Environmental Effects of River Sand Mining: A Case Study of Periyar River, Kerala, Southwest India Shiekha E John, K Maya and D Padmalal Centre For Earth Science Studies, Trivandrum
Environmental Effects of River Sand Mining: A Case Study of Periyar River, Kerala, Southwest India Shiekha E John, K Maya and D Padmalal Centre For Earth Science Studies, Trivandrum
Environmental Effects of River Sand Mining: A Case Study of Periyar River, Kerala, Southwest India Shiekha E John, K Maya and D Padmalal Centre For Earth Science Studies, Trivandrum
Environmental effects of river sand mining: a case study of Periyar river, Kerala, southwest India
Shiekha E John, K Maya and D Padmalal
Centre for Earth Science Studies, Trivandrum 695031, Kerala, India E-mail: shiekha07@gmail.com Abstract. Sand and gravel are the most important aggregate materials used for the construction of roads,
buildings, and other civil works. Rapid urbanization and population growth in the past few decades have induced an exponential rise in the extraction of sand and gravel from river environments. The problem is acute in the state of Kerala in southwest (SW) India as the rivers are small (i.e., with catchment area < 10,000 km 2) with limited river bed resources in their active channels. Many rivers do not have adequate quantity of sand and gravel in their active channels to minimize hungry water effect (energy of the sediment-starved water) of the high flow regime, especially in the monsoon season. This in turn imposes heavy damages on the natural and man-made structures/features associated with the river systems causing huge revenue losses in every monsoon season. Apart from this, the activity imposes irreparable and often irreversible damages to the flora and fauna, surface and groundwater regimes, channel protection structures, etc. of the river systems. Lack of adequate knowledge on the adversities of sand mining is a major setback challenging regulatory measures. Here we report the environmental impacts of sand mining in one of the important rivers of Keralathe Periyar river, an exampleto highlight the significance of the issue. On an average, 5.657 million ty-1 of sand is being extracted from the main channels and 0.979 x 106 ty-1 from the tributary/distributary systems of the Periyar river basin (PRB). The quantity of sand mining from the alluvial reaches in the midlands and lowlands of PRB amounts to 5.9 million ty -1, which is manifold higher than the natural replenishments. The analysis of Central Water Commissions river gauge data shows that the river bed has lowered to about 7.4 m during the period 19802010, with an average channel incision of 24.66 cmy -1. The situation demands high priority and specific policy interventions to restore the natural riverine character of this fluvial system following definite guidelines that regulate and control river sand mining within the resilience capacity of the system.
Keywords: River sand mining, Impacts of sand mining, Hungry waters, Southwest India Introduction A river is a dynamic system that together with its floodplain constitutes a single hydrogeomorphic unit characterized by continuous transfer of water and sediment from the headwaters to the depocentres (Kondolf, 1997; Batalla, 2003). Mans understanding of the structure and functions of river ecosystems has increased considerably in the last few decades. However, it is unfortunate that rivers are still the victim of human greed and interferences. Among the different kinds of interferences, indiscriminate sand and gravel mining is a destructive activity threatening river ecosystem structure and functions. (Kondolf, 1994). Though sediment scooping from channels is an effective tool for ood control in aggrading rivers, its result is dramatic in incising rivers (Wyzga, 2001). The latter is very significant if one considers the case of small rivers of Kerala with basin area <10,000 km 2 (Milliman and Sivitzki, 1992). The unabated sand extraction over the past 45 decades has already imposed irreversible damages to the environmental sub-components of Kerala rivers. The fast pace of economic development, rise in foreign remittances, and liberalized banking policies were responsible for the construction boom of the 1970s that inevitably promoted indiscriminate river sand mining in Kerala (Padmalal et al., 2008; Sreebha and Padmalal, 2011). Although the state is drained by many rivers, the net river bed resources are very limited, while the magnitude of sediment extraction shoots up exponentially over the years leading to severe channel degradation and incision. Unabated instream mining from rivers directly alters the channel geometry and bed elevation, which disrupts the continuum of sediment transport
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process (Gaillot and Piegay, 1999). If the continuity of sediment transport is interrupted in a fast flowing river, the excess energy for sediment movement will be used for degrading the fluvial system (Kondolf, 1997). Such degradation due to hungry water effect (energy of the sediment-starved water) leads to a host of problems such as bed degradation, lateral channel instability (Bravard et al., 1997; Kondolf, 2000; Lu et al., 2007; Sreebha and Padmalal, 2011), and finally, water table lowering (Mas-Pla et al., 1999; Prasad and Nair, 2004), ood ow increase, undermining of infrastructure (Bull and Scott, 1974; Kondolf, 1997), sea water ingression, delinking of the connectivity between the main channel and the riparian wetlands (Rinaldi et al., 2005), coarsening of bed material, destruction of spawning and breeding habitat for fishes like salmon and trout (Kitetu and Rowan, 1997; Rinaldi et al., 2005; Arun et al., 2006), and several other biological and environmental impacts.
