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The Karnataka State Co-Operative Apex Bank Limited

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The Karnataka State Co-operative Ape !

ank "imited
Proposal for revision in Service Charges of the Bank Apex Bank Existing Sl# $o# I "pto Rs.1000/Above Rs.1001/- up to Rs.5000/Rs.5001/- to Rs.10,000/Rs.10,001/- to Rs.1.00 la+h Above Rs.1.00 la+h * + Actual Posta e !har es II Remittance-Drafts/ !/!! "p to Rs.1000/Rs.1,001/- to Rs.5,000/Rs.5,001/- to Rs.10,000/Rs.10,001/- to Rs.1.00 la+h Above Rs.1.00 la+h Rs.15/Rs.20/Rs.25/Rs.2.50/- per thousand or part thereo# Rs.2.00 per thousand or part thereo# $%th a &%n% o# Rs.250/Above Rs.1.00 la+h up to Rs.10.00 la+hs Rs.2.00 per thousand or part thereo# $%th a &%n% o# Rs.250/Above Rs.10.00 la+hs Plus Actual Postage Charges III Issue of Duplicate Demand Drafts Reval%dat%on o# )),s !ancellat%on o# )),s Reval%dat%on o# -an+ers che.ue Rs.30/Rs.15/Rs.15/Rs.15/Rs.2.00 per thousand or part thereo# $%th a &%n% o# Rs.2'5/Rs.35/Rs.20/Rs.20/Rs.20/Rs.20/Rs.30/Rs.35/Rs.2.50/- per thousand or part thereo# Particulars Collection of outstation che-ues/.ills Rs.15/Rs.25/Rs.40/Rs.4/- per thousand Rs.3/- per thousand Rs.20/Rs.30/Rs.50/Rs.4/- per thousand Rs.3/- per thousand %&'e'f ()')('*))(+ Revised %&'e'f )('),'*)()+


"ssue of Pa# $rder "p to Rs.1,000/Above Rs.1000/- up to Rs.5,000/Above Rs.5,000/- up to Rs.10,000/Above Rs.10,000/- up to Rs.1.00 la+h Above Rs.1.00 la+h up to Rs.10.00 la+h Above Rs.10.00 la+hs Rs.15/Rs.20/Rs.25/Rs.1.50 per thous &%n%. Rs.30/Rs.1.00 per thous &%n%.Rs.150/Rs.20/Rs.30/Rs.35/Rs.1.'5 per thoussand &%n% Rs.40/Rs.1.25 per thoussand &%n% Rs.150/Rs.1.00 per thous &%n% Rs.1'5/-

Issue of Duplicate Pay order (ssue o# )upl%cate Pa* order !ancellat%on o# pa*order Reval%dat%on o# pa*order Rs.15/Rs.20/Rs.20/Rs.20/-

Sl $o VI unpaid

Particulars Existing *andling charges for Che+ues&)ills returned "ocal Che+ues a/ "p to Rs.1000/b/ Above Rs.1,000/,utstation Che+ues Rs.15/Rs.100/-

Apex Bank Revised

Rs.15/Rs.100/501 o# che.ue collect%on char es sub0ect to a &%n%&u& o# Rs.20/plus Posta e at 1201 o# actual char es.

501 o# che.ue collect%on char es sub0ect to a &%n%&u& o# Rs.20/plus Posta e at 1201 o# actual char es.


Collection of Deposit %eceipts on maturity

a/2atur%t* o# depos%ts as $ell as per%od%cal %nterest to another -ranch o# the -an+ &a* be done at par. b/3hen #und are trans#erred to another -an+, nor&al char es are to be lev%ed.

a/2atur%t* o# depos%ts as $ell as per%od%cal %nterest to another -ranch o# the -an+ &a* be done at par. b/3hen #und are trans#erredto another -an+, Actual char es are to be lev%ed. as appl%cable to )),24 etc.,


Postal&Telecommunication Tariff 56ot%ce !har es, Re&%nders etc.,/ a/=r%d%nar* Post b/Re %stered Post c/8peed Post d/4eleco&&un%cat%on !har es 9Phone call:
Actuals $%th a &%n% Rs.7/1251 o# actual char es 6ot Prescr%bed 6ot Prescr%bed Actuals $%th a &%n% Rs.10/1251 o# actual char es 1251 o# actual char es Rs.5/- per call


