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An Industrial Summer Training Report At: Bachelor of Technology (Engineering.)

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An Industrial Summer training Report At

Submitted for the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Award of the degree of

Bachelor of technology (Engineering.)


Under the supervision of Submitted by : Mr. Vivek Gupta HEAD of Instrumentation Dept. Control DSCL Kota Engineering, Hardik Tak Electronics Instru. & University College of RTU, Kota

I am very grateful to

Mr. Vivek Gupta (Head of

in this esteemed

instrumentation dept.) for giving me the opportunity to undergo practical summer training organization Power Plant Instrumentation Dept. under the guidance of

Mr. Ashok Gupta (chief engineer) and

provide all necessary guidance.

Mr. Navneet Sharma . They took personal interest in

my training

I wish to e!press my deep sense of gratitude to my Internal "uides# for their a$le guidance and useful suggestions# which helped me in completing the pro%ect work# in time. &ast $ut not least# I am thankful to all those who directly or indirectly lend me a helping hand at the time of need in completing this training successfully. Thanking you

Dec aration
I here$y declare that this training report has $een prepared $y me during the period of '(th )ay '*+' to +,th# -uly '*+' under the guidance of Mr. Ashok Gupta (.hief /ngineer at D.) 0hriram .onsolidated &td# 1ota). I further declare that this training report is prepared from the e!perience that I got during the training period. I also here$y declare that all the information given in the report is true according to the $est of my knowledge.

Place2 1ota D.) 0hriram .onsolidated &td.

(Hardik Tak)
ohms or 100 ohms at 0 degree C. the secondary instruments used in conjunction are cross coil indicators or electronic bridges. These instruments indicate temperature by measuring the nature of resistance which changes with the change in temperature. Resistance thermometers are generally used up to 300 degree C. Above 300 degree C thermocouples are used as primary sensor. The common type of thermocouples used in thermal power station are chromel alumel or chromel copel depending upon the temperature. !ron constantan is another thermocouple in use. The secondary instruments for thermocouple sensor are pyrometric m" meters or electronic potentiometers. #ull balance method is used for the very accurate measurement of m" generated by thermocouples sensing the process temperatures.

Various stages in power plant for temperature measurement : $team temperature at boiler outlet. %lue gas temperature measurement in various &ones of boiler. $team temperature at turbine '( cylinder outlet) hot reheat and e*haust hood temperatures. +etal temperature of turbine casing and metal temperature of super heaters and reheaters. Air temperature at inlet and outlet of air preheater. Turbine bearing oil drain temperature. ,enerator winding and core temperature. Temperature of au*iliary e-uipments bearing such as mill !.) %. and (.A. fans etc.

The pressure measurement in thermal power station ranges from 1 /g0cm1 2nearly3 at condenser to hydraulic test pressure of boiler. 'ere again many medias e*ist such as steam0water) lubricating oil) fuel oil) air) fuel gases) hydrogen etc. %or local indication of pressure and

differential pressure) bourdon tube) type and diaphragm type gauges or li-uid monometers either electronic or pneumatic coupled with a secondary instrument. +any varieties of transmitters are in use. !n these transmitters the mechanical movement of sensing elements such as bourdon) bellows) diaphragm etc. due to the pressure causes an electrical property change such as current) voltage) resistance) !n (ower stations flow measurement are based on inferential principles. .ifferential pressures are created by placing suitable throttling devices in the flow path of the fluids in the pipes0ducts. The throttling devices are suitably selected depending upon the media) flow -uantity etc. from among office 4 venture tube etc.

Various stage in power plant for pressure measurement: Condensate pressure after condensate pumps and before the eject .eaerator pressure. %eed water pressure after feed pumps individual indicators for each pump. %eed water pressure before and after feed regulating stations . $uper heater steam pressure at boiler outlet.

PRESSURE MEASURI ! "EVI#ES 1. +anometers using water) mercury and other li-uids of density for low pressure measuremen. 1. .iaphragm 5nown) Capsule bellows for measuring medium pressures. 3. 6ourdon tube gauges for 0 0.7 /g0cm81 upto 0 9000 /g0cm81. # t$pe bourden tube upto :00 /g0cm81 . %lat Spiral bourden low ranges upto 0 :0 /g0cm81


A transmitter has a process signal such as pressure) flow) level or temperature as its input and an electric or pneumatic signal as its output. Thus the basic function of a transmitter is to proportionally modulate an electric 0 pneumatic signal in response to the process parameters. ;e shall confine our discussion to electronic transmitters. These transmitters sense the change in process variable within a certain range and produce an output current within a range. The output range is standardised to bring uniformity in the construction of secondary instruments as well as to facilitate the test and calibration wor5. The

prevent output signal ranges are< 6. 0 10 mA .C C. 10 70 mA .C

A. =>10 mA .C

Level Measurement and Measuring Instruments

There are many methods of measuring level) can be classified as follows<1. %loats and li-uid displacers 1. 'ead pressure measurement 3. ?lectrical 0 electronic =. @ltrasonic 7..irect viewing .isplacement. .+easurement of Ai-uid Aevel !n Bpen "essels pipe of internal diameter d. An e*ternal magnet system directs a magnetic field of strength ' across the section of the pipe so that it acts at right angles to the direction of motion of the disc. #ow) by %aradayCs Aaw of indication) when an electrical conductor of length A moves through a magnetic field of strength ' at a velocity " in a direction at right angles both to the magnetic field and its length) an e.m.f. is generated of value. ?D/ ' A " EEE2!3 where / D a constant

Pneumati& Instrument

T'? "AA"? (B$!T!B#?R The primary function of a valve positioner is to ensure that the control valve plug position is always directly proportional to the value of the controller output pressure) regardless of glad friction) actuator hysteresis) off balance of forces on the valve plug etc. This is usually achieved by incorporating a feed bac5 corrective action0 The matching of input signal range to valve travel range is achieved by changing the ratio of bellows0no&&le distance to feedbac5 arm0no&&le distance. (ositioners incorporate into pneumatic cylinders generally operated on a pilot valve principle.

Control valve
A 'al'e in whi&h the for&e of &ompressed air against a diaphragm is opposed b$ the for&e of a spring to &ontrol the area of the opening for a fluid stream( The control valve manipulates a flowing fluid) such as gas) steam) water) or chemical compounds)to compensate for the load disturbance and 5eep the regulatedprocess variable as close as possible to the desired set point. VA)VE *+PES $TB( "AA"?$ ,AB6? "AA"?$ ,AT? "AA"?$

6@TT?R%AF "AA"?$ 6AAA "AA"?$

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