Table 1 Salient Features of the Periyar River
River characteristics/parameters River type Head water elevation (m above MSL)/ origin Population Rainfall (mm y-1) River length (km) Basin area (km2) Stream flow (mm3 y-1) River length down the gauging station (km) Sand mining below the gauging station (*106ty1) Total sediment discharge (*106ty1) Total sand discharge (*106ty1)
Specifications/ values Mountainous 1830/ Sivagiri hills 1481305 3200 244 5398 4868 50 4.00 0.37 0.08
Reports reveal that Kerala rivers are fast degrading due to channel incision at a rate of 518 cmy-1 (CESS, 2007; 2010; 2011). This has severe implications for river management, as the small rivers of Kerala have seen a dramatic depletion of sediment uxes due to the combined effects of sediment mining and embankments over the recent decades.
Study area
The state of Kerala in the southwest coast of India has 41 west flowing small catchment rivers. These rivers empty into the Arabian Sea either directly or through coastal lagoons and/or backwater systems. The Periyar river (river length244 km; catchment area5398 km 2) plays an important role in the economic, religious, traditional, and cultural heritage of the state (Fig. 1). But the river is on the verge of severe deterioration due to indiscriminate scooping of sand to meet the ever growing developmental needs of the state over the years. The Periyar river hosts one of the fastest developing urban centres of South IndiaKochi city and its satellite townships which demand huge volumes of building materials including sand for constructions. The water and sediment discharges through the Periyar river are 6,895 MCM and 3.2 lakh tonnes, respectively. The river originates from Sivagiri peak in the Western Ghats, at an elevation of 2,438 m above msl. Geologically, a major part of the Periyar river basin is composed of crystalline rocks of Archaean age with charnockites, charnockite gneiss, hypersthene-diopside
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gneiss, hornblende gneiss, and hornblende-biotite and quartz-mica gneiss/biotite gneiss (composite) rock types. These crystalline rocks are intruded at many places by quartzite, pyroxene granulite, and calc granulite. Sedimentary formations ranging in age from Miocene (subsurface occurrence) to Sub-Recent overlie the crystallines along the coastal tract. The entire basin area falls under three broad physiographical units: the highland (>75 amsl), midland (75 8 amsl), and lowland (<8 amsl). Of these, the former two units cover more than 85% of the entire study area. Table 1 summarises some of the salient features of the Periyar River Basin.
Methodology Rivers are said to possess long memories, meaning the channel adjustments to
instream extraction or comparable perturbations may persist long after the activity has practically ceased (Kondolf, 1998). Therefore, assessment of the impact of sand mining on various environmental components of river ecosystems is often difficult as the adverse impacts will not be readily felt at measurable levels as it requires a decade or more period of time to
Fig. 1 Sand mining locations in Periyar river draining the central part of Kerala state, SW India. A substantial part of the sand extracted from the midland reaches is used for meeting the demand in the construction sector of Kochi city.
surface (Kondolf et al., 2002). Hence, a method that involves original investigations to document the existing environmental conditions and the available secondary data on the activity in Periyar river are appropriately blended to achieve the key objectives of the study. The study includes extensive eld surveys in the entire channel networks of the Periyar River Basin for: (1) mapping locations of instream and oodplain sand mining, sand storing centres, reaches of river
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bank degradation, locations of civil engineering structures like bridges, etc. and (2) collection of primary and secondary data on mining operations, quantity of sand and gravel extracted from each location, and other relevant information of the river basin. The current extraction of sand from the river stretches falling within the river basin was estimated from number counts and select weighing of the loaded vehicles moving out of the mining locations during the period of sand extraction, interviews with local people and labourers, secondary information available with the district and local administration, etc. using standard formats. The data on discharge of sediment and river bed lowering was collected from the river gauging stations of the Central Water Commission (CWC), Government of India. The data collected through the major research programmes of Centre for Earth Science Studies (CESS) and Centre for Water Resource Development and Management (CWRDM), Department of Mining and Geology, Government of Kerala, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) etc. were the other sources of information for the present study.
