A Literature Study of Wind Analysis On High Rise B
A Literature Study of Wind Analysis On High Rise B
A Literature Study of Wind Analysis On High Rise B
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All content following this page was uploaded by Ankit Pal on 17 January 2020.
Email: ankit.5792@gmail.co m
Abstract— Recently modern architecture means helpful which is to produce power and gives relief in hot
something regularity and irregularity in geometry. and humid environment and second one is parasitic which
Everyone wants to win the race of designing beautiful and comes out to be factor believe for engineers. As a
complex structures and with issue of scarcity of land it is designer engineer wants to be safe his structure This wind
today’s necessity to go higher and higher vertical a nd effect will cause and produce wind induce movement in
construct high rise structures. But as we go higher wind the structure. As high rise buildings move onward the
excitation becomes one of the most precarious force envelope to larger heights, the structural designers are not
acting on the surface of the structure and if the plan only faced with difficulty to choosing a structural
geometry is irregular it can induce torsion which can be elements to take the lateral load such as wind load and
life-threatening to the structure, so it is essential to earthquake load but also insuring the design criteria that
analyze and understand such forces during designing. In meets reliability and serviceability requirement under
this study the behavior of high rise building against the difficult wind environment.Wind load take action as
wind force in wind zone 2nd, L shape is studied and lateral weight on buildings which is act as along and
analyzed for specific heights.Also direction of wind plays across wind. In IS Code 875 (Part3)-1987, the basic wind
very vital role in behavior of structure. speed are specified in map and categorized by zones. The
Keywords— Wind pressure, High rise Structure, L shape and size of building is very significant in wind
shape geometry, Residential Building, Stress. analysis, because the wind pressure is mainly depends on
the exposed area of building in opposition to wind speed .
In India residents are increasing gradually and the II. LITERATURE SURVEY
necessary land for living. It is a key requirement to Arvind Y. Vyavahare1, Godbole. P.N2, Trupti
survive anywhwere.For that reason multi story building Nikose3, 2012, As author study that Tall buildings are
are best choice for construction in Metro cities where a slender flexible structures in nature and require to be
smaller amount of property is presented. As designer examine to settle on the significance of wind speed
knows multi story structure provides large floor area in induced excitation along and across the path of wind in
small area and it is beneficial also . hence, it is required specific zone . The Indian codal provision of practice for
to assemble high rise structure. If high rise structures are wind load on any buildings and structures (code IS-875
constructed than many structural troubles come to pass, Part-3 1987) gives a procedure to determine along wind
such as lateral load effect, lateral displacement and response of tall structures, while the across wind response
stiffness etc. Normally for high rise structure wind and and intervention effect are not included in the code at
earth quake load effects are prevailing. Therefore for high present. A article ‘Review of Indian Wind Code IS 875
rise structure it is essential to have knowledge of different (Part 3) 1987’ has been set by IIT Kanpur under GSDMA
loads and its effect on structure. There is many type of project gives recommendations to gain across wind
effect worked on structure and causes for failure.The reaction of tall buildings and structure as per process
effect of lateral load is very important to consider such as given in Australian/New Zealand standard ‘Structural
earthquake and wind loads. In some cases the wind load is Design Actions – Part 2 Wind Action (AS/NZS 1170-2 :
important than earthquake load which depends on place 2002) In the Australian codal provision to obtain the cross
and zone factor distinct by codes. Wind load or wind wind response it is necessary to compute the coefficient
effect is as dangerous as earthquake as previous study (Cfs) for which figures and expressions are specified for
say. Defining wind there are two aspects first one is selected (h:b:d) ratios. In this paper use of Artificial