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Issue 5 WK 5

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Good afternoon everyone,

Well this is my final newsletter of the term before I pop off to have a
baby :-) In saying that I am actually writing this on
Wednesday morning just in case our little boy decides to come early.
We have had two special visitors in our school these last three
days. Cynthia and Lynn from the Education Review Office. Cynthia
and Lynn have been working with myself, our teachers and our
Board to build up a picture of how we learn as a school and a community. It has been a very positive
learning experience and has helped confirm that we are on the right track. The completed report will
be confirmed and available for you to look at early in term two.
Our Desert Gala is fast approaching and we want your ideas. Our classes are producing their own
products to sell at our Desert Gala. Each class is producing a couple of either craft or edible items to
sell on the day. We would also love to hear of any ideas you may have for any cheap, easy to sell,
fundraising ideas for our classes to make. If you do please approach your child's classroom teacher
and let them know. Remember all of the funds raised at our Gala go directly back to your
kids. Helper notices and timetables will be going out at the end of the week, please see Kerry if you
are able to lend an additional hand with set up or pack up.
Finally thank you all for a lovely start to the year, no doubt you will see me hanging around with the
little guy. I'm actually really looking forward to joining playgroup when he comes :-) Remember Petra
will be stepping up for the rest of the term, she will be available on Thursdays and Fridays if you need
to speak to her in her acting principal role. Just make an appointment with Kerry at the office.
Ka kite ano,
Swimming Sports

Swimming sports for the whole school will be held on 1uesday 11th March. They will start at 10am and
finish approximately 2pm. If you are able to help on the day please either let Kerry or Stacey know
asap. A more detailed outline of the day will be in next weeks newsletter.

Ko te Mana te Mea Nui Honour Above All

Ph 06-3876860 Fax 06-3876129 Email office@waiouru.school.nz Web www.waiouru.school.nz
Ruapehu Road, Waiouru Issue 5 Febuary 27

Here is our next instalment of our teacher profiles, the lovely Mrs D (Cath Donaldson).
My name is Cath Donaldson and I have lived in the Ruapehu
area all my life. I went to school at Ohakune Primary and
Ruapehu College and after a short time at Massey University
(which I hated) then returned to the area to work as a landgirl
on local farms. I enjoyed working outdoors much more. I now
live in Raetihi, am married to Tom and we have four daughters
and 2 grandchildren and another one on the way. I trained as a
teacher when my children were in their teens and spent 10
years teaching at Raetihi. This is my 6th year at Waiouru and I
am thoroughly enjoying working here. Although I have a
particular passion for mathematics, this year I am enjoying a
change and am doing my Reading Recovery training. It is great having the opportunity to work
closely with individual students and seeing them improve so quickly. I am completely besotted with
my family and grandchildren and time away from work will see me dreaming up excuses to visit them,
pottering around home with Tom or hiding away with my nose stuck in a book.
Congratulations to Cath on recently gaining her Masters of Education

Waiouru Desert Gala

Walouru ueserL Cala ls golng Lo be held Sunday 16
March 2014 11am - 4pm
Cur food courL wlll be open from 11am. A glorlous range of food wlll be on offer and lnclude - 8uLLer Chlcken,
PoL loods, urlnks, lce 8locks/Cream, Pangl, Sausage Slzzle, Lea and coffee.
Pangl ls avallable for pre orders and LlckeLs are llmlLed. $13 for Pangl and SLeam uddlng. lf any are lefL you
may purcahse on Lhe day.
We have Lables and chalrs avallable or [usL pull ouL your plcnlc blankeLs and en[oy Lhe free enLerLalnmenL
whlch wlll be on all day. LnLerLalnmenL klcks off aL 11am wlLh Lhe Walouru School Chlldren performlng kapa
Paka, followed by a varleLy of enLerLalnmenL LhroughouL Lhe day.
1here wlll be a varleLy of sLalls and rldes - lncludlng PellcopLer lllghLs, horse rldes, unlmog rldes, a mock
accldenL dlsplay by Lhe flreles and a bus Lrlp Lo see Lhe kalmanawa Porses.
1he bus rldes ouL Lo Lhe Argo valley Lo see Lhe kalmanawa Porses. uue Lo Lhe popularlLy of Lhls Lrlp, LlckeLs
are belng pre sold. $13 per person over 13yrs, rlmary School aged chlldren & 4 year olds $3, under 3yr free.
1lmlngs are 11:30am and 2pm - round Lrlp Lakes abouL 2 hours. A Lrlp noL Lo be mlssed.
PellcopLer fllghLs are $40 per seaL and pre booklngs are encouraged. lease conLacL kerry aL Lhe School Cfflce
on 06 3876 860
1here wlll be secure car parklng ln Welr 1errace aL $3 per car. All vehlcles LhaL use Lhe secure pald parklng, or
purchase from any of Lhe School SLalls (lnslde Lhe Marquee) wlll go lnLo Lhe draw for one of Lhree free
hellcopLer fllghLs. Locals can park on Lhe grassed area ln kennlngsLon SLreeL aL no charge. 8uapehu 8oad wlll
be closed 10.30am - 4pm on Lhls day.
1here ls no enLry fee for Lhe Cala. LfLpos wlll be avallable on Lhe day.
offlce[walouru.school.nz for all LlckeL and sLall querles. SLall slLes sLlll avallable
lease conLacL kerry aL Lhe School Cfflce on 06 3876 860 or offlce[walouru.school.nz for all Pangl and
hellcopLer rlde LlckeLs and food sLall querles.

Dates to remember:
Mar Walouru School Swlmmlng SporLs
Mar 1alhape lnLer-school Swlmmlng - 1alhape
Mar Walouru ueserL Cala- Walouru School
Mar Walmarlno lnLer-school Swlmmlng
Apr Senlor Class Camp - MlCamp, WalLeLoko -1aupo
Apr LasL day of Lerm 1
May 1
uay of Lerm 2

*Friday Only Menu* all $6.00 a pack
*Pack 1*
Mini fish bites, chips & Juice
*Pack 2*
Mini hot dogs, chips & Juice
*Pack 3*
Pie, chips & juice
*Pack 4*
Chicken nuggets, chips & juice
Pie $3.00 - Chips $2.50
*Lunch Order Menu Monday - Thursday *
Mini pizza $2.50
Chicken Wrap $2.00
Toastie 1 filling $3.00
Toastie 2 fillings $3.50
Sausage Roll $2.00
Garlic Bread $2.00
Soup with Toast or Garlic bread $5.50
Juice $2.00
Fruit cup $1.50
Cookie $1.00
*Orders to Kerry no later than 9.30am. You are
welcome to order and pay at
Twinstacks if you like. Could orders please be
placed in an envelope with
the correct money in it.

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