19 12 9
0.326 0.653
Bar scalping or skimming, on the other hand, is the controlled extraction of river bed materials, especially sand and gravel, from the top of the exposed sand bars (instream bars and point bars). The surface irregularities, if any, present in the sand bar will be smoothened in this process and the extracted material will be limited to what could be taken above an imaginary
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line sloping upwards and away from water with respect to a specified level above the river water surface at the time of extraction (Kondolf et al., 2002). Bar skimming is usually practiced every
Table 3 'm&act of river sand and grave# mining on various environmenta# com&onents of the study area.
System/ components River channel
Sl.No. 1.
Effects of river sand mining Erosion of riverbanks; riverbank slumping; lowering of river channels; changes in riverbed configuration; channel widening; undermining of engineering structures like bridges, collapse of water intake structures, side protection walls, spillways, etc.; loss of placer mineral resources associated with alluvial sand and gravel. Rise in suspended particulate level, turbidity and other pollutants like oils, grease, etc., from vehicles used for the removal of sands; ponding of water and reduction in natural cleansing capacity of river water; aggravated salt water ingression. Lowering of ground water table in areas adjacent to mining sites; damage to the fresh water aquifer system in areas close to the river mouth zones. Dwindling of floral and faunal diversity within river basin; decline in terrestrial insects like mayfly, dragon fly, stone fly etc., whose larval stages are in the shallow water sandy fluvial systems; habitat damage / loss and changes in breeding and spawning grounds; reduction in inland fishery resource. Damage to culturally significant places; places of annual religious congregations, etc.; creates positive socio-economic impacts in the area through employment and revenue generations for suppliers of goods and services.
Surface water
3. 4.
year based on the rate of deposition of sediments. To maintain the hydraulic control provided upstream by the riffle head, the preferred method of bar skimming is now generally to leave the top one-third of the bar undisturbed. Mining is confined only to two-third portion in the downstream end of the bar. Of the two types, pit excavation is the widespread sand mining method adopted in the alluvial reaches of the study area.
Instream mining. Instream sand deposits are easily accessible, well sorted, and normally have low content of fine particles such as silt and clay; hence they are extensively used in the construction industry for concreting and plastering. Rampant instream sand mining is noticed in the PRB (6.636 x 106 ty-1), which is many times higher than that of other rivers in Kerala. The annual instream sediment extraction was 6.636 x 106 ty-1, in which 5.657 x 106 ty-1 was extracted from the main channel and 0.979 x 106 ty-1 from tributary/distributary systems (Table 2). However, the alluvial reaches of the main channels, especially in the midlands, are the most affected by the activity as the quantity of sand mined is about 7 to 8 times higher than the other physiographic zones (midlands: 5.315 x 106 ty-1; highlands: 0.707 x 106 ty-1; lowlands: 0.653 x 106 ty-1). Spatial analysis reveals that about 80% of the extracted sand is from the midlands, which cover only 13% of the entire study area. Various local bodies of Idukki (17), Ernakulam (21), and Thrissur (2) districts that fall within the basin area were engaged in sand mining activities, with the highest demand met by Ernakulam district. The rampant increase in sand extraction noticed in the Periyar river draining Ernakulam district and its peripheral areas is in direct response to the rising demand of sand for the booming construction sector of Kochi city.
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The labour force engaged in sand mining activity in the entire basin was estimated to be about 8,975. The locations of sand mining in Periyar river are given in Fig. 1. The highlands and lowlands account for almost an equal amount of sand extraction (Table 2), although the former covers a greater portion of the study area (86%) than the latter (<1%). Twelve local bodies were engaged in sand mining from the midland part of the river that together extract an amount of 5.315 x 106 ty-1 of sand from the river system. The maximum quantity of sand extracted by a local body in the midland was 0.96 x 10 6 ty-1, whereas the minimum was estimated to be 0.019 x 106 ty-1. A total of 5,500 labourers were working in the 100 sand mining locations identified in the midland reaches of the PRB (main channel). In the lowlands, a total of nine local bodies were engaged in sand mining from the river. An amount of 0.653 x 106 ty-1 of sand was extracted from the two distributary channels of the river, namely, Mangalapuzha (0.533 x 106 ty-1) and Marthandavarma (0.12 x 106 ty-1) distributaries. Sand mining activity in the highlands was in much lesser dimensions compared to the midland regions. Out of 19 local bodies involved in sand mining in the highland region, 12 local bodies extract sand from the alluvial deposits of the MunnarPeermedu plateau. A total of about 1,805 labourers are employed in the sand mining sector in the 192 sand mining locations in the highlands. A total amount of 0.177 x 106 ty-1 of sand was extracted from the tributaries and 0.15 x 106 ty-1 from the main river channel in the highland areas. The quantity of sand mining from the alluvial reaches in the midlands and lowlands of PRB amounts to 5.9 million ty -1, which is many folds higher than the natural replenishments (0.08 million ty -1) estimated at the Central Water Commissions gauging stations. Floodplain Mining. In addition to mining of sand and gravel from the active channels (instream mining), a significant quantity of sand has been extracted from the floodplains/overbank areas of the river as well. Floodplains and terraces (former floodplains) are the sites of sediment storage and contain large quantities of sand and gravel within it. The floodplain sand is extracted usually by the pit excavation method. Pits in the floodplains are often deepened below the water table as they provide a convenient water source for the separation of desirable sizes of aggregate materials. In PRB, floodplain mining is noticed in a few locations in the lowlands. Additionally, land sand mining from the paddy lands is noticed in the plateau region of the highlands. It is estimated that about 0.042 x 10 6 ty-1 of sand is mined from the overbank area in the midlands and lowlands of the Periyar river basin.