Standing Instructions

a/ Rs.10/- per 4ransact%on %nvolv%n cred%t to another A/c $%th%n the sa&e -ranch

a/ Rs.10/- per 4ransact%on %nvolv%n cred%t to another A/c $%th%n the sa&e -ranch %# a&t %s tr# to d%##erent persons a/c,s

b/(# 4ransact%on %nvolves an up countr* centre, re&%ttance char es at the presecr%bed rate and actual posta e shall be recovered add%t%onall*. !har es to be lev%ed to the account #ro& $h%ch the a&ount %s trans#erred

b/(# 4ransact%on %nvolves an up countr* centre, re&%ttance char es at the presecr%bed rate #or 44/24 and actual posta e shall be recovered add%t%onall*. !har es to be lev%ed to the account #ro& $h%ch the a&ount %s trans#erred


Safe Custody Charges a(Scrips

Rs.1/- per 8cr%ps sub0ect to &%n% o# Rs.10/- per annu& or part thereo#. Rs 2/- per 8cr%ps sub0ect to &%n% o# Rs.20/- per annu& or part thereo#.

)(Sealed Covers C(Sealed !o es

Rs.20/- per cover.

Rs.50/- per cover.

At the d%screat%on o# the -an+ depend%n upon the bo; s%<es.

At the d%screat%on o# the -an+ depend%n upon the bo; s%<es, sub0ect to a &%n%&u& o# Rs.300/-p.a


Che+ue !ook Charges -.IC% Charges(

Rs.2.00/- per lea#

Rs.2.00/- per lea#

Sl $o 'II

Particulars Existing

Apex Bank Revised %&'e'f )('),'*)()+

Rs.30/- per che.ue Rs.40/- per che.ue Rs.50/- per che.ue Rs.2/- per thousand

%&'e'f ()')('*))(+ !I""&C*/01/ DISC,1$TI$2 a/>or a&t up to Rs.1,000/b/Above Rs.1,000/- up to Rs.5,000/c/Above Rs.5,000/- up to Rs.25,000/d/Above Rs.25,000/- $%th the approval o# 2) 9?ocal !he.ues/)e&and )ra#ts onl*:
Rs.25/- per che.ue Rs.30/- per che.ue Rs.40/- per che.ue Rs.2/- per thousand

* %n case o# non real%sat%on o# %nstru&ent, #or the dela*ed per%od %nterest shall $%ll be collected at the rate 141 per annu&.


$/3T Charges a/ >or out o%n transact%on 1."p to Rs.1.00 la+h 2.Above Rs.1.00 la+h Rs.5/Rs.25/Rs.5/Rs.25/Rs.25/- &a* be collected
separetl* to$ards other char es

b/>or (nco&%n transact%on 'IV %T2S Charges a/ >or out o%n transact%on 1. Rs.1.00 la+h to Rs.5.00 la+hs 2.Above Rs.5.00 la+hs




Rs.25/Rs.50/Rs.25/- &a* be collected

separetl* to$ards other char es

b/ >or (nco&%n transact%on




SB Accounts 3%th !he.ue boo+ 3%thout !he.ue boo+ (ssue o# )upl%cate pass boo+ 2%n%.Rs.500/2%n Rs.250/2%n%.Rs.500/2%n Rs.250/Rs.50/- plus Rs.10/- per pa e #or old entr%es.


Current Account 3%th !he.ue boo+ (ssue o# )upl%cate pass boo+ ?ed er >ol%o !har es &%n Rs.20/- $%th Rs.5/Per Pa e 2%n%.Rs.1000/2%n%.Rs.1000/Rs.50/- plus Rs.10/- per pa e &%n Rs.25/- $%th Rs.5/Per Pa e Rs.100/- per (nstru&ent


Issue of duplicate Term Deposit&Certificate

6ot Prescr%bed

'VIII 'I' '' ''I

Photo&Signature Attestation Signature attestation for /CS Stop payment charges "oss of Token

