Mcitp Course
Mcitp Course
Mcitp Course
TheMicrosoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP)certification hel s !alidate that an indi!id"al has the co# rehensi!e set of s$ills necessar% to erfor# a artic"lar IT &o' role( s"ch as data'ase ad#inistrator or enter rise #essa)in) ad#inistrator* MCITP certifications '"ild on the technical roficienc% #eas"red in the Microsoft Certified Technolo)% S ecialist (MCTS) certifications* Therefore( %o" +ill earn one or #ore MCTS certifications on %o"r +a% to earnin) an MCITP certification*MCITP certifications +ill not 'e " dated for f"t"re !ersions of Microsoft rod"cts* In #ost cases( as an MCITP( %o" +ill 'e eli)i'le for s ecial " )rade aths to ne+ Microsoft Certified Sol"tions E, ert (MCSE) certifications* Microsoft Certified Sol"tion E, ert (MCSE) is foc"sed on an e, erienced rofessional-s a'ilit% to desi)n and '"ild technolo)% sol"tions in the clo"d and on re#ise*
Installin) acti!e director% Understandin) ser!er core Re#o!in) do#ain controller .cti!e director% ad#inistrati!e tools Creatin) and #ana)in) a c"sto# ho#e Understandin) /Ns( R/Ns( and CNs Per#ission and ad!anced sec"rit% /ele)atin) ad#inistrati!e tas$s ."to#atin) the creation of "ser acco"nts Creatin) and #ana)in) )ro" s Creatin) co# "te acco"nts I# le#entin) )ro" olic%
Net+or$ co"ntio"s IP01 addressin) and s"'nettin) IP02 .ddressin) Na#e resol"tion (NET 0IOS 3 /NS) /NS co# onents /e lo%in) /NS Ser!er Confi)"rin) /NS Clients Settin) Creatin) and confi)"rin) 4ones Installin) /5CP Ser!er IP Ro"tin) Ro"tin) Protocol Protectin) Net+or$ Traffic +ith IPSEC
Installin) +indo+ ser!er 6778 U )radin) fro# +indo+ ser!er 6779 :it loc$er de lo%#ent Windo+ de lo%#ent ser!ices Confi)"rin) N;W connecti!it% .cti!e director% Gro" . . olic% lication ser!er lication de lo%#ent lication !irt"ali4ation
= Installin) +indo+ < = U )radin) to +indo+ < = Mana)in) "ser rofile = Ca t"rin) s%ste# i#a)es = Mana)in) !irt"al hard dis$ files (05/) = Usin) /ISM(WIM co##ands and #onitorin) = /e lo%in) i#a)es = Mana)in) de!ices and dis$s = Windo+ >P #ode and dis$ ? =. loc$er and soft+are restriction olicies = Net+or$ settin) = Windo+s N;W settin)
Monitorin) ter#inal ser!ices Ser!er and a Mana)in) file and rint ser!er Pro!isionin) /ata
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