The Periyar river is the lifeline of Central Kerala. The river provides drinking water to several lakhs of people in the area. But the river is on the brink of severe degradation due to indiscriminate scooping of sand over the years (Table 3). The demand for construction grade sand is rising exponentially due to the fast pace of industrialization, urbanization, and associated developments in the region. Studies reveal that the creation of deep pits as well as ponding of water within river channels and floodplain areas, migration of pits and subsequent undermining of side protection walls and other engineering structures etc., are frequent in the storage zones of the river in the mining-hit areas. Bank erosion, bank retreat, and river bank slumping are frequently noticed in the river stretches, especially in the midland and lowland physiographic units where river sand extraction is at an alarming rate. In addition, the illegal and excessive sand mining in the riverbed has led to severe depletion of groundwater. As groundwater is streamfed especially during the summer season, the fall in riverbed level imposes a fall in water level as well. The problems will be complicated further when the water level touches the thick impervious stratum that links the river channel and the floodplains. Water tables have dropped dramatically and a land once known for its plentiful rice harvest now faces scarcity of water and falling food production even in monsoons. Instream mining results in channel instability through direct disruption of pre-existing
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channel geometry or through the effects of incision and related undercutting of banks. Of the two types of sand mining described earlier, pit excavation is more dangerous than bar skimming leading to severe bed degradation. Bed degradation occurs through two primary means: headcutting and hungry water effects. In the first case, excavation of a mining pit in the active channel lowers the stream bed, creating a nick point which leads to local steepening of the channel system (Kondolf, 1998). During high flows, the nick point becomes the foci of bed erosion, which gradually moves upstream through headcutting (Bull and Scott, 1974; Kondolf, 1997). Headcuts often move long distances upstream and in severe cases even into the tributaries (Kondolf, 1997). While pit excavation locally increases the channel depth by creating deep pools within the river channel, bar skimming widens the river channel. Both conditions lead to slower stream flow velocities, which in turn lowers the flow energy of river water causing the incoming sediments to be deposited in the mining pits. As the amount of transported sediments leaving the site is less compared to the sediment carrying capacity of the river water, the flow energy increases significantly in response to the normal channel flow. Such energized river waters that emerge from the mining pit are often referred to as hungry water. The hungry water accommodates its fury by eroding more materials from the stream reach below the mining site, causing bed degradation in the downstream areas. This condition continues till a balance between input and output of sediments is re-established (Williams and Wolman, 1984; Kondolf, 1997). The interplay of these two processes of bed degradation and consequent channel incision is visible even in the mining prohibited areas of bridges, water intake units, and other engineering structures that are constructed to protect river environments. Maintaining equilibrium channel size and sinuosity requires that the sediment transport capacity of the channel is, on average, matched to the supply from upstream, so that over the long term the channel neither degrades nor aggrades. Channel-forming processes are most effectively conducted by the flow that transports most sediment load over time. Sediment-starved (hungry water) condition induced by human imposed modifications such as indiscriminate sand mining and construction of impoundments causes incision of the channel bed consequent to paucity of sediment supply (Sreebha, 2008). A systematic analysis was conducted to assess the temporal changes in the cross-sectional profiles of the Periyar river from 1980 to 2010. The records of water and sediment discharges from river gauging stations provide ample evidence of river bed changes/channel incision during the past 23 decades. PRB draining Kochi city records a high bed lowering value (24.66 cmy1), which is a direct response to the uncontrolled sand extraction for meeting developmental requirements. This is in agreement with the reports of Sreebha (2008). The cross-profile measurements of the PRB (CWC gauging stationNeeleswaram) revealed that the channel bed in the river storage zones has lowered to significant levels (7.4 m during the period 19802010) due to indiscriminate sand mining over the years (Fig. 2). The magnitude of channel response to sand extraction depends mainly on the quantity of sand extraction in relation to sand replenishment. The natural replenishment is very meager in the PRB as it is mainly composed of Precambrian crystallines. Further, a substantial