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Summary:: Vamshi Kumar Ambati. Sap Portal Basis/Net Weaver & Sap Accad Consultant

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Vamshi Kumar Ambati. SAP Portal Basis/Net Weaver & SAP AccAD Consultant E mail:vamshi umar.ambati!"mail.com Voice: #$%&'(()*($* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++

An adaptable SAP Consultant with 2.5 years of experience in the administration of SAP systems and new technologies on a di!erse array of system platforms as a moti!ated collaborati!e and problem"sol!ing SAP Portal #asis$%et wea!er & AccA' consultant and an immediate positi!e contributor.

Professional Details:
(a!ing 2.5 years of wor) experience as SAP Portal administration and AccA' Administrator and Since past * months wor)ing from Singapore as an onsite representati!e at client place. (a!ing experience in managing internal team wor) and coordination of team members and ensuring the deli!erables of team and de!elopment practices such as performance appraisal program ideas pooling which are useful for team members technical growth in their speciali+ations ,nstallation of Portal -../ and also ,nstallation of AccA' V2./ and V2.0 with 1(23 4 and 1(23 5 (ands"on experience on 2P -../ 2(P/ on 5racle/.g 'atabase and AccA' V2./ and V2.0 with 1(23 4 and 1(23 5 Portal acti!ities include SAP security acti!ity 6ser Administration and Authori+ations 78 9ob Administration (ealth chec)s for SAP Portal systems and AccA' systems. (a!ing good experience in SAP AccA' Administration SAP Portal administration :ransport 8anagement. 8aintaining 0. "05 systems landscape in AccA' V2./ and V2.0 5 portal systems as system owner in the landscape. Performed Patch upgrade of AccA' 2./ and 8igration from 2./ to 2.0 !ersion of SAP AccA'. Administration in troubleshooting and handling security and portal issues. ;ood at user administration 682 roles and groups assigning portal transports li)e epa files .par files .)mc files & performance monitoring at !arious le!els li)e 5S '# and 1$0 Application. (a!ing good exposure at Visual admin and config tool Addition and deletion of ser!er nodes performing system refresh using sapinst master. <amiliar with =in =in >P 1(23 4 and 1(23 5 A,> 5perating Systems and =A% traffic emulation and acceleration using SAP AccA' and 1(23 5 ;ood interpersonal S)ills effecti!e communication presentation and excellent team leader and team player with team building capabilities.

Education & Accreditations

2ngineering ;raduate ?#.:ech@ in 2lectronics and Communication stream from A%:6 in 2..-. 8asters in #usiness Administration ?8.#.A.@ with (1 Speciali+ation from 7a)atiya 6ni!ersity in 2./..

Technical Skills:
21P S)ills : SAP 1$0" 2P"-.. SP/4 :12>"-..$-./ SAP AccA' 2./ ! and 2.0 ! SP/ 5perating Systems: ,#8 A,>"5 1(23 "5 and 1(23 "4 =indows 2..0 ser!er 'ata #ase : 5racle /.g 8axdb.

Professional Experience
=or)ing as a SAP Portal #asis and AccA' Consultant in ,#8 ,ndia P!t 3td from A6; 2./. to :ill 'ate. Pro,ect - .* : B/P Billiton 0 Sin"a1ore2 Sin"a1ore. #(P #illiton was created in 2../ through the merger of the Australian #ro)en (ill Proprietary Company 3imited ?#(P@ and the Anglo"'utch #illiton plc. :he result is a dual"listed company. :he Australian"registered B/P Billiton 3imite4 which is the ma9ority partner has a primary listing on the Australian security exchange and is the largest company in Australia measured by mar)et capitali+ation. Pro,ect 561e : A7S Su11ort an4 Buil4 Client : B/P Billiton. Em1lo6er : 8B7 8n4ia Pvt 3t4. 9ole an4 5itle : S6stem En"ineer &SAP Portal Basis2 NW & SAP AccAD Duration : A:; ).*. & till 4ate Environment : A11l 0 SAP EP <..*&E/P)2 SAP Accelerate4 A11lication Deliver6 =AccAD> ECC$2SC7<2 B8<..2<.(2 EP<2 P8<2 S?37AN <..2S97 <.. Data Base 0 ?racle**"2 7a@4b ?S 0 :N8A B8B7&A8AC2 38N:A

Roles & Responsibilities

Currently wor)ing as an 5nsite coordinator client facing and discussing with client about 222 implementation and support of SAP pro9ect and mitigating the challenges in support en!ironment. ,n!ol!ed in Solution part of account renewal where directly interacting with client and presenting the support schema analy+ing the ,ncident flow and adhering to S3As etc. 2xperience in Administration Supporting AccA' ?Accelerated Application 'eli!ery@ Applications and SAP 2nterprise Portals Aa!a Systems System health chec)s maintenance of sap portal $9a!a stac). Performing the consistent data emulation testing on daily basis to ensure users are not facing any performance issues.

8aintaining the Accelerated application deli!ery landscape on different !ersions V2./ and V2.0. SS3 Certificate renewal for the ser!ices deli!ering to !arious remote offices C<2s and also ensure all the ser!ices are deli!ered to e!ery C<2 ?Client front end@ from the S<2 ?Ser!er front end@. Scheduling and administrating 9obs related to 7nowledge management. Performing the tests on daily basis by coordinating with Performance management team and 3oad runner tool.

Alerts monitoring for ser!ices and analy+ing the cause if any ser!ice is failure to deli!er. 8onitoring the alerts for <S usage and e!ents in AccA' =eb 6, and ta)ing necessary actions Performance :uning of Portal and also wor)ed on :12> administration attended SAP :12> wor)shop. 8onitoring & analy+ing system logs. Analy+ing generated dumps for 1oot cause analysis and ta)ing precautionary steps to a!oid the huge dumps further. Applying Patches through SAP,nst ASP8 & S'8 tools. Complete System 1efresh including pre and post import steps and ,ntegration. :roubleshooting the portal user SS5 issues. Configuration of single sign on ?SS5@ and integrating bac)end systems with Portal. Performing portal transports in (A en!ironment 1olling restart of the (A systems.. Performed 1efresh 1estore and post " 1efresh steps for system build on 2CC S18 #, S18 P, systems. Adding$'eleting ser!ers node as per the reBuirements ,nstalled and configured SAP 'ialog instances for 3oad balancing =or)ing with multiple teams to ensure the deli!ery as per S3A =or)ing with cross client and country representati!es with in organi+ation and others as part of multi"!endor coordination.

Other Rele ant !nformation

Passport %o: ;44-*45C <atherDs %ame: A.1.7 1a9u ;ender: 8ale 3anguages: (indi 2nglish :elugu (obbies: Playing outdoor games li)e #as)et ball and ,ndoor games li)e :able :ennis and watching sports and %ews.

I, Vamshi Kumar.Ambati hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Place: Singapore Date:

Note: ProDessional reDerences Eill be 1rovi4e4 u1on reFuest

( Vamshi Kumar. Ambati )

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