Kimo Kigaz 100 Datasheet
Kimo Kigaz 100 Datasheet
Kimo Kigaz 100 Datasheet
2 +rote!t$on o7 sensors b pump stopp$ng 2 Inter!hangeable C8 an# C8'2 sensors 2 !o memor /100 000 measurements0 2 "tep#by#step pro!e#ure 2 "elf#test menu
!$" (mb$ent C8 max C8 7lue gas Inter!hangeable 9x!ess a$r sensors: 82 an# C8 1osses !ompensate# '2 977$!$en! : 100;
Combustibles: Sahara/Fos-sur-Mer Natural Gas, Groningen Natural Gas, Russia/North Sea Natural Gas, Propane, LPG, Butane, Light Oil, Heavy Oil, Bituminous oal, Har! oal, "o#e gas, Bio $uel %&, 'oo! ()&, 'oo!- hip (*&, Pellet +&
( C( (with ) compensation) *lue gas temperature $mbient temperature $mbient temperature Dew point temperature D)W temperature Differential pressure Draft
9le!tro2!hem$!al 9le!tro2!hem$!al
Measuring range
7rom 0; to 21; 7rom 0 to 8000 ppm
0.1; Aol. 1 ppm J0.2; Aol.
From 0 to 200 ppm : J10 ppm From 201 to 2000 ppm : J5; o7 the measure# Aalue From 2001 to 8000 ppm : J10; o7 the measure# Aalue J1 6C J0.56C J0.3; o7 the measure# Aalue J0.256C
C thermo!ouple Internal I=C +t100 /1E3 <$n external probe0 Cal!ulate#KK =!C /external probe0 *em$!on#u!tor
7rom 2100 to 512506C From 220 to 51206C From 250 to 52506C From 0 to 5996Ct# From 2200 to 51300 6C From 220 000 to 520 000 +a
,5 s s 30 s
J1 6C From 220 000 to 2L51 +a : J/20.5; o7 measure# Aalue 5,.5 +a0 From L50 to 261 +a : J/20.9; o7 measure# Aalue 51.5 +a0 From 260 to 60 +a : J2 +a From 61 to L50 +a : J/0.9; o7 measure# Aalue 51.5 +a0 From L51 to 20 000 +a : J/0.5; o7 measure# Aalue 5 ,.5 +a0 a a
/osses &-cess air (8) /ower efficiency (9s) )igher efficiency (9t) (condensing) (pacity inde-
,-ll a ura ies in!i ate! in this !o ument .ere state! in la/oratory on!itions an! an /e guarantee! $or measurements arrie! out in the same on!itions, or arrie! out .ith re0uire! ompensation1 ,,"al ulation is ma!e /ase! on the measure! values /y the analy2er1
$nalysers are supplied with /,!$0 software allo&$ng #atabase !reat$on /Customers3 )o$lers3 $nspe!t$ons03 #o&nloa#$ng an# pr$nt$ng $nspe!t$ons an# anal ser !on7$gurat$on.
"C(' 1 amb$ent C8 probe "C( ' 1 amb$ent C82 probe
=he anal sers are suppl$e# &$th the 7ollo&$ng $tems: <$77erent$al pressure %$t $n!lu#$ng 2 x 1 m o7 s$l$!one tube =ransport bag 180 mm 7lue gas probe an# $ts &ater trap 1IG(? so7t&are an# $ts -*) !able @a$ns a#apter Cal$brat$on !ert$7$!ate 'ransport bag @agnet$! prote!t$Ae !oAer
"P$ 234"P 1 amb$ent +t100 probe "KC' 1 !onta!t probe 7or p$pes "D*! 1 gas lea% #ete!t$on probe /C' 0 ,
K&! 1 gas net&or% t$ghtness %$t PM( 1 opa!$t pump Bluetooth5 module 1 #ata #o&nloa#$ng an# #eA$!e !on7$gurat$on "C, 1 @easurement probe o7 $on$sat$on !urrent
Please see the te hni al !atasheet o$ a essories $or #iga2 $or $urther !etails