6ot Prescr%bed 6ot Prescr%bed Rs.20/- per %nstru 6ot Prescr%bed

Rs.10/-per case Rs.100/- per %nstance Rs.50/- per %nstru&ent Rs.500/-

Sl $o ''II

Particulars Existing

Apex Bank Revised %&'e'f )('),'*)()+ %&'e'f ()')('*))(+

!ouncing of che+ue&/CS =ut$ard/(n$ard !he.ues a/"p to Rs.1000/b/Above Rs.1000/Rs.15/Rs.100/5%nclud%n #or che.ues %ssued to$ards loan repa*&ent./ Rs.15/Rs.100/-


!alance Certificate a/8av%n s -an+ Account b/!urrent Account 6ot Prescr%bed 6ot Prescr%bed Rs.50/Rs.100/-


Charges for non maintenance of minimum )alance a:8- A/c b:!/A Rs10/- on each occas Rs.20/- on each occas Rs.20/- on each occas%on Rs.50/- on each occas%on


$o ,)4ection Certificate -issued for other financial institutions(

6ot Prescr%bed

Rs.100/- #or each case


Account Closure Charges a:8av%n s -an+ A/c b:!urrent Account Rs.25/- %# closed $%th %n a *ear Rs.50/- %# closed $%th %n a *ear Rs.50/- %# closed $%th %n a *ear Rs.100/- %# closed $%th %n a *ear


Dormant&Inoperative Account Charges a/>or 8av%n s -an+ Accounts b/>or !/a Accounts Rs.10/- hal# *earl* 6ot prescr%bed Rs.25/- hal# *earl* Rs.50/- hal# *earl*


!ank 2uarantee a:Per#or&ance @uarantee b:=therthan Per#or&ance @uarantee Rs.100/- + 21 p.a or part thereo# Rs.100/- + 31 p.a or part thereo# Rs.200/- + 21 p.a or part thereo# Rs.200/- + 31 p.a or part thereo#


Solvency Certificate / isting "p to Rs.1.00 la+hs Above Rs.1.00 la+hs up to Rs.25.00 la+h Above Rs.25.00 la+hs upto Rs.50.00 la+h Above Rs.50.00 la+hs 9#or %ssue o# solvenc* cert%#%cate the per&%ss%on #ro& A= %s re.u%red/ Proposed "p to Rs.1.00 la+h Above Rs.1.00 la+h up to Rs.10.00 la+hs Above Rs.10.00 la+hs up to Rs.25.00 la+hs Above Rs.25.00 la+hs up to Rs,50.00 la+hs Above Rs.50.00 la+hs up to Rs.'5.00 la+hs Above that 0.251 per la+h apart #ro& the above Rs.500.00 Rs.2500.00 Rs.5000.00 Rs.'500.00 Rs.15000.00 Rs.500/Rs.2500/Rs.5000/Rs.10000/-

Sl $o ''' '''I

Particulars Existing

Apex Bank Revised %&'e'f )('),'*)()+ Rs.100/- per (nstance 21 on advance pa*&ent %&'e'f ()')('*))(+

3or issue of $o ,)4ection certificates -$,C( Prepayment charges on loans 5Advance payment6

6ot Prescr%bed 6ot prescr%bed

onl* %n case o# ta+e over loan ava%led #ro& other #%nanc%al %nst%tut%ons.


Penal charges for late payment of /.I

6ot Prescr%bed

6or&al rate o# (nterest plus 21 (nt. #or the a&ount %n

de#ault #or the da*s o# de#ault.


Penal charges for delayed payment of CD Instalments a/?ess than 5 *ears per%od b/Above 5 Bears Rs.1.50 per ever* Rs.100/per &onth Rs.2.00/- per ever* Rs.100/per &onth o# e.ual nu&ber o# advance %nstal&ents/ Rs.1.50 per ever* Rs.100/per &onth Rs.2.00/- per ever* Rs.100/per &onth

