PHD Research Proposal, Admission
PHD Research Proposal, Admission
PHD Research Proposal, Admission
I am intended to do my PhD in the field of reaction engineering (Circulating fluidized bed, CFB) as I have been involved in the teaching of subjects that are Chemical eaction !ngineering (C !) " Chemical eaction Design (C D) at undergraduate level in #FC Institute of !ngineering " Fertilizer esearch Faisalabad since last five years " moreover I have $or%ed in finding the reaction rate constant &%' for the anionic e(change ()*+,,) under the different o-erating conditions and o-timum removal of he(avalent chromium ion in the tannery.te(tile $aste$ater in Pa%istan in my /sc (Post graduate) -rogramme at #FC Institute of !ngineering " Fertilizer esearch Faisalabad, Pa%istan0 1o the %inetic study of different reactions under various conditions in different reactors in my field of interest0 In this research, I am interested in %inetic.heat transfer studies in the Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB) by coal combustion as there are huge resources of coal -resent in &2har desert 1indh' Pa%istan and Pa%istan is facing severe energy crises also01o the -ro-er use of this huge energy source in Pa%istan is im-ortant time necessasity for the -o$er generation to overcome this energy crisis0 /y -ur-ose of study in this research $or% is to im-rove one of the follo$ings3 40 2o enhance the heat transfer rate in CFB combustor in its three distinct zones from the combustion stand-oint3 5o$er zone (located belo$ the secondary air injection level) 6--er zone (located above the secondary air injection level) 7ot gas*solid se-arator (cyclone)
2he objective of this research $or% is to see the effect of bed tem-erature, air staging, and e(cess air and gas velocity on heat transfer, combustion -erformance " hydrodynamic behavior of a circulating fluidized bed burning coal0 Combustion system needs to be designed " installed0 1econdly, results obtained through the e(-erimental $or% $ill be com-ared $ith the develo-ed mathematical results to see the enhancement in the heat transfer rates0 8
90 2o s%etch different regimes (2urbulent (2B), Fast fluidized(FF) " the -neumatic conveying(PC) regimes) " to develo- their -erformance e:uation for our s-ecific case .any other to develo- a com-rehensive %inetic model to see better combustion -erformance of coal in CFB0 During these studies for these contacting regimes solids $ill be entrained out of the bed " $ill be re-laced0
8 ;0 2o study the hydrodynamic flo$ models and to develo- the %inetic e:uation in the <et Im-act eactor 2he idea here is to force t$o streams, one of reactant, the other of a very hot heat carrier or catalyst, to collide at very high velocity and thereby mi( intensely and react at high tem-erature0For an all*gas -roduct, the -roduct stream is ra-idly :uenched, $hile for a gas*solid -roduct, a cyclone se-arates the t$o -hases, after $hich the gas is ra-idly cooled0 By using the $ord &ra-idly' $e mean that the $hole o-eration*mi(ing, reacting, se-arating " :uenching is done in ,04 to ,0; seconds0 2his ty-e of reactor aims to challenge fast fluidization $ith its 4 to 4, seconds residence time as the -rime reactor for the catalytic crac%ing of -etroleum0 2he claim is that the higher crac%ing tem-erature and shorter residence time $ill give a very different and better distribution of reaction -roducts0)nother a--lication is to ultra-yrolyze cellulose and other biomass $astes0 Commercial tests sho$ that one can transform about =>? of $ood into oil, and about =,? of sa$dust into oil*useful li:uids having the consistency of light engine oil0 /uch research is -roceeding on this a--lication0 2hese are the areas that are in my mind and I $ould li%e to start $ith the cause of my -revious $or% e(-erience, s%ills " s-ecific %no$ledge0 7o$ever, since &CFB' li%e all other engineering sciences is a vast field, therefore I $ould li%e to e(tend my research $or% to any other u-coming advanced to-ic in the said field to -olish my abilities for " D0
Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq 5ecturer in Chemical !ngg0 De-artment of Chemical !ngineering, #FC, I!F , Faisalabad, Pa%istan0