part of sand from natural crustal weathering is detained within the reservoirs constructed in the uplands for irrigation and hydropower generation. According to Nair and Padmalal (2006), sand that reaches the alluvial zones is derived from erosion/slumping of earlymiddle Holocene sand layers interbedded within the river banks of the midlands and lowlands. It is well established that when the rate of sand extraction exceeds the replenishment rate, signicant and potentially irreversible changes occur in the hydraulic conditions and channel stability (Kitetu and Rowan, 1997; Kondolf et al., 2002; Sreebha, 2008). Channel incision due to indiscriminate sand mining and pit formation is a threat to even stabilized river banks that derive their strength and resistance to erosion largely from vegetation and to a lesser extent from composition, height, and slope. The river bed lowering in the main channel reduces the number of flood pulse events in the riparian wetlands, mainly because of the increased
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height of the river banks due to incision. This automatically leads to drying up of the riparian wetlands and loss of its bioproductivity and ecological integrity. Water level lowering and deepening of the master channels would also reduce the gradient existing between the master channel and water level in riparian wetlands and oxbow or floodplain lakes. The problem will be complicated further by extractive effects of floodplain sand using high power jet pumps.
Fig. 2 Channel cross-prole changes noticed in the Periyar river recorded at the Neeleswaram CWC gauging station. (a) River bed lowering of Periyar river during 19802010; (b) average bed lowering estimated for the entire section; and (c) bed lowering noticed at the deepest point of the channel 80 m away from RP of CWC gauging station. LBLeft bank; RBRight bank; RPReference point. Elevation is measured with respect to mean sea level (MSL). Data source: Central Water Commission, Kochi.
Despite the indisputable significance of rivers in supporting life and greenery of a region, rivers have been widely exploited by humans without understanding much on how these ecosystems maintain their vitality. Rivers are under immense pressure owing to various kinds of anthropogenic activities, among which indiscriminate extraction of sand and gravel is the most disastrous, as the activity threatens the very existence of the river ecosystem. The Periyar river plays an important role in the economic, religious, traditional, and cultural heritage of the state. The river is subjected to rampant sand mining all along the main channel as well as the tributary/distributary systems leading to severe deterioration of the fluvial network. The study revealed that the mining activity is a major threat to the very existence of the Periyar river, in particular, and the small rivers, in general, which have degraded considerably over the past few
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decades. The river degradation is severe in the alluvial reaches of the midlands followed by lowlands compared to the production zones in the highlands. This is because a greater proportion of sand is extracted from the midland part of the Periyar river, in spite of a lesser number of sand mining locations, compared to the other two physiographic zonesthe highlands and lowlands. This is in direct response to the rising demand of sand for the fast developing urban centres in the midland area, especially Kochi city. In some cases, the river
Fig. 3 Revenue collection from the extraction of minerals (major and minor) in Kerala. (a) Revenue collection for the period 1985/862009/10; (b) Production of minor minerals during 2006. Data source: Mining and Geology, Government of Kerala.
bank itself is being scooped out first for brick earths and then the intervening sand layers for fine aggregates, because of the massive demand in the construction sector. As the sand and gravel resources are extracted easily from the in-channel or flood plain sources, people depend on the river sources of sand greatly compared to other aggregate sources (Fig. 3). This has altered
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considerably the river systems and the channel hydraulics in addition to the reduction of productivity within the in-channel and flood plain areas. It is unfortunate that legislation and public interest have failed to restrict indiscriminate sand mining and also to arrest channel incision and drying up of the riparian wetlands used mainly for paddy cultivation. As a result of sediment mining, the river has experienced remarkable channel adjustments, particularly incision and narrowing in bar built area, channel widening, etc. The situation demands for high priority and specific policy interventions to restore the natural riverine character of the already disfigured rivers of the state. In this context, the role of the government and communities is extremely important not only to ameliorate the situation but also to sustain both economic and environmental quality of river systems of the state.
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