5Penal%t* pa*able %n respect o# dela*ed %nstal&ent o# !),s &a* be $a%ved a a%nst pa*&ent '''IV 7e8el loan Service charges / isting "p to Rs.25,000/Above Rs.25,000/Proposed "p to Rs.50,000/Above Rs.50,000/- up to Rs.1.00 la+hs Above Rs.1.00 la+hs Processing Charges "p to Rs.25,000/Above Rs.25,000/- "p to Rs.40,000/Above Rs.40,000/- "p to Rs.1,00,000/Above Rs.1.00 la+h "p to Rs.2.00 la+hs Above Rs.2.00 la+hs Proposed Rs.25/Rs.50/Rs.100/Rs.200/Rs.150/- per la+h or part there o#. 0.151 o# sanct%oned a&t. 5$%th a &%n% o# Rs.40/-/ 7e8el Appraisal Charges a/At the t%&e o# sanct%on o# 0e$el loan b/Re-Appra%sal o# 0e$els at the t%&e o# tr# o# -ranch 2ana ers or annual %nspect%on. '''V Instalment loan Application and processing charges "p to Rs.40,000/Above Rs.40,000/Proposed "p to Rs.1,00,000/Above Rs.1.00 la+h "p to Rs.2.00 la+hs Above Rs.2.00 la+hs "p to Rs.3.00 la+hs
Above Rs.3.00 la+hs 0.151 o# o# sanct%oned a&ount.


0.25 pa%se per hundered on the loan a&t sanct%oned Rs.200/- per da*

0.25 pa%se per hundered on the loan a&t sanct%oned Rs.200/- per da*

Rs.50/- +Appl% Rs.50/Rs.100/- +Appl% Rs.50/Rs.200/- + Appl% Rs.50/Rs.400/- + Appl% Rs.50/Rs.700/- + Appl% Rs.50/0.201 o# sanct%oned a&t. sub0ect to a &a;% o# Rs.1000/-

Sl $o '''VI

Particulars Existing

Apex Bank Revised %&'e'f )('),'*)()+ Rs.100/Rs.'50/- + 0.701 o# 8anct%oned a&ount. %&'e'f ()')('*))(+

*ousing loan including .ortgage loan a/ Appl%cat%on !har es b/ Process%n !har es Rs.50/Rs.500/- + 0.501 o# 8anct%oned a&ount.


Vehicle loan a/ Appl%cat%on !har es - 4$o $heeler Appl%cat%on !har es - >our 3heeler Processing Charges a:4$o 3heeler b:>our 3heeler Rs.250/Rs.500/0.501 sub0ect to &%n% Rs.350/0.501 o# sanct%oned a&t sub0ect to &a;% o# Rs.2000/Rs.50/Rs.50/Rs.'5/Rs.100/-

'''VIII $e8 "oan Schemes Appl%cat%on >ees '''I' Processing Charges

a} Cash Credit"Overdraft # $ndl

6ot prescr%bed


1.001 o# sanct%oned a&t. 1.001 o# sanct%oned a&t. 1.001 o# sanct%oned a&t. 0.501 o# sanct%oned a&t. 1.001 o# sanct%oned a&t. 6(? 1.001 o# sanct%oned a&t. 1.001 o# sanct%oned a&t. Rs.1000/1.001 o# sanct%oned a&t. 6(? 0.501 o# sanct%oned a&t. 0.501 o# sanct%oned a&t. 1.001 o# sanct%oned a&t. 1.001 o# sanct%oned a&t. 6(? 6(? 1.00 1 o# sanct%oned a&t. Rs.100/- per person 6ot Prescr%bed

1.001 o# sanct%oned a&t. 1.001 o# sanct%oned a&t. 1.001 o# sanct%oned a&t. 0.501 o# sanct%oned a&t. 1.001 o# sanct%oned a&t. 6(? 1.001 o# sanct%oned a&t. 1.001 o# sanct%oned a&t. Rs.1000/1.001 o# sanct%oned a&t. 6(? 0.501 o# sanct%oned a&t. 0.501 o# sanct%oned a&t. 1.001 o# sanct%oned a&t. 1.001 o# sanct%oned a&t. 6(? 6(? 1.00 1 o# sanct%oned a&t. Rs.150/- per person Rs.25/- %n case o# dela* >or &ore than a &onth

b} Commercial Vehicle Loan c} !roffesional Loan d} Apex V%akthika e} Apex &a'adh( f} Apex Vid%a '} Apex !ravasa h} Apex Badi'e i} Apex for BDA Sites)$nt dep* j} Apex for BDA Sites k} Apex Overdraft l} Apex Retail Loans m}Apex +ahile n}Apex S,a%am -d%o'a o}Apex old p}Apex &ivr(thi .}Apex Vr(thipara r}!roject loan '''' ''''I $ominal .em)ership 3ee Charges for delayed payment locker %ent

/ote0-Service !ax to .e collected at the prescri.ed rates &herever applica.le'

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