, 116 Keyword 95, 101, 103, 1056, 95, 101, 103, 1056 TIME 1056, 1056
Label 29, 8388, 9198, 1045, 109, 11417, 120, 12223, 127, 29, 8388, 9198, 1045, 109, 114 17, 120, 12223, 127 LIMSWI 12628, 12527 POSERR 12627, 12627 Special Label 86, 127, 86, 127 Latch 30, 81, 30, 81 Arm Latch 81, 17677, 81, 17576 Data Capture 1068, 1068 Position Capture 81 Record 68, 70, 105, 108, 109, 68, 70, 105, 108, 109 Teach 70 Limit Torque Limit 14, 20, 14, 20 Limit Switch 2526, 30, 8687, 9798, 105, 12628, 130, 2526, 30, 8687, 9798, 105, 12527, 130 LIMSWI 25, 86, 9798, 12628, 25, 86, 9798, 125 27 Linear Interpolation 23, 4851, 4851, 53, 59, 66, 23, 4751, 4751, 53, 59, 66 Clear Sequence 49, 51, 55, 57, 49, 51, 55, 57 Logical Operator 96
Masking Bit-Wise 95, 100, 95, 100 Master Reset 67, 67 Math Function Absolute Value 96, 102, 126, 96, 102, 126 Bit-Wise 95, 100, 95, 100 Cosine 1012, 106, 1012, 106 Logical Operator 96 Sine 102 Mathematical Expression 95, 100, 102, 95, 100, 102 MCTIME 86, 91, 98, 99, 86, 91, 98, 99 Memory 13, 21, 83, 89, 96, 98, 105, 107, 13, 21, 83, 89, 96, 98, 105, 107
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Index 185
Array 3, 53, 6870, 83, 89, 95, 101, 10513, 115, 146, 154, 174, 17677, 3, 53, 6870, 83, 89, 95, 101, 10513, 115, 146, 154, 173, 17576 Download 83, 107, 83, 107 Upload 83 Message 88, 9899, 101, 10811, 117, 12728, 89, 98 99, 101, 10811, 117, 12728 Modelling 131, 13435, 138, 131, 13435, 138 Motion Complete MCTIME 86, 91, 98, 99, 86, 91, 98, 99 Motion Smoothing 1, 76, 77, 1, 76, 77 S-Curve 50, 55, 50, 55 Motor Command 1, 14, 20, 32, 138, 1, 14, 20, 32, 138 Moving Acceleration 17273, 17476, 178, 17172, 17375, 177 Begin Motion 175, 174 Circular 1, 23, 5455, 59, 107, 119, 1, 23, 5455, 59, 107, 119 Multitasking 87 Execute Program 2223, 2223 Halt 50, 55, 8791, 9394, 115, 50, 55, 8791, 93 94, 115
Position Error 13, 19, 14, 19 Position Capture 81 Latch 30, 81, 30, 81 Teach 70 Position Error 12, 13, 19, 30, 86, 98, 104, 107, 117, 122, 12527, 130, 133, 12, 14, 19, 30, 86, 98, 104, 107, 117, 122, 12526, 130, 133 Position Follow 117 Position Limit 126 Program Flow 85, 90, 85, 90 Interrupt 13, 67, 8687, 93, 9798, 116, 13, 67, 8687, 93, 9798, 116 Stack 97, 100, 116, 97, 100, 116 Programmable 1, 114, 122, 126, 1, 114, 122, 126 EEPROM 3 Programming Halt 8791, 9394, 115, 8791, 9394, 115 Proportional Gain 134 Protection Error Limit 12, 13, 18, 30, 98, 12527, 12, 13, 18, 30, 98, 12527 Torque Limit 14, 20, 14, 20 PWM 4
Non-Volatile Memory 13, 13
Quadrature 13, 4, 114, 118, 126, 137, 13, 4, 114, 118, 126, 137 Quit Abort 1, 2526, 30, 49, 55, 125, 127, 145, 147, 151 52, 161, 175, 179, 1, 2526, 30, 49, 55, 125, 127, 145, 146, 15152, 174, 178 Stop Motion 49, 55, 99, 128, 49, 55, 99, 128
OE Off-On-Error 125, 127, 125, 126 Off-On-Error 12, 27, 30, 125, 127, 12, 26, 30, 125, 126 Offset Adjustment 32, 129, 32, 129 Operand Internal Variable 23, 95, 103, 104, 23, 95, 103, 104 Operators Bit-Wise 95, 100, 95, 100 Optoisolation 25, 2728, 30, 25, 2728, 30 Home Input 26, 78, 105, 26, 78, 105 Output Amplifier Enable 3132, 125, 3132, 125 ICM-1100 12, 25, 29, 30, 12, 25, 29, 30 Interconnect Module 68, 68 Motor Command 1, 14, 20, 32, 138, 1, 14, 20, 32, 138 Output of Data 110 Clear Bit 114 Set Bit 114
Record 68, 70, 105, 108, 109, 68, 70, 105, 108, 109 Latch 30, 81, 30, 81 Position Capture 81 Teach 70 Register 3336, 38, 104, 3336, 38, 104 Reset 67, 25, 31, 36, 94, 125, 127, 67, 25, 31, 36, 94, 125, 127 Master Reset 67, 67
Save Non-Volatile Memory 13, 13 SB Set Bit 114 Scaling Ellipse Scale 57 S-Curve Motion Smoothing 1, 77, 1, 77
