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Passive Voice: (Hành động xảy ra trong hiện tại hoặc tương lai.)

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Active: Passive: I. Tense forms of Passive Verb : 1.Passive form of The present tense S + Am / Is / Are + V3 2. Passive form of The past tense S + Was / Were + V3 3. Passive form of The past pro%ressive tense S + Was / Were + ein! + V3 ". Passive form of The present pro%ressive tense S + Am / Is / Are + bein! + V3 #. Passive form of The present Perfect tense S + $as / $ave + een + V3 %. Passive form of The past Perfect S + $a& + een + V3 '. Passive form of The +"t"re tense S + Wi(( + e + V3 ). Passive form of The +"t"re contin"o"s tense S + Wi(( + e + ein! + V3 *. Passive form of The +"t"re perfect tense S + Wi(( + $ave + een + V3 1+. Passive form of The +"t"re perfect contin"o"s tense S +Wi(( + $ave een + ein!+V3 11. Passive form of The present an$ past perfect contin"o"s tense S+$ave/$as + een + ein! + V3 S + $a& een + ein! + V3 II. PASSIVE ,O-A. A/0I.IA1IES 2orm : ,o&a( + e + 3ast3artici3(e Can Co4(& ,a6 ,i!7t $ave to S+ $as to + e+ V3 O4!7t to S7o4(& ,4st /se& to e !oin! to
(01nh 23n% 4y ra tron% hi5n t6i ho7c t89n% &ai.:


+ +

O by O

BE + V3/ ED +

Active E : The ne!s s"rprises me. E : The ne!s s"rprises Sam. Active E : They bo"%ht this ho"se &ast year. E : # sa! them yester$ay. E : 'ai !as coo(in% $inner at ) p.m yester$ay. E : She !as ta&(in% to them !hen # came. E : The secretary is copyin% some &etters no!. E : Someone is b"i&$in% a ne! hospita&. E : # have *"st bo"%ht a car. E : Phon% has $one these e cercises for 3 ho"rs. E : They ha$ phone$ me before they &eft. E : 'ai !i&& visit ,"c Ph"on% nationa& par( ne t !ee(. E : They !i&& be !ritin% the &esson at - a.m tomorro!. E : .e !i&& have finishe$ o"r !or( by the en$ of this month. E : They !i&& have been teachin% En%&ish at this schoo& by then. E : They have been &earnin% +rench for ten years. E : .e ha$ been eatin% &"nch before they ca&&e$. Active ,o&a( A45i(iaries

Passive E : # am s"rprise$ by the ne!s. E : Sam is s"rprise$ by the ne!s. Passive E This ho"se !as bo"%ht &ast year. E : They !ere seen yester$ay. E : Dinner !as bein% coo(e$ by 'ai at ) p.m yester$ay. E : They !ere bein% ta&(e$ to !hen # came. E : Some &etters are bein% copie$ by the secretary no!. E : A ne! hospita& is bein% b"i&t. E : A car has *"st been bo"%ht. E : These e ercises have been $one for 3 ho"rs by Phon%. E : # ha$ been phone$ before they &eft. E : ,"c Ph"on% nationa& par( !i&& be visite$ by 'ai ne t !ee(. E : The &esson !i&& be bein% !ritten at a.m tomorro!. E : O"r !or( !i&& have been finishe$ by the en$ of this month. E : En%&ish !i&& have been bein% ta"%ht at this schoo& by then. E : +rench has been bein% &earne$ for ten years. E : /"nch ha$ been bein% eaten before they came. Passive ,o&a( A45i(iaries

E : # can $o these e ercises . E : ;o" have to c&ean the f&oor. E :Te$ sho"&$ mai& it. E : They are %oin% to b"i&$ this bri$%e.


: These e ercises can be $one. : The f&oor has to be c&eane$. : #t sho"&$ be mai&e$. : This bri$%e is %oin% to be b"i&t .

2orm : ,o&a( + 7ave been + 3ast3artici3(e

Active ,o&a( A45i(iaries

Passive ,o&a( A45i(iaries


Can Co4(& ,a6 ,i!7t $ave to $as to O4!7t to S7o4(& ,4st /se& to e !oin! to

7ave been + V3

E : + 0e m"st have sto&en the *e!e&ry !hi&e she !as o"t

E : + The *e!e&ry m"st have been sto&en !hi&e she !as o"t

<D=n% 2> ch? nh@n% h1nh 23n% cAn ph4i &1m tron% B"C (hD ho7c 2Cn% &E ph4i 4y ra nh8n% (hFn% &1m. 0o7c nh@n% h1nh 23n% 2oCn biGt chHc hIn ph4i 4y ra tron% B"C (hD.:

$9n7 t7:c n!7i v;n:

W$<WO1- + =-OES/ -O/ -I->a45i(iar6 verbs? @ + S + V + OA BCD W$<WO1- + to be + S + V3A E : .hy $i$ yo" e p&ain it J KLM .hy !as it e p&aine$ J W$<WO1- + WI..>mo&a( verbs? + S + V + OA BCD W$<WO1- + Wi((>mo&a( verbs? + S + be + V 3A E : .here !i&& yo" $o these e ercices tomorro! J KLM .hen !i&& these e ercises be $one tomorro! J EES < FO G/ESTIOF : -O/ -OES/ -I- + S + V + OA BCD IS / A1E / WAS / WE1E + S + V3 A E : Do yo" so&ve this prob&em J KLM #s this prob&em so&ve$ J E : Di$ yo"r mother ma(e some ca(es J KLM .ere some ca(es ma$e by yo"r mother J EES < FO G/ESTIOF : WI..>mo&a( verbs? + S + V + OA BCD WI..>mo&a( verbs? + S + be + V 3 A E : .i&& yo" $o these e ercices tomorro! J KLM .i&& these e ercises be $one tomorro! J


Tron% 2N : Oi L #n$irect Ob*ect. O$ L Direct Ob*ect. O +orm: S + V + Oi + O$ Passive: 1/ Oi + be + P.P< of V: + O$. 2/ O$ + be + P.P< of V: + to/ for Oi. P ,Cc 23n% tQ th8Rn% 2i vSi %iSi tQ to &1: give, send, show, lend, promise, hand, pay, read, wish, offer, owe. P ,Cc 23n% tQ th8Rn% 2i vSi %iSi tQ for &1: buy, get, make, do, leave, save, spare, order. ET: Or: + 'y frien$ %ave me a present on my birth$ay. U # !as %iven a present on my birth$ay by my frien$. L A present !as %iven to me by my frien$ on my birth$ay.

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