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M. Saravanan Sap Basis Consultant Mobile: +91 - 9751231075

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Mail: saravana.msn@gmail.com Mobile: !" # !$%"&'"($%

Pro)essional S*mmar+: Having 3+ years of Total IT Experience as a SAP BASIS CONS !TANT"# Presently $or%ing as a Basis Cons&ltant in *ec+,--. To Till /ate# Self+)otivate/ an/ goal+oriente/( $it' a strong a0ility to organi1e an/ prioriti1e tas%s efficiently# Excellent tea) player $it' goo/ co))&nication( analytical( pro0le) solving s%ills# Sa, -.,erience: Having 3+ years of experience as a SAP Basis Cons&ltant# SAP S/ills: Han/s+on experience of SAP Installation on !in&x 2HE! 34#45 an/ 6in/o$s# Perfor)e/ post installation activities# Client a/)inistration li%e client creation( client copy 3!ocal 7 2e)ote5 Client Export an/ i)port an/ assigning logical syste) to client# Tro&0les'ooting( Sc'e/&ling( 8onitoring an/ Exec&tion of Bac%gro&n/ 9o0s# Profile para)eters )aintenance# ser )aintenance tas%s( Pass$or/ )anage)ent tas%# Applying SPA8:SAINT( S&pport Pac%ages( A//+ons# ;ernel &pgra/e for t'e entire lan/scape# Config&ring Operation )o/es to /yna)ically s$itc' n&)0er of 6P# SNOTE i)ple)entation# Config&ration of 6e0g&i for HT8!# Config&ration of logon loa/ 0alancing# Analy1ing ABAP /&)ps# <enerating 7 Applying !icense %eys to t'e SAP syste)s# !ang&age installations# 6or%e/ in ,=:> environ)ents extensively to )onitor an/ provi/e re?&ire/ services# ser creation( /eletion( loc%ing( &nloc%ing t'e &sers( nisoft Infotec'( C'ennai fro)

Aca0emic 1*ali)ica2ions: B#sc#( Bac'elors of Science in Co)p&ter Science t'ro&g' Sri @en%ates$ara niversity

3April A ,--=5

A00i2ional 1*ali)ica2ion : A3C4T A A/vance/ *iplo)a in Co)p&ter Har/$are Tec'nology MCS- + 8icrosoft Certifie/ Syste)s Engineer 5or/ -.,erience : nisoft Infotec' *ec+,--. A Till *ate T-C4NICAL S6ILLS : E2P OPE2A2TIN< SCSTE8 < I 2*B8S PAC;A<ES Typing ;no$le/ge PRO7-CT II : CO8PANC Client *esignation Environ)ent *&ration : : H : : nisoft Infotec' NO8AC SAP BASIS CONS !TANT ECC4#-( Oracle FF#,#-#,( 2HE! !IN E 4#4 Oct+,-FF to Till *ate : : : : : : SAP 2:3( ECC4#-(ECCB#6in/o$s ,--3 an/ ,--D Server( SAP < I B=-:>--:>FO2AC!E .I:F-<( SG! Server,--4 8S Office Englis' NIE

Roles 8 Res,onsibili2ies: Perfor)ing /aily 'ealt' c'ec%s to pro/&ction an/ non+pro/&ction syste)s# 8onitoring 0ac%&ps# Creating 2IC connections an/ )onitoring 2IC Connections# ser 8anage)ent A ser creation( !oc%ing: nloc%ing sers( Pass$or/ initiali1ation#

Installation of SAP !icense# *efining Operation )o/es an/ assigning Ti)e intervals to Operation )o/es# Transports 0et$een *evelop)ent( G&ality( Test an/ Pro/&ction syste)s of 2:3 &sing ST8S 8onitoring Spool re?&ests# 8onitoring SAP B&ffers for n&)0er of S$aps an/ 'it ratios# 6or%loa/ Analysis an/ Perfor)ance T&ning + 8e)ory 8anage)ent( B&ffer


2esponsi0le for /aily )onitoring of t'e 2:3 servers# 6or% processes an/ preparing t'e Perfor)ance report for every )ont'# Creating an/ 8aintain 2IC connections 0et$een /ifferent syste)s 8onitoring $or% processes an/ t'eir stat&ses fro) ti)e to ti)e 8onitoring SAP B&ffers for n&)0er of S$aps an/ 'it ratios# Involve/ in Start&p : s'&t/o$n of SAP 2:3 Syste)s an/ on+call ,=:> pro/&ction s&pport# Perfor)e/ SPA8:SAINT version &pgra/es 6or%e/ on !ang&age Installations Applying s&pport Pac%ages# Assigne/ roles to t'e &sers# PRO7-CT I : CO8PANC Client *esignation Environ)ent *&ration Roles 8 Res,onsibili2ies: Provi/ing en/ &ser s&pport( ,=:> environ)ent# Perfor)e/ /aily )onitoring activities li%e 6or% Process an/ t'eir stat&s( application servers( &p/ate re?&ests( syste) loc%s# Perfor)e/ /aily syste) 'ealt' activities# Applie/ s&pport pac%ages an/ A//+ons# Oracle patc'es installation Perfor)e/ ;ernel Patc' p gra/ation# : : H : : nisoft Infotec' ;&rl+On SAP BASIS CONS !TANT ECCB#-( Oracle F-g( 6in/o$s NT# *ec+,--. to Sep+,-FF

2elease/ c'ange re?&est an/ i)porte/ into target syste) 0ase/ on approvals# Creating C&sto)er 8essages an/ perfor)ing SAP Note searc' for solving pro0le)s enco&ntere/ in t'e /ay+to+/ay SAP )aintenance activities# Bac%gro&n/ a/)inistration li%e sc'e/&ling 0ac%gro&n/ 9o0s an/ analy1ing 9o0s# 2esi1ing of /ata files &sing B2TOO!S# Involving in config&ring an/ )aintaining 0ac%&ps 3Online an/ Offline5# In/ex 2e0&il/ an/ Ta0le 2eorgani1ation &sing B2TOO!S# Perfor)ance )onitoring B&ffer 'it ratio in all t'e partitions of *ata Base( CP 8e)ory &tili1ation# Creating 2IC connections an/ )onitoring 2IC Connections 0et$een 2:3 an/ B6# an/

Contri0&te/ to t'e /oc&)entation for t'e vario&s tas%s t'at $ere perfor)e/ for /aily )onitoring an/ s&pport activities# Batc' inp&t sessions )onitoring# !ang&age Installation on pro/&ction syste)s Perfor)ance 8onitoring( 6ait Events( Iile:*is% IO Stat&s( an/ Space Critical Ta0le:In/exes( t&ning an/ opti)i1ing t'e perfor)ance of t'e /ata0ase T&ning SAP B&ffers an/ )e)ory &tili1ation 8anage)ent an/ 8onitoring of /is% space( )e)ory

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