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Government of Andhra Pradesh: January, 2004, 1 July, 2004 and 1 January, 2005 in The Revised Pay Scales 2005 - Sanctioned

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ALLOWANCES - Dearness Allowance Dearness Allowance to the State Government Employees from the 1st January, 2004, 1st July, 2004 an 1st January, 200! in the Revise !ay Scales "##$ Sanctione Or ers %ss&e '

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------F"NANCE #PC$"% DEPARTMENT G'O'(!)'No'"*+ Date , -#-.-"##$' Rea the followin/,

*' G'O'0s'No'1-+2 G'A (Spl'A) Department2 ate *1-"-"##+' "' G'O'Rt'No'34#2 G'A'(Spl'A) Department2 ate *---"##+2 -' G'O'(!)'No'$..2 5inance (!C-%) Department2 ate 1-.-"##+' +' G'O'(!)'No'+2 5inance (!C-%) Department2 ate *#-*-"##$' $' G'O'(!)'No'*4*2 5inance (!C-%) Department2 ate ""-4-"##$' 4'G'O'(!)'No'"*-2 5inance (!C-%) Department2 ate "1-.-"##$'

6 6 6 O R D E R& %n the Government or er first rea a7ove2 or ers were iss&e constit&tin/ a !ay Revision Commission to loo8 into the !ay Scales of the State Government employees' %n the Government or er secon rea a7ove2 terms of reference of the !ay Revision Commission were iss&e ' %n the Government or ers -r 2 +th an $th rea a7ove or ers were iss&e revisin/ the rates of Dearness Allowance in the Revise !ay Scales *333 from 1st January, 2004, 1st July, 2004 an 1st January, 200!' "' 9he !ay Revision Commission s&7mitte report on -#-4-"##$' Amon/ other thin/s2 the !ay Revision Commission evolve new pay scales 7y mer/in/ Dearness Allowance which e:iste on *-1-"##-' %t also recommen e for *##; ne&trali<ation to all the employees an also to sanction Dearness Allowance at 0'(42) of pay for every 1) of Dearness Allowance sanctione to the employees of the Government of %n ia from 1st January, 2004 onwar s' -' Government have accepte the a7ove recommen ations vi e Government or er 4 th rea a7ove an accor in/ly2 in partial mo ification of the or ers iss&e in the Government or ers -r 2 +th an $th rea a7ove2 here7y sanction Dearness Allowance in the An hra !ra esh Revise !ay Scales2 "##$ which came into e:istence from *-1-"##- with monetary 7enefit from 1st A*r+l, 200! at the rates in icate 7elow' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date of effect Revise rates of DA (C&m&lative) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*-*-"##+ *'..+; *-1-"##+ +'1*#; *-*-"##$ 1'$-4; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+' 9he Dearness Allowance sanctione in para -r a7ove shall 7e paya7le to all the Government employees2 employees of Local =o ies an Ai e %nstit&tions incl& in/ Ai e !olytechnics2 Wor8 Char/e employees who are rawin/ pay in the Revise !ay Scales2 "##$' *

$' 9hese or ers are not applica7le to those employees who are contin&in/ to raw pay in the Revise !ay Scales *333 an also to the 9eachers of the Affiliate De/ree Colle/es an >niversities rawin/ pay in the Revise >niversity Grants Commission?All %n ia Co&ncil of 9echnical E &cation?%n ian Co&ncil of A/ric&lt&ral Research Scales of *3.4?*334' 4' 9he Dearness Allowance shall 7e claime alon/ with the pay fi:ation in the Revise !ay Scales2 "##$ an the Dearness Allowance alrea y sanctione in the Government or ers - r 2 +th an $th rea a7ove shall 7e notionally a @&ste &pto -*---"##$ an the monetary 7enefit shall however 7e from 1$4$200! only' 9he arrears from 1$4$200! t, -1$.$200! will 7e cre ite in to the General !rovi ent 5&n Acco&nts of the employees for the c&rrent financial year i'e' "##$#4' 9he revise rates of Dearness Allowance shall 7e pai in cash alon/ with the salary in the Revise !ay Scales "##$ from A&/&st2 "##$' 1' 9he G'O' is availa7le on %nternet an http,??www'aponline'/ov'in' can 7e accesse at the a ress



9o 9he Acco&ntant General2 An hra !ra esh2 By era7a ("# copies)' 9he Acco&ntant General2 An hra !ra esh2 By era7a (7y name)' 9he !ay D Acco&nts Officer2 By era7a ' 9he Secretary to Governor2 An hra !ra esh2 By era7a ' All Secretaries to Government' 9he !rivate Secretary to the Chief 0inister an !rivate Secretaries to all 0inisters' All the Departments of Secretariat (*# copies each) All the Bea s of Departments (incl& in/ Collectors an District E& /es)' 9he Re/istrar2 Bi/h Co&rt of An hra !ra esh2 By era7a (with coverin/ letter)' 9he Secretary2 A hra !ra esh !&7lic Service Commission2 By era7a (with coverin/ letter)' All the District 9reas&ry Officers (with copies for S&7-9reas&ry Officers)' 9he Secretary2 An hra !ra esh GENCO?9RANSCO' 9he General 0ana/er2 A'!' State Roa 9ransport Corporation2 By era7a (with coverin/ letter)' All District E &cational Officers?All !rincipals of E&nior Colle/es' All the District Development Officer2 Filla !ra@a !arisha s' All District !anchayat Officers' All 0an al Development Officers' All Secretaries of Filla Gran halaya Samsthas thro&/h Director of !&7lic Li7raries2 By ' All Secretaries of A/ric&lt&ral 0ar8et Committees thro&/h Director of 0ar8etin/2 A'!'2 By ' All Commissioners?Special Officers of 0&nicipalities' All Reco/nise service Associations' 9he Director2 Govt' !rintin/ !ress2 By ' for p&7lication in the An hra !ra esh Ga<ette' Copy to the General A ministration (Ca7inet) Department' Copy to the General A ministration (SW) Department' Copy to S5?S'Cs'


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