PID 14, 134, 138, 143, 15, 134, 138, 143 Play Back 108 POSERR 86, 9798, 12627, 86, 9798, 12627
186 Index
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SDK 11, 83, 11, 83 Selecting Address 6, 910, 3336, 3839, 1068, 130, 153, 15557, 180, 5, 910, 3336, 3839, 1068, 130, 153, 15557, 179 Servo Design Kit 1 SDK 11, 83, 11, 83 Set Bit 114 Sine 102 Single-Ended 4, 12, 14, 4, 12, 14 Slew 1, 91, 93, 118, 1, 91, 93, 118 Smoothing 1, 50, 52, 55, 57, 7177, 1, 50, 51, 55, 57, 7177 Software Autocad 154 Commdisk 6, 8, 11, 36, 6, 9, 11, 36 SDK 1, 11, 83, 1, 11, 83 Terminal 83, 103, 111, 83, 103, 111 Special Label 86, 127, 86, 127 Stability 7475, 122, 12930, 134, 140, 7475, 122, 12930, 134, 140 Stack 97, 100, 116, 97, 100, 116 Zero Stack 100, 116, 100, 116 Status 3435, 52, 8890, 104, 108, 3435, 52, 8890, 104, 108 Interrogation 19, 20, 4344, 58, 110, 111, 19, 20, 43 44, 58, 110, 111 Stop Code 108, 130, 108, 130 Step Motor 14, 6, 8, 7778, 14, 6, 8, 7778 KS, Smoothing 1, 50, 52, 55, 57, 7177, 1, 50, 51, 55, 57, 7177 Stop Abort 1, 2526, 30, 49, 55, 125, 127, 145, 147, 151 52, 161, 175, 179, 1, 2526, 30, 49, 55, 125, 127, 145, 146, 15152, 174, 178 Stop Code 108, 130, 108, 130 Stop Motion 49, 55, 99, 128, 49, 55, 99, 128 Subroutine 25, 86, 9498, 116, 12627, 25, 86, 9498, 116, 12527 Automatic Subroutine 86, 97, 86, 97 Synchronization 4, 61, 4, 61 Syntax 4142, 4142
Theory 131 Damping 130, 134, 130, 134 Digital Filter 13839, 14143, 13839, 14143 Modelling 131, 13435, 138, 131, 13435, 138 PID 14, 134, 138, 143, 15, 134, 138, 143 Stability 7475, 122, 12930, 134, 140, 7475, 122, 12930, 134, 140 Time Clock 105 TIME 1056, 1056 Time Interval 6668, 70, 107, 6668, 70, 107 Timeout 9, 86, 91, 98, 99, 9, 86, 91, 98, 99 MCTIME 86, 91, 98, 99, 86, 91, 98, 99 Torque Limit 14, 20, 14, 20 Trigger 1, 83, 90, 9194, 1, 83, 90, 9194 Trippoint 91, 97, 91, 97 Troubleshooting 129 TTL 4, 25, 27, 3132, 125, 4, 25, 27, 3132, 125 Tuning SDK 11, 83, 11, 83 Stability 7475, 122, 12930, 134, 140, 7475, 122, 12930, 134, 140
Upload 83 User Unit 114
Variable Internal 23, 95, 103, 104, 23, 95, 103, 104 Vector Acceleration 23, 5152, 57, 120, 23, 5152, 57, 120 Vector Deceleration 23, 5152, 57, 23, 5152, 57 Vector Mode Circle 11920, 11920 Circular Interpolation 1, 23, 5455, 59, 107, 119, 1, 23, 5455, 59, 107, 119 Clear Sequence 49, 51, 55, 57, 49, 51, 55, 57 Ellipse Scale 57 Feedrate 51, 56, 57, 93, 11920, 51, 56, 57, 93, 119 20 Tangent 54, 5657, 54, 5657 Vector Speed 23, 4955, 57, 93, 120, 23, 4955, 57, 93, 120
Tangent 54, 5657, 54, 5657 Teach 70 Data Capture 1068, 1068 Latch 30, 81, 30, 81 Play-Back 108 Position Capture 81 Record 68, 70, 105, 108, 109, 68, 70, 105, 108, 109 Tell Error Position Error 13, 19, 14, 19 Tell Position 39, 92, 1046, 39, 92, 1046 Terminal 26, 29, 83, 103, 111, 25, 29, 83, 103, 111
Wire Cutter 118
XQ Execute Program 2223, 2223
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Index 187
Zero Stack 100, 116, 100, 116
188 Index
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Artisan Technology Group is your source for quality new and certified-used/pre-owned equipment
SERVICE CENTER REPAIRS Experienced engineers and technicians on staff at our full-service, in-house repair center
WE BUY USED EQUIPMENT Sell your excess, underutilized, and idle used equipment We also offer credit for buy-backs and trade-ins LOOKING FOR MORE INFORMATION? Visit us on the web at for more information on price quotations, drivers, technical specifications, manuals, and documentation
Remotely inspect equipment before purchasing